ISSN 1408-3671 UDK 57(497.4) izdajate! j/pu bi isher Društvo biologov Slovenije ISSN 1408-3671 UDK 57(497.4) P- BIOLOšKA KNllžNJCA VEčNA POT 111 1Bno I J ,, 8lJANA b ~&'S-A,1 j (J[j ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA VOL. 47 ŠT. 1,2 LJUBLJANA 2004 prej/formerly BIOLOŠKI VESTNIK izdajatelj/publisher Društvo biologov Slovenije Acta Biologica Slovenica ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 1,2: 3-115 Glasilo Društva biologov Slovenije - Journal of Biological Society of Slovenia Izdaja - Published by Društvo biologov Slovenije - Biological Society of Slovenia Glavni in odgovorni urednik - Editor in Chief Mihael Jožef Toman, e-mail: Tehnični urednik - Managing Editor Branko Vreš, e-mail: Uredniški odbor - Editorial Board Matija Gogala (SI), Nada Gogala (SI) Peter Maček (SI), Alenka Malej (SI), Andrej Martinčič (SI), Harald Niklfeld (A), Livio Poldini (1) , Boris Sket (SI), Robert Zorec (SI), Mitja Zupančič (SI), Thomas F. J. Martin (USA), Mark Tester (UK), Gerhard Thiel (D) Naslov uredništva - Adress of Editorial Office Acta Biologica Slovenica, Večna pot 111, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija Oblikovanje - Design Žare Vrezec ISSN 1408-3671 UDK 57(497.4) Natisnjeno - Printed on: 2004 Tisk - Print: Tiskarna Pleško d.o.o., Ljubljana Naklada: 500 izvodov Cena letnika (dve številki): 3.500 SIT za posameznike, 10.000 SIT za ustanove Številka poslovnega računa pri Ljubljanski banki : 02083-142508/30 Publikacijo je sofinanciralo Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije. Acta Biologica Slovenica je indeksirana v - is indexed in: Biological Abstracts, Zoological records Introduction ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 1: 3-11 Sprejeto (accepted): 2003-11-21 Coenological and synphysiological investigations on loess grassland vegetation (Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae) close to Godollo Hills (Hungary) Tibor SZERDAHELYJI, Szilvia FOTI1, Szilard CZOBEL', Janos BALOGH2, Zoltan NAGY1 & Zoltan TUBAJ,2 'Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Szent Istvan University, H-2103 Godollo 2Departmental Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szent Istvan University, H-2103 Godollo Abstract. Parallel coenological and synphysiological examinations were car- ried out on three typical xerophilous loess grassland stands of Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae community in the Godollo Hills, near Isaszeg village. Three stand types, a Carex humilis, a Chamaecytisus austriacus and a Stipa dasiphylla dominated ones were investigated at the same spatial scale (mesoscale). In our sample area apparent dominance by three species (Festuca rupicola, Stipa dasiphylla, and Carex humilis) suggested that these stands of this subassociation have been emerged from three types of differing species composition. According to these analyses three groups dominated by Carex humilis, Chamaecytisus austriacus and Stipa dasiphylla oj festucetosum rupicolae subassociation of a stand of Salvio- Festucetum rupicolae association were separated. Results of the synphysiological measurements show, that water shortage and senescence in autumn are responsible for the different physiological performances of the three types. In the well-watered summer period we found significant difference only between the physiological activity of the Carex- and Chamaecytisus- dominated types, however this differ- ence is due to the significant LAI-difference and after relating photosynthesis to 1 m2 leaf area, the difference is non-significant. Keywords: coefficient of variation, coenology, grassland, loess stands, multi- variate analysis, Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae Z6lyomi 1958, synphysiology. Temperate grasslands cover large areas of the Earth's vegetation (COUPLAND 1992), and they are locate in one of the regions where the impact of globa! climate change is predicted to be high (MITCHELL et al. 1990). The temperate grassland surface has large and increasing areas with arid 4 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (1), 2004 climate. Even in the middle ofEurope, Hungary has ·areas where the relatively low and unevenly dis- tributed yearly precipitation results in semi-arid grasslands like loess grasslands. Loess grassland stands in the Carpathian Basin are among the richest in species considering the plant communities of the Pannonian vegetation. These stands are at the westem edge of the continental-Eurasian forest steppe-steppe zone. Unfortunately, intact stands exist only as small patches today. The Salvio- Festucetum rupicolae association has severa! subassociations differing in their physiognomy. These stands were dominated by Festuca rupicola, but differed in physiognomy, texture, spatial pattem, vegetation dynamical traits and physiological activity from each other. (VIRAGH, BARTHA 1998). This may partly be caused by the constantly changing long term dynamism of spots of species (therophytes, hemitherophytes, stoloniferous species). The long term processes are frequently mod- ified in rates or in directions of s mali scale disturbances. These rapid changes are expressed by degra- dation, decreased diversity of stands or invasion by advancing weeds or disturbance tolerant species. Coenological and synphysiological examinations were carried out on three typical xerophilous loess grassland stands ( Carex humilis, Chamaecytisus austriacus and Stipa dasiphylla dominated) of Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae Z6lyomi 1958 community in the Godoll6 Hills, near Godollo (Isaszeg village). The synphysiological measurements were started in three apparently different and arbitrar- ily chosen types. We were interested whether these types could be detected also by multivariate analysis from many coenological samples of the area. We also tried to reveal what kind of synphysiological traits are characterising the physiognomically distinct, adjacent, mosaic-like types of the Jestucetosum sul- catae subassociation. Materials and methods Study area, coenological survey Sample plots were chosen between villages Isaszeg and Kerepes (230 m a. s. l.) in typical and continuous stands ofthe Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae association (ZOLYOMI 1958). In this area the steppe grassland stands occupy marginal positions in the vicinity of Godollo Hills. The annual pre- cipitation: 601 mm, the average temperature: 9,1 °C, the medium daily maximum: 14,1°C, the medi- um daily minimum: 4, l 0 C. (KAKAS 1969). This flora spectrum is poor in characteristic species and contains several steppe species typical of the _Central Range. Hungarian loess vegetation strictly related to eastem European steppe vegetation. This flora composition of westem steppe fragments similar to e. g. Ukrainian steppe vegetation (ZOLYOMI & FEKETE 1994), so these sample plots of this area could represent adequately the East European loess vegetation. We tried to set up plots representative to this association, rich in species, diverse in physiogno- my, far from plantations (Populus forest, hedges, etc.). The synphysiological study was carried out in June (summer aspect) and in September (autumn aspect) 2000. During June we made physiological measurements both under stressed and under non- stressed conditions in the vegetation's fully developed phase, while in September measurements were made under wet conditions, but in the vegetation's senescent phase. The coenological survey was car- ried out on 3rd July 2001. Seventy five quadrats of 2 x 2 m were chosen. The species list and cover values are detected. The species composition consists of 62 species. Dominant species with decreas- ing cover values are the following: Festuca rupicola, Carex humilis, Dorycnium germanicum, Cytisus austriacus, Chrysopogon gryllus, Stipa dasiphylla. There are severa! subdominant species, T. Szerdahelvi, S. F6ti, S. Cz6bel, J. Balogh, Z. Nagy & Z. Tuba: Coenological and synphysiological... 5 e. g.: Phleum phleoides, Seseli osseum, Teucrium chamaedrys, Galium verum,Helictotrichon pubes- cens, Filipendula vulgaris, Euphorbia pannonica, Asperula cynanchica. Characteristic and accesso- rial species the next: Salvia nemoralis, lsatis tinctoria and Agropyron repens, Agropyron caninum, Centaurea sadleriana, Hypericum perforatum, Falcaria vulgaris, Dactylis glomerata, Anthericum ramosum, Adonis vemalis. Por statistical evaluation several ecological characters of species were taken from Hungarian Database 1.2 (HORV ATH et al. 1995). The ecological indicator values of species (BORHIDI 1995) are given in percentage pro rata. These characters are: the relative temper- ature requirement of species (TB), soil acidity (RB), hurnidity (WB), nitrate supply (NB), relative light intensity (LB), continentality (KB) and the types of social behaviour (SOC). The nature con- servation ranks (NCR) (Simon 1988) are given in 10 categories separated in two groups. Proportion of the first group (U-unique, KV-strictly protected, V-protected, E-native species, K-accessorial species, TP-nature pioneers) reflects natura! conditions, proportion of the second group indicates the degree of degradation (TZ-disturbance tolerant native species, A-adventives, G-cultivated species, GY-weeds) compared to the Hungarian average. The categories of simplified flora element spectrum of Hungary (FL) contain the main groups completing with relationship of Pannonic viewpoint. This kind of simplification is suitable for the analysis. The coenosystematical groups (COENOS) are established for categories of the hierarchical system. Multivariate analysis on cover values of species was carried out by using the SYN-TAX program (PODANI 1993, 1997). Por the cluster analysis the Czekanowsi-index was used (PODANI 1993, 1997). Synphysiological methods COz-exchange, transpiration, air-temperature, relative hurnidity and vapour pressure, and stom- atal conductance were measured by using a portable closed-loop IRGA gas exchange system (LI- COR 6200) sampling the air in a plexi chamber of 60 cm diameter (ground area of the chamber is 2826 cm2) and 70 cm height with three replicate measurements in each plot (BALOGH et al. 2002). PPFD values were recorded and LAI was estimated using sunfleck ceptometers (Decagon). Canopy- surface temperature was measured with an infrared thermometer (MX4, Raytek). Soil water content was measured by a TDR reflectometer (ML2, Delta-T Devices) in three replications at 5, 10, 20 cm soil depths. Forty plots were measured in summer and 30 in autumn in each stand types. Results and discussion Coenological pattern The dendrogram of the sample plots can be seen on Figure l. Using the Czekanowski-index there are 7 well organized groups at 0.58 similarity value. The first group (1-37. sample plots) is charac- terized by the dominance of Carex humilis, Chrysopogon gryllus, Chamaecytisus austriacus, Dorycnium germanicum, Teucrium chamaedrys and the presence of Phleum phleoides, Filipendula vulgaris (Carex dominated type). This fragment has three levels: the tall grasses (50-70 cm), the hemikryptophyte and chamaephyte species (30-50 cm) and th therophytes (5-15 cm). The levels have compact stand. The Chrysopogon gryllus is almost absent from the second group (2-50. samples), and there is less Chamaecytisus austriacus, Phleum phleoides, Filipendula vulgaris, Dorycnium germanicum, Teucrium chamaedrys too, however the dominance of Festuca rupicola is more pronounced, and the 6 Acta Biolo!tica Slovenica, 47 (!), 2004 O.B 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Figure 1. Dendrogram of sample plots of Festucetum rupicolae stand. denominative species of this association, Salvia nemorosa is also present (Cytisus dominated type). This fragment is compact too, but smaller (50 cm) than the Carex type. The third group (3-68.) (Stipa dominated type) is characterized by lower cover values of Stipa dasiphylla, Chrysopogon gryllus, Chamaecytisus austriacus, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rupicola, Filipendula vulgaris, Phleum phleoides, Teucrium chamaedrys, Helictotrichon pubescens. The four other groups are different from each other in species composition and cover values, but are coupled by the presence of Stipa dasiphylla. This fragment is not so compact, it comprised loose and tall grass tufts and spots (50-70 cm) and smaller other hemikryptophyte and charnaephyte species. There are sevaral gaps between the grass tufts (30-40 cm). Result of principal coordinates analysis (PCoa) shows 3 loose groups of sample plots (data are not shown), identical with the three types found by cluster analysis. The rest of sample plots contains rare species making them diverse and mosaic-like, not typical to festucetosum rupicolae subassosi- ation. Analysing severa! standard coenological attributes the investigated area and the three grassland types can be characterized as follows. The distribution of temperature indicator values (TB) shows two peaks, similarly to the continentality diagrarn's two maximum values. The proportion of meso- phyl and xerophyte species is more than 55 %. The high frequency of these species is characteristic for both open or closed grassland communities. The distribution of relative hurnidity indicator values (WB) shows a normal bell-shaped form (Table l.). Its maximum value is due to the high frequency of xerotolerant plants. The diagram is asymmetric in the case of xeromorph habitats. The distribution of soil acidity values (RB) sign the high frequency of basiphylous species in the area's three types. 10 % of them are lime indicator species and do not occur on acidic soil (Carex humilis, Chamaecytisus austriacus, Thalictrum pseudominus). T. Szerdahelyi, S. F6ti, S. Cz6bel, J. Balogh, Z. Nagy & Z. Tuba: Coenological and synphysiological... 