| 511 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 65/4 | UVODNIK | EDITORIAL Gregor Klemenčič predsednik Zveze geodetov Slovenije | president of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia SREČA, ZDRAVJE IN DUŠEVNI MIR HAPPINESS, GOOD HEALTH, AND PEACE OF MIND Občutek imam, da sem ravno končal uvodnik za prvo številko Geodetskega vestnika v letošnjem letu, že je tu zadnja letošnja številka. Hitro smo se znašli v prazničnem decembru, mesecu, ki nam prinaša radost, veselje, upanje. Vse to še kako potrebujemo v teh zahtevnih časih, ko nam primanjkuje pozitivne energije in optimizma. December je tudi čas, ko naredimo inventuro svojega dela na poslovnem in oseb- nem področju. Vsak pri sebi imamo gotovo veliko ciljev, ki jih želimo doseči v enem letu. Doseči na sebi lasten način, ko se pri premagovanju ovir za njihovo uresničitev bogatimo in krepimo. S tem rastemo in se veselimo vsakega uspeha. Toliko bolj, če cilj ni dosežen na preveč lahek način in nas z vsemi svojimi izziv izpopolni. Prepričan sem, da so bili letošnji cilji malo drugačni, nekaj posebnega. Tudi njihovo doseganje je od nas zahtevalo drugačno izbiro poti. Poleg službenih in ostalih poslovnih obveznostih časi, v katerih živimo, prinašajo veliko posebnih okoliščin predvsem na osebnem področju. Še posebej vsem, ki imamo mlajše šoloobvezne otroke. Nepredvidljive situacije iz tedna v teden terjajo od nas veliko prilagajanja in usklajevanja dnevnih obveznosti. Ob tem tako dolgo trajajočem obdobju negotovosti prav občudujem otroke, kako so kljub otroški ranljivosti že močni in pozitivno razmišljajoči. Pri nas odraslih je vse preveč pesimizma in družbene razdvojenosti, zato bi se morali v takih časih marsičesa naučiti od otrok. Se bolj povezati kot družba in krepiti medsebojne odnose, enako, kot se otroci veselijo preživljanja skupnega časa v šoli in vrtcu. Leto 2022 je pred vrati. T udi vanj vstopamo z novim upanjem in pričakovanji, kaj nam bo prineslo. V geodetski stroki bo rodilo veliko novega, predvsem pa poslovnih izzivov in priložnosti, ki jih bomo morali izkoristiti. Nekaj posebnega bo tudi zato, ker bomo praznovali jubilejni, že 50. Geodetski dan. Dogodka se veselim z neizmerno željo, da nam bodo razmere naklonjene in nam bodo omogočale izvedbo v živo. Verjamem, da je to želja vseh nas in da je dovolj močna, da nam to uspe. Prisrčno vas vabim, da se ga udeležite in jubilej zaznamujete tudi s svojo prisotnostjo. Obstaja čudovit, skrivnosten zakon narave, v skladu s katerim tri reči, po katerih v življenju najbolj hrepenimo – srečo, zdravje in duševni mir – pridobimo le tako, da jih nekomu podarimo. V letu, ki prihaja, jih podarite tudi vi. Naj bo leto 2022 čim bolj zdravo, poživljajoče, srečno, povezovalno in uspešno tudi za vas. | 512 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 65/4 | UVODNIK | EDITORIAL With the still fresh impression that my editorial for this year's first issue of Geodetski vestnik was just finished, I am writing the one for the last issue in 2021. With its festive season, which brings joy, happi- ness, and hope, December has suddenly arrived. These are demanding times – they require much positive energy and optimism, and we definitely need all of the above. December is also when one makes an inventory of their professional and personal endeavours. Undoubtedly, everybody sets themselves goals they want to achieve in a year. Everybody chooses their path, each with different obstacles, which only enrich and strengthen us by our overcoming them. This is how one grows; this is how one enjoys every success. This is even more true if the goal is not attained too easily and our expectations are fulfilled. I am positive that this year's goals were slightly different, that they were special. We had to pursue changed paths to reach them. Present times do not pose only professional and business challenges – they have also left a deep mark in our personal lives. This has been especially true for people with school-age children. The situation has been unpredictable and volatile, which calls for a great deal of flexibility and skilful handling of day-to- day chores. One cannot help but admire the children and the strength and positive attitudes they have cultivated throughout this long period of uncertainty. Pessimism and social divisions are too widespread among grown-ups; perhaps we should start learning from our children. We should connect as a society and strengthen our relations, like the children who look forward to spending their time together in a school or a nursery. The year 2022 is here. We are entering it with high hopes, eagerly expecting what it may bring. Much new will be born in the surveying profession, bringing numerous business challenges and plenty of oppor- tunities for us to seize. In particular, it will be special because our Surveyors' Day is celebrating its 50th anniversary. I am really looking forward to the event, fervently wishing the situation be favourable and will allow in-person meetings. I believe that we share the same desire, and hope is strong enough to bear fruit. You are cordially invited to attend and enhance the visibility of the anniversary with your presence. A wonderful and mysterious law of nature stipulates that there are three things we strive for in our lives – happiness, good health and peace of mind. There is only one guarantee to gain them – by giving to others. Be among the givers in the coming year. I wish that your 2022 will be healthy, invigorating, happy and consolidating.