ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME V No. 12-1 May 1952 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1952 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 63 PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE PRODUCTION OF AND TRADE IN MARGARINE AND . EDIBLE HYDROGENATED FATS WHEREAS it is considered advisable to make provisions governing the production of and trade in margarine and edible hydrogenated fats, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHIT EL AW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The manufacture for trading purposes of solid edible fats other than butter and pork-fats as well as the operation of wholesale stores of said products shall be subject to licence to be issued by the Chamber of Commerce/ Industry and Agriculture, after hearing the Provincial Health Office with regard to the hygienic-sanitary requisites provided for by law and Regulations, including those concerning labour-hygiene matters. ARTICLE II The application for the licences mentioned in the foregoing. Article must indicate the location, the description of the plant and of the main processing modalities, and must be accompanied by a plan of the premises concerned to a scale not lower than 1:100 as well as by the receipt proving payment of the governmental concession tax established by this Order. The ascertainment concerning the hygienic-sanitary requisites shall be made by the Provincial Health Office through an inspection, the expenses of which shall be borne by the applicant. ARTICLE III The licences set foth in Article I hereof shall be subject to annual endorsement („visto“) by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture which issued them. Such endorsement shall be made within the month of January of each year upon production of the receipt proving payment of the annual concession taxes provided for by the fol1 owing Article. ARTICLE IY Anyone operating factories of solid edible fats other than butter or pork-fats as well as anyone operating wholesale stores of said products shall pay the governmental concession tax, at the rate of 10.000 Lire and 6.000 Lire respectively, both for the release as well as for the annual endorsement of the licence as provided for under Article I hereof. The licences mentioned under Article I, the relative applications and the annual endorsement on the said licences shall be subject to stamp-duty as prescribed'by existing provisions. The premises used for the production, handling, packing and storing, be it even temporary, as well as for wholesale of edible hydrogenated fats and of margarine, must not be in communication, even through court-yards, with other premises where butter is produced or handled. In premises for the storage or sale of margarine located outside the producing factories there must be no apparatus suitable for the handling of such product with butter. The holding of margarine and of edible hydrogenated fats in butter factories and/or premises annexed thereto, as well as the holding of butter in. margarine and hydrogenated fat factories and/or premises annexed thereto is hereby prohibited. ARTICLE VI Mixtures and emulsions made with edible fats of animal or vegetal origin other than butter and pork-fats, and containing more than 2% of moisture, shall compulsorily bear the general denomination of „margarina“. Edible hydrogenated fats shall compulsorily bear the general denomination of „grasso idrogenato“. The denominations set forth in the preceding paragraphs shall be shown in the commercial lists, in orders placed for the respective products („ordinativi di commissione“), in invoices, in receipts and in advertising printed notices concerning same products. ARTICLE VII It is hereby prohibited to manufacture, hold for sale, sell or in any way place on trade margarine having an acidity grade over 1 %, expressed in oleic acid, or containing the following : 1) less than 84% of fat substances ; 2) fats originating from milk ; 3) hydrocarbides of mineral origin ; 4) colouring substances prohibited by law ; 5) preserving substances not recognized as „non-detrimental“ to health by the competent sanitary authorities. It is hereby prohibited to manufacture, hold for sale, sell or in any way place on trade the following edible hydrogenated fats : 1 2 3 4 5 1) those having an acidity grade over 1 % expressed in oleic acid ; 2) those containing more than 2% of moisture ; 3) those showing catalytic traces precipitable with the ponderal methods of chemical analysis ; 4) those containing hydrocarbides of mineral origin ; 5) those containing colouring substances of whatsoever kind. Margarine and edible hydrogenated fats destined for internal consumption shall, upon their manufacture, be mixed with a sesame-oil „rilevatore“ according to the provisions to be established in the Regulations. Edible hydrogenated fats destined for the production of margarine in the same factories where they have been produced, shall be excluded from such obligation. Margarine and hydrogenated fats which, upon being organologically tested, appear to be rancid, mouldy or in any way altered, may not be sold or in any way placed on trade for edible use. It is hereby, prohibited to import margarine and edible hydrogenated fats not meeting the requisites prescribed by the present and by the foregoing Article. ARTICLE IX Margarine and edible hydrogenated fats destined for direct consumption must be made up and placed on sale in original and entire cakes of a net weight not exceeding one kilo and shall be contained in packages closed with seals and made in such a way as will not allow their further use after opening. The cake’s wrapping must bear on one of its larger sides the denominations „margarina“ or „grasso idrogenato“, the producer’s surname or firm’s name, as well as the latter’s place of residence or registered office, all marked in well visible and indelible characters. The other sides of the cake’s wrapping shall bear the words „margarina“ or „grasso