SLOVENIA IbblN I44b-b 1 / O r^HH Australia Post print approved PP 534387/00013 1 Hi SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 56 Summer / poletje 2010/11 NEWSLETTER 2010 - Kol'kor kaplic, tol'ko let, bog nam daj na svet živet!, živio, oj živio živio na svet'!- 2011 President's Address This will be the last newsletter for this year and speaking of behalf of the committee, I would like to thank all members and friends for their contribution in making this year a highly successful one. The club had a large number of bookings throughout the year so it has been a very busy 2010 for the committee. I thank them for their generosity and time in enabling the club to be accessible to others as the result for the club has been the strengthening of its popularity and finances. Since our last newsletter, we have celebrated a number of events. In September, the club was visited by Dr Boštjan Žekš, Slovenian Minister for Slovenians Abroad. Our thanks to all members and friends who were able to attend the club for his visit. We were able to show Dr Žekš that although we may be classified as a small community, we are very big in heart and spirit and in keeping our Slovenian community together and active. We also received a visit from Dr Zvone Žigon from the Slovenian embassy in Canberra. It was great to see the number of people who enthusiastically supported the picnic in Sandy Creek last October. My special thanks to those who prepared and served food and drinks. Our bus trips continue to be very popular. So much so that the club needed to organise 2 buses for our recent trip to the Yorke Peninsular. It's always fun to be able to gather and enjoy each other's company. Sveti Miklavž (St Nicholas) made a special visit to the club on Sunday 28th November. Entertainment and refreshments were organised for the children and we saw many excited faces at this gathering. There are a number of coming events to mark in your calendars. The club's annual Christmas Dinner will be held on Sunday December 12 at 6pm. This is a very popular event each year so I urge you to be quick to make your bookings. remind members and friends that prior bookings are essential for catering purposes. On Thursday December 16, we invite all members and friends to come and enjoy the music of the Slovenian quintet, Krizman. This group is touring Australia and entertaining our communities with Slovenian folk music. The committee invites all members and friends to our Silvestrovanje (New Year's Eve) celebrations. Please book early through our secretary. There will be some food available on request. We look forward to bringing in the New Year with you all. On behalf of the committee, we wish a very 'Happy Birthday' to our hard working committee members Mr Nik Kodele (13 Nov), Mr Ivan Cafuta (22 Nov) and Mrs Milka Sapac (27 Dec). 2010 was an excellent year and with everyone's continued support, we look forward to an even better 2011! On behalf of the committee, I sincerely wish everyone a happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year. Best wishes to all, Danilo Kresevic Prireditve / Upcoming functions at Slovenian Club Adelaide December Balinanje / Bocce 5 ..............competition I December Božična večerja / 12 ..............Christmas dinner December Kvartet Križman 16....... December Silvestrovanje / New 31 ..............Year's Eve KVARTET KRIZMAN Kvartet Križman iz Slovenije četrtek 16 December 2010 V slovenskem klubu Adelaide Vstopnica $15 Slovenia South Australia: First published in 1997. Input and involvement from all Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Slovenia South Australia Newsletter email contacts: rosemary.poklar@dsto. defence. gov. au contributions: Justina Bole Schneider Cvetka Jamnik Danilo Kresevic Ivan Legisa Rosemary Poklar Anica Strgar Adrian Vatovec Irene Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo,, Delo, Mladinska knjiga,, The Slovenia Times, Slovenske Novice, Jana. Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.57 of The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the National Library of Australia, State Library of South Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK)._ Glasba - Music Slovenian Choir Adelaide since 1992. Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. Radio Committee Slovenian Radio Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Tune into FM 103.1mhz. Internet: The Slovenian program broadcasting in Adelaide for over 30 proud years. RADIOTHON Slovenci smo majhna skupnost, vendar v vsaki situaciji vidimo nekaj pozitivnega, četudi je treba temu pozitivizmu iz lastnega žepa primakniti oreh ali dva. S ponosom zapišem, sa smo skrbno izrabili klic ter radodarno odprli ne samo denarnic marveč tudi svoja velika in plementia srca. Brez obotavljanja, priskočili smo v pomoč multikulturni radio postaji 5EBI, ki nam je lahko res hvaležna za nabrano vsoto $1,550. Prispevek je za tretjino večji od lanskega leta. V imenu slov. radio odbora s hvaležnim srcem objavljam seznam letošnjih darovalcev. Darovali so: $100 - E. Borlak, Slovenski klub Adelaide $50 - A. Rant, T. Kostaš, C.&B. Cassini $40 - Gospod Kranjc $35 - F. Lavrenčič $30 - B. Stoanovič, J. Vuzem, M.&K. Palusa $20 - M. Zrim, R.&L. Perkovič, M. Ivančič, F.&M. Železnik, A. Župančič, R. & O. Trošt, M.&N. Polajzer, M.&J. Ritoc, Druž. Poklar, I.&R. Legiša, Tonka Kresevič, N. Brown, B. Kresevič, D.T. Kresevič, S.&K. Kolman, J. Jerebica, P.&I. Ivančič, A.&A. Brant, T.&M. Bunderla, Druž. Vatovec, S. Kovačevič, D. Vuksinič, T. Gustinčič, K. Hay, M.&C. Bunderla, T. Kramar, N.&M. Kodele, R.&S. Gabršek, M.&I. Benc $15 - M. Rother, F. Venzel, M. Bernik, S.&B. Benigar, R.&F. Šnofl, M. Milošič $10 - M.&J. Zagorc, B. Valenčič, A.&I. Strgar, M. Puž, C. Petrovski, M. Novak, I.&D. Pahor, A. Luter, T.&V. Leš, I. Lukač, V. Katern, J. Klement, F. Klobas, A.&R. Kresevič, V.&F. Končina, D . Kaluža, A. Faletič, T. Jesenko, J.&C. Jamnik, E. Juriševič, M.&M. Jug, O.&L. Hrvatin, A. Batista, P. Vatovec, E.&M. Sapač, A. Lah, M.&I. Jenko, P.&M. Čeligoj, A. Komar, T. Škvarc, V. Konestabo, M.&J. Pahor, M.&L. Vrabec, C. Galič, F. Goyak $5 - Berta Ponovno - velik Bog lonaj vsem! S pogumom starih časov prestopimo mejo iluzij in skupaj, veselih src, zaplavajmo v realnost novega dne. Ivan Legiša RADIO BBQ November 14, 2010 Dragi rojaki! Leto se je spet obrnilo. Prisrčna in topla zahvala vsem, ki ste se udeležili letnega radijskega kosila, s prisotnostjo ste zopet prispevali in pomagali, da bosta lepa materina beseda in pesem še prihajali v naše domove, nas vedrili in radostili. Veliki Bog lonaj za vašo nesebično pripravljenost, ob vsaki priliki in potrebi, brez pomišljanja velikodušnopomagati ter z odprtim srcem darovati. Toplo in iskreno se zahvaljujem gospel M. Božanič za prevzeto skrb pri nabavi mesa, kakor tudi za celodnevo vsestransko pomoč. Hvala ženam, ki so marljivo garale v kuhinji, in to so: I. Pahor, M. Zagorc, O. Cafuta, D Kaluža, A. Dodič. Hvala g. F. Končina, ki navkljub bolezni se tako potrudi, da nam je lahko vsem v vzgled. Topla zahvala I. Cafuti, ki je dober del dneva stal na nogah in marljivo obračal cvabčiče in klobase. Nikakor ne smem pozabitina naše dobre duše, ki so prinesle in darovale sladke kolače, te so: M. Božanič, M. Zrim, O. Cafuta, T Kostaš, O. Poklar, R. Legiša, S. Kovačevič in H. Filipčič. Pri toliki dobri volji, pri tolikem naporu in nesebični ljubezni, človek res ne bi smel pričakovati še kaj več. Na kraju se prisrčno zahvaljujem slov. KLUBU, ki nam sploh omogoča in vsestransko pomaga pri nabiranju sredstev v skupni blagor. Pozabiti ne smem g. N. Kodele, ki je za ta dan sponzoriral balinarsko tekmovanje ter tako prignal na kosilo celo jato lačnih balinarjev. Nik, hvala za plemenito zamisel. Ako sem koga pomotoma prezrl, prosim naj mi oprosti ter me opozori! V imenu slo. Radijskega odbora -Ivan Legiša MINISTER BOŠTJAN ŽEKŠ IN ADELAIDE Slovenian Minister for Slovenians Abroad Boštjan Žekš paid a visit to Adelaide on September 25, 2010, accompanied by senior advisor Aleš Selan. After greetings