87 informatica < YU tSSN 0350-5596 informatica JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS Published by Informatika, Slovene Society for Informatics, Parmova 41, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia YU ISSN 035&-5596 Editorial Board T. AleksiC, Beograd; D. Bitrakov, Skopje; P. Dragojloviö, Rijeka; S. Hodaar, Ljubljana; B. Horvat, Maribor; A. Mandale, Sarajevo; S. MlhalU, Vara2din; S. Turk, Zagreb VOLUME 11,1987-No. 4 Edltor-tn-Chlef : Prof. Dr. Anton P. Zeleznikar CONTENTS Executive Editor : . Dr. Rudolf Mum Pubi 1shlng Counc ì1 : T. Banovec, Zavod SR Slovenije za statistiko, Vozarslcl pot 12, 61000 Ljubljana; A. Jerinan-Blaiie, DO Iskra Delta, Parraova 41, 61000 Ljubljana; B. KlemenölC, iskra Telematlka, 64000 Kranj; S. Saksida, Institut za sociologijo Univerze Edvarda Kardelja, 61000 Ljubljana J. Virant, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, TrSaSka 25, 61000 Ljubljana. Headquarters : Informatica, Parmova 41, 610QQ LJubljana, Yugoslavia. Phone: 61 31 29 88. Telex: 31366 yu del ta Annual Subscription Hate: US$ 30 for companies, and US* 15 for individuals Opinions expressed in the contributions are not necessarily shared by the Editorial Board Printed by; Tiskarna Kresija, Ljubljana D. FajCar M. Lokar A.P.Zeleznikar 8 J. Sllc 27 B, Robi« M.B.JocJjovlć 35 D.M.VelaSeviö S. Presern 40 B.Mihovilovic 54 P. Kol bežen J. Sile Analysis of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Network for Parallel Processors Information Determiantions U Data Flow Based Parallel Inference Machine One Solution of the Busline Crew Scheduling Problem A Selected Survey of Parallel Computer Systems A Paradigm of Transputer System Implementation M. OjsterSek 59 V, Zumer P. Kokol A. Zorman D. Zivkovie 64 A Simulation of Data Flow Computer Models and a Model of Fault Tolerant Dataflow Computer An Alternative Procedure for Determination of Entity Types and Actions In JSD Method ... A. Brodnik M. Spegel T. Lasbaher 69 Progracrnii ng with Modula~3 II P. Markovi Q + I = ]c=1 a = 1, 2, .... bl - 1 (4) n(bi)»['jf>Q] bi-1 = + I n(k)»p k=1 bl-k+l Iw we pot Pjii expressed by (3) In the left side of equations (4) we get the following system of llnaar equations. a(n s (e"®'^ - 1) I n(o) 0(s).[l - ^ s ^^^ 3-k+l 0 a : 1, 2.....bl - 1 (1') (l p^ = 0(2) pg 0(s) Pg = 0{a+l) pg (15) = 2, 3. bl - 1 How the aysten is already linear. We just have to add the normalization equation (5) and solve it. For the time dependent system we use a similar procedure as In the previous section. Consider that we analyze the stage I. Then we have n(0,t) = 1, 0(a,t) : 0, s - 1.....bl, t : 0, 1-1 (16) on the stage 1. The nuaber of requests in the buffer may grow maxlnaly by a request per cycle, because of maxlmaly two incoming requests and one outgoing request (except in the case where at the previous moment the buffer was enpty. But we only have a Jump from 0 to 2 and after that the length grows maxlmaly by one). So we get the following system nCO.t) = [O(0,t-1) + 0(1,t-O] p^ 0(2. t-1) P(j 0(2,t) = [0(0,t-1) + 0(1,t-U] Pg + 0(2,t-1) p^ + 0(3,t-1) Pp (17) a*l n(e,t) = Ì 0(s-l,t-i)p k=a-1 a+1-k s s 3. .... bl - 1 n(bi,t) = n(bi,t-i) (p, + p^) + n(bi-i,t-i) pg Equatations (17) are the aaae in the case where average input rate is time dependent and where la not. V. Suitchea with tvro input and ona output link This kind of switches we find at the last stage. The input links come from the previous stage and the output links are connected to memory oodules. From each awltch we can reach only one memory module. The situation Is almost the same as described In the section IV. The difference is only that we have Just one buffer so all requests go in the same buffer. So we have to change the ooefficlenta p^ defined by (12) and (IM). VI. Sumary and eoncluaion In the Table 1 probabilities on number of requests in the buffer for one switch on the first stage with different average Input rates are given. average rate 3 0.5 1 1.5 1.9 0 0.75000 0.50000 0.25005 0.07687 Ì 0.21302 0.32436 0.28020 0.12169 2 0.03277 0.12260 0.19489 0.12635 3 0.00385 0.03779 0.11706 0.11699 it 0.00037 0.01091 O.O67S7 0.10594 5 0.00004 0.00311 0.03915 0.09569 6 0,00000 o.ooose 0.02258 0.08643 7 0.00000 0.D0025 0.01302 0.07807 8 Q.OOOOQ 0.00007 0.00751 0.07052 9 0.00000 0.00002 0,00433 0.06370 10 0.00000 0.00001 0.00250 0.05753 After 1 cycles the first request can come to the switch Table 1 average rate s 0.5 1 1.5 1.9 0 0.75000 0.50000 0.25086 0.08057 1 0.22959 0.38889 0.390ÌI7 0.1973'» Z 0.01999 0^09876 O.2300U O.ZOkZZ 3 O.OOOÜI 0.01097 0.08251 0.15007 O.OOOOl 0.00122 0.08251 0.11028 5 0.00000 O.OOOlJl 0.02960 o.oeioi« 6 0.00000 O.O0QO2 0.01062 0.05955 7 0.00000 0.00000 0.00381 0.0^376 8 0.00000 0.00000 0.00137 0.03216 9 0.00000 o.ooooo o.oooijg 0.02363 10 0.00000 0.00000 0.00006 0.01737 Table 2 In the Table 3 the probabilities for the switches on the last stage are given. All requests are generated with equal average Input rate. average rate - 8 0.5 1 1.5 1.9 0 0.50000 0.02500 0.00000 0.00000 1 0.38889 0.07500 0.00000 0.00000 2 0.09877 0.10000 0.00000 0.00000 3 0.01097 0.10000 0.00000 0.00000 It 0.00122 0.10000 0.00000 0.00000 5 0.00014 0.10000 0.00000 0.00000 6 0.00002 0.10000 0.00014 0.00000 7 0.00000 0.10000 0.00125 0.00000 8 0.00000 0.10000 0.Q1117 0.00008 9 0.00000 0.10000 0.09958 0.00897 10 0.00000 0.10000 0.88784 0.99094 As we can see from the tables It Is obvious that as the input average rates grow to the maximum output rate, which Is 2, the buffers are more and more full, so also grows the number of rejected requests. Acknowledgeitent This vrark was partly ■ supported by Iskra Delta Computers. fleferences [1] Rettberg B., Thomas fi,, Contention is no obstacle to ahared-memory multiprocessing, CACM, £9(1986), 12. [2] Patel J.H., Performance Of Processor-Memory Interconnection for Multiprocessors, IEEE Trans, on CoQp., Vol. C-30 (1981), 10. [3]Kruskal-C.P., Snir M., The Performance Of Multistage Interconnection Networks for Multiprocessors, IEEE Trans, on Coop., Vol. C-32 (1983), 12. [4}Dia3 D.H., Jump J.R., Analysis and Simulation of Buffered Delta Networks, IEEE Trans, on Coop., Vol. C-30 (1981), i|. [5]Thanawastien S., Nelson V.P., Interference Analysis of Shuffle/Exchange Networks, IEEE Trans, on Comp., Vol. C- 30(1981), 8. [6]BraJak P., Designing a reconfigurable Intelegent memory module (RIMM) for Performance Enhancement to Large Scale, General purpose Parallel Processor, Informatica 11(1987), 1. [7]Gelenbe E., Mitranl I. Analysis and Synthesis of Computer Systems, Academic Press, 1980 London. Table 3 INFORMATION DETERMINATIONS II INFORMATICA 