Organizacija, Volume 39 Scientific Papers Number 3, March 2006 Information ISLOVAR - Slovene Terminology Online Dictionary of Informatics The terminology section of the Slovene Association INFOMATI-KA has been publishing the online dictionary Islovar since April 2001. The dictionary was based upon the preceding Slovene computing and informatics lexicographical and other published works. From its modest beginnings, it has grown into a project of national importance, including cooperation of many experts in computing, informatics and linguistics, featuring as editors, consultants, contributors or users. The access to the dictionary is free at the address About 1000 users have registered until now, adding new items, commentaries or questions in forum. Up to 20.000 items are currently searched in the dictionary per month. Islovar is a Slovene dictionary of informatics, including short definitions of terms, with grammar and usage labels, English equivalents, usually the American variety. The dictionary provides a comprehensive vocabulary of informatics terms in Slovene, related to information technology and telecommunications, and specialist areas such as database, user interface, business informatics, object programming technology, artificial perception, social issues. Words of general meaning are not included. Users can search in both directions, from Slovene to English and vice versa, they may enter new terms, comment the existing ones, take part in discussions in forum. They can also browse for random terms, new terms and terms of the day or link to other dictionaries. All the unsuccessful searches are saved and entered, if considered appropriate for the dictionary. In this way, users are important actors in creating the dictionary and the content is made as up-to date as possible. The dictionary content is provided by 25 editors, mostly university teachers, each of them responsible for an area, e.g. communications and networking, object programming, information security. The editors are responsible for choice and for definitions of terms. All the editorial work is done on-line in a separate part of the dictionary, following an agreed upon procedure. In the creation of the dictionary the work of different groups is very important. Several groups are active: 1. Editorial managing board, meeting twice a year, discussing objectives and strategy. 2. Editorial working group, including editors of different profiles, discussing, correcting and finally editing the input items 3. Specialist working groups, meeting occasionally, discussing entries of a particular field. The second release has introduced numerous changes, including user friendly design, advanced browser, audio pronunciation, additional functions for editors. It makes all the activities in the dictionary transparent to the editors, with possibility of immediate changing or adjusting the content. Due to the open technology of the dictionary, the entries are labeled according to their reliability: suggested, reviewed, professionally advised, edited. Finally edited entries include definitions, grammar labels and usage labels. Pronunciation is presented in MRPA (machine readable alphabet) standard, with addition of audio application. The web application takes advantage of numerous new information technologies. Its content is open to cooperation of users, free to public access, and constantly updated. In Slovenia, this project of engaging specialists and users in working online with the objective of creating o terminology dictionary of national importance is unique. Because of the advantages of the technology, Islovar might become a model for other terminology dictionaries. Katarina Puc 216 Organizacija, Volume 39 Information Number 3, March 2006 eValues 19th Bled eConference Bled, Slovenia, June 5-7, 2006 Sponsored by Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor Government of the Republic of Slovenia Organizations in Slovenia's eCommerce Project Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia European Commission CALL FOR PARTICIPATION This conference attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities and is the major venue for researchers working in all aspects of "e". There will be a variety of keynote speakers from industry, government and academe. The conference venue is the alpine village of Bled, 30 km south of the Austrian border - one of the most beautiful spots imaginable. Expect to learn and play and come away feeling that you have achieved more than you normally would at any conference. The conference has a wide appeal, offering: ■ A fully-refereed Research Track, devoted to researchers in all aspects of "e"; ■ A Business and Government Panel Track which attracts eminent business and government leaders from Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific; ■ Business, Government and Academic Meetings offering opportunities to think and share with colleagues from around the world. Conference Details Registration fees The full conference fee until May 5,2006 is EUR 400,00. After May 5, the conference fee is EUR 450,00 (20% VAT included). Full-time student (recommended by his/her professor) is invited to apply for a grant to waive 50% of the conference fee. On-line registration Local transfers Registration includes transfer from either Ljubljana International Airport or Lesce-Bled and Ljubljana railway stations. 