ZARJA‘DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1968 VOLUME 40 Grand Koli Off This \lonlli! S.W.U. BOWLERS MEET MARCH 30-31 FOR NATIONAL TOURNEY AT EUCLID, OHIO SUPREME PRESIDENT, TONI TUREK, one of Zveza’s top bowlers, shows her strike ball! Onlookers are some of the junior bowlers from Cleveland-Euclid branches. ZARJA - THE DAWN « Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III, 6060X Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must he in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti i> rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. No. 3, Vol. XL MARCH, 196» St. 3, Leto XL BEAUTY AND RELAXATION AWAIT YOU IN SLOVENIA! The beautiful Slovenian countryside that has been praised and admired by tens of thousands of travelers, will again thrill and delight many tourists this summer. So that you as a member of S.W.U. may have all the comforts of worry-free and economical travel, and so that you, too may enjoy Slovenia and other European countries for your vacation this summer, read the following information which has been compiled to give you a complete picture of KOLLANDER TOURS TO SLOVENIA this year. Departure dates are as follows: Leave May 27 Return September 17 Leave June G Return June 27 Leave June 10 Return July 9 Leave June 17 Return August 13 Leave July 1 Return July 30 Leave June 3 Return July 23 The lowest possible air jet fare in now in force. It will bring you from New York to Ljubljana in a matter of hours for only $339.00. Children are half fare. Anyone who has traveled singly or wishes to check the single rate jet fare will see that it is almost $300 less than regular fares during the summer season. Take advantage of group travel and low excursion rates for your trip this year. Travel Tax. The proposed travel tax has not yet become law, and if it does, will involve a small percent on your travel fare, which will be some $15 to $18 per fare as quoted above. If it is decided that a travel tax will be in effect, Zarja will carry complete information. Travel restrictions will not affect any one visiting their relatives abroad who will be staying there as guests in their relatives homes. Every detail of your FIRST TRIP or REPEAT TRIP to Slovenia will be in expert hands, arrangements made with comfort and convenience in mind! After you have decided your departure date, send your reservation at once to the Supreme Secretary of S.W.U., Albina Novak, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608. Make your vacation in 1968 something to remember always! All Slovenian Women’s Union tours are armnged i>y KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Phone Area 216, 431-4148 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . March 21 — Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. May 11 — Card Party, Dawn Choral Club at Euclid Park Clubhouse May 26 — OIIIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION & 40th ANNIVERSARY, Cleveland, Newburgh O. Sept. 15 — WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION and 40 th ANNIVERSARY, West Allis, Wis. Nov. 12 — Card Party, Br 17, West Allis, Vis. KOLLANDER NOW IN EUCLID To accomodate the increasing number of passengers in the Euclid area of Cleveland, Ohio, KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL has opened a beautiful, modern office at 589 East 185th St., Cleveland 44119. The same gracious KOLLANDER service for your every travel need — just call them at 531-1082. Travel near or far — but Travel Kollander! HAPPY HIRTHI)AY l/V MARCH Supreme Officers: March 3—Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor, Duluth, Minn. Branch Presidents: March 5—Theresa Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. March 5—Ann Kastelic, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. March 8—Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. March 10—Helen Shuster, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. March 15—Betty Matjašič, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts, Ohio March 1C—Paulina Kokal, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. March 17—Mary Kolar, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. March 20—Betty Ann Murphey, Br. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. March 23—Sylvia Stanfield, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. March 31—Mary Kolegar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS US MARCH March 1—Ann Stich, Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif. March 4—Anna Trdan, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 8—Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. March 9—Julia Klemenčič, Br. 90, Presto, Pa. March 21—Mary Camloh, Br. 10. Cleveland, Ohio March 23—Ella Starin, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio March 25—Frances Kucic, Br. 27, North Braddock, Pa. March 26—Catherine Musick, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. March 31—Angela Strukel, Br. 24, LaSalle, 111. S.W.U. PRESIDENT SIGNS SLOVENIAN CHAPEL CONTRACT Supreme President of S.W.U., Antonia Turek signs the contract which signifies payment of the $25,000.00 deposit and the first step in the establishment of the Slovenian Chapel at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C. With Mrs. Turek on the photo are: from left, Bogomir Chokel and Miroslav Pregelj of Washington, Joseph Nemanich of Cleveland who is Supreme President of K. S. K. J., Dr and Mrs. Cyril Zebot of Washington, Frank Turek of Cleveland, Secretary of Slovenian Chapel Fund and Rev Dr. Franc Blatnik. With the signing of this obligation, Chapel Committees throughout the U. S. will be hard at work to solicit funds for the remaining a-mount of $45,000.00. All Slovenians, their families and societies are urged to join in the drive SHRINE COMMITTEE VISITED WASHINGTON IN JANUARY President oL' the Slovenian Chapel Fund and Supreme President of KSKJ, Mr. Joseph J. Nemanich, Frank, my husband and I, left January 18th for Washington, D. C. where we were to meet with the Director of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Rev. William F. McDonough and present the initial payment for the Slovenian Chapel. We arrived at the Shrine with a group of Washington Slovenians and there it was that Mr. Nemanich pre-ented the check for $25,000.00, deposit with t.he obligation contract for the remaining $45,000.00 to be paid within two years from this date. The Shrine architect, Mr. Kennedy, will be in charge of the designs, work, drawings and specifications and supervision of construction. It will take approximately one and a half years to complete the Chapel. Kev. McDonough had a great surprise for us after our meeting. He took us to the beautiful Shrine sanctuary where among the stained glass windows, there is one of our Slovenian missionary Bishop, Frederic Baraga with a little Indian boy kneeling a,t his feet. Bishop Baraga was placed there with 11 other American Bishops who have been given this place of honor. We were all very impressed and honored to see that our own beloved Baraga will be revered there and to know he had been chosen by the Board of Directors of the Shrine. At G p. m. that evening, Holy Mass was offered by Father Prank Blatnik and Father Stane Ceglar as it was that very day, January 19th, the 100th Anniversary of the death of Bishop Baraga and the first day of the Iiaraga Centennial year. The Mass was also offered in honor of Bishop Slomšek, the Slovenian poet-bisliop who will be memoralized with Baraga at the Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Brezje when it will be completed and for all the many donors whose support is making the Slovenian Chapel a reality. After mass, we were all invited to St. Columba’s church to attend a reception being given in our honor by our lovely members of Br. 103. If was very nice to get better acquainted with the members whom we met during our National Convention last May. Many of them were there with their families. We were all then invited to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Cyril Zebot where a luscious dinner was served. Saturday morning at 11 o’clok a meeting was held by the committee where more proposals were made for the actual construction of the chapel and further ways and means were discussed for raising money. We cannot forget the hospitality shown us and also that of Stane Sustersic who gave his time to drive us around the city and for a visit to the grave of President John F. Kennedy. We enjoyed hearing his explanation of all the important Capital buildings. We also saw the Voice of America studio where Stane broadcasts daily to Slovenia. This was one of the most interesting places of all. The news is sent to all parts of the world each day and also received back from this source. Our signing of the Slovenian Chapel contract on Friday was announced over Voice of America that very day and heard in Slovenia at G o’clock Saturday morning. Besides all this, the weather was very nice and warm which made our two day stay very pleasant and enjoyable. At this time I would like to thank the Washington Committee, Br. 103 of S.W.U., our hosts, Dr. and Mrs. Zebot, Mr. and Mrs. Chokel and Stane Sustersic for the wonderful hospitality given us during the short stay we had in the Nation’s Capital. GIVE TO THE SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND! Send your contribution to Seoretary, Frank A. Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Make checks payable to Slovenian Chapel Fund THANK YOU! MARCH 30 — DEADLINE FOR MAILING SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION High School Seniors who requested information on obtaining a Slovenian Women’s Union scholarship, please remember that all the necessary application forms are to be mailed by March 30th. The scholarship committee will then review the material and select three winners who are most qualified academically and are in need of some financial assistance. The awards of $200.00 will be paid to each winner after a verification of the enrollment in an accredited college or university is received. The academic record of some of our winners in the past has been exciting— straight A students with many extra-curricular activities and frequently holding jobs. This takes real ability and effort. We wish them continued success in school as well as in their chosen profession. For any further information on scholarships, kindly write to: Mrs. Hermine M. Dicke, Sec. Scholarship Committee, 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis., 53711 ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III.. Our next meeting will be March 14th. Just two weeks later our Chicago bowlers will be off to Cleveland to participate in the National Tournament. We wish good luck to our girls and loads of fun to them and the spectators. Mrs. Zefran has arranged for special buses which will give them the finest service. At our last meeting we decided on a money-making project which will begin in April. The conclusion will be at Zveza Day in Lemont. The first prize will be $50.00 cash with many other beautiful things given too. A pilgrimage for Our Lady of Snows has been set for July 7th and details will be available at a later date. We are also hoping to have a very good Illinois State Convention this year and we hope to hear of the place where it will be held in a few weeks. A letter from dear friend and member, Paula