at Adelaide airport with fellow Adelaide Slovenians Minister Žeks proceeded to visit the Slovenian Catholic Church and then Slovenian Club Adelaide. Minister Žekš's visit drew strong support from Adelaide Slovenians with a large number of people in attendance at Slovenian Club Adelaide to share a luncheon in his honour. A book written by our esteemed poet Ivan Legisa was given as a gift to the Minister Žekš together with a musical composition specifically written by Adrian Vatovec for the Minister's visit to Australia. Pater Janez Tretjak received a recognition award from the Minister. Watch Minister Žekš visit to Adelaide on YouTube: Minister Boštjan Žekš obisk v Adelaide (1/2) and (2/2). Minister Boštjan Žekš (centre with flowers) and senior advisor Aleš Selan (far right) are greeted at Adelaide Airport by Adelaide Slovenian community members (from left) Ms. Horvat, Peter Bole Schneider, Anita Bol e Schneider, Justina Bole Schneider, Ms. Horvat's daughter, Slovenian Club president Danilo Kresevič , Iva Kresevič and Cassandra Vatovec. Adelaide Slovenians show strong support for Minister Boštjan Žekš vist to Adelaide. Slovenian Club Adelaide. Minister Boštjan Žekš, Aleš Selan with Pater Tretjak and parishioners at the Slovenian Catholic Church. Pater Janez Tretjak receiving recognition award from Minister Boštjan Žekš at Slovenian Club Adelaide. Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide with Minister Boštjan Žekš and senior advisor Aleš Selan at Slovenian Club Adelai de. "Minister na rdečo zemljo"- Avstralija (Minister on red earth - Australia) is a music composition written by Adrian Vatovec in honour of Minister Boštjan Žekš visit to Australia. The music was presented to the Minister in Adelaide. V Spomin Padlim Za Slovenijo - Slovenian Catholic Church. 'baby" Slovenia. Obisk ministra Žekša na Kitajskem in v Avstraliji bisk ministra je potekal med 20. septembrom in 5. oktobrom 2010. Danes, 08. oktobra 2010, je na Uradu Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu potekala tiskovna konferenca, na kateri je minister dr. Boštjan Žekš predstavil obisk pri slovenskih skupnostih, ki živijo na Kitajskem (mesti Šanghaj in Suzhou) ter v Avstraliji (mesta Melbourne in Geelong v zvezni državi Viktoriji; Adelaide v zvezni državi South Australia, Brisbane in Gold Coast v zvezni državi Queensland; v glavnem mestu Canberri; ter v Sydneyu in Wollongongu v zvezni državi New South Wales). Na Kitajskem, kjer živi do 100 Slovencev in njihovih potomcev, si je minister dr. Žekš ogledal proizvodnje zmogljivosti slovenskih podjetij Domel in Iskra Zaščite v mestu Suzhou, se srečal s slovenskimi gospodarstveniki, ter obiskal slovenski paviljon na svetovni razstavi EXPO v Šanghaju. V Avstraliji, kjer je potekala glavnina obiska, živi med 20.000 in 30.000 Slovencev in njihovih potomcev, največ v zveznih državah Viktorija (z glavnim mestom Melbourne), New South Wales (Sydney) in Queensland (Brisbane). Relativno visoko je tudi število novodobnih priseljencev. Minister je na današnji tiskovni konferenci povedal: Avstralija daje prednost ljudem, ki so pridni. In Slovenci to so." Avstralija je odprta dežela, ki poudarja multikulturnost, na kar je ponosna, je še dodal. Obiskal je slovenska društva in misijone ter prisostvoval dvema največjima prireditvama avstralskih Slovencev v letu 2010 (50. obletnica slovenske Slomškove šole v verskem in kulturnem središču Sv. Cirila in Metoda v Melbournu; ter 36. slovenski mladinski koncert, ki je letos potekal v Sydneyu). Obisk je izkoristil tudi za srečanje z eminentnimi slovenskimi znanstveniki, ki delujejo v Avstraliji (dr. Paddle, dr. Vogrin in dr. Skrbiš) ter za predajo darila, knjižne zbirke Iconotheca Valvasoriana, knjižnici Victoria State Library v Melbournu in s tem za promocijo Republike Slovenije, slovenske znanosti in zgodovine, ter slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji. Velja omeniti, da je predaja zbirke Iconotheca Valvasoriana pritegnila tudi pozornost državnega radia ABC, ki je na to temo opravil intervju s predsednikom države dr. Danilom Turkom. Iconotheca Valvasoriana bo dobila svoje mesto v okviru stalne razstave najvrednejših zakladov viktorijanske državne knjižnice State Library of Victoria, ki velja za največjo v Avstraliji in je med največjimi v svetu. Pomembnemu dogodku, ki je potekal v so-organizaciji Inštituta za slovenske študije Viktorije, je prisostvovalo večje število gostov iz političnih, diplomatskih, znanstvenih in kulturnih krogov, skoraj polovico povabljenih pa so predstavljali vidnejši predstavniki slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji. Slovenci v Avstraliji se povezujejo v okviru slovenskih društev (od skupno 15 jih je dr. Žekš obiskal kar devet, na nivoju zvezne države Viktorije obstoji tudi krovna organizacija, ki združuje štiri društva) ter slovenskih verskih in kulturnih središč (dr. Žekš je obiskal vse tri). Populacija, ki je v teh organizacijah najbolj aktivna, se vse bolj stara, saj gre v veliki večini za pripadnike prve generacije slovenskih izseljencev, ki so v Avstralijo prihajali koncem 40-ih in v 50-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja. V Avstraliji kot tudi drugo po svetu je relativno majhna stopnja aktivne vključenosti mlajših generacij v slovenske strukture in organizacije. Minister je danes dejal, da globokih razmišljanj o polpretekli zgodovini med Slovenci v Avstraliji ni več. Slovenija se mora v Avstraliji predstavljati takšna, kot je, ne takšna kot je bila. Minister dr. Žekš si je med obiskom ogledal tudi arhiv HASA NSW v Sydneyu in sodeloval v radijskem programu nacionalnega radia SBS. V Canberri je dr. Žekš prisostvoval tudi otvoritvi novih prostorov Veleposlaništva Republike Slovenije. Sprejema so se udeležili številni predstavniki diplomatskega zbora iz EU. Minister Žekš je ob koncu povedal: "Razdalje v Avstraliji so velike, zato moramo skrbeti, da do teh stikov prihaja in da jih je čimveč." Minister Žekš's visit in China and Australia Between 20 September and 5 October 2010, the Minister for Slovenians Abroad, DR Boštj an Žekš met Slovenian communities living in China (Shanghai and Suzhou) and Australia (Melbourne and Geelong in the Federal State of Victoria, Adelaide in the Federal State of South Australia, Brisbane and Gold Coast in the Federal State of Queensland, in the capital Canberra and in Sydney and Wollongong in the Federal State of New South Wales). There are up to 100 Slovenians and their descendants living in China. Minister Žekš visited production facilities of Slovenian companies Domel and Iskra Zaščita in Suzhou; he met Slovenian businessmen and visited the Slovenian Pavilion at the World EXPO Shanghai 2010. In Australia, where the major part of the visit took place, there are from 20 000 to 30 000 Slovenians and their descendants, mostly living in the federal states Victoria (with the capital Melbourne), New South Wales (Sydney) and Queensland (Brisbane). The number of contemporary immigrants is also relatively high. At today's conference, Minister said: "Australia gives priority to people who are hard working. And Slovenians are hard-working." Australia is an open country which emphasizes multi-culturalism of which it is proud of, he added. He visited Slovenian societies and missions and attended the two greatest events organised by Australian Slovenians in 2010 (the 50th anniversary of the Slomšek's School in a religious and cultural centre of St. Cyril and Methodius in Melbourne and the 36th youth concert which took place in Sydney this year). He took advantage of the visit to meet respected Slovenian scientists working in Australia (Dr. Paddle, Dr. Vogrin and Dr. Skrbiš) and confer a present, a book collection Iconotheca Valvasoriana to the Victoria State Library in Melbourne. In this manner he contributed to the promotion of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian science and history and Slovenian community in Australia. It is worth mentioning that the handing over of a book collection Iconotheca Valvasoriana