010 '*= tl' .4— u# L h* P< irei ,| ni 1 P Naslov—Address NOVA DOBA 6117 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, Ohio (Tel. HEnderson 3889) (NEW ERA) URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION V letu 1936 se je vršila 15. redna konvencija J. S. K. Jednote. Konvenčno leto naj bi bilo leto ftajvečjega napredka. ^ Entered as Second Class Matter April 15th, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, Under the Act of March 3rd, 1870. — Accepted lor Mailing at Special Rate of Postage, Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3rd, 1917, Authorized March 15th, 1928. CLEVELAND, 0., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH — SREDA, 14. OKTOBRA 1936 41 VOL. XII. — LETNIK XII. f Pisnik 15. redne konvencije J, S. K. Jednote Vrseče se v Clevelandu, O., od 8. do 16. septembra 1936 'ENAJSTA SEJA — POPRAVLJANJE IN SPREJEMANJE PRAVIL — tr§ NADALJEVANJE) tstf Točki 302 naj se doda sledeči stavek: “Ako vrhovni zdrav-Jfkako zahtevo za odškodnino za 6 mesecev ali manj odloži, VaJ je član dolžan počakati, in nima pravice do priziva na Slfavni porotni odbor ali na civilno sodišče.” V točki 303 naj se časovna označba 60 dni izpremeni v tri esece. Drugo ostane po starem. Točka 304 ostane po starem. Točka 305 naj se glasi: “V slučaju, da član podleže mrt-in umrje tekom 6 mesecev od dneva_ ko je bil od istega kakor, omenjeno v točki 299, podtočki f) in g), Jednota 'Plača nobene odškodnine.” , Točka 306 naj se glasi: “Jugoslovanska katoliška jednota , sledeče odškodnine za operacije (surgical operations): nj* $65.00 se izplača za: h* 1) za operacije v trebuhu, pri katerih se prereže trebušno i^T^o, med katere spadajo tudi sledeče operacije: a) operacija na želodcu in črevesju; b) operacija na žolču; c) operacija na trebušni slinovki; (1) operacija na vranici; e) operacija na sečnem mehurju; 0 operacija na jajčniku; K) operacija na maternici; 1>) operacija na nosečnosti izven maternice; 0 za cesarske operacije; 2.) notranja operacija v črepinji (trephining); ”■) operacija na obistih; M operacija na ušesnih kosteh; 5.) delna ali celotna operacija na golši; 6.) odrezanje enega ali obeh zizkov; a ?•) operacija raka; * 8.) opei'acija kile; iri" 'M operacija na hrbtenici; j M) operacija na velikih kosteh zaradi gnojitve. ■V $50.00 se plača za: 0 1) resekcijo enega ali več reber; *». 2) ojeracijo vodenice na mošnjici (za vsako drugo zdravje se ne plača); «) operacijo velike žile na mošnjici (za vsako drugo rejenje se ne plača); 4) operaciio zlate žile (za vsako drugo zdravljenje se ne ^ *&a) ; .1 S) operacijo na očesu (irridectomy); Ip ^) operacijo karakta na očesu; ^ ?) operacijo na dolgih kosteh na roki in nogi, izvzemši ‘f prstov, stopala in palcev; 8) resekcijo členov ali sklepov na rokah in nogah, izvzemal (ll ini, v prstih, stopalu ali palcih.” *\Točki 307 naj se doda: “Ako je med eno operacijo po- 11 a še druga operacija, se obe operaciji štejeta za eno ope- $fjk” Točka 308 naj se glasi: “Jednota ne plača nobenih od- ° glasi: “Novopristopli člani so upravičeni . °Peracijskih odškodnin šele po preteku šestih mesecev od j ?va, ko so bili sprejeti v Jednoto oziroma so bili sprejeti v Ski, in odškodninski oddelek iste.” II v.Točka 311 naj se glasi: “Član, ki v teku šestih mesecev ni i11'! potom svojega društva pri Jednoti zahteve za operacij-1° °dškodnino, izgubi pravico do iste; izvzeti so le umobolni ki se nahajajo na jednotini bolniški podpori.” ! Točka 312 ostane po starem. , Točka 313 naj se glasi: “Vsem zahtevam za odškodnine |paio biti priložene izjave zdravnikov, kateri so doktorji me-’ ki so člana operirali in imeli istega pod oskrbo; vse iie zdravniške izjave morajo biti zaprisežene. Vse operacije Hi o biti izvršene v bolnišnici, razen v slučajih nujnosti.” ' . Točki 314 naj se doda: “Tudi ni član upravičen do prej 1 Lojenih odškodnin, ako je mrtvoud, popolno in trajno para-1 y Izgubo vida, izgubo kakega uda ali potrebo operacije po-1 Vil sifilis ali kaka druga spolna bolezen.” ! 5 Točka 315 naj se glasi: “Član, ki je prejel od Jednote .°-00 v skupnih odškodninah za izgubo vida, delov telesa, 1 Racije, zlomljene hrbtenice, mrtvouda in popolne ali trajne Iplize, je z izplačilom omenjene vsote popolnoma izplačan •.Opravljen, in če je med tem časom prejel tudi vso bolniško Tr^°r°> preneha biti zavarovan v bolniškom in odškodnin-skladu.” I! M Odmevi iz rodnih krajev V Cerkljah na Gorenjskem je bil dne 20. septembra z lepo (slavnostjo odkrit spomenik slovenskemu in jugoslovanskemu skladatelju Simonu Jenku, ki je uglasbil slovensko himno “Naprej zastava Slave.” Skladatelj Simon Jenko, ki je bil rojen v Dvorju pri Cerkljah, se je vrsto let udejstvoval v Srbiji, kjer je tudi uglasbil mnogo pesmi. V, A j bi na Goriškem je sredi avgusta praznoval stoletnico svojega rojstva Mihael Škodnik, po domače “Kmetov stric.” Poročen ni bil nikoli in kot stoletni fant je še vedno zdrav, čil in vedrega duha. Preživel je vse svoje brate in sestre. Zanimivo je, da je bil ob svoji stoletnici šele prvič fotografiran. Inženir Dolenc, tehnični vodja Gasilske zajednice za dravsko banovino, je sestavil seznam požarov v Sloveniji za prve štiri mesece tekočega leta. Iz tega seznama je razvidno, da je bilo na Slovenskem v tem času vsega skupaj 309 požarov raznega obsega in da je po ognju povzročena škoda znašala okrog 7 milijonov dinarjev. Ljubljano je nedavno, in sicer prvič v zgodovini, posetila delegacija turškega tiska, namreč uredniki najuglednejših turških listov v Ankari in Carigradu. Zastopniki oblasti in slovenski novinarji so turške goste lepo sprejeli, pozdravili in pogostili. Gospodične iz redakcije dnevnika “Jutro” pa so turškim novinarjem pripele na prsi simbolični pozdrav slovenske zemlje: šopek iz nagelja, rožmarina in roženkravta. Iz Ljubljane so se turški gostje odpeljali na Bled. Ravnatelj Matej Hubad v Ljubljani, ki je takorekoč oče umetne slovenske pesmi, je dne 28. avgusta praznoval svojo 70 letnico. Hubadovo ime je ne-razdružno zvezano z Glasbene Matico, kateri je bil vodja i mojster od leta 1891 do 1932. Glasbena Matica se ima za svoj sloves mnogo zahvaliti ravne mojstru Hubadu. V Postojni je dne 15. sep-tembra umrl Stanko Lavrenčič ugleden posestnik in trgovec znan daleč po Sloveniji, kakoi vsa Lavrenčičeva družina. Smr ga je pobrala zaradi močnegi prehlada in zastrupljenja čre vesja, starega komaj 50 let. I ’ J j Na štiriletno konfinacijo v j južni Italiji je bilo obsojenih i sedem slovenskih mladeničev liz Kanala in sosednjih vasi na J Goriškem. Njihov greh je bil j samo v prepevanju slovenskih \ pesmi. V Št. Janžu pri Rečici v Savinjski dolini je umrl Franc Rakun, vzoren gospodar in mož poštenjak ter bivši večletni župan občine Rečica, star 66 let. Zadela ga je kap. VSAK PO SVOJE Volilna kampanja se je razbesnela preko vse dežele. Gre se zato, kdo bo prihodnja štiri leta vladal in nosil veliki zvonec v Washingtonu. Ta besedna bitka je včasih zabavna, včasih bedasta, včasih neslana, včasih pa naravnost grda. Kljub temu je tisočkrat lepša in tisočkrat bolj civilizirana, kot boj za vlado, ki se te čase bije v krvavi Španiji. * Demokracija, kot jo imamo v Zedinjenih državah, ima napake, večkrat strelja teoretične kozle, včasih pokriva tudi graft, toda probleme dežele še vedno rešuje in povoljno reši s papirnatimi glasovnicami, če teče kri, iz nosa teče, drugih nesreč navadno pri volitvah ni. Zato se ta velika demokracija, Amerika, dviga kot blesteča bela lilija izmeu trnjevega osata diktatur, naj lepša med naj-lepšimi. ♦ še tri tedne bo vršala volilna bitka iz časopisov, na shodih in po radio, dne 3. novembra pa bomo podpisali premirje, nakar bomo pozdravili zmagovalce, prešteli politične mrliče, popili enega ali dva od ihte ali od veselja, nato pa se bomo mirno vrnili k našim vsakdanjim poslom. Narod je govoril in si izbral, kar je hotel. In beseda naroda je najvišja postava v tej deželi. * Prijatelji v Coloradu so prepričani, da v Clevelandu imenujemo vsak avtomobil mašino. Pa to je le eno izmed stoterih imen, katera dajemo avtomobilom, posebno v hudi zimi, v avtomobilski gnječi ali kadar eksplodira pnevmatika. * V Italiji so nedavno operirali štiri male deklice zaradi spre-menitve spola, to je, da so po operaciji postale fantiči. Mussolini si hoče na vsak način za-sigurati dovolj fantov za armado. * Ni je hujše in bolj iznajdljive jeze kot je ženska jeza. V nekem malem mestecu države New Jersey sta bili dve sosedi v hudem sovraštvu tri leta. Prvo leto sta se prepirali, drugo leto sta se prezirali, letošnje poletje pa je bolj navihana od obeh postavila po svojem dvorišču in vrtu plitve posode, ki so bile na videz za prestrezanje deževnice, v resnici pa so bile valilnice komarjev. New-jerseyski komarji so storili svojo plemensko dolžnost in so se v nekaj tednih razmnožili v take roje, da je osovražena soseda pobrala šila in kopita, piskre in kastrole, in se preselila na drugi konec mesta. Včasih so rekli, da kar ženska ne zmore, vrag pomore, v tem primeru pa bi veljalo, da kar ženska ne zmore, komar pomore. ♦ Etiopski cesar Haile Selassie, ki se te čase mudi v Evropi, si je pristrigel syojo polno brado. To je menda oficijelno priznanje, da so mu Italijani pristrigli cesarstvo. * Leta 1910 je neki farmer v Texasu našel na svoji farmi želvo, kateri je v roženi oklep vrezal datum, nakar jo je izpu-stil. Letošnje poletje pa je spet srečal isto želvo na drugem koncu svoje farme. V 26 letih (Dalje na 1 strani) Društvene vesti j V Republic, Pa., se bo v soboto 17. oktobra vršila veselica društva št. 171 JSKJ. Prostor prireditve: Hrvatski dom. * Tridesetletnico ustanovitve bo dne 24. oktobra proslavilo društvo št. 70 JSKJ v Chicagu, 111. V to svrho se bo na večer omenjenega dne vršila lepa prireditev s primernim programom v Štefanovi šolski dvorani. * V Hibbingu, Mimi., se bo v soboto 24. oktobra zvečer vršila veselica društva št. 54 J. S. K. J. Prostor veselice: Sons of Italy dvorana na Howard Street. * Petindvajsetletnico ustanovitve bo proslavilo društvo št. I 106 JSKJ v Davisu, W. Vaj z veliko veselico na večer 31. oktobra. Veselica se bo vršila v Benedettovi dvorani. A Maškaradno veselico priredi angleško poslujoče društvo št. j 221 JSKJ v Centru, Pa., v soboto 31. oktobra. Veselica se bo vršila v Slovenski dvorani v Centru. * V Euclidu, O., se bo v soboto 31. oktobra vršila veselica društva št. 132 JSKJ. Prostor prireditve: Slovenski društveni dom. , v, V Trinidadu, Colo., se bo v soboto 31. oktobra vršila veselica tamkajšnjega društva št.j 84 JSKJ. Na Zahvalni dan, to je 26. novembra, bo društvo št. 155 JSKJ v Blaine, O., razvilo svojo društveno zastavo. Slavnost bo združena s primerno veselico. * Domačo zabavo priredi društvo št. 225 JSKJ v Milwaukee, Wis., v - soboto 21. novembra zvečer. #. Plesno veselico priredi angleško poslujoče društvo št. 180 JSKJ v Clevelandu, O., v soboto 21. novembra. Veselica se bo vršila v S. N. Domu na1 St. Clair Ave. * Tri angleško poslujoča društva JSKJ v Clevelandu, O., so spet otvorila kegljaško aktivnost JSKJ v Clevelandu. Vsi člani, ki se zanimajo za kegljanje, so vabljeni, da se priglasijo. *- Proslavo petintridesetletnice ustanovitve naznanja društvo ■ št. 26 JSKJ v Pittsburghu, Pa.; Vršila se bo 26. decembra v| tamkajšnjem Slovenskem do-; mu. * Tajnica društva št. 120 J. S. K. J. v Elyu, Minn., vabi članice, da pridejo gledat slike iz starega kraja, ki bodo kazane v Washington avditoriju v nedeljo 18. oktobra ob sedmih zvečer. V Flatwillow, Mont., je umrla Alojzija Sharko, stara 62 let, članica društva št, 88 J. S. K. J. v RoundUpu, Mont. Pokojnica, katere dekliško ime je bilo Bajt, je bila rojena v vasi Kamen v Sloveniji in je prišla v Ameriko leta 1903. V tej deželi zapušča soproga, dva sina, sedem hčera in brata. (Dalje na 4. strani) Grd zločin v št. Vidu pri Stični, šentvidski orožniki iščejo zločinca, ki je v deževni noči odkopal grob bivšega posestnika Janeza Pajka. Pajk je umrl letos v začetku marca in so ga položili v grob, kjer je že poči-(Oalje na 4. strani) Točka 316 naj se glasi: “Jednota plača odškodnino samo enkrat za eno in isto operacijo. Jednota nadalje ne plača za nobeno operacijo, ki ni bila izvršena v priznani!bolnišnici, katera ima uradno dovoljenje, ali ki je ni izvršil zdravnik ranocelnik, ki nosi naslov M.D., in ki ima dovoljenj© v državi, kjer prakticira.” Tu se vsčavi nova točka, ki naj se glasi: “Jednota ne plača za nadaljno operacijo, ki bi bila potrebna zaradi kake prejšnje operacije, za katero se je že izplačalo operacijsko odškodnino.” Iz točke 317 se črta beseda “Kanada”; drugo ostane po starem. Točki 318 naj se doda: “In če bi bil tak član ob času izključitve posedoval certifikat, ki bi vsled nabrane rezervne vrednosti ostal v veljavi še vnaprej, ima Jednota pravico izplačano odškodnino od smrtnine odbiti, v primeru, da član umrje, dokler je certifikat^ še v veljavi.” Točka 319 ostane po starem. V točki 320 naj se v prvem stavku spremeni; starost od 50 na 55 let. Zadnji stavek pa naj se izpremeni, da se bo glasil: “Do podpore je upravičen po preteku treh mesecev od dneva i pristopa, izvzemši kot je omenjeno v poglavju “Suspendacije in ponovni sprejem članov”; člani, ki se ponesrečijo 30 dni po pristopu, so takoj upravičeni do bolniških podpor.” Dalje naj se točki 320 doda: “Člani Jednote, ki so že stari 55 let ali več, in niso zavarovani za bolniško in odškodninsko podporo, se ne morejo več zavarovati za isto.” Točka 321 naj se glasi: “Asesment za bolniški in odškodninski sklad znaša 85 centov na mesec za en dolar dnevne bolniške podpore, in 50 centov na mesec za pol dolarja dnevne bolniške podpore. Ako član zboli, postane tekom svoje bolezni deležen sledeče bolniške podpore: a) za prvih šest mesecev po $1.00 dnevno, oziroma 50 centov dnevno; | b) za drugih šest mesecev, če je bolezen nepretrgana, po 50 centov, oziroma 25 centov dnevno. jj Točka 322 naj se glasi: “Za prve tri dni Jedijota ne plača nobene podpore; če pa se član ponesreči, se plačg podpora od prvega dne.” Točka 323 ostane po starem. V točki 324 se podtočka a) popravi, da se bo glasila: “Ako se javijo bolnim ali onemoglim^ toda se ne marajo podvreči operaciji po naročilu zdravnika. Izvzeti so tisti, o katerih se zdravniki izrazijo, da operacija ni neobhodno potrebna, in pa oni, katerim bi, po mnenju zdravnikov, operacija ogrožala življenja zaradi kake organične bolezni.” ............. i ...... Podtočka e) v točki 324 naj se glasi: “Za bolezni, ki povzročajo delno onemoglost, ali ki ne zadržujejo člana od dela.” Podtočka g) v točki 324 naj se glasi: “Ako se je član za stalno preselil v drugi kraj in v teku 90 dni ni vzel prestopnega lista) k drugemu društvu J. S. K. Jednote, če tako društvo obstoja v okrožju 10 milj od njegovega bivališča, in če mu je bilo mogoče.” Podtočka k) v točki 324 naj se glasi: “Ako je član v aktivni službi armade, trgovske ali vojne mornarice ali državne milice, ki pa v takem slučaju tudi ne plačuje nikakega asesmenta v bolniški in odškodninski sklad.” Podtočka 1) v točki 324 naj se glasi: “Članicam se ne pla- ' ča bolniške podpore prvih 15 dni po porodu, prezgodnjem porodu, ali splavu, v katerem slučaju pa se jim prvi trije dnevi od podpore ne odbijejo.” ■ Podtočka m) v točki 324 naj se glasi: “Ako zdravnik izjavlja, da je član samo delno onemogel in da lahko opravlja lahka dela, ali ako ni bil pod stalnim zdravniškim nadzorstvom.” Podtočka n) v točki 324 naj se glasi: “Člani in članice, ki delajo v prostorih, kjer je od organiziranega delavstva uradno napovedana stavka, ali člani, ki so od kompanije najeti kot pomožni šerifi ob času delavskih stavk.” Sledi čitanje pozdravnih brzojavk, ki so jih poslali sledeči: Društvo št. 140 JSKJ v Morleyu, Colo.; Frank Kosanic, predsednik BB kluba v Davisu, W. Va.; društvo št. 196 JSKJ v Pittsburghu, Pa.; društvo št. 26 JSKJ v Pittsburghu, Pa.; Anton Stanovnik, Waukegan_ 111. Pismene pozdrave so poslali sledeči: Joseph Trebeč, predsednik društva št. 1 SDZ, Cleveland, O.; Lovrenc Ogrin, Waukegan, 111.; John Zvezich, predsednik društva št. 70 JSKJ v Chicagu, 111.; Frank Golob, 37-letni član društva št. 12 JSKJ v Pittsburghu, Pa.; Vincent Coff, za direktorij Slovenskega delavskega doma v Collinwoodu< O.; Frank Yetka, zavarovalnin-* ski komisar države Minnesote. Zbornica vzame vse poslane pozdrave z aplavzom na znanje, nakar konvenčni predsednik zaključi 11. sejo 0d 12. uri opoldne. Matt Anzelc, konvenčni predsednik; Anton J. Terbovec, zapisnikar; Anton Zbašnik, konvenčni tajnik. Dvanajsta seja Konvenčni predsednik Matt Anzelc otvori 12. sejo 15. redne konvencija JSKJ, ob poludveh popoldne, dne 14. septembra 1936. Predsednik vpraša zbornico za dovoljenje, ako se dovoli i vstop v konvenčno dvorano g. John Dečmanu, ki je predsednik nadzornega odbora KSKJ. John Dečman je opisal prav obširno boj med kapitalom in delom ter prosil zbornico, da pošlje resolucijo John Lewisu, ki je predsednik “Industrial Organization Committee. Kajti, ako ho-' čemo pravilno razumeti, moramo pritrditi, da vsak korak napred-' ka v delavski organizaciji je tudi korak napredka v podporni organizaciji. Končno izraža iskrene čestitke in obilo uspeha 15. ! redni konvenciji JSKJ. > Predsednik se mu v imenu delegacije prav lepo zahvali za 3 posetitev. 