ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 1 3 CORPS VENEZIA GIULIA is THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 24 -15 August 1946 Index , . . , page 62 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor. Editoriole Libraria, S. A. Trieste - 1946 General Order No. 30 B ADDITIONAL CHANGES IN PENAL LAW AND PROCEDURE-SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 30 Id HE REAS, it is deemed to be desirable and necessary to make certain changes in penal law and procedure in addition to those set forth in General Order No. 30, dated 11 December 1945, for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces : NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: # ARTICLE I AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO PENAL CODE Section 1. ■— Article 24 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : vThe punishment by fine (multa) consists in the payment to the State of a sum not less than 100 lire and not more than 100.000 lire. Whenever the law prescribes punishment by imprisonment solely and the crime is actuated by motives of gain, the Judge may add a fine of from 100 to 40.000 lire. When the fine prescribed by law, even if the maximum be imposed, is found to be inadequate by reason of the economic condition of the accused, the Judge is authorized to increase such fine up to three times its amount'4. Section 2. — Article 26 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „The punishment by penalty (ammenda), consists of the payment to the State of a sum not less than 50 lire and not more than 20.000 lire. When the penalty prescribed by law, even if the maximum be imposed, is found to be inadequate by reason of the economic condition of the accused, the Judge is authorized to increase such penalty up to three times its amount.'4 Section 3. — The following provision shall become part of the Penal Cbde following Article 26, to be numbered Article 26 Bis : „The, pecuniary punishments (multa ed ammenda), for each offense as provided for by the Penal Code and by special penal laws as well as the pecuniary sanctions for each infraction of the law as provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure, are hereby doubled : The above provision sha-ll not be applicable to pecuniary punishments based upon the amount involved i:i the offense (pene proporzionali)“. „If more than one aggravating circumstance is present, the total punishment which may be imposed shall not exceed three times the maximum punishment prescribed by law for the offense unless the circumstances set forth in the third paragraph of Article 63 are present. Such punishment in no event shall be in excess of the following : v 1) 30 years in case of imprisonment (reclusione). 2) 5 years, in case of detention (arresto). 3) 200.000.— lire in case of fine (multa) ; 40.000 lire in case of penalty (ammenda) ; and 600.000 lire and 120.000 in ease of fine and penalty respectively in the event that the Judge exercises the power conferred by the third paragraph of Article 24 and the second paragraph of Article 26 (as amended by »this Order}“. Section o. —— cl) The first paragraph of Article 78 of the Penal Code is hereby to read and provide as follows : „In the case of several offenses as provided for by Article 73, the punishment posed in accordance with such Article may not be in excess of five times the most the punishments which are applicable, and in no event shall exceed the following : 1) 30 years in case of imprisonment (reclusione) ; % 2) 6 years in case of detention (arresto) ; 3) 300.000 lire in case of fine ; 60.000 lire in case of penalty ; and 800.000 lire and 160.000 lire in the case of fine and penalty respectively in the event that the Judge exercises the power conferred by the third paragraph of Article 24 and the second paragraph of Article 26 as amended by this Order.“ b) Article 78 shall remain in full force in all other respects. Section 6. — Article 135 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide os follows : „Whenever it is necessary for any legal purpose to establish an equivalent between pecuniary punishment and punishment by detention, such calculation shall be made on the basis of one day of punishment by detention for every 100 lire or fraction thereof of the pecuniary punishment. “ Section 7. —• Article 162 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „In the case of contraventions (contravvenzioni) for which the law prescribes a penalty (ammenda) solely, the offender before the opening of the trial (dibattimento) or before the judgment of conviction (decreto di condanna) is made, may be permitted to pay a sum equal to one-third of the maximum punishment provided by law for the contravention together with the costs of the proceeding. Such payment shall extinguish the offense“. Section S. — a) The first paragraph of Article 237 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „Security for good behavior (cauziond di buona condotta), shall be given by the deposit in a postal booklet (libretto postale) bearing no interest, of a sum not less than 2.000 nor more than 50.000 lire which, in the event of forfeiture in accordance with law, shall be paid into the Treasury of the State“. amended to be im-severe of ARTICLE II AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Section 1. — Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „The Tribunale shall have jurisdiction to deal with offenses other than those set forth in the preceding Article (Article 29), which are not within the jurisdiction of the Pretore. Nevertheless, whenever the Procuratore di Stato is of the opinion that due to the concurrence of extenuating circumstances other than those set forth in Article 62 Bis of the Penal Code the punishment is within the jurisdictional limits of the Pretore, as set forth in paragraph 2 of Article 31 of the Penal Code he may direct by order which shall not b& appealable (provvedimento insindacabile) and before the opening of the trial, that such ease be transferred to the Pretore for competence. The Investigating Magistrate (giudice istruttore) and Investigation Section (Sezione Istruttoria), upon application of the Procuratore di Stato, may also direct such transfer under the same conditions“. Section 2. —- Article 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „The Pretore shall have jurisdiction of offenses for which the (Law provides punishment by detention not exceeding 3 years of pecuniary punishment solely or both such detention and pecuniary punishment. , The Procuratore di Stato, however, may direct by order which shall not be appealable, before the opening of the trial, that the case be transferred to the Tribunale“. Section 3. —- Article 166 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby amended by the addition of the following paragraph : „A mandate or summons to appear (mandato o ordine di comparizione) as well, an order of citation (decreto di citazione) which does not direct the accused or other parties to be present for trial may, by direction of the Judge or Prosecutor, be served by the judicial police (polizia giudiziaria). In such event, the document together with a sufficient number of copies equal to the number of persons to be notified, shall be transmitted to the appropriate office of the judicial police. Such office shall assign one of its agents to make service which shall be done in accordance with the Articles following (i. e. Code of Criminal Procedure)“. Section 4. ■— Article 369 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „Upon completion of the formal investigation, the Investigating Magistrate shall transmit the proceedings to the Procuratore di Stato. If the Procuratore di Stato is of the opinion that the offence is within the jurisdiction of the Court of Assize, he shall transmit the record of the proceedings to the Procuratore Generate together with a report which shall contain a statement of his reasons for such action. In all other cases he shall present his charges (requisitorie) to the Investigating 'Magistrate. If the Investigating Magistrate is of the opinion that the facts justify transfer of the case to the Court of Assize, he shall transmit the record of the proceedings to the Procuratore Gene-rale by order which shall contain a statement of the reasons for the transfer. The Procuratore Generate shall present his charges (requisitorie) to the Investigating Section“. Section 5. ■— The first paragraph of Article 374 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „If the Investigating Magistrate is of the opinion that the facts constitute an offense within the jurisdiction of the judiciary authority and that there is sufficient proof against the accused to remit him for trial, he shall make an order (sentenza di rinvio a giudizio) directing that the accused appear before the competent Tnbunale or Pretore unless he is of the opinion that judicial pardon (perdono giudiziale) should be granted.“ Section 6. — The first paragraph of Article 506 of the Code of Cr’minai Procedure is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „If the Pretore, as a result of the proceedings and investigations before him, is of the opinion that he should impose punishment by fine (multa) or penalty (ammenda) only, and the case is one which may be prosecuted without a complaint from the party injured, he may issue a judgment of conviction without trial (condanna per decreto) and may impose such punishment and direct that the costs of the proceeding be paid by the accused, and, when necessary, may also order confiscation or restitution of the property sequestrated in connection with the offense. In the cases set forth in Articles 196 and 197 of the Penal Code, the Pretore may also determine the responsibility of the person civilly liable for the penalty (ammenda)“. Section 7. -—• Article 512 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : > „An appeal may be taken to'the Tribunale from a judgment of the Pretore as follows : a) By the accused in case of conviction, when the sentence imposed upon him is for detention or for pecuniary punishment in excess of 4.000 lire or when he has been declared a habitual or professional delinquent or violator of the law or a delinquent by tendency (delin-quente o contravventore abituale o professionale, o delinquente per tendenza). b) By the accused in case of acquittal on the ground of insufficiency of proof or by reason of the concession of judicial pardon, when the offense is one for which the law provides for punishment by imprisonment (reclusione). c) By the representative of the Prosecutor in trials before the Pretore and by the Pro-curatore di Stato, when the accused has been absolved and the offense is one for which the law provides punishment by imprisonment ; and in the case of conviction, when the punishment is that of detention or a pecuniary punishment in excess of 4.000 lire“. Section S. — Article 513 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : ■ „Except as otherwise provided by law, appeals may be taken to the Court of Appeal from judgments of the Tribunal, including those set forth in the second paragraph of Article 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as follows : a) By the accused in case of conviction, when the sentence imposed is punishment by detention or a pecuniary punishment in excess of 4.000 lire or when he has been declared a habitual or professional delinquent or violator of the law- or a delinquent by tendency. b) By the accused in case of acquittal on the ground of insufficiency of proof or by reason of the concession of judicial pardon, wdien the offense is one for which the law provides punishment by imprisonment (reclusione). c) By the Procuratore di Stato and Procuratore Generale of the Court of Appeal in case of acquittal when the charge is one for which the law provides punishment by imprisonment ; and, the case of conviction, when the punishment imposed is that of detention or pecuniary punishment in excess of 4.000 lire“. f ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of June, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN ' Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 61 B COLLECTION OF CEREALS — AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 61 WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to extend the time in which premiums will be paid for early amassing of grain at the Granaries of the People in those parts of Venezia - Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“ ). ' NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I That Paragraph 2, Article X, of General Order No. 61, be hereby rescinded and in lieu thereof the following paragraph be substituted : „Following premiums will be paid for early amassing at the „Granaries of the People“: a) for the quantities amassed up to June 10th L. 600 per ql. b) for the quantities amassed up to June 20th L. 500 per ql. c) for the quantities amassed up to June 30th L. 400 per ql. d) for the quantities amassed up to July 31th L. 300 per ql. The price for the com will be fixed by the Allied Military Government in a public notice“. subsequent ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date signed by me. Dated in Trieste this 15 th day of July 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer General Order No. 61 C AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 61 WHEREAS, by Order No. 61, provision was made for compulsory collection of wheat, produced during the year 1945-1946; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make provision that the wheat should be brought to the „ammasso“ in the largest quantity possible, and to authorize a retention for substituted cereals it is ORDERED: ARTICLE I 1. ■— General Order No. 61 Article IV Sect. 2 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following : a) The retention of wheat for those who also produce Indian corn as provided in Art. IV Sect. 1, shall be reduced to 1.50 qls. The additional wheat as authorized by said Section shall be compensated for by the authorized retention of Indian corn for said amount in the ratio of 1.50 qls. of corn for 1.00 qls. of wheat. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective upon the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste 18 July 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 62 HOUSING WHEREAS, General Order No. 10 dated 4 July 1945, made provision for the control of housing of the Civilian Population in those parts of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), and WHEREAS, it is necessary to alter certain provisions of General Order No. 10 and to add thereto and to make provision for occupation of business premises, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: SECTION I RESCISSION OF GENERAL ORDER No. 10 General Order No. 10 dated 4 July 1945, is hereby rescinded. SECTION II DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY 1. — The Area Commissioners are hereby authorized to appoint such Offices and Committees, to issue necessary rules and regulations and to requisition available premises for the purpose of allotting them to persons within the categories listed herein, in conformance with the provisions herein, to provide housing for the civil population of their respective Areas. 