I ) |C JS 42 jy Ir- ik, ek te: N- iez 184, OH lu8a ;onc ic JS jr iski 30 Tel. s Sf- .o9ar iVlcH thifd th® 3 and ;toUf ne'P ,rtO« no®0 'iti®9: an® of«®r unHV an® reeflC 4/and •yujticQ... NO. 40 I Ameriška Domovina AMSUCAN IN (PIRIT PO »Kil IN IANRUAOA ONLY MORN ’ fl'W* Cwr ■ «F!" AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, May 1 8, 1984 LXXXVI Doma in po svetu. PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV Zahodne in mnoge arabske države v skrbeh fadi možne razširitve iraško-iranske vojne -Iran napadla tanker v Perzijskem zalivu WASHINGTON, D.C. — Preteklo sre-d° so iranska bojna letala napadla z raketa-rn' tanker, last Saudske Arabije in ga poškodovala. Ta teden sta tudi bila napadena dva kuvajtska tankerja, prav tako od iranskih letel- Vsi napadi so se vršili v Perzijskem zali-Vu, daleč od iranskih voda. Državice ob zali-vu so v skrbeh, da se bo iraško-iranska voj-l13- ki traja že 3 leta in pol, razširila in jih za-iela- Zaskrbljene so tudi zahodne države. Včeraj so bila posvetovanja v Beli hiši o razvoju dogodkov na območju Perzijskega za-llVa- Stališče Reaganove administracije je, da bodo ZDA zagotavljale svobodno plovbo skozi ožino Hormuz in se v bližini Hormuza uahaja močna ameriška flota. Najnovejša poročila danes zjutraj govorijo o napadu lraskih letal na tankerje v bližini iranskega uaftnega pristanišča na otoku Kharg. V zadnjih mesecih so začela iraška letala ttepadati otok Kharg ter tankerje, ki preva-tejo iransko nafto. Iranci so že ponovno tr-teu. da bodo tudi oni začeli napadati tanker-ki prevažajo nafto iz drugih držav ob Perujskem zalivu v razne zahodne države in na aPonsko, ako bo Iranu onemogočen izvoz 'tefte. Iranci so dejali na primer, za so prijavljeni zapreti ožino Hormuz. V tem slu-aju. je že rekel predsednik Reagan, bodo r kJA vojaško ukrepale zoper Iran. Danes ^°vorijo poročila, ki prihajajo iz Washing-nu» o ameriški pripravljenosti pošiljati pjna letala v Saudsko Arabijo. Ta letala naj 1 varovale plovbo tankerjev iz saudskih pri-tenišč skozi ožino Hormuz na odprto mor-e- Kot pa kaže, Saudci niso še prišli do tega, a bi tolikšno ameriško pomoč odobrili. k^tefiŠka obveščevalna letala AWACS pa sk^K P°sredujejo podatke o poletih iran-*b vojaških letal saudskim letalskim silam. Kriza v Perzijskem zalivu že povzroča iko med preprodajalci nafte na svobo-ero trgu. ZDA so sicer sorazmerno malo Uvvisne od nafte iz območja Perzijskega za-r a’ zelo odvisne so pa mnoge zahodnoev-Pske države, še posebno pa Japonska, kjer b0^rai nastala prava panika na tokijski podpredsednik George Bush na obisku ukistanu - Obiskal tudi pakistansko-* (TOnistansko mejo pri prelazu Khyber bil pRELAZ KHYBER, Pak. — Včeraj je Uu,u ua obisku podpredsednik George a'k vpPrernlj&la sta ga pakistanski predsed-$ter^;amrned Zia ul-Haq in zunanji mini-detj ablbzada Jakub Khan. Bush je hotel vi-$0(j P^kistansko-afganistansko mejo. ZDA in^j.11^ s Pakistanom pri pošiljanju orožja ^ Pomoči afganistanskim upornikom, Maio^jej0 sovjetski zasedbi Afganistana. s° Sq J.e manjkalo, da Bush ni bil navzoč, ko na afVjeteka letala bombardirala vas Lalpura n® j 8an*stanski strani meje. Bushova skupi-ak° jj- ^držana drugje kakih 90 minut, opartl' ^'te prišla ob napovedanem času, bi heiju a napa7/ V * . . v. , . . . i . ... w ...... r. ... . .v. .s. . *4 »«*.<« 4 **«•*•»- * KONCERT SLOVENSKEGA PEVSKEGA ZBORA KOROTAN sobota, 26. maja 1984 v Slov. narodnem domu 6417 St. Clair Avenue Začetek ob 7.30 zvečer Igrajo - Veseli Slovenci vstopnina $5.00 Spominski dan CLEVELAND, O. - Zopet je tu mesec maj, mesec zelenja in cvetja, prav kakor v letu 1945, ko je tisoče ljudi zapuščalo svoje domove in jih je angleška zasedbena oblast vrnila iz Vetrinja komunističnim krvnikom. Marsikateri je že rekel: Pozabite! A na kaj takega je težko pozabiti, ker so naši možje in fantje pretrpeli preveč gorja. Pogumno in ponosno, s pesmijo in molitvijo, so odhajali svoji usodi naproti. Uničili so jim telesna življenja, niso pa ubili ideje in torej na tistih, ki smo po božji volji ostali živi, je, da smo njeni glasniki. Izravnani grobovi pobitih kričijo v svet pravo resnico o brezbožnem komunizmu. Ne moremo na te izravnane grobove, da bi na njih prižgali svečke in jih okrasili s cvetjem ob obletnici, katero pa vsako leto počastimo s spominskim dnevom. Letos bo Društvo slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev praznovalo Spominski dan 27. maja pri Lurški Mariji na Chardon Rd., kjer bo ob pol 12h dopoldne Rev. Pavel Krajnik daroval sv. mašo za vse žrtve komunizma. Ob pol 4h popoldne pa bodo na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardo-nu molitve za vse rajne. Vabimo vse slovenski rojake, da z nami počaste spomin naših junakov, ki bi ga njihovi krvniki tako radi zatrli s pozabo. Naša sveta naloga je skrbeti, da se to nikoli ne bo zgodilo. S svojo udeležbo pri spominskih svečanostih bomo izpričali ljubezen in spoštovanje vsem padlim, pa tudi zvestobo tistim načelom, zavoljo katerih je bil nad našim narodom izvršen zločin bratomorstva in zavoljo katerih smo zapustili svojo domovino in se raztresli po vseh zemljinah. Lepo naprošamo vse, ki imajo narodne noše, naj se v teh udeleže sv. maše. Odbor DSPB Cleveland Ga. Mary Žagar praznovala 100. rojstni dan FOREST CITY, Pa. - Dne 26. aprila 1984 je rojakinja ga. Mary Žagar, živeča v tem mestu 80 let, praznovala svoj 100. rojstni dan. (Op. ur. - Podatke o tem redkem življenjskem jubileju nam je posredoval ga. Žagarjev nečak Frank Cenkar iz Geneve, Ohio.) Slavljenka je bila rojena 26. aprila 1884 v družini Franka in ijn i :i jfi't;či i jf'«j ^ t: 'A'} • \ U$ Slovenskim rojakom širom sveta Na mogočnem mednarodnem evharističnem kongresu v Filadelfiji, ZDA, leta 1976, ki je nosil tudi pomemben slovenski pečat, je 700 slovenskih udeležencev iz domovine, zamejstva in sveta sprejelo na svojem zaključnem zboru naslednjo resolucijo: Vsako leto, na predvečer praznika Marije iz Brezij, ki varuje slovenski narod in slovenska izročila v svetu, to je 23. maja zvečer, bomo v svojih domovih prižgali sveče in preživeli večer v mislih na krščanska izročila, ki so stoletja vodila naš rod v domovini in oblikujejo danes nas v svetu in po nas narode, med katerimi živimo. Vabimo Slovence v domovini in vse rojake slovenskega izročila v svetu, da se nam pridružujejo. Prosimo rojake širom sveta, da se na ta večer po svojih domovih in ob prižganih svečah v molitvi in premišljevanju spominjajo tisočletnih zakladov slovenskega narodnega in krščanskega izročila. Prepričani smo, da bo taka simbolična manifestacija slovenstva v svetu v nas znova zbudila in potrdila zavest naše pripadnosti slovenskim idealom. KOORDINACIJSKI ODBOR ZA SLOVENSKO UDELEŽBO NA 41. MEDNARODNEM EVHARISTIČNEM KONGRESU V FILADELFIJI LETA 1976. Na obletnico slovenske resolucije v Filadelfiji, ZDA Obisk koroških bogoslovcev v Sloveniji CLEVELAND, O. - V prvih dneh aprila so se mudili v Ljubljani slovenski bogoslovci iz avstrijske Koroške, ki študirajo v Salzburgu. V Ljubljano so prišli na povabilo bogoslovcev ljubljanske teološke fakultete. Njhov obisk je bil študijske narave. V nedeljo, prvi dan svojega obiska, so se srečali z bogoslovci, frančiškanskimi, lazari-stovskimi in salezijanskimi študenti teologije. Popoldne so se udeležili Odrešenjske zgodbe, to je, koncerta ljubljanskih zborov, ki jih je vodil Jožef Trošt. Osrednje njihovo srečanje tega dne pa je bilo z nadškofom Šuštarjem. V tri-četrturnem pogovoru se je nadškof zanimal za življenje v Salzburgu in doma na Koroškem. Študentje so izrazili željo po večjem stiku s slovensko mladino, kar je nadškof toplo Terezije, roj. Omahen, Korel-ca. Družina je živela v bližini Stične, Slovenija. Ga. Žagar je bila dvakrat poročena, najpr-vo z Johnom Skubicem, ki je umrl 1. 