ISSN 1408-7073 RMZ - MATERIALS AND GEOENVIRONMENT PERIODICAL FOR MINING, METALLURGY AND GEOLOGY RMZ - MATERIALI IN GEOOKOLJE REVIJAZA RUDARSTVO, METALURGIJO IN GEOLOGIJO RMZ-M&G, Vol. 54, No. 1 pp. 1-150 (2007) Ljubljana, July 2007 Historical Review More than 80 years have passed since in 1919 the University Ljubljana in Slovenia was founded. Technical fields were joint in the School of Engineering that included the Geologic and Mining Division while the Metallurgy Division was established in 1939 only. Today the Departments of Geology, Mining and Geotechnology, Materials and Metallurgy are part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana. Before War II the members of the Mining Section together with the Association of Yugoslav Mining and Metallurgy Engineers began to publish the summaries of their research and studies in their technical periodical Rudarski zbornik (Mining Proceedings). Three volumes of Rudarski zbornik (1937, 1938 and 1939) were published. The War interrupted the publication and not untill 1952 the first number of the new journal Rudarsko-metalurški zbornik - RMZ (Mining and Metallurgy Quarterly) has been published by the Division of Mining and Metallurgy, University of Ljubljana. Later the journal has been regularly published quarterly by the Departments of Geology, Mining and Geotechnology, Materials and Metallurgy, and the Institute for Mining, Geotechnology and Environment. On the meeting of the Advisory and the Editorial Board on May 22nd 1998 Rudarsko-metalurški zbornik has been renamed into "RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment (RMZ -Materiali in Geookolje)" or shortly RMZ - M&G. RMZ - M&G is managed by an international advisory and editorial board and is exchanged with other world-known periodicals. All the papers are reviewed by the corresponding professionals and experts. RMZ - M&G is the only scientific and professional periodical in Slovenia, which is published in the same form nearly 50 years. It incorporates the scientific and professional topics in geology, mining, and geotechnology, in materials and in metallurgy. The wide range of topics inside the geosciences are wellcome to be published in the RMZ -Materials and Geoenvironment. Research results in geology, hydrogeology, mining, geotechnology, materials, metallurgy, natural and antropogenic pollution of environment, biogeochemistry are proposed fields of work which thejournal will handle. RMZ - M&G is co-issued and co-financed by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana, and the Institute for Mining, Geotechnology and Environment Ljubljana. In addition it is financially supported also by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Republic of Slovenia. Editor in chief Table of Contents - Kazalo Hot forming ofAISI D2 tool steel Vroče preoblikovanje AISI D2 orodnegajekla Večko Pirtovšek, T., Kugler, G., Fajfar, P., Fazarinc, M., Perus, I., Terčelj, M..... i Flow stresses ofthe AISI A2 tool steel Krivulje tečenja za AISI A2 orodnojeklo Večko Pirtovšek, T., Peruš, I., Kugler, G., Turk, r., Terčelj, M......................... 15 Development oftest rig for thermal fatigue testing - preliminary results Razvoj testne naprave za študij termičnega utrujanja - preliminarni rezultati Fazarinc, M., Turk, R., Kugler, G., Mrvar, P., Terčelj, M................................. 33 Pulzno varjenje konstrukcijskih jekel Pulsed arc welding of structural steels Kejžar, R., Kejžar, U................................................................................ 49 15N signal of Aplysina aerophoba as a tracer of anthropogenic nitrogen in the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay (Central Adriatic) 15N v Aplysini aerophobi kot sledilo antropogenega dušika v Murterskem morju in Pirovaškem zalivu (srednji Jadran) Rogan, N., Dolenec, T., Lojen, S., Lambaša, ž., Dolenec, M............................... %3 Rock failures in tunnels Zruški v predorih čarman, M............................................................................................. 77 The solution of differential equations of fluid flow by numerical program Yilmaz, L............................................................................................... 87 Optimization of geo-mechanical-structural drilling with diamond crowns Optimizacija geomehansko strukturnega vrtanja z diamantnimi kronami šporin, J., Vukelić, Ž.......................................................................................................... 97 Filling-up mine spaces of »Block 1« and »Block 2« in the Uranium mine Zirovski vrh from the surface and remediation of a damaged cementation of well for filling-up mine spaces Zapolnjevanje jamskih prostorov bloka 1 in 2 rudnika urana Žirovski vrh iz površine in sanacija poškodovane cementacije vrtine za zapolnjevanjejamskih prostorov šporin, J., Sternad, Ž., Vukelić, Ž., Likar, В., Gantar, I.................................. II7 Geotechnical conditions for construction of sanitary disposal site »Luka-vacka rijeka«, B&H škripić, N., Bašagić, M., Langof, Z., Skopljak, F............................................ 127 Author s Index, Vol. 54,No.l ................................................................................................................................................139 InstructionstoAuthors ......................................................................................................................................................................140 Template ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................143 No. ofindexing ofRMZ-M&G in singular Databases Število indeksiranih člankov iz RMZ-M&G v posameznih bazah ............................................................150 Hot forming of AISI D2 tool steel Vroče preoblikovanje AISI D2 orodnega jekla Tatjana Večko Pirtovsek1, Goran Kugler1, Peter Fajfar1, Matevž Fazarinc1, Iztok Perus2, Milan Terčelj1 1University ofLjubljana, Faculty ofNatural Sciences and Engineering, Department ofMaterials and Metallurgy, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail:;;;; 2University ofLjubljana, Faculty ofCivil and Geodetic Engineering, Department ofCivil Engineering, Jamova cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail: Received: July 4, 2007 Accepted: July 10, 2007 Abstract: Surface cracking during hot forming of AISI D2 tool steel is a serious problem since very frequently charges occur that exhibit decreased hot deformability in comparison to other charges. By means of laboratory hot compression tests the approximate framework of mean technological parameters of hot forming was obtained. The tests for as-cast and for deformed initial state in temperature range 850-1150 °C, strain rate range 0.001-10 °C and strain range 0-9 were carried out. On the base of obtained flow curves the processing maps for both states have been developed. The results obtained indicate that hot forming of as-cast state in initial phase of deformation process is not stable whereas the deformed state did not exhibit any un-stable area. Further improvement of hot deformability was obtained by optimisation of chemical composition based on data of surface cracking from industrial hot forming process. The analysis carried out by CAE neural network revealed the influences of carbide-forming element on occurrence of surface cracking. The results of analyse were additionally supported by THERMOCALC calculations. It was shown that variable nature of chemical composition of tool steel results also in variability of precipitation temperature of eutectic carbides. Izvleček: Nastanek razpok med vročim preoblikovanjem AISI D2 orodnegajekla je zelo resen problem, saj se zelo pogosto pojavijo šarže, ki izkazujejo nižjo sposobnost plastičnega preoblikovanja v primerjavi z ostalimi šaržami. Z laboratorijskimi testi smo najprej določili okvirne vrednosti parametrov za vroče preoblikovanje. Omenjene teste smo opravili tako za lito, kot tudi za predelano izhodno stanje. Dobljene krivulje tečenja so nam služile za izdelavo procesnih map; ti rezultati kažejo na nestabilnost v začetni fazi preoblikovanja za lite mikrostrukture, medtem ko predelano stanje ne izkazuje nobenih nestabilnih področij. Nadaljnje izboljšanje vročega preoblikovanja smo dosegli z optimiranjem kemične sestave, s pomočjo CAE nevronskih mrež in na osnovi baze podatkov pridobljene v industrijski praksi, saj je bila predhodno opravljena analiza vplivov kemičnih elementov na izplen vročega valjanja. Nekateri rezultati omenjene analize so bili dodatno podkrepljeni tudi z izračuni s pomočjo THERMOCALC-a, ki kažejo na to, da variabilna kemična sestava (karbidotvorni elementi) vpliva na temperaturo izločanja evtektičnih karbidov. Key words: D2 tool steel, hot deformability, as-cast state, deformed state, hot compression, processing map, chemical composition, CAE neural networks Ključne besede: D2 orodno jeklo, vroča preoblikovalnost, lito stanje, predelano stanje, vroče stiskanje, procesne mape, kemična sestava, CAE nevronske mreže Introduction Very frequently and unexpected high density of surface cracking (Figure la-b) occurring in hot rolling of AISI D2 tool steel, despite the rolling process took place in prescribed technological parameters, is still today insufficient researched area. In order to achieve the desired mechanical properties the steels are alloyed with Cr, V, Mo etc (carbide-forming elements, M7C3, MC, M6C, M23C6, etc) that results in higher yield strength, better tempering resistance, higher wear and fatigue resistance, and considerably lower hot ductility. Thus the windows of technological parameters for safe hot forming with regards to temperature, strains, strain rates, etc are very narrow. Additionally hot deformability is influenced by previous thermo-mechanical processing parameters, i.e. (casting temperature, cooling rate, soaking temperature, etc) and chemical composition. The mentioned carbides besides other brittle phases precipitated (segregation) on grain boundary accelerate cracking at lower and medium area of temperature range. The effect of carbides on hot ductility depends on their number and size, type, morphology and distribution. As deformation proceeds voids tend to form around the carbides by decohesion and/or fracture of the particles which, in addition to the usual wedge type cracks at triple points, lead to drastic lowering of the ductility of tool steel. Upper limit of temperature range is determined by begin of incipient melting (eutectic carbides and phases with low melting point) and consequently by extensive grain boundary decohesion[l-l5]. Despite the hot forming of tool steels is of great interest from both fundamental and industrial viewpoints, there has been little research reported in the scientific literature about hot forming of tool steels. The researches are namely predominately focused on deformed state that usually exhibit considerably higher hot deformability in comparison to as-cast state; consequently the results do not approach enough to conditions occurring at initial and very critical phase of hot forming of as-cast microstructure. AISI D2 tool steel has found his application mainly for cold forming, i.e., rolling threads, trimming tools, cutting tools, broaches, etc. Due to its relatively low hot deformability it reduces the profitability of the production process as well as the useful mechanical properties of the tool steel because of the defects in the material that can originate from its hot deformation. For elucidation of occurrence of cracking in initial phase of hot rolling of AISI D2 tool steel the hot compression tests for as- cast and for deformed state, and analyse (CAE NN) of influences of chemical composition on surface cracking were carried out. Obtained results were additionally supported by THERMOCALC calculations of influences of chemical composition on precipitation temperature of eutectic carbides. Processing maps have been developed in order to reveal area of safer hot forming. Figure 1. Occurrence of the surface cracks on rolling (AISI D2), macro-view (a), and detailed presentation ofcrack (b) Slika 1. Pojav površinskih razpok med vročim valjanjem AISI D2 orodnega jekla, makro posnetek (a), in detajlnejši prikaz razpoke (b) Experimental - laboratory testing AND MATERIALS Applied materials and hot compression Computer controlled servo-hydraulic machine Gleeble 1500 was applied for hot compression testing to study hot forming of as-cast and of deformed initial state of AISI D2 tool steel. The allowable range of chemical composition of AISI D2 tool steel is given in Table 1. Cylindrical hot compression specimens of Rastegew type with dimensions ф= 10 mm x 15 mm were cut from ingot (as-cast state) of cross-sectional 400x400 mm and from rod (deformed state) of cross-sectional ф=20 mm. For reduction of friction between the cylindrical specimen and the tool, and to avoid their mutual welding, graphite lubricant and tantalum follies were used. After deformation the specimens were rapidly quenched with water. The hot compression tests was performed in the temperature range from 850 °C to 1180 °C, at five different strain rates (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 s-1) and in strain range 0 - 0.9 (Figure 3). The heating rate was 3 °C/s, soaking time of 5 min at 1160 °C, followed by cooling at a rate of 2 °C/s down to the deformation temperature and with a soaking time of 5 min again. The initial microstructure of as-cast state and the deformed state are given in Figure 2a and Figure 2b, respectively. Table l. The ranges of permissible variation of chemical composition according to EN ISO 4957 (wt%), D2 tool steel Tabela l. Področje dovoljenega variiranja kemične sestave glede na EN ISO 4957 (wt%), D2 orodnojeklo С Si Mn Cr Mo V P S Range of variation 1.45 1.60 0.10 0.60 0.20 0.60 11.0 12.0 0.70 1.00 0.70 1.00 max 0.030 max 0.030 Figure 2. Initial microstructures of applied tool steel (AISI D2), as-cast state (network of eutectic carbides) (a), deformed state (b) Slika 2. Začetna mikrostruktura uporabljenega orodnega jekla (AISI D2), lito stanje (mreža evtektičnih karbidov) (a), deformirano stanje (b) Figure 3. Schematic representation of the time-temperature course for the tested cylindrical specimens Slika 3. Shematski prikaz poteka temperature vzorcev med vročimi stiskalnimi preizkusi Flow curves In such way obtained flow stresses for as-cast and for deformed state at strain rates of 1 s-1 and 0.1 s-1 are presented on Figure 4a and Figure 4b, respectively. (b) 0 0 01 0 2 0.3 0 4 0 5 Strain 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 Figure 4. Flow stresses in temperature range 850-1150 °C for as-cast initial state (strain rate of 1 s-1) (a), for deformed initial state (strain rate of0.1 s-1) (b) Slika 4. Vroče krivulje tečenja v temperaturnem območju 850-1150 °C, za lito stanje (hitrost deformacije 1 s1) (a), za predelano stanje (hitrost deformacije 0,1 s-1) (b) Processing maps Efficiency of power dissipation processing maps Processing maps are developed on the basis of a dynamic material model (DMM) which has been suggested and widely used by the group of Prasad[16"17]. The processing map of the material can be described as an explicit representation of its response to the imposed process parameters. It is a superimposition of the efficiency of power dissipation and an instability map. The work-piece under hot deformation conditions of this model works as an essential energy dissipater. The constituent equation describes the manner in which energy P is converted at any instant into two forms, thermal energy G making temperature increase and microstructural change caused by transform of metallurgical dynamics J, which are not recoverable. In general, most of the dissipation is due to a temperature rise and only a small amount of energy dissipates through microstructural changes. The power partitioning between G and J is controlled by the constitutive flow behaviour of the material and is decided by the strain rate sensitivity m of flow stress as shown in the equation Jmax whereas the efficiency of power dissipation?] is given by: rj = J_ J ma 2m m +1 (2) The variation of ?] with temperature and e represents the relative value of energy dissipation occurring through microstructural changes. Microstructural changes, which includes a dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization, are predominately stable, and instable, which includes wedge cracking, void formation at hard particles, dynamic strain ageing and macro-structural cracking. As new surfaces are formed during instable changes, more energy is required, while stable changes always take place by grain boundary migration. Flow instability The instability map is defined by a stability criterion for a dynamic material, where the differential quotient of its dissipative function has to satisfy an inequality condition, given by Equation 3, to allow a stable flow. e v J d ln(m /(m +1)) d lne + m >0 (3) dJ _ e da cod Ino A logcr (1) dG d d ln log For an ideal dissipater it can be shown that both quantities J and G are equal in their amount, which means that m = 1 and J = Figures 5a-b represents processing maps for temperature range from 850 °C to 1150 °C and strain rates 0.001 s-1 to 10 s-1 at strain 0.6 for as-cast and deformed initial state. The maps are similar at various strains. For as-cast initial state (Figure 5a) the instable zone with ^ < 0 appears in the temperature range approx. 1060 °C to 1150 °C at all strain rates and at temperatures around 900 °C for higher strain rates. On the contrary for deformed initial state (Figure 5b) instable zone appears in very limited range at strain rates of approx. 