Kupujte ifiJNEBONDE! Najstarejši slovenski dnevnik v Ohio Oglasi v tem listu so uspešni EQUALITY NEODVISEN DNEVNIK ZA SLOVENSKE DELAVCE V AMERIKI Kupujte VOJNE BONDE! The Oldest fq&yictory Slovene Daily j£m buy in Ohio UK IT* o MTB «TAT«» S^war Best Advertising SUMPS Medium XXV. — LETO XXV. CLEVELAND, OHIO, SATURDAY (SOBOTA), SEPTEMBER 26, 1942. ŠTEVILKA (NUMBER) 226 Qd Stalingradom gori nebo, P°d nogami se trese zemlja... ste. t« 1 petek> 25- septem- /T V Stalingradu gori ne 3 !d j Slavo in zemlja se trese so* l0J°gami/' Pravi Konstantin .er,j ^0v' ruski pisatelj in čas- ?0f ^tigr°PfiSUjoč sv°je vtise iz meje središče mesta še stoji. Med poslopji, ki še niso bila porušena, je tudi neka pekarija, ki še vedno funkcionira. "Mnogo civilistov je bilo evakuiranih, toda nemogoče je, izseliti vse. Veliko število človeš- h>„i- Se oko ozre, so same!, .. .....' . , , , , %e i« , , kih bitij se je zakopalo kakor i ob y V°lge leže trupla žena in ga jarka' katerega so pokrili z V nedelJ°> dne 4- oktobra, se ki Sn -iiv, r.«™svJdeskami zamašili špranje in' vrši v High School avditoriju v reže s cunjami, da zaščitijo svo-1 Barbertonu velik koncert, na, je otroke pred dežjem in mrzlim katerem bo nastopil slavni ju- ^xiim min nrpifn ven-: j ... ■ i ■ ■-■■■■■■■■ w t. '.r i . # , _ _ „ - ' Kdor je videl Stalingrad in sledove trpljenja, ki so ga po- ]ra< jn 0 'p, nj!» Izredna prireditev v našem sosednem Barbertonu Dne 4. oktobra bo v Barbertonu prireditev, na kateri bo nastopil slavni violinist Zlatko Balokovič. — Navzoča bo tudi madame Ma-gidov in morda tudi Ljudmila Pavličenkova. Ube " So jih "bil6 nemške LAŠKA groZODEJSTVA V SLOVENIJI °noci prihajajo preko Vol- vetrom< 6 „ ah in čolnih sveže; ete- Ranjence se odstra-^ >sti način. 2 CaVniŠka služba deluJe P°d sUnega naPora- Mla" Carke so neprestano na ^ kvarnem potu od vzho-^ ^ko med treskanjem iz-Sice!.1? bomb> skrbeč za ra- Podpredsednik kraljeve vlade, g. dr. Miha Krek je prejel pred kratkim iz domovine pismo, s podrobnim poročilom o laških "kazenskih" ekspedicijah v Sloveniji. — Laška kolona je krenila zgodaj zjutraj (17. marca) proti vasi Mokro. Vojaki so vas obkolili, ter po kratki borbi s partizani zažgali , nekaj hiš v Mokrcu in sosednjih krajih. 6 goslovanski violinist, Hrvat partizanov je bilo ubitih, a pad-Zlatko Balokovič, čigar ime jej! i0 je tudi več italijanskih voja- g0vkontnih linijah in sre K recih hiš. Vni stan deluje globoko v prostorih, ki so zraka. Do gotove Posebnosti Naši trgovci, ki so včlanjeni pri Klubu collinwoodskih gro-ceristov imajo v teku za prihodnji teden posebne cene za različne potrebščine. Gospodinjam se priporoča, da se jih po-služi. svetovno slavno. Cisti prebitek vzročili Nemci, ne bo nikoli več koncerta, ki ga prireja Združe-prosil usmiljenja zanje." ni slovanski odbor, bo darovan za rusko vojno pomoč. Častni predsednik prireditve bo barbertonski župan Roy K. Dobbs, ki je kupil tudi prvi dve vstopnici. Župan Dobbs bo povabil na to prireditev tudi Ljudmilo Pavličenkovo, znano rusko ostrtstrelko, ki je ustrelila doslej že 309 Nemcev in ki se nahaja izza kongresa Mednarodne dijaške zveze v Washingtonu. Poleg slavnega violinista Ba-lokoviča bo nastopila tudi madame Nila Magidov, Rusinja in žena NBC radio-poročevalca v Moskvi. Madame Magidov je sodelovala v obrambi Moskve proti nacistom. Davljenje odredbo tedenskih odmerkih gasolina bo racionizirala gasolin, toda po vsej Priliki ne pred 1. novembrom. S; 5. JT* H0>1 i ceslf (\ & L i- J*i Na avtomobiliste, da naj omeje naglico vožnje ^GTON, 25. septem-j mobilisti ravnali po teh nasvetih, se bodo lahko posluževali svojih avtomobilistov tudi takrat, ko jih bodo resnično potrebovali, pravi Jeffers. ^lliam M. Jeffers, rav-pdukcije in zalog kav- Va •naročil uradu za ad" 'H^ cen, naj uvede ra-\ ^ gasolina na isti ba-ik 1 temelji sistem ku-°drnerkov v sedem- Sod-rŽaVah ob atlantski ^1 Se. da tozadevna od-uveljavljena pred O- , je Jeffers prepustil ^^rsonu, administracij °n odlo"> se ' avtomobilistom na- \ a]. Salonov gasolina ^il, Mnenje ruske junakinje o ameriškem ženstvu Lujdmila Pavličenkova ne more zapopasti značaja vprašanj, ki jih ji stavijo ameriške novinarke. ali na fo, W sodelovanje Se bo kako drugače Pa ne bo uveljavljen Pa prosi Jeffers vse S'o j,1Ste' da prostovoljno \lic ^as°linom in- da ome-^ vožnje na 35 milj Ha se namerava ape-;jo V.Se avtomobiliste, da i ijj vse gumijaste V jj, imajo odveč, to ^o^imajo več kot pet i 0 S \ naglice S0g se bo omejilo na- V V,? na 35 milJ na uro' J Sasoi'° Prihranilo na vpo-1 * Una dočim bo trpež-povečana ostavka ogrskega vojnega ministra LONDON, 25. septembra. — Ogrski vojni minister je rajši resigniral, kakor pa da bi ko-operiral z novo nemško zahtevo po nadaljnih madžarskih četah za na rusko fronto in za okupacijo Jugoslavije. Tako naznanjajo današnja poročila iz diplomatskih krogov. V Budimpešti so snoči priznali, da je podal general Kari Bar-tha, vojni minister Madžarske, ostavko, in sicer "na svojo lastno željo." Kot vojni minister mu je nasledil general Wilhelm Nagy. Bartha je služil v madžarski armadi tekom prve svetovne vojne. Vojni minister je postal leta 1938. ai lla< Na dopustu Danes zjutraj je prišel na tri dnevni dopust Pfc. Joe Vadnal Jr., sin Mr. in Mrs. Joe Vadnal, 5212 Fleet Ave. Nahaja se v Fort Dickson, New Jersey, ov • • fuvecana za 40 j Želimo mu obilo zabave v kro-Ako se bodo avto-|gu svojih domačih! KnliT v?- ^.^I'zevnost: Cankerjev glasnik fVSev^ izšla 2- številka Jf a glasnika'" za me" iey Vsebina te izr lzbrane izdaje je lftan: Bodoči svet; s Pohvala čarju La-■0rri' ki jo je iz srbšči- >1 Sav Ivan Zorman- Uvod Jkn^^osanovic. — Kat-^ Hier ruht Joseph ^IrJ ukaJ Počiva Jožef Ja&t- - Ivan Molek: • V. ^ Kenneth Matthews. azstava Slovenskega narodnega muzeja. I. J.: Književnost, — Luč v temni noči; članek. Ivan J6ntez: V senci albanskih planin. (Prigode slovenskega vojaka v Makedoniji; nadaljevanje). Izjava Jugoslovanskega pomožnega odbora, slovenska sekcija. — Razno. Gradivo v tej izdaji "Cankarjevega glasnika" je/tako iz- Ameriška revija "Time" poroča: Ljudmila Pavličenko, ki je ustrelila 309 Nemcev in ima v ruski armadi čin poročnika, je izjavila radio - komentatorici Alice Hughesovi svoje mnenje o ameriškem ženstvu. "Čudoma se čudim žnačaju vprašanj, ki mi jih stavijo ameriške novinarke v Washingtonu," je rekla junakinja. "Mar ne vedo, da je vojna? Ce vedo, čemu mi potem zastavljajo abot-na vprašanja, da-li se poslužujem pudra in rdečila za ustnice kopališče, in nohte in če si kodram lase? Neka poročevalka je celo kritizirala dolžino krila moje uniforme, češ, da bi moralo biti krilo krajše, in poleg tega da me dela moja uniforma obilno in debelo. "To besedičenje me je ujezilo. Jaz nosim s častjo svojo uniformo, kajti na nji je pripet Ljeninov red. Ta uniforma je bila že v neštetih bitkah s krvjo oškropljena. Kakor vidim, je ameriškim ženskam predvsem važno to, iz kakšne svile je njihovo spodnje perilo pod uniformo. Kar se tiče uniforme, se imajo še mnogo učiti." V bitki, kjer poveljuje Ljudmila Pavličenko tako moškim kot ženskam, nosi tudi ona hlače. kov. Požiganje slovenskih vasi Naslednjega dne so zažgali Spodnje in Gornje Golo, Škrilje, Zapotok, Visoko Sušo, Osolnik, Purkače in Ustje. Vse moško prebivalstvo nad 16 leti je bilo odvedeno v ljubljanske zapore. Žene in otroke so konfinirali v vaseh Ig, Iška Loka, Matene, itd. Nezaslišana grozodejstva Dne 9. maja so prispeli laški vojaki zvečer v Sodražico in začeli iskati partizane. Narod je bil v velikem strahu pred grozečimi nasilnostmi. Lahi so najprej ubili mladeniča, ki je poskušal zbežati, ko jih je zagledal. Aretirali so štiri druge in jih odvedli na žandamerijsko postajo v Sodražici, kjer so jih strahovito pretepli. Medtem ko so jih tepli, so jih laški podleži prisilili, da drze f,yp]$e v zrak. Eden od aretiranih je porabil ugoden trenotek, ter ves v krvi zbežal. Lahi so ga zasledovali s pomočjo lovskega psa in i ubili z ročnimi granatami. Ubili so potem na žandarmerijski po-stoji tudi še ostale tri, ker so se bali, da bi jim tudi ti ne pobegnili. NOVI GLASOVI Snočnja poročila radia naznanjajo, da p r a v ijo Ncmei sedaj, da zavojeva-nje Stalingrada ni neobhodno potrebno za strateško nadaljevanj 3 nemških vojnih operacij ... Če je tako, čemu