2. •—- Area Commissioners are authorized to issue orders, rules, regulations and to requisition premises for business accomodations in special and/or emergency cases. SECTION III APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES The Area Commissioner of any Area within the Occupied Territory may appoint a Housing office and Housing Committee in such localities in his Area as he may deem necessary. SECTION IV FUNCTIONS OF HOUSING OFFICE AND HOUSING COMMITTEE 1. — a) A Housing Office will ensure that as far as is practicable housing is provided for members of the civil population in the locality for which it has been appointed, in accordance with para 1 sect. II herein. b) The Housing Office shall provide such business accomodations as directed by the Area Commissioner in accordance with the provisions of para 2 sect. II. 2. — The Housing Committee shall act as an appellate body to consider and pass upon the decisions and orders of the Housing Office. \ SECTION V POWERS OF HOUSING OFFICE \ In order to enable a Housing Office to perform its functions, it shall, subject to appeal to the Housing Committee, be entitled to : a) allot accomodation to persons "who for any reason are without accomodation, arid compel acceptance thereof ; b) compel an owner, occupier, or person in charge of any building, structure or any other place of whatsoever nature in which such accomodation has been allotted to receive the persons to whom it has been allotted ; c) require the civilian population of the locality for which it has been appointed to furnish to it all such informations as is necessary to enable it to carry out its func-tions ; d) require the owners of buildings or other premises or their representatives or their tenants to obtain its approval before letting or subletting any such buildings or other premises or parts thereof for housing purposes : e) compel all members of the civilian population in the locality for which it has been appointed to obtain its authority before effecting a change of residence whether temporarily or permanently ; f) generally to do all such things as are necessary to enable it to carry out its functions. SECTION VI ISSUE OF ORDER 1) The decisions of the Housing Office and the Housing Committee shall be given effect by an Area Commissioner or by an Officer appointed by him, and for this purpose such Area Commissioner or other officer is authorized to issue local orders in writing under his hand. 2) Any such local orders as may be of general application shall be published in such manner as the Area Commissioner may decide. SECTION VII ESTABLISHMENT OF PRIORITIES To assist in the administration of this act, Area Commissioners may establish categories or priorities for persons coming within the provisions of this act. SECTION VIII TEMPORARY OCCUPATION Area Commissioners are authorized to make provisions for the temporary occupation of premises vacated for short periods of time by tenants, and to publish rules and regulations for the enforcement thereof. SECTION IX CONTRAVENTIONS Any person who disobeys any order lawfully issued under this Order shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction by a Military Court shall be liable to punishment by such fine, or imprisonment or both as the Court shall direct. SECTION X RATIFICATION OF CERTAIN ACTS PURSUANT TO GENERAL ORDER 10 EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become operative in each Area or part thereof within the Occupied Territory on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste, this 3rd July 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 63 INCREASE OF PUBLIC WAGES AND PENSIONS WHEREAS, it is considered desirable to introduce new measures regarding the payments made to employees and pensioners of the State and of certain public bodies in that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory1'), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I INCREASE OF PUBLIC SALARIES AND WAGES Section 1. — The scales of remuneration presently in force for employees of departments of the state, including those governed autonomously („con ordinamento autonomo“), regarding : i) Salary („stipendio“) of permanent (,,di ruolo“) employees of groups A, B and C and of subordinate personnel „deH’ordinamento gerarchico“ of the State departments, and of permanent railway employees ; ii.) Pay („Paga“) of sottufficiali, graduati and militi of the Corpo Vigili del Fuoco, and of the Italian Red Cross. iii) Payments („retribuzione“) to permanent agents carrying out state public services ; iv) Wages („paga“) of permanent workmen ; v) Pay, wages, salary or other analogous remuneration however called of temporary („non di ruolo“) personnel with the exception of those dealt within Article VII below ; are hereby increased as follows : by 130% on the first 10.000 lire gross annual amount; by 120% on that part of the gross annual amount which exceeds 10.000 lire but does not exceed 20.000 lire ; by 100% on that part of the gross annual amount which exceeds 20.000 lire but does not exceed 30.000 lire ; by 80% on that part of the gross annual amount which exceeds 30.000 lire but does not exceed 60.000 lire ; by 60% on that part of the gross annual amount which exceeds 60.000 lire. Section 2. ■— The gross totals of each emolument resulting from the increases granted by Section 1 of this Article shall be made as follows : a) of the salaries, pay and wages whose scale is fixed per year, the fractions of less than five hundred lire shall be increased to five hundred lire ; b) of the salaries, pay and wages whose scale is fixed per month, the fractions of less than fifty lire shall be increased to fifty lire ; c) of the salaries, pay and wages whose scale is fixed per day, the fractions of less than one lira shall be increased to one lira ; d) of the pay and wages whose scale is fixed per hour, the fractions of less than ten cen-tesimi shall be increased to ten centesimi. ARTICLE II INSTITUTION OF COST OF LIVING BONUS Section 1. — A cost of living bonus of 5000 lire gross per month shall be paid to the personnel dealt with in Article I above, with the exception of those dealt with in the subsequent sections of this Article. Section 2. -— For a bachelor or spinster who is less than 30 years of age, and who lives with his or her father, provided that the father is not unable to work, the amount of such cost of living bonus shall be 4000 lire gross per month. Section 3. —• For any person who, completely or partially without payment, receives food rations in cash or in kind, the amount of the said cost of living bonus is 2000 lire gross per month where such person is a'bachelor or spinster, or a widower without minor children, and is 2500 lire a month where such person is a married man, or widower with minor children, provided however that such person may elect to invoke the provisions of sections 1 and 2 of this Article as long as the exigencies of the service do not render indispensable the consumption of rations in kind. Whenever the supply of rations in kind applies only to some of the daily meals, the said amounts of 2000 and 2500 lire shall be proportionately increased. The provisions of this section and of section 1 of Article III shall not apply , to persons on board ships in service. Section 4. — For persons to whom the conditions of both sections 2 and 3 of this Article apply, the amount of the said cost of living bonus shall be 1500 lire gross per month. Section 5. — For a mairied man, or a widower with minor children, such cost of living bonus as provided by sections 1 and 3 of this Article shall be increased by an additional allowance of 900 lire gross per month for the first dependant and of 300 lire gross for each other dependant, considering as such dependants the wife and the minor children. Section 6. —• For the purposes of Sections 1 to 5 of this Article the terms „wife“ and „minor children“ shall not include a wife who is legally separated, or who in her own right receives the bonus specified in the preceding Sections in this Article (even as an employee of another body which is public, „di diritto pubblico“, or parastafcal) ; nor minor children who are married or who are paid employees of the State, or of Local Government, „di diritto pubblico“ or parastatal bodies, or of private businesses, or who in any way receive payment, for work done, in excess of 3000 lire per month ; nor minor children who are maintained without payment by institutes of instruction or education, or who are in military service. Section 7. — An employee, who has no elder brothers or sisters with some income in their own right, and whose parents are absolutely and permanently unable to work by reason of a disability classifiable in one of the first two categories listed in Table A attached to the Law of 19 February 1942, No. 137, and who have no resources for their own support and who are living with or dependent upon such employee shall receive an additional allowance of 300 lire gross per month for each such parent. Section 8. — A married female person shall receive the additional allowances specified in Section 5 above for her minor children if her husband has been declared absent by a court sentence „passata in giudicato“, and for her husband as well when he is absolutely and permanently unable to work by reason of a disability classifiable in/one of the first two categories listed in Table A attached to the Law of 19 February 1942, No. 137, and is without resources for the support of himself and his family. Section 9. •— If a husband who is permanently unable to work has resources which, though inadequate for his own maintenance and that of all the minor children, are sufficient for the maintenance of some of such persons, the additional allowances specified in Section 5 above shall be payable only in respect of the minor child or children for whose maintenance his resources are not sufficient. Section 10. — For the purposes of Section 7, 8 and 9, an income of 4000 lire per month shall be considered sufficient for his maintenance, and of a further 3000 lire per month for each minor child, shall be considered sufficient for the maintenance of the children. Section 11. — For the purpose of this Article, the term „children“ shall include all natural children legally recognized, adopted children, and „affiliati“. Section 12. ■— Children who have attained their majority shall be considered as minors when they are absolutely and permanently unable to work by reason of a disability classifiable in one of the first two categories listed in Table A, attached to the Law of 19 February 1942, No. 137. ARTICLE III VARIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF COST OF LIVING BONUS Section 1. — The amount of the cost of living bonus and of the additional allowances due under thè provisions of Article II of this Order shall be reduced as follows : by 6% for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of not less than 250.000 inhabitants ; by 14% for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of at least 50.000 and not more than 249,999 inhabitants, or in the Commune of Pola ; by 18% for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of at least 10.000, and not more than 49.999 inhabitants , by 20% for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of at least 5.000, and not more than 9.999 inhabitants ; by 25% for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of less than 5000 inhabitants ; Section 2. -— For the purpose of this Article, the census for resident population of the Communes of the Territory shall be that contained in the Appendix attached to this Order. Section 3. ■— The amounts of the cost of living bonus and of the additional allowances due according to the provisions of Article II of this General Order as modified by Sections 1 and 2 of this Article shall be subject to increase or reduction in accordance with the rise or fall of the base cost of living index. The base index shall be the index established by Allied Military Government for each of the quarters after 30 September 1945. Section 4. —• The amount of the cost of living bonus shall be increased or reduced at the beginning of each quarter, in proportion to the percentage of the rise or fall in the base index which took place during the preceding quarter, with respect to the index established by the Allied Military Government for the quarter July-September 1945, which shall be considered equal to 100%. In such percentage the fractions of 5 shall be disregarded. 9> ARTICLE IV GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING THE COST OF LIVING BONUS AND OTHER PAYMENTS Section 1. —• The monthly cost of living' bonus, calculated in terms of the preceding Articles, and including the additional allowances for dependants a) shall not exceed four times the total of the salary, pay or wages to which any person is entitled by the provisions of Article I. This limitation shall not apply to the personnel listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3 of Appendix III to the Law of 20 April 1939 No. 591 to sottufficiali, graduati and militi of the Coipo Vigili del Fuoco, and of _ the Italian Red Cross ; nor, in general, to personnel employed for at least six hours a day ; 9 b) shall be reduced, in the same proportion as the salary, pay or wages is reducted : i) in cases where the employee is not occupying a post on an establishment („aspet-tativa“), or is being held in reserve („disponibilita“) ; ii) in cases of disciplinary punishment, and in any other case where reduction of remuneration takes place. It is suspended in all cases when the salary, pay or wages in suspended ; c) shall not be ceded, pledged or attached, nor taken into account when calculating dismissal pay, or pensions ; d) shall be subject to income tax („imposta di rieehezza mobile“) and to all other „imposts erariali“, despite the exemption granted by any other laws in force except the Article 25 of General Order No. 25. Section 2. — The amount of the personal allowance („assegno personale“) provided by Article 4, RD 11 November 1923, No. 2395, and by analogous legislation, shall be recalculated, with effect from 1 October 1945, on the new scales of remuneration resulting from the application of Article I above. Section 3. -— The other personal allowances which, in accordance with the existing laws, are to be absorbed by increases of salary, pay, or wages, and of the family allowance (aggiunta di famiglia“) and analogous payments, shall not be reduced or absorbed by the increases in payments effected by the initial application of the preceding Articles or of article V of this General Order. Section 4. —■ The new scales of remuneration made effective by the provisions of Article I do not apply to the other supplementary payments or allowances „di attività di servizio“ which are based on or graded according to the emoluments listed in Article I, with the exception of the payments for overtime which are calculated according to those emoluments. Section 5. — An employee who holds more than one post in cases where this is permitted by existing law, shall be paid only one monthly cost of living bonus. Section 6. — The limit concerning the receipt of more than one salary, as provided by Article 99, R. D., 30 December 1923, No. 2960, as amended by Article 3 R. D. L., 26 July 1925, No. 1256, converted into the Law of 18 March 1926, No. 562, is raised from 15.000 lire to 60.000 lire. Section 7. — The payments due, in addition to pension, to a pensioner who occupies a temporary post in a department of State, may in no case exceed the excess of the salary payable in respect of the grade occupied by him, and of