Ml KBcen er ti»**-* U)U)rt Korzo/Corso Verdi, 51 Gorica/Gorizia novi tednik Slovencev videmske pokrajine ČEDAD / CTVTDALE • Ulica Ristori 28 • Tel. (0432) 731190 • Fax 730462 • E-mail: novimatajuito) • • Postni predal / casella postale 92 • Poštnina plačana v gotovini /abbonamento postale gruppo 2/50% • Tednik/settimanale • Cena 1,00€ Spedizione in abbonamento postale - 45 % - art. 2 comma 20/b Legge 662/% Filiale di Udine TAXEPERgUE 33100 Udine TASSA RISCOSSA Italy št. 42(1274) Čedad, četrtek, 8. novembra 2007 cen er p»*««* 12:01**» GMT P*8* 1 °* 2 Ninetv vears aqo, thè voung men of two armies met sbove thè Soca in Slovenia. That bloody campaign «choc?» in thè mountnins loday, snys Christopher Somerville. • In pktures: Stovema's forgotten front Cydamen «vere glowing pink under thè beech trees on Mengore Hill in thè mild Stovenian autumn air. But even the.r beauty, and that of thè Soca River seen Inimllky turquoise bends between thè mountatns of thè Jullan Alps, coukJ not soften thè chili that wènt through me at «est sight of thè gun caverns. Their naked rock mouths, opening like black wounds in thè flanks of Mengore, had noi healed at all in the 90 years slnce thè horriflc fighting of thè First World Warwhenthey belched smoke, flame and bullets agaln and again down the steep siopes of thls IMI. -The Itallans were up therc on the Kolovrat a * ridge,” remarked Edward Granville of Upland Escapes, polnting west to a long green . . mountain back. 'When the fighting started in i: . earnest in 191Ž. thC¥.^£L<kùpu. Onà na-ya» skrlwèa .prwóditla an na-wzéla Spwòjyo anu sòr ano vinò, aii n3> BkriwSb «jjèdla. e<9 A^zàt mi-Bino-šib-dòw sìmpri bwòj-bozi. Ziti nàì-ojit 3-Sòw, 86oa-prÒdow sòwsa twò, kb to-bò èepò. A^zìtt a-Sòw nòtru-u -FàjStric, dii tn - nfeUe a-kflpu drOyo klšo, mà a< slilbo .-kiipu, no-klšo impotekàno, itnu a< sòwsa *zòbu, a - rèStow tradii. 861 Sèdmi otročtja a-mòw, sòwsjb mòla. Anu dal sesdnla kwdlre a-mwferu spèkij prttb nilzat tow-ViSkwÒrSo. Ami pètiip mi< stmpri 863 «štan tòmo. Stiri - koščlje su-bà» Sepò «réStala za-prodàtb pròj. Au tana-tìn mi-rawòramo živttb. 868 Md mi veliko ètautòino, zàkb ta mòlo rìiwba ja. Blòya nič, 88i zòks njéraàmo 5a*xljèwa