lyefMIDEM \ Inurnal of M Informacije | Journal nf Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vnl. 42, No. 1 (2012), 43- 55 Kinetics of discharging arc formation France Pavlovčič* University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract: A scope of this paper is to present a mechanism of a discharge arc ignition in mechanically operated electric contacts in a gas mixture medium, such as the air. Introductory, the electric contacts are classified due to their mechanic and electric operation with given examples and corresponding most probable transient phenomena during their typical operation. In the first place, drawn arcs being metal vapour arcs of contact materials are most wearisome and destructive to the electric contacts, but mostly the discharging arcs are just preceding phenomenon to metal vapour arcs, and as such, they have indirectly the same effect on weariness of the electric contacts as the drawn arcs with intensity proportional to the arc current. A phenomenon of discharging arcs formation is discussed in this paper, which is an end result of throughout ionization and a throughout ionized path formation. The author's mathematical model calculates average kinetic energy of electrons in the non-homogeneous electric field due to an electron primary and secondary flow between two spherical electrodes. Exciting energy of gas molecules gained through electron impacts causes ionization of the molecules if the energy is high enough, but with the lower energy levels, dissociation of these molecules is carried out if they are at least two-atom molecules. Further on, the dissociated particles are associating in the other molecules, being also influenced by the electric field and so resulting in another processes of ionization and dissociation, and further on, recombination and association. There is continuous kinesis within the gas mixture, which gains a steady state mixture of the consistuent gases, until the throughout ionization of one of the constituent gases at least is established by the increasing electric field throughout a space between the electrodes. So far, physics of this phenomenon deals with the electron kinetic energy and the energy of other energy carriers, such as photons and displacement current, in the electric field, and its transferring to molecules as the exciting energy causing their ionization and the ion recombination and the molecule dissociation, but the dissociated particles are part of chemical process, which is, together with their association in the newly produced compounds, dealt by chemism of this phenomenon. The new gaseous compounds have their own physics of their excitation in the electric field, and further on, the physics is followed by chemism of newly produced gases. Both of them, the physics and the chemism, results in kinetics of the throughout ionization formation and hence the discharging arc formation. Keywords: discharging arc, gas throughout ionization, exciting energy, gas molecule dissociation, gas molecule ionization, gas chemism in electric field. Kinetika nastanka razelektritvenih oblokov Povzetek: Namen tega članka je predstavitev mehanizma vžiga razelektritvenega obloka v mehansko delujočih električnih kontaktih v zmesi plinov, kot je zrak. Uvodoma so električni kontakti razdeljeni glede na njihovo mehansko in električno delovanje s podanimi primeri in najbolj verjetnimi spremljajočimi tranzientnimi pojavi med njihovim tipičnim delovanjem. Na prvem mestu glede na obrabo in uničenjem električnih kontaktov so potegnjeni obloki, ki so obloki s kovinsko paro kontaktnih materialov. Toda večinoma so razelektritveni obloki predhodni pojav k oblokom s kovinsko paro in kot taki posredno enako učinkujejo na obrabo kontaktov kot potegnjeni obloki z jakostjo proporcionalno toku obloka. V tem članku je obravnavan pojav nastanka razelektritvenega obloka, ki je končni rezultat nastanka skoznje ionizacije in skoznje ionizacijske poti. S pomočjo avtorjevega matematičnega modela se izračunava povprečna kinetična energija elektronov v nehomogenem električnem polju zaradi primarnega in sekundarnega elektronskega toka med dvema kroglastima elektrodama. Vzbujevalna energija plinskih molekul, pridobljena s trki elektronov, povzroča ionizacijo molekul, če je energija dovolj visoka. Z nižjimi nivoji vzbujevalne energije se vrši disociacija - razdruževanje molekul, če so le-te vsaj dvoatomske. Nadalje se razdruženi delci združujejo v molekule drugih spojin in tako preidejo v druge procese ionizacije in disociacije ter nadalje rekombinacije in združevanja. V plinski mešanici, ki doseže stalno mešanico sestavnih plinov, obstaja nepretrgana kineza, dokler se pri večanju električnega polja ne vzpostavi skoznja ionizacija vsaj enega sestavnega plina plinske mešanice preko prostora med elektrodama. Fizika tega pojava obravnava kinetično energijo elektronov in energije drugih nosilcev, kot so fotoni in poljski tok, v električnem polju in njen prenos na molekule v obliki vzbujevalne energije, ki povzoča njihovo ionizacijo in rekombinacijo