7 Table l. Percentage (%) distribution of relative humidity indicator values (WB) of the species in the investigated temperate loess grassland. categories 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 WB values of Carex-type 0,15 3,75 20,6 5,86 1,2 1,65 0,15 WB values of Cytisus-type 0,18 4,42 19,3 6,63 1,29 1,47 WB values of Stipa-type 0,18 4,59 19,6 6,53 0,53 1,94 Distribution of relative nitrogen indicator values (NB) can be seen in Table 2. Half of the species are characteristic of habitats very poor in nitrogen, 10 % of them live in places extremely pooF in nitrogen or in dry places (Seseli osseum, Minuartia _verna, Phleum phleoides). Table 2. Percentage (%) distribution ofrelative nitrogen indicator values (NB) of the species in the investigated temperate loess grassland. categories 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 NB values of Carex-type 8,11 15,6 4,35 1,8 0,6 1,65 1,35 NB values of Cytisus-type 8,29 15,3 3,13 1,47 1,47 1,66 2,03 NB values of Stipa-type 8,11 18,2 3,17 1,06 0,18 1,94 0,71 In terms of temperature (TB), water (WB) and soil (RB) requirements the distribution and the maximum of values are similar in the three types. The tendency of the distribution of nitrogen requirement (NB) is similar to the others, but the rate of Stipa type is higher at the maximum value (9% ), that at the Chamaecytisus type. Distribution of relative light indicator values (LB) shows high ratio of light plants (45%), full light plants of open habitats (20%) and shadow tolerant ones (32% ). There are only few typical shad- ow plants (Table 3.). Table 3. Percentage (%) distribuiton of relative light indicator values (LB) of the species in the inves- tigated temperate loess grassland. categories s 6 7 8 9 LB values of Carex-type 0,3 0,45 11,6 15 5,86 LB values of Cytisus-type 0,74 0,18 12,3 14 6,08 LB values of Stipa-type 0,35 0,71 10,9 12,5 8,82 The distribution of plants according to degree of continentality shows two peaks (Table 4.). The first maximum corresponds to the suboceanic species, mainly central European but expanding to East (Bromus sterilis, Teucrium chamaedrys, Galium verum, Agrimonia eupatoria), the second max- Table 4. Percentage (%) distribuiton of species according to degree of continentality of the species in the investigated temperate loess grassland. categories 3 4 s 6 7 8 KB values of Carex-type 1,35 9,46 5,56 4,05 9,61 3,15 KB values of Cytisus-type 1,1 10,3 4,79 3,31 12 1,84 KB values of Stipa-type 1,23 8,99 5,64 5,82 8,11 3,53 8 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (!), 2004 imum sbows tbe continental-subcontinental species spread in East Europe (Festuca rupicola, Isatis tinctoria, Si/ene otites) . Tbe difference between the maximum values of ligbt requirement (LB) and nitrogen requirement (NB) of tbe Stipa and Chamaecytisus type is nearly tbe same (8%). The values of continentality (KB) are markedly different being 10 % bigber in tbe Chamaecytisus type, tban in tbe Stipa type. Tbis Stipa dominated group of plots is the most uniformly distributed out of tbe three types. Tbe distribution of categories of nature conservation values (SIMON 1988) sbows native species are tbe most frequent (60%), native accessorial species are less abundant (20%). The proportion of disturbance tolerant native species is low (10 %), as the proportion of weeds, cultivated plants and adventitious species too (less, tban 4%). Tbere is bowever considerable quantity of strictly protect- ed and protected species of Hungary (8 % ), like Stipa dasiphylla, Centaurea sadleriana, Adonis ver- nalis, Thalictrum pseudominus. According to distribution of floral elements (FL) the sbare by tbe Eurasian elements is tbe higb- est (27%), the submediterranean and tbe Pontic-Pannonian elements (e. g. Chamaecytisus austria- cus, /satis tinctoria) are present in considerable quantity (together 28 %) and there is a smaller quan- tity (10%) oftbe Pannonian (Dianthus pontederae) and tbe Pannonian-Balkan elements (Euphorbia pannonica). Tbe proportion of cosmopolitan species is less than 5% (Koeleria cristata), and tbe rate of adventive species is low (1,5%, e. g. Erigeron canadensis, Onobrychis viciifolia). This sbows tbat tbis area is more or less intact. Tbe distribution of tbe flora! elements sbows tbat tbe Stipa type bas tbe bigbest quantity ofEurasian, continental and submediterranean elements, in contrast to tbe Carex type tbat almost bave tbe lowest levels of these. Tbe Chamaecytisus group bas tbe bigbest quantity of European and Pontic-Pannonian elements. Table 5 sbows the distribution of social bebaviour types (SOC). Generalists (G) and tbe competi- tors (C) give balf of the species. Tbe cover by natura! pioneers (NP)(Myosotis stricta) and special- ists (S)(Adonis vemalis, Thalictrum pseudominus) is remarkable, too (togetber 26 % ). Tbere are few (15 %) disturbance tolerant (DT) species (Achillea collina, Agrimonia eupatoria, Galium verum). Tbe quantity of weeds (W), alien competitors (AC) and ruderal competitors (RC) is insignificant (Viola arvensis, Descurainia sophia) , less than 4,5 %. Table 5. Percentage (%) distribution of social bebaviour types (SOC) of tbe species in tbe investigat- ed temperat~ loess grassland. categories C s g np dt w rc ac soc. behav. typ. Carex-type 6,16 1,95 17,9 0,15 5,41 0,6 0,9 0,15 soc. behav. typ. Cytisus-type 5,16 1,66 18,2 0,37 5,16 1,29 1,47 soc. behav. typ. Stipa-type 7,41 1,06 18,7 5,29 0,18 0,53 0,18 The clistribution according to tbe coenosystematic categories sbows the group of indifferent species is comprised of severa! xeropbilous species (Hypericum perforatum, Melandrium album) and species occurring due to anthropogenic disturbance (Erigeron canadensis), witb a sbare of 14 %. Presence of forest elements sbows tbe busby cbaracter of this area. The rest are the elements of grass- land associations (80 % of ali) . Tbe distributions of tbe social bebaviour type (SOC) and of tbe nature conservation rank categories (NCR) are similar in the tbree types. The rate of monocotyledons/dicotyledons/Fabaceae sbows (Table 6.) that tbe quantity of Fabaceae species is double in the Stipa type as compared to tbe two other groups (Carex, T. Szerdahelyi, S. F6ti, S. Cz6bel, J. Balogh, z. Nagy & Z. Tuba: Coenological and synphysiological... 9 Chamaecytisus). Effects of a warmer and drier climate may favor the spread of species from the Chamaecytisus and the Stipa types. Table 6. The percentage (%) rate of monocotyledons/dicotyledons/Fabaceae of the species in the investigated temperate loess grassland. categories monocotyl dicotyl fabaceae Carex-type 8,69 24,63 2,17 Cytisus-type 10,52 22,8 1,75 Stipa-type 10,71 22,61 4,76 Synphysiological characteristics Synphysiological measurements were started in three apparently, physiognomically different types of the community. The above mentioned coenological considerations prove that there's many differences in the three types' composition, constraints by abiotic conditions, etc., but the physiolog- ical perfonnance is not necessarily different. Considering the whole dataset of summer (120 plots) and autumn (91 plots) aspect physiologi- cal measurements (temporal variability) it is obvious, that the average values and coefficient of vari- ation of photosynthesis are higher in summer (Table 7.). Decreasing values of these variables till autumn is partly caused by senescence. The last two columns show that comparing summer water- stressed (56 plots) and non-stressed (64 plots) periods separately, CV values are much smaller in the latter case. Table 7. Some data of the photosynthetical performance of a temperate loess grassland in summer and autumn 2000. Summer Autumn Non-stressed Water-stressed Carex-type, non- Carex-type, water- aspect aspect summer period summer period stressed summer stressed summer period period Mean ofLAI (m2• m"2) 3,09 3,84 2,91 3,30 1,64 3,66 SDofLAI 1,25 0,97 1,44 0,96 0,49 0,84 CVofLAI (%) 40,35% 25,20% 49,34% 29,13% 30,05% 23% The estimated average value of LAI (Table 8.) was higher in autumn than in summer, but the method used for LAl-estimation does not distinguish photosynthetically active and fully senescent leaves. Nor did we pursue the interannual change of LAI, the measurements in summer may have not been at the highest LAias it can be inferred from increasing average LAI with decreasing CV in June (non-stressed period: 2000. 06.08., 13., 15., 16.; water-stressed period: 2000. 06. 21., 22.). Table 8. Some data of the estimated leaf area index. Summer Autumn Non-stressed Water-stressed Carex-type, non- Carex-type, water- stressed summer stressed surnmer aspect aspect summer period summer period period period Mean of LAI (m'. m·') 3,09 3,84 2,91 3,30 1,64 3,66 SDofLAI 1,25 0,97 1,44 0,96 0,49 0,84 CVofLAI(%) 40,35% 25,20% 49,34% 29,13% 30,05% 23% 10 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (1), 2004 Consideration of the three different types shows, that water shortage and senescence in autumn are responsible for the different physiological performances. In the well-watered summer period (soil water content: 12,38% in the Carex-type, 10 plots; 13,54% in the Chamaecytisus-type, 12 plots and 11,86% in the Stipa-type, 40 plots) we found significant difference only between the physiological activity of the Carex- and Chamaecytisus- dominated types, however this difference is due to the significant LAI- difference and after relating photosynthesis to 1 m2 leaf area, the difference is non-significant. In the case of water-stressed summer period (soil water content: 6,55% in the Carex-type, 28 plots; 7,54% in the Chamaecytisus-type, 28 plots) photosynthesis were significantly different between the types and the same was found for the autumn period (soil water content: 7,02 and 11,33% in the Carex-type on the two days of investigation, 10,89% in the Chamaecytisus-type) (Table 9.). Table 9. Some data of the photosynthetical performance of different types of the investigated grass- land in different conditions. (, ** means significant difference when referred to 1 m2 leaf area) Non-stressed summer period Stressed /water deficient/ Autumn aspect summer period Carex-type Cytisus-type Stipa-type Carex-type Cytisus-type Carex-type Cytisus-type Stipa-type Mean of A (µmol•m·2•s·1) 17,89 29,15 22,55 2,53('*) 3,29(**) 3,24(*') 4,55(*,**) 2,87(') SDofA 8,00 13,72 10,35 1,53 1,32 1,83 1,60 1,38 CVof A(%) 44,71% 47,07% 45,9% 60,45% 39,97% 56,39% 35,23% 47,9% These results contain both abiotic and biotic variability rates. At higher light intensities (PPFD>lO00 µmol.m-2.s-1) the average CO2 exchange rates were higher and CV s were lower (Table 10.) except for the case of the stressed period measurements. There is a clear trend of increase of the value of photosynthesis and decrease of its CV (number of plots are: summer: 74, autumn: 44, water-stressed period: 24, non-stressed period: 50). Table 10. Data of photosynthetical performance at saturating light conditions. Conclusions Mean of A (µmol·m·2·s·1) SDofA CVofA(%) Summer aspect Autumn aspect s:::::s:::~ 16,63 12,69 76,34% 3,62 1,66 45,72% 23,36 9,80 41,94% Stressed /water deficient/ summer period 2,59 1,60 61,79% In a typical stand we tried to set up plots, which represents this Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae association. Statistical evaluation of several ecological characters of species was carried out togeth- er with a hierarchical cluster analysis. According to these analyses three groups dominated by Carex humilis, Chamaecytisus austriacus and Stipa dasiphylla offestucetosum rupicolae subassociation of a stand of Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae association were separated. Results of the synphysiological measurements show that water shortage and senescence in autumn are responsible for the different physiological performances of the three types. In the well-watered summer period we found signif- icant difference only between the physiological activity of the Carex- and Chamaecytisus- dominat- ed types, however this difference is due to the significant LAI-difference and after relating photosyn- thesis to 1 m2 leaf area, the difference is non-significant. T. Szerdahelyi, S. F6ti, S. Cz6bel, J. Balogh, Z. Nagv & Z. Tuba: CoenologicaJ and svnphysiologicaJ ... 11 Acknowledgements The financial support of the Hungarian Scientific Research Foundation (OTKA-32586 project), the CARBOMONT (EVKZ-CT-2001-00125) and GREENGRASS (EVK2-CT-2001-00105) 5th EU Framework Research Projects are gratefully acknowledged. References BALOGH J. Sz. Cz6BEL, A. JuHAsz, Sz. F6T1, z. NAGY, & Z. TuBA 2002: Seasonal carbon-balance of a semi- desert temperate grassland ecosystem over a year period. - Acta Biologica Szegediensis, pp. 108- 110 BoRHJDI A. 1995: Social behavior types, the naturalness and relative ecological indicator values of the highre plants in the Hungarian Flora. - Acta bot. hung. 39(1-2): 97-181. CouPLAND R. T. 1992: Approach and generalizations. In: CoUPLAND R. T. (ed.): Ecosystems of the World 8A, Natura] Grassland, Introduction and Western Hemisphere. Elsevier, New York, p. 1-6. HORVATH F., Z.K. DOBOLYI, T. MORSCHHAUSER, L. L6K6S, L. KARAS, T. SZERDAHELYI 1995: Fl6ra adatbazis 1.2. Taxon-lista es attributum allomany. [Hungarian Flora Database 1.2. Taxon list and attribut- um stands.]. Vacrat6t, pp. 267. KAKAS J. (ed.) 1969: Magyarorszag eghajlati atlasza. Adattar. [Climate atlas of Hungary. Data]. - Akademiai kiad6, Budapest, pp. 263. MITCHELL J. F. B., s. MANABE v. MELESHKO, T. TOKIOKA 1990: Equilibrium climate change and its impli- cations for the future. In: HOUGHTON J. T., G. J. JENKINS & J. J. EPHRAUMS (eds.): Climate change, The IPCC Scientific Assesment, Chapter 5. Cambridge University Press, New York, p. 131-172. PODANI J. 1993: SYN-TAX 5.0: Computer programs for multivariate dala analysis in ecology and sy-stem- atics . - Abstr. Bot. 17: 289-309. PODANI J. 1994: Multivariate JO r 1soo ii . t o~ i 15 )( : ~. " • E ON • • 2, ZJO . ~ • 1000 (.) .r> •i· .., ~- Cl ~ lJ.. o o. > ~ ,t '! t • -~ o o. (.) 100 " \l • o ~ - % roo .. ·, . . , . ' . ' . . : , • . . ~ 23/05/2001 03/07/2001 roo 2roo n=40 n=40 ~ o 400 $' i 2000 ~ t ., " o C, * t . ~: C: " >JO 10)() ii 15 )( • • " o E o ZJO t i • » • 2, (.) . o . " 1000 Cl lJ.. o ~ li" o. > . 1 • • t o. (.) 100 : "'° . . . e" . () } . 8 , • I • ' ' • ' ; 1 = ~ .. ' ] . '" 05 09 13 17 05 09 13 17 Time (hours) Time (hours) Figure 2.: Daily courses of the coefficient of variation of loess grassland C02 exchange measured on 60 cm diameter single stand plots (CV, dots) and ofthe photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD, diamonds) on four seasonally different various days. (One symbol represents the CV value of three independent meas- urements on the same plots, n=number of measurements.) Spatial variability of the litter decomposition and soil respiration rates are the probable causes of the highly varying NEE at the tirne of the spring measurement. High CV s of NEE in October are most probably caused by highly varying PPFD during the day as opposed to the situation experi- enced in May, when CV(NEE) was much smaller due to the steadily changing light conditions. Temporal variabilities of NEE in the patches and the average variability considering ali the patches are presented in Tab. 1. 