potemtakem napada Hitler žs nad mesec dni Stalingrad, kamor je vrgel vso udarno moč, ki mu je na razpolago? Švedski časnikarji pa poročajo, da je zdaj pričelo prevladovati splošno mnenje, da Nemci sploh ne bodo mogli zavzeti stalingraj-skih razvalin. Verdun je bil utrjen z železobetonskimi utrdbami, Stalingrad pa je utrjen z jekleno voljo in brezprimer-n i ni pogumom njegovih brambovcev. ugodni izgledi, da stalingrad sploh ne bo PADEL Koliko časa bodo Nemci mogli še nositi v mlin, ki neizprosno melje njihove življenjske sile? IZGLEDA, DA SE BO URESNIČIL ČUDEŽ ČUDEŽEV IN DA STALINGRAD SPLOH NE BO KAPITULIRAL MOSKVA, 25. sept. — Naraščajoča kontraofenziva maršala Timošsnka je severozopodno od Stalingrada presekala ojačene nacijske črte ter zavzela dvoje važnih hribov, ki dominirata velik kompleks ozemlja, in eno strateško važno vas. Vsi nemški protinapadi odbiti Nemci so naglo potegnili veli ko število svojih tankov in pehotnih čet izpred Stalingrada ter izvedli desperatan napad na ruske udarce v prizadevanju, da zaustavijo ruski napad na svoj levi bok. Vsi nemški napadi, pri katerih so imeli Nemci ogromne Pred kratkim je bila v teku izgube, so se izjalovili. Slovenka dobila drugo nagrado pri prodaji vojnih bondov Otvoritev nove trgovine Danes se je otvorilo Kuhar's Market, na 383 E. 156 St., ob kateri priliki se nudi posebne cene na jestvinah in mesu. Trgovino se je preselilo iz 15611 Waterloo Rd. Pogreb Pogreb pokojne Louise Spu-dick se bo vršil v ponedeljek zjutraj ob 9. uri iz Svetkovega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkjev sv. Marije in nato na sv. Pavla po- splošna tekma za prodajanje vojnih bondov, katero je vodil ameriški časopis Cleveland Press. Tekma se je imenovala "The Girl We Are Fighting For" (Dekle, za katero se borimo) in različne organizacije so poslale imena deklet, katerim naj gre kredit za prodane vojne vonde v njih okrožju. Tekmi se je pridružilo tudi žensko društvo Martha Washington št. 38 SDZ, katero je zaštopala mlada Frances Mislaj, stara 19 let ter stanujoča na 1029 E. 77 St. V kampanji, da bi se Slovenci častno pokazali v tej patriotič-ni akciji ter da bi bila naša Slovenka med zmagovalkami, je zlasti konvencija SDZ veliko pripomogla, ko je odglasovala, da se kupi vsakemu delegatu vojni bond v znesku $25. Tudi naši trgovci so se dobro odzvali, in kot poroča društvena tajnica Miss Ann Millavec, je bilo okrog tucat rojakov, ki so kupili bon-de po $1000, in nakupe kreditirali slovenskemu dekletu. V včerajšnjem poročilu Cleveland Pressa je bilo objavljeno, da je Frances Mislaj bila deležna druge nagrade, kar je vse časti vredno. Povodom te zmage je bila tudi objavljena njena slika na prvi strani. Čestitamo! VESTI IZ ŽIVLJENJA AMERIŠKIH SLOVENCEV Lawrence, Pa. — Dne 6. t. m. je med igranjem basebalske i-gre žoga zadela Walter j a Pluta v glavo s tako silo, da mu je Pri mnrnarjih Že tri mesecc se nahaja pri mornarici v Great Lakes, 111., Henry Gulich, sin Mr. in Mrs. Gulich, 19508 Kewanee /jve. Pred odhodom k mornarjem je pretreslo možgane in je pet ur'Poha3al Collinwood višjo^ šolo pozneje v bolnišnici v Canons-burgu za posledicami umrl. Star je bil 19 let. Zapušča starše, dva brata in veo sorodnikov. Joliet, 111.—Dne 19. t. m. je naglo za srčno hibo umrl Anton Grubar, star 57 let in doma iz, Metlike v Beli Krajini. V Ameriki je bil 30 let in tukaj zapušča ženo, v Garyju, Ind., pa sestro. Pokojni je bil sin sloveče-ga metliškega dimnikarja, ki so ga vsi raeli imeli, posebno pa mladina. / Kultura ter bil zelo aktiven pri športnih igrah, sedaj se pa vadi v rokoborbi. Njegov naslov je: Pvt. Henry Gulich, Marine Barracks, 401 Upper Starboard, U.S.N.T.S., Great Lakes, 111. Pri vojakih Dva sinova družine Mr. in Mrs. John Vene, 21271 Nicholas Ave., se""nahajata pri vojakih. Chas. T. se nahaja v Edwards, Mass., Otto A. pa v Flo renče, S. C. Vdor sovjetskih tankov v nemške zakope Sovjetski tanki so vdrli v nemške zakope. Tankom je ste dila sovjetska pehota, ki je naglo konsolidirala zavzete pozicije, nato pa vrgla nazaj besne napade nemških tankov in nacijske infanterije. Časopisna agen cija Tass poroča, da je bilo tekom dvodnevnih krvavih bojev ubitih na tem sektorju . 25,C|00 Nemcev. Bitka v notranjosti Stalingrada besni z naraščajočo furijo dalje. Požrtvovalnost delavcev Vsi delavci v ogromni tovarni za izdelovanje traktorjev so o-stali prostovoljno v Stalingradu in se niso dali evakuirati. Ti delavci so organizirani v armadne bataljone ter delajo dan in noč, popravljajo tanke, gradijo barikade in gase požare. Sanitetnim oddelkom se je pridružilo tisoče mladenk, ki rešujejo ranjence z bojišča in iz gorečih hiš. Stalingrad je mlin, ki melje Hitlerjevo moč Bitka za Stalingrad je postala zdaj pravcati mlin, ki nevzdržno melje Hitlerjevo moštvo, njegove tanke in letala. Iz Stalingrada je že pred časom odšlo tisoče civilistov, niso pa hoteli oditi tovarniški delavci in mladi < komunisti. Ruske mladenke nudijo ranjencem prvo pomoč, zbirajo otroke, katerih starši so bili pobiti, vodijo zanje otroške vrtce in opravljajo še druga slična samaritanska opravila. One prenašajo v ognjeni toči krogel municijo na potrebne kraje ter odvajajo in odnašajo ranjence. Neki poročevalec pravi, da je bilo rusko vojaštvo tako oduševljeno nad junaštvom teh mladenk, da se je z novim pogumom vrglo na sovražnika ter ga zapodilo iz neke tovarne in nekega letališča. Nemci vedo, da je vse na kocki WASHINGTON, 25. septembra. — Tukajšnji diplomatski krogi so prejeli kopijo govora nacijskega ministra za oboroževanje dr. Alberta Speera, ki ja izjavil: "Mi moramo izvojevati to vojno konci oktobra, ko se prične ruska zima, ali pa jo bomo enkrat za vselej izgubili. "Zmago moramo izvojevati z orožjem, ki nam je danes na razpolago, ne z onim, ki nam bo na razpolago prihodnje leto. "Zmago pa moramo izvojevati samo, če bo vsak mož, ki je zmožen nositi orožje, na fronti, kamor moramo dati sploh vse, kar premoremo, ne glede na to, kakšen učinek bo to imelo na našo povojno industrijo." MOSKVA, sobota, 26. septembra. — Danes poročajo, da so ruske čete, ki se bore med razvalinami Stalingrada, zavzele včeraj neko važno pozicijo ter ubile 1,500 Nemcev severnoza-padno od mesta, kjer čedalje bolj ogrožajo nemški bok. Poročajoč o teh ugodnih razvojih 33. dan bojev za Stalingrad, javljajo Rusi, da je bilo včeraj v notranjosti mesta ubitih 200 Nemcev ter da so bile uničene tudi zaloge nemške mu-nicije in drugih potrebščin, ne da bi imeli Rusi zaznamovati najmanjše neuspehe. Nemci mečejo sveže čete proti novo pridobljenim ruskim postojankam, toda Rusi so že odbili troje njihovih protinapadov. Rusi poročajo tudi o velikih uspehih s kavkaških bojišč. Južnovzhodno od Novorossiska je bilo v tridnevnih bojih ubitih 2,000 Nemcev ter zaseženih nad 1,000 nemških pušk in drugega orožja. Polkovnik Sergejev je mnenja, da je bilo tekom preteklega tedna ubitih v Stalingradu in okoli mesta 25,000 Nemcev ter prišpodablja te boje z boji pri Verdunu tekom prve svetovne vojne, kjer je padlo od februarja do junija leta 1916 povprečno po 12,000 Nemcev na mesec. "In pomislite, da Stalingrad ni trdnjava, kakršna je bil Verdun," je rekel polkovnik Sergejev. Avanziral in na dopustu Te dni je Frank Mervar ml., sin poznane družine Mr. in Mrs. Frank Mervar, 7801 Wade Park Ave., avanziral pri obrežni straži za "Petty Officer Second Class" ter bil nastavljen kot tajnik kapetanu pristanišča v New Yorku. Danes zjutraj je prišel na kratek dopust. Čestitamo nad uspehom! willkie je bil dva dni na fronti pri rževu 40-letnica društva št. 37 a. b. z. DRAMSKO DRUŠTVO NAŠA ZVEZDA Seja dramskega društva Nabrano ter v leposlovnem kakor! ša zvezda se vrši v nedeljo po-tudi v splošnem oziru tako po- j poldne ob 3. uri v Slov. društ-polno, da mu bomo posvetili pri-; venem domu na Recher Ave. hodnji teden v uvodnem članku j članstvo je vabljeno, da se je zasluženo pozornost. ' gotovo udeleži. Društvo sv. Janeza Krstnika št. 37 ABZ, eno najstarejših v naši naselbini, bo jutri praznovalo svojo 40. letnico obstanka. Za to priliko je društvo odločilo, da se priredi slavnostni banket tom ob 5. uri popoldne. Vabilu se je odzval glavni tajnik Mr. Anton Zbašnik, iz Ely, Minn., ki bo nastopil kot govornik v imenu glavnega odbora. S plesom se bo pričelo ob 8. uri