0.1 s-1 and around temperature 1000 °C. Ai 51 DZ iBS-cas1ed stal»), miki Al&l DI -as (а) 650 «0 flSO 1000 IM tlOO T150 Ге<лрегаШга j"C) (b) 860 №0 est) 1Ü0Q 1ÖS0 11» 1150 Figure 5. Processing maps for D2 tool steel, for as-cast initial state (a) and for deformed initial state (b), at strain s = 0.6 Slika 5. Procesne mape za D2 orodno jeklo, za lito stanje (a) in za predelano začetno stanje (b), deformacija s = 0,6 It is visible from Figure 6b that micro-cracks occurred on specimen edge (see Figure 6a) at average strain 0.8 where also tensile stresses occurred. On the contrary, in the specimen centre (see Figure 6a) micro-cracks free microstructure was obtained since predominately compression stresses prevail on this spot. Thus as-cast microstructure is very sensitive to microcracking at initial deformation on high temperatures (1150 °C) and higher strains (>0.5). No cracks were obtained at lower strains. Figure 6. Macro-view of deformed specimen (a), occurrence of micro-cracks on network of eutectic carbides (specimen edge) (b), average strain s = 0.8, deformationtemperature 1150°C Slika 6. Makro pogled deformiranega vzorca (a), pojav mikrorazpok na mreži evtektičnih karbidov (rob deformiranega vzorca) (b), deformacija s = 0,8, temperatura 1150°C Analyse of influences of chemical composition on cracking during hot rolling Forming of data base In the presented study the database contained 80 hot-rolled samples. In comparison, Szilvassy et al.b13d applied 128 samples with various chemical compositions for the statistical treatment of the influence of chemical composition on the hot deformability of AISI M2 tool steel. All the rolled pieces had the same nominal chemical composition, which varied from charge to charge within certain limits and thus varied also the phenomenon of surface cracking on the rolled stock. The contents of chemical elements (Si, Cr, V, Mn, Mo, W, etc.) was established by the spe-ctrometric method have an error (depending on the element) between 0.01 % and 0.1 %. The content of carbon is usually determined by specimen ignition in an induction furnace in combination with detection based on infrared spectre absorption. The typical error is around 1%. The random variation of chemical composition easily covered the whole problem space, though the majority of the information was concentrated somewhere in the middle of the permissible intervals of variation for a single element. Therefore, the diagrams of the relationships are shown only for the interval of greater concentration of infor-mation. The appearance of surface cracks was observed for rolled pieces with dimen-sions 200 mm X 200 mm that were rolled (in the temperature range 1170-900 °C) in 20 passes from an ingot with dimensions 400 mm X 400 mm x 1200mm, that were previously soaked for 2 hours at 1200 °C. Thus, the influence of chemical composition on the hot deformability was studied; in our case using information on the variation of industrial charge compositions and the formation of surface cracks on the rolled stock. The deformability criterion was thus the yield percentage during hot rolling that varied in the approximate interval 78-95 %. The interval of permissible variations for the most important elements was relatively narrow, and it is given in Table 1. Influence of the chemical composition on surface cracking Influence of the carbon The CAE NN was applied to analyze both the individual and group influences on the phenomenon of surface cracking. Figure 7a makes it evident that the yield is improved by reducing the carbon content (the distribution frequency is given in Figure 7b). This means that the carbon content must be on the lower limit of the permissible interval of variations. These results correspond to the experimental findings (M2 tool steel) given in reference^18 where a better hot deformability was obtained with lower carbon contents. Carbon forms carbides with the V, Cr, Mo, Ti, and W present in steel, which in general increases the yield strength and simultaneously reduces the hot deformability very significantly. (a) (b) Bin Figure 7. Yield depending on the carbon content (a), and histogram of the distribution frequency ofthe data (b) Slika 7. Izplen v odvisnosti od vsebine ogljika (a), histogram frekvence porazdelitve podatkov (b) Influence of V/C ratio The yield as a function of the vanadium / carbon ratio (V/C) is presented in Figure 8a, and the distribution frequency of the data is presented in Figure 8b. It is evident that some of the vanadium data are somewhat outside the interval of permissible variations (up to approxi-mately 0.3 % V). Furthermore, Figure 8a makes it evident that there is no correlation between the yield and the carbon and vanadium contents for the interval of permissible variations (0.8-1.1 %). If the data outside the interval of permissible variations are also enclosed in the database, then Figure 8a shows that the yield is increased with lower vanadium contents. In the interval of permissible variations of the carbon and vanadium contents there is nearly no correlation between the V/C ratios and the yields; the same finding is also given in reference^181. If the data outside the permissible interval are also enclosed in the database then it is evident that reduced V/C ratios (V on the lower permissible limit) give better yields. This unclear relationship (i.e., nearly no correlation) in the permissible interval for vanadium (at V/C ratios of about 0.4 or higher) can be ascribed to the already-mentioned lower accuracy in determining yields and to the relatively narrow interval of the permissible variations of vanadium in the AISI D2 tool steel. Similar relationships, i.e., higher hot-deformability values at lower vanadium contents, were also found by Szilvassy et al.b13d for the BRM2 tool steel, which had a somewhat wider interval of permissible variations, and by Mohamedb19d, for ordinary steel. Figure 8. Yield as a function of the V/C ratio for wmin = 0.07 and wmax = 0.15 (a) with the frequency distribution (b) Slika 8. Izplen v odvisnosti od razmerja V/C za wmin = 0,07 in wmax = 0,15 (a) s frekvenco porazdelitve podatkov (b) Influence ofthe Cr/C ratio The results of the analysis of the chromium's/carbon ratio influence are given in Figure 9a (the chromium/carbon distribution is given in Figure 9b). The yield is improved with higher chromium contents in the tool steel. However, this could be explained by the following: - Vanadium tends to form carbides of the MC type, which are extremely hard and thus they hinder the movements of dislocations; chromium, which has a similar affinity for carbon as vanadium (i.e., a similar Gibbs free energy) tends to form carbides of the M23Cö type, which are softer and thus they hinder movement of dislocations to a lesser extent, since they can be crushed during the working. Thus, chromium competes with vanadium to bind with carbon. The chromium content on the upper limit would thus increase the volume portion of softer M23C6 carbides and therefore reduce the portion of harder MC carbides. This results in a higher workability of the tool steel and thus a higher yieldb4-5d. Higher Cr content could increase the temperature (above 1150 °C) of pre- cipitation of eutectic carbides (M7C3) on grain boundaries and thus could influence on deformability at the initial deformations of ingots. (a) 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 Cr/C (b) Bin Figure 9. Yield as a function of the Cr/C ratio (a), and histogram of the corresponding frequency distribution ofthe Cr/C ratio (b) Slika 9. Izplen v odvisnosti od razmerja Cr/C (a) s frekvenco porazdelitve podatkov (b) Influence of the Mo/C ratio There also exists a clear relationship between the molybdenum/carbon ratio and yield: the smaller molybdenum content increases the yield (Figure 10a), Figure 10b shows the frequency distribution. Molybdenum forms carbides of the M6C type, which have a detrimental influence on the hot deformability. As already mentioned, the analysis of the influence of vanadium content in the interval of its permissible variations within the V/C ratios did not show any clear relationship with the yield. Therefore, unclear relationships occur between the yield and the groups of elements enclosing vanadium. On the other hand, there is a very clear relationship between the Cr/Mo ratio and the yield. This indicates that chromium and molybdenum are competitors in reactions with carbon and thus in the formation of carbides. It can be concluded that carbides formed with chromium are less detrimental to the hot deformability. Hwang et al.b20-21d obtained in high speed steels used for rolls a reduced quantity of MC carbides at higher chromium concentrations if vanadium was simultaneously present. (a) 0.40 0.44 0.48 Mo/C 0.52 30 >. 25 U с 20 S 15 g 10 5 0 (b) co « Ю T- in ò ò oo in 2 O Bin Figure 10. Yield as a function of the Mo/C ratio (a), and the corresponding frequency distribution (b) Slika 10. Izplen v odvisnosti od razmerja Mo/C (a) s frekvenco porazdelitve podatkov (b) Calculation of equilibrium phase diagram THERMOCALC for various V, Mo, Cr and C content (lower and upper allowable limit) confirmed the results of the CAE NN analysis. In the case that Cr content is on upper limit it results in increasing of temperature of precipitation of eutectic carbides. Conclusions In order to increase the hot deformability if AISI D2 tool steel hot compression tests for as-cast and for deformed state in temperature range 850-1150 °C, strain rate range 0.001 - 10 s-1 and strain range 0-0.9 were carried out. Hot deformation behaviours have been also studied by using Prasad's processing maps (efficiency of power dissipation and instability maps) developed on the basis of dynamic materials model. The result revealed that deformation of specimens in as-cast state in the temperature range approximately above cca 1060 °C is not stable due the occurrence of micro-cracks on network of eutectic carbides. Additionally influence of chemical composition on appearance of surface cracking during hot rolling by means of CAE NN was obtained. It was found that carbon, vanadium and molybdenum should be on the lower limits of the intervals of permissible variations, whereas the chromium content should be on the upper limit in order to improve the yield. Calculations with THERMOCALC confirm that higher Cr content increase the temperature of precipitation of eutectic carbides and thus elucidate the one of the possible reason for occurrence of cracks in initial stage of deformation of ingots when as-cast microstructure prevails. We can conclude that to each chemical composition of AISI D2 tool steel also corresponds optimal temperature range of the initial deformations. Povzetki Vroče preoblikovanje AISI D! orodnega jekla Da bi izboljšali vročo preoblikovalnost AISI D2 orodnega jekla smo izvedli vroče stiskalne preizkuse v temperaturnem območju 850-1150 °C, v območju hitrosti deformacij 0,001-5 s-1 ter deformacijskem območju 0-0,9. Obnašanje materiala med preoblikovanjem je bilo proučevano tudi s Prasadovimi procesnimi mapami (učinkovitost porazdelitve energije in mape nestabilnosti). Mape nestabilnosti nam kažejo na nestabilnost v začetni fazi preoblikovanja lite mikrostrukture (11501080 °C) saj pride v vzorcu na mestih s pretežno nateznim napetostnim stanjem do nastanka mikrorazpok. Posledično se References [1] Ervasti, е., Stählberg, U. (2000): Transversal cracks and their behaviour in the hot rolling of steel slabs. Journal of Materials Processing Technology.; Vol. 101, No. 1-3, pp. 312-321. [2] Imbert, C.A.C., McQueen, H.J. (2001): Hot ductility of tool steels. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly.; Vol. 40, pp. 235-244. 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Flow stresses of the AISI A2 tool steel Krivulje tečenja za AISI A! orodno jeklo Tatjana Večko Pirtovšek1, Iztok Peruš2, Goran Kugler1, Rado Turk1, Milan Terčelj1 University ofLjubljana, Faculty ofNatural Sciences and Engineering, Department ofMaterials and Metallurgy, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail:;;; 2University ofLjubljana, Faculty ofCivil and Geodetic Engineering, Department ofCivil Engineering, Jamova cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail: Received: June 21, 2007 Accepted: July 10, 2007 Abstract: The hot deformation behaviour ofthe AISI A2 tool steel was examined with hot compression tests carried out in the Gleeble 1500D thermomechanical simulator in wide range of temperatures (900-1200 °C), of strain rates (0.001-10 s1) and of true strains (0-0.7). Due to the increased demands for the accuracy in predicting various parameters for the needs of optimization of hot forming technologies, it is nowadays reasonable to employ artificial intelligence for this purpose. Thus the obtained experimental database of flow stresses (curves) was used for such predictions with the CAE NN (Conditional Average Estimator Neural Network). Regardless of the scarcity of databases for strain rates (experimental data only for each decade) the mentioned approach enables to predict the flow stresses also for their intermediate states. The activation energy for the entire examined temperature range was calculated. The obtained value was compared with the reference data that had been acquired from the analysis of the hot torsion experiment. Izvleček: Termomehanski simulator Gleeble 1500D je bil uporabljen za študij toplega preoblikovanja AISI A2 orodnegajekla. Stiskalni preizkusi v vročem so bili izvedeni v deformacijskem območju 0-0,7, temperaturnem območju 900-1200 °C in hitrostih deformacije 0,001-10 s1. Zaradi povečanih zahtev po natančnosti napovedovanja krivulj tečenja za današnje potrebe optimiranja tehnologij toplega preoblikovanja, je za te namene dandanes običajna uporaba nevronskih mrež. V našem primeru smo uporabili CAE nevronske mreže s katerimi smo lahko napovedovali krivulje tečenja tudi za vmesna (nemerjena) stanja tako za temperature kot tudi hitrosti deformacije. Izračunanaje bila tudi aktivacijska energija za celotno temperaturno območje in primerjana z dobljeno vrednostjo na osnovi torzijskih preizkusov. Key words: A! tool steel, hot compression, flow stress, CAE neural network, hyperbolic sine function Ključne besede: A2 orodno jeklo, vroče stiskanje, krivulje tečenja, CAE nevronske mreže, funkcija sinus hiperbolikus Introduction During the hot deformation many factors (Figure 1) influence the flow stresses of metal. The effects of these factors are very complex and the relationship between the flow stresses and the mentioned factors is a non-linear one, and spatially disordered^1"41. The flow stresses during the hot metal forming cannot be in all cases accurately described with phenomenological or empirical mathematical models resulting from experiments. The accuracy is still unsatisfactory and it ranges from 2 to 60 %[5-10]. Hodgson and Kong[11-12] report that the accuracy needed for the prediction of flow stresses should be within 5 % for an efficient optimization of hot rolling technologies. Physically-based models have been improved quite a lot, but they are still limited more or less to rather pure metals and are not yet used in industrial applications[13d, thus the development of constitutive equations from a purely empirical basis to a more physical-basis remains an important long term scientific objective. In spite of constantly new constitutive models for describing flow stress, there has not been any substantial improvement in accuracy as far as prediction is concerned. In recent time researchers began to use BP neural networks (BP NN) as an efficient predictive tool for flow stress predictions[3-4d. In this study we intentionally deal with the so-called CAE NN (Conditional Average Estimator Neural Network) which is, according to the author's opinion and experience, easier for use. Ma tenfl parameters Figure 1. Parameters influencing hot flow stress curves[2] Slika 1. Parametri, ki vplivajo na tople krivulje tečenja12 AISI A2 tool steel is conventionally hot forged (or hot rolled) after casting into ingots, and after the intermediate reheating the hot rolling process is continued to obtain the required dimensions. Increase of the productivity is oriented towards the hot forming of ingots with higher initial dimensions (cross sections and lengths) and toward the rolling to smaller dimensions (even below ф = 18mm); and for that an optimal determination of rolled billet cross-section reductions (roll pass design) with the regard to the loading capacities of the rolling mill itself, to the strength characteristics of the rolls, to the appropriate microstructures, etc is needed to be achieved. In the available references, the characterization of the working properties of the AISI A2 tool steel (generally applied for cold-working) refers Experimental procedure Specimens and material The chemical composition of the AISI A2 tool steel is given in Table 1. Cylindrical specimens of the Rastegew type with to the hot torsion testsb14-15d, while there are no available data on the hot compression tests. In this paper hot compression tests were carried out in the Gleeble 1500D thermomechanical simulator to obtain experimental flow stress curves for the AISI A2 tool steel in a wide range of temperatures and strain rates. The flow stress curves were predicted also for intermediate states of influential parameters (strain rates, temperatures and strain) using CAE neural networks, for both, constant and non-constant smoothness parameters. The peak stresses were predicted with the hyperbolic sine function, and the constitutive equation constants were determined. dimensions ф = 8 mm x 12 mm were cut from the rod with cross section of ф = 90 mm which had been previously forged from a round (circular) ingot of ф = 400 mm X 1000 mm. The initial microstructure of the specimens is given in Figure 2. c Si Mn p S Cr Mo V 1.01 0.30 0.55 0.02 0.02 5.20 1.40 0.20 Table 1. Chemical composition ofthe AISI A2 tool steel (wt %) Tabela 1. Kemična sestava za AISI orodnojeklo (wt %) Figure 2. Initial microstructure of the applied tool steel (AISI A2), (soft annealed microstructure - spheroidal pearlite and carbides) Slika 2. Začetna mikrostruktura orodnega jekla (AISI A2), (mehko žarjena, kroglasti perlit in karbidi) Ta- 1170 °C (5 min) 1150 IV tO 1 s 1150 "C Deformation 1050 °c Deformation ОД900 °c Deformation (3 min) Initial Height = 12mm Initial Diameter = 8 mm Strain Rate Range = 0.001 -10 Is Temperature Range = 900 -1150 °C Lubricant: Graphite Time Figure 3. Schematic representation of the time-temperature relationship for the tested cylindrical specimens Slika 3. Shematski prikaz časovnega poteka temperature vzorca med preizkusom Procedure and testing conditions A computer controlled Gleeble 1500 servo-hydraulic machine was used for compression tests. In order to reduce the friction between the cylindrical specimen and the tool, and to avoid sticking, graphite lubricant was used. The testing conditions for the hot compression tests of cylindrical specimens are given in Table 2. Testing was performed at seven temperatures in the temperature range of 900 to 1150 °C (Figure 3), and with five different strain rates (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 s-1). The heating rate was 3 °C/s, soaking (austeni-tizing) time 5 min at 1170 °C, followed by cooling at a rate of 2 °C/s down to the deformation temperature; with a further soaking time of 3 min. It should be stressed here that hot compression at higher temperatures (1200 °C) was not reasonable due to incipient melting; the grain boundary decohesion resulted macro-cracks on the deformed specimens (Figure 4). Figures 5 a-d show the stress-strain relations at different temperatures, between 900 and 1150 °C, with 50 °C intervals, and for five different strain rates, i.e. for 0.001 - 10 s-1, respectively. The flow stress curves have shapes typical for dynamic recovery (and recrystallization at lower strain rates), while the values of flow stresses are slightly higher in comparison with the results of flow stress curves that were obtained from the hot torsion tests (Imbert et al.