Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American Slovenians Vol. 108, No. 24 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X American Home Ameriška SLOVENIAN MORN 89S6-I80l7fr HO AtitBd JL33H1S OIHO E£6£ _ NOHVIAPIAI NVItiVlAI V AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 Phone: (216) 431-0628 HdA* fr-roail: ah@buckeyeweb.com /Ur Bush calls Slovenia ‘Interesting Slice of Heaven’ WASHINGTON, D.C. -July 10 - On Monday morning, the Slovenian Prime Minister met with the U.S. President, George W. Bush, in the White House. After a very successful meeting, Mr. Bush thanked the Prime Minister for his friendship and leadership, and said he appreciated his courageous decision to help two young democracies, Afghanistan and Iraq, adding that these contributions would help to achieve peace. President Bush also thanked the Slovenian Prime Minister for briefing him on the situation in the region. He stressed that Mr. Janša was a man with a clear vision, who understood how to approach problems and thus achieve the best possible results. “And so the fact that you talked about the Balkans in such clear fashion will help us work with you to achieve certain objectives. I Want to thank you for that,” said Mr. Bush, who recalled his visit to Slovenia. He said after returning home, he had told people that Slovenia was an interesting ‘slice of heaven,’ with wonderful People. The US President added that he was confident that by working together they could improve the lives not only of their respective citizens, but also of those who were struggling against forms of government that ^°uld not allow them to nave free expression and self-government. Prime Minister Janša first thanked Mr. Bush for the 'nvitation to the USA, then faid Slovenia still remem-ers his visit to the country, and stressed that he hoped to C°ntinue with good coopera-t’°n in the future. Mr. Janša 3 So thanked President Bush tor information regarding events in the Western Balkans. He expressed his satisfaction that they shared the same views on the development of the region, particularly regarding security. “As we received a lot of assistance when joining NATO and the European Union, we now believe it is our duty to help other countries.” Slovenia will be presiding over the European Union in the first half of 2008, during which time an EU-US Summit is planned. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit Slovenia then,” said the PM. Mr. Janša also added that Slovenia is to preside over the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, where one of the key issues will be Iran and therefore he and President Bush also focused on this issue. He stressed Slovenia’s position that the international community should remain united and that it was vital to solve the issue by diplomatic means. “As head of this agency, Slovenia will also tackle the issue of financing and the budget. We hope that on the basis of the experience we gained when trying to settle a similar issue in the OSCE, we will be able to solve the problem,” concluded the Prime Minister. With regard to energy resources the PM emphasized the fact that their diversification was in strategic interest to both the USA and Europe. “We very much agree along these lines, as we both depend on foreign resources. We agreed that this issue could be resolved more easily if the European Union had a common energy policy. Unfortunately, this is not yet so; therefore, the issue Newspaper Schedule The Ameriška Domovina (American Home) newspaper 'VlH continue publishing three times each month. ^ This month, the next newspaper edition will be dated r, *n September the American Home will be printed on SePt- 7,14, and 21. In October, the American Home will be printed on Oct. 5-12, and 19. In November the American Home will be printed on 0v- 2, 9, and 16. h *n December the American Home will be printed on £^4, and 21. Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša and U.S. President George W. Bush on July 10, 2006. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) will be one of the key priorities of Slovenia’s EU presidency in 2008,” said the PM. According to Mr. Janša, the relations between the USA and Slovenia are very good. “We are very grateful to the USA for their decisive support for Slovenia’s accession to NATO. Now that we are members of NATO, we feel the responsibility to contribute to the enlargement of the peace and stability of the area, and we share our opinion with the USA. We are not interested only in what happens in our backyard, but are aware that in a globalized world the global situation eventually influences one’s own position at home. We also seek to make use of as many opportunities as possible for economic cooperation, which has not been bad, with the total value of imports and exports amounting to almost $600 million. In order to take a step forward we have organized a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce, which will take place tomorrow. Thus, we seek to increase opportunities for direct foreign investment by US partners in the Slovenian economy, which amounted to $130 million in 2005, while Slovenian investment reached $50 million. There remain ample opportunities in this field, so the visit will also focus on this issue,” said the Slovenian PM. In the afternoon, the Prime Minister also met with the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Richard Lugar, to discuss, among other things, topical subjects of the Transatlantic Agenda. Other Meetings Prime Minister Janez Janša met on Tuesday, July 11th with US Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Dr. Condolezza Rice. The Prime Minister also met with House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert, US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar, Senator Tom Harkin and representatives of the US Chamber of Commerce who, together with representatives of US companies, expressed considerable interest in investment and cooperation in Slovenia. The Prime Minister first of all met with Vice President Dick Cheney. Their talks were of a political nature, as were those held subsequently by Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and Tom Harkin, a Democrat Senator of Slovenian descent. (To Be Continued) St. Mary’s Summer Picnic St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Summer Picnic will be held at Slovenska Pristava on Sunday, Aug. 20. The day will begin with Mass at 12:30 p.m. Following Mass, there will be tasty chicken/roast beef dinners ($12 for adults and $6 for children). In addition, there will be a fabulous bake sale sponsored by the Altar Society. Children’s games, food and refreshments throughout the day, including the famous Biergarten and čevapčiči. This year there will also be an old fashioned pig roast. Music will be provided by the talented Veseli Godci. This is the 100th anniversary of St. Mary’s parish, it will be nice to see all parishioners and friends. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 24 August 17, 2006 Music and My Computer by RUDY FLIS My computer was all messed up. There wasn’t a way I was going to send anything this week to Jim Debevec at the American Home if my son Matt hadn’t come over to rescue me and my computer from its impasse. But I tell you now, all is well as my fingers hitting the keys, try to come up with a thought or two. There is so little to this computer as I see it. Yet, I am humbled by it ever so often. I accept it gracefully, or I would have put my two-pound ball peen hammer to it long ago. It benefits me more than it hurts me. Today I was watching channel 25, public television in Cleveland. It featured the Sound of Music with animation. It was interesting as all sorts of objects hit many different instruments, producing beautiful sound which totally fascinated me. It was all done by computer. How, I do not know. I’m pretty good at e-mails, filing my expense reports, and my call reports. I am now able to pull up pricing with ease. These I do often; they are repetitious, and stay in my memory. My computer is loaded with information, pictures and some files. American Home is one of my easier projects. But even that eluded me today. I must thank God I am not required to produce music as I saw on TV today. If Jim required music with these words, I’d be dead in the water. You are allowed to hum when you read this stuff, but only if you wish. Right now, I’m listening to “Over Three Hills,” a song special to me. Please pray for me and my computer, but especially for all our military. God bless America. Two Quick Ones Editor, Two quick ones. A while back I read an article that mentioned the name Frank Rajar, along with others who had recently passed away. It was by either Joe Snyder or Joe Glinšek. It was probably in the last six months or so. I’m a descendant of Gregor Rajcr who lived across from St. Mary’s on E. 156th. The spellings are similar and I’m researching the family tree here and in Slovenia. If you could pass this on to the author of that article and have him get in touch with me I’d appreciate it. Number two, have you considered having a genealogy column, maybe by Rose Marie Jisa or other notable genealogists? I’d consider doing it myself, but I don’t have the credibility since I’m an amateur genealogist. It could cover research tips and put the spotlight on family names which will help others in their quest to build their family tree. Just thinking out loud. (P.S. I’ve been a subscriber since 2002.) Greg Fondran gfondranl3@vahoo.com Violin Student Joe Štepec Excells at Eastern Music Fest in Greensboro Joe Štepec, our local Slovenian violinist, has recently returned from attending the five-week Eastern Music Festival held in Greensboro, North Carolina. The Eastern Music Festival and School is one of the country’s foremost training programs for aspiring young musicians. The acceptance of no more than 200 students into the program is based on meeting specific audition requirements. For over 40 years, the central focus of the Eastern Music Festival has remained the needs of the pre-professional learner offering students the opportunity to study, rehearse and perform world class orchestral and chamber music. The intense program includes private lessons, orchestra concerts, master classes, chamber music studies, and music-related classes in a collegial and professional environment. The school of Eastern Music festival features a student orchestra rehearsing six times a week and presenting a full-length concert of standard orchestral repertoire on a weekly series, open to the public. In addition, the world’s top performers, including many Grammy winners, attend as well, - to work, teach and perform with the students. Joe’s dedication and talent rewarded him with the opportunity to perform as the concertmaster and assistant concertmaster for two of the orchestra performances. Joe also experienced the opportunity to perform before the student body with William Pruecil, the concertmaster of the Cleveland Orchestra. Joe also composed a chamber piece which was highly praised and premiered by a select group of students. And finally, Joe was the recipient of the Conductors Award, the top rated award for excellence in orchestral studies which entails a full scholarship to attend next year’s festival. Joe is a Miami University student majoring in both Music Performance and English. Proud parents are Tom and Maria Štepec of Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Proud grandparents are Tony and Martina Štepec of Richmond Heights, Ohio and Ivana and the late Joseph Volčjak of Willoughby, Ohio. One final note of interest, the violin Joe has used over his 10 years of playing is a German constructed violin from the early 1900s and is the exact violin his grandmother, Martina, had played as a teenager. Congratulations, Joe, on your wonderful success! 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina j ohnmercina@comcast.net IDEA FOR SURVIVAL OF AMERICAN HOME NEWSPAPER For 108 years, Ameriška Domovina (AD) has faithfully served the Slovenian communities in the United States. Generations of Slovenian emigre depended on this Slovenian treasure to keep them informed about life in the U.S. in general and life in the various Slovenian communities, both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as in Slovenia. Publishers of AD through all these years basically worked for peanuts to provide quality material for the readers. It is a labor of love....and “LOVE IS IN EVERY SLOVENIAN” It would be a sad day if this publication would cease to exist. What to do? Yours truly believes that it would behoove University of Ljubljana, in Slovenia, to buy this Slovenian treasure, the real estate, the assets and good will. Since this university, with its 56,000 students, ‘Yanks among the biggest universities in the world , American Home would give it a bigger world-wide status. Through cooperation with Cleveland State University, a program could be established that would bring students majoring in media/communication to receive degrees from Cleveland State while working at AD. Publisher and editors would come from the ranks of professors at the University of Ljubljana. AD could be expanded to reach Slovenian emigre throughout the world via the Internet. By use of volunteer “scribes” in various Slovenian communities throughout the world and the expansion on the www, AD could SERVE AND UNITE ALL THE SLOVENIANS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. (A prototype for the new AD c°u,d come from the weekly newspaper, The Budget, which is in its 117 year of publication, serving the Amish-Mennonite communities throughout the world, with a small office in Sugarvreek, Ohio, center of the biggest Amish-Mennonite community in the world. Over 500 “scribes” provide weekly stories from their communities.) What a boon in tourism to Slovenia the ownership of AD by the University ot Ljubljana would be. Just an idea! WHAT DO YOU THINK? Slovenians “R" Us Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. Kres Performance Mark your calendars. Kres’ annual performance will be on August 26 at the Slovenian National Home. Petkovšek Reflects on 45 Polka-Filled Years 3 by TONY PETKOVŠEK Sometimes I wonder where I’m going with doing this “polka gig” full time for some 45 years. A look back over the past 4'A decades tells me exactly what’s been accomplished. This young 20-year-old started out with some uncertainty 45 years ago. An FM station (WXEN) had recently begun its operation in 1961 and seemed to be waiting for me to come along. They said they could use a polka show since this “Station of the Nations” broadcast full time different nationalities. Radoslav “Rudy” Menart, associated with Slovenian programming said I could produce (key word) my own program, a polka show. Well, growing up in a factory bar just