1 K točki 325 se doda koncu stavku: “izvzeti so le oni člani 5 ki se ponesrečijo ter začno prejemati bolniško podporo s prvin ■ dnem.” (Dalje na 4. strani) m MLADINSKI ODDELEK ~ JUVENILE DEPARTMENT m lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUIIIlllllillllllllllllllllllllllllKI ZGODBA O RIBIČU ROVER LEARNS A LESSON Nekoč je živel ubog ribič, ki je imel mnogo otrok. Mnogokrat ni bilo pri hiši niti skorjice kruha. Zaman je vstajal ubogi ribič na vse zgodaj, zastonj je delal pozno v noč, zastonj je ves dan nosil svojo mrežo od ene vode do druge, mnogokrat pri lovu ni imel Sreče. Kakor je bil ta ribič ubog, tako je bil njegov brat bogat. Ta pa ni imel otrok. Kadar ribič svojim otrokom ni imel kaj dati, je prosil brata, naj mu za božjo voljo da vsaj za večerjo.koruzne moke. Brat pa mu je vselej odgovoril: “Rad ti dam tudi voz moke, če mi daš enega sina.” “Ne, tega pa ne storim za nobeno ceno,” je odgovoril ubogi ribič, “koli-korkoli otrok imam, vsi so mi enako dragi, od nobenega se ne bi mogel ločiti.” Ko nekoč že skoro teden dni niso imeli nič za pod zob, se je ribič odpravil na lov in rekel ženi, da se ne vrne prej, dokler ne nalovi polne torbe rib. Zgodaj zjutraj je sedel na breg reke, spuščal mrežo v vodo in jo zopet dvigal, ulovil pa ni niti najmanjše ribice. Že se je mračilo, a sreča se ga je izogibala, kakor bi se ga bala. “Že vidim,” je rekel ribič sam pri sebi, “da bom moral iti brez rib domov. Moj Bog, kaj bodo moji nedolžni otročiči večerjali!” Žalosten je dvignil mrežo, bila pa je tako težka, kakor da bi bil v njej velik kamen. In res ni bilo v nji nič drugega kakor okrogel kamen. Jezen ga spusti z mrežo vred v vodo. Ko jo dvigne, je ta okrogli kamen zopet v mreži. Sedaj ga vzame iz mreže in ga zažene daleč v vodo, da ne bi prišel zopet v mrežo. Toda ko dvigne tretjič mrežo, je bil okrogli kamen zopet v nji. Sedaj pa ga ribič ni več vrgel v vodo, temveč na breg in se napotil žalosten proti domu. Toda komaj je napravil nekaj korakov, si je premislil in rekel: “Če svojini otrokom ne moreni prinesti rib, jim ponesem vsaj ta okrogli kamen; naj se igrajo z njim.” Pobere kamen, ga vtakne v torbo in odkoraka počasi proti domu. Otroci mu pritečejo naproti, ga obkolijo in vprašajo: “Kaj ste nam prinesli, očka ?.” “Okrogel kamen, otroci, nič drugega. Glejte, igrajte se z njim in pozabite na večerjo!” Ubogi ribič je legel spat, tudi žena je legla, otroci pa so se tako poglobili v igro s kamnom, da so pozabili na spanje. Potakali so kamen z vedno večjim veseljem po sobi, kajti kamen se je vedno bolj svetil. Tega pa ribič ni opazil, ker je ležal k steni obrnjen in od skrbi vzdihoval. Ko pa se je obrnil in hotel spraviti otroke spat, se mu je kamen tako zasvetil v oči, da ga je zabolelo. Zbudil je ženo in tudi ona je bila prepričana, da je okrogli kamen pravi demant. Sklenila sta, da ga ponese žena takoj drugi dan kralju v njegovo prestolnico in mu ga za lep denar proda. 'In res ji je dal kralj za dragotino tri vreče zlatnikov, povrh pa še voz in konja, da se je lahko odpeljala domov. Vesela se je vrnila žena domov, pa tudi doma je zavladalo veliko veselje. Sedaj so bili bogati, ni jim bilo več treba stradati. Hoteli so izmeriti zlato, a ker niso imeli pri hiši nobenega vedra, so poslali enega svojih sinov k bogatemu stricu ponje. “Čemu vam je treba vedra?” prezirljivo vpraša bogatin. “Oče bi radi merili denar,” je odgovoril deček. Hej, kako se je zakrohotal bogatin! Dal mu je vedro in kmalu prišel za njim, da bi videl, kako merijo denar. Ko pa je videl, kaj se godi, je kar ostrmel od začudenja. Čeprav je bil bogat, še nikoli ni videl toliko zlata na enem kupu. Ko si je od začudenja opomogel, je vprašal brata: “Kje si dobil to množino zlata, dragi brat?” “Sedaj sem zopet tvoj dragi brat, toda le počakaj, privoščim si šalo s teboj,” si je mislil ribič sam pri sebi in rekel: “To zlato mi je dal kralj za tri mačke.” “Kako je to mogoče?” “Tako, da je v kraljevi palači toliko miši, da kralj s svojo družino ne more ne obedovati, ne večerjati. To sem izvedel na svojih ribiških potih in sem mu nesel tri mačke v dar. Hej, kako jih je bil vesel! Takoj je zapovedal, naj mi dajo za tri mačke tri vreče zlata.” Ko je bogatin to zaslišal, mu ni bilo več obstanka, hitel je domov in povedal svoji ženi, kaj je videl in slišal. “No,” je rekla žena, “če je ta berač nesel kralju tri borne mačke, mu jih mi ponesemo za tri vreče.” Mož ji je pritrdil, prehodil vse sosedne vasi in za drag denar pokupi! vse mačke, kar jih je mogel dobiti. Ko jih je imel za tri vreče, je zapregel štiri konje, naložil mačke na voz in se odpeljal proti prestolnici. Ko je prišel pred kralja, se je poklonil in rekel: “Majhno darilo sem Vam prinesel, veličanstvo! Moj voz stoji tam pred vrati.” “Prinesi, da vidim!” Bogatin odide, vzame tri vreče mačk na rame in jih nese v palačo. Ko se vrne pred kralja, razveže v trenutku yse tri vreče. Množica mačk preplavi Farmer Grimm was an industrious and thrifty farmer who believed that he could get rich on his farm if he made use of all the odds and ends that most farmers overlook. He, therefore, made many changes and one change affected his dog, Rover. Rover was a faithful animal, and for years had served as watchdog and helped with the cows and ducks, and often did duty in the fields, when the crows got too bad. But now Farmer Grimm invented a kind of treadmill and attached it to his churn, then he had Rover churn for half an hour every dqy. There were two younger dogs on the farm, Jinks and Pluto, who churned too, but they were thoughtless young fellows and couldn’t be relied on to do any serious work like tending cows and driving off crows. So when Rover saw that he would have to churn every day, he became very sulky and indignant. “It isn’t because the work is too hard,” he complained to Jinks, “it’s because it isn’t fair. 1 certainly do and if we didn’t have the dam to make the water deeper here, you see, our doors would be frozen shut.” “Oh, yes, of course!” replied Rover. “I-er-I’m out of a situation just now; and I mean to live hereabouts, could you give me a job and let me stay with you?” “I’m afraid not,” replied both beavers together. “You bčing as you are, a dog, you don’t know how to build, besides you’re likely lazy.” “No, I’m not lazy,” replied Rover, “but it’s quite true I don’t know how to build. I’ve always had a good kennel provided. I ran aw'ay because I had to churn.” “Too bad,” said Mr. Flattail, although he did not know what churning was. “You didn’t have time to make a living, I suppose?” “What do you mean by that?” asked Rover. “I mean, find food,” replied the beaver. “That’s our trouble. What with damming and building and plas- li T/f£ ^/WY/OZ? Q>OK SALLY AND HER GOLDFISH */ lv “Game,” Cried Mr. Flattail. “Mercy Me! We Haven’t Time for Games.” enough work, I do! Why, I know plenty of dogs who don’t have to work at all. Nobody expects a hand’s turn from them. And here I am! I have to slave away and scarcely have any time to hunt or enjoy myself. I say it isn’t fair, and I’ve a good mind to run away!” Well, one fine night when the moon was shining round and bright, Rover made up his mind. “I’m going to run away and live with fhe woods people who are free and have nobody bossing them around and making them churn,” he said. “Of course, I’m sorry to leave the Old Man. He’s been decent to me, he has never given a cross word or a kick or a blow in five years! Still, lately he hasn’t been acting fair.” So away ran Rover with many a backward look at the old farm house that had been his home for so long. He arrived in the woods soon and kept running until he was a great way off, then he rested beside a stream, drank some water and curled up to sleep. Early next morning when the sun was barely up, he was awakened by a bustle. Little fat, waddling creatures ran here and there, some stood around a tree gnawing industriously, some were floating logs down the stream, some were gnawing down the branches. Rover got up and went to where tw’o large, fat creatures sat gnawing a tree. “Who are you and what are you doing, if I may make so bold?” he inquired politely. “We’re beavers,” replied one of the big fat animals. “My name is Mr. Flattail and my friend is Mr. Sharp-tooth.” “Pleased to meet you,” said Rover, with his best bow. “I never met any beavers before. What are you doing with these trees? Is it a game?” “Game!” cried the beaver who said I he was Mr. Flattail. “Mercy me! We haven’t time for games.” “My hat and buttons,” cried the beaver who was called Mr. Sharptooth, “I should say not!” “Well, then, what’s all this for?” inquired Rover. “We’re building a dam,” replied Mr. Flattail. “What for?” asked Rover. “Because,” answered the beaver, “we build our homes of sticks and mud and stones and make the doors under the water. In winter the water freezes tla, mačke se razbežijo na vse strani, skačejo na velika zrcala, na okna, na omare, prevračajo drage zlate bokale in krožnike ter vse spotarijo. “Primite!” je zaklical kralj. Vojaki so mislili, da morajo poloviti mačke, kralj pa je imel v mislih bogatina. Ta pa je izkoristil lepo priliko in je bežal, kar so ga noge nesle. lering and harvesting for winter, and times so hard, sometimes we have to go hungry. The squirrels were telling me only the other day that they were having a hard time on account of the storm that shook down so many nuts before they were ripe. It’s a mercy we don’t have to churn, too, or we’d all starve!” “Oh-I-er, um!” stammered Rover, beginning to feel ashamed. “Is that so! Well, good day!” “We’re not grumbling, you know,” said the beaver, wiping the gnawdust from his whiskers, “for if we work hard and save, we’ll get through all right.” “I hope so,” said Rover meekly, as he walked away. Off he trotted through the woods where all was bustle and stir. No idling there! Chipmunks and squirrels darted from ground to tree, harvesting nuts, ants climbed great little hills, their feet full of parcels, spiders were spinning hard. “Oh, well,” Rover said. “I guess I’d better be going back. If I hurry I’ll get there in time to churn.” Off he sped and arrived at the farm panting hard. There stood the churn beside the barn, and into the treadmill sprang Rover. “Hold on, there, Old Man!” cried Farmer Grimm. “Get off that churn! You’re all out of breath and you ain’t had no breakfast as I know's of. No churning for you today, no, sir!” But it took both hands to drag Rover from the churn. After that they had to w’atch the dog to keep him from working too hard, and finally Farmer Grimm forbade his churning any more. “That dog’s too useful ’round the farm,” said the Farmer, “and he’s getting old. Jinks and Pluto can work that churn themselves.” “I wish the Governor’d let me churn,” complained Rover to Jinks a few days afterward. “It isn’t fair. Here 1 am! I’ve got a good kennel and all the food I can eat and nothing to worry me, and he won’t let me earn my keep. If it wasn't that I’m so fond of the Governor, I’d run away. 1 would, and live with the wood people, who know what work is.” And Jinks, though he thought it very strange, said nothing, but scratched his ear knowingly. 0----------------- CAN YOU GUESS? QUICK MAYONNAISE DRESSING Beat 1 egg until light and puffy. Add 1 teaspoonful salt, J4 teaspoonful paprika. Gradually beat in l/> cupful salad oil, beginning with a drop at a time. By this time the dressing will be quite thick, so add 1 tablespoonful white vinegar or lemon juice. Then add another cupful oil, pouring a little faster than before. All materials should be very cold before beginning and dressing will take only fivf minutes to make. Note that this uses the whole egg. 0--------------- OCTOBER SHOWERS Lightly fall October’s showers, Not of rain-drops nor of flowers, But of leaves that flutter down From the trees so sadly sighing For the days so swiftly flying From the winter’s gloomy frown. Back to Mother Earth descending, With her bare, brown bosom blending, For the leaves go dancing by— Dressed in mellow red and yellow, Dancing to the wind’s soft ’cello, Soon in rustling heaps to lie. Flowing in a tide above her Dearest treasures, soon they’ll cover Earth’s fair gems—the buds that hold Through the frost, till spring, retrieving Days of darkness and of grieving, Fling apart the gates of gold. Through that widening, sunny portal Troop the spirits of immortal Beauty that we call the flow’rs. Even now their fragrance lingers On the autumn’s cruel fingers, Straying in the dying bow’rs. Lightly fall October’s showers, Not of raindrops nor of flowers, But of leaves that bless the soil, Whence arise the forms that greet us, Cheer us when dark days defeat us, Burdened w-ith,the daily toil. __o--------------- Danilo Gorinšek J NAJLEPŠI DAR A bright beautiful goldfish in a shiny glass bowl, was Uncle Tom’s birthday present to little Sally. On the table in Sally’s playroom it stood, and every day she sat and watched the dainty little fish swim around, waving his golden tail in and out among the fern leaves and darting its head here and there as though hurrying somewhere. One morning, when Sally w'ent upstairs to her playroom to feed Goldie, she stood silently for a long time watching. ’Round and ’round the bowl he flew; the sunlight shining on his little golden scales, made them glisten until they were a bright red and his feathery fins and tail swept through the water leaving little ripples behind. The water was stirred by tiny waves; Goldie swam around so fast that the delicate fern was almost torn from its sandy bed. “Goldie wants to get out! Oh, I know Goldie wants to get out!” cried Sally. “But Mamma says that fish can’t live out of water, so what shall I do?” Dete si nesrečno bo glavo še razbilo, jutri že je mamin god —kaj bo za darilo? Kar premore detece, to je vse premalo, česar pa ne zmore, bo le to jemalo ? — Trudna je že glavica, težke misli prede, srce tolče kar na glas: kam brž iz te zmede? Materi pa blaženi sonce v dušo sije: dar najlepši — detetu zanjo srček bije! . . kje ’Round and ’Round the Howl He Flew Quickly she sought her mother. “Oh, Mamma,” she exclaimed, “come quick, Goldie is stirring up the water and 1 know he wants to get out!” Pulling her mother by the hand, Sally led her upstairs, and there, sure enough, was Goldie splashing around, looking as though he would dash against the side of the bowl at any minute and break away, “See, Mamma! Do you think he wants to get away?” “No, dearie,” replied her mother, “your little fish is swimming in that way to get exercise. He’s healthy and, I am sure, very happy. Now you go and play in the yard and don’t bother about Goldie. He’s all right.” Sally mused about Goldie until the hour came for her afternoon nap. Her head, lying on a soft little pillow, was buzzing with thoughts of Goldie. She gazed toward the bowl. Suddenly a strange thing happened. The water became very still; Goldie lay perfectly quiet. Then, in an instant, he lifted his head out of the water and as he did so, he was slowly changed into u tiny little boy, dressed in quaint fashion. His little yellow velvet suit was -0- THE HANDY BOY AT HOME BY CHARLES A. KING State Normal School, Plymouth, N. H. DOUBLE BOX TRAP trimmed with lace and his hat had on it a long thin feather which fluttered behind him as lie walked across the table. “Why,” thought Sally, “he looks like a prince.” “I am a prince,” answered Goldie; which was very remarkable, considering that Sally had not spoken. “I am a magic prince,” Goldie went on to say, “and if you would like to hear it, I will tell you the story of how I happened to be turned into a goldfish.” “Oh,” murmured Sally, “I would just love to hear it.” And so the tiny prince began: “I lived in a land where everything is small. The men are only as tall as your hand and the boys and girls are no bigger than your thumb. I was the king’s son, and the pet of the country. Everyone loved me. The men and ladies of the palace petted me until was spoiled. Every day when I drove out in the park in my little carriage, children would stand in the street to see me pass by. I had everything that 1 wanted and I grew to be so interested in myself that I thought of nothing else except how much people loved me and how fine 1 looked. “I became very conceited. I would stroll in the palace garden and when I would see a beautiful flower I would walk up to it and say, ‘You may be lovely, but you’re not half as beautiful as I am. You are only a flower, held tight to a stem; you cannot drive about as I do and show off your beauty, and you will fade and die in a little while. I will be beautiful for a long, long time.’ “Like all magic princess, I had a fairy godmother who watched over me. As I grew more and more proud of myself, I heard my godmother tell me before I went to sleep at night that I must forget myself and my beautiful appearance and see if I could not spend my time in doing good in my father’s kingdom. But I would get very cross at her words, and fall off to sleep without noticing her. “I paid great attention to my clothes. Nothing but beautiful colors would suit me. I was beautiful, I said, and I should have beautiful clothes to match me. During the day, I walked about in the garden showing myself to the roses and other flowers; and in the evening I gave parties to my friends who, I knew, admired my beauty. “Then, one night I heard my godmother’s voice speak to me very harshly. ‘You are the naughtiest prince I ever saw,’ she said, ‘and I am going to punish' you. When I punish you I am going to do two things; one will be to cure your selfishness by making you give pleasure to someone besides yourself, and the other is to cure your vanity.’ “I became frightened. I begged her to tell me what she was going to do to me. But she went away. I walked in the palace garden and stamped my foot at the flowers because they were so lovely. Then happened the greatest event of my life. I walked to the fountain that played in the center of the garden and sat on the rim to look at the water. 