his relative seniority, at the time of his retirement, over the pension to which he is entitled. Section 8. —• For personnel whose remuneration is charged partially or wholly to budgets other than that of the State, the increases in payments resulting from the application of the provisions of this General Order shall be charged to the bodies which paid the original e-moluments, in the same respective proportions. ARTICLE V CANCELLATION OF CERTAIN ALLOWANCES Section 1. —■ The following payments and allowances shall be cancelled with respect to personal to whom the preceding Articles of this General Order apply : a) the family allowance („aggiunta di famiglia“) provided by Article 2 of the Law of 27 June 1929, No. 1047 and subsequent amendments and extensions ; b) the special temporary increase („integrazione temporanea“) granted by Article VIII, Section 1, of General Order No. 33. c) the additional increase granted by Article VIII, Section 2, of General Order No. 33. d) the allowance for food rations („assegno a titolo di razione viveri“) granted by Article IX of General Order No. 33. e) the allowance for rations („indennità di caroviveri“) provided by Articles 9 and 11 R. D. L., 3 June 1920, No. 737 and subsequent amendments for the sottufficiali, graduati and militi of the Corpo Vigili del Fuoco, and of the Italian Red Cross. Section 2. — No alteration is made to the scales presently in force of allowances or indemnities of any kind which are not subject to the provisions of the preceding Articles or of Section 1 above, even though they are taken into account in the calculation of pensions or dismissal pay. FIXING OF MINIMUM INCREASE IN TOTAL RECEIPTS Section 1. — To every employee who as a result of the initial application of the provisions of this General Order, does not receive a total increase of at least 2300 lire gross per month in the case of those who are not provided with rations in kind, or a total increase of at least 1700 lire gross per month for those who are so provided, or such lesser amount as corresponds to the gross monthly average of his or her salary, pay or wages as increased by the application of the provisions of Article I of this General Order there shall be granted a personal allowance („assegno ad personam“) equal to the amount necessary to make such sums of 2300 or 1700 lire, or lesser amount. Such limitation of the allowance to the amount of the gross monthly average of the salary, pay or wages, shall not apply to the personnel listed in Article IV, Section 1 -a, of this General Order. To everj^ employee who had received, free of taxes, one or more of the allowances now cancelled, listed in Article V of this General Order and who as a result of the initial application of the provisions of this Order, does not receive an increase of total at least 900 lire net per month, there is granted a net monthly personal allowance („assegno mensile netto ad personam“) equal to the amount necessary to make up such sum of 900 lire net. The personal allowances granted by this Section shall be re-absorbed by whatever increases shall take place in due course in the employee’s pay and allowances as fixed by the preceding Articles. Section 2. ■—• The increases in total receipts resulting from the application of the provisions of this General Order shall re-absorb whatever increases have been granted after the effective date of Gene al Order No. 33, whether granted as increases of emoluments already in force or as new allowances, however called, including those with temporary effect. ARTICLE VII EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN CATEGORIES OF PERSONNEL, FROM THE EFFECTS OF THIS ORDER The provisions of this Order shall not apply to the following categories of personnel : a) temporary teaching and non-teaching personnel of the schools and institutes of instructions of every grade and degree ; b) postal and telegraph receivers, lottery receivers, „assuntori ferroviari“ and in general, state employees who are paid on a commission basis or according to indexes based on the quantity and duration of the services rendered ; and the „impiegatizio“ personnel working for the offices, sections and State shops for the sale of State monopoly goods ; c) personnel who are employed by such receivers, „assuntori“ and State employees; d) judicial officers and their authorized clerks ; e) „aggregato“ prison personnel ; f) „incaricati marittimi“ and „delegati di spiaggia“ ; g) „impiegatizio“ temporary personnel including that employed on contract, whose remuneration is regulated by provisions other than those of R. D. L. 4 February 1937, No. 100 ; h) temporary salaried personnel, whose emoluments are fixed according to those in force for employees of private businesses in their place of employment ; and temporary agents („incaricati provvisori“) ; i) the employees of Labour offices. AUTHORITY OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AND PUBLIC AGENCIES AND BODIES TO GRANT INCREASES AND BENEFITS Section 1. — The provisions of the preceding Articles shall be applied in the. cases of Area, district, and communal secretaries. 1 Section 2. — Areas, districts, Communes and charitable institutions (,,di assistenza e beneficenza“) are hereby authorized to apply the provisions of the preceding Articles, by means of resolutions passed by the appropriate authorities, to their employees. They may grant the benefits specified in those Articles in lesser degrees, in accordance with their financial resources and peculiar local conditions, than those specified by the provisions of those Articles, particularly when such employees have other sources of income deriving from paid enployment or occupy posts which require only a portion of their time. Section 3. ■—- Special subsidies („contributi integrativi“) may be granted, to the extent which shall be determined as absolutely necessary by the Allied Military Government C.F.O. to those Area, district, and communal administrations which wholly or partly are unable to sustain the additional expense incurred by the application of Section 2 of this Article. Section 4. — Section 2 of this Article "shall be applied to employees of parastatal bodies, and in general of all bodies and institutes „di diritto pubblico“, including those governed autonomously („con ordinamento autonomo“), which are subject to inspection („vigilanza“) or assisted control {„tutela“) by the State, or to whose maintenance the State regularly contributes subsidies, and of the agencies attached to or directly dependent upon the administrations of Areas, districts, Communes, or the other above-mentioned bodies ; but Section 2 of this Article shall not be applied in cases where the rules for the legal regulation („disciplina giuridica“) of labour contracts apply to such employees. In no ease however, shall the total income, receivable as salary, pay, wages or other allowance of a fundamental nature and as the cost of living bonus which shall result from the application of Section 2 of this Article to such employees, or receivable as other fixed allowances of a general nature, including temporary allowances exceed by twenty percent the total annual amount of the salary, pay or wages and costs of living bonus, fixed by the provisions of the present General Order of a state employee in the State grade („grado gerarchico“) to which the position of the employee of one of the above mentioned bodies can be considered equivalent, taking into account the importance of the body and the service performed. Section 5. — For the purposes of Section 4 of this Article, in the cases in which the regulations of the individual bodies have not already laid down to what State grades their employees are to be considered equivalent, such relationship shall be specified in instructions to be issued by the Allied Military. Government. Section 6. •— Section 2 of Article XIV of General Order Xo. 33 is hereby repealed and the following shall be substituted, with effect from 1 May 1945: ,,Anj' reduction necessary to put this limitation into effect shall be applied first to the food allowance („assegno di razione viveri“) and successively to the additional temporary increase („aumentd dell’ integrazione temporanea“), to the family allowance-(„aggiunta di fa-miglia“) and if necessary, to the salary, pay or wages“. INCREASE OF PUBLIC PENSIONS Section 1. —• Ordinary pensions, both direct and reversible including those which are privileged, and life, temporary and renewable allowances, determined or to be determined, which are to be paid by the State, by the State railway pension fund, by the railway Administration, by the ,.Fondo per il Culto“ by the ‘„Azienda dei patrimoni riuniti ex-eeomomali“, by the „Archivi Notarili“ and by the former emigration Administration („Cessato Commissa-riato delT Emigrazione“) and which are to be paid to civil employees, service personnel, workers and their families by reason of retirements from service which have taken place before 1 October 1945, shall be increased : l) by 100 percent on the first 16.000 lire gross annual amount ; ii) by 90 percent on that part of the gross annual amount which exceeds 16.000 lire but does not exceed 32.000 lire ; iii) by 70ipereent on that part of the gross annual amount which exceeds 32.000 life but does not exceed 48.000 lire ; v) by 50 percent on that part of the gross annual amount which exceeds 48.000 Lire. Section 2. — The temporary increase („integrazione temporanea“) granted by Part C of General Order No. 34 shall be absorbed in,the pensions and allowances as increased by the provisions of Article IX Section 1. Section, 3. —* In determining the increase, which shall be granted under the provision of this Article, the fractions of less than fifty lire in the annual amounts of the pensions or allowances, shall be increased to fifty lire ; the fractions of less than 100 lire in the gross annual amounts of pensions or allowances as increased under the provisions of this Article, shall be increased to 100 lire. Section 4. — Ordinary pensions and allowances, both direct and reversible, including those which are privileged, which are payable by the State or by the Administrations listed in Section 1 of this Article by reason of retirements from service which shall take place on and after 1 October 1945 shall be determined by using as the basis in computing the three-yearly average, not the salary, pay or wages actually received in terms of the laws in force before the said date, but the corresponding new scales of salary, pay or wages brought into force by the provisions of Article I of this General Order. Section 5. — The „tabellari“ pensions of service personnel under the rank of sergente (..miLtari di truppa“), payable by reason of retirements from service which take place on or after the effective date of this General Order, shall be raised by the application of the increases provided by Section 1 above, as also are the pensions and the „assegni graziali vitalizi“, temporary and renewable ; determined and to be determined, which are payable by the State or by the State railway pension fund according to the laws of the former Austro-Hungarian Government, and the pensions determined or „maggiorate“, of the former free State of Fiume. Section 6. —■ Recipients of the pensions and allowances specified in the preceding paragraphs shall not be entitled to the temporary increase („Integrazione temporanea“) granted by Part C of Genera! Order No. 34. Section 7. — In computing the gross^ annual amount of the pensions and allowances dealt with in Sections 4 and 5, all fractions of 100 lire shall be increased to 100 lire. Section 8. —• The increase in the lump sum payment in lieu of pension, granted bv Article "VII of General Order No. 34 shall not apply to retirements from service which shall take place on or after the effective date of this General Order, except in cases of persons registered with the „Istituti di previdenza“ which are administered by the „Direzione Generate della Cassa depositi e prestiti e degli Istituti di Previdenza“ to whom, such increase shall continue to apply. ARTICLE X INCREASE OF COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCES Section 1. — The cost of living allowances fixed by Part D of General Order Xo. 34 shall be increased as follows : from 9600 lire to 18.000 lire gross per year for the recipients of direct pensions and allowances who are not less than 60 years of age, and for the recipients of ordinary privileged direct pensions and allowances ; from 8400 lire to 14.400 lire gross per year for the recipients of ordinary reversible pensions or allowances. Section 2. — The cost of living allowances attached to „Tabellari“ pensions, shall be increased from 3000 lire to 4800 gross per year for the recipients of direct pensions or allowances, and from 2400 lire to 3600 lire for the recipients of reversible pensions or allowances. Section 3.. i) Article IX Section 1 of General Order No. 34 is hereby repealed and there shall be substituted, in lieu thereof, the following : „Section 1. The cost of living allowances provided by the Law of 26 December 1920, No. 1827 and R. D. L., 29 December 1921, No. 1964, converted into the Law of 17 April 1925, No. 473, and successive modifications thereof, and R. D. L., 23 October 1927, No. 1966, converted into the La-w of 14 June 1928, No. 1326, are hereby increased as follows : a) to 9600 lire gross, annually, as to direct pensions or allowances; b) to 8400 lire, gross; annually, as to pensions or allowances to survivors and dependents“. ii) Article IX, Section 2 of General Order No. 34 is hereby repealed. iii) Article X of General Order No. 34 is hereby repealed and there shall be substituted, in lieu thereof, the following : „Limitations upon Cost of Living Allowances“ „Pensioners receiving more than one pension shall be entitled to only one cost of living allowances namely, that which is most favourable to them“. Section 4. —• For the purpose of Article IX of this General Order and of this Article, the date of retirement from service shall be considered to be the last day on which the salary, pay, or wages, (on the basis of which the three-years average is computed), is actually received, or the right to receive such salary, pay or wages, accrues. Section 5. —• For the purpose of Article IX and X of this General Order as to the pensions or other allowances divided between the State and Communes or districts, which are • payable to officers, „sottuffieiali“ or „militi di truppa“ of the Corps of Royal Finance Guards, who were detached for the duty of collecting the „dazio consumo“ in those Communes or districts, the increases granted by such Articles are to be calculated and paid as though the entire pension or allowance were payable by the State. I ARTICLE XI CLAIMS Individual claims arising out of the application of the provisions of Articles IX and X of this General Order and out of the determination of the amounts of increases granted in terms of those provisions, or the failure to grant such increases, shall be submitted for decision to the Area Pension Commissions created by the provisions of Order Xo. 63. Such claims shall be submitted before six months after the formal declaration of the termination of War, or shall be considered to have lapsed. ARTICLE XII GRANTING OF INCREASES TO OTHER PENSIONERS Areas, districts, Communes, public charitable institutions (,,cli assistenza e benifieienza“), parastatal bodies and, in general, bodies and institutes ,,di diritto pubblico“ are hereby authorized to extend to their pensioners, by means of resolutions passed by the appropriate authorities, the benefits set out in Articles IX and X of this General Order and may grant such benefits in lesser degrees than those specified by, the provisions, of such Articles, ARTICLE XIII SOCIAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS Section 1. — Article 2 of the Law of 19 January 1912, No. 22, is hereby repealed and the following shall be substituted therefore : „The Ente will arrange, to the extent and through the procedure as shall be provide^ by the instructions for the application of this Law, to assist the categories of employees listed in Article 3 below, in the event of illness, child birth or miscarriage. „ Such assistance shall be granted in the event of illness among the members of the entitled persons’ family, or of the birth of a child to his wife, or a miscarriage. „The necessary funds for ,the financing of the assistance provided by the two preceding paragraphs shall be provided by means of a contribution equal to two percent of the salary, pay, wages or other analogous remuneration however called, and for the cost of living bonus and relative additional allowances. This contribution shall be paid in equal parts by the State ' employees listed in Article 3 below and by the administrations by whom they are employed. „The administrations shall make the necessary deductions of the amounts payable by their employees, and shall pay such amounts over, together with the amounts payable by the Administration themselves, into a current account which shall be opened by the Provincial Treasuries in the name of the „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza per i dipendenti Sta-tali“, and entitled „Gestione Sanitaria“. Section 2. — The contributions of two percent in favour of the „Opera di previdenza dei personal i eivili e militari dello Stato“ and in favour of the „Opera di previdenza per il personal dolle Ferrovie dello Stato“ as provided for by Article 10 of the Law of 20 April 1939, No. 591, shall be redivided in two equal parts between;the Administration and the employee, and the Administrations other than that of the Railways are required to make the necessary deductions of the amounts payable by their employees and to pay them over, together with the amounts payable by the Administrations themselves, into a current account to be opened by the Provincial Treasuries in the name of the „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza per i dipendenti Statali“ and entitled „Gestione Opera di previdenza a favore dei personali dello Stato e dei loro superstiti“. The Railway Administration shall make the necessary deductions of the amounts p* yable by its employees, and will credit the sum of these amounts, together with the amount of the contribution payable by the Railway Administration itself to a special account to be opened in its books and entitled „Opera di previdenza per il per-sonale delle Ferrovie dello Stato“. Payments to personnel and others which are made in accordance with the regulations in force for the above-mentioned Opera will be debited to that special account and will not appear ih the Railway budget. ARTICLE XIV PERSONNEL ON PROBATION Section 1. — The maximum amount of the monthly allowance payable to personnel on probation may not exceed one-twelfth of the initial salary of the grade to which such personnel will be posted when they have complete^ their probationary service. Section 2. ■—• The provisions of any law in force which provides more favourable treatment for personnel on probation than that laid down in Section 1 shall remain unchanged. Section 3. — The provisions of Article 2 and subsequent Articles of this Order regarding permanent State Civilian employees shall be applicable also to personnel on probation. ARTICLE XV EFFECTIVE DA'Î’E OF ORDER \ Section 1. This Order shall come into force in the Territory on the date that it is signed by me. Section 2. *— The benefits provided for pensioners by Sections I, 2, and 3 of Article IX and Sections 1 and 2 of Article X shall be applied as from the first monthly instalment of pension or allowance for a period which began after 30 September 1945. Section 3. — Except as specifically stated elsewhen m this General Order all the provisions of this Order shall be effective and shall be applied as from 1 October 1945. •APPENDIX COMMUNES WITH A POPULATION IN EXCESS OF 5000 : Capriva di Cormons AREA OF GORIZIA 5137 8563 51972 San Martino Quisca 5601 AREA OF TRIESTE Grado ..................................................... 7493 Monfalcone .............................................. 233S9 Mugg-ia................................................... 12773 Ronchi dei Legionari ...................................... 8138 S. Canziano d’ Isonzo .................................... 5377 S. Dorligo della Valle.................................. 5243 Trieste ............................................. • • 252317 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT i 3 CORPS General Order No. 66 FURTHER PROVISIONS ON EPURATION WHEREAS, it is considered necessary to grant to the Epuration 'Commissions of First Instance established under General Order No. 7, (hereinafter referred to as the „Commission“) the further power to reduce or lower the Civil Service grade or category of persons subject to proceedings under General Order No. 7, in those parts of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to -as the ,, Territory“) ; and WHEREAS it is also considered necessary to make further alterations and amendments to general Orders Nos, 7, 8 and 13; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby order as follows : ARTICLE I REDUCTION IN GRADE OF OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES 1. — Any person who has received undue promotions or any preference in any competitive examination because of his fascist associations, may in lieu of dismissal or suspension be reduced in rank or category or be returned to the position he held prior to such undue promotion or preference. TIME LIMIT FOR APPLICATIONS FOR RE INSTATEMENT UNDER G. O. s 7 & 8 1. t— All applications for re-instatement pursuant to Section XIII of General Order Xo. 7 and Section XI of General Order No. 8, must be lodged at the offices of the Commissions not later than two months from the date of this General Order in the case of those persons now residing in the Territory and not later than one month after their return to the Territory if they are not residing in the Territory or able through circumstances beyond their control. — After the said dates all dismissals and suspensions carried out prior to June 12th .1945, shall be considered legal and have the same force and effect as. it an order had been issued by the Commissions appointed by the Allied Military Government under the terms of General Orders Nos. 7 and 8. ARTICLE III BASIC SALARY 1. — Basic salaries, under Section II of General Order No. 7, shall be calculated in accordance with instructions issued by the Chief Finance Officer, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, from time to time. ARTICLE IV APPLICATION OF GENERAL ORDERS Nos 7, 8 AND 13 BY ANALOGY L -—• Each Con; miss ion may, when and where necessary, apply by analogy the provisions contained in other orders relating to Epuration and issued by Allied Military Government. ARTICLE V REVIEW OF DECISIONS L -— If after a decision of a Commission of First Instance or of the Territorial Commission of Appeal, the person subject to the decision a) obtains evidence which was not available to him at the hearing before the Commis- sion of First Instance or Appeal, and which evidence-alone or together with the. evidence previously before the Commission might have resulted in a different decision ; and/or ^ b) obtain evidence that the decision was made on the basis of false statements or documents or if facts regarded by the law as crimes produced or made before the Commission : he may by application in writing request that the said decision be reviewed by the competent Commission or Commission of Appeal as the case may be. 2, — All applications for review under Section 1 of this Article shall be lodged in writing with the clerical office of the competent Commission or with the secretariat of the Territorial Commission of Appeal as the case may be and shall contain concise details of the grounds on which the application is based. 3. •—- The Commission and the Territorial Commission of Appeal shall deal with all such applications for review in the same manner as the Commission of Appeal deal with appeals and all particulars of General Orders Xos 7, S, and 13 dealing with appeals shall be applicable to applications for review. ■1. —■ No applications for review will be considered by a Commission or by the Territorial Commission of Appeal without the prior approval in writing of the Senior Civil Affairs Officer, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, or an officer designated by him for that purpose. ARTICLE VI RE CONSIDERATION OF CASES BY COMMISSIONS 1. — If a Commission receives now evidence or material not considered at the time of making a decision, the'Commission may re-open such case and make such order as may be considered adequate and advisable including an order of dismissal or suspension. 2. —- Reconsideration of cases under rjhis Article shall in respect of cases decided prior to the effective date of this General Order be valid for a period of three months from the date hereof and in respect, of cases decided after the date of this General Order for a period of six months from the date of the decision of the Commission. ARTICLE VII EFFECTIVE DATE 1. — This General Order shall become effective in the Territory on the date it is signed by me. Dated in Trieste, this 15 day' of July, 1916. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer / General Order No. 68 INCREASE IN MAXIMUM LIMITS OF EARNINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPUTING THE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR FAMILY ALLOWANCES WHEREAS, by General Order No. 47 dated 20 March 1946, provision was made for establishing the elements and limits of workers' earnings, for the purpose of computing the contributions for family allowances ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make provisions for the increase in maximum limits of earnings, defined in Article VII of General Order No. 47, within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, COLONEL, J.A.G.D., Senior Civi1 Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I INCREASE IN MAXIMUM LIMITS OF EARNINGS General Order No. 47, Article VII, Sect. 1 is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof shall be substituted : „The maximum limits of earnings of employees or of labourers, to which the contribu- "*■ tions for family allowances shall be computed, are hereby increased as follows: a) monthly wages 6.250 -lire b) fortnightly wages 3.125 lire c) weekly wages 1.562 lire d) daily wages 250 lire.44 ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective as and from the first pay period subsequent to 27 June 1946, and in force on the date that it is signed by me. Order No. 96 B SUPPLEMENT TO ORDER No. 96— DISTRIBUTION OF ALLOWANCES DUE TO JUDICIAL CLERKS AND SECRETARIES (CANCELLERIA GIUDIZIARIE E SEGRETERIE GIUDIZIARIE) WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to supplement the previsions of Order No. R6, which deals with the allowances due to judicial clerks and secretaries 'within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE. I. ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D.. Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I DISTRIBUTION OF ALLOWANCES Section 1. — The payment of the allowances due to judicial clerks and secretaries according to the previsions of Order No. 96, dated 26 March 1946, shall be made once every two months and shall be divided as follows : a) Two thirds of such allowance shall be divided equally among the judicial clerks employed with the respective chanceries and secretariats, and b) one third of such allowance shall be deposited at the office of the Procura Generate and distributed equally among all the clerks and secretaries employed with the judicial offices under the jurisdiction of the Court' of Appeal of Trieste. Section 2. — The provisions of Articles IS and 15 of R. D., 9 February 1896, No. 25, shall govern the distribution of that portion of the allowances referred to in Section 1, a) oi this Article and “all claims which may be made in reference thereto. Such claims shall be made within ten days from the date of distribution of the allowances as above provided. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Order No. 148 SUPPLEMENTARY SOCIAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS IN RESPECT TO DOMESTIC WORKERS WHEREAS, Order No. 102, dated 5 April 1946, provides for the rates and conditions of supplementary contributions for the payment of increases of old aye and invalidism pensions based upon compulsory insurance ; and WHEREAS, Order No. 104, dated S April 1946, provides for the rates and conditions of supplementary contributions for the payment of supplementary allowances and increased cost, of hospitalization to those entitled to the indemnity for tubercular disease based upon compulsory insurance ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and necessary to set, forth the amounts of the supplementary contributions in the case of those employed in domestic service, for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the ..Territory“); NOW, THEREFORE, 1, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I AMOUNT OF SUPPLEMENTARY CONTRIBUTIONS Section 7. — The supplementary contributions in respect to those employed in domestic service within the Territory, for the payment of the increases of old age and invalidism pensions provided for by Order Xo. 102, dated 5 April 1940, and for the payment of the supplementary allowances and increased cose of hospitalization, to those entitled to the tubercular indemnity, provided for by Order No. 104, dated 8 April 1946, shall be in accordance with the Table hereto attached and made a part hereof. Such contributions shall be in addition to and shall be payable jointly with those payable for compulsory social insurance. Section 2. —• Payment of the above described supplementary contributions shall become due as and from the first pay period after 10 February, 1940. ARTICLE 2 EFFECTIVE DATE This Order-shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. TABLE Communes having more than 100.000 inhabitants Communes having less than 100.000 inhabitants Old age Tuberculosis, Old age Tuberculosis, arid invalidism, and invalidism, Order Xo. 102 Order No. 104 Order No. 102 Order No. 104 Supplementary contributions per week Supplementary contributions per week M e n M n Full service Lire 3.60 Lire 2.20 Lire 2.85 Lire 1.70 Half service Lire 2.85 Lire 1.70 Lire 2.85 Lire 1.70 W o m e n W o m e n Full service Lire 1.80 Lire 1.30 Lire 1.05 Lire 0.60 Half service Lire 1.05 Lire 0.60 Lire 1.05 Lire 0.60 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 144 B AMENDMENTS TO ORDER No. 144 — SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS RELATING TO STATE DUTIES ON PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend and amplify Order No. 144 relating to the collection of State duties on public entercamments in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by-the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the .„Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE. I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil;. Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I The following are hereby repealed : i a) Art. 31 of R. D. 30 December 1923 No. 3276 ; ' b) R. D. L. 14 November 1929 No. 2096 re-issued as Law 1 May 1930 No. 540 ; c) R. D. L. 26 March 1931 No. 368 re-issued as Law 9 July 1931, No. 1008 ; d) R. D. L. 14 July 1937, No. 1383, re-issued as Law 13 January 1938, No. 10; e) Art. 4, No. 1, of Law 11 April 1938, No. 612; f) Art. 13 of R. D. L. 16 June 1938, No. 1150, re-issued as Law 18 January ] 9.39, No. 466 ; g) Art. 2 of R. D. L. 11 January 1943, No. 65; m h) Art. 4 and 5 of R. D. L. 10 March 1943, No. 563 ; i) Art-. 2, 3, 11 and 12 of R. D, L.-10 March 1943, No. 86, re-issued as Law 28 June 1943, No. 609 ; l) Art. 48 of Law 30 December 1923, No. 3276 and 12 of R. D. 2 October 1924, No. 1589 ; m) Art. 49 of Law 30 December 1923, No. 3276 ; n) Sections III and IV of Art. II of Order No. 144. ARTICLE II Section 1. — The State duty on gross receipts derived from cinema performances and variety entertainments comprising at least one moving-picture performance, anyhow and anywhere offered to the public (including entertainments given in Clubs and private halls), shall be as follows : on admittance-fees (exclusive of State duty) not exceeding Lit. 20.................... 15% on admittance-fees (exclusive of State duty) exceeding Lit. 20 and not exceeding Lit. 60. . 30% on admittance-fees (exclusive of State duty) exceeding Lit. .60.... ....... .......... 40% Section 2. •— The State duty on gross receipts derived from any kind of horse-races and sporting competitions, as set forth in Art. 4 of Law 30 December 1923, No. 3276, shall be 18 percent. » S.ecHon 3. — „Diritto Erariale Addizionale“ (D.E.A.) collected in this Territory under provision of Art. 4 of General Order No. 1 is hereby repealed. \ ARTICLE III Subject to the provision of Art. 13 of Law 30 December 1923, No. 3276, the State duty for theatres fitted with any kind of privately owned boxes shall be 7.50 percent. ARTICLE IV The State duty for the games and entertainments specified in Art. 3 of Law' 30 December 1923, No. 3276, as well as for circus performances and puppet-shows, shall be 12 percent. ARTICLE V No Authority may authorize the collection of extra fees or special contributions, even if for relief or charity purposes, on subscription and admittance tickets to premises where performances or entertainments of any kind are taking place. ARTICLE VI Section 1. -— For admittance tickets which operators of cinemas and theatres may-sell at a reduced price to members of the „Ente Nazionale Assistenza Lavoratori“ (E.X.A.L.), the State duty shall be proportional to such reduced price. Section 2. — The provisions of the foregoing para apply to any persons who may prove .their membership by an identity card, with photo, issued by the „Ente Nazionale Assistenza Lavoratori“. Section 3. —- Operators of cinemas and theatres, in issuing the reduced price admittance tickets referred to in the foregoing paras, shall adopt colours and series other than those of ordinary tickets. ' ( ARTICLE VII For betting transactions in pigeon-shooting contests, including those where the target is not constituted by a flying animal, every active partecipant or bettor shall pay, in addition to the State duty on betting transactions, a sum of Lit. 20 for each shooting-day and Lit. 3 for each target , which has been shot at. ARTICLE Vili Section 1. — In case of failure to pay the State duty, or fraud or forgery in the list of receipts, the „Intendente di Finanza“, at the request of a representative of the „Società degli Autori ed Editori“, may order the theatre, cinema or other premises concerned to be closed. Section 2. —• Apart from this measure, a maximum fine of Lit. 300 sbal be imposed for any ticket or counterfoil on which the State duty has not been paid, or a fraud or forgery in the list of receipts lias been committed. ARTICLE IX For any inlringem'ent other than a violation of Art Vili herein imp esari . organi zatore or operators shall, be punishable with a maximum fine of Lie 3.000 — ARTICLE X This Order shall become effective on the 22nd day of July 1946. Dated at Trieste 29th July 1946 ALFRED C„ BOWMAN Coione.'., J A G JD Seine« CivO A'fairs Office) Order No. 153 COMPULSORY WORKMEN’ S COMPENSATION INSURANCE FOR OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS AND DISEASES- DETERMINATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND INDEMNITIES . WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to make provision for the determination of the elements of v'orker's earnings for the purpose of computing the contributions and indemnities for temporary disability resulting from occupational accident and occupational disease under compulsory insurance for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory'") ; NOW, THEREFORE, 1, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil A ffa irs Of ficer, ORDER: ARTICLE I INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE OF GENERAL ORDER No. 47 The determination of the elements of workers5 earnings within the Territory for the purpose of computing the contributions (premi) and indemnities for temporary disability resulting from occupational accident and occupational under compulsory insurance, shall be governed by all the provisions contained in Articles 1 through IV of General Order No. 47, dated 2n March 1940, entitled, „Contributions for Family Allowances“, with the same force and effect as if such provisions were herein set forth. ARTICLE II INDEMNITIES HITHERTO PAYABLE BY EMPLOYERS The indemnities and allowances for temporary disability under compulsory insurance as described in Article I of this Order, shall absorb and take the place ot the indemnities and allowances hitherto payable by employers in accordance with law or contracts or collective bargaining agreements, or which were hitherto paid . de facto“ by employers in the event ot occupational accident or disease. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force on the date that it is signed by me and its provisions shall be effective as and from 2'.' May 194.0. Dated at TRIESTE, this loth day of June, 1940. Order No. 158 DELIVERY OF WASTE PAPER AND RECORDS TOITALIAN RED-CROSS — ARTICLE 7, D. L. 12 FEBRUARY 1930, No. 84, CONTINUED jN FORCE WHEREAS, Article 7 of D. L., 12 February 1930, No. 84 provides in substance (a) that all Stale offices and agencies dependent on the State give free to the Italian Red Cross all waste paper and records no longer necessary for the performance of their functions ; (b) that the Provinces (now Areas), Communes, public welfare institutions and all other agencies under the control and supervision of the State, do the same ; and (c) that each State administration or Administration dependent on the State may also give to the Italian Red Cross furniture or other property of such offices no longer deemed serviceable or usable ; and WHEREAS, Article 7 of such Decree expired by its terms on 30 Jupie 1936 and was the* reafter renewed by law until 30 June 1946 ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to continue the-*provisions of the said Article in force beyond 30 June 1946, for that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ARTICLE 7 D. L., 12 FEBRUARY 1980, No. 84, CONTINUED IN FORCE Article 7 of D. L., 12 February 1930, No. 84, is hereby continued in force after 80 June 1946, until the. further Order of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE XI RESTRICTION ON USE OF PROCEEDS The property acquired pursuant to the provisioAs of Article I, an the proceeds from the sale of such property, shall be distributed exclusively within that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied .Forces. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become in force as of June 30, 1946, and effective on the date of its publication. Order No. 169 AMENDMENTS TO AND MODIFICATION AND AMPLIFICATIONS OF THE LAWS RELATING TO SPECIAL EARNINGS AND ALLOWANCES PAYABLE TO PERSONNEL OF THE STATE RAILWAYS WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to make certain alterations to the laws relating to Special Earnings and Allowances payable to personnel of the State Railways in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the „Territory" ) • NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE 1 Except as hereinafter specifically mentioned all the provisions contained in the undermentioned decree of the Italian Government: Lieutenant-General’s Legislative Decree of 24 May 1946, No. 454 „Amendments to the dispositions regarding Special Earnings (competenze accessorial of the personnel of the State Railways“ a copy of which is annexed hereto and marked „Exhibit ,.A“ shall be adopted and are made part of this Order by reference and shall have the same force and effect in the Territory, as if they had been herein set forth in full. ARTICLE II All reference to the Italian State and any Departments, bodies, Ministers or Officials acting under its authority referred in the above mentioned decrees law's, regulations or instructions shall be deemed to be deleted and in their place shall be substituted Allied Military Government and Officials and bodies operating in the Territory under the control of Allied Military Government and nothing herein contained shall confer any jurisdiction upon the Italian State or any person or body acting under its authority with regard to any person property or matter in the Territory. ARTICLE III The provisions of D. L. L. 24 May 1946, No. 454 which are not made part of this Order and the modifications therein which will be effective in the Territory are as follows : The first paragraph of Article 5 is deleted. ARTICLE IV The decree specified in Article I shall come into force in the Territory on the date that this Order is signed by me. Order No. 170 INDEMNITIES TO WORKERS AND EMPLOYEES UNDER COMPULSORY INSURANCE AGAINST SICKNESS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS THEREFOR WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and necessary to make certain modifications in the indemnities payable to workers and employees covered by compulsory insurance against sickness and reyarding the contributions therefor, for that part of Venezia. Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“ ) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I INDEMNITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Section 1. a) The schedule attached to this Order and hereby made a part hereof shall govern the amount of the indemnities payable to workers and employees who receive or are entitled, to receive direct benefits under compulsory insurance, against sickness in accordance with R. D. L„ 29 November 1925, No. 2145 and the regulations thereunder approved by R. D., 4 March 1926, No. 528 ; Law of 17 July 1942, No. 99S ; and Ministerial Decree of 12 March 1943. b) . The contributions for such benefits shall be in accordance with Part B of such Schedule. Section 2. Employees (impiegati) who do not choose to be hospitalized in the hospitals or private sanatoriums under contract with the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le malattie“, shall be entitled themselves to receive the hospital fees set forth in paragraph 2-a of Part A of such Schedule. Section 3. The elements of worker’s and employee’s "earnings for the purpose of computing the above described indemnities and benefits and the contributions therefor, shall be governed by Articles 1 through V of General Order No. 47, dated 20 March 1946, entitled. „Contributions for Family Allowances“, with the same force and effect as if such Articles were herein set forth in full. Section 4. The indemnities set forth in the said Schedule shall take the place of and absorb the shares of the emergency indemnities (indennità di contingenza), for sickness hitherto payable to workers and employees by employers in accordance with law, contract, or collective bargaining agreement. ARTICLE li EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force on the date that it is signed by me and all its provisions shall have effect as and from the first pay period after 25 May. 1946. Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th of July, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer SCHEDULE OF INDEMNITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER COMPULSORY INSURANCE AGAINST SICKNESS PART A) — INDEMNITIES 1. —• The daily benefit shall be equal to one half of the daily total earnings received by the worker (operaio) in the two last pay periods prior to the date when the sickness began. If the work performed during the said periods was not continuous, the indemnity shall be equal to three times the workers’ s average total earnings per hour. 2. •— The maximum hospital fees payable1 to the employee (impiegato) shall be as follows : a) Lire 2.500.—, plus 5(>% of any sum exceeding such amount for hospital fees, surgical operations and medical assitance, provided that the insured person is hospitalized in a hospital or private Sanatorium duly authorized by Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le malattie, b) Lire 3.000.—, for surgical operations at heme. PART B) — CONTRIBUTIONS 1. — 6% of the gross earnings for the insurance of workers (operai) and their family dependents. 2. — 3.50% of the gross earnings for the insurance of the employees (impiegati) and their family dependents. 3. — 3% of the gross earnings for the insurance of those employees (impiegati) and their family dependents, whose entire salary is guaranteed by the employer in the event of sickness for six months. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 171 REORGANIZATION OF SOCIETÀ’ ADRIATICA DI SCIENZE NATURALI IN TRIESTE WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to make provision for the reorganization of the. Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste (hereinafter referred io as the Society),- in accordance with democratic 'principles ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.Ü., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDES; ARTICLE I PRESENT CONSTITUTION ANNULLED a) The Constitution of the Society approved by R. D., 1(5 October 1934, No. 2379, is hereby annulled. b) R. D. 2(5 September 1933, No. 1803, containing regulations for the election of Presidents and Vice-Presidents of Academies, Institutes and Associations of the Sciences, Letters and Art, shall no longer be applicable to said Society. ARTICI,E II APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSARIO STRAORDINARIO a) Prof. Mario Picotti is hereby appointed Commissario Straordinario of the Society. b) The said Commissario shall perform the functions of the Directive Council (Consiglio Direttivo) under the present Constitution until the election of a new Directive Council, when all of his functions as Commissario shall terminate. ARTICLE III PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF A NEW CONSTITUTION a) The Commissario appointed by Article II of this Order shall immediately prepare a proposed new Constitution for the Society which may be in substance the same Constitution and Regulations approved by the General Assembly of the members on 1 July 1925, as modified at the General Assembly on 22 June 1932, with such changes as shall be deemed advisable and necessary. b) The Commissario is hereby directed to call a general meeting of the members of the Society to be held within 3 months from the effective date of this Order, at which meeting the proposed new Constitution shall be submitted for consideration and approval. c) Upon approval of the Constitution, the said meeting shall proceed to the election of the officers, Directive Council and other bodies of the Society in accordance with the new Constitution. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Order No. 172 MODIFICATION OF PENALTIES FOR SMUGGLING OF SALT AND TOBACCO AND FOR BREACHES OF MONOPOLY REGULATIONS WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make alterations in the penalties relating to smuggling of salt and tobacco and for* breaches of the Mo-nopoly Regulations in those parts of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the „Territory11) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, 0 R D E R 1 ARTICLE I AMENDMENTS The fines established in Order No. Ill are hereby amended as follows; 1) Article II, Sec. 1 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 500, 1000, 100 and 400, and substituting in lieu thereof 2.000, 4.000, 500 and 1.500 respectively. 2) Article II, Sec. 2 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 600, 1.200, 200 and 1.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 2.500, 5.000, 1.000 and 4.000 respectively. 3) Article II, Sec. 3 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 100, 200, 10 and 20, and substituting in lieu thereof 300, 600, 30 and 60 respectively. 4) Article III, Sec. 1 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 1.000 and 10.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 5.000 and 25.000 respectively. 5) Article IY, Sec. 1 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 400 and 2.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 1.500 and 8.000 respectively. • 6) Article IV, Sec. 2 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 500, 1.000, 10 and 30, and substituting in lieu thereof 2.000, 4.000, 40 and 120 respectively. 7) Article IV, Sec. 3 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 600, 1.200, 30 and 50, and substituting in lieu thereof 2.500, 5.000, 100 and 200 respectively. 8) Article V, shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 100 and 2.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 600 and 10.000 respectively. 9) Article VI shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 100 and 500, and substituting in lieu thereof 150 and 600 respectively. 10) Article VII shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 400 and 4.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 600 and 6.000 respectively. 11) Article VIII, Sec. 1 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 100, 500, 500 and 5.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 300, 1.500, 1.000 and 5.000 respectively. 12) Article VIII, Sec. 2 shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 100 and 500, and substituting in lieu thereof 200 and 1.000 respectively. 13) Article IX shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 200 and 2.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 600 and 6.000 respectively. 14) Article X shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 400 and 8.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 600 and 10.000 respectively. 15) Article XI shall be amended by striking therefrom the numbers 40 and 2.000, and substituting in lieu thereof 100 and 3.000 respectively. ARTICLE II ANNULMENTS Article I, Order No. Ill is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: Articles 92, 93, 94, 95, of Law No. 907 dated 17 July 1942, relating to the Salt and Tobacco Monopoly are hereby annulled. ARTICLE HI PENALTIES FOR DIFFERENCES IN WEIGHT OF TOBACCO ENTERED IN SHIP’ S MANIFESTS The Captain of any vessel carrying a road of tobacco, if the number of packages of tobacco on board does not correspond to the number entered in the ship’s manifest, is liable to a fine not less than L. 600 and not exceeding L. 2.000 for each Kg. or difference (below or a-bove the weight declared), for tobacco-leaf, and not less than L. 2.000 and not exceeding L. 5.000 for processed tobacco. For the purpose ;of assessing the fine) the weight of missing packages shall be deemed to correspond to the maximum weight of the other packages constituting the cargo, provided always that the actual weight cannot be ascertained. ARTICLE IV PENALTIES FOR DIFFERENCES IN WEIGHT OR QUALITY BETWEEN DECLARED AND ACTUALLY IMPORTED TOBACCO Any person intending to import tobacco and declaring to the Customs’ authorities a smaller .quantity than subsequently ascertained by the said authorities, is liable, if the difference exceedsx5% of the declared weight, to a fine not less than L. 1.000 and not exceeding L. 1.500 for each additional kilogram, for tobacco-leaf ; not less than L. 2.000 and not exceeding L. 3.000 for processed tobacco. Any person declaring a quality of processed tobacco other than the quality actually ascertained by the Customs, is, liable to a fine of not less than L. 500 and not exceeding L. 4.000 for each Kilogram of falsely declared tobacco. ARTICLE V PENALTIES FOR FAILURE OF TRAVELLERS TO DECLARE PROCESSED TOBACCO The traveller failing to declare to the Customs Office the processed tobacco which lie is importing for his own personal use, is liable to a fine not less than L. 250 and not exceeding L. 2.000, if the imported quantity does not exceed one Kilogram. If the imported quantity exceeds 1 Kilogram, the fine imposed for the excess shall be as provided in Article 1, Sec. 2 herein. This provision is not app'icable if the imported quantity does not exceed 30 grams ARTICLE VI TRANSPORT OF SALT AND TOBACCO IN BOND Where the cases provided for in Art. 120 of the Customs Law 25 September 1940, No-1424 arise with the transport in bond of salt or tobacco (as authorized by Article 32 and 61 of Law No. 907 dated 17 July 1942), the sender is liable to a fine not less than L. 200 and not exceeding L. 3.000 per quintal, for salt ; not less than L. 50 and not exceeding L. 1.000 per Kg. for raw tobacco or by-products of tobacco ; not less than L. 100 and not exceeding L. 2.000 per Kilogram, for processed tobacco. The fine, however, shall in no case be less than L. 200. In the cases provided for by Article 121 of the aforesaid Customs law, the sender is liable to the following fines : Not less than L. 600 and not exceeding L. 5.000 per quintal, for salt : Not less than L. 500 and not exceeding L. 1.500 per Kilogram, for raw tobacco or byproducts of tobacco ; Not less than L. 700 and not exceeding L. 3.000 per Kilogram for processed tobacco. ARTICLE VII EFFECTIVE DATE The present Order shall become effective and in force on the day following the date of its publication in the „Gazette“. Dated at Trieste, this 16 day of July,, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 173 AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDERS NOS. 33, 34, 34-B AND 52 — ANTEDATING OF EFFECTIVE DATES OF FINANCIAL EFFECTS WHEREAS, in General Order Nos. 33, 34, 34-B and 52 the effective dates of the financial effects have been fixed as from 1 July and 30 June 1945 respectively, WHEREAS, it is considered advisable to modify such dates in the aforementioned four General Orders by fixing the financial effects as from 1 May and 30 April 1945 respectively, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ANTEDATING OF EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINANCIAL EFFECTS The above General Orders are hereby amended as follows : 1) General Order No. 33: a) in Articles IX, Section 1 and 2, XVI and XVIII, the date of 1 July 1945 shall be substituted by that of 1 May 1945 ; b) in Article X, Section 1, the date of 30 June 1945 shall be substituted by that of 30 April 1945 ; 2) General Order No. 34, in Articles II Section 2, III Section 1, VII and XV, the date of 1 July 1945 shall be substituted by that of 1 May 1945 ; 3) General Order No. 34-B, in Articles I, IV Section 2, para b), and VIII, the date of 1st July shall be substituted by that of 1 May 1945 ; 4) General Order No. 52 : a) in Articles II, Section 8, and III, the date of 1st July 1945 shall be substituted by that of 1 May 1945 ; b) in Article IV, the date of 30 June 1945 shall be substituted by that of 30 April 1945. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Allied Military Government Gazette. Trieste, dated 15th July 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 174 AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDERS Nos. 44 AND 60 ANTEDATING OF EFFECTIVE DATE TO 1 JANUARY 1944 WHEREAS in General Orders^ Nos. 44 and 60 the effective date of the financial effects has been fixed as 1 July 1945, WHERAS it is considered advisable a) to modify such date in both above mentioned Orders by fixing the effective date of the above financial effects as 1 January 1944, and b) to expend the application of such date also to those cases provided for by Section 1 of Article X of General Order Ncs 6G, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I ANTEDATING OF EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINANCIAL EFFECTS a) Genera] Order No. 44, Article VII, Section 2 is hereby amended as follows : 1) Delete „1 July 1945“ and substitute in lieu thereof „1 January 1944“. b) General Order No. 60, Article IV, Section 4, is hereby amended as follows : 1) Delete „1 July 1945“ and substitute in lieu thereof „1 January 1944“. c) General Order No. 60 Article X, Section 2, para 2 is hereby revoked and in lieu thereof shall be substituted : „The pensions conceded in accordance with the foregoing Section and with this Section shall have effect as from 1 January 1944“. ARTICLE II x EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste loth July 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 176 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEGREE WHEREAS, it has been decided by the Academic Senate of he University of Trieste, that beginning with the academic year 1946-1947 the Engineering Faculty, actually existing, be completed by the institution of the degree course in Industrial Engineering Mechanic Section ; and WHEREAS, upon study and consideration, it has been decided that such action should be recognized by the Allied Military Government ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, do ORDER: 1. — Within the Faculty of Naval Engineering courses for the degree in Industrial Engineering, Mechanic Section, shall be instituted beginning with the Academic year 1946- 1947. 2. — The preparatory school for engineering, already existing at the Faculty, shall be transferred as from academic year 1946-1947, to the newly instituted Faculty of Science. 3. — Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, shall recognize the degree of Industrial Engineering, Mechanic Section, to all intents and purposes, thus legally recognizing all certificates and diplomas released for such courses. 4. — No new professorships shall now be instituted for the new industrial Section (Mechanics) ; however, new professorships may be instituted when the necessity so requires. 5. — The internal educational provisions of the new Section shall be regulated by the same rules and regulations existing for other Faculties of the University. 6. — This Order shall become effective upon the date signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of July, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.GD. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 177 FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE ' WHEREAS, it has been decided by the Academic Senate of the University of Trieste, that a Faculty of Science be instituted in said University beginning with the Academic year 1946-1947 and WHEREAS, upon study and consideration, it has been decided that such action should be recognized by the Allied Military Government ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, do ORDER: 1. —- That a Faculty of Science be instituted beginning with the Academic year 19-16' 1947. 2. — For the first year the Faculty of Science shall be limited to the courses for a degree m mathematics, a degree in physics, and a degree in mathematics a,nd physics. 3. — The faculty of Science shall include the two preparatory years of engineering already existing at the Naval Engineering Faculty. 4. -— Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, recognizes to all intents and purposes the Faculty of Science, extending such recognition to all certificates and diplomas released by the a/m Faculty. 5. — Eight chairs of professorships including those of the preparatory course shal] be instituted for the Faculty of Science, the number of which eventually shall be increased when necessary. 6. —• The internal organization and discipline of the school shall be under the same rules and regulations now in force for the other Schools of the University. 7. — This Order , shall become effective upon the date signed by me Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of July, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 178 ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER L’ ASSISTENZA DI MALATTIA AI LAVORATORI REVISED DOCTORS’ FEES WHEREAS, by virtue of Order No. 44 dated 18th December 1945, provisions were made for certain increases and adjustments of fees of doctors retained by Istituto Nazionale per V Assistenza di Malattia ai Lavoratori (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) in those par s of Venezia Giulia admmistered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory") ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed reasonable and necessary to revise and improve the *erms and conditions of the remuneration payable to the doctors retained by the Institute ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I DOCTORS’ FEES Section 1. —• General practitioners retained by the Institute in the Territory shall receive a monthly honorarium of 10.000 lire, net, free of Income Tax (Ricchezza Mobile), in respect of the following services : a) consulting room service ■—■ 14 hrs. per week ; b) examinations at patient’s home as required; c) attendance on Sundays and holidays. Should any or all of the activities referred to under a), b) and c) above be increased or reduced, or cease altogether, the honorarium shall be adjusted accordingly. Section 2. — Where the yearly average number of patients is either substantially in excess of, or less than the normal average number of patients treated by other general practitioners retained by the Institute in the Territory, the honoraria paid to those general practitioners shall be adjusted pro-rata to the terms set out in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. — Specialists retained by the Institute in the Territory shall receive a monthly honorarium free of. Income Tax (Riechezza Mobile) at the following rates : a) Consulting room service •—■ 15 hrs. p. week: 7.800 lire Consulting room service —-12 hrs. p. week: 6.600 lire Consulting room service —■ 10 hrs. p. week: 5.680 lire Consulting room service — 9 hrs. p. week : 5.325 lire Consulting room service — 6 hrs. p. week : 4.050 lire Consulting room service — 3 hrs. p. week : 2.220 lire b) Examinations at patient’s home : 65 lire for each visit. c) Special treatment in consulting room or at paaent’s home outside the normal work hours, to be compensated separately for each casé or in a lump sum at such rates as will be fixed by the Institute from time to time. d) Notwithstanding the scale referred to at b) above, the Institute may enter into special agreements with visiting specialists for payment of an honorarium in a lump sum where circumstances make such procedure desirable. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER The provisions set forth in Article I of this Order shall be operative as and from the January 1946, w-ith the only exception of the honoraria referred to in sub-sections c) and d) of Section 3 which shall take effect as and from the July 1946. Dated at TRIESTE, this 23rd day of July, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 181 DIVIDENDS ON SHARES OF JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to provide for dividends on shares of Joint-Stock Companies in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called as the „Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, I ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1. -—- The provisions of Art. 1 of R. D. L. 27 December 1940, n. 1714 as -amended and converted into Law 18 April 1941, n. 277 and any other provisions relating to the distribution of dividends of business concerns are hereby repealed. Section 2. —■ This provision shall become operative with Joint-Stock Companies as of the fiscal year of the date of this Order. ARTICLE 2 This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Trieste, 25th July 1946 ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 182 INSURANCE CONTINGENCY FEES — AMENDMENT OF ORDER No. 8 WHEREAS, by Order No. 8 effective as from 1 September 1945 certain provisions were made for the refund of contingency fees collected in excess by Insurance Institutions and Enterprises prior to the above mentioned effective date ; and WHEREAS, it has been deemed reasonable and necessary to exclude from such provisions those contingency fees so collected in respect of Marine Insurance policies, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colcmel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE ‘ In Order No. 8, the words „and marine“ contained in sub-section c) of Section 3, and in Section 4, shall be and are deleted. ARTICLE II The amendment set forth in the preceding Article shall take effect as and from 1 September 1945. Dated at Trieste this 31st day of July 1946 ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 194 ESTABLISHING OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ COURSES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT IN THE SLOVENE LANGUAGE WHEREAS, it is considered advisable and necessary to establish Elementary School teachers' courses for the improvement in the Slovene language in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED 0. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: / ARTICLE I ESTABLISHING OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ COURSES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT IN THE SLOVENE LANGUAGE AND THEIR PROGRAM Section 1. — The Elementary School teachers’ courses for improvement in the Slovene language shall open on the of August and shall last until the beginning of the scholastic year 1946-47. Section 2. •— The course shall be held in the building of the Slovene Gymnasium at Trieste, and in the „Istituto Magistrale“ at Gorizia. The, principals of the above mentioned schools shall provide for the functioning of these, courses. Section 3. — The program for the courses shall include the following subjects : Slovene grammar, writing and oral exercises (6 hours per week), history of Slovene Literature (4 hours),. Slovene history (3 hours), geography (2 hours), didactis (5 hours), history and general pedagogy (4 hours). ARTICLE II COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE OF COURSES The following teachers shall be obliged to attend these courses without regard o the number 'of their teaching years or qualifications and without the right to any indemnities or special allowances : 1) those who during the scola-stie year 1945-1946 taught in Slovene public Elementary Schools and wish to continue such teaching and are in possession of a teacher’s certificate of some non Slovene „Istituto Magistrate“ or any equivalent Secondary School ; 2) those who have obtained their certificate at the „Istituto Magistrate“ of Tolmino within the first examination term of the scholastic year 1942-43 and have obtained their diploma after the year 1923 but did not pass examinations of „Integrazione“ at the Slovene „Isti-tuio Magistrate“. ARTICLE III VOLUNTARY ATTENDANCE OF COURSES Section 1. — The following teachers may voluntary attend these courses : 1) those who taught m non-recognized Slovene Elementary Schools during the scholastic year 1945-1946 ; 2) those who are in possession of a teacher’s diploma of some Italian „Istituto Magistrate“ or other equivalent Secondarj^ Slovene or Italian Schools and have a sufficient knowledge of the Slovene language. Section 2. — The applications of admission to the teacher’s courses shall be submitted to the competent Superintendent of Schools by the of August 1946. The teachers referred to under No. 1 of this Article must state in their applications that, their teaching attitude was according to the instruction of the Education Division of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE IV ALLOWANCES GRANTED TO THOSE ATTENDING SAID COURSES AH the teachers actually in "ervice, attending these courses shall receive their salary for the duration of the course. Those teachers, referred to in Art. Ill of this Order, who shall pledge themselves in writing to teach in the Slovene Schools at least for one year according to the directives of the scholastic authorities of the Allied Military Government, shall be entitled to the salary due to temporary teachers (insegnanti incaricati). ARTICLE V PRESENTATION OF TEACHERS All the teachers mentioned in Article II and III of this Order shall submit immediately* their applications for admission to the competent Superintendent of Schools, and shall be present at the said schools at Trieste or Gorizia on the of August 1946. ARTICLE VI At the end of the courses an examination shall be held according to the directives to be issued by the Chief Education Officer of Allied Military Government. The certificate, testifying that the teacher has passed such examination with a satisfactory grade, shall qualify him or her to teach in the Elementary Schools with Slovene language of Instruction. All teachers not provided with such certificate shall not be admitted to teach in Slovene public Elementary Schools, unless the Chief Officer of the Education Division recognizes some other certificates produced by them to be equivalent. ARTICLE VII EXECUTION OF THIS ORDER The competent Superintendent of Schools shall fix according to the existing provisions the special indemnities due to the teaching personnel of said courses and shall provide for all that is necessary for the execution of this Order. ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 27th day of July, 1916. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 196 AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 44 OF THE TEXT CONCERNING THE INTEGRAL LAND RECLAMATION APPROVED BY R. D. 13 FEBRUARY 1933 n. 215 WHEREAS Article 44 oj the text concerning the integral land reclamation approved by R. D. 13 February 1933 No. 215 provides that the subsidy to be granted by the State for works of soil-improvement considered by Article 43 may be raised to 38% of the expense; WHEREAS it has been considered that by reason of the economic situation in that pari of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as the r.Territory ) the maximum of the above mentioned subsidy is not sufficient to carry out conveniently said works and that a temporary increase to 60% of the expense appears advisable; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I INCREASE OF THE MAXIMUM SUBSIDY FOR SOIL IMPROVEMENTS The maximum subsidy payable as provided in Article 43 of the text concerning the integral land reclamation, approved by R. D. 13 February 1933 No. 215 for works of soil-improvement within the Territory, is hereby fixed at the rate of 60% of the expense, instead of 38 % as set forth in Article 44 of the said text. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect on the day that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 31 July 1946 ALFRED C. BOWMAN ) Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 'CORPS Administrative Order N. 49 APPOINTMENT OF THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT AND OF THE MEMBERS OF THE TEMPORARY COUNCIL OF DISCIPLINE FOR PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS WHEREAS, by Order No. 119 a Council of Discipline has been established in regard to Principals and Teachers of Secondary Schools (Istituti di Istruzione Media e Secondaria) in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory"): and WHEREAS, it is considered necessary to provide for the appointment of the President, of tile Vice-President and of the members of the said Council of Discipline, in accordance with Article 1, Section 2 of the above Order ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: 1. — Dott. ANGELO MINESSO, Counsellor of the Court of Appeal of Trieste, is hereby appointed President of the Temporary Council of Discipline for Principals and Teachers of the Secondary Schools of the Territory. 2. — Prof. Dott. VITTORIO RUBINT, Superintendent of Schools of Trieste Area, is hereby appointed Vice-President of the said Council of Discipline. 3. — Prof. ROMEO NERI, Principal of the Technical Institute „Leonardo da Vinci“ of Trieste, dott. RUDOLF PERHAUC, Principal of the Slovene Technical Commercial Institute of Trieste, Prof. LUCIANO SERTI, „Ordinario“ of Ginnasio Liceo „Petrarca“ of Trieste, Prof. EDOARDO MISERIT, of the Slovene Secondary School of Gorizia, Prof. VITTORIO FÜRLANI, School Inspector of Trieste Area, Dott. ANTONIO KACIN, School Inspector of Gorizia Area, shall be appointed members of the said Council of Discipline. 4. — This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 18th day of July, 1!J46. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.P. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Notice No. 14 TERMINATION OF SPECIAL COURT OF ASSIZE The special Court of Assize, established under Proclamation No. 5 for the trial of persons alleged to have committed crimes of collaboration with the Germans will continue to function until 8th November 1946 when it is anticipated all trials will be finished. The period during which denunciations of persons considered guilty of offences under this Proclamation may be filed wirh the Public Prosecutor of the Special Court of Assize, is hereby extended to 31 August 1946. It is pointed out that such denunciations will cover all persons considered guilty of offences under Proclamation No. 5 whether such persons are at pi’esent phisically within or outside the Territory. It is not necessary to a valid denunciation that their addresses should be known, if in fact they were residents of Venezia Giulia or the acts on which the denunciations are based were committed in this territory. Denunciations will not be received or considered with regard to any persons present in or absent from this territory, after 31 August 1946. Dated at TRIESTE, this 2nd of August, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN • Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ' PART II TRIESTE AREA Area Order No. 6 B AMENDMENT TO AREA ORDER No. 6— REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE PROVISION OP ACCOMODATION WHEREAS under the provisions of General Order N. 62 certain alterations have been made to the law governing the allocation of accomodation, and WHEREAS it is considered necessary to amend Area Order N. 6 dated 16 September 1945, JVOW, THEREFORE, l, J. C. SMUTS, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, 'Trieste Area, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I REPEAL OF AREA ORDER N. 6 Area Order 1ST. 6 dated 13 Sept. 1945 is hereby repealed. ARTICLE II FUNCTIONS OF THE HOUSING OFFICE Section 1. •—■ The Housing Office of the Commune of Trieste, subject always to the claims of the Allied Forces, shall allot available living accomodation and business premises to the members of the civil popu'ation as is herein provided. Section 2. — Business piemises referred to in Section 1 shall be deemed to include all premises used as warehouses, shops, stores, commercial or professional offices, cinemas, theatres and other places of amusement, and all other premises used for professional or commercial purposes (hereinafter called „business premises“). ARTICLE III DECLARATION OF AVAILABLE PREMISES Section 1. — Owners (natural or juridical persons, private or public institutions), administrators, and janitors of building situated in the Commune of Trieste shall declare to the Housing Office all available living accomodation and business premises .Such declaration, unless already declared pursuant to the provisions of Art. I of Area Order N. 0, shall be made within 7 days from the effective date of this Order or from the date when such premises fall within the provisions of this Article. Section 2. — Tenants intending to leave their houses, apartaments, or business premises vacant for more than (10 days, shall, prior, to departure, notify the Housing Office of the date of their departure and probable date of return. The Housing Office shall have the power to allot such house, apartment» or business premises to another person or persons for the period of such absence. ARTICLE IV TRANSFER OF LEASING OF PREMISES No owner or other person shall have the power to rent, sublet or otherwise dispose of any promises, nor change his lodging or business premises without the written authority of the Housing Office, and such disposal without such authorisation may be declared null and void and the premises disposed of by the Housing Office. ARTICLE V REQUISITION OF PREMISES Section 1. — The Housing Office shall have the power x to requisition available living accomodation and business premises, after investigations have been carried out by persons designed by it who shall be in possession of the proper legitimation, for the purpose of ailoting them to persons who fall within the categories enumerated in Article VI. ARTICLE VI APPLICATION FOR AND ALLOTMENT OF PREMISES Section 1. — Applications for the allotment of premises shall be made in writing to the Housing Office by those persons who fall within the categories mentioned in Section 2 and 3 of this Article. Section 2. —- The Housing Office shall have the power to allot living accomodation and business premises, subject always to the claims of the Allied Forces, to persons who fall within the following categories : a) first priority •—■ those persons who have been deprived of their living accomodation in Trieste Commune 1) due to war damage' 2) due to racial or political persecution 3) due to occupation by military or political Authority 4) due to a sentence of the Court evicting them from their premises. b) second priority — those persons who have been transferred by an order of the competent Authority in the Commune of Trieste. c) third priority — any person not covered by the above categories if premises are available. Section 3. —■ Business premises shall be provided under the provisions of this Order only in special cases under instructions issbed by the Area Commissioner, where the applicant can establish special hardship or special need for the assistance of the Housing Office. Section 4. — The Housing Office shall have the power to allocate more than one applicant or family to the same premises. Such allocations (hereinafter referred to as co-tenancy) shall be exercised only when necessary to alleviate the acute housing shortage. In allotment of eo-tenancy the Housing Office shall take into consideration the priority of the person or persons allotted accomodation and their acceptability to the occupier of the said premises. In the event of the occupier refusing to accept the co-tenant or tenants for reasons which the Housing Office consider unreasonable, the Housing Office shall have the power to order the occupier to accept such person or persons as co-tenant. ARTICLE VII CREATION OF HOUSING COMMITTEES TO CONSIDER APPEALS Section 1. ■—■ Any person affected may appeal against any action or decision of the Housing Office to the Housing Committees which shall each consist of a President and four Members, to be nominated by Communal President and approved by the Allied Military Government. Section 2. —■ The Housing Committees shall decide all appeals from decisions of the Housing Office. ARTICLE VIII APPEALS Section 1. ■—• The following provisions shall be applicable to all appeals and applications to the Housing Committees : a) They must be in writing, signed and stating the address of the appellant or applicant. b) They need not be in any particular legal form and may consist of a simple letter. c) They may be made on simple paper and shall not be subject to any tax. d) The appeal or application must contain a brief statement of the facts in which the appellant or applicant relies. Documentary proof including affidavits may be attached thereto but it shall not be compulsory to do so. e) The appellant or applicant must state in the appeal or application whether he desires a hearing before the Committees or whether he agrees the t the Committees make a determination upon the appeal or application and the documents or other proof attached thereto. In the absence of such statements the Committee may dispense with a hearing and decide the issue upon the appeal or application and documents and proof attached, unless the Committees decide in their discretion that the hearing is desirable or necessary. Section 2. — The Committees shall decide each case strictly in accordance with the facts and the law. Section 3. ■—• The Committees shall keep adequate records of all proceedings before them. Section 4. —- In the event that hearing is requested by the appellant or applicant or the Committees decide that a hearing is desirable or necessary, in accordance with Art. VIII, Sec. 1-eJ of this Order, the Committees shall immediately fix a date for such hearing notifying the appellant or applicant of such date personally or by mail. The appellant or applicant shall be given ample time to appear at such hearing and to prepare and present his proof. Section !>. — The following provisions shall apply to such hearings a ) The appellant or applicant shall have the right to appear personally and by counsel. b) The Committees shall not bound by formal rules of evidence but may receive and consider any type or form of proof, oral of' documentary, which the Committees decide is material to the issues presented and which may be helpful in arriving at a just determination. c) The decision of the Committees shall be final and conclusive. Section 6. — For the purpose of carrying out their functions, the Committees shall have the power to order the production of any material documents or other writing, summon witnesses, and administer oaths to parties and witnesses. ARTICLE IX RENT TO BE PAID Section 1. — The person, to whom premises are allotted will como to an agreement with the owner or lettor as to the amount of rent to be paid. Section 2. — If no agreement is reached, the rent will be fixed after having consulted the Ufficio Tecnico Erariale, by the Rent Claims Office, established by General Order X. 54. ARTICLE X ISSUE OF ORDERS The decisions of the Housing Office and Housing Committees shall be given effect by a Housing Officer appointed by me, in writing under his hand. * ARTICLE XI EMERGENCY POWER Power to issue emergency orders and to award accomodation in case of emergency is hereby reserved in me. ARTICLE XII CONTRAVENTIONS Any person who disobeys any provision of this Order or any Order lawfully issued under this Order shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction by an Allied Military Court shall be liable to punishment by such fine or imprisonment or both as the Court shall direct. ARTICLE XIII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become operative on the date of its first publication in the Area of Trieste. J. C. SMUTS Lt.. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste Area Area Order No. 45 DISSOLUTION OF THE PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE FOR HUNTING AND APPOINTMENT OF A SPECIAL COMMISSIONER WHEREAS Art. 82 of ike Testo Unicou of ike regulations for the protection of game and for the practice of hunting, approved by R. Decree N. 1016 of June a, 1939 contemplates the constitution of a Provincial Committee for Hunting and WHEREAS it is considered necessary to dissolve said Provincial Committee and to proceed to the appointment of a special commissioner, HOW THERE PORE, I, J. C. SMUTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste Area hereby ORDER: Art. 1. -— The Provincial Committee for Hunting is dissolved. Art. 2. — The Chief Area Inspector of agriculture for the Area of Trieste shall take over the functions of Special Commissioner of the Provincial Committee for Hunting and shall perform and observe all the duties and obligations contemplated in Art. S3 and the above mentioned „Testo Oinico“. Art. 3. — All the regulations for the protection of game and for the practice of hunting remain in force in so far they are not inconsistent with the present Order. Art. 4.—. This Order shall take effect on August 6, 1946. Dated : 3 July 1946 J. C. SMUTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order No. 26 B ADDITION TO AREA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 26 — PROMOTION OF DR. BASIOLI GIOVANNI CONSIGLIERE DI PREFETTURA WHEREAS Dr. BASIOLI GIOVANNI, Consigliere di Prefettura, was promoted from Grade VII Group „A“ to Grade V Group „A“ by Area Administrative Order N. 26, and WHEREAS it is considered advisable to make ad addition to such Order, NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. C. SMUTS, Li. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste Area, hereby ORDER: 1- —• The following addition to Area Administrative Order N. 26 : „This promotion is to be regarded as temporary and for the period of the Allied Military Government administration of this area unless confirmed by the power taking over the Area from the Allied Military Government“. 2. -— This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated : 25 July 1946 J. C. SMUTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order No. 32 TEMPORARY COUNCIL OF DISCIPLINE FOR TEACHERS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Pursuant to the powers given to me by Art. I. of Order N. 137 dated 22 May 1946, I, J. C, SM UTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste Area, hereby ORDER: that the following persons be temporarily appointed to the TEMPORARY COUNCIL OF .DISCIPLINE FOR TEACHERS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS of the Area of Trieste: President: Prof. RUBINI VITTORIO -— Superintendent of Schools of Trieste Area Vice President: Dott. FALCHI RUGGERO — a Tribunal judge Members : LOJACONO FRANCESCO ■— school inspector BENCIC GIOVANNI — school inspector CAFFIERI BRUNO —- school inspector STUBEL ADALBERTO —- school inspector DALL’ 001.10 BRUNO ■— a teacher LEKAN PAOLA — a teacher. This Order shall become operative on the date it is signed by me. J. C. SMUTS Lt Col. Area Commissioner Trieste Area Area Administrative Order No. 33 APPOINTMENT OF ING. MATTEO EULAMBIO AS MEMBER OF THE EPURATION COMMISSION FOR THE PROFESSIONS AND ARTS — TRIESTE Pursuant to the powers given to me by Section 4 oj General Order No. 13, I, J. O. SMUTS, Lieutenant-Colonel Area Commissioner, Trieste Area, HEREBY APPOINT Ing. MATTEO EULAMBIO, to be a member of the Epuration Commission for the Professions and Arts, Trieste Area, in the place of Ing. GIUSTO CALLIGARIS, who has resigned. This Order of Appointment shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 20 day of July 1940 J. C. SMUTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste Area \ GORIZIA AREA ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 92 PROMOTION OF DR. MARIO CAPON FROM GRADE VII GROUP A TO GRADE VI GROUP A I, JAMES E. LONG, Major, C. M. P., Area Commissioner, Area of Gorizia, hereby PROMOTE Dr. MARIO CAPON, Consigliere di I’refettura, from Group A Grade VII to Group A Grade VI. This order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. JAMES E. LONG Major, 0. M. P. Area Commissioner POLA AREA ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 56 AMENDMENT TO AREA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 43— PENSIONS COMMISSION — SUBSTITUTION OF A MEMBER I, Major, T. S. BELSHAW, Acting Area Commissioner of Fola HEREBY temporarily appoint Prof. SAVERIO GIACOBBE Ispettore Superiore, as „Reggente I’Ufficio Provinciale del Tesoro“ of Pola for the Pensions Commission, in the place of Sig. MALENCHINI DINO, Director of the a/'n Ufficio del Tesoro, with effect from 19th May 1946. T. S. BELSHAW Major Acting Area Commissioner Pola Area Administrative Order No. 57 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE „OPERA PER LA PROTEZIONE ED ASSISTENZA AGLI INVALIDI DI GUERRA“ 1. — I, Major T. S. BELSHAW, Acting Area Commissioner of Fola, HEREBY temporarily appoint the following persons to constitute the Committee of the „Opera per la Protezione ed Assistenza agli Invalidi di Guerra“: President: Sig. FRANC IONI ENRICO Member: Doct. PALIAGA ATTILIO Sig. BULLO RICCARDO 2. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated this 20th day of July 1046. T. S. BELSHAW Major Acting Area Commissioner Pola ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 58 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF IMG. SELENATI LUIGI AS CHIEF ENGINEER IN THE COMMUNE OF POLA 1. — J, Major T. S. BELSHAW, Acting Area Commissioner of Pola HEREBY, temporarily appoint Ing. SELENATI LUIGI as Chief Engineer in the Commune of Pola. 2. —• This Order will take effect immediately. Dated this 28 day of July 1946. T. S. BELSHAW Maj or Acting Area Commissioner Pola Area GAZETTE No. 24 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART I HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE General Order Page No. 30 B Additional changes in Penal Law and procedure — Supplement to General Order No. 30................................ 3 No. 61 B Collection of cereals -—• Amendment to General Order No. 61 7 No. 6TC Amendment to General Order No. 61........................ 8 No. 62 Housing ..................................................... 8 No. 63 Increase of public wages and pensions ...................... 11 No. 66 Further provisions on epurati on ........................... 22 No. 68 Increase in maximum limits of earnings for the purpose.of computing the contributions for family allowances ................... . 25 Order No. 96 B Supplement to Order No. 96—• Distributions of allowances due to judicial clerks and secretaries (cancellerie giudiziarie e segreterie giudiziarie)..................................................... 26 No. 143 Supplementary social insurance contributions in respect to domestic workers........................................................ 27 No. 144 B Amendments to Order No. 144 — Supplementary regulations relating to state duties on public entertainments...... 28 No. 153 Compulsory workmen’s compensation insurance for occupational accidents and diseases — Determination of contributions and indemnities .............................................. 31 No. 158 Delivery of waste paper and records to Italian Red Cross - Article 7, D. L. 12 February 1930, No. 84, continued in force..... 32 No. 169 Amendments to and modification and amplifications of the Laws relating to special earnings and allowances payable to personnel of the State Railways...*...................... 33 No. 170 Indemnities to workers and employees under compulsory insurance against sickness, and contributions therefor .................... 34 No. 171 Reorganization of Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste .................................................. 35 No. 172 Modification of penalties for smuggling of salt and tobacco and for breaches of Monopoly regulations...................... 37 No. 173 Amendment to General Orders Nos. 33, 34, 34 B and 52 — Antedating of effective dates of financial effects ...... 39 No. 174 Amendment to General Orders Nos. 44 and 60 antedating of effective date to 1 January 1944 ...................... 40 No. 176 Industrial engineering degree .............................. 41 No. 177 Faculty of Science, University of Trieste................... 42 No. 178 Istituto Nazionale per l’Assistenza di Malattia ai Lavoratori — Revised doctors’'fees ................................ 43 No. 181 Dividends on shares of Joint-Stock Companies................ 45 No. 182 Insurance contingency fees — Amendments of Order No. 8.. 45 No. 194 Establishing of elementary school teachers’ courses for the improvement in the Slovene language 46 No. 196 Amendment to article 44 of the text concerning the integral land reclamation approved by R. D. 13 February 1933 No. 215 48 Administrative Order No. 49 Appointment of the President, Vice-President and of the members of the temporary Council of discipline for principals and teachers of secondary schools............................................. Notice No. 14 Termination of Special Court of Assize............................. Page 49 50 PART II TRIESTE AREA Area Order No. 6 B Amendment to Area Order No. 6 -—• Regulations relating to the provisions of accomodation............................. 52 No. 45 Dissolution of the provincial Committee for hunting and appointment of a special commissioner...................................... 56 Area Administrative Order No. 26 B Addition to Area Administrative Order No. 26 —- Promotion of Dr. Basioli Giovanni, Consigliere di Prefettura ... 56 No.' 32 Temporary Council of discipline for teachers of elementary schools ................................................. 57 No. 33 Appointment of Ing. Matteo Eulambio as member of the épuration Commission for the professions and arts — Trieste .. 58 G OR I Z I A AREA Area Order No. 92 Promotion of Dr. Mario Capon from grade VII group A to grado VI group A. 59 POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 50 Amendment to Ares. Administrative Order No. 43 —• Pensions Commission •—• Substitution of a member.............. 60 No. 57 Temporary appointment of the Committee of the „Opera per la protezione ed assistenza agli invalidi di guerra“ ... 61 No. 58 Temporary appointment of ing. Selenati Luigi as Chief Engineer in the Commune of Fola....................................61