217 Organizacija, Volume 39 Information Number 3, March 2006 Further information: Jože Gricar, Professor & eCenter Director, Conference Chair, Andreja Pucihar, Assistant Professor, Conference Chair Assistant, eCenter, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia Phone: +386 4 237 4291 Fax: +386 4 237 4365 Research Track Co-chairs: Pirkko Walden, Professor & Research Director Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, Àbo Akademi University, Finland M. Lynne Markus, John W. Poduska, Sr. Professor of Information Management Management Department, Bentley College, United States, eSilk & eAmber Road Regions Meeting: Business and Government Executives & Professors' Commitment To Making A Difference Monday, June 5,2006, Hotel Golf Bled 14.00 - 17.30. Co-chairs: Jiang Chianjian, Professor The School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Jože Gričar, Professor & eCenter Director Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia Andrew Pinder, Director Entrust & Group President, Government Affairs, British Telecom & Chairman, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, United Kingdom Douglas R. Vogel, Professor & Chair of Information Systems Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, SAR, China Business & Government Executive Meeting on Cross-border eRegion Tuesday, June 6,2006, Hotel Golf Bled 14.00 - 17.30. Co-chairs: Jože Zrimšek, Director General Directorate for Information Society, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology, Republic of Slovenia Ivan Žerko, President SRC.SI, Systems Integration, Slovenia 218 Organizacija, Volume 39 Information Number 3, March 2006 eBusiness ALADIN - ALpe ADria INitiative Universities' Network Meeting: Universities of Corvinus Budapest, Hungary; Karl-Franzens Graz, Austria; Kosice, Slovakia; Maribor, Slovenia; BW München, Germany; Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro; Prague, Czech Republic; Rijeka, Croatia; and Trieste, Italy, Dragan Cisic, Associate Professor & Vice Dean University of Rijeka, Croatia Petr Doucek, Professor & Vice Dean Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic Andras Gabor, Associate Professor & Director University of Corvinus Budapest, Hungary Borislav Josanov, Assistant Professor & Vice Dean Novi Sad Business School, Serbia & Montenegro Bernhard R. Katzy, Professor & Direcor of CeTIM GmbH University BW München, Germany Miroljub Kljajic, Professor & Head University of Maribor, Slovenia Paolo Inchingolo, Professor & Director University of Trieste, Italy Anton Lavrin, Associate Professor & Head, Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic Otto Petrovic, Professor & Chairman of evolaris Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria ePrototype Bazaar: The Undergraduate and Graduate Students Prototype Presentation: Co-chairs: Andreja Pucihar, Assistant Professor & Head, eMarkets Laboratory eCenter, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia Matthias Glowatz, College Lecturer Department of Management Information Systems, Quinn School of Business, Faculty of Commerce University College Dublin, Ireland 219 Organizacija, Volume 39 Information Number 3, March 2006 e-Challenges 25 - 27 October 2006, Barcelona, Í Introduction The eChallenges e-2006 Conference Conference takes place in the beautiful city of Barcelona. This is the sixteenth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 550 delegates from leading commercial, government & research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt and good practice. eChallenges e-2006 will focus on topics in the area of applied Information Society Technologies (1ST) research, addressing major societal and economic challenges. The programme combines strategic keynote presentations, technical and policy papers, business and government case studies, workshops, the exhibition as well as social activities. 2006 e-2006 Spain, eChallenges provides a collegiate setting for presentations and discussions of innovative developments in eBusiness, eGovernment, Knowledge Management, Collaborative Working Environments, Smart/Virtual Organisations, Mobility, SME Issues, eLearning and Digital Content in the emerging digital economy. e-2006 provides an excellent networking environment to discuss problems and new ideas, share knowledge and obtain feedback from potential partners and users. e-2006 will provide a forum to showcase the achievements of FP6 and Regional, National and International ICT related initiatives, and look forward to the future by focusing on i2010 and the thematic priorities of FP7. The 'European Research Area' (ERA), International Cooperation and future research priorities and trends will also be discussed. Thematic The core thematic priorities for e-2006 are: ■ eBusiness - Future forms of organisations, ■ Technology and Applications ■ eGovernment - Services to Citizens and Business, Organisational Transformation ■ eLearning and ICT Skills ■ Collaborative Working Environments ■ International Cooperation on 1ST Related themes include but are not restricted to: ■ i2010 and ICT take-up by SMEs ■ Digital Content & Digital Rights Management -issues, applications & technologies ■ eDemocracy, eVoting, eParticipation ■ o eHealth - issues, applications & technologies ■ eInclusion and eAccessibility ■ eTourism and Cultural Heritage ■ eServices in the European Research Area ■ Future Emerging Technologies ■ GRID - issues, applications and technologies ■ Knowledge management and technologies ■ Interoperability and Standardisation ■ Mobility - issues, applications & technologies ■ Open Source Technologies and Applications ■ Security - issues, applications & technologies ■ Semantic and knowledge based systems ■ Smart and Virtual Organisations Priorities Related topics for papers or sessions may include: ■ Best Practice Models - Lessons Learnt ■ eAdoption - national and sectoral case studies and policy issues ■ Future Workplace Design ■ Identity Management and Authentication ■ Innovation & Technology Transfer ■ Legal and Regulatory Challenges for IST ■ Measuring and Benchmarking ■ Multimodal Working Environments 220 Organizacija, Volume 39 Information Number 3, March 2006 IST Event 21 - 23 November 2006, Helsinki, Finland index_en.htm The IST 2006 Conference Programme looks at one of the central questions facing European competitiveness today from two different angles. "Creating a virtuous cycle between ICT research innovation and socio-economic benefits" IST 2006 is being held as the Commission launches FP7, its Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, so one of the main themes of the event will be FP7's ICT objectives and procedures. In today's EU, however, ICT research does not take place in isolation. Reflecting the central importance ICTs play in stimulating innovation and competitiveness in all areas of industry, the conference programme will also contribute to the creation of a virtuous cycle between ICT research innovation and socio-economic benefits. Purely scientific and technical subjects, on the other hand, will be addressed in the networking and workshop sessions. Programme at a Glance Tuesday, 21 November 2006 After the opening plenary session and exhibition opening ceremony, the second plenary session will debate how governments and public policy can help ICT contribute to an innovative Europe. After lunch, parallel sessions will explore these and other policy issues in greater depth. The final plenary session will be a panel session, and will start with four short presentations on "research needs" seen from four different perspectives: academia, large EU companies, SMEs & international companies. This will be followed by a presentation of FP7, providing a high-level introduction to Day Two. Wednesday, 22 November 2006 This day is devoted to FP7, with 20 sessions (five in parallel) covering the research content of the FP7 ICT Work Programme. The intention is to arrange these sessions to create vertical threads corresponding to particular industrial sectors or technology areas. In addition, a session on how to submit a FP7 proposal will be presented four times over the day. Thursday, 23 November 2006 The first part of the day will be devoted to highlights of important research, innovation and accompanying activities of the IST Programme, with the closing session ending IST 2006 in the early afternoon. 221 Organizacija, Volume 39 Information Number 3, March 2006 United Growing Books of the World (CONCEPTUAL PROJECT) Slovenia became a full member of the European Union. It is therefore required that the country should act on an equal footing, by participating ideas and organizing actions on European level and even wider. In continuation, we are presenting what is in our opinion an interesting conceptual project that might promote Slovenia not only as a country of culture and knowledge, but also as an entity which cares about the quality of mutual relations in this new global world. We wish to say that we are anxious to make, in the next few years, an active contribution to focusing our world on more balanced, sustainable and harmonious development. Without any doubt the major role lies in science and research, education, innovation, economy and culture. In this sense, we would be anxious to give the Growing Book project, which Slovenia met with at the turn of the third millennium, a wider and deeper international connotation. We have demonstrated in this project, how strongly our culture, science and art had been connected with other nations. What is underlined is the need to permanently increase our knowledge by tying to stimulate and motivate as many persons, companies and different organizations as possible. The power of these connections might yield exceptional synergy at on international community level. And this was the reason for starting to develop the conceptual project called »United Growing Books of the World«. We might say that this project is looking for making noble connections and establishing cooperation between different countries and nations. Andre Gide wrote that ideas, and not train engines, are driving the world. The above described idea or the conceptual project will serve this goal, since it leads us to engage in reading and education, and to permanently increase our knowledge. We have chosen the Growing Book, as we want on international level, not only to imi- tate, but primarily to innovate and upgrade all the factors involved, and above all to improve them. Within the scope of this pan-Slovene Growing Book project, an interesting statue has recently been erected in Ljubljana entitled the »Girl with a Growing