zvečer in ob zvokih priljubljene s program, kateremu bo sledila Malovašičevo godbe iz Collin- plesna veselica. Priredba se prične z banke- wooda se bodo vsi stari in mladi lahko zasukali. MOSKVA, 25. septembra. — Wendell L. Willkie ter ostali člani njegove skupine so se vrnili danes v Moskvo z dvodnevnega obiska na fronti pri Rževu. Willkie se je peljal v ameriškem vojaškem avtu, tako zva-nem "jeepu" do razdalje petnajstih milj do Rževa, kjer se vrše sedaj srdite poulične bitke. Dejal je, da je naredila nanj velik vtis mladost ruskih po- veljnikov na fronti v Rževu, kjer so pričeli izvajati Rusi silne protinapade, s katerimi so dosegli že velike materialne uspehe. Willkie s?, je divil "zmožnosti in veščnosti" ruskih voditeljev. N^ fronti pri Rževu poveljuje general Ljulijušenko, ki je šele 38 let star in najmlajši general sovjetske armade. Mnogo ruskih podpolkovnikov pa je še znatno mlajših. \ i ft11 d j 11 f tt d Š $ 26. septembra, UREDNIŠKA STRAN "ENAKOPRAVNOSTI" Owned and Published by THE AMERICAN JUGOSLAV PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO. 0231 ST. CLAIR AVENUE — HENDERSON 5311-12 Issued Every Day Except Sundays and Holidays SUBSCRIPTION RATES (CENE NAROČNINI) tiy Carrier In Cleveland and by Mail Out of Town: (Po raznašalcu v Cleveland in po pošti izven mesta): Por One Year — (Za celo leto) ................................................................................$6.50 Por Half Year — (Za pol leta) ............................................................................. 3.50 Por 3 Months — (Za 3 mesece) ....„________________________________________________________________ 2.00 ^ P N A l( O D D A V N O C T " na razpolago. Rusija je doslej vzdržala najhujše udarce C II A W r n A V 11 v O ■ strahotne nemške vojaškfe mašine. Na njenih plečih je bilo od vsega početka najtežje breme. Danes trka Smrt na njena vrata, zato je naša sveta dolžnost, da ji priskočimo na pomoč in da pomagamo odbiti ostro rezilo njene, na Rusijo namerjene kose. By Mail in Cleveland, Canada and Mexico: (Po pošti v cievelandu, Kanadi in Mehiki): Por One Year — (Za celo leto) __________________ For Half Year — (Za pol leta) ---------------------- Por 3 Months — (Za 3 mesece) __________________ ..$7.50 .. 4.00 .. 2.25 Por Europe, South America and Other Foreign Countries: (Za Evropo, Južno Ameriko in druge inozemske države): F v Slovenskem narodnem domu da ,! . . stanil se je v Parizu, kjer je dve na pevka čeprav ni znala ne pi- megto ray. protitankovski top in dva težka sati, ne čitati. Rossmijev talent | _ , , . se je tako razvijal v muzikalni družini, že kot otrok je sode loval pri raznih predstavah, bodisi kot pevec ali pa kot spremljevalec na klavirju. Kmalu se je vpisal v konservatorij v Bo-logni in temeljito študiral glasbo. Ko je bil star 18 let so že v Benetkah peli prvo njegovo opero "Trg za ženitev." Komponiranje mu je z lahkoto teklo izpod peresa in v na daljnih štirih letih je uglasbil a opernega gledališča. Uglasbil je potem samo še manjša dela. Pariška mestna občina mu je podarila lepo zem-j ljišče v Passy, blizu Parizu, kjer si je sezidal vilo In tam preživel ostale dni svojega življenja. Bil je dvakrat poročen. Prva žena je bila operna prima-don-na in je umrla leta 1845. Prihodnje leto se je potem v drugič poročil.*Umrl je na pljučnici 13. novembra leta 1868 na v tem pravega mojstr3' J^ita i sedem opernih del,_ med »ij™ svojem domu pri p^rizu. tudi "Seviljskega brivca," za katerega je dobil takrat 400 "scu-clov" (goldinarjev) plače. Muzikalni zgodovinarji trdijo, da je napravil opero "Seviljski brivec" v trinajstih dneh. Prva predstava omenjene opere je bila 1816 leta. Vsega skupaj je uglasbil plo-doviti muzikalni ženij Rossini O Rossiniju pripovedujejo mnogo šaljivih dogodivščin. Bil je velik humorist. Razumljivo je torej, da je z lahkoto utisnil ženijalni humor v "Seviljskega brivca," ki še danes zabava ljudi prav tako, kakor pred sto-šestindvajsetimi leti. Tone šubelj. Govor dr. Miha Kreka o trpljenju slovenskega naroda Govor na londonskem radiu ve, da so gola, žalostna in resnična dejstva. Angleži so' tudi zvedeli za najnovejša ubojstva, katera v Sloveniji izvršujejo Italijani. Znano jim je, da Italijani vsak dan ubijajo talce, brez sodbe in brez opravičenja, kakor klavno živino — da ubijajo na stotine moznarja. Oddelki naših napadalnih brigad so se spopadli z ustaško posadko v Sabesiču blizu Travnika. Ustaši so pobegnili in pustili za seboj več tisoč kg moke in precejšnje količine raznega vojnega materijala. Večji del uplenjene moke so gerilci razdelili lačnemu prebivalstvu. Italijanski častniki divizije Scc&rc , kžitcr© so gerilci ujeli pripovedujejo, da je njihova divizija izgubila v bojih z liški-mi gerilci v par tednih več od 20 odstotkov svojih častnikov. Italijanski vojaki so demoralizi-rani in od dneva do dneva bolj malodušni. V teku ofenzive nemških in u-staških čet v planini Kozari so pomorili fašisti več kot 16,000 mož, žen in otrok. Mnogo vasi so porušili in zravnali z zemljo, 70,000 prebivalcev iz Koeare in sosednjih | predelov zemlje so zaprli v koncentracijske tabore. Vse to o-zemlje je popolnoma opustoše-no in polno razvalin. Dne 3. septembra je bila tretja s obletnica sedanje svetovne žrtev, zato da bi slovenski ži- vojne. V soglasju s pozivom kralja Jurija VI., je ta dan proglašen v Angliji za dan molitve. Ves angleški narod bo v svojih cerkvah molil za odrešenje in zev zmago. Povsod bodo javne molitve za pokoj onih, ki so sirom sveta padli v boju za svobodo. Ves angleški narod bo molil za osvoboditev podjarmljenih in trpečih narodov. Angleške matere bodo molile za življenje svojih sinov, bojujočih se v vojski, mornarici in zrakoplovstvu, za zmago angleškega in zavezniškega orožja, za trajen in pravičen mir svobodnih narodov. Med narode, ki so vključeni v te molitve, spadamo tudi mi Jugoslovani — Srbi, Hrvati in Slovenci. Ves imperij ve, koliko krvi je prepojilo c* našo zemljo. Žrtve, ki jih dnevno doprinaša-jo Jugoslovani, vzbujajo občudovanje in sočutje. Angleška javnost je dobro obveščena o zločinski strahovladi v Sloveniji, in ta dan bo izvedela še več vel j za vedno uničili. Strahotno rušenje stotin slovenskih vasi, ki jih pali in podira italijanska Povzročitev zobne gnilobe Ameriška zdravnika dr. Beld-ing in njegov brat mislita, da vojska, jok nedolžnega in mir- j sta odkrila povzročitelja zobne nega kmečkega prebivalstva,; gnilobe, ki se v zadnjih deset- Spomnimo se, kaj je rekel dne 18. junija 1917 admiral ruske črnomorske mornarice: "Mi se bomo pogreznili, 1° njej. Trpljenje našega umira-toda ne bomo se predali!" Ob teh besedah je ukazal ^^MT« admiral odpreti ventile ladij, ki so se z moštvom vred l divjaštvo katera je Se pred pogreznile na dno, mesto da bi se predale osovraženim , kratkim marsikdo tukaj smatral Nemcem. j neverjetnim in nemogočim, so Danes moramo podpirati Rusijo z vsem, kar nam je tako narasla, da zdaj že vsakdo katero fašistični divjaki pobijajo z bombami in strojnimi puškami, stokanje nedolžnih žen in otrok, trpljenje desetoric tisp-čev Slovencev, ki umirajo po laških in nemških koncentracijskih taboriščih, vse to se sliši tukaj, v oddaljenosti, kakor kupen vzdihljaj umirajočega naroda, ki je skozi 13 stoletij do danes mirno živel na svoji zemlji, da svet niti ni vedel, da živi. Od obal svetovnih morja bo zdaj odmevala živa in vroča molitev, naj Večna Pravičnost, ki odloča o usodi narodov in ki je dopustila ta strašna hudodelstva, pretvori naše mučeništvo v seme novega mladega življenja. V tej molitvi in v tej sliki na-cistično-fašističnega pekla, bo odmevala skozi ves svet volja največjih narodov. Volja,, da letjih med civiliziranim človeštvom čedalje bolj širi. Po njunem poročilu newyor-ški zobozdravniški družbi za streptokoka, ki sta mu dala ime "odontolitik" ali po naše "topi-lec zob". Ta bacil se počuti posebno dobro na jedeh iz raznega žita, ki pvzročajo s svojim vretjem v klini kisline. Kislina razkraja | tudi zobno sklenino. Zdravnika, ki sta delala poskuse s kakšnimi tisoč mornarji mornariške akademije v Anna-polisu, pravita, da je mogoče tega povzročitelja bolezni uničiti na ta način, da povzročimo v žitu, preden ga uporabimo kot hrano, vretje ali pa da mu spremenimo kislo stanje v alkalično. To je tudi