1 no sooner leaned over to gaze into the water than my foot slipped and I fell in. “Oh, I thought, I will sink and soil my beautiful velvet suit! But before I knew it I was swimming around. I looked at myself. I was still very beautiful; that was a comfort, at least. Then a great net scooped me up and I was thrown roughly into a glass bowl many sizes larger than myself. I did not know where I was. I was carried far, far away and w'hen I next realized anything, 1 found myself a fish, here in your playroom.” As he said these last words, Goldie slipped back into the bowl and resumed his fish-like shape. He swam around very quietly and seemed more contented than he had ever been. “Hush, darling,” Sally heard her mother’s voice say. “Wake up, dear, and stop that ugly dream that excites you so much.” Sure enough, Sally had been asleep. She jumped quickly out of bed to look at Goldie. He was swimming quietly around the bowl. “It wasn’t an ugly dream, Mamma,” she said. “And Mamma, Goldie did want to get out of his bowl this morning; but lie’s ail right now because he knows that he makes me happy!” --------------------o----------- Manica: ŽIVALI GODRNJAJO Domače živali prično godrnjat1^^^’ da j ih gospodar, z ozirom na 0 ’ ki jih prejema od njih, vse Pre upošteva. “Iha—ha—ha,” rezgeče konj, vozim gospodarja iz vasi do vasi, in mesto, vsepovsod! Kjer koli in1 ^ sla, bežim z njim kar najhitr®Je rem, samo, da je on zadovoljen. ^ “Mene poglej, mene,” g°drn,aleaeIii “Tam na pekočem soncu mu stj plug in brano, da mi vsled trU moli jezik iz gobca!” ,arja “Moje sladko mleko je za 80SP“ ^a-vredno več kot vse drugo,” po*511 va' . • »»ko P°d “In moja volna? Ta tudi ni ta nič,” zamekeče ovca. “Kikiriki,” se oglasi petelin- ^ bi zjutraj spravil pokonci 89s?j|0?!"i d in vso družino, če bi mene ne ^enja I “Kaj pa moja tečna jajčka. . niso kar si bodi,” zakokodaka k° ^ Zdajci zalaja iz svoje utice s ^0. čuvaj, ki je doslej mirno ležal slušal: . in pre- “Hoh, hov, le počasi! Panic1 po-mislek, dragi moji! Že res, da ^ darju vsak po svoje koristimo, 0 ^ to pa prejemamo od njega tudi v >^0. potrebujemo. Čestokrat gleda dar na nas bolj nego nase. ^bi pazi, da dobimo dovolj hrane, P nam mehko ležišče, imamo str.e Juanas varuje pred dežjem, vetrom p0. zom—čujte vendar, saj več Pa trebujemo. Bodimo zadovoljni ■■■ ležni!” , . ke, Mrmrajoče živali utihnejo, previdijo, da ima zvesti kuža P‘‘ -O----------------- Griša Koritnik: f. BOJ NA DVORIŠČ^ Rana ura—zlata ura— ve to goska, raca, pura, ve to kura besedična, ve pegatka gospodična. Pravi goska: “Ga-ga, ga-ga> dobro jutro, račka draga, že umita, že oprana, po pariško počesana? Naj bo leto, naj bo zima, vodo ljubiš, posestrima. A ta kura neugnanka, brska v blatu brez prestanka> dere se in kokodaka kot ob žabji svatbi mlaka.” Sliši kura zle besede svoje pernate sosede, pa ogovori pegatko in obregne se na kratko: “Vsakdo naj s seboj opravi, nič soli ni v gosji glavi: Naj se pere, naj se dere, kmalu jo gospod obere!” Goska se obrne k puri: “Jezik se posuši kuri! A pegatki kljun porasti, da bo mogla več popasti!” Zdaj pa raca raci pravi, da je goska rekla davi: , “Raca, ta ga vsak dan ‘želita in na vodi perje tehta. A o puri, da se čuje, da s pegatom nekaj snuje • To vam pravim: Vse dvorišč spremeni se zdaj v bojišče; kljun in krempelj—grom >n str bosta kuram perja vzela. ZGODBA O SKOPUH11 K prastaremu, modremu čarovnj^v-nekoč prišel skopuh, ki je hotel nika zvijačno prevariti. Poniž'10 približal starčku in ga vprašal: “Kaj si delal, da si učakal talt titljivo starost?” ■[ flj? “To ni bilo lahko,” je odgov0'^ \r rovnik, “a te skrivnosti ti ne s’n^f! dati.. Prvič, ker bi pri tisti Pr|^v,e|i^° drugič bi bilo pa to za tvojo dušo ,|6ti! zlo, če bi moral še mnogo t,s živeti kot skopuh!” jpji Skopuh se je delal, kakor da 'l' besed ni slišal, in je vprašal Sega. p< “Ko si že tako star, ali mi 'alV , veš, koliko je zate eno tisočletje • “O,” se je nasmehnil čarovnij j« tisoč let je zame kakor ena mi*1 u “Moder človek si,” je s Pr' glasom rekel skopuh, misleč gi\t‘ sebi, da se mu bo zdaj posreči*0 ^j, pariti čarovnika. ‘Nu, povej ,rUy, koliko je zate sto tisoč dinarjev Čarovnik, ki se je še zmeroin ijal, je mahnil z roko, kakor da bi sto tisoč dinarjev v zrak. ^ T “Sto tisoč dinarjev,” je odgov°r zame kakor ena para!” -rO*1' “Podari mi paro,” je hitro z‘l skopuh in poželjivo izbuljil oči- .jj K “Prav rad,” je odgovoril čaro^o' se zvito namuznil; “počakaj In skopuh je osramočen z starca, vedoč, da čarovnikove ne bi mogel dočakati. ----------O--------- A RIDDLE My first of anything is half My second is complete, And so 1 stay until once My first and second n,ee' Answer: Semi-Circle- “jaz v trg tivs- W E[ sUre ■ i the Schoc •«fiv ‘all t '.tow Stpt. time h< *'i u: It g ;big *3tlyi 'anc »ate: 1 si the l*r ai #pp W, up !f I as 1 0 nai *0 1 iine !ht i « c V|nte, Vt c I e ‘ooa fall NAROČILO Why the French cookery is better than the English? Because in the Revolution of 1088 the Stew-arts were driven out of England into France. Why a man approaching a candle is like a man getting off a horse? Because he is going to alight. Catch ’em tw'o at a time, perhaps. Bunny can see through the box for the glass partition will not stop his vision; he may think it is a fine runway and the bait will tempt him to investigate, the result being that he will be trapped in one end of the double trap. His cousin may come along and looking into the other end wiH see Bunny through the glass partition and will run to meet him, stopping on the w'ay for refreshments, with the result that he, too, becomes a captive. In any case this is about the program we expect will be carried out. The important part of the trap is a box about 12” square and between 30” and 36” long. Knock the box apart carefully and cleat the top in two parts if necessary, the ends also. Nail four pieces in place w'ith the glass partition between them. Nail a piece of the top 3” wide in the middle, directly over the partition. Nail the ends to top with pieces at A to reinforce the joints and hang the tops to the middle piece. Build the frame of pieces about W x 2” by 22” high. Place screw eyes as shown. Make the bait stick for each trap say in diameter and perhaps 8” or 9” long, placing a nail to rest against the inside of the box at B. Notch the outer end of this stick, and fit the trip as shown at C and tie the string in place. A piece of hard fish line should be used, for this will run through the eye easily. Danilo Gorinšek: Tole zajčku bom naročil, da bo brž do punčke skočil: zajček vsak je dolgokrak — skokov sto na moj korak. Ko bo zajček k njej pritekel, tole punčki bo porekel, da očetu vedno le zanjo bilo bo srcc. JABLANA Pozimi Vila Rogovila, spomladi Vila Metuljarka, jeseni Vila Radodarka. it 1 El is ve is ?ch( 'vh ch I atu lest Jtter tte , six of f r bm V Set, ga “uto I th *e: is 1 :°Urt ’>i$e f' ttl£ 'Ppie 0: :,,1an Hi, *»! Mic \ Siri 0(j •itn lev 'V v6r ts. V, Si i "he tlc tt ‘Vt «11 :'l s O! MLADINSKI DOPISI Contributions From Our Junior Members K CASTLE GATE, UTAH * editor and readers: re was glad when I saw my let-Nova Doba last month. Now «?ol ,has started I am very busy. ? five teachers. We have a good team here and v/e play against around here. On Satur-26, I saw the first snowfall. ■He I wrote that we had floods here, but on Sept. 2 it almost , **s away. In the evening about ¥ started to rain and hail. A '8 mess of water flowed down tanVon right straight into our 3nil the ghbors’ houses. We a*et in all of our rooms. We # shovel the mud out and then toe floors with a hose. My and I were home alone when JPpened. My dad just left for | were up all night trying to I^P the house. About 3 a. m. ,r flood me. Fortunately, it . ' as fierce and did not reach our ;do ' On Sept. 5 another flood came, '- tailed up all our windows and ,0 keep the water out. Work in jne was suspended for a day and I’ because all the tracks were out. I am anxiously waiting .n|er to hurry and come. Then have to be afraid of floods. J^'henever it starts raining oi trin6 I almost jump out of my ,| expect to write again, unless la°il takes e of me first. Best S>° all. “tUNE YAKOPICH (age 11), No. 168, SSCU. o-------------- SALIDA, COLO. I* EDITOR: ,'s >s my first letter to the Nova ‘ am a country boy, 12 years ^ in the seventh grade. 1 like ,. very much and my teacher’s ,ls Mrs. Pierce. It is hard for and the children to get to |("’hen it is stormy because most children have about a mile to ’ * have three brothers and one and we all go to school except 6st brother. Only thirteen chil-^ttend this school. re was a snow storm recently. s'x inches of snow fell. I had fun playing in the snow with er children. We were threshing .,but had stop because of the We haven’t dug out the pota-fet> although we gathered most ; Barden. is • s was a rainy summer, and big "'otild come from the mountains "•o the farmers’ fields. In con- ,1' I wish to extend the best of 11 'he editor and all the members. JOHN TANCIK (age 12), No. 78, SSCU. o-------------- h CANON CITY, COLO. i EDITOR: |S 's my first letter to the Nova I’ ' am 9 years old and I am in ®«rth grade. I live on a farm. ;ilSe apples, cherries, grapes and j Now we have plenty of snow j^'aged trees. The wind knocked ®Plcs from the trees. The chil-foiri McKinley School made a ,an in the playground. We are 'ng forward for a good time. JOSEPH ZUPAN, No. 147, SSCU. 0-------------- l6 MILWAUKEE, WIS. ^ Editor : I ^ I read in the Nova Doba that 'vas going to be another juvenile JK°n I immediately thought of '''as a delegate for the first |'e convention of the SSCU held ,*■ I, 2 and 3, 1935, in Ely, Min-j’ the home of our Union. It ..ltle think of how I met many boy «lri delegates while at Ely and of JN time I had there. I had the !lnie of my life while at Ely. I JVer taken such a long trip in v i'fe and when I did it thrilled ,ry much. The SSCU main office fine building, modern in all “s. | S>t to various lakes, which are lakes, and I went swimming of them. When it was time b to go home I felt like as if I 1,6 had taken my dearest treasure J^e. i wanted to cry, but I . *’ and after about an hour rid- the train I thought of Home 14 Home, but Ely was still on rny L When I left the train at Milil f f had such a feeling in my !» couldn’t say goodby to the other ^ ,es. Wearily I went home, mem-t Ely still in my mind to stay t 0r ever and ever. II ar|d girls of the SSCU, if you . aVe a chance to be a delegate, i|0llr hardest to be one because |,r!ever regret it. I’ll guarantee h.5* you’ll have the best time in MILAN PEICH (age 14), No. 225, SSCU. o — k EXPORT, PA. i? Editor: I Ve not written for a long time, i| decided to write. School lias T)L|. once again. I am a senior in ij Township High School. I am 1 's my last year, as I am not very school. |h l|me I am sending in a story: ij Mysterious deaths ;> Sfeat eastern circus of wild ani-ncl snakes was touring the conns' r Sunset Ranch. The employees nset Ranch were planning to go to the nearest city, which was twenty miles from Sunset Ranch. The next month was the time when the circus was passing through. One night as the foreman went to pay the men he noticed that one was missing, and after investigating he found that the man had been gone for two days. Nobody knew when or where he had gone. They thought he had gone East, but they discarded that idea because he wouldn’t leave without his pay. The next night another cowboy went to town and never returned. The foreman, becoming suspicious, went to the town to investigate. He went first to the Sunny Face saloon and asked the bartender if he had seen Bob Luke, the missing cowboy. The bartender said Bob had been at the saloon, but had started for home the afternoon before. The foreman wondered why his men were disappearing and thought maybe theye were tired of the West and u'ere going East. That night the foreman started for home, but never got there. The owner of the ranch was worried about the men and told his daughter that he was going to town. When he got to town he told the sheriff of the disappearance of his men. On his way home he met a man who said that lie had seen all of the ranchers on their way home. The owner never reached his ranch and his daughter was worried. The disappearance of her father made her owner of the ranch and she had to elect a new foreman. Within the next few weeks several men disappeared either in going or coming from town. Still the men could not figure out the strange disappearance of the men. The day of the circus came at last and everyone was raving to go. A few of the cowboys stayed at the ranch. As they neared the center of Pine Canyon the foreman took the lead because the trail was narrow and they had to go through single file. All at once a huge serpent dropped down from a tree and coiled around the foreman and his horse. Then the disappearance of all the men was known. Every man went to work trying to uncoil the snake. Just as the serpent was about to clasp another cowboy with its huge jaws one of his companions threw a rope around its lower jaw. The snake, trying to get loose from the rope, uncoiled itself from the foreman and his horse who were still alive, but the horse could not get up, so unfortunately had to be shot. The man with the rope dropped it, and the snake, while trying to loosen the rope, did not notice the departure of the men. On arriving at the circus they heard that a snake was missing and told of the one they had seen. Some of the men from the circus went out and set a trap and the snake was recaptured. When they arrived at home the foreman married the daughter who was left alone when her father had disappeared. Good luck to all the juveniles arid other members of the SSCU. ANNA YANKO (age 16), No. 138, SSCU. 0---------------- JOHNSTOWN, PA. DEAR EDITOR: My first desire in this letter is to thank the officials of the SSCU for awarding me the one-dollar check for my article which appeared in the August issue. Now that school has started, it is quite easy for me to relate the activities of our school. To begin with, the name is Johnstown Central High. It is very large and consists of the high school and the junior college. The building is situated in the heart of the city. Its prowess in athletics is widely known among the other high schools of Pennsylvania. The school has a strong football team, better known as the Pale Blue and Black Eleven. Their many victories are to bring them closer to the inter-state championship. I selected a commercial course dealing in office work. The most important subjects included in this training are Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typing and Business English. The subject which interests me above all others is Gregg Shorthand, named after its founder. Because it appeals to me, I will tell you something of its history. The name, Gregg Shorthand, originated from its founder, John Robert Gregg. The book was first published in 1888 and it is now the standard system in the States. It is the only system that produced three different writers to win the world’s championship. In 1915 Gregg Shorthand was awarded the medal of honor, which was the highest award ever granted a system of shorthand. It also received the highest award at Philadelphia in 1926. It is easy to master, and the system can be learned in one-third to one-half the time required by the old systems. It is proved by the records of those who have used it. It enables a writer to use it in any language, and can be employed even in our own native tongue, Slovene. Any student who takes an interest in this particular subject will find it to be a source of joy instead of a task. Ann Rita Gall (age 16), No. 36, SSCU. 0---------------- ELY, MINN. Here we are again. I mean the juvenile articles of the Nova Doba. It seems as if the juveniles are get more interested in writing articles every month. Through this medium we get acquainted by associating the writings with the contributors. 1 hope to see the Nova Doba filled with juvenile articles every month. It seems as if everyone likes to read them. I heard quite a few people say that they would like to see juvenile articles appear every week in the Nova Doba. I always lend. Our Nova Doba to another family who does not receive it, as yet. They like the paper very much. Hooray for the delegates to the 15th quadrennial convention, which was held in Cleveland last month. Boy, I’m glad they decided to repeat the juvenile convention. Aren’t we lucky? I mean the winners of the contest. I’m sure that we will try to get as many new members as we can. I got a new adult member enrolled into our lodge last month. I wish I could get more. At the convention most all of the present supreme officers were re-elected for another term of four years. Which proves that they are capable of managing the SSCU, and that they are honest by all means. Little Stan, as the Honorary Chairman of the National Juvenile Publicity Committee, just can't forget the convention and Cleveland. He still has a flower in a vase beside him in his office. Every once in a while he bends down and takes a “sniff.” 