4/87 Anton P. Železni kar UDK 519.72 Iskra Delta, Ljubljana Abstract. This essay is the continuation of the previously published 'Information Determinations I' (2eleznlkar, IDI) and 'Principles of information' (Zeleznllcar, POI) and investigates some additional higher informational forms and Informational processes. In respect of determination from the informational point ot view, it deals with creativity, language, writing, reading, utterance, hearing, philosophy, ideology, dialectic, science, technology, aesthetics, ethics, rhythm, harmony, art, literature, crisis, capability, incapability, functions of mind, Information systems, social systems, and artificial intelligence. As close as possible, these informational forms and informational processes are investigated through the so-called Informational principles of spontaneity, counter-information. Informing, arising, embedding, counter-Informing, circularity, recurrence, parallelnes, and sequentialness of information. The choice pf very divergent informational forms (for instance, creativity, Ideology, technology, crisis, etc.> and their informational investigation shows appropriateness and suitability of informational comprehension of different subjects. tStßCDlSffi^ It Anton P. 2eleznikar I-jkra Delt-j, Ljubljana Ißx y rtgfBwiRjl: Ij <" I nfunndt. i on DeLeriiii na I i onü 1": 2e- Uznikai', IDI) , L T rfillGcolS/ljllj ("Priiicie;- uf 1 nformaHon": 2elezni-kar, POI) è:Vfir.o(2)x/ b-fO^šTS^. ^x yt ilJj^B^ttèUt.'7D b ^ mti'I ■ tSJBB^^^St»^fiT, &1Ü11, f Ig. S t lonal performance. Language is at-the-top of a being's informatlonalness. It is a tool, expression, cause, and consequence of Intelligence, the being's creativity. In the cortex of a human being, language is represented as a form of particularly distributed Information processing which is linguistically coded, abstracted, and symbol 1 zed. To some extent, language is informational self-sameness when it speaks about Information, supposing that the information Is comprehended by lingual categories. Language develops information about information. Language develops information about language when language speaks language and speaks about language. In this case, the way to Information is on the way to language where a being's informational processes of a being are verbal. The way to language by language is also the way to the being's Information by information. Language processing is an essential faculty of being's informationalness, which Is distributed, essentially rhythmic, harmonic, filtered, and modulated by other Informational processes (for Instance, emotions) of mind. A being Is a developing informational. Ungual system, where language processing is embedded into the being's informatlonalness. Language processing is only one of possible modes of information processing. A being's Imagination can be characteristically verbal, processed linguistically. On several Informational levels language processing can be semantically and hermeneutlcally evened to a being's Informatlonalness. Language is an informational model which models' information, and simultaneously represents and processes information by linguistic means. In a similar way, as information is on the way to information by counter-1nformatIon, language Is on the way to language by counter-language, which Is the arising meaning, expression {concerning linguistic form), and understanding. Within "classical" cognitive psychology (CPY), language Is defined by notions of semanticlty, arbitrariness, discreteness, displacement, productivity, Iteration, and recursion (CPY, 322). One of the basic questions of language remains how linguistic entitles, units, and fragments are coming into understanding, how the processes of apprehension and comprehension are arising, developlngj coming into existence within a being and in a being's population (environment, culture). In this respect, the approach to understanding within the being's total information is. hermeneutic, focused upon Internal Information and on the internal process of speaking. In contrast to hermeneutic information, the approach to understanding in populational environment or culture is semantic, informing linguistic facts externally, by external processes of speaking cultural languages. 10.3. Writing, Heading, Utterance, and Hearing (In verbal Language) ... Language Is not a defined realm of the speakabie, over against which other realms that are unspeakable might stand. Rather, language is all-encompassing. There Is nothing that is fundamentally excluded from being said, to the extent that our act of meaning Intends It. (H.-Q. Gadamer, PHH, 6T) On the one hand the informational forms and Informational processes, like writing, reading, uttering, andhearing all concern language, I. e. live linguistic activity, thus covering acts of Internal and external speaking. On the other hand the said activities also involve Interaction and reaction of speakers (writers) and hearers (readers). Writing, reading, uttering, and hearing are social activities which concern social action of living beings, social interactions within beings' populations. Writing a text in a (natural, formal, professional) language concerns creative internal shaping of meaning, planning a sequence of meaning as a hermeneutic form and afterward transforming this hermeneutic skeleton Into an adequately granmatically and semantically shaped result, displayed in an appropriate external, linguistic, or cultural form. This process of hermeneutic-semantIc translation causes a displacement of meaning between the initial hermeneutic plan and the final semantic result. Displacement of meaning is the difference occurring between a being's total information (Its metaphysical presentations) and external language-ruled Information. The being's metaphysical fragments, which represent the hermeneutlcally shaped content of guiding ideas are through writing carefully translated Into linguistic (granmatlcal and semantic) entities. However, this is only the first step of the writing Iteration. Linguistically written text is now presented for further creative Improvement of its meaning and its form. Semantics of the written text can now be analyzed, observed, investigated, and recognized by reading the text. Through these processes, the text may be transformed into hermeneutlcs, giving reason to change, complete, add, or reduce semantics of the given text for the second time. According to this, changes, insertions, additions, or dropping of some textual fragments may occur. Such Improving iterations of meaning and form can continue until writer is getting