attracted the attention of the national radio station ABC which, with regard to this topic, also interviewed the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk. Iconotheca Valvasoriana will be given a special place within the framework of a permanent exhibition of the most valued treasures of the State Library of Victoria, a library believed to be the greatest in Australia and among the greatest in the world. This important event which was co-organised by the Victoria Institute for Slovenian Studies was attended by a great number of guests coming from political, diplomatic, scientific and cultural arena, and almost one half of the invited guests were eminent representatives of the Slovenian community in Australia. Slovenians in Australia are united in Slovenian societies (from its total number of 15, Minister Zeks visited as much as nine; at the level of the Federal State of Victoria there is also the umbrella organization comprising four societies) and Slovenian religious and cultural centres (Dr. Zeks visited all three centres). The population of people who is the most active in these organisations is getting older since in the major part these are people coming from the first generation of Slovenian emigrants who came to Australia at the end of forties and during fifties of the previous century. In Australia, as in other parts of the world, the active inclusion of younger generations in the Slovenian structures and organizations is relatively low. Minister said today that the in-depth contemplations regarding the near-past history are not present among Slovenians living in Australia any more. Slovenia should present itself in Australia such as it is and not the as it was. During the visit, Minister Zeks also visited the HASA NSW Archives in Sydney and participated in the radio programme broadcasted by the national radio station SBS. In Canberra, Dr Zeks attended the opening of new premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia. Numerous representatives of diplomatic corps attended the reception. At the end, minister Zeks said:" Distances in Australia are enormous therefore we need to take care to make these contacts happen and that there are as many of them as possible." MOVING TO AUSTRALIA November 17, 2010 While Britain and New Zealand continue to dominate migrant numbers, China has now overtaken Italy to become the third most common country of origin for foreigners coming to Australia. The Calling Australia Home report also found native-English speaking migrants earned the most with an average $1358 weekly wage $92 more than the Australian-born average. Those from non-English speaking backgrounds fared the worst at $1145, despite being better educated. Nearly half of all men aged 25-34 from non-English speaking countries had tertiary qualifications, compared to 20 per cent of Australian-born men. NATSEM author Riyana Miranti said many well-educated migrants were stuck in low-skilled jobs. "Many Australian migrants are really highly educated, strong participants in the labour market and are accumulating wealth,'' she said."But some are facing challenges relating to barriers to work and an under-utilisation of their skills.'' The Courier-Mail ********************************* NEW Australian Slovenian Books / DVDs Anthology of Slovenian Artists and Sculptors in Australia The Anthology presents the lives, works and colour reproductions of 75 Slovenian artists in Australia. Book price: hard cover $160.00, Soft cover $100 plus $13.00 postage. DVD is $25.00 plus $4.00 postage ***** Chronicle of Slovenian Schools and Slovenian Language Teachers in Australia Book price: hard cover $210.00, Soft cover $170.00 plus postage $17.00. DVD is $25.00 plus $4.00 postage **** To order: Please send cheque/money order to Draga Gelt, 37 Ashton Rd., Ferntree Gully, VIC, 3156 ********************************* IZLET V YORKE PENINSULA V MAITLAND Izlet v Yorke Peninsula v Maitland ki smo obiskali nasa Slovenca Lojzeta in Sonj a Kregar. Pozdravljeni! Na 9/11/2010 je Slovenski Klub Adelaide dva avtobusa daroval za člane, bilo je 89 ljudi. Kot po navadi smo vsi imeli odličen dan z dobrim kosilom s postrežbo naših Slovencev. Najlepša hvala Sonji in Lojzetu z družino ki so nas lepo sprejeli. ■ Crystal Brook ■ Hoyleton Maitlai 1 ■ ■ Virginia Fide laid? ■ Ti nt in ara K a ni v a ■ Imeli smo tudi harmonikarja Ivana Benc ki nas je veselil po poti in na kosilu. Hvala Ivan Benc. Na avtobusu ko smo se vračali nazaj je bil tudi naš Emil Borlak (halo Emil!), sedel je pred mano. Emil je pravil da ima nekaj novega za povedat! In pravi, »Ne maram da vsi slišijo, pa ko smo vsi tako pri letih. »No, bil je eden 80 let mlad gospod ki si je pripeljal v vas mlado 20 let staro punco in ga vpraša prijatelj »Imaš novo punco?« »Ne,« on pravi, »ženo«. Drugi dan ko je šel k zdravniku mu je povedal da mu je žena noseča. Zdravnik pravi, »Ne mogoče!« »Eden primer vam bom povedal,« pravi zdravnik. »Kaj je pa to?« »Šel sem v gozd in sem pozabil doma puško, ma sem imel palico s sabo da si pomagam hodit. Pa ko sem zagledal medveda, sem s palico ustrelil »beng, beng« in medved se je zvrnil na tla.« Zdravnik pa pravi, »Mogoče ga je kakšen drugi ubil s puško.« »Ja, je mogoče,« je rekel 80 let starček, »pa kaj mislite da je kakšen drugi z mojo ženo spal? Ja, to je tudi mogoče.« No, tako smo se imeli lepo, zato se moram zahvalit odboru Slovenskemu klubu za požrtvovalno, prostovoljno delo. Največ pa predsedniku Danilotu Kresevič, Cvetki Jamnik, Milanu Vrabec in Olgi Hrvatin za njen potrud pri organiziranju izleta. Hvala lepa, Anica Strgar NAŠ SPOMLADANSKI IZLET! V vsakdanjem življenu se pogosto srečujemo s prilikami in ker že nekaj časa nismo odšli od hiše, smo se naši vešči organizatorki gospel O. Hrvatin velikoštevilno odzvali na njeno povabilo v naravo. Meščana:- sonce, morje in svež podeželski zrak vedno zvabijo v objem. Zbralo se nas je za dva regimenta. Kos mo čakali na avtobusa nismo niti slutili, da se tako lepo jutro lahko spremeni v dan lepih presenečenj in prijateljskih doživetij. Proti severu smo se odpeljali židane volje in z nasmehom na obrazu. Čim nam je bila objasnjena smer, v katero se bomo odpeljali in nazaj pripelj ali, že smo se pobratili in se zatopili v medsebojne prijateljske pogovore. Neustavljiva želja potnikov po jutranji kavi in Lakota sta nas ustavili v Port Wakefield kraj balinarskega igrišča. Polurni postanek, dobra kava in odlično pecivo sta nas okrepčali in nam še bolj razvezali jezike. Radostnih src smo spet vzeli pot pod noge in zavalovili mimo žitnih polj, mimo ovčjih čred in mimo olivnih plantaž. S prijetnimi vzdihi smo občudovali lepoto narave, od sonca obsij ane zaselke in farme, ki v sebi skrivajo lepoto in napor ljudi, ki tam žive. Po ravni, gladki cesti avtobusa sta se samo še počasi zibala in neutrudno pela svojo pesem proti cilju. Po prijetni triurni vožnji smo se izkrcali pred Maitland Hotelom, ki ga upravljata naša prijazna rojaka g.M. ter ga. S. Kregar .... V nozdrvi so nam najprvo prijetno zapuhteli raznoteri vonji kuhinskih dobrot. Le kdo se jim bi zlaknjen odrekel? Maitland Hotel od Lojzeta in Sonja Kregar. Podeželsko mesto Maitland je, nastalo pred dvemi stoletji, na ramenih težkih in trpežnih Clydesdale konjev, ki so tja in od tam z njimi prevažali: - od volne žita, rude, kamenja, lesa ter vsega kar je bilo potrebno. Kraj glavne ulice, v hvaležen spomin, so konja ovekovečili v bronu. Po trudapolnem dopoldnevu se nam je, ob spremljavi domačih viž iz harmonike Ivana Benca, res prileglo obilno kosilo. Po kosilu smo si ponovno, levo, desno po ulicah razgibali noge in žal, ker avtobus ima svoje muhe, vse prehitro je bilo treba vzeti slovo. Naša prva postaja na poti proti domu je bilo prijazno pristanišče Androssan, kjer so nekateri pohiteli v trgovine, drugi so si šli potešit žejo v hotel in spet tretji so se sprehodili vzdolž izložb in pasli oči na obali. V veseli družbi, med šalami in smehom, izlet nam je vse prehitro minil, da niti nismo zaznali kdaj smo se pripeljali nazaj na kraj, kjer smo zjutraj