Lamošová A., Kyselovičová O., Tomková P.: ANTHROPOMETRIC AND MOTOR … Vol. 13 Issue 2: 243 - 251 Science of Gymnastics Journal 243 Science of Gymnastics Journal ANTHROPOMETRIC AND MOTOR CHANGES AFTER ONE- YEAR AEROBIC GYMNASTICS TRAINING IN YOUNG GYMNASTS Anita Lamošová 1 , Oľga Kyselovičová 1 , Petra Tomková 2 1 Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Gymnastics, Dance, Fitness and Martial Arts, Slovakia 2 Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Institute of Physical Education and Sports, Slovakia Original article, DOI:10.52165/sgj.13.2.243-251 Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of one-year specific aerobic gymnastics training on selected anthropometric and motor parameters in 6-11-year-old girls. 23 girls (average age in the beginning of the study was 8.04 ± 1.22 years) were involved in the study representing 2 different aerobic gymnastics sports clubs in Slovakia. The selected group completed their regular trainings and competitions for a period of one year. Measurements were taken in January 2019 and January 2020, in the middle of the preparatory period. Normality of distribution of the traits was examined using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Considering anthropometric parameters, there were significant changes (p≤0.01) in body height, body weight and BMI. Considering motor parameters, the mean values of straddle support hold and back extension endurance test increased significantly to the level of p≤0.05. The mean values of 4x10m shuttle run, standing long jump, modified push-ups, sit-ups in 60s increased significantly to the level of p≤0.01. No significant changes were observed in bent arm hang test or hanging knee tucks. On the other hand, the values of 1 leg stand with eyes closed and 2-min endurance shuttle run decreased insignificantly. Keywords: aerobic gymnastics, anthropometric changes, motor changes, motor abilities, sports training, young gymnasts. INTRODUCTION Aerobic gymnastics is one of the gymnastics types that is recognized by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG). According to its performance structure, it is characterized as an aesthetic-technical discipline with energy coverage from the anaerobic glycolytic system. Previous investigation of aerobic gymnastics routine performance (Kyselovičová & Danielová, 2012) revealed that the values document clear anaerobic dominance and anaerobic energy metabolism. However, Kyselovičová et al. (2016) also noted, that it is rather complicated to assess the physiological and energetic demands during exercises of relatively short duration, changing intensity, and types of muscle activation. Aerobic gymnastics’ performance is characterized by its content and demonstration originating from traditional aerobics making its structure somewhat different from other types of gymnastics. The highest demands are placed on the execution and physical fitness of competitors (Hájková et al., 2006). Lamošová A., Kyselovičová O., Tomková P.: ANTHROPOMETRIC AND MOTOR … Vol. 13 Issue 2: 243 - 251 Science of Gymnastics Journal 244 Science of Gymnastics Journal Athletes are required to demonstrate complex high-intensity movements to music, involving many gymnastics and dance-based skills, difficult elements and acrobatic moves, displaying the discipline’s variety and creativity. Routines are evaluated by judges who consider three different aspects: difficulty, artistic value and execution (Raiola et al., 2012; FIG, 2017). The highest scores are earned by the gymnasts who perform difficult routines with high accuracy and a proper technique (Prassas et al., 2006). In aerobic gymnastics, as well as in other sport disciplines, there is a constant demand for an ever-increasing performance level. The level of physical fitness is dependent on the innate predispositions and environmental factors, such as, for example, primarily training. It is also believed that in order to achieve a high degree of complex motor performance, the training needs to begin in early childhood as it plays an important role in the development of motor skills (Sawczyn et al., 2000; Kochanowitz et al., 2010). The success of each gymnast is highly dependent on the level of their motor abilities (Jemni et al., 2006). Therefore, a systematic examination of training effects is needed. The evaluation of the motor skill levels requires the use of objective, quantitative and qualitative criteria. There are many techniques available for measuring motor abilities and the general level of motor fitness. They serve not only to assess the current level of motor abilities, but also to monitor improvement during the process of training (motor development). However, it is necessary to continually monitor the training effects of each athlete to allow the individualization of training loads (Kochanowitz et al., 2006; Ortega et al., 2008; Zaporozhanov et al., 2012) Many authors (Gallahue et al., 2012; Piek et al., 2012) agree that early childhood is considered to be the ideal age for the development of fundamental movement skills that become the basis for both skills needed for the daily life as well as specific movements needed for the participation in different sports and physical activities. Sports preparation, in general, positively influences children’s health in terms of physical fitness, and it also improves anthropometric measurements like body weight and body composition (Fisher et al., 2005). Differences in the levels of physical fitness and motor coordination in children who are actively involved in sports can partly be explained by the number of hours spent doing their chosen sport (Opstoel et al., 2015). Physical activity during the period of growth results in significant changes in anaerobic strength and aerobic capacity. It has also a beneficial impact on aerobic and muscular strength, coordination and muscular endurance (Ortega et al., 2008). On the other hand, gymnastics is one of the key sports that play