satisfied with the final result. One has to bear In mind that the Informational process of writing concerns planning of the meaning on the hermeneut1eal level, translating this meaning Into graimatI cally written text on semantic level, reading this text by translating It on hermeneutic level, correcting the obtained hermeneutics, translating hermeneutic form into semantic one, etc. In this way, writing and correction (Improvement) is an Iterative informational process of text creation. Writing and writer's skill is a complex informational goal-directed activity, • a particular intelligence, which was acquired through laborious learning, repeated exercise, sell-correctlon, self-mot1 vat 1 on, sensitivity, perception, cognition, mastering of meaning, style, gramnar, composition, expression of writer's thinking, imagination, and factual knowledge. However, no one text is written in such a form that it would not call for Improvement, in order to Increase its linguistic and informational valuableness. In this context, informational valuableness has the meaning of the power which is to generate Intended Informing In the reading auditory, to influence this auditory 1nformatlonally (ideologically). Reading a text is an Informational process of transforming the 'semantics of the text Into hermeneutics of the reader. !n the process of reading, the linguistic information Informs a reader's total Information by counter-Information which results Into hermeneutics of the given text. In process of understanding, the reader can repeat reading of problematic passages until he obtains the information that is hermeneutleally satisfactory. In the process of reading, the reader's information informs and counter-informs, so the reader is getting Its own new information, its counter-hermeneutics. By reading, an informationally sensitive being can be Informed and counter-informed, for he performs its own Informing concerning the semantics of a text. Of course he develops it in a new hermeneutlcal direction, where the "coming-to-understand" arises. Reading is the individualized process of Informing where text Is Information, giving clues lor the context of a being's entire Information. Utterance (speech) is the act of speaking (voice articulation) in the context of social Interaction (hearing). Internal speech (utterance within itself) has a form of dialog, of a social interaction with a being itself, with imagined speakers and hearers. In speech and in hearing of the speech, hermeneutic interaction occurs among speaker and hearers. In this social interaction, speech Interferes and depends from the reaction of hearers. In speech, the speaker informs in several ways: while speaking he plans the meaning of speech fragments as his hermeneutics, articulates this hermeneutics In a linguistically appropriate form through several Informational trans format ions (hermeneut ic-semant io, semant 1 c-gramat 1 cal, 1 ingul st 1 c-artlculatory, etc.), receives reactions (linguistic, gestural, mimic, sighing, etc.) of hearers, and Interacts with adaptation and correction of his speech activity. In this way, hearers can influence the planned utterance of the speaker, signalling and communicating their hermeneutic agreement and disagreement to the speaker. Only a poorly structured and organized speech lacks such a social Interaction of speaker and hearers. Speech gives evidence how 1 hermeneutic backgrounds of are evened to the appropri not be to far away. If not received as Informational wishful speaking-hearing hermeneutic backgrounds o different, speaker has to bright semantics, which Is a broad or mixed auditory will use general accepted utterance and convenient semantic forms. 11 t Is Important that speaker and hearers ate extent and must , the speech will be noise without a interaction. If t hearer are very use a sufficiently externally valid for a 'good' speaker cultural forms of gramatical and 11.1. Philosophy ... If philosophy is the scientific construction of a world-view, then the distinction between "scientific philosophy" and "philosophy as world-view" vanishes. The two together constitute the essence of philosophy, so that what Is really emphasized ultimately is the task of the world-vIew. (M. Heidegger, BPP, 7) Philosophy is a linguistically based (usually literary) form and a linguistically based process of particular (philosophical) Information with a specific, uttered, written, esseyistlcally structured, logically organized, and thought-free orientation. It Is dedicated to some selected, philosophically characteristic objects (questions, problems). Each philosophy has Its own system of Information and its own way of Informing. The orientation of a philosophy Is Its semantical (objectively selective), comprehensìonal (philosophically systematical observation, Investigation, and cognition), and stylistlcal (characteristically organized and formalized) task. In this way, philosophy Is a culture-memorizing, a being-investigating, and a populatlon-concernlng i nformat ion. In philosophy, poetry, literature, and Ideology, Informational processes can come Into existence informatlonally and counter-Infoùnatlonally through their particular respectability. They are established through bethinking, sensing, grasping, and comprehending occurrences, which are separated from the imperative of necessity and can be arbitrarily intormatlonally perverted. The Informational processes are variably playable, truant, magically oriented into the contrariness of the real, unreal, rational, irrational, free, forced; they are involved into the play of themes, images, sounds, colors, notions, events, models, Into self-bethlnklng as a response concerning similar environmental absurdity. Furthermore, they are characterized by the autorefiection of counter-reflection. Is this kind of information autopathologi cal or Is It a healthful discourse which is also self-contrary, evidently autoabsurd, autocorrectIng, in many cases, however, only raataphorlc, paraphrasing, poetically expressive, and philosophical? Since the ancient understanding, philosophy had been a friendly, methodical Informing, reasoning, wisdom, and basic cognition without a purpose. It could have been explicated as an Information theory in itself. Throughout the history and cultural development, philosophy became more and more formalized, structured, purposely constitutional, specialized, sclentized, artistic, and ideologicai. Eventually it turned Into a systematic, purposeful, ut i 11 tar Istic, metbodological reasoning about being, nature, cognition, mind, life, history, and about Itself alone. From the original, friendly reasoning It developed also Into human hostile, external, forced thlnltlng. In the history of mankind, philosophical orientations were confronted, prosecuted, and prohibited as information of unbound thinking. In this respect philosophy appears to be only a particular, cognitlvely oriented historical phenomenon of information and counter-info rma t ion. By Its informational nature, philosophy enters the realm of abatractness and theory, where modeling, changing, systematizing, and artificial thinking are exercised, due to Inherent philosophical capacity of performance. In this capacity lies its developmental-progressing and thinking-complex value. Philosophy offers possibilities of divergent and heterogeneous discourse about arbitrary questions of being, existence, essence, and within these questions also about culture, science, technology, economy, democracy, applying philosophical modeling and prevision of answers. Information which is generated by philosophy in this way, can be transformed into counter-Information down to the arbitrary cognitive depths. In this respect, philosophical information basically contributes to cognitive Informational processes In science, technology, and management. Philosophy is the principal informational activity of philosophers (from Plato to Heidegger) and their writings are Informational forms of philosophy. According to A. Flew (DPH), "... philosophy is a matter of standing back a little from the ephemeral urgencies to take an aphoristic overview that usually embraces both value-commitments and beliefs about the general nature of things." Responsive philosophy can always be understood as a being's therapeutic and developmental counter-Informational phenomenon of its creators, producers, and followers. Philosophies can inform therapeutically and developmentally against pathological informational syndromes. A sound being or a sound population understands Ideology as an essentially reduced, specialized Information of already acute, mass Incapability of brains (illness, lesion. Injury, blocking, excessive artificial or natural excitation), whose consequences are pathological, without expected therapeutic etflcaey, descending Into pathologic compensation and momentary balance of survival. Philosophy of Information Is nothing more than a particular information about Information, an expressively recurrent Informational process, counter-informal Ion about information, which broadens and Innovates comprehension and Informatlonalness of Information. [n any case, philosophy is only a pre!nformatlonal process of general informational arising, since it Is only a particular form of informational and counter-Informational regularity, naturalness, reasonabl11ty, cognitivlty, and progressIveness. For Martin Heidegger (BAT, 487), philosophy "Is universal phenomenologlcal ontology, and takes its departure from the hermeneutic of Dasein, which, as an analytic of existence, has made fast the guldlng-line for all philosophical inquiry at the point where It arises and to which it returns." ...' Counter-Information especially embraces philosophy as sufficiently complex informational process, as sufficiently broadened investigation of phenomenology of beings living in the beings' environments. Information departures from explaining life processes or survival, from analytics of survival, from existence of living and non-living, from information itself and via counter-information also returns to informat ion. Basic questions of philosophical ontology and anthropology cannot surpass informational essence, informational Being of a being, and Informational liveliness which accompany beings from their conception to their death. A being's informational origins and sinkages are autopoletlcally unlimited In thinking and In behavior of beings. 11.2. Ideology To learn Ideology means to step Into Ideological circle. To understand ideology means to observe informatlonally the ideological behavior. Hitherto, it Is not possible to give an exhaustive, sufficiently determined and Informatlonally we11-embedded notion of characteristic Ideological forms and processes. In this section, only a beginning into the action of opening of informational understanding of Ideology will be given, mostly through putting questions being on the way to Ideology, What is ideology as an Informational form and informational process In a being, population, or society? Which Informational principles does It follow? What Is idelogy by Itself as an Informational principle? In what way Is It characterized through Informational arising, embedding, counter-Informing, and clrculatI on? Ideology will be the label for a characteristically structured, organized, and semantlcally oriented informational form or Informational process. In general. Ideology as Information violates the most fundamental principle of Information - the principle of spontaneity (Zeleznikar, POI). Ideology concerns the being's everyday experience through Its unpleasant, disagreeable. Intruding, officious, and manipulative Influence. Ideology is essentially distinctive from the natural being's metaphysics or from a freely arising population's ontology. It la very close to the informational artifact or to artificial Information, which has Its own way of informational propagation and circulation. Ideology is, for example, the Informational product of an archaic culture, of a civil-backward, hindered population, which Is marked by antifreedom. Ideology stands for ethically, morally, scientifically, and philosophically bound learning, doctrine. It Is Is an evident example of non-spontaneous, strange, fictitious, objectively false, and inappropriate Information of the modern epoch. In general, information is a free, spontaneous, formally unlimited and in no way formalized phenomenon. Every informational formalization excludes some substantial meaning from an informational domain by introduction of a specifically formalized language (Ideological, philosophical, scientific) in a being's realm of thinking. Ideology is characteristically formalized, oriented and limltedly cultural Informational form of population or individual being. It may be treated as I ntorniat ional process concerning thinking and behavior of beings. From this point of view, the question of Ideology versus information can be questioned upon if It is to become the topic of this section. This questioning will produce interrogated and newly ar 1 s ing-ques11ons which will all recurrently Influence making questioning about the essence of ideology. It seems that in the realm of a being's thinking. Ideology qua information is formalized in a specific way. Through this thinking, this formalization Is extended also into the realm of the behavior of human beings and their culture. Each formalization, which also holds true for the Informational one, is restricted in the spontaneous Informational arising, embedding, counter-Informing, and circulating (recurring, paralleling, and sequencing). In some cases, this Ideological formalization is presented culturally in a linguistically oriented, written, spoken, or behavioral form as a process of traditional, fraternal, clanlsh, or revolutionary (radically new) orientation. Ideology Is developing out from Its magic, thus conducting and managing a body of Ideas, embedded In the being's metaphysics and^^or in the population's ontology. Ideology is an ideally oriented metaphysics or ontology, possessing its conducting kernel. In this respect, Ideology has Its Informational grounding, which can be mutually different to the extremes. Extremes given actually represent a list of synonymous antonyms, such as: ax Iomat i c magic suicidal genti listič nihilistic r&tionaUstlc logical hard-scientific caste-feel Ing trlbe-1 lable dogmatic, Indoctr1nat ing, fratricidal, homi cldal, pos i 11 v 1 St i c, behaviorIstlc, ideological, art i St Ic, class-hostile, Indivi dual, etc. Ideology has its own approved system of rules for the so-called ideological deduction, induction, argumentation, and inference of ideological truth and untruth (ideologically a false Information). Various Ideological • forms and Ideological processes can be understood, for example, as particular forma of Informatlonlsm, Inforralsm, Informat1vlsm, Informatism, )nformat1 alsm, and Informatlzationism (described In paragraphs 1.4, 2.3, 3.2, 4.3, 5.3, and 6.2). Linguistics (or formalization) of an Ideology can be determined more exhaustively, restrictIvely, paternally, radieally, or when led to the extreme In the form of a totalitarian Ideology. It is more Indefinite, pragmatical, or Ideological-independent when concerned with subtle, concealed, underground, or apparently non-manipulative Ideology. As a totalitarian code system, and through this as a total form of a being's thinking, ideology governs a being's behavior, not only through a being's restraining but also through the ideological forecasting as behavior it Is Ideologically expected. In this way, any Ideology Is being vitally approved or verified as a system of truth and through this, it compells beings to perform ideological behavior. However, any ideology Is only an Informational form or inlotmatlonal process, so that the arising principle or counter-Informing of Ideology qua information is preserved. In the informational context of a being's total Information, ideology is appearing as a hardly ever Informationally resolved counter-information producing Information for everyday life. The arising of information In an Ideological environment Is the governing Ideology itself. Further, It seems that ideology, which In some broader Information-embedded specific information Is embedded In its own grounding. In such a manner the being Is self-sufficient, self-producing, self-preserving, self-referencing, and autopoletlc In an Ideologically specific manner. With regard to normal informational arising Inside being's thinking, ideology appears as a characteristic counter-Information, by which the environment Is exerting pressure on a being in the direction of an Ideologically ordered, oriented, non-dlverae, non-alternatlve, non-spontaneous thinking. Through this it keeps the being's ideological, non-natural, artificial, counter-feint, pathogenic. Imitative, mimicking, or generally deceiving behavior. Ideology is an environmentally supported movement of Information which pertains to population and society In general. Obviously, Ideology Is Informing in a specific, informationally and counter-informationally blocking way. Ideology Is self-perpetual, gaining Its own orientation In amplification, maintenance, and In Its perpetuity. This is possible because ideology la concerned with counter-information, which is a trivial (Ideologically well-structured) form of counter-information, the respective Ideological realm Itself. In this context, the self-perpetuity has the meaning-of Ideological, of ideologically true, of non-spontaneous arising, which Is governed by the perpetuity Itself. Evidently, ideology is non-Intelllgent, non-creative, because In ideology. Intelligence or creativity as a phenomenon of Informational throwness Is superfluous, not needed as an informational process. In many cases, the so-called traditional background is Ideological to some extent too and rests on a being's (ontic) metaphysics or on a population's ontology. A traditional orientation as Informational background Is cultural. In fact ontlcally outward, however, a being feels it as it It were its own, as to be In a being dwelling orientation. Therefore, a being defends the tradition as Its own information, for which it feels as belonging to itself, as It having been co-produced by a being itself. How Is It possible to characterize Ideology qua information? Mbeit, the following list of characterizations Is not completed since it only supports further questioning applied to Ideology: ideology as Information is non-autonomous, alternatively blocked, ideologically controlled, filtered, and modulated in its arising or In its multidirectional-arising, ideologically structured and organized, topologically unified, iterating In itself. It Is further ideologically autopoletlc, but generally non-poietlc, dogmatically embedded and ideologically stable, with a being's influencing and supervising. Ideology at the same time covers Ideal, axiomatic, simplifying, and Utopian features. It Is: Ideologically gaining, amplifying, and maintaining; Informationally reduced; semantically hidden, converted or transformed; Informationally or spontaneously non-parallel, ImpractIcally oriented, unfitted for lite (inanimate, lifeless, Immature, unhealthy), etc. Ideology Is a body of characteristically limited information (ideas) ot a being, of a population, or of a culture representing assertions, theories, and aims that constitute an Ideological program, directed thinking and uniform behavior. Ideology Is structured and orgftnized hierarchically. Its highest, supervisory level Is the ideological kernel, which might incorporate different informational forms as hatred, hate, hostility, fear, anxiety, destruct1veness or destructive irrationality, archaic or fraternal