idrogenato“ repeated in a sequence without interruption and marked in indelible and well visible characters of not 'ess than 2 millimeters in height on lines not more than 4 millimetres one from another. ARTICLE X In addition to the compulsory indications set forth in the foregoing Article, the cake’s wrapping may bear a trade-mark. Figures contained in the trade-mark and any possible fancy denominations applied on the product, on the labels, on the wrappings or on the advertising material shall make no reference, be it even indirectly, to milk or to its by-products. All indications other than the denomination „margarina“ or „grasso idrogenato“, even if included in the trade-mark, shall be smaller and less apparent than such denomination. ARTICLE XI Margarine and hydrogenated fats destined for food-stuff and sweets industries, shall be made up in pieces weighing, more than one kilo. Margarine and edible hydrogenated fats destined as per the foregoing paragraph shall be neither coloured nor mixed with aromatic substances. The p icking of said products shall, both as concerns their material and make-up, be such as will hygiemcally preserve their contents. The said packings shall bear the denomination „margarina“ or „grasso idrogenato“ according to the provisions prescribed by Article IX, second paragraph, and by Article X, as well as the indication „per usi industriali alimentari e dolciari“. Whenever the necessity of exportation so requires, the manufacture shall be permitted of margarine and edible hydrogenated fats destined for exportation with denominations and requisites concerning composition and make-up other than those prescribed by Arts. VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI, of this Order, after authorization of the Allied Military Government, according to the provisions to be established in the Regulations. ARTICLE XIII The analyses required for thé application of this Order for administrative and judicial purposes shall be carried out by the Provincial Hygiene and Prophylactic Laboratories. ARTICLE XIV Any person manufacturing margarine or edible hydrogenated fats for trading purposes or carrying out wholesale trade of said products without having obtained the licences indicated in Article I hereof or without having had same annually endorsed within the time-limit indicated in Article III, second paragraph, shall be punished by detention („arresto“) up to six months or by a fine („ammenda“) from 50.000 Lire to 1.000.000 Lire. In more serious cases both punishments shall be jointly applied without any prejudice, in any ease, to the application of the sanctions provided for by the laws concerning governmental concessions. Contraveners of the provisions contained in Article V shall be punished by a fine („ammenda“) from 10.000 Lire to 500:000 Lire. In more serious cases there shall also be applied detention („arresto“) up to three months. ARTICLE XV Any person producing for trading purposes margarine and/or edible hydrogenated fats not meeting the requisites set forth in Article VIII, first paragraph, and XI, second paragraph, or denominated or-made up in a manner other than that prescribed in Arts. VI, IX, X, second and third paragraphs, and XI, third and fourth paragraphs, shall be punished by detention („arresto“) up to six months or by a fine („ammenda“) from 50.000 Lire to 1.000.000 Lire. In more serious cases both punishments shall be jointly applied. The punishment shall be a fine from 20.000 Lire to 500.000 Lire if said products do not meet the requisites set forth in Arts. VII and VIIi, second paragraph. In more serious cases detention („arresto“) up to three months shall also be applied. ARTICLE XVI Any person who, having obtained the authorization provided for by Article XII, sells or cedes under whatsoever title for internal consumption margarine or edible hydrogenated fats not meeting the requisites established in Article VIII, first paragraph, X, second and third paragraphs, and XI, second paragraph, or denominated or made up in a manner other than that prescribed by Articles VI, IX, and XI, third and fourth paragraphs, shall be punished by detention („arresto“) up to six months or by a fine („ammenda“) from 50.000 Lire to 1.000.000 Lire. In more serious cases both punishments shall be jointly applied. The punishment shall be a fine („ammenda“) from 20.000 Lire to 500.000 Lire if the said products do not meet the requisites established in Articles VII and VIII, second paragraph. In more serious cases detention („arvesto“) up to three months shall also b,e applied. The. punishments provided for by the first paragraph of this Article shall likewise be applicable to any person importing margarine or edible hydrogenated fats not meeting the requisites established in Articles VII and VIII. ARTICLE XVII Any person holding for sale, selling or ceding under whatsoever title margarine or hydrogenated fats knowing same not to meet the requisites established in Articles VI, VII, VIII, first and second paragraphs, IX, X, second and third paragraphs,; and XI, third and fourth paragraphs, shall be punished by detention („arresto“) up to three months or by a fine („ammenda“) from 10.000 Lire to 500.000 Lire. In more serious cases both punishments shall be jointly applied.: ARTICLE XV1I1 In passing the sentence of conviction for the offences contemplated by this Order the Judge may order publication of an abstract of the sentence, at the convicted person’s expense, in a local newspaper and in a newspaper of wide circulation as well as the posting of said sentence on the notice-board of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste and of that Commune in the territory of which the convicted person resides. In particulary serious cases or in cases of recidivism the closing down of the business concerned for a period from a minimum of fifteen days up to a maximum of three months may be ordered. ARTICLE XIX The regulations for the implementation of this Order will be issued by Allied Military