1926, potem z Antonom Žagarjem, ki je preminul 1. 1960. Oba sta bila rudarja, ker je v bližini Forest Cityja več rudnikov in je bila tam precej velika slovenska naselbina, ki je, sodeč po imenih, objavljenih v lokalnem angleškem listu, še vedno prisotna, vsaj preko potomcev naseljencev. V družini Mary in Johna Skubica je bilo 7 otrok, od katerih so vsi že pokojni razen hčerke Jennie Matjan, pri kateri sedaj ga. Žagar biva in sicer na 755 Hudson St. v Forest Cityju, Pa. pozdravil. Zvečer je bilo na teološki fa culteti zopet družabno sre^. ije, katerega so se udeleži > udi dekan fakultete r-Tanče Perko ter profesorja ir. Krašovec in dr. Juhant. Coroški bogoslovec T®n fraun je ljubljanskim gostite-jem predstavil organizacij0 ;oroških bogoslovcev Aka e nijo, katera ima lepo tradici o, saj jo je ustanovil Anton Martin Slomšek nalašč logoslovce. Danes je n^en. Javna naloga povezovanj :oroških slovenskih bogos o ev in osveščanje njihovl ;orenin. , Drugi dan so se gosti o Pe ali v Slovensko Primorje, J o v Tomaju obiskali rojstn lišo pesnika Srečka Kosove^ letos je 80-letnica njegoveg ojstva), kjer jih je lepo sP1 * * *^ j Kosovelova sestra. Tu s rečali s tomajskim žuP"lK • vanom Furlanom in UP . om Gašperjem Rudolf011^ love Gorice. Potem so si o ali Mirenski grad, ki P0* redišče duhovnih vaj, i° .j iškanski samostan na Ka ’risrčen sprejem so jirn..gu ravili v vipavskem semeni ^ V Vrhpolju pri V*paJ’0I« kupaj z domačim oh jj, bhajali sv. mašo. V vseh sr : izzvenela misel, da s lovenci, ne glede na me) ’ a kot bratje potrebuj0!0 ruge*, Dan So rijetnem ozračju v P cem hramu. -g v Naslednji dan so g08^ n jubljani najprej p lošjd ekaj predavanj na čalj z ikulteti, potem se r<»Hnilmrn Družic* Ga. Žagar je imela 12 bratov in sester, ki so že vsi pokojni, ima pa poleg hčerke še 4 vnuke in vnukinje ter 7 pravnuke in pravnukinje ter veliko nečakov in nečakinj tu v ZDA in v Sloveniji. Že 80 let je faranka slovenske cerkve sv. Jožefa v Forest Cityju ter pripada KSKJ in slovaški ženski zvezi. Iskrene čestitke ob 100. rojstnem dnevu! Ur. MedškoTijS ort0' lovnik za past0 dr. tih. rs"***0' jtočmk sta , p0io- Coroške orisala P y :ntskib in ManborU' e(i b°' so razmere m na ■» m 4 4 -i i m m h m i m i m i m n M « n H u 11 •••■ *4 l**« *«*«44 *« L itiiiii.i',!,1.! Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 624. »O DVEH PREČKAH SVETEGA KRIŽA« (O. Vladimir Kos, D.J. - Konec) »Na tem mestu se obra-Čam ’kot berač za Kristusa in zvelicšnje duš’ (2. Vatikanski zbor; Ad Gentes, odstavek 39). Drugi Vatikanski zbor me cel° k temu opogumlja, da Prosim vse, ki se prištevajo k MZA; prosim pa v prvi vrsti j6 Sonarja, čeprav tudi k temu ■ vat. koncil opogumlja -, ^Pak tiste ljubezni do našega °spoda, ki nagne srce, da [ado n°si drugo prečko križa, ' |ahko tako zelo spremeni 0 l’Čje misijonske fronte v ?Vetu, ko postane prečka misijonsko ljubečega srca. osameznih duš, za katere J ”0s'l' križ svojega dnevnega vJenja, ne poznamo; pozna-0 Pa Njega, ki se je daroval 23 vsako dušo, ker jo osebno pozna, saj je Bog - Človek. Med temi dušami smo bili nekoč tudi mi pogani; po skrivnostni božji odločitvi smo postali kristjani ali Kristusovi v Njegovi pravi Cerkvi, to je, v Njegovem resničnem občestvu - in ljubezen do Jezusa za to milost je najlepša hvaležnost. Taka ljubezen ima nekaj božjega v sebi - tudi druge duše želi pritegniti. V ponižni zavesti svoje šibkosti zaupa v božjo pomoč, da vsaj malce nosi svojo prečko križa iz ljubezni do Jezusa; morda celo daljšo pot, če moč od zgoraj srce za to usposobi; božja pomoč namreč krepi človeka, da lahko premaga osredotočenost v samega sebe, ki zmeraj znova preti se tako veliki začetni ljubezni ali volji, da ne- naznanilo in zahvala Z žalostnim srcem in vdani v božjo voljo, naznanjamo vsem prijateljem in znancem, da je dne 29. marca 1984 za Vedno zastisnila svoje mile oči, nam ljubljena mama, stara n,a,na in prastara mama 1892 1984 MARIJA OBLAK ^°jena je bila 11. februarja 1892 v Bizoviku pri Ljubljani, genija. V Toronto, Canada je prišla 1956. Zadnjih 25 . je večinoma preživela v Madisonu, O., pri svoji hčerki * ji Vavpetič. Pogreb je bil iz cerkve Presvetega Srca Asovega v Rock Creek, Ohio 31. marca 1984 ob 10. uri l)0ldne na pokopališče Rock Creek, v x hkreno se zahvaljujemo č.g. Bode, kateri je pokojnici asu njene bolezni prinašal tedensko sv. obhajilo in tudi Pod'* i>r' odprti krsti. Iskrena hvala č.g. Fagan, kateri ji je j ®'1 zakramente za umirajoče. Iskreno se zahvalimo |jjv’ ^minski, kateri je daroval pogrebno sv. mašo in gan-pra” Pridigo ter poslovilne molitve pri odprtem grobu. |ej#l 'ako hvala za prostor v cerkvi, kjer je pokojnica Rud*’ 'n dvorano za pogrebščino. Lepa hvala organistu 0vn!J“ Knezu in pevskemu zboru. Iskrena hvala Max ^Val CU 28 mo,itev sv* rožnega venca pri odprti krsti. Topla 8 Pogrebnemu zavodu Lenart za vodstvo pogreba. ^aj'epša hvala vsem, kateri ste darovali rože, za sv. b0 ln v druge dobre namene v njen spomin. Bog naj bo in Plačnik vsem, kateri so nam ljubo mamo prišli kropit 11 za večni pokoj njene duše. Iskrena hvala vsem, Soči. . ste Poslali sožalne kartice ter v dnevih žalosti Us,vovali z nami. v0dst;krena hvala ge. Idi Oreh in ge. Francki Meglen za Peciv ° ^“hlnje. Prisrčna hvala vsem, kateri ste darovali da s m >n dru8e dobrine ter kakorkoli pomagali s kosilom, So (jj| ° eP° postregli udeležence pogreba. Zahvalne kartice “ . P°slane vsem, katerih naslovi so nam bili znani. V '-•Ju h --------------- ----------------------------- Po,0ln ’1,8 s*no katerega izpustili, naj nam oprosti in tem sprejme našo iskreno zahvalo. •p vda*^8 ,1,ama! Vse življenje si z ljubeznijo služila Bogu j n° nosila križ življenja do konca. Počivaj v miru! žalujoči; Marija Vavpetič, Antonija Valant - hčerki Anton Oblak - sin Blaž Vavpetič — zet Greti Oblak - snaha Vnuki, vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinje ^adi ter os(al° sorodstvo. °hio, 18. maja 1984. kaj storimo Zanj, ki je toliko storil za nas. Blagor človeku, ki iz ljubezni do Jezusa nosi svojo prečko križa -takšnega človeka smrt je blažena! Ljubezen namreč prežene strah in bojazen, je ugotovil že sv. Avguštin. Četudi pride smrt nenadoma - ’kakor tat’, jo je označil naš Gospod -, najde takšno srce pripravljeno in okrašeno »z lučjo« ene izmed modrih devic, da se spet poslužim besed Gospodovih, ki jih je bil izgovoril prav za takšno priliko. Smrt takšnega človeka ni prelom, kar zadeva najbolj bistveni del človeškega življenja; smrt takšnega človeka je prehod v ljubezen brez ovir in brez pomanjkljivosti. Kot berač za misijone - za misijone celega sveta, ne le za naše japonske otoke - stojim pred vrati tistih src, ki jim MZA toliko pomeni v življenju. V srce ne morem vstopiti, samo do praga morem, ostalo je stvar svobodne odločitve. Rad obstojim na pragu in tukaj prosim vzvišeno človeško srce - vzvišeno zaradi dostojanstva svobodne odločitve -: nesite svojo prečko križa iz hvaležnosti do Jezusa in s tiho prošnjo, da odreši duše misijonskega sveta! Ne pozabite na svojo prečko križa, četudi je v očeh zemljanov brez smisla in brez vrednosti, brez časti in brez lepote, brez bogastva in brez vidnega vpliva! In če ste tako srečni, da vas ne tare noben križ, si ga sami izberite, malenkost, kratko prošnjo, skrito žrtvico: iz hvaležnosti, da je za vas bil nesel križ pred tolikimi leti sam Učlovečeni Božji Sin! V hvaležnosti ne pozabite, prosim, dodati - pa četudi skoraj sramežljivo: za duše misijonskega sveta, za najbolj uboge duše, za duše brez pravega Boga! Druga prečka našega križa ima lahko najrazličnejše oblike: delo in študij, pisanje pisem in razgovor, pouk in poslušanje, dajanje tega, kar si lahko utrgamo, prenašanje V BLAG SPOMIN SEDEMNAJSTE OBLETNICE SMRTI MOJEGA LJUBLJENEGA OČETA JOHN POŽAR Izdihnil je svojo plemenito dušo dne 17. maja 1967. Sedemnajst let je minilo že, odkar si šel od nas, pa svež spomin na Tebe je, kot bil je v prvi čas. Z mamo zdaj sta združena ter prosita za nas Boga, da bomo enkrat skupaj vsi se združili - nad zvezdami. Žalujoča: CAROUNE STARE, hči Ravenna, O., 18. maja 1984. stanja in dejanja, naporno delo in prisiljen počitek: kjerkoli nas lahko boli, nas: osebno in resnično. Pod tem vidikom je naše vsakdanje življenje ogromen kapital, ker zahteva od nas, da svoje nagnjenje k zlemu zatajimo, mu ne pustimo do razmah?., pač pa svojo energijo usmerimo v dinamiko dobrega, pravilnega, resničnega: in to boli, vsaj zdaj pa zdaj, in tukaj bolj in tamkaj manj - naša nevidna druga pečka križa, ki nam je ponujena za našo lastno srečo. V primeru takšnega zatajevanja čutimo - takorekoč o-tipljivo - križa blagoslov, ki ga pa druge oblike križa nič manj ne posredujejo. Vsak križ je namreč podoben križu nad vse poveličanega Kristusa. Ni ga zato pravega križa, ki bi ne bil velikonočni! Kjerkoli najdemo križ, bi se morali znajti v velikonočni zgodovini in v velikonočnem zemljepisu. V to zgodovino in v ta zemljepis sta vključena tudi misijonski čas in misijonski zemljevid. In nekje, kjer se križajo božje in človeške koordinate, je tudi naša MZA, smo mi, v kolikor MZA po nas sega vanje s tisto učinkovitostj, ki ji pravimo križ. Vsak izmed nas lahko postane bankir križa. Naš podpis na tisti drugi prečki križa je važen - z njim se šele obvežemo. A v hipu, ko podpišemo, smo tako blizu Jezusu, da se ga lahko dotaknemo; biti na Njegovi desnici in levici je pridržano božji modrosti; križu pa je rezervirana cela stran za Njim, kot je bil sam - najbrž smehljaje - nakazal: »Če hoče kdo (biti in) hoditi za menoj, naj vzame križ zatajevanja in Mi sledi.« (Mt 16:24). P.s. - S prisrčnimi pozdravi in v upanju, da bo tudi zgornji esej koristil MZA. Iz KM sem izvedel o Tvoji 70-letnici - iz srca čestitam in se veselim s Teboj nad tolikimi leti bogastva, ki Ti ga je naš Vstali Zveličar naklonil, še prav posebej ljubezen do misijonov, to je, do duš, ki jih tvorijo, in do duš, ki bi se lahko povzpele do tiste ljubezni do Kristusa, ki zmeraj išče nova pota, da misijoni lahko uspevajo in se spreminjajo v polnokrvno Cerkev. V BLAG SPOMIN OB DEVETI OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU PREMINUL MOJ DRAGI SOPROG, OČE, STARI IN PRASTARI OČE JOHN KOSEC na 21. maja 1975 Dragi mož in ljubi oče, na grob Tvoj spomini nam hite. Počivaj mirno v tihem grobu, pri Bogu večno veseli se! Žalujoči: Agnes, roj. Leskovec, žena; Agnes, por. Koporc, in Julie, por. Plavan, hčeri; vnuki in vnukinje ter ostali sorodniki. Cleveland, O., 18. maja 1984. Danes je Velika sobota. Naj Gospod, Gospodar smrti in darovalec življenja, blagoslovi celo MZA za te praznike in celo leto! Kakor hitro zmorem, spet pošljem kaj za AD. Prilagam tudi nekaj pol japonskih znamk. Predsednici Marici Lavrishevi so se oglasili v Cleveland: s. Cecilija Prebil, z zahvalo za prejeti bogat MZA ček za vse naše misijonarje in misijonarke na Madagaskarju in s. Cecilijo Rode v Iranu. Iz Madagaskarja s. Marjeta Mrhar, ki upa, da bodo dobile iz domovine v pomoč laične misijonarke; s. Terezija Pavlič, ki bo del pomoči porabila za gobavce; ona deluje v gobavišču sv. Vincencija. Sestri Marija Pavlišič in Amanda Potočnik omenjati potrebe zdravil. Imajo nad 800 otrok v šoli, veliko bolezni in revščine. Lazarista Rado Sušnik in Pedro Opeka, ki delujeta na istem misijonu, sta zelo hvaležna za dar, ki jima bo pomagal graditi naprej novo cerkev. G. Opeka je v misijonu s. Pavlišič zgradil nedavno novo obe-dnico. G. Rok Gajšek, ki ga nekateri poznajo iz obiska na tem kontinentu, prosi za molitev, da bi mogel napraviti za duše mnogo dobrega. Monsignor Franc Buh omenja, da bo letina slaba in ciklon »golobček« je napravil dosti škode. Iz Ecuadorja se zahvaljuje g. John Mrvar, z zahvalo MZA, ge. Agnes Leskovec in ge. Marici Lavrisha. Omenja, da je g. Andrej Križman zelo reven zaradi bolezni in staro- (dalje na str. 4) V BLAG SPOMIN OSEMINDVAJSETE OBLETNICE SMRTI našega ata in starega ata Thomas Postotnik Svojo blago dušo je izdihnil dne 21. maja 1956. Prelepi majski cvet se zopet nam odpira, spomin nekdanjih let pa potok solz utira. Kako boli spomin grenak te trde zemeljske ločitve, tolaži pa nas up sladak, po smrti večne se združitve. Žalujoči ostali: Dan Postotnik - sin Mary Pangonis, Mary Anne Sittley, hčeri vnuki in vnukinje. Cleveland, O., 18. maja 1984. Chicago, 111. - Spoštovano uredništvo A.D.! Prav lepa hvala za sporočilo, da bo moja naročnina za Ameriško Domovino kmalu potekla. Zato Vam tu pošiljam za drago A.D., brez katere bi ne mogla zdržati. Kar je malenkost več, je dar listu. Kako lepo je, ko se Slovenci iz vsega sveta oglašajo z novicami in povedo, kakšno življenje imajo v drugih državah. Zelo lepo piše dr. Zdravko Kalan, prav tako A.G. in France Rozina iz Milwaukeeja, L.P., g. Selak z njegovimi poročili z »Otoka«. G. Janeza Prosena bi rada vprašala, če je kaj več »putra« dobil, ko je stal tako dolgo v vrsti! Jaz si ga tudi res lahko kupim, bi pa vseeno šla v vrsto, če bi vedela, kje se zastonj dobi! Pozdravljeni, g. Prosen! Bog Vas čuvaj, da bi še dolgo časa bogatili drago Ameriško Domovino! Ravno danes sem brala, ko lepo piše dr. L.P. o odmevi debate o šolski molitvi. Vsa čast Vam, g. L.P.! Vi ste poštenjak! Ali člani Supreme Cour-ta ne vidijo, kakšna je mladina brez vere? Ženska sem in že na koncu življenja in ne morem dosti storiti, lahko pa molim. Vi, ki ste izobraženi in imate več vpliva, se morate zavzemati za dobro stvar! Hvala seveda tudi vsem o-stalim dopisnikom. Bog naj Vam vsem bogato poplača z zdravjem! Bog Vas živi! Mary Pecharich (Hvala lepa za pismo. Prav Obisk koroških bogoslovcev (nadaljevanje z 2. str.) Avstrijskem precej velike, zato pa je nujno, da drug drugega bogate s svojimi različnostmi. Opisani obisk koroških slovenskih bogoslovcev v Ljubljani in Sloveniji je vnovič potrdil, kako zelo so takšni obiski obojestransko koristni ter da jih je zato treba še naprej gojiti in tudi poglabljati. (Po Družini, 6. maja 1984) - Za A.D. pripravil J.S. je, da bralci priznavajo trud in