ionov ter razdruževanje molekul. Vendar razdruženi delci so del kemičnega procesa, ki je, skupaj z njihovim združevanjem v novo nastale spojine, obravnavan kot kemizem pojava. Nove plinaste spojine imajo svojo fiziko vzbujanja v električnem polju, in nadalje, fiziki sledi kemizem novo nastalih plinov. Oboje, fizika in kemizem sestavljata kinetiko nastanka skoznje ionizacije in tako tudi nastanka razelektritvenega obloka. Ključne besede: razelektritveni oblok, skoznja ionizacija plinov, vzbujevalna energija, disociacija plinskih molekul, ionizacija plinskih molekul, kemizem plinov v električnem polju. ' Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1. Introduction Researching arcing between electric contacts, there are some differences between the transient phenomena due to contact mechanic and electric operation. When shifting contacts are making contact, their bouncing occurs, and hence drawn arcs, which are metal vapour arcs - vapour of contact materials, which usually are metals [1]. The drawn arcs occur also in holding mode with sliding contacts, since they slips in some kinds of their design (sliders, trolleys, slip rings) while they are holding electric contact. But, the drawn arcs are accompanying phenomenon at the operation of breaking electric current, especially in heavy duty operations, nevertheless, which kind of mechanic operation is used with the electric contact. So far, these differences between the electric contacts are over-viewed in Tab. 1. Table 1: The clasification of electric contacts due to their machanic and electric operations in connection with the possible transient phenomena associated with their operations. On the other hand, discharging arcs ignite by electric breakdown of throughout ionized surrounding gas medium between contact members [2], when they are in separated position, while they are closing at making operation, are opening at breaking operation or are opened still in switch-off position. The gaseous substance is surrounding gas medium, physically and chemically changed by electric field between the contact members. The differences between the drawn arcs and the discharging arc are: • in the time-depended electric current flow through gaseous substance between the contact members: in the drawn arcs, the current flow continues without interruption; but in the discharging arcs, it starts at zero and increases up to the arc ignition, or it is interrupted, reduced to zero and re-established through the arc ignition; • in plasma particles, which depend on the gaseous substance between the contact members: in the drawn arcs, the ionized metal vapour of contact materials; but in the discharging arcs, the ionized gas of surrounding gas medium. The discharging arcs would not be harmful by themselves to cause the contact wear by the involved electrons and the ions of the surrounding gas constituents, if the discharging arc did not invoke the metal vaporization and the ionization of the contact material followed by material disposition from one to another contact member. In this paper the kinetics, and thereby, the physics and the chemism of discharging arc are discussed. 2. The physics of the gas throughout ionization The current between the separating contact members instantly falls towards zero value with the discharging arcs. A transient voltage appears due to time-derivative of the current, which extends to a breakdown voltage value of the medium - Fig. 1. The medium of the discharging arc is the existing ionized gas from the surrounding space. Figure 1: The principle electric discharge UI characteristic [3] with the range hereafter dealt in this discourse. With the increasing transient voltage, the dielectric breakdown of the insulating gas occurs, and due to it, the electric current increases. The kind of discharge, which follows, depends on the current through the gas: the dark discharge, the glow discharge or the discharging arc, either stable or unstable, the latter one resulting in sparking. The separating contact rivets in some opening distance are substituted by a spark gap of two spherical electrodes to research the discharging arc formation. Therefore the mathematical model of the spark gap was developed to study the electric field and the ionizing process in the gap. The electric load is an air coil in this mathematical model, replaced by a conceptual circuit equivalent in very simplified way. T[r, +-------A. Na with NA = 2 in the presented model: dr = e . E{r, . A (8) whilst the electric field intensity and the average free path are collinear vectors. When the electron collided with the gas molecule, its kinetic energy from Eq. (8) and the initial electron kinetic energy carried on from the previous collision W are together transferred to the molecule by impact as exciting energy of the molecule: W = W, + W exm ek ca (9). In this discourse the term of excitation, and hence the exciting energy, is used, according to some scientific terminology, in the unconventional way. The excitation as a general term is an elevation in energy level