3250 120000040,ST.34 COBISS ® m 34 treatises and documents ••• ::: i ••• ••• • • Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja Institute for ethnic studies Ljubljana, 1999 120000040,JJT.34 Razprave in gradivo Treatises and Documents 34 Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja Institute for Ethnic Studies Ljubljana, 1999 RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO - TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS Revija za narodnostna vprašanja - Journal of Ethnic Studies UDK-UDC 323.15.342.4 (058) ISSN 0354-0286 Uredniški odbor - Editorial Board Mag. Boris Jesih, mag. Vera Klopčič, dr. Miran Komac, Marinka Lazič, dr. Avgušrin Malle, dr. Albina Nečak l.uk, Milan Pahor, Janez Stergar, Mojca Medvešek Odgovorni urednik - Editor in Charge Mag. Boris Jesih Prevodi - Translation Meta Gostinčar Cerar, Jana Kranjec Menaše Oblikovanje - Design Jana Kuharic Tisk - Printed by Eurora d.o.o. Založil in izdal - Published and edited by Institut za narodnostna vprašanja - Institute for Ethnic Studies SI, 1000 Ljubljana, Erjavčeva 26, tek: 386 (061) 20 01 87 0, fax 210-964 Predstavnik - Representative Dr. Mitja Žagar Revijo sofinancira - Co-financed by Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije Ministery of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia Kazalo Uvodnik 5 Introduction 6 Matjaž Klemenčič, Samo Kristen Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" Delovanje slovenskih izseljencev v zda za neodvisno Slovenuo 9 The Activity of Slovene Immigrants to the USA for Independent Slovenia 19 Angleški izvirniki zapisnikov s sej "United Americans for Slovenia", s slovenskim komentarjem 29 Biografski viri 127 Dr. Janko Jeri - Biobibliografija 128 Dr. Janko Jeri - Biobibliography 130 Bibliografija 132 Notes for Contributing Authors 156 Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 360 UVODNIK Veseli nas, da smo končno uspeli uresničiti prizadevanja, da bosta v letniku 1999 izšli dve številki Razprav in gradiva, ki jih kot svojo znanstveno revijo in hkrati osrednjo slovensko revijo na področju etničnih in manjšinskih študij izdaja Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja. Tokrat je pred vami posebna tematska številka, ki pomeni pomembno izdajo zgodovinskih virov o vlogi slovenskih izseljencev v Združenih ameriških državah v procesu osamosvajanja Republike Slovenije. Uvodna študija prof. dr. Matjaža Klemenčiča predstavlja, kako so slovenski izseljenci v ZDA poskušali vplivati na javno mnenje in na posamezne nosilce ameriške notranje in zunanje politike, da bi v procesu osamosvajanja Slovenije priznali njeno samostojnost in neodvisnost. Prizadevanja in delovanje izseljencev v tem času kažejo, kako je v prelomnih trenutkih mogoča precejšnja enotnost v izseljenski skupnosti in sozvočje te skupnosti z interesi in prizadevanji »stare domovine.« Ta objava zgodovinskih virov je rezultat ciljnega raziskovalnega projekta, ki ga je sofinanciralo Ministrstvo za nocranje zadeve. Gradivo je za objavo pripravil nosilec projekta dr. Matjaž Klemenčič v sodelovanju z raziskovalcem Inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja Samom Kristenom. Poieg tega je v tej številki objavljena tudi bibliografija nekdanjega direktorja Inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja dr. Janko Jerija, ki je pred nedavnim slavil svojo sedemdesetletnico. V njegovem bogatem opusu kaže zlasti omeniti proučevanje problematike slovenske manjšine v Italiji, londonskega memoranduma in odnosov med Republiko Italijo takratno jugoslovansko federacijo. Z objavo te bibliografije smo začeli uresničevati naš načrt, da bi postopoma objavili tudi bibliografije drugih pomembnejših slovenskih znanstvenikov, ki so bili sodelavci Inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja. Ta prizadevanja obenem pomenijo že tudi začetek obeleževanja jubileja inštituta, ki bo leta 2000 praznoval petinsedemdeset let svojega obstoja. dr. Mitja Žagar A Introduction INTRODUCTION We are pleased that our endeavours to publish two issues of Razprave in gradivo/Treatises and Documents per year have finally been successful in 1999. The journal is published by the Institute for Ethnic Studies as its scientific journal, being.at the same time the central Slovene journal in the field of ethnic and minority studies. The present issue is a special topic issue, representing an important edition of historical sources concerning the role of Slovene emigrants in the United States of America during the process of struggle for independence of the Republic of Slovenia. The introductory article by Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič presents the ways in which Slovene emigrants in the USA attempted to influence the public opinion, as well as individual personalities with important functions in American domestic and foreign affairs, to grant Slovenia its autonomy and independence. The emigrants' endeavours and activities at that time prove that at crucial moments considerable unity is possible within the emigrant community, together with its accord with the interests and efforts of the »old country«. The publishing of these historical sources is the result of the target research project co-financed by the Ministry for Internal Affairs. The materials have been prepared for publishing by Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič, in cooperation with Samo Kristen, the research fellow at the Institute for Ethnic Studies. Apart from these materials, the present issue also brings the bibliography of the one-time director of the Institute for Ethnic Srudies, Dr. Janko Jeri, on the occasion of his recently celebrated seventieth anniversary. Within his rich opus, particularly worth mentioning are the study of issues concerning the Slovene minority in Italy, the London Memorandum, and the relations between the Italian Republic and the then Yugoslav federation. With the publishing of this bibliography we are beginning to fulfil our plan to gradually publish bibliographies of other important Slovene scientists who have once co-operated with the Institute for Ethnic Studies. These endeavours are at the same time an introduction to the celebration of the Institute's jubilee in 2000, when the 75th anniversary of its foundation will take place. Dr. Mitja Žagar Matjaž Klemenčič Samo Kristen ZAPISNIKI "UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA" Angleški izvirniki zapisnikov s stj "United Americans for Slovenia" S slovenskim komentarjem Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 9 Matjaž Klemenčič Samo Kristen ZAPISNIKI "UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA" DELOVANJE SLOVENSKIH IZSELJENCEV V ZDA ZA NEODVISNO SLOVENIJO Z izjemo pripadnikov slovenske politične emigracije vse do sredine osemdesetih let ni skoraj nihče v Sloveniji niti zunaj nje razmišljal o možnostih slovenske neodvisnosti. Slovenski Američani ter ostali Jugoslovani v Ameriki so se v tem obdobju delili predvsem glede na svojo politično prepričanje in sicer na progresivne in na konservativce. Medtem ko so bili slovensko-ameriški progresivni krogi, ki so sodelovali tudi s srbskimi in hrvaškimi progresivnimi Američani, včasih celo bolj trdovratni podporniki jugoslovanske zunanje in notranje politike kot sami državljani Jugoslavije, so izseljenci iz vrst političnih emigrantov in konservativno usmerjenih krogov kritizirali tako jugoslovansko politiko kakor tudi politiko svoje lastne republike. Do korenitejših sprememb v odnosu do stare domovine je med jugoslovanskimi priseljenci v ZDA prišlo šele po smrti Josipa Broza Tita leta 1980, oziroma sredi osemdesetih let ob političnih spremembah v tedanji Jugoslaviji, Še posebej v Sloveniji. Jugoslovanski priseljenci v Združenih državah pa tudi drugod po svetu so se pričeli homogenizirati glede na pripadnost določenemu jugoslovanskemu narodu in v zvezi s tem tudi glede na svoje videnje političnih dogajanj v stari domovini. V "obdobju homogenizacije" jugoslovanskih narodnostnih skupnosti so