Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 43/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20. 10. 2019 29. nedelja med letom Misijonska 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Mission Sunday Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Bomo ohranili vero? Evangelij govori o vztrajni molitvi. Vemo, da je vera tisti pogoj, ki omogoča pogovor in zaupen odnos z Bogom. V molitvi odkrivamo, da smo nepopolni, ranljivi in potrebni božje pomoči. Tako doživljamo svoje stanje verni, podobno tudi neverni, čeprav ne vedo, od kod naj pričakujejo pomoči. Včasih bi kdo lahko postal malo-dušen in se spraševal, kako bo s prihodnostjo vere in Cerkve, tudi vere in Cerkve. Veliko je znamenj upadanja vere. Včasih se zdi, da zlo zmaguje in da se brezverska miselnost nezadržno širi. Danes, na misijonsko nedeljo pa so naše oči uprte v vesoljno Cerkev, na vse dežele po svetu. Prav ta pogled in povezanost z vesoljno Cerkvijo nam daje veselje in gotovost, da se število kristjanov nenehno povečuje in je vedno bolj prisotna luč Kristusovega evangelija. Ne prezrimo: evangelij in dobro prej ali slej zmagujeta. Pred vnebohodom je Jezus naročil apostolom: »Pojdite torej in naredite vse narode za moje učence: krščujte jih v ime Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha in učite jih izpolnjevati vse, kar koli sem vam zapovedal! In glejte: jaz sem z vami vse dni do konca sveta«. (Mt 28,19-20), Bog pošilja ljudi: tako Mojzesa k Izraelcem, da jih bo vodil ...; Izraelce vodi iz suženjstva v obljubljeno deželo, da se bo v tem ljudstvu učlovečil Božji Sin; apostole pošilja po vsem svetu, da oznanijo evangelij; misijonarje našega časa v dežele, kjer Jezusa še ne poznajo; vsakega kristjana, da je misijonar v svojem okolju ... Bog pošilja svoje poslance in preroke v svet, da bi ljudi poučil in jim pomagal k polnosti življenja. To pošiljanje pa ni tako enostavno in lahko! Vsi starozavezni preroki so se ob klicu pregovarjali z Bogom in iskali dodatna pojasnila; nekateri so se skoraj naravnost upirali, pa jih je Bog le usmeril na pravo pot poslanstva. Mojzes se je upiral in imel veliko izgovorov. Podobno je bilo s poklicem in VESTNIK 2019 | 435 poslanstvom preroka Jeremija. Jona se je Bogu naravnost uprl in hotel pobegniti v oddaljeno deželo; Bog je bil vendar močnejši. Izraelsko ljudstvo, ki je nosilo božjo obljubo, se je stalno upiralo in hodilo po svojih poteh... Apostoli so bili v zelo različnih situacijah preskušani v veri in zaupanju v Jezusa. Na misijonsko nedeljo, ko posebej molimo za misijonarje in blagoslov pri njihovem delu, se vedno ozremo na sebe in se vprašamo, kakšni misijonarji smo mi sami. Pogosto smo v zadregi, kdaj brezbrižni in morda celo uporno razpoloženi do tega poslanstva. Seveda bi drugim marsikaj predlagali in bi zanje tudi molili, sami pa bi se raje izmaknili. Zato se danes sprašujemo, ali smo sploh pripravljeni in si želimo sodelovati v misijonskem poslanstvu. Kot je Bog premagal upornost prerokov in izvoljenega ljudstva, tako premaguje tudi nas. Pošilja nam izzive, da bi videli, kako velika dobrina je vera. V veri nas potrjuje z znamenji ter vero bratov in sester. Če pa je vera zares tako velika dobrina, ki daje smisel vsakemu človekovemu dejanju in nam odpira pot v večnost, potem to želimo tudi za druge ljudi. Poganski kralj Amalek se je bojeval z Izraelom. Na poti v obljubljeno deželo, na poti poslanstva so se Izraelci srečali s sovražniki. V boju s sovražniki so imeli vsak svojo vlogo. Jozue in vojaki so šli v bojni metež, Mojzes je šel na goro molit, Aron in Hur pa sta bila ob Mojzesu, da so njegove roke v molitvi vzdržale do konca boja do večera. Dvignjene Mojzesove roke so pripomogle k temu, da je ljudstvo premagalo sovražnike. Jozue se je sicer bojeval z vso vojaško spretnostjo, a izid boja je bil odvisen od Mojzesove molitve. Ta podoba jasno govori o različnih vlogah kristjanov v Cerkvi. Nekateri so z Jozue-tom na bojnem polju ter prenašajo vse težave potovanja, boja in evangelizacije. Drugi z molitvijo spremljajo misijonarje pri njihovem delu. Tretji pa poleg molitve tudi z darovi podpirajo njihovo delo. Tako nihče ne more misliti, da zanj ni možnosti misijonskega udejstvovanja. Zavetnik misijonov je tako Frančišek Ksaverij, ki je odšel v daljno Indijo, kot Mala Terezija, ki je v karmelskem samostanu molila za misijonarje. (prim. Oznanjevalec 2004) 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! First Reading Exodus 17:8-13 Moses prays during battle for the Lord to save his people. Second Reading 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 From early childhood, Timothy listened to the scriptures and was inspired by them. Gospel Luke 18:1-8 Like the persistent widow, who will not give up on justice, we are invited to storm heaven with prayer. "Ever since you were a child, you have known the holy scriptures - from these you can learn the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." Illustration Young children love a bedtime story. The adventure of reading and listening to stories begins with pictures; then words, which they hear and try to say; new words which they learn and later, letter by letter, begin to read. Travels to far distant lands, tales of princes and princesses, battles between good and evil; stories are the starting point for learning and enjoying books. They open the child up to the world. The reading of a bedtime story is also a time of safety for children when they are close to a loving parent or carer. Snuggling up to listen to a story is a wonderful part of childhood. The great Bible stories also inspire children: for example, David and Goliath, the cutting of Samson's hair, the discovery of the cradle of baby Moses by 434 | VESTNIK 2019 Pharaoh's daughter, the angel Gabriel's visit to Mary, Jesus' miracles, the Sermon on the Mount. These stories begin to shape a child's imagination. Later stories of martyrs and saints can further tell the Christian story: St Francis of Assisi, St Margaret Clitherow, St Thérèse of Lisieux and St Ignatius. Gospel Teaching When St Paul writes to Timothy, the Bishop of Ephesus, he asks him to remember his teachers and all that he has learnt from childhood from the holy scriptures. Timothy would have grown up hearing stories from the Jewish scriptures, learnt the psalms in Hebrew and prayed them, and later, from his Christian mother, heard stories about Jesus. As a man dedicated to God, Timothy learnt about the power and necessity of prayer. Prayer was part of life: in the morning, in the evening, on the sabbath, on Sundays and on feast days. The words of today's psalm response would have echoed in his heart, "Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth." He could trust that help would come from God and that he would be protected and guarded from evil or going astray. The story of Moses in the first reading would have reminded him of the need to be faithful and persistent in prayer, even when it was easier to fall asleep. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the story of a widow who constantly comes to visit a judge to demand justice. You can imagine the tenacity of this woman; perhaps you know someone like her? She kept hammering on his door for justice. The lazy judge has lost interest in his work and really does not care for those who seek justice. He is comfortable, negligent and avoids his responsibilities to those in need. He simply sorts out the case to get some peace. In contrast, God will see justice done although, in human eyes, it may seem to take a long time. Presumably some of Jesus' followers were questioning whether it was worth praying because they didn't get the results they wanted. Jesus teaches that our fidelity is important, God's ways are not always our ways, but God is close by to help, guard and protect. We touch here a deep mystery. Application We are invited to be faithful in prayer and to know the scriptures. St Jerome said, "Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ." The scriptures are the way by which we begin to understand God's mercy and the person of Jesus Christ. By watching him in the Bible stories, listening to his words, we begin to taste and see, sense and feel, with the mind of Christ. We begin to see with different eyes and have different attitudes. The Bible stories and the stories of the saints open up the children's minds to the person of Jesus. As they hear the words of Jesus, they begin to know his love for them. As they hear of God working in the saints, they begin to learn about the ways to be a Christian in the world. As they learn their prayers and say the Our Father, they begin to speak with words taught by Jesus. Could any other stories be more important? The scriptures are a treasure to be ever more deeply explored so that we might know the love and mercy of Jesus Christ and become women and men dedicated to God and fully equipped for God's good work. VESTNIK 2019 | 435 434 | VESTNIK 2019 LETNO SREČANJE BOLNIKOV V zadnjih letih imamo letno srečanje bolnikov v sredo po zahvalni nedelji. Letošnja sreda je bila precej deževna, kljub temu se nas je nekaj zbralo pri sveti maši. Prisluhnili smo besedam papeža, ki jih vsako leto napiše za svetovni dan bolnikov - zdaj že 27-ti. Letos je izbral kot moto dneva stavek iz Matejevega evangelija: »Zastonj ste prejeli, zastonj dajajte« (Mt 10,8) in besede iz Pavlovega pisma: »Kaj imaš, česar bi ne prejel«? (1 Kor 4,7). Med mašo so imeli vsi priložnost, da so prejeli tudi zakrament bolniškega maziljenja. Po maši pa smo vse povabili, da smo se v preddverju usedli pri mizi in poklepetali. Pamela in Jožica pa sta pripravile nekaj dobrot za pod zob. Hvala vsem za lep doživet dan v skupnosti. On November 9th we will be getting together for our annual event "Martlnovanje" As you all know, we have taken advantage of this social, to reunite and celebrate our dancers throughout the years. Although this year we will be focusing the display and those who were in the folklore dance groups since 2000 and onward, we invite and welcome everyone who participated and got their first dance moves right here at st Gregory the Great. We hope that every year, this evening can become a gathering place for friends who created bonds with fellow Slovenians, an annual reunion of our folklore dancers. Although wine submissions to be judged has been dwindling over these past few years, we will again host this friendly competition of wines. However, depending on how many entries we receive, this could possibly be the final year of our wine competition. So, if you have any 2019 bottles of wine you'd like to submit for judging, please bring them with you. As for the potica contest, this will be cancelled this year. As always, there will be food as well as our infamous 'KROFE' available for purchase. So mark November 9 on your calendars and join us for an enjoyable evening with family and friends. To help us prepare for this event, we ask for helping hands that day beginning at 8:30am. If you are available to help out, please contact Heidy Novak at 905-317-6002, or sign up on our list at the back of the church on Sunday! We had so much help for setting up for our fall banquet that preparations were painless and quick! Thank you to all who came out. Hopefully we can get that same kind of help for Martinovanje on Saturday morning! See you all there! VESTNIK 2019 | 435 Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 20. oktober: Lipa Park - Luncheon ♦ 21. oktober: Društvo sv. Jožefa - BINGO ♦ 21. oktober: SCCN - Niagara Coordination meeting at St. Gregory's 7:00 p.m. ♦ 22. oktober: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Torkovi večeri ♦ 2. november: Triglav - Mass at 2:00 p.m. at St. Peter's Cemetery - London ♦ 3. november: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery - Mass at 2:00 p.m. - Prayer on the Cemeteries ♦ 9. november: Slovenski Park - Clean-up Day ♦ 9. november: St. Gregory - Martinovanje 6:30 p.m. GIFT BEARERS - darove prinašajo_ ♦ 20. okt.: 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin ♦ 27. okt. 9:30 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin ♦ 3. nov. 9:30 a.m.: Zorka Rev in Sonya Peternel PEVSKE VAJE_ Za mešani pevski zbor so odslej vaje vsak četrtek po večerni maši. Zbor poje naslednjič v nedeljo, 3. novembra - ko se spominjamo vseh rajnih, pri slovenski maši. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - ST. JOSEPH SOCIETY Villa Slovenia Monday afternoon BINGO season will commence Monday, October 21st at 1:00 p.m. Come and join Frank Erzar our bingo caller and bring a friend. St. Joseph's Tuesday Social Evening begins on Tuesday evening, October 22nd, 7:30 p.m. Members and friends welcome. A small "prigrizek" will be served. SVETA MAŠA NA POKOPALIŠČIH_ Letos bo sveta maša na pokopališču Holy Sepulchre v nedeljo, 3. novembra ob 2:00 popoldne. Po maši se bomo, okrog tretje ure, zbrali kot običajno, pri križu za molitve. Na pokopališču Gate of Heaven bomo molili za pokojne ob 3:30 popoldne in na pokopališču Our Lady of the Angels ob 5:00 h popoldne v Mavzoleju. Letos prav v nedeljo, 3. novembra, preidemo na zimski čas - uro prestavimo za eno uro nazaj. SVETA BIRMA in PRVO SVETO OBHAJILO Prihodnje leto bomo imeli v naši župniji sveto birmo že 29. marca 2020 ob 11:00h dopoldne. Birmovalec bo hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby. Prosimo, da čimprej poveste kateri otroci bomo prejeli ta zakrament v naši cerkvi, da bomo lažje načrtovali pripravo. S pripravo bomo začeli po novem letu. Zakrament prvega svetega obhajila pa bomo imeli, kot je naš običaj, zadnjo nedeljo v mesecu maju, to je 31. maja. Prosimo tudi za te otroke, da jih starši čimprej prijavite. S pripravo bomo začeli po veliki noči. DAROVI - DONATIONS_ V spomin na pokojno Jožefo Lukšič, je hči Jožica Hapke, darovala Oltarnemu društvu $100 za rože. Namesto cvetja na grob pokojnega Franca Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 434 | VESTNIK 2019 Marica so darovali za gradbeni sklad: - $60 Francka Seljak - $40 Stane Verstovšek - $70 Družina Malevič - $25 John in Julie Letnik V spomin na pokojnega Edwarda Letnik so darovali $125 za gradbeni sklad: Letnik Anica, John z družino, Frank z družino, Tony z družino in Robert z družino. V spomin na pokojne sorodnike je za gradbeni sklad daroval $100 Vuk Zvonko z družino. Hvala za vse darove. POGREB -FUNERAL_ V četrtek, 17. oktobra 2019, je po daljši bolezni, odšla k Bogu po večno plačilo Marija Nemec, stara 80 let. Pokojna je sestra naše faranke Jožice Recek, doma iz Večeslavcev, župnija Pertoča, kjer bo v ponedeljek, 21. oktobra tudi pogreb pokojne. V naši župnij bomo imeli mašo zadušnico v ponedeljek, 21. oktobra ob 6:30 p.m. Iskreno sožalje Jožici, pokojni Mariji pa večni mir in pokoj. KRST - BAPTISM_ V soboto, 19. oktobra 2019, je prejel zakrament sv. krsta BENJAMIN JOHN BARBER, sin očeta Franka Barber in matere Karoline, rojene Bonnik. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu drugega otroka. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in varstvo nebeške Matere Marije. ZAHVALA - THANK YOU_ The family of Franc Marie would like to extend their deepest appreciation for everyone who supported them through their sudden loss. Deepest gratitude is extended to Father Drago for his support and beautiful service, the men's and women's choirs, pall bearers, families who generously provided baked goods and all those who helped and contributed to the reception, especially Christina Mes and Nancy Dundek, those who sent beautiful flowers, those who made donations in Frank's memory, and for everyone who have been supportive in offering condolences and prayers. Uradne ure za konzularne zadeve v Torontu_ - torek, 22. okt., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 19. nov., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 17. dec., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. Konzularne ure so v prostorih Generalnega konzulata na naslovu: 731 Brown's Line, Toronto, Ontario M8W 3V7. Priporočamo, da pred nameravanim obiskom konzularnih ur v Torontu, preverite termin na Veleposlaništvu v Ottawi. Telefon: +1 613 565 5781 SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 435 £ £ ™ svete mase - masses Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m........... 29. Nedelja med letom f Ante Čule Jože in Albina Antolin 29th Sunday in OT Bogu v Zahvalo Jože in Albina Antolin 20. Oktober ff Vinko in Katarina Antolin Jože in Albina Antolin Irena, mučenka f Frank Ferenčak Jože in Albina Antolin MISIJONSKA NEDELJA ff Lucia, Jernej in John Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar f Tony Desanti Mary Desanti Ponedeljek - Monday 21. Oktober f Marija Nemec 6:30 p.M.Sestra Jožica Recek z družino Uršula, devica-mučenka Torek - Tuesday 22. Oktober Janez Pavel, II, papež ff Kristina in Viktor Ferko f Franc Marič f Edward Eržen 7:00 p.m. Sin Karel Ferko z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) Sreda - Wednesday 23. Oktober Janez Kapistran, duh. ff Stane in Frančiška Napast f Alex Zolis, obl. 7:00 p.m. Družina Pinter Družina Berkovič Četrtek - Thursday 24. Oktober Anton M. Klaret, škof Za bolne in trpeče 7:00 p.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Petek - Friday 25. Oktober Darinka, mučenka f Elizabeta Gerič f Marija Matkovič f Ana Nedelko f Ana Nedelko f Ernest Hull 7:00 p.m. Olga Čulig Manja Erzetič Mary in Ryan Tocher z družino Elizabeth in Clarke Tyler z dru. Marija in Jože Magdič Sobota Saturday 26. Oktober Lucijan, mučenec Demetrij, mučenec f Ante Čule f Ana Nedelko f Ana Nedelko f Irma Dorenčec f Ana Nedelko f Irma Dorenčec f Albina Baznik, obl. 5:30 p.m. Diana Cule Marija in Jože Magdič z druž. Jože in Albina Antolin Jože in Albina Antolin Olga Hanc z družino Olga Hanc z družino Mož Alojz z družino Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m........... 30. Nedelja med letom f Ivan Sobočan John in Milka Sobočan 30TH Sunday in ot f |rma Dorenčec Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš 27. Oktober ff Mara in Edy Kodarin Stanka Kodarin Sabina, mučenka f Ivan Zupančič 11:00 a.m. Žena in družina f Sonya Rosmus mama 434 | VESTNIK 2019