Acta agriculturae slovenica, suplement 1(avgust 2004), 145–151. 12th Int. Symp. “Animal Science Days”, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 2–4, 2004. Review paper Pregledni znanstveni prispevek MILK PRODUCTION IN RECORDED COWS IN THE LAST TEN YEARS IN CROATIA Sonja JOVANOVAC a), Krešimir KUTEROVAC b), Vesna BULIĆ b) and Damir RIMAC c) a) Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ. of Osijek, Fac. of Agriculture, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia, Prof., Ph.D. b) Croatian Livestock Center, Ilica 101, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia. c) Same address as a), M.Sc. ABSTRACT The results of milk recording in Croatia were studied for the period of ten years. In the past years, the number of cows under selection control has been significantly increased. In 1994 this percentage was 19.5%, while in 2003 it increased up to 62.5%, when compared to the total number of cows. Unlike farming enterprises, the number of cattle producers and herd size on family farms has been increased. The number of milk recorded cows has been increasing as well. In 2003 there were 20.9% milk recorded cows, ten years ago only 8.9%. In Croatia, the most used breed is Simmental (67.2%), followed by Holstein (31.8%), and Brown breed (0.95%). The growing interest of the producers on family farms in Holstein breed is evident. The milk production of Simmental, Holstein and Brown breeds is presented separately for the family farms and for the enterprises. The increased average of milk yield, fat and protein percentage during 305 days of lactation is evident in all 3 breeds, particularly since 2001. Ranging in milk production traits in recorded cows during the monitoring period, as well as quite significant positive trends in recent years are reflecting the breeding conditions in Croatia. Key words: cattle / dairy cows / milk production / recording / Croatia PRIREJA MLEKA PRI KRAVAH V KONTROLI V ZADNJIH DESETIH LET NA HRVAŠKEM IZVLEČEK V študiji so obdelani rezultati kontrole prireje mleka za obdobje desetih let na Hrvaškem. Število krav, vključenih v rejski program, je v zadnjih letih močno poraslo. Gleda na skupno število krav je bilo leta 1994 v rejski program vključenih 19,5% krav, med tem ko je njihov delež v letu 2003 narasel na 62,5%. V nasprotju z govedorejskimi obrati se je število družinskih kmetij in velikost čred povečalo. Prav tako je naraslo število krav v kontroli prireje mleka. V letu 2003 je bilo v kontroli 20,9% krav, pred devetimi leti le 8,9%. Na Hrvaškem prevladuje reja krav lisaste pasme (67,2%), nato krave holštajnske pasme (31,8%) in krave rjave pasme (0,95%). Na družinskih kmetijah se bolj zanimajo za povečevanje reje krav holštajnske pasme Prireja mleka po pasmah (lisasta, holštajnska in rjava) je predstavljena ločeno za družinske kmetije in govedorejske obrate. Pri vseh treh pasmah je zaznati občutno povečanje mlečnosti ter odstotkov maščobe in beljakovin v standardni laktaciji (305 dni), še zlasti od leta 2001 dalje. Povečana prireja mleka pri kravah v kontroli za opazovano obdobje, pa tudi pozitivni trendi zadnjih let, kažejo pogoje reje na Hrvaškem. Ključne besede: govedo / krave / molznice / mleko / prireja / kontrola / Hrvaška Acta agriculturae slovenica, suplement 1(avgust 2004). 146 INTRODUCTION There is a long tradition of breeding and selection of cattle in Republic of Croatia; the beginnings of organised work started in 1913, when Union of cattle breeding associations was established in Sv. Ivan Žabno. More intensive influence of selection started after launching the national breeding program (1974), and modern new breeding program (1992). The main breeding goal is the creation of genetic base population of cattle by selection of sires and dams of the best quality with the aim of gaining maximum profit through the increase of production potential. The genetic construction is based mainly on the breeding of own sires and occasional import of the semen from proven quality bulls originating from different population. In such manner, program is open for import of genes from the populations worldwide. Significant social and