above an arbitrary baseline energy state of an atom or a molecule without causing any changes in its charge on the whole (ionization, electron attachment) or any chemical changes (molecule dissociation). But hereafter, the excitation, and hence exciting energy, means firstly an increase in energy level up to the levels of ionization and dissociation, if applicable, secondly their accomplishment, and thirdly causing the changes in energy of newly begotten particles - the elevation in energy level with ions or dissociated atoms, or changes in kinetic energy of free electrons, if there are any involved in the excitation process. Namely, the excitation is not obtained by the electron collisions only, but also by photon impacts and through a displacement current effect. But, the outcoming excited particles are considered to have a short lifetime, and afterwards produce the photon, which further on cause the excitation of another atom or molecule. So far, we will not deal with the changes in energy level of outcoming particles (ions, dissociated atoms), but the part of the exciting energy beyond the ionization or the dissociation energy is attributed to the involved electrons, if it is applicable, but otherwise to the photons with the same end effect, as in the case of the involved electrons, but with the mass equals to zero. In both cases this energy is carry-on energy. Due to the function of the electric field intensity depending on the radius there are three ranges between the electrodes: a highly ionized range, a partly ionized range and a non-ionized range - Fig. 4. Figure 4: The ranges due to ionization degrees of nitrogen (N) in the midst of the air medium in the electric field - the ionization degrees refer to nitrogen atoms only. The highly ionized range is in the vicinity of the each electrode because nearly every collision causes such exciting energy in the molecule that its ionization occurs due to very high kinetic energy of the electrons, and in the one of the next moments the ionization is followed by the recombination. From the viewpoint of kinetic energy of colliding particles before and after an inelastic collision, the kinetic energy lost by the collision is mainly consumed by some other process - in discussed case as the ionization energy, and further on as the dissociation energy, whereas the kinetic energy before the collision is the exciting energy being stored as the kinetic energy of an electron. Taking into account this loss defined by the difference -a fraction of the kinetic energy loss is introduced as "''before ""after ""icon Wbefore Wex. me + e m at a total inelastic collision, and so the exciting energy of the molecule must be at least [9]: After the recombination collision, since the collision is totally inelastic, and it consumes the whole exciting energy received by the electron, and further on, one part of recombined molecule energy is emitted (for instance as emitted radiation energy, where the photon is energy carrier) and further consumed by ionizing molecules in continuous process: ^Wec. = Wc^n. ■ (1 - P, ) (12), but the other part is transformed to thermal energy, which K-part is conveyed to surroundings by thermal conduction, convection and/or radiation, but (l-K)-part of it causes the molecule temperature rise above the ambient temperature for the increment: 2 • (W - W ) AT = -----l---------0!- • (1 - p ) • (1 - K) 3 • k ' (13). So far the average temperature of the gas in the neighbourhood of the cathode and the anode rises and the temperature of the each electrode increases too when the molecules bump at it. The parameter K=99.8% in Eq. (13) defines the percentage of the energy in this equation, conveyed and conducted to the cathode, the anode, and further on, to the ambient by a natural or a forced cooling. Due to the temperature increment of Eq. (13), the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases, and hence the average molecule velocity. Next to this range, the partly ionized range exists up to the point where no ionization occurs. In this range, besides the ionization collisions, the dissociation collisions are happening with the exciting energy of the molecule equal to: W • icon , + -m--- m , > W > W • exm diss 1+-mme- (14). W > W • exm ion 1 + ■ m m (10) to cause ionization. The exciting energy of the whole amount of moving electrons with their kinetic energy, is divided between the ionization as the P. part and the recombination as the (1-P.) part. After the ionization collision, the average carry-on kinetic energy per electron, carried on by the one colliding and by the one emitted is: W - W • exm icon W ,+-me- mm = „ Pi (11). In this case, the exciting energy of the gas molecule causes the dissociation of the two-atom molecule into two gas atoms. This collision is partly inelastic and it consumes the dissociation energy. The remaining kinetic energy of the colliding electron is carried on by the same electron: W = W - W • ""car_on ""exm ""diss m 1 + ----emm ^ (15), and further on, it increases because the electron passes the next average free path before the next collision - Eq. (8). Towards the gap centre, the non-ionized range begins, where the dissociation collisions and also the unaffected collisions are present. If the exciting energy of the mm ^ molecule is lower than the dissociation energy of the gas molecule: W ""diss 1 + ■ m m > W.