north of the huge Slovenian Home on St. Clair Avenue, attending St. Vitus grade school (Slovenian parish), and being able to play the piano accordion at these venues in the height of polkas around 1950, brought out the “polka” in me. Even though I would only play between the ages of 8 and 12 and never thereafter, would give me the necessary interest in this music. The Birch Bar owned by my parents, Tony and Mary, would occasionally feature some live accordion music by neighborhood musicians like Max Želodec, Pinky Trinko, and even the famous pioneer Matt Hoyer on one occasion. These were after the war years when the juke box was blaring polkas day and night, and living in the same building left an impact °n me. Listening to the Martin Antončič Slovenian radio shows in Cleveland plus the Kenny Bass radio shows and Bill Randle on pop radio WERE prompted my interest in broadcasting and what I would be doing the rest of my life. I must have been at the right place at the right time in the early ‘60s because FM radio was a relatively new medium, but would grow by leaps and bounds over the years. The key word here again is I would produce my own polka radio show rather than being hired by the station to do it. My status would remain the same throughout the 45 years despite the fact that I became a part owner of the current station WELW back in 1994. I learned early in the game that the station doesn’t exist on “free air” and producing the show put me in control. Producing in this case means buying (brokering) and guaranteeing the time with the station a fixed fee per hour with monetary coverage for said broadcast time. In other words I acquired my own loyal sponsors who would faithfully cover the costs with their advertising. Yes a truly loyal lot of business and fraternal organizations we’ve had to maintain this unprecedented daily coverage. Think about it - 45 consecutive and uninterrupted years and because of it other businesses and organizations would also evolve that I would be directly involved in. There was the initiating of polka tours and cruises with Kollander Travel that would stem from the radio promotional effect. The travel end More than just hosting a pplka radio music show, Tony Petkovšek, right, is pictured here interviewing Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša as Slovenian Consul General Zvone Žigon, center, looks on. of it would merge with the huge American Automobile Association. Tony’s Polka Village for 20 years would serve a need for having the records we featured on radio to be available on a retail basis. Then the music foundation, Cleveland-style Polka Hall of Fame, would also originate thanks to the initial push from daily polka radio. The museum will forever preserve the history and heritage of Slovenian style folk music. I say to myself there was no way I could have had a master plan for it all but just doing it because for me it apparently was the right thing to do with the right timing. The radio was and still is tony petkovsek’s radio TAFF at Fairport Harbortowne ttidio; left to right: Duke Marsic trictly Slovenian); Patty Sluga 0fnen Behind the Scenes); Mark (W, Sedmak (Altemative/Modem Slovenian Music); Tony Petkovšek (Producer-Director); Ed Ostry; and Alice Kuhar (Recipes and Traditions). the motivating force for so many promotional and beneficial happenings including the successful establishing of the largest neighborhood festival in all of greater Cleveland on East 185 Street. For close to 30 years I was a -volunteer (another key word) officer of the E. 185th merchants association and then a trustee with Northeast Shores Development Corporation coordinating and promoting the ethnic (old world) and polka entertainment. Over the years the other phenomenon was the introduction and promotion of the Polka Mass recording and the sometimes negative initial response to this revolutionary religious service. It would become a mainstay in church services everywhere utilized primarily on special occasions. Establishing an event for the benefit of the radio shows with our volunteer committee the Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club would become a longtime tradition originated on Thanksgiving Day in 1963 coincidentally the same week President Kennedy was assassinated. It would evolve from St. Clair Slovenian Home to St. Joseph High School and from a one day holiday event to a full blown weekend as it has since 1990 downtown at the Marriott Hotel bringing polka fans from over 20 states, all of Canada, occasionally Europeans together with fans from all of Ohio and greater Cleveland. This “class” event continues very successfully almost 45 years later with the inclusion, too, of the Polka Hall of Fame annual awards show. I’m proud to stand on an unprecedented and “record” number of 45 years as the longest running daily polka and nationality (Slovenian) program thanks to the support it has generated. It’s many beneficial effects have also included the Slovene Home for the Aged and the Independence of Slovenia. I acknowledge all of the key players including my radio partner Ray Somich and a select group whom I introduced on the airwaves and have become longtime faithful colleagues: Alice Kuhar, Duke Marisc, Patty Sluga, Ed Ostry, Joey Tomsick, and Mark Sedmak. The travel side was possible with Maia and August Kollander and family, and Michael Benz. The fact I put the community first would become my life’s work and dedication for which I trust will continue (hopefully until the big 50). I’ll never regret it but always respect it. I’m appreciative for the opportunity. The Tony Petkovšek polka radio programs since 1961 are currently heard on WELW (1330 AM) from Greater Cleveland and online at 247 polkaheaven.com (worldwide). Listen 3 to 5 daily and noon to 2 p.m. Saturday. Tony marks his 65th birthday on Aug. 21. Congratulations, Tony! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. -Izaak Walton Even when opportunity knocks, a person must get off his seat to open the door. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Well, I guess we can all thank God that milder weather is here, and my sympathy goes out to those folks in the Eastern suburbs who have been hit again with floods which is most devastating. Here is hoping the State as well as the Federal Government come to their aid to get things back in order. But I guess in a lot of cases they have lost things that no amount of money can replace. Some have even lost their homes. Speaking of bad luck, mis-fortunate has hit Ray again. I guess if I did not have any bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all. Back on Friday, 28 July, I decided to go out to Valley View to pick up a 100 pounds of bird seed along with 25 pounds of nuts for the squirrels, for my feathered friends along with the four legged squirrels have to eat. Sometime I think those squirrels have no bottoms. I got it home and backed up the car close to the garage door in order to unload the 50-pound sacks of bird seed. I’ll be the first one to say I just don’t have the lifting power, so I thought that by slipping a piece of quarter-inch plywood on the lip of the open trunk and the other end on a wheeled plastic garbage can, I could slide the bags onto the plywood and then wheel it over to the storage bin. Needless to say, “All Hell Broke Loose.” The plywood shot out of the trunk and right into the shinbone of my right foot. Holy cow, I have never seen so much blood flowing. I spotted a roll of paper towels and started ripping sheets off and covering the wound but it was no use, soon the roll was empty. I have to get help. I crawled into the hallway and into the kitchen to get to the phone to call my sister and now end up with a kitchen floor loaded with blood as well as the garage floor. Irene got here in no time and soon she wrapped more new paper towels around the foot. I said we gotta clean up the kitchen if nothing else, for when we let the dog in the house, I do not want him tracking blood throughout the house. Soon we got the dog in and were on our way. My heart goes out to anyone who has to go to the hospital to the Emergency Section. I have gone thru there before and keep saying that is the last time I go thru Emergency. It seems they only have one doctor on duty and there were approximately 11 folks ahead of me and no one jumps the line regardless of your problem. We got there at 7:45 in the evening. Granted the nurses registered me and had me wait in the outer lobby and wrapped more towels around the foot to stop the blood. It was not until midnight that the doctor got to me and he did not finish until 1:15 a.m. Granted, he was gentle, gave me numerous tetanus shots, then numbed the foot and proceeded to use tweezers to get the splinters of plywood out of the shinbone and only then was he ready to start sewing. I ended up with 17 stitches. It seemed like it took him forever to sew up the leg. He wrote up a couple of prescriptions for antibiotics as well as pain pills and said I had to see my regular doctor on Monday about him taking all the bandages off and checking the wound, dressing it and rewrapping it. I said my doctor isn’t that kind of doctor and he said, sure he is, go see him. And the stitches will have to be removed in two weeks but do not come back here; see your own doctor. Well, we went back home and Irene washed down the garage floor for there was a lot of blood throughout the garage floor that had to be washed away. It was 4 a.m. before my head hit the pillow and being that the foot was numbed, I fell right off to sleep, but about 6 a.m., the numbness wore off and I was in tremendous pain, unbe- lievable, and Irene had said that she could not get to the drugstore until 9 a.m. when it opened. Granted, she was at my house at 9:25 a.m. with the medication and the pain pills really knocked me out and could be taken every four hours. We did go to my doctor on Monday but he said, “Sorry Ray, I can’t do anything with the wound and gave me a number of a surgeon to call for an appointment, and fortunately I will get to see him on Monday, Aug. 7 to see how the wound is healing. Up until this accident, I had my own problems with the breathing for they installed an oxygen tank next to my bed and each night I have to use the oxygen tank. The trouble with oxygen is it leaves your mouth very dry and I had to have a thermos of ice water to wet my throat from time to time throughout the nights. What can I say, I AM HERE. Next week aside from having the foot looked at, I am scheduled for eye surgery, a cataract in the left eye and am looking forward to that for then I may be able to read the newspaper, watch TV and really see what ‘Happy Harry” (my dog) looks like. I gave him a haircut a few weeks back but with vision in only one eye, I will be anxious to see how he looks when I see him with both eyes. Happy Harry did not say anything to me about his haircut but that was because I removed all mirrors. The doctor forced me to get a cane since he said I was not walking well. I said wait a minute, when you get my age, you won’t be walking like you did 60 years ago either. No use fighting him, so I use the cane when I am outside. To my many readers who learned of my misfortune, I thank them for the messages left on the phone answering device and most of all I thank them for their prayers for without them, perhaps the situation would be worse. I really owe a world of Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2338 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcg1obal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO ognjisce-ljubljana thanks to my sister Irene for she was more than a sister, more than a nurse. Well, time for a joke. Might as. well make it a doctor joke. Those of us who spend much time in a doctor’s office should appreciate this. Doesn’t it seem that more and more physicians are running their practices like an assembly line? Here is what happened to Bubba. Bubba walked into the doctor’s office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Bubba said, “Shingles.” So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse’s aide came out and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, “Shingles.” So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical Two Arabs boarded a flight out of London. One took a window seat and the other sat next to him in the middle seat. Just before takeoff, a Marine sat down in the aisle seat. Soon, the Marine kicked his shoes off, wiggled his toes and was settling in when the Arab in the window seat said, “I need to get up and get a coke.” “Don’t get up,” said the Marine, “I’m in the aisle seat; I’ll get it for you.” As soon as he left, one of the Arabs picked up the Marines’ shoe and spit in it. When the Marine returned with the coke, the other Arab said, “That looks good; I’d really like one, too.” history and told Bubba to wait in the examining room. A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, “Shingles.” So the nurse gave Bubba a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram and told Bubba to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor who would be in shortly. An hour later the doctor came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, “Shingles.” The doctor asked, “Where?” Bubba said, “Outside on the truck; where do you want them?” Thanks to my brother Frankie Mlakar who sent me this joke and it really chased all my blues away. In closing may the good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in good health. God bless you all. Again, the Marine obligingly went to fetch it. While he was gone the other Arab picked up the Marine’s other shoe and spat in it. When the Marine returned, they all sat back and enjoyed the flight. As the plane was landing, the Marine slipped his feet into his shoes and knew immediately what had happened. “Why does it have to be this way?” he asked. “How long must this go on? This fighting between our nations? This hatred? This animosity? This spitting in shoes and urinating in cokes?” Thanks to Emma Pogačar and Ray Mlakar for this joke. Help us to Recycle at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio Please deposit in receptacle in SHRINE PARKING LOT Newspapers, magazines, junk mail, catalogs, all clean paper (Not cardboard or plastic) _____Recycles into profits for the Shrine_ ititl We Make House Calls .. • Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! GmtJANC I z • I: h =1: lrJ 1*1 =t--t HEATING - COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com NorthwtOhio 2003 ^ Heating >Nv $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service yv May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 Plumbing $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 The Marine and the Arabs 5 Remarkable Life of Anton Lavrisha by son MARKO LAVRISHA Ata signed his name in cursive with a large “An” and a space then “on.” He would then place a cross in the middle. “Anfron.” In Latin, Anton mans praiseworthy, and in Greek, it means flourishing. Growing up, one would think Ata worked for Visa or MasterCard. He would always say, “merke credit.” -“Protect your reputation.” When Ata was a boy he would sleep in the hayloft with two of his brothers. In the morning, their father would shout up, “Tine, Tone, Rudo. Ustat” - Wake up. Ata was bom in 1912 in Horjul, Slovenia just before World War I. At the start of the war the Austrian Army commandeered his father’s bam. Ata’s father was sent to the “Soča Front” to serve in the Austrian Army for several years. The Soča Front became the bloodiest battle ever on European soil. His father was surrounded by death in the trenches and he knew he could not help feed his family. Ata’s mother raised the children and worked the fields trying to put food on the table. As a young child Ata recalls being hungry and sneaking into the bam to take sugar cubes and apples that the military fed the horses. Upon the return of his Father, at the end of the war, a sense of normalcy ensured. Ata’s father had pledged that if he returned alive from the war he would have a Memorial built. Ata built'' it f°r his father and it was al-Ways a point of pride for Ata and his father alike. World War II changed the llves of millions of people and it is in large part why fote has brought most of us aere in America. In the au-fonui of 1942, Ata was reefing a kitchen with his j^usin, Stefan. The kitchen ad been burned and needed to be completed as winter ^as fast approaching. Both tefan and Ata were masons. As they were walking back to Horjul, they were stopped by an Italian military patrol and asked for their papers. Dressed in work clothes, dirty from a full day of plastering, and carrying their tools, the military patrol deemed them enemy combatants because they were two tenths of a kilometer outside their zone of travel. They were sent to the island of Rab, in the Adriatic, to a concentration camp. The conditions there were so bad that after the Swiss Red Cross visited and some photos were sneaked into a magazine, the Italian government was embarrassed into closing the facility. The food ration, for the day, at the camp was a small tin with broth and one small noodle inside. The camp announced extra rations for masons. Ata was able to prove his skill and received the extra ration. Ata told me he was initially glad for the extra food but had not realized that the food came from the others. Starved and needing the extra rations for physical work, he had to live with the burden of receiving extra rations taken from others including his brother Ru-dol, and his nephew Frank. Others, here today, may have suffered as well. I asked Ata if he was ever angry about what had happened to him. He said, “About what?” About being interred in the camp. He said, “That is just the way things were back then.” There is something to be learned from that. In 1943 the German war machine was stressed with labor shortage and the Germany Army would recruit men from the countries they occupied. A rifle pointed at you or your family was usually convincing enough for you to join. Ata, his friends and fellow countrymen were forced to march north to work in the armament factories in Dachau. Ata’s recent release from Rab was promi-, nent in his mind and his desire to avoid going back to a concentration camp was strong enough to risk being shot as he escaped en route. He made his way home where he joined the Domobrance, - the Home Guard. In a firelight, his cousin was shot and Ata ran out and bent over to carry him to safety. As he collected his cousin Ata was shot in the buttock and the bullet came out atop his knee. Ata was lucky to carry his cousin and himself to safety where they were soon hospitalized. In i 986 I traveled with Ata to Slovenia for a visit. We visited family and friends and worked on the farm with Teta Maijanca. One day, as we left Horjul, Ata asked me to pull into a driveway. We visited with a friend of his and they were excited to see each other and talked quickly with lots of smiles and laughs. His friend mentioned that his time at Dachau (World War II German concentration camp) was hard. Their eyes looked elsewhere and settled upon the ground. After a long awkward silence Ata finally said, “Ja," and soon after we left. As the war ended and they fled the communist forces, Stric Tine and Ata drove the food wagon of the Domobrance north to Austria. Ata stayed in Spital, in the displaced persons camp; until 1949. He had hoped to return to Horjul but the conditions didn’t allow him to return. Ata received a letter from his Teta Francka, who promised to sponsor him to Cleveland. He lived with Teta and found work immediately with Kovac Homebuilders as a bricklayer. He knew of Marica, his future bride, and wrote to her in Duluth, Minnesota. They met at “Romanje” a Slovenian Catholic pilgrimage in Lemont, IL. They married on the 6th of October, in 1951. Ata was 39 and Mama was 31. Victor Tominc was the Best Man and Mari Kosem Celestina was the Maid of Honor. They made their home in Cleveland, and were blessed with their first son, Bernard, in 1952. Ata was so excited BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA *1 -20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN. KS, Ml, MN, Ml, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com KSKL AMriIICAN SLOVENIAN ( AIHOLIC / <•> 5? 'A 1/. / UNION he had the florist send the largest assortment of flowers, a spray A spray is an arrangement for funerals. Fortunately, Mama has a sense of humor. Tony arrived 15 months later. Paul was close behind by 13 months, and after another 13 months, Maria arrived and Ata decided to give Mama a break. Frank was lagging in at 19 months. Marko came 15 months later and Theresa hurried behind in 14 months. And you thought you were busy. Martina sauntered in 43 months later. Ata must have been really tired because it took him another 68 months to remember how to get Peter here. After one of the births; Ata was in the nursery looking at all the babies and asked Mama how come our children do not have curly hair and are not as beautiful as those little Italian babies? Mama looked at Ata and replied, “You’re no film star.” Ata, Mama and the baby quietly went down the elevator. A nurse came on the elevator from a different floor. They continued to descend and the nurse looked at the baby and then at Ata and said to him, “The baby looks exactly like you.” Ata worked so much when we were younger that we saw him as a rule on Sundays. Most of my siblings worked for Ata at one time or another. Ata would get us out of bed in the morning and say that if you do not start working by 8 a.m. then the workday is a loss. He was very fast, accurate, and diligent as a mason and when we would all be ready to leave the work site, Ata would walk and inspect everything, made sure everything was completed and everything was ready for the next day, as we waited impatiently. We were challenged working for our Ata because expectations were high. Ata would yell, “Green tile.” I would look around and only see orange tile pipe. He would yell again and I would bring him the only tile that was on the job site concluding that the pipe must have been green before they fired (Continued on page 6) Job Opportunity at Slovenian Embassy Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington, DC is seeking a full-time employee with proficiency in Slovenian and English languages. The selected candidate will provide high quality tasks as a receptionist and administrative assistant and will perform selected tasks and ad- ministrative duties for Consular Office. Selected candidate will begin employment in September, 2006. Resume including e-mail address should be sent to: Embassy of Slovenia, - 1525 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. Deadline for application is Aug. 28. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 Anton Lavrisha (Continued from page 5 it is the kiln. Once, we were short of the green tile and Ata sent Tony to the building supply to pick up some more. At the counter Tony asked for the green tile and the salesman asked, “What?” “Green tile, you know the kind you put around the basement foundation to direct the water away." The salesman replied, “Oh, drain tile.” Ata was diagnosed with bipolar disease in the 1960s. He was challenged with depression and anxiety the rest of his life. Modem medicine has not yet learned to help all those with this illness. I cannot help but wonder how much his early life may have played in bringing on this illness. Ata would equate food with energy and health. Ata’s desire to be healthy never wavered. To say Ata loved his chocolate and ice cream is an understatement. If you mentioned either, his radar would hone in, his eyebrows would lift, and his eyes would scan the room and a small smile would light his face. Ata’s passing has been a blessing to our family. We were all present his last days. We asked for forgiveness and were forgiven. We were asked to forgive and we forgave. We looked upon each other and embraced the love that Ata was given and that he gave us. He wasn’t communicating on Monday, but Tuesday morning Ata was able to speak with us again. We asked if he had seen his mother. “Ja” (yes) Your father? “Ja.” Your brother Frank? “Ja." Stric Tine? “Ja.” Teta Mici? “Ja.” Lojze Bajc? “Ja.” Stric Fric? “Ja." Stric Rudol? “Ja.” Ata labored in speaking his answers and we soon let him rest. As we prayed a decade of the Rosary around Ata’s bed and then sang “Angelček varuh moj.” We witnessed Ata traveling to heaven. His body stopped within minutes and we were embraced with love. His goodness and love live on in our hearts and memory. May we be as strong as Ata in our own time. Journey Thru Slovenia A Journey Through Slovenia will be held at St. Mary’s in Collinwood. In conjunction with its 100th Anniversary Year, St. Mary’s Parish will be celebrating its Slovenian roots with a Slovenian Regional Heritage Day. Reserve Sunday, Oct. 22 for a journey through the seven regions of Slovenia with exhibits, food sampling, music, and a full kitchen menu of typical regional dishes and pastries. The celebration begins in the Parish Center after the 10 a.m. Slovenian Mass. All are invited. Study in Slovenia Coming Attractions Government Office for Slovenians Abroad is organizing a seminar for young Slovenians living abroad. The seminar will take place in Ljubljana, Maribor and Koper between Sept. 24 and 30. Topics will be “Possibilities of studying in Slovenia" and is intended for people between the ages of 18 and 24. The purpose of the seminar is to introduce the possibilities of studying at Slovenian Universities and to establish a connection between the young generation of Slovenians. Representatives from the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ministry for Science and Higher Education, Ministry for Work, Family and Social Affairs, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor and other institutions will take part in the seminar. 25 young candidates may participate. The Government Office for Slovenians Abroad will cover their travel costs (economy class) as well as their expenses for their stay in Slovenia during the seminar. The participants are expected to initially provide for the costs of their plane tickets which will later be reimbursed by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington, D.C. The seminar will be held in Slovenian language. We will accept 3 participants from Australia, 5 from North America and 3 from South America. The remaining positions are reserved for participants from Europe. All candidates should visit website of the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad http://www.uszs.gov.si/~i or call +386 1 430 28 10. Application deadline is Aug. 18. Bus to Bishop Baraga Festivities This year’s observance of Bishop Baraga Days will take place in Calumet, Michigan on September 23 and 24. The bus will leave Greater Cleveland on Sept. 22nd in the evening from Euclid City Hall, and from St. Vitus Village. For more details and reservations, please call Mrs. Ivanka Matic at (216) 481-1514. All reservations MUST be in by Aug. 28. Kres Performance Dance group “Kres” will have their annual performance on Saturday, Aug. 26 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. The program will begin at 7 p.m. “Veseli Godci” ensemble will provide music for your dancing and listening pleasure following the performance. Admission is $15.00. Tickets may be reserved from Kres members or at the door on the evening of the event. It's Cool To Be Slovenian! For Rent - Sale Must See! Completely updated 2 family brick colonial on cul-de-sac. 3 Bedrms, 1 full Bath ea unit. Liv, Din, eat-in Kit., 2 car det. Garage, full Bsmt. w/Laundry. Rent: $725-$750; Buy: $185,900. (440) 655-9170; zkpcro@comeast.net The really frightening thing about middle age is knowing that you’ll grow out of it. Investors! Large home with 2 suites, one 7 room, 4 bedroom. Plus inlaw/suite. 4 room full bath, attic, basement. Large lot. Room for garage, driveway. Great for extended family. Mechanically in good working order. Asking $49,500, Possible seller participation. Telich Realty 216-481-3123 Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts; $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Sunday, Aug. 20 St. Mary’s (Coll.) parish picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Mass at 12:30 p.m. Chicken/roast beef dinner ($12 adults, $6 for children). A Pig Roast will be held. Veseli Godci orchestra. Sunday, Aug. 20 Dance hosted by V Boj Lodge 53 at SNPJ Farm featuring Ray Polantz Oreh. Music by Ray Polantz Orchestra. Dinners of roast pork, roast beef, or sausage from 1 to 3 p.m. for $7. Saturday, Aug. 26 Kres annual performance at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair, Cleveland. Saturday, Aug. 26 Polka Hall of Fame Annual Sausage Festival at Slovenska Pristava from 1 to 9 p.m. Advance tickets $6 at Polka Hall of Fame (216) 261-3263, or $7 at door. Six bands. Sunday, Aug. 27 Dance hosted by Comrades Lodge 566 at SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tom-sick Band with Phil Hrvatin tootin’ his own horn. Sunday, Aug. 27 Annual memorial pilgrimage to Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB, Cleveland. Mass at 12 noon. Bus leaves Collinwood Slovenian Home at 8 a.m. and St. Vitus Village at 8:30 a.m. Reservation (216) 531-2728 or (440) 944-0020. Wed., Aug 30 Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens clubs annual picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner served 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Frank Moravcik Oreh. 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Dinner, admission and dancing $13. Tickets call (216) 481 -0163 or (440) 943-3784 before Aug. 24. Saturday, Sept. 2 “Veselica” with Ansambel Bratov Gašperšič with vocalist Rudi Šantl at Slovenska Pristava. Entrace fee $4 for members and $8 for nonmembers. There will not be the dedication of the new hall. Sunday, Sept. 3 Dance hosted by SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tom-sick Band. Sunday, Sept 3 Slovenska Pristava kitchen and bar open from 4-6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 4 Labor Day Dance at SNPJ Farm featuring Joe Grkman & Wayne Tomsic Bands Sunday, Sept. 10 St. Vitus Altar Society traditional Chicken and Roast Beef Dinner in auditorium. Sunday, Sept. 10 SNPJ Ladies Dance & Goulash Dinner featuring Eddie Rodick Band. Sunday, Sept. 10 Day at the Races presented by Collinwood Slovenian Home. Admission $6 includes sandwich, soft drinks and beer. Horses available for $10. Sunday, Sept. 17 Wine festival (Ed Mejac Ansambel) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Sept. 20 Annual Social of Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland in Main Hall. Tickets $60 for main board and dinner; $20 for additional dinner, family style prepared by Julie Zalar. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Call 216-361-5115. Sept. 23-24 Baraga Days in Calumet, Michigan: — Saturday, Sept. 23 - Slovenian Mass 4 or 4:30 in St. Paul Church, 301 8th St., followed by social in parish hall. Musical concert honoring Bishop Baraga in Calumet Theater 7:30 or 8 p.m. Theater built in 1900. -- Sunday, Sept. 24 - 1 or 1:30 p.m. Mass in Sacred Heart Church, Calumet followed by banquet and annual Baraga Association meeting at Michigan Technological University Ballroom, Houghton, MI. Banquet tickets $20. Roast pork dinner. Saturday, Sept. 23 Slovenian National Home Co., Newburgh, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland, Wine and Cheese, 6:30 p.m. Music by A1 Battistelli from 7:30 to 10:30. Donation $15. Call (216) 662-3339, Sunday, Sept. 24 Slovenian Grape Festival, parade and dance at SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tom-sick Band. Friday, Oct. 6 3,d Annual Alpine Evening at St. Mary’s (Coll.) Guest Ansambel Spev from Slovenia. Saturday, Oct. 14 St. Lawrence School & Friends Reunion Dinner-Dance. Mass 5:30 in St. Lawrence Church by Bishop A. Edward Pevec. Nash opens at 6:30. Donation $ 15-Music by Joe Novak. Reservations call (440) 243-0312. Sunday, Oct. 15 St. Mary’s (Coll) School Alumni dinner in new school center. Saturday, Oct. 21 Štajerski Klub Dinner Dance, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair (216) 531' 4817. Sunday, Oct. 22 Annual meeting of Sloven-ska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 22 St. Mary’s Slovenian Rc' gional Heritage Day in Pa^' ish Center, Holmes Ave. ^ journey through 7 regions 0 Slovenia. Exhibits, f°° Death Notices ALBERT MAROLT Albert Marolt, age 84. Beloved son of John and Margaret (nee Spech) (both deceased); brother of John, Stanley, Ludwig, Rudolph, Anthony, Joseph and Baby Girl Marolt (all deceased); loving uncle of Linda, John, Rudy, Ron, Rich, Tony, Monica and Peggie; great-uncle of many. Mr. Marolt was a U.S. Army WW1I Veteran. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Thursday, Aug. 10 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. where services were held Friday, Aug. 11, at 8:45 a.m. and St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9:30 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. STEPHANIE PETROFF Stephanie Petroff, nee Zidar, age 49, passed away at her residence in Madison, IN. Stephanie lived in Euclid, Ohio before moving to Indiana and was a 1975 graduate °f Willoughby South High School. She was employed hy the Anderson Community Schools as an instructional assistant. She fought a courageous battle against cancer since January. Stephanie leaves behind her husband, Lesley; daughter Joy Coleman of Waverly, OH; twin sons Peter and Phillip; grandsons Austin and Ethan; mother Stefani Kotar Zidar; and step-father Alojz Hribar of Wickliffe; sister Maria Minick of Twinsburg, and mother-in-law Marge Petroff of North Olmsted; and many nieces and nephews. Mass of Christian Burial was held on Wednesday, Aug. 9 at St. Felicitas Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral ^0me in Willoughby Hills. JOHN HOČEVAR John Hočevar, age 62. Be-|^ved husband of Mimi (nee Fajdiga); father of David and Barbara Kalkas, brother of acob (Ljubljana, Slovenia). All services at John’s revest will be held in Ljub-Jana, Slovenia. Arrangements by Zele Fu-neral Home (216) 481-3118. In Memory Thanks to Arthur L. Jaklič of Mentor, OH who donated $100 to the American Home in memory of Anton Jaklič and Alice (Jaklič) Kokal, children; Albert Jaklič, Alice Jaklič, Helene Reitenbach Bach, Kathryn James, Alan Johnson (son-in-law of Helene. They are survived by Arthur L. (Dorothy) Jaklič, Mary Jane (Dane) Novak. Nikki (Bob) Penrod, Ron (Judith) Reitenbach, Bob (Carole) Reitenbach, Bill (JoAnne) Reitenbach, Arthur (Vicki) Jaklič Jr., Mary Ellen (Burt) Abel, Nada (Rick) Loomis, Lisa (Fred) Kirisits, Dane Novak Jr., Nancy (Ted) Jaffe, Mark (Trenia) Novak, Kathy (Ed) Murders, Scott James. And many grand, great-grand, great-great grandchildren. In Memory Thanks to Jenien Beach of Indianapolis, IN who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of Jevnikar Family. She writes, “Just wouldn’t miss reading my American Home newspaper. I love to hear about all the goings on in the Slovenian community in and around Cleveland and the USA.” In Memory Thanks to Mary and Anna Lunder of Cleveland, Ohio who donated $50.00 to the American Home in memory of the Lunder Family. In Memory Thanks to Frank and Mary Sedlasek of Lake Delton, WI who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Sedlasek’s and Komporsek’s families. Loves Paper Editor, Being of Slovenian descent I absolutely love receiving the American Home newspaper. I am very proud of my Slovenian heritage. --Yvonne Giallombardo Highland Hts., OH ED NOTE: — Yvonne also subscribes for her mother Frances Battey in Barberton, OH. Donation Thanks to Doroteja Gruntar of Denver, CO who renewed her subscription and added a $45.00 donation! 2ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908_ Donation Thanks to Paul Barbarich of Brownsburg, Indiana who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation. He writes, “Thanks so much for your wonderful service to our Slovenian Community.” Donation Thanks to Mary E. Jerse of Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Mary writes, “Keep up the good work.” Good Work Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ciril Selan of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation! They write, “Keep up the good work.” For Rent Immaculate downstairs of a double off E. 185th. Beautiful refinished floors 2 bedroom, dining, living refinished wood work. Refrigerator, stove, fenced in yard. Enclosed sun porch. Garage for 1 car. $625 month. Can e-mail pictures krg@guildint.com 1-440-231-1452 In Loving Memory of the 4th anniversary of the death of our dear Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Great-Great Grandmother, Sister, Aunt & Great Aunt Alice Opalich Died Aug. 17, 2002 A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better, God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in a million - that was you. Just in your judgment, always right; Loved by every one you knew, A wonderful mother - that was you. Sadly missed by Family Remembering Stella As every thread of gold is valuable, so is every moment of time... and I have become “richer” for having known her... Stella, my friend, my sister-in-law. The loss of a friend is like that of a limb: time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired. She had touched so many lives, repairing “many” a broken limb, - splinters in the lives of various family members helping to “shape them” into the strong, vital citizens they have become today. This quiet, unassuming lady bom in 1911, lived through the depression, two world wars, loved, married, became a mother, aunt, grandmother, and great grandmother. She was called to her reward on July 21, 2006. A grand lady who will be missed by so many, especially by me. Farewell my friend... “Til we meet again.” --Agnes Koporc, Bratenahl, OH Garden Cleanup The Slovenian Cultural Garden will have clean-up parties from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on the following dates: Aug. 29 Sept. 9 Sept. 19, and Sept. 30. --Mary Ann Vogel, President HOUSE FOR SALE 10 room brick house, zoned for home and business. On Rt. 6 + 19 between Cleveland and Erie, PA (2 hours from Cleveland) for only $42,000. Call after 6 p.m. 1-814-763-5334. Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Julie and Joseph Tromba, Painesville, OH — $10.00 Mimi Režonja, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Sonja Mosquin, Bayville, NY -$15.00 Mary Karol, Bethlehem, PA - $5.00 Stanko Vidmar, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Jože and Amalie Kolenko, Willoughby Hills, OH - $5.00 Anica Lenassi, Bridge-view, IL — $5.00 Izidor and Josephine Manfreda, Cleveland, OH — $15.00 Karl and Maria Rudl, Richmond Heights, OH — $15.00 Karolina Topalov, Middle Village, NY -$15.00 Mary A. Petelin, Eastlake, OH -$15.00 Helen S. Jarem, Bentley-ville, OH -$15.00 Rezka Zupančič, Euclid, OH-$12.00 Jack Susel, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 James Slapnik, Jr., Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Anton Jarc, Wickliffe, OH - $5.00 Joseph Jereb, Etobicoke, Ont., Canada — $9.00 Rev. Joseph Gole, Hales Comers, WI - $15.00 Margaret Rebol, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Stimhurys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services _ 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 http://stimburyMm>wUing. com BvoOed to Practice Bef&e the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Indmduats Corporations 8. Smalt Businesses Correction In the article “Sun Lightning Strikes Twice” in last week’s American Home newspaper about Telich Sun Financial Giants of the Euclid Boys League, the year record should have been 15 victories and two defeats. WEALTH Is A Flow Not a Fund May we explore and measure your flow? Call me for a Conference John R. Telich Sr. CLU CHFC 21801 Lakeshore Blvd. (216) 289-7729 Sun 'Sko Life Financial Serving clients since 1949. Located in “Downtown Euclid” 1 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 8 The life and times of Joseph Mihevc The beginning of a new chapter was about to unfold on May 12,1951 when I married Anna Zorc. Ohio Federation Has Picnic Visit to Slovenia 1985 (Continued from last week) by JOSEPH MIHEVC (Continued) I then went into the church office to arrange for a Mass. The friendly, middle-aged priest was quite happy to show me around the church office and the renovated classroom, where stables used to be. I noticed that the priest was very understanding of older people and their experiences; he was quite knowledgeable about current affairs and how the younger people were being taught the truth about the past. One of the highlights of my visit was having tea with Mrs. Primšar, a former neighbor, and reminiscing about the difficult times we had endured in the past. My mind was filled with many memories, such as her husband Jože and his parents, two weddings and those who had died, harvesting the crops, and on and on. The fire from 1943 was certainly a very sad memory for both of us, yet Mrs. Primšar was able to keep her head high and even during the most difficult times had been able to pick herself up and start all over again. I also visited with the Jemik family in Dolenja vas, where I met the younger family members and noticed how quick they were to perform any tasks that needed to be done. I was somewhat embarrassed when I did not recognize them a few days later at the church. This would not have happened when I was younger. I was also very surprised to meet up with the very happy “Semič fellow. During the war, I had taken him from the hospital in Ljubljana to his home on my bicycle, no other form of transportation being available. Today, I would not attempt such a trek. When I was visiting the Zgonc guesthouse, I was very surprised to hear that one drinks wine both before and after one starts working. I was not impressed and felt that alcoholism had done enough damage. More work needs to be done to educate people about the dangers of consuming too much alcohol. Very often I would look upon Kamna hill and remember the dream I had one night when I was young. I dreamed that I had planted walnut trees on the hill and then the squirrels came to gathher the walnuts. I had a very pleasant discussion with my school friend Jože Štajer about our memories of the year 1930. The visit to Matevž Zlabrov was also very enjoyable. We laughed at his very interesting and amusing stories about when we had lived together in the boarding house in Ljubljana. I visited the graves of my parents and I got a lump in my throat as I thought about how hard they had worked and prayed for the wellbeing of their family. I would like to tell them that God had to a great extent answered their prayers. At the cemetery, a large grave commemorated the death of 48 people who had died as a result of the violence of the war. Some of them had been my friends and now I saw their gravestones in the cemetery. Why was this all necessary, I asked myself. Soon it was time to leave and we bid farewell to all who had welcomed us and spent time with us. We drove For those who do not know me, my name is Shelli March and I am the owner of Shelli’s Restaurant on St. Clair Avenue, in Cleveland which has been in my family since 1960. My better half is Bob March. We have one daughter, Lisa, who was recently married to Frank Cicha and they reside in New York City. My parents, Don and Nancy Slapnik, are long time owners of Louis Slapnik Florists also on St. Clair, next to Shelli’s Restaurant. We are all dedicated to the viability of the neighborhood. I would like to thank Bob Hopkins and the Board of “Friends” (of Slovenian National Home) for having the faith in me by unanimously electing me the President of Friends. through the Gorenjska area and I was reminded of the song: The sunny valleys are my paradise, 1 am leaving you now. The view over Ljubelj reminded me of the rest of the song: Oh, farewell my homeland Oh, farewell to the mountain flower May the heavens watch over you I will never forget you... never... never. Wc drove through Vetrinje and Celovec and continued into Spittal, through the alps and the tunnels. We then arrived in Munich, Germany. Throughout the drive, we enjoyed the beautiful alpine scenery and the wooded terrain. We spent the night in Munich, where we looked on the places where Hitler gave his speeches. After a nine-hour flight, we arrived back in Toronto. (Next Visit to Slovenia in 1992) My goal as president is to work together with my dedicated, determined, and enthusiastic board of directors and strive for the continual success and betterment of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. I look forward to our Holiday Brunch on Nov. 26, and I hope we will have a ribbon cutting ceremony for the parking lot project by the end of this year. We thank you and your friends for your past donations and support. The Friends of the Slovenian National Home accepts tax-deductible contributions and thanks you for your continued interest in Friends which helps maintain and preserve the Slovenian National Home. —SNH Summer booklet On Sunday, Aug. 20, the Ohio Federation of Lodges will be having their annual picnic for members and their guests of KSKJ. The picnic will be held at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio. We will be joining St. Mary’s parish picnic. Mass will start at 12:30, with dinner tickets available for $12. There will be beverages, other refreshments, and games for the kids. by KATARINA TEPESH NEW YORK, NY - Free admission to the US Open Qualifying Tournament is from Tuesday, Aug. 22 to Friday, Aug. 25. Gates open at 10 a.m. at the USTA National Tennis Center. Come see tomorrow’s Slovenian tennis stars today at the largest tennis tournament in the United States. Admission to all US Open QUALIFYING matches is free. Also, free admission to “Open Practice Day” on Sunday, Aug. 27. Gates open at 11 a.m. Come see your favorite Slovenian tennis star up close and personal as she practices for the 2006 US Open Championships: Katarina Srebotnik, ranked 20th in the world. On Friday, Aug. 25, St. i Joseph’s Lodge #146 will be having a meet and greet session at Quaker Steak and Lube on Canal Road in Valley View, Ohio. The festivities will begin at 5:30. We will meet in the bar area. We will be reviewing the four lodge picnic, the softball tournament, and the start of preparations for the fall hay-ride. Call Josie at (216) 267-4866 if you have any questions. The International Tennis Federation lists 353 players from Slovenia. Competing among Juniors will be Mike Urbanija, Masa Grgan, Taja Mohorčič, Zoran Golubovič, Alja Zec Peskiric, Blaž Kavčič, Aleksandra Lukič, Anže Cevka, Diana Nakic, Anže Cevka, Ana Jerman, Luka Ocvirk, Nejc Podkrajšek, Tina Obrez, Grega Zemlja, Romina Raonic, Anja Poglajen, and others. Slovenian tennis player among the Seniors will be Mima Jaušovec. The US Open is the highest annually attended sporting event in the world with more than 659,538 fans. To purchase tickets go to Tick-ctMaster.com or Call Tick-ctMaster at 1-866-OPEN' TIX. Visiting my brother Tone’s family in 1985. Shelli March is New ‘Friends’ Pres, at Slovenian Nat. Home Free Admission to US Tennis Slovenian Sausage Fest at Pristava A major Polka Hall of Fame fundraiser is the third Slovenian Sausage Festival and - Contest to be held on Saturday, Aug. 26 from 1 Pm. to 9 p.m. at Slovenska Pristava (Slovenian Recreational Center) in Harpers-field, Ohio. Four popular sausage makers will participate in the contest and have their smoked garlic klobase avail-a°le. The sausage vendors are: Azman & Sons - Frank Azman (St. Clair); Maple Heights Catering - Steve Hočevar (Maple Hts.); Giro’s Meat Market - Miro Raqusz (Eastlake); and Paddell Sausage Inc. - Ed Oshaben (E. 152 St.). Tickets for the festival are $6 in advance or $7 at the gate. Each ticket purchaser "'ill receive a ballot for their favorite sausage. The sausage maker with the most votes will be named the “People’s Choice” Winner. In addition, five prominent people will serve as judges for two prizes, “Best of the Sausage Fest,” and “Runner Up in the Best of the Sausage Fest.” The judges will conduct a taste test to determine the winner. Each of the sausage companies will operate a food booth, so there will be a variety of delicious food items for sale. Home-baked strudels, potica and French fries and a full bar will be a part of the event. Wayne Tomsic, Chairman of the Sausage Festival, is in charge and always does a great job of coordinating details of the event. The Slovenska Pristava picnic grounds are located in Harpersfield, near Geneva and Madison. This recreation center can be accessed from the Geneva Route 534 Exit of 1-90 where it is a few miles south. You take 534 to South River Road making a right and then proceed with another right turn on Brandt Road. This will take you to the entrance of Pristava where festivities will take place all day. You will pay admission right at the gate ($7) or turn in your advance ($6) ticket and you will be given a ballot for each admission to vote. The Polka Hall of Fame Gift Shop is located at 605 E. 222 St., in Euclid, which has tickets. For information call (216) 261-3263 (Fame). Difficulties Our Parents Endured Editor, As I have frequently written before, I look forward to receiving the American Home newspaper, and enjoy the many articles that cover a great variety of interesting topics concerning Slovenian matters not only in Slovenia ^nd in the Cleveland area, but also in other locations in the United States, Canada and the World. Both my wife and I are first generation children of Slovenian immigrants, and we have oeen blessed to have had parents who instilled ln us the high values that seem to be character-■stic of Slovenian people - honesty, hard work, Aspect, religious faith, dignity, love of family ®nd love of our Slovenian Heritage. We both Have been involved in our local Slovenian acuities throughout our lives, and we are proud to Promote our culture to not only non-l°venians, but also to those of Slovenian escent who have a passive interest in their heritage. I truly enjoyed the article written by Mary nn Vogel in the July 13 issue of the Ameri-Home. She certainly exemplified her °venian feelings in the beautiful narration of °venia’s birth as an independent nation, and r°ugh her personal experience as she grew d solidified her place in the Slovenian comity in which she lived. She clearly ex- pressed the responsibility we all have to nurture the values espoused by our Slovenian ancestors in our younger generation, because the success or failure of keeping our traditions alive, will rest largely on their shoulders. When we think about the difficulties that our parents had to endure in their lives, coping with hardships in their native land, the fear of leaving their home and being able to survive in a new land, and facing the many daily obstacles that had to be overcome as they adjusted and melded into a new lifestyle, just to be ready for another day of trials and tribulations, we must be humbled when we see just how much we have benefited from their tireless efforts and sacrifices for us. If we truly hold our Slovenian heritage in our hearts, we owe it to our parents and ancestors to prove to them, by our acts and dedication, that we will do what we can to properly honor these pioneers and to make sure their legacy is preserved for generations to come. Please convey my thanks and appreciation to Mary Ann Vogel for the wonderful article she wrote. She certainly appeared to be the right choice to be a part of the program commemorating Slovenia’s 15th anniversary of independence. —Eddie Adamic Warren, Michigan Cleveland Browns Joke c ^ Cleveland family of lo-Qa Football supporters head °ne Saturday to do their jn ’strr>as shopping. While . Hie sports store, the son jg s UP a Pittsburgh Steeler si^ey and says to his older er, “I’ve decided to be-fa5le a Pittsburgh Steelers and I would like this jer-\ Chris,raas” v 18 big sister is outraged I’ini *S ant* PrompHy whacks “n °n head and says, “ talk with mom.” the p-^0es the little lad with in l tttsburgh Steeler jersey “tu ar*H and finds his mother. %dm?T”, “Yes, son?” I de- Eitku m goinS to be a fan Urgh Steeler football Pm’ and I would like this C<8as-SteTe,rjerSey,f0r Pr0m , • The mother ptly whacks him on the side of the head and says, “Go see your father.” Off he goes to find his dad. The kid says, “Dad, I’ve decided I’m going to be a Pittsburgh Steeler fan and would like this Pittsburgh Steeler jersey for Christmas. The father also gives him a little whack and says, “No son of mine is ever going to wear a Pittsburgh Steeler jersey in my house.” On the way home, the father turns to the boy and says, “Son, I hope you’ve learned something today.” The son says, “Yes, dad; I’ve only been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan for an hour and already I hate all you Cleveland jackasses.” —Frankie Mlakar via Ray Mlakar You know you’re getting old when the names in your black book are all doctors. NEW QUIZ by James V. Debevec II What are the longest words consisting only of letters in the first half of the alphabet? There are two possible answers: both sharing the first two letters (Fi). Send answers to Jim ah@buckeveweb.com or mail to Jim, American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103.__ The only thing worse than hearing the alarm clock in the morning is not hearing it. -Bob Mills American Slovene Club officers at a recent luncheon at Kristy’s Restaurant are, left to right, Agnes Koporc, Treasurer, Emilee Jenko, Vice President, and Gene Drobnič, of Cape Floral, Florida, President. The American Slovene Club is 78 years young. Slovenia is Not a Balkan Country Editor, Concerning the letter to the editor published under the title, “What’s Problem with Being Balkan Country?” (Aug. 10), I am pleased to respond that, in my opinion, too, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a country being in the Balkans (or anywhere else for that matter). What is wrong, however, is to confuse the Alps with the Balkans and to view a Central European country as a Balkan one. It should also be remembered that currently many, if not most Americans (and others) tend to associate the Balkans NOT with the glory of Ancient Greece, but with hatred, wars and the actual or assumed Balkan cruelty. Many statements have also been made in the U.S. Congress, various American publications and the media in which Balkanization is presented as the very opposite of Americanization. Thus, for more reasons that one, it makes good sense to point out that Slovenia is geographically, historically, and culturally an Alpine, Central European (and NOT a Balkan) country. —Edward Gobetz Willoughby Hills, Ohio SNPJ Lodge V Boj #53 Picnic SNPJ lodge V Boj #53 annual picnic will be held this year on Sunday, Aug. 20 at the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road in Kirtland, Ohio. Music will be by the Ray Po-lantz Orchestra. Come and have a dance or just enjoy the music. Delicious dinners of roast pork, roast beef, or sausage will be prepared by the ladies and served from 1 to 3 p.m. The cost of the dinner is $7, not including gate admission. Get there early for the donuts as they sell out quickly. Bring the entire family and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon and evening. . Don’t forget our 100th anniversary dinner on Sunday, Nov. 5, with Jeff Pecon entertaining. More information will follow soon. Patricia Budzilek, Recording Secretary Labor Weekend at Pristava Coming up soon, on Saturday, Sept. 2 is Slovenska Pristava’s now traditional Labor Day weekend “veselica.” Dinner, prepared by Joe Tavčar and his crew, will be served from 5 - 6:30 p.m. Music for your listening and dancing pleasure will be provided by musicians from Štajersko, Slovenia, Ansam- bel bratov Gašperšič with popular vocalist Rudi Šantl. The entrance fee will be $4 for members, and $8 for nonmembers. On Sunday, Sept. 3, the Pristava kitchen and bar will be open from4-6 p.m. Come and enjoy the last weekend of summer in the outdoors at Pristava. -Milan Ribič President The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. -H. L. Menchken AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2006 Downtown Cleveland’s Playhouse Square’s E. 14 St. Gallery presents Fire Forged Artists and Friends, careers molded and cast in the art of bronze casting thru the first half of the 20th century and beyond. It is located at 2075 E. 14th St., from Aug. 5th through Sept. 7 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. For appointment call (216) 577-9947. Featured among the artists is talented Bern! Lavrisha. Pilgrimage to Frank, Ohio The annual memorial pilgrimage to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB, Cleveland, will be held on Sunday, Aug. 27 with Mass at 12 noon. Bus will leave from Col-linwood Slovenian National Home at 8 a.m., and St. Vitus Village on Lausche Avenue at 8:30 a.m. For reservations call Viktor at (216) 531-2728 or Frank (440) 944-0020. Corrected Higbee Muffins 10 Tbsp. shortening 1 cup sugar 2 egg yolks 4 cups flour 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp. baking powder 2 cups milk 2 egg whites, beaten stiff Cream shortening, add sugar and egg yolks and cream well. Combine flour, salt and baking powder. Add to shortening mixture alternating with milk only to moisten the batter. Gently fold in beaten egg whites. Divide the batter into well greased muffin tins. Bake in 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Makes 2 dozen muffins. Submitted by Ann Zupančič of Broadview Heights, i Ohio. This was one of the most popular recipes of Higbee’s : Silver Grill restaurant in downtown Cleveland. Ann was : employed at Higbee’s for 40 years and ended her career as j manager of the downtown Silver Grill. Ann also opened the j Hobnail Room Restaurant at Higbee’s Severance and was i employed there for 6 'A years. Higbee's Creamed Chicken and Fresh Vegetables SAUCE: 1 cup chicken fat or oleo 1 cup flour 2 cups hot milk 5 cups hot chicken broth Salt to taste 1/8 tsp. pepper 3 drops egg color MIX: 5 cups diced cooked chicken 1 Vi cups cooked diced carrots 1 Vi cups cooked peas Melt chicken fat or oleo and add flour and cook about i 3 minutes or until foamy, beating with a wire whisk. Add : hot broth and milk, small amount at a time, until smooth; j add seasonings and egg color. Taste and correct. Add rest of ingredients and mix well. Keep hot. You may place in a 4-quart casserole and heat in 325 j degree oven until it bubbles. (Keep hot in a 200-degree • — oven until serving time.) Makes 3 quarts. Ann Zupančič j Broadview Heights, Ohio \ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring _______________ ” je dejal. Izrazil je tudi prepričanje, da Morebitna zamuda pri širitvi schengenskega območja, ki je predvidena za oktober prihodnje leto, ne bi imela večjih posledic. Naredili pa bomo vse, da bo tisto, kar mi anko storimo, uspešno in pravočasno opravljeno,” je še dejal. Druga faza priprav na Predsedovanje EU se bo začela januarja Prihodnje leto. Gospodarski podatki kažejo na uspešnost slovenskega gospodarstva v prvem polletju Po zadnjih objavljenih podatkih je bila etoŠnja gospodarska rast 5,1-odstotna in nšja kot v prejšnjih dveh četrtletjih, ko je ‘*a 3,6- in 3,7-odstotna. Bila je tudi višja ot v istem obdobju lani, ko je bila 2,8-°dstotna. Po podatkih vladnega urada za Makroekonomske analize in razvoj je bila Posledica okrepljenega domačega in izvoznega Povpraševanja in je celo nekoliko prese-^ a Pričakovanja. ^ primerjavi z lanskimi gibanji se je le-s precej pospešila rast mednarodne me-Jave- Izvoz blaga in storitev se je v pri- merjavi z istim obdobjem lani realno povečal kar za 13,7 odstotka. Lanska rast je bila v povprečju 9,2-odstotna in vse leto enakomerna, bila pa je posledica ugodnejših konjunkturnih gibanj v tujini. Za leto 2006 je značilna tudi visoka rast brutoinvesticij. Te so se povečale za 6 odstotkov in s tem pospešile rast domače potrošnje, kjer je bil njihov vpliv 4-odstoten. Potrošnja gospodinjstev je bila letos za 3,3 odstotka višja glede na konec lanskega leta, ko je bila 2,8-odstotna. Gospodinjstva se še vedno povečano zadolžujejo, vendar gre velika večina te zadolženosti za naložbe v stanovanja, ki se pospešeno podražujejo. Inflacijska stopnja je dokaj zmerna. Junija 2006 so bile cene življenjskih potrebščin za 2,1 odstotka višje kot decembra 2005. Izvoz se je letos realno povečal za 13,7 odstotka, skupni uvoz pa realno za 12,1 odstotka Izvoz se je povečal v pomembnejše trgovinske partnerje Slovenije v EU, kot so Velika Britanija, Avstrija, Italija in Nemčija, tako tudi v Rusijo in na Hrvaško. Slovenska vojaška alpinistična odprava osvojila najvišji vrh Severne Amerike Slovenska vojska se je pri ustvarjanju svoje vsestranske prepoznavnosti nedavno pripravila svojo prvo alpinistično odpravo na Aljasko. Osem mož, samih izkušenih alpinistov, pripadnikov armade, pod vodstvom nadporočnika Mihe Kuharja, je osvojila najvišji vrh Severne Amerike, 6195 metrov visoko goro, Mount McKinley. Cilj odprave v gorniških veščinah v najbolj zahtevnih pogojih in primernost opreme je bil po besedah vodje odprave v celoti uresničeno. Člani odprave bodo znanje in izkušnje prenašali na druge pripadnike Slovenske vojske. SPREJEMU ZA SLOVENSKEGA PREMIERJA JANEZA JANŠO IN NJEGOVO $ EGACIJO V SLOVENSKEM NARODNEM DOMU NA ST. CLAIRJU 8. JULIJA Pojema za predstavnike raz„ih slovensko ameriških organizacij in druge povabljene Vor ’ k* je bil v Kenikovi sobi pred splošnim, javnim sprejemom m Janševim nago-C* v veliki dvorani SND, se je udeležil tudi bivši urednik Ameriške domovine prof. ku ° Lipovec, ki ga vidite v pogovoru s slovenskim zunanjim ministrom dr. Dimitrijem °111' "Tega sprejema se je udeležilo približno 40 oseb, javnega pa baje okrog 400. (Fotografija: Phil Hrvatin) Iz Clevelanda in okolice Župnija Marya Vnebovzeta vabi na svoj piknik— Ta bo to nedeljo na Slovenski pristavi. Začel se bo ob 12.30 s sv. mašo, sledilo bo okusno kosilo z govejo pečenko in piščancem. Dar je $12 za odrasle in $6 za otroke. Imeli bodo tudi prodajo peciva, ves popoldan hrano in tekoča okrepčila, igre za otroke, plavanje, za ples bo igral ansambel Veseli godci. Letos je piknik Ohijske KSKJ federacije združen s piknikom Marije Vnebovzete in so torej še posebej vabljeni člani in članice te bratske organizacije, prav tako seveda vsi rojaki in rojakinje. Novi grobovi Raymond P. Bukovnik Umrl je 85 let stari Raymond P. Bukovnik iz Mentorja, vdovec po Betty, oče Caryn Krisha, Garyja (izjemnega ameriškega slikarja) in Paula, 5-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, brat Roberta in Normana (oba že pok.). Pogreb je bil 12. avgusta s pokopom na Western Reserve Memorial Gardens pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Hospice of the Western Reserve, 5786 Heisley Rd., Mentor, OH 44060 ali Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Leo S. Jereb Umrl je 86 let stari Leo S. Jereb, mož Margaret, roj. Spodnik, oče Barryja in Briana, i-krat stari oče, brat Henryja, Bernarda in Virginije Doons, veteran 2. svetovne vojne in udeleženec invazije Evrope 6. junija 1944. Pogreb je bil 12. avgusta s sv. mašo v cerkvi Gesu na University Hts. s pokopom na Lake View pokopališču. Albert Marolt Umrl je 84 let stari Albert Marolt, sin Johna in Margaret, roj. Spech (oba pok.), brat Johna, Stanleya, Ludwiga, Rudolpha, Antho-nyja, Josepha in novorojen-ke Marolt (vsi pok.), stric in prastric, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški pehoti. Pogreb je bil 11. avgusta v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. KRES vabi na nastop— Plesna skupina Kres bo imela svojo letno predstavo v SND na St. Clairju v soboto, 26. avgusta, ob sedmih zvečer. Po programu bodo za pjes in zabavo igrali Veseli godci. Vstopnina je $15. Vstopnice imajo člani Kresa, na voljo bodo pri vhodu na večer prireditve. Baragovi dnevi— Letošnji Baragovi dnevi bodo v Calumetu, Michigan 23. in 24. septembra. Tisti, ki bi radi potovali z avtobusom, se lahko prijavijo najkasneje do 28. avgusta (če bodo sedeži še na voljo) in sicer pri Ivanki Matič na 216-481-1514. Za vse podrobnosti gl. dopis na str. 12. Romanje v Frank— Društvo SPB sponzorira romanje v Frank, Ohio, kakor vsako leto. Letos bo v nedeljo, 27. avgusta. Prijave za avtobus sprejemata Viktor Tominec (216-531-2728) in Frank Šega (440-944-0020). Gl. dopis na str. 12. Obisk— V ponedeljek dopoldne se je pri uredništvu oglasil univ. prof. dr. Timothy Pogačar, ki predava na univerzi Bowling Green. Zadržal se je v pogovoru z urednikom. Hvala za obisk! Ob delavskem dnevu— V soboto, 2. septembra, bo na Slovenski pristavi že tradicionalna Delavski dan veselica. Nakaznice za večerjo so le v predprodaji; lahko pokličete Bredo Ribič (440-943-0621). Večerja bo deljena med 5. in 7.30 zv. Za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Bratov Gašperšič. Vstopnina bo $4 za člane SP, $8 za nečlane. V nedeljo, 3. sept., bosta kuhinja in bara odprta od 4. do 6. pop. Lepo vabljeni! Ponovno izvojjen— Pretekli teden je imela bratska organizacija KSKJ svojo redno konvencijo (vsaka 4 leta). Ponovno je bil izvoljen dosedanji predsednik Rudy Krašovec, a je le z enim glasom premagal tekmeca Josepha Hočevarja iz Clevelanda. Bratska organizacija SN-PJ, največja v slovensko ameriški skupnosti, ima svojo konvencijo ta teden (tudi vsaka 4 leta), tretja največja, AM LA, pa je svojo 4-letno konvencijo imela v maju tu v Clevelandu. L Baragovi dnevi 22.-25. septembra v Calumetu CLEVELAND, O. - Naše vsakoletno romanje, ki ga posvečamo spominu našega svetniškega kandidata škofa Friderika Barage, se naglo približuje. Veliko je bilo o tem že napisanega, zato naj vas s tem člankom najprej povabim, da se nam pridružite in napišem le najvažnejše glede našega potovanja. V petek, 22. septembra, se bodo ob osmih zvečer odpeljali izpred euclidske mestne hiše oz. City Hall na 585 E. 222 St. Svoje avtomobile lahko pustite na parkališču za mestno hišo. Ustavili se bomo pri St. Vitus Village, kjer se nam bodo pridružili še ostali romarji. Potovali bomo proti Mackinaw City. Met potovanjem se bomo nekajkrat ustavili. Zajtrkovali bomo v Mackinaw City in se potem podali v motel, kjer bomo dvakrat prenočili. Po kratkem počitku se bomo odpeljali do cerkve sv. Pavla, kjer bo kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič daroval sv. mašo. Po maši- bo prigrizek v farni dvorani. Ob 7.30 zvečer bo koncert v Calumet Theater z zanimivim programom. V nedeljo zjutraj se bomo, po zajtrku v motelu, odpeljali v Eagle Harbor, ki je v zgornjem delu Michigana, kjer je edina še stoječa Baragova cerkev -“Holy Redeemer”. Tu si bomo ogledali tudi nekaj ohranjene Baragove osebne lastnine. Ob lh popoldne bo skupna slovesna sv. maša v cerkvi Presv. Srca Jezusovega, ob treh pa banket združen s sestankom. V ponedeljek bomo obiskali stolnico v Marquetteu in grobnico škofa Friderika Barage. Na poti se bomo ustavili tudi pri Baragovem spomeniku v L’Anse, Michigan. Če bo čas dopuščal, je na programu še ogled nekaterih zanimivosti, nato kosilo in pot domov. Narodne noše za glavno svečanost teh dni bodo zelo dobrodošle. Zopet se nam obetajo lepi dnevi romanja, zato upam, da se boste čim prej prijavili. Cena je $240 na osebo; v tem je vključena vožnja z avtobusom, zajtrk, dvakratno prenočišče v motelu, in banket. Prosim, da pošljete prijavo in plačilo pred 28. avgustom in to na naslov: Ivanka Matič 1874 Braeburn Park Drive Euclid, Ohio 44117-1804 Tel. 216-481-1514 Z Ameriško Domovino ostajate na tekočem z dogajanjem v naši slovenski skupnosti ter s celotnim slovenskim svetom! Spomini liberalnega politika 85 let političnega udejstvovanja Predvojna Avstrija, vzhodna fronta v Rusiji, zahodna fronta v Franciji, Svobodna Jugoslavija, obramba Sokola pred komunisti, nemški napad na Jugoslavijo, okupacija, Mihajlovičev odpor, komunistična revolucija, gestapovski zapori, emigracija, begunska taborišča, Amerika, reševanje družine iz Jugoslavije, delovanje politične emigracije, Jugoslovanski Sokol v svobodnem svetu. Ladislav Bevc S P O IVI I N I V Slovenščini, 300 strani, 45 slik Priloga: Tekst v angleščini na CD Založba: JUTRO, Ljubljana Naročite pri^ Jutro d.o.o.; Črnuška c. 3, p.p. 4986, 1001 Ljubljana Telefon: 386 01 561-72-30; 386 041 698-788, Telefaks: 386 01 561-72-35 E-pošta: JUTRO@SIOL.NET • WWW.JUTRO.SI Knjiga bo izšla septembra 2006. Cena: $27.00 + poštnina SPOMINSKO ROMANJE WILLOUGHBY HILLS, O. -Že kar tradicionalno spominsko romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio bo v nedeljo, 27. avgusta. Romanje je v spomin na vse naše deset tisoče nedolžne, verne in narodno zavedne rojake, žrtve zločinskega nacizma, v veliko večji meri pa krvoločnega in krutega komunizma, ki je našemu narodu prizadejal nepopisno gorje, trpljenje, mučenje in smrt. Ta naša velika narodna, ki so jo naši “rdeči bratje” komunisti prizadejali slovenskemu narodu, . ne bo nikoli zaceljena. Kako zelo bi današnja Slovenija potrebovala tisoče teh vernih in narodno zavednih državljanov za narodovo preživetje. Koliko dobrih in narodno zavednih družin je bilo uničenih. Velika tragedija je, da preživeli sa-zvani komunistični borci in njihovi potomci še dandanašnji dan, 15 let po oklicu samostojne demokratične države, ne priznajo in ne obžalujejo “genocida”, velezločina nad narodom, ki ga je izvršila komunistična partija. Storila je to samo zato, da si je preko teh deset tisočev nedolžnih žrtev prilastila oblast, To je vzrok, zakaj je terorizirala, mučila in morila desetletja svoje lastne državljane. Tkim. Osvobodilna fronta ni bila čisto nič drugega kot orodje komunistične partije, da si je pod geslom in lažjo osvobodite pridobila za vsako ceon oblast. Kot je že dolgoletna tradicija, se bomo vseh žrtev nacizma in komunizma spomnili pri daritvi sv. maše v božjepot-nem svetišču Žalostne Matere božje v Franku, Ohio, v nedeljo, 27. avgusta, ob 12. uri (opoldne). Daroval jo bo, kot že desetletja doslej, naš prijatelj, g. župnik dr. Pavel Krajnik. Popoldne ob 2. uri bo v parku sv. križev pot in nato z blagoslovom pete, litanije Matere božje. Odbor DSPB lepo vabi rojake, da se nam pridružite in se skupaj poklonimo našim mučencem, ki so za vero in dom darovali svoja mlada življenja. Spomnili se bomo tudi naših rojakov, ki so kot ameriški vojaki za svobodo tujih narodov izgubili svoja življenja. In prav tako se bomo spomnili tudi vseh naših rojakov in rojakinj, ki so radi svojega političnega in verskega prepričanja s težkim srcem zapustili rodno domovino in tako našli svoj zadnji dom v tuji zemlji. Prosimo Večnega Očeta, naj vsem za trpljenje, odpovedi in zvestobo nakloni plačilo ter večni mir in pokoj! Lepo vabimo naše kanadske rojake iz Wind-sorja, ki se nam že mnogo let kot ena družina pridružijo pri tem spominskem romanju za naše mučence. AVTOBUS: Odhod avtobusa bo ob 8. uri zjutraj 27. avgusta od Slovenskega doma na Holmes Avenue v Collinwoo-du, nato ob 8.30 izpred St. Vitus Village na 6114 Lausche (nekdanji Glass) Avenue. Cena za avtobus je $18 na osebo. Prijave sprejemata: Viktor Tominec (216-531-2728) in Frank Šega (440-944- 0020). Za odbor DSPB: F.Š. V Sloveniji že začeli zapirati menjalnice valut Trst - V Sloveniji se na najrazličnejših ravneh nadaljujejo priprave na uvedbo evra, skupne evropske valute, 1. januarja leta 2007. Songs Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEl/FAX web: www.wcsb.org ft Mara Kolman MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Dne 3. avgusta se je končala življenjska pot 86-letne ge. Mare Kolman iz Wau-kegana. 111. (zadnja leta živeča v Gurnee, 111.). Pokojna je bila rojena v Borovnici, Slovenija. Bila je vdova po Ludviku in mati Josepha, Marije, Franka, Ludwiga, Gabri-elle, Margaret, Alene ter Janeza, dolgoletna prijateljica Maričke Kadunc. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila v ponedeljek, 7. avgusta, v cerkvi St. Dis-mas v Waukeganu. Za njo je nastala velika praznina, saj je bila pokojna Mara priljubljena med mnogimi. (Pokojna je zadnja leta redno pošiljala poročila za Društvo Triglav v Mil' waukeeju, osmrtnico je posredovala M. P. iz Kirt-landa po Helenci Frohna iz Milwaukeeja. Ur. AD) Finančno ministrstvo je na svetovnem spletu objavilo predlog zakona o uvedbi evra v Sloveniji' ki naj bi ga Državni zbor obravnaval in sprejel v mesecu septembru- Medtem pa slabo kaže menjalnicam valut, ki so doslej imele veliko poslov. Sprejemale in menjale so najrazličnejše valute, od evrov, dolarjev, švicarskih oz. francoskih frankov, pa do, denim0, hrvaških kun in konvertibilnih mark, denarne enote, ki velja na obrno^' ju Bosne in Hercegovine-Obseg poslov, v slednje je vključen tudi promet s slovenskimi tolarji, ®e bo po uvedbi evra občih' no zmanjšal. Nekatere menjalnice so, da bi se izognile kri' zi oz. zaprtju, preusmeri' le svoje delovanje 119 druga finančna področl3' Največ menjalnic pa 56 pripravlja na zaprti6 Predvidevajo, da bo s poslovanjem prenehal3 večina od 137 podjetij' ki se na 246 mestih Sloveniji ukvarjajo z me njavo valut. Novi glas. 29. Jun. 20° Seznanjajte nase bralce z aktivnost^11 vaših društev Prijatel’s Pharmacy^ St. Clair & E. 68 St. 36H IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAV11" ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID Ujg THE AGED PRESCHTI^- JURIJ ROSA Knjižna ocena ANDREJA KLASINC ŠKOFLJANEC: Vodnik po arhivskem gradivu Studia Sloven ica (Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana 2005, 148 str.) Sporni napis se poslavlja »Naš Tito« na Sabotinu počasi izginja. Ljubljana - Govorimo seveda o napisu na Sabotinu nad Solkanom. Kamni, ki so še nedavno sestavljali znameniti napis, ležijo te dni - kot sicer že nekajkrat - razmetani. No, tokrat se zdi, da so njegovi nasprotniki vendarle nekoliko resneje ukrepali, saj naj bi bil eden od njih omenjeno zemljišče najel, nato pa “na svojem” kamenje razmetal. V zvezi s tem se nemalokrat omenja ime nekdanjega državnozborskega poslanca, a slednji zadeve žal ni želel komentirati. Bistveno pa je, da Sabotin spet dobiva podobo, ki