tudi progresivne organizacije pričele sodelovati z organizacijami konservativnih slovenskih Američanov, s ciljem podpirati procese demokratizacije v Sloveniji.1 Tako se je skupina slovenskih političnih emigrantov različnih političnih usmeritev organizirala na novo in januarja leta 1990 v Clevelandu ustanovila Združenje slovenskih Američanov. Njegov namen je bila podpora slovenskemu * * * 1 Marjaž Klemenčič: Izseljenci iz vrst jugoslovanskih narodov v ZDA in njihove reakcije na človekove pravice in narodnostna vprašanja v Jugoslaviji v osemdesetih letih. Pravo, Teorija, Praksa (ured. Silvo Deveiak). Novi Sad, sli. 205-20b>, II Moljož Klemenčič, Somo Krislen: Delovorije slovenskih izseljencev v ZDA za narodu v obdobju preobrazbe v svobodno demokratično republiko. Na začetku leta 1990, ko v procesu osamosvajanja Slovenije še ni bilo prišlo do odločilnejših potez, se je Združenje slovenskih Američanov še vedno strinjalo z idejo Slovenije v okviru Jugoslavije in se zavzemalo za demokratične volitve ter proces demokratizacije v Sloveniji.2 Želelo je tudi informirati slovenske Američane, kako lahko vplivajo na ameriško politiko do Jugoslavije, da bo ta ustrezala interesom slovenskega naroda. Ob koncu marca 1990 je Zveza odprla svoj sedež v Euclidu v zvezni državi Ohio3 in podpirala demokratizacijo Slovenije ne glede na politične stranke, ki so se v tem obdobju pojavljale v Sloveniji. Istočasno so nekateri, zlasti desno usmerjeni slovenski Američani organizirali tudi Ameriski-slovenski svet, ki ga je vodil dr. Mate Roesemann, čigar namen je bila podpora (zlasti finančna) dveh od petih političnih strank DEMOS-a (Demokratične opozicije Slovenije) in sicer Slovenske kmečke zveze in Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov. Tako so Člani sveta zbrali v ta namen okrog 100.000 USD. Zveza slovenskih Američanov ni nasprotovala delu AmeriŠkega-slovenskega sveta, saj ji je bilo vseeno, katera od slovenskih demokratičnih strank bo dobila večino glasov na prvih demokratičnih večstrankarskih volitvah v Sloveniji aprila 1990. Ob akcijah slovenske politike v poskusih za dosego neodvisnosti in pripravah na plebiscit o neodvisnosti republike Slovenije je večina vodilnih članov slovenske vlade leta 1991 obiskala skoraj vsa pomembnejša središča slovenske izseljenske skupnosti po vsem svetu, da bi izseljence pripravila na politične akcije, ki bodo sledile slovenski deklaraciji o neodvisnosti. Pri tem so, kot smo že omenili, sodelovali vsi vodilni politiki: od predsednika republike Slovenije, Milana Kučana in predsednika slovenske vlade Lojzeta Peterleta do predsednika slovenskega parlamenta dr. Franca Bučarja, zunanjega ministra dr. Dimitrija Rupla, predsednika družbenopolitičnega zbora skupščine republike Slovenije dr. Ludvika Toplaka in obrambnega ministra Janeza Janše. Že pred plebiscitom so voditelji Slovencev iz Clevelanda in ostalih ameriških mest sodelovali v zaslišanjih (hearings) ameriškega Kongresa o Jugoslaviji. Tako je na zaslišanju v zunanjepolitičnem odboru ameriškega Kongresa, ki je potekalo 14. februarja leta 1990. urednik Ameriške domovine, dr. Rudolph M. * * * 2 Matjaž Klemenčič Heaciions of Slovene and Croatian Immigrants -The American Press and Scieniisc.s about the Events in Slovenia anej Croaiia Prior to rheir Recognition. KJeinc Naiionen und Eihnische Minderliciien im Umbruch Europas /»Small Naiions and I-ihnic Minorities in an Emerging Europa (ured 5ilvo Devetak, Sergej Flere, GerharU Seewann). Miinchen: Slavi ca, 1993, sir. 333-344. 3 Prav lani, 335. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 366 Susel izrazil upanje slovenskega naroda po samostojni slovenski državi, kakor tudi željo, da bo Slovenija postala država s svobodnim podjetniškim in večstrankarskim političnim sistemom. Slovenski izseljenci so prizadevanja za neodvisnost Slovenije neomajno podpirali, kar kaže tudi več kot 6.000 pisnih izjav, ki so prispele na naslov slovenskega parlamenta. Kmalu po slovenskem plebiscitu, na katerem se je več kot 90 % volivcev opredelilo za Slovenijo kot svobodno in neodvisno državo, je takratni član slovenske vlade in minister brez listnice zadolžen za slovenske izseljence in narodne manjšine, dr. Janez Dular podal izjavo, v kateri je zaprosil slovenske izseljenske skupnosti po vsem svetu ter slovensko manjšinsko prebivalstvo v Avstriji, Italiji ter na Madžarskem za moralno podporo gibanju za slovensko neodvisnost.4 Na to izjavo so se že januarja 1991 odzvali Slovenci iz največje slovenske naselbine izven Slovenije, Clevelanda, in takratnemu predsedniku slovenske vlade, Lojzetu Peterletu poslali pismo s podporo slovenski neodvisnosti.5 Gibanje za neodvisnost so podpirali tudi s pričevanjem pred podkomitejem za evropske zadeve Odbora za zunanjo politiko Senata Združenih držav o državljanski vojni v Jugoslaviji. Tako je pred omenjenim komitejem nastopil tudi dr. Kari Bonutti, ki je zahteval vso podporo Združenih držav v prizadevanjih Slovenije za neodvisnost.6 Za hitrejše reševanje slovenskega in v zvezi s tem tudi celotnega jugoslovanskega vprašanja sta se zavzemala tudi člana ameriškega Kongresa slovenskega porekla (Dennis Eckart iz Clevelanda in James Oberstar s severa Minnesote), ki sta organizirala skupno resolucijo ameriškega Kongresa o položaju v Jugoslaviji. V tej resoluciji, ki jo je 20. maja 1991 podpisalo 12 članov ameriškega Kongresa in je bila v obliki pisma posredovana ameriškemu državnemu sekretarju Jamesu Bakerju, so kongresniki izrazili svojo zaskrbljenost zaradi položaja v Jugoslaviji in poudarili svojo podporo mirnim demokratičnim reformam in razvoju tržne ekonomije. V njej so med drugim zapisali: "... 15. maja naj bi prišlo do letnega prenosa oblasti predsednika predsedstva, pri Čemer naj bi prišlo do prenosa oblasti od Srbov na Hrvate, vendar pa se * -k -k ^ Ameriški Slovenci moralno podprli Slovenijo ob plebiscitu. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, št. 4. Cleveland, 24. januarja 1991, str. 9-10. ; Janez Dular: Zahvala 2a sodelovanje pri podpisni akciji ob slovenskem plebiscitu. Svobodna Slovenija, leto 44, šl. 2. liuenos Aircs, 10. januarja 1991, str. 1. 5 Dular, Zahvala za .sodelovanje ..., 1. 6 Prof. Bonuui before Senate Commirree. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, št. 8. Cleveland, 21. februarja 1991, str. 1. II Moljož Klemenčič, Somo Krislen: Delovorije slovenskih izseljencev v ZDA za to ni zgodilo. Ko je prišlo do podobnih poskusov zaustavitve demokratizacije v Latviji in baltiških državah, se je svet dvignil, da bi protestiral zoper te poskuse. Nasprotja v Jugoslaviji so naraščala iz meseca v mesec Zahteve po mirnem in demokratičnem prenosu oblasti so povzročile le nadaljnje napetosti in izbruh nasilja. Sedaj, ko ponovno gledamo sile demokracije, kako poskušajo preživeti, je naše upanje, da bodo ZDA storile vse, da bi pospešile mirno tranzicijo v Jugoslaviji in njeno preoblikovanje v bolj demokratično družbo ..." 7 Ameriški državni sekretar ob tem pismu ni storil ničesar in ob obisku Beograda junija 1991 celo zahteval ohranitev Jugoslavije, vendar kot demokratične države.8 Priseljensko časopisje v Združenih državah, še zlasti Ameriška domovina, je ostro reagiralo na Bakerjev obisk v Beogradu tik pred razglasitvijo slovenske neodvisnosti. S tem, ko je podprl "združeno in demokratično Jugoslavijo", je Baker dal proste roke takratni Jugoslovanski ljudski armadi za napad na Slovenijo, ki mu je sledila nekajdnevna vojna. Bakerjev obisk v Jugoslaviji je ob Ameriški domovini obsodila tudi Prosveta, glasilo Slovenske narodne podporne jednote.9 Ob razglasitvi slovenske neodvisnosti 25. junija 1991 in napadu takratne Jugoslovanske ljudske armade na Slovenijo je Slovence v izseljeništvu in zamejstvu pozvalo na pomoč več slovenskih politikov. Tako je dr. Janez Dular v enem svojih pisem, potem ko se je zahvalil za številne brzojavke z vzpodbudami, zapisal: "... Od Slovencev po svetu pa si ta trenutek želimo predvsem to, da bi se še bolj množično, dejavno in organizirano obračali na tamkajšnjo javnost, zlasti pa vplivali na tuje vlade in mednarodne organizacije, naj pomagajo Republiki Sloveniji in sicer tako: a) da zahtevajo ustavitev napadov jugoslovanske armade na Slovenijo in vrnitev (kontrolirano) njenih enot v vojašnice (v ta namen je bila predvčerajšnjim dogovorjena ustanovitev mešane komisije, vendar Markovič še zdaj ni imen- * * * 7 Letter of Dennis Eckart ct. al. to James Baker III, May 20,1990. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, št. 27. Cleveland, 1. julija 1991, str. 2. 8 Warren Zimmeimann, The last Ambassador. A Memoir of the Collapse of Yugoslavia, Foreign Affairs, leto lA, Si. 2, marcc-aprll 1995, str. 2-20. - O stališču Združenih držav oh razpadu Jugoslavije je bilo napisanih /.c precej spominov. Med njimi velja omeniti zanimivo stališče poveljnika združenih štabov vseh rodov ameriške vojske, Collína Powella, ki je na 558 strani svoje knjige My American Journey (New York, 1995 - skupaj Z: Joseph ]•:. Pérsico") obsodil prezgodnje priznanje SIcjvenije, Hrvaške ter Bosne in Hercegovine.Prim. tudi Warren ZimmermanmThc Origins of the Catastrophe. Yugoslavia and its Destroyers. America's Lasi Ambassadoi Talks What Happened and Why. New York (Random House) 1996. 9 Ob B;ikerjevem obisku Jugoslavije. Ameriška domovina, leio 93, St. 25. Cleveland, 20. junija 1991, str. 1. Rozprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34 13 oval oziroma potrdil od jugoslovanske vlade pooblaščenih članov komisije); b) da takoj pošljejo svoje opazovalce (tudi vojaške) v Slovenije; c) da sprožijo ustrezne varovalne mehanizme KEVS, EGS; d) da priznajo Republiko Slovenijo kot neodvisno državo. Pišite državnim, vladnim in strankarskim predsednikom in drugim funkcionarjem ter medijem, naj ne čakajo, kakor so (predolgo) Čakali pri Kurdih! Organizirajte odbore, zbirajte podpise, nastopajte v javnosti, zbirajte denarne prispevke! Posredujte to sporočilo drugim! Za našo skupno domovino! ..."10 Takratni slovenski minister za informiranje Jelko Kacin je pozval urednike glasil v Sloveniji in vse Slovence v domovini, ki imajo stike s prijatelji in znanci v tujini, naj jih informirajo o dogajanjih v Sloveniji.11 Temu pozivu sta se odzvala tudi Slovenska izseljenska matica in Svetovni slovenski kongres. Pozive Slovencev po svetu za podporo prizadevanjem za ohranitev samostojne in neodvisne Republike Slovenije ter za njeno mednarodno priznanje so Slovencem po svetu pošiljali tudi predsednik Slovenske izseljenske matice, dr. Mirko Jurak,12 predsednica Konference za Slovenijo Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa Spomenka Hribar ter predsednik Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa, Bojan Brezigar. Ob razglasitvi neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije in kasnejšem napadu jugoslovanske armade na Slovenijo je v Ljubljani zasedal Svetovni slovenski kongres, katerega so se med drugimi udeležili tudi nekateri voditelji povojne politične emigracije, ki so po vrnitvi v svoje nove domovine aktivirali tamkajšnje slovenske skupnosti v boju za priznanje neodvisnosti Slovenije. Slovenci po vsem svetu so na agresijo jugoslovanske armade reagirali s protesti vladam svojih držav in jih pozivali k obsodbi agresije na Slovenijo in priznanju slovenske neodvisnosti. Značilne so reakcije tako posameznih Slovencev kakor tudi reakcije organiziranih protestov ob manifestacijah v * * * ^ Sianka Gregory (urcd.): NaSa bitka za Slovenijo - Avstralija. Melbourne, 1995, sir 34. ^ Jelko Kacin glavnemu uredniku. Fax, poslan 7. julija 1991. Arhiv Slovenske izseljenske- matice - fascikci: Borba za priznanje neodvisnosti Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: Arhiv SIM). Mirko Jurak: Vsem Slovencem po svetu. Ljubljana, 30- junija 1991 in 3 julija 1991- Arhiv S1M.; Mirko Jiirak: To all Slovenes. Ljubljana, 30 junija 1991. Arhiv SIM. II Moljož Klemenčič, Somo Krislen: Delovorije slovenskih izseljencev v ZDA za slovenskih naselbinah ter protesti slovenskih kulturnih, političnih ter bratskih podpornih organizacij. Manifestacija solidarnosti med ameriškimi Slovenci v času agresije jugoslovanske armade na Slovenijo je bila popolna. Prizadetost in osebna nestrpnost do dogajanj v Sloveniji s strani ameriških Slovencev se je pokazala tudi v njihovih številnih telefonskih klicih prijateljem v Sloveniji. Nekatera ameriška mesta in njihovi mestni sveti so priznali neodvisnost Slovenije že v drugi polovici leta 1991.13 Tako je clevelandski župan, Michael £. White že 26. junija 1991 izdal naslednjo izjavo: "Ljudem v Sloveniji je bilo omogočeno, da so imeli prve svobodne volitve aprila 1990, prvič po 45-ih letih. Slovenci so izvolili tedaj prvo nekomunistično vlado po 45-ih letih v maju 1990. Na teh volitvah je bil Lojze Peterle prvi izvoljeni ministrski predsednik Republike Slovenije. Bili smo zelo zadovoljni, ko nas je Lojze Peterle obiskal v Clevelandu pred letom dni. 26. junija 1991 bo slovenski parlament formalno razglasil neodvisnost od Jugoslavije v njihovem glavnem mestu, Ljubljani. Ta dogodek bo povzročil veselje ne le v Sloveniji, ampak tudi s strani Clevelandčanov slovenskega porekla, ki želijo svojim bratom in sestram v njihovi domovini vse najboljše, zlasti sedaj, ko so se uresničile njihove volitve. Kot mesto, ki je pobrateno z Ljubljano, Clevelandčani delimo veselje tega čudovitega dne. Ponosni smo na slovensko skupnost, ki predstavlja eno glavnih etničnih skupnosti v Clevelandu, ki je največja koncentracija Slovencev zunaj države njihovega porekla ..." ^ Že 27. junija 1991 je kongresnik slovenskega porekla Dennis Eckart opozoril Kongres Združenih držav na problem napada jugoslovanske armade na Slovenijo in od State Departments ter predsednika Združenih držav zahteval, naj podpreta demokracijo in gospodarske reforma v Sloveniji ter ukrepata zoper nasilje v tej republiki, ki "... je domovina njegovih staršev in dedov ..." 15 Ameriški Slovenci so tudi tokrat reagirali podobno kot med prvo oziroma med drugo svetovno vojno in pričeli z akcijami, s pomočjo katerih so zbrali * * * Cleveland Council backs Slovenia. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, St- 32. Cleveland, 8. avgusta 1991, str. 3. ; Indianapolis supports Slovenian and Croatian Independence. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, šc. 41. Cleveland, 10. oktobra 1991, str. 6. ^ Proclamation: Slovenian Independence Day. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, šr. 26. Cleveland, 27. junija 199], Dennis Kckart, Support democracy and market reform for all peoples. Congressional Record, tcto 137, it. 101. Wasliinf-ton, 27. junija 1991. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 15 finančna sredstva. Potekale so preko slovenskih bratskih podpornih organizacij, kakršni sta na primer Slovenska narodna podporna jednota16 ter Ameriška slovenska katoliška jednota. Finančna sredstva, ki so jih zbirali s prodajo slovenskih zastav, so namenili izdatkom za politične aktivnosti ter povračilu vojne škode, ki je nastala ob akcijah jugoslovanske armade v Sloveniji. Na ta način so v letih 1991 in "1992 zbrali preko 2 milijona ameriških dolarjev pomoči. Slovenko-ameriški časopisi so dogodkom v Sloveniji v Času od 25. junija 1991 (od začetka desetdnevne vojne za Slovenijo) pa do tako imenovanega "Brionskega sporazuma", ki je bil podpisan 8. julija 1991, posvetili veliko pozornost.17 Po podpisu "Brionskega sporazuma" je bila vojaška akcija proti Sloveniji ustavljena, Slovenija pa je vsaj na zunaj za tri mesece zaustavila nadaljnje uresničevanje svoje neodvisnosti.18 Ker vsi omenjeni dogodki še vedno pripadajo najnovejši zgodovini, predstavlja celotna zgodovinska evaluacija dogajanja v zvezi z dogodki med ameriškimi Slovenci težavno nalogo. V celoti bo možna šele, ko bo zbrano vse gradivo; ocl tistega, ki se nanaša na Slovence v Clevelandu, do tistega, ki se nanaša na Slovence v New Yorku, Chicagu, San Franciscu in drugih naseljih Združenih držav. Podobno velja tudi za zgodovinsko evaluacijo dogajanj med slovensko izseljensko skupnostjo v ostalih delih sveta. Nekatera dejstva pa so znana že danes. Še zlasti pomembno je, da tokrat v slovenski narodnostni skupnosti v ZDA pa tudi drugod po svetu ni prišlo do razkola, kot se je to zgodilo med prvo oziroma drugo svetovno vojno,19 ampak je akcija tokrat potekala enotno, vse dokler cilj, to je priznanje slovenske neodvisnosti, ni bil dosežen. Ameriški Slovenci so v tem primeru res hitro reagirali in od svojih državnih voditeljev ter voditeljev ostalega sveta v en glas zahtevali priznanje Slovenije kot suverene in demokratične države. * * * Podporni sklad SNPJ v pomoč Sloveniji. Prosveta, leio83, si. 44. Chicago, 30. oktobra 1991, str. A.; Podpiramo neodvisnost naše Slovenije. Prosveta, leto 83, št. 40. Chicago, 2. oktobra 1991, str. 4.; Thousands petition Bush. Prosveta, leto 83, št. 40. Chicago, 2. oktobra 1991, str. 1.; Slovenia Relic/ l:ound grows to S 27,941. Prosveta, leto 83. it. 41. Chicago, 9. oktobra 1995, str. 1.; SNPJ's Slovenia Relief Pound. Prosveta, leto 83, St. 36. Chicago, 4. septembra 1991, str. 4.; Support to Slovenia continues. Prosveia, leto 83, št. 37. Chicago, 11. septembra 1991, str. 3. 