economic changes which influenced entire agricultural production (transition, privatisation, war damages, loss of the market) took place after Croatia gained its independence. In line with the new laws on agriculture, agricultural lands, environmental production and the law on subsidies the following goals were set up: the increase of domestic animals fund, the increase of family farm size, modernisation of production capacities and improving the animal products quality. The process involved cattle production, especially diary production, resulting in subsidies, the improvement of selection activities and the support of the advisory service. The changes in size and structure of controlled population, as well as in the milk production level presented in this paper, are the consequence of the above mentioned changes and of the breeding and selection work in the past ten years. MATERIAL The data used in this paper are obtained from the Annual reports of Croatian Livestock center from 1994 to 2003 (Godišnje izvješće. Hrvatski stočarski centar, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003). The data served as a basis for analysing the size and structure of the dairy cow population under selection, with special emphasis on milk production in milk recorded cows. Selection is defined as milk and parentage recording or only parentage controlling. All lactations are 305 days lactations, milk production is presented as an average value of all lactations. The milk recording was performed according to ICAR guidelines. Alternate (AT) and A4 methods were used on family farms and enterprises respectively. Since 2002 the fat and protein content have been determined in the Central laboratory for milk control in Križevci, which acts in accordance with the application of the new milk control system. RESULTS Size and structure of the controlled population The milk production is done mainly on the family farms and on the smaller scale in the enterprises. Table 1 clearly shows the variation in the total number of cows during the monitored period, but with the decreasing trend regarding the total number in 1994. On the other hand, the proportion of the cows under selection is increasing on a yearly basis. In 1994 this percentage was 19.55%, while in 2003 this value was 62.49%. The increase refers to family farms, followed by the increase of the number of breeders (Table 2). Table 2 shows slight increase of the average number of cows per farm. On the contrary, there is no tendency towards higher average number of cows on the enterprises. The distribution of the herd regarding the size clearly shows the increase of the number of breeders with higher number Jovanovac, S. et al. Milk production in recorded cows in the last ten years in Croatia. 147 of cows, i.e. the number of breeders having 1–3 cows in the herd is tending to decrease (Table 3). Similar trend is reported by Klopčič et al. (1998) in Slovenia. Table 1. Review of total number of cows and cows under selection control Cows under selection control Year Total number of cows Family farms Enterprises Total In relation to total number of cows, % 1994 226 231 39 051 5 178 44 229 19.55 1995 235 400 42 689 4 455 47 144 20.03 1996 233 477 48 247 4 132 52 379 22.43 1997 233 207 62 205 3 602 65 807 28.21 1998 230 650 75 921 6 224 82 145 35.61 1999 228 014 80 198 6 218 86 416 37.90 2000 214 666 85 459 7 439 92 898 39.81 2001 219 782 91 235 7 606 98 841 44.97 2002 224 078 101 157 7 367 108 524 48.43 2003 223 954 133 064 6 895 139 959 62.49 Table 2. Number of breeders and cows under selection control Family farms Enterprises Year No. of cattle breeders No. of cows Average number of cows per herd No. of enterprises No. of cows Average No. of cows per enterprises 1994 12 019 39 051 3.2 16 5 178 323.6 1995 13 274 42 689 3.2 14 4 455 318.2 1996 15 534 48 247 3.1 13 4 132 317.8 1997 19 160 62 205 3.2 12 3 602 300.2 1998 22 705 75 921 3.3 21 6 224 296.2 1999 22 714 80 198 3.5 26 6 218 239.2 2000 22 482 85 459 3.8 26 7 439 286.1 2001 23 154 91 235 3.9 23 7 606 330.7 2002 23 743 101 157 4.3 27 7 367 272.9 2003 26 651 133 064 5.0 21 6 895 328.3 Table 3. Number of breeders according to herd size Herd size 1–3 4–9 10–15 >15 Total Year No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % 1999 14 106 61.91 7 603 33.37 828 3.63 247 1.08 22 784 100 2000 13 602 60.29 7 781 34.39 887 3.93 292 1.29 22 562 100 2001 13 321 57.33 8 475 36.48 1 124 4.84 314 1.35 23 234 100 2002 12 888 54.06 9 252 38.31 1 278 5.36 421 1.77 23 839 100 2003 11 293 42.21 13 166 49.21 1 690 6.32 604 2.26 26 753 100 Acta agriculturae slovenica, suplement 1(avgust 2004). 148 The size and structure of the cow population in milk recording Milk recording is the most important part in the breeding program employment, because the success of selection depends on the percentage of milk recorded cows. In the past 10 years the number of milk recorded cows is increasing (Table 4). Table 4. Review of number and breed structure of milk recorded cows Cows in milk recording Size Breed structure Year No. of cows According to total No. of cows, % According to No. of cows under selection control, % Simmental breed, % Holstein breed, % Brown breed, % 1994 20 261 8.95 45.81 70.98 28.35 0.67 1995 23 573 10.01 50.00 74.39 25.11 0.40 1996 29 727 12.73 56.75 75.90 23.58 0.52 1997 40 280 17.27 61.21 79.36 20.08 0.56 1998 48 219 20.90 58.70 73.78 25.30 0.92 1999 42 650 18.70 49.35 71.46 27.61 0.93 2000 42 634 19.86 45.89 68.03 30.99 0.98 2001 42 092 19.15 42.85 67.51 31.67 0.82 2002 43 360 19.35 39.95 66.33 23.78 0.88 2003 46 754 20.88 33.41 67.22 31.83 0.95 In comparison to 1994 this number redoubled. Significant changes are observed in respect to the percentage of cows under the selection control. The number of milk recoreded cows increased in the period 1994–1997, while in the period 1998–2003 this number decreased, due to the fact that the most of new breeders chose only the reproduction control, being the ones with small herds. Neverthless, in the next period of time the increase in number of cows under control is expected, due to the increasing interest of breeders for this type of recording of their herds. The breeding structure in milk recorded cows points out the superiority of Simmental breed in comparison to Holstein and Brown breed (Table 4). Since 1998 the number of Holstein breeders is increasing, which is in accordance with the increased number of herd size and with the economic interest of breeders whose family farms have been specialised. Table 5. Average herd size in milk recorded cows Family farms Enterprises Year Simmental Holstein Brown Holstein 1999 5.4 9.2 4.7 - 2000 6.0 11.2 6.6 346.4 2001 6.1 11.1 6.4 390.1 2002 6.4 14.1 8.8 353.9 2003 7.1 14.9 10.1 334.3 The increased number of milk recorded cows, including Holstein breed milk production, is influenced also by the import of larger number of highly gravid heifers on two state farms Jovanovac, S. et al. Milk production in recorded cows in the last ten years in Croatia. 149 («Belje» and IPK Osijek). Concerning the achieved level of Holstein breed milk production, there is no doubt that the criteria set up for the selection of bull's mothers will be met. The increasing trend in percentage of Brown breed under control is evident. The increasing of the average herd size in milk production control is evident in all three breeds bred on family farms (Table 5). Production traits of milk recorded cows Totally 4 618 kg milk was produced by Simmental breed on family farms in 2003, showing the increasing trend of 21.5%, when compared to 1995 (Table 6). A very similar positive trend refers to the fat content as well. At the enterprises there is an insignificant number of cows of this breed, but the production is always higher than of those on family farms. Table 6. Simmental breed: average milk production of milk recorded cows Family farms Enterprises Production in 305 days Production in 305 days Year No. of lactation Milk, kg Fat, % Protein, % No. of lactation Milk, kg Fat, % Protein, % 1994 5 232 3 803 3.73 - 87 4 767 3.65 - 1995 5 673 3 800 3.73 - 96 4 348 3.65 - 1996 10 717 3 723 3.82 - 235 4 471 3.75 - 1997 15 127 3 729 3.82 - 235 4 504 3.73 - 1998 19 694 3 963 3.85 3.25 219 4 270 3.71 - 1999 25 914 4 108 3.93 3.27 167 4 