18 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (1), 2004 Concerning the daily temporal variability of grassland CO2-exchange, one of the most remark- able observation was that after sunrise the COrexchange variability during the day seems to be rather independent from the considerable changes of the daily photosynthetic radiation. Thus other factors like soil respiration, soil moisture content and temperature and their interactions can be responsible for the high daily variability of grassland COrexchange. The considerable temporal ( daily and seasonal) variability of the grassland COrexchange can be considered as the characteris- tic feature of the grassland COrexchange. This reflects the necessity of the high number and contin- uous measurements during the days and as much possible during the seasons. Tablel: Daily temporal and spatial variability of CO2 exchance rates on five different plots with 60 cm diameter (plot l- plot 5) of temperate loess grassland (04/10/2001). Variability is expressed as % value of variation coefficient (CV%). Periods of measurements Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Period's averaae 08:07 - 08:24 54,0 229,0 219,0 49,0 98,0 98,1 08:44 - 08:58 18,0 16,0 29,0 21,0 73,0 58,5 09:17 - 09:30 991,0 330,0 66,0 84,0 54,0 92,5 10:34 - 10:49 115,0 108,0 34,0 24,0 48,0 61,9 11 :43 - 11 :55 34,2 74,6 21,3 18,5 14,2 41,0 12:43 -12:56 245,8 187,9 283,9 39,5 185,4 246,9 13:46 - 13:59 23,9 89,8 85,9 56,7 52,8 80,9 14:43 - 14:56 48,7 52,5 114,6 164,0 167,3 212,5 15:15 -15:36 135,0 39,7 15,4 513,3 180,8 568,9 16:27 - 16:43 24,4 22,5 47,6 55,6 2'1-,9 46,0 Spatial variability/spatial heterogeneity of' grassland CO2-exchange The spatial variability of grassland COrexchange rate can be seen as the sign of the spatial het- erogeneity of the ecosystem COrexchange. CV s of NEE (Tab. l.) also demonstrate the spatially dif- ferent behaviour of the five measured patches. Coenological studies have proved that a few dm2 to m2 sampling unit size is suitable for finding the highest variability in species composition and combinations in this grassland (MucINA AND BARTHA 1999, BARTHA ET AL.1997). Consequently, variability of LAI is also high at micro-scale (CV over 30% at 60cm) explaining in part the background of the spatial variability of COrexchange. From this one can conclude that parallel measurements of many unevenly distributed grassland plots with the same diameter are required. Daily maximum values of grassland CO2-exchange and daytime carbon gains Daily maximum values of NEE (Fig. 3.) are in good agreement with both the daytime carbon gain values (528, -864, 2624 and 2171 mgCm-2 on the four representative days, respectively) and with the phenological stages of the vegetation. The maximum of NEE and hence the carbon balance are negative in March, the auturnn NEE values are considerably lower than the ones in the summer. Consequently, in the photosynthetically most active spring, summer and auturnn vegetation period the investigated grassland did presumably maintain a relatively strong daytime carbon gain, while during winter the grassland displayed a slight daytime carbon loss. The above data indicate that in the year of 2000-2001 the investigated overwintering grassland vegetation was very probably acting as a carbon sink. S. F6ti, J. Balogh, S. Cz6bel, Z. Nagy, S. Bartha & Z. Tuba: Seasonal and daily pattem ... 19 14 3000 12 2500 10 2000 ,-; "' , · E 8 0 15 1500 .[ i 6 ~ 1000 ~ 4 "' "' ]i -5 500 X 2 ~ " ON o "' (.) o -r- (.) -2 -500 • -4 -1000 04/1012000 20/03/2001 23/0512001 03/07/2001 Figure 3.: Daily maximum values of C02 exchange rates (bars) and the carbon balance values of the inves- tigated days (dots) in the temperate Joess grassland. Diameter of chambers (cm) •~ -• ~ __ l_s __ • • ;) 1~ i ~ . i . \ I:: i / · .X , __ ,/ 1· :: ! / m ~ / " 10 -----------+ o 0.1 1e+1 1e+2 1e+3 1e+4 1e+5 Ground area of chambers (cm2) Figure 4.: Spatial scale dependence of C02 exchange (dots) and its coefficient of variation (CV, diamonds) in temperate loess grassland. (One symbol refers to nine plots measured in three separate replicates on 13/06/2001, the C02 exchange and the ground area values are plotted ona Jogarithmic scale.) Spatial scale-dependence of grassland CO2-exchange Spatial scale-dependence of NEE was investigated with different chamber sizes (different diam- eters, 70cm height). Logarithrnic values are shown in Fig. 4. The regression COz-uptake values vs. chamber size shows good fit (p<<0.01). However CV of NEE shows scale-dependence with mini- mum of variability at 60 cm patch diameter, suggesting this scale to be characteristic unit of this grassland, where the suparindividual regulation is the most pronounced. In the investigated loess grassland vegetation the variability of COz-exchange showed clear spa- tial scale-dependence. The most probable factors which are candidates for causes of variability pat- tem along the investigated space series are: the ratio of covered and uncovered soil surfaces, the spa- 20 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (1), 2004 tial heterogeneity of soil moisture, soil temperature and litter deposition, the changes of species com- position (e.g. dicots/monocots ratio, plant density), the height and the physiognomical and microm- eteorological structure of the canopy in the relation to the changes of the botanical composition. Presumably the spatial scale with the lowest variability can be considered as the characteristic scale of the COz-exchange (CO2-exchange physiological unit) of the grassland ecosystem. But this aspect and relationship between coenological (botanical composition) and physiological scale-dependence should be a matter of future detailed analysis. In general decreased variability indicates a more reg- ulated state. Thus it is probably that the spatial scale with the lowest variability represents the supraindividually most regulated physiological - CO2-exchange- units of the grassland. Ackoowledgements The financial support ofthe Hungarian Scientific Research Foundation (OTKA-32586 project), the MEGARICH 4th and GREENGRASS 5th EU Framework Research Projects is gratefully acknowl- edged. References ANGELL R. F. ET AL 2001: Bowen ratio and closed chamber carbon dioxide flux measurements over sagebrush steppe vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 108: 153-161. BARTHA S.ET AL 1997: Spatiotemporal scales of non-equilibrium community dynamics: a methodological challenge. New Zealand Joumal of Ecology 21(2): 199-206. BREYMEYER A. l. ET AL (Eds.) 1996: Globa! Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands. Dč>RR H. & K. O. MiiNNJCH 1987: Annual variation in soil respiration in selected areas of the temperate zone. Tellus 39B: 114-121. HAM J. M. & A. K. KNAPP 1998: Fluxes of CO2, water vapor, and energy from prairie ecosystem during the seasonal transition from carbon sink to carbon source. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 89: 12-14. MucINA L. & S. BARTHA 1999: Variance in species richness and guild proportionality in two contrasting dry grassland communities. Biologica, Bratislava 54: 67-75. RICE C. V. & F. O. GARCIA 1994: Biologically active pools of soil C and Nin tallgrass prairie. In: DoRAND J. ET AL. (eds.): Defining soil quality for a sustainable environment. Spec. Pubi. No. 35. MSoil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI. VIRAGH K. & G. FEKETE 1984: Degradation stages in a xeroseries: composition, similarity, grouping, coordination. Acta Bot. Hung. 30: 427-459. Z6LYOMJ B. & G. FEKETE 1994: The Pannonian loess steppe: Differentiation in space and tirne. Abstracta Botanica 18: 29-41. Introduction ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 1: 21-25 Sprejeto (accepted): 2003-11-21 Pollution of garden soils and vegetables in the Šalek valley Nives KUGONJČI, Boštjan POKORNY1, Melita STROPNIK1 1 ERICo Velenje - Ecological Research & lndustrial Co-operation, Koroška 58, SI-3320 Velenje, Slovenia; e-mail: Abstract. Soil pollution and accumulation of heavy metals in the most com- mon vegetables were investigated in the Šalek Valley, where the largest Slovenian thermal power plant of Šoštanj (ŠTPP) is located. Methods were chosen according to intemational and Slovenian standards. Heavy metal content in soils and plants was determined by ICP-MS, ETAAS and hydride technique after appropriate diges- tion of samples. Results revealed that garden soils in the Šalek Valley are not pol- luted in general with heavy metals. On the contrary, some plant species exceeded permitted Jevels of Cd. Our results showed that the most sensitive group of plants are stili affected, although emissions of heavy metals markedly decreased after the desulfurisation device was built at the ŠTPP. Key words: Vegetables, Pollution, Heavy metal accumulation, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic. High quantities of heavy metals are released into the environment by anthropogenic activities, such as mining, combustion of fuels and waste materials as well as other industrial processes. The fate and transformation of metals in a soil - plant system depends very much on soil type and pre- vailing soil conditions (Ross 1996). In general availability of metal decreases as the pH leve! rises and the contents of clay and humus increase (MILLER & D0NAHUE 1990). Besides uptake from soils, plants can also derive significant amounts of some elements through foliar absorption. It depends on the plant species, its nutritional status, the thickness of its cuticle, the age of the leaf, the presence of stomatal guard cells, the humidity at the leaf surface and the nature of the solutes (ALL0WAY 1990). Heavy metals enter the biological cycle and are enriched in various plant organs (BERGMAN 1992). Plants in which roots or leaves are used for human or animal consumption are especially critical con- cerning the accumulation of heavy metals. The main objective of the study was to assess the quality of soil and commonly grown vegeta- bles which have been exposed to electricity production in the Šalek Valley. 22 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (1), 2004 Material and methods The field experiment with lettuce (Lactuca sativa), endive (Cichorium endiviae) and carrot (Daucus carota - Nantes) as test plants was carried out. 28 locations in distances within 10 km from the ŠTPP where included in the experiment. Altitudes of experimental plots ranged between 312 and 778 m above sea leve!. Seedlings oflettuce and endive were grown in the greenhouse; afterwards, 15 plantlets were transplanted to each location. Carrot was sown directly on the experimental sites. Each species occuped approximately 3 m2 at each site. For each test species 12 - 15 plants were sampled. Individual parts of plants were separated as washed roots of carrot, washed and unwashed leaves of endive and lettuce. Plant samples were dried at 36°C and ground in an agate mortar. 250-500 mg DW plant samples were treated with 65 % HNO3 acid. Heavy metal concentrations were measured in three replicates. The electrothermal technique was used for the determination of Cd, As and Pb (Per!(in Elmer SIMAA 6000), flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of Zn content (Analyst 100) and hydride technique for the determination of Hg content in plant after the acid dissolution technique with microwave heating (CEM MSP 1000 - Varian). Quality control was performed by comparison of results with the standard reference material NIST SRM 1515 Apple Leaves. Soil samples were taken from the topsoil (0 - 20 cm). An average soil sample from each sam- pling site was prepared as a composite of 25 sub-samples taken from an area 250 m2 in size (ISO 10381-1 1996). Soil samples were homogenized and ground in a ceramic grinder, then passed through a 2 mm plastic sieve before soil analysis (ISO 11464 1994). Pedologic soil parameters were determined as follows: pH in 0.1 M KCI solution, the content of organic matter by the Walkley-Black method, soil texture by pipette method, respectively (Janitzky 1986). For the analysis of metals con- tent, the samples were ground further in an agate mili for 10 minutes then passed through 150 µm sieve. Heavy metal (Pb, Cd, As, Zn) content in soils was determined using flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric methods, while the hydride technique (Perkin Elmer SIMAA 6000) was used for the deterrnination of Hg. A standard reference material »Montana Soil« was used for analytical quality control. Results and disscusion A wide range of Pb, As, Cd, Zn and Hg content was determined in the garden soil of the Šalek Valley. Levels of heavy metal samples from the surface soil layer at the depth O - 20 cm are present- ed (Table 1). Table 1: Heavy metals content of the surface soil (n = 28) in the Šalek Valley. min.-max. average stdev KV % n 28 28 28 28 0.3 -1.3 0.76 0.25 33.41 23.6-77.9 45.65 12.18 26.69 92.0-348.0 181.08 59.24 32.71 4.8-138.0 16.39 24.17 147.49 0.07-0.48 0.18 0.09 52.35 N. Kugonič, B. Pokomy, M. Stropnik: Pollution of garden soils and vegetables ... 23 The critical value for As (55 mg kg-1; Off. Gaz. Rep. Slov. 68/96) was exceeded twofold in the southem hilly margin of the Valley (Mali Vrh), thereofore this site has to be defined as polluted con- sidering As. Levels of Cd, Pb, Hg and Zn do not exceed even waming values (Off. Gaz. Rep. Slov. 68/96), which were 2 mg kg-1, 100 mg kg-!, 2 mg kg-1 and 300 mg kg-1, respectively, thus soils are not treated as polluted considering Cd, Pb, Hg and Zn. Additionally, the pedological results suggest that soil characteristics do not induce high heavy metal accumulation in plants. pH levels ranged between 4.8 and 7.1 with an arithmetic mean of 6.5, content of organic matter ranged between 3.6 and 1.3 % with an arithmetic mean of 8.5, while the content of clay ranged between 5.4 and 18.4 % with an arithmetic mean of 8.2. Most of metals in plants originate from root uptake, but foliar uptake of some metals (especial- ly Cd) may be relatively high as well (KABATA PENDIAS & PENDIAS 1984). Leafy vegetables are espe- cially sensitive to foliar heavy metal absorption (ZUPAN & al. 1995). Results of our study revealed that the highest content of heavy metals was observed in edible green parts of lettuce (Table 2). Statistical analysis confirmed a significantly higher concentration of Cd in lettuce in comparison with other vegetables (MannWhitney U test: U = 3.5023, p < 0.001). Table 2: Ranges of heavy metals in vegetables from garden soils in the Šalek Valley. Vegetable n Cd Pb As Hg m!!kg-1DW mgkg-1DW mgkg-1DW ~ kir·1ow endive leaves unwashed min. -max. 28 0.14- 1.78 0.08-3.64 0.05 -1.46 0.01 -0.06 (Cichorium endivae) average 0.40 0.83 0.31 0.01 stdev 0.33 0.78 0.33 0.005 KV% 84.34 93.90 107.88 30.79 washed min.-max. 28 0.12-2.2 0.08-2.0 0.04-1.0 0.01 -0.05 average 0.42 0.36 0.11 0.03 stdev 0.44 0.45 0.10 0.04 KV% 105.68 124.83 94.65 175.05 lettuce leaves unwashed min. -max. 23 0.3-4.4 0.53-5.9 <1.0- 5.86 0.04-0.08 (Lactuca sativa) average 0.88 1.61 / 0.06 stdev 0.88 1.19 / 0.01 KV% 99.94 73.60 / 23.78 washed min.-max. 28 0.2-4.0 0.33-3.37 <1.0 - 1.53 0.05 -0.08 average 0.96 0.97 / 0.07 stdev 1.21 0.77 / 0.01 KV% 125.60 79.57 / 14.85 carrot roots washed min.-max. 28 0.19 - 1.4 0.41- 1.03 < 0.1 <0.05 (Daucus carota) average 0.48 0.57 / / stdev 0.30 0.12 / / KV% 61.95 21.71 / / Over 95 % of washed lettuce samples exceeded the prescribed value for Cd in vegetables, which is 0.3 mgkg-1 DW (Off. Gaz. Soc. Fed. Rep. Yug. 59/83). Differences between Cd content in washed and unwashed edible green parts of vegetable were trivial, which suggest that a small fraction of Cd penetrates through the leaf cuticle (Figure lA). 24 ., 1 1 1 1 i - 1 _::. d .96•StdErr! .