„ (16), the colliding electron has no effect on the gas molecule. The kinetic energy of the electron after the collision is the same as before, which is: W = W (17). Although there is a sequence of all mentioned phenomena, we could not consider there are any pure ranges such as an ionization-recombination, a dissociation or an unaffected range. Knowing the electric field intensity at the cathode surface at ^ = 0 and its temperature, the following conductive current densities are calculated: the current density of the field emission and the current density of the thermionic emission. Both of them are the active current densities. tive displacement power is the integral of the product of the phasors of the active displacement current and of the electric field intensity throughout the volume relevant to one molecule that is the gas molecule itself and in the hollow volume around it, which is Vmo,(P, T) (a volume of one mol divided by the Avogadro Na Avogadro number), under the relevant thermodynamic conditions of the gas. Further on, the active displacement energy of one molecule is defined by: W » £ ■ £ ■ ""Oact r dE(r' t) ., Vmo, ^ dt ■ E(r, q>, t) N, v A e_avg ■ sin Ö (18). The losses angle Ö is defined by the ratio of the volume of one molecule Vm and its relevant part of empty space belonging to it: 1 tan Ö =----------------- ■INI. (19). If an alternating electric field is applied, as in this particular case caused by a sinusoid of the anodecathode voltage with the amplitude of 20 kV and the frequency 5 kHz being interrupted by the breakdown after achieving the throughout ionization voltage, the displacement current occurs. The displacement current is defined by its density [4], and the latter is, likewise the electric field intensity, depending on time, therefore both of them can be represented by phasors in complex plane. An angle Ö between the displacement current density phasor and the phasor of time-derivative of the electric field intensity is defined by the complex value of the relative permittivity. The displacement current density is vector, collinear to the time-derivative of the electric field intensity vector multiplied by absolute value of relative permittivity and the permittivity £0 of vacuum, and hence collinear to the electric field intensity vector. The relative permittivity is complex scalar constant defined by its absolute value and by losses angle Ö, where the dielectric losses of the gas are defined as the imaginary part of the complex value of the relative permittivity, so they are associated with sinus function of the losses angle. The active displacement current causes the excitation of the molecules and the phasor of this current density is in phase with the electric field intensity phasor in the complex plane. The reactive displacement current vector is a capacitive current, so far, its phasor is perpendicular to the electric field intensity phasor, but the relevant vectors are collinear. Because the active displacement current causes the excitation of the molecule in the volume between the cathode and the anode, the ac- The mathematical model of the electric discharge in gases has to take into account both, the kinetic energy of the electrons, the energy of photons and the energy of the displacement current. The electron kinetic energy is partly transferred to the gas molecule by the electron impact, and causes the ionization or the dissociation, discussed heretofore. In this case, the ionization is considered as the impact ionization although it is more probable that the ionization is done through the excitation of the gas molecule on its higher energy level [5]. The dissociation of the two-atom molecule just cannot be carried out directly by the electron impact due to the large difference of the electron mass and the dissociated atom mass. The dissociation is completed by the exciting energy of the two-atom molecule due to the impact energy when raised in such extend that the dissociation energy level is achieved. This is the dissociation due to the conductive and the convective current. The displacement current energy also affects the gas molecules, and also causes their ionization and their dissociation. Because it has no carriers, the ionization and the dissociation are caused by the excitation of the gas molecule with no impact, but only due to the displacement current. All these processes: the impact ionization, the dissociation - both due to the conductive and the convective current, the ionization and the dissociation - due to the displacement current, have the same mechanism of being completed - raising the molecule energy on its higher energy level, and afterwards the accomplishment of the process. Therefore the kinetic