vzrok, da južnoafriški zamorci ne trpe za zobno gnilobo, čeprav se hranijo pretežno z žitnimi jedmi. Tem jedem Gibanje, ki se je začelo proti koncu prošlega stoletja na Norveškem ter je imelo za cilj Jpči-tev Norveške od Švedske, je izzvalo tudi mogočne spletke za novi prestol. Anglija je ostala spričo položaja nevtralna in v stvar je končno posegel tedanji danski kralj, ki je svetoval princu Karolu, sedanjemu norveškemu kralju, naj se zavzame za to, da pride na prestol. Borba ni bila posebno lahka, zlasti še, ker so si nemški knezi na vse krip-Ije prizadevali, da bi se polastili nove krone. Danski princ jih je slednjič premagal. Kralj Haakon VIII. pa je imel še druge ovire. Švedski kraljevi dom mu ni šel na roko, vendar se princ ni dal motiti po tej okolnosti. V novembru 1905, so se Norvežani odločili za monarhistično obliko države ter so pozvali princa Karla kot kralja Haako-na VIII. na novi prestol. V prvih letih vladanja je imel kralj težko stališče. Republikanci so ga povsod ovirali pri delu. Šele s počasnim in vztrajnim delom je kralj prepričal svoje državljane, c^a je mož na pravem mestu. Pri tem ga je podpirala tudi pokojna kraljica Maud, ki je z velikim taktom in razumevanjem stala svojemu soprogu ob strani. Po vzoru švedskega kraljevega doma je bil ceremonijel na norveškem dvoru ekrčen na najnujnejše. Danes vladajo med Švedsko in Norveško tudi prisrčne dinastične rodbinske zveze, kajti norveški prestolonaslednik Olaf ima za ženo švedsko princeso Marto, ki mu je lani rodila bodočega prestolonaslednika. da ravno njegovi sta ^ liko potresov pride v e j^ke letju na vsakega P°sa^ ■ fr*teke : * ki raznih strupenih kac^X^0 t Japonca in koliko ce^ |.8 kr in m; ga Indijca v enem HV src pripomogli, da je bil ^ ^ ziip kot glavni sotrudnik ki ga je izdajal stati rad. . - Večkrat se je spo® -jega bivanja v Bruslju ljivo je sledil vsem ■ so povzdigovale ter sl^ prikazen na gledišk^j. Gaby Thonissen. V ta nutkih se je zaprl v sv< in, kakor je sam izra^ prišlo po pet solz na njenega imena. Žepu® ^ skrbno skrival pred človek se ne more ^ varjati z nahodom. 1 BOMPg iiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiilSS^ Iskrenost Naša postrežb* geslo iskrene bi bili v resnici moč onim, ki so.* nili do nas v url be. Nobena drugf/J riti ne more naprav1 postrežbe bolj P° F. S* ■0 IV«^ llllllllllMilffllllili!^ Vi M August. - - , POGREBNI ZA 478 E. 152 St. vztrajajo, volja do zmage in po- j dado namreč dobro vreti. Na ta žrtvovalne borbe in trdna od- način |pa seveda ni mogoče o-lpčnost za pravičen mir in za j/zdraviti zobne gnilobe, ki je že svobodo- vseh, ki trpe,' umirajo' napredovala. Tu so potrebni in čakajo vstajenja. drugi ukrepi. A če hočemo, da Vstopamo v četrto leto sve- se bolezen zobne gnilobe ne raz- Razprodaja hišnih potreb^ i Kupite sedaj, dokler smo v stanu vai^ ' razne električne predmete za vaš dom. ^ imamo: Philco in Zenith radije, Royal in električne čistilce, White šivalne stroje* električne vrtilne likalnike, Grand, Mag1^/ Norge in Roper kuhinjske peči, 5 kon** f kuhinjo (Breakfast set), moHroce, stelje in razno drugo pohištvo. . . . Na lahka odplačila . . NORWOOD APPLIANCE & FUBNiJ- 6104 St. Clair Ave. ' 819 E. I9' septembra, 1942. ENAKOPRAVNOST STRAN 3. A/l* , a * ♦ ♦ .'VWVV^r/VVWVWVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVWWVV v oči, poln vere v svojo in svoje družine bodočnost. Ali ta sreča in pokoj nista trajala dolgo, že ko je slovo jemal pri Lizi in otroku, mu je valovilo iz prsi in hotelo v oči, čeprav je požiral in se premagoval, kar so mu moči dale. Pomagala mu je skrb za priprave in upanje, da bo kmalu z njima, 4 j ki sta zdaj njegova. Vendar ga 'H'^'K^x^KK'^'H-****:**":"^ i .is strašno ujedlo v srce, ko je Lizi roko in nebogljeneka poljubil na rdeče ustnice; ka- I GRČE —POVEST— Spisal Slavko Savinšek | T y t v i y Y Y t ± jr v v u4jtpi" • dal ■ se je izvilo iz trpin- mu vse m vse priimke mu dal,1 fantovih. Klemena smo ga krstili. Je "oteia, da po tebi. Naš - Je bil boter, župnikova Ca Pa botra." 'a mu je lahko noč in in Pa je samo priki-^ zgeznil zopet vase. Pa tako še ure in ure dol-jj,0^ če ni bilo nikogar bli-,k01- hitro pa je začutil vstal 'nI fak< . se opotekel v te- JzSinil proti Vršanovini. y bilo vse dni, dokler ; govoriti z Lizo in n'deti otroka. Oče je bil 'V\mati in oba sta imela 0ceh, ko je fant odhajal, i'« se ■ ki jih ni kmalu kdo zmogel toliko kot borovski gospod; ali vendar se je Klemenovo srce nasmejalo, ko je vstal raz klečal-nik v župnikovi sobi, kjer sta pregledovala, prala in umivala srce in dušo. Pogled njegov je bil veder in čist in iz oči mu je sijal blažen mir. Potem sta posedela še dolgo uro pri mizi. Pravzaprav je sedel sam Klemen, župnik je vihral po sobi kor omotičen je omahnil skozi duri v pozno popoldne. Ko je prišel domov, je takoj naročil Mani, kaj naj mu vse pripravi za odhod, kako naj drugi dan nalože in kam naj hlapec zapelje. Ko je videl, da ima Mana kljub svoji navidezni trdoti solzne oči, se je okrenil in šel ven. V gmajno najprej, ki (jo je , , . .skoro predirjal gori do meje na gor in dol in s pestjo bil, ka- Vršiču; 0gledoval je drevje mor je zadel. Dokler m izbil K sebe ^ &utn kako mu je pravega m pogodil žeblja na ob ysakem ]epfim deWu kani]a kaplja krvi in se nekam poto-čila, da je zabolelo, kakor bi s glavo. Ko je Klemen od o lna Klemenu, kakor bi bila tf is^^a roka obrisala vso Navlako v duši in-jo pUa. In bila je res ro je kako minuto zjas- lt? J ^ r«ka je bila trda žup- d > atek^l 0 1 Trdo pest. ko se je fant k nje-Po otrokovem roj-tifif;70 Je brisala roka in L ren w bol ^ l Pestil in obdelaval a' i^^mplji je trgala, ali i to^.M® izplela iz zmu- ikleščami vščipnil. Pritekel je iz ko se je pričel mrak j plaziti po njej, ter se zagnal v odhajal župnika, je vedel, da ima delo, J 3e onemogla zgrudila ;ki bo prežlvijai0 njega, Lizo in'Wne 9 °iazine in glasno za- , , , i , , - v,. . plaziti a. otroka, vedel, da bo cez stan- traynik polje> dreyel pQ ge najst dni, ko si Liza pomore iz.nožetih in posekah. Po strni-prv-e sile, oklican z njo enkrat ščih je blodil, kakor bi nečesa za trikrat in bosta drugi dan iskal, ukrivljen v tla, in glava mož in žena in bo otrok tudijmu je bila težka; jekleno trdo pred ljudmi dobil očetovo ime.!.ie udarjalo v sencih in čutil je, 'kakor da mu žile pokajo v njih. upnik Mihael, prerekel Zato je mirno in spokojno kora kal proti Podsmrečju, da se pri j Še se je zatekel v posejano ozi-Lizi poslovi za nekaj časa, do-'mino, se ogibal razorov in hodil kler ne bo poroka; da slovo vza- med njimi kakor slep in gluh, a me od grunta in domačije, ki jo 1 j.e vendar čutil dihanje že utru-. . f , , ,. , , , i ]ene zemlie. Zatiskal je usesa, bo imel gledati le po enkrat na.^a bi ne g^išal) kako je jokalo teden; da reče mirno očetu ter in prosiio: ostani, sin, ostani! sestri z Bogom ter jima pogleda | (Dalje prihodnjič) ENGLISH SECTION Df v> ) iH 4 & jro # ijjo 4 t V pondeljeK. od 12:30 opoldne do 9 zvečer VSE MAY DAY BLAGO ki ne bo prodano .v soboto, bo na razprodaji v pondeljek po i DAY CENAH ^iste izvršili vsega nakupa, vi, ki ste bili morda iz mesta, vi, ki odsotni iz tega ali onega vzroka — vsem tem podaljšamo po- > 10 privilegijo, da pridete sem v pondeljek, da si nakupite ostalo j ^ PA,Y blago po MAY DAY cenah. Našli boste še vedno veliko MV ^ro. ]A A stvari, katere boste z veseljem lastovali po teh nizkih cenah. A A n< i* udobnost obrambnih delavcev, in drugih, ki ne morejo kupovati med rednimi trgovskimi urami may co. podprta v °Ndeljek ob 12:30 opoldne IN BO OSTALA ODPRTA DO c:\ !A _________9 zv. y Pondeljek in vsak pondeljek zatem, dokler drugače ne naznanimo, bodo v /'Javi gori omenjene ure. Prosimo odjemalce, ki lahko kupujejo cez dan, L, s tem nadaljujejo ter tako pustijo nakupovanje zvečer obrambnim de- v m- j^žno naznanilo—Z namenom, da sodelujemo z načrtom izmenjalnih vi % da se olajša gnječa v tej narodni sili, bodo trgovske ure na druge dne-t>Upre^njene sledeče: TOREK, SREDO,, ČETRTEK IN PETEK — OD- OB io DOPOLDNE, ZAPRTO OB 5:30 POPOLDNE. (Trgovske ure ^^oto; 10 dopoldne do 6 popoldne.) J may DAY napise. Po njih boste spoznali MAY DAY predmete še vedno na razprodaji v pondeljek Nobenih naročil za May Day predmete po pošti, telefonu ali C.O.D. Mi damo in zamenjamo Eagle