Government. ARTICLE XX The following provisions are hereby repealed : articles 28, 29 and 30 of R.D.L. 15 October 1925, No. 2033, corverted in to the Law 18 March 1926, No. 562, concerning the suppression of frauds in the preparation of and trade in substances of agricultural use and agricultural products ; the Law 19 May 1930, No. 777, substituting above mentioned article 29 ; articles 2 and 4 of R.D.L. b April 1933, No. 381, converted into the Law 8 June 1933, No. 765, for that part concerning butter substitutes ; R.D.L. 15 February 193,4, No. 290, converted into the Law 28 May 1934, No. 971, containing restrictions in the use of margarine for edible purposes ; R.D.L. 26 , August 1937, No. 1608, converted into the Law 23 December 1937, No. 2639, amending the former one ; and all other laws governing the production of and trade in margarine and edible hydrogenated fats inconsistent with the provisions of this Order. No change is hereby made to any other provisions concerning the suppression of frauds in the preparation of and trade in margarine and edible hydrogenated fats, as well as the provisions of law in hygienic-sanitary matters concerning edible products. Enterprises which, on the date of publication of this Order, are carrying out the manufacture for trading purposes of solid edible fats other than butter and pork-fats, or are operating wholesale stores of said products must, within the.^ime-limit of thirty days from the above date, submit application to obtain the licence with the modalities set forth in Article II hereof. Upon elapse of such time-limit without the application having been submitted,.the punishments contemplated in Article XIV, first paragraph, shall be applicable if the above activities are continued. ARTICLE XXII The production and handling of margarine and edible hydrogenated fats not meeting the requisites established by this Order are hereby permitted until ten days after the effective date of this Order. The sale of margarine and edible hydrogenated fats not meeting the requisites prescribed by this Order is hereby permitted for a period of thirty days after the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE XXIII This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/52/26 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 64 TEMPORARY PROTECTION OF INVENTIONS PRESENTED AT THE FAIR OF TRIESTE WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for the temporary protection of inventions, models, shop drawings and trade-marks not covered by patents or by legally deposited applications therefor, which will be presented at the Fair of Trieste for the year 1952 which will take place between 29 June and 13 July 1952, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigaaier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Inventions, models, shop drawings and trade-marks not covered by patents or by legally deposited applications therefor and presented at the Fair of Trieste for the year 1952 in accordance with the relevant regulations shall have by virtue of their presentation the temporary protection established by the Patent Laws in force. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General TJ. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/52/72 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 65 PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE COMMUNAL ELECTIONS (AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 51/1952) WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to amend Article V of Order No. 51. dated 26 March 195containing provisions concerning communal elections, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The fourth paragraph of Article V of Order No. 51, dated 26 March 1952, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „If the first meeting has not been attended by the prescribed number of coun-„cillors or if no candidate has obtained the aforementioned absolute majority, the election shall be adjourned to another meeting to be held within the time-limit of eight „days, at which a new voting shall be'made provided one half plus one of the councillors „in office are present. If no one obtains the absolute majority of votes another ballot „(„votazione di ballottaggio“) shall be made at the same sitting and the one who has „obtained the highest number of votes shall be proclaimed elected.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LDfAj52jyy Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 66 PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPLICATION OF THE FAMILY TAX FOR 1952 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to issue provisions concerning the application of the family tax for the year 1952, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE,!, JOHN L. WHIT EL AW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ,ORDER: ARTICLE I So far as the application of the family tax for the year 1952 is concerned a) the time limit fixed as of 1st August by Art. 273 of the Consolidated Text of laws on Local Government-Finance, 14 September 1931 No. 1175, as subsequently amended, is hereby extended to two months after the effective date of this Order ; b) as an exception to Art. 276 and 277 of the Consolidated Text of laws on Local Government Finance 14 September 1931 No. 1175, as subsequently amended, the Communal Board („Giunta Municipale“) may divide into several measures, in accordance with resolutions to be adopted within 10 December 1952, the drawing up of the list of variations. . Each individual list shall be deposited at the Communal Offices concerned for a period of twenty consecutive days, commencing from the day following that on which the Communal Board („Giunta Municipale“) has adopted the relative resolutions. Notices of payment shall be served on the tax-payers concerned during the period of deposit of the. respective list. So far as concerns claims for application of the tax at the right rate in respect of persons who have been unduly exempted or insufficiently taxed, the term allowed shall run as from the last day of deposit of the last list of variations. ARTICLE II For the year 1952, finally assessed family taxes, or family taxes rectified by the Office and not disputed, may be entered into the principal and supplementary rolls and into the special rolls as well. All such rolls, after final approval by „ Sovraintendenza di Finanza“, shall be deposited at the Communal Office for a period of five consecutive days. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡52I40 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 67 PROVISIONS CONCERNING AUTOMOBILE TAXES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to issue provisions concerning automobile taxes, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British,-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITE LAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Tariffs A, A A, R, BB, C and E appended to Order No. 43, dated 7 March 1949, and Tariff I) appended to Order No. 340, dated 16 October 1948, concerning circulation taxes on motor-vehicles are hereby repealed and substituted by Tariffs A, AA, B, BB, C, D and E appended to this Order. ARTICLE II Article II of Order No. 340, dated 15 October 1948, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following „The following motor-vehicles used for special purposes and not fit for transportation of goods shall ,be subject to circulation tax at the rate of Lire 500 per HP : 1) Industrial tractors ; 2) Chassis of motor trucks with three axles ; 3) Street cleaning trucks ; 4) Snow cleaning trucks ; 5) Motor pumps ; 6) Water sprinkling trucks ; 7) Repair trucks ; 8) Ladder-trucks and trucks to repair electric lines ; 9) Crane-trucks to assist in the recovery of motor-vehicles ; 10) Grain-Husking machines ; 11) Motor-Thrashing machines ; 12) Motor-Hearses ; 13) Motor-lorries specially fitted to transport prisoners ; 14) Sanitary trucks ; 15) Advertising trucks, and trucks for advertising shows provided they are permanently fitted for that purpose and the transported goods are never removed therefrom ; 16) Mobile sound trucks ; 17) Motor-vehicles for mobile performances. All trailers used exclusively with the motor-vehicles referred to in the foregoing paragraph and not fit for the transportation of goods, trailers with bodies manufactured for special use in accordance with the motor-vehicle by which they are hauled, trailers used for habitation camping and the like, and trolleys for road transportation of railway trucks shall pay the circulation tax at the fixed rate of Lire 3,000. A.M.G. - P.T.T. Gazette — Yol. V, No, 12 — 1 May 1952 231 The list contained in the first paragraph hereof may be amended by administrative provisions to be issued by the Department of Finance in agreement with the Department of Transportation. In respect of motor-boats used for the transportation of goods the circulation tax shall be paid at the rate of Lire 150 per HP. Motor ambulances shall be subject to circulation tax at the rate of Lire 120 per HP, provided they are unfit for the transportation of goods and the relative circulation licence is issued for special use. ARTICLE III Article V of Order No. 43, dated 7 March 1949, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The fixed tax for test, circulation as established by Article 2 of R.D.L. 19 December 1936, No. 2168, as subsequently amended, is hereby increased to Lire 40,000 for motor-cars, lorries and trailers ; to Lire 6,000 for motor-cycles, motor-cycles with side-car, motor-vans, light motor-cycles, light motor-cycles with side-ear and light motor-vans ; and to Lire 3,000 for motor boats. For bicycles with an auxiliary motor of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cubic centimetres, the aforesaid tax shall be of Lire 3,000. The reduction of 60 per cent provided for by article 19 of R.D.L. 30 December 1933, No. 3283, as amended, shall not be applicable in respect of such tax.“ ARTICLE IV Agricultural and industrial firms may be authorized to transport - provided not simultaneously - persons or goods by their own lorries for the purpose of moving their personnel from the place of residence or of gathering to the place of work and vice-versa. ARTICLE V The authorization referred to in Article IV hereof shall be granted by the Zone President. For the purpose, the firms concerned shall file with the Zone President an application accompanied by the following documents : a) a certificate of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture confirming the firm’s necessity to use the authorization ; b) a certificate of the appropriate „Ispettorato Compartimentale della motorizzazione civile e dei trasporti in concessione “confirming that the lorry is fit for the special use required and specifying the maximum number of persons allowed to travel on the lorry. If there are no reasons of public order or public safety to thé contrary, the Zone President shall grant the authorization requested specifying : 1) the maximum number of persons allowed on the lorry; 2) the itinerary to be followed by the lorry when used for the special purpose ; 3) the hours and days during which the transportation may be effected. On grounds of public order or of public safety, the Zone President may at any time suspend or revoke the authorization. ARTICLE VII For the transportation referred to in Article IV hereof the circulation tax shall be paid to the Motor-Vehicles Registration Office („Uffieio Registrazione Autoveicoli “) at the fixed rate of Lire 1,000 per annum per transportable person, regardless of whether the special authorization has been used or not. So far as the lorries to be used for the transportation in question are concerned, the interested parties shall adhere to the provisions of Law 20 June 1935, No. 1949, and the circulation tax due for the transportation of goods shall be paid in accordance with Table D appended to this Order. ARTICLE VIII Any person or firm transporting persons by lorry without the