začeli. Pred slovesom smo se ponovno skupaj slikali, si urejali vtise in si zaželeli, da bi bilo podobnih izlet več. Za vsestranski uspeh se zahvaljujemo sponsorju slov. KLUBU, kakor tudi odbornikom kluba, ki so skrbeli za okrepčila in drugače pripomogli, da je šlo vse gladko in varno. Hvala dobrim ženam za pecivo. Za angažiranje neimerna zahvala gospel Olgi Hrvatin, ki ima pri organiziranju in vodenju izkušnje, ljubezen in veselje, da nas vse sbliža in razveseli. Ponovno hvala! Bog z name in Amen! Ivan Legiša Europe's friendliest country: small country, big heart September 18, 2010 Warm welcome ... socialising in Ljubljana. Photo: Richard I'Anson/Lonefy Planet Max Davidson finds everyone smiling in a nation of forests and old-fashioned charm. Is there a friendlier country in Europe than Slovenia? The man at passport control greets us like long-lost relatives. The policeman in the baggage hall is grinning from ear to ear. And the man at the car-hire desk is so pleased to see us that he insists on buying us a cup of coffee. For the first-time visitor to Slovenia, the uncomplicated warmth of the welcome makes an indelible impression. Like Ireland, like Estonia, it is a small country with a big heart. The capital, Ljubljana, is a few architectural gems short of being a Prague or Krakow. Shopping options are limited, particularly on a Sunday when half the city closes down, but head for the old town and pull up a chair at one of the cafes, teeming with people, beside the river. The afternoon sun falls on cobbled streets, dainty bridges, old churches shaded by spreading trees. The river glides so quietly that you hardly notice it but the human pageant is incessant: backpackers, feral teenagers, businessmen clutching briefcases, babies in prams, old men in berets, very large women walking very small dogs. It is people-watching heaven - with a fabulous dinner to follow. They like their food here: hearty meat dishes are followed by equally hearty desserts packed with walnuts and poppy seeds. But Ljubljana, though charming, is not Slovenia's trump card. The best of the country is to be found in the unspoilt rural areas, particularly in the mountains abutting the Austrian border. Slovenia is the third most wooded country in Europe, after Finland and Sweden, and you get a sense of that as you drive north from the capital, following the scent of pine needles with one forest blending seamlessly into another. The tallest mountains still have a covering of snow but the meadows are a riot of colour: crocuses, dandelions, even the odd wild strawberry, peeping through the grass. Clear rivers wind through dappled valleys, past fields of cows that look so happy you expect them to burst into song. We spend the night in the medieval city of Radovljica, eating like kings in the panelled dining room of the Pension Lectar, a rabbit warren of wooden beams, mullion windows and creaky staircases. The hotel doubles as a gingerbread factory and in the basement you can watch women in long white dresses producing exquisitely decorated delicacies, as staff have been doing for hundreds of years. Then we drive to Lake Bled, probably the best-known tourist attraction in Slovenia, dominated by an 1 lth-century castle perched on a rocky outcrop like a brooding bird of prey. You can walk around the lake in an hour but we take nearly three and a half, stopping at a cafe, then taking a boat across to the island in the middle of the lake, where a flight of steps leads to the tiny Church of the Assumption of Mary. There is a wedding just finishing and, as the bells toll across the lake, even the bride finds time to flash us one of those ubiquitous Slovenian smiles. After a stop at an arboretum and a drive through the majestic Logarska Dolina, a glacial alpine valley, we spend our final night at a tourist farm at Robanov Kot. We have been feeling a bit dubious about this part of the itinerary. Will we be expected to milk the cows in the morning? However, our fears are quickly assuaged by our jovial host and her numerous extended family, who are up half the night singing folk songs to celebrate a first communion. The next morning, after a large breakfast, we take a walk along the valley, hugging the banks of the river, which tinkles amiably in the background. In the tumbledown farmhouses, with their pigsties, painted beehives and carefully tended vegetable gardens, there is a vivid sense of an unchanging rural community rooted in family life. The mountain scenery is glorious but the human landscape - at least what we glimpse of it - also tugs strongly at the heartstrings. As a middle-aged couple in anoraks approach, hiking in the opposite direction, we know, before they have got within a hundred metres, that they will greet us with ear-to-ear smiles. Slovenia is that sort of place. Telegraph, London ***** Plasali so po para dva, Jim godla godca stara dva. In pili vino 'Orvieto' In peli pesmi 'Rigoleto'. Od zadaj mož je resen stal In gledal, kakor bi se bal: "Kako ste živi, krasni pari! Nebo vam rožno zdravje vari!" Pa rekli so mu pivci vsi: "Še vi bi, očka, plesat šli!" "No saj bi šel - a noga leva Nič prav se tal mi ne zadeva. Lesena je - a pravo vzel Na vojski mi je bridki strel. Včasih jaz sem plesal fino, Prosila mati: "Nehaj Nino!" Z nogo sem pahnil jo pred se Sedaj ni majke ne noge. ***** Slovenia launches cultural portal is designed to help professionals explore possibilities for collaboration with Slovenian cultural organisations. This new cultural portal presents information on cultural producers, venues, festivals and support services in Slovenia.Take a look and make a connection! You can also check out Slovenian cultural presentations abroad. Articles focus on cultural producers, venues and festivals, funding and education opportunities and support services. The beta version of the portal was launched in 2010 by the Ministry of Culture in order to facilitate international cultural exchange. Internet: IETM-Australia Council for the Arts Collaboration Programme The Australia Council for the Arts and IETM (international network for contemporary performing arts) present a programme of international collaboration relationships between Australia and Europe for 2010-2011. As part of the agreement between the Australia Council for the Arts and IETM, a programme of activities has been developed by Project Director, David Pledger to begin building a sustainable matrix of relationships between Australia and Europe by seeding international collaborations via artist-residency programmes, producer placements, inbound projects and a one-off commission. A number of underlying themes drive the projects: • acknowledgement of climate change in artistic practice • an inbound-outbound principle of international exchange • quality long-term relationships • the embedding of Australian artists in Europe Partnerships with a wide variety of artists and organisations in Australia and Europe are featured, including: • Artistic collaborations • Producing Producers • Climate commission • Expat import An example of artistic collaboration is the residency hosting of Ranters Theatre, Melbourne, by Mladinsko Theatre, Slovenia. Trump at Rogaska showroom in New York Real estate developer, hotel magnate, The Apprentice star and head of The Trump Organization, Donald Trump made a personal appearance in the Rogaska showroom to launch the new collection of Trump Home licensed crystal. Under the brands Trump Home and Trump Crystal Gifts, the collection consists of home accessories, stemware, barware and giftware that have a high-end look but are affordably priced. Donald Trump with Rogaska crystal. Trump joined Rogaska president Bostjan Leskovar for a ceremonial ribbon-cutting and champagne toast. Trump noted that he had already bought some of the collection for his own homes and for his plane. "My wife is from Slovenia, so we know the company (Rogaska) very well, which is one of the reasons why we felt very strongly about this partnership," Trump remarked. "We are doing