1 wish I could find out the reason! Ahem! This month seems to be the busiest month of the year. The people are preparing for winter. There is. much extra work to do, putting on storm windows, canning, taking the vegetables “under the roof” and preparing kindling wood. Dad is very busy working in the basement, getting ready for winter. We are very busy in school now and have taken a few' examinations at the beginning of the year. We receive a report card every six weeks. I must not forget to tell about the surprise party which was given for Mrs. Hribar on Oct. 3, her birthday. She was very surprised w'hen she found out the party was given in her honor. A delicious lunch followed dancing and singing. The following served the lunch: Mrs. Struna, Mrs. Rozman and Mrs. Barich. When the party was nearing completion, Mrs. Hribar said in Slovene: “Jaz petdeset sem jih, pa se mi zdi, kot bi jih bila šele šestnajst, tako sem vesela.” We all wished her the same, and added that we hoped she would feel like that when she reached one hundred years. JUSTINE KORENT (age 13), No. 200, SSCU. ---------O--------- PIERCE, W. VA. DEAR EDITOR AND READERS: A long time has passed since my last ’etter to you. I’ve enjoyed a very lovely summer vacation, which makes it that much harder to return to school studies. I spent three- weeks in Akron, O., where I visited my sister, Mrs. \ndy Zalar. In this city I saw many interesting sights, such as r. large rubber shop and magnificent department stores. I went to parks and beaches and visited some grand theaters. Just the same, I was glad to return home to mother and dad after all the excitement. My sister returned with me for a visit of two weeks. Her husband Andy spent four days with us. On Monday my brother Lud took them back to Akron. I hope to spend my next summer vacation in Akron again. We have enjoyed steady work in this location during the summer just passed. The mines are working five days a week, w'hich is a great improvement over the one and two days a week. People around here again have begun to act like human beings. I think that some of this is due to the actions of our President and our Union. Don't you think so, too? I send my best regards to all members, and to you, Mr. Editor. VIOLET ZALAR, No. 69, SSCU. 0----------------- To Our Juveniles A word of explanation to our juvenile members. Perhaps you have noticed that the September juvenile section came out two weeks later than what it usually does during other months. That is, the juvenile section appeared in the Sept. 23 issue instead of Sept. 9. The reason for this delay was due to the heavy demand for space because of the 15th regular convention of our Union. Official reports, proposals of individual members for the consideration of the delegates, and the like utilized all available space in the Nova Doba, and for this reason the juvenile section was postponed. However, the October juvenile section is on schedule. And because it isn’t a full month since the September junior pages appeared, the number of contributing articles appearing on this page is below the usual quota. Beginning with the November juvenile section we can look forward to the usual large number of published contributing articles submitted by juvenile members. Juvenile members again are cautioned to remember the following points when writing for this page: Write on one side of the page only, and use ink or typewriter. Write legibly. Sign your name at the end of the article and also insert the lodge number and age. * Address to: Nova Doba 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, 0. Be sure to include a return address cn ihe envelope, sc that in case of incorrect forwarding address the article will not become pe.;v. .. _:;.!y lost in the mails. Avoid writing long stories that have all the earmarks of being copied from some source. The most interesting contributions are the short ones that deal with personal experiences, rather Ilian made up stories. EDITOR. NAGRADE | Z a dopise, priobčene na mladinski utrani Nove Dobe meseca septembre ; J93G, so bile nakazane nagrade i>o on dolar ($1.00) vsakemu sledečim mladinskim dopisnikom: Josephine Oblcck, diuštvo št. 17, Aspen, Colo.; Justine Koreni, društva It. 200, Ely, Mini'..; Angeline Yako-pieh, društvo št. 168, Helper, lltah; Frank Yakovich, društvo št. 147. Canon City, Colo. -0- IZ URADA GLAVNEGA TAJNIKA J. S. K, J. From the Office of SSCU Supreme Secretary PREJEMKI IN IZDATKI MESECA AVGUSTA 1936 INCOME ANI) DISBURSEMENTS FOR AUGUST, 1930 Odrasli Oddelek.—Adult Dept. Dr. št. Prejemki Izdatki Lodge Disburse- No. Income ihents 1 .....................735.96 $ 305.00 2 ..................... 673.71 85.00 3 .................... 153.35 828.00 -1 .................... 142.40 5 ..................... 152.17 21.67 6 ..................... 538.27 587.00 9 ............... 436.91 1,067.33 11 ..................... 184.68 276.00 12 ..................... 238.33 12.00 13 ..................... 105.42 48.00 14 ..................... 37.93 1,000.00 15 ..................... 315.50 164.00 16 .................... 226.75 163.83 18 ..................... 374.69 792.66 20 ..................... 329.58 52.00 21 ..................... 477.00 323.67 22 ..................... 179.23 53.00 25 ..................... 490.56 31.00 26 ..................... 565.88 677.17 27 ...................... 70.81 79.(M) 28 ...................... 81.07 29 ..................... 290.46 30 ..................... 673.28 121.00 31 ..................... 229.15 118.33 32 ...................... 68.24 57.00 33 ..................... 236.87 113.50 35 ..................... 195.69 53.50 36 ..................... 642.77 364.83 '37 ..................... 984.44 841.16 39 ..................... 349.07 380.00 40 ..................... 353.14 903.00 41 ...................... 86.03 42 ..................... 271.31 58.00 43 ..................... 175.86 118/30 44 .................... 315.53 42.50 45 ..................... 412.87 398.00 47 ................ 157.79 46.50 49 ..................... 250.36 18.67 50 ................ 126.26 96.00 51 ...................... 31.26 20.00 52 ...................... 30.53 56.00 53 ..................... 339.13 70.CK) 54 ................ 116.94 85.50 55 ..................... 212.98 223.50 57 ................ 187.73 53.00 58 ................ 196.95 262.00 61 ................ 172.76 21.00 64 ...................... 31.81 8.00 66 ................ 335.79 115.34 68 ..............139.40 1,010.00 69 ...................... 72.32 70 .............:... 210.21 14.00 71 ..................... 420.04 196.61 72 ................ 109.15 98.00 75 ..................... 144.26 76 ..............’... 111.61 77 ...................... 94.83 28.00 78 ................ 184.14 1,045.07 79 ...................... 21.51 81 62.66 82 .............. 154.79 198.67 83 ...................... 92.96 56.00 84 ................ 194.71 39.00 85 ................ 205.94 9.34 86 81.21 121.00 87 ...................... 95.24 88 ................ 173.54 104.33 89 ................ 112.49 14.00 90 ...................... 47.35 92 ..................... 177.30 94 ................ 416.01 45.00 99 .................... 133.79 15.00 101 ...................... 67.81 56.00 103 !...!........... 230.92 79.00 104 ...................... 80.01 93.00 105 ..................... 179.68 109.00 1'06 ............!... 134.58 117.00 107 . 61.72 78.00 108 ..................... 170.29 109 91.48 117.00 110 ..................... M7.72 Ul ...................... 160.50 72.67 112 122.04 30.00 114 277.00 138.00 116 145.11 142.00 117 45.57 36.00 118 ...................... 90.41 119 ...................... 57.97 120 308.86 70.50 121 ...................... 39.25 192 79.32 63.00 123 Z..................... 53.75 * 124 73.90 140.34 125 ................................... 134.00 126 48.33 58.00 127 im 42.58 128 105.41 39.67 129 149.03 24.33 130 59.94 57.00 131 .................... 100.40 40.00 132 296.81 (53.67 133 .................... 167.81 194.00 134 ................ 74.76 27.00 135 .... 15.00 20.00 136 . .... 73.15 96.00 137 ..................... 197.97 15.00 138 ...................... 79.35 42.00 139 ................ 39.15 46.C0 140 ...................... 97.92 62.00 141 ..................... 124.76 60.00 142 ...................... 4.3.91 143 ...................... 37.56 144 ..................... 207.32 66.C0 145 ...................... 27.08 146 ...................... 35.20 147 ...................... 72.37 2.00 j 148 ...................... 55.91 1 149 ..................... 218.65 22.00 150 ..................... 183.65 28.00 151 ...................... 33.90 152 66.00 153 ...................... 16.39 39.00 154 ...................... 83.79 17.00 155 57.99 9.33 156 30.60 28.00 157 33.21 158 72.70 123.50 159 47.94 91.00 100 63.00 161 24.17 63.00 162 184.35 1,152.33 163 22.01 10.00 164 48.56 165 20.84 166 93.61 82.00 167 48.51 35.00 168 91.19 45.00 169 14.82 170 57.96 171 106.00 144.33 172: 51.37 173 94.73 120.00 174 92.65 9.00 175 85.02 176 137.36 1,004.50 178 48.90 21.00 179 22.03 180 132.61 182 66.11 IS3 48.95 35.66 184 234.89 69.00 185 55.66 186 148.11 187 49.91 188 37.85 190 159.14 178.00 192 105.94 10.00 193 33.11 194 59.51 195 29.44 15.00 196 39.98 197 51.44 36.00 198 49.31 102.00 199 25.78 200 529.76 150.00 201 49.10 202 90.57 10.00 203 95.40 139.00 204 39.06 205 20.00 207 101.38 65.00 209 49.61 216 78.96 218 37.00 220 15.03 221 125.11 222 190.43 223 42.26 159.00 224 19.42 225 185.05 29.00 226 .. . 25.57 227 54.29 228 29.72 229 ! 59.52 21.50 Za junij 211 13.65 Za julij 25 465.99 31 235.15 50 127.80 66 356.60 92 152.30 125 57.21 135 18.79 165 20.59 192 123.40 199 25.78 205 33.05 218 62.91 220 15.03 Skupaj-Total..$29,180.39 $21,218.61 PREJEMKI IN IZDATKI MESECA AVGUSTA 1936 INCOME AN1> DISBURSEMENTS FOR AUGUST, 1936 Mladinski Oddelek.—Juvenile Department. Dr. št. Prejemki Izdatki <,odgc Disburse- No. Income ments 1 .................$ 15.35 2 22.80 3 ....................... 2.25 4 ....................... 3.60 5 ....................... 2.55 6 ................. 12.75 9 ....................... 5.10 11 ....................... 4.35 12 ....................... 5.25 13 ....................... 6.90 15 ...................... 5.10 16 ...................... 10.65 18 ................. 12.55 20 ................. 1170 21 16 80 22 ....................... 3.30 25 ....................... 9.60 20 ...................... 38.00 27 ....................... 3.00 28 ....................... 6.35 29 ...................... 18.50 30 ...................... 25.60 31 ...................... 11.05 32 ........................ -90 33 ....................... 8.85 .35 ...................... 8.40 36 ...................... 19.70 37 ...................... 32.45 39 ....................... 5.40 piše na glavni urad. Novo društvo se lahko ustanovi * 8 člani belega P*i-m* neoziraje se na njih vero, politično pripadnost ali narodnost. Jednota 8l>rfJ4jio* tudi otroke v starosti od dneva rojstva do 16. leta in ostanejo lahko v n®1* s kem oddelku do 18. leta. Pristopnina za oba oddelka je prosta. Premoženje znaša nad $2,000,000.00. Solventnost Jednote; znaša \\^^°' NAGRADE V GOTOVINI ZA NOV OPRI DOBLJENE C LAN E ODRASLEGA MLADINSKEGA ODDELKA DAJE J. S. K. JEDNOTA 'V' GRADE V GOTOVINI. Za vsakega novopridobljenega člana mladinske0a delka je predlagatelj deležen 50 centov nagrade. Za novopridobljene člane odraslega oddelka pa s° lagatelji deležni sledečih nagrad: za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 250.00 smrtnine, $1.00 rt«0rflr Se za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 500.00 smrtnine, $1.50 nCtgr ^ po turško in dolgo čas0 j0 je;41 smela ganiti iz sobe. ^ ^ prisilil, da je sprejela is ^ vero in v Tetovu sta (Dalje na 8. strani 'Vesi Wa: tl es (Nadaljevanje 8 l. strani) vala njegova žena. Ker njene krste niso hoteli razdejati, so Pajka pokopali le dober meter globoko. Med ljudstvom se je govorilo, da je Pajk odnesel s seboj okrog 25 tisočakov, ki jih je imel spravljene v votli palici. Zločinec je grob z lahkoto odkopal in izrezal na krsti tako veliko luknjo, da je lahko iz nje spravil palico. Ali je res našel v nji kaj denarja, bo dognala preiskava, če bo seveda mogoče zločinca izslediti. Sarajevska policija je aretirala 26-letnega Saliha Gjaferoviča, po rodu iz Bosanskega Broda, ki je v Zagrebu v lažni zdravnik pod imenom dr. Slavka Sudareviča na originalen način zdravil ljudi. Mladi mož je bil šele nedavno odsedel pet mesecev, ki si jih je bil prislužil zfL mazaštvo. To pa ga ni izpametovalo, da se ne bi spet posvetil svojemu staremu poklicu. Zdravil je vse bolezni, Cigani še vedno kradejo otroke. Da to ni samo prazen strah in bajka, pričuje naslednje poročilo v “Politiki”: Cigani so ukradli 12-letno hčerko Antona Tušle iz Dotoja. Vodili so jo s seboj kakih 10 kilometrov, ko je dekletcu uspelo, da se je izmuznilo in pobegnilo. Cigani so nadaljevali pot, nato pa so v vasi Modriču izpred hiše odvedli 8-letno Anko Bari-šičevo. Ko so bili izven vasi, so dekletce zvezali in mu iztegnili roke nad laktom, da bi jo pohabili in potem porabljali za beračenje. K sreči je Ankin oče takoj pogrešil hčerko in zdirjal za cigani. S pomočjo nekaterih sosedov jih je vse polovil, pretepel in nato izročil orožnikom. Počastitev spomina velikega črnogorskega junaka. V Kola-šinu v črni gori so te dni položili v preurejeno grobnico kosti največjega junaka vsega okoliša, brigadirja Dragi še Perkova Medenice, ki je umrl v visoki starosti leta 1924. Dra-giša Medenica se je udeležil hrabro vseh borb, ki jih je črna gora vodila za osvobojenje od leta 1850 naprej. S Turki se je boril blizu Kolašina, ko je bil star šele 17 let. Z največjim —r K ENGLISH SECTION OF B ▼ Ojt»cldl °r9*n ▼ of the South Slavonic Catholic Union. AMPLIFYING THE VOICE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS CURRENT THOUGHT A Good Risk Always a welcome decision, particularly to parents with r^e families is the suspension of juvenile monthly asses-lents. The supreme board at its special meeting held in !veland, during the month of September and immediately loWing the adjournment of the 15th regular convention, Eluded to exempt juvenile members from paying asses-ents during the months of October and November. This makes a total of four months from which juvenile Albers have been exempt from payment of assessments ir,r>g the year 1936. Or, to put it in another way, out of J've monthly assessments, our Union has collected for v eight. Call it a dividend, if you want to compare our tei’nal with a life insurance company, but what institu-® will refund one-third of the premiums payable during course of the year? Especially, if a policy for ordinary °nly is carried. Of interest to many mothers and fathers also is the Mention decision to allow transfer of accumulated re- yes also to juveniles, who, after attaining 17 or 18 years, j!$fer to the adult department. This has taken effect as October 1, 1936, and the reserves are credited to the yenile aking the transfer as a form of paid-up asses- ents for certain number of months. Heretofore, only Jeniles transferring at the age of 16 were credited with - serves_ When the juvenile department was first instituted in Organization, little did the originators of the idea realize far-reaching effects it would have on the Organization he future. Founded for the simple reason that the entire „i % should enjoy the benefits offered by our SSCU, the jwnizers never dreamed that this department would be so elj ^tiful with reserves that four months out of twelve could S'ven away as free protection to the youngsters. ,de And little did they dream that the most fertile source ide: securing new members in the adult department would ((f«ISe from the juvenile department. Yet, today, the largest ^Portion of new members admitted into the adult depart-jrfi^t are those emenating from the junior division. 'JJ, Further, who ever gave the possibility any real conjugation from the beginning, that enough money could be I ^ted f om the juvenile fund to erect the SSCU’s own • j ^e office building? While this is considered only as an ^ v®stment of funds from the junior division, nevertheless "'as made possible because of the ready funds available r this purpose. Today, the adult department pays rent, *es on the property and other expenses for maintainence, ^ rent being so calculated that it yields a sufficient in-est vield on the investment to satisfy the legal require-|ts. Next year our SSCU is going to sponsor another •oi' Venile convention. The 15th regular convention sanc-lr)ed the first junior assembly held in 1935, and decided §'ve the supreme board the authority to hold a juvenile Mention every two years. Juvenile members have looked forward to the possibility r£peating the junior convention. Those delegates, who re in attendance at the first juvenile convention held last have expressed themselves with a desire to come again, 'hey will be still eligible next year. Excerpts From the Minutes of 15th Quadrennial Convention of Our Union iV< dl e Pr f( ■e* Member of 30 Years Standing Passes Away °Undup, Mont. °Undup, Mont. — I have ^ sad news to report for M°dge, St. Michael, No. 88, Hf- On Sept. 17 our good pber, Alice Sharko, passed 0 the great beyond. As a ^ber of our Union for the 30 years, she was held in esteem by all who knew For the past three years Was suffering from an in-‘‘ble disease. Funeral serv-^ Were held at Rim Rock ^etery of Flatwillow, Mont., Sept. 20. Membership at-*ed the final rites in full *bers. Lodge president, Max Sak, read the ritual. Pali J'ers were all members of V No. 88, SSCU : Joe Nose, Ratkovich and John Ko-of Roundup and Perry ^er, Harry Tripp and Wil-1,11 Wiggins of Flatwillow. e Was placed in her final ilig place alongside of her e»t son, Rudolph, who died ,.^25, and her daughter, Vir-who died in 1922'. be deceased came to the '^es in 1903, staying at Liv-^ton, Mont. After her mar-e she and her husband set-on their farm at Flatwil- (Continued) Section 311 cautions all members applying for operation benefits to submit their claims within six months after the operation, or lose their right to such benefits. Age of applicants eligible to carry sick benefits was changed to a maximum of 55 years. Sick benefits shall start after the first three days of illness. In case of accidents, such benefits shall start from the first day. Female members shall be entitled to sick benefits fifteen days after child birth, miscarriage or premature child birth, and if such disability extends beyond fifteen days, the usual deduction of the firth three days shall not apply. TWELFTH SESSION Before the delegation assumed its regular order of business, lime was taken to hear a talk presented by John Decman, chairman of the supreme judiciary committee, KSKJ, who brought out the close relationship between labor and the fraternal benefit organizations. He urged the convention to send a resolution to John Lewis, chairman of the Industrial Organization Committee. A lively discussion resulted in the proposal to compel each member to carry disability benefits. This was defeated by a vote of 45 for and 60 against. The old system prevailed; that is, carrying of disability benefits is optional with each member. Section 359 in part provides that members receiving benefits from the disability fund must be visited by the lodge visiting sick committee at least once a week, if the member resides in the same city wherein is located the seat of the lodge; those suffering from incurable diseases need be visited but twice a month. Those receiving disability benefits because they have exhausted all compensation from the sick benefit fund, must be visited regularly as they are considered in the same light as those receiving benefits from the sick fund. Further, if a member, insured under plan “A,” is confined to the insane asylum, and if he has received $240.00 or more as disability benefits, and provided no one is willing to pay his assessments, then the Union reserves the right to transfer his certificate to plan “AA,” and meet his mortuary assessments from the accumulated reserve. The Union fur- l ther reserves the right in such cases to place the member on extended insurance after the change to plan “AA” has been made. Strange as it may seem it was an English-speaking delegate who proposed the motion to start the next morning’s session at 8 a.m., one hour earlier than usual. The motion was carried. Section„ 375 was retained in its original form, but only after some heated debate. Some of the delegates contended that the local lodge treasury was the concern solely of the local members; while others maintained that the SSCU had a right to prevent contributions to political and religious institutions. Section 414 gives lodge medical examiners, who are members, first consideration. H. G. Prusheck, well known Slovene artist of natio n a I fame, extended a message of greetings to the delegation. THIRTEENTH SESSION Motion was made and passed to include a new section in the by-laws, which gives the supreme board the right to expel from sick and indemnity benefits any member found simulating sickness, and for which he received sick benefits illegaly. After January l 1937 age of candidates applying for membership itf. the SSCU shall be extended to a maximum of 55 years. The present by-laws in force stipulate the ages between 16 and 50 i/ears. Applicants for membership must be accepted by at least two-tliirds of the members present at the meeting. Candidate becomes a member from the time his application was received at the home office, provided all other requirements have been met. Section 474 provides for a refund of $2.00 by the Union towards defraying expense of medical examination of the applicants for membership. . Regular and special assessments must be paid by the first of the month, and all assessments must reach the home office by the fifth of the month. No member may sue another member in civil court on matters arising at the lodge meetings until such time as he has exhausted all other means available within the Union. Section 506 stipulates that a member who has been suspended not less than 30 days and not more than 90 days must sign a statement indicating that during the period of suspension he has incurred no sickness or injury. To section 510 was added: Juvenile members reaching the age of 17 and 18 years may transfer to the adult department without a medical examination, provided they insure themselves for either $250 or $500 death benefit, and with or without sick benefits of $1.00 a day or 50 cents a day. These transferred members are not vested with any special rights or privileges, and the by-laws of the adult department apply to their case the same as to the newly admitted members to the adult department. Juveniles who have been seriously ill or suffered serious injury while in the juvenile department cannot insure themselves in excess of $500 death benefit and $1.00 a day or fifty cents a day sick benefits, and these must absolve the Union from all obligations which might result because of the injury or sickness incurred while members of the juvenile department. And neither can the beneficiaries claim death benefits should death result from injuries or sickness attained while members of the juvenile department. Our Union may also be a member of individual Slate Fraternal Congresses, and delegates shall be sent to such congresses only when an urgent need arises. No member can be elected to the supreme or judiciary board if he is a supreme officer of some other fraternali organization, or if he represents a life insurance company. (To be continued.) CARDINALS Still—at Home WITH LITTLE STAN Ely, Minn. — That train which was swiftly bringing Little Stan back to Ely last week, is still whizzing along at a terrific speed, bringing him nearer and nearer to his home where he is past overdue. Mile after mile passes, as Little Stan, with that smile still playing over his face, thinks of the wonderful three weeks which have just been completed. The convention, in the meantime, was in full swing as delegates busily transacted business. Those long hours the night before had their effect on your Little Stanley, as he was seen coming in late more than one morning. John Kum-se, Louis Champa, and company almost pulled a fast one on Little Stanley. It was one of these mornings when Little Stan came in tardy. No one saw him until dinner and then: “Where were you?” the group asks, “the convention has been asking where you are keeping yourself.” Little Stan, believing, takes the matter seriously and begins to think that perhaps he had better come in on time. The next few mornings, Little Stan does come in on time, although he looks like the sandman himself. Until one day, while the group is sitting at dinner, they put your Little Stanley wise to the entire joke. Naturally we nil laughed! Tsk, tsk! It was one of those extremely warm afternoons, when Little Stan watched the clock incessantly. As soon as it was two-thirty, he left the hall, and hurried to Mr. Oglar’s store. Yes, the Boston Red Sox were in town, and Little Stap was about to see a big league baseball game. Johnny Allen pitched for Cleveland, and did a nice job until the sixth when he was pulled because of a sore back or something. Anyway Cleveland won the game 11-2, with Hal Tros-ky hitting two homers. Jimmy Fox struck out twice. Tsk, tsk! And before that saw Bobby Feller, sensational Cleveland rookie, struck out 17 Philadelphia batsmen. What excitement ! Some of the evenings Little Stan spent in the Gostilna, , I' Meeting Especially for English-Speaking Members — Eveleth, Minn.—At our last | meeting held during Septem-; ber, 1936, it was decided that our next meeting will be held primarily for the benefit of the English-speaking brothers and sisters of our lodge. The meeting is scheduled to take place Sunday, Oct. 25, at 8:45 a. m. English-speaking members are especially invited to get up; and express opinions, ideas and suggestions to be discussed in the English language. So, come on, all you English-speaking members, attend this meeting! Let us know what is on your mind. Let’s have a larger attendance than what we have had in the past. There are always matters of importance for discussion at every meeting, and here is a good opportunity to voice your opinions for and against the different suggestions. Frank Urbiha Jr., Sec’y, No. 25, SSCU. where everyone discussed various things. You know, sort of a get-together. It was there that the dancers from the Exposition Gostilna entertained. They were excellent, and they seemed to really put their hearts right in the carefree dancing spirit. Little Stan even tried to dance with one of the gals, but those long tired legs were not so effective in the Polka, and those hands just wouldn’t mark time with the Pok-Sotis. Ernie Palcic and Samson Drobnič were getting along fine, however. Although he doesn’t recall the exact day, Little Stan distinctly remembers having sup-pei with the Kolars and Kar-dells at Cleveland. It was a delicious meal . . . really delicious! A highlight of the dinner was when the Kolars’ little daughter asked Artist Stan to draw a picture on her pad. What a picture! But it was nice, and by the way, Johnny Kardell—Little Stan said Hello to the Prebliches here. During the sessions, we bumped quite often into Anthony Kastigar of La Salle. Always figured on going out together some evening, but never got quite around to it! Heh, heh! Martin Hudale, Wilmerding, Pa., gave Littie Stan regards from his son, Eddie, who was chairman at the last juvenile convention. Joseph Skerly, Turtle Creek, Pa., also gave regards from Dor- othy. Mike Rovanšek, Cone-maugh, Pa., and Little Stan got along excellently, as did his son Cy. Peter Musich, Joliet, extended regards from both Maries, Russ and Musich. Anton Gaber sent regards from Mildred Gaber. Katherine Penica for Dorothy Stefanich. Jurij P revic from daughter Helen; and from Colorado, regards were sent from Pauline Erjavec and the other young lady who was with her last year. All in all. Little Stan was tickled to hear from so many. Heard also from Matt Vogrich, La Salle, whose daughter recently recovered from an illness. Met the Vogrich group at the Badger doing at Milwaukee . . . and so, on and on. Perhaps, Little Stan even forgot some of the other hellos at the moment, but if he did, why—“Hello!” Heh, heh! Anyway, time was awastin’, and soon it was Wednesday, the last night of the convention. The Monday before that, however, the Champas, Barbara Matesha, and Dr. R. G. Fabian of Pitt went to the Expo. Of course one couldn’t see everything in one evening, but we did see the Ljubljana, and the Gostilna. It was excellent! The last nite, Wednesday evening. Election of officers 'was being completed, and soon at ten-thirty p.m., convention 1 chairman Matt A n z e 1 c, adjourned the 15th quadrennial convention. Good-byes . . . hand shakes . . . and so long, as the parting of ways was reached. Then a slight intermission for what happened between ten-thirtyy and ??—as | far as Little Stanley’s personal adventures were concerned. j Anyway, heh, heh, early the next morning, Little Stan was , up and ready to leave. Mr. (Continued on Page 6) ji* lH v )0 j* iti ie id ,a h low, Mont. She was born in 1878 and joined the SSCU in 1906. The deceased leaves behind a bereaved husband, Andrew Sharko; daughters: Mrs. Joseph Penica, Mrs. Philip Kaze-linski of Roundup; Mrs. ePte Gallo, Richfield, Cal.; Mrs. William Cook, Orlando, Cal., and Margaret, Dorothy and Frances Sharko of Flatwillow; Andrew Sharko Jr. and Victor Sharko of Flatwillow, sons; a brother in Roundup and two sisters in Yugoslavia. I regret very much my inability to attend the funeral rites. I hope that the children of the deceased will follow the good example set by their mother. This means is taken to thank those who sent floral pieces as last remembrances, to those who accompanied her on her last journey, and all those who helped to lighten the burden during the last trying hours. To the bereaved family and relatives we extend the deepest sympathy. Katherine Penica, Sec’y, No. 88, SSCU. Struthers, O. — Members of Cardinals lodge, No. 229, S. S. C. U. and friends wish a speedy recovery to Angie Slabe, treasurer and Jennie Glavic, recording secretary, both of whom underwent an operation for the removal of appendix recently. We also wish a speedy recovery for Mrs. Jennie Mil-lison who has been ill. Cardinals are holding their First Annual Dance on Nov. 14, 1936. Plenty of refreshments and good music for all. Don’t forget the date, folks. And members, don't forgot Nov. 6, the next and only meeting before the dance. Come on, members, don’t forget. Rose Slabe. Attention, Hawkeyes! Ely, Minn. — Monthly meeting of Hawkeyes, subsidiary, club of lodge No. 200, SSCU will take place Friday, Oct. 16, at 7 p.m. If all the members who attended the last monthly meeting will again be on hand this month, then our gathering shall be a success. The much awaited dance will be held after the meeting, which is scheduled to adjourn about 9 p.m. The Rhythm Rascals will furnish the music. Admission will be 35 cents a couple, and 10 cents for each extra lady. Members are cautioned to keep in mind that failure to attend means the payment of the full admission. Matt Stukel, Rec. Sec’y. All Roads Lead to Claridge S. N. Home Oct. 17 Committees Meet Oct. 16 Claridge, Pa. -— Two days ifter you have read this article, be sure and polish up your dancing shoes, press your clothes, get in touch with your honey and say: “Come on, baby, we’re going to town tonight.” Yes, Bud Treggaser and his seven - piece orchestra from Jeanette will provide the rhythmic music. Their music is versatile and plenty melodious. Dancing will commence at 8:30 p.m-. and continue until midnight. The place: Of course, the Slovene National Home. Lodge 40, SSCU who is sponsoring this dance, cordially invites all members and friends to atend. We expect, to see all those who are interested in dancing at our featured Hat Dance. A meeting of the dance committee and the card party committee has been scheduled for Friday evening, Oct. 16, at the Slovene National Home, at 7:30 p.m. All who are interested are asked to attend, particularly the bowlers. Rudolph Yerina, Chairman. Revenue First “There goes the only woman I have ever loved,” commented the doctor who was chatting with the drugstore man. “Why don’t you marry her?” the drug man inquired. “I can’t afford to,” whis-' pered the doctor, “She’s my best patient.” With the Pathfinders St. Michael’s Lodge, No. 40, SSCU, will hold a Hat Dance on Oct. 17 in the Slovene Hall of Claridge, Pa. Members and friends, including those from out of town, are cordially invited to attend. Frank J. Lausche, judge of Municipal Court of Cleveland, O., is a candidate for Common Pleas Court in the elections which w'ill be held next month. A Slovene, Judge Lausche is held in such high esteem that last year the Cleveland Press, local daily, asked him to run for mayor. On Nov. 4, 1933, when he ran for re-election for the post to which Gov. White had appointed him the year before, Judge Lausche led the list of ten candidates. During his term of office, this Slovene judge has taken a stand against eviction of poor tenants, and although he has been on the bench only four years, he has written more legal opinions than any other judge of the Municipal Court of Cleveland. Judge Lausche is a member of Lodge No. 37, SSCU. Gowanda, N. Y.—The Pathfinders’ girls’ bowling team is leading the girls’ Hi-Lo League, having won eight games and losing four. Tuesday evening the Paths team was defeated, three games out of four, by the bottom place Gowanda alley team. Booster Girls and Squirts are tied for second place, each having won six games and losing six. Next Tuesday evening the Paths girls will play the Squirts, their old rivals. Pathfinder members should try to attend these games and show the girls that the lodge is behind them. Let’s all give them a hand this Tuesday evening and keep them on top. The boys’ bowling team has not fared so well. In the first matches they won three games and lost one, defeating The Five, but last Tuesday evening they dropped four straight games to the State Hospital earn. The boys’ team bowls on Wednesday evenings, so be on hand to give them a boost. They need your moral support, and if they get it, they are sure to start climbing. Basketball is at a standstill at present as there is no basketball court available. Jennie Anderson has written to Dr. Gray at Gowanda State Hospital to see if the Paths can use the court there, but to date she has received no reply. As soon as a court is secured, practice will begin. All those interested will be notified. The Annual Fall Dance held jointly by St. Josephs and Pathfinders lodges w’as an en joyable event as usual, although it was fairly successful financially. Music by Johnny Orian and his orchestra from Buffalo was very good and snappy, and all enjoyed this fine music. As usual, everyone had a swell time dancing to accordion music furnished by Louis Klancer in the basement. Thomas Sternisha, Athl. Supvr., No. 222, SSCU. P. S. Pathfinder meeting next Tuesday, with out-of-town party immediately following the meeting. Sure to be another one of those enjoyable affairs. --------o-------- During 1935 our SSCU realized a net gain in membership of 1437—the highest of o.ng Yugoslav fraternal. means that exactly one-third of the assessments have been refunded. Cleveland Community Welfare Club last week presented a beautiful copy of Francis I by Hackett, to the St. Clair and E. 55th St. Branch Library, and to Miss Sunderland, librarian a lovely flower holder. This was in honor of the 30th birth day of the library. During the month of August 1936, the adult and juvenile departments disclosed new enrollments totaling 111, of which 71 were added to the senior division and 40 in the junior di vision. These figures are in eluded in the report from the home office contained in this issue of Nova Doba. Four Slovenes, including John Lautar, captain, and one Croat are members of the Notre Dame football eleven. George Washington Lodge, No. 180, SSCU, of Cleveland, O., will hold a dance on Nov. 21, 1936, in the Slovene Auditorium of the Slovene National Home. A popular orchestra, which will be different from the usual type heard in the neighborhood, is to be secured, if the plans of the committee in charge will materialize. Center Ramblers The Great Lakes Exposition will be l'epeated in Cleveland during 1937. Many new attractions will feature the civic show undertaken by the city of Cleveland on its lake front, and a record crow-d exceeding the attendance this year is anticipated. According to the report of trustees, the exposition showed a loss of over a million dollars, but that in 1937 a profit w'ill more than cover this loss. Attendance for the three months is reported as 3,900, 000. Councilman Anton Vehovec, who represented Lodge No. 132, SSCU, of Euclid, O., as delegate to the 15th quadrennial convention held in Cleveland, again was featured in the local dailies for his efforts to suppress vice and graft in his ward. At the Council meeting Vehovec charged that unnamed colleagues in the Council were “helping grafters” instead of joining the campaign against them. He also reported that he had been offered $4,000 this summer to stop his protests against the operation of claw machines, and had been told: “The other fellows are getting theirs and you might as well get yours, too.” Center, Pa.