Ozbolt was read at the meeting along with a card from Mary Hozian visiting in California. The members were happy to hear of the fine success of the Slovenian Chapel Fund drive. Our best wishes to all for a holy and happy lenten season. Corinne Leskovar No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. A vote of confidence was given our Officers of 19G7, the entire membership voted our Board of Officers in once again for the year of 1968. This should assure them just how much we appreciate their efforts in our behalf; there can be no greater compliment than to say, with your vote, we thank you for a job well done! Our Mother of the Year is a dear and good member and I can say a good friend. Margaret Fager, sister to Rose Scoff and our delegate to the past three conventions, is no stranger to anyone as she is a diligent worker and has constantly worked for the betterment of Catholic Societies along with her work for Zveza. Fast treasurer and now secretary for branch No. 13, her smiling face is a welcomed sight behind the desk come meeting night. Margaret has a kind greeting for all and is ever ready to extend a compliment for a job well done by anyone; this is why it is a pleasure to work side by side with Margaret. Her family of daughters, Florence and Margaret and son, Richard (known affectionately as Dick) are proud of Mom and her many accomplishments. Grandma to seven she is indeed a good representative for Mother of the Year. Long widowed and supporting herself and children she indeed can be proud of a job well done. Margaret is the President of the Catholic Ladles Aid of St. Joseph’s holds an office with Y. L. I. and numerous other Catholic organizations. We can only wish her a year of abundant happiness and pride of being Mother of the Year, 1968. Once again the sky is black with the warning of war. It seems our youth is called to make the supreme sacrifice about the average of every few years. Our sons, whom we protect and watch over so carefully through the formative years become adult and then time takes its toll; these fine boys Pace a period of time in the service away from home, of course always living under that dreadful black cloud of war. Will we ever learn to live in peace once again? Life is a challenge enough with the many events of daily living for our young men, a time of complete confusion. Of course, our boys are very proud to serve their country and feel this is an honor, but let us keep in mind the sacrifice so many are called upon to make and keep praying for the safe return of our sons as our daily duty. It is said “Prayers can move mountains,” so let us all bow our heads In mass prayer that all men will return to the saniity of peace. Many events are planned for 1968; come attend our meetings and be one of the gang, and have fun. Fran E. Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. The weather, I’m sure, contributed to the fact that we had such a good attendance at our February meeting. Prayers were said for all our ill and deceased members. It was nice having Josephine Cebul back with us, her jolly old self again. Antonia Sustar gave gave a report of the Club Društev meeting held in January, and Rose Mickovic her report of the Slovenian Club Society stockholders’ meeting. On Sunday, March 24th our games club is having a dinner at Orso’s restaurant in Willoughby, Ohio at 3 p. m. All who would like to attend, please call Rose Mickovic at 486-0462 for reservation before March 14th. Antonia Sustar is the proud grandmother of a new baby girl born to her son and daughter-in-law. Congratulations to both families. Get well wishes go to Mary Gerl, Antonia Sterlekar, Mary Kirclier and Caroline Turk and all our ill members. We will remember you in our prayers. We need "altos” in our Dawn Choral Singing Club. Anyone interested call Mary Bostian. If you like to sing, I’m sure you will enjoy joining us. You are most welcome! Our deepest sympathy go to Mary Fakult and to all of her family on the loss of their dear father, Mr. Joseph Simicli. Mr. Simich passed away in January at the age of 73. May he rest in peace! Hostesses for our March meeting and birthday party will be Mary Stražišar, Mary Fakult and Rose Rogers. The following ladies donated to our treasury and goodtime club; Mary Gerl, Frances Plevnik, Margaret Baron, Jennie Podborsek, Vera Krajic, Caroline Turk, Mitzi Globokar, Mary Walters, Anna Pinculic, Mary Kircher, Mary Grill, Caroline Gabrenja and Frances Erzen. Thank you ladies, your generosity is greatly appreciated. Wishing you all the best of health and happiness and look-forward to seeing you at our next meeting. As ever, Vera Bajec No. 17, West Allis, Wis. The December meeting and Christmas Party was well attended despite the slippery weather conditions we were having that day. The officers for 1968 were re-elected: Honorary President, Josephine Schlosar; President, Marlon Marolt; Vice-President, Vickie Kastelic; Secretary, Marie Floryan; Treas urer, Fanny Piwoni; Recording Secretary, Rose Schubert; Auditors: Josephine Imperl, Jackie Nimmer, and Tillie Muren; Sergeant-at-arms, Mary LaCourt. Scribes: Marion Marolt, 40 TEAMS EXPECTED AT NATIONAL BOWLING CLASSIC! Bowling teams representing major Slovenian communities in the Midwest will meet with Cleveland teams to form the largest bowling classic in the present history of Slovenian Women’s Union! It will be held at the Pallisade Lanes, 1331 East 260 St., Euclid, Ohio on Saturday and Sunday, March 30th and 31st. Singles and doubles and some team events will be rolled Saturday and the remaining team events will be held Sunday with the conclusion of the tournament that evening! Our sincere thanks to Supreme President, Toni Turek and her Cleveland committee of officers and bowlers for taking over all the many arrangements necessary to have a successful national tournament! Mrs. Turek, one of our top S.W.U. bowlers herself, has headed the Eastern Get-together tournaments held the past few years. This is the first time in more than a decade that we will join forces, so to speak, in one grand tournament between the midwest and east! Thanks, again, Cleveland, for your gracious invitation! We’re coming in strong — with from twenty to thirty teams from Chicago, Joliet, Oglesby, Milwaukee, West Allis, and possibly some bowlers from far up in Minnesota and Upper Michigan! May the best team win! Congratulations to all our Marie Floryan with Mary Grasch in Slovenian. Our Mother of the Year is none other than Julie Tael, who is mother of our Vice-President, Vickie Kastelic. Meetings will be continued to be held every every 3rd. Sunday of the month, with the exception of June, July and August, unless something important occurs. We will hold our 2 regular Miscellaneous Card parties as usual, one lor our church and the other for our treasury. These will be held on March 21, and November 21 on Thursday evening at 8 o’clock in St. Mary’s Auditorium. Prizes and donations are always welcome. We invite our members, friends, and neighboring branches to attend these affairs. Our fortieth anniversary will be combined with Wisconsin State Day on Sunday, September 15, 19G8 at St. Mary’s Auditorium. More particulars regarding this occasion will be published a little later on. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fenning on the birth of a daughter, Paula. Congratulations are extended to grandmother, Frances Potočar. Our bowlers and friends (our cheering section) are eagerly await ing for the yearly event — The Midwest Bowling Tournament. In regard to the Slovenian Chapel Fund, the members have been very cooperative and if there are any that would still like to donate towards it, they can send it direct or give the donation to the President or Secretary, and they will be happy to mail it in for you. This is a worthy cause and this Chapel will be a memorial lo our Slovene heritage. To all of our shut-ins we wish a speedy recovery and may God bless you all. Marion Marolt, Pres. bowlers, l'or participating! Thanks, also to the many spectators and members who will be traveling with the teams to make this tournament a real reunion! The following officers of the Midwest Bowling Association can be contacted for further information and transportation: Josephine Sumic, President of the S.W.U. Bowling Board, 1305 Center Street, Joliet, 111. Tel. 722-8284 Mary Lou Bluth, Secretary of the Joliet League, 1025 North Center Street, Joliet, 111. Tel. 722 3390. Marion Marolt, S.W.U. Board of Directors, 1512 South 53rd Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Tel. Sp 4 20G1. Rose Kraemer, Vice President of the Board, 4304 South K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. Tel. Hu 1 7357. Caroline A. Dawson, 505 Morinan Street, Oglesby, 111. Tel. 883 3036. Liz Zefran, Secretary, 1941 West Cermak Road, Chicago, 111. Tel. Vi 7 6688. Lil Putzell, Assisant Secretary, 3731 South Home ave., Berwyn, 111. Tel. Gu 4 5573. See you in Cleveland-Euclid, March 30th and 31st! Liz Zefran, Director of Women’s Activities No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. Reliance Federal compiled a terrific record of 13 wins and 2 losses during January to rise to the top of the standings of the S.W.U. Chicago bowling league. Their record of 46 wins and 23 losses gives them a substantial lead over second place Zefran Funeral Home, 42 wins and 27 losses. Wagner’s Bakery (38-31) and St. Paul Federal (37%-31%) retained their slim hold on third and fourth place. Marquette Service Station (37-32) and Dr. Grill (36-33) aren’t too far behind. M. Stuck reigned as our star bowler of January, with an enviable 554 series. She was 104 pins over her 150 average. M. Zefran, who is improving every month, shot 85 pins over her 122 average with a 451 series. Sharing the spotlight was L. Ovnik with a 481 series—79 pins over her 134 average. A. Fiugerhut was 6G pins over her 128 average, with a 450 series. There were several 200 games (with handicap): G. Schiffler, 244; C. Tomazin, 232; H. Fitzgerald, 232; J. Gervase, 229; M. Zufan, 224; L. Ovnik, 223; M. Omerza, 223; E. Krochel, 220; A .Vucko, 219. Railroad pick-ups in January: L. Zefran, 5-6-10, 3-10; S. Melissa, 3-10, 5-6; C. Gospo, 5-7-9, 5-7, 3-10; M. Reinholz, 4-5, 3-10; G. Schiffler, 5-7, 5-10, 3-10, 2-7; E. Kroscliel, 5-6-10, 3-10; M. Zefran, 3-10, 5-7, 2-7; B. Mladic, 5-6, 2-7; M. Smyth, B. Zalik, 5-10; A. Fingerhut, L. Putzell, 2-7; S. Gorica, 6-7; R. Sarno, 3-10; F. Smul-ski, 3-6-7-10; A. Hozzian, 5-7-9; H. Fitzgerald, 4-10; M. Prsa, 5-7. Barbara Zurek No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. With only eleven more weeks to bowl for the season, it looks like it can be anyone’s chance for 1st place. There is only a difference of two and a half games between five teams. Northwestern Recreation Club is now leading by only a half game. They have 31 wins and 26 losses. Bluth’s Sausage is second with 30% wins and 26% losses. American Slovenian Home has 29% wins and 27% losses. Dames Funeral Home has 29 wins and 28 losses. Merichka’s Restaurant has 28% wins and 28% losses. Shep’s DX Service Station is bringing up the rear,, but still hoping to get “hot”. They have 22% wins and 34% losses. Congratulations to Jo Mlakar for a beautiful 597 series! (236-181-180.) Also to Marge Wajchert for her 531 (178-153-200). Picking up splits during the past month were Ann Stemisha, Betty La-kotich, Bernice Suski, Fran