an important role in the development of children as it offers a wide range of locomotive, stability and body control movements such as transitions from dynamic to static elements and frequent changes of the body position in space (Culjak et al., 2003; Bressel et al., 2007; Pajek et al., 2010). Regular gymnastics training contributes to the development of coordination, strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and balance (Bencke et al., 2002; Werner et al., 2012). According to Douda et al. (2008), important factors for the execution of gymnastics seem to be anthropometric characteristics, flexibility, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic power. There have been a few studies researching the effects of a long-term gymnastics training on both anthropometric and motor parameters (Tibenská et al., 2010; Živčić et al., 2012; Mertashl et al., 2015; Mlsnová, 2016). However, the amount of research, especially in aerobic gymnastics, is insufficient and we felt the need to expand the knowledge in this field. The aim of our study was to discover the changes in the selected anthropometric and motor Lamošová A., Kyselovičová O., Tomková P.: ANTHROPOMETRIC AND MOTOR … Vol. 13 Issue 2: 243 - 251 Science of Gymnastics Journal 245 Science of Gymnastics Journal parameters after one-year specific aerobic gymnastics training of 6-11-year-old girls. METHODS The examined sample consisted of 23 girls involved in aerobic gymnastics. Their average age in the beginning of the study was 8.04 ± 1.22 years, the average sport age was 3.07 ± 1.35 years, height 130.21 ± 9.21 cm and mass 26.88 ± 6.10 kg. Girls were attending aerobic gymnastics classes in two different sports clubs and completed regular trainings and competitions for a period of one year. They trained on average 5.02 ± 0.68 hours a week (except during summer and winter holidays) and participated in on average 4.26 ± 2.36 competitions in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In general, our training program included general physical preparation, learning and performing routines and difficult elements, and specific gymnastics preparation. Each training session also included warm-up and cool-down exercises. The trainings’ content followed the one-year training cycle (Table 1.) Measurements were taken in January 2019 and January 2020 in the middle of the preparatory period (lasting from the beginning of December till the end of February). They consisted of anthropometry tests (body height, body mass, BMI) and 10 standardized tests picked from the test battery used by the Slovak Gymnastics Federation for the selection of the national team (SGF 2018). The test battery included the following tests: 1. one leg stand with eyes closed, 2. 4x10m shuttle run, 3. standing long jump, 4. bent arm hang, 5. straddle support hold, 6. back extension endurance test, 7. hanging knee tucks, 8. modified push-ups, 9. sit-ups in 60s, 10. 2min endurance shuttle run (7m). Normality of distribution of the traits was examined using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Results pointed out that the variables were not normally distributed, therefore, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for all the variables. Significance levels for all statistical analyzes were considered as p≤0.05 and p≤0.01. RESULTS After the one-year aerobic gymnastics training, we noted significant changes in selected anthropometric parameters. The mean value of body height increased by 4.3 % (p≤0.01), body weight increased by 12.7 % (p≤0.01) and BMI increased by 4.5 % (p≤0.01). Detailed data of all anthropometric parameter are presented in Table 2. Table 1 Approximate trainings’ content during the one-year training cycle of the examined group. Phase Preparatory 1 Competitive 1 Transition 1 Preparatory 2 Competitive 2 Transition 2 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Content routine construction routine perfection acrobatics routine construction routine perfection acrobatics new elements technical prep. transitions new elements technical prep. transitions conditioning psychological preparation new elements conditioning psychological preparation new elements physical preparation physical preparation break physical preparation physical preparation 2-week holiday Lamošová A., Kyselovičová O., Tomková P.: ANTHROPOMETRIC AND MOTOR … Vol. 13 Issue 2: 243 - 251 Science of Gymnastics Journal 246 Science of Gymnastics Journal Table 2. Changes in selected somatic and motor parameters (x ̄ - average value; sd - standard deviation; EC - eyes closed; PU – push-ups; ET - endurance test; SR - shuttle run; * p≤0.05; ** p≤0.01). PARAMETERS Input Output x ̄ sd x ̄ sd anthropometric parameters body height [cm] 130.21 9.21 135.86** 9.41 body weight [cm] 26.88 6.10 30.30** 5.96 BMI 15.59 1.57 16.29** 1.51 motor parameters 1 leg stand with EC [s] 32.00 18.81 27.2 20.97 4x10 m shuttle run [s] 12.78 0.67 12.02** 0.77 standing long jump [cm] 142.78 16.38 153.96** 19.51 bent arm hang [s] 36.10 19.77 38.87 23.32 straddle support hold [s] 13.58 8.81 19.54* 10.23 back extension [number] 36.87 10.55 45.83* 25.58 hanging knee tucks [number] 14.22 5.70 15.48 7.43 modified PU [number] 17.70 3.67 21.35** 4.50 sit-ups in 60 s [number] 39.43 4.94 43.87** 7.32 2-min endurance SR [number] 18.48 2.19 18.22 1.93 Motor changes. The mean values of the following motor tests increased significantly at the level of p≤0.05: straddle support hold and back extension endurance test. The following tests increased significantly at the level of p≤0.01: 4x10m shuttle run, standing long jump, modified push-ups, and sit-ups in 60s. No significant changes were observed in the following tests: bent arm hang test and hanging knee tucks. On the other hand, the values of 1 leg stand with eyes closed and 2-min endurance shuttle run decreased insignificantly. Detailed data of all tests are presented in Table 2. DISCUSSION The results of the study revealed that the examined group of girls improved significantly in most of the examined parameters, which leads to the conclusion that aerobic gymnastics training has beneficial effects on the development of Lamošová A., Kyselovičová O., Tomková P.: ANTHROPOMETRIC AND MOTOR … Vol. 13 Issue 2: 243 - 251 Science of Gymnastics Journal 247 Science of Gymnastics Journal motor abilities in 6-11-year old children. It is commonly known that physical and motor development of children is further enhanced when they grow in a supportive environment that offers multiple developmentally appropriate activities (Božanić et al., 2011; Šalaj et al., 2019). On the other hand, positive effects of gymnastics training itself is undoubtable and can be seen in many other research findings (Fallah et al., 2015; Mertashl et al., 2015; Karachle et al., 2017). Aerobic gymnastics, as one of the types of gymnastic that offer a wide range of complex movements, plays an important role in the development of motor abilities. According to Jemni et al. (2006), aerobic gymnasts are characterized by incredible neuromuscular connections and high level of strength, power, flexibility, and muscular endurance, as well as speed and coordination. Typical for aerobic gymnastics performance are frequent changes of the body position in space, transitions from static to dynamic elements and vice versa (Culjak et al., 2003; Bressel et al., 2007). However, some authors (Beunen et al., 1999; Caine et al., 2001) have stated that it is impossible to establish the effects of training on performance in gymnastics due to such factors as limitations in the available data, incomplete information about the training process and inability to consider other factors affecting growth and maturation. Surprisingly, our study revealed that the examined group’s performance in the test examining postural stability decreased, which is contrary to other researchers’ findings. Poliszczuk et al. (2012) examined the dynamic balance abilities over the period of 2-year training in young rhythmic gymnasts. They noted that their ability to maintain dynamic balance increased as they progressed in their training. In the study by Boraczyński et al. (2013), the authors noted significant changes in the static balance test in 7-year- old girls after completing a 12-month specific artistic gymnastics training. Akın (2013) analyzed the effects of 12-week gymnastics training on preschool children and noted a positive effect on the development of balance abilities as well. We don’t have an explanation for the decrease of balance abilities in our research group; however, it might have been the result of dramatic changes in postural control that may occur around the eigth year of life (Forssberg, 1985; Shumway-Cook & Woollacott, 1985). Another performance decrease was seen in the 2-min endurance shuttle run. This particular test is used to assess the level of aerobic fitness; however, the score can be highly influenced by the practice and motivation levels. For this reason, the scoring can be subjective, and it does not have to reflect a decrease in the group’s performance level. There have also been significant changes in the anthropometric parameters like body weight, body height and BMI. These findings were expected and can be attributed to the process of biological maturation during the one-year period of the research. According to Laczo (2014), the dynamics of the growth of school-age children (6-11 years) is characterized by a 5cm annual increment. However, it should be noted that an increase in body mass can have a negative influence on performance in aesthetic sports as there is a high power to body mass ratio (Boraczyński et al., 2013). Similar results could be seen in many other research findings (Tibenská et al., 2010; Poliszczuk et al., 2012; Genc, 2020). CONCLUSION The positive effects of one-year aerobic gymnastics training on the group of 6-11-year-old girls could be seen in most of the examined parameters. Considering anthropometric parameters, the mean values of body height, body weight, and BMI increased significantly at the level of p≤0.01. Considering motor parameters, significant changes at the level Lamošová A., Kyselovičová O., Tomková P.: ANTHROPOMETRIC AND MOTOR … Vol. 13 Issue 2: 243 - 251 Science of Gymnastics Journal 248 Science of Gymnastics Journal of p≤0.05 were observed in the following tests: straddle support hold and back extension endurance test. Significant changes at the level of p≤0.01 were observed in the following tests: 4x10m shuttle run, standing long jump, modified push-ups, and sit-ups in 60s. Positive but insignificant changes were observed in the following tests: bent arm hang test and hanging knee tucks. The values of 1 leg stand with eyes closed and 2-min endurance shuttle run decreased insignificantly. It is important to note that coaches did not specifically paid attention to a performance improvement in the selected tests during the period of one-year training. The gymnasts completed their regular trainings and competitions that included general physical preparation, performance of the routines and difficulty elements of aerobic gymnastics. An analysis of the results of our study makes it possible to conclude that: 1. The body height, body weight and BMI of examined group increased considerably. 2. One-year aerobic gymnastics training had positive effects on the development of explosive power of lower limbs, explosive power of back muscles, explosive power of upper limbs, speed and dynamic and static power of abdominal muscles. 3. Coaches should pay more attention to the development of static power of upper limbs, balance abilities and aerobic fitness. 4. More research concerning the effects of aerobic gymnastics training on motor abilities is needed to expand the knowledge in this particular field. REFERENCES Akın, M. (2013). Effect of gymnastics training on dynamic balance abilities in 4-6 years of age children. 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