—At the regular monthly meeting in June, the Center Ramblers elected a delegate to attend the 15th quadrennial convention of the S. S. C. U., which was to be held in Cleveland. This was the first time that the Ramblers sent their own delegate—and a very active one in the person of Bro. Paul Oblock. As this was his first convention experience, we are sure that he had a great deal of interest in it, as you can see that he returned with the honor of being elected the second supreme vice president of the SSCU. Center Ramblers are proud of their young delegate. We extend our sincere congratulations to Bro. Oblock on his election. We are sure that he will fulfill his duties to his greatest ability in the interest of our SSCU. Do you believe in being prepared? If so, then get yourself ready for the Ramblers’ Annual Masquerade Dance, which will be held on Oct. 31. Get your tickets now and be assured of a place in the festivities, and also see one of the biggest gatherings of the year. The committee is doing its utmost to make this one day which will be remembered for some time. They are depending upon you and all the SSCU members to help them in every way that you can. Many surprises await the guests. Comical costumes, a dance floor decorated in great style for a Hallowe’en celebration, ghosts, blackcats, skeletons, and all the other items which go to make a dance an outstanding event. I think that our second supreme vice president will have a few words to say to the audience. How about it, Paul ? Frank Previc. Cleveland SSCU Bowling League Begins Season Cleveland, O.—Before the report of the teams’ standings and individual high scores of the Cleveland SSCU Bowling League is made, the officials of the league wish it to be known that SSCU members of Cleveland and nearby vicinity and their friends are still cordially invited to join the circuit. There are still places available on the teams. Names of English-conducted SSCU lodges have again been applied to the teams this season, as was the case last year. Below are the teams standings, based on six games of play: W L Pathfinders ............ 5 1 Happy-Go-Luckies......... 4 2 Colorado Sunshine ...... 4 2 Arrowheads ............ 3 3 Cardinals .............. 2 4 Pittsburghers ........ 2 4 National Stars ......... 2 4 Indians ................ 2 4 J. Launch of the Indians w’as high man with a series of 546, while A. Jelercic of the Happy-Go-Luckies was second with 534, and F. Sluga of Colorado Sunshine third with 532, W. Guzik fourth with 517 and F. Drobnič fifth with 515. Individual high game honors were shared by F. Drobnič with 201 and M. Molk with 198, both of the Pathfinders. R. Bogolin with a game of 152 and A. Guzik with 146 led the ladies for individual highs. Bowling starts at 2:15 p. m. every Sunday afternoon at the Superior and E. 118th St. Alleys. League officers for the 1936-37 season are: John P. Lunka, re-elected chairman; Frank Jaklich, re-elected secretary, and Elizabeth Stucin, treasurer. Still—at Home (Continued from pu^e 5) Oglar, who had done every- ] thing in his power to make Little Stan comfortable while staying with him, drove him to the station where the final good-byes were extended. At 1 the depot, Little Stan met others who were on their way '< home, including Peter Musich of Joliet and Little Stan’s dad. Soon, everyone was seated in the train, and the trip westward and home was begun. Before going on to Joliet, the next stop, Little Stan takes time out to really extend his [heartiest thanks to everyone, and the convention committee for the excellent entertainment and care provided for us all! The fast passenger train slowly gets going, as the delegates on board feel rather down hearted that this splendid adventure should be over. However, many of them were getting homesick, and they were kinda glad that they were going home. Especially those who had youngsters, who wrote letters like Mrs. Canjar’s 12-year old Lawrence. But everyone on their way home . . . ready to begin regular routine again ... In the above narration, Little Stan still has a lot of ground to cover, even as far as Cleveland is concerned. When you associate with guys like Samson Drobnič, Matty Molk, Frank Jancar, Jr., Tony Evanish, Ernie Palcic, Paul Oblak, Johnny Furar, and the like, a person can just sense that there is news in the making, and as those fellows have ! not piped up yet, with the exception of PAL Frank Jan-1 car, Heh, heh, Little Stan ■ thinks that the coming issues ■ of the Nova Doba should prove ' very interesting! (Oh yea-a-h!) ’I In the meantime, while that train is still speeding towards Chicago, Little Stan will close his eyes, and catch up on a couple of winks. And until next week, when Little Stan will continue his narrations . . . adieu! (Not ... “I do.”) Stan Pechaver, No. 2, SSCU. --------o------- CONVENTION COMMITTEE Cleveland, O.—The following committeemen of the convention arrangement board are to assemble Monday evening, Oct. 19, at 7 p. m., in the old building of the S. N. Home: Joseph Rudolf, Karl Skulj, John P. Lunka, Joseph Grdina, John Zalar and John Kardell. Representatives of lodges who were connected with the convention arrangements are hereby notified to attend a meeting which will be held Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p. m., in the old building of the S. N. Home. The following lodges are so affected: Nos. 37, 103, 137, 173, 180 and 186. Only those should attend this meeting as have been elected by. the lodges. John Zalar. --------o------- Post Card’s 42 Years Travels Both Lorenza Cuculic of Ba-kar, Yugoslavia, to whom it was addressed, and Ivan Ma-tesic of Pola, Italy, who posted it, had died long before a post card, bearing the Pola stamp of February 27, 1894, reached its destination the other day. Even though Pola and Bakar are less than 100 miles apart, the card strayed from continent to continent to become covered with post office stamps of many countries during its 42 years’ journey, which probably constitutes a new world record. —South Slav Herald. o------------- Life insurance companies in this country have nearly half a billion dollars invested in farms I they own outright. Iz urada glavnega tajnika j From the Office of Supreme Secretary, SSCU (Nadaljevanje s 3. strani) BOLNIŠKA PODPORA IZPLAČANA V AVGUSTU 1936 SICK BENEFIT PAID DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 193(5 Dr.št. Ime Vsota Lodge No. Name Amount 144 Mary Uhan .................... 18.00 144 Minnie Vehar ................. 12.00 147 Nellie Ferkul ................. 2.00 162 Mary Potočnik ................ 65.00 183 Giuseppe Vielmo .............. 19.00 192 Joseph Lopp Jr................ 10.00 200 Steve Grahek ................... 12.00 200 Frances Jershe ................. 41.00 200 Frank Srsen .................... 41.00 200 Frank Stele .................... 28.00 2C0 Frank Lunka .................... 28.00: Aug. 14 3 Frank Kuhar ............... 800.(X) Aug. 15 1 Jacob Presherin ................. 6.00 1 George Ferderber .............. 11.00 1 Joseph Mismash ................. 13.00 1 Anania Kristoff ............... 26.00 2 Mary Knapp ..................... 13.00 2 Louise Kosir.................... 27.00 2 Joan Markovich ................. 15.00 2 Frances Urbas .................. 15.00 2 Mary Deyak ..................... 15.00 12 Helen Arch ..................... 12.00 22 Joseph Jakse .................. 43.00 33 Matevž Puc ..................... 38.67 39 Steve Shavely .................. 38.00 53 Frank Kolar ............... 25.00 53 Katherine Leskovec ........ 45.00 54 Catherine Veronick ........ 17.00 54 Anton Petrich ............. 30.50 54 Mary Povsha ............... 38.00 57 Tomas Slat ................ 13.00 57 Mary Cipcic ............... 28.00 57 John Bergant .............. 12.00 61 Leopold B. Pezdirc 21.00 71 John Sorz ................. 6.00 94 John Setnikar.............. 28.00 94 Mihael Urbančič ........... 17.00 124 Anna Weberski ............. 65.00 125 Amalia Mihelčič ........... 12.00 125 Philip Cudrig ............. 11.00 125 John Polugnak ............. 16.00 125 Louis Batistig ............ 12.00 138 Anna Supansic ............. 31.00 138 George Kepcija ............ 11.00 141 John Kolbezen ............. 35.00 144 Anna Klobučar.............. 36.00 173 Anna Prosen ............... 100.00 173 Anna Prosen ............... 20.00 190 Vasilike Tsismenakis .... 20.00 203 Leopold Dovjak ................. 26.00 203 Frank Sokol Jr.................. 13.00 207 Joe Kastelic .............. 29.(X) 207 Anton Modich .................... 7.00 207 Fred S. Ziegmond 29.00 229 Frank Maizel ................... 21.50 Aug. 22 15 Nick Starsinic ................. 18.00 15 Joseph Krašovec ................ 42.00 15 John Mihelich .................. 37.00 15 Dan Zigich ..................... 46.00 21 Anton Marinšek ................. 35.00 21 Anna Rogel ..................... 63.00 21 George Malevich ........... 18.00 21 Agnes Kucler .............. 65.00 21 Agnes Kucler .............. 46.00 21 John Cesar ..................... 63.00 26 Joseph Pogachar ................ 65.00 26 Joseph Pogachar ................. 6.50 26 Josephine Osttroska ............ 32.00 35 Joseph Maticic ............ 13.50 35 Joseph Guzelj ............. 13.00 35 Frank Zaletelj ............ 27.00 43 Frank Simec ............... 31.00 43 Joseph Mihelich ................ 35.00 43 Alice Perhay .............. 34.00 43 Helen Russ ................ 18.00 45 Frank Radez ............... 33.00 45 Mary Dugar ..................... 27.00 45 Joseph Kocjan .................. 43.00 45 Anton Kos ..................... 15.00 70 Matt Rasp ................. 14.00 84 Louise Paulovich ................ 9.00 86 Joseph Percic .................. 21.00 99 Annie Hanna .................... 15.00 106 Jeruman Zadel .................. 14.00 106 Joseph Jeran ................... 19.00 106 Ivana Bavcic ................... 26.00 106 Louis Gruden ................... 21.00 106 Frank Slugar ................... 28.00 117 Joseph Zakrajshek .............. 20.00 125 Joe Guion ...................... 83.00 126 Joseph Jakse ................... 29.00 128 Anna Roso ...................... 23.00 129 Mary Povhe .................... 15.00 135 Suzanna Skare .................. 20.00 136 Caroline Jernejčič ............. 28.00 136 Joseph Korošec ................. 27.00 136 Martin Bervar .................. 22.00 136 Thomas Shugats ................. 19.00 140 Angelo J. Pais.................. 10.00 140 Frank Yanko .................... 22.00 140 Joe Glaviano ................... 30.00 149 Anton Merlak ................... 22.00 154 Parania Skr,abski ............... 8.00 159 Frank Meze ..................... 65.00 159 Frank Meze ..................... 26.00 163 Melan Ylyan .................... 10.00 166 Martin Barborich ............... 28.00 166 Louis Žnidaršič ................ 26.00 166 Martin Zakrajšek ............... 28.00 168 Jacob Garbas ................... 17.00 168 Frank Kranjec .................. 28.00 198 Mike Pugelj .................... 21.00 198 Mary Vidmar .................... 28.00 198 Anton Vidmar ................... 11.00 203 Leopold Dovjak ................ 100.00 Aug. 24 6 Frank Tomazin ................. 16.00 6 John Cerne .................... 33.00 9 Joseph Plautz ................ .36.00 9 Joseph Panijan ................ 13.00 13 John Mozgon .................... 29.00 16 Frank Gunde .................... 29.00 16 Frank Krajc .................... 14.00 16 John Brunskole ................. 17.00 16 Frank Selan .................... 33.00 16 Frank Fink ................ 23.00 20 August Verbic .................. 28.00 20 Anna Zgonc ..................... 24.00 33 Frank Boznar.................... 14.00 14.00 33 John Kiren .................... ggy 71 Anton Kresal ................. 14001 71 John Znidarsich ................ ^ 71 Joseph Sustersich ........ gg00 71 Anton Rotar ................... ^’qq 71 John Sorz ..................... ^qOj 71 Mary Praznik .................. 1200 ■ 71 Adjust Salmick ................ ^ggO 77 Anton Cerk ................ 78 Math Churich ................. "^(X) 89 Rafael Sladich ............... 29(H) 114 John Novlan ................... ^'qq 114 Molly Skradski ............ ,cgo 114 Molly Skradski ............ jjQO 132 Jožefa Bajt ............... qq 132 Joseph Zajc ............... )7oo 133 Frances Germ .............. qq 133 Mary Muhvich............... 133 Frances Tanko ............. IgOO 158 Matt Podobnik ............. ^50 152 Frank Speiser ............. ^oiW 158 Joseph Poglajen ........... yg’oo 171 Emil Johns ................ 27,00 171 Emil'Johns ................ tX) 171 Mary Kifis ................... ]floO 197 Anthony Susnik ............ Aug. 26 733 6 Mary Pavlovčič ................. 733 6 Rose Konjar .................... ^34 6 Joe Kosten .................. 2(j.00 18 Joseph Sustar ............... gg_(jo '18 Joseph Zaversnik .......... 18 Joseph Zaversnik ............ ^o.OO 18 Ciril Yenko .................... gyo 31 Anton Zaletu .................... oO 31 John A. Germ................... ^gOO 36 Mike Osaben ................... jjoo 36 Frances Princ ............. 36 Josephine Birk ............... ,2.60 36 Ignatz Skufca ................ gg.OO 36 Jernej Lindič ................ £8.00 36 Jonn Korelc .................. ,8.00 36 Stefania Koreltz .......... 37 Aloysius Bajt ............. ^5oO 37 Ignacij Merhar ............... 24.00 37 Amalia Bohte ............. ^0oO 37 Lawrence Bandi ............... gjoO 37 Mary Strah ................... ^.OO 37 Mary Strah .................. 24.00 37 Rose Ujcic ..................... qO 37 Jacob Pozar ................40O.OO' 37 Anton Still ............... 21.50 37 Anton Stih ................ j j 00 37 Theresa Turk .............. jg(]0 39 Antonia Kauzlarich ........ 50O 40 Valentin Rednak ........... 40O 49 John Tomasich ................ 24,00 50 George Novosel ............ 2S.OO 52 Martin Oberzan ............... jg.OO 66 Anton Popek ................... ^(jO 6C Julia Adamich ................ jgflO 66 Joseph Kozlevčar ............. jq.OO 68 Mijo Novosel ................. 33.OO 82 Anton Stiglitz .............. ° Nirva ............... 9.33 'OO !*Ph Perhaj ............... 9.33 .00 ^ersin .................. 9.00 00 , Aug. 24 00 ,e Pozega .................. 9.00 ;00 Plaj Vuk ................. 18.33 0() Skerlic ................. 19.00 |oO 11 Cerjak ............<.. 9.33 50 | esa Kosmach............... 9.00 00 11 Mausar ................ 10.00 Ofl Cero .........:............ 7.67 ’oO :? Skradski ............... 9.00 00 r* Sedmak ................. 10.67 loo n Kajfez ................. 9.00 00 Lovshin ................ 10.00 00 , Aug. 26 00 y Strah ................... 40.00 00 N Sadar ................... 30.33 00 J's Zupančič ............... 9.67 00 ePh Korošec ............... 9.00 00' "!°n Stih ................. 4.33 50 hte> Kotar ................. 9.00 00 a"k Golob ................ 12.00 00 ',0r8e Turk .............. 14.67 00 , Prus ................... 18.34 00 N31) Bezochnik ............. 9.00 00 jkija Sharko ............... 7.33 00 °n*)a Kosak ................ 9.00 00 Strukel ................. 9.00 00 Aug. 29 00 ,na Bosanec ............... 18.67 00 Sa Rotar................... 16.00 00 ,S' Frank Turk and G. A. 00 e^saas, Judge of Probate 7.67 00 "‘line M. Fartro.......... 10.67 00 l ------- 00 *“Paj-Total ..............$754.01 00 • Jj ^EMBE V ČLANSTVU JJpECA AVGUSTA 1936 ^pES IN MEMBERSHIP FOR AUGUST, 1935 Ct) Hi Oddelek.—Adult Dept. 0® Novi člani v načrtu “AA” ?? *'v Members in Plan “AA” , žtv° St. 1: Anna Dusich, Mar-5 falser. * j*,vo št. 2: Bernard J. Hutar. J*o št. 11: Ruth Ban. "lvo št. 26: Johanna Trempus. tvo št. 29: William Lah, Joe 10 . ^ j!tVo št. 33: Robert Primožič. 10 Stvo št. 37: Mary Nagode, Robert fi TOevec, James A. Slapnik Jr., ® 'ne Steklasa. ^ ®tv° št. 41: Virginia Yurjavcic. 0 "*Vo št. 45: Clara M. Loviscek. .!tvo št. 55: Mary Plevelic. >o št 68: Helen Turk, John 0 'I 'I So št. 70: Anton Golenko, j? J*- Schwab. ‘ Jlvo št. 71: Edward Kapel. !;tvo št. 99: Frank Alatjas. 1 Jj,vo št. 101: John A. Breuner. ’ ;.tvo št. 106: Lester D. Parsons, Zwisle. ’ . tyo št. 114: James M. Boldine. 1 ?tyo št. 120: Frances Seliškar. 1 i tvo št. 150: Frances Lesnak. ■ ,J?,vo št. 159: Josephine Meze. 1 >o št. 162: Frances L. Omana. ' pvo št. 166: Amelia Zakrajšek. 1 , 'Vo št. 170: Elizabet Černivec, }>ttar. hSfvo št. 186: Charles Zele. j tvo št. 190: Olive Fairchild, k. Mihelich, Mary Strike, Mary >tvo Jt. 192: William Vessel. 5tvo št. 201: Frank J. Popish Jr h ,vo št. 218: Dorothy Stanovich “‘vo št. 223: Peter M. Lesevich ptvo št. 227: Joe Elnikor Jr. u')l Sorovetz Jr., Irene Sorovetz, Klnikar, Angela Erjvek, Tony Vo št. 229: George Elash. Novi člani v načrtu “B” ^ k ,®'v Members in Plan “B ,^tv0 Št. 1: Joe C. Brodnik, Fred Ko št. 30: Anton Baraga. ,5‘vo št. 132: Jean Globokar, L Sajovic. ‘vo št. 146: Charles F. Martinovo št. 170: Louis Push, t^tvo št. 173: Joseph Birk. "5‘vo št. 222: William Mentley, 5el Evans, Louis Spehar. ^ Novi člani v načrtu “C iJW Members in Plan “C” j, s‘vo št. 28: Minnie Marcante. i^'vo št. 30: Ludwig A. Vessel, t^tvo št. 37: Joe Stich. i^tvo št. 44: Frank Okolish. ^'‘vo št. 86: John Vidic. L ,‘vo št. 108: Joseph Opalk. i,, jtvo št. 186: John Zaic Jr. L, Ivo 5t 222: Josephine Palcic, lle Rotar. Zopet sprejeti — Reinstated Društvo št. 6: Louis Mihelčič 33621. Društvo št. 12: Jacob Kranjc 36548. Društvo št. 25: Celia Kušlan 29783, Peter J. Butalla 23885. Društvo št. 26: Louis Flore 36555, Anthony Tegley B-6I6, John Koller 25917. Društvo št. 36: Mary Ziants 31614, Anton Pucel 33705, Jožefa Pucel 34506. Društvo št. 37: Sophie Vidmar 13310, Kate Mihelčič 25365, Frank Šinkovec 29718, Adolf V. Simoncich 22860, Frank Antonia 15257, Augusta Jarc 24104, Fannie Jarc 20096, John Ajster 33310, Mathias Arko 34523. Društvo št. 49: John Urh 18405, Anna Novak 9699, Johana Gričar 33338. Društvo št. 70: Joseph Sarnowski 37138, George Sarnowski 37110. Društvo št. 71: John Debeljak 36317, Anna Pirc 33241. Društvo št. 83: Leopold Podgornik 10162, Teresa Podgornik 10305. Društvo št. 126: John Prah 28509. Društvo št. 132: Anton Tomsic Jr. 29517, Frances Cimperman 12047, John Cimperman 4932, Julia Gorenc 22131, Daniel Jazbec 28855, John Babic 35308. Društvo št. 144: Anna Baraga 8952. Društvo št. 147: Matt Zaverel 34415. Društvo št. 154: Joe Turk 34924. Društvo št. 160: Angela Zadnik 25649. Društvo št. 172: Blaz Naglich 29769. Društvo št. 186: Mike Krall 25556, Albert Jelercic 36639, Sylvia Jelercic 36392, Mary F. Ucman 37187, Frank A. IJcman 36793, Eltrude Suhadolnik 37304. Društvo št. 190: Ann Lubick 38461. Društvo št. 192: Helen Skeryance 27342, Thomas Ercegovich 37576. Društvo št. 198: Anthony Rizzo 37847. Društvo št. 218: Aurelio Prest 31958. Društvo št. 222: John Ehret 38567. Suspendirani — Suspended Društvo št. 1: Joseph M. Muhvich 35337. Društvo št. 2: Anne Gorshe 35543. Društvo št. 18: Joseph A. Shuster 21905, Martin Kozola 36450. Društvo št. 20: Ann Belpedio 36846. Društvo št. 26: Johanna Medved 36380, Peter Medved 36981. Društvo št. 30: Joseph Bozich 35399, Anton Preattle 33296. Društvo št. 31: Clarence M. Branzel 38372. Društvo št. 36: Katherine Macesic 2C943, Frank Korelc 37701. Društvo št. 37: Vladimir Žagar 35840, John Zerovnik 35764, Justine Gorencic 37852. Društvo št. 45: John Turk 36588, Mary Turk 38630. • Društvo št. 53: Angela Lapayne 2E827. Društvo št. 64: Francis Chaput 38831. Društvo št. 70: Mary Petek 37076. Društvo št. 71: Tony Bartol 24716, John Bi jek 23552, Joe Bijek 27444, Anna Justin 19614, Frank Justin 32470, Alary Marolt 30139, Rok Orbanovic 21109, Johanna Stevko 21176, Frank Struna 10158, Frank Šircelj 12482, Frank Šircelj .30540, Joseph Tekaucic 20530, Jacob Jerina 33937, Joe Justin 36466, Frank Pucel 36860, Frances Rudman 33281, Joseph Rudman 34440, Matilda Smerdel 34583, Stanley Zupon 34587, Frank Zupon 38005. Društvo št. 84: Velma Kruitz 36090, Lena Kruitz 37651. Društvo št. 99: Jedert Debevc 34844, Paul Debevc 38240, Johana Debevec 34932. Društvo št. 103: Mary Jene 17334, Alvina Perusek 31043, Agnes Korošec 34608. Društvo št. 108: John Dolcic 38674, Angela Dolcic 38673, Zora Dolcic 35920. Društvo št. 122: Mary Benik 22876, John Bencik 31255, Nikola Bencich 34632. Društvo št. 128: Joseph Udovich 20391, Luba Udovich 20392, Rose Udovich 31849, Elie Vuletich 22401. Društvo št. 132: Joseph F. Kozel 32898, Karolina Keliop 34346. Društvo št. 145: Mike Žiro 36615, Mary Zalar 33342. Društvo- št. 154: Ludwig Rahne 35706. Društvo št. 174: Frances Pershin 38221. Društvo št. 176: John W. Udovich 37666. Društvo št. 178: Frank Romanek 32737, Steve Romamk 31513. Društvo št. 180: Leona Kolman 31421. Društvo št. 183: Frank Tičar 34007, Edward Baloh 37890, Joseph Baloh 10819, Adolf Baloh 29795, Mary Baloh 10820. Društvo št. 184: Matt Ballas 32242, Anna Murgel 17495, Edward M. Grahek 32839, Norman M. Brown 37716, Theodore Leon 37118, Alva A. Leon 37ti69. Društvo št. 190: Angeline Cassidy 36181. Društvo št. 192: Agnes C. Brula 38282, Mayme G. Bombich 38320, Helen Delores Sereno 38281, Rose Veronick 38321. Društvo št. 201: Louis F. Maring 29681, Edward A. Cuba 38100, Katherine M. Maring 35932. Društvo št. 204: Joseph Frank 36488, Mary Frank 37848, Antonija Frank 36895. Društvo št. 209: Mary Urbas B-260. Društvo št. 216: Andy S. Youhouse 38052. Društvo št. 218: John Moretto 34938, Valentino Larese 34937. Društvo št. 223: Blazo Banovich 36650. Društvo št. 228: Joseph C. Mehalic 37677. Premembe v zavarovalnini Changes in Insurance Društvo št. 1: Iz $1,000 na $500, Steve Pluth 37592. Društvo št. 50: Iz $500 na $1,000, Marie Yudes 38672. Društvo št. 76: Iz $1,000 na $500, Paul Valancich 38795. Prestopili — Transferred Od št. 120 k št. 1: Christina A. Smrekar 38718, Mary Mantel 21040, Lena Strukel 36330. Od št. 184 k št. 1: Jacob Smrekar 38582. Od št. 184 k št. 26: Angeline J. Kompare 32931, Louis J. Kompare 35096. Od društva št. 85 k št. 110: John Kure 16269. Od št. 37 k št. 136: Carlina Jernejčič B-73. Od št. 175 k št. 1(50: Mary Cekada 31592. Od društva št. 45 k št. 166: Josephine Udovich 25974. Od št. 134 k št. 202: Frances Ker-shisnik 36746. Umrli — Died Društvo št. 5: Lucy Wallner 8231. Društvo št. 6: Rudolph Kosten 36546. Društvo št. 25: Ursula Kotze 38625. Društvo št. 29: Josip Jankelj 33674. Društvo št. 37: Frank Marinčič 3255. Društvo št. 50: Mary Kelly 25174. Društvo št. 71: John Bijek 17692. Društvo št. 78: Frank Blankus 34833. Društvo št. 85: Frank Šebenik 17676. Društvo št. 92: Anton Anzelc 33945. Društvo št. 162: Joe Richter 4969. PREMEMBE V ČLANSTVU MESECA AVGUSTA 1936 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP FOR AUGUST, 1935 M ladinski Oddelek.—Juvenile Department. Novi člani — New Members J)ruštvo št. 1: Ronald T. Dewhurst. Društvo št. 2: Janet M. Melovasich. Društvo št. 13: Robert K. Resnik. Društvo št. 30: Anna Gradishar. Društvo št. 37: Frank Laurich, Ann Koppitch, Adolph Slabe, Eva T. Krall, Florence Tratar. Društvo št. 39: Darlene M. Stimach. Društvo št. 43: Victor Stipcich,,Joe Stipcicn, Margaret Stipcich, Mary Jo Hrella, Donald M. Hrella. Društvo št. 50: Frederick W. Klich. Društvo št. 77: Peggy J. Long, Lucy Garner. Društvo št. 84: Frances Kristina Mariano. Društvo št. 131: Maxine D. Sick, Francis A. Hočevar. Društvo št. 132: George Kraincic, Stephania Kraincic. Društvo št. 137: Lois Mae Benedict. Društvo št. 152: Anthony Pistotnik. Društvo št. 173: Mildred M. Ujcic. Društvo št. 184: Mathew T. Tran- cheff, George Trancheff, John S. Skala. Društvo št. 190: Ronald Mihelich, Edna J. Strike;' Merle ■ Lou Strike, James R. Richards, Eugene H. Strike. Društvo št. 194: Dolores M. Lambert, Ronald J. Deal, Robert V. Deal. Društvo št. 222: Joyce Rotar. Društvo št. 227: John Sorovetz, Margaret Sorovetz. Zopet sprejeti — Reinstated Društvo št. 28: Louis E. Isenhart 14479, Dorothy A. Isenhart 14475. Društvo št. 66: Anna B. Ivec 14068, Bernarda Ivec 13443, GenevieiJk Ivec 13444, Margaret Ivec 11182, William Ivec 23335. Društvo št. 71: Evelyn Roberts 14975, Frank Roberts 11240, Margaret Roberts 14974, Martin Roberts 11242. Društvo št. 116: Dorothea J. Kudray 15486, Arthur Kudray 15210, John Kudray 15211, Jack Mason 15490, Thomas Mason 15491. Društvo št. 133: Bernard Bradach 15023, Robert Bradach 15024. Društvo št. 147: Antonette Pericin 14115, Alice Pericin 14116, Marion Pericin 14117, Gertrude Pericin 14118. Društvo št. 166: Branko Jeric 9552, Milka Jerich 10925, Milan Jeric 12611, Steve Yerich 13528, Agnes Vivoda 13919, Mary Vivoda 13918, Jerry Vivoda 13917. Društvo št. 172: Dorothy Naglich 10927. Društvo št. 198: Adolfina Rizzo 15861, Nancy Rizzo 15860, Samuel Rizzo 15859, Angelo Rizzo 15858, Lena Rizzo 15857, Frances Rizzo 15856, Verna Rizzo 15855. Suspendirani — Suspended Društvo št. 6: Andrew F. Pogachar 4420. Društvo št. 15: Joe Lakner 11011, William Lakner 11013. Društvo št. 16: Rose Slabe 3507. Društvo št. 25: Mary Kržišnik 8463. Društvo št. 26: Frank Dekleva 3704. Društvo št. 40: Maggie Boznik 3869 Društvo št. 71: Karlina Hribar 5/60, Ernest Jerina 15452, John Knific 13779 Gloria Knific 13780, Rudolph Knific 13781, Dolores K. Obranovich 9566, Katarina Obranovic 6505, Jane Stevko 12963, Philip J. Stevko 12962, Evangeline F. Šircelj 11241. Društvo št. 77: Joseph A. Riva 14981. Društvo št. 84: Elizabethe E. London 14368, Charles A. Box 14989. Društvo št. 108: William Godec 12432, Edward Godec 12431, Agnes Nagoda 7875. Društvo št. 116: Edward Delong 15471, Irene Delong 15472, Sophie De. long 15473, Walter Delong 15474, Alexander Mika 15222, Leonard Oslosk 14521, Stanley Mika 15494, Frank Pe-troski 15500, Joseph Petroski 15501, Laura Petroski 15502, Henry Oslosk 14523, Edward Mika 15223, Frances Mika 15492, Frank Mika 15493, Heler Mika 15221, Sally Mika 15224, Mar) Osloski 14524, Henry Zaremba 15508, Ziggie Zaremba 15509, Albert Osloski 14520, Andy Oslosky 15496, Irene Oslosky 15225. Društvo št. 122: Mary Felicijan 12020, Frances Felicijan 12023, Agnes Felicijan 12021, Pauline Felicijan 12022. Društvo št. 166: Geraldine Strangeff 12609, Joseph R. Strangeff 12610. Društvo št. 192: Nellie A. Brula 15991, Nancy G. Sereno 15986, Clifford J. Veronick 15990. Društvo št. 209: Frank Urbas Jr. 5691, Mary Urbas 5873, Andy Urbas 10749, Jakob Urbas 7014. Društvo št. 218: Louis Schena 14321. Prestopili — Transferred Od št. 184 k št. 26: Andrey J. Kompare 14560, Evelyn A. Kompare 14559, Geraldine J. Kompare 14561, Louis J. Kompare III 14558. Od št. 175 k št. 160: Dominik Cekada 12248, Srečko Cekada 12249. Od št. 45 k št. 166: Deloras Udovich 12380, Henry Zunk 3449. Od št. 184 k št. 200: Helen Slogar 15289, Madelyn Slogar 15291, William Slogar 15290. Umrli — Died Društvo št. 94: Matilda Mikus 8008. Društvo št. 106: Frances Gruden 10028. Odstopili — Withdrawals Društvo št. 36: Elsie Hudoklin 11638. Društvo št. 71: Raymond Mivsek 6147, William Pečjak 11238. Anton Zbašnik, glavni tajnik. DOPISI Iz urada glavnega tajnika Posojila na članske certifikate meseca avgusta 1936 Loans on Membershin Cerlifi- cates for Aufjusl 1936 Dr. št. Cert.št. Vsota Lodge No. Cert. No. Amount 1 S 527.99 2 81.64 3 21.90 4 33618 76.14 4 33619 16.17 9 35395 210.58 9 93.77 20 25.22 21 279.77 21 75.08 23 100.00 27 37515 43.19 27 200.23 31 82.01 31 141.91 33 22.48 40 34545 75.08 42 34231 108.54 42 243.20 42 274.37 43 37869 29.30 45 33382 275.42 45 333B3 21.68 47 34244 194.48 50 38671 48.82 55 33816 153.30 58 34571 110.29 58 33832 234.50 58 33830 70.00 61 ... 33921 78.99 70 38719 46.95 84 35197 55.06 99 ... 34320 186.72 103 .. 34037 277.18 118 ... 35060 143.63 122 38538 10.13 154 . 37372 36.85 160 . 37542 28.18 194 ... 37377 34.07 194 37376 45.82 Skupaj-Total Anton Zbašnik, glavni tajnik. 0— Posojila na članske certifikate meseca septembra 1936 Loans on Membership Certifi- ’ cates for Septembar 1936 Dr.št. Cert.št. Vsota Lodge No. Cert. No. Amount 1 33597 $ 471.42 1 .... 34704 122.33 2 34449 198.94 7 . 34099 175.76 0 ... 38226 32.35 2 ... 38225 63.85 2 .... 34959 184.68 13 .... 37346 96.72 20 ... 35491 168.68 j 21 ... 37513 78.22 . 21 ... 37512 67.44 ! 25 38786 30.08 30 ... 35166 120.36 30 .... 3449« 170.77 31 ... 35167 316.20 37 .... 33278 220.82 45 .... 33786 230.94 50 37522 89.56 52 36161 120.21 53 33304 106.67 54 .... 35503 105.47 71 37176 195.01 71 .. 35289 193.33 71 34292 121.85 71 33246 261.08 71 33240 299.01 71 33940 247.40 71 .... 35291 255.95 76 33843 82.70 84 35365 189.15 85 .... 34597 230.80 137 .... 34362 205.33 137 36967 33.25 137 38794 19.04 158 35232 129.62 158 35231 151.22 162 34657 219.21 170 Skupa 35954 j-Total 83.25 Barberton, O. Članom in članicam društva sv. Martina, št. 44 JSKJ, naznanjam, da se bo naša prihodnja seja vršila v nedeljo 25. oktobra. Prosim člane, da se omenjene seje polnoštevilno udeležijo, ker bomo imeli za rešiti več reči, posebno zaradi prireditve, ki se bo vršila 7. novembra. Na večer omenjenega dne nam bodo namreč igralci dramskega kluba “Slovenija” vprizorili prav zanimivo igro “Mož njegove žene.” Igra je komedija v enem dejanju. Po igri bo ples in prosta zabava. Vstopnina bo samo 25 centov. Člane in članice opozarjam, da bodo vsi obiskani na njihovih domovih zaradi prodaje vstopnic. Dolžnost vsakega člana je, da se te prireditve udeleži in s tem pomaga društveni blagajni, ki je popolnoma izčrpana. Tem potom tudi opozarjam vse tiste člane in članice, ki imajo navado zaostajati s plačili mesečnih asesmentov, da so v bodoče točni, ker sicer bom primoran jih suspendirati. — Za društvo št. 44 JSKJ : John Opeka, tajnik. se pokojnice spomnili z venci in cvetlicami, vsem, ki so jo spremili na njeni zadnji poti, in vsem, ki so žalujočim ostalim na kakršen koli način izkazali sožalje in pomoč v težkih urah. Družini in vsem sorodnikom pokojnice pa naj bo tem potom izraženo iskreno sožalje. Katherine Penica, tajnica društva št. 88 JSKJ. Eveleth, Minn. Na zadnji redni seji društva sv. Ime Jezus, št. 25 JSKJ, je bilo sklenjeno, da se bo naša prihodnja redna seja vršila v nedeljo 25. oktobra. Vršila se bo v cerkveni dvorani in se bo pričela ob 8:45 zjutraj. Ta seja se bo obdrževala s posebnim ozirom na angleško govoreče člane in članice našega društva. Vsi angleško govoreči člani in članice našega društva so vabljeni, da se te seje udeleže, da se oglasijo k besedi in da v jeziku, ki so ga najbolj zmožni, razpravljajo o društvenih problemih. Želeti je, da bi imeli v bodoče večjo udeležbo na seji kot smo jo imeli dose-daj. Na vsaki seji pridejo na razprave kake važne zadeve, in želeti, je, da se tudi angleško govoreči člani zanje zanimajo ih o njih razpravljajo. Torej, ra svidenje v nedeljo 25. oktobra,!— Za društvo št. 25 JSKJ: Frank Urbiha Jr., tajnik. doživljajih *v* slovenski metro^ poli. Večkrat sem slišal, da tisti ameriški rojak, ki ni videl Clevelanda, ni videl Amerike. To bi tudi jaz potrdil. V veliki slovenski naselbini kot je Cleveland, je! mogoče marsikaj izvesti, kar po drugih naselbinah ni mogoče, pač zaradi števila in drugih prilik. Seveda, za izvedbo vsake napredne stvari pa je treba dela, saj še pregovor pravi, da brez muje se ne obuje. Med zborovanjem konvencije v tisti hudi soparici in vročini sem bil večkrat razburjen kot pa dobre volje; po končanih sejah ob večerih je bilo pa drugače. Sprejemni večer delegatov in delegatinj okrog devete ure zvečer v S. N. Domu. Godba igra in kar naenkrat še začne tresti dvorana, zagledam skupino rdeče in belo oblečeno s čakami na glavah. Bilo jih je okrog 50 in mislil sem, da so dragonarji iz Ljubljane, šele potem sem spoznal, da so čvrsta rdečelična dekleta, ki so iz-vajale razne vaje zelo precizno in lepo. Bil je v resnici lep prizor. Dalje me je veselil pevski nastop mladine in plesni nastopi mladih fantičev in deklet. Plesali so “šotiš” in “šuštarpol-ko” ter pri tem tudi peli, da se mi je zdelo kot da smo v Novem mestu pri Koščaku; pa smo bili v Clevelandu. Pri tej priliki se zahvaljujem vinskemu trgovcu L. Eršte-tu, ki me je dosti prevozil po clevelandski naselbini in mi povedal o nji. Dalje lepa hvala Jos. Jermanu in njegovi soprogi, Mr. Louisu Rozmanu, Mr. in Mrs. Zaman, Mrs. Susman in drugim za vso naklonjenost in postrežbo, katere sem bil deležen. Po 32 letih sem videl tudi štiri vrstnice iz Jurkavasi, namreč Ano Počrvina in Mary, ter Agnes in Mary Svečarjevi. — Bi še kaj več napisal, pa vem, da ima urednik te čase čez glavo de‘a. Pa še drugič kaj. Vsem, ki so mi na en ali drugi način izkazali naklonjenost v Clevelandu, najlepša hvala! Martin Hudale, tajnik društva št. 31 JSKJ. Roundup, Mont. Članom in članicam društva sv. Mihaela, št. 88 JSKJ, naznanjam tem potom žalostno novico, da je dne 17. septembra preminila naša dobra članica Alojzija Sharko. Bila je članica J. S. K. Jednote nad 30 let in je bila visoko cenjena med vsemi, ki so jo poznali. Ostala bo vsem v lepem spominu. Bolehala je na neozdravljivi bolezni okrog tri leta. Pokopana je bila po katoliških obredih na Rim Rock pokopališču v Flatwillow, Mont., dne 20. septembra, članstvo društva št. 88 JSKJ se je udeležilo pogreba polnoštevilno. Društveni predsednik Max Polšak je prečitaJ,^j«;obni govor. Krsta je bila obložena z mnogoštevilnimi venci. Pogrebniki so bili člani društva št. 88 JSKJ: Joe Nose, John Ratkovich in John Kosak iz Roundupa in Perrv Baker, Harry Tripp in William Wiggins iz Flatwillow. Počiva poleg njenega starejšega sina Rudolpha, ki je umrl leta 1925, in poleg hčere Virginije, ki je umrla leta 1922. Društvo št. 88 JSKJ ji je poklonilo krasen venec v zadnji pozdrav. Pokojnica, katere dekliško ime je bilo Bajt, je prišla v Ameriko 'teta 1903, in sicer v Livingston, Mont. Kmalu nato se je poročila z Andrejem Sharko in družina se je ustanovila na farmi v Flatwillow, Mont., kjer se še zdaj nahaja ostala družina. Rojena je bila leta 1878 v vasi Kamna na Kranjskem. K društvu JSKJ je pristopila leta 190G, in pozneje je iz Aldridge, Mont., prestopila k društvu št. 88 JSKJ, v Roundup, Mont. Za pokojnico žalujejo: soprog Andrew Sharko, dalje Mrs. Joseph.Penica, Mrs.Philip Kazeliski v Roundupu, Mrs. Pete Gallo, Richfield, Calif., Mrs. William Cook, Orland, Calif.,, ter Margaret, Dorothy in Frances Sharko v Flatwillow, hčere; dalje Andrew Sharko Jr. in Victor Sharko v Flatwillow, sina; brat Anton Bajt v Roundupu in dve sestri v Jugoslaviji. Zelo mi je žal, da mi vsled odsotnosti ni bilo mogoče biti v pomoč in tolažbo družini ob času smrti pokojnice in da se nisem mogla udeležiti pogreba. Upam, da bodo njeni otroci upoštevali lepe nauke in dobre vzglede svoje matere in se po njih ravnali v življenju. Kajti pokojna Alojzija Sharko je bila dobra, vsega spoštovanja vredna žena in mati. Naj bo na tem mestu izrečena iskrena zahvala vsem, ki so Center, Pa. Tem potom naznanjam, da bo društvo Center Ramblers, št. 221 JSKJ, priredilo veliko ma-škaradno veselico v soboto 31. oktobra. Godba bo prvovrstna, da si bo lahko vsak, star ali mlad, pošteno nabrusil podplate; igral bo namreč Jimmy So-bula orkester iz Harwicka, Pa. Naše društvo vljudno vabi na poset te veselice vse člane sosednih društev ter vse posamezne rojake in rojakinje in zagotavlja dobro zabavo vsem. Na svidenje torej v Centru, Pa., v soboto 31. oktobra zvečer! Frank Previc. Hibbing, Minn. Člane in članice društva sv. Frančiška, št. 54 JSKJ, pozivam, da se gotovo udeležijo društvene veselice, ki se bo vršila v soboto 24. oktobra. Veselica se bo vršila v Sons of Italy dvorani na Howard St., pričela se bo ob 8. uri zvečer in bo trajala do polnoči. Vstopnina za osebo bo 25 centov. Vsi člani našega društtva, pa tudi člani in članice drugih bratskih društev ter vsi posamezni rojaki tega mesta in okolice so prijazno vabljeni na poset te veselice. — Za društvo št. 54 JSKJ: Joseph Kern, tajnik. Pittsburgh, Pa. Tem potom pozivam člane in članice društva sv. Štefana, št. 26 JSKJ, da se polnoštevilno udeležijo prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo 18. oktobra. Seja se bo vršila v navadnih prostorih in se bo pričela ob dveh popoldne. Na tej seji bosta delegata našega društva poročala o sklepih in zaključkih 15. redne konvencije JSKJ, ki se je protekli mesec vršila v Clevelandu. Obenem naznanjam tudi, da je naše društvo na seji meseca septembra sklenilo, da proslavi 35-letnico svojega obstanka dne 26. decembra s prireditvijo v Slovenskem domu. Pozdrav vsem članom in članicam društva sv. Štefana, št. 26 JSKJ, in na svidenje na seji v nedeljo 18. oktobra! Za društvo št. 26 JSKJ: John Jurgel, tajnik. Braddock, Pa. Že je preteklo tri tedne, odkar je minila 15. redna konvencija JSKJ, torej je čas, da bi se malo spomnili in nekaj pisali o Chicago, III. Danes, ko to pišehi, so gotovo že vsi glavni odborniki, porotniki in porotnica ter delegati in delegatinj e 15. i'edne konvencije srečni in zdravi na svojih domovih. Upam, da so vsi odnesli iz Clevelanda najlepše spomine, kot sem jih odnesla podpisana. Takoj prvi večer ob našem prihodu v Cleveland smo bili sprejeti nad vse prijazno. Prizor, ki smo ga videli isti večer, ne bo nikoli pozabljen. Sprejemnemu odboru se zahvalim za vso prijaznost in pozornost, posebno