17 United American For Slovenia make a difference. AmeriSka domovina, leto 94, posebna izdaja. Cleveland, jesen 1992, str. 2 ^ Matjaž Klemcnčlč: Slovenia at the crossroad of the nineties - Prom the first multiparty elections and the declaration of independence to membership in the Council of liurope. Slovene Studies, leto 14, št. 1. Edmonton, 1992, str. 9-25.; Jože Pirjevec Jugoslavija 1918-1992. Koper, 1995- ^ Matjaž. Klemenčič: Ameriški Slovenci in NOB v Jugoslaviji. Naseljevanje, zemljepisna razprostranjenost in odnos ameriških Slovencev do SLare domovine od sredine 19- stoletja do konca druge svetovne vojne. Maribor. Založba Obzorja, 1987, str. 85-285- II Moljož Klemenčič, Somo Krislen: Delovorije slovenskih izseljencev v ZDA za V ponedeljek 1. julija 1991, ko je bila agresija jugoslovanske armade proti Sloveniji na vrhuncu, so se predstavniki voditeljev slovenskih bratskih podpornih organizacij, slovenskih župnij in slovenskih kulturnih organizacij na pobudo Chariesa Ipavca, predsednika Federacije Slovenskih narodnih domov in Matjaža Jančarja (le-ta je bil do začetka desetdnevne vojne za Slovenijo jugoslovanski generalni konzul v Clevelandu, nato pa odstopil s tega položaja in že čez nekaj dni postal slovenski predstavnik v Clevelandu in med drugim poslal vsem organizacijam poziv ameriških Slovencev, naj podpro Slovenijo v njenem boju za neodvisnost in mednarodno priznanje20) srečali v Slovenskem narodnem domu v Clevelandu, podobno kot so se srečali predstavniki istih organizacij na Slovensko-ameriškem narodnem kongresu 5. in 6. decembra leta 1942. Tako, kot so med prvo in drugo svetovno vojno ustanovili Slovensko-Ameriški narodni svet, so predstavniki vseh omenjenih organizacij tokrat ustanovili organizacijo United Americans for Slovenia (Združeni Američani za Slovenijo). Organizacija je intenzivno delovala devet mesecev, njen odbor pa se je sestajal skorajda vsak teden. Edini namen te organizacije je bil izvajanje pritiskov na vlado Združenih držav, da bi le-ta vendarle priznala slovensko neodvisnost. Kakršnakoli "politika" ali tradicionalni spori med levico in desnico med ameriškimi Slovenci so bili v tem obdobju nezaželjent. Za predsednika Združenih Američanov za Slovenijo je bil izbran nekdanji predsednik clevelandskega mestnega sveta in nekdanji okrajni sodnik, odvetnik s sedežem v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Avenue, Edmund J. Turk. Do konca leta 1991 se je v omenjeno organizacijo vključilo že 659 najrazličnejših društev ter organizacij ameriških Slovencev. Pomembno je, da so njihovi predstavniki uspeli vzbuditi zanimanje za Slovenijo tudi pri neslovenskih organizacijah, kot na primer pri zastopnikih sredstev javnega obveščanja ter ameriškem Rdečem križu. Organizacije, kot so Slovenska narodna podporna jednota, Ameriška slovenska katoliška jednota, Ameriška dobrodelna zveza, Progresivne slovenske žene Amerike in Slovenska ženska zveza so podprle dejavnost Združenih Američanov za Slovenijo z objavljanjem številnih zapisov o njihovi aktivnosti v svojih glasilih; v Prosveti (glasilu Slovenske narodne podporne jednote), Glasu (glasilu Slovenske dobrodelne zveze), Amerikanskem Slovencu (glasilu Kranjsko-sl o venske katoliške jednote) in Zarji (glasilu Slovenske ženske zveze). ■* * * Poziv Matjaža Jančarja vsem Slovenskim ameriškim organizacijam in vsem Američanom slovenskega porekla. Tax, poslan dne 5- julija 1991, Arhiv SIM.; Tažo Jančar: dediščina iz stare domovine (v treh nadaljevanjih). Delo, leto 53, št. 193-195. Ljubljana, 19.-2J. avgusta 1991, str. 5, 9,11. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 17 Iz vseh slovenskih naselbin sirom Združenih držav pa tudi od mnogih posameznikov iz vseh ameriških zveznih držav, od Maine na skrajnem vzhodu do Havajskega otočja na zahodu, so Američani slovenskega porekla ter številni njihovi neslovenski prijatelji vzpodbujeni od akcij Združenih Američanov za Slovenijo, pošiljali na tisoče peticij in zahtev po priznanju slovenske neodvisnosti. Uporabili so tudi posebno telefonsko zvezo, preko katere so zlasti 8. oktobra 1991 zasuli Belo hišo s tisoči klicev, tako da so imeli tam tega dne na programu poleg mnenj Američanov o zaslišanju tedanjega kandidata za Vrhovno sodišče ZDA, Clarenca Thomasa, samo še zahtevo po priznanju neodvisnosti Slovenije.21 Že 4. julija 1991 so se v prostorih Ameriške dobrodelne zveze zbrali mnogi prostovoljci, ki so organizirano napisali na stotine pisem ameriškim zveznim senatorjem, članom ameriškega Kongresa in predsedniku Združenih držav. Seveda je bila v vsebino vseh pisem vključena zahteva po neodvisnosti in priznanju Republike Slovenije.22 Temu je sledilo prepričevanje visokih uradnikov ameriškega Kongresa in ameriške administracije, v svojih zahtevah pa so slovenski Američani izkoristili tudi zveze tedanjih članov ameriškega Kongresa slovenskega porekla, Dennisa Eckarta iz Clevelanda in Jamesa Oberstarja iz severne Minnesote. Tako sta senator John H. Glenn iz Ohia in kongresnik Dennis Eckart iz Clevelanda poslala skupno resolucijo z zahtevo po priznanju Slovenije tudi predsedniku Georgu Bushu. John H. Glenn je ob tej priložnosti izdajatelju in založniku časopisa Ameriška domovina, Jimu Debevcu izjavil, da je globoko razočaran nad dejstvom, da ZDA nadaljujejo z zavajajočo politiko nepriznavan-ja Slovenije kot samostojne države. Tudi guverner zvezne države Ohio, George Voinovich je v svojem pismu že 28. junija 1991 zaprosil predsednika Georga Busha za posredovanje v zvezi z dejavnostjo jugoslovanske armade v Sloveniji, v pismu z dne 3- julija pa ga je opozoril, da je leta 1988 ob predsedniški kampanji govoril o problemu zatiranih narodov na primeru Litavcev in da se ljudje sprašujejo, zakaj ni njegova reakcija v jugoslovanskem primeru podobna, kot je bila reakcija proti Iraku.23 Predstavniki bratskih podpornih organizacij so * * * 21 'Call President' Is Big Succcss. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, Si. 44. Cleveland, 31. oktobra 1991, srr. i. 22 Drago Ocviik: Mobilizacija ameriških Slovencev. Slovenec, leto 75, St. 24. Ljubljana, 24, julija 1991, str. 4. ; Joseph C. Hvanish; Ways to support Slovenia. Prosveta, leto 83, St. 30. Chicago, 24. julija 1991, str. 1. ; Do osamosvojitve moramo delati usklajeno, samo skupno jo lahko dosežemo. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, št. 32. Cleveland.. 