požrtvovalnost naših dopisnikov, ki prispevajo v list prostovoljno leto za letom.) El Cerrito, Kalif. — Spoštovana uprava A.D.! Zelo rad obnavljam enoletno naročnino na A. D. skupaj z darom za tiskovni sklad. Spoštovani upravi čestitam z željo, da bi še nadalje tako uspešno vztrajala pri izdajanju Ameriške Domovine, tako nujno potrebnega lista. Z iskrenimi pozdravi! Tone Ravnik Fontana, Kalif. — Uprava Ameriške Domovine! Hvala za opomin o obnovi naročnine. Ker smo precej daleč od Clevelanda, novice pridejo bolj pozne, a so kljub temu Misijonska srečanja in poročila (Nadaljevanje s 3. str.) sti. G. Julij Čuk iz Rovt se je moral zaradi bolezni odpovedati fari in so ga komaj rešili. Bolan je tudi g. Boris Feme. Gg. Emil Palčič, Vencelj Rijavec in John Mrvar so še aktivni po farah kot dušni pastirji. Iz domovine je prišel g. Kraševec kot pomočnik g. Palčiča. G. Pavel Golia je tudi bolan in v pokoju. Med seboj so pa povezani in molijo, da se vsi enkrat znajdejo na Gospodovi desnici. G. Mrvar zida cerkev sv. Lucije v Alajueli. Gdč. Sonji Ferjanovi se je oglasila iz ZD s. Silva Žužek in iz Anglije s. Terezija Žužek. S. Ivana Cvijin je poslala ponovno lepe znamke. S. Frančiška Novakova iz Tajlanda razne spominke. Upajmo, da te dneve, ko sv. Oče obiskuje Papuo in Guinejo, brat Joško Kramar doživi srečo, da ga sreča in prejme njegov blagoslov. V Kanadi se zelo pripravljamo na papežev obisk v septembru. Rev. Charles Wolbang, CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Slovenska pristava išče kuharico za poletni čas. Za vsa pojasnila pokličite Filipa Oreha na tel. 943-4681 Po 4. uri zvečer (37-40) L—.........- ..... T.K. General Contractors, Inc. Predelujemo kuhinje, kopalnice, delamo strehe, »driveways«, nove garaže in vsa potrebna gradbena dela na hišah ali poslovnih stavbah. Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj in tapeciramo. Zidamo tudi nove hiše in poslovne stavbe. - Vprašajte za brezplačen predračun! - - 831-6430 - zelo dobrodošle, pa naj bodo v slovenskem ali angleškem delu lista. Pozdrav od naročnikov Sam in Jean Kurilich Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s I. str.) Simko (pok.), Dorothy Barkan, Josepha, Alberta in Johna. Pogreb je bil iz Želeto-vega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152. cesti včeraj, v četrtek, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete in od tam na Kalvarijo. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokoj nčin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele. MALI OGLASI House for Sale by Owner Richmond Hts. Brick semi-ranch. 2 car garage. Central air. 1 1/2 baths. Built-ins. Full basement rec room. Must see to appreciate. Call 261-1473. (40-41) Furnished beauty shop for rent. Reasonable. Call 881-6914 (40-41) Child Care Professional couple seek experienced person to care for infant son and do light housekeeping in our east side home. No smoking. Start immediately, 3 days per week; must be able to work full time beginning in June. Social security paid. Recent references and car required. Call 281-7620 — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Apt. for rent 3 rooms, E. 61 St. Call 881-1536 (40-43) Pnjatel s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS_______ TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Modemi pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Couple, man and wife, to maintain new home in Moreland Hills, Ohio. Duties: General house cleaning, laundry and some gardening. Will have your own living quarters which includes sitting room with TV, kitchen and bedroom. Must have references. Call J. C. Mandel: 247-3145, 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. or 391-8300. (40-41) 2 Apts, for Rent 3216 Payne Ave. Furnished apt. up; unfurnished down. Married couple or 1 female. 771-6492. For Sale by owner Bungalow. St. Christine parish. 731-1199 after 6 p.m. (40-43) For Sale 9 furnished apartments in Hollywood, Fla. Good income. For more information call 486-7451. (40-43) STANOVANJE V NAJEM 3 spalnice, jedilnica, kuhinja, kopalnica, zgoraj. Addison Rd. blizu St. Clair Ave. 946-1858 po 4. uri popoldne. (39-40) (40-43) Apt. for Rent St. Vitus area. 1 bdrm. 383-8314 after 6 p.m. (40-43) Apt. for Rent 4 rooms up. Off E. 200 St. Newly decorated and carpeted. Prefer mature couple or single person. 531-9528. (40-41) Owner financing 10% Collinwood, 4 bdrms, alum, sided colonial. Nice yard. Garage. For details call Anton Cameo Realty 261-3900 Anton Matic 531-6787 (FX) DR. ALAN B. NAHA Complete dental care. All types of dental insurance accepted. Ask about our special family group plan. Conveniently located at 848 E. 185th St. in the Jo-Ann Medical Bldg, between Shore Carpet & Yale TV across the street from the LaSalle Theater. 531-7700 (F-X) HIŠA NAPRODAJ Zidana, 2 leti stara, za 2 družini. V okolici sv. Kristine v Euclidu. 585-7112. (39-40) DRIVER WANTED Can be retired. Must have van. Will pay gas an mileage. Work by the hour. Call 321-0870. (38-40) FOR SALE Double home, 5 rooms m front, 3 in back. A-1 cond. Newly remodeled kitchen and bathroom. Bliss Ave. Call in morning or after 6.J p.m. 731-6460. FENCES - OGRAJE Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Prodajam po zmerni ceni potrebni ma terial za ograje in ga dosta vljam brezplačno. Imam 9e0 metra za merjenje vrta. Pok1 čite vsaki čas na 391-053 • (FX> ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska ' tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike i Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486 3 *"5 * v(FX) UPOKOJENCI: POZOR! STANOVANJA Z 1 ALI 2 SPALNICAMA Zakaj ne bi živel v St. Clair Place — najboljše storitve, odlična skupina sosedov, klimatska naprava v vsakem stanovanju kakor tudi preproge, blizo grocerij in drugih trgovin, z najemnino, odvisno o vaših dohodkov. Kličite nas na tel: ____ 439-3800 _______ ANNUAL MEETING Slovene Home for the Aged Friday, May 18, 1984, 7:00 p.nn. Slovenian Workmens Home 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110 All members and friends of the Slovene Home for th® Aged are invited to attend this important meetm«-Members of the Board of Trustees will present reP° ' there will be discussion of matters of importance to SHA, and there will be elections to the Board of Trustee Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 18,1984 Memo From Madeline Urbancich Wins Journalism % Madeline Debevec John Urbancich, editor oi fee weeklies at Sun newspapers’ Euclid (Ohio) of-cei has won a trio of Prestigious column writing wards in northeast Ohio competitions. Urbancich completed a onth-long sweep last Friday en he took a first place at "e Press Club of ‘-eland/Sigma Delta Chi in j eastern Ohio Excellence at f?Urna*ism awards banquet Th ^ta^er Office Tower. hon C t0p co*umn writing Dr-?r eatne in the combined c].,. ^edia division, which in-thl CS ^a'*y> weekly and mon-mao • newsPaPers and Win aZln^S' two Previous be "er^.in the category have . Dick Feagler and Bob Clp,8liSt’ both former eland Press columnists. firstast month, Urbancich won the tyP aCC co^umn honors in oftweekly newspaper division the a° ?t*ler l°cal contests. At held ^ Matrix Luncheon, Squ at ^touffer’s Inn on the ty0 re and sponsored by Inc ea ’n Communications Clevpi WlCl)> he won a AwarHand Communicators’ tPred ^P1"'! 19> he cap-Akrr, anot^er first place at the North Press Club’s annual baon,6351 Ohio Media Awards Restau?antat thC Tangiers ed foer^ron Prize was award-Home „ V°lces of War Ring the a’ a column chronicling 'Pothe izing of a Euclid thC 0ct’ 23-herSo ln Lebanon, where Marine 'Vas stationed as a U.S. e Eress Club of Cleveland Urbancich and WICI awards came for “Voices” and another 1983 column, “Steele Murder Case Just Won’t Die,” which traced the efforts of a committee formed to free imprisoned former Euclid municipal court judge Robert Steele, who is serving time for the 1969 murder of his wife. All three competitions were reviewed by out-of-town judges. Journalism faculty members at Ohio State University judged the Akron contest, while WICI chapters from Detroit and Central Pennsylvania judged that group’s entries. The Cleveland competition, meanwhile, was judged by members of both the Indianapolis Press Club and the Central Florida Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi in Orlando. Urbancich, whose “Flip Side” column appears biweekly in most of Sun’s 18 weekly newspapers, is editor of the Euclid Sun Journal, Sun Scoop Journal and Sun Leader Journal. He will celebrate his 36th birthday May 27 with his wife Candice, son Mathew, 7, and daughter Carey, 2, at their South Euclid home. The son of Dorothy and the late John J. Urbancich, he also is my brother. We here at the American Home have been fortunate to have John on board as our consultant since his graduation from Rutgers University in 1970. He received an American Mutual Life Assn. (AMLA) scholarship in 1966. ★ * * Marsha Kuhar, MSN, has been named to Who’s Who in American Nursing for 1984-85 by the Society of Nursing Professionals. Marsha is the wife of pharmacist Bogomir M. Kuhar and currently is Director of Nursing Service at Booth Memorial Hospital in Cleveland. The Who’s Who listing includes her educational and professional background, as well as several of her articles published in journals. Her specialty is Occupational Health/Administration. Bogomir and Marsha recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary and are expecting a “Blessed Event” in late October. Marsha Kuhar * * -* Stane and Milka Krulc of Euclid celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on May 8th. Their family, friends, and everyone at the American Home wish them many more years of wedded bliss. * * * Laddie Pujzdar former coowner of St. Clair Hardware, is now a resident at the Sloven^ Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. in Cleveland. * * * Krakowski is “Citizen of the Year”. The Greater Cleveland Chapter Knights of Columbus has selected Cleveland Municipal Court Clerk Jerome F. Krakowski as Citizen Of The Year. Each year, this award honors an individual for their contribution to civic, community, and business service. Committee Chairman Joe Woods stated, “The choice was an easy one because Jerry Krakowski’s accomplishments and contributions have spanned 25 plus years of service as a Community Leader, Organizer of his Neighborhood Civic Aid Patrol, Newspaper Editor, Bailiff, and elected Clerk of Cleveland Municipal Court. The award presentation took place on Monday, May 14 at the Hofbrau Haus, 1400 East 55th St., Cleveland. A dinner followed with 300 in attendance. Among those present were Governor Richard Celeste, Attorney General Anthony Celebrezze, Secretary of State Sherrod Brown, Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar, State Senator Morris Jackson, State Representative Ron Šuster, County Auditor Honors Tim McCormack, County Engineer Tom Neff, and Cleveland Council President George Forbes. * * * Marge Maslar Celebrates 75th Marge Maslar of Cleveland celebrated her 75th birthday last Friday evening at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd., and the Slovene Home for the Aged benefitted. Over 150 relatives and friends shared in the joyous occasion at the sit-down dinner cooked by Mary DolsaTC MargF specifically requested donations be made to the Slovene Home for the Aged in lieu of gifts for her. Cleveland Ward 11 Councilman Michael Polenšek presented Marge with a proclamation from City Council as well as one from Cleveland Mayor George Voinovich lauding her on her many volunteer activities. State Representative Ron Šuster presented her with a pin from the State of Ohio. < Marge is the widow of Steve Maslar. Her parents are the late Karolina and Paul Vidmar. She is a member of the American Slovene Club, Waterloo Pensioners, Euclid Pensioners, Klub Ljubljana, and the Slovenian Women’s Union No. 50. She was active for many years at St. Mary’s church and PTU and was a former president of the PTU. She has been a AMLA member for 54 years. (See p. 6.) * * * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Somrak of Mentor observed their 40th Wedding Anniversary on (Continued on Page 6) EventSM rday’ May 19 AcCorH. arnionikarji (Young ^recti l0n'sts) under the Resent?11. of Rudy Knez ponce ' lts annual Spring yitus a at 7:00 p.m. at St. koo ?ud’ °.r adults and children On aud*torium. Tickets are >itte°drfa< act D a ‘ree- For tickets con- member at 4gl-3l55. or Rudy b FoUr,!I!day’ May 20 ,°lka | Annual Midwest b°rain q01 Sess>on at .he iktig Slovenian National 3] Sl > 3114 Pearl Ave., at E. to ?nt*nuous music from r^shru P'm' Food and '°n $2 ^nts available. Dona-!?e doorm advance> $2-50 at W6) Qc 0r info call Lorain ^942, 7661, Cleveland ^'328j ’ Sandusky (419) Sunday, May 20 Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 47 of Garfield Heights will honor Frances Persin as the “Mother of the Year”. A dinner will begin at 1 p.m. at Dimitries Restaurant, Snow and Broadview Rds. If you have any questions, contact Mary Taucher at 663-6957. Sunday, May 20 The Slovenian National Art Guild “Artists, Crafts, Heritage Stitchery” Show and Sale at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid from noon to 6:00 p.m. Food, refreshments, demonstrations, entertainment. Free admission. Sunday, May 20 Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Etiwanda, California is having the 34th devotional services honoring Our Blessed Mother. The Slovenian priests in the area are promoting these services. In attendance will be Bishop Josef Smej of Maribor. Notice: persons from California, Nevada and Arizona, or any other vicinity, PLEASE COME. Sunday, May 20 St. Clair Pensioners Club Annual Dinner at the Lower Hall of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. Serving from 1 to 3 p.m. Music will be provided. Tickets are $6.00 each and can be obtained in advance from club members or by calling the secretary at 391-9761. Sunday, May 20 Roast Beef Dinner hosted by AMLA Eastern District Lodges at the AMLA Recreation Center, Kniffen Rd. in Painesville, O. Serving is from 2 - 5 p.m. Music from 4 - 8 by the Joe Luzar Orchestra. Donation is $5.00 which includes admission and meal. For tickets call Louis Silc at 944-7925. Sunday, May 27 The Holmes Hall But-tonaires will present their first -to be annual button box jam session with continuous music from 2-9 p.m. at the Collin-wood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Polka musicians and button accordion groups will perform for dancing and listening in the air conditioned ballroom. An open jam session will take place from 5:30-6:30. Plenty of food will be available and musicians and children under 16 will be admitted free. Donation is $2, with doors open at 1 p.m. Thurs., Fri., May 31, June 1 The Progressive Slovene Women of America Circle One is sponsoring a nearly new sale from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. Donation of items in good, resaleable condition are needed. For pickup call 261-6905 or 481-6071. Also, items can be dropped off at the Workmen’s Home. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 18, 1984 Slovenians Asked to Light Candle American Slovenians and Slovenes throughout the world are asked to light a candle on May 23 and reflect on the Christian values and traditions that led the nation through the centuries. At the 41st International Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia in 1976 a resolution was unanimously adopted by the Slovenians there. It says: “Every year on the eve of the feast of Our Lady of Brezje, the Protector of Slovene nation and the Slovene heritage throughout the world, May 23, we will light in our homes a candle and spend the evening in meditation. “We will reflect on the Christian values and the traditions that led our nation through the centuries, that mold us today in the world and through us the nations, where we live. We invite all Slovenes in our native land and our countrymen living throughout the world to join us in this manifestation.” A.H. Vacation As is customary, The American Home Publishing Co., Inc. will be taking a two week vacation this summer. There will be no paper published between June 25 and July 7. Lauds coming events Editor: In my opinion the Coming Events section is super because it gives the readers a collective grouping of the many coming activities. It is a plus for the American Home and I am sure it serves as a quick reference for many readers interested in the activities of our Slovenian organizations. Stanley J. Frank A proclamation from Cleveland City Council is read by Councilman Michael Polenšek to Marge Maslar (right) on the occasion of her 75th birthday party held Friday, May 11 at the Waterloo Slovenian Home. Donations from over 160 persons in attendance were made to the Slovene Home for the Aged in her honor. At left are Marge’s sister Mary Kulwin and her husband Bernie. A resolution was also given from the City of Cleveland citing Marge’s many volunteer activities. State Representative Ron Šuster, (left) presents Marge Maslar with a pin from the State of Ohio. Looking on are her son Steve, and daughter-in-law Marlene. Otmar Mauser: To My Wife Oh! How I long for Spring! For soothing sounds of birds that sing, for gentle whisper of the leafs on trees, for beauty of the early blooms and happy buzzing of the bees. You’re my Spring! Your voice — the sound of birds that sing! Your hair — the gentle whisper of the leafs on trees! Your eyes — the sky that fills my heart with happiness and joy which only you could bring! Yes my dearest, you’re my Spring! A Toast to Marge Maslar Happiness is Margie’s goal But her triumph is dancing Even if there’s rain or snow You’ll find her there a waltzing. She also has some other goals, Like helping those in need. She aides disabled and the old, By reading or helping to feed. Now Margie wanted a birthday party, To share with her many friends. It turned out she invited them all, So had to take over this hall. Now take your glass And give a toast To the cheerful lass, That will never grow old. By Helen Lah Barbre, R.N. Assistant Director of Nursing, Slovene Home for the Aged Thanks For Your Generous Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to reduce the debt on the printing press payments: Mrs. Ludwig Savel, Cleveland — $7.00 Karl Dovnik, Cudahy, Wis. — $2.00 Martin Malevich, Stoney Creek, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Ciril Vehovec, Euclid — $12.00 Louis Burjes, Wickliffe, O. — $2.00 Frank Rozina, Greenfield, Wis. — $2.00 Eve and Jerry Knaus, The “Holmes Hall But-tonaires” of Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Avenue will present their 1st Button Box Jam Session on Sunday, May 27 starting at 2 p.m. The Euclid Slovenian Society Home Squeeze Boxers, The Waterloo Slovenian Home “Buttons and Bows” Button Box Ensemble, West Park Diatonic Accordionists Club, The Fairport Slovenian Club Button Box Players, and the Likovich and Fortuna Band will participate. Ed Grosel will be Master of Ceremonies. Cleveland — $100.00 Gertrude Skiljan, Cleveland — $2.00 Vinko Levstik, Rome, Italy, in memory of the fallen victims of anti-communism — $16.50. Josephine Kovač (E. 62 St.), Cleveland — in memory of Joseph Kovač and Ferdinand Gospodarič — $10.00 Ivan Vidmar, Cleveland — $2.00 Frank Cenkar, Geneva, O. — $5.00 Mrs. Frances Mlekush, Cleveland — $6.00 At 5:30 p.m. an open jam session will enable new button box players or other instruments, to play on the stage. This is a great opportunity for beginners to gain experience performing before an audience. Continuous music will be from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. for listening or dancing. Plenty of food and refreshments will be available. Musicians with instruments will be admitted free as well as children under 16. Donation is $2.00. Doors open at 1 p.m. Ivan Marn, Toronto — $5.00 Frank Povsic, Lauderdale Lakes, Fla. — $2.00 Mary Pecharich, Chicago — Memo From Madeline (Continued from page 5) Tuesday, May 15. They were married at St. Mary’s Church in 1944 by Father Tome, who is now the pastor there. They are members of St. Mary’s PTU, Holy Name Society, St. Vincent DePaul Society, and Catholic Order of Foresters 1640. * * * Demshar-Suhy Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Philip Demshar of Waite Hill announce the engagement of their daughter Vicki Lynn to Raymond Suhy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Suhy of Willoughby Hills. The bride-elect, a 1980 Kirtland alumna, graduated from Sawyer Business College and is employed as an accounting clerk for Namco Controls of Mentor. Her fiance, a 1976 Willoughby South graduate, is a tool and die maker for Dependable Stamping in Euclid. A May 18, 1985 wedding is planned at the Chapel of the Divine Word in Kirtland. Holmes Button Jamboree Slated for May 27th in Coll. For the Printing Press $7.00 Branko Pogačnik, Euclid John Belec, Wildwood, 111. — $2.00 Dr. Marijan Erman, Chicago — $5.00 Joseph Chauby, Willoughby Hills, O. — $10.00 Ivanka Matic, Euclid — $2.00 Laddie Pujzdar, Cleveland — $12.00 Anton Skerl, Chesterland — $2.00 Marija Rantasa, Willoughby Hills, O. — $2.00 ret Tomažin- S2-00 , a - ious, Euclid •ranees Kose*- w.oo $200 Meveland — Thanks . . , _ r florid? SLOVENSKI HOTEL »BLED« V RlMtf HOTEL »BLED« - VIA S. CROCE IN GERUSALEMM®^j9< 00185 ROMA - RIM - TEL. 06/777102 - TELEX HBLED rank Mišic, St. Vitus parishioner, has his feet examined by a * udent-doctor from the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine wring the St. Vitus Health Fair held at the auditorium on Saturday, April 7. §B1IIS Recipes 1 |uDENVER OMELET (bulk) Evans m'*c* sausa8e ® e8gs ‘ CaPs milk ^teaspoon salt niUst*e®sPoon dry or regular b slices bread cubed cheeCsUeP 8rated Sharp Cheddar sa>b.e and slightly brown ‘owe?86« Drain on paper and ' Beat eggs’ milk’ salt c),. mustard. Add sausage, Se and bread. Pour into squ?Sed Pan> 8x8-inches re’ Refrigerate overnight. rninu. 