znamke Zgornji in kletni oddelki bodo udeleženi na tej razprodaji v pondeljek THE MAY COMPANY ZAČETNIKI MAY DAY The Barber of Seville Glasbena Matica of Cleveland Will Present "The Barber of Seville" on Sunday, October 4, 1942 at the Slovenian Auditorium, 6417 St. Clair Ave. (Continued from last week.) The Count now accosts Figaro and asks him to arrange a meeting with the fair Rosina, adding that his rank must not be known for he does not wish the girl to be influenced by the glamour of it. He has assumed the name of Lindoro. Again he serenades the favored one, this time with a tender, haunting strain, a tune of lovelorn youth. The two plotters hide for a moment as Doctor Bartolo comes from his house. He gives strict orders to the governess Berta that no one is to be admitted except the music master, Basilio. The Doctor hopes, with Basilio's aid, to arrange to maxry Rosina this day; he likes the girl's dowry as much as herself. After he disappears down the street the Count and Figaro finish\their plan. Troops are coming to the city, and Almaviva, disguised as a dragoon, may easily be billeted on the unwilling Bartolo! ACT II. A Room 1n Bartolo's IIousc. Rosina, reading a note from her Lindoro, is naturally enough rather agitated, and gives expression to her feelings in the delightfully brilliant coloratura aria. Rapid scales and arpeggios united with contrasts of soft and loud express with their bubbling gaiety the charm of the equally gay words. When the highly spirited Rosina has run from the room, the guardian Bartolo enters with Basilio, the music master and master of intrgue. Bartolo is telling the music master—and acting matrimonial agent—that he wishes to marry Rosina himself—news doubtless already well known to Basilio. Her hand is also sought by one Count Almaviva, Basilio says, not suspecting that the Count and the sprenader of the night before are one and the same. Basilio suggests that they start—a calumny—some disgraceful rumor that will make Rosina reject the Count. A calumny, says the bombastic Basilio, begins like a tempest howling through dreary forest caverns, until its full fury gathered, it (falls, a terrific lightning-flash, on its helpless victim. Rosina returns accompanied by Figaro, who tells her that her guardian plans to marry her himself. Laughing at the idea, she asks, significantly, who the young man is she has seen from the balcony. Figaro admits he is an excellent youth, but has one failing. "A failing?" cries the girl. "Yes, a great one," answers the factotum blandly, "he is dying of love." The girl, greatly interested, plies him with other questions. Figaro finally slyly admits that the youth's adored one is named Rosina. "You are mocking," she cries, and the two make merry in a rollicking duet. • Rosina is impatient to see him, and Figaro assures her that her lover awaits only a line from her, then he will come. "I blush to do it," says the coy maiden. "Hurry up," answers Figaro, "write him a little note, hurry, hurry!" "Oh, here is one," she confesses, "I had already written it—how stupid!" When Figaro has left with the letter, Bartolo enters in hopes of finding out about the serenader of that morning. He suspects that Figaro may be carrying messages between his ward and this stranger. The girl's blushes and the ink marks on her fingers betray her; she i answers that she has used the ink as a salve for a small cut. He calls attention to a freshly trimmod quill pen and a missing sheet of paper; she replies that she used the paper to wrap up some sweets for a girl fi'iend and the pen to design a flower for her embroidery. The old man's natural rage and the girl's impertinent answers are admirably characterized in the music of this scene. Thjen Bartolo calls in his servant Berta and tries to discover if the barber has been talking to Rosina; but he can get no sense out of her, for Berta has been given something that keeps sneezing all the time. A loud knock is heard at the door—the Count, in his soldier's guise, pretending to be drunk. The old Doctor, penetrating the disguise, indignantly resists the order for the quartering of soldiers and pretends to go off to hunt for a license he has that grants him exemption from such imposition. This gives the lovers a brief moment to/ exchange words, but soon soldiers summoned by the sly Bartolo arrive with the townspeople. They arrest this peace-disturbing intruder, but immediately release him when he secretly reveals his Identity to the astonished officer. ACT Til. A Room in Bartolo's House. As the curtain rises, we find the old Doctor wondering if the drunken soldier may not be an emissary of Count Almaviva. He is interrupted by a stranger, none other than the Count himself, but this time disguised as a music master. He explains that Don Basilio is ill, and that he has come in his place to give Rosina her music lesson. To allay the suspicions that begin to arise in Bartolo's mind, the Count, in a bold stroke of .daring, produces the note written by Rosina to her charming Lindoro. Asserting that he found it at the inn where Count Almaviva is staying, he offers to make Rosina believe she is the Count's dupe. The idea pleases Bartolo; in producing such a bit of slander, this strange music-master has proved himself a worthy pupil of' Don Basilio! Rosina enters for her lesson. (Rossini wrote a special trio for this scene but unfortunately the manuscript is lost. Therefore, the artist singing the role of Rosina usually interpolates an air of her own choosing.) Figaro arrives, declaring, in spite of Bartolo's remonstranoe, that this is his day for a shave. When Bartolo gives him his keys to go to fetch some linen, Figaro contrives to steal the key to the balcony and save it for future use. Don Basilio, the real music teacher, appears. The Count is resourceful, however, and reminding Bartolo of their scheme to deceive Rosina, he points out that the matrimonial agent-music teacher must be disposed of. Doctor Bartolo immediately asks the startled Basilio how he comes to be walking abroad in a fever! When the Count slips a purse in his hand, the wondering Basilio is oonvinced that lie is really ill, at least that they want liim to be so, and diplomatically takes hasty leave. The lovers plot their elopement while Figaro detains Bartolo at shaving with generous splashes of soap in his eyes. Finally the suspicious Bartolo approaches the preoccupied lovers and discovers that he is again being duped. The three conspirator^ laugh at him and run out, followed by the Doctor, purple with rage. Berta enters and has the stage for herself for a few minutes during which she sings a pleasant aria. This over and Berta having left the stage, Bartolo shows Rosina the note, saying that her supposedly devoted Lindoro is conspiring to give her up to Count Almaviva. Justly infuriated, Rosina offers to marry Bartolo at once, reveals the plan to elope and bids him have Lindoro and Figaro arrested'when they arrive. As soon as he has gone to bring the police and the marriage broker, the Count and Figaro enter by means of stolen key. Rosina greets them with a storm of reproaches, accusing Lindoro of pretending to love her in order to sacrifice her to the vile Count Almaviva . . . The Count, delighted that Rosinafwould prefer a true though poor lover to an exalted though false husband, now reveals his real identity and the lovers are soon embracing amid a shower of blessings from Figaro. They are interrupted by Don Basilio, who has returned in the office of notary and marriage broker, to unite Rosina and Bartolo, but with the aid of a pistol he is persuaded to man y Rosina to the Count instead. When Doctor Bartolo arrives a few minutes later with the police, it is too late, for the marriage contract has been signed, and Rosina is the ^.'ife of the distinguished Count Almaviva. The Doctor decides to accept his hard luck philosophically while the irrepressible Figaro showers on all present his garrulous good wishes. V The opera will be sung in Slovene. Get your tickets early and assure yourself the best seats for one of the best pperatic shows offered in America by a Slovene group. Makovec's Confectionery has your ticket, ranging in price from 