8. avgusta 1991, sir. 2.; Joseph C. Evanish: Podprimo neodvisnost naše Slovenije. Prosveta, leto 83, št. 40. Chicago, 2. oktobra 1991, str. 4.; United Americans for Slovenia. Prosveta. leto 83, št. 30. Chicago, 24. julija 1991.su, 14,; Pismo Georga V. Voinovicha predsedniku Združenih držav Georgu Bushu z dne 28. junija 1991. Arhiv SIM; Pismo Georga V. Voinovicha predsedniku Združenih držav z dne 3- julija 1991. Arhiv SIM. 18 Moljož Klemenčic. Somo Kristen: Delovanje slovenskih izseljencev v ZDA za predsedniku Bushu in senatorjem zveznih držav, v katerih so te organizacije imele svoje sedeže, poslali številna protestna pisma z zahtevami po priznanju slovenske neodvisnosti.24 Med junijsko vojno v Sloveniji, posebej pa Se, ko je divjala vojna na Hrvaškem, so ameriški Slovenci in ameriški Hrvati ter njihove organizacije priredile številne demonstracije v podporo slovenski ter hrvaški neodvisnosti. Demonstracije so potekale v mnogih mestih od atlantske do tihomorske obale ter pred zgradbama ameriškega Kongresa in Združenih narodov Skupne slovensko-hrvaške demonstracije so se odvijale tudi v Clevelandu.25 Zanimivo je, da so Slovenci organizirali tudi poseben odbor za priznanje Slovenije kot samostojne države tudi na tihomorski obali. Vodila sta ga Mark Ryavec in Frank Vidergar (takratni podpredsednik Slovenske narodne podporne jednote). Med drugim so meseca julija 1991 skupaj s Hrvati pripravili uspele demonstracije pred mestno hišo v Los Angelesu.26 Mestni sveti tistih ameriških mest, v katerih so slovenski ter hrvaški priseljenci in njihovi potomci imeli oziroma še imajo določen vpliv, so neodvisnost Slovenije in Hrvaške priznali z resolucijami.27 Zapisniki, ki jih objavljamo v nadaljevanju v angleškem izvirniku in s komentarji v slovenskem jeziku obsegajo obdobje od 1. julija 1991 do priznanja Slovenije kot samostojne in neodvisne države s strani ZDA v aprilu 1992. Dodani so tudi zapisniki v zvezi s praznovanji obletnic priznanja Slovenije s strani ZDA. dr. Matjaž Klemenčic * -k it 24 Pismo American Mutual Life Association senatorju Johnu H. Glennu z dne 28. junija 1991. Arhiv SIM. Thousands to cal) White House for U.S. recognition of Slovenia, Monday, October 7,1991. Ameriška domovina, leto 93, St. 41. Cleveland, K), oktobra 1991, str. 1. 26 Klemenčlč, Reactions of Slovene and Croatian immigrants ..., 335- O tem so mi pripovedovali tudi slovenski izseljenci, ko sem novembra 1991 predaval o spremembah v Sloveniji 200 poslušalcem slovenskega porekla v Slovenskem narodnem domu v Fontani. Kalifornija, ki predstavlja naselbinsko jedro Slovencev na področju velikega Lo.s Angelc.sa, 27 Klemenčic, Reactions of Slovene and Croatian Immigrants .... 224-335- Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 19_ THE ACTIVITY OF SLOVENE IMMIGRANTS TO THE USA FOR INDEPENDENT SLOVENIA With the exception of some Slovene political émigrés groups no one in Slovenia or abroad thought about the possibilities of Slovene independence until the mid-1980s. After Tito's death in 1980, the relationship between immigrants from Yugoslavia and the old homeland changed. Before that time, Slovene Americans and the other Yugoslavs in America were divided according to their political orientations into "progressive" (political left) 1 and "conservative" circles (political right)- Slovene - American progressives cooperated with Serbian and Croatian progressive Americans and were sometimes even stronger supporters of Yugoslav internal and external policies than the citizens of that country. The circles from each émigré community criticized Yugoslav politics as well as the policy of its "own" republic. The sicuation shifted at the end of the 1980s with the changes in the Yugoslav political scene. The homogenization among immigrants went so far that progressive Slovene organizations began to cooperate with conservative political émigrés of the Slovene communities in order to support the democratization process in Slovenia.2 At che beginning of 1990, before there were no serious attempts made to achieve independence for Slovenia, most of the Slovene Americans still agreed with the idea of Slovenia within Yugoslavia and supported the democratic ele ctions and the process of democratization in Slovenia.3 They formed the Alliance of Slovene Americans to inform their countrymen of how they could influence American policy on Yugoslavia so that it would be in accordance with the interests of the Slovene nation. At the end of March, 1990, the Alliance esta blished its headquarters in Euclid, Ohio4, and supported the democratization of * * * 1 Successors of the traditions of the " political left " among Slovene Americans. Only small part of them were members of the Socialist Party. 1 described the polirical left among Slovene Americans in "American Slovenes and the Leftist Movements in the United States in the First Half of the Twentieth Century." Journal of American Ethnic History 15 (3) Spring 1996, pp.22 -43. 2 Klemenčič Matjaž," Izseljenci iz vrst jugoslovanskih narodov v ZDA in njihove reakcije na človekove pravice in narodnostna vprašanja v Jugoslaviji v osemdesetih letih." P wo, Teorija, Praksa. Silvo Devctak, Ed. (Novi Sad: Društvo pravnika Vojvodine, 1991), pp. 205-209. 3 Klemenčič," Reactions of Slovene and Croatian immigrants.....", 337; Klemenčič, "Izseljenci iz vrst jugoslovanskih narodov v ZDA.....", 205-209. 4 Klemenčič," Reactions of Slovene and Croatian immigrants.....". 333- 20 The activity of Slovene immigrants to ihe USA for independent Slovenia Slovenia irrespective of political parties that appeared at that time. At the same time, some right-wing Slovene - Americans organized the American-Slovene Council, which was led by Dr. Mate Roesemann. Its aim was to support (especially financially) two out of five political parties composing DEMOS (Democratic Opposition of Slovenia), namely the Slovene Peasants' Party and the Slovene Christian Democratic Party. The members of the Council raised about $ 100,000 USD for this purpose. On the initiative of dr. Jože Bernik, a lawyer from Chicago and later president of the Slovene World Congress, and James Debevec, publisher and owner of Ameriška domovina (American Home) in Cleveland, the American-Slovene Council gave financial support to due Slovene Democratic Association, which represented a liberal part of DEMOS.5 The Union of the Slovene Americans did not oppose the activities of the American-Slovene Council, as it did not consider it important which of the Slovene democratic parties would get the majority of votes in the first democratic multiparty elections in Slovenia in April 1990. When Slovene politicians in 1990 and 1991 attempted to achieve independence through a plebiscite, the majority of leading members of the Slovene government visited almost all important centers of the Slovene immigrant community. Their aim was to prepare the immigrants for political actions which would follow the Slovene Declaration of Independence. All leading politicians took part in these activities, from Milan Kučan, the president of the Republic of Slovenia, to Lojze Peterle, the Prime Minister, Dr. France Bučar, the President of the Slovene Parliament, Dr. Dimitrij Rupel, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Ludvik Toplak, the President of the Socio-Political Chamber of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and Janez Janša, the Defense Minister. Prior to the plebiscite, the leaders of Slovenes from Cleveland and from other American towns took part in Congressional hearings concerning Yugoslavia. At a hearing on February 14, 1990, the editor of Ameriška domovina, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, emphasized die wish of the Slovene people for a separate State as well as their desire to live in a free enterprise and multiparty system. The Slovene emigrants strongly supported the independence efforts of Slovenia, which is also evident from more than 6,000 written statements of support sent to the Slovene Parliament. Soon after the Slovene plebiscite, on December 23, 1990, when more than 90% of the voters voted for a free and independent State, the then member of the Slovene Government and Minister responsible for Slovene Emigrants and * * * 5 Dimitrij Rupel, Skrivnost države-spomini na domače in zunanje zadeve 1989- 1992. (Ljubljana: Založba Delo-Noviee, 1992), pA3. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 21_ national minorities, Janez Dular, asked the Slovene immigrant communities throughout the world and the Slovene minorities in Austria, Italy and Hungary to morally support the movement for Slovene independence.