avtorji ■ authors 167 Urša Marinšek Urša Marinšek holds a Bachelor degree in Defence Studies and is a stu- dent of postgraduate Defence Studies. Her research focus is on radical- ization and Islamic propaganda.  Urša Marinšek je diplomirana obramboslovka in študentka podiplom- skega študija obramboslovja. Raziskovalno se ukvarja z radikalizacijo in islamistično propagando. Iztok Prezelj Iztok Prezelj is an Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. In this capacity, he is directing the Institute of Social Sciences with 20 re- search centres. He was a Head of Defence Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences in the period from 2015-2017. His teaching and research activ- ities cover counter-terrorism, national security, threat and risk assess- ment, intelligence studies, crisis management and critical infrastructure. He published widely in the mentioned fields and also coordinated many influential research projects in the mentioned fields. Iztok Prezelj je izredni profesor in prodekan za raziskovalno dejavnost na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani. V slednji funkciji vodi Inštitut za Družbene vede, v katerem deluje 20 raziskovalnih centrov. V obdobju od 2015 do 2017 je bil predstojnik Katedre za obramboslovje. Področja njegovega raziskovalnega in pedagoškega delovanja so: protite- rorizem, nacionalna varnost, ocenjevanje groženj in tveganj, obveščeval- ne študije, krizni menedžment in kritična infrastruktura. Na omenjenih področjih je objavil veliko število kakovostnih znanstvenih del, prav tako pa je tudi vodil številne projekte s tovrstno vsebino. Julian Richards Julian Richards successfully completed a doctorate in political vio- lence in Pakistan, at Cambridge University, in 1993. He then spent near- ly 20 years working in intelligence and security for the British govern- ment. In 2008, he co-founded the postgraduate Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS) at the University of Buckingham, in the UK. Among various affiliations, he is on the editorial board of the aca- demic journals, Intelligence and National Security; and the International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs. He has published four books on various aspects of intelligence analysis and national securi- ty, with the latest (Extremism, Radicalization and Security: An Identity Theory Approach ) delivering a detailed critique of research on extremism and radicalization, and the implications for policy. He is a regular media