prescribed authorization shall be liable to the fine „(ammenda“) established by Article 114 of R.D. 8 December 1933, No. 1740, as amended, in addition to the fiscal penalties provided for by Article VIII of General Order No. 24, dated 26 November 1945, as amended. The aforesaid violation shall involve the withdrawal of the lorry circulation licence and of the driver’s licence in accordance with articles 81 and 94 of the above mentioned R.D. 8 December 1933, No. 1740. c ~ The provisions of this Article shall also apply to persons or firms who, although duly provided with the authorization, fail to abide by the provisions of Article VI hereof or effect the transportation of personnel not in the employ of the firm owning the lorry. ARTICLE IX The first paragraph of article 29 of R.D. 30 December 1923, No. 3283, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „Any request for authority to transport passengers on trips not in the regular line by motor-vehicles engaged in public transportation services under a final or provisional concession, with or without the obligation of postal service, shall be filed with „Ispettorato Compartimentale della motorizzazione civile e dei trasporti in concessione.“ A.M.G. - F. T. T. Gazette — Vol. V, No. 12 — 1 May 1952 233 The circulation tax on motor-cycles, motor-cycles with side-car, light motor-cycles, light motor-cycles with side-car and light motor-vans shall be paid by a single instalment, after deduction, upon payment, of as many sixths of the annual tax as are the two-monthly periods which have expired after the commencement of the calendar year. If the payment is made for the full calendar year, a reduction of one-twentieth shall be granted on the amount of the tax as established by Article VII, letter a), of Order No. 340, dated 15 October 1948. ARTICLE XI Persons however disabled („mutilati ed invalidi“) shall be exempt from circulation tax on their bicycles with auxiliary motor, light motor-cycles and light motor-cycles with side-car, when same are used for the purpose of replacing or completing their possibilities of movement. The right to the aforesaid privilege shall be annually recognized by the „ Sovraintendenza di Finanza“ at the request, duly supported by proper document, of the person concerned, who shall be supplied with a disk bearing the inscription „servizio esente“ (S.E. ). ARTICLE XII All motorbusses of firms operating postal and non-postal lines shall be permitted to freely circulate on any such lines provided the circulation tax is paid on the basis of a proportion between the annual mileage covered on postal and on non-postal service. ARTICLE XIII The circulation of trailers alternatively hauled by the same mptor-vehicle shall be subject only to the circulation tax due for the trailer having a greater carrying capacity. Such privilege shall be subject to the following conditions : 1) carrying out of a technical survey by the competent „Ispettorato Compartimentale della motorizzazione civile“ ; 2) the lorry and the respective trailers must be owned by the same person or firm ; 3) the „Ispettorato“ shall enter into the lorry circulation licence the details of the number plates of the trailers which may. be alternatively hauled in accordance with this Article. ARTICLE XIV Article VII of Order No. 43, dated 7 March 1949, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The transportation of newly .manufactured motor-cars, motor-cycles, motor-cycles with side-car, light motor-cycles and light motor-cycles with side-car and of the relative spare parts on lorries and motor-vans, also newly manufactured, provided with a regular „foglio di via“ issued by „Ispettorato Compartimentale della motorizzazione civile e dei trasporti in concessione“ in terms of article 74 of R.D. 8 December 1933, No. 1740, shall be subject to a fixed tax of Lire 2,000, to be paid to the Motor-Vehicles Registration Office („Ufficio Registrazione Autoveicoli“) for each individual transportation on production of the relative „foglio di via“, which shall contain a summary list of the spare parts transported.., Motorbusses used for the transportation of persons and lorries used for the transportation of goods as well as their relative trailers, when temporarily imported from abroad and belonging to persons permanently residing abroad, may circulate in the Zone against payment of one-36th of the annual tax for every 10 days’ stay or fraction thereof. The fiscal treatment established by this Article shall be subject to reciprocity by the foreign Country in which the possessor of the temporarily imported motor-vehicle resides. ARTICLE XVI The Department of Finance shall entrust the Motor-Vehicle Registration Office („Ufficio Registrazione Autoveicoli“) with the collection of all circulation taxes and additional dues for the period and on the conditions which will be stablished by an appropriate agreement to be approved by an administrative measure of the said Department. ARTICLE XVII With effect from I January 1952, one-sixth of the revenue from circulation taxes on motor-vehicles shall be transferred to the Province of Trieste. For this purpose the Department of Finance shall add an appropriate Heading to the half-yearly Estimated Expenditure Budget. ARTICLE XVIII This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 1 January 1952. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/52/53 Director General, Civil Affairs MOTOCICLI TARIFFA A Potenza In cavalli vapore Tassa annua Fino a 3 ............ Da oltre 3 fino a 6 Oltre 6 ............