pa še zato, ker mi je preskrbel tako udobno stanovanje pri Mrs. Makovec, ki ima v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu lepo urejeno sladčičarno in prodajalno mehkih pijač. Prijazni sprejem Mrs. Makovec me. je takoj pridobil, da sem se počutila kot doma. Naj ji bo na tem mestu še enkrat izrečena najlepša zahvala. Dalje se moram zahvaliti mojim sorodnikom Kuharjem in Franku Godlerju, pri katerih sem bila prav po sestrski sprejeta in večkrat med konvencijo prav po kraljevsko pogoščena. Četudi smo se kuhali v neznosni vročini, smo vendar z zanimanjem sledili konvenčnim razpravam, in seveda tudi radi ali neradi poslušali udarce predsednikovega kladiva, katero delo je ravno sobratu Anzel-cu, konvenčnemu predsedniku, prav pristojalo. Ob večerih smo se zabavali “vsak po svoje,” bodisi v dvorani, kjer so bile prirejane različne zabave, ali pri sorodnikih in znancih. Naj bo izrečena zahvala društvom, ki so se zavzela za vse prire-(Dalje na 8. strani) 1)0 vršila v sredo 21. oktobra ob 7. uri zvečer v starem poslopju S. N. Doma. Ta društva so: št..37, 108, 137, 173, 180 in 18G. Tega sestanka naj se udeležijo samo tisti, ki so bili izvoljeni od društev. Prosim, da prizadeti ta moj poziv upoštevajo. John Zalar. Zapisnik 15 redne konvencije J. S. K. Jednote 'Nadaljevanje s 4 strani.) po predpisih jednotinega obrednika. Ako je bila prošnja od vrhovnega zdravnika in glavnega urada odobrena, postane certifikat veljaven z dnem, ko je bila prošnja v glavnem uraduj sprejeta.” Točka 474 naj se glasi: “Jednota povrne stroške zdravili-j ške preiskave novih članov do vsote dveh dolarjev.” Točki 475 in 476 ostaneta po starem. V točki 477 se starost izpremeni od 50 na 55 let. Točki 478 in 479 ostaneta po starem. Točka 480 se črtfi. V točki 481 naj se izpusti zadnji stavek in, se nadomesti s1 sledečim: “Ako postane prosilec bolan ali če je bil na kak način poškodovan že po uspešno prestani zdravniški preiskavi in prej predno je prejel članski certifikat, tedaj ne more biti sprejet v Jednoto dokler ni od bolezni popolnoma okreval in dokler ni bil z uspehom ponovno zdravniško preiskan. Certifikat namreč postane veljaven šele, ko je bil v glavnem uradu odobren.” Točke 482, 483 in 484, ostanejo po starem, z izjemo, da se v podtočki a) točke 484 izpusti: “izvzeti so tudi prosilci mladinskega oddelka,” in z izjemo, da se podtočka e) izpremeni, da se bo glasila sledeče: “Jednota ne sprejema prosilcev, ki so ostali dolžni na asesmentih pri drugih društvih naše organizacije, izvzemši, če so voljni te dolgove poravnati,'ali če jim društvo dolg odpusti.” Točke 485, 486 in 487 ostanejo po starem. Točka 488 ostane po starjem. Točka 489 naj se glasi: “Asesmenti zapadejo v plačilo s prvim dnem v mesecu, in ako član po preteku enega meseca od dneva, ko je asesment zapadel v plačilo, istega ne plača, tedaj je suspendiran. Asesment mora biti v glavnem uradu najkasneje do 5. dne prihodnjega meseca.” (Točka 446 naj se popravi, da bo soglašala z gornjo točko 489.) Točka 490 naj se na koncu popravi, da bo določala, da morajo člani poslati svoje asesmente društvenemu tajniku do 1. dne naslednjega meseca. Točke 491, 492 in 493 ostanejo po starem. Iz točke 494 naj se izpusti beseda “Kanada.” Točke 495, 496 in 497 ostanejo po starem. Točki 498 naj se doda: “Nobenemu članu ni dovoljeno tožiti člana Jednote v civilnih sodiščih Zedinjenih držav ali posameznih držav za krivice in obdolžitve, napravljene na društveni seji, dokler ni izčrpal vseh prizivnih inštanc pri Jednoti.” Točka 499 ostane po starem. Točka 500 naj se glasi: “Vsakega člana, ki v teku enega meseca od dneva, ko je asesment zapadel v plačilo, istega ni plačal, ali, ki v določenem roku ni plačal globe/v katero je bil obsojen od društvenega ali glavnega porotnega odbora, se sme suspendirati iz JSKJ.” Točka 501 naj se glasi: “V dobi suspendacije izgubi član vse pravice do bolniške, poškodninske in odškodninske podpore od 1. dne v mesecu do 1. dne prihodnjega meseca, njegov certifikat za posmrtnino pa ostane v veljavi še npdaljnih 60 dni, oziroma dalje, ako to dovoli rezerva njegovega certifikata.” “V prvih tridesetih dneh od dneva suspendacije izgubi član vse pravice do bolniške podpore, ima pa pravico do odškodnin in smrtniile; ako pa tudi v drugih 30 dneh od dneva suspendacije ni plačal dolgujočega asesmenta ali naložene globe, tedaj izgubi v drugih 30 dneh tudi pravico do odškodnin, če pa tudi v tretjih 30 dnevih ni poravnal dolgovanih asesmentov ali globe,, potem po preteku tretjih 30 dni od dneva suspendacije izgubi pravico tudi do smrtnine. Izvzeti so le certifikati, ki imajo legalno rezervo in ostanejo vsled take legalne rezerve še nadal je v veljavi.” Točki 502 in 503 ostaneta po starem. Točka 504 naj se glasi: “Suspendiranega člana, ki je v teku 30 dni od dneva suspendacije poravnal vse zaostale asesmente in plačal naloženo globo, se lahko takoj uvrsti med dobro stoječe člane.” Točka 505 naj se glasi sledeče: “Nobenemu društvenemu odborniku ali posameznemu članu ni dovoljeno sprejeti denarja za asesmente od članov, ki so bili suspendirani več kot 30 dni, ako se sumi, da je suspendirani član v dobi Suspendacije zbolel ali bil telesno poškodovan.” Točka 506 naj se glasi: “Clan, ki je bil suspendiran nad 30 dni in do 90 dni, je lahko ponovno sprejet v Jednoto, če plača zaostale asesmente za tekoči mesec, toda podpisati mora izjavo, da v dobi suspendacije ni dobil nikakih bolezni ali poškodb.” Točke 507, 508 in 509 ostanejo po starem. Točki 510 naj se doda: “Poleg tega, da člani mladinskega oddelka ob dovršenem 17. odnosno 18. letu lahko prestopijo v odrasli oddelek brez zdravniške preiskave, ako se zavarujejo samo za $250.00 ali $500.00 smrtnine in en dolar ali pol dolarja dnevne bolniške podpore, nimajo ti člani nobenih drugih pravic ali privilegijev, in pravila odraslega oddelka Jednote veljajo istotako zanje, kot za vse druge nove člane odraslega oddelka. Predpogoj za vsakega člana, ki stopi v odrasli oddelek iz mladinskega oddelka je, da mora biti zdrav, in če je v dobi njegovega članstva v mladinskem oddelku dobil kakšno poškodbo ali je bil nevarno bolan, potem se zamore v odraslem oddelku zavarovati samo za $250.00 ali $500.00 smrtnine in za en dolar ali 50 centov dnevne bolniške podpore, in zavezati se mora obenem, da za bolezni, ki bi izvirale vsled bolezni ali poškodb, katere je imel ali dobil, ko je bil še član mladinskega oddelka, ne bo zahteval nobenih bolniških podpor ali odškodnin, in tudi njegovi dediči ne bi imeli pravice zahtevati smrtnine, ako bi smrt povzročile bolezni ali poškodbe, ki jih je imel ali dobil tak član tekom njegovega članstva -v mladinskem oddelku.” Točki 511 se doda, da mora biti pravni svetovalec član J. S. K. Jednote. Točka 512 ostane po starem. Točki 513 se doda: “in sme pristopiti tudi h kongresom tistih posameznih držav, kjer ima poslovno dovoljenje.” Zadnjemu stavku se doda: “na konvencije kongresov posameznih držav pa sme poslati po enega delegata samo v izredno nujnih slučajih.” Točka 514 ostane po starem. Iz točke 515 se črta zadnji stavek. Točke 516, 517, 518, 519 in 520 ostanejo po starem. (Dalje prihodnjič.) ODMEVI IZ RODNIH KRAJEV (Nadaljevanje s 4. strani) islamskem obredu poročila, ko je mož prej obljubil, da bo kot njegova prava žena uživala vso svobodo in pra.vico kot gospodinja na njegovem domu. Po poroki pa so za Amalijo napočili še hujši časi in prepričati se je morala, da je mož lagal, ko je pripovedoval o svoji lepi domačiji. V hiši so ji neke druge ženske, o katerih sploh ne ve, kaj so, nalagale najtežje delo. Pred kakirni 10 dnevi .je Amalija iz harema zbežala in več dni se je potikala po gozdovih in njivah okolice. Edina njena hrana je bila koruza. Vsa obupana se je podala na pot, da bi prišla do kakega večjega kraja in naključje je hotelo, da je srečala nekega muslimana. Ko mu je razložila svojo tragedijo, jo .je mož odpeljal na svoj dom, jo tam okrepčal, njegova žena je revo oblekla in potem so jo odvedli pred šeriatsko sodišče, da bi ločili zakon, ki je bil nepravilno sklenjen. Ko sta Amalija in njen rešitelj čakala v, predsobi sodišča, je pridivjal njen mož z nožem v roki. Spremljevalec Amalije mu je nož izbil iz rok in poklical na pomoč uslužbence. Rockingham, Pa. Tem potom sporočam, da je po dolgi bolezni umrl član našega društva “Ilirija,” št. 145 JSKJ, sobrat Martin Zalar, star 61 let. Umrl je dne 12. septembra in pokopan je bil po katoliških obredih dne 15. septembra v Johnstownu, Pa. Pokojnik ,je bil rojen na Uncu pri Rakeku. Bil je ustanovitelj več društev. Tu zapušča žalujočo soprogo, dva sina, štiri hčere in enega brata. Naj bo pokojniku ohranjen blag spomin, žalujočim sorodnikom pa naj bo v imenu društva “Ilirija,” št. 145 JSKJ, izrečeno iskreno sožalje. Joseph Cebron, tajnik. Cleveland, O. Kazanje slik v Minnesoti. — Za kazanje Grdinovih slik so se dogovorile na železnem okrožju sledeče naselbine: Za 16. oktobra na Gilbertu, 18. na Elyu, 20. na Evelethu, Chishol-mu pa 17. ali 19. Slike bodo iz zadnjih posnetkov najvažnejših dogodkov v stari demovini, katere še v Minnesoti do sedaj videli niso, v to spada tudi evh. kongres v Ljubljani, velese j m, sejmi drugod, birma v Žužemberku, procesija v Velikih Laščah, delo na poljih ter življenje po vaseh, trgih in mestih. K temu bodo pokazane še slike iz življenja zgodovinskih dni Slovencev v Clevelandu, kakor kako se je vršil Baragov dan ih se je vršila Velikojezerska razstava in še več takih dogodkov če bo časa dovolj. (Dodatek. Ravnokar sem i J ' '» * ■ f.‘ ' J < ' prejel poročilo od Mrs. K. Kolar, da bodo slike mesto na Chisholinu, na Aurori. Toda tozadevno nisem dobil nobenega datuma, ostajata pa mi dva dneva, in sicer 17. in 19. oktobra. Radi tega smatram, da bom kazal vseeno slike na Aurori 17., na Chisholmu pa v ponedeljek 19. oktobra.) Vsaka predstava bo trajala do tri ure, spremljana bo z domačo glasbo in petjem ter razlagami. Anton Grdina. DOPISI (Nadaljevanje s 7. strani) ditve in postrežbo; bilo je veliko delo. Prav lepa hvala tudi onim, ki so nam preskrbeli prosto vožnjo po Clevelandu, po parkih in na Velikojezersko razstavo. Istotak tudi hvala za preskrbitev brezplačnih vstopnic na Velikojezersko razstavo. Škoda, da nismo imeli več časa, da bi si bili ogledali več zanimivosti na razstavi. Tudi clevelandski parki so zanimivi. Ko je bila konvencija končana, smo se razšli z zavestjo, da smo skušali storiti, kar je bilo v naših močeh in zmožnostih mogoče, da pa naše delo za J. S. K. Jednoto ni končano, ampak da moramo vsi še zanaprej delati za rast in napredek naše organizacije. članice društva “Zvezda,” št. 170 JSKJ, tem potom pozivam, da se gotovo udeležijo naše prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v navadnih prostorih v sredo 21. oktobra in se bo pričela ob 7. uri zvečer. Da se bo seja začela tako zgodaj, je vzrok, ker bomo po seji imele nekoliko zabave. Večeri so zdaj dolgi in nekoliko razvedrila ne bo nobeni škodovalo. Obenem pa se bo tudi videlo katere ima sreča bolj rada. Torej, na svidenje na seji 21. oktobra ob 7. uri zvečer! Sestrski pozdrav!—Za društvo Zvezda, št. 170 JSKJ: Agnes Jurečič, tajnica. Brooklyn, N. Y. Tem potom pozivam člane in članice društva sv. Petra, št. 50 JSKJ, da se polnoštevilno udeležijo prihodnje tričetrt-letne seje, ki se bo vršila v Slovenskem domu v soboto 17. oktobra in se bo pričela ob 8. uri zvečer. Na omenjeni seji bomo med drugim tudi ukrepali glede veselice, katero priredi naše društvo v soboto 21. novembra. Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 50 JSKJ : Valentine Orehek, tajnik. Cleveland, O. Sledeče odbornike konvenč-nega pripravljalnega odbora pozivam naj se udeležijo sestanka v ponedeljek 19. oktobra: Joseph Rudolf, Karl Škulj, John P. Lunka, Joseph Grdina, John Zalar in John Kardell. Sestanek se bo vršil v starem poslopju S. N. Doma ob 7. uri zvečer. Dalje opozarjam zastopnike društev, ki so bila zainteresirana pi i honvončnih pripravah, 1 da naj se udeležijo seje, ki se Pri tej priliki se lepo zahvalim sobratu Vatru Grillu in njegovi soprogi za vso postrežbo ter za prevažanje iz postaje do stanovanja in nazaj. Ako bo mogoče, bom skušala naklonjenost povrniti. Dalje prav lepa hvala Mr. in Mrs. Krist Stokelj za vso naklonjenost za časa bivanja pri njih in posebej še za imenitno večerjo, katero je Mrs. Stokelj pripravila za brata Matta Vogricha, Matta An-zelca, Ignaca Benkšeta in podpisano. Reči moram, da mi je bilo kar težko se posloviti od Mrs. Stokelj, ki je tako prijazna in gostoljubna žena. Upam, da pride kdaj čas, da born mogla to vsaj deloma povrniti. Hvala tudi sobratom Terbovcu, Roglju in Kolarju, ki so se mučili s preskrbitvijo stanovanj za delegate, kateri so mi preskrbeli tako fino stanovanje. Sobrat Terbovec pa mi še dolguje eno vožnjo po Clevelandu v njegovem avtomobilu. Ko sem bila v Clevelandu je na to čisto pozabil. (To ni čudno pri toliki zaposlenosti. Biti član sprejemnega odbora in odpremljati delegate na stanovanje, potem pa biti konvenčni zapisnikar in še urednik zraven, niso mačje solze. Op. ured.) Zelo me je veselilo, ko sem se imela priliko seznaniti z de-legatinjami iz raznih delov dežele. Sosestri Mary Kershisnik iz Rock Springsa, Wyo., se še posebej zahvalim, ker se je v spremstvu svoje hčerke malo oglasila tudi v Milwaukee. Dalje hvala Little Stanu, ki se je ustavil v Milwaukee in se je udeležil naše seje 20. septembra, da so ga člani lahko spoznali. Lahko smo ponosni na tega fanta, ki s svojimi spisi dela tako lepo reklamo za našo Jednoto, posebno med mladino. Dalje se zahvalim sobratu Žgajnarju iz Gilberta, Minn., ki se je parkrat oglasil v mojih prostorih' s svojim sinom in prijatelji. Oprostim tudi konvenč-nemu predsedniku Anzelcu, ker mi ni dal besede, za katero sem prosila. Upam, da se bo to poravnalo na prihodnji konvenciji, če bom imela priliko se iste udeležiti. še vedno mi ne gre iz glave huda vročina, ki nas je mučila, ko smo bili v Clevelandu. Tu v Wisconsinu pa je bilo prijetno hladno. Vsekakor je bilo prijetno se sestati s tolikim številom delegatov in delegatinj iz vseh delov dežele, ko smo bili vsi kot ena sama velika družina. Glejmo, da se družina JSKJ do prihodnje konvencije vsaj dvakrat poveča. Vse dobre rojake, ki še niso člani JSKJ, skušajmo pridobiti v naše vrste. Na prihodnji konvenciji mladinskega^ oddelka upam, da bo tudi naše društvo'zastopano po svojem delegatu. Tem potom pozivam člane in članice društva Združeni Slovani, št. 225 JSKJ, da se gotovo udeležijo, prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo 18. oktobra. Ta seja bo važna, ker smo na zadnji seji sklenili, da priredimo domačo zabavo 21. novembra. Na prihodnji seji bo treba izvoliti pripravljalni odbor. Dolžnost nas vseh je, da skušamo pripomoči, da bo zabava izpadla v zadovoljstvo vsem, posebno pa naši blagajni. Ako bomo delali složno, bo gotovo uspeh povoljen, kar bo v korist društvu, to je nam vsem. Pozdrav vsem! — Za društvo Združeni Slovani, št. 225 JSKJ : Pauline Vogrich, tajnica. Ely, Minn. Članice društva Marija čist. Spočetja, št. 120 JSKJ,, so prošene, da se udeležijo prihodnje seje v nedeljo 18. oktobra polnoštevilno. Tajnica je bila pozabila prinesti listke na zadnjo sejo, torej so bo na seji 18. oktobra zamujeno popravilo. Nobena se ne bo branila dolarja, če ji ga bo sreča naklonila. Dalje prosim članice, da kupijo vstopnice h kazanju slik iz starega kraja, ki jih bo kazal Mr. Grdina. Slike se bodo kazale v nedeljo ob 7. uri zvečer v Washington avditoriju. Vstopnice so po 15 centov za odrasle in po 10 centov za mladino. Slike bodo vrlo zanimive, torej so vabljeni tudi drugi člani in članice JSKJ in ostalo slovensko občinstvo iz Elya, iz Towerja in drugih naselbin, da se pc-služijo te prilike. Kaj takega se ne vidi vsaki dan. Na svidenje! Rose Svetich, tajnica društva št. 120 JSKJ. kar je slovensko, je mora'y6 nekako šestimi meseci o i1 Colorado, iskat zdravja zn ° S lenje, katero si je nakopa 1 svojem delu v opekarni. vi mnogoštevilni prijate Ji , ^ želijo skorajšnjega okreva , da bi se kmalu zdrav in u ^ vrnil med nje. . Sobrat Hubert Zalar, sin ^ sepha Zalarja, glavne#3; ^ ^ ka KSKJ, je pred tedni a j-težke poškodbe v avtom« 1 jju. oliziji, ki se je pripel* P' Western in Center Sta. j »< se v oskrbi svojega br»w .Jos. A. Zalarja, ki upa’ gV8 polagoma popolnoma o '> ^ Vsekakor se sodi, da b • ostati v postelji še kaki ^ mesecev. . y Chicago Street, ki ,ie # ' j, ulica v Jolietu.se zdaj ^ Ija, to je, bo Pren0^J' mi *tvo Washington St. do Ku } , sta. Stanovalcem, ki bi'a- ^ tej cesti, naj bo Poveclal^e’ia Qi bo popravilo plačano z v< tedSe jem, ki ga mesto dobi ko * ^ del od državnega “Motoi ^ ^ davka, ter ne bo nikakeg*1 ^ ^ šanja davkov Vsled teg“daI1j Sl znati je treba, da se -s ,. jij^ mestna administracija 'rU ( napredek mesta, in upan1’ ^ bo v tej smeri nadaljeva a' ^ Trgovina opojnih P^'a ^ 1 vodstvom našega rojaka ^ b]aj ga Gospodaricha raste 'Orni preduje. Obseg je vsaj ( K, .krat večji kot je bil Pre I tedni. Nedavno se je Pre‘ .. M , tfii’lllCl jv večje prostore v 1V1 . v( Bldg. Ta tvrdka posega ^ mest države Illinois. R°Ja ^ pridejo v Joliet, naj si og l'i to največjo trgovino opo.ilU j| ]ač v severni sekciji drža'e nik le v nois. . v V četrtek 3. oktobra Je 1), ski odsek “Ladies of the ^ ® p< C. U.” skupno poselil tukaJ’ o novi “Mode Theatre,” P°A JJ; gramu pa je bila ‘1(j J! skupna večerja v Plain . se 111., nedaleč od Jolieta; . ||j-j spet lep sestanek naših 1» nih sosester, s katerim s0: r 0 kot mi .je bilo poročano*,$| stransko zadovoljne. . j , 1 John L. Jevitz^ ^ v N tu, es |ti( <l( novejše postave pravkar izšla. Dobite samo pri založništvu “AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA” SLOVENSKI DNEVIH'1 • v ^ slovenska unijska tisk® 6117 St. Clair Av* Cleveland, Ohi° Pošljite 25c v znai*1^* ali money ordru in k**J vam takoj odpošljem0’ —taj GLAS NARODA NAJSTABEJSI NEODVJ?^ SLOVENSKI DNEVNI* V AMERIKI Je najbolj razjirjen list v Ameriki; donaia nje svetovne novosti, nMj’JJ}' Izvirna poročila. Iz stare vine; mnogo Sale In Pr,)ef, romanov najboljših pisat® Pošljite $1.00 in pričeli ga bomo poftiJ* Vsa pisma naslovite , GLAS narod*,., 216 W. 18th St, New Y°r*< H V \\ k Jr %