well in home [with the Trump Home Collection of licenses]. This was a good, natural partnership or us." Donald Trump on Slovenia and Rogaska- "That part of the world is just beautiful. I've seen factories over there, their glass and crystal works are unbelievable. And this is the top of the top. It did help that Melania is from Slovenia. She's a big star there right now." Med najboljšimi so bili zopet najboljši Slovenci Boston, 08.11.2010 | M.R. Kot je pojasnil mentor slovenske ekipe Roman Jerala, v tekmovanju sodeluje 130 univerz, med njimi tudi vse najboljše, kot so Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Cambridge. Slovenija je v tej konkurenci vsakoletnega tekmovanja v sintezni biologiji iGEM na univerzi MIT v Bostonu dobila prvo nagrado, požela pa je tudi več manjših nagrad sotekmovalcev oziroma občinstva. "To je že tretjič v petih letih, da je Slovenija dobila to nagrado," je za poj asnil Jerala. v AIEC Študiraj, delajte, živite v Avstraliji AIEC Australian International Education Centre pomaga slovenskim kandidatom vseh starosti pri izbiri študija v Avstraliji (konzultacije so brezplačne, stroške študija pa kandidati plačujejo neposredno šolam, ki so potrjene s strani avstralske vlade). Center, ki ga upravljajo Avstralci, ima sedež v Budimpešti, kar kandidatom, ki se k nam obrnejo po pomoč, omogoča informacije iz prve roke vendar s hitrejšim odzivnim časom. AIEC svojim kandidatom pomaga pri vpisu na študije CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of International Courses for Overseas Students), AQF Australian Qualifications Framework za tečaje angleščine (IELTS, z možnostjo dela kot Au Pair), poklicne študije (VET), kot so komercialni in IT študiji ter pri nadaljevanju študija, ki kandidatom omogoča izpolnitev pogojev za imigracijo oziroma potencialno državljanstvo. Svetujemo tudi pri izbiri srednje šole, univerzitetnih magistrskih programov in organizacij za opravljanje strokovne prakse. La Lingua Sydney. $AUD160 info (@) ETI WA Education & Training Perth TAFE Western Australia. James Cook University Townsville, Cairns & Brisbane Queensland. Shafston International College Brisbane & Gold Coast Queensland. Cambridge International College, Melbourne, Adelaide & Perth. William Angliss Institute of TAFE Melbourne. CQUniversity Rockhampton, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne. Izvod Iconothece Valvasoriane za avstralske Slovence Še en izvod 'gre v svet' 27. september 2010 ob 17:27 Melbourne - MMC RTV SLO/STA Minister Boštjan Žekš je med obiskom Avstralije tamkajšnji slovenski skupnosti v državni knjižnici State Library of Victoria predal faksimile grafične zbirke Iconotheca Valvasoriana. Žekš je ob predaji zbirke knjižnici predstavil Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja kot enega največjih učenjakov njegovega časa v Evropi. V nagovoru je navzočim predstavil pomen knjige za slovensko kulturo in za slovenstvo nasploh. "Slovenci smo preživeli s knjigo, kulturo in šolstvom. Knjiga je bila naše največje orožje, saj smo več kot 400 let pred lastno državo že imeli slovenski prevod Biblije," je povedal. Izdaja 17 ohranjenih zvezkov predstavlja edinstven strokovni in kulturni dosežek v svetovnem merilu, prav tako pa je tudi veliki tiskarski podvig. Ob bok se mu lahko postavita le še faksimilni izdaji Dalmatinove Biblije in Slave vojvodine Kranjske. Zvezki so sicer oštevilčeni do 18, saj manjka četrti. Foto: MMC RTV SLO Spregovoril je tudi o Ljubljani, svetovni prestolnici knjige 2010: "Knjige so vsepovsod, so na dosegu roke vsakemu, ki to želi. Pisana beseda je bogastvo, ki nam ga ne more nihče vzeti." Spomnil je še, da se je Slovenija odločila zbirko podariti velikim knjižnicam po svetu, saj želi ljudem približati bogastvo slovenstva, ki ga ohranja knjiga. Predaje zbirke so se v Melbournu udeležili tudi minister za umetnost države Viktorija Peter Batchelor, predsednik knjižnega odbora v Viktoriji John Cain, direktorica knjižnice Anne-Marie Schwirtlich in številni diplomatski predstavniki. Znanstvenokritična grafična zbirka gre po svetu V Melbournu bo zbirka v obliki multimedijske predstavitve dosegljiva tudi širšemu krogu obiskovalcev, saj se bo redno predvajala ob glavnem vhodu v knjižnico. Poleg tega so uredili spletno stran, ki je namenjena predstavitvi Valvasorja in njegovega dela. Zbirka je že tudi na Dunaju in na Kitajskem, kjer je trenutno na ogled v slovenskem paviljonu na svetovni razstavi Expo v Šanghaju. Marca letos jo je slovenski predsednik Danilo Türk podaril tudi organizaciji Royal Society, saj je Valvasor leta 1687 postal član prestižnega kraljevega društva Royal Society of London, najstarejše znanstvene organizacije na svetu. Iconotheca Valvasoriana je faksimilirana, znanstvenokritično obdelana grafična zbirka Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja (1641-1693), polihistorja dežele Kranjske. Zbirka 17 zvezkov s 7.752 grafičnimi listi in risbami evropskih mojstrov 15., 16. in 17. stoletja je nastala na podlagi prizadevanj dr. Lojzeta Gostiše. Leta 2008 jo je izdala Fundacija Janez Vajkard Valvasor, ki deluje pri Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti. Veliki polihistor druge polovice 17. stoletja Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641-1693) je imel na svojem gradu Bogenšperku izjemno knjižnico, zbirko mineralov, matematičnih in astronomskih naprav, predmetov z različnih področij, vsemogočih redkosti in starin, tiskarsko delavnico ter zbirko grafik in risb. Po izidu Slave vojvodine Kranjske je zaradi obsežnega finančnega vložka obubožal; prodati je moral vse svoje imetje - gradove Bogenšperk, Črni potok in Lichtenberg ter rojstno hišo v Ljubljani. Na koncu sta mu ostali knjižnica z 2.534 naslovi in grafična zbirka. Ponudil jo je kranjskim deželnim stanovom v odkup, a ti niso pokazali nikakršnega zanimanja. Na koncu je celotno knjižnico odkupil zagrebški škof Ignacij Aleksander Mikulic. Dozdajšnja prizadevanja, da bi zbirka prišla v Slovenijo, so se izjalovila - so se pa odločili narediti znanstveni ponatis celotnega dela. L. Š. Victorian State Library Gets Copy of Monumental Slovenian Collection 27th September 2010 Minister for Slovenians Abroad Boštjan Žekš presented the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne with a copy of "Iconotheca Valvasoriana", a collection of prints and drawings by European masters of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries put together by Slovenian 17th century scholar Janez Vajkard Valvasor. "Iconotheca Valvasoriana" encompasses a total of 7,752 prints and drawings by Duerer, Cranach, Rembrandt, Callot and other German, Austrian, Dutch, Flemish, French, Italian, English and Carinthian masters of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Iconotheca Valvasoriana in the State Library of Victoria. Zeks, who is visiting the Slovenian community in Australia, said at the ceremony that Valvasor (1641-1693) was one of the biggest European scholars of his time, the Office for Slovenians Abroad said in a press release. Zeks underlined the importance of literature for Slovenian culture. "We survived through books, culture and education. The book was our strongest weapon - 400 years before we had our own country, we already had a Slovenian Bible translation." The ceremony was attended by Victoria Minister for Energy & Resources and the Arts Peter Batchelor, Victoria State Library's head Anne-Marie Schwirtlich and chief board member John Cain, as well as a number of diplomatic representatives. Zeks noted that Slovenia decided to give copies of "Iconotheca Valvasoriana" to all big libraries around the world in order to show the world " Slovenian wealth" kept in books. The Melbourne copy of "Iconotheca Valvasoriana" will be accessible to a broad circle of visitors, as a multimedia display of its contents will be on show at the library's main entrance. There are between 20,000 and 30,000 members of the Slovenian community living in Australia. Only 100 facsimile editions of the work exist and the edition donated to the Victorian