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Members of the Glasbena Matica will likewise oblige you. Babbitt Rd., Thomas Ferguson, 19050 Shawnee Ave., Robert Ziv-ka, 57 E. 209 St., William Ro-der, 22550 Ivan Ave., Stanley Slajpah, 20829 Miller Ave., Edward Kalan, 204 E. 221 St., Anton Jevec, 21050 Goller Ave., Frank Karlovec, 1633 Crestwood Ave./ Mayfield Hgts., Martin Plut, 984 E. 222 St., Thomas Howarth, 254 E. 216 St., Martin Korošec, 22376 Ivan Ave., Walter Zuber, 19361 Monterey Ave., Michael Cestarick, 766 K. 232 St., George Skrobot, 21331 Naumann Ave., David Germano-vic, 19620 Tyronne Ave., Ray Bradač, 20974 Miller Ave., Elmer Petek, 20741 Tracy Ave., Louis Groshel, 920 E. 239 St., Ralph Debevec, 205 E. 226 St., George Brllicka, 930 E. 239 St., Lewis Jernigan, 18770 Renwood Ave., Felix Prijatel, 515 E. 200 St., George Jonovičh, 534 E. 108 St., Rudolph Stefanko, 704 E. 92 St., Martin Migot, 751 E. 102 St., Stanley Jersan, 853 E. 95 St., Michael Korenka Jr., 1524 E. 204 St., Ignatius S. Ur-bancic, 3546 E. 80 St., Elmer S. Krai, 3*678 E. 108 St., Joe A. Mismas, 3514 E. 88 St., William A. Debelak, 3533 E. 82 Sft, Edward A. Kastedic, 10301 Prince Ave., John C. Virant Jr., 3553 E. 82 St., Andrew F. Ule, Jr., 10606 Reno Ave., Anton L. Udo-vic, 7903 Aetna Ave., Lawrenoe Terlop, 7901 Aetna Ave., John Kundrat, 9410 Reno Ave., Joseph A. Seme, 3627 E. 80 St., Charles L. Blatnik, 3560 E. 81 St. Mali oglasi LICENCIRANI KURJAČI TEŽAKI ZA LESNO SKLADIŠČE Delavci na leso-reznih strojih ŽENSKE DELAVKE Stalno delo. Plača na uro. MARBLE & SHATTUCK CHAIR CO. 10200 FOSTER AVE. Boring delavci Izkušeni na velikih "horizontal" in "vertical" strojih Operatorji velikih sfrugalnikov Slab-Miiler delavci Plača na uro, "overtime" ^ol'ijr' no mora predložiti dokaz ameriškega državljanstva; če ste uposleni pri obrambnem delu, se ne priglasite. Wellman Engineering 7000 CENTRAL Proda se Ford 1940 Convertible Club Coupe in sicer radi odhoda k vojakom. — Dobri tajerji. — Poizve se na 3127 ;W. 56 St., po 7. uri zvečer. Išče se dve ali tri sobe s kopalnico. — Kdor ima tako stanovanje za oddati, naj pusti naslov v uradu tega lista. ACCIDENT, REPEATERS HELP DELAY VICTORY Accident "repeaters" are not difficult to find. The payrolls of industry carry the names of men who used to be — or aie — or may be — accident prone — that is, if certain things come to pass. Many have been cured. Research in different parts of the country indicates that in nearly every group study it is found that comparatively few of the people have most of the accidents. The poor ''repeater" seems to be perpetually "behind the eight-ball"! The Greater Cleveland Safety Council tells us that they work in plants and stores; that they include motor-men, bus, taxi, and truck drivers — and, of course, a great many operators of private cars. Among the important causes of this unfortunate tendency are faulty attitudes, poor judgment, irresponsibility, fear and physical ailments. And quite often, the Council tells us, it is purely mental, or a combination of the mind with the physical. One of the big jobs in the national safety 'movement to-j day is to find the causes that! lead to accident repetition and to cure the victims. Let us re-! solve to keep away from acci-j dent number one and then we won't have to worry about accidents two — three — and four! Let's try to keep well and fit so that each one of us may be able to contribute our share of energy and ability and hard work to America and to Victory! Y najem se odda spalno sobo; more si tudi kuhati. Najemnina $3 na teden. Vpraša se na 15311 Hale Ave. Samo še dve novi hiši za prodati. — Bungalow — 831 East 232nd St. in 950 East 236 St. — Zglasite se pri JOHN ROBICH — Building Contractor — 18615 MEREDITH AVE. KEnmore 5152 Odda se v najem 2 sobi s kopalnico; fomez. Vpraša se na 872 E. 73 St. Proda se poceni % tone preša na rjuhe in mlin. Vpraša se na 1410 E. 52 St., zadaj. . ZDRAVNIK Arvey J. Beck D. D. S. naznanja, da je preselil svoj urad iz 968 E. 74 St. pa 7114 St. Clair Ave. / BUY BOMBERS ARMY & NAVY NEWS (Continued from page 4) United States Parris Island, to him at the Marine Corps, South Carolina. Pfc. Joseph Arko is spending his furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arko, 981 Addison Rd. Frank B. Pirnat volunteered for the Coast Guard and is now at Marblehead Station, M£l'ble-head, O. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaz Pirnat, 6619 Edna Avie. The following men enlisted in the Navy, and were transferred to training stations last Wednes- day: Rudolph Gombac, 15005 Westropp Ave., Frank I. Kaste-lic, 19300 Shawnee Ave., Joseph Seitz, 18882 Nottingham Ave., Michael L. Wascak,. 106& East 68 St. Recent selectees called for Army duty by Uncle Sam are: Mathew' Svet, 13430 St. Clair Ave., Louis Boyce, 12627 Iowa, Joseph Plesevic, 950 E. 144 St., Thomas Roper, 13608 Coit Rd., Thomas Milko, 1070 E. 147 St.. Walter Merver, 893 E. 144 St., Thomas Pluth, 21101 Rechar, ! Stanley Pluth, 21101 Rechar, Clarence Rupar, 21060 Naumann,'John Mihelick, 834 E. 239 St., Frank Podbesek, 951 MOŽJE IN ŽENE, STARI 40-50-60 LET, pomladite se! r Čutili se boste za leta mlajši, čili in polni življenja, ako pričnete uživati VITAMAND'S, ki vselujejo vse vitamine, ki jih potrebuje vaše telo. Kupite VITAMAND'S takoj, danes, in hvaležni boste nam. Redna cena $1.50, sedaj samo 97c. Ta zdravila s.o najcenejša in jih dobite edino le v MANDEL DRUG 15702 Waterloo Rd. IZVRŠIMO TUDI NAROČILA PO POŠTI Pvt. Henry Gulich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gulich, 19508 Kewa-nee Ave., has been serving in the U. S. Marines for three months. He was a former Gol-linwood High School student and active in various sports and now in the marines he is doing quite well in boxing. His friends can send letters to: Pvt. Henry Gulich, Marine Barracks, 401 Upper Starboard, U.S.N.T.S., Great Lakes, 111. Pvt. Chas. T. Vene can be contacted at Edwards, Mass., while his brother Pvt. Otto A. Vene is in Florence, S. C. Both soldiers are sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Vene, 21271 Nicholas Ave. After a 10-day furlough Pfc. Louis V. Kovacic, son of Mrs. Mary Milavec, 1243 E. 6.1 St., returned to his army camp in Camp Claiborne, La. William Bogolin, who has been in the Navy for four years, arrived home last Monday for a five-day stay, during which time he celebrated his 24th birthday. This was his fiifst visit since May of last year. During his service he has been to various points of the world such as Pearl Harbor, Midway, etc., where active fighting is now going on. William is the son of Mrs. Mary Klemene, 1029 E. 69 St. John Russ, 951 E. 69 St., will leave for the Navy on Monday, Sept. 28th. He is the son of Mrs. Josephine Kosic, operator of restaurant and tavern at 5705 St. Clair Ave. Corporal Victor F. Kosoglav same home to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kosoglav, 1383 E. 43 St. He answers his orders at Fort Brady, Mich. Andy Kranjc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kranjc, 1061 E. 68 St., left last Tuesday to join the marines. He is stationed in California. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Delost had in their midst for a short stay their son Corporal Paul J. De-lost, who is stationed at Miami Beach, Fla. Louis Balant, of Lorain, O., serving Uncle Sam somewhere in Alabama, was recently promoted to the rank of Corporal. Another marine to be promoted to the rank of Corporal is Albert L. Novak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Novak, 761-0 Lock-year Ave. His friends may write (Continued on page 3) Married on Furlough Pvt. Wm. J. Golich arrived home for a short furlough on Wednesday. This morning he was married at Immaculate Conception Church, to Miss Anne Klisavic. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klisavic, E. 33 St. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Golich, 19602 Shawnee Ave. A wedding reception for the families and friends of the newlyweds will be held in the evening at the Lithuanian Hall, 6835 Superior Ave. Beros Studio 6116 ST. CLAIR AVE. —Tel.: EN. 0670— Open Sundays—11-4 p. m. BUKOVNIR'S MSM0I« Photographic Studio tfžšSJb* 752 EAST 185th ST. T " KEnmore 1166 Spartans No. 576 SNPJ Births A baby girl first-born was born to Mr. and Mrs. Halmut Schefrick. 