[15-16]). They made tests only at four temperatures and with three strain rates. Table 2. Values ofthe main parameters ofthe test Tabela 2. Vrednosti glavnih testnih parametrov Tool steel Ta Temp. range Strain rate AISI A2 1170 °C 900-1150 °C 0.001- 10 s-1 Ta .... Temperature of austenitizing Figure 4. Appearance of macro-cracks on the compressed specimen, T = 1200 °C, strain rate =1s-1 Slika 4. Pojav razpok na površini deformiranega vzorca, T = 1200 °C, deformacijska stopnja = 1 s1 Application of a cae neural network for prediction of hot flow stress curves Derived equations The problem analyzed in this paper is how to estimate the flow stress curves as a function of known parameters (data), i.e. temperature, strain, and strain rate. The first and the second set of variables will be called the output and the input variables, respectively. Our aim is to demonstrate the potential applicability of the proposed method. In order to determine unknown output variables from the known input variables, a database containing sufficient number of well-distributed and reliable empirical data is needed. The database should include both, the measured values of output variables and the corresponding input variables. One particular observation that is included in the database can be described by a model vector. The input and output variables correspond to the components of this vector. For example, if the corresponding measured stress at the temperature T = 950 oC, strain 0.3 and strain rate 5 s-1, is 350 MPa, then the model vector is defined as {950, 0.3, 5; 350}. The data base consists of a finite set of model vectors. A scheme of the structure of the CAE neural network is presented in references^16-17-1. According to the CAE method, each of the output variables, corresponding to the vector under consideration (i.e. a vector with known input variables and output variables to be predicted), can be estimated bythe expressions^18-22-: N rk=^Cn'rnk (1) n=1 where с /•-г _ n 8n — ~N Sc, <2> 7=1 and G -Prnf Here, rk is the estimated (predicted) X-th output variable (e.g. stress), rnX is the same output variable corresponding to the n-th vector in the database, N is the number of vectors in the database,pni is the i-th input variable of the n-th vector in the database (e.g. temperature, strain, strain rate), pv is the i-th input variable corresponding to the vector under consideration, and G is the number of input variables. Equation 1 suggests that the estimate of an output variable is computed as a combination of all output variables in the database. Their weights depend on the similarity between the input variablesp,- of the vector under consideration, and the corresponding input variables pni pertinent to the sample vectors stored in the database. Cx is a measure of similarity. Consequently, the unknown output variable is determined in such a way that the computed vector composed of the given and estimated data is the most consistent with the sample vectors in the database. The parameter w is the width of the Gaussian function and is called the smoothness parameter. It determines how fast the influence of data in the sample space decreases with the increasing distance from the point whose co-ordinates are determined by the components (input variables) of the vector under consideration. The larger is the value of w, the more slowly this influence decreases. Large w values exhibit an averaging effect. In principle, a proper value of w should correspond to the typical distance between data points. In this case the CAE method flows a smooth interpolation of the functional relation between the input and the output variables. In some applications, as it will be shown later, a non-constant value of w flows more reasonable results than a constant value. When using non-constant w values, Equation 1 can still be used, but proper, locally estimated values of w, should be taken into account. The expression for cn (see Equation 3) can be rewritten as :exp .(Pi -pi ' 2 w,2 (4) in which different values of w, correspond to different input variables. It should be stressed that Equations 1to3 were derived mathematically^18-201, based on the assumption of a constant uncertainty in the input data. The extension of the applicability of these equations to nonconstant w values (Equation 4) is, however, based on physical considerations. Whereas a constant w corresponds to a sphere in an L-dimensional space (L is the number of input variables), a non-constant w value corresponds to a multi-axial ellipsoid in the same spaceb21-22d. The choice of an appropriate value of w depends not only on the distribution of data, but also on the latter's accuracy, and on the sensitivity of the output variables to change into the input variables. Some engineering judgment, based on knowledge of the investigated phenomenon, and a trial and error procedure, are needed to determine appropriate value(s) for w. Training process The originally proposed procedure[18] that is called CAE in its extended form and is presented here, consists of two parts. The first part corresponds to the so-called self-organisation of the neurons. When using relatively small databases, this part is not needed. The second part represents the mathematical description of different phenomena, using an optimal estimator, as described in previous section. From this point of view training represents a simple presentation of the data to the CAE neural network. In addition, compared to the conventional back-propagation neural networks (BP NN), testing the model is much simpler. Instead of using approximately 70 % of the data for training and the remaining 30 % of the data for testing, a different approach was used. The predicted parameter, i.e. stress of the stress-temperature-strain-strain rate curve, was predicted for each point. In this process the model vector under consideration was temporarily removed from the database. By several trials optimal values of the smoothness parameter were obtained. Recently, tests on phenomenon^281, very different from that presented here, show that such an estimation of the efficiency of the proposed model in general gives more conservative estimates than the conventional approach. To estimate quantitatively the accuracy of the CAE method for predicting the flow stress curves, the following equation, that enables calculations of the root mean sum of the squared deviations (RMSSD) for each deformation condition, is used: RMSSD JV 10 rk~rk) (5) N The prediction is considered good if the RMSSD value is within 5 % of the mean flow stress for that experimental condi-tion[11"12]. The mean flow stress <7m/s is calculated according to m/s 1 f a de 450- - 400 ro a) 350- Q. - E 300- (D ■ 250 200 150- 100- quench finish 0,7 mm f 2,75 mm 0,3 mm 1,0 mm ■0.3 mm 0.7 mm 1.0 mm 2.75 mm —i—1—i—1—i—1—i—■—i—1—i—1—i—1—i—1—i—1—i— 87.5 88.0 88.5 89.0 89.5 90.0 90.5 91.0 91.5 92.0 Time [s] -J2 О о 2 CO + 02) na temperaturi obloka, ki je pri MIG/MAG varjenju nad 5000 °C, zviša vsebnost ogljika v varih. Prigor ogljika v var je posledica reakcije [C] + [О]-«—{CO}, ki zaradi visokega parcialnega tlaka ogljikovega monoksida v obloku pri varjenju v zaščiti C02 poteka v levo. Pri varjenju z manj oksidativno plinsko mešanico Ar+18 vol.% C02 pa je tako odgorevanje dezoksidantov (Si in Mn) kot tudi prigor ogljika v var neznaten. Kemična sestava vara je odvisna predvsem od razredčenja čistega vara zaradi uvarjanja v osnovno konstrukcijskojeklo. Velikost uvarjanja je pri varjenju v zaščiti plinske mešanice Ar+18 vol.% C02 okoli 35 %-na, kar povzroči delno znižanje silicija od 0,9 % v žici na 0,69 % v varu in mangana od 1,5 % v žici na 1,20 % v varu, kar pa je bistveno manj kot pri varjenju v zaščiti plina C02. Zato imajo vari varjeni v zaščiti plinske mešanice Ar+18 vol.% C02 kljub nižji vsebnosti ogljika (0,064 % C), še vedno nekoliko višjo trdoto. Boljša žilavost teh varov pa je posledica večje homogenosti in čistoče. Vari varjeni v zaščiti plinske mešanice Ar+18 vol.% C02 so skoraj brez napak, to je brez mikroporoznosti in prav tako brez nekovinskih vključkov. PULZNO VARJENJE PO MAG-POSTOPKU Iz primerjave kakovosti varov, ki so bili varjeni po MAG-postopku v zelo oksidativnem zaščitnem plinu CO2, in varov, ki smo jih varili v manj oksidativni mešanici plinov Ar + 18 vol.% CO2 smo ugotovili, da enakomerno odtaljevanje dodajnega materiala zelo ugodno vpliva tako na izgled vara, kot tudi na njegovo kakovost. Najlepše in najbolj kakovostne vare pa dobimo pri pulznem varjenju. Pri pulznem varjenju z varilno napravo SYNERGIC 450 MIG PULSE pri jakostih varilnega toka nad 150 A v plinski zaščitni mešanici Ar + 18 vol.% CO2 poteka odtaljevanje dodajnega materiala v obliki drobnih kapljic. Pri izbrani nastanitvi varilnih parametrov, ko je povprečna in pulzna (maksimalna) jakost in napetost varilnega toka usklajena s hitrostjo varilne žice in frekvenco pulziranja, smo dosegli popolnoma enakomerno odtaljevanje kapljic. Potek pulziranja varilnega toka in napetosti je prikazan na sliki 2, v tabeli 3 pa so podani varilni parametri in meritve odtaljevanja kapljic za pulzno varjenje z žico VAC 60 premera(|) 1,2 mm v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar+18 vol.% CO2. 600 500 £ 400 ш 300 tr X g 200 100 o p Сипчтщ. VoHapel [V] L L - i L k -i г] Г 'M 'lu It 1 A ! f P M J r "i 1 L Jv У i] ц A 1 ы ! i L l b J L •Wi i 1 ■ T M Li И И ы 4 v Vi 60 60 40 £ 30 § s 20 O 10 o ) 0,02 a) 159 A Ерц]да 49,2 J 0.04 [£] 0 0.02 0.04 |s|0 TIME t b) 219 A Epjsa= 50,3 J 0.01 c) 281 A Epj^ 50,9 J 0.02 [£] Slika 2. Časovno spreminjanje toka in napetosti pri pulznem MAG-varjenju različnih povprečnihjakosti toka: a) 159A,b)219Ainc)281 A Figure 2. Time variation of welding current and voltage in pulsed MAG welding with different average currents: a) 159 A, b) 219 Ainc)281A Tabela 3. Varilni parametri in podatki o odtaljevanju za pulzno MAG varjenje z žico VAC 60, ргетегаф 1,2 mm v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar+18 vol.% CO2 Table 3. Welding parameters and information's of melting-off for pulsed MAG welding with 1.2 mm VAC 60 wire and using Ar+18 vol.% CO2 gas mixture Vzorec Jakost toka 1(A) Varilna napetost U(V) Hitrost pomika varilne žice [m/min] Frekvenca pulz-iranja Hz [s-1] Odtaljevanje Masa povprečne kapljice [g] Zap. št. Povprečna Pulzna Povprečna Pulzna Izmerjena Izračunana 1 159 385 16,3 33,6 3,0 42 0,0118 0,0106 2 219 386 21,4 34,3 5,0 80 0,0118 0,0092 3 281 392 24,9 32,7 6,7 130 0,0041 0,0075 Iz rezultatov študija odtaljevanja kapljic (prehajanje materiala) se lepo vidi, da se pri vsakem pulzu odtali samo ena kapljica. Le pri varjenju št. 3 (povprečnajakost toka je 281 A) prihaja do eksplozije kapljic (izmerjene kapljice so manjše od izračunanih). Intenzivnost in potek kemičnih procesov dezoksidacije vara med pulznim varjenjem smo ocenjevali na osnovi analize silicija in mangana v odtaljenih kapljicah. Na sliki 3 je prikazana izvedba meritev, v tabeli 4 pa rezultati določitev vsebnosti Si in Mn v kapljicah in izgled presekov kapljic. Slika 3. Diagram določitve Si in Mn v kapljici po metodi EDS na elektronskem mikroskopu (št. 1; povprečnajakosttoka 159A-manjšakapljica) Figure 3. Diagram of determination of Si and Mn in droplet from method EDS on the electronic microscope (no. 1; average current 159 A - smaller droplet) Tabela 4. Vsebnosti Si in Mn v kapljici in mikrostruktura na prerezu kapljic Table 4. Contents of Si and Mn in the droplet and microstructure on cross section ofdroplet Vzorec št. varjenja 1 (159 A) Velikost kapljic večje manjše Kemična sestava kapljic [mas.% Sil [mas.% Mn! 0,65 ± 0,33 0,96 ± 0,33 2,05 ± 0,77 1,99 ± 0,81 3 (281 A) večje manjše 0,35 ± 0,21 0,82 ± 0,22 0,43 ± 0,38 1,29 ± 0,40 Mikrostruktura na prerezu kapljic (i 4 več 2 (219 A) ■ večje ■ manjše 1,12 ± 0,24 0,88 ± 0,24 1,65 ± 0,75 1,33 ± 0,44 Iz kemične analize kapljic, ki je podana v tabeli 4, lahko zaključimo, da pri pulznem varjenju v zaščitni mešanici Ar + 18 % C02, ki je rahlo oksidativna, pri nizkih jakostih varilnega toka (pod 200 A) skoraj ni odgorevanja dezoksidantov, kot sta silicij in mangan. Intenzivnejše odgo-revanje nastopi šele pri višjih jakostih varilnega toka (nad 250 A) in to le v večjih kapljicah. Pri pulznem varjenju v rahlo oksidativni mešanici plinov Ar + 18 vol.% C02 je odgorevanje dezoksidantov in legirnih elementov neznatno. Kemična sestava navara je zato odvisna le od razredčenja (razmešanja) čistega vara zaradi uvarjanja v osnovni material. Iz presekov navarov na sliki 4 vidimo, da je uvarjanje v vseh primerih navarjanja skoraj povsem enako. Trdote navarov in njihove kemične sestave se zato malo razlikujejo. Podatki o kemični sestavi navarov in njihovi trdoti so prikazani v tabeli 5. Slika 4. Makrostruktura navarov pri pulznem MAG varjenju pri različnih povprečnihjakosti toka: a) 159A,b)219AinC)281A Figure 4. Macrostructure of surfacing welds in pulsed MAG welding with different average currents: a) 159 A, b) 219 A in C) 281 A Tabela 5. Kemične sestave in trdote navarov po pulznem varjenju z žico VAC60 v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar+18 vol.% C02 na konstrukcijskojeklo s parametri varjenja podanimi v tabeli 3 Table 5. Chemical composition and hardness of surfacing welds after pulsed MAG welding in an Ar+18 vol.% C02 gas mixture with VAC 60 wire on structural steel employing the welding parameters given in Table 3 Vzorec Povprečni tok Kemična sestava navarov [%] Trdotanavarov [HV0,3] št. ITA1 C Si Mn Koren Sredina Teme 1 159 0,073 0,51 0,91 138 160 206 2 219 0,084 0,52 0,93 145 181 203 3 281 0,094 0,44 0,78 136 171 181 Pulzno varjeni navari z žico VAC 60 v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar+18 vol.% C02 so visoko kakovostni in lepega videza. Tudi po detaljnem pregledu na preseku večvarkovnih navarov nismo zasledili mikroporoznosti in vključkov. Proces varjenja poteka zelo mirno in enakomerno, tako da se pri vsakem pulzu odtali le ena kapljica. Varjenje poteka brez brizganja, kar zagotavlja zelo lep izgled površine navara. Zaradi znatno večjega uvarjanja v osnovno konstrukcijskojeklo, so navari pri pulznem varjenju z varilno žico VAC 60 celo manj legirani, kot pri finokapljičastem varjenju v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar+18 vol.% C02 (tabela 1). Legiranje navarov z ogljikom narašča z jakostjo varilnega toka. Parametri varjenja imajo močan vpliv na disociacijo C02 ter s tem tudi na parcialni tlak ogljikovega monoksida v obloku (2 C02—>-2 CO + 02) in oksidativnost atmosfere v okolici obloka. Zato pri nizkih jakostih varilnega toka (159 A) silicij in mangan skoraj ne odgorevata med varjenjem. Pri višji jakosti varilnega toka (281 A) pa povečana oksidativnost plinske atmosfere povzroči intenzivnejše odgo- revanje dezoksidantov. Proces odgorevanja vpliva na znižanje vsebnosti Si in Mn v varu 3, karje zelo lepo vidno v tabeli 3. Pri danih pogojih pulznega varjenja z varilno žico VAC 60 v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar + 18 vol.% CO2 je bilo uvarjanje v osnovno konstrukcijsko jeklo okoli 50 %-no. Tako uvarjanje smo dosegli Sklepi Z žico VAC 60 (0,06 % C; 0,9 % Si in 1,5 % Mn), ki jo proizvajajo ELEKTRODE Jesenice za varjenje po MAG postopku pod CO2, dobimo zelo kakovostne vare z žilavostjo preko 150 J tudi v primeru, ko varimo v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar + 18 vol. % CO2. Varjenje poteka mirno, enakomerno in skoraj brez brizganja. Zaradi šibke oksidativnosti zaščitne plinske mešanice Ar + 18 vol.% CO2 skoraj ni odgorevanja dezoksidantov med procesom taljenja dodajnega materiala pri varjenju. Razredčenje navara zagotavlja le intenzivnost taljenja osnove oziroma velikost stopnje uvarjanja, kar pa ne zadostuje, da ne bi bili navari višje legirani in trši. Dobre žilavosti so posledica visoke čistoče in kakovosti varov. Še kakovostnejše vare in navare z dobrim videzom dobimo s pulznim varjenjem, v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar + 18 vol. % CO2. Ker vsak pulz odtali le eno kapljico, tudi brizganja ni, kar zagotavlja zelo lep izgled varov ali navarov. Zaradi zelo intenzivnega uvarjanja v osnovno konstrukcijsko jeklo so navari kljub varjenju z žico VAC 60 celo manj legirani, kot pri finokapljičastem varjenju v zaščiti Ar + 18 vol. % CO2. Pri pulznem varjenju pri varjenju z jakostjo osnovnega toka 30 A in energijo pulza, ki je bila pri vseh varjenjih okoli 50 J. S spreminjanjem jakosti osnovnega toka in energije pulza lahko vplivamo na uvarjanje, to je taljenje osnovnega materiala, kar je zelo pomembno pri varjanju, še pomembnejše pa je pri navarjenju legiranih nanosov na nelegirano konstrukcijskojeklo[16]. z nizkimi povprečnimi jakostmi varilnega toka skoraj ne pride do odgorevanja silicija in mangana med taljenjem dodajnega materiala. Na vsebnost silicija in mangana v navaru vpliva torej le stopnja uvarjanja, ki povzroči razredčenje čistega vara zaradi taljenja osnovnega konstrukcijskega jekla. Šele pri višjih povprečnih jakostih varilnega toka (281 A), nastane zaradi intenzivne disociacije C02 (2 C02—>2 CO + O2) povečana oksidativnost obločne atmosfere, kar vpliva tudi na znatnejše odgorevanje dezoksidantov (Si in Mn). Ti navari zato vsebujejo najmanj silicija in mangana. Stopnja disociacije CO2 v obločni atmosferi ima pri pulznem varjenju v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar + 18 vol. % CO2 posebno pri višjih povprečnih jakostih varilnega toka (nad 250 A) pomemben vpliv na kemično sestavo navara. Vsebnost ogljika v navaru se zvišuje, če povečujemo povprečnojakost varilnega toka. Pri pulznem varjenju v zaščitni plinski mešanici Ar + 18 vol. % CO2 je kemična sestava varov in navarov, ki pomembno vpliva na njihovo kakovost, najbolj odvisna od stopnje uvarjanja v osnovno konstrukcijsko jeklo. Na velikost uvarjanja pa lahko uspešno vplivamo z izbiro oblike in energije pulza ter jakostjo osnovnega toka. Velikost uvara je izredno pomembna za uspešno varjenje tankih pločevin, katerih brez nadzorovanega taljenja osnovnega materiala ne moremo pro- duktivno variti, in pri navarjanju legiranih nanosov na nelegirano konstrukcijsko jeklo. Summary Pulsed arc welding of structural steels In practice structural steels are usually MAG welded using solid welding wires and C02 shielding gas. MAG welding is a productive, cost-effective and very adaptable welding process. It may be used as a semi-automatic process also on site. It is also very suitable for automation and robotization of the welding processes in industrial applications^-7-1. Because of its versatile industrial applicability, the share of shielding gas arc welding applications for various materials has considerably increased. In the last 20 years its share has doubled mainly at the expense of the manual metal arc welding with covered electrodes. Figure 1 shows the shares of the most important arc welding processes[1]. In welding of structural steels usually as filler material using solid wires VAC 60 (0.9 % Si and 1.5 % Mn)[8]. Because welding with of the very oxidising shielding gas CO2 are intense burn-off of silicon and manganese (Table 1). A common welding process in welding of structural steels using VAC 60 wire (EN 440 - G3Si)[8] and CO2 oxidizing shielding