McCarthy, Jo Sumic, Lil Anderson, Marilyn Ne-manich, Ag Verbiscer, Mary Rezick, Jo Mlakar, Ami Kobe, Mitzie Mrozek, Ann Ariagno, Therese Pavnica and Evelyn Gregory. The girls with the top ten averages are Marje Wajchert, Gen Glainsek, Dot Jaksetich, Jo Mlakar, Vicki Ber-ickas, Marilyn Nemanich, Marge Gas-pericli, Therese Pavnica, Mitzie Mrozek and Virginia Guertin. Therese Pavnica, Your Reporter No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our condolences to our spiritual director and pastor, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M. J. Butala on the passing of his brother, John, who was ill three weeks at the Silver Cross Hospital. John, age 70, was well known in Joliet, and was a member of many organizations. Many friends showed their respects at the bier and funeral. John is survived Supreme President’s Message Congratulations, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., on your 40th Anniversary on March 15th! Branch was organized in 1928 by Josephine Schlossar. NEW ERA CAMPAIGN Reminding you is a pleasant task when there are results to be seen and this reminder is for the New Era Campaign still going strong now. In January, many branches did not meet because of the heavy snow and intense cold weather, even my Br. 50 meeting was called off due to the heavy snow storm which was brewing for three days. When you resume your meetings and the weather will warm up, do your best and write in new members! Br. 33 of Duluth, Minn, is to be complimented as the leaders of this campaign so far! Even their below zero cold weather didn’t hold them back. Bowling Tournament This Month It will be held at Cleveland, Ohio at the Pallisade Alleys on March 30-31st. All entries have been mailed out to captains of Cleveland teams and for the midwest teams, Liz Zefran has taken care of those of Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. We expect at least 40 teams to enter which will be a very large tournament on a national scale. All Cleveland bowlers are asked to please be on time for bowling when you are scheduled. All teams coming from the Chicago area will arrive Saturday morning. Since Cleveland will be the host, we shall try our best to make our bowlers 1’eel at home and comfortable. To one and all, good luck and bowl high scores! Trophies and cash awards will be given to all the champs and cash awards to the runners-up. See you in Cleveland, March 30 and 31st! Toni Turek also by Catherine who is at the American Nursing Home and another brother, Frank. We also lost a member the last day of the year 19G7„ Mrs. Rose Carpenter, age 59 years. She was born Oct. 25, 1908 and joined Oct. 28, 1942 recommended by Mrs. Mary Terlep. In previous years she had been a Zveza bowler. She made her home in Lockport. Survivors include her husband, one daughter and one granddaughter, a sister and a brother. Also, that same week we lost a long time member, Mrs. Antonia Nos-se from N. Hickory St., born in Slovenia Mar. 13, 1885. She joined Nov. 18, 1928, recommended by our first treasurer, Rose Gorsich. Mrs. Nosse did all her own housework almost to the last although she lost her legs a few years ago due to illness and she was very patient during her ailment. She became a widow many years ago and also lost three sons and two sisters. She is survived by two daughters and four sons. A daughter-in-law, Emma, is our member for many years. Mrs. Nosse was a member of many organizations. Mrs. Rose Paver also passed away after many months of illiness at the age of 51 years. Survived by husband Vincent who is the proprietor of a jewelry store in Crest Hill, also two daughters and one son, 4 sisters, one of whom is Mr. Louise Grego-rash, our member and sister-in-law, Mrs. Anne Kobe and five sisters. All the above were buried from St. Joseph church in the parish cemetery. May they all rest in peace! At our first meeting of this year Msgr. M. J. Butala, who is also spiritual director, installed the following officers: President, Emma Planinšek; Vice-President, Josephine Muster; Secretary, Olga M. Ancel; Recording Secretary, Josephine Erjavec; Treasurer, Josephine Sumic. Auditors, Frances Hubert, Theresia Marentich, Emma Nosse; Sentinal, Theresa Muhich. Frances Gaspich who was our secretary 21 years has retired and we regret that she could not take it to fulfill her 25th year. As noted, Olga Ancel, is the new secretary and took this position temporarily. Auditors who have retired are Mary Lesnik, who had this office for many years, Jennie Sprengel and Anne Stefanich. Mrs Josephine Muster was quite ill recently and we extend our best for her quickest recovery. Last but not least we all thank again our former secretary, Frances Gaspich, who devoted 21 years as secretary. We wish her health and happiness, and hope that she will come to our meetings very often. We will miss you, Frances! Also thanks to Mrs. Lesnllc, Mrs. Sprengel, and Ann Stef'anich who were our past auditors. We are sorry you could not take office again. We hope and invite you to be able to come to our meetings, from past experience you can all help to achieve our many future plans. We have so many projects on the agenda and it would be well to have you all take interest. Our next meeting, Mar. 17th, same time, same place, please do your share. With best wishes, Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Dawn Club. The new officers of the Dawn Club were installed at the first meting held for the year 19G8 at the St. Anthony’s church hall Jan. 17th at 7:30. They are Emma Pucel, President; Barbara Brennan, Vice Pres.; Stephanie Vranesich, Treasurer and Frances Grahek, Rec. Secretary. Emma Pucel, president, opened the meeting with prayer. On the sick list is Ann Merrill who has been confined in Ely Bloomensen Hospital for several months from an accident she had when she fell, but after surgery she is doing very well. Also, Rose Pucel had surgery. We wish them both a speedy recovery. A delicious lunch was served and games were played Lunch and entertainment committee were Helen Kochevar, Frances Pengal, Mrs. Mary Shikonya, Stephanie Vranesich and Julia Zgonc. At the February meeting we planned to have a public games party. Each member was asked to bring a dollar gift and to invite a friend. The following were on the committee for this party, Pauline Ferderber, Julia Russ, Angela Godec, Theresa Koschak, Frances Zakrajšek, Louise Seliga, Margaret Somrock, Mary Deyak and Margaret Pecha. Margaret Shuster won the attendance prize in January. Fraternally yours, Mary M. Shikonya, Reporter No 33, Duluth, Minn. — Again a nice group of new members were enrolled at our Feb. meeting. They are: Caroline Macore and her 5 children, and Janet Terwey and her 2 children; also the 5 children of member, Charlene Christie and 3 children of member Shirley Hoppenyan. Pauline Healey as a new social member. A big welcome in our midst to you all! The first attempt to have a “penny social” followed the February meeting, with CO members attending. By all reports everyone had a marvelous time. A nice lunch was served by the committee In charge. Many nice prizes were given. Juvenile chairman, Thera Rukovina and Jackie Rukovina reported on their project. There were 39 juvenile members entertained with a sleigh ride party on Jan. 16 th. The children were driven with horses and sleigh thru the wooded area. Chaperons attended with the two loads of children. They surely had a lot of fun. On their return trip, they were taken to our church hall for a meatball and spaghetti dinner and all the trimmings were served them by the mothers of the children. A big thank you to John Donald, for preparing the dinner. It was delicious. Also a big thank you to Sandra Rukovina, our juvenile member who was a great help in preparing this party. Invitations have been extended to all our young ladies who belong to our ju- Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: THOUGHTS FOR LENT From ancient times sprinkling ashes on the head has been a symbol of humility before God, and an expression of penance and repentance. In receiving the ashes we tell God in effect of our intention to do penance for the sins of the past and to beg His mercy and forgiveness. It is regretable that the ashes cross on the foreheads of many is a mockery. They receive the ashes with no intention of doing penance. You have failed or succeeded or will fail or succeed in so far as the following are dominant in your life. Unless these shine in you, you are doomed to failure: PERSEVERANCE. A “quitter”, that is the name you give a fellow who does not persevere. Are you one? The quitter gives up after a short struggle. He started the year by keeping to a schedule. He started the year with the resolution to conquer anger, intemperance, laziness by at least occasional attendance at Mass and the frequent reception of Holy Communion — or some other means. He started to check vulgarity and cursing. He started out with a great chance to make a flying success. But all these things took a lot of work, and he quit. COURAGE. It takes courage to persevere. Courage implies bravery in facing the hardships to be met in carrying out duty. Weakhearted men fear sweat, suffering, effort. They become “quitters”. The courageous man sees the job and sees its dangers. He does not draw back. He can “take it.” SELF-DENIAL. You can’t have everything and success too. Anything which stands in the way of success must be thrown overboard. Whims may not be satisfied. Self must be disciplined. Inclinations must be checked. Occasions of sin must go: drink, bad reading, bad companions. PRAYER. Tell me — does this fellow next to you pray? If he does, he denies himself, and he is not a “quitter.” The saints were courageous mainly because they prayed. If your past is a mess, it is because you did not really pray — daily. St. Paul was a real man; he was scouraged, he fasted, took shipwreck cheerfully . . . because he called on God for strength. Prayer makes courageous, perservering, virtuous men. Where do you stand? venile group to come and participate in our lodge activities. These will be our future officers. We love to have them, they are full of energy and are a group of wonderful girls. President Fran Blatnik extends a big thank you to all who helped with the penny social and the sleigh ride. One person can’t do it by herself — it always involves a number of good samaritans and good teamwork. So, thanks from Fran and all the officers. Was sorry to hear our dear Albina Novak is confined in the hospital. We hope and pray that she has a speedy recovery. You don’t deserve to be sick, Albina! If there are any members sick at present, wishes for a God speed recovery. May God bless you all. Ann Podgoršek, Rep. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. After the busy Christmas season, our January meeting was well attended with Mrs. John Pahula presiding. Mrs. Mary Pahula gave a resume of the year’s activities—the highlight of which was our Branch being “hosts” to all Minnesota Branches in September for the annual Minnesota Day. We all recalled with pleasure the events of that day one of which was the Com-munty singing (led by Miss Mary Hutar of Ely) at the Banquet that day. Miss Hutar is retiring from her duties as organist, choir director and housekeeper at St. Anthony’s parish in Ely. To show our respect and love for her, the members all signed their names to a card wishing her a “Happy Retirement” and accompanied it with a gift for her. Our thanks to you, publicly, Mary—you have enriched the lives of so many! God bless you! All present officers of Branch 34 were re-elected to their posts and they are: Mrs. John Pahula, presi- dent; Mrs. William Vollendorf, vice-president; Mrs. Mary Pahula, treasurer; and Mrs. Nick Tekautz, secretary. Trustees to serve another year are Mmes. Joseph Gornick, Frank Planton and John Zavodnick. Mrs. Anthony Yapel was chosen as reporter for the group. A contribution of 10 00 was ordered sent for the Slovenian Chapel Fund at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. Mrs. Joseph Skala Sr. was chosen as our “Mother of the Year” to be honored in Dawn magazine in the Mother’s Day issue. A social hour followed the business meeting and prize winners at “500” were Mmes, Nick Tekautz, John Pahula and John Zavodnick. At Scrabble, Mrs. John Tekautz was the winner. Mrs. Joseph Gornick was awarded the attendance prize donated by Mrs. John Bobence. The evening was concluded with refreshments served by Mmes. William Lilya and Joseph Jamnick. Hostesses for the Feb. meeting will be Mmes Joseph Stefanich and William Vollendorf and Mrs. Edward Dra-gavon will donate the attendance prize. A most Happy Easter to all SWU members is the wish of all Branch 34 members. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Greetings to all from our Chisholm Branch. We held our December meeting on Dec. 6th. At this meeting the members decided to donate $25 to the Slovenian Chapel Fund, Washington, D. C. We are soriy to report we lost a member, sister Anna Ozenlch, age 83, early this year. She is survived by 5 daughters and 5 sons. Our sincere condolences to the family and may she rest in peace. After our meeting election of officers took place and all of last year’s officers were again elected unanimously by our members and they are: President, Frances Hren; Vice- President, Sylvia Petrich; Treasurer and Secretary, Anna Trdan; Recording Secretary, Frances Jelenič; Auditors, Agnes Kochevar and Rose Dropp. To you members a big thank you, we will try to continue to do a good job for our “Zveza ” After the election all enjoyed taking part in our annual Christmas party. Such a variety of goodies too numerous to mention. Thanks to all you kind members for such a good turnout. We wish a speedy recovery to all the sick members and a very happy and blessed early Easter greeting to all members and supreme officers. Frances Jelenič, Rec. Sec’y No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. The January meeting was held at Vickie’s home and the new officers were installed. President Sophie Bevsek, conducted the meeting very well. The card party held on Jan. 28th was a great success, and the committee would like to thank Br. No. 12 of Milwaukee and Br. No. 17 of West Allis for attending, all our members and friends. The following members donated cash, Lucille Jenich, Mary Musich, Celia Marolt, Mary Plahuta, Rose Pugel, and Eleanor Viduski and table prizes and other prizes by Josie Peterson, Mary Stearle, Mitz Mohorko, Vickie Sporis, Dorothy Frangesh, Rose Kraemer, Marie Miller, Mrs. Dobnick, Josie Kolar, Ann Konczal, Mrs. Beley, Anna Gorishek, Mitz Tratnik, Josie Verblck, Ceil Groth, Sophie Bevsek, Josephine Strukel, Elsie Gallun, Christine Rebernisek, Mrs. Ozbolt, Anne Hiller, Shirley Schulta, Fran. Schneider, Julia Schnick, Mary Bushnik, Olga Zovic and the Ermenc Funeral Home. To all a big Thank You! May God bless you! Prizes went to Fran Schneider and Mrs. Stusek, pillow cases; Mrs. Dobnick a fruit strudel and Sophie Bevsek, a place mat set. Rummage Sale was held on Sat. Feb 3rd at Guadalupe Center and the result was satisfying. Donations of $5 were given by Mr. and Mrs. Don Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. John Rifelj, Rose Kraemer, Oarl Smerdu and Walter Ruetsegger. Thank you for your kind generosity. We extend our sincere sympathy to the Mohorko Family on the loss of their dear father. May he rest in peace. Donnie Walsh was hospitalized at Trinity Memorial Hospital for one week, but now is at home. Rose Mavko who was at St. Luke’s Hospital is now at home. Anne Reber-nisek’s husband, John, was at St. Mary’s Hospital. We wish the above and all our shut-in members a very speedy recovery. Below are the names of our dear members who are 75 years of age and over. The branch sends its best wishes to Mary Beley, Josephine Kramer, who is in a wheel chair, Frances Jacobi, Mary Korošec, Mathilda Medvedovich, Angeline Pas-Ier, Agnes Podriznik, Anna Preloznik at the Lakeside Nursing Home, 1825 No. Prospect Ave. Theresa Salopek at the Mt. Carmel Nursing Home, 4600 S. 60 St. and Anna Srnovrsnik. Pay them a visit or send them a card which will be greatly appreciated. Please check your dues, and our next meeting will be held on March 10th at Vickie’s. A Card Party will be held on Sunday, March 24th at Rebemisek’s Club, 4600 W. Loomis Rd. Everyone is cordially invited to attend, also our neighboring branches, 12 and 17. Prize donations are welcome! Donation of 50c is being asked. This event is being held to help our travel fund for the bowlers who would like to go to the tournament in Euclid,Ohio. Let’s give them all our support and attend the Card Party. A Happy St. Patrick’s day and congratulations to all March celebrants. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. No. 45, Portland, Oregon. — The December meeting opened with prayer. This was our Christmas meeting and party. Refreshments were served and gifts exchanged among members. Mrs. Florence Lolich was gracious enough to let U3 use her party room for this occasion. Not a very large attendance, but those of us who were present had a very nice time. Had to cancel the tour of the mortuary which would have netted us a profit of $1.00 per person because we did not have the 25 minimum. We had also discussed the proposal to join other Slav Clubs for a picnic this year. Further details to be discussed later. Mrs. Wilma Franciscovich was chosen as Mother of the Year. We have a member, Mrs. Markovich, ill at St. Mary’s of the Valley in Beaverton, Oregon. We all hope for her quick recovery. Motions were also ROSE HERBST Died Feb. 2, 1967 “She Is Away” You cannot say, and you must not say That she is dead, she is just away. With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand, She has wandered into an unknown land, And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be, since she lingers there. And you — O you, who the wildest yearn For the old-time step and the the glad return, Think of her faring on, as dear In the love of There as the love of Here; Think of her still as the same and say: She is not dead — she is just away! Sadly missed by her husband, Edward, relatives and friends. Branch 50 Cleveland, Ohio made that we remember our sick and invalid members in hospitals and convalescent homes at Christmas time with poinsettia plants to all. Officers remain same as last year. Members requested to keep dues up to date. No meetings in January or February and the same applies to the months of June, July and August. We will resume again in March, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p. m. Change of meeting place has been made and we will now meet at Mrs. Wilma Franciscovich’s residence, address 3246 N. E. 57th off Sandy Blvd. Motion made and carried to omit flowers for funerals of deceased members and have Masses said instead. Also no flower offerings for members’ deceased husbands in the future. Wishing all members of SWU belated wishes for a very Happy New Year. Ann Carlisle, Rec. Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, O. — Since the weather here was so bad in January, the ladies decided not to have a meeting,, so there isn’t very much news floating around. Ladies are very busy planning for the fall Bazaar and have all kinds of ideas. If you have anything you’d like us to prepare, just come along to the meeting and it will be discussed. It would be nice if each lady would bring a. friend and sign her up as a new member. All the ladies from our branch wish the best of luck to Albina Novak as she had eye surgery on Feb. 8th. It sure is nice to see Frances Ne-manich up and around and into the groove of things since her surgery. Since Easter Sunday will come and go in just a few weeks, the weather will break and we do hope that a few more ladies will participate in our future meetings. No excuses! Angie Lube, Your Reporter No. 52, Kitzville Loc., Hibbing, Minn. —• Dear Sisters, our February meeting was held on the first Wednesday and in spite of the cold, we had a beautiful turnout. We are sorry to have to report that sister, Angeline Russ had surgery but happy that she is on the recovery list at the Hibbing General Hospital. We all wish her God-speed to a rapid recovery and hope and pray that she will be up and around soon and looking forward to seeing her soon. To all our other sick members, we also wish them God speed to a rapid recovery. Our business session was brief and sister, Josephine Oswald our President, led us in closing prayer. We then continued the evening with cards, games, etc., with honors going to the following sisters: Ivanna Prelesnik, Josephine Oswald, Julia Man-cuso, Mary Techar, Alice Baratto, Frances Jerkovich, Margaret Pogorels and Gertrude Kochevar. Door prize went to Alice Baratto. Sister Frances Shega outdid herself and sent the hostess her specialty, delicious Pohanje for our pre-lenten feast. Thank you so much, sister Frances Shega. They were just wonderful. Our hostesses, sisters Frances Oswald, Ann Roberts, Angeline Hrovat and Angeline Russ served us a delicious lunch which brought another delightful evening to a close. Our next meeting will be March 6, at the Little Grove and wish to see all our faithful members plus some new faces. Wet would like to see more new members so go out and do your best, you can do it! Drive safely and may God bless you all and keep you all in the best of health until we meet again. We wish you all a very Happy Easter, tho it’s a little early. Yours truly. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY Invitation From The “Dawn” Choral Club The Dawn Choral Club will hold a card party on May 11 at the Euclid Park Clubhouse, E. 222nd and Lake Shore Blvd. The girls are working very hard, and all enjoy every bit of the work that is necessary to make a success of this venture and to make others happy too. Some of our members are suffering from the flu — hope this awful bug gets lost soon. A get well wish to our wonderful member with the wonderful voice, Mary Gerl. She is missed by all. Best of luck to Mary. Hurry and get well, we need you! Also, our club wants to send their hearty get well wishes to Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak who is loved by all. We hope she will be feeling fine soon again. Two more persons we don’t want to forget, are our former State President, Ella Starin, who is also recuperating from surgery and was in the hospital and Dorothy Sternisa. We miss them especially at the combined branches meetings. May God bless you all and look after you. * * * Here is an early announcement for members of Ohio and Michigan! Ladies, it’s soon going to be time for the State Convention. This year we will celebrate it in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of Br. 15 in Newburgh. All officers and members are invited to attend and make it a large attendance as usual. This is what makes life interesting; let’s all join and get together on this grand occasion! Place and time: Sunday, May 26th at St. Lawrence church, with Holy Mass at 10 a. m., breakfast at 11:30 and meeting at 2:00 p. m. There will be more information on this at a later date. My best wishes to you all. Mary Bostian, State Pres., Ohio-Mich. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Our New Year’s meeting was opened with a prayer led by president, Anne Sato-vich. After the roll call of officers, the Minutes were read and approved along with the Treasurer’s report. The business at hand was taken care of and it was agreed that meetings will be called off if the weather gets too cold during the winter months and with our 28 plus below zero weather, we’ll wait and see and hope for the best. The first meeting of the year started on a sad note with the loss of one of our faithful and devoted members, Mrs. John (Frances) Puhek, age 63. She had held several offices including president for many years. She was voted our "Mother of the Year” in 1963. Her memory is a keepsake with which we will never part. She is survived by husband, John, three sons, a brother, 2 sisters and 11 grandchildren. May she rest in peace. We thank the many members that turned out for the Rosary. With coffee and fresh donuts, we ended our meeting. Some cards were played along with popular games. Our Senior members will be serving lunch for the next meeting. Hope to see you all there. Margaret Skorich, Reporter No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Spring is here! Maybe we will have some warmer weather. If ever we all appreciate the first signs of spring it is this year, as we had some very stormy and cold weather in December and January. And as other cities, we have had our share of people having the flu. colds, arthritis attacks and what not. I, for one, had a good combination ot' everything. Many of our members were on the sick list. Mary Chesnick, Jennie Lukezic, Agnes Lukman, Mary Ann Stariha, Helen McFarland, our vice president, were all hospitalized. Theresa Shus-tarsic is very sick at home; Julia Javernick’s husband had surgery. Catherine Seavarda’s dad also was hospitalized. Our very best wishes to all. Three of our members celebrated their 25th wedding anniversaries in the past few months. They were Mildred Adamic and husband Fred, Julia Javernick and John, Dorothy Legan and husband Vincent. Our congratulations to all three pairs. Missed seeing Anna Riegler who drove in from Pueblo, Colo. Sorry I wasn’t home. Nice seeing Hannah Adamic getting along so nicely at her age. Mildred Adamic’s son, Stanley, enlisted in the Army and left in January for Fort Bliss, Texas. Her other son, Steven, had the misfortune of breaking a leg in two places on the horse he was riding, working with some stock, it slipped and fell on him. He was also hospitalized for a spell. See you soon! Cecile Adamic No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Well another year has begun and we want to extend everyone a Hapyy New Year and I hope that it will be filled with good health and happiness for all. Our first meeting of the year began with a very good turn out of members, the meeting was opened with a prayer by our very capable president, Mrs. Jennie Mohorčič. The new officers were installed and they are as follows: President, Mrs. Jennie Mohorčič, Vice Pres. Mrs. Rose Braddack, Treas. and Sec., Mrs. Mary Grzely, Rec. Sec. Mrs. Frances Ulle, Auditors, Mrs. Frances Ulle, Mrs. Molly Juzna, Mrs. Mary Mahne, Sentinel, Mrs. Matt Troha. We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Josephine Ulle, at the loss of her husband Frank and to Mrs. Molly Juzna, his sister. May God grant them eternal rest. After the business meeting an enjoyable afternoon was spent playing a popular game. Refreshments were prepared by Mrs. Frances Skrabec and her daughter Mrs. Frances Ulle and helping them serve Mrs. Rose Braddack. Sunshine prize was won by Mrs. Angela Godec. We hope that the New Year will have as good an attendance as last year, many enjoyable times were had and I know this year will even be better, so until next month good health and best wishes to you all. Frances Ulle, Reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. Our Christmas party and yearly meeting combined was held at our President Frances Vidmar’s home Dec. 4th. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served at 6:30 to the 20 members present. Our hostess had the table and room beautifully decorated. We want to thank her for cooking the dinner. Everything was delicious. We do appreciate it. Thanks also to Frances’ two daughters, Judy and Pat for being so helpful and for taking our pictures. We had an exchange of gifts. We all spent a most enjoyable evening. A short business meeting was held and election of officers. There are no new names, everything was graciously given to the former officers to carry on in 1968. All By-Laws wrere reviewed and rules remain the same. Sister Ann Widmar was chosen Mother of the Year. She well deserves the honor. To our members that are on vacations in Calif., we do hope they are enjoying themselves. On Jan. 5th we were blessed with a granddaughter which makes us all very happy. Will see you at the meeting April 1st at sister M. T. Deblock’s home. Wishes to all for a blessed and Happy Easter. Molly Domin, Reporter 1958 TOUR TO CANADIAN SHRINES June 15th through 20th are the dates of the tour being arranged for members to the Shrines of Canada including Martyrs Shrine, Ste. Anne de Beaupre, Cap de la Madeleine, St. Joseph’s Oratory and Our Lady of Fatima. The departure from Cleveland, Ohio will be by charter bus and all accommodations are being arranged by Mrs. Antonia Turek, Supreme President. Total cost of transportation and lodging is $116.25. Please contact Mrs. Turek at 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wiclcliffe, Ohio 44092), telephone 944-3996 (Area 216) for reservations. Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 snrrsin and “Back of the loaf is the snowy flour Back of the flour, the mill, And back of the mill is the wheat and the shower, And the sun and the Father’s will.” by Maltbie D. Babcock Mrs. Ana Krasna of New York was kind enough to forward two more of her favorite recipes for White Bread and Buttermilk Coffee Cake. DELICIOUS WHITE BREAD 1 package active Dry yeast Vi. cup lukewarm water 2 cups warm milk 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons butter, softened 6 cups all-purpose enriched or unbleached flour 1. Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Set aside. 2. In your mixing bowl put together the milk, sugar and salt. Stir in the yeast and the butter. 8. Add 5 cups of flour, mixing first with wooden spoon and then with the hands. As you knead the dough keep adding the remaining cup of flour or perhaps little more if needed. 4. The kneaded dough should be smooth and elastic so that it will not stick to the sides of the bowl (or to the board if you prefer to knead the dough on floured board.) Place the dough in greased bowl turning once so as to bring the greased side up. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm draft-free spot until doubled in bulk. About 1 hour or longer. 5. Punch down. Pull edges into center and turn over in the bowl and let rise again until almost double. About 1 hour. fi. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 7. Turn dough out on floured board and form into 2 loaves. Place in 9%x 5%x2% inch baking pans which have been greased with soft margarine and sprinkled lightly with flour. Grease tops of loaves. Cover with cloth; let. rise until light — about 1 hour or double. 8. Bake the loaves in the 400 degree oven for 25 or 30 minutes or until bread sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. Cool on the rack. BUTTERMILK COFFEE CAKE 1 cup butter % cup sugar Zi tablespoon vanilla 2 eggs 1 cup buttermilk (or sour cream if preferred) 2 cups flour Vi. teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder Topping 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnnamon 11 tablespoons soft butter Vi, cup chopped walnuts 1. Preheat the oven to 360 degrees 2. Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in vanilla and the eggs, one by one, very well. 3. Fold in the buttermilk (or sour cream) alternately with the flour mixed with salt, soda and baking powder. 4. Pour half of the batter into a greased round cake pan. Mix the topping ingredients and sprinkle a little more than half over the batter in the pan. 5. Spread remaining batter over topping and sprinkle last of topping over that. Press down lightly with a spoon so that crumbs will not fall off top of cake later. Bake 40 to 4!) minutes. POTATO SOUP A friend of mine gave me this soup recipe which could be served frequently during the Lenten season. She cooks extra potatoes for dinner the night before so she has some left over for this soup. 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 tablespoon minced carrot 1 teaspoon salt Vi, teaspoon celery salt Vs teaspoon pepper 2 cups hot milk 1 cup mashed potatoes Saute in butter, the minced onion and carrot. Add the seasonings and the potatoes; stir in milk. Simmer about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. RASPBERRY PIE 25 marshmallows % cup milk Heat in double boiler until marshmallows melt. Cool thoroughly. Add 1 pint frozen or fresh raspberries. Fold in I/2 pint whipped cream. Pour into graham cracker crust. Thank you, Mrs. Krasna, for your very detailed and welcomed recipes. Fondly, Hermine No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. — Our last meeting was held on Janaury 23rd at which time yours truly presided in the absence of our president, Mary Zakrajšek who was in Cleveland, Ohio where her sister underwent surgery. For some unknown reason, our attendance has fallen off somewhat. Perhaps it’s the flu, as it has been going around. To those who are ill, we wish you all a speedy recovery. Our parish priest, Father John Dolsina, has been appointed to Saint Anthony’s Parish in Ely. The parish had a farewell supper for Father John as he was sometimes called, before he left. He will be missed as he was not only a good and understanding priest and counselor, but a friend as well. We wish him success in his new parish. Our new pastor is Father Tom Stack and to him we say "welcome”. We selected our "Mother of the Year” at our meeting also. She is Anna Forss. Due to such a small group attending we only played Canasta during the social hour. Yours truly won high and our new member, Ann Maurin, won low. Christine Meyer and Maria Der-gantz served us a very delicious lunch. Your reporter regrets to tell you that she was not with you at our February meeting as she went to Dearborn, Michigan where her son-in-law was to have surgery. So I hope to see you all in May. Your reporter, Anne Mazar No. 89, Oglesby, 111. We hope the year of 1968 brings many wonderful things for all of you. We’re glad to know that our sick members are recuperating nicely. Recently there were many who were ill or laid up. This is an especially important year for our branch. We are approaching the 20th anniversary in May and are looking forward to a celebration. We would like to have the LaSalle and the DePue