350 degrees for 45 bef„ es- Let stand 10 minutes 0re serving. Serves 8. Sandy Pangonis Cleveland Hts., Ohio J^NEY BRAN muffins 2 bran or bran buds 1 Cups aH-purpose flour 2 ^spoon salt 2 e„ teasPoon soda j, ps buttermilk ,/3 CaP honey 2CSU8ar * Set asitj ge‘ber dry ingredients; soda in but-^'end a mix'ng bowl, ‘ogether honey and Miv . l‘rne. ju- ,in e^gs, one at a alterna, !x *n dry ingredients anti] | ^'*b liquid, just Roister.9. *ngredients are Rill Kr e<*‘ (Do not overmix.) ‘hirds f3?!6^ muff'n CUPS ‘w°-‘or u *• Rake at 375 degrees "“nutes. Yield: 2 dozen. ^ASTY PUDDING Pudding, a famous N‘0 J.8'and dish, made its 10 with pioneers. It’s a cornmeal mixture that is served in bowls with milk, butter and sugar. The Hasty Pudding Club is a well-known Harvard University fraternity that is still in existence. 1 cup yellow cornmeal 1 cup cold water 1 1/2 cups hot water 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup butter, optional Blend cornmeal and cold water. Combine hot water and salt in heavy saucepan and bring to a boil. Very slowly add cornmeal mixture, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Cook, stirring constantly, until thick and fully cooked about 30 minutes. Stir in butter. Serve with butter, shaved maple sugar, cream or milk or as directed above. COCOA FUDGE SAUCE Cocoa was a popular staple in the 30’s and used frequently with other dry ingredients. Instead of, for example, buying ice cream sauce (when ice cream was affordable) the frugal housewife of the “depression days” would boil up her own topping. 1/3 cup cocoa 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/2 cup light corn sirup 1/2 tablespoons' butter 2 teaspoons vanilla Combine dry ingredients in saucepan. Add corn sirup and milk, and blend thoroughly. Bring to a boil, boil five minutes. Remove from heat; stir in butter and vanilla. Cool, without stirring, until pan feels warm to hand. Makes about 1 1/2 cups. ^niporary Hospitalization for ls*tors from Foreign Countries to the United States Instant protection — no age limit I—5-30—60—90—120—180 days This can be rewritten again. 3^: Gross Insurance Agency Silsby Rd. Cleveland, 0.4411 (216) 321-8774 N 24 hours a day, 7 days a week C&lif 0,1Wide 03,1 1-800-428-7825, Ext. 185 !®rnia call 1-800-428-7824, Ext. 185 of the Better Business Bureau Sheliga Drug to Educate Kids, Parents 7 Paramedics Against Drug Abuse (PADA), and anti-drug abuse public information campaign designed to educate parents on the health dangers of the abuse of drugs by children, was recently launched nationwide. Sheliga Drug is a strong proponent of the program locally and will serve as a key community resource for information on drugs and drug abuse. Sponsored by the Pharmacists Against Drug Abuse Foundation, created by McNeil Pharmaceutical and 5 Nationalities Help St. Vitus by Participating in Celebration St. Vitus parish is preparing to present its annual Summer Festival during the weekend of July 13-15. A distinct theme was used the past two years and this year is no exception; it’s being called Slavic Celebration. Five nationalities have agreed to participate. They are: Carpatho-Russian, Croatian, Czech, Slovenian, and Ukrainian. Another feature for the more adventurous will be a 10K (Kilometer) Run. This is for any person 14 years or older. Ten kilometers is approximately 6.2 miles. The net proceeds from this running event will be used for a Summer Youth Jobs Program in the St. Vitus parish community. Forms and specific information can be obtained by contacting St. Vitus Rectory at 361-1444 or Bogomir Kuhar at 892-0391. The Markic-Zagger Band, the Lorain Button Box and the Geneva Grape Jamboree have been added to this year’s entertainment program. Stane J. Kuhar Co-Chairman Get Well Wishes are being sent to Diane Habat, 2007 East 224 St., Euclid, OH 44117. She has been released from Euclid General Hospital and is resting at home. We know she would appreciate receiving cards. the Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies, PADA focuses on alcohol and Marijuana which, according to pharmacist Bogomir M. Kuhar, “Are the two drugs young people are most likely to use in entering the drug scene.” The campaign also focuses on cocaine, the fastest growing Every inch of Cleveland City Hall’s Rotunda will be utilized at Cleveland’s 4th annual Housing Fair on Sunday, May 20. The free program will be extended into all four corridors, Room 122 and the lobby of the historic landmark building at 601 Lakeside Avenue. “This is a very compact show, ” said Vincent J. Lombardi, Director of the Community Development Department, sponsor of the Housing Fair. It is designed to provide one-stop shopping for housing-related services, all under one roof,” he said. Wall-coverings will be demonstrated in the southeast corridor by Calla Jean Schaefer of Wellesley, Mass. Simple electrical repairs will be explained in the northeast corridor by A1 Salzstein of Wax-man Industries. Dave Mc-Causlen of the same firm will demonstrate plumbing repairs in the northwest corridor. Waxman Industries specializes in products for do-it-yourselfers. The southwest corridor will be devoted to young do-it-yourselfers. Children are invited to paint houses on a 16-foot mural, to be provided by Glidden Coatings & Resins Division of SCM Corp. The plumbing, electrical, and wall-covering demonstrations will be performed at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30. Drawings for 100 door-prizes will take place in between the demonstrations, featuring radio and television personalities. Guided tours of Mayor Voinovich’s offices and City Council Chambers will be conducted at 12:30, drug of abuse in America. Kuhar said, “Parents and children need to know that using these drugs is harmful — that’s why we’re distributing a free brochure titled, ‘The Kinds of Drugs Kids Are Getting Into’.” For a free brochure or more information visit Sheliga Drug, 6025 St. Clair Ave. 1:30, 2:30,3:30, and 4:30. The Housing Fair ends at 5 p.m. In addition to free admission, the Housing Fair features free parking, free refreshments, and free balloons. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who have birthdays in May: Julia Kostka, 71, Munsun, Pa. Anton Abolnar, 59, Stična, Slovenia Mary Strnad, 93, Litija, Slovenia Mary Habitor, 90, Virtlen-ska, Croatia Jennie Mohorčič, 83, Dolenja Jezero pri Cerknici, Slovenia Laddie Pujzdar, 76, Ljubljana, Slovenia Karolina Schober, 90, Novo Mesto, Slovenia Jennie Schwane, 76, Cleveland Angela Rozmane, 84, Ljubljana, Slovenia Frances Sternad, 78, Iga Vas (Loz) Slovenia Frances Raischel, 85, Trava, Slovenia Angela Smole, 91, Slovenia May 15 — Prijatel triplets are 65 years old. They are: Frances Scigliano, 28717 Lake Shore Blvd., Willowick, O. Frank Prijatel, 7306 Barton Hills Dr., Parma, O. Edward Prijatel 1137 E. 66 St., Cleveland, Ohio May 10 — Mary Per Cleveland, Ohio, 89. Best wishes from family and friends. April 21 — Belated 50th birthday to Stane Krulc. City’s Housing Fair Features Demonstrations, Tours, Homes now ,.24% Effective Annual Rate $ NDEPENDENT ►/WINGS ChecKing 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. ! G* I/ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 18, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 18, 1984 .•.•.w.v.wv.v v.v.vlw.v Recent Deaths MARY ANZIC Mary Anzic, 70, was the beloved wife of Joseph, dear mother of Godfrey, Emily Sleme and Ann Žakelj; grandmother of five. Funeral was Tuesday, May 15 at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. A 10:00 a.m. Mass was held at St. Vitus Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. MARY LEKSAN Mary Leksan (nee Krašovec) was the wife of the late Andrew and the late Max Leonardi Sr.; mother of Max Leonardi, Lillian Savanja (N. Mex.), Carl Leonardi (Fla.), Glades Bukovec, and Mary Klements; stepmother of 4; grandmother of 22; and great-grandmother of 10. Mary was born in Vas Dane pri Lozu, Slovenia and came to this country in 1910. She was a member of the Maccabees, SZZ No. 14, and St. Clair Pensioners. Funeral Mass was Thursday, May 17 at 10 a.m. at St. Vitus Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Zak-Cosic Funeal Home was in charge of arrangements. RUDOLPH G. NOVAK Monday, May 7 Mr. Rudolph G. Novak died after a short illness at Deaconess Hospital. He was 73 years old. He is survived by his wife, Margaret (roj. Abbott) and two daughters Ellen Coon of Polk, Ohio and Carol Zumack of West Salem, Ohio and one son, Mark. He was grandfather of 12 and greatgrandfather of seven. His father John Novak and his mother Terezija roj. Zeitz are both deceased, but he leaves behind 5 brothers, Frank, Louis, Edward, Ladislaus and Daniel and two sisters, Rose Zbasnik and Mildred Pordash. A brother John Novak pre-deceased him. Before his retirement he was employed as a Machinist and Polisher at the Ohio Crankshaft Co. Funeral services were held BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. New Phone - 361-3112 Nova tel, st, 361-3112 IN LOVING MEMORY Died May 19,1982 Died May 20, 1954 Rose Lausche Anton Lausche You left so much to remember, Like the twinkle in your eyes. The smile that was so loving Always comes before our eyes. And when we say we miss you, It’s from the bottom of our hearts. For priceless memories like these, Time will never part. Lausche children and family Thursday, May 10 from St. Lawrence Church and burial was in Calvary Cemetery, under the direction of the Fortuna Funeral Home. JANE MARIE KRAKOWIAK Jane Marie Krakowiak died unexpectedly at her residence at the age of 24 years. She is the daughter of Mary Catherine (roj. Turk) and Eugene T. Krakowiak, principal of Holy Name High School. She was employed as a business secretary at the Revco Drug Industry. Besides her parents, she is survived by two sisters Barbara Ketterick and Mary Beth Burger and five brothers: Eugene, Andrew, Mark, Philip and Paul. She was aunt of seven. Her grandmother Mary Krakowiak survives her, but her grandfather Andrew Krakowiak is deceased; and her grandparents John Turk and Mary Turk are both deceased. Funeral services were held at the Fortuna Funeral Home, 5316 Fleet Ave., and at St. Michael Church in Independence, Ohio. Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery. For those who wish, memorial contributions in her name may be made to the Ho- ly Name High School Scholarship Fund. MARY ROŽANCE Z1 VODER Mary Rožance Zivoder, 88, a former resident of 1072 E. 74 St., passed away Thursday, May 10 in Oakland, Calif., where she had resided for the past year with her daughter. She was born in Gabrovica, Yugoslavia in 1896 and came to the U.S. in 1913. She and her husband John Rožance operated a butcher shop at East 46th St., and also on 82nd and Superior for many years. She was a member of SDZ No. 7 and St. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society. Slovenian Club of So. Florida Miami, Fla. — The American Slovene Club of So. Florida held its meeting with a sizeable crowd considering that so many of our winter time members go home for Easter. We hope you all had a nice Easter holiday and you were able to wear your Easter finery. It’s been a long, hard winter for many folks this year. Not only winter, but now it’s spring and yet we have severe cold weather in many parts of the country as well as tornados and floods. We here in Florida have had two really cold days, Christmas evening and New Year’s eve. Two days is enough to kill, all winter long is something else. Old age is not helped by severe cold. Our club celebrated its 10th anniversary at Gibby’s in Ft. Lauderdale. Some of our members are having difficult times. Mary Nagode is very ill; Ned Girlan- Grdina Funeral Homes 1053 East 62 Street 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauiey Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families.} Roy G. Sankovič, director Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo l'ZAK ’4 FUNERAL Scosicl HOME REASONABLE & DIGNIFIED LUNCHEON & COMMUNITY ROOMS AVAILABLE 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills (1 Block East of Bishop Rd.) 585-5100 Susan Zak Cosic - Funeral Director do, Nancy Gasparič and Jennie Krašovec are not up to par-Nancy Blatnik, Theresa Zupanc, and Mary Pene ha eye surgery. We wish all our ill members a speedy recovery. Our prayers are with you. j My recent birthday car (singing one) keeps singing- ^ showed it to a little fellow. In second he was tearing it aPar' He lay it down, put a book o it, stood it up, and yet it keeps singing “Happy Birthday. No meetings in July an AugUSt‘ m. Willis Krakowski Gets Help For Parking Ticket8 Jerome F. Krakowski, Ce of Cleveland Municipal ^ol? announced the passage Cleveland City ^oU.nre. Finance Committee, of his quested Parking Violations Bureau (PVB) ordinance which is a step closer to coiiee tion of the $3 million in u paid tickets. n Krakowski said, “It has been almost two years since quested a Parking Violations Bureau be established *n City of Cleveland to neip place needed monies in the c ty’s coffers, monies that will*, effect help everyone. The PVB will (1) be an ong ing program designed to lect in the most effective efficient manner monies o the City of Cleveland from paid parking tickets, a P gram not presently in c (2) The PVB will allow peop who feel that they recf;lV jhe parking ticket unjustly right to ask for a hearin ^ front of a referee or to written statement contest^ the ticket and mail this ment to the PVB for ^ sideration and decision. (3) the PVB will reliev.ement Cleveland Police P)ePar are of clerical functions t^y^g now performing reg parking tickets. or. Krakowski said the n .ve dinance will become e j g Sept. 3. It will alio* tickets to become a civi ^ with civil collection s ^ garnishment of wa®L^perty bank accounts or P1^ levies possible. FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLOVARS dept STORE* Anion M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Ser^blic