gas[9-11] is very chaotic and does not guarantee a high weld quality[12]. Thus short-circuiting welding of thin sheets will be irregular in terms of metal transfer. A still more irregular metal transfer can be found in high-productivity spray arc welding of thick sheets. Spray metal transfer consists in the explosions of the droplets melting off due to the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) in the molten pool of the melted wire. The quality of the welds made with MAG welding in CO2 with VAC 60 wire, and with short-circuiting and spray metal transfers, is essentially affected by the frequent occurrence of microporosity at bead boundaries. The weld toughness achieved is, therefore, somewhat lower, but still satisfactory in most cases of structural-steel welding. Thus a quality welded joint with a toughness of around 100J according to a Charpy V-notch test at 20 °C and with a composition and hardness values of around 140 HV 0.3, which is very close to the quality of the parent metal, i.e. structural steel, is still satisfactory (Table 2). With VAC 60 wire (0.06 % C; 0.9 % Si and 1.5 % Mn), product of Slovenian firm elektrode Jesenice, for CO2 welding high-quality welds with toughness of over 150 J are obtained also in case welding is carried out in Ar + 18 vol. % CO2 gas mixture. Welding is calm, uniform and almost without spatter. Because of a low oxidizing capability of Ar + 18 vol. % CO2 gas mixture there is almost no burn-off of the deoxidizers during melting of the filler material. The surfacing-weld dilution can be ensured only by intense melting of the parent metal, i.e., the degree of penetration respectively. This, however does not suffice to obtain higher-alloyed surfacing welds with higher hardness. Favourable toughness is a result of high purity and quality of surfacing welds (Table 2). Surfacing welds of still higher quality and nice appearance can be obtained in pulsed arc welding in the gas mixture of Ar + 18 vol. % C02. There is no spatter because each pulse will melt only one droplet, which provides nice appearance of the surfacing welds or weld (Figure 2 and Table 3)[13-15]. Due to intense penetration into the parent metal, i.e. structural steel, the surfacing welds are, in spite of welding with VAC 60 wire, even lower alloyed than in welding in fine-droplet welding in Ar + 18 vol. % C02. In pulsed welding with low average welding currents there is almost no burn-off of silicon and manganese during melting of the filler material (Figure 3 and Table 4). The contents of silicon and manganese in the surfacing welds are thus affected only by the degree of penetration, which produces the dilution of the all-weld metal due to melting of the parent metal (Figure 4 and Table 5). It is only at higher average welding currents (281 A) that, because of intense dissociation of C02 (2 C02—>2 CO + 02), the oxidizing capability of the arc atmosphere will occur, which, in turn, will provide stronger burn-off of the deoxidizers Si and Mn. Consequently, these surfacing welds will contain the least silicon and manganese (Figure 4 and Table 5)[15, 16] The degree of dissociation of C02 in the arc atmosphere in pulsed welding in Ar + 18 vol. % C02 gas mixture thus essentially affects the chemical composition of the surfacing weld. The carbon content in the surfacing weld will be increasing with the average welding current increasing as well (Figure 4 and Table 5). In pulsed arc welding in Ar + 18 vol. % C02 gas mixture, the chemical composition of the welds and surfacing welds, which essentially affects their quality, is mostly dependent on the degree of penetration into the parent metal, i.e., structural steel. The degree of penetration can be affected efficiently by the pulse shape and energy and the base current. The degree of penetration is very important to accomplish efficient welding of thin sheets, which cannot be accomplished without controlled melting of the parent metal, and in surfacing of deposits on unalloyed structural steel. All experimental pulsed welding and surfacing was carried out with a Synergic 450 MIG pulse welding device, product of ISKRA-Varjenje, which permits controlled energy input during welding and a choice of the base current and the pulse shape and energy. In setting of the degree of penetration, the pulse energy is more important than the base current. [33] Viri [29] Koveš, A. 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[36] Catalogue of filler materials produced by ELEKTRODE Jesenice d.o.o., Welding Consumables, (1999). [37] EN 439: Dodajni materiali za varjenje - Zaščitni plini za obločno varjenje in rezanje (EN 439: Welding [35] consumables-shielding gases for arc welding and cutting), 1994. [38] Shackleton, D.N., Smith, A.A. (1984): Standardisation of shielding gas mixtures for MIG/MAG welding, IIW Doc.XII-832-84. [39] Kejžar, R. (2001): Deoxidation of the weld in active gas welding. IIW Doc. XII-1686-01. [40] Suban, M. (2001): Kaotično obnašanje prehoda materiala pri MAG/MIG načinu varjenja (The chaotic behaviour of material transfer in MAG/MIG welding). Varilna tehnika.; Vol. 50 No. 1, pp. 16-20. [41] Lancaster, J.F. (1986): The physics of welding.; IIW-Pergamon Press, Oxford. [42] Langus, d., Kralj, V. (2005): Optimiranje varilnih parametrov pri impulznem varjenju MIG/MAG s sinusnimi, širinsko krmiljenimi impulzi toka. Dan varilne tehnike: zbornik. Novo mesto, pp. 127-136. 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Materiali in tehnologije.; Vol. 37, No. 3-4, pp. 167-172. 15N signal of Aplysina aerophoba as a tracer of anthropogenic nitrogen in the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay (Central Adriatic) 15N v Aplysini aerophobi kot sledilo antropogenega dušika v Murterskem morju in Pirovaškem zalivu (srednji Jadran) Nastja Rogan1, Tadej Dolenec1'2, Sonja Lojen2, Živana Lambaša3, Matej Dolenec1 University ofLjubljana, Faculty ofNatural Sciences and Engineering, Department ofGeology, Aškerčevacesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail:,, 2JožefStefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail: 3Šibenik-Knin County, 22000 Šibenik, Croatia Received: June 21, 2007 Accepted: July 10, 2007 Abstract: Stable nitrogen isotopes were used to study the environmental impact of sewage-discharge and fish-farming-derived nitrogen in the Murter Sea and in the semi-enclosed Pirovac Bay (Central Adriatic). The results suggested that the effluents from the septic systems of Murter Island and the coastal part of Pirovac Bay discharged into the adjacent coastal ecosystems, which together with the fish-farm-derived fecal material and the feed wastage affected the stable nitrogen isotopic composition of the marine sponge Aplysina aerophoba. Furthermore, the 51SN signature of Aplysina aerophoba can be useful in tracing the untreated municipal and other sewage-derived nitrogen flow in marine coastal ecosystems and the dispersion of 15N loadings generated by the inflows from fish farms. Izvleček: Članek obravnava izotopsko sestavo dušika v morski spužvi Aplysina aerophoba iz Murterskega morja in Pirovaškega zaliva (srednji Jadran). Rezultati raziskave kažejo, večje vrednosti parametra ò15N v Aplysini aerophobi iz priobalnih delov Murterskega morja in Pirovškega zaliva, ki so posledica vnosa izotopsko težjega dušika 15N z netretiranimi komunalnimi in drugimi odplakami ter izpustov iz ribjih farm. Dobljeni podatki nakazujejo tudi možnost uporabe omenjene spužve za monitoring vpliva odpadnih voda na obalne ekosisteme. Key words: Aplysina aerophoba, municipal sewage, fish farming activities, nitrogen isotope composition, Murter Sea, Pirovac Bay, Central Adriatic Ključne besede: Aplysina aerophoba, komunalne odplake, ribje farme, izotopska sestava dušika, Murtersko morje, Pirovški zaliv, srednji Jadran Introduction Increased nitrogen loadings have been implicated in eutrophication occurrences worldwide. A significant component of marine eutophication in many near shore environments can be attributed to the inputs of anthropogenic nitrogen from untreated domestic sewage, as well as municipal and industrial effluents (BACHTIAR, et al., 1996; COSTANZO, et al., 2001; Lee and OLSEN, 1985; NIXON, et al., 1986). In the past decade, the increasing number of fish-culture industries in the Mediterranean and Adriatic area has also begun to create environmental problems due to the impact caused by fish-farming waste. Many papers have shown how fish-farm biodeposition products can negatively affect the sediment chemistry and the community dynamics of seagrasse benthic macrofauna, meiofauna, and benthic bacteria (DOLENEC, et al., 2007; 2006; Holmer, 1991; La Rosa, et al., 2001; Mirto, et al., 2002; Pergent, et al., 1999; Ruiz, et al., 2001; SARA, et al., 2004). The near-shore environments of the Murter Sea and the semi-closed Pirovac Bay are among the most impacted areas in northern Dalmatia. The area is exposed to and affected by municipal and industrial sewage from Murter Island and the coastal parts of Pirovac Bay. The aquaculture located near Vrgada Island (Murter Sea) is an additional source of the increased amounts of dissolved and particulate nutrient loads, especially of organic phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Stable isotopes of biogenic elements (C, N, S) have been used successfully for assessing and monitoring aquatic ecosystem quality. Stable isotope ratios can provide information about trophic structure, resource partitioning, habitat usage and species migration (FRY et al., 1977; Kneib and Stiven, 1980; ZIEMAN et al., 1984; MUSCATINE et al., 1989; THOMAS and Cahoon, 1993; NEWELL et al., 1995; Deegan AND GARRITT, 1997; Moncreiff and Sullivan, 2001; Vizzini et al., 2002; VIZZINI and MAZZOLA, 2002) and determine major nutrient sources in natural food webs (Shearer and Kohl, 1993; COFFIN etal., 1994). The aim of this study was to assess the anthropogenic effects on the marine sponge Aplysina aerophoba in the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay by using nitrogen isotope analysis. Aplysina aerophoba is one of the most abundant sponges; it is very widespread on the shoal rocky bottom in the coastal part of the Adriatic Sea and therefore very representative of the investigated area. As a bethic sessile invertebrate the sponge is relatively nonmobile and thus tends to be representative of the area being sampled (Reynolds et al., 1995). Materials and methods Study area The study area of about 380 km2 is located in the northern Dalmatia Adriatic, Croatia. The open sea around the Kornati Islands and the islands Žirje and Žut is relatively free from anthropogenic impact, while the coastal part of Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay are exposed to untreated municipal, industrial and to a lesser extent to It represents the inshore and offshore parts of the Murter Sea, the semi-enclosed Pirovac Bay, the archipelago of the Kornati Islands and the offshore islands of the main islands Žirje and Žut (Figure 1). agricultural pollution from the nearest small cities, such as Pirovac, Tisno, Jezera, Betina and Murter, which increased the amount of nitrogen loading in the particulate organic matter (POM) and the sediments of this region. Marinas in Jezera, Figure 1. Map of the study area in the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay (Central Adriatic) showing sites of Aplisina aerophoba sampling (*Fish farms) Slika 1. Geografska karta vzorčnih točk Aplysine aerophobe v Murterskem morju in Pirovaškem zalivu - srednji Jadran (*Ribje farme) Betina and Hramina provide additional inputs of anthropogenic nitrogen from untreated faecal sewage and industrial effluents. Around Vrgada Island are the fish cages with European sea brass (Dicentrarchus labrax), gilt-head sea bream (Sparus aurata) and Atlantic blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). The annual production is approximately 450 tons of Dicentrarchus labrax and Sparus aurata, as well as 1000 tons of Thunnus thynnus. The amount of food consummed each year is about 900 tons of peletted food for the sea brass and sea bream and about 7200 tons of fresh and frozen fish for the blue fin tuna. Fish-farming activities are the source of N-rich inputs such as fish excreta and uneaten food. As the reference site we chose Lumbarda reef flat, which is situated in the open sea, 3 km west of the island Sedlo (Figure 1). Results from previous research confirmed that the ecosystems around Lumbarda are not affected by environmental pollution (Dolenec et al., 2006). Sample collection The individuals of Aplysina aerophoba were collected by scuba diving from 26 locations at depths of approximately 2-5 m. To obtain the strongest possible S15N signal, the sampling period was limited to the peak of the summer tourist season (the last two weeks in August 2005). A strong light intensity, high temperatures and efficacious nutrients ensure that the increased primary production is high in August. As a result of intensive tourist activities, the input of untreated human and industrial sewage is also at its highest during that period. The sampling sites were located in the Murter Sea and the semi-enclosed Pirovac Bay (sampling sites PB) as well as around the Vrgada Island, close to the fish farms (sampling sites FF) and in the coastal parts of the small isolated Islands of Kornati, Žut and Žirje (sampling sites ROFF). The reference site was selected in the Lumbarda reef flat. Between five and eight individuals were sampled at each location. Sample preparation and stable nitrogen isotope analysis Fresh Aplysina aerophoba samples were placed in plastic bags and refrigerated immediately after collection to await further processing. All the Aplysina aerophoba individuals were size and weight matched (basal diameter 1.5 cm; height 10 cm) in order to avoid possible isotope effects caused by ontogenetic dietary shifts (DeNiro and EPSTEIN, 1981; Muscatine and Kaplan, 1994, Lojen et al., 2005) or differences in age (Owens, 1987), which could also affect the nitrogen isotopic composition. For the isotope analyses only the topmost 1-cm part of five different individuals of Aplysina aerophoba from each sampling site were chosen. The selected parts of all the samples were carefully examined with a binocular microscope for the presence of other sponge-dwelling organisms (small worms and crabs), which were separated from their host. Located in a higher trophic level, worms and crabs have different nitrogen isotopic composition than sponges, and their presence in Aplysina aerophoba distorts the original nitrogen isotopic signal. Aplysina aerophoba samples thus represent the combined tissues of the topmost 1-cm part of five individuals and the associated microorganisms. In the laboratory the sponge samples were first rinsed with deionized water to remove salts and sediment particles and then freeze-dried for a minimum duration of 72 h. Lyophilized samples were crushed and homogenised in an agate mortar to avoid heavy-metal contamination. Powder samples packed in tin capsules were preserved in desiccators at room temperature prior to the isotope analysis. The samples from each location were analysed individually. The nitrogen isotopic composition of the Aplysina aerophoba samples was measured using a Europa 20-20 continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer with an ANCA SL preparation module (PZD Europa Ltd., U.K.). The results are expressed in the standard 515N notations as the relative per mille (%o) difference between the sample and the nitrogen standard (atmospheric nitrogen, 515N = 0 %o). The analytical precision (1 standard deviation) of triplicate analyses of IAEA N-1 and N-2 standards was better than ±0.16 %. The precision (1 standard deviation) of the duplicate isotopic analyses of samples was within ± 0.2 %. Data analysis The differences between the sampling sites from Pirovac Bay and the coastal part of the Murter Sea (PB group) as well as the reference and other offshore-location sampling sites (ROFF group) and fish farms (FF group) were initially tested using an analyses of variance (one-way ANOVA) followed by Tukey's Honesty Significant Difference (HSD) test to compare the data between the nitrogen isotope composition of the Aplysina aerophoba from among the sampling-site groups. The results were accepted as significant when p < 0.05. Results The results of the S15N determination in Aplysina aerophoba are shown in Table 1 and represent the average nitrogen composition of the topmost 1-cm part of the Aplysina aerophoba individuals collected in August 2005. The mean, minimum and maximum 815N values together with the variance for Pirovac Bay and the coastal part of the Murter Sea (PB group) and the fish farms (FF group), as well as the reference and offshore (ROFF group) samples are shown in Table 2 and Figure 2. The data from Tukey's HSD test are summarized in Table 3. The Aplysina aerophoba samples can be divided into two statistically different groups: the reference and offshore sites (ROF sampling sites 3-12 and 18, 19) and the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay sites (PB sampling sites 2 and 20-28) together with the fish-farm sites (FF sampling sites 1317). The division was made on the basis of the mean S15N values of the group members (1.38, 3.95 and 4.78 %0 for the ROFF, PB and FF groups, respectively). Tukey's HSD test showed a statistically significant difference between the ROFF and PB and/or the FF sites, while no significant difference could be observed between the PB and FF sites (Table 3). The results shown in Table 1 indicate that the S15N values of the Aplysina aerophoba tissues varied between - 0.7 and + 5.7 %o, with a spread of 6.4 % and a mean value of + 2.96 %o. The first group of Aplysina aerophoba samples (SOFF sites) included individuals from the unaffected Lumbarda reference site (**sampling site 7), from the open-sea locations in the Murter Sea (sampling sites 4-6), as well as from the reef flats near the offshore Kornati Islands (sampling site 8) and the Žut Island (sampling sites 8-12). The S15N values of this group vary between - 0.7 and + 3.0 %, with a mean value of + 1.38 %. The second group (PB sampling sites) represents the Aplysina aerophoba individuals with slightly elevated Ö15N values in the range of + 3.0 to + 5.1 % and a mean of + 3.95 %. These samples were mostly collected from the coastal part of Murter Island and from Pirovac Bay. However, in the inner part, the most impacted part of Pirovac Bay, the marine sponge Aplysina aerophoba was not present. We can find Aplysina aerophoba only near the inner side of the islands, which separate Pirovac Bay from the Murter Sea. The third group (FF sampling sites) consists of Aplysina aerophoba individuals with the highest S15N values, which vary from + 4.1 to + 5.7 %, while the mean is + 4.78% (Table 1, Figure 1). Table 1. 