energy and the displacement energy Eq. (18) are summarized in the exciting energy of the gas molecule, which is the active energy: Wxm(r, Won } for each kind of constituent ions. If the ionized range of Eq. (27) or the union of all ionized ranges, since the air is gas mixture, includes at least one subset of points that is continuous between any point on the cathode and any point on the anode, the throughout ionization is established. Hereby, any subset of the ionized range or of their union that is continuous between any point on the cathode and any point on the anode is the throughout ionized path, and the discharging arc is formed by the electric breakdown along one of the throughout ionized paths. A voltage over the cathode-anode gap, at which the throughout ionization is established, is the throughout ionization voltage, and a relevant current is the throughout ioni-zation current. If there is no throughout ionized path, the non-ionized gap exists with its distance between the relevant ionized ranges around the cathode and the anode, which is the infimum of the distances between any two of their respective points. The non-ionized gap can be stated due to the whole gas mixture (i.e. air) or separately due to the particular constituent gas - Tab. 2. Table 2: The characteristic parameters at the throughout ionization of the air gap. unit 'air O" o,' O3 N- NO/ NO2 throughout ionizalion voltage KV 2.23 •e- •e- IhroughMjt ionization currant (JA 3B6 i- non-iünizet] gap mm 0 0 78 0.48 0 032 0.26 0 98 ratio of impacted particles 0.33 0 54 041 9.9 012 0.79 010 39 concentration irr air -10" 0.40 0 93 0.71 17 014 0.93 012 45 The gas medium in the gap, if not noble gas, becomes chemically active under the sufficient electric field intensity in this gap, mostly producing new gaseous compounds that are more vul-nerable to ionization, and hence the mixture throughout ionization voltage is lowering, as well as its breakdown voltage. If the gas medium is the air, the electric field intensity can cause its pollution, since the ozone and the nitrogen dioxide are forming. Certainly, every formation of these two compounds does not mean the real pollution, and so far, in this particular case air quality indices [10] are zero and the category of the air is good. 4. Conclusions Although the paper deals with the discharging arc ignition and especially the phenomena in early stage of the ionized path building up to the throughout ionized path establishment quite scholastically, it gives same understanding of physical and chemical processes carried on in the narrow gap of the gas mixture in the presence of the non-homogeneous electric field due to the primary and the secondary electron emission, and further on, due to the chemical changes in the gas mixture structure. So far, the arc avoiding and the arc extinguishing methods are clarified on the basis of the mathematical models of the drawn arc formation [1], and of the discharging arc formation model. On the basis of the discharging arc formation model some scientific conclusions and quantitatively evaluated results are obtained as stated in the following highlights: • the kinetics of the processes in the gas medium between two electrodes shows that the discharging arcs in their ignition stage are not significantly determined by the contact materials and their arc forming affinity [1], except for the secondary emission, which hastens the throughout ionized path formation and hence discharging arc ignition, • the discharging arc ignition strongly depends on physical and chemical properties and reactions of gas mixture medium, and especially chemical reactions increase the ionized path growth; • so far, the methods to avoid discharging arcs are not based on the proper choice of contact materials with the low affinity to form arcs, but the avoiding and extinguishing is performed by specially designed arc quenching electric circuits, minimizing the transient voltages over the gap of electric contacts during their manoeuvres; • the discharging arcs are diminished by applying parallel capacitance to inductive loads or to the electric contacts in d.c. electric circuits to minimize the displacement current and the peak value of the overvoltage; • the discharging arcs are avoided by using inert gas medium and/or low gas pressure and even vacuum in sealed electric contacts; the discharging arc are extinguished by lengthen- Arrived: 30. 05. 2011 ing the throughout ionized path for instance by Accepted: 26. 1. 2012 the application of magnetic field perpendicular to the electric field lines in the contact gap, and hence producing force on the flowing electrons; further on, in cases of some severe electric fields, as in the surroundings of EHV (extra high voltage) power lines, the discharge arc formation model, applied to appropriate geometrical and electrical parameters associated with the electrodes and the environment, gives the quantitative estimation method of ozone and nitrogen dioxide pollution in the air. 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