364 3.61 - 2000 22 250 4 018 3.89 3.36 193 4 208 3.68 - 2001 21 426 4 173 3.92 3.36 119 4 529 3.63 3.24 2002 21 318 4 423 4.02 3.40 143 4 836 3.75 3.33 2003 19 644 4 618 4.01 3.35 62 5 251 3.82 3.33 Table 7. Holstein breed: average milk production of milk recorded cows Family farms Enterprises Milk production in 305 days Milk production in 305 days Year No. of lactation Milk, kg Fat, % Protein, % No. of lactation Milk, kg Fat, % Protein, % 1994 390 4 567 3.61 - 3 192 5 820 3.43 - 1995 358 4 867 3.61 - 2 674 5 952 3.41 - 1996 744 4 821 3.60 - 3 215 5 798 3.50 - 1997 1 013 4 982 3.62 - 3 287 5 765 3.57 - 1998 2 780 5 381 3.74 3.17 2 619 6 008 3.50 - 1999 4 168 5 463 3.84 3.20 3 002 6 112 3.52 3.20 2000 4 234 5 442 3.83 3.28 2 562 6 019 3.56 3.28 2001 4 913 5 660 3.87 3.87 3 328 6 506 3.58 3.22 2002 5 253 5 864 3.98 3.32 4 090 6 818 3.52 3.27 2003 5 279 6 027 4.04 3.25 2 221 7 018 3.61 3.25 It is obvious that the average milk yield in Holstein population produced on the family farms is inferior in comparison to those on enterprises (Table 7). On a yearly basis this difference is Acta agriculturae slovenica, suplement 1(avgust 2004). 150 mainly around 1 000 kg, due to better genetic potential of Holstein breed from enterprises on which existing management enables better utilisation of this potential. Genetic potential of Holstein cows from the farms in Eastern Slavonia, with the largest number of specialised diary farms was at quite high level even before 1991, with an average of 7 000 kg in 2002, and it is close to be reached in 2003. Table 7 shows that average milk yield and fat percentage is constantly increasing, on family farms and enterprises. But, this is not the case with protein percentage, which is up to 0.10% lower when compared to Simmental breed. Table 8. Brown breed: average milk production of milk recorded cows on family farms Milk production in 305 days Year No. of lactation Milk, kg Fat, % Protein, % 1999 68 4 230 3.99 3.17 2000 223 4 127 3.95 3.33 2001 208 5 311 4.05 3.37 2002 91 5 165 4.12 3.40 2003 104 5 538 4.01 3.38 The interest in Brown breed is increasing due to its average milk yield of above 5 000 kg and high percentage of milk fat and protein (Table 8). CONCLUSION Taking into consideration the review of production characteristics of milk recorded cows in the last ten years, the following conclusions can be drawn: - the increase of the percentage of cows under selection - the increase of the number of family farms with increasing number of cows in the herd - the tendency of increasing number of breeders with specialised type of farm, in which better profit is ensured - the increase of milk production in recorded cows on family farms and enterprises for all three breeds The presented average milk productivity of milk recorded cows reflects the present situation in Croatia, where positive trends are evident, being in line with the achievement of goals mentioned in the introduction. They refer to the increasing number of breeding stock, the improvement of selection work, to the support by advisory services and subsidies to the breeders. The achieved productivity was also influenced by the import of highly gravid Simmental and Holstein breed from the countries with developed cattle breeding and high level of milk production. The production results are also reflection of important positive steps in milk control and of the introduction of new methods for estimation of breeding values. In future, the task refers to further improvement of the genetic base for milk production. One of quite important steps in that sense is the increasing of proportion of cows under production control. The results of such control give producers the opportunity of better and more efficient breeding, as well as of the management improvement. REFERENCES Godišnje izvješće. Zagreb, Hrvatski stočarski centar, 1994. Godišnje izvješće. Zagreb, Hrvatski stočarski centar, 1995. Jovanovac, S. et al. Milk production in recorded cows in the last ten years in Croatia. 151 Godišnje izvješće. Zagreb, Hrvatski stočarski centar, 1996. Godišnje izvješće. 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