Book«. It tries to demonstrate, in a symbolically active way, the contents and targets of this project. The girl is proudly and self-confidently looking into the future. Her poise is connected with the book, which she holds in her lap and which she will permanently grow with. A lucky circumstance is that this statue of the »Girl with a Growing Book« is placed close to Navje, which is the final resting place of our big men of letters, scientists and artists, which were connected with the European events already in the past. Just opposite are high modern buildings growing into the sky, which indicates our capability of being integrated into current global economic flows. We could say that the »Girl with a Growing Book« links our past with the present and the future. The »Girl with a Growing Book« carries a profound message about the necessity of mutual tolerance and coexistence. The girl conveys, with her graceful, well-intentioned and benevolent look, the following message: Let us grow in a community which builds its future on humane principles. Briefly, she would indicate our intentions to build together a new, attractive, friendly, but also efficacious international system. The conceptual project would be brought into life by placing, around the »Girl with a Growing Book«, the most significant books of different countries, which is similar to the concept of introducing Slovenia through the Freising Manuscripts. The books would be made of bronze. Finance would be provided through sponsorship from domestic, and particularly foreign companies operating in Slovenia (Spar for Austria, Renault and SKB for France, etc. - a general consent about it has already been 222 Organizacija, Volume 39 Information Number 3, March 2006 reached). It should be noted however, that the expenses would be relatively low. (The cost estimate for one book in bronze is approx. 1 million SIT.) The idea would be implemented gradually. In this way, fifteen major books of a certain country and also the book that would later be placed next to our Freising Manuscripts and to the »Girl with a Growing Book« would be presented every year in the National Council hall of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana (and possibly also in the Krka Gallery in Ljubljana). The selection will be made by each individual country according to its own criteria, but in compliance with the uniform technological concept of the »Growing Book«. Our annual forums organized at Otocec might be related to the topic of the »Growing Book« and the »Girl with a Growing Book« who grows by two centimetres each year. At these scientific meetings held over the last 17 years we have been discussing the growth of science and researches and their interconnection with culture, economy, art and progress. We are also searching for a path towards excellence in the field of economy as well as in other fields. In this way, Slovenia is being actively included into searching new models for a tolerant cohabitation in the world, which is full of huge controversies and dangerous trends, as well as into searching, arousing and consolidating common global potentials in the field of development, research and education. Let us conclude by saying that the »United Growing Books of the World« as well as the »Girl with a Growing Book« invite us to engage in comprehensive training, and expanding our knowledge and culture. The girl will grow on her pedestal by two centimetres each year, and similar to this trend, we as citizens of the world should enhance our knowledge, culture and values. This is a path leading to global success and universal excellence. Ex nihilo nihil fit - nothing comes from nothing, is one of the basic principles and guidelines of sustainable development. By implementing the above described idea, Slovenia might considerably promote its reputation as a newly established cultural and scientific centre on international level. Our global company Krka d.d., tovarna zdravil, Novo mesto has already helped us so far with the promotion and implementation of this project. We would like to mention in the end that the »Growing Book« exhibition, held in June 2004 in Brussels, the capital of new Europe, won public applause and was enthusiastically praised, which is a good starting point for our initiative. A similar situation has been observed in Vienna, Gent, Gorizia and recently also in Klagenfurt. This year the largest exhibition of the »Growing Book« is being prepared in Muenchen. To celebrate the National Holiday, this creative Slovenian project will be introduced from 27 June to 24 August, in Stattsbibliothek - Marmorsaal, which is very close to the original Friesing Manuscripts. In this way, we shall be able to demonstrate our rich cultural and scientific heritage and our vision of being a nation of knowledge, culture and cooperation. Several important persons have already expressed a positive opinion about this conceptual project. A positive position was also adopted by the Municipal Community of Ljubljana, the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, SAZU (the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) and the Ministry of Culture. The relevant projects of the MOL (the Municipal Community of Ljubljana) were prepared in accordance with this tendency. Conceptual project prepared by Dr. Janez Gabrijelčič 223