7511 Cornelia Ave. The mother, former Caroline Cukanje, and baby are doing nicely at Woman's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dabat, E 173 St., were presented with a baby girl. Mrs. Dabat is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balant, Lorain, Ohio. The stork paid a visit to Sergeant and Mrs. Victor Jones, 18515 Neff Rd. and presented them with a small "sergeant," first born son. Mrs. Jones is the former Miss Sophie Rasperger. Slovene Appointed to Publicity Division It has been announced that Mr. Jack Lavriha, editor of a Lorain, Ohio, newspaper, was appointed to the publicity division of the Cleveland War Chest organization. He has already assumed his new position, which will consist of writing articles for American papers and radio talks, and expects to move his family to Cleveland within a short time. Drivers' Licenses If you haven't as yet secured your drivers' license, do so before October 1st and avoid arrest. Important Notice To Property Owners Of Cuyahoga County Cleveland, Ohio — Cuyahoga County Auditor Zangerle is seeking the owners of property that has been voluntarily destroyed, or destroyed by fire or otherwise, between tax listing day, April 12th, 1942 and October 1st, 1942. Unless the owner of such destroyed building files an affidavit with the Cuyahoga County Auditor of su,ch fact of demolition prior to October 1, 1942, the Auditor must continue to assess the building even though it has been destroyed. In case such affidavit is not filed, the law requires payment of such tax. ' Owners desiring such relief because of demolished buildings, should write or call John A. Zangerle, Cuyahoga County Auditor,' Room 24, Court Cleveland, Ohio, for an affidavit blank. Buy Your Xmas Gifts By Nov. 1 This Year If you are planning to mail Christmas gifts to someone in Uncle Sam's overseas forces, November 1 is the last mailing date on which you can be sure your gifts will arrive at any of the nation's far-flung battle fronts in time for the holiday. Gifts should be dispatched between October 1 and November 1 and marked "Christmas package" so an extra effort will be made to deliver them on time. Boxes must be strong enough to endure abuse, and must not exceed 11 prounds in weight. Eighteen inches by 42 is the size limit. Only one package from any one person should be sent in any one week because shipping space it at a premium. Packages should not include gifts of food. Why not send the boys something practical like cigarettes, waterproof wrist watches, radios, wallets, photos, pen and pencil sets with clips at top, windproof cigarette lighters, stationery, books, dewing kits, polarized sun glasses or any other article yo.u think he may need and like? Buy U.S. War Bonds and Stamps ENAKOPRAVNOST • 6231 St. Clair Avens* HEnderson 5311 - 5312 Norwood Library News ENGLISH SECTION Carrie* All Official New« of Inter-Lodge League 4» SEPTEMBER 26, 1942. Autumn is here, and the canning season is almost over. Housewives ever ywhere in America are counting the jars of preserved fruits and vegetables which will keep them and their families well-fed in the long days to come. The food question will have some satisfactory answers on thfe home front from "Mom." There are only a few days and some few farm products left for those who have some empty jars still to use. If you are one of these fortunate people, why not use the library for recipes on how to can late Fall products? The sugar question is answered by dietitians and home-economists with recipes on how to can with a minimum of, or no sugar. And speaking of house-keeping matters, the problem of getting ready for winter extends to other things such as clothes and furniture. How to choose the things you need by knowing fabrics and materials, how to make the things you have last longer and loot attractive is important to your budget, as well as to the conservation and use of materials for victory. Cleaning and mending clothes, repairing furniture, sewing slipcovers, and many other useful directions may be found in such books as: "America's Housekeeping Book," compiled by the New York Herald Tribune Home Institute; "Homemaker's Handbook, by Dorothy Myerson; "Everywoman's Complete Guide to Homemaking," by Florence LaGanke Harris; "Foods and Homemaking," by Car lotta Greer. These and many others for /your practical information may be borrowed from your neighborhood library. Obituaries Anton Potokar, aged 75 years, 1001 E. 62 St., died after a prolonged illness. New-born daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mencin (Jean-ette Mlaeek) 7214 Hecker Ave. Albert Jukovic, 1357 W. 80 St., died at Lutheran Hospital. He was 62 years old and is survived by his widow Anna, son Albert and daughter Ann. He was a member of The Maccabees. Mrs. Louise Spudick, nee Mo-zina, aged 28 years, died at Emergency Clinic hospital. She resided at 700 E. 160 St. and was a member of SDZ and SWU. Surviving her are her husband Joseph, mother Mrs. Angela Mo-zina, sister Mrs. Mary Grubel-nik, brothers Frank and William and uncle John Zibert. Benefit Performance in Collinwood The fraternal lodges of various organizations, meeting in the Slovene Workmen's Home, Waterloo Rd., will stage a Variety Program on Sunday, October 11th. After the show, which will begin at 3:30 p. m. dancing will follow in both halls. Music for the occasion will be furnished by Vadnal's and Barbie Jr. ' Proceeds of the affair will be donated to the Jugoslav Relief Committee. Tickets may be purchased in advance from members of lodges or from the Secretary Joseph Durn, 15605 Waterloo Rd. Jugoslav Representation in Washington Elmer Davis, Chairman of the War Information Office, issued an invitation to representatives of Slovene, Croat and Serb organizations, to be present at a conference on September 18th. The, representatives present at this conference were: John Lokar, who represented Mayor Frank J. Lausche, Janko N. Rogelj, Supreme President of the American Fraternal Union; Vincent Cainkar, Supreme President of the Slovene National Benefit Society; Joseph Zalar, Supreme Secretary of the Grand Carniolian Catholic Union and John H. Gornik, Jr., who represented his father, John Gornik, Sr., Supreme Secretary of the Slovene Mutual Benefit Association. These were Slovene. Croats were represented by: John Butkovic, Wm. Boyd-Boic, Tony Minerich, Math Oresko-vich, and A. L. Zivic. The Serbs had for their representatives : Sam Vrlinic, Branko Pekic, Louis Kristofer, Mla-den Trbuhovic, Rev. John Hra- nilovic, Mike Marinkovic and Zorko Puncic. The purpose of -the conference, which was held in the Social Security Building in Washington, D. C., was to come to a definite understanding for a united stand of the American Jugoslavs in regards to the publicity of the activities of the fighting Chetniks and guerillas in the Jugoslav mountains. Hon. Adolph Berle, Assistant State Secretary, addressed the group, and stressed that the government is striving to keep at a high level the war efforts of all nationals, but that it will not tolerate personal bickering and emnities within the respective groups, which tend to create ill-feeling and ungrounded suspicion of those men who are waging a life and death battle against the Nazis and Fascists. It had been brought to the at; tention of the government that certain Jugoslav factions (supposedly among the Serbs and Croats) are striving to demoralize General Dražo Mihajlovic's reputation and to cast a shadow of doubt as to the sincerity of his efforts to rid the Yugoslav territory of the axis enemy. Mr. Elmer Davis,; who introduced the assistant secretary, made this statement: "Our duty is to see to it that this war is won, not to meddle with the Jugoslav politics! It is the duty of no one to dictate to the Jugoslav government, upon what policies she should be found after the war. This is the privilege of the Jugoslav people and the Jugoslav'warriors, who are fighting for the freedom of their land and to rid it of the Nazis." John Lokar introduced a resolution pledging full co-operation with the American government. It was signed by all the atteufl$ ing