^ As early as January, 1991 Slovenes from Cleveland, reacted to this statement. In a letter they expressed their support for Slovene independence to the riien president of the Slovene Government, Lojze Peterle.7 The movement for independence was also supported by statements before the European subcommittee of the Committee for foreign affairs of the US Senate concerning the civil war in Yugoslavia. Dr. Karl Bonutti, a Professor at Cleveland State University also appeared before the Committee, demanding complete support of the USA for the efforts of Slovenia to gain independence.8 Two Congressmen of Slovene descent (Dennis Eckart from Cleveland and James Oberstar from Minnesota) did their best in the interest of Slovenes and their "old country". Congressmen of Slovene descent organized a joint resolution in the U.S. Congress on the situation in Yugoslavia that twelve of them signed on May 20, 1991- The resolution, in the form of a letter, was sent to James Baker, the Secretary of State. The Congressmen expressed their concern about the situation in Yugoslavia and emphasized their support for peaceful democratic reforms and a market economy in Yugoslavia. On May 35, 1991, the annual transfer of the presidency in Yugoslavia was expected to occur, rotating from the Serbs to the Croats. However, this transfer was prevented by the Serbs. Tensions had been building in Yugoslavia for months. As one American Slovene said, "The impediment to a peaceful and democratic government transition caused further anxiety and several outbreaks of violence. As we again witness the forces of democracy struggling to survive, it is our hope that the United States will do everything possible to encourage a peaceful transition in Yugoslavia in its transformation to a more democratic society."9 The United States Secretary of State did not agree. When he visited Yugoslavia in June 1991, he pleaded for a united and democratic Yugoslavia. Immigrant newspapers (specially Ameriška domovina) reacted sharply to Baker's visit to Belgrade just prior to Slovenia's declaration of independence. By * * * ^ " Ameriški Slovenci moralno podprli Slovenijo ob plebiscitu," AmeriSka domovina, 93 (4), (January 24.1990, pp. 9-10; Jane/ Dular," Zahvala za sodelovanje pri podpisni akciji ob slovenskem plebiscitu, " Svobodna Slovenija, 44 (2), (Uuenos Aires, January 10,1991), p. 1. 7 Ibid., I. s" Prof. Bonutii before Senaic committee," Ameriška domovina, 93 (8), ( February 21,1991), p.l. y l.eiier of Dennis Kckartei al. to James Baker III, May 2D, 1991, Ameriška domovina, 93 (27), (July 1, 1991). p. 2. 22 The activity of Slovene immigrants to ihe USA for independent Slovenia supporting a united and democratic Yugoslavia, Baker offered a free hand to the Serb - dominated Yugoslav People' s Army to attack Slovenia. Baker's visit was condemned in Ameriška domovina and in Prosveta, the organ of the largest Slovene fraternal organization in the United States, the Slovene National Benefit Society.10 When Slovene independence was declared on June 25, 1991 and when the Yugoslav People's Army attacked Slovenia, several Slovene politicians asked Slovenes living abroad for help. In one of his letters, Dr. Janez Dular expressed gratitude for numerous cablegrams of support and wrote: "At this moment we would primarily like that the Slovenes living throughout the world would turn to the public in huge numbers, actively and in an organized way. They should particularly influence foreign governments and international organizations so that they would help Slovenia in the following ways: They should demand the cessation of the attacks of the Yugoslav army on Slovenia and the return (a controlled one) of their units to the barracks (for this purpose we agreed the day before yesterday to establish a mixed Committee but Yugoslav prime minister Ante Markovič has not yet named or confirmed the members authorized by the Yugoslav government) They should immediately send their monitors (military as well) to Slovenia They should activate suitable protective mechanisms of the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the European Economic Community They should recognize the Republic of Slovenia as an independent State. Write to the presidents, prime ministers and party leaders as well as other officials and media not to wait as they waited (for too long) in the case of the Kurds. Organize committees, collect signatures, appear in public, raise financial contributions. Mediate this message to others. For our common homeland!11 The Slovene Minister of Information Jelko Kacin called upon the editors of the newspapers in Slovenia and all the Slovenes in the homeland who had con* * * 10 " Ob Bakerjevcm obisku Jugoslavije," Ameriška domovina, 93 (25), (June 20, 1991), p. 1. 11 Stanka Gregorič (Ed.)-. Naša hitka za Slovenijo - Avstralija. (Melbourne-. Avstralska konferenca Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa, 1995), p. 34. Razprgve in aradivo, Ljubljana. 1999, st. 34 23 tacts with friends and acquaintances abroad to inform them about the events in Slovenia.12 Slovenska izseljenska matica (The Slovene Emigrant Society) and Svetovni slovenski kongres (The Slovene World Congress) reacted to this plea. Dr. Mirko Jurak,'3 president of the Slovene Emigrant Society, Spomenka Hribar, the president of the Conference for Slovenia of the Slovene World Congress, and Bojan Brezigar, the president of the Slovene World Congress, also called upon Slovenes throughout the world to support the efforts for preserving the independent Republic of Slovenia and to gain its international recognition. After the independence of the Republic of Slovenia was declared and, when the Yugoslav army attacked Slovenia, the Slovene World Congress held its meeting in Ljubljana. It was attended by, among others, some leaders of the post-war political emigration who on their return to their new homelands activated the Slovene communities in the struggle for the recognition of the independence of Slovenia. Slovenes throughout the world reacted to the aggression of the Yugoslav army by means of protests addressed to the governments of their states. The manifestation of the solidarity among the American Slovenes during the aggression of the Yugoslav army against Slovenia was complete. The dismay and personal impatience towards the events in Slovenia on the part of the American Slovenes was also shown in their numerous phone calls to their friends in Slovenia. Some American cities and their councils recognized the independence of Slovenia as early as June 1991- Cleveland's mayor, Michael E. White, issued the following proclamation on June 26, 1991, designating Slovene Independence Day: "The people of Slovenia were able to go to the ballot box in a free election in April. 1990, For the first time in 45 years. Slovenes were able to participate in democratic elections and the first non-Communist government in 45 years was formed in May, 1990. At that election, Professor Lojze Peterle was elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia. We were delighted to have the new Prime Minister visit Cleveland in July of last year. •* * * 12 Jclko Kadn glavnemu uredniku. l-'ax which was sent July 7, 1991- Archive of Slovenska izseljenska matica -file: Borba v:a priznanje ncodvisnosti Slovenije - (from now on Arhiv SIM). 