__ __ Cd __ ___ Cd __ __ ____. ~ ~=Stdj Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (1), 2004 B: COl'l len1of Pb inw!Ohcd andunwashed or ~ nuce -c:-r;;,tent of As m washed and unwashed kave, oflcttuce O: Contcnt ofHg in washed aml unwuhcd leevcs oflcttucc ··•'----- Io.1 116' Std&r C J i. l.OO" - ,.,-,,_---~ . ·- 0,072,---------- - ..... f 0,(16,1 ! j O,Ol!O -i-:- [ • ! - , __J_ __ _]_ __ ,-=-- 1 , 1 S_~ •='------,---...__ I ,>196~td ~ .. • ~ l.flO"Sld En. Figure l(A - D): Differences between Cd, Pb, As and Hg content in washed and unwashed edible green parts of Jettuce (Lactuca sativa). On the contrary, Pb, As and Hg content significantly differed between washed and unwashed leaves and roots of carrot (Figure 1 B - D). Results also revealed that vegetable is not polluted in general with Pb, As and Hg, although on some plots (Topolšica, Mali Vrh) even washed lettuce leaves exceeded prescribed values, which are 3 mgkg-1 and 1 mgkg-1 DW for Pb and As, respective- ly (Off. Gaz. Soc. Fed. Rep. Yug. 59/83). Conclusions It was estimated that ŠTPP had emitted 0,2 t of Cd, 22, 1 t of Pb, 4,5 t of As, 0,3 t of Hg and 298 t of Zn in the period 1981 - 2001 (POKORNY 2003). After the desulfurisation device was built in 1995 the annual dust emission decreased from 8121 t in 1994 to 1077 t in 1999 (SEVŠEK 2000). Although exact 10), standard deviation (SD), and statistical significant differences (t-test) between control media without JA and with different concentrations of JA are shown. Slika 4: Vpliv JA na število poganjkov po dveh (svetel stolpec) in štirih (temen stolpec) tednih tkivne kul- ture (prvi poskus). Prikazana so povprečna števila poganjkov (n>lO), standardne deviacije (SD) in sta- tistično značilne razlike (t-test) med kontrolnim gojiščem brez JA in z različnimi koncentracijami JA. 52 Acta Biolooica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 shoots, especially on the highest JA concentration (Fig. 4), and the same trend was observed in sec- ond experiment (data not shown). JA also inhibited the early lengthening of shoots. After two weeks of culture were shoots on the highest JA concentration significantly smaller then shoots on control media without JA (Fig. 5). Differences were not observed after four weeks of culture. I 4,0 3,5 ;; 3,0 j 2,5 g 2,0 ~ 1,5 "E 1,0 ~ 0,5 e o 0JA 1 JA I0JA IOO JA JA concentrations ( pM) Figure 5: The effect of JA on central shoot length after two (light bar) and four (darker bar) weeks in tissue culture (first experiment). Average shoot number (n>lO), standard deviation (SD), and statistical significant differences (t-test) between control media without JA and with different concentrations of JA are shown. Slika 5: Vpliv JA na velikost poganjkov po dveh (svetel stolpec) in štirih (temen stolpec) tednih tkivne kul- ture (prvi poskus). Prikazana so povprečna števila poganjkov (n>lO), standardne deviacije (SD) in statistično značilne razlike (t-test) med kontrolnim gojiščem brez JA in z različnimi koncentracijami JA. Prediction of Jasmonic acid stimulative effect Based on the results (Figs. 4, 5) it was assumed that a stimulatory JA concentration on pyrethrum tis- sue culture differentiation may lie at the interval between O to 10 µM. At intervals between O to 10 µM JA and O to 1 µM JA the curve that mostly fit both the experimental raw data measured after five weeks of cultivation (second experiment) as well as selected data (+/- 2SD) was found (Figs. 6 and 7). According to the curves' peaks, which indicate the most copious pyrethrum tissue culture differentiation, the inter- 7 30 ~-.--~-~--- -...---i--+----1---'--4----i o 9 JO 11 JA concentrations (pM) Figure 6: Curves of average values from all ( •) and selected ( • ) -~ :1 ..... :c: 0 ..... : .... "' o {/) t- 2, LLJ 25 20 15 10 5 o KL PL LL Lake Klin. KLSup. Fig. 2. ETS activity (µIOzlllh) in phytoplankton in vertical profile (n=6-9, mean±SD). Sl. 2. Aktivnost ETS (µ]Ozll/h) v fitoplanktonu na vertikalnem profilu (n=6-9, povprečje±SD). 62 :.C »- i~ "' u C) CI) :l. f- o w 2: 5 4 3 2 o KL PL LL Lake Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 Klin. KLSup. Fig. 3. ETS activity (normalised) in phytoplankton in vertical profile (n=6-9, mean±SD). Sl. 3. Aktivnost ETS (normirano) v fitoplanktonu na vertikalnem profilu (n=6-9, povprečje ±SD). In conclusions, the present study reveals, that phytoplankton from high mountain and oly- gotrophic lakes protected their vulnerable targets in the cells by synthesis of UV screening sub- stances. This process required additional energy, derived from respiratory potential. Povzetek Naraščanje UV sevanja na Zemeljski površini, ki je posledica tanjšanja ozonske plasti v atmos- feri, je predmet mnogih raziskav. Čeprav je delež UV-B sevanja v sončnem sevanju majhen, je nje- gov vpliv na primarne proizvajalce velik. Visokogorska jezera so še posebej občutljivi sistemi na kli- matske spremembe. Po nekaterih podatkih se UV-B sevanje (280-320 nm) na vsakih 1000 m nad- morske višine poveča za 6-8%, oz. za 20%. Visokogorska jezera vsebujejo navadno nizke koncentracije raztopljenih organskih snovi, ki v veliki meri vplivajo na prodiranje UV sevanja v vodo. Organizmi v visokogorskih in čistih jezerih so tako izpostavljeni višjim odmerkom UV-B sevanja brez možnega zatočišča pred škodljivimi žarki. UV-B sevanje vpliva na mnoge biološke in fiziološke procese pri primarnih proizvajalcih. Ugotavljali smo sposobnost fitoplanktona za izgrajevanje UV zaščitnih snovi ter dihalni poten- cial (aktivnost terminalnega elektronskega transportnega sistema - ETS) na Jezeru na Planini pri Jezeru, Krnskem jezeru, Jezeru v Ledvicah ter Spodnjem in Zgornjem Kriškemu jezeru, ki ležijo na različnih nadmorskih višinah, od 1383 do 2150 m. Vsebnost UV zaščitnih snovi je bila večja v fito- planktonu iz višje ležečih jezer. Aktivnost ETS (normalizirana) je bila večja v Jezeru v Ledvicah ter obeh Kriških jezerih. Večja ETS aktivnost fitoplanktona iz višje ležečih jezer odraža potrebo po energiji, ki jo organizmi rabijo za mehanizme, s pomočjo katerih se zaščitijo pred sevanjem. Acknowledgements This research was a part of SLO Alpe2 (3311-01-2183388) financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Republic Slovenia. The financial support is gratefully acknowledged. 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ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 2: 65-73 Sprejeto (accepted): 2004-09-17 The phenotypic plasticity of Glyceria fluitans growing over the water/land gradient Fenotipska plastičnost vrste Glyceria fluitans na prehodu voda/kopno Nina KRŽIČ*, Alenka GABERŠČIK* & Mateja GERM** Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana* & National Institute of Biology**, Večna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; tel: +386(0)14233388, e-mail: (Corresponding author), Abstract. The amphibious species Glyceria fluitans successfully thrives in an intermittent ecosystem Lake Cerknica, where floods altemate with dry periods. The species grows over the environmental gradient from open water to dry land. The plant's phenotypic plasticity was studied analysing anatomical, morphological, biochemical and physiological characteristics in specimens from different loca- tions. Floating leaves were thicker, having abundant aerenchyma, lower chloro- phyll a+b contents and higher chlorophyll alb ratio. The relative amounts of total UV-B and UV-A screening compounds per leaf area were high and similar in all forms that indicated possibly saturated amounts. The measurement of fluorescence parameters revealed no disturbance in energy harvesting since the values of poten- tial and effective photochemical efficiencies, photochemical and non-photochemi- cal quenching were similar over the gradient. Key words: Glyceria fluitans, land/water gradient, amphibious character Izvleček. Amfibijska vrsta Glyceriafluitans se pojavlja v presihajočem ekosis- temu Cerkniškega jezera, kjer se poplave izmenjujejo s sušnimi obdobji. Vrsta porašča širok pas na prehodu iz vode na kopno. Na podlagi nekaterih anatomskih, morfoloških, biokemijskih in fizioloških analiz rastlin na prehodu smo ugotavljali fenotipsko plastičnost vrste. Plavajoči listi so bili debelejši, z obsežnejšim aerenhi- mom, nižjo vsebnostjo klorofila a+b in višjim razmerjem med klorofiloma a in b. Relativna vsebnost UV-B in UV-A zaščitnih snovi na listno površino se med proučevanimi oblikami ni bistveno razlikovala kar kaže na saturirane vrednosti. Izmerjeni parametri fluorescence so odražali nemoten privzem energije, saj so bile vrednosti potencialne in dejanske fotokemične učinkovitosti ter fotokemičnega in nefotokemičnega dušenja podobne na celotnem prehodu iz vode na kopno. Ključne besede: Glyceria fluitans, prehod med kopnim in vodo, amfibijske značilnosti 66 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 Introduction Macrophytes are limited to the macroscopic flora including aquatic spermatophytes, pterido- phytes and bryophytes. Their growth form usually classifies them in four-group system, which is widely accepted: emergent macrophytes (i.e. Phragmites australis), floating-leaved macrophytes (i.e. Nuphar luteum), free-floating macrophytes (i.e. Eichhornia crassipes) and submerged macro- phytes (i.e. Myriophyllum spicatum). Some plants are not restricted to one category only due to their amphibious character (Fox 1992). Plants/species with an amphibious character plants are found among all major groups of plants, including mosses, fems and angiosperms (HUTCHINSON 1975). In the intermittent water bodies, such as Lake Cerknica, water depth and water retention play a major role in the occurrence of plant species (FERNANDEZ-ALAEz & al. 1999). The water leve! rais- ing drowns emergent plants, while lowering exposes submerged ones to drying, freezing or heat (CRONK & FENNESSY 2001). Plants/species with an amphibious character plants possess either dis- tinct aerial and aquatic leaves (heterophylly) either different shoots or growth forms (HUTCHINSON 1975, Fox 1992). The phenotypic plasticity enables the species to colonize a range of habitats. It is an expression of flexibility in evolutionary strategy of the species (MENADUE & CR0WDEN 1990). Arnphibious character gives them the ability to photosynthesize under contrasting conditions in aquatic and terrestrial environment (GERM 2002). Beside morphological adaptations, amphibious plant species may also respond to the fluctuations of water by changing the reproduction strategy (B0ULTON & BROC 2001). Scarce information on Glyceriafluitans is available in the literature (JOGAN 1996). We hypothe- sised tbat the species possessing temporal or spatial segregated submerged, floating and emergent shoots might have a competitive advantage over less tolerant submerged or emergent macrophytes in habitats characterised by water fluctuations, such as Lake Cerknica. To get an insight into survival strategy of G. fluitans, growing over environmental gradient in an intermittent Lake Cerknica, we studied some anatomical, morphological, biochemical and physiological characteristics. The latter included the measurements offluorescence parameters that give us useful information about the abil- ity of plants to tolerate the water leve! fluctuations. Materials and methods Area description The study was carried out in Lake Cerknica (45°45'N, 14°20'E) during extremely dry vegetation sea- son in June 2003. The closed depression of Cerkniško polje extends on an area of 38 km2 and usual!y the area of 25 km2 is flooded when the polje changes into a lake. The Lake Cerknica is locus typicus for inter- mittent lakes and karst poljes. The water reaches its normal leve! of 550 m a.s.l. in spring and late auturnn to early winter (KRANJC 2002a, KRANJC 2002b). Usually in summers the lake becomes dry. Material studied Glyceriafluitans L. belongs to Poaceae family (MARTINČIČ & al. 1999). It colonizes more or less permanent, shal!ow still or slowly running water. It is widespread to scattered in lowland and lower montane area rarely exceeding 600 m a.s.l. (JOGAN 1996). We examined different growth forms of G. fluitans growing over environmental gradient from open water to dry land (1 - open water; 2 - water-land interface, 3 - 2 rn from water body, 4 - dry land). N. Kržič, A. Gaberščik & Germ: The phenotypic of G/1,ceria fl utains growing ... 67 Morphological and anatomical analyses In samples collected at different locations we measured the total stem length and counted the number of leaves per stem. We determined the thickness of leaves, spongy tissue and palisade tissue and calculated the palisade/spongy tissue ratio. Dry weights were obtained after drying the plant material at 105°C for 24 hours. Biochemical analyses For determination of chlorophylls (chl a+b and chl alb ratio) we followed the equations devel- oped by JEFFREY & HUMPHREY (1975). The chlorophyll extracts were made using 90% (v/v) acetone solution. The chlorophyll contents were calculated considering absorption values at 647, 664 and 750 nm measured with UVNIS Spectrometer System (Lambda 12, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT, USA). The extracts of UV-A and UV-B screening compounds we made using the methanol solution Šmethanol : distilled water : HCI (37% (v/v)) = 79:20: lC. We followed the method proposed by CALDWELL (1968). The extinctions of the samples were measured in the UV-B spectral range 280- 320 nm and UV-A spectral range 320-400 nm (Lambda 12, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT, USA). The extinctions were integrated for UV-A and UV-B range and expressed in relative units per dry mass and per area. Measurements of fluorescence parameters Measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence were carried out on clear days during dry period in summer 2003. Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was more than 1100 mmol/m2s, relative humidity around 40% and temperature (air and water) was in range between 20°C and 25°C. The measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence were made using a modulated fluorometer (OS-500 fluo- rometer; OPTI-SCIENCES, Tyngsboro, MA, USA). The actual (yield) and potential (Fv/Fm) photo- chemical efficiencies were measured to estimate the disturbance to light harvesting in different plant forms from different locations. Values of Fv/Fm were obtained after dark-adaptation by using dark- leaf elips for 10 minutes. Fv stands for variable fluorescence. This is the difference between maxi- mal (Fm) and minimal (Fo) fluorescence in dark-adapted leaves excited with a saturating beam of white light. The yield of illuminated sample was defined as (F'm-F'o)/F' m (F'm is maximal and F' o is minimal fluorescence of light-adapted leaves) (CAMPBELL & al. 2003). The photochemical (qP) and non-photochemical (qN) quenching was traced using a series of saturating pulses of white light (PPFD=8000 mmol/m2s; 0.8s). Sample leaves for kinetics determination were dark adapted for 30 minutes. Statistical analysis The measurements were carried out on 5 parallel samples. Standard deviations (SD) were calcu- lated. The analysis of variance (one factor ANOVA) was performed to estimate the differences among locations over environmental gradient. Results and discussion The intermittent Lake Cerknica is characterised by extreme water leve! fluctuations . The flora of Cerkniško polje is very diverse, due to great diversity of biotopes and specific water regime (MARTINČIČ 2002). The life histories of plants in the lake are intimately coupled to the periodicity of the water regime (GABERŠČIK & al. 2004). The water level fluctuations are a limiting factor for the 68 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 plant growth, development and reproduction (GABERŠČIK & URBANC-BERČIČ 2002); therefore the growth of plants/species with an amphibious character is favoured (GABERŠČIK & MARTINČIČ 1992, MARTINČIČ 2002, MARTINČIČ & LESKOVAR 2002). G. fluitans thrives at the locations were the water is present also in dry period. At that tirne this species occupies the locations from open water to dry land, exhibiting different growth forms in con- trasting environment. The analysis of the habitus of plants revealed that plants in open water devel- oped more leaves than terrestrial ones, but the length of the plants was the highest in both extreme Iocations. The Ieaves became thinner with the increasing distance from the water body, due to less developed spongy tissue (Tab. 1). Looser tissue, well developed in floating specimens, might improve the floating ability of leaves. Abundant aerenchyma contributes to lower specific leaf weight of floating leaves, even though they are much thicker. Thicker floating leaves were also found in a case of Polygonum amphibium (GABERŠČIK & MARTINČIČ 1992). P. amphibium exhibited only slight differences in palisade/spongy tissue ratio. It seems that thicker floating leaves are an attribute of many plants/species with an amphibious character (HurcHINSON 1975, NIELSEN 1993). Ona con- trary, the floating leaves in Batrachium peltatum were thinner than aerial ones (NIELSEN & SAND- JENSEN 1993). Tab. 1. Morphological, anatomical and biochemical characteristics of Glyceria jluitans growing over the environmental gradient (1 - open water; 2 - water-land interface, 3 - 2 m from water body, 4 - dry land) in Lake Cerknica. Tab. 1. Morfološke, anatomske in biokemijske značilnosti vrste Glyceria jluitans rastoče v različni oddal- jenosti od prqste vodne površine (1 - odprta vodna površina, 2 - prehod med vodo in kopnim, 3 - 2 m od vodnega telesa, 4 - kopno) na Cerkniškem jezeru. Characteristic Location 1 2 3 4 Tota! steam length [cm] 89±7 48 ±3 66±4 87 ± 10 No. leaves per steam 7.8 ± 0.4 6. 7 ± O.S 6.6 ± 0.9 4.9 ±0.9 Leaf thickness [µm] 539 ± 120 372 ± 74 256 ±38 180 ± 22 Palisade/spongy tissue 0.28 ±0.08 0.44 ±0.06 0.80± 0.22 2.15 ± 0.47 Spec. leaf weight [g/dm2] 33.8 ± 6.9 35.2 ± 9.0 39.1 ± 2.8 40.7 ± 1.6 Spec. leaf area [dm2/g] 0.031 ± 0.008 0.028 ± 0.001 0.025 ± 0.002 0.024 ± 0.001 Chl a+b [mg/gDMJ 7.19 ± 1.34 14.87 ± 2.45 10.05±2.09 8.49 ± 2.17 Chl alb 7.19 ± 2.95 3.95 ± 0.31 3.90 ± 0.48 5.35 ± 3.17 Amphibious species exhibit great variability in chlorophyll content (GERM & GABERŠČIK 2003). The floating leaves of G. fluitans had lower chlorophyll a+b content (mg g-1 dry rnass) than the emer- gent leaves (Tab. 1). The investigations of Callitriche copocharpa and Batrachium peltatum are in line with our results (NIELSEN 1993, NIELSEN & SAND-JENSEN 1993), but this was not the case in Batrachium aquatile (NIELSEN 1993). We deterrnined the highest values of chlorophyll alb ratio in floating leaves. This might be a consequence of the fact that a lot floating leaves were more exposed to irradiation, while aerial Ieaves were erect and therefore they avoided high irradiance flux during midday. The ability of plants to protect themselves from UV radiation plays the important role in open habi- tats. The majority of primary producers is able to produce UV screening compounds that present an UV- B selective filter (BJORN 1999). This appears to be an important protective mechanism because they could effectively reduce detrimental effect of UV-B radiation in leaves (MIDDELTON & l'ERAMuRA 1993). In G. fluitans the relative amount of total UV-B and UV-A screening compounds per unit of dry mass (Fig. 1) N. Kržič, A. Gaberščik & Germ: The phenotypic of Gli'ceria f1 utains growing ... 69 was the highest in floating leaves. The investigations reveal that UV absorbing compounds are mainly synthesised in epidermis of the leaves that prevent UV penetration into the mesophyll (DAY & al. 1996). Por that reason we also compared the amounts of total UV-B and UV-A screening compounds per unit of leaf area. The values showed no significant difference among different forms. These results are in agreement with other researches of plants/species with an amphibious character (GERM & al. 2002). The comparison of the amounts determined in G. fluitans with other amphibious and terrestrial plants revealed relatively high values in the former. That indicated possibly saturated amounts of UV-B and UV- A screening compounds. The production is probably genetically fixed and less dependent on environ- mental factors. A sirnilar phenomenon was found in Potamogeton nodosus (LES & SHERIDAN 1990). .. ~ 20 • uv-A QUV-B 6000 • uv-A oUV-B E 15 l~JJ ~ ~ ~-h Cl .§. ~ 4000 10 c l1l1li u:i = .o 5 u:i 2000 Ol .o > Ol ::, o > o ::, 2 3 4 2 3 4 Transect Transect Fig. 1. The amount of UV absorbing compounds of Glyceria fluitans growing over the environmental gra- dient (1 - open water; 2 - water-land interface, 3 - 2 m from water body, 4 - dry land) in Lake Cerknica. Sl. 1: Količina UV absorbirajočih snovi pri vrsti Glyceria fluitans rastoče v različni oddaljenosti od proste vodne površine (I - odprta vodna površina, 2 - prehod med vodo in kopnim, 3 - 2 mod vodnega telesa, 4 - kopno) na_ Cerkniškem jezeru. The water-logging should not cause a physiological stress in macrophytes, although photochem- ical efficiency might be disturbed due to other stresses which are the consequence of water leve! fluc- tuation; i.e. drought (COLOM & VAZ.ANA 2003), photoinhibition (GABERŠČIK & MAZEJ 1995, RALPH & BURCHETI 1995, BEER & BJ0RK 2000, MoUGET & TREMBLIN 2002, CAMPBELL & al. 2003) and UV- B radiation (CONDE-ALVAREZ 2002, GABERŠČIK & al. 2002, GERM ET al. 2002). Our results showed no significant differences in potential (Fv/Fm) and actual (yield) photochemical efficiencies of PS II in G. fluitans growing over the environmental gradient (Fig. 2, Tab. 2). Fv/Fm was close to the opti- Q) • Fv/Fm oyield (.) C 0,8 tl1 Q) (.) Jlll (/) ~ o 0,6 1 :@ >, 0,4 .C 0.2 l C. e o :C o (.) 2 3 4 Transect Fig. 2. Photochemical efficiency of Glyceria fluitans growing over the environmental gradient (1 - open water; 2 - water-land interface, 3 - 2 m from water body, 4 - dry land) in Lake Cerknica. Sl. 2: Fotokemična učinkovitost vrste Glyceria fluitans rastoče v različni oddaljenosti od proste vodne površine (1 - odprta vodna površina, 2 - prehod med vodo in kopnim, 3 - 2 mod vodnega telesa, 4 - kopno) na Cerkniškem jezeru. 70 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 mal values (0.83) at all locations as an indication of normal function of PS II. Lower values of yield indicated the presence of stress with no respect to the location and form. WALDHOFF & al. (2002) also found no correlation between the changing water levels and the Fv/Fm ratios of the tree species Symmeria paniculata. The leaves fully retained the potential to photosynthesize during the aerial and aquatic phases. Fv/Fm ratio in Genipe americana also remains constant despite flooding conditions (MIELKE & al. 2003). Our study revealed no differences in photochemical (qP) and nonphotochemi- cal (qN) quenching in G. fluitans appearing in different growth forms over the gradient water-land (Fig. 3). Photochemical quenching had greater values and affected the actual photochemical efficien- cy more than non-photochemical quenching. Values of qN in Genipe americana increase by flood- ing, while qP remains constant (MIELKE & al. 2003). Fig. 3. Photochemical and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching in Glyceria fluitans growing over the environmental gradient (1 - open water; 2 - water-land interface, 3 - 2 m from water body, 4 - dry land) in Lake Cerknica. Sl. 3. Fotokemično in nefotokemično dušenje fluorescence pri vrsti Glyceriafluitans rastoče v različni odd- aljenosti od proste vodne površine (1 - odprta vodna površina, 2 - prehod med vodo in kopnim, 3 - 2 m od vodnega telesa, 4 - kopno) na Cerkniškem jezeru. C) 1,5 C • qP oqN :C " C Q) 1 ' ~~ ::, er Q) " C Q) 0,5 " v, ~ o ::, o .L u:: 2 3 4 Transect Tab. 2. The significance of differences of investigated plant characteristics among 4 locations over environ- mental gradient water/land (ANOVA) (1 - open water; 2 - water-land interface, 3 - 2 m from water body, 4 - dry land) in Lake Cerknica. Tab. 2. Satistična značilnost razlik pri proučevanih značilnostih rastline med 4 lokacijami na okoljskem gra- dientu voda/kopno (ANOVA) (1 - vodno telo, 2 - prehod med vodo in kopnim, 3 - 2 mod vodnega telesa, 4 - kopno) na Cerkniškem jezeru. Characteristic Significance Characteristic Tota! steam length [cm] *** UV-A [int./gDM] No. leaves per steam *** UV-B [int./gDM] Leaf thickness [µm] *** UV-A [int./cm2] Palisade/spongy tissue *** UV-B [int./cm2] Spec. leaf weight [g/dm2] * Fv/Fm Spec. leaf area [dm2/g] NS Yield Chl a+b [mg/gDM] *** Photchemical quenching Chl alb NS Non-photchemical quenching *** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05 ; non significant (NS) p > 0.05. Significance NS * NS ** NS * *** *** N. Kržič, A. Gaberščik & Germ: The phenotypic of Gl) ceria flutains growing ... 71 Conclusions The floating shoots of G. fluitans develop thicker leaves than emergent ones. They have abun- dant aerenchyma that contributes to lower specific leaf weight and their floating ability. The floating leaves had higher chlorophyll alb ratio than the emergent ones, which might be due to higher irradiance of direct sunrays. The relative amount of total UV-B and UV-A screening com- pounds showed no significant difference among diverse forms of G. fluitans . No significant differences in potential and effective photochemical efficiencies as well as in pho- tochemical and non-photochemical quenching were foµnd over the environmental gradient. These fluorescence characteristics indicate normal functioning of PS II. Acknowledgements This research was financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Republic of Slovenia through the programs »Biology of plants (Pl-0212) « and » Young researchers«. Povzetek Glyceria fluitans je vrsta z amfibijskim značajem in raste v presihajočem ekosistemu Cerkniškega jezera, ki ga označujejo izmenjave poplav in sušnih obdobij. V sušnem delu leta, ko nivo vodne gladine upade, porašča širok pas na prehodu iz vode na kopno. G. fluitans v odvisnosti od vodnih razmer, ki so pogojene prostorsko ali časovno, tvori morfološko različe poganjke. V vodi razvije poganjke, ki so potopljeni ali plavajoči, na kopnem pa zračne poganjke. V raziskavi smo ugo- tavljali fenotipsko plastičnost vrste na prehodu iz vode na kopno. Spremljali smo nekatere anatomske, morfološke, biokemijske in fiziološke parametre posameznega tipa poganjkov. V nar- avnem okolju smo s pomočjo parametrov fluorescence ugotavljali uspešnost prestrezanja energije. Rezultati so pokazali, da so plavajoči listi G. fluitans debelejši, z obsežnejšim aerenhimom, ki zmanjšuje specifično listno težo in prispeva k večji plovnosti. Nižja vsebnost klorofila a+b in višje razmerje med klorofiloma a in b pri plavajočih listih pa sta odraz večje jakosti sevanja zaradi direk- tnih sončnih žarkov. Realtivna vsebnost UV-B in UV-A zaščitnih snovi na listno površino je bila v vseh proučevanih oblikah podobna in je nakazovala saturirane vrednosti. Izmerjeni parametri fluo- rescence klorofila a v FS II so odražali normalno fotosintezno aktivnost vrste na celotnem prehodu iz vode na kopno. Vrednosti potencialne fotokemične učinkovitosti (Fv/Fm) so bile na celotnem pre- hodu blizu optimalni vrednosti 0,83 . Dejanska fotokemična učinkovitost (yield) je bila nižja od potencialne, kar je rezultat rahlega stresa, vendar pa razlik na gradientu nismo opazili. Tudi vrednos- ti fotokemičnega in nefotokemičnega dušenja so bile podobne na celotnem prehodu iz vode na kopno. References BEER S., M. & BJORK 2000: Measuring rates of photosynthesis of two tropical sea grasses by pulse ampli- tude modulated (PAM) fluorometry. Aquat. 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Introduction ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 2: 75-81 Sprejeto (accepted): 2004-09-17 Pollen grain bioassay for environmental contamination biomonitoring Biomonitoring polucije okolja z analizo poškodovanosti pelod- nih zrn Jasna PARADIŽ and Milan LOVKA National Institute of Biology Ljubljana, Večna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija; tel: +386(0)14233388, e-mail: Abstract. Pollen grain bioassay near some highways was performed in 45 plant species for identification of environmental genotoxic impact on naturally growing plants due to environmental traffic contaminants. A relationship between the duration of heavy traffic on particular road sections and the degree of develop- mental and morphological changes of pollen grains was indicated. Increased fre- quency of pollen deformation after more than 20 years of traffic influence was established, indicating the applicability of pollen grain bioassay for genotoxic risk assessment of chronic low leve! contamination impact in natura! habitats. Key Words: naturally growing bioindicator plants, traffic contaminants, pollen grain deformation Izvleček. V biomonitoringu onesnaženosti okolja zaradi prometa smo anal- izirali stopnjo poškodovanosti pelodnih zrn pri 45 vrstah rastlin z naravnih rastišč ob naših avtocestah. Ugotovili smo, da je stopnja poškodovanosti peloda na poskusnih lokalitetah povezana s trajanjem prometa na posameznih avtocestnih odsekih, povečan obseg poškodovanosti peloda je bil pri biondikatorskih rastlinah na rastiščih, obremenjenih z vplivi prometa več kot 20 let. Ti rezultati kažejo, da je analiza poškodovanosti pelodnih zrn uporabna za sledenje kroničnih vplivov nizk- ih nivojev zračne polucije z genotoksičnimi agensi in oceno ogroženosti rastlin na naravnih rastiščih. Ključne besede: samonikle bioindikatorske rastline, onesnaževanje z izpušnimi plini, poškodovanost pelodnih zrn. Environmental contamination caused by highway traffic has been identified as a serious ecolog- ical problem. Air contaminants produced by motor traffic and released along the highways and main 76 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 road connections are particularly hazardous to puhlic health and the environment. Low concentra- tions of many environmental pollutants are considered as harmless, but for the genotoxic contami- nants there is no safe , -..... ' ·;; ~ 25 ·.::: Cl (.) oIJ ~ s 20 E-< N i:i:i o ...l 15 :i. '-' 10 5 o Chironomus Paratanytarsus Procladius Zavrelimyia 20 18 b) 16 - 14 2 -~ - ci,~. ; o 8 o~o o ~ o o o o 0.5 1.5 Body mass (mg) • Procladius l!I Zavrelimyia i> Paratanytarsus o Chironomus 0.93 0.86 0.75 0.21 Figure 2: The relationship between (a) ETS activity and body mass (DW), and (b) respiration rate (R) and body mass of different chironomid Iarvae at 20 °c. Slika 2: Razmerje med (a) aktivnostjo ETS in telesno maso (DW) ter (b) stopnjo dihanja in telesno maso pri ličinkah različnih vrst trzač pri 20 °C. T. Simčič: Respiration rate and respiratory electron transport system ... 