- L. 4.000 5.500 7.500 MOTOCARROZZETTE Potenza in cavalli vapore Tassa annua Fino a 3 .......................................................................... L. 4.500 Da oltre 3 fino a 6 ............................................................... n 6.000 Oltre 6 ........................................................................... „ 8.000 NI». — Per le motocarrozzette adibite al servizio pubblico da piazza la tassa è ridotta ad un quarto (1/4). TARIFFA AA VELOCIPEDI CON MOTORE AUSILIARIO Cilindrata Tassa fissa annua Fino a 50 cm3 ......................................................... „ 1.200 MOTOCICLI LEGGERI Cilindrata Tassa annua Oltre 50 cm3 e fino a 125 cm3.......................................................... L. 3.000 MOTOCARROZZETTE LEGGERE Cilindrata Tassa annua Oltre 50 cm3 e fino a 125 cm3 ......................................................... „ 3.500 TARIFFA B AUTOVETTURE ADIBITE AL TRASPORTO DI PERSONE Potenza in cavalli vapore Tassa annua Fino a 10 ...................................................................... L. 7.000 10.000 12.000 14.200 18.000 21.000 24.000 27.000 30.000 32.000 36.000 39.000 42.000 45.000 48.000 51.000 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 L. Fino a 26 „ 27 „ 28 „ 29 „ 30 n 31 „ 32 „ 33 a 34 „ 35 „ 36 a 37 „ 38 „ 39 „ 40 „ 41 „ 42 43 „ 44 45 54.000 57.000 60.000 63.000 66.000 69.000 72.000 75.000 79.000 83.000 87.000 91.000 95.000 99.000 103.000 107.000 111.000 115.000 119.000 123.000 NB. — Per le autovetture di potenza superiore ai 45 cavalli vapore si applica la tassa corrispondente a cavalli vapore 45 aumentata di Lire 5.000 (cinquemila) per ogni cavallo vapore in più dei 45. Alla tassa riportata nella presente tabella si applicano le seguenti riduzioni r 1) per le autovetture da noleggio di rimessa : riduzione del 50 per cento ; per le autovetture costruite o immatricolate prima del 1937 la riduzione è del 60 per cento ; 2) per le autovetture adibite al servizio pubblico da piazza : riduzione ad un quarto (1/4) ; per le autovetture costruite o immatricolate prima del 1937 la riduzione è ad un quinto (1/5) ; 3) per le autovetture adibite a scuola guida : riduzione del 40 per cento (40%) a condizione che sulla licenza sia stata apposta dal competente Ispettorato compartimentale della motorizzazione civile apposita annotazione attestante che l’autoveicolo è munito del doppio comando ed è adibito esclusivamente a scuola guida. TARIFFA BB AUTOBUS ADIBITI AL TRASPORTO DI PERSONE Potenza in cavalli vapore Tassa annua Fino a 10 ........................................................................ L. 6.000 „ 11 ...................................................................... „ 7.500 „ 12 ....................................................................... „ 9.000 Fino a 13 ,, 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ 11 „ 18 „ 19 „ 20 „ 21 „ 22 „ 23 „ 24 „ 25 „ 26 „ 27 „ 38 „ 29 „ 30 „ 31 „ 32 „ 33 „ 34 „ 35 „ 36 „ 37 „ 38 „ 39 „ 40 „ 41 „ 42 „ 43 44 „ 45 L. 10.500 „ 12.000 11 13.500 11 15.000 » 16.500 „ 18.000 20.000 11 22.000 11 24.000 „ 26.000 „ 28.000 11 30.000 „ 32.000 11 34.000 „ 36.000 11 38.000 11 40.000 11 42.000 44.000 11 46.000 11 48.000 „ 50.000 „ 53.000 11 56.000 ,, 59.000 11 62.000 11 65.000 11 68.000 ,, 71.000 11 74.000 77.000 11 80.000 83.000 NB. — Per gli autobus di potenza superiore ai 45 cavalli vapore si applica la tassa corrispondente ai cavalli vapore 45, aumentata di lire 3.000 per ogni cavallo vapore in più dei 45. Per gli autobus adibiti ai servizi di noleggio da rimessa e per gli autobus adibiti a! servizio pubblico su linea regolare si applica la tassa riportata nella presente tabella ridotta di un terzo (1/3). , TARIFFA C AUTOSCAFI AD USO PRIVATO Potenza in cavalli vapore Trasporto di persone 1 2 3 4 Tassa annua . L. 940 1.140 . „ 1.345 1.555 5 ............................................................................... L. 1.770 6 ............................................................................... „ 1.985 7 .............................................................................. „ 2.310 8 ............................................................................... „ 2.645 9 ............................................................................... „ 2.980 10 ................................................................................ „ 3.325 11 ................................................................................ „ 3.685 12 ................................................................................ „ 4.060 13 ............................................................................... „ 4.550 14 ..................................................!.......................... „ 5.055 15 ............................................................................... „ 5.555 16 ................................................................................ „ b.095 17 ...........„................................................................. „ 6.635 18 ................................................................................ „ 7.300 19 ................................................................;............ „ 7.980 20 ................................................................................ „ 8.675 21 ................................................................................ „ 9.535 22 ............................................................................... „ 10.425 23 .............................................................................. „ 11.500 24 ................................................................................ „ 12.680 25 ................................................................’............ „ 13.895 26 .............................................................................. „ 15,135 27 ................................................................................ „ 16.635 28 ..................................................:.......................... „ 18.075 29 ................................................................................ „ 19.850 30 ................................................................................ „ 21.560 31 ................................................................................ „ 23.425 32 ................................................................................ „ 25.325 33 ................................................................................ „ 27.275 34 ................................................................................ „ 29.275 35 ............................................................................... „ 31.325 36 ................................................................................ „ 33.810 37 ................................................................................ ; 36.310 38 ............................................................................... „ 38.810 39 ....................J........................................................ „ 41.310 40 ................................................................................ „ 43.810 41 ................................................................................ „ 46.310 42 ................................................................................ „ 48.810 43 ................................................................................ „ 61-310 44 ................................................................................ „ 53.810 45 ................................................................................ „ 56.310 NB. — Per gli autoscafi di potenza superiore ai 45 cavalli vapore si applica la tassa corrispondente ai caval'i vapore 45 aumentata di 'ire 2.500 per ogni cavallo vapore in più dei 45. Per gli autoscafi adibiti al trasporto di cose la tassa di circolazione è dovuta in ragione di lire 150 per ogni cavallo vapore di potenza del motore, giusta l’art. 2 del decreto-legge 7 maggio 1948, n. 1058. Per gli autoscafi destinati al servizio pubblico autorizzato si applica la tassa riportata dalla presente tabella ridotta a un terzo (1/3). TARIFFA D TARIFFA DELLA TASSA UNICA DI CIRCOLAZIONE AUTOCARRI, MOTOCARRI MOTOFURGONCINI, RIMORCHI E MOTOFURGONCINI LEGGERI Tassa annua Autocarri, Portata utile del veicolo motocarri Rimorchi motofurgoncini Fino a 4 quintali L. 5.000 L. 5.500 Da oltre 4 fino a 8 qli 7.000 11 7.700 » « » 10 » ‘ * 9.000 11 9.900 „ io „ 15 » 12.000 11 13.200 „ 15 „ 20 » ................. 17.000 11 18.700 „ 20 „ 25 „ 22.000 11 24.200 „ ' 25 „ 30 H 27.000 11 29.700 » 30 „ 35 11 32.000 35.200 » 35 „ 40 „ 37.000 11 40.700 „ 40 „ 45 „ 42.000 11 46.200 „ 45 „ 50 )) 47.000 11 51.700 „ 50 „ 60 H 52.000 11 57.200 60 „ 70 11 58.000 11 63.800 „ 70 „ 80 „ 64.000 11 70.400 „ 80 „ 90 „ 72.000 79.200 „ 90 „ 100 11 82.000 „ 90.200 „ 100 „ 110 11 92.000 11 101.200 Oltre 100 quintali » 105.000 11 115.500 NB. — Per i motofurgoneini leggeri la tassa annua è di lire 4.000. TARIFFA E RIMORCHI ADIBITI AL TRASPORTO PERSONE Noleggio rimessa Numero dei posti Uso privato e servizio pubblico di linea L. 25.000 L. 16.665 „ 37.500 ., 25.000 „ 56.250 „ 37.500 Oltre i 40 „ 93.750 „ 62.700 NEW CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATION WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant new concessions of temporary importation, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British - United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-exportation 1. Raw cotton For the production of cot- ton wadding, cotton wool and cotton carded fabrics, as well as of yarns and fabrics with a content of new cotton of at least 20%, re-exportable also in garments or incorporated in other products 1.000 kilos 1 year 2. Meat and by-products For the production of saus- of slaughtering (tripe ages and for canning, tongues, livers, guts salting, smoking and any brains, glands, etc.) whe- ' other kind of processing ther fresh, refrigerated (concession valid from or frozen 27 Dec. 51) 100 kilos 6 months 3. Natural sodium borate For the production of borax 500 kilos 6 months (raw borax) 4. Raw woolly hides unfit For removing the wool and for the manufacture of furs pickling („picklate“) 1.000 kilos 6 months DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-exportation 5. Lubricating mineral oil, For the manufacture of refined, anhydrous and electric cables (conces- without acids having sion valid from 1 Janua- viscosity at 50° not less than 26.5 Engler or, at 100°, not less than 3.4 Engler ry 1952) 100 kilos 1 year 6. Colophony For the manufacture of special lubricants to be used in the manufacture of electric cables (concession valid from 1 January 1952) 100 kilos 1 year 7. Insulating mixtures of For the manufacture of colophony and mineral electric cables (conces- oil sion valid from 1 Jan. 1952) 100 kilos 1 year 8. Raw dried and or salted For tanning and finishing 500 kilos 6 months hides unfit for the manufacture of furs 9. Wooden trunks and For the manufacture of 100 kilos of 1 year roots veneer (concession valid each quality from 27 November 1951) of wood ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to the administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 23 February 1952. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General, TT. S. Army Ref. : LD I A/52162 Director General, Civil Affairs NEW CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATION WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant new concessions of temporary importation, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHIT EL AW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-exportation I. Phosphorites For the production of su- perphosphates 1.000 kilos 6 months 2. Malt For the manufacture of beer (concession valid from 18 June 1951) 100 kilos 1 year 3. Cold rolled steel wire, Foi the production of tyres 13/10 in diameter ap- (concession valid from 8 proximately July 1951) 500 kilos 1 year 4. „Simplex“ knitted tex- For the manufacture of tiles gloves (concession valid from 25 August 1951) 100 kilos 1 yeer ARTICLE II The privilege of temporary importation provided for by R. D. L. 20 October 1931, No. 1404, as converted into Law by Law 18 January 1932, No. 85, in respect of raw jute used for the manufacture of textile products, even if in sown containers (bags, tarpaulins, etc.), is hereby extended, for a period of six months commencing from 25 August 1951, also to the manufacture of products of jute mixed with other textile fibres. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to the administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 22 February 1952. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡¡2¡6i Director General, Civil Affaire Order No. 70 COMMISSION ON SALE OF QUININE PRODUCTS TO BE PAID TO MONOPOLY RETAILERS, CHEMISTS AND PHYSICIANS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to fibs the rate of commission due to Monopoly retailers, chemists and physicians for the sale of quinine products, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect fiom 1 April 1952, the commission on the gale of quinine products to be paid to Monopoly retailers, licensed chemists and physicians with drug-dispensary is hereby fixed at 20 per cent of the tariff price established for the sale to the public of the purchased products, whether in tablets, pills or in solutions for hypodermic use. Í * j • ; d l . ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡52¡jo Director General, Civil Affaire AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS PAPPA Attilio of Eugenio and of the late Emma Oei, born in Trieste on 28 November i8g6, residing in Trieste, Via Carducci 12, has complied with the Law formalities required to obtain the change of his surname and that of his wife Serena PUEGHER of Edmondo, into that of „PAPA“, according to the authority granted to him by the Director of Legal Affairs on November 15, ig^i, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected, WHEREAS the provisions of Title VIII Chapter I of R. D. No. 1328 of July g, igjg on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections have been raised, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested person PAPPA Attilio of Eugenio, is hereby changed into that of „PAPA“, which change is valid also in respect of his wife Serena PUECHER of Edmondo. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at the foot of the deeds themselves, according to the existing Law. ' * 3. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st day of April 1952. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Ref.: LD\B\32/23 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 23 SUBSTITUTION OF MEMBERS OF THE ZONE COMMISSION FOR TAXES WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to provide for the substitution of some members of the Zone Commission for Taxes appointed by Administrative Order No. 14 dated 30 March 1949, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General Civil Affairs ORDER: 1. — Dott. FACCINI Giuseppe is hereby appointed full member of the Zone Commission for Taxes, Special Section competent for expropriation of regime profits, in substitution of aw. SILVESTR1 Luigi who has resigned. 2. — Rag. PERSIANl Alfredo is hereby appointed deputy member of the Zone Com- mission for Taxes, Special Section competent for expropriation of regime profits, in substitution of dott. FACCINI Giuseppe. 3. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1952. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Ref. : LDlB\52\2i Director Genera], . Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 24 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS CABRIN Valeria of late Giovanni and of Valeria Schusterschitz, born in Trieste on n October 1906, CABRIN Ezio of late Giovanni and of Valeria Schusterschitz bom in Trieste on 5 February 1908, CABRIN Giovanna of late Giovanna and of Valeria Schusterschitz, born in Trieste on 30 October 1914, CABRIN Eugenia of late Giovanni and of Valeria Schustersitz, born in Trieste on 28 December 1909, married to Tullio De Martini, SCHXJSTERSCHITZ Valeria of late Francesca and of late Eugenia Sgauz, widow of CABRIN Giovanni, born in Trieste on 24 January 1886, all residing in Trieste, have complied with the Law formalities required, to obtain the change of their surname into that of „CAPRIN“ according to the authority granted to them by the Director of Legal Affairs on 7 December 1951, and WHEREAS said persons have now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected, WHEREAS the provisions of Title VIII Chapter I of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections have been raised, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. The surname of the interested persons CABRIN Valeria of late Giovanni, CABRIN Ezio of late Giovanni, CABRIN Giovanna of late Giovanni, CABRIN Eugenia of late Giovanni married to Tullio De Martini, SCHUSTERSCHITZ Valeria of late Francesco, widow of CABRIN, is hereby changed into that of „CAPRIN“. 2. The applicants will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at the foot of the deeds themselves, according to the existing Law. 3. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1952. Ref. : LDIBI52I25 VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs CONTENTS Order No. 63 No. 64 No. 65 No. 66 No. 67 No. 68 No. 69 No. 70 Page Provisions governing the production of an d trade in margarine and edible hydrogenated fats .. ........................................................ 223 Temporary protection of inventions presented at the Fair of Trieste....... 228 Provisions concerning the communal elections - (Amendment to .Order No. 51/1952).................................................................. 229 Provisions concerning the application of the family tax for 1952 ......... 230 Provisions concerning automobile taxes ................................... 231 New concessions of temporary importation ................................ 241 New concessions of temporary importation ................................. 243 Commissions on sale of quinine products to be paid to monopoly retailers, chemists and physicians.............................................; .. .. 244 Administrative Order No. 22 Authority to change the surname.............•.............................. .. 245 No. 23 Substitution of members of the Zone Commission for taxes. ................. 245 No. 24 Authority to change the surname............................................. 246