terror, suicide, fratricide, homicide, genocide, envy, revengefulness, Incapability, greed, avidity, covetousness, etc. The kernel of an ideology ia represented by the so-called avant-garde of a given ideology, where this avant-garde is evidently metaphysically blinded, emotionally founded, bacl(ward, and possibly biologically unsuitable and Jnformationally (cortlcally) pathogenic. Ideology is characteristically periodic and In itself closed informational phenomenon, which repeats Its patterns of thinking and behavior In an exclusive, one-way, one-sided, biassed, partial, un]ust, unilateral, lop-sided, top-heavy, single-track, unitarian, uniform, however rhythmic, harmonic, and thematic manner. Especially, because of Its clearly forecasting possibilities, ideology is performing beings' harmonic, informing also in a killing, apathetic, indifferent, narcotic, subduing, restrained, consciously excluded, and repressive way. All these ways of Informational filtering and modulation give the ideology a fictitious, hypocritical, deceptive, and garbled impression of survival safety within its own protection. Thus, tdelogy is established in self-protective and development-stable way. In the human brain. Ideology Is blocking, preventing, obstructing, frustrating, and artificially separating the left hemispherical Informational activity from the right one, thus destroying the left-right Informational parallelism, connectedness, mutuality, and harmony. Ideology seems to offer mentally and behaviorlstlcally passive encouragement and turns out on the other hand to be connected with an indefinite feeling of delight, safety, rewarding, efficiency, surviving easiness, and self-motivation which perfectly suits a properly incapable or disabled individual. Ideological feeling changes and varies the Internal world model In the direction of monochromic beliefs, faith, and expectations, which are being harmonically realized and approved, although not using the extrapolation, retrpspectlon, and Introspection concerning the future posslbllties or rewarding plausible forecasts for the future survival. Ideological feeling and will determinating Ideological behavior are conditioned with the Internal Ideological state of a being's central nervous system and with the Ideological environment or culture, which generates and modifies this internal state. The Ideological will selects Ideological behavior, its patterns and generators, which are activated in an Ideological environment and In social hierarchy. They Incorporate Ideological habits and customs (relations, ceremonies, myths, taboos) as well as strategies and tactics of Ideological behavior (Ideological speaking, fai thfulness-and-obedlence approvIng, uniformness, ideological enthusiasm, respect for ideologically prohibited and repressive Justness). Ideological behavior makes use of ideological expertness (fluency of ideological feeling, elucidating, simplifying, scientific contemplation, and manipulation), and Ideological reflexes (adaptability, submission, docility, humility, servility). Patterns and generators of ideological behavior start and maintain the world model, the world-outlook of an Ideology-subjected being. This model is based on Ideological beliefs, mindfulness, and remembering. An ideological world model, which is a wishful and expected Image and Imagination of an ideology subjected environment, Includes the categories of spiritual, social, and physical entities. The spirit of an ideology is its Idolatry, guiding Ideas, ideological doctrine of salvation, an essential theory of the given ideology including entire Ideological abstraction, symbolism, language, sense, and consecration. The sociability of an Ideology roots In an ideological framework, which Is Ideologically correct, and provides Ideologically equitable relations. These relations are reflected from the Ideological environment only. The physics of such an informational model Is, for example, dialectically ideology-materialized or Ideology-idealized physical phenomenology, where Ideology Interferes in a totalitarian manner with thinking and with modeling of the physical world. Sensory processors which are receiving Information and sensations from the ideological environment, are under the filtering and modulation control of the Ideological world model. These Ideologically abstract sensations are in a perfect, prodigious, rhythmic, and harmonic agreement with beliefs, expectations, and forecasts of the world Inner structure and generate feelings, emotions, and values (in fact non-values) of contentment, delight, happiness, safety, and success, but also their controversies. These feelings which are virtually satisfactory do control the will for a rhythmic and harmonic selection of the behavior according to Ideological circumstances. In this way, the ideological circle of happiness, safety and their controversies Is Joined into circulation. In a loop of ideological feeling. In this respect. Ideology Is an evident example of a particularly composite informational circularity (recurrence, parallelness, and serlalism). The objective of an Ideology Is to suppress the spontaneous arising and spontaneous embedding of counter-information by which the Ideology is observed, examined, and recognized. In the framework of an ideology, this counter-Information is promulgated as an Information of the hostile environment, because it causes the decay of ideological kernel and through this It results In decay downfall of Ideology Itself. For an Ideology, every spontaneous arising of Ideology-related or even Ideology-non-related counter-1nformatIon is dangerous and must stay under the systematical control of ideology 1tself. In the realm of an Ideology, the entire phenomenology, changing of the world and of Information qua v 11al i za 11 on, qua renewing is comprehended only In the form of vaccination of the existing, governing ideology. It is performed by usage of Ideologically approved rules of thinking and behavior. In this typical looping and ideological harmony, ideology meets. Its informational regression, extemporlaatlon, blindness, diminishing, and decline of Its organism, functionality, structure, and organization. Sooner or later, every Ideology must confront with consequences of its artificial activity, atrophy, changes of Its age, decay, degeneration, and involution. Because ideology qua information does not allow the arising of a spontaneous being's counter-information (natural breakdowns), It remains Being to Itself without an essential informational arising and vanishing. In this context, ideology is à'n unnaturally alive, artificially Inhibited Information. As a being's Informational process, ideology creates its characteristic world model, which is being supplemented through ideological behavior and also through ideological Imagination ot a being. Are there two -world models in a being, the first one in the form of an authentic imagination and the second one as Ideological behavior? What is the model duality creatcd for, besides the being's authenticity? In general, ideology is an imposed outside informational process, belonging to other beings; this process Interferes with authentic informational subprocesses. The feeling of intruslweness Is more or less ontleally conscious, destined, existential and a being accepts it as an inevitable disturbance, as an indispensabl1 ity and inconvenience or as a pretense and bother. This informational model duality creates the feeling of threat and fear, which by means of will select a counter-feint, artificial, and forced ideological behavior which is lacking liberty and variety in a spontaneous bethinking. A being selects the permissible behavior through a forbidden Imagination. Ideology Is a phenomenon of Informational contrast, of the absurd of simultaneous affectation and spontaneity, where the spontaneity Is imaginative and affectation is behavioral. A typical Informational side-effect of the ideological repression Is the so-called ideological cynicisin. If a being feels an Ideology as a distortion, extortion, punishment, and torture, the being responds to ideology by moclcery and revengef ulness simultaneously, individually, however populatlon-typical, and expressive, but population-diffused. As the reply to ideology, this consciousness is destructive, untouchable by Ideology itself, private, ideologically non-convertible, generally skeptical, illuminated Into counter-Ideological consciousness, which Is falsified, nihilistic, although it Is rebelllously and reslstantly Imposed. This cynical consciousness Is in contrast to pressing, to rational imperative, it is' not capable to be on the way to this Imperative in the context of Ideology, because it Is a radical irony standing outside of the senses oX necessity and survival. An Ideological cynic ts like a ruler and resembles a subdued, malicious realist. He Is like a socially integrated antlassociate, cynically socialized, lost in his own and populational cynicism, tdeological cynicism Is a degraded consciousness, being ill from repression, for which it has to accept ideological relations, not believing in them, however being forced to be surrounded by them, and at last, for which It must perform Ideologically distorted actions. [delogical cynicism is an Instructive example of a non-spontaneous, informationally repressed, however, individually perverted, protectively reactive behavioral process. 11.3. Dialectic Dialectical reasoning Is only one of possible forms of counter-Information, which could arise by circularly spontaneous Informing, counter-Informing and embedding of information. Let now dialectic be illuminated as a particular example of an informational form and an informational process through the following questions: How is dialectic embedded in philosophy and Ideology? What is dialectic as a world-view? What is dialectic as Information and how can it 1nformationally embed Information as information? The notion of dialectic comes from the Greek 'dialektike tehne' and has the meaning of skill performed in dialog, discussion, or discourse. Its very first meaning concerns intelligence of discourse or art of social interaction in the realm of language. In this sense, at its appearing, dialectic Is the label for art of discussion in processes of questioning and answering. Through history, dialectic as a principle of philosophy and Ideology develops from Socratlc, Platonic, Aristotelian, Kantian, and Hegelian platform to Marxist platform, that is from discourse, supreme knowledge, reasoning from premises, transcendental reasoning, and logical pattern that thought must follow (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) to the pattern that thought and reality must follow (subjective and objective thinking). In Its late development, one of Its supreme orientation or world-view marked dialectical materialism becomes a metaphysical doctrine or social Ideology which asserts the matter, motion and development of matter as fundamental. An informationally parallel world-view arises as historical materialism, which aa Information deals with developmental laws of human society and thought. Dialectical materialism opposes Idealism stressing that matter is not a product of mind, but that mind is a complex product of matter. In this manner, the dialectical doctrine distinguishes materialism and idealism explaining dialectical principles (rules of dialectical inference) as transformation of quantity Into quality. Interpretation of opposites, and negation of negation. How can dialectical methodology be understood informationally? Certainly, dialectical principles of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis can be included in principles of information, counter-1nformatIon and informational embedding, respectively. Furthermore, dialectic as a movement and development of things and thinking coincides with Informing and counter-Informing, respectively, however, not In information-embracing entirety. Counter- intormation, for instance, is not only an antithesis, but everything which arises, which comes into existence spontaneously from information. Also, Information Is not only a thesis which corresponds to a dialectical category of consciousness, but a phenomenon of free Informational arising in a being's consciousness and also outside of any consciousness. Infortn&tIonally, the dialectical circle of thesis-antithesis-synthesis Is a part of informational circularity (recurrence, parallelness, sequentlalness) of Informing, counter-Informing, and Informational embedding. In this Informational circle. Informational arising as circular informational spontaneity Is stressed as the basic principle of various Informational developments. Dialectical synthesis concerns counter-Informing and embedding simultaneously, in this respect, some essential differences between dialectical and informational approach can be observed, and It may happen that dialectical principles can be broadened Into informational ones in an easy, Informationally natural way. Let now Information which was developed as a notion of information and a notion Illuminated through previous examples In this essay (through various examples of informational forms and informational processes) be thrown into the realm (informational system) of dialectical discourse. Dialectic as dlalectlcally embedded Informational system of materiallstD, which follows its own rules of Inference now comes to the conclusion that the proposed notion of Information in this essay is nothing more than Idealism and/or metaphysics (t'his already are the necessary dialectical-Ideological etiquettes of triviality of a notion) .because it stands outside the correct and known inferential realm, and maybe, cannot be "directly" comprehended through basic materialistic principles (for Instance, materialistic particles, materialistic forms and iTialerial Istic processes of reasoning), informationally, metaphysics is the label for the total (entire) information of a being (as determined in section 8.4). Informationally, Idealism is a form of philosophical and/or Ideological informallonalism. Materialistically, idealism is the philosophical counterpart of materialism which does not enter into the materialistic realm as a materialistically legal inferential subsystem. Mater t al 1 s t ically, metaphysics opposes' dialectic, for metaphysics is a materialistically non-movable, static, idealistic doctrine. In this context, evidently, the exclusion principle of materialistic reasoning takes Its philosophical and/or Ideological power. 11.4. Science ... Heisenberg argues that contemporary thought Is endangered by the picture of nature drawn by physics. This danger lies in the fact that the picture is now regarded as an exhaustive account of nature itself, so that science forgets that In Its study of nature it is merely studying Its own picture. ... Heidegger, however, sees the picturing of nature as a necessary feature of scientific thought. Yet both would agree that so long as science Is allowed to speak ex cathedra, other modes of thought remain Impossible. (H. Alderman In HMP, 41-4Ì) How science is revealed as phenomenon of information and how does scientific information arise within Informational process of science? Science concerns knowledge which is acquired or gathered sc Ientific-methodologlcal 1 y and ordered sc Ientific-systematI cally. In this respect, science as a discipline concerns Its own scientific circle of Its own methodology andof Its own systematlcs. Science circularly informs Its own, scientifically legal or scientifically permissive information. Scientific Informational arising, counter-Informing as a scientific contributing, and informational embedding as scientific (ac)knowledge(ment) are scientifically and disciplinary bound to the valid scientific system of truth and untruth. Science is informational process by which the scientific knowledge is produced through criteria of scientifically methodological truths. Knowledge generated by the corresponding science and scientifically generated methodology both represent the so-called sc ientifi cally embedded legal information, from which new scientific achievements can be Informed and counter-informed. Knowledge and methodology are the very valid informational foundation (background) of a science. Scientific Informing proceeds from this knowledge base by application of methodological rules. Thus, science becomes a formal system which is scientifically bound by its knowledge and rules of permissive inference (deduction, induction, inferential Informing). Science investigates its truth and its own Investigation; by the said methods It deals with discovery of truth, rationality, reliable prediction, generalization from sufficient collection of data, theoretical construction, predictive theory, model, explanation, deduction, induction, Itnowledge, and scientific methodology, revealing the truth about the hidden objective reality. However, science also deals with its own Ideological forms and processes of logic, empiricism, positivism, meaning of new theories, theoretical concepts, and verification. Through its life cycle, science accumulates (enlarges) subjects of its theories, increases its knowledge, suggests theoretical realism, but also imposes doctrines ■of formalism, Instrumental1sm, and sclentlsm. Science does not allow philosophical spontaneity and philosophical abyss, therefore, in many cases. It cannot recognize its factual possibilities and its attainments, when it alludes behind the possible reality. In the frameworl« of its rlgorousness and correctness, science has to preserve Its characteristic Ideology, autocensoring, disclpl1 nar Ity, and steadiness, to prevent it from the decay and to enable the accumulation of Its scientific Informat i on. Although sciences are grounded in knowledge and sciences are merely that what Is known, knowledge also exists outside of the sciences. Knowledge Is a result of cognition, Jt Is an objectively founded belief about the truth of a proposition, assumption, and consequence. Cognition, which Is not only scientific. Is an Informational process capable of production of knowledge, where knowledge appears as truth. The notion of knowledge contradicts the notions of belief, opinion, and view. Knowledge by Itself Is an arising, changing, and recurrent Informal ion. 11.5. Technology ... What has the essence of technology to do with revealing? The answer: everything. For every bringlng-forth is grounded In revealing. Brlnglng-Corth, Indeed, gathers within itself the four modes of occasioning - causality - and rules them throughout. Within Its domain belong end and means, belongs instrumentality. Instrumentality is considered to be the fundamental characteristic of technology. If we Inquire, step by step. Into what technology, represented as means, actually Is, then we shall arrive at revealing. The possibility of all productive manufacturing lies in revealing. (Heidegger, QCT, 12) Technology as InTormatlon is nothing more than a sort of productive presence of beings in themselves and In their environment. In this context, productive presence has the meaning of action, development, destruction, and construction. Technology qua Information arises as beings' thinking and behavior for changing themselves and environmental circumstances, destructing and constructing themselves and environment physically (constructively, methodologically) and biologically (culturally, intellectually). In this respect, a machine or even a living being can be understood as a final physical and/or biological construction, whereas methodology (thinking or ideology) can be comprehended as a final cultural and/or Intellectual construction (or destruction). However, machines and beings as physical/biological constructions arise through circles of Informational constructions