le/ Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 110, No. 2 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X American Home Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 24, 2008 Baraga Bypassed Again I am grateful for the VIS-news, yet reading the last issue (12.18.07) on “Decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints,” I have been deeply saddened by the fact that the Servant of God, Bishop Frederic Baraga (1797-1868), missionary to the Indians of Great Lakes (Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and parts of Canada) and founder of the Diocese of Marquette, Michigan, has again been bypassed. Described as the towering figure of the American Catholic Church and as “One of the greatest missionaries in North America in modem times” (Vatican’s Enciclope-dia Cattolica, 1949, page 795), he served God and the Catholic Church with heroic virtue and dedication. Thousands of Americans as well as his Slovenian compatriots find it difficult to understand why, year after year and decade after decade, Baraga, a towering figure of saintly dedication, fails to be recognized. We hope and pray that this will change soon. -Dr. Edward Gobetz, Professor Emeritus, KSU; Parishioner of St. Mary of the Assumption Church, ________Cleveland, Ohio USA Thanks to Elizabeth Delene, Archivist of the Bishop Baraga Association,, for this information. Concert & Poetry Reading Musical performances by Slovenian choir Korotan and Johnny Sršen and friends will help mark Slovenia’s Presidency of the European Union. Cleveland-based Honorary Consuls of European countries will participate in the program. European Union member countries and other European countries represented will include Germany, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Sweden, The Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Serbia, and others. The program will be conducted by Slovenian Consul General Dr. Zvone Žigon on Saturday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Free admission. Cash bar will follow the performances. Bishop Visits St. Mary; Maškarada On Saturday, Feb. 2nd Bishop Richard Lennon will be celebrating the 5 p.m. Mass to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the blessing of the church. Following the Mass will be the traditional Maškarada celebration in the parish hall. Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 per person. Musical entertainment will be provided by Veseli Godci. Costumes are encouraged. For reservations, contact St. Mary’s rectory at (216) 761-7740. Reservations "will be accepted until Tuesday, Jan. 29. -Irena Mazi If you worry, don’t pray - if you pray, don’t worry. ______________________ —St. Mary’s Alumni news Miha Cerer, Niko Marsic, Fraser Hamilton, and Elizabeth Clack watch intently on Sunday, Jan. 13 as St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) pastor, Rev. John Kumse, burns the mortgage of the parish hall in the peč in the Lausche Atrium Room. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN St. Mary’s Slovenian Parish Burns Hall Mortgage In December of 2002, St. Mary’s began a Capital Improvement Campaign for the construction of a parish facility to meet the social, cultural and educational needs of our parish. Through the hard work, sacrifice and support of many parishioners and friends of the parish, we were able to break ground on Oct. 12, 2003 with Bishop Roger Gries and have the solemn opening and blessing of the hall by Bishop Anthony Pilla on Sept. 5, 2004. To complete payment for the new facility, the parish had to procure a loan, with Charter One Bank in the amount of $879,000 with an interest rate of 4.7%. Again, through the sacrifice and generosity of so many people who pledged financial support and even made extra donations, we were able to make our last mortgage payment in November, 2007. The cost of the building project, which included property acquisition, demolition of buildings, architect and construction fees, actual construction costs, furnishings (tables, chairs, kitchen equipment, etc.), parking lot paving and landscaping, was $2.6 million. When we look back at what we were able to accomplish, we truly have much to celebrate and much for which we are truly grateful, especially to our God for his blessings on the project, the prayers of our Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of our parish, and the generosity and support of our many benefactors. What more can we say but God bless you one and all for a job well done. —Father John Kumse, Pastor St. Mary's Church Bulletin, Jan. 13, 2008 l|ll■lilllllilllllll