si jo zasluži. Sabotin je torej še vedno prizorišče srditega, a tudi močno patetičnega ideološkega boja. “Naš Tito” je tako pred časom za nekaj ur postal “Naš Fido", drugič “Naš Tigr”, vedno znova pa je bil tako rekoč čez noč vrnjen v prejšnjo obliko. Lokalni prebivalci prestavljanju in zametavanju kamnov šaljivo pravijo “Sabotin Rolling Stones Open”. A kot kaže, se utegne “odprto prvenstvo” v kratkem končati, saj ga nameravata Gorici v čezmejnem projektu preurediti v park miru. Da nasprotniki napisa prihajajo z desnega, zagovorniki pa z levega političnega brega, verjetno ni treba poudarjati. Kljub vsemu pa je nenavadno, da kar nekaj slednjih prihaja iz vrst mladih zamejskih Slovencev, ki so za časa maršalovega življenja še vlekli palec. Tako se manipulacija z naivnimi, ki so sistemu nasedli v preteklosti, nadaljuje v današnji čas in celo v prihodnje rodove. Ob tem se zdi, da je nadškof Perko v pridigi pod Krenom upravičeno vprašal, do kdaj bo miselnost komunističnega totalitarizma vladala nad slovenskim narodom. Čeprav simboličen in na prvi pogled nedolžen napis hvalnice totalitarnemu voditelju je namreč lahko izraz nezaceljenih ran iz preteklosti. Da jih imajo starejši borci, je bolj (a vendar ne povsem) razumljlivo, saj človek na stara leta težko spremeni svoje prepričanje, čeprav je le-to zmotno. A da z njimi zastrupljajo svoje otroke. Je milo rečeno podlo. P. A. DEMOKRACIJA, 22. junij 2006 <0 Trst - Že več kakor dvanajst let je, kar mi je bilo dano spoznati g. Ja-neza Arneža, ' čudovitega človeka, skromnega moža z velikim znanjem in ne-Verjetno delovno vnemo, ki svoje ustvarjalne moči Ze dolga leta usmerja v varstvo in raziskavo pomembnega dela slovenske zgodovinske dediščine, ki So Jo ustvarili slovenski Izseljenci in zamejci. Zanimanje za nabavo Posameznih knjig, ki so j*b v času po drugi svetovni vojni izdali rojaki v tuJmi, me je navezalo nanJ- Zasluge, da sem ®Ploh zvedel za g. Arne-Za’ a ima g. Ivo Žajdela, z°ani pisec in časnikar, 1 mi je avgusta 1993 °b mojem poizvedovanju P° knjigah priporočil, naj Se °brnem nanj, ker hra-nl mnogo izseljenske lite-mture v več izvodih. Ob navezavi stikov z & Arnežem se mi je za- ela uresničevati želja, o ateri sem prej samo f^jal- G. Arnež je v veliki meri potešil moje njtžne strasti: po zelo Sodni ceni mi je oskr-,C* skorajda vse knjiige, 1 sem si jih iz obsežne ^dajateljske dejavnosti aših izseljencev in za-^ejcev zaželel za svojo sSebno knjižnico, za kar mu neizmerno hvalen. ^^kajkrat sem ga obi-Sya v prostorih Zavoda Stanislava v Šentvidu O (Ljubljana), kjer ima sedež njegova Studia slove-nica. Vedno znova sem občudoval zbirke, ki jih je s pomočniki ustvaril. Očaralo me je okolje velikega in visokega prostora v častitljivi stavbi: na gosto postavljene, do stropa segajoče police, vsi razpoložljivi kotički pa napolnjeni z obsežno zalogo knjig in časopisov ter bogato zbirko arhivskega gradiva in tudi druge zgodovinske dediščine. Vedno si mi je pri njem navrglo tisto pravo okolje, kjer vse "diši” po zgodovini. Prostor, kjer je mogoče samo strmeti nad veličino opravljenega dela. Prostor in človek -eno srce, ena duša v službi velikega bogastva narodne dediščine. Sicer pa mi je ob vseh srečanjih, kjerkoli so že bila, večkrat razkril tudi marsikatero zanimivost iz svojega življenja, zlasti pri skrbi za zbiranje in ohranitev dediščine; ni zamolčal grenkih izkušenj in bolečin, ki jih je mnogo nabralo zlasti od njene selitve iz Združenih držav Amerike (kjer jo je dolga leta zbiral) v Slovenijo leta 1991, pa do zadnjih let, ko sta se vendarle njen položaj in vloga v prestolnici Slovenije vsaj do neke mere uredila. Janez Arnež je leta 1957 skupaj s še dvema osebama v Washingtonu ustanovil zasebno ustanovo Studia Slovenica z dvema osnovnima namenoma: da z objavami študij v angleškem jeziku ameriški javnosti predstavi in približa Slovence ter da zbira arhivsko in knjižnično gradivo, ki je nastalo ob delovanju Slovencev v izseljenstvu in zamejstvu. Po političnih spremembah v Sloveniji je ob njenem osamosvajanju ustanovo prenesel iz New Yorka v Slovenijo, hkrati pa je v Slovenijo prepeljal tudi zbrano gradivo, ki je od leta 1993 v prostorih Zavoda sv. Stanislava v Šentvidu. Tu je zbranih preko 40.000 knjig in nekaj sto naslovov izseljenskega časopisja, preko 93 tekočih metrov arhivskega gradiva in tudi nekaj likovnih del ter muzejskih predmetov. Tako je Studia slovenica hkrati knjižnica, arhiv, galerija in muzej. G. Arnež pa je skupaj z ustanovo poleg zbiranja in hranjenja zgodovinske dediščine uspel opraviti še veliko raziskovalne in kulturne dejavnosti. V letih 1958-2204 je v zbirki Studia slovenica izšlo 32 del, leta 1995 pa so začeli izhajati Pogledi, v katerih so objavljeni posamezni arhivski viri. Pripravil je tudi več razstav s predstavitvijo izbranega gradiva iz zbirk, del gradiva pa je bil posojen za razstave v različnih slovenskih muzejih. Ker je bilo dokumentarno gradivo ob prihodu v Ljubljano v neurejenem stanju, je Janez Arnež leta 1999 navezal stik z Arhivom Republike Slovenije in steklo je sodelovanje. Gradivo je bilo evidentirano in ob urejanju se je izkazalo, da gre za izjemno kakovostno gradivo, ki v javnih arhivih v Sloveniji nima primerjave, zato je bilo z odločbo Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Slovenije leta 2002 tudi razglašeno za zasebno arhivsko gradivo, kar pomeni, da je trajnega pomena za znanost in kulturo. Arhiv Republike Slovenije in predvsem njegova uslužbenka Andreja Klasinc Škofljanec sta Janezu Arnežu nudila dragoceno pomoč pri strokovni obdelavi arhivskega gradiva, ki je nastajalo ob delovanju slovenskih “NAŠ TITO” ... izseljencev in zamejcev v letih od 1912 pa do najnovejšega časa (2004). Rezultat opravljenega delaje tudi Vodnik po arhivskem gradivu Studia slovenica, ki ga je pripravila omenjena arhivistka in lansko leto izdal Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA Vodnik je prvi pregled bogatega zasebnega arhivskega gradiva, ki ga hrani Studia slovenica. Ponuja osnovne podatke o 124 fondih in zbirkah, ki so bile pridobljene do konca leta 2004. Vsakemu, ki bo vzel vodnik v roke, priporočam, naj prebere uvodni zapis g. Arneža. To je pretresljivo branje, izjemen historiat, ki izpričuje neomajna prizadevanja, velike napore ter mnogokrat težavne in nenaklonjene okoliščine pri iskanju, zbiranju in hranjenju dragocenih arhivskih zapuščin med našimi izseljenci. Glavni del vodnika je seveda namenjen predstavitvi arhivskih fondov in zbirk. Razporeditev je naslednja: (DALJE na str. 14) Sprememba naslova V 0 se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo napro-Cri*’ da naši pisarni posredujete tako Vaš novi basIov kakor sedanji oz. stari. To omogoča, da °ste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list. Nov naslov Datum začetka: _____________________ Vaše ime; ________________ Naslov; Star (dosedanji) naslov Vodnik po arhivskem gradivu Studia Slovenica (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) - zbirka gradiva politikov Slovenske ljudske stranke, - zbirki gradiva iz begunskih taborišč po drugi svetovni vojni v Avstriji in Italiji, - zbirki gradiva o slovenski manjšini v zamejstvu (Avstrija, Italija), - zbirke gradiva slovenskih izseljencev v Evropi (Belgija, Francija, Nizozemska, Velika Britanija), Severni Ameriki (Združene države Amerike, Kanada), Južni Ameriki (Argentina) in Avstraliji, - fondi društev in časopisov, - osebni fondi in zbirke. Število osebnih fondov in zbirk močno prevladuje, saj jih je kar 105, vseh ostalih pa 19, toda v količini gradiva so slednji povečini obsežnejši, saj skupaj premorejo nekaj več kot tretjino celotne količine, dobrih 55 tekočih metrov dokumentacije. Vodnik je vzorno sestavljen, v njem lahko uporabnik najde osnovne podatke o nekem arhivskem fondu ali zbirki: oznaka in naziv fonda ali zbirke, čas nastanka in količina celotnega gradiva, opis delovanja ustvarjalca gradiva in nastanka fonda ali zbirke ter bistveni del, ki je namenjen okvirni predstavitvi vsebinskih sklopov gradiva oziroma posameznih njegovih zvrsti z letnicami nastanka in navedbo o natančnejših pripomočkih za uporabo. V vodniku najdemo zapuščine mnogih znanih in pomembnih osebnosti slovenske bližnje preteklosti, tako politikov (med drugimi Mihe Kreka, Alojzija Kuharja, Franca Snoja, Jožeta Basaja, Bogu-mila Vošnjaka) kakor tudi uglednih kulturnikov, znanstvenikov, gospodarstvenikov, zdravnikov in šolnikov (med njimi naj omenim vsaj Rajka Ložarja, Karla Mauserja, Valentina Meršola in Cirila Žebota) ter več zapuščin duhovnikov in drugih javnih delavcev. Brskanju po pregledu fondov in zbirk ter kazalu fizičnih in pravnih o-seb nas preseneti z ugotovitvijo, da Studia slovenica hrani tudi par zapuščin ljudi, katerih življenjska pot ni povezana s tujino, so pa svojo dokumentacijo sami ali njihovi dediči zaupali v hrambo tej ustanovi (zlasti zapuščina uglednega univerzitetnega profesorja Viktorja Korošca iz Ljubljane). Za pričujočo predstavitev vodnika nas zanima predvsem tudi zastopanost Primorske in Primorcev v fondih in zbirkah Studia slovenica. Uporabnik arhivskega gradiva v tem oziru ne bo razočaran. Primorske sledi utegne najti v raznih izseljenskih zbirkah po celinah in državah pa tudi v drugih fondih in zbirkah. Sedem fondov in zbirk pa izvira neposredno iz ustvarjalnega dela primorskih ljudi po rodu ali tistih, ki so na primorskih tleh pustili pomemben del življenja in ustvarjalnosti. Navajam jih z vsaj osnovnimi podatki (naziv, čas nastanka, količina) ter kratkim opisom vsebine oziroma zvrsti gradiva. - Zbirka gradiva o Slovencih v Italiji, 1922-2002, 0,2 tekočega metra (tm). V njej so slovenski časopisi, koledarji in vabila na prireditve. - Alfonz Čuk, duhovnik in psiholog, 1943-1975, 0,1 tm. Zapuščina zajema duhovniške zapise in krajše spise o njegovem življenju. - Alojzij Geržinič, kulturni delavec, šolnik in pisec, 1946-1949, 1 mapa. Zapuščino sestavljata njegovi razpravi o Antonu Mahniču in organizaciji slovenske izseljenske dejavnosti. - Rudolf Klinec, duhov- nik in cerkveni zgodovinar in narodni delavec, 1943-1945, 1 mapa. V njej so fotokopije dnevniških zapisov. - Marijan Kožlin, duhovnik, 1933-?, 1 mapa. V zapuščini je nekaj fotografij duhovnikov gori-ške škofije in fotografija zlate maše duhovnika Josipa Godniča. - Rafael Premrl, duhovnik, 1943-1988, 0,1 tm. Zapuščina obsega osebne dokumente, vabila in programe slovenskih priredi- Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! tev v Italiji, letak in nekaj fotografij. - Rodbina Dettoni, izhaja iz Sežane, 1841-1916, 0,1 tm. V zapuščini so kupoprodajne pogodbe ter dokumenti o sporu glede dedovanja, plačila davkov in zaposlitev. Količina navedenega arhivskega gradiva ni obsežna, je pa gradivo pomembno po njegovi vsebini in času nastanka. Vsekakor bomo morali raziskovalci primorske bližnje preteklosti računati tudi na te dragocene arhivske ostanke. Opravljeno delo g. Arneža v službi slovenske kulturne dediščine je skorajda nepredstavljivo. Lahko smo ponosni, da imamo takega človeka. Vsem, ki skrbimo za slovensko kulturno dediščino nam je tudi svetel zgled, kako v težkih okoliščinah, ob nerazumevanjih in pomanjkanju materialnih sredstev vztrajati in kljubovati - za dobro našega skupnega zgodovinskega spomina. .Bolj kot se poglabljamo v vodnik bolj je jasno, da je izjemno delo opravila tudi Andreja Klasinc Škofljanec. Pomisliti je treba samo na veliko število zbirk in fondov ter količino gradiva, za katerega je bilo treba opraviti strokovna arhivi-stična opravila. Sestavljalka vodnika zasluži pohvalo, ker je sistematično in pregledno predstavila arhivsko zakladnico Studia slovenica. Na voljo je tudi nazorno navodilo za uporabo vodnika. Uporabnik hitro opazi še eno pomembno odliko vodnika: za večino j predstavljenih fondov in | zbirk so objavljene zelo j izčrpne predstavitve us- ; tvarjalcev dokumentacije, j tako da ima uporabnik j vodnika pred seboj pravi mali leksikon podatkov o delovanju posameznih organizacij in zasebnikov. Vodnik je vsebinsko imenitno delo, ki ga ni mogoče prehvaliti in bo zagotovo mnogim v veli- | ko korist in nadvse uporabno pomagalo. Očitati mu je mogoče le nekaj ; tipkarskih napak, ki Pa ne znižajo odlične ocene opravljenega dela. * MLADIKA 4 / 2006 Beseda Bog naj bo zapisana z veliko začetnico Trst - V politične^1 tedniku Demokracija v Ljubljani je bil objavijo11 daljši prispevek o teifl' kako pisati besedo Bog-Za povod so uporabi*1 pismo gledalca nacionaln6 televizije Draga Vogrin«*1'; ča iz Prekmurja, v kak' rem se je zgražal na«* dejstvom, da se v P0<* napisih na javni televizij1 ^ še vedno pojavlja beseda Bog le z malo začetnic«1' in to tudi takrat, ko ^ morali uporabiti velik0 začetnico. m Mnenja jezikoslovcev kulturnih delavcev o ted1 pa so očitno deljena, k31 | je potrdil tudi zapis v omenjenem političnem te dniku. Dr. Anton Štrukc** s katedre za dogmah«*110 teologijo na teološki I kulteti v Ljubljani Je (t>AIJE na str. 15) V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN JOŽE in JOŽEFA ŠTEPEC 13. OBLETNICA 32. OBLETNICA Gospod, daruj jima mir, naj večna Luč jima sveti; ker si dobrote vir, uživajta raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: Tone, sin, z družino Pepca, Vida in Ani, hčere, z družinami in ostalo sorodstvo v ZDA, Kanadi in Sloveniji V blag spomin ■u: Rozi Blatnik Umrla 20. avgusta 2002 Viktor Blatnik Umrl 20. februarja 1984 Leta so že minila, odkar sta šla od nas, a vedno lep je spomin na Vas, Pogrešamo Vas vsaki čas. Hvala Vam za vso ljubezen, vse moči in vse skrbi. Pri Bogu srečno prebivajta, v nebesih večno srečo uživajta. Žalujoči otroci: Viktor, Frank, Dennis, Mary z družinami ZA ŠOLSKO LETO 2005/2006 ... Maturitetna izkaznica katoliških šol Ljubljana (Družina, 23. VII. 2006) - Na štirih katoliških gimnazijah je na spomladanskem roku opravljalo maturo 398 dijakinj in dijakov: Ljubljana Šentvid 151 (zlatih 29, uspeh 100 %, točk v povprečju 24,59 /največ možnih točk: 34/-, Maribor Anton M. Slomšek 117 (zlatih 0, uspeh 94,3 %, točk v povprečju 20,1); Vipava 80 (zlatih 5, uspeh 97,5 %, točk v povprečju 20,44); Želimlje 50 (zlati 3, uspeh 100 %, točk v povprečju 23,96). Maturitetne izpite je v ŠKG Ljubljana Šentvid opravljalo tudi 10 kandidatov, ki nimajo statusa red-nega dijaka ŠKG (uspeh 70 %). število zlatih na slovenskih katoliških gimnazijah Je torej 37 (v Sloveniji skupno 400), slovensko povprečje v številu točk je 19,90. Slomškova gimnazija (Maribor) ima enajst odlič-nlh maturantov, Lara Jug je dosegla 100 % uspeh Pri matematiki; v šolskem letu 2005/06 obiskovalo *65 dijakinj in dijakov (za novo šolsko leto 128 no-mest), profesorski zbor šteje 36 ljudi. ŠKG Šentvid: 50 maturantov je doseglo 28 točk ^i več, 5 maturantov je doseglo vseh 34 točk (Mojca ®erden, Živa Černe, Mateja Kovačič, Nadja Pipan, Zala ^irih), pri biologiji je 99 odstotnih točk (največ v Slo-Veniji) dosegla Živa Černe, pri geografiji je 96 odstotek točk (največ v Sloveniji) dosegla Jerica Koren; z *ePim