members join us in our celebration or any of the other members from other branches. Last month we lost our oldest member who was also a charter member. Mrs. Anna Siolz lived to be 87 years old before she died. Before her health failed, she never missed a meeting. She left many offsprings: one son, five daughters, 22 grandchildren, 38 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren, that makes a total of 72 descendants. Her daughter, Mrs. Caroline (Lena) Dawson has been on the bowling team for many years, having participated in many of our SWU tournaments. The weather is still mild in spite of the Groundhog seeing his shadow' in Illinois. This should not prevent us from starting to plan our spring activities like planting lettuce, clean- ing drapes and still try to leave room for our meetings at the Dickinson House on every second Monday of the month. See you there. New Reporter, Angela Nico, 115 Portland Avenue Oglesby, Illinois 61348 No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. We held the first meeting of the new year on Jan. 7th with most of the members present although it was a very cold winter’s night. The meeting was held at the home of Anita Harris with Anita and Eva Lubin as hostesses. The official duty of installing the new officers was done with Myrna Krizmanich as president, Eva Lubin as vice-president, Carol McDaniels as secretary and Margaret Malenšek as treasurer. Ann Malenšek and Frances Pogorelz were installed as auditors and Kay Sterle as sergeant at arms. After the meeting, a refreshing game of canasta w^is enjoyed by all. Delicious refreshments were served ending our meeting pleasantly. A snapshot was taken at the meeting to be used to start a new scrapbook that will be kept during the year. All the members wish to express deep appreciation for the wonderful job our previous officers did during the years before, Helen Cobai as president and Pauline Stajduhar as secretary. Thank you, Helen and Pauline! The February meeting was held at Crested Butte at the home of Carol McDaniels, our secretary. With most of the members present, both from Crested Butte and Gunnison, a lengthy meeting was held. The topics were ways to raise money for the treasury and also very pleasing reports with the projects we have accomplished. The meeting was adjourned to enjoy a game of Canasta and refreshments served by Ann and Margaret Malenšek with the setting depicting Valentine Day. Another snapshot was taken of the group for our scrapbook. High prize in canasta went to Sharon Lubin and Mary Kapushion. Low prize to Myrna and Josephine Krizmanich. Next month you will be hearing from us in Gunnison as we will trade every other month for our meetings. Sincere wishes to all! Myrna Krizmanich, Pres, and Rep. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — As we approach the new year, I would like to extend to each of you, on behalf of the officers, and myself, our best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. We began the New Year with a new member, and happy to welcome to our group Mrs. George Childs, 2542 E. 93rd. St., who is the first to join in 1968. Welcome to our group, Mrs. Childs! Election of officers was held and I am afraid you will have to look at the same faces for another year, the only change that was made are the auditors, and they are: Rose Boerner, 9632 Muskegon Ave., Mary Perkovich, 8625 Muskegon Ave. and Manda Dosen, 2712 E. 96th. Place. On our sick list we have Mary Sambo] and Mary Jurko, may both of you be restored to full health! Cash donated to our treasury by Amelia Cuzella, Agatha Mesin, Mati da Cacich, and Manda Yergovich. Many thanks for your kind contributions, ladies! Birthday greetings to the following March celebrants: Catherine Alfire- vich, Anna Bozich, Manda Dosen, Helen Golich, Ann Granich, Elaine Grankowski, Cecelia Isek, Mary Jurko, Lucy Kopilish, Rose Novak, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson, Rose Mary Per-pich, Catherine Placzkowski, Helen Rapaich, Dorothy Sleczka, Viola Spitz, Eva Starcevich, Josephine Zad-ro, Marie Zeffiro, Kathleen Rose Quinn, Helen Mazar, and Rose Marie Budesetich. In conclusion, Ann Kompare showed beautiful colored slides from her many travels at our January meeting, because there were so few members at this meeting, she has promised to show them again at our April 3rd. meeting. So plan to attend! We thank you profoudly, Ann, for your many contributions to our branch. God bless you all! Mildred James, Pres. — «■» «ri« ANTONIA SVORCINA Let us pause to note, that in a matter of a few weeks, death has struck our branch again and taken Antonia Svorcina, 2735 E. 96th St. She was the beloved wife of the late Michael Svorcina, loving mother of Michael, John, Sylvester, and William Svorcina, dear grandmother of Michael Alan Svorcina. Mrs. Antonia Svorcina was our pioneer member, perhaps some of you who have had the privilege of knowing our departed member knew that she was ailing a long time. However, let us not forget that in the formative years of our Branch she gave fully of her time and energy in organizing and enrolling new members in our branch. She was a devoted wife to her beloved husband, the late Michael, and a dedicated mother to her sons. Mildred James No. 103, Washington, D. C. — Welcome to our new member, Miss Doris Marie Lickar! Doris is from Pennsylvania and is the daughter of Matt and Dina Lickar of Windber, Penn. Doris is employed with the U. S. Government at the Pentagon. We are happy to have you with us, Doris. Congratulations are due to Mrs. Matilda Podborsek, who was voted Mother of the Year, 1968. Mrs. Podborsek Is one of the most active mmbers of our branch and she truly deserves this honor. We extend our best wishes to Mrs. Mary Michelitch who has been ailing the past few months. We are hoping that by the time of this printing she will be well on the road to a speedy recovery. It was a pleasure to renew acquaintance once again with Mrs. Antonia Turek, Supreme President, and her husband, Frank; also Mr. Nema-nich, Supreme President of the KSKJ. A reception was held in their honor, following the signing of the chapel contract. The details of the reception were handled by Maria Mejac and lea Zebot. The special sightseeing trip around our Nation’s Capital was capably performed by Mr. Stane Sustersic, for our distinguished guests. We are assured that this is only their first trip and they will return again. The installation of officers for 1968, was held at the January meeting. Rev. Francis Blatnik presided at the ceremony and in a short speech commented on the services rendered by our small branch since its initiation only 2 years ago. We were honored with the presence once again of Mr. Eric Kovacic who lectured the group on a topic both pertinent and appropo, “The Life of Bishop Baraga.” Mr. Kovacic revealed himself to be quite familiar with the entire historical background revolving around the Indians in upper Michigan and their beloved Bishop. He acquainted us with the reverence and esteem presently shown the memory of Bishop Baraga in the area he held so dear, for so many years of extreme hardship. It Is only fitting that those of Sloven-ion descent “spread the word” about one who had brought honor to the name "Slovenian” in order that he may one day be canonized. We thank you once again for your fine lecture, Mr. Kovacic, as it was truly inspiring. Hostesses, Helena Špacapan and Antonia Cigale, must be commended for providing refreshments, par ex cellence, after our January meeting. A lovely orchid mum arrangement centered the table arranged with sweet delicacies that tempted every eye and made one forget about that diet. Thank you, ladies, for a royal treat of home baked pastries. Birthday Greetings are extended to members celebrating in March: Matilda Ausich 11th; Matilda Podborsek, 14th; Minka Zalar, 21st. May you have many happy returns of the the day, ladies. May happiness walk with you now and always, Irene M. Planinšek Marie Prisland Zgodovina slovenskih priseljencev V našem mestu obstoja Dobrodelni Klub Katoliških žena in deklet z nad 400 članicami, Klub, ki ga tvori vseh pet sheboyganskih fara, vsak mesec zboruje pri drugi fari. Lansko leto si je klub nadel nalogo vzbujati pozornost narodnostnih skupin v mestu s primernim programom. Za pričetek so povabile nas, da podamo SLOVENSKI VEČER. S sodelovanjem gospe Olge Saye, učiteljice glasbe, sem za ta večer pripravila program obsegajoč slovenske pesmi in slovensko glasbo. Male deklice v narodni noši, so deklamirale v slovenščini in trije narodni plesi so bili na programu. Ker sem želela navzoče o Sloveniji seznaniti, sem prosila jugoslovanskega konzula dr. Mirko Žgurja v Chicagi, da bi nam posodil velik, stenski zemljevid Jugoslavije. Gospod konzul je bil tako prijazen da je velik zemljevid osebno dostavil ter prišel v spremstvu svoje ljubke soproge, kar je dvignilo pomembnost programa. Zemljevid je zlasti zanimal naše mlajše članice, ki so g. konzula prosile, da jim pokaže kraje, kjer je bila rojena njih mamica, ali očka. Da Amerikanke seznanim z ozadjem slovenskih priseljencev, sem omenila nekaj zgodovinskih podatkov. Po programu in še zdaj slišim od mlajših članic pripombe: ‘‘Slovenska zgodovina je na vso moč zanimiva! Moj ata ni nikdar povedal tega, kar sem na programu slišala. Moja mama ni omenila kake razmere so bile, ko je bila ona mlada. Zakaj ne zbereš tega in priobčiš vknjig, ki bi nas mlajše zanimala!” Naše “ta mlade” ne vedo, kaj se pravi pisati knjigo, zlasti zgodovinsko. Takoj, ko omeniš eno in preskočiš drugo, je zamera in kritika. Sicer je pa to pričakovati. Vsak pisatelj se potrudi označiti vse najboljše, nikdo pa ne bi mogel spisati zgodovino do pičice popolno. Koristno in pomembno je za narod, da se ohrani vsaj vidne dogodke iz njegove prošlosti, ker če bi zgodovina ne bila zapisana, bo ostalo vse pozabljeno, kakor bi se nikdar ne zgodilo. Naši ljudje so kulturno, socialno, znanstveno in književno toliko doprinesli za svoje naselbine in za vso Ameriko, da bi bila velika škoda, če bi mlada slovenska ameriška generacija o tem ne znala. Vsi naši uspehi na katerem koli polju, so sad slovenskega duha in slovenske iznajdlivosti. Vsak tak uspeh bogati naš narod kot celoto, čeprav je delo posameznika. Upoštevajoč nasvete mojih prijateljev sem se odločila zbrati in v angleščini spisati kratko zgodovino naših priseljencev, da bo ustreženo mlajši generaciji, kateri bo namenjena. Gradivo bo izšlo v knjižici. Dasi ima moj arhiv veliko podatkov, vseeno apeliram na tiste, ki bi imeli važne zgodovinske beležke, da bi mi jih poslali, zakar bom jako hvaležna. * * * Pripomba: V zadnji izdaji ZARJE pod Zbirko za katoliško kapelico je tiskarna napravila pomoto. Glasiti bi se moralo: Od 20 članic na seji darovano po dolarju— $20.00—in ne $2.00 kot je omenjeno. Pred kratkim je izšla zanimiva, zgodovinska knjiga z naslovom: THE GENESIS OF THE CONTRACTUAL THEORY AND THE INSTALLATION OF THE DUKES OF CARINTHIA. (Izvor pogodbenega načela in ustoličenje koroških vojvod.) Knjiga je izzvala pozornost v slovenskih kot v ameriških krogih, ker dokazuje, da obstoja vez med ustoličenjem koroških knezov in ameriško deklaracijo neodvisnosti. Dr. Joseph Felicijan, profesor zgodovine na St. John kolegiju v Clevelandu, je dve leti zbiral podatke in zgodovinske dogodke za to znamenito knjigo. Hvaležni smo mu za njegov trud. Ponosni smo na svojega rojaka, ki je to