51SN values of Aplysina aerophoba collected in the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay -Central Adriatic in August 2005 (average sample of the topmost 1-cm part of five different individuals) Tabela 1. Vrednosti 51SN v Aplysini aerophobi v avgustu 2005, na območju Murterskega morja in Pirovaškega zaliva - srednji Jadran (vzorec predstavljajo najvišji, 1 cm veliki deli petih različnih prstastih tvorb) Sample No. Sampling site Sample group 61SN (%«) с ± 1 Pirovac (coast) - - 2 Murter Island SE 3 PB + 3.5 0.1 3 Kukuljari Islands 1 R0FF + 2.0 0.1 4 ReefFlat Cavlin 1 R0FF + 1.5 0.3 5 Nozdra Island 1 R0FF + 0.4 0.2 6 Reef Flat Puh 1 R0FF + 0.4 0.1 7* ReefFlat Lumbarda** 1 R0FF -0.7 0.1 8 Bikarijca (coast) 1 R0FF + 0.6 0.1 9 ReefFlat Kamenjar 1 R0FF + 1.3 0.2 10 Dinariči Islands 1 R0FF + 1.9 0.1 11 Gustac Island 1 R0FF + 1.5 0.1 12 ReefFlat Galijolica 1 R0FF + 3.0 0.2 13 0šljak Island 2 FF + 4.1 0.2 14 R. Kotula Island 2 FF + 4.5 0.3 15 Spinata Island*** 2 FF + 5.5 0.1 16 Rakita Island*** 2 FF + 5.7 0.1 17 Gira Island 2 FF + 4.1 0.2 18 Murvenjak Island 1 R0FF + 2.2 0.1 19 Vrtlič Island 1 R0FF + 2.4 0.1 20 žavinac Island 3 PB + 3.6 0.2 21 Sestrice Islands 3 PB + 3.0 0.1 22 Arta V. Island 3 PB + 3.4 0.2 23 Prišnjak V. Island 3 PB + 3.5 0.1 24 Prišnjak M. Island 3 PB + 3.9 0.2 25 Arta M. Island 3 PB + 4.0 0.3 26 Radelj Island 3 PB + 4.5 0.2 27 Vinik Island 3 PB + 5.0 0.1 28 Cap of Gradina 3 PB + 5.1 0.1 reference site **, fish farm*** 70 ROGAI, N. ET AL. Table 2. Basic descriptive statistics of nitrogen isotopic composition (51SN values) of Aplysina aerophoba collected in the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay - Central Adriatic in August 2005 Tabela 2. Osnovna statistika za izotopsko sestavo dušika (51SN vrednosti) v Aplysini aerophobi na območju Murterskega morja in Pirovaškega zaliva - srednji Jadran (avgust 2005) Sample group ö15N N Min Max Median Means S.D. Variance 1 ROFF 12.00 -0.70 3.00 1.50 1.38 1.04 1.08 2 FF 5.00 4.10 5.70 4.50 4.78 0.77 0.59 3 PB 10.00 3.00 5.10 3.75 3.95 0.70 0.50 All Loc. 27.00 -0.70 5.70 3.40 2.96 1.70 2.89 Categ. Box & Whisker Plot:S15N 4 5 3 3 PB 1 ROFF 2 FF Group ■ Mean I I ±SD Ц ±1,96*SD Figure 2. Whisker plots of 51SN values of Aplysina aerophoba (ROFF - reference and offshore locations; FF - fish-farm sampling sites; PB - Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay sampling sites Slika 2. Whiskeijevi diagrami S15N vrednosti v Aplysini aerophobi (ROFF -referenčna in oddaljene (od obale) lokacije; FF - vzorčne točke pri ribjih farmah; PB - vzorčne točke v Murterskem morju in Pirovaškem zalivu) Table 3. Tuckey HSD test; Marked differences (***) of nitrogen isotopic composition (51SN values) of Aplysina aerophoba ofROFF, FF and PB group are significant atp< 0.05 Tabela 3. Tuckey-jev HSD test; označene razlike (***) izotopske sestave dušika (51SN vrednosti) v Aplysini aerophobi za skupine ROFF, FF and PB so značilne pri p<0.05 1 roff 2 FF 3 PB 1 roff - 2 FF - - 3 PB - - discussion Sponges are primitive metazoans. Instead of organs or tissues they possess amoeboid, omnipotent and phagocytotically active cells that move freely through the sponge matrix, termed the mesohyl. Various micro-organisms have evolved to reside in the sponges, including cyanobacteria, diverse heterotrophic bacteria, unicellular algae and zoochlorellae (FREDERICH et al., 2001 and references therein). Three types of associations of micro-organisms with Aplysina aerophoba have been described: 1) cosmopolitan bacteria, which most likely serve as a food source, 2) extracellular bacteria, which are probably specific to the sponge mesohyl, and 3) intracellular bacteria, which permanently reside in the nuclei of specific host cells (Vacelet, 1975). The presence of the hosted bacteria can amount as much as to 40 % of the total animal biomass (YOUNG-Beon et al., 2003). Aplysina aerophoba sponges also contain high concentrations of brominated metabolites (up to 13 % of the dry weight) with antimicrobial activity (Sharma and Burkholder, 1967; Faulkner, 1978), repellent properties against predators (WEISS et al., 1996), and cytostatic activity in human breast-cancer cell lines (Kreuter et al., 1990). All these compounds, which are probably produced by the sponge itself (Ebel et al., 1997) as well as the hosted bacteria, and the food sources influenced the nitrogen isotope composition of the Aplysina aerophoba. Aplysina aerophoba is a filter feeder, utilizing food particles suspended in the water and captured by the coenocytes. These food particles consist essentially of bacteria, other micro-organisms, and particles of organic debris. The feeding strategies of the suspension filter feeders are assumed to be closely coupled to the seasonal input of POM (IKEN et al., 2001). In marine ecosystems impacted by fish-farm activities or untreated human and animal waste of faecal origin, the effluent related S15N signal is incorporated into the entire food web (McClelland and Valiela, 1998; Risk and Erdman, 2000; Heikoop et al., 2000; BURFORD et al., 2002). Fish-farm loadings and waste-water nutrients derived from septic systems and animal wastes are generally enriched in the heavy nitrogen isotope 15N. This is due to the nitrogen transformation that typically occurs in such waters before or after discharge (Heikoop et al., 2000). Consequently, the POM and biota in marine ecosystems impacted by such anthropogenic nitrogen inputs are also enriched in 15N. The differences in the S15N values of the Aplysina aerophoba among all three groups of sites (FF, PB and ROFF) are in the range of 6.4 %o, which is quite a lot when compared to the literature data for a single species raised on an identical diet. Kidd et al. (1995) reported that the variation in the S15N values for arctic lake invertebrates was less than 2.0 %. Variations in the S15N values in individuals of the same species could be related to size and age effect (Miniwaga and Wada, 1984; Wada et al., 1991), a depth effect (Saino and HATORY, 1980; MUSCATINE and Kaplan, 1994), seasonal effects (MARRIOTTI et al., 1980; COSTANZO et al., 2001), and differences due to varying levels of 15N-enriched fish-farm or human-sewage-derived nitrogen (RISK and ERDMAN, 2000; COSTANZO et al., 2001; MAZZOLA and SARÀ, 2001; VIZZINI and MAZZOLA, 2004; SARÀ et al., 2004). As the size, depth and season of collection were strictly controlled by the sampling design, the observed variations in Aplysina aerophoba 15N content appears to be primarily explained by a variation in the extent of the elevated 15N-enriched sewage and/ore effluents input into the investigated area. The isotopic composition of organisms feeding in either clean or polluted environments also depends upon their position in the food chain. The lowest trophic level TL - 1 consists of phytoplankton with 815N values of about + 5 %. Sponges, anemones, mussels, small polychaetes and copepods represent the TL - 2 trophic level. Their 515N values range between + 5 and + 7 %o. The 815N values of the Verongia aerophoba tissue analysed during this study were found to be lower than the reported values for trophic level TL - 2. All Aplysina aerophoba individuals analyzed during this study also exhibited 815N values that are generally lower relative to the nitrogen isotopic composition of POM (a mixture of phytoplankton, detritus, bacteria and small micro-zooplankton) at the base of the food web (DOLENEC et al., 2006; 2007). This is not consistent with previous studies, which assumed a diet-tissue fractionation factor of between 2.8 and 3.8 %, with an average of 3.20 ± 0.14 % (PERSIC et al., 2004) and an enrichment of consumers in terms of 15N with increasing food-web position. Such depletion was already reported for some other species of sponge in oligotrophic environements (Mycale fistulifera around the Ardag fish farm in Eilat, Red Sea, LOJEN et al., 2005). The depleted signature in Aplysina aerophoba, lower than that of POM, most probably indicated the fractionation of nitrogen isotopes during uptake and assimilation by hosted bacteria (DOLENEC et al., 2007). The symbiotic association between Aplysina aerophoba and bacteria, which plays an important role in the nutrition of some shallow-water sponges (Reiswig, 1975; Arillo et al., 1993), thus leads to lower 815N values. Those bacteria may be able to metabolize highly refractory material, which can than be assimilated by the sponge, leading to a depletion in terms of the 15N of its tissue. Although the 15N depletion due to bacterial metabolism considerably lowered the original 515N food signal in Aplysina aerophoba, the observed variations in 615N values could be primarily explained in terms of elevated 15N-enriched sewage inputs into the investigated area. This is also supported by the data relating to nitrogen isotope composition in Anemonia sulcata and Balanus perforatus tissue, which exhibited similar differences between (ROFF), (PB) and (FF) group samples (DOLENEC et al., 2006). The ö15N values of Aplysina aerophoba were significantly higher in the coastal part of the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay (PB group) and around fish farms (FF group) than they were in the less-affected offshore or pristine sites (ROFF group). Similar 15N enrichment was also found in reef molluscs, stomapods, fishes and corals in SE Asia settings exposed to anthropogenic nutrient pollution (RISK and HEIKOOP, 1997; Mendes et al., 1997; Heikoop et al., 2000; RISK and ERDMAN, 2000; WEISS et al., 2002). Elevated ö15N values from other world sites have also been measured in marine plants exposed to ground-water contaminated by septic systems (McClelland et al., 1997) and sewage effluents (Grice et al., 1996; Udy and Dennison, 1997; Constanzo et al., 2001). Nutrients derived from septic systems are generally enriched in 15N and exhibit 515N values of + 10 to + 22 %o (Heaton, 1986). Most of the sewage-derived heavy nitrogen 15N in the semi-enclosed Pirovac Bay and in the coastal part of the Murter Sea tend to be related to the inadequate septic systems and wastewater treatment in the surrounding villages, tourist centres (hotel facilities) in Pirovac Bay (Murter, Betina, Tisno, Jezera and Pirovac), marinas (Hramina, Betina and Jezera), and seasonally open auto camps. The increase in the human population during the touristic season represents an additional impact of human sewage on the marine coastal ecosystems of Murter Island. Furthermore, the fish-farm biodeposition products also affect the water column and sediment chemistry, the seagrass, the meiofauna and the benthic bacteria (Findlay and Watling, 1997; Hargrave et al., 1997; Pergent et al., 1999; Pearson and Black, 2000; La Rosa et al., 2001; MIRTO et al., 2002; Alongi et al., 2003, SARÀ et al., 2004, DOLENEC et al., 2004, 2005). Faecal waste material, several organic pollutants, algicides and herbicides, disinfectants, antibiotics, inducing agents, probiotics, etc. are enriched in 15N and thus contribute to the elevated 515N signal in different organisms close to the fish farms (TACON et al., 1995; DOLENEC et al., 2007). The wastage of feed, which is estimated to be of about 20% (enell, 1995), also contributed to the increased 615N signal in the POM and biota in the impacted area. The effects of fish-farm loading depend on the culture method, the feed type, the farm size, the hydrography, the hydrodynamic regime and other environmental features of the area (PILLAY, 1991). The strongest 815N signal found in Aplysina aerophoba from the coastal part of Murter Island and Pirovac Bay (PB group) suggested the input of untreated domestic and industrial effluents and wastewaters, which were discharged into the coastal ecosystems of the investigated area. The elevated S15N signal in Aplysina aerophoba from the SW coastal part of Murter Island could be related to the current-derived sewage from the cities of Split and Šibenik as well as from the tourist centres of Vodice and Tribunj. The dispersion of 15N loading generated by aquaculture at Vrgada Island, however, affected the adjacent offshore ecosystems and the 615N signal in Aplysina aerophoba (FF group) and in other biota (DOLENEC et al., 2006; 2007). A pattern of influence caused by farm waste 15N is a function of the local current speed, the water depth, and the total output from the farms. The last factor is important in determining the real impact on the adjacent environment (Iwama, 1991). Aplysina aerophoba from ecosystems located further away from cities, harbours and tourist centres with no appreciable sewage is depleted in 15N. However, the lowest 815N values were measured in the more or less pristine offshore reef flats of the Kornati, Žut and Žirje ecosystems with minimal anthropogenic impact (ROFF group). Offshore ecosystems are usually Conclusions The results presented here indicate that an inadequate municipal infrastructure and aquaculture activities are the principal sources of 15N loading in the investigated area. The 15N-enriched nitrogen in effluents from the septic systems of Murter Island and the coastal part of Pirovac Bay, which discharge into the adjacent coastal ecosystems, were found to be incorporated into the Aplysina aerophoba living in the shallow water of the Murter Sea and Pirovac Bay. Similarly, the fish-farm-derived 15N-enriched waste could also be characteristic of highly oligotrophic conditions, where the algal fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is the major source of nitrogen. As a result, the 515N signal at the base of the food webs is low and the 15N enrichment of various organisms is also relatively low. The results of this study further indicated that the enrichment in Aplysina aerophoba 15N content decreased with the distance from the coast towards the open-sea ecosystems as well as away from the fish cages. Such onshore-to-offshore 515N variations most probably indicate that the sewage-induced 15N-enrichment signal is rapidly attenuated with the distance from the pollution sources. Similar inshore-offshore 815N variations were also observed in stomapods from Sulawesi (Risk and Erdman, 2000) and corals from Indonesia, Zanzibar and the Maldives (Heikoop et al., 2000; RISK and ERDMAN, 2000). traced in Aplysina aerophoba sampled around the fish farms of the Vrgada and adjacent islands. By using the S15N signature of Aplysina aerophoba biologically available and therefore ecologically significant, nitrogen can be detected and used to support the monitoring of the human-sewage impact and/or the influence of fish-farm activities in different marine environments. The815N signature of Aplysina aerophoba and of other biota as well as in POM could also be useful in planning the wastewater management in the region. Povzetki 1SN v Aplysini aerophobi kot sledilo antropogenega dušika v Murterskem morju in Pirovaškem zalivu (srednji Jadran) Neprimerna komunalna infrastruktura in aktivnosti v ribjih farmah veljata na podlagi predstavljenih rezultatov za glavna vira obremenitve preiskovanega območja z 15N. Odplake iz septičnih sistemov otoka Murter in priobalnih delov Pirovaškega zaliva se izlivajo v bližnje obalne ekosisteme in vsebujejo povišane vrednosti 15N, kateri se posledično vgrajuje v spužvo Aplysino aerophobo, ki živi v plitkih vodah Murterskega morja in Pirovaškega zaliva. Odpadki ribjih farm so obogateni s povišanimi vrednostmi 15N, katere prav tako sledimo v Aplysini aerophobi, ki je bila povzorčena okoli ribjih farm v bližini otoka Vrgade in sosednjih otokov. Meritve izotopske sestave dušika v Aplysini References Bachtiar, T., Coakley, J. P. & Risk, M. J. (1996): Tracing sewage-contaminated sediments in Hamilton Harbour using selected geochemical indicators. The Science of the Total Environment:, Vol. 179, pp. 3-16. Costanzo, S. D., Donohue, M. J., Dennison, W. C., Loneragan, N. R. & Thomas, M. (2001): A New Approach for Detecting and Mapping Sewage Impacts. Marine Pollution Bulletin:, Vol. 42, pp. 149-156. Dolenec, T., Lojen, S., Kniewald, G., dolenec, M. & Rogan, N. (2007): Nitrogen stable isotope composition as a tracer of fish farming in invertebrates Aplysina aerophoba, Balanus perforatus and Anemonia aerophobi so se izkazale kot dober indikator onesnaženosti različnih morskih ekosistemov s komunalnimi in drugimi organskimi odplakami ter kot odličen pokazatelj obremenitve okolja zaradi marikulturne dejavnosti. Vrednosti parametra . 515N v Aplysini aerophobi, drugi bioti in partikulatni organski snovi (POM) (geokemične karte) lahko uporabimo za pomoč pri novih okoljskih načrtih in konstrukcijah odpadnih sistemov v regiji. Acknowledgements This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Slovenia (Bilateral Project between Republic of Croatia and Slovenia for the years 20052006, research programme P1-0143), and Geoexp, d. o. o., Tržič, Slovenia. Thanks to Dr. Paul McGuiness for the linguistic corrections. sulcata in central Adriatic. Aquaculture.; Vol. 262, pp. 237-249. 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The results of analysis of some extensive failures in different (stiff and soft) rocks show that rock failures appear mostly in geologically unfavourable areas, such as fault zones and zones with unfavourable distribution of bedding, fissility and joints with additional presence of water. Rock failures often appear in parts of tunnels with thin overburden. Markland's test helps us determine whether a rock failure is due to sliding or is it a gravitational failure. In stiff rocks sliding and falls (gravitational failures) of blocks of rock are characteristic. Failure of tectonically disturbed soft rocks appears in a form characteristic for soils. Izvleček: Pri gradnji predorov prihaja do različno velikih zruškov. Nastanek zruškov in način porušitve sta povezana z dejanskimi geološkimi razmerami v času izkopa. Glede na vrsto kamnine ločimo postopno porušitev v duktilnih kamninah in trenutno porušitev togih kamnin. Za primer zruškov v duktilnih kamninah sem izbrala predora V Zideh in Trojane, za primer zruškov v togih kamninah pa zruške iz predorov Pletovarje, Golo rebro in Tabor. Pri analizi nekaterih večjih zruškov v različnih (togih in mehkih) kamninah se je izkazalo, da do zruškov prihaja večinoma na območjih z neugodnimi geološkimi razmerami kot so prelomna cona, neugodna medsebojna lega plastnatosti, skrilavosti in razpok ob prisotnosti vode. Zruški so pogosti tudi na območjih z nizkim nadkritjem nad predorsko cevjo. S pomočjo Marklandovega testa ugotavljamo, ali je prišlo do zdrsa ali gravitacijskega zruška. Za toge kamnine so značilni zdrsi ali padci (gravitacijski zruški) kamninskih blokov. Močno tektonsko poškodovane mehke kamnine imajo obliko porušitve, kije značilna za zemljine. Key words: rock failure, tunnel, Markland test, slide, gravitational failure Ključne besede: zrušek, predor, Marklandov test, zdrs, gravitacijski zrušek Introduction Rock failures are common in the construction of underground openings. They often appear during the excavation works. Causes of rock failures during tunnel construction with NATM are unexpected geological circumstances, errors in design, construction faults and poor excavation management[1]. The subject of my study was rock failures caused by unfavourable geological circumstances. Regarding the type of rock there are gradual failures in ductile rocks (compression, swelling, loosening) and sudden failures in stiff rocks (fall, burst and stroke). For the purpose of my study I chose rock failures in the V Zideh Tunnel and Trojane Tunnel as failures in ductile Geology around the chosen tunnels The northern part of the Pletovarje Tunnel runs through the Donačka fault zone within which tectonic lenses of various lithology (sandstone, dolomite, marl, keratophyre, limestone) and age (Carboniferous, Permian, Lower Triassic, Tertiary) are caught. The second part of the tunnel runs through tectonically disturbed dolomite of the Lower Triassic age and sandstone, marl and tuff of the Oligocene age[2]. The Golo rebro Tunnel runs through carbonate rocks of the Middle Triassic age and clastic rocks of, probably, the Tertiary age[2]. The Tabor Tunnel runs through carbonate rocks of the Cretaceous age[2]. rock and rock failures in the Pletovarje Tunnel, Golo rebro Tunnel and Tabor Tunnel as failures in stiff rock. All tunnels that were subject to my study were constructed within the frame of a programme of motorway construction in Slovenia in the last ten years. Excavation and construction works were carried out according to the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM). The Pletovarje Tunnel and Golo rebro Tunnel are located on the Celje - Maribor motorway, the Trojane Tunnel and V Zideh Tunnel on the Ljubljana - Celje motorway, and the Tabor Tunnel on the Razdrto - Fernetiči motorway. They all have one or two tubes with a diameter of 10 m and run through different types of rocks. The V Zideh Tunnel and Trojane Tunnel run through Permo-Carboniferous clastic rocks, which show characteristic interchange of shales, siltstones and sandstones. Those rocks are tectonically disturbed, crushed into tectonic clay or millonite[2] [3]. From engineering geological and geomechanical point of view, the rocks in the area around the Trojane Tunnel belong to a special group of rocks representing a passage between soils and rocks. They are called soft rocks and hard soils, respectively. In an undisturbed state they behave as rocks and show a structure of rock. As a consequence of construction works or water intrusion, however, they start behaving as soils. They are very susceptible to physical and chemical changes. Soft rocks often cause engineering geological problems. The behaviour of soft rocks can be generally characterized as anisotropic, elastoplastic, dilatational and time dependent^41. Investigations of rock failures Different causes, such as exceeding of shear strength of rock, sliding along discontinuities, unfavourable distribution of joints, fault zones, presence of water, or a combination of some or all of these factors, can lead to a rock failure. Even though rock itself is strong enough, rock failure may start in those parts of rock mass where tensions are high, and are further transmitted to planes of weakness. When local shear strength is exceeded, a rock failure appears. For the purposes of my study I chose those rock failures that exceeded the volume of 10 m3. They appeared in the Pletovarje Tunnel, Golo rebro Tunnel, V Zideh Tunnel and Trojane Tunnel. Due to the crushed state of rock, the rock failures in the Tabor Tunnel were not very extensive, only some smaller pieces fell off locally. The majority of the Tabor Tunnel runs through fissured, partly crushed, zones of limestone. The major problem in this tunnel was the appearance of large karstic caverns. All rock failures, with the exception of the failure in the V Zideh Tunnel between chainages 0+713 and 0+722, were sudden and appeared at the time when the tunnel face was being opened. The rock failure in the V Zideh Tunnel could have been predicted by means of geotechnical measurements, as the easily observable deformations of the lining on the tunnel appeared a few days before the rock failure appeared. At that time, unfortunately, there weren't any measurement profiles built in. In the Trojane Tunnel surface measurements had also indicated progressive rock failure, which later spread up to the surface. Data on location and extension of a rock failure, system discontinuities and geological circumstances are shown in Table 1. The data in the table were compiled from inventories of the faces of tunnels. The last column shows the type of a failure determined by Markland's test. Table 1. Characteristics ofthe investigated rock failures Tabela 1. Značilnosti obravnavanih zruškov Tunnel Chainage Estimated size of rock failure (m3) Systems of discontinuities Rock Geological circumstances Type of rock failure Pletovarje 30+329 18 5/85, 30/85, 200/75 fine sandstone, tuff sandstone fault zone, water seepage gravitational Pletovarje 30 +407 12 270/90, 340/80, 210/50 fine sandstone, tuff fault zone slide Golo rebro 27 +599 12 10/60, 80/85, 290/60 crushed dolomite fault zone, moisture slide Golo rebro 27 + 909 10 115/60, 285/60, 250/80, 85/80 dolomite breccia fault zone gravitational Golo rebro 27 + 974 20 145/85, 270/70, 110/40 dolomite thin overburden slide V Zideh 0 + 572 17 250/90, 170/80, 170/30 siltstone, shale fault zone, moisture slide V Zideh 0+713 to 0+722 25 45/65, 350/30, 230/55, 15/35 crushed siltstone and finely laminated shale fault zone, moisture slide Trojane 79 +720 left tube 75 340/30, 160/40, 40/30 crushed finely grained sandstone, siltstone, shale tectonic zone, thin overburden, thick soils, moisture slide Analysis using Marklandstest Hemispherical projection techniques or stereographic projection offer a graphical method for analyzing three-dimensional problems (involving planes, lines and points) in a convenient and easily interpreted two-dimensional form. The Markland test on Schmidt diagram is very valuable tool for identifying those discontinuities that (could) lead to failure[5]. A wedge slide is triggered when the intersecting line of at least two systems of joints appears in a critical area. It depends on the position of the systems of joints if rock wedge sliding or gravitational failure appears. The test also considers the shear angle

dile) i " РШШ7.ТАР (ТЛф pent) РШЫТРАКА (Fwiida; pent) PRINTDATA. (Dili pimi) -4-- CHECKSTA (QimJ: StfriEiy) —1 VtOHVECCAL ifDr-* (апгнЁоп) HCONVECCAL DUFUCAL ^đffujjffllJ Figure 2. Block Diagram of the numerical program For understanding of the numerical methods, it is included a skeleton program for computing incompressible flows. Only the main equation of the incompressible flows are used, giving just the basic flow dynamics in the absence of all but the convective or inertial and viscous forces. There is a certain completeness in the given program in that additions may be made as insertions without involving major reprogramming. We begin the block program by entering INPUT DATA which reads input data. The input data include a minimum of input parameters such as grid size, grid aspect ratio, print interval, and Reynolds number. The INPUT DATA program also is used to consolidate parameters to provide for simplified constants that will later speed the computation. It also determines the size of the initial time step. The program INPUT GEOM, like INPUT DATA, reads input data but is specialized to give a flexibility of geometry with a minimum number of data words. The boundary must consist of straight line segments passing through mesh points, but this is the only restriction on the geometry. INPUT GEOM also establishes the initial values for boundary points. The program PRINT GEOM gives a symbolic printout of input geometry for checkout purposes. The symbols used characterize the type of bundary condition that is to be imposed. Before starting the computation it is convenient to introduce an additional program GUESS SOL to establish initial guess values based on already prescribed boundary values. An intelligent guess enables us to speed up the convergence of our initial yf solution. This initial guess varies from a crude layout of values given by a linear interpolation between boundary values all the way to known exact solutions. If some initially specified distribution is to be perturbed, this is also programmed in the subroutine (GUESS SOL). The program enters the subroutine CALCU PSI for actual solution of Poisson's equation. Here, through an iteration averaging process, it is obtained the stream function distribution. Most often the stream function is the potential flow solution for the given geometry. After obtaining convergence to some specified accuracy it is established boundary values of vorticity at no-slip surfaces. This is done in the subroutine WATT. At this point in the calculation we have a complete solution with a consistent set of numbers for цг and©. It also may be desirable to include input parameters or functions evaluated from the data for identification relative to the printouts. The program PRINTMAP is used to print a sheet of normalized and highly rounded values to give a picture that bears some resemblance to a contour map. A good printer map in some cases may provide a substitute for a contour map (ABRAHAM AND Tiller, 1972). The PRINTDATA program simply prints out the data values at all grid points in a layout that is geometrically similar to the given maps but usually requires several sheets to contain the information. Finally PRINTPARA serves as a labelling program, providing orientation information for the given printouts. This is a logical point to terminate the program. However, we have not yet advanced the solutions in time, but we have only obtained a consistent initial solution. From this initial solution we now may reevaluate the size of time step required to maintain stability. This is done in the program CHECKSTA which tells us to reduce the time step that was initially furnished, we can use CHECKSTA to reevaluate any constants that are affected by this change. The arrow in the block diagram symbolizes a repeated reentry into the program until stability conditions are appropriate for proceeding with the computation. The next set of subroutines allows for the advancement of the vorticity distribution to correspond to a new time, one time increment as At established by CHECKSTA beyond the previous solution. VCONVECCAL computes the convection of the vorticity distribution in the coordinate direction of the и velocity in the x-coordinate. Similarly, HCONVECCAL gives the convection associated with the v velocity in the y-direction. Finally, DIFFUCAL incorporates the diffusion of vorticity that will occur over the time interval. The time-advanced distribution of vorticity will induce a change in the flow so we now must evaluate a new stream function distribution by reentering CALCU PSI. Each passage through this loop of subroutines amounts to the advancement in time of the solution by a small discrete time interval. We may or may not record data at each time step, but the stability is tested every time step. One important point about the program listing is that there are no details missing so far as the physics of the calculation is concerned. Because the program has been References Abraham, F. F., and Tiller, W. A. (1972): An introduction to computer simulation in applied science. Plenum Press, New York - London. Dufort, E. and Frankel, S. (1953): Stability conditions in the numerical treatment of parabolic differential equations. Math. Tables and Other Aids to Computation:, Vol. 7, pp. 135-152. Fromm, J., (1963): A method for computing nonsteady, incompressible, viscous fluid flows. Los Alamos Scientific extracted from a more extensive set of programs, there are more parameters defined in the data lists than are here applicable. The subroutine calls sometimes contain redundant arguments. Generally, the best procedure for correction a program from listings is to draw flow charts, including all detail, for each subroutine. INPUT data involves array size information and data as read by INPUT DATA and INPUT GEOM. The array size data is given in the first six lines of the mainline program, while the remaining data is included at the end of the program deck. Logical arrays are used to establish boundary condition for both yr and© fields. Laboratory Report.; LA 2910, Los Alamos. RiCHTMYER, r., (1957): Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York. Rushton, k. R., and. Redshaw, S. C. (1979): Seepage and Groundwater Flow: Numerical Analysis Description. Chichester John Wiley & Sons, pp. 339. Optimization of geo-mechanical-structural drilling with diamond crowns Optimizacija geomehansko strukturnega vrtanja z diamantnimi kronami Jurij Šporin1, Željko Vukelić2 1IRGO, Slovenčeva ulica 93, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail: 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geotechnology and Mining, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail: Received: June 21, 2007 Accepted: July 10, 2007 Abstract: For successful projecting and performance in all segments of mining, geo-technological and construction projects relating or depending on rock conditions where work is going on, quality geo-mechanical-structural drilling is of extreme importance. In article special attention will be focused on performing research drilling using diamond crowns because this is the way how most quality samples of rock which are later on fully examined in laboratory, can be obtained. Significance of optimal drilling for geo-mechanic-structural wells will be presented. Izvleček: Za uspešno projektiranje in izvajanje del pri vseh segmentih rudarskih, geotehnoloških in gradbenih projektov, ki se nanašajo oz. so odvisni od pogojev hribine v kateri se izvajajo, je izjemnega pomena izvajanje kvalitetnega geomehansko-strukturnega vrtanja. V članku se bomo predvsem osredotočili na izvajanje raziskovalnega vrtanja z uporabo diamantnih kron, saj na ta način pridobimo najkvalitetnejše vzorce hribin, ki jih nato lahko detajlno preiščemo v laboratoriju. Prikazali bomo pomen optimalnega načina vrtanja pri izvedbi geomehansko-strukturnih vrtin. Key words: research drilling, crown loading, crown, core Ključne besede: raziskovalno vrtanje, obremenitev na krono, krona,jedro Introduction For successful projecting and performance in all segments of mining, geo-technological and construction projects relating or depending on rock conditions where they are carried out, quality geo-mechanical-structural drilling is of extreme importance. In article special attention will be focused on performing research drilling using diamond crowns since in this way most quality samples of rock which will be fully examined in laboratory, can be Core sampling Core sampling is a process of drilling using drilling devices with advancing tool construction shaped in a way which enables them to take rock and soil samples. Sample - core is accumulated in a special tube, called core tube, which enables to bring the sample to surface. The aim of core sampling is gaining quality, intact core suitable for further research in laboratory. Drilling method and used equipment have major influence on core quality. Less influence to the core quality is later produced by manipulating with core in course of investigation. Core sampling with core crowns and core tubes At core sampling an optimum among the following parameters is striven for: • rotation speed of drilling accessories and tool; • force magnitude on crown; • ways of well flushing out (quantity, pressure, quality and flushing type). Regarding soil and rock properties we can state the following: 1. Because of great diversity in soil and rock quality the probability of proper advancing speed determination is low irrespective of small number of drilling parameters. Rock materials are complex and heterogeneous. Although micro-structure and composition (minerals, grain size, bonds between grains etc.) are obtained. Significance of optimal drilling for geo-mechanical-structural wells will be presented. In Slovenia in general a so called core tubes made according to Swedish (Craelius) metric standard are used. Core tube diameters move from 36 mm to 146 mm. The following core barrels are in use: • single tube core barrel; • double tube core barrel; - rigid double tube core barrel - double tube core barrel with bearing • three wall core tube; • core sampling according to "wire line". the same, macrostructure (cracks, frequency etc.) varies because of different factors such as surface loadings which affect advancing speed. 2. Crown activity on rock material influenced by various drilling parameters is mutually dependent and complex. Independent variables while drilling are the following: - characteristics of drilling tools - crown (number, shape and size, used matrix and geometry of the crown) rock type (hardness, solidness, abrasion, mineralogical composition, cracks etc.); - drilling method (moments, axis force, rotation speed etc.). Dependent variables that affect drilling advancement are: - wear out of teeth; - rock fracture; - detritus size and shape; - input specific energy during drilling. ".Characteristic wear-out of teeth is defined by the drilling mode: - Drilling advancement (m/h) unsuitable; - Loading on single tooth is too low so teeth have not adequate contact with rock. Teeth penetration obstructed dew to increased surface arising from polishing teeth and getting blunt. Friction between teeth and rock is low. - Drilling by too high loading on crowns resulting in teeth breaking, high friction, unsuitable well washing out, unsuitable crown cooling and well bottom cleaning. Penetration speed does not grow up resulting in so called burning drilling crown. Optimal drilling advancement (m/h): - Rock fracturing and borehole particles formation uniform and constant. - Teeth and crown matrix wear out evenly, adv ancement, number of revolutions and loading on crown are also even. Figure 1. Presentation ofdrilling crown tooth wear out in dependence of loading Slika 1. Prikaz obrabe zob vrtalne krone v odvisnosti od obtežbe Regarding above stated facts we can conclude: - Loading of the crown is at optimal drilling dependent on strength and hardness of the rock and on teeth and crown conditions. - Equilibrium between wear out of teeth and crown begins at maximal advancement at optimal loading which is a little over minimal needed specific energy by individual drilling mode and rock type. - Wear out of teeth is the best indicator on drilling mode. - Teeth of smaller dimensions require higher loadings for effective drilling, achieve better advancements and produce finer particles detritus. - Tests and investigations showed that major part of input energy is not used for rock fracturing but for secondary crushing and grinding of bore particles. Therefore quality washing out of well bottom and bore quantity are very important. - Work done for crown loading is much smaller than the work input to overcome the torque. For better understanding of entire drilling mode operation it is necessary to show the principle of tooth crown cutting. Drilling mode is described in following phases: • Ploughing In very soft formations teeth can penetrate into rock and cause local overcoming of shear strength as shown in Figure 2. During crown rotation around axis and loading action on it teeth scratch bottom surface of the well like plough while ploughing field. Axial loadings are higher than shear ones so major part of work is done by axial loading. Provided that teeth are set in matrix in way that one furrow overlaps the other one the next tooth pushes some particles of the former tooth and the depth of furrow is equal as at former - in this case crown advances into rock. It is very important to wash out relatively big particles of the borehole. • Stress relaxation Stress relaxation occurs when pressure strength of the rock is high and static loading on single tooth is too low for immediate penetration into rock. Fracturing is triggered by tension discharge in the tooth furrow when the furrow traversed and caused a series of characteristic cracks and their widening as shown in Figure 2. In general a tooth during cutting never penetrates into rock if the latter had not been damaged before. • Grinding, abrasion In final phase grinding and abrasion are present and used at drilling into very hard rocks and at very high rotary speed. In principle that mechanism is very similar to mechanism of tension relaxation, the only difference are much more shallow cracks present here. ploughing action LOAD АНЕД > STRENGTH OF ROCK LOAD STRESS RELAXATION (PROPAGATION OF CRACKS) M OVE I 3 3 - < STRENGTH OF ROCK AREA POLISHED DIAMOND (NO PROPAGATION OF CRACKS) diamond exposure Figure 2. Operation of crown tooth depending on loading Slika 2. Delovanje zob vrtalne krone v odvisnosti od obtežbe For rock demolition crown tooth has to operate in accordance to the following principle: 1. Under influence of axial loading single crown tooth impresses into rock 2. Crown's turning torque generates shear force which fracturing the rock Axial loading on single tooth is given by the equation: Where is: F0 - axial loading on single tooth [N] F - axial loading on whole crown created by drilling device [N] m - number of crown teeth [/] Advancement into rock is possible only under condition: F (1) m F0 > S-a p Where is: F0 - axial loading on single tooth [N] S - touching surface of tooth [m2] ap - one axis pressure strength of rock [N/m2] F0 Figure 3. Crown tooth with technical elements Slika 3. Zob krone s tehničnimi elementi Figure 4. Scheme ofthe crown with teeth Slika 4. Shema krone z zobmi S = b-с (3) Where is: b - tooth width [m] с - tooth thickness [m] Tooth width is therefore given by expression: b = R-r (4) RMZ-M&G 2007, 54 Where is: R - external crown radius [m] r - internal crown radius [m] In case of a new and unused tooth its surface is given by expression: S = a-b = h0-tgß-R-r) (5) Where is: ß - sharp edge angle of tooth [°] h0 - penetration depth of tooth into rock [m] Axial loading on single tooth is equal to expression: F0= S-(Jp=h0 .tgß-{R-r)-op^>h0= F --(6) g{R-r)-a p In this case at m number of teeth in crown and n number of crown revolutions, advancement in a unit of time is: r , t R -m-n-t F-n-t (7) L0 = h0 - m-n-t =--,-г-=--,-г--(/) ^ 0 tgß-(R-r)-öp tgß-(R-r)-öp Where is: b - tooth width [m] с - tooth thickness [m] ß - sharp edge angle of tooth [°] h0 - penetration depth of tooth into rock [m] R - external crown radius [m] r - internal crown radius [m] t - time of crown operation until teeth wear out [s] n - number of tool revolutions [rev/s] It seems that during drilling when tooth traverses very cracked regions cutting depth is very small compared to crack size. This shows a more complex relaxation system of rock and removing borehole than foreseen from the above stated drilling modes. It is very likely that in praxis the turning and tension relaxation mechanism is used in every softer rock formation. Every time when tooth travels across a furrow it causes changes according to the same principle of drilling mode under surface. Operational effect of every drilling mode depends on hardness and rock tension and relations among tooth hardness, rock grain size and rock non-homogeneity. Drilling modes mentioned above do not consider washing out of detritus from the crown operation area. Nevertheless experiences show how great influence washing out, tool cooling, flushing medium leading mode, quantity of washed medium etc. have on gained core quality, advancing speed and wear out of drilling tools and accessories. Influencing factors on core samp-ling quality From the drilling theory we know that the following factors have major influence on advancement speed: - rotational speed; - single tooth penetration depth into rock; - physical mechanical properties of rock; - drilling tool loading; - teeth shape and conditions in tool; - rinsing medium quality, flow and type. Cutting speed Drilling tool rotational speed has great influence on cutting speed. For quicker and more convenient calculation of cutting speed we can assume that it is equal to: v = n-D-n (8) Where it is: v - cutting speed [m/min] D - drilling tool diameter [m] n - number of tool revolutions [rev/min] Figure 5 shows a graph for quick determination of cutting speed regarding rotational speed and tool diameter. Hùiiiln'in Snni'-i! im' Figure 5. Graph for cutting speed determination Slika 5. Grafza določitev hitrosti rezanja Lower or higher speed has influence on advancement speed but it depends on rock formation properties. Final rotational speed is determined during drilling and mainly depends on rock properties and drilling techniques used. Crown loading Proper loading of tool - crown, is as important as proper rotational speed. During drilling crown loading is most easily determined by multiplying teeth number and the force that single tooth can withstand. This force is dependent on single tooth material quality. As shown above axial loading on single tooth is equal to the expression: F0= S-Op=K •tgß-(R-r)-Op^h0= „ R0 .--(9) In this case at the number of crown teeth m and crown number of revolutions n time advancement is equal to: i F0 -m-n-t F-n-t /1ПЛ G0 = h0 -m-n-t =--,-г-=--,-г--(10) 0 tgß-{R-r)-op tgß-(R-r)-Op In a definite time t crown teeth wear out for an amount y. Therefore tooth height effected by axial force F0 equals to: h = h0-y (П) Where it is: h0 - height of a new and unused tooth [m] y - tooth wear out [m] Tooth wear out extent in time t can be expressed by equation: v y2 -tgß.(R-r) (12) 2 Tooth alloy material wear out can be expressed by: v = a-A (13) Where it is: ю - coefficient of volume tooth friction wear out on every Nm [m3/Nm] Friction work for thin wall crown in time t can be expressed by equation: A = F0-f-Ji-(R + r)-n-t (14) Where it is: f - coefficient of friction between rock and tooth The last expression can be put into equation for tooth material wear out so we get the following: v = a)-F0- f -ж -(R + r)-n-t 2 r v y-gß-jR-r) (15) Equalizing both equations we get: '2{R-r) = CQ-F0- f-x-(R + r)-n-t Arranging the equations can express tooth wear out extent by: 2-co • F0 • f -n - {R + r)-n-t tgß-(R-r) (16) (17) If we know values of© and/we can determine tooth sharpness loss (bluntness) in time t and tooth penetration depth into rock material under influence of axial force F0 in the same time t. Actually it is h = h0— у as shown in the Figure 6. Figure 6. Crown tooth with technical elements with geometrical laws taken in account Slika 6. Zob krone s tehničnimi elementi ob upoštevanju geometrijskih zakonitosti Considering tooth wear out it follows: h F0 -F0-f-jz-(R + r)-n-t Srmjer tonjenja ose sink\ \ria\e/Subsidence direction of sincline axis — n Smjer tonjenja ose antik linale/SuòsIdence direction of anticline axis — — Pretpostavljeni izdanci ugljenog s\o]a/Assumed outcrops of coal layer - Postepeni prelaz gline u pijesak/Gradual changes of clay into sand 1-1' Poprečni prof\\/TransversaI profile I-1' Uzdužni profil/Longitudinal profile ©BGD-6 Bunari za odvodnjavanje/ßra/nage wells ® PGD-13 Geološke istražne bušotine/Geo/og/ca/ investigation boreholes • ьз Geotehnicke istražne bušotine /Geo technical investigation boreholes Figure 1. Geological map of wider area of RSDO "Lukavacka rijeka" In morphological aspect, present appearance of terrain is in the shape of amphitheatre. That is a result of techno genetic activities, more exactly formation of internal disposal site of surface coal mine. Inclination of terrain is relatively mild, most often 6 0 -10 Additional processes of pre-consolidation, erosion and denudation, and sliding of disposed material on technically unprepared slopes, have caused irregular forms, unsatisfactory for sanitary disposal of waste, and prior to construction of sanitary disposal site, it will be necessary to perform satisfactory preparation and shaping of the surface base. Seismic characteristics From the aspect of macro seismic belonging (Seismic map of BH for returning period of 500 years, Association for seismology SFRY, Belgrade 1987), area of disposal site belongs to zone of 7 ° MCS. On the basis of determined geological structures, rocks in the basis and determined levels of underground water, regarding the fact that purposeful researches were not conducted, for determination of seismic hazard and risk, it should be considered with increase of seismicity of+ 2.3-2.6 ° MCS. Hydrogeological relations Geological structure and structural terrain structure have caused specific hydrogeological relations. Cyclic change of sand in function of aquifer with clay and coal seams, as aqui kludges, resulted in formation of artesian and sub-artesian water bearing horizons, in each of sand layers. Sand layers in locality of Lukavačka rijeka are separated from each other in two waterbearing horizons: • I water bearing layer - sand in the floor of floor coal seam, and • II water bearing layer - sand in the floor of the main coal seam. Recharge of those water bearing layers in natural conditions is from outcropping surfaces of sand members that, depending on inclination of the layer and terrain configuration, create s ignificant surfaces for infiltration of water into undergrounds. Due to mutual relations of water bearing layers and hydrogeological barriers, aquifers are mutually separated and under pressure. Both aquifers are characterised with intergranular porosity and good water permeability. An outcrop in the floor sand layer of the main coal seam is drained with battery of wells for drainage of the mine. Drainage reduces level of underground water to depth of 80 - 100 m under terra in surface. On the basis of data of pumping, calculations for those sand layers provided values of coefficients of filtration К = 2.98-10 m/s, transmiss ion T = 1.54-10 m2/s and piezo-permeability a = 8.58-10-2 m2/s and specific capacity к = 2.5-10-2 in average. Anthropogenic material from mining operations - fills is disposed directly over sand of II water bearing layer. Materials of fill, according to results of conducted researches, represent hydro-geological complex of poorly water permeable rock masses of intergranular porosity. Average coeffic ient of filtration for those materials is determined in the value of К = 2-10-7 m/s. Even though poorly water permeable materials of fill do not fulfil bas ic criteria of water tightness towards bas is (water bearing sand) w ith Kmin = 1-10-8 m/s, what about should be taken special consideration during construction of sanitary waste disposal site. POPREČNI ШСКЖСШ PROFIL 1-Г TRA1\EVER?AL ШВРОЗЕОЮЭКЖ PROFILE M1 5 ООО PODRUČJE SAHITAEHE DEPONIJE aPI&j Ш Gina i laporovita clina Üa/ ard rrarìy da/ Pješaku podni podnskog sloja Sard i ri substratum of substratum ìayer Nasuti materijä ///л (unutrašnje odlagalište FK "Lukavacka rijeka") 'i/0 Errbarikrrerit (internal djrrprg site of Mne "Lukavazka rijskä'} В lu-11 Jan^eprasta1jejameMGairii sloj" №amx Mne shafts ofrririe "Garrii sloj" Mrarrar Istražna bušotina Investigsticn bcrehde Figure 2. Hydrogeological cross section 1-1' of the area of RSDO "Lukavačka rijeka" Engineering geological characteristics According to engineering geological classification, rock masses are selected as basic mapped units and selected into basic taxonometric units: lithological types (LT) and complexes (LC). According to grade of diagenesis and hardness of the bonds of mineral aggregates, separated units are selected into two basic groups: • Solid and soft rocks, in other words coal of the main and floor seam; • Incoherent and coherent soils, in other words clays and sand of geological substrata and anthropogenic creations of the fill of mainly clayey, dusty, sandy and detritus composition. On the basis of engineering geological characteristics, prepared is classification and determination of rock masses as real environments where sanitary waste disposal site would be constructed. In terrain three basic material classes are selected: Class I - deposits with poor geomechanical characteristics; Class II - deposits with satisfactory geomechanical characteristics; Class III - geological substrata and parts of deposit with satisfactory geomechanical characteristics. Selected classes of material are in the following authoritative geotechnical characteristics: CLASS I - disposed material of lower values Standard penetration N = 1 to 10 hits (very compressible material) Consistency index Ic= 0.55 (soft materials) Natural moisture W = 36 % (very wet soils) Cohesion c = 8 kN/m2 (low value of cohesion) Angle of inner frictioncp = 7 ° (very low value) Compressibility modulus MS =3,500 kN/m2 (very compressible soil) CLASS II - disposed materials with satisfactory values Standard penetration N = 11 to 30 hits (moderately compressible material) Consistency index Ic= 0.8 (moderately plastic materials) Natural moisture W = 33 % (very wet soils) Cohesion c = 12 kN/m2 (low value of cohesion) Angle of inner frictioncp = 13 ° (very low value) Compressibility modulus MS=6,000 kN/m2 (erately compressible soil) CLASS III - substrata and parts of disposed materials Standard penetration N > 30 hits (very hard material) Consistency index Ic = 1.2 (hard consistency) Natural moisture W= 9.3 % (low soil moisture) Cohesion c = 0.0 kN/m2 (without cohesion) Angle of inner frictioncp=35° (high value) Compressibility modulus Ms>40,000 kN/m2 (low compressible soil) Legenda Legend Geo tehnička klasifikacija materijala G e o te с h nie a 1 m a te rial eia ssific atio n К laf a in ü ki llülü И a te rìsi с As ss Z ар rem Ina ■ P3 - P + . □ L .. , P3.- P-tj OPTi M 50 i SPT. It Ind ek f ko ne If tene Ik к iadr- 456 357.0 1-10 0.5 5 II 3 99 1 12.5 11-30 0.8 0 DD 102 657.0 >30 >50 0 .8 8-0 .94 >1 .2 Geološka granica nasip - supstrat ff e o Jo j re a J ù o no/ e г e m b anket e nt - supstratu m LTJ-1E A Geološke istražne bušotine Geological investigation borehole в 3/ 5 UGeotehnicke istražne bušotine sa izvođenjem SPT ff e o ie с fr ff га J г ff ve s ttj a fro ff b o rs ho Is s for S FT testing IS Figure 3. Vertical engineering geological profile ofthe area of RSDO "Lukavačka rijeka" Analysis of stability and value of settlement It is known that in case of disposal site that not only values of load bearing capacity of the base are authoritative but also settlement and resistance to sliding and especially unequal settling. For tension of weight goes <7 = 250 kN/m2 and condition of removal of the upper layer of class I to 5.0 m thickness, calculated was total value of settlement Su = 0.25 m and differences in settlement in different layers in value of Sr = 0.126 m. Evaluation of influence of permitted values of unequal settlements depends on rigidness of water permeable system and final evaluation will be provided only after detailed analyses. According to acknowledgements of conducted researches, those values of total settlements and differences in settlement due to different thickness of layers should not be critical for system. Analyses of stability proved that base of sanitary disposal site is stabile: F = 1.56 - stability factor for case of complete wateriness; F = 3.16 - stability factor for measured level of water at the depth of 4.0 m. Geotechnical conditions for construction Regarding geotechnical aspects of construction, the following can be summarised: • In the aspect of satisfaction for construction, terrain belongs to category of conditionally stabile terrain. • Irregular morphological forms of disposed material are unsatisfactory for sanitary disposal of waste, and before construction of sanitary disposal site appropriate preparation and shaping of the surface shall be done. • In the aspect of seismic hazard and risk, terrain belongs to category of unsatisfactory terrain with possibility of increase of seismicity, what should be considered during designing and shaping of construction of sanitary disposal site. • Disposed material is characterised with heterogeneous lithological composition and variable physical-mechanical characteristics that makes complex geotechnical conditions of construction. • Main problem that has to be solved in disposed material is related to reduction of scope of settlement, especially unequal settlement. • In the aim of reduction of the settlement effects, that cannot realistically be absolutely removed, proposed is removal of the upper part (class I) in thickness of 5.0 m, as well as construction of drainage system, what will provide consolidation of the surface and acceptable total settlement could be provided. • Floor sand represent water permeable layers (K = 2.98-10-6 m/s), and materials of the fill represent poorly water permeable rock masses (K= 2-10-& m/s), that does not fulfil the basic criteria for initiation of the water towards the base (water bearing sand) of Kmin = 1 -10-8 m/s. In the aim of protection of pollution of aquifer, it is necessary to construct anti filtration structures. Conclusions It has been proved with research works that this location with complex geotechnical conditions can be accepted for construction of sanitary waste disposal site with application of appropriate technical measures: • In the aim of reduction of the effect of settlement it is necessary to remove upper part (class I) in thickness of 5.0 m, what can provide acceptable total settlement; • In the aim of increase of consolidation of the base it is necessary to construct drainage system; • In the aim of protection of aquifer it is necessary to construct anti filtration structure in the base. References Bašagić, M., Langof, Z., Škripić, N., SkOPLJAK, F. (2006.): Elaborate about conducted research works at locality of sanitary disposal site "Lukavačka rijeka". Civil Engineering Faculty of University of Sarajevo, Institute for Geology, Sarajevo. Oruč, E., Jahić, I., Žigić, I. (2004): Analysis of influence of regional sanitary disposal site "Lukavačka rijeka" to development of mining operations in Coal mine company "Kreka". Mining Institute, Tuzla. Oruč, E., Jahić, I. (2002.): Main mining project design for opening and exploitation of mining fields "Dobrinja", "Mramor" and "Marici" in underground mine "The main seam", Technical project of drainage of floor and roof layers of the underground mine "The main seam" in Mramor, Book 1-Text and Book 2-Attachments. D.D. Mining Institute Tuzla, Tuzla. Žunić, M. (1987.): Elaborate about reserves of coal in the area of exploitation field "North syncline" Kreka. OOUR Institute for mining researches, Tuzla. Authors Index BAŠAGIĆMIRZA 127 Čarman Magda 77 Dolenec Matej 63 Dolenec Tadej 63 Fajfar Peter 1 Fazarinc Matevž 1, 33 Gantar Ivan ivan.gantar@rudnik-zv. si 117 Kejžar Rajko rajko .kejzar@fs .uni -lj. si 49 Kejžar Uroš uroš .kejžar@iskra-varj enj e. si 49 Kugler Goran 1, 15, 33 Lambaša Živana 63 Langof Zlatko 17 Likar Boris boris.likar@rudnik-zv. si 117 Lojen Sonja 63 Mrvar Primož 33 Peruš Iztok 1, 15 Rogan Nastja 63 Skopljak Ferid 17 Sternad Željko zeljko. sternad@irgo. si 117 škripić Nijaz 17 šporin Jurij jurij. sporin@irgo. si 97, 117 Terčelj Milan milan.tercelj@ntf.uni-lj. si 1, 15, 33 Turk Rado rado .turk@ntf.uni-lj. si 15, 33 Večko Pirtovšek Tatjana 1, 15 Vukelić Željko 97, 117 Yilmaz Levent lyilmaz@itu. 87 instructions to authors RMZ-MATERIALS & GEOENVIRONMENT (RMZ- Materiali in geookolje) is a periodical publication with four issues per year (established 1952 and renamed to RMZ-M&G in 1998). The main topics of contents are Mining and Geotechnology, Metallurgy and Materials, Geology and Geoenvironment. RMZ-M&G publishes original Scientific articles, Review papers, Technical and Expert contributions (also as short papers or letters) in English. In addition, evaluations of other publications (books, monographs,...), short letters and comments are welcome. A short summary of the contents in Slovene will be included at the end of each paper. It can be included by the author(s) or will be provided by the referee or the Editorial Office. * Additional information and remarksfor Slovenian authors: English version with extended "Povzetek", and additional roles (in Template for Slovenian authors) can be written. Only exceptionally the articles in the Slovenian language with summary in English will be published. The contributions in English will be considered withpriority over those in the Slovenian language in the reviewprocess. Authorship and originality of the contributions. Authors are responsible for originality of presented data, ideas and conclusions as well as for correct citation of data adopted from other sources. The publication in RMZ-M&G obligate authors that the article will not be published anywhere else in the same form. Specification of Contributions Optimal number of pages of full papers is 7 to 15, longer articles should be discussed with Editor, but 20pages is limit. Scientific papers represent unpublished results of original research. Review papers summarize previously published scientific, research and/or expertise articles on the new scientific level and can contain also other cited sources, which are not mainly result of author(s). Technical and Expert papers are the result of technological research achievements, application research results and information about achievements in practice and industry. Short papers (Letters) are the contributions that contain mostly very new short reports of advanced investigation. They should be approximately 2 pages long but should not exceed 4 pages. Evaluations or critics contain author's opinion on new published books, monographs, textbooks, exhibitions...(up to 2 pages, figure of cover page is expected). In memoriam (up to 2 pages, a photo is expected). Professional remarks (Comments) cannot exceed 1 page, and only professional disagreements can be discussed. Normally the source author(s) reply the remarks in the same issue. Supervision and review of manuscripts. All manuscripts will be supervised. The referees evaluate manuscripts and can ask authors to change particular segments, and propose to the Editor the acceptability of submitted articles. Authors can suggest the referee but Editor has a right to choose another. The name of the referee remains anonymous. The technical corrections will be done too and authors can be asked to correct missing items. The final decision whether the manuscript will be published is made by the Editor in Chief. The Form of the Manuscript The manuscript should be submitted as a complete hard copy including figures and tables. The figures should also be enclosed separately, both charts and photos in the original version. In addition, all material should also be provided in electronic form on a diskette or a CD. The necessary information can conveniently also be delivered by E-mail. Composition of manuscript is defined in the attached Template The original file ofTemplate is temporarily available on E-mail addresses:, References - can be arranged in two ways: - first possibility: alphabetic arrangement of first authors - in text: (Borgne, 1955), or - second possibility:numerated in the same order as cited in the text: example^1 Format of papers injournals: Le Borgne, E. (1955): Susceptibilite magnetic anomale du sol superficiel. Annales de Geophysìque, 11, pp. 399-419. Format ofbooks: Roberts, J. L. (1989): Geological structures, MacMìllan, London, 250 p. Text on the hard print copy can be prepared with any text-processor. The electronic version on the diskette, CD or E-mail transfer should be in MS Word or ASCII format. Captions of figures and tables should be enclosed separately. Figures (graphs and photos) and tables should be original and sent separately in addition to text. They can be prepared on paper or computer designed (MSExcel, Corel, Acad). Format. Electronic figures are recommended to be in CDR, Al, EPS, TIF or JPG formats. Resolution of bitmap graphics (TIF, JPG) should be at least 300 dpi. Text in vector graphics (CDR, Al, EPS) must be in MSWord Times typography or converted in curves. Color prints. Authors will be charged for color prints of figures and photos. Labeling of the additionally provided material for the manuscript should be very clear and must contain at least the lead author's name, address, the beginning of the title and the date of delivery of the manuscript. In case of an E-mail transfer the exact message with above asked data must accompany the attachment with the file containing the manuscript. Information about RMZ-M&G: Editor in Chief prof. dr. Peter Fajfar (tel. ++386 1 4250-316) or Secretary Barbara Bohar Bobnar, un. dipl. ing. geol. (++386 1 4704-630), Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana, Slovenia or at E-mail addresses: peter .fajfar@ntf.uni-lj. si, Sending of manuscripts. Manuscripts can be sent by mail to the Editorial Office address: • RMZ-Materials & Geoenvironment Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia or delivered to: • Reception of the Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering (for RMZ-M&G) Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia • E-mail - addresses of Editor and Secretary • You can also contact them on their phone numbers. TEMPLATE The title of the manuscript should be written in bold letters (Times New Roman, 14, Center) Name Surname1, ....,& Name Surnamex (Times New Roman, 12, Center) xFaculty of..., University of..., Address., Country, e-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 11, Center) THE LENGTH of FULL paper SHOULD not exceed TWENTY (20, INCLUDING FIGURES AND TABLES) PAGES (OPTIMAL 7 TO 15), SHORT PAPER FOUR (4) AND OTHER TWO (2) WITHOUT TEXT FLOWING BY GRAPHICS AND TABLES. Abstract (Times New Roman, Normal, 11): The text of the abstract is placed here. The abstract should be concise and should present the aim of the work, essential results and conclusion. It should be typed in font size 11, single-spaced. Except for the first line, the text should be indented from the left margin by 10 mm. The length should not exceed fifteen (15) lines (10 are recommended). Key words: a list of up to 5 key words (3 to 5) that will be useful for indexing or searching. Use the same styling as for abstract. Introduction (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) Two lines below the keywords begin the introduction. Use Times New Roman, font size 12, Justify alignment. There are two (2) admissible methods of citing references in text: 1. by stating the first author and the year of publication of the reference in the parenthesis at the appropriate place in the text and arranging the reference list in the alphabetic order of first authors; e.g.: "Detailed information about geohistorical development of this zone can be found in: Antonijević (1957), Grubić (1962),..." "... the method was described previously (Hoefs, 1996)" 2. by consecutive Arabic numerals in square brackets, superscripted at the appropriate place in the text and arranging the reference list at the end of the text in the like manner; e.g.: "... while the portal was made in Zopeb3d environment." Materials and methods (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) This section describes the available data and procedure of work and therefore provides enough information to allow the interpretation of the results , obtained by the used methods. Results and discussion (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) Tables , figures , pictures , and schemes should be incorporated in the text at the appropriate place and should fit on one page. Break larger schemes and tables into smaller parts to prevent extending over more than one page. Conclusions (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) This paragraph summarizes the results and draws conclusions. Acknowledgements (Times New Roman, Bold, 12, Center - optional) This work was supported by the ****. References (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) In regard to the method used in the text, the styling , punctuation and capitalization should conform to the following: FIRST OPTION - in alphabetical order Casati, P. , Jadoul, F. , Nicora, A., Marinelli, M. , Fantini-Sestini, N. & Fois , E. (1981): Geologia della Valle del'Anisici e dei gruppi M. Popera - Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Dolomiti Orientali). Riv. Ital. Paleont.; Vol. 87 , No. 3, pp. 391-400, Milano. Folk, R. L. (1959): Practical petrographic classification of limestones. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull.; Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-38 , Tulsa. SECOND OPTION - in numerical order Trček, B. (2001): Solute transport monitoring in the unsaturated zone of the karst aquifer by natural tracers. Ph.D. Thesis. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana 2001; 125 p. [2] Higashitani, K., Iseri, H., Okuhara, K., Hatade, S. (1995): Magnetic Effects on Zeta Potential and Diffusivity of Nonmagnetic Particles. Journal of Colloid andlnterface Science 172, pp. 383-388. Citing the Internet site: CASREACT-Chemical reactions database [online]. Chemical Abstracts Service, 2000, updated 2.2.2000 [cited 3.2.2000]. Accessible on Internet: Povzetek (Times New Roman, 12) A short summary of the contents in Slovene (up to 400 characters) can be written by the author(s) or will be provided by the referee or by the Editorial Board. TEMPLATE for Slovenian Authors The title of the manuscript should be written in bold letters (Times New Roman, 14, Center) Naslov članka (Times New Roman, 14, Center) Name Surname1,. ..., & Name Surnamex (Times New Roman, 12, Center) Ime Priimek1, ..., Ime Priimekx (Times New Roman, 12, Center) xFaculty of..., University of..., Address., Country; e-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 11, Center) xFakulteta..., Univerza., Naslov., Država; e-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 11, Center) the length of original scientific paper should not exceed TWENTY (20, INCLUDING figures AND TABLES) pages (optimal 7 TO 15), SHORT paper FOUR (4) AND OTHER TWO (2) WITHOUT TEXT FLOWING BY graphics and tables. DOLŽINA IZVIRNEGA ZNANSTVENEGA ČLANKA NE SME PRESEGATI DVAJSET (20, VKLJUČNO S SLIKAMI IN TABELAMI), KRATKEGA ČLANKA ŠTIRI (4) IN OSTALIH PRISPEVKOV DVE (2) STRANI. Abstract (Times New Roman, Normal, 11): The text of the abstract is placed here. The abstract should be concise and should present the aim of the work, essential results and conclusion. It should be typed in font size 11, single-spaced. Except for the first line, the text should be indented from the left margin by 10 mm. The length should not exceed fifteen (15) lines (10 are recommended). Izvleček (TNR, N, 11): Kratek izvleček namena članka ter ključnih rezultatov in ugotovitev. Razen prve vrstice naj bo tekst zamaknjen z levega roba za 10 mm. Dolžina naj ne presega petnajst (15) vrstic (10 je priporočeno). Key words: a list of up to 5 key words (3 to 5) that will be useful for indexing or searching. Use the same styling as for abstract. Ključne besede: seznam največ 5 ključnih besed (3-5) za pomoč pri indeksiranju ali iskanju. Uporabite enako obliko kot za izvleček. Introduction - Uvod (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) Two lines below the keywords begin the introduction. Use Times New Roman, font size 12, Justify alignment. All captions of text and tables as well as the text in graphics must be prepared in English and Slovenian language. Dve vrstici pod ključnimi besedami se začne Uvod. Uporabite pisavo TNR, velikost črk 12, z obojestransko poravnavo. Naslovi slik in tabel (vključno z besedilom v slikah) morajo biti pripravljeni v slovenskem in angleškemjeziku. Figure (Table) X. Text belong ing to figure (table) Slika (Tabela) X. Pr ipadajoče besed ilo k sl iki (tabel i) There are two (2) admissible methods of citing references - obstajata dve sprejemljivi metodi navajanja referenc: 1. by stat ing the first author and the year of publ ication of the reference in the parenthesis at the appropriate place in the text and arranging the reference l ist in the alphabetic order of first authors; e.g.: 1. z navedbo prvega avtorja in letnice objave reference v oklepaju na ustreznem mestu v tekstu in z ureditv ijo seznama referenc po abecednem zaporedju prvih avtorjev; npr.: "Detailed information about geohistorical development of this zone can be found in: Antonijević (1957), Grub ić (1962),..." "... the method was described previously (Hoefs, 1996)" or/al i 2. by consecutive Arabic numerals in square brackets, superscripted at the appropriate place in the text and arranging the reference list at the end of the text in the like manner; e.g.: 2. z zaporednimi arabskimi številkami v oglatih oklepajih na ustreznem mestu v tekstu in z ureditvijo seznama referenc v številčnem zaporedju navajanja; npr.; "... while the portal was made in Zope'-3-' environment." Materials and methods (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) This section describes the available data and procedure of work and therefore provides enough information to allow the interpretation of the results, obtained by the used methods. Ta del opisuje razpoložljive podatke, metode in način dela ter omogoča zadostno količino informacij, da lahko z opisanimi metodami delo ponovimo. Results and discussion - Rezultati in razprava (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) Tables, figures, pictures, and schemes should be incorporated (inserted, not pasted) in the text at the appropriate place and should fit on one page. Break larger schemes and tables into smaller parts to prevent extending over more than one page. Tabele, sheme in slike je potrebno vnesti (z ukazom Insert, ne Paste) v tekst na ustreznem mestu. Večje sheme in tabele je potrebno ločiti na manjše dele, da ne presegajo ene strani. Conclusions - Sklepi (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) This paragraph summarizes the results and draws conclusions. Povzetek rezultatov in zaključki. Acknowledgements - Zahvale (Times New Roman, Bold, 12, Center -optional) This work was supported by the........... Izvedbo tega dela je omogočilo......... References - Viri (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) With regard to the method used in the text, the styling, punctuation and capitalization should conform to the following: Glede na uporabljeno metodo citiranja referenc v tekstu upoštevajte eno od naslednjih oblik: FIRST OPTION (recommended) - PRVA MOŽNOST (priporočena) - in alphabetical order (v abecednem zaporedju) Casati, P., Jadoul, F., Nicora, A., Marinelli, M., Fantini-Sestini, N. & Fois, E. (1981): Geologia della Valle del'Anisici e dei gruppi M. Popera - Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Dolomiti Orientali). Rìv. Ital. Paleont.; Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 391-400, Milano. Folk, R. L. (1959): Practical petrographic classification of limestones. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull.; Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-38, Tulsa. SECOND OPTION - DRUGA MOŽNOST - in numerical order (v numeričnem zaporedju) Trček, B. (2001): Solute transport monitoring ìn the unsaturated zone of the karst aquifer by natural tracers. Ph.D. Thesis. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana 2001; 125 p. [2] Higashitani, K., Iseri, H., Okuhara, K., Hatade, S. (1995): Magnetic Effects on Zeta Potential and Diffusivity of Nonmagnetic Particles. Journal of Colloid andlnterface Science 172, pp. 383-388. Citing the Internet site: CASREACT-Chemical reactions database [online]. Chemical Abstracts Service, 2000, updated 2.2.2000 [cited 3.2.2000]. Accessible on Internet: Citiranje Internetne strani: CASREACT-Chemical reactions database [online]. Chemical Abstracts Service, 2000, obnovljeno 2.2.2000 [citirano 3.2.2000]. Dostopno na svetovnem spletu: Povzetek - Summary (Times New Roman, 12) An extended summary of the contents in Slovene (from one page to approximately 1/3 of the original article length). Razširjeni povzetek vsebine prispevka v Angleščini (od ene strani do približno 1/3 dolžine izvirnega članka). 150 Indexing No. ofindexing ofRMZ-M&G in singular Databases (Število indeksiranih člankov iz RMZ-M&G v posameznih bazah) (prepared by Fajfar, P. - from search done by Šercelj, M., CTK Ljubljana, 15.2.2007) database name hits I : Civil Engineering Abstracts 773 2: CASEARCH®-Chemical Abstracts®(1967-present) 760 3 : Inside Conferences 313 4: Materials Business File 253 5: METADEX® 164 6: ANTE: Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering 158 7: GeoRef 154 8: Aluminium IndustryAbstracts 36 9: PASCAL 30 10: EnergyScience andTechnology 27 II : TEME - Technology and Management 27 12: Ei Compendex® 13 13: CSAAerospace & HighTechnology Database 12 14: Computer and InformationSystems 10 15: Mechanical & Transportation EngineeringAbstracts 8 16: Engineered Materials Abstracts® 3 17: CorrosionAbstracts 3 18: Analytical Abstracts 1 19: FLUIDEX 1 20: Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts 1 21: Electronics and Communications Abstracts 1 2748 I / » üezanka е. 3 3220 ihre Slovenija