uspehom je maturo opravil tudi Jožef Gregorc (povsem slep), v minulem šolskem letu je šolo obiskovalo 692 (22 oddelkov) dijakov in dijakinj, v šolani letu 2006/07 novih vpisov 150 (5 oddelkov), Profesorski zbor šteje 58 ljudi. Na ŠKG je doslej masiralo 1536 dijakov in dijakinj. ŠKG Vipava: v šolskem letu 2005/06 je šola šte-310 dijakinj in dijakov, od leta 1991 je bilo vpisa-n,h 874 dijakov (od leta 1952 do 1994 je Srednjo Versko šolo obiskovalo 546 dijakov), vil oddelkih je Poučevalo 32 profesorjev, značilnost sedanje šole je Pr°gram splošne gimnazije z obvezno latinščino”, v Preteklem letu doseženih veliko raznih priznanj na davnih ravneh (prim. 8 zlatih in 25 srebrnih iz ra-^*čnih predmetov), vsako leto dijaki izvedejo delovni k°r v Banjaluki (10 dijakov in 2 profesorja). Gimnazija Želimlje: v devetih oddelkih (265 dija-°v in dijakinj) je poučevalo 29 profesorjev, od letoš-j^ih 50 maturantov jih je samo 5 imelo manj kot 20 ^ k, doslej maturiralo 539 dijakinj in dijakov, doslej pisanih 941 (od teh 64 na novo vpisanih), prejšnjo ednjo versko šolo je obiskovalo 349 dijakov. Skupina letošnjih dijakov je bila na enotedenski ?e 0Vni akciji v Mužlji (Vojvodina/Srbija), šola je pri-I A*e Turistične zveze Slovenije - in je tretja “naj-Sa gimnazija" v Sloveniji (urejenost šole z okolico). V to vrsto katoliških šol štejemo tudi Zvezno gi- azU° in Zvezno realno gimnazijo (z obveznim veroukom) v Celovcu, na katerem je doslej (od leta 1963) maturiralo 1634 dijakinj in dijakov (letos 31); okrog 30 dijakov se je 5. maja pridružila množici 15.000 dijakov in dijakinj iz vse Avstrije pred Štefanovo stolnico na Dunaju, od koder so se z belimi vrtnicami napotili v kraje, kjer so žrtve nacizma nazadnje živele. Vsako leto, posebno v počitniških mesecih, uresničujejo zavidljivo raznorodne dejavnosti (tudi v misijonskih krajih). jz BURKA NA KOŽI MANJŠINE ... O dvojezičnih napisih na Koroškem Trst - Kaže, da se avstrijska politika nima s čim drugim ukvarjati kot s tem, kako omejevati in zadrževati uresničevanje tistih nekaj temeljnih pravic slovenske manjšine na Koroškem, ki ji med drugim pripadajo na osnovi 7. člena Avstrijske državne pogodbe (ADP) o ponovni vzpostavitvi suverenosti Avstrije z dne 15. maja 1955. Kljub zavajajočemu nazivu “državna", gre za mednarodno mirovno pogodbo, ki so jo z Avstrijo sklenile štiri zasedbene zavezniške sile. Sovjetska zveza. Velika Britanija, ZDA in Francija. Omenjene velesile so Avstrijo kratkomalo priznale v okviru meja iz leta 1938, to se pravi pred priključitvijo Hitlerjevi Nemčiji, kakor so v moskovski izjavi iz oktobra 1943 soglašale Sovjetska zveza, ZDA in Velika Britanija. Povojna Jugoslavija tako ni mogla uveljaviti nobene zahteve po popravku avstrijske južne meje. Kot nekakšno nadomestilo so zavezniki vključile v ADP znani 7. člen, ki zagotavlja temeljne manjšinske pravice Slovencem na Koroškem in Štajerskem ter Hrvatom na Gradiščanskem. V preteklih petdesetih letih se je Avstrija bolj trudila, kako se izogibati obveznostim iz 7. člena, oteževati in zavlačevati njihovo uresničevanje, kakor pa jih dosledno spoštovati. Dokaz temu je današnje stanje slovenske manjšine v Avstriji. Leta 1951 je bilo namreč na Koroškem še 43 tisoč slovensko govorečih prebivalcev, leta 2001 pa še samo dvanajst tisoč in pol. V pol stoletju sta torej izginili dve tretjini pripadnikov manjšine. Glavna vzroka za to sta neuresni-čevanje manjšinskih pravic in asimilacijski pritisk. Avstrija je kolikor toliko izpolnila določbe o manjšinskem šolstvu (ustanovitev gimnazije, trgovske akademije in dvojezičnega osnovnega šolstva). Pri tem je treba povedati, da je tri leta po podpisu ADP, leta 1958, odpravila obvezno dvojezično šolstvo, ki je takrat veljalo na splošno priznanem manjšinskem ozemlju, na katerem so se otroci vseh staršev učili obeh jezikov, tako slovenščine kot nemščine. Danes pa morajo svoje otroke prijaviti k dvojezičnemu pouku, kar ni zgledno za današnje evropske standarde manjšinske zaščite. BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! Accidental death & dismemberment plan Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium -$1.00 per thousand in PA *1 ‘20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl ^all your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com Oglejmo si sedaj, kakšna je bila politika Avstrije do izvajanja dvojezične topografije glede nazivov in napisov, o kateri govori 7. člen ADP in ki zadeva celotno to-ponomastiko, kot so ledinska imena, cestna imena, imena rek, gora, skratka vse, kar se poimenuje v naravi. Država bi morala vse omenjene dvojezične krajevne napise postaviti že pred 50 leti. Dejansko je avstrijska vlada izdajala leta 1977 prvi odlok o namestitvi dvojezičnih tabel v 91 krajih. Ko so jih nekaj postavili, so jih koroški nemški nacionalisti s silo odstranili. Sledilo je dolgo obdobje zastoja. Glavne avstrijske stranke so se izgovarjale druga na drugo, a nobena si ni upala dosledno izvajati zakonitih predpisov. Predstavniki koroških Slovencev so lani ob 50-letnici podpisa ADP predlagali dunajski vladi, naj postavi dvojezične napise v 394 krajih, medtem ko je vlada izdelala seznam o največ 158 napisih. O raznih pritožbah organizacij in posameznikov se je moralo ukvarjati tudi avstrijsko ustavno sodišče, ki je sprejelo načelo, da bi dvojezični napisi bili upravičeni v vseh krajih in zaselkih, kjer živi vsaj 10% pripadnikov manjšine. V minulih mesecih smo po -medijih spremljali postavljanje samo nemških tabel in odstranjevanje dvojezičnih. Alojz Tul Novi glas, 3. avg. 2006 Beseda “Bog” (nadaljevanje s str. 14) svojem prispevku menil, da je zapis besede Bog z veliko začetnico povsem nesporen, ko gre za krščanskega Boga, saj gre za osebni ime. V zvezi s tem je opozoril tudi na zaplet v zvezi navajanjem besednih zvez "pred našim štetjem" in “po našem štetju". Kristusovo življenje deli svetovno zgodovino v prej in potem. Skladno s tem štejemo leta in stoletja pred Kristusom in po Kristusu. Krščansko štetje časa skratka postavlja čas v čas, še poudarja dr. Anton Štrukelj. NOVI GLAS. 27. julija 2006 Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1590. V zadnji številki Duhovnega življenja je dopis o knjigi “Bojevnik upanja", torej o delu misijonarja na Madagaskarju p. Petra Opeka: “V petek, 2. junija, je bila v salonu Hotela Union v Ljubljani predstavitev knjige p. Petra Opeke “Bojevnik upanja" s podnaslovom “Življenjepis upornika". Knjiga je izšla v francoskem izvirniku, kar je poslovenil Tone Hočevar, izdala pa Mohorjeva družba. Dogodek je bil nekaj posebnega, saj se ne zgodi pogosto, da misijonar predstavlja svojo knjigo sredi Ljubljane. Po pozdravih je povzel besedo p. Opeka. Zahvalil se je delegaciji, ki mu je omogočila potovanje. Nato se je mudil pri spominu na očeta, ki se je čudežno rešil in pristal v Argentini. Hvaležno se ga je spomnil predvsem, ker mu je znal vliti smisel za delo in pomoč bližnjemu. Na kratko je orisal vsebino knjige, ki je v bistvu pričevanje njegoveta dolgoletnega bivanja v misijonih na Madagaskarju. Njegovo delo bi lahko označili za “nemogoče je mogoče", saj je več tisoč ljudi iztrgal revščini in duhovnemu propadanju, predvsem z neomajno voljo, vztrajnostjo in močjo, ki jo vsak dan črpa iz globoke vere v Božjo Previdnost. Peter Opeka se je rodil leta 1948 v San Martinu, predmestju Buenos Airesa. Petnajstleten je vstopil k lazaristom, pri dvajsetih letih je prišel na študij v Slovenijo, po dveh letih pa odšel na Madagaskar, kjer je v župnijah pod vodstvom lazaristov pomagal pri zidarskih delih. V teh letih se je odločil za delo v misijonih. Med nekajletnim študijem teologije na Katoliškem inštitutu v Parizu je veliko potoval po Evropi in delil življenje z brezdomci in ljudmi na robu družbe ter spoznaval težave evropskega človeka. Leta 1975 je bil posvečen za duhovnika iin odpotoval na Madagaskar. Leta 1989 je bil imenovan za predstojnika lazaristovskega semenišča v prestolnici. Prav tu pa se je srečal z najrevnejšimi in sklenil, da se bo boril, da dosežejo človeka vredno življenje. Prvi stik z mestom je bil elektrošok: “Bil sem na vrhu enega izmed sedmih gričev Antananarive. Pogled na malgaško prestolnico, kjer si čutil ozke in kljukaste uličice imeniten, je bilo pred mojimi očmi, skoro pod mojimi nogami podobno prizoru iz apokalipse: muhe so se v tisočih zbirale okrog odpadkov, medtem, ko so ženske, moški, otroci skrbno brskali po njih”, je zapisal na začetku knjige in dodal, da je trenutek kasneje spoznal še krutejšo resnico: to ni bilo samo odlagališče odpadkov, tja so s kamioni odvažali tudi reveže, da ne bi kvarili videz mesta. “To je bil torej kraj, ki ga je županstvo Antananarive leta 1985 izbralo za odlagališče smeti in hkrati tudi odlagališče revežev." Iz te neizrekljive bede je p. Opeka po vztrajnem prepričevanju in skoraj brezupnem delu uspelo iztrgati skoraj 300.000 brezdomcev, jim zagotovili delo in dostojno življenje v lepo urejenih vaseh s cerkvami, šolami z dvoranami, z igrišči in zdravstvenimi domovi, kar je lahko za zgled državnim oblastem. Med predstavitvijo je p. Opeka povedal marsikatero pikro na račun malgaške vlade, ki se na lastne državljane sploh ne zanima. Iz gričev smeti in odpadkov je iz medsebojnega zaupanja in trdne volje zrasla Akamasoa, mesto prijateljstva, v katerem se je najrevnejšim uspelo izviti iz primeža štirih največjih malga-ških nadlog: alkohola, mamil, nasilja in prostitucije in pridobiti človeško dostojanstvo. V živahnem pogovoru po predstavitvi je p. Opeka povedal še marsikaj zanimivega. Pohvalil je dobrotnike, ki so ohranili čut za pomoč bližnjemu v stiski. Na vprašanje, do kdaj misli na Madagaskarju graditi. je odgovoril, da dokler ne bodo vsi brezdomci dobili strehe. P. Opeka je zaradi svojih nadčloveških naporov in prizadevanj med najrevenjšimi znan domala po vsem svetu, želimo, da bi s svojo jekleno voljo in vztrajnostjo zgradil še mnogo hiš in tudi trdnih osebnosti na Madagaskarju in da bi se njegov zgled dotaknil tudi srce presitega, naveličanega zahodnega človeka." Ta knjiga bo zelo zanimiva, saj bomo našli v njej vso borbo, ki jo je moral misijonar p. Opeka bojevati, da je sploh lahko začel delati. Bodimo Bogu hva- ležni za vse milosti, ki jih je p. Opeka prejel, da je njegovo delo steklo. Ko vsak dan molimo za misijonarje, ne pozabimo tudi v zahvalo vključiti za vse prejeto. Pred piknikom smo prejeli nekaj -fiarov, katere danes objavljam: R.A. Knez (za rev. L. Tomazin) $50; M. Celestina (za bog.) $400; R.A. Knez (za s. R. Krajnik) $50; S. Oven (za bog.) $200; S. Hughes (v spomin +M. Mlinar) $100; N.N. (za salez.) $200; V. Hawkins (za bog.-Vietnam) $2,000; K. Markulin $100; A.M. Gorše $100; M. Lavriša (v spomin -(-Helence Nemec za s. Krajnik) $50; A.M. Lavrisha (za sv. maše za +A. Boltežar in +A. Trimboli) $30; I. Tominec (v spomin +H. Nemec $10 in +M. Mlinar $10) $20; A. Bolha (M. Novak) $110; V.M. Sleme (v spomin +H. Nemec) $50; M. Ribič (v spomin +H. Nemec) $20; A. Ravnik (za rev. L. Podgrajšek) $1,000. Vsem, ki ste razumeli prošnje misijonarjev, prav iskren Bog povrni! Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih in Marice Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 "S1 Misijonar Jože Letonja Ljubljana - Jože Letonja se je rodil v kmečki družini v Žetalah 5. aprila 1941. V družini je bilo devet otrok; dva sta umrla še majhna. Jožetova mlajša brata Franc in Lojze sta duhovnika lazarista, sestra Nežika pa je Marijina sestra z imenom sv. Roberta. Jože je končal osnovno šolo v Žetalah, nato je več let pomagal doma na kmetiji, kasneje se je zaposlil. Opravljal je različna dela: raznašal pošto, tesaril, se ukvarjal s ključavničarskimi deli in drugo. Leta 1985 je na povabilo misijonarja Roka Gajška, bratranca, odšel na Madagaskar. Dvajset let je deloval kot laiški misijonar; prav mu je prišlo vse, česar se je naučil doma. Prva leta svojega misijonskega poklica se je “izkazal" kot dober varilec: Delal je železne ograje, mreže za okna; ljudem je popravljal razno orodje: lopate, motike, sekire ... Če ga je kdo iskal, ga je vedno našel v delavnici. Njegov dnevni red je bil: zjutraj k maši, potem zajtrk, nato delo v garaži ali delavnici; popoldne spet delo. Veliko je pomagal na različnih misijonskih postojankah. Od vsepovsod je prihajal o njem dober glas, kako temeljit je in kako vse dobro naredi. Lani po veliki noči se je hudo bolan vrnil v domovino. Zbolel je za levkemijo. Po trimesečnem zdravljenju v Ljubljani je počasi okreval in na tihem razmišljal, da bi se vrnil na Madagaskar. V tem času je bival doma pri bratu Janezu in njegovi družini ter pri lazaristih na Maistrovi 2. v Ljubljani. Tu je rad poprijel za hišna dela in mežnaril v cerkvi Srca Jezusovega. Navdušil se je nad avtomatičnim električnim zvonjenjem in poskrbel, da je župnijska cerkev v Žetalah dobila takšno zvonjenje. Letos v marcu je nameraval s skupino Slovencev odpotovati na škofijsko posvečenje malga-škega lazarista Benjamina Ramarosona v Farafanga-no, s katerim se je poznal. Imel je že letalsko vozovnico, toda zdravnica mu je potovanje odsvetovala. Maja je moral vnovič v bolnišnico. Zdravljenje ni bilo uspešno, čeprav si je zdravstveno osebje na infekcijskem oddelku kliničnega centra zelo prizadevalo, da bi ga pozdravili. Veliko so mu pomenili obiski, zlasti misijonarjev. Laiški misijonarji, s katerimi je bil povezan, so se kar vrstili ob njegovi bolniški postelji in s tem pokazali. kako jim je bil pri srcu. odkar so se spoznali na Madagaskarju. Eden od misijonarjev je o njem napisal: “Jože je bil dober človek, pošten in nepremagljiv v svoji veri. Njegova vera je bila jasna, naravna in močna kot skala. Ni potreboval posebnih razlag Vero je tako oznanjal, da je živel zelo pošteno in bil vsakemu pripravljen narediti uslugo. Na Madagaskarju je pustil lep zgled laiškega misijonarja, ki je delo z vso svojo dušo in je vselej vsako stvar naredil lep0 in trdno." Za Prijatelja (2005/5) - verski list bolnikov, invalidov in njihovih prijateljev - je med drugW1 preprosto dejal: “Če Pa je zame dovolj 65 let zemeljskega življenja, jc pač dovolj." Ko je lan* začel zdravljenje v bolnišnici, je prosil, da bi k njemu prihajal bolniški duhovnik in ga krepil 1 zakramenti. Na letošnje binkošti je bil še enkrat pri polni zavesti okrepljen z bolniškim mazilje' njem. Nazadnje je tak° omagal, da ni moge* prejemati obhajila. je 19. julija 2006. Jože Letonja se je leta 1988, po treh letih dela na Rdečem otoku, vrni* v domovino z namenon1' da ostane doma, a J® kmalu šel nazaj 1116 Malgaše. Nabral je 20 *et dela in življenja za ub° ge. Zaradi hude bolez0 se je lani moral vrniti Slovenijo. Vse njef5°v° premoženje, nekaj orodj3 in obleke, je ostalo ^ Madagaskarju. Ni zapustl materialnega bogastva, j pa odšel bogat z dobri111 deli po plačilo k Bogu- DRUŽINA, 6. avg. 2 006 BRALCI! Priporočajte nas It's Time for your eve exarnj. J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lens®5 We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34)