r ■ ■■'■ ■■•• • ki. c%k 1 1 ZT-*- Wt? <*T *v Sam. Gorje mu, ki v nesreči biva sam! A srečen ni, kdor srečo vživa sam! Imaš-li, brate, mnogo od nebes, od bratov ne obračaj mi očes! Duh plemeniti sam bo nosil boli, a sreče vžival sam ne bo nikoli. Odpri srce, odpri roke, otiraj bratovske solze, sirotam olajšuj gorje! Kedor pa srečo vživa sam, naj še solze preliva sam! Simon Gregorčič. English Renderings, No, 52. Simon Gregorčič (Slovene). Simon Gregorčič, next to Prešern the most eminent Slovenian poet, was bom in 1844 in a village in Goriška. He died in Gorica in 1906. Alone. Alas for him who feeds his grief alone! Nor happier he who tastes his joys alone! Hast thou, my brother, many gifts of heaven, Then from thy fellows turn not thou away! Alone the noble mind wlll bear ali pain, Yet for each joy will seek some mate to gain, Ope wide thine heart, ope wide thine hand, And seek to dry a brother's tear; Aid thou the poor in their distress! He who would take his cup of joy alone, The eup of sorrow too shall drink alone! J. W. W. Ljubljana, 7. Oet. 1919. J ■■■ } -^ T >W ° . ., . _____