89 Respiration rate Respiration rate differed significantly between species (Tab. 1). The highest values were obtained for Paratanytarsus (12.4 µL 0 2 mg·1 h·1) and 'Zavrelimyia (11.9 µL 0 2 mg·1 h-1), while respiration rates of Chironomus (5.7 µL 0 2 mg-1 h-1) and Procladius (4.0 µL 0 2 mg- 1 h- 1) were approximately two and three times lower (Fig. 1 b ). The regression between respiration rate and body mass of chironornids was statis- tically significant (log R = 0.60- 0.34 log DW; r=-0.71; n=43; p<0.001; Fig. 2b); b value was 0.66. The ETS/R ratio The ratio ETS/R differed significantly between species (Tab. 1). A relatively low value, close to 1, was determined for 'Zavrelimyia, while the highest ratio of 3.88 was obtained for Procladius (Tab. 2). Positive correlation between ETS/R ratios and body mass was observed (r=0.61; n=27; p<0.001). Respiration rate correlated strongly with ETS activity for all-four species (Fig. 3). Correlation coefficients and regression constants for relationships between ETS activity and respiration rate for each species are shown in Tab. 3. Table 3: Relationship between ETS activity and respiration rate of four chironomid species (- 0,6 'š 0,55 ] 0,5 :@ 0,45 Q 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 o 1 1 _L SuTr ZSuTr GoP 105 1 -- PSuTr GoR GoTr Ni Me No Slika 4. Dendrogram podobnosti proučevanih habitatnih tipov Regijskega parka Škocjanske jame glede na vrst- no sestavo dnevnih metuljev (SuTr: suhi travniki, PSuTr: polsuhi travniki, ZSuTr: zaraščajoči suhi travniki, GoTr: gojeni travniki, Nj: opuščene njive, GoR: gozdni robovi, GoP: gozdne poti, Me: melišča, Na: naselja). Figure 4. Dendrogram of researched habitat types of Škocjanske jame Regional Park according to the butter- fly species composition (SuTr: dry grasslands, PSuTr: semi-dry grasslands, ZSuTr: unmanaged dry grass- lands (dry grasslands in the early successional stages), GoTr: cultivated grasslands, Nj: abandoned fields, GoR: woodland margins, GoP: woodland paths, tracks and rides, Me: screes, Na: settlements). suhih travišč ob poteh, bogata zeliščna vegetacija in velik delež osvetljenih golih tal so razlogi, da je razmerje med številom mezofilnih in kserotermofilnih travniških vrst podobno (1,4) kot na obeh tipih suhih travnikov. Na gozdnih poteh je število mezofilnih grmovnih in gozdnih vrst večje kot na košenih in zaraščajočih suhih travnikih, zato je razmerje med travniškimi ter mezofilnimi grmovni- mi in gozdnimi vrstami nižje (2,1). Na polsuhih travnikih je razmerje med mezofilnimi in kseroter- mofilnimi travniškimi vrstami (4,5) trikrat večje kot na košenih in zaraščajočih suhih travnikih. Višja in gostejša zeliščna vegetacija, v kateri je več mezofilnih rastlinskih vrst kot na obeh tipih suhih travnikov, preprečuje pojavljanje nekaterih kserotermofilnih travniških vrst metuljev (S. orion, P. thersites, M. bellargus, M. coridon, M. didyma, M. aurelia, M. dryas, A. arethusa, B. circe). Vegetacija gozdnih robov je strukturno in vrstno revna, saj večinoma meji na travnike, ki jih pokosi- jo do gozda (izjema zaraščajoči suhi travniki). Zato je v združbi metuljev razmerje med travniškimi ter mezofilnimi grmovnimi in gozdnimi vrstami še nižje (1,8) kot v vseh že omenjenih habitatnih tipih. V favni metuljev gojenih travnikov in opuščenih njiv prevladujejo ubikvitarne in splošno razširjene mezofilne travniške vrste (Sl. 4). Opuščene njive so bolj ugoden habitat za kserotermofilne travniške vrste metuljev kot gnojeni in košeni travniki. Na njivah, ki niso v rabi, cvetijo ruderalne rastlinske vrste, ki so pomemben vir nektarja, neporasla osončena tla pa so primerna mesta za ter- moregulacijo odraslih osebkov. Zaradi majhnega števila opaženih vrst, se melišča in naselja po vrst- ni sestavi favne metuljev najbolj razlikujejo od ostalih habitatnih tipov. 106 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 Naravovarstveni pomen proučevanih habitatnih tipov V Regijskem parku Škocjanske jame je prisotnih 18 evropsko in nacionalno ogroženih vrst dnevnih metuljev (Tab. 1), ki predstavljajo 10 % favne dnevnih metuljev Slovenije. Med njimi je 11 kserotermofilnih travniških vrst, 6 mezofilnih travniških vrst in ena mezofilna gozdna vrsta. Največ ogroženih vrst (13) živi na suhih travnikih, ki imajo tudi največjo alfa diverziteto (Tab. 2). Tabela 2. Alfa (a) diverziteta in število ogroženih vrst dnevnih metuljev v proučevanih habitatnih tipih regi- jskega parka Škocjanske jame. Table 2. Alpha ( a) diversity and number of threatened butterfly species in researched habitat types of Škoc- janske jame Regional Park. Habitatni Alfa (a) Stevilo tie diverziteta ogroženih vrst Suhi travniki 62 13 Polsuhi travniki 32 4 Zaraščajoči suhi travniki 60 9 Gojeni travniki 18 1 Opuščene njive 18 1 Gozdni robovi 38 2 Gozdne poti 51 6 Melišča 5 1 Naselja 3 o Na gojenih travnikih, opuščenih njivah, meliščih in v naseljih je število vrst najmanjše (Tab. 2). Velika razlika v številu vrst med omenjenimi in preostalimi habitatnimi tipi je razlog za visoke vred- nosti beta diverzitete (nad 60 % vrst) med temi pari habitatnih tipov (Tab. 3). Tabela 3. Beta diverziteta (zgoraj, desno) dnevnih metuljev in število skupnih vrst (spodaj, levo) med proučevanimi habitatnimi tipi regijskega parka Škocjanske jame. Table 3. Beta diversity (upper, right) of butterfly species and the number of species in common (lower, left) between pairs of habitat types of Škocjanske jame Regional Park. SuTr PSuTr ZSuTr GoTr Nj GoR GoP Me Na SuTr 55,4 39,5 75,0 75,0 64,9 45,2 93,7 95,2 PSuTr 29 54,0 61,1 75,0 67,9 56,9 84,4 100 ZSuTr 46 29 74,2 76,2 60,0 45,8 93,4 95,0 GoTr 16 14 16 50,0 75,6 76,8 95,5 95,0 Nj 16 10 15 12 80,9 74,6 90,5 95,0 GoR 26 17 28 11 9 56,5 89,7 97,5 GoP 40 25 39 13 14 27 92,3 98,1 Me 4 5 4 1 2 4 4 100 Na 3 o 3 1 1 1 1 o T. Čelik: Diverziteta dnevnih metuljev ... 107 MORENO & HALFFTER (2001) navajata, da so strukturiranost krajine, mobilnost in ekološka spe- cializacija vrst pomembni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na beta diverziteto. Avtorja sta mnenja, da so nizke beta diverzitete na določenem območju posledica zelo mozaične pokrajine z veliko raznolikimi habi- tatnimi krpami, ki delujejo kot koridorji za razširjanje vrst, ter velikega števila zelo mobilnih evriek- ih vrst. V parku Škocjanske jame se melišča, naselja, gojeni travniki in opuščene njive po vrstni ses- tavi metuljev zelo razlikujejo (visoka~ diverziteta) od ostalih habitatnih tipov (Tab. 3). To je posled- ica velikega števila ekološko specializiranih vrst, ki živijo na suhih in polsuhih travnikih ter gozdnih robovih in poteh, ter načina gospodarjenja. Na gojenih travnikih, njivah in v naseljih se pojavlja 26 vrst, od teh je 19 vrst iz skupin mezofilnih travniških in ubikvitarnih vrst, 7 vrst iz ostalih ekoloških skupin so predstavniki bolj mobilnih vrst. Večina vrst, ki se pojavljajo na gojenih travnikih, opuščenih njivah, meliščih in v naseljih je torej bolj mobilnih ali so generalisti in živijo tudi v ostal- ih habitatnih tipih (Tab. 2, Tab. 3). Gojeni travniki, njive in površine v naseljih so prehranjevalni habitat odraslih osebkov teh vrst, saj imajo zaradi pogostih človekovih posegov v omenjenih habi- tatnih tipih vrste manj možnosti, da izpeljejo celotne življenjske cikle. Predpostavko, da ti habitatni tipi nimajo ključnega pomena za vrstno diverziteto dnevnih metuljev v parku potrjuje tudi ugo- tovitev, da 98 % (88) vrst živi v štirih drugih habitatnih tipih: košeni in zaraščajoči suhi travniki, gozdni robovi in poti. Vrstno bogastvo pa ni nujno najboljši pokazatelj naravovarstvene vrednosti območja: območje, v katerem živi malo vrst, ki so redke ali ogrožene ima večji naravovarstveni pomen kot območje, ki ga poseljujeje veliko število splošno razširjenih in pogostih vrst (STORK & al. 2003). Ogroženo vrsto Parnassius mnemosyne smo na območju parka opazovali le na meliščih in polsuhem travniku na vznožju melišč udornice Sokolak. Druga vrsta, ki je v štirih, za vrstno bogast- vo parka najpomembnejših habitatnih tipih (SuTr, ZSuTr, GoP, GoR) nismo našli, je modrinček Plebeius argyrognomon. Vrsta je v Sloveniji redka, na raziskovanem območju smo jo zabeležili le v Dolu Jablanc, na cvetočem gojenem travniku. Ta habitatni tip za obstoj vrste ni odločilen, saj vrsta živi predvsem na suhih zagrmičenih travnikih, gozdnih robovih in jasah, redkeje v opuščenih vino- gradih, kamnolomih in na pustih, ruderalnih površinah. Najpogostejši hranilni rastlini gosenic sta pisana šmarna detelja (Coronilla varia) in sladki grahor (Astragalus glacyphyllos), včasih pa samice odlagajo jajčeca tudi na lucerno (Medicago sativa), ranjak (Anthyllis spp.), detelje (Trifolium spp.), turške detelje (Onobrychis spp.) in kozjo deteljo (Lembotropis nigricans) (SCHWEIZERISCHER BUND FOR NATURSCHUTZ 1991). Velika množina hranilnih rastlin gosenic na omenjenem travniku je razlog za prisotnost vrste v tem habitatnem tipu. Vse ostale ogrožene vrste (16), ki živijo v parku, najdemo v treh habitatnih tipih: na košenih in zaraščajočih suhih travnikih ter gozdnih poteh. Gama vrstna diverziteta dnevnih metuljev na raziskovanem območju je večja (90 vrst) kot največja alfa diverziteta (SuTr: 62 vrst) (Tab. 2). To pomeni, da vrstno bogastvo metuljev na območju parka ni odvisno le od števila vrst, ki živijo v habitatnem tipu z največjo alfa diverziteto, temveč od topografske in ekološke heterogenosti krajine. Zaključki Vrstna sestava in diverziteta dnevnih metuljev v regijskem parku Škocjanske jame je odraz geografske lege, relifne razgibanosti in ekološke heterogenosti območja. Prisotnost različnih habitat- nih tipov je razlog za pojavljanje vrst iz šest ekoloških skupin: mezofilne travniške, mezofilne grmovne, mezofilne gozdne, kserotermofilne travniške, kserotermofilne grmovne in ubikvitarne vrste. Vrstno najbogatejši habitatni tipi so suhi travniki, zaraščajoči suhi travniki in gozdne poti. V 108 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 njih se pojavlja 16 od 18 evropsko in nacionalno ogroženih vrst, ki živijo v parku. Sestava favne metuljev v habitatnem tipu je odvisna od vrstne sestave in strukturiranosti vegetacije v habitatnem tipu ter zgradbe krajinskega mozaika, ki vpliva na disperzijo vrst. Zaradi velike raznolikosti habitat- nih tipov na majhnem območju (4 km2), mobilnosti odraslih osebkov ter razlik v ekoloških potrebah gosenic in metuljev, se nekatere ekološko specializirane vrste pojavljajo tudi v habitatnih tipih, ki nimajo ključnega pomena za njihov obstoj (GoTr, Nj, Na, Me) in v njih večinoma (izjema melišča) ni drugih, za te habitatne tipe specifičnih vrst. Ti habitatni tipi imajo v primerjavi z ostalimi nizke alfa diverzitete, kar je vzrok za visoke bete diverzitete med omenjenimi pari habitatnih tipov. Visoka gama diverziteta je odraz heterogenosti raziskovanega območja, ki ga poseljujejo ekološke special- izirane vrste, vezane na določene habitatne tipe. Ugotovitvi, da se ogrožena vrsta P. mnemosyne pojavlja izključno v habitatnih tipih z nizko alfa diverziteto in da je gama diverziteta večja od mak- simalne alfa diverzitete, pomenita, da je pri naravovarstvenem vrednotenju raziskovanega območja in oblikovanju naravovarstvenih smernic potrebno upoštevati dva dejavnika: alfa diverziteto in raz- poreditev ogroženih vrst po habitatnih tipih. Z vidika ohranjanja vrstne raznolikosti in ogroženih vrst dnevnih metuljev so v parku najpomembnejši naslednji habitatni tipi: suhi travniki, polsuhi travniki, zaraščajoči suhi travniki, gozdne poti in gozdni robovi ter melišča. Summary Because of their extraordinary significance for the world's natural heritage, the Škocjanske jame were included in UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1986. The Škocjanske jame Regional Park was established on October l" 1996 with the intention of preserve exceptional geomorphological, geo- logical and hydrological remarkablenesses, rare and threatened plant and animal species, paleonto- logical and archeological sites, ethnological and arhitectural features, and traditional landscape (Ur.!. RS št. 57 /96). The Škocjanske jame Regional Park is situated in the south-western part of Slovenia, in the Divača municipality. It is placed on south-eastern part of the region Kras, on the passage from fly- sch to limestone. It extends over an area of 413 hectares and encompasses the area of the caves, the surface above the caves, the system of collapsed dolines and the Reka river gorge to the bridge in Škoflje (Ur.I. RS št. 57/96). The sub-Mediterranean climate (OGRIN 1995) with very diverse micro- climatic conditions in the dolines and their surroundings account for the presence of Mediterranean thermophilous flora and Alpine species (glacial relicts) (MARTINČIČ 2001). In this region of Slovenia, primary vegetation is climax forest association Ostryo-Quercetum pubescentis (Ht. 1950) Trinajstic 1974 (MARTINČIČ 2001). Because of forest clearing in past cen- turies, above ali for pastures and meadows, the primary vegetation was destroyed. Abandonment of pasturing and stockbreeding, which was the phenomenon most common in the second half of the 201h century, reflects in mosaic of secondarily developed forest associations, scrub and dry grasslands in different succesional stages. Still, despite its conservation status, this area is relatively poorly known in entomofaunistical terms, and particularly with respect to its fauna of Lepidoptera. Thus, in the present study, we inves- tigated species composition of the area, species richness and diversity in different habitat types, and significance of habitat types for preserving threatened species. In 2001 and 2002 butterfly diversity were sampled in Škocjanske jame Regional Park, across 9 habitat types: dry grasslands, semi-dry grasslands, unmanaged dry grasslands, cultivated meadows, T. Čelik: Diverziteta dnevnih metuljev ... 109 abandoned fields, woodland margins, woodland paths, tracks and rides, screes and settlements. Zoogeographical partitioning of registered butterfly species based upon European horizontal distri- bution according to CARNELUTII (1981) was made. All species were sorted into ecological formations considering ecological classification ofEuropean butterflies (BLAB & KUDRNA 1982; KUDRNA 1986). Threat status of each species was determined allowing for Slovenian Red List of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) (Ur.!. RS 82/2002), Red Data Book ofEuropean Butterflies (Rhopalocera) (van SWAY & WARREN 1998), Council Directive 92/43/E.E.C (van der MADE & WYNHOFF 1996) and Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natura! habitats (Ur. l. RS 17 /55). The sim- ilarity in the species composition of the butterfly fauna of different habitat types was estimated using the programme package SYN-TAX (PODANI 2001). Nature conservation value of each habitat type and researched area asa whole was assessed on the basis of (1) alpha, beta and gama butterfly diver- sity, (2) number of species of each ecological formation in each habitat type and (3) number and dis- tribution of threatened species among habitat types. A total of 90 species of butterflies were recorded, which represent 50% of Slovenian butterfly fauna. All-European (33% ), south-European (20%) and southeast-European (17%) species are prevail- ing. A total of 18 (20%) species are threatened at a European and a national level. The butterfly fauna consists of mesophilous grassland species (34 spp.), mesophilous seminemoral species (12 spp.), mesophilous nemoral species (8 spp.), xerothermophilous grassland species (22 spp.), xerother- mophilous seminemoral species (4 spp.) and ubiquists (10 spp.). Species composition of habitat type depends on floristic composition and structure of vegetation in habitat type, and landscape structure, which affects dispersal of butterfly species. The highest alfa diversity was found in dry grasslands (62 spp.) and unmanaged dry grasslands (60 spp.), between which the smallest difference in butterflies assemblages occurred. Both habitat types are also the most important for the existence of xerother- mophilous grassland, mesophilous grassland and mesophilous seminemoral species in the researched area. Woodland paths and margins are of the greatest significance for mesophilous nemoral and xerothermophilous seminemoral species. A total of 88 (98%) registered species were found in four habitat types: dry grasslands, unmanaged dry grasslands, woodland paths and woodland margins. Two remaini,ng species, Pamassius mnemosyne and Plebeius argyrognomon, were registered on screes, semi-dry and cultivated grasslands, each of them in only one locality. Cultivated meadows, abandoned fields and settlements not contribute to species richness of the area (gama diversity). In these habitat types the additional nectar sources and suitable sites for termoregulation are the main reasons for appearance of imagoes of generalist and more vagile specialist species. The large proportions of spe- cialist species and heterogeneous landscape result in high values of beta diversity between habitat types, and high gama diversity. Due to the facts, that threatened species Pamassius mnemosyne lives only in habitat types with very low alpha diversity and that gama diversity is higher than maximum alpha diversity, conservation management must base upon two measures: alpha diversity and distribu- tion of threatened species among habitat types. For preserving the high species richness and threatened species in Škocjanske jame Regional Park, the most important habitat types are dry grasslands, semi- dry grasslands, unmanaged dry grasslands, woodland margins, woodland paths and screes. Literatura BLAB J. & O. KUDRNA 1982: Hilfsprogramm fiir Schmetterlinge. Naturschutz aktuell, Bd. 6, Greven: 135 pp. CARNELUTII J. 1981: Horološka, ekološka in zoogeografska analiza makrolepidopterov slovenskega ozemlja. Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: 210 pp. 110 Acta Bio!ogica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 CARNELUITI J. 1992: Rdeči seznam ogroženih metuljev (Macrolepidoptera) v Sloveniji. Varstvo narave, 17: 61-104. 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ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 2: 113-115 JUBILEJI Profesor dr. Miroslav Zei - devetdesetletnik Kazimir TARMAN in Jože ŠTIRN Profesor Miroslav Zei se je rodil 25. julija 1914 v Nabrežini pri Trstu. Po italijanski zasedbi Trsta se je družina Zeijevih umaknila v Slovenijo. Nov dom so našli v Mariboru. Tu je mladi Miro leta 1932 maturiral. Po maturi se je vpisal na Filozofsko fakulteto v Ljubljani. Odločil se je za študij biologije, še posebno ga je pritegnila zoologija. Že leta 1936 je diplomiral in takoj začel pripravljati doktorsko tezo. Minila so le štiri leta po diplomi in že je obranil disertacijo:«Prispevek k morfologi- ji in sistemu jadranskih vrst družine Maenidae (giric)« in bil potem promoviran za doktorja filozof- skih ved. Kot, da bi dečku rojenemu ob morju, vile sojenice že pri rojstvu naklonile moč odkrivanja skrivnosti morskih širjav in globin, se je lotil raziskovanja ribjega sveta. Sprejel je izziv morja in se zaposlil kot asistent na Oceanografskem inštitutu v Splitu. Od samega začetka mu je stal ob strani mentor, ljubljanski prof. dr. Jovan Hadži, ki je bil tudi sam raziskovalno povezan z raziskovanjem podmorskega življenja. Spoprijel se je z ihtiološko problematiko. Lotil se je proučevanja giric (rod Maena), njihove neznane biologije in ekologije. S primerjalno anatomskimi proučevanji in eksperi- mentalno metodo umetne oploditve jajčec ter vzgojo mladic, je dokazal obstoj treh vrst giric v Jadranskem morju. Splitsko obdobje je bilo zelo pomembno za njegovo osebno znanstveno pot in delovanje. Hkrati tudi zelo pomembno za širšo zoološko in biološko oceanografsko stroko. Z Zeijem začenja na Jadranu nov pristop v raziskavah ribjega bogastva, zlasti uvajanje ekološko in populacijsko urejene- ga ribolova. Njegove tedanje raziskave in znanstvene objave o pridnenih ribjih naseljih so bile pio- nirsko delo v sodobno biologijo rib in praktično uporabo tega znanja v ribolovu, tako na Jadranu kot v drugih območjih Sredozemskega morja. Prav te raziskave so ga napeljale na že omenjeno odkri- vanje vrst pri giricah in za tiste čase biološke neznanke - njihovega menjavanja spola. Odkritje, ki je pozneje prišlo v ihtiološke in zoofiziološke učbenike. V splitskem obdobju je vodil tečaje in praktične vaje iz biologije morja za študente tedanjih jugoslovanskih univerz. Po letu 1945 pa je postal vršilec dolžnosti direktorja Oceanografskega inštituta v Splitu. Leta 1947 gaje povabil na ljubljansko univerzo njegov učitelj in predstojnik Zoološkega inštitu- ta prof. dr. Jovan Hadži. Svet takratne Filozofske fakultete ga je potem imenoval za izrednega pro- fesorja. Leta 1954 je postal že redni profesor. Po upokojitvi prof. Hadžija je leta 1956 postal pred- stojnik Zoološkega inštituta na tedanji Prirodoslovno-matematični fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Po prihodu na univerzo je prevzel predmet primerjalno anatomijo vretenčarjev. Kasneje je uvedel še predmeta biologija strunarjev in praktični tečaj iz biologije morja na rovinjskem morsko- biološkem inštitutu JAZU, ki gaje kot direktor uspešno vodil vrsto let (1951 - 1960). S svojim ugle- 114 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 dom in organizacijsko spretnostjo je privabil na rovinjske tečaje iz morske biologije tudi učitelje in študente avstrijskih in nemških univerz. Tu je nastajala, v letih 1960-63, z njegovim sodelovanjem odlična knjiga: Fauna und Flora der Adria v redakciji znanega dunajskega profesorja dr. R. Riedla.V povojnih časih, ko je primanjkovalo raziskovalne opreme in znanstvene literature, je v zameno za ponujene usluge na inštitutu izpopolnil delovno opremo laboratorijev in obogatil, po umiku Italijanov, zelo osiromašeno knjižnico. Nekdanji učenci se spominjamo prof. Zeija kot odličnega učitelja. Dokaj težko snov iz primer- jalne biologije vretenčarjev, še posebno manj privlačno osteološko materijo, je predstavljal s sproščeno besedo in sliko, zelo nazorno. Zato smo njegova predavanja poslušali z zanimanjem. · Filogenetsko podajana poglavja iz primerjalne anatomije so se odvijala kot napet film. Najtesnejši stik s profesorjem pa smo imeli študenti na praktičnih vajah iz biologije morja. Vodil je laborato- rijske vaje in z nami na ladjici Bios križaril po »rovinjskem morju«, ko smo zajemali planktonske vzorce in z mrežo vlačnico strgali morsko dno. Ob njegovi razlagi smo spoznavali biotsko razno- likost podmorskega življenja. V sprehodih po rovinjskem parku pa nam je približal še obalni rastlin- ski in živalski svet. V vsem njegovem pedagoškem delu je izžarevala sla po predajanju znanja mladim. Bil je učitelj v najžlahtnejšem pomenu besede. V spominu nam je ostala tudi pokončna drža obeh učiteljev zoologije: prof. J. Hadžija in Zeija, ko sta ostala zvesta genetiki v nevarnih časih poli- tično podprtega prodiranja šarlatanskega lisenkizma iz Sovjetske zveze tudi na ljubljansko Univerzo. Svoj pogled v obrambo genetikov sta posredovala na petkovih seminarskih urah. Profesorja Zeija pa poznamo njegovi sodelavci tudi kot prodornega in ustvarjalnega znanstveni- ka. Zeijevo raziskovalno delo zajema snov iz sistematike, biologije in ekologije rib ter mnogoščetincev, morske ekologije in problemov speciacije populacij plazilcev (Lacertidae) na izoli- ranih istrskih otočkih. Ukvarjal se je tudi z uvajanjem novih raziskovalnih metod in tehnik, tedaj še s povsem pionirskim delom na podmorski televiziji. O svojih raziskovalnih problemih, največkrat povezanih z ribolovno tematiko se je z nami rad pogovarjal. Imel je izvirne zamisli o ekološko-pop- ulacijskem pristopu k izkoriščanju ribjih naselij v našem morju. Žal je pri tedanjih ustanovah, ki so se ukvarjale z morskim ribištvom naletel pogosto na gluha ušesa. Posledice tega, kot je pojav »prelo- va«, se kažejo pri upravljanju z ribjim bogastvom našega Jadrana še dandanes. Dela je objavljal v domačih in tujih revijah. Po prevzemu vodstva v Zoološkem inštitutu smo se dnevno srečevali pri kavici v njegovem kabi- netu. Bili so to nepozabni delovni sestanki. S širokim pogledom na razvoj inštituta in biologije v celoti je razvijal zamisli o novih področjih. Tako je spodbujal širitev inštitutskih dejavnosti od splošne zoologije, zoološke sistematike in evolucije še na limnologijo in ekologijo živali. S svojimi poznanstvi je poskrbel za dopolnilno izobraževanje sodelavcev na univerzah in raziskovalnih inštitu- cijah po svetu. Klic Pozejdona iz morja širjav ga je leta 1962 pozval na afriško morje. Postal je direktor oceanografsko-ribiških projektov ZN v Gani. S taksonomskimi, ekološko-populacijskimi in ribiško- ekonomskimi raziskovanji je postavil osnovo za učinkovitejši ribolov v Gvinejskem zalivu. S podob- nimi projekti se je kasneje ukvarjal še na FAO v Rimu, v Tuniziji in zahodni Afriki, od Maroka do Angole. Vodil je poslanstva Tehnične pomoči ZN v vzhodni in zahodni Afriki. Kot cenjen znanstvenik je bil član številnih mednarodnih delegacij in direktor morsko biološke šole pri FAO-ju ter UNESCO-ju v Carigradu. S svojimi raziskovalnimi izsledki in izkušnjami je prispeval k učinkovi­ tosti morskega ribištva. Kljub znanemu načelu, da FAO od sodelavcev ne pričakuje znanstvenih objav, ampak predvsem rezultate, ki so hitro in neposredno uporabni za razvoj gospodarnega ribištva, je prof. Zei objavljal svoje strokovne in znanstvene prispevke tudi v obdobju delovanja pri tej orga- Jubile ·i 115 nizaciji. Objavil je dela, ki so pomembna za območje osrednjega Atlantika in za boljše poznavanje biologije sardel ter njim sorodnih vrst. Kar 13 polnih let je deloval pri mednarodni organizaciji. S pridobljenim ugledom je potem privabil k sodelovanju pri ZN še štiri nekdanje učence, ki so potem postali nosilci pomembnih nalog pri FAO in UNESCO. Po upokojitvi pri ZN leta 1975 se je vrnil iz Rima v domovino in se naselil v Portorožu. Leta 1969 je bila ustanovljena Morska biološka postaja ali kratko MBP pri Inštitutu za biologi- jo univerze v Ljubljani. S tem dejanjem se je izpolnila dolgoletna želja obeh profesorjev: Hadžija in Zeija, da bi tudi Slovenci dobili raziskovalno ustanovo na Jadranu. Po vrnitvi v domovino, je v letih 1977-1983, prof. Zei prevzel mesto honorarnega predstojnika v tej ustanovi. S svojo avtoriteto je pospešil financiranje adaptacije in gradnjo novih prostorov v obmorski stavbi na Fomačah pri Piranu. V novo zgradbo se je inštitucija preselila leta 1980. Glede na pridobljene izkušnje je poskušal uvel- javiti uporabna ribiško-biološka raziskovanja za razvoj marikultur komercialnih ribjih vrst in školjk. Tudi po vrnitvi iz Rima je ostal prof. Zei v svoji stroki zelo dejaven. Obnovil je naziv rednega univerzitetnega profesorja. Med leti 1976 - 1985 je predaval predmeta ihtiologijo z ribiško biologi- jo in morsko biologijo. Od leta 1980- 1989 je bil glavni predavatelj cikličnega mednarodnega tečaja ribiške biologije in oceanografije za slušatelje afriških, azijskih in Jatino-ameriških držav, ki je potekal v organizaciji Zavoda SFRJ za mednarodno sodelovanje na Inštitutu za oceanografijo in ribištvo v Splitu. Po nalogu tega zavoda je opravil še misiji tehnične pomoči za razvoj morskega ribištva v Sao Tome - Principe in na Zanzibarju ( 1980 - 1982). Po letu 1983 se je posvetil pisanju znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov. Zbral in uredil je sloven- ska imena morskih rib, s čimer je prispeval k Slovarju slovenskega jezika (SAZU, 1970- 1991). Prof. Zei je avtor mnogih poljudnoznanstvenih člankov in knjig. Veliko je pisal v naš Proteus. Kar 11 knjig je namenil morju, ribam in vretenčarjem. Knjiga Človek in ocean (1950) je še vedno edino slovensko delo iz oceanografije. Knjiga Življenje našega Jadrana (1947), ki jo je napisal sku- paj s prijateljem- zdravnikom dr. J. Zhanelom, je bila dolga leta nepogrešljiva dijaška in študentska spremljevalka pri spoznavanju morskega življenja. Kot mojster umetniško zapisane besede se je predstavil s knjigo Obrazi morja (1987), kjer razkrije svoje globoko doživljanje in razumevanje morja, življenja in človeka. V zaporedju poglavij filozofsko povezuje znanost in resnico z umetnos- tjo ter mistično domišljijo. Legende o morju se prepletajo s stvarnimi doživetji. Zeije mojster besede in razmišljanja. Ker pozna in ljubi morje piše iz srca. Na koncu mu avtorja tega zapisa želiva še veliko srečnih let, da bi nam še podarjal znanje in »zei- jevsko« izpovedoval misli o morju in življenju v njem. Prepričana sva, da prav to želijo našemu jubi- lantu vsi, ki ga poznajo in še posebno njegovi bivši ter hvaležni učenci . V Ljubljani in Portorožu, julija 2004 NAVODILA AVTORJEM l. Vrste prispevkov a) ZNANSTVENI ČLANEK je celovit opis originalne raziskave in vključuje teoretični pregled tematike, podrobno predstavljene rezultate z diskusijo in sklepe ter literatumi pregled: shema IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion). Dolžina članka, vključno s tabelami, grafi in slika- mi, na sme presegati 15 strani; razmak med vrsticami je dvojen. Recenzirata ga dva recenzenta. b) PREGLEDNI ČLANEK objavi revija po posvetu uredniškega odbora z avtorjem. Število strani je lahko večje od 15. c) KRATKA NOTICA je originalni prispevek z različnih bioloških področij (sistematike, biokemije, genetike, mikrobiologije, ekologije itd.), ki ne vsebuje podrobnega teoretičnega pregleda. Njen namen je seznaniti bralca s preliminarnimi ali delnimi rezultati raziskave. Dolžina na sme pre- segati 5 strani. Recenzira ga en recenzent. d) KONGRESNA VEST seznanja bralce z vsebinami in sklepi pomembnih kongresov in posve- tovanj doma in v tujini. e) DRUŠTVENA VEST poroča o delovanju slovenskih bioloških društev. 