ogromo delo mojstersko izvršil. Knjiga je vzbudila pozornost senatorja Franka Lauscheta v taki meri, da je o njej predaval v senatu, kar je zabeleženo v Kongresnem Zapisniku. Vsekakor visoko priznanje pisatelju. Knjiga bo zlasti zanimala našo mlado generacijo. Članicam priporočam naj jo takoj naročijo, ker je izšla v mali nakladi in bo kmalu popolnoma razprodana. Obrnite se na Ameriško Domovino, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Knjiga stane $5.00. Priobčujem pesmico, ki sem jo našla v mojem arhivu. Opeva knežji kamen na Koroškem. Pesmica ima globok pomen. Anton Aškerc (1883): KNEŽJI KAMEN “Polje lepo, polje Gosposvetsko, dežele koroške ti cvet! Kaj pomeni kamen stari v tebi, svedok iz neznanih nam let?” V kresni noči krasni, tajnopolni kum Stojan se vrača domov. Gre po polju Gosposvetskem ravnem, a bliža se doba duhov! .. Pride h kamnu: “Ni to prestol, ka-li?” Kdo sedel je tukaj? Povej! Nem si! Mah te obrašča zelen, razpadeš pač prej ali slej! Nem si! Tiho vse okoli tebe, Ko sonce ti sije, molčiš; a ko noč na tebe pade črna, ti ves oživiš — govoriš!" “Čuj svobode naše pokopane pomnik je ta kamen edin! Tujcu suženj, ti pozabil davno, da otcev svobodnih si sin! Knezov naših prestol je slovenskih ta kamen! Tega ti ne znaš? Samo sedel tu, Borut, Gorazd je, pa Ingo, poslednji knez naš! Tu volili smo sami si kneza; kmet sam mu dajal je oblast; narod sam iz sebe je izročal moč žezla in krone je čast......... Domovine le iskati srečo, vsem braniti pravdo vsikdar. Z mečem v roki tu prisezal glasno v jeziku je našem glavar! Čitaj črke tu na kamnu svete! Mi vdolbili smo v kamen jih, znaj! PRAVDO BRANI VDOVE — domovine...... A kdo jo vam brani sedaj? Mi sedeli smo s knezom za mizo — za vrati stojite zdaj vi! ........ Mi iz polnih skled smo obedovali, a vam še ne dajo kosti............ Kdaj izpolni se napis na kamnu? Da duh bi moj mir že objel! P. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M.: ZGODBA O ŽRTVAH Trije ljudje so Sli po cesti, fant, mož in starec. Vsak izmed njih se je mučil s teškim nahrbtnikom, tako, da so se morali pri hoji vsi trije močno upogibati. S stranske poti je nekdo pristopil, na videz popotnik. Bil je angel Gospodov. Pridružil se jim je in jih vprašal: “Kaj nosite t.eškega?” Odgovorili so mu: “Nosimo kamne.” “Kam- ne v nahrbtniku?” Čemu to? je vprašal angel dalje. Tedaj mu je odgovoril mož: “Zidamo cerkev, šel sem po kamne, ki jih je zmanjkalo za mozaik, ker mora biti še v tem tednu gotov. “Dobro”, je pohvalil angel. ‘‘In ti?” je vprašal fanta. “Jaz se vadim”, pravi fant, “cel teden sedim za pisalno mizo in moje telo ohlapi. Kdo ve kakšno breme mi bo Bog še naložil. Tako se sedaj vadim, da se okrepim in pripravim. “Dobro,” je odgovoril angel in se obrnil k starcu: “In ti?” Jaz sem star in odpuščen iz službe, v vsem mi gre dobro, mogoče predobro. Tako sem si Bogu v čast naložil žrtev in vsak dan nosim štiri ure ta nahrbtnik.” “Tako,” mu odgovori angel, "misliš, da je Bogu to všeč?” Kaj bi moral starec storiti? Najprej bi mu ne bilo treba imeti slabe vesti temveč bi moral hvaležno sprejeti, če mu je Bog podaril srečno, blagoslovljeno in brezskrbno starost. Iz te hvaležnosti naj bi vsak dan rastel v ljubezni do Boga. Občudovanje vredni so taki stari ljudje, ki gredo mogoče vsak dan k sv. maši in tako dopolnjujejo, kar je bilo v življenju nezadostno. Radi molijo za druge in izžarevajo toploto in ljubezen, ki o-svaja srca. Če je bil starec še toliko pri moči, da je lahko nosil kamenje, naj bi rajši pomogal sosedu, ki ima veliko družino in ne sme opravljati telesnih del, ker ima slabo srce. Vrhutega bi se pri tem izrazila bratovska ljubezen, ki bi mogoče spet odprla marsikatero zakrknjeno srce. Lahko bi pomagal pri kakšni dobrodelni ustanovi ali pomagal svoji hčeri varovati otroke, ker morata oba z možem delati, da moreta postaviti družino na noge. Seveda so s tem zvezane žrtve, ampak so rodovitne in prežete z ljubeznijo do drugih. Kdor hoče Bogu na ljubo kaj posebnega storiti naj poleg molitve ne išče teškoč, temveč predvsem priložnosti storiti kaj dobrega. Če to prav stori, bo v tem največkrat dosti skritih žrtev. In če zlahka doprinaša te žrtve, še bolje zanj. V postnem času mislimo na te skrite žrtve in bomo duhovno rastli in postali zares Bogu všeč. DOPISI Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Po dolgem času se zopet oglašam. Pri naši podr. se ne moremo nič pohvaliti. Seje so bolj slabo obiskane, čemur je vzrok, da so nekatere članice, ki bi rade prišle, bolj bolehne. Imamo res zelo mrzlo zimo in pota so ledena, mlajše se pa ne zanimajo dovolj, ker so vse preveč busy z delom bodisi v .službi, ali pa doma pri družini. Nekaj dobrih članic nas je za vedno zapustilo. Posebno pogrešamo našo dobro sestro Gertrudo Urbas, ki je umrla. Vedno je rada hodila na seje in večkrat je prinesla lepa darila. Tudi je rada prepevala in njena najljubša pesem je bila “Angelsko češčenje,,. Za njo žaluje dobra družina, posebno njen sin Edward, ki je neporočen, ji je napravil zelo udobni dom. Sam se je izrazil, da ji hoče napraviti njena stara leta res udobna, saj bo enkrat tudi on star. Poleg njega zapušča še tri poročene sinove in poročeno hčer. Naj ji Bog povrne vsa njena dobra dela. V Berwick, Pa., je umrla tudi Mildred Železnikar. Žal se zaradi razdalje nisem mogla udeležiti njenega pogreba. Umrla je tudi naša dolgoletna čla., Byac Pogrenc v Cal. tudi Pauline Petrie, Katerina Puc, Anna Scubic in Marion O’Pecko, hčer naše tajnice Josephine Gostisha. Vse so bile zveste članice naše podr., zato jih bomo pogrešale. Naj jim bo Bog milostljiv in pri vsaki seji se jih spominjamo v naših molitvah. Družinam pa globoko sožalje. Imamo tudi nekaj bolnih članic, Mary Miklavčič je že več mesecev na bolniški postelji in ji njena hčerka Mary lepo streže. Njena hčerka Mrs. Ferrara živi z družino v Newark, N. J., obe sta naši dobri članici. Njen sin Anthony živi tudi v Newark. Vsi so ob strani njihovi materi. Žal nam je, da je čla. Fannie Lau- riha prestala težko operacijo in se zdravi v St. Joseph’s hosp. v Carbon-dale, Pa. Se počasi zdravi. Bog jo naj blagoslovi, da bo kmalu boljša, da bo zopet pekla potico. Tudi nas veseli, da je naša dobra čla. Fannie Punter iz Vandling dobro prestala resno operacijo ter se zdravi na domu ob postrežbi dobrih otrok. Veseli tudi poročamo, da se je naša čla. Alice Krall iz Vandling dobro pozdravila po hudi in dolgi bolezni, saj je še mlada. Vse članice ste prošene, da se u-deležite seje, da bomo kaj dobrega ukrenile za našo podružnico, ki smo spregledale našo 40 letnico ustanovitve, pa upam, da bomo 41 letnico proslavile z delom za izboljšanje in po-življenje podr. Uradnice same ne morejo vsega narediti. Seje so na domu naše tajnice, Josephine Gostisha, 1010 N. Main St. ob 2 uri pop. Ses. Gostisha pošiljamo iskrene čestitke za njen rojstni dan, ki ga je slavila 1. jan. Odbor za leto 1968 je naslednji: Anna Kameen presednica 40 let, Miss Mary Kameen, podpreds., Josephine Gostisha tajnica in blag. ter nadzornice Mary Kotar in Mary Kameen. Pozdravljene vse sestre Slovenske Ženske Zveze po širni Ameriki. Anna Kameen, pred. Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — V zadnjem dopisu sem omenila, da smo dobile 3 nove članice v odrasli oddelek in te so: Jenny Sedej, Ema Sedej in Olga Marie Sedej. Upam, da bomo tudi v tem letu dobile kaj novih članic. Udeležba na januarski seji je bila bolj pičla. Vzrok temu je bil, ker so bila slaba zmrzla pota. Da bi se naše seje preložile na podnevi je nemogoče, ker otvoriteljice sej delajo podnevi. Že v zadnjem dopisu sem omenila, da smo darovale $50 iz blagajne in $25 smo pa nabrale od navzočih članic na seji, torej skupno $75 za Slovensko kapelo v Washingtonu. Sporočam tudi, da so že letos naslednje članice darovale v domačo blagajno: Jenny Assek, Ivana Gombač, Mary Korošec, Helen Može, Krances Knific, Mary Kolenc in Marian Filipič. Prav lepa hvala vsem skupaj. Na januarski seji so praznovale rojstne dneve naslednje tri članice: Josephine Šuštaršič, Stefi Koncilja in Mary Črnigoj. Prinesle so nam dobrote za grla in želodec. Na glavni seji smo izvolile letošnjo zaslužno mater in sicer ta je Alojzija Čebron. Ravno tik pre Božičem je nagloma preminula naša dolgoletna članica Ana Koželj. Naj počiva v miru. S tem zaključujem moj dopis in Vas v imenu cele podružnice sester-sko pozdravljam. Vaša poročevalka, Mary Komidar Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo seje dne 6. februarja. Te seje se je udeležilo kar lepo število članic, ker zunaj je bilo kar toplo in brez snega. Doma so včasih rekli, da je ob Svečnici že pol zime za nami. Upamo, da je to res in da je ta huda zima že minila. Naša podružnica lepo sodeluje s pevskim društvom. Predloženi so bili tiketi za kart party pevskega društva, ki bo dne 11. maja. Prosim vse članice, da bi jih kupile in tako pomagale našemu pevskemu društvu. Dobile se bodo lepe nagrade. V jeseni v oktobru bo tudi naša podr. imela kart party. Naše pevke pevskega društva kar lepo zapojejo in če katero veseli naj se priglasi, ali pa naj kar pride. Vaje imamo vsak pondeljek ob 8 uri zvečer v dvorani na Rehar. V tem času so kar tri naše sestre obolele in se nahajajo v bolnišnici in to so sestre: Krznar, Vihtalič in Mary SESTRA STERLE S HČERKO IN VNUKINJO Grl. Vsem trem želimo, da bi se zdravje čimprej vrnilo. Mrs. Mikovič nam je rekla, da gremo 24. marca k Medvedovim na juž-tio, tako nam enkrat ne bo treba kuhati doma in Rozi Mikovič nam bo kakor vsako leto vse dobro skoma-dirala. Mrs. Čebul iz Lindberg, je bila na operaciji in se je že pozdravila ter je že bila med nami na seji. Predno sem odposlala to poročilo, sem izvedela, da je dobila strok našia članica Mrs. Turk, ki se nahaja v Euclid bolnišnici. Želimo ji, da bi ji ljubi Bog vmil zdravje. Moj nečak Al Gril je končal šolo s katero so ga pripravili za Vietnam. Bog daj, da bi se preje končala tista nesrečna vojna in da ne bi bilo treba iti njemu in drugim tja. Ta večer so darovale naslednje sestre: Plevnik, Podboršek, Kranjc, Mici Globokar, Valter, Mary Gril (Geneva), Gabrenja, Galic, Boran, Turk, Pincu-lic, Eržen, Krcner in Rupert. Bog Vam daj zdravja in lepa hvala vsem darovalkam. Vsem lep pozdrav. Antonija Sustar Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Menda je zopet čas, da slišite od mene. Sicer naša tajnica redno poroča kar je važno v angleškem jeziku, zato ne slišite tako pogosto od mene. Smo v novem letu in pogosto imamo v mislih kaj nam bo prineslo to leto. Naša seja v januarju je bila lepo obiskana. Seveda je tudi lepo vreme pomagalo, da jih je več prišlo. Več važnih stvari smo ukrenile. Najprej je bilo na vrstnem redu vprašanje kako pridobiti čiinveč novih članic ter se toplo priporoča, da se vse potrudite. Dne 21. marca bomo imele card party od katere dobiček bo šel za našo novo cerkev ter se priporočamo za darove, da bo uspeh zagotovljen. Hvala vsem, ki ste obljubile, ali pa že prinesle. Imamo več bolnih članic, ki bodo vesele vašega obiska. Pokličite tajnico Mary Floryan za imena in naslove. Za zaslužno mater leta 1968 je bila izvoljena Mrs. Julie Taci. Naše seje se vršijo vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu. Dne 15. sept. bo naša podr. gostiteljica Zvezinega dneva za državo Wisconsin. Na programu tega dneva bo skupna sv. maša, slavnostni banket ter seja državne konvencije. O podrobnostih programa bomo še poročale. Čeprav imamo že pripravlal-ni odbor za ta dan, vendar ste vse vabljene, da sodelujete, z dobrimi i-dejami in pri programu. Če vam je le mogoče, prosim, da bi se udeleževale vsake seje. Ker se bližajo Velikonočni prazniki, voščim vsem, veselo Velko noč in vsem bolnim pa še posebno hitro zdravje. Pozdravljene, Mary Grasch Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — V začetku novega leta želim vsem mnogo zdravja in sreče v tem letu. Na naši letni decemberski seji je bila pohvalna udeležba, čeprav je toplomer kazal 30 pod ničlo. Poročila odbornic so bila sprejeta in enako tudi pisma in priporočila gl. tajnice Albine Novak in gl. preds.A. Turek, kakor tudi prošnja za prispevke za Slovensko Kapelo v Washingtonu. Kar smo zbrale smo dvakrat poslale na tajnika Franka Turek. Pri volitvah novega odbora je bila izvoljena za predsednico se. Katherine Polack, ker je dosedanja preds. ses. Nemgar bila izvoljena za častno predsednico, saj je več kot 25 let neumorno delala za Zvezo, toda sedaj se že več kot leto dni nahaja v zavetišču. Ses. Nemgar ima vpisanih pri podr. 3 hčere, 2 nevesti in 2 vnukinji. — Z veseljem smo pozdravile novo preds. ses. Pollak, ki je še mlada in vemo, da bo pridno delala za napredek podr. in Zveze. Tudi o-na ima 2 hčerke pri Zvezi. Za podpreds. je bila izvoljena Mary Menarth in drugo je ostalo po starem: taj. in blag. M. Lenich, zapisnikarica ses. Sterle in nadzornice: ses. Rebetz in Zadkovich. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bo črez leto 6 sej — jan. — april — maj — aug. okt. in dec. Če bo pa kaj spremembe bo oznanjeno v lokalnem listu in na radiu. Pravila ostanejo po starem, da gremo moliti in da damo za mašo za pok. članico. Enako, da se pošlje karta bolni sestri v bolnico. Sklenile smo tudi, da se za Božič pošlje v nursing home cake za 115 bolnikov, česar so bili vsi veseli. Mi imamo še 4 naše čla. notri, ki so: Nemgar, Steblaj, Strahan in Setnikar, seveda je notri še več Slovencev. Veseli smo bili obiska naše čla. Jennie Zupec, ki je prišla iz Barber-tona k hčerki Marge Lenich na gra-duacijo vnuka Mike. Hvala ji za do- mač med in hruške in obisk ter upamo, da še prideta. Dne 9. sept. smo imeli lepo poroko, ko se je poročila naša mlada čla. Linda La Du z Eddyjem Drobnick. Ona je vnukinja naše zapisnikarice Prances Sterle. Njena mama pa je bolničarka v Minneapolis Hosp. Ženin je bil v Vietnamu. Vse jima želimo mnogo sreče in blagoslova v zakonskem stanu. Po seji smo imele mnogo dobrot, katere so prinesle dobre čla. in razpostavile na lepo okinčano mizo. Seveda lepega petja in prazničnih voščil ni manjkalo. Črez leto je bilo več naših čla. v bolnišnici. Sestre Brank, Chappel. Benchina, Sherse, Iseclcson so se vse vesele vrnile na domove k svojim dragim ter jim tudi mi vsi želimo ljubega zdravja. Na domu se jih več zdravi: ses. Jerome, Perousek, Grč-nian, Stimac, Kamnikar, ki je tudi bila v bolnišnici. Vsem želimo kar kar najhitrejšega okrevanja. Sožalje izkrekamo sestram Lena Primozich nad izgubo ljube matere, Jennie Shulcle nad izgubo očeta in ses. Pauline Rozinka nad izgubo drage matere. V imenu podr. izrekamo vsem globoko sožalje. Ses. Pollac je vesela, ker se je njen sin po 3 letih srečno vmil iz Vietnama in sedaj nadaljuje študije v St. Cloud, Minn. Na januarski seji nas je ses. Sedej zaprisegla za toletno poslovanje. Obljubile smo, da bomo delovale po naših najboljših močeh.. Prebrani in odobreni so bili letni računi ter finančne knjige. Kot tajnica se želim najlepše zahvaliti vsem za lepo sodelovanje, katerega sem bila deležna od vseh skozi leto. Upamo, da bomo sestersko delovale tudi v bodoče.. Na tej seji je zopet bilo zbranih denarnih daril za Slovensko kapelo v Washingtonu in odposlano naprej. Če katera čla. želi kaj pri- spevati v ta plemeniti namen, naj mi pošlje in bom odpremila takoj v Cleveland. Na Božič smo poslušali na radiju lepe božične pesmi, katere so peli naši domači pevci in pevke iz Aurora. Lepo ste peli vsi. Naši pevci pojejo vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu ob t uri pop. lepe slovenske pesmi. Doslej so nastopili že 153-tič. Vse priznanje zaslužijo fantje, ki se tako trudite, da imamo krasen užitek ob poslušanju prelepih slovenskih pesmi. Prav lepa hvala Vam Mr. Kuntara za izborno vodstvo. Posebna zahvala vsem, da ste ob novem letu zapeli tudi našo Zvezino himno. Upamo, da boste še mnogo let nas razveseljevali z vašim lepim petjem. Lansko leto nam je smrt pobrala 5 članic: Fabjan, Rakovitz, Kaps, Lustig in Drobnich. Pogrešamo vas drage ses., pogrešajo vas pa tudi vaši dragi. V imenu podr, vsem preostalim naše sožalje. Po seji sta nam preds. in podpreds. postregle s kofetkom in drugimi dobrotami. Hvala v imenu nas vseh prisotnih. Daj Bog, da boste dolgo vrsto let vodile našo podr. št. 19. Ses. Mihelič in njen mož Frank sta tudi šla to poletje na poroko hčerke Helene v Cleveland, ki je tudi naša čla. Tudi njim veljajo naše najtoplejše želje za obilni božji blagoslov, saj jih imata 8 pri naši podr. vključno hčerke in mater. Prihodnja seja bo v aprilu. Točni datum bo objavljen v časopisu in na radiu. Prosim Vas, da se udeležite, ker samo z Vašo navzočnostjo bomo lahko kaj več ukrenile v dobrobit Zveze in članic. Na tem mestu tudi vse priznanje naši urednici Zarje, ker jo tako lepo uredi. Vse priznanje tudi gl. taj. naši Albini ob njeni 40 letnici dela za Zvezo. Priznanje vsem gl. odbornicam nad lepim vodstvom in želim da bi naša Zveza rastla in napredovala. Vsa čast tudi naši častni pred. Mrs. Prisland, ki z zaupanjem gleda v bodočnost organizacije. Priznanje tudi naši gl. preds. Antoinette in možu Franku, ki se trudita za Slovensko kapelo. Na rokah imam še nekaj kuharskih knjig, ki so najlepše darilo. Tudi nekaj pesmaric Še imam, naše slovenske melodije so najlepše. V nursing home se tudi nahaja oče naših članic, Joe Sliutey, ki je 9G let star, a se še kar dobro počuti. Njegove hčere, naše čla. so: Mary Klun, in Rose Andrički, ki lepo skrbijo za očeta. Bliža se pomlad in velikonočni prazniki, zato želim vsem gl. odb. in duh. vodji Fr. Okoren, vesele in zdrave velikonočne praznike. Zvezi pa mnogo novih članic. Pozdrav vsem članicam od podr. št. 19. Mary Lenich, taj.-blag. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Sožalje g. župniku in duh. svetovalcu naše podr. Rt. Rev. Mons. Butala ob izgubi brata Johna, ki je preminil v starosti 70 let. Pokojni je bil član mnogih or- ganizacij ter mu je izkazalo poslednjo čast ogromno ljudi, med njimi tudi bivši kaplani pri fari, župniki sosednjih fara ter tudi oba škofa, enako tudi zastopstvo slovenskih frančiškanov iz Lemonta ter zastopstvo katoliških višjih šol in bolnišnica. Za pokojnim žaluje še en brat Frank ter sestra Katarina, ki se nahaja v American Nursing home in nečak ter nečakinja. Umrla je dolgoletna čla. Rose Carpenter v starosti 60 let. Pristopila je leta 1942 priporočena po Mary Terlep. Zapušča moža, hčerko, vnukinjo in več drugih sorodnikov. Svoj čas je bila tudi članica Zvezinega kegljaškega krožka. Dom je imela v Lockportu. Kot prvo čla. v tem letu smo izgubile Antonijo Nosse iz Hickory St. Rojena je bila 1885 v Sloveniji, k Zvezi je pristopila 1928 leta priporočena po naši prvi blag. pok. Rose Gorsich. Čeprav je pok. imela več let obe noge proč, je vseeno opravljala hišna dela. Mnogo je pretrpela, bila je vdova mnogo let, pa je vse Bogu vdano prenašala. Izgubila je tudi 3 sinove. Za njo žalujejo 2 hčerki in 4 sinovi. Njena sinaha Emma je naša čla. mnogo let. Po dolgi bolezni je umrla Rose Paver, stara komaj 51 let. Zapušča moža, ki je zlatar v Crest Hill, 2 hčerki in sina, 4 sestre, med njimi je Louise Gregorash naša čla. mnogo let, dalje svakinjo Anno Kobe ter še 3 sestre in 5 bratrov. Iskreno sožalje vsem žalujočim sorodnikom. Pokojnim pa večni mir! Na naši prvi seji v letu je Msgr. Butala zaprisegel odbor za tekoče leto: preds. Emina Planinšek; podpreds. Josephine Mustar; taj. Olga M. Ancel; zapisnikarica Josephine Erjavec in blagajničarka Josephine Sumic. Nadzornice: Frances Hubert, Theresa Marentich in Enima Nosse. Redite-ljica Theresa Muhich. Dosedanja tajnica Frances Gaspich ni hotela več prevzeti po 21 letih. Upali smo, da bo obdržala urad in da bo praznovala 25 letnico, toda se je morala zaradi zdravja odpovedati. Tudi prejšnje nadzornice Mary Lesnik, Jennie Sprengl in Anna Stefanich niso hotele več prevzeti. Zapriseženih je bilo 8 novih članic: Theresa Boldak, Georgette Likovich, Bernardine Ukovich, Linda Nosse, Joyce Ukovich, Victoria Nosse, Amalia Molek in Mary Ukovich, vse priporočene po preds. Planinšek. Vsem kličemo dobrodošle v našo sredo! Za zalužno mater leta je bila izbrana Frances Ukovich, ki je naša dolgoletna članica in se vedno rada udeležuje sej ter pomaga kjerkoli potrebno. Čeprav je 85 let mlada, se ji leta ne poznajo in je vedno dobre volje in prijateljska. V prejšnjih letih je imela mnogo težav. Bila pa je z nami na konvenciji v Washingtonu. Iskrene čestitke! Door prize je dobila Mary Gerl in sicer pillow cases, katere je darovala Josephine Muster. Posebno nagrado v prid Slovenske kapele v Washingtonu pa je prejela Josephine Muster in sicer krasno izdelani kruhov krožnik, katerega j e darovala Frances Bottari. Po seji se je serviralo prigrizek s potico in drugimi dobrotami, kar je preskrbela predsednica in njene pomočnice. Tudi pelo se je pod vodstvom Mrs. Sprengel in muzikalne melodije je preskrbela Olga Ancel. Na seji je bilo lepo število 46 članica in preds. se je zahvalila vsem za udeležbo z željo, da bo isto število na vseh prihodnjih sejah. Pridite vse na sejo v marcu. — Bolna je Cath. Smolich. Želimo ji okrevanja. Vse se zahvaljujemo Frances Gaspich za njeno delo kot tajnica vseh 21 let in ji želimo mnogo zdravja in na svidenje na prihodnjih sejah, kakor tudi vsem nadzornicam, ki niso več prevzele, ker bomo vas vse pogrešale. Priporočam, da greste vse na roke liovi tajnici (ki je le začasno prevzela), ba boste redno plačevale, na domu, na sejah ali po pošti. Njen naslov je Olga Ancel, 1115 Frederick St., tel. 723-0882. Pozdrav vsem članicam, Josephine Erjavec Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Že precej časa ni bilo slovenskega dopisa od naše podr. Čeprav teče že tretji mesec tega leta, želim vse najboljše vsem odbornicam in članicam naše Zveze, posebno, da bi dočakale pri najboljšem zdravju drugo leto. Naša podr. je v preteklem letu izgubila 5 članic in sicer so umrle: Frances Skala, Katherine Jerich, Frances Rozman, Katherine Strucel in Glavan. Za vse smo na večer pred pogrebom molile sv. rožni venec. O-menjene so bile že v letih in vdove ter zapuščajo odrasle otroke z družinami. Naj jim Bog poplača njih tradapolno življenje z večnim plačilom v nebesih. Operacijo na nogi je prestala Rose Pucel, ki se sedaj zdravi doma. Ann Merili pa je nesrečno padla na ledu in si je zlomila nogo. Upamo, da se kmalu vrne domov iz bolnišnice. Že več časa je v bolnici (rest home) Mrs. Jennie Zgonc, ki je bolana na hrbtenici, zato si ne more dosti sama pomagati, pa potrpežljivo prenaša svoje bolečine. Rest home je pod eno streho z Ely Bloomensen Hospital. Naše seje se sedaj vršijo v angleščini, saj tako je prav, ker se tako bolje razumemo tudi starejše, ker je več mladine, ki sicer razumejo slovensko, pa se ne znajo dobro izraziti. Na božični seji je bila lepa udeležba. Imele smo zabavo in večerjo ter prišel je tudi sv. Miklavž in razdal izmenjana darila. Druga zabava pa bo zopet na majski seji, ko bomo proslavile materinski dan in sicer bomo imele večerjo in še kaj druge zabave, zato ste vse čla- nice vabljene, da pridete, l