13 Letter from Mirko Jurak 'Vsem Slovencem po svetu". June 30, 1991 and July 10, 3991; Mirko Jurak, "To all Slovenes", June 30,1991. Arhiv SIM. 24 The activity of Slovene immigrants to ihe USA for independent Slovenia On June 20, 1991, the Slovene parliament will declare the formal independence from Yugoslavia in its capital city of Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia. The historic event will be a cause for great rejoicing not only in Slovenia, but by Clevelanders of Slovene heritage, who wish their brothers and sisters in their homeland have at long last had their prayers answered. As a Sister City of Ljubljana, the people of Cleveland share in the joy of this magnificent day. We are proud of the Slovene community, which is one of the major ethnic communities of Cleveland, representing the largest concentration of Slovenes outside of their country of origin.14'' As early as June 27, 1991, Denis Eckart, Congressman of Slovene descent, drew the attention of the US Congress to the problem of the attack of the Yugoslav army on Slovenia. He demanded the support of the State Department, and the US President to support democracy and economic reforms in Slovenia. He also called for action to prevent violence in this republic which is "the homeland of his parents and grandfathers".^ American Slovenes reacted as during the two World Wars and undertook to raise funds. Their activities were carried out by Slovene fraternal benefit organizations, such as the Slovene National Benefit Society26 and the Grand American Slovenian Catholic Union. Money raised by selling Slovene flags was intended to cover the costs of political activities and to repay the damage caused by the actions of the Yugoslav army in Slovenia. In this way more than $ 2,000,000 was raised in 1991 and 1992. The Slovene-American newspapers paid a great deal of attention to the events in Slovenia in the period between June 25, 1991 (the beginning of the ten-day war for Slovenia) and the so-called "Brioni Agreement", which was signed on July 8, 1991.17 After the Brioni Agreement the military actions against Slovenia were stopped and at least outwardly "Slovenia ceased further realization of its independence" for three months.18 Since the above-mentioned events took place less than five years ago the entire historical evaluation of the events in connection with the events among * * * ^ " Proclamation: Slovenian Independence Day," Ameriška domovina, 93 (26), (June 27,1991), p.6. Dennis Hckan, "Support democracy and market reform for all peoples". Congressional Record, 137 (101). (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Congress, June 27, 1991). 16 « podporni sklad SNPJ v pomoč Sloveniji," Prosveta, 83 (44), (Chicago, October 30,1991), p 4.;" Podpiramo neodvisnost naše Slovenije," Prosveta, 83 (40), ( October 2,1991), P- 4.; "Thousands petition Hush," Prosveta, 83 (40), ( October 2,1991), p. 1.; "Slovenia Relief Pound grows to $ 27,941," Prosveta, 83 (41), ( October 9,1991), p. ].; "SNPJ's Slovenia Relief Pound," Prosveta, 83 (36), (September 4,1991), p. 4., "Support for Slovenia continues," Prosveta, 83 (37), ( September II, 1991), p. 317 " United Americans for Slovenia make a difference," Ameriška domovina, 94 - Special edition. (Autumn 1992), p.l. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 25_ the American Slovenes is a difficult task. It will not be possible before the complete material has been collected; this applies to the material referring to the Slovenes in Cleveland as well as to Slovenes in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and other settlements in the USA. The same is also true of the historical evaluation of the events among the Slovene immigrant communities in other parts of the world. Some facts, however, are already known. It is particularly important that this time no split took place in the Slovene community in the USA or anywhere else in the world. This time they acted unanimously until the recognition of Slovene independence was achieved. In this case the American Slovenes really reacted quickly and demanded from the US government the recognition of Slovenia as a sovereign and democratic state. On Monday, July 1, 1991, when the aggression of the Yugoslav army against the Slovenes reached its peak, representatives of the leaders of the Slovene fraternal organizations, Slovene parishes and Slovene cultural organizations of the USA met in the Slovene National Home in Cleveland. This can be compared with the meeting of the representatives of the same organizations of the Slovene-American National Congress on December 5 and 6, 1942.^ During World War II they founded the Slovene-American National Council, whereas in 1991 the representatives of the above-mentioned organizations established the organization called United Americans for Slovenia. The activities of this organization were intensive for nine months and its Committee held a meeting almost every week. Its only aim was to exert pressure on the government of the USA so that the USA would recognize Slovene independence. Edmund J. Turk, the former president of the Cleveland City Council and a former district judge, was elected president of the United Americans for Slovenia. As many as 659 different societies and organizations of American Slovenes joined this organization by the end of the year. An important achievement of the representatives of the American Slovenes was that non-Slovene organizations, i.e. the media and the American Red Cross, began to be interested in Slovenia. Organizations, such as the Slovene National Benefit Society, the * * * ^ Matjaž Klcmenčič, "Slovenia at the crossroad of the nineties - l:rom the first multiparty elections and the declaration of independence to membership in the Council of tiurope", Slovene Studies, 14 (1), (Edmonton: Society for Slovene Studies, 1992 - published March 1994), pp. 9-25 ; Jože Pirjevec: Jugoslavija 1918 - 1992. (Koper: Založba Lipa, 1995), pp. 419-433. MaijaZ Kicmenuč, Ameriški Slovenci in NOB v Jugoslaviji: naseljevanje, zemljepisna razprostranjenost in odnos ameriških Slovcnccv do srarc domovine od sredine 19- Stoletja do konca druge svetovne vojne (Maribor-Založba Ob/orja, 1987). P. 103 26 The activity of Slovene immigrants to ihe USA for independent Slovenia American-Slovene Catholic Union, the American Mutual Life Association, the Progressive Slovene Women of America and the Slovene Women's Union supported the activities of the United Americans for Slovenia by publishing numerous articles about their activities in their newspapers: Prosveta (the organ of the Slovene National Benefit Society), Glas (the organ of the American-Slovene Mutual Life Association), Amerikanski Slovenec (the organ of the American Slovenian Cadioiic Union) and Zarja (the organ of the Slovene Women's Union). From all Slovene settlements in the USA, as well as from individuals from all US states, Americans of Slovene descent and their numerous non-Slovene friends sent thousands of petitions and demands for the recognition of Slovene independence. They also used a special telephone line and on October 8, 1991 they made thousands of phone calls to the White House. Besides the opinions of Americans regarding the hearings of Clarence Thomas, the then candidate for the USA Supreme Court, the agenda of the phone calls to the White House consisted only of the demand for d"ie recognition of the independence of Slovenia on that day.20 As early as July 4, 1991 numerous volunteers gathered in the rooms of the American Mutual Life Association to plan sending hundreds of letters to American State Senators, members of the US Congress and to the President of the United States. All these letters included demands for the recognition of the .Republic of Slovenia.21 This was followed by attempts to persuade high officials of the US Congress and the US Administration. To satisfy their demands the Slovene Americans also used die connections of Dennis Eckart from Cleveland and James Oberstar from north Minnesota, then members of the US Congress, who were of Slovene descent. Senator John Glenn from Ohio and Congressman Dennis Eckart from Cleveland sent a joint resolution to President George Bush expressing their request that Slovenia be recognized. On that occasion John Glenn said to Jim Debevec, the editor and publisher of Ameriska domovina, that he was deeply disappointed by the fact that the USA carried on its misleading policy of non-recognition of Slovenia as an independent state. As early as June 28, 1991 George Voinovich, the