2. Originalnost prispevka Članek, objavljen v reviji Acta Biologica Slovenica, ne sme biti predhodno objavljen v drugih revijah ali kongresnih knjigah. 3. Jezik Teksti naj bodo pisani v angleškem jeziku, izjemoma v slovenskem, če je tematika zelo lokalna. Kongresne in društvene vesti so praviloma v slovenskem jeziku. 4. Naslov prispevka Naslov (v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku) mora biti kratek, informativen in razumljiv. Za naslovom sledijo imena avtorjev in njihovi polni naslovi (če je mogoče, tudi štev. faxa in e-mail). 5. Izvleček - Abstract Podati mora jedrnato informacijo o namenu, uporabljenih metodah, dobljenih rezultatih in zaključkih. Primerna dolžina za znanstveni članek naj bo približno 250 besed, za kratko notico pa 100 besed. 6. Ključne besede - Keywords Število naj ne presega 10 besed, predstavljati morajo področje raziskave, predstavljene v članku. Člankom v slovenskem jeziku morajo avtorji dodati ključne besede v angleškem jeziku. 7. Uvod Nanašati se mora le na tematiko, ki je predstavljena v članku ali kratki notici. 8. Slike in tabele Tabele in slike (grafi, dendrogrami, risbe, fotografije idr.) naj v članku ne presegajo števila 10, v članku naj bo njihovo mesto nedvoumno označeno. Ves slikovni material naj bo oddan kot fizični original (fotografija ali slika). Tabele in legende naj bodo tipkane na posebnih listih (v tabelah naj bodo le vodoravne črte). Naslove tabel pišemo nad njimi, naslove slik in fotografij pod njimi. Naslovi tabel in slik ter legenda so v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Pri citiranju tabel in slik v besedilu uporabljamo okrajšave (npr. Tab. 1 ali Tabs. 1-2, Fig. 1 ali Figs. 1-2; Tab. 1 in Sl. 1). 9. Zakjučki Članek končamo s povzetkom glavnih ugotovitev, ki jih lahko zapišemo tudi po točkah. 10. Povzetek - Summary Članek, ki je pisan v slovenskem jeziku, mora vsebovati še obširnejši angleški povzetek. Velja tudi obratno. 11. Literatura Uporabljene literaturne vire citiramo med tekstom. Če citiramo enega avtorja, pišemo ALLAN (1995) ali (ALLAN 1995), če sta dva avtorja (TRlNAJSTIC & F'RANJIC 1994), če je več avtorjev (PULLIN & al. 1995). Kadar navajamo citat iz večih del hkrati, pišemo (HONSIG-ERLENBURG & al. 1992, WARD 1994A, ALLAN 1995, PULLIN & al. 1995). V primeru, če citiramo več del istega avtorja, objavljenih v enem letu, posamezno delo označimo s črkami a, b, c itd. (WARD 1994a,b). Če navajamo dobesed- ni citat, označimo dodatno še strani : TOMAN (1992: 5) ali (TOMAN 1992: 5-6). Literaturo uredimo po abecednem redu, začnemo s priimkom prvega avtorja, sledi leto izdaje in naslov članka, mednarod- na kratica za revijo (časopis), volumen poudarjeno, številka v oklepaju in strani. Npr.: HONSIG-ERLENBURG W., K. KRAINER, P. MILDNER & C. W!ESER 1992: Zur Flora und Fauna des Webersees. Carinthia II 182/102 (1): 159-173. TRINAJSTic & J. FRANJJC 1994: Ass. Salicetum elaeagno-daphnoides (BR.-BL. et VOLK, 1940) M. MOOR 1958 (Salicion elaeagni) in the Vegetation in Croatia. Nat. Croat. 3 (2): 253-256. WARD J. V. 1994a: Ecology of Alpine Streams. Freshwater Biology 32 (1): 10-15. WARD J. V. 1994b: Ecology of Prealpine Streams. Freshwater Biology 32 (2): 10-15. Knjige, poglavja iz knjig, poročila, kongresne povzetke citiramo sledeče: ALLAN J. D. 1995: Stream Ecology. Structure and Function of Running Waters, 1st ed. Chapman & Hall, London, 388 pp. PULLIN A. S., l. F. G. MCLEAN & M. R. WEBB 1995: Ecology and Conservation of Lycaena dis- par: British and European Perspectives. In: PULLIN A. S. (ed.): Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies, 1st ed. Chapman & Hall , London, pp. 150-164. TOMAN M. J. 1992: Mikrobiološke značilnosti bioloških čistilnih naprav. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja DZVS, Gozd Martuljek, pp. 1-7. 12. Format in oblika članka Članek naj bo poslan v obliki Word dokumenta (doc) ali kot obogateno besedilo (rtf) v pisavi "Times New Roman CE 12" z dvojnim medvrstnim razmakom in levo poravnavo ter s 3 cm robovi na A4 formatu. Odstavki naj bodo med seboj ločeni s prazno vrstico. Naslov članka in poglavij naj bodo pisani krepko in v velikosti pisave 14. Vsa latinska imena morajo biti napisana ležeče. Uporabljene nomenklaturne vire navedemo v poglavju Metode. Tabele in slike so posebej priložene tekstu. Vse strani (vključno s tabelami in slikami) morajo biti oštevilčene. Glavnemu uredniku je potrebno oddati original, dve kopiji in elektronski zapis na disketi 3,5", na CD-romu ali kot priponko elektronske pošte (slednjega odda avtor po opravljenih strokovnih in jezikovnih popravkih). 13. Recenzije Vsak znanstveni članek bosta recenzirala dva recenzenta (en domači in en tuji), kratko notico pa domači recenzent. Avtor lahko v spremnem dopisu predlaga tuje recenzente. Recenziran članek, ki bo sprejet v objavo, popravi avtor. Po objavi prejme 30 brezplačnih izvodov. V primeru zavrnitve se originalne materiale vrne avtorju skupaj z negativno odločitvijo glavnega urednika. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS l. Types of Articles a) SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES are comprehensive descriptions of original research and include a the- oretical survey of the topic, a detailed presentation of results with discussion and conclusion, and a bib- liography according to the IMRAD outline (lntroduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). The length of an article including tables, graphs, and illustrations may not exceed fifteen (15) pages; lines must be double-spaced. Scientific articles shall be subject to peer review by two experts in the field. b) REVIEW ARTICLES will be published in the joumal after consultation between the editori- al board and the author. Review articles may be longer than fifteen (15) pages. c) BRIEF NOTES are original articles from various biological fields (systematics, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, ecology, etc.) that do not include a detailed theoretical discussion. Their aim is to acquaint readers with preliminary or partial results of research. They should not be longer than five (5) pages. Brief note articles shall be subject to peer review by one expert in the field. d) CONGRESS NEWS acquaints readers with the content and conclusions of important con- gresses and seminars at home and abroad. e) ASSOCIATION NEWS reports on the work of Slovenc biology associations. 2. Originality of Articles Manuscripts submitted for publication in Acta Biologica Slovenica should not contain previous- ly published material and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. 3. Language Articles and notes should be submitted in English, or as an exception in Slovenc if the topic is very local. As a rule, congress and association news will appear in Slovenc. 4. Titles of Articles Titles (in Slovene and English) must be short, informative, and understandable. The title should be followed by the name and full address of the author (and if possible, fax number and e-mail address). 5. Abstract The abstract must give concise information about the objective, the methods used, the results obtained, and the conclusions. The suitable length for scientific articles is approximately 250 words, and for brief note articles, 100 words. 6. Keywords There should be no more than ten (10) keywords; they must reflect the field of research covered in the article. Authors must add keywords in English to articles written in Slovene. 7. Introduction The introduction must refer only to topics presented in the article or brief note. 8. lllustrations and Tables Articles should not contain more than ten (10) illustrations (graphs, dendrograms, pictures, pho- tos etc.) and tables, and their positions in the article should be clearly indicated. Ali illustrative mate- rial should be provided as physical originals (photographs or illustrations). Tables with their legends should be submitted on separate pages (only horizontal lines should be used in tables). Titles of tables should appear above the tables, and titles of photographs and illustrations below. Titles of tables and illustrations and their legends should be in both Slovene and English. Tables and illustra- tions should be cited shortly in the text (Tab. 1 or Tabs. 1-2, Fig. 1 or Figs. 1-2; Tab. 1 and Sl. 1). 9. Conclusions Articles shall end with a summary of the main findings which may be written in point form. 10. Summary Articles written in Slovene must contain a more extensive English summary. The reverse also applies. 11. Literature References shall be cited in the text. If a reference work by one author is cited, we write Allan (1995) or (Allan 1995); if a work by two authors is cited, (TrinajstiC & FranjiC 1994); if a work by three or more authors is cited, (Pullin & al. 1995); and if the reference appears in severa! works, (Honsig-Erlenburg & al. 1992, Ward 1994a, Allan 1995, Pullin & al. 1995). If severa! works by the same author published in the same year are cited, the individual works are indicated with the added letters a, b, c, etc.: (Ward 1994a,b). If direct quotations are used, the page numbers should be includ- ed: Toman (1992: 5) or (Toman 1992: 5-6). The bibliography shall be arranged in alphabetical order beginning with the surname of the first author followed by the year of publication, the title of the article, the international abbreviation for the joumal (periodical), the volume (in bold print), the number in parenthesis, and the pages. Examples: HONSIG-ERLENBURG w., K. KRAINER, P. MILDNER & C. WIESER 1992: Zur Flora und Fauna des Webersees. Carinthia II 182/102 (1): 159-173. TRINAJSTic & J. FRANJJc 1994: Ass. Salicetum elaeagno-daphnoides (BR.-BL. et VOLK, 1940) M. MOOR 1958 (Salicion elaeagni) in the Vegetation in Croatia. Nat. Croat. 3 (2): 253-256. WARD J. V. 1994a: Ecology of Alpine Streams. Freshwater Biology 32 (1): 10-15. WARD J. V. 1994b: Ecology of Prealpine Streams. Freshwater Biology 32 (2): 10-15. Books, chapters from books, reports, and congress anthologies use the following forms: ALLAN J. D. 1995: Stream Ecology. Structure and Function of Running Waters, 1st ed. Chapman & Hall, London, 388 pp. PULLIN A. S., l. F. G. MCLEAN & M. R. WEBB 1995: Ecology and Conservation of Lycaena dis- par: British and European Perspectives. In: PuLLIN A. S. (ed.): Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies, 1st ed. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 150-164. TOMAN M. J. 1992: Mikrobiološke značilnosti bioloških čistilnih naprav. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja DZVS, Gozd Martuljek, pp. 1-7. 12. Format and Form of Articles Articles should be send as Word document (doc) or Rich text format (rtf) using "Times New Roman CE 12" font with double spacing, align left and margins of 3 cm on A4 pages. Paragraphs should be separated with an empty line. The title and chapters should be written bold in font size 14. Ali scientific names must be properly italicized. Used nomenclature source should be cited in the Methods section. Tables and illustrations shall accompany the texts separately. Ali pages including tables and figures should be numbered. The original manuscript, two copies, and an electronic copy (after all corrections) on a 3.5" computer diskette, on CD-ROM or by e-mail must be given to the editor-in-chief. All articles must be proofread for professional and language errors before submis- sion. 13. Peer Review All Scientific Articles shall be subject to peer review by two experts in the field (one Slovene and one foreign) and Brief Note articles by one Slovene expert in the field. Authors may nominate a for- eign reviewer in an accompanying letter. Reviewed articles accepted for publication shall be correct- ed by the author. Authors shall receive thirty (30) free copies of the journal upon publication. In the event an article is rejected, the original material shall be retumed to the author together with the neg- ative deterrnination of the editor-in-chief. \'ni. -'7: šl. 1 Članki - .\rlkks: Tihor SZERDAIIELYI. Szihia F(rn. Szilard CZ()BEL . .lanos B.\LO(;H, Zoltan :\AG\' & Zoltan TUR\: Cocnological and ,ynphysiological investigatio11s on locss grassland \'cgctation (Su!t·io-Fc.,111cct11111 rttJ)icolue) dosc !D Giidiillii llills illungaryl ........................................................................................................................ .... 3 Szihia Ffrrt .. )anus BALOGH. Szilard CZOBEL. Zoltan NAGV, Sandor BARTHA & Zoltan TUBA: Scaso1wl :111d daily pattcrn. 1c111poral and ,palial ,ariahility of cL"osy,1c111 C02-eschange in a 1e1npera1e Pannnnian lttC-ss gra .... sland .................. ............................................................. .................. ........ . .......... 13 Ni\cs hTGOI\IČ. Boštjan POKOR:\V, 1\ldita STROPI\IK: Polluti<>n ni" garuen soils and \"egetahb in 1lll' Sakk ,,ilky ..................................................... ................................................ .. ................................ 11 Danko DII\IINIC', Boris IIRAŠOVEC. l\lilan CLAVAŠ. Nenad POTOČIC: Hannl"ul impact nf exceptional cnld air ,,uthreak in april 1997 on silver l"ir in Crnatia ........................................................................................... 27 Aleksandra KRl\"OGRAD KLEI\IEN('IČ. Danijel \'RHO\'ŠEK. Nataša SI\IOLAR mul (;orazd KOSI: Algae ol" specil"ic- envirnn111ents in Slmrnia ................................................ .. .............................................. ~ 1 , ·01. -'7: št. 2 t'lanki - .\rlides: i\lalt'ja (;SPA\I. i\largareta \'R'IAČNIK . .lana A\IBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, i\laja KO\'AČ. l\larjana C\\ILOH . .lana ŽEL: Tissue cul!ure or pyrcthrum 1Tanace1u111 cinerariifolium tTrevir.l Schu l 11 Bi p. 1 .................................................................................................................................... . .. ...... .-+5 \lall'ja CERI\I: L1V-B radiation screen :md rcspiratory potcntial in phy1oplank1on in mnuntain lakes ................ 57 Nina KRŽI('. All·nka GABERŠČIK & l\lall'ja GERI\I: The phenotypic plasticity ol" Glyceria rluitans growing o,cr thc \\'atL·r/land gradient ........ . .. ... 65 Jasna PA R,\DIŽ mul i\lilan LO\'K,\: Pni len grain hinassay for cm in111111en1al con1a111ination hiomoni1<>ring „ 7:', Tanja Sl'.\I(:t(:: Rc,piralion rate and respiralory elcctron tran,port s~ ,tem ( ETS) ac1i, i1y of chironomid la1Yac rrom 111oun1ain lake, 1 NW Slownia) ..... ................................... .. ........................................ in Tatjana ČELIK: Divcrzitl'la dnevnih 111e1uljev t L~pidoptcra: Rhopaloccra) v Regijsl-.em parl-.u Šl-.ocjanske jame ............. .. .. .... 9) Jubileji: Kazimir T.-\ R\IA\I in Jo l' ŠTIRN: Profesor dr. l\lirn,la,· Zei - dcvctdcsetlctnil-. .............................................. 1 1 ~