representatives except Pekic, Kristofer and Trbuhovic, who verbally attacked Lokar and his resolution. Mr. Joseph Zalar questioned the Under-Secretary about the Slovenes and their record with the government in the present world situation, and Hon. Berle stated that the government has received no complaints about them and that their record has been so far 100% in the war effort of today. Spartans" Invitation Spartans, one of the most active groups of young people in recent years, are sponsoring their first dance of the season tonight at the Slovene National Home, St. Clair Ave. As has been the custom of this lodge, every effort has been made to assure the patrons an evening of fun and frolic. Many familiar faces will be missing tonight, as a very large number of Spartan fans is now serving Uncle Sam, but the popularity of the Spartan hospitality is great, and new friends will be readily found in the attending crowd. Louis Trebar and his boys will furnish the dance tunes and all in all it will be an evening well spent if you will be a guest at the Spartans' Dance. Random Remarks I Collinwoo Newsbox Side Lines By Peeping Tom Another week has passed and here I am again giving you more gossip about people and their week-ends. Saturday, the 19th there was a dance at the Slovene National Home on St. Clair Ave. Lou Trebar played. The attendance was great. There was "Curly" Baraga, who incidentally is giving all the girls a break lately. He had his date, lovely Vera, with him. You can sure pick them, Curly... Joe Lasicky and his girl-friend, Franches Pochar (who make' a swell couple) were cutting the rug on their polkas .. . Joe Fidel Milan Kapel, Ray coming when the dance was over. What took you so long to get there, boys?... Florence Poznik and Zora Valen-tic trying a new step. Keep it up, girls, who kriows you may become good dancers some day . . . and many others helped to make it a wonderful evening. Sunday another dance was held on St. Clair. Johnny Pecon played. While glancing at the crowd, noticed Ann Laznik dancing with a handsome fellow . . ;. Andy Ogrin and his charming; wife Eleanor are back in the groove again . . . Dorothy Bosich surrounded by men all evening (how about letting me in on your secret, Dot?) Want to congratulate Henry Bokal on his coming wedding. Yes, folks, Henry is going to be married October the 24th. His lovely bride-to-be is Josephine, who lives on the West Side. Will see all of you at the Slovene Home on Holmes Ave., where our popular Johnny Pecon will play for the Call to the Colors Dance. Dancing begins at 8:00 p. m. So don't forget, fellows, bring your dates and have a grand evening. Christian J. Bannick Speaker Tonight is the regular meeting of the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges, held at the Slovene National Home, St. Clair Ave. Guest speaker will be City Clerk Christiap J. Ban-nick, who will speak in behalf of the Community War Chest. TWILIGHT BALLROOM FOR RENT FOR DANCES-Choice dates still available. Call TINO MODIC 6025 St. Clair Ave. EN. 9691 By Snoopy! Br-r-r-r it's geti and colder day by guess we better just Sunshine goodbye a® Mr. Winter with a smile so that he'll t>e little friend and weather at a norma' ture (75 in the shade) if I keep talking George W. Sanford Coffee, the favorite bev-e r a g e of m i llions of cons umers in the Americas, has been assigned a war role in the United Nations' drive for victory. To conserve coffee for the growing military forces and shipping space for war materials, the United States has taken steps to reduce the tremendous consumption of coffee in this country. Supplies distributed to wholesalers and dealers have been reduced 35 per cent. Thus coffee's wartime victory role becomes one of sacrifice on the part of the civilian consumer so that the Army may have all it wants and ships along inter - American trade routes may bring in manganese, bauxite, copper, rubber and other strategic materials needed to make airplanes, guns, and ships. Coffee will be missed more than gasoline in some homes. The use of coffee in the U. S. still remains big compared with consumption in other countries. Robert- Aguliar, Managing Director of the Pan-American Coffee Bureau, estimates that 110,-000,000 pounds of coffee, under recent civilian restrictions, is enough to supply eight cups per person weekly in the United States. This compares with the weekly equivalent of ten cups per person previously available. Brazil is the world's biggest grower of coffee. Brazil also is a great reservoir of strategic materials for war industry. These include manganese, rubber, vegetable oils, and iron ores. Most of the seventeen countries in the Western Hemisphere producing coffee supply some materials for the United Nations' war industry. With shipping assigned to long supply routes to Europe, the Middle East and Australia, cargo space must be saved for war materials. Despite U-boat forays against Western Hemisphere shipping and diversions of vessels to war tasks, most of this season's coffee allotments have been moved to the United States. Thirteen million bags out of the twenty-five million expected this year had been received by August 1 of this year. Some countries have filled most or all of the quotas set up at meetings held by the United States and the coffee growing countries in Latin America. Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, and Dominican Republic and El Salvador have filled most or all of their quotas. Brazil's quota of 13,772,000 bags was approximately half filled by the end of July. Meanwhile, as civilian- supplies diminish, Army and Navy coffee consumption grows rapidly. Thk United States Army has become the world's biggest, coffee buyer. Trade circles estimate the Army will buy at least 150,000,000 pounds of green or unroasted coffee this year. The Army has placed extraordinarily large orders, including one recently for 45,000,000 pounds of Colombian coffee. It doesn't take coffee to keep the Army awake, but some of the city lads who aren't in the habit of early rising will appreciate that morning coffee. For Victory - Buy U. S. War Bonds # IS! ii weather I believe yoU ting goose pimples oH then you'll have to heat on instead of ^ column, and that'll & rible . . . Last Sunday led to the dance on & found quite a numbeI j^j from the popular idist^j as "Collinwood" . • young Miss, who clai®^ SK1 having a good time at "br believes that more f eiac my happen after. (2 1 v in a row.) If you do"1 ' s her, try it someday *»* 1 15 miles from hoi»eJ lit) notify me, please • ' 'to$ Troha appearing at ^ >1, Bill Sneller who was fra Bill Sneller who was # ^ 8 hour leave • • ' i L a short leave but tb«J ^ quite pleased . . . AP^ the dance as usual % Misses Olga Bradd^ ^ Rotar without thel fa friends . . . What's ^ cuse this time, girls' j ^ defense . . . Mmm, ^ my newest friend, P^lr1 who claims to be a tender at all dances catch up on- the P^jw have accidentally 11111 This rumor I have I ca. it one day on E. l52r\ it hit me right stratf head—so here it g°eS'. your head I hope: B0} it doesn't stop rai^'J soon, I'll have a f10 (bright) red purse k cM h i Hi my boss will tell t0j water to Lake Erie a "Bailey Meters." to be quite a stead)' between Steve Vozel Marie Panchur but we'll be seeing because Steve is Ohio State UniverS. row as is also his Ian. "Best of Luck, ® j k 1(0 sitf, % ■m to m v pleasant memories i home. Spent all ^ fc with him ... I j was the nicest thing do especially now, ^ py birthday wishes «% to the two young P ^ pn^p "Prwnilr and y^'A ence Poznik and . . . Wish you both many, many more • of St. Mary's are annual dance torn® ^r Slovene Home on W W where Johnny PeC j, f favorite boys will dJ . romantic tunes longed for . . . we meet again, .t> street or at the Two or our newest & Harry Shine and J°: who will be leaving Pi time duty next Satu^ of luck and a safe \ both of you . . • ®1 f deciding to let Mijj^jJi away and join the ^ >6 I ' 5\ '■A Yes, We Have Slovenian Your Favorites P'0^!", on Victor-Red Columbia ReC° d mervAp 6919 St. Clair Ave DANCE TONITE Saturday, September 26, 1942 at Slovene Nat'l Home, St. Clair Ave. music by ,, Louis Trebar and his Ord1* i Dancing 8 till ?? Admi^ oh