December, 1973 Dear members and friends On Sunday 26th November the Slovenian Club held the Annual General Meeting. The meeting was recorded on tape, later to be transferred to the Minutes' Book. The President gave his Annual Report, followed by the Secretary's and the treasurer's reports to the meeting. The old Committee then stepped down. Before the voting, the two candidates, Mr Falez and MrF. Secko gave speeches supporting their respective views. It was previosly decided at the meeting, that the two candidates would select their own office bearers and Committee. This is aimed at avoiding arguments within the Committee. Mr Falez was re-elected by 59 votes to 24- The meeting then concluded with supper and free refreshments. Members of the new Committee for the year 1973-7.'. President Vice President Secretary Vice secretary Treasurer - Vice treasurer Florijan Falez Polde Bajt Mrs Zinka Cerne Alexander Thuma Cvetko Falez Ludvik Kerec. Committee members - Franc Culek, Joze Forjanic, Anton Grlj, Stanko Heric, Joze Macek, Miso Patafta, Anton Pavlic, Mirko Penca, Ivan Savle. Polde Bajt, Anton Grlj, Miso Patafta have taken the responsibility of the bar. Responsibility for bowling: by Ivan Savle and Toni Pavlic. Further the Committee has decided that to cover maintenance expenses a charge will levied for bowling. This charge will be 20c per player per game. This will be paid at the bar on picking up the balls. Miro Penca is responsible for insuring that the club is in good repair. Frank-Culek- wiH--T3rgan±5'Q~tLances and any activities and will at some time take bookings and we would ask that you turn to him with any enquiries along this line. Ludvik Kerec will supervise the door duty. If you are prepared to participate approximately once monthly please let us know. FINANCIAL REPORT Dear members, The year that has just ended vras marked by three different treasurers. The first Mr Frank Culek was doihg an excellent job. The second treasurer Mr Janez Penca was forced to retire for health reasons after four weeks. The result this year was not as good as the previous year. This is however not so unexpected, the novelty of a new club house has worn off and curiosity has been satisfied. Net profit was 12,701 dollars this year and was dollars 5,4-77 down on last year. Sales from the bar are up dollars 11,630 to dollars 65,503 which is quite a significant increase. Expenses in the bar are up, wages dollars 1,562, replacement of glasses and so on up dollars 4.73* The net pfofit from the bar is then up dollars 762 over last year, at dollars 15,551* The indicator of profitability and efficiency gross profit as a percentage of sales is down from 45-4-8$ "to 4-1,24$» 4-1 «24$ is no"t such a bad result when compared with other clubs. The fall in the percentage may be attributed to the lowering of prices which were charged at the begining particularly on liqueurs. The profit from facilities and function is down dollars- 1,14.0 principally because of falling attendances at the dances. Lotteries and faffles contain both of our two lotteries. Raffles are also down because they were not held towards the end of the year. Punchboard, recorded the highest fall dollars 3,142. This fall can mostly be attributed to the novelty wearing off. These small increases in profits are however matched by a large increase in operating expenses which went up dollars 5,564* Wages alone are up dollars 3,188 but this increase is reflected by all of the other items. A significant amount was however saved on interest on the loan account which fell from dollars 3,170 to dollars 2,169. This is due to repayments during the year. Membership fees were down dollars 300 and no interest was received this year, as in the last which amounted dollars 704% The profit at almost dollars 13,000 was then quite good when the fall in income of the Punchboard and the increasing expenses are taken into account. y » The balance sheet shows that the loan has gone from dollars 39,673 to 25,533 dollars on 30/9/73, leaving dollars 25,533 still to be repayed. The decision at the annual general meeting to repay a further dollars 6,500 to the bank» If things continue as they have the loan of dollars 40,000 taken to build the club house will have been repayed in a further two years or less. The way seems open for an even more profitable year in 1974.« GENERAL MEETINGS were so badly attended last year that the August meeting decided to hold them once every three months. The next meeting will therefore be on Monday 4 February 1974 at 8. o'clock. CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR CHILDREN will be on Sunday 16/12/73 at 3-00 p.m. A short concert by the children of the Slovenian school. This will be followed by the arrival of St. Nicholas and distribution of the presents. Parents are asked to live the presents to be presented before 3*00 o'clock. EVERYONE IS WELCOME RESERVATIONS FOR NEW YEAR 31/12/73 - MISSION DOLLARS 6-00 involves DINNER. MUSIC BY THE PREMIERS JOHN SIROLA. "STEFANOVO" 26/12/73 - DANCE - ALL INVITED The club will be closed on CHRISTMdS EVE 24/12/73 from 7. o'clock and — CHRISTMAS DAY 25/12/73. If you have not paid your membership dues you may still do so at the bar before 31/12/73. THE COMMITTEE WISHES YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AI® A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 1974. C C r - 4