Governor of Ohio, whose modier was a Slovene American, asked President George Bush in his letter to intercede ■* * * 20 "Call President Is Big Succes," Ameriska domovina, 93 (44), ( October 31,1991), p. I. 21 Drago Ocvirk," Mobilizacija ymcriSkih Slovencev," Slovencc, 75 (24), (LjubljanaJuly 24, 1991), p. 4.; Joseph C. Evanish," Ways to support Slovenia," Prosveta, 83 (30). (July 24,1991), p. 1;" Do osamosvojitve moramo delati usklajeno, samo skupno jo lahko dosczemo." Ameriska domovina, 93 (32), (August K, 1991), p. 2,;Joseph C. Kvanish, "Podprirno neodvisnost nase Slnvenije." Prosveta, 83 (30), (July 24,1991), p. 14. Razprove in grodivo. Ljubljana. >999. št. 34 27 in connection with the activity of the Yugoslav army in Slovenia; in his letter of July 3, Voinovich reminded the President that during his presidential campaign in 1988 Bush had talked about the problem of die oppressed nations, of the Lithuanians in particular, and that people asked themselves why he did not react in the case of Yugoslavia in the same way as he had in Iraq. Representatives of the fraternal benefit organizations sent numerous protest letters with the demand for the recognition of Slovene independence to President Bush and to Senators of those US states where these organizations were headquartered.22 During the June, 1991 war for Slovenia and especially during the war in Croatia, American Slovenes and the American Croats and their organizations organized numerous demonstrations in order to support Slovene and Croatian independence. Demonstrations took place in many cities from the Atlantic to the Pacific, as well as in front of the buildings of the US Congress and the United Nations. The demonstrations of the Slovenes and Croats were organized in Cleveland, as well.2'3 Interestingly, Slovenes on the West coast of the USA also organized a special Committee for the recognition of Slovenia as an independent State. It was led by Mark Ryavec and Frank Vtdergar, the vice-president of the Slovene National Benefit Society Together with the Croats, they organized highly successful demonstrations in front of the Los Angeles City Hall in July, 1991. The City councils of those American cities where the Slovene and Croatian emigrants and their children had some influence issued resolutions in which they recognized the independence of Slovenia and Croatia.24 Matjaž Jančar, who used to be the Yugoslav Consul General in Cleveland until the beginning of the ten-day war for Slovenia, and who then resigned his post and became a representative of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland a few days later, made an appeal to all organizations of American Slovenes to support Slovenia in its fight for independence and international recognition.25 Therefore, it should be clear that Slovene emigrants demonstrated a strong interest in events in their old homeland during World War I as well as in the 1990's. When different crises (political, economic, war) broke out in their old * * * 22 Letter from George V. Voinovich to U.S. President George Bush, June 28, 1991.; Letter from George V. Voinovich to U.S. President George Bush, July 3,1991- (Arhiv SIM). American Mutual Life Association to U.S. senator John H, Glenn, June 28,1991. (Arhiv SIM). Klcmcnoč, Kcactions of Slovene and Croatian Immigrants ....., 335.; Interview with Prank Vidergar in Nove rn her 1992. 28 The activity of Slovene immigrants to ihe USA for independent Slovenia homelands, the Slovenes, as other European nations, proved that these were the moments of the renaissance of their national consciousness and that these events moved diem, which was also shown in the Slovene emigrant community throughout the world when the decisive historical moments took place in Slovenia. Interestingly enough, Slovene emigrants throughout the world reacted to the events in Slovenia between 1990 and 1992; this even holds true of the countries where they lived in relatively small numbers, such as the Republic of South Africa or New Zealand. The reactions of the Slovene emigrants in the countries where there were relatively many groups which had been politically highly differentiated in relation to their old homeland up to the mid-1980s, showed a high level of unity in the propaganda campaigns for the recognition of Slovene independence on the part of their new homelands (the USA, Canada, Australia, etc.) Particularly in the overseas countries mentioned before, a large number of Slovenes were involved either in demonstrations organized by the Slovene emigrant community together with the Croatian one, or in phone calls or the mass signing and sending off of petitions with the demands For an independent Slovenia. This all confirms the statement of the American historian John Higham "... that whenever the old homelands are in crisis, the cohesiveness and unity in the immigrant communities reaches the highest level."26 This fact, however, will help these communities to survive slightly longer in America's melting-pot. The minute book of United Americans for Slovenia covers the period from June 30 1991 until May 1992. Added are also some minutes beyond this time frame, which covered preparations for celebrations of the anniversaries of the Slovene independence and its recognition by the United States. Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič * * * ^ Poziv Matjaža Jančarja vsem slovenskim ameriškim organizacijam in vsem Američanom slovenskega porekla, fax sent, July 5.1991, (Arhiv SIM).; "Taio Jančar", Dediščina iz srare domovine (in three parts), Delo, 33 (193-195), (Ljubljana, August 19-21.1991), pp. 5, 9,11. John Higham, Introduction; The Forms of Ethnic Leadership. Ethnic Leadership in America. (Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1978), p. A. ZAPISNIKI "UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA" Angleški izvirniki zapisnikov s sej "United Americans for Slovenia" S slovenskim komentarjem t o*5 30 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' MINUTES FROM GENERAL MEETING Slovenian National Home - St. Clair Avenue/East 65th Street June 30, 1991 Meeting called to order at approximately 7: 40 P.M. Introduction by Mr. Charles Ipavec.1 Introduction by Yugoslav General Consulate, Matjaž Jančar.2 Mr. Jančar explained his points of view and possible avenues to assist Slovenia due to crisis in Slovenia and Yugoslavia. Mr. Jančar was informed activity has already occurred regarding the following: general listing with telephone/fax numbers for Executive, State Department, and Congressional branches of government; personalised letters to President Bush,3 Secretary of State James Baker,4 and for U.S. Senator/U.S. Representatives in Congress. All US Representatives and US Senators will also receive a mail-o-gram on July 1, 1991, regarding support for independent and democratic Slovenia and for their support on this matter; over 1,000 leaflets containing contact persons were also distributed by today; and a news conference had been planned and executed on June 28, 1991- All above activities had been co-ordinated and performed by Slovenian American Council. It was also noted that original elections held in April 1990 were initiated by the SAC,5 in terms of financial and moral support. This paved the way for independence movement. Additional comments were made by many persons. Final proposal initiated by Father Joseph P. Boznar/1 pastor, St.Vitus, was agreed upon in the following manner:one (1) representative from the five (5) fraternal organisations (AMLA,7 * * * 1 Rojen leta 1921 v Clevelandu, pravnik in pravni svetovalec za Charter One Bank v Clevelandu, dolgoletni predsednik Clcvelandske federacije narodnih domov. Izhaja iz podjetniške družine, v katere lasti je bila dolga leta Double liagle Bouling Company in podjetje, ki se je ukvarjalo s prodajo avtomobilov. 2 Jugoslovanski diplomat in slovenski politik. Rojen leta 1940 v Ljubljani, umrl leta 1996. Konzul v ZRN, generalni konzul SFRJ v Clevelandu; v 80-ih letih predