ERK'2022, Portorož, 498-501 498 Features and Models for Short-term Household Energy Consumption Forecast Martin Makovec Joˇ zef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract—This paper shows how to implement machine learn- ing for load forecasting, which would lead to more effective en- ergy generation. Researches are still trying to improve algorithms for predictions to the point where they could be released to the industry. We explore three widely applied techniques in short term load forecasting (up to 3 h). These are: Random forest regression, XGBoost regression and recurrent neural networks. A short explanation of each of these techniques, along with necessary equations, is provided. For direct comparison of these techniques UK-DALE and HUE datasets are used. It also dis- cusses the nature of the load and the different factors influencing its behaviour. Index Terms—short-term load forecasting, long short term memory, recurrent neural network, deep learning, random forest, gadient boosted random forest, classical machine learning. I. INTRODUCTION The demand for electric energy is increasing each year and with that, researchers are looking into smarter, more efficient and environmentally friendly ways of distributing electric energy. Smart grid deployments would be able to better control and balance energy supply and demand through near real time, continuous feedback about energy generation and consumption patterns. The widespread deployment of smart meters that provide frequent readings allows insight into continuous traces of usage patterns, that can be obtained through data analysis using methods such as classical machine learning and deep learning algorithms. This in turn enables better designs and triggers of demand response actions and pricing strategies, and provides input to the planning for growth and changes in the distribution network. Besides, customers may also gain better awareness of their own consumption patterns. Load forecasting has an important role in power planning and production, thus also subject to intense research and a recent competition motivated by the effects of covid crisis on the load and load forecasting [1]. There are load forecasting models reported in literature, which can be split into two main groups, the first one being time series (univariate) models, that use observed values from the past to form a function that models the load. The second group consists of the so-called causal models, which model the load using exoge- nous factors such as weather and social variables. Some of the first class models include multiplicative autoregressive models, dynamic linear or nonlinear models, threshold autoregressive models and methods based on Kalman filtering [2]. An early forecasting study on short term load forecasting (STLF) uses a multiplicative decomposition model and the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model on Singapore’s electricity data [3]. Although both time- series models can accurately predict the short-term Singapore demand, the comparison shows, that the Multiplicative de- composition model slightly outperforms the seasonal ARIMA model. Even though there are many choices regarding the use of a causal model, such as autoregressive moving average, Box and Jenkins transfer functions, structural models, optimization techniques, nonparametric regression, curve-fitting procedures and structural models, the most popular casual models are still the linear regression ones [4]. In [4] the authors use a linear regression model on electricity consumption data, provided by the local Estonian company Alexela AS, to do STLF. The model selection was motivated by specific design requirements imposed by Nord Pool and local transmission system operator data processing partner. Therefore, the focus of the paper lies on exploring the importance of the feature engineering process and discovering important factors when it comes to energy consumption profiles. In more recent studies, artificial intelligence-based models are also explored. These models can be split into classical machine learning models [5] and deep learning models [6]. Some of the most popular classical machine learning models, when it comes to forecasting, include decision tree alghorithms and support vector machines. For instance, [5] investigated so- called kernel methods, starting from simple weighted kernel regression, all the way up to support vector machines. The prediction was carried out at different levels of aggregation (individual meters, feeder sections, distribution substations and at the system level) and done on power consumption data monitored by tens of thousands of smart meters in a medium- sized U.S. city. Additional weather data was supplied by the National Climatic Data Center and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The most promising deep learning appraoches to tackle STLF are recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The authors of [6] developed a long-short-term-memory (LSTM) RNN for STLF with weather features as an input. The Smart-Grid Smart-City dataset, that includes smart meter data for about 10,000 different customers in New South Wales was used. The prediction was done on residential power load, which has a greater correlation with exogenous factors such as weather or 499 lifestyle of residents and is more irregular than regional load, which shows more seasonality. In this paper, we report a study on developing a short term forecasting system on households from UK and Canada. We analyze the effect of various feature combinations on the forecasting accuracy for 1, 2 and 3 hours ahead. We also perform a relative performance comparison of three machine learning methods, namely Random Forests (RF), Gradient Boosted Random Forests (XGB) and Recurrent Neural Net- works (RNN) and show that our results of 24% average MAPE per household are camparable with the existing state of the art where per household MAPE is between 10% and 35%. The contributions of this paper are as follows: We explore a variety of different exogenous factors as well as past load data information and show their effects on model performance. Additionally we show further im- provement of results upon including engineered features that capture statistical traits regarding temperature and load. We show that our best recurrent neural network model outperforms our best classical models, while also relying less on exogenous factors at the cost of training time. The paper is structured as follows. Section II provides the problem statement, Section III analyzes the results provided in tables, where different features as well as model optimization is compared. Concluding remarks are drawn in Section IV. II. PROBLEM STATEMENT We define our STLM regression problem as follows. Given input data consisting of time seriesT representing energy con- sumption measurments from households, weather information and other exogenous factors which affect the load, we are able to formulate a regressor , which is a function that can predict energy consumption (E) of households in the future. ( T ) =E The regressor is realized using classical machine learning as well as deep learning tehniques and the UK-DALE [7] and HUE [8] datasets. A. Dataset summary The UK-DALE (Domestic Appliance-Level Electricity) contains appliance-by-appliance power demand of 5 UK homes recorded approximately once every 6s. House 1 has almost 5 years of recordings while others have around half a year. To develop 1-3 hour ahead forecasting we downsampled the data to every hour by averaging (when predicting 1, 2, 3 hours ahead). To complement the UK-DALE dataset we also used MIDAS Open: UK daily temperature dataset, which contains maximum and minimum temperature for each half- day period 1 . The HUE dataset contains aggregated power consumption data of 28 houses in British Columbia, Canada. Energy con- sumption is recorded with an hourly frequency, with most 1 obs/dataset-version-202107/ houses having three years of consumption history. Weather data from the nearest weather station and metadata regarding houses is also included. Some of the missing temperature samples were linearly interpolated to perserve as much data as possible. B. Feature Engineering Starting from the available data, we noticed that in addition to energy and weather measurements, also meta-data such as type of household and orientation was available, therefore we engineered several feature sets to study their influence on the quality of the forecasting. Due to space constraints, we report the results for a selection of three feature sets as follows: Set1 HUE - Consists of hourly samples of current energy consumption of the house. It is used as a baseline for com- parison to other feature sets. Set1 UK-DALE - Also consists of hourly energy consump- tion samples. Set2 HUE - Consists of energy, temperature, part of day, part of year,weekend,facing,EV,RU,type. Set2 UK-DALE - UK-DALE data lacks temperature mea- surements for every sample, as well as meta-data such as the presence of electrical vehicle (EV), geographical orientation (facing) and residential unit information (RU), therefore this set consists only of : energy,part of day,part of year,week- end,type. Set3 HUE - Additionally we also engineered some statistical features regarding energy and temperature, therefore this set consists of energy, energy day mean, energy day max, energy day min, house energy mean, energy diff, energy day diff, temperature, temperature day mean, temperature day max, temperature day min, temperature diff, part of day, part of year,weekend,facing,weekend,EV,RU,type. Set3 UK-DALE - Similarly, we engineered features on UK-DALE consisting of: energy, energy day mean, energy day max, energy day min, house energy mean, en- ergy diff, temperature day max, temperature day min, en- ergy day mean,part of day,part of year,weekend,type. C. Selected Techniques We consider the following set of techniques: Random Forest Regressor (RF), Recurrent neural network (RNN), XGBoost Regressor (XGB). RF combines many different decision trees. The final result is the average of all results given by individual decision trees. XGB works very similarly but it also imple- ments different boosting techniques to more optimally split the nodes. The RNN algorithm is widely used in forecasts, because it can take into account many data samples from the past to form a more solid prediction, that is more immune to random disturbances. The main problem of recurrent neural networks is their short memory, which means they are influenced the most by the last sample of the sequence they process. We use a so called long-short term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM RNN), which battles this problem. We present 500 results for the following set-ups selected after hyperparameter optimization. For the classical models the optimization was done with the help of GridSearchCV while the deep learning model was optimised through trial and error. For the deep learning model we used the ReLu activation function with the Adam optimizer. RF default - Random forest model with default config- uration, i.e. 100 estimators, with minimum number samples required to split an internal node of 2 and minimum number samples required to be at a leaf node of 1 RF optimized - With random forest we also kept the number of estimators at 100. We increased minimum samples required to split the node to 20 and mininimum number of samples required at a leaf node to 40. XGB default - XGBoost model with default configuration, i.e. 100 estimators, minimum child weight of 1 and maximum depth of 3 XGB optimized - We kept the number of estimators at 100 and increased the minimum child weight to 50 and maximum depth to 21 RNN default - The recurrent neural network at first con- sisted out of a LSTM layer with 16 neurons, followed by a dense layer with 32 neurons and a dense output layer with a single neuron. We ran the model for 10 epochs, while considering only the previous sample to get a baseline result. RNN optimized - Final model consisted out of only an LSTM layer with 32 neurons and an output dense layer with one neuron. This structure worked well, without any overfit compared to more complex models with multiple layers and an emphasis on previous sample information - having only an LSTM layer. We increased the number of epochs to 20, that is when the loss stopped improving. We also increased the number of previous samples considered to 5 which has shown to be optimal. It gave the model a good boost in performance, while not being too computationally heavy. D. Evaluation Metrics To ensure credible results k-fold cross-validation was used and the source code is publicly available 2 . For evaluating the performance of the predictor we use mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE): MAE(y; ^ y) = 1 N N X i=1 jy ^ y i j (1) MAPE(y; ^ y) = 1 N N X i=1 j y ^ y i y j (2) where ^ y is the predicted and y the real value. III. RESULTS In this section we will first analyze the effect of feature selection, followed by the effect of model selection on the performance of STLF 1-3 hours ahead. With increasing time horizons predictions are generally worse. 2 models A. Effect of feature selection It can be seen from Tables I and II that by enriching the training features the average performance across both datasets grows from 46,17% for Set1 to 36,19% for Set3. Although features from UK-DALE data brought a significant improvement in performance, we are still missing some key features for hourly predictions, like temperature data for every hour. This explains the poor performance of 46,52% average MAPE of classical models when predicting on Set3 of Uk- DALE data. We can see the RNN model performs with an average MAPE over all prediction horizons of 28,13% on the same data and 37,23% even without any additional features, so the lack of features does not affect it as much. That is because past energy consumption already has a big correlation with future energy consumption and the RNN model is able to take into account multiple samples from the past to form a better prediction than classical models, which cannot do that. B. Effect of model selection Turning our attention to Tables III and IV. We can see that average performance gain from model optimization is 6,46% MAPE, which is not as drastic as 9,98% MAPE with addition of features, but still noticable. Although classical models perform badly on UK-DALE because of missing features, the RNN model showed even better performance on UK-DALE than it did on HUE data, with an average 28,13% MAPE of the opzimited model on UK-DALE compared to average 31,06% MAPE on HUE. The reason for that would be less variety within the UK-DALE dataset, as it only includes five different houses compared to twenty eight different houses of HUE. Each individual house in the UK-DALE dataset also has a larger number of samples, leading to better training of the RNN model. Overall RF and XGB models performed very similarly with the best performing model being the RNN. It can perform good predictions without needing a lot of extra features as long as the sample size is large enough. IV. CONCLUSION To summarize, this paper has presented the performance of state of the art machine learning models in the area of forecasting system load with prediction times of 1 to 3 hours. It shows the difference between classical machine learning, deep learning and their seperate use cases. Classical machine learn- ing offers a quicker way to train with minimal data available, while deep learning combined with a large dataset offers better performance. Although RNN needs a lot more samples to properly train, the paper showed it to be less feature dependent than RF and XGB. Besides that, it compared standard features used in load forecasting and their correlation to the energy consumption. Energy consumption feature proved to be the most important for the RNN model, while other features like temperature and time features became a lot more important when predicting with RF and XGB models. 501 TABLE I EFFECT OF FEATURE SELECTION ON STLF ON THE UK-DALE DATASET. Feature set Metric RF XGB RNN 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h Set1 MAE [Wh] 289,34 350,70 376,40 295,15 355,07 380,46 252,71 310,02 328,30 MAPE [%] 45,016 60,286 67,385 45,915 60,588 65,588 30,955 38,665 42,087 Set2 MAE [Wh] 280,70 331,99 360,45 297,00 346,82 374,15 244,34 265,20 273,93 MAPE [%] 43,142 55,614 63,867 43,588 55,199 63,200 30,029 34,159 34,896 Set3 MAE [Wh] 270,46 313,46 338,57 272,89 312,85 336,03 233,42 257,67 268,12 MAPE [%] 36,481 49,349 55,409 36,512 47,446 53,973 24,023 28,685 31,672 TABLE II EFFECT OF FEATURE SELECTION ON STLF ON THE HUE DATASET. Feature set Metric RF XGB RNN 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h Set1 MAE [Wh] 317,41 460,59 491,94 315,57 458,70 490,07 282,18 358,31 394,85 MAPE [%] 36,881 41,568 44,275 36,123 42,159 44,313 34,322 44,383 50,640 Set2 MAE [Wh] 319,07 432,90 454,76 294,20 400,04 419,83 271,39 324,88 348,28 MAPE [%] 35,807 40,968 41,162 35,927 41,524 43,013 34,595 34,816 46,157 Set3 MAE [Wh] 275,37 334,83 365,44 275,24 349,76 358,14 248,07 284,79 298,07 MAPE [%] 30,108 33,722 33,517 30,128 33,730 33,544 29,780 30,709 32,682 TABLE III EFFECT OF MODEL SELECTION ON STLF ON THE UK-DALE DATASET. Model Metric RF XGB RNN 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h Deafault MAE [Wh] 295,65 337,15 363,27 274,41 319,87 345,25 244,51 261,93 268,14 MAPE [%] 44,285 55,434 62,571 42,574 55,004 62,522 30,197 39,360 41,681 Optimized MAE [Wh] 270,46 313,46 338,57 272,89 312,85 336,03 233,42 257,67 268,12 MAPE [%] 36,481 49,349 55,409 36,512 47,446 53,973 24,023 28,685 31,672 TABLE IV EFFECT OF MODEL SELECTION ON STLF ON THE HUE DATASET. Model Metric RF XGB RNN 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h 1h 2h 3h Deafault MAE [Wh] 300,31 378,41 383,88 290,65 396,35 410,95 264,99 324,73 350,34 MAPE [%] 36,283 40,251 40,404 35,119 39,416 39,785 30,694 35,525 36,647 Optimized MAE [Wh] 275,37 334,83 365,44 275,24 349,76 358,14 248,07 284,79 298,07 MAPE [%] 30,108 33,722 33,517 30,128 33,730 33,544 29,780 30,709 32,682 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was funded by the Slovenian Research Agency under the Grant P2-0016. I would like to thank my mentors Carolina Fortuna 3 , Gregor Cerar 4 and Blaˇ z Bertalaniˇ c 5 for their support with this work. REFERENCES [1] F. Mostafa, B. Jethro, W. Yi, M. Stephen, S. Wencong, and Z. Hamidreza, “Day-ahead electricity demand forecasting compeition: Post-covid paradigm,” IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, vol. 9, pp. 185–191, 2022. [2] C. Deb, F. Zhang, J. Yang, S. E. Lee, and K. W. 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