Library is the only one in Australia. Iconotheca Valvasoriana. The facsimlie edition, which took ten years to complete, has been described as a printing masterpiece. Each set is valued at A$43,400. Copies of "Iconotheca Valvasoriana" have already been presented to national libraries of China and Austria. A copy is also included in Slovenia's Expo 2010 exhibition in Shanghai. A copy was also presented to the London Royal Society by President Danilo Tuerk during his visit to the UK in March. Valvasor, who became member of the world's oldest science organisation in 1687, remains the only Slovenian to be invited into the society. Valvasor's collection of prints and drawings was put together in 17 large-size volumes bound in leather. Valvasor arranged them by the theme, technique and nationality of the authors. He spent a fortune on writing and publishing his monumental work "The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola", an encyclopaedia of Slovenian history, folklore and natural science, to the extent that he was forced to sell his property and possessions. He sold his Bogensperk castle near Litija, as well as his vast library and the collection of prints. The latter was bought by Zagreb Bishop Mikulic and is kept today by the Metropolitan library of the Zagreb Archdiocese. You Tube videos: 1. Dr Bostjian Zeks on the Iconotheca Valvasoriana 2. Slovenian President Presents Iconotheca Valvasoriana to Queen Elizabeth II Queensland Art Gallery 21st Century: Art in the First Decade 18 December 2010 - 25 April 2011 '21st Century: Art in the First Decade' encompasses an exhibition, publication, blog and a series of public programs that explore the art of the past ten years. Marking the end of the first decade of the new millennium, the project will examine current directions in art practice and also reflect on the conditions for art and exhibition making in the 21st Century. The exhibition includes over 200 works by more than 120 senior and emerging artists from over 45 countries, with most of the work drawn from the Queensland Art Gallery's own collection. Art by Slovenia's Tobias Putrih is included in the exhibition. Tobias Putrih Biography 1972 Born in Kranj, Slovenia 1997 Graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1997 - 1998 Studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany 2002 Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation Award Tobias has exhibited in Ljubljana, Venice Biennale Slovenian Pavilion, New York, Luxembourg, Switzerland and London amongst other places. Internet: Internet: http ://www. obias-putrih.html Capricorn Caves being researched Professor Armstrong Osborne from Sydney University, Bojan Otonicar from the Karst Research Institute in Slovenia and Andrzey Tyc from the University of Silesia in Poland spent three weeks during November 2010 studying various cave and karst formations at the Capricorn Caves in Central Queensland. It is the first time the caves have been seriously researched since the 1880s. "We are reviving this work. The science of caves is much more common in Slovenia," Associate Professor Osborne said. Slovenski paviljon ob zaključni prireditvi BIE prejel zlato nagrado Ob zaključni prireditvi BIE je slovenski paviljon prejel zlato nagrado v kategoriji C, za Creative Display (kreativni prikaz). Nagrado je v imenu Slovenije prevzela generalna komisarka Slovenije za EXPO 2010 Saša Lavrič. Nagrade so bile razdeljene za različne kategorije, slovenski paviljon, pa se je potegoval za nagrado v kategoriji C, kjer so vključeni najeti in zgrajeni paviljoni v velikosti do 2000 kvadratnih metrov. V vsaki kategoriji so bile podeljene tri nagrade - zlata, srebrna in bronasta. Slovenski paviljon je prejel zlato nagrado v kategoriji C, Creative Display. Slovenski paviljon prejel zlato nagrado. Nagrado je v imenu Republike Slovenije prevzela generalna komisarka Slovenije za EXPO 2010 gospa Saša Lavrič, katera je ob tem povedala: »Nagrada je dodaten dokaz, da je bila slovenska predstavitev za EXPO 2010 uspešno zastavljena in dobro izpeljana, za kar se zahvaljujem vsem, ki so sodelovali pri tem projektu in tako omogočili celostno predstavitev Slovenije na svetovni razstavi EXPO 2010. Ta nagrada je priznanje za trud vseh sodelujočih!« Gold Medal for Slovenian Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010 02.11.2010 Slovenia's pavilion at the Shanghai Expo won a gold medal for creativity as the wo rld show came to an end on Monday. The Open Book, as the Slovenian pavilion is called, attracted more than three million visitors. The 1,000 square metre pavilion won the award in the category of pavilions of up to 2,000 square metres. Slovenia's Gold medal for Creative Display. Designed by the acclaimed Slovenian architect Boris Podrecca and conceptual artist Matej Andraž Vogrinčič, the pavilion was divided into eight "books" on various aspects of Slovenian culture, tradition, economy, science and landscape. The visitors could see the National and University Library designed by Slovenia's leading architect Jože Plečnik (1872-1957) and Slovenia's first book "Abecedarium", written and published in 1550 by Primož Trubar. They were also able to see the quality of Slovenian design, see Slovenia's sites, take a ride down the Slovenian coast and taste the culinary delights of the Kras region of Slovenia. The display also showcased a contemporary environment-friendly house, facts on space visionary Herman Potočnik Noordung (1892- 1929), and an essay by the world-famous Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. Slovenian Meat Dish Tunka with Special EU Status Friday, 08.10.2010 Brussels - Tunka, a meat dish originating from the northeastern Slovenian region of Prlekij a, has become the fourth Slovenian dish on the EU list of traditional dishes whose recipe and traditional way of making are protected. Tunka is ham soaked in pork fat, where it can stay preserved for up to a year. The first to enter the Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG) list were idrijski zlikrofi, a type of ravioli from the western Slovenian town of Idrija, which were followed by prekmurska gibanica, a cake originating from the northeastern region of Prekmurje, and belkoranjska pogaca, a type of bread typical of the south-eastern region of Bela krajina. Apart from the TSG list, products and foodstuffs can also get registered as Protected Designations of Origin or Protected Geographical Indication in the EU and the only Slovenian product or foodstuff registered in such a way is extra-virgin olive oil from Slovenian Istria, which has a Protected Designation of Origin. Still waiting to be registered by the European Commission are pumpkin seed oil from the Stajersko and Prekmurje regions and prosciutto from Kras. Lent Festival Gets another IFEA Award 16.09.2010 Saint Louis - The Maribor-based festival Lent has received the Gold Pinnacle Award for its programme booklet and the festival flyer for 2010 at the 55 th annual congress of the International Festival and Events Association (IFEA), held between 15 and 17 September in St. Louis, the US. The festival, which took place between 25 June and 10 July this year, has so far received 15 golden, 18 silver and 10 bronze awards from IFEA, which has association members of about 2,700 festivals and organisers from more than 40 countries. IFEA each year confers the Pinnacle awards for the most distinguished examples of creativity in the promotion and advertising of events. The award jury consists of experts in the area of print, advertising and public relations, media representatives as well as planning and management experts. FACEBOOK As well as being able to connect with friends and relatives on Facebook, the opportunity is there to join groups of Slovenian interest. Some of the groups are: Slovenian Kangaroos in Australia Slovencem Po Svetu Slovencem po svetu je radijska oddaja na 1. programu Radia Slovenija. Vsak petek ob 21:05 se eno uro družimo z okoli 500 tisoč rojaki in njihovimi potomci, ki živijo po svetu. Oddaja je stik z domovino in mozaik o življenju in delu Slovencev po svetu. občinski odbor nove generacije Ilirska Bistrica Nova Generacija Ilirska Bistrica Naše vodilo pri delu je misel Lewisa CARROLL-a: »Ena najglobljih skrivnosti življenja je ta, da je vse, kar je v resnici pomembno, le tisto, kar naredimo za druge.« v Sala - Jokes Glasbenik je na vhodna vrata v stanovanj ski blok pritrdil listek z napisom: Prodajam klavir! Naslednji dan je bilo na listku pripisano: Hvala bogu! * Skopuh je prišel k vedeževalki. - Naj vam pogledam v prihodnost? - Ne, v preteklost. Včeraj sem se malo napil in nekje pozabil čisto nov dežnik. * - Zelo ste me razočarali! je bila jezna učiteljica ob vstopu v razred. Vsi ste v spisih, kot pomembne ženske omenjali neke Lady Gaga, Madonno ... Kako to, da se nihče ni spomnil kakšne res pomembne ženske, take kot Marie Curie, na primer. Učenci so se začeli spogledovati in na ves glas hihitati. - No, kaj je pri tem tako smešnega? je zanimalo učiteljico. - Ker se ne reče Marie Curie, ampak Mariah Carey! * Vojak mora olupiti krompir. - Kaj si tu ne morejo privoščiti lupilnega stroj a? potarna. - Seveda si ga lahko, se oglasi kuhar. Ti si najnovejši model. * Mladenič pride k očetu svojega dekleta in ga prosi: - Prosil bi, če lahko dobim vašo hčerko za ženo. - Najprej mi pripeljite pokazat svojo ženo. * After suffering a heart attack and having quadruple bypass surgery, a man woke up in a Catholic hospital with nuns taking care of him. As they nursed him back to health, one of the nunsasked if he had health insurance. "No," he replied, "No health insurance." "Do you have any money in the bank?" asked the nun. "No. No money in the bank." The nun asked, "Do you have any relatives you could ask for help?" The man replied, "I only have a spinster sister, who is a nun." As the nun became irritated, "Nuns are not spinsters. Nuns are married to God!" "OK, then," said the man. 'Send the bill to my brother-in-law." KNJIGE - BOOKS Doing Business with Slovenia By Jonathan Reuvid Originally published in the pre-EU-accession period, this edition of Doing Business with Slovenia has been updated to take account of the post-accession changes to the legal and fiscal environment. It remains a definitive appraisal of the economic and investment climate, including an examination of the legal structure and business regulation, information on the financial sector and unique best practice on all aspects of trading with and investing in Slovenia. The guide also provides an overview of key sectors of trade and investment. Available from NOVI CD Vlado Kreslin: Drevored Drevored je album enega izmed najuspešnejših in najdlje trajajočih pevcev slovenske popularne glasbe Vlada Kreslina. Na albumu boste slišali 13 novih pesmi, med njimi tudi najavni singel Krasni novi svet. Pesmi so nastale v sodelovanju z Miranom Tomassinijem in Gal Gjurinom, kot gostje pa se predstavljajo Severa Gjurin, Allan Taylor in Livio Morosin. Vlado Kreslin in Miro Tomassini. See video clips of your favourite Slovenian artists on SloVid ***** Carmina Slovenica to Perform Sounds of Asia Carmina Slovenica, the internationally acclaimed concert choir from Maribor, is ready to take a new programme, entitled "Sounds of Asia", to Singapore and Malaysia. The " Sounds of Asia" will present the music of Bali, China, Japan, Malaysia, Borneo and India, combining a wide variety of musical expressions. After successful tours in China in 2001 and Japan in 2008 the choir Carmina Slovenica is returning to Asia. This time it will visit Singapore and Malaysia, delivering six performances between 24 November and 7 December. This will be Carmina Slovenica's fourth appearance abroad this year. In May the choir performed in Basel, Switzerland with "Rusalke", in August in Belgium at an international choir festival La Nuit des Choeurs 2010 and in October in Gorizia, Italy. (We need top quality Slovenian acts like Carmina Slovenica and Vlado Kreslin to tour Australia to assist in raising the profile and image of Slovenia and Slovenian culture amongst the general population. In particular those acts that are relevant to 2nd and 3rd generation Australian Slovenians - Adrian Vatovec). BUSINESS SLOVENIA Australian natural mineral make up brand, Alexami Cosmetics, is expanding to Slovenia. TjJ ¡SÉ Alexami's ecologically and socially responsible code of ethics is central to the brand, so while looking for distributors overseas, Dirnbek will ensure Alexami will be represented by companies who understand the importance of natural products and non-toxic ingredients, and are committed to health and the environment. *** Pipistrel Awarded Most Innovative Company in Europe Slovenian light sports aircraft maker Pipistrel has been selected by the Europe an Business Awards (EBA) jury as the most innovative company in Europe. General Manager and co-owner Ivo Boscaro. The award for innovation is one of ten EBA awards handed out for this year at a ceremony held in Paris on Tuesday November 23, 2010. In its description of Pipistrel, the EBA stressed that the company managed to increase output by 50% and its workforce by 10% in 2009. It also highlighted the recent launch of the Taurus-Electro, an electric-powered 2-seater aircraft, the world's first. Pipistrel has long been considered one of the most innovative makers of light aircraft in the world. Its Virus SW won the NASA centennial PAV challenge in 2007 and the NASA GAT centennial challenge in 2008. *** Social Media for Professionals Find Slovenian professional and business connections on the internet at LinkedIn -www. linkedin. com/ Linked Jurij Giacomelli Jurij Giacomelli is President of the Management Board at Delo, Slovenia's leading news publisher. It publishes Delo, a newspaper positioned as a premium read, Slovenske Novice and a number of other titles. Jurij's position at Delo entails leading and managing growth and development of new business ventures. Corporate governance; sales management, marketing management, corporate financial management are included under Jurj's umbrella of specialties. Delo website: SPORT - ŠPORT Primož Kozmus back for London 2012 Slovenia's only athletics Olympic gold medalist Primož Kozmus chose the country's Prime Minister to reveal his plans to come out of retirement for another crack at glory at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Kozmus, who won Slovenia's first track and field Olympic gold medal in Beijing in 2008, said a year ago he would retire because he had reached his peak and did not have the strength to continue. Slovenia's athletic federation was not available for an immediate comment. Kozmus, 31, followed his Olympic success by winning the world title in Berlin in 2009. Best Ever Slovenia FIFA rankings World Cup-winner Spain still reign in the FIFA rankings and Slovenia is at a best-ever No. 15. Australia heads the Asian countries at No.21. Slovenian cyclist Jure Robic dies in traffic accident aged 45 September 25, 2010 Jure Robic, the Slovenian cyclist who won the Race Across America five times has died in a traffic collision at the age of 45. Robic died after colliding with a 55-year-old driver while riding downhill Jesenice, Slovenia. He was on a training ride while preparing for the Australia's Crocodile Trophy mountain bike race. An investigation into the accident has begun. Jure Robic was a five time winner of the Race Across America Robic was a five time winner of the Race Across America men's solo five times with his first victory was in 2004. He dropped out of the 2009 race while in second place because of a time penalty he felt that he unfairly received. His last victory in the race was earlier this year. Robic's five wins is a record in men's solo races. Before competing in ultra-marathons, Robic was a member of the Slovenian national cycling team from 1988 to 1994. He twice set the world record for the 24 hour road race and won the Race across Slovenia three times. During his career he had over 100 victories and 150 podium finishes. Cilka Sadar - Halfpipe Junior World Champion! August 25, 2010 Cilka Sadar si je v Cordoni (Nova Zelandija), v finalu FIS Junior World Championship-a s backside 5, frontside 5, backside air, frontside 7, cab 3 in na koncu še z alleyoop-om zasluženo priborila naslov Halfpipe Junior World Champion. 2010 UCI Road World Championships Geelong, Victoria, hosted the 2010 UCI Road World Championships between 29 September and 3 October, 2010. This was the first time that Australia hosted the event and it was the largest cycling competition ever hosted in Australia. The five days of competition were contested on a 16km course through the central and inner south-west areas of Geelong. The final event, the men's road race, started in Melbourne and finished in Geelong. Slovenian representatives at the event -Men Under 23 STIMULAK Klemen, KUMP Marko, MEZGEC Luka, FURDI Blaž, BAJC Andi, JARC Blaž, DZAMASTAGIC Mark, KUMAR Matijas, TRATNIK Jan Women Elite BATAGELJ Polona Men Elite GOLČER Jure, KOCJAN Jure, MUGERLI Matej, ŠTANGELJ Gorazd, KOREN Kristijan, BRAJKOVIČ Janez, BOLE Grega, BOŽIČ Borut, ŠPILAK Simon Polona Batagelj (Slovenia) Srebotnik Announces End to Singles Career Slovenia's most successful tennis player of recent years, Katarina Srebotnik, announced she would stop competing in the singles due to a nagging shoulder injury and would instead focus on the doubles in the future. She will team up with Kveta Peschke of the Czech Republic. Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010 29 year-old Srebotnik won four singles titles in her professional career spanning 15 years. In this time she has earned nearly EUR 5m in tournament winnings. Of the 377 wins in her singles career (281 losses), Srebotnik said that her most memorable win was in the third round of the 2008 French Open, when she beat Serena Williams of the US. Vujacic Confirms Engagement to Maria Sharapova Sasha Vujacic and Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova are engaged to be married. Vuj acic (born March 8, 1984) is a Slovenian basketball player of Serbian descent who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers. He was born in Maribor. Maria Sharapova CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! CHURCHES Congratulations to Ralph and Bronte Churches who celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary in June 2010. This high occasion was marked by congratulatory letters received from Queen Elizabeth and Australian government heads. November marked another happy occasion with Ralph turning 93 years. Ralph is keen reader of Slovenia SA newsletter. Ralph Churches is an Australian war hero, who during WWII organized a successful escape of around 100 PoW's from a German prisoner-of-war camp in Maribor, Slovenia, with the help of Slovenian Partisans. He was awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) for gallant and distinguished services. *** Births - Rojstvo Paul and Ellie Magarey (nee Lavrencic) welcome the arrival of Sophie lliana born November 11, 2010. Birthday - Rojstni dan September - Milena Kettler (70th), Cecilia Gregor (20th) October - Maria Zagorc, Sonja Kovačevič, Jože Klement November - Nik Kodele, Ivan Cafuta, Ralph Churches BEM December - Milka Sapač, Anica Strgar, Tončka Kostaš Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Franc PRELC Passed away 29 September 2010. Aged 85 years. Committed at Penola Monumental Cemetery. Loving husband of Maria. Father of Julie, Eric, Joe and Mirko. Father-in-law of Karyn, Trudy, Michael and Marta. Pa of Kristina, Nathan, Jasmine, Daniel, Kahila, Ebony, Jayden, Zoe and Sam. Doris Adele MUKAVEC Passed away October 16, 2010. Aged 73 years. Committed at Centennial Park Cemetery. Dearly loved wife and companion of Stanley. Loving mother of John and Julie. Adoring nanna to Melissa and Jamie. Natalia Maria SKRLJ Passed away October 18, 2010. Aged 78 years. Committed at Centennial Park Cemetery. Dearly beloved mum of Bruno and Janet. Loved nona of Chloe, Darren, Sarah, and Nathan. Albin Kozlovic Born in Trsek, Slovenia, September 14, 1942. Passed away Adelaide November 12, 2010.Aged 68 years. Committed at Dudley Park Cemetery. Beloved husband of Rosa. Loved and loving father of David and John. Loved father-in-law of Kate. Cherished Nonno of Tahlia and Luke. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $400.00 non-members: $850.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $180.00 non-members: $300.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $550.00 non-members: $1100.00 Further information phone -President: 8340 7010 Secretary: 8344 4757 USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: (08) 8269 6199 fax: (08) 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 2.00pm - 10.30pm Sunday Dinner from 6.00pm 10.00am - 3.00pm -Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). President - Danilo Kresevič Vice-President - Milan Vrabec Secretary - Cvetka Jamnik Treasurer - Danica Kaluža Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: (08) 8121 3869 tel: (08) 8346 9674 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00am Pater Janez Tretjak 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: (08) 8211 7635 studio tel: (08) 8211 7066 internet: Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Ivan Burnik Legiša President Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia) 26 Akame Circuit O'Malley 2606 ACT PO Box 284, Civic Square ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6290 0000 fax: (02) 6290 0619 email: internet: Dr. Zvone Žigon pooblaščeni minister začasni odpravnik poslov Uradne ure za konzularna vprašanja ponedeljek od 9:30 do 12:00 torek od 9:30 do 12:00 sreda od 9:30 do 12:00 in od 14:00 do 16:00 četrtek od 9:30 do 12:00 Za obisk na veleposlaništvu je potreben predhoden telefonski dogovor. Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Komenskega 11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 230 8000 fax: +386 1 230 8017 email: internet: Boštjan Žekš Minister for Slovenians Abroad Web Portal for Slovenian Emigrants The portal offers up-to-date information on Slovenians abroad and the work of the Slovenian government. Internet: Sveta Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence po svetu (Government Council for Slovenians abroad) Sydney representative: Florjan Auser email: Melbourne representative: Peter Mandelj email: The Council meets annually in July in Slovenia. The objective of the Council is to preserve Slovenian culture, identity and language among Slovenians abroad. SBS Radio SBS Radio Sydney Locked Bag 028 Crows Nest NSW 1585 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9949 2121 email: Tuesday and Sunday programs can be heard on SBS Radio 1 digital at 8.00 -9.00am. The program is repeated at 10.00am. Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesday's program at 9.00 - 10.00am on Adelaide FM 106.3 mhz or Adelaide Foothills FM 95.1 mhz Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio podcast: nguage=Slovenian Presenters: Tania Smrdel (Sydney), Lenti Lenko and Pavel Šraj (Melbourne) Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 241 0280 fax: +386 1 425 1673 internet: Od leta 1956 organizira vsakoletna izseljenska srečanja (piknike) imenovana "Srečanje v moji deželi" Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Florjan Auser Administrator Radio Slovenija 1 Oddaja Slovencem po svetu. Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 9.05pm -10.05pm Internet radio: d=rtvoddajeradio&op=show&func=read& c_menu=1&c_id=48 RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Monday on TV Slovenija 1 at 5.55pm (Slovenian time) in English Watch anytime on the internet - tokens=slovenski+magazin chive.php The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Online newsletter from Cleveland, USA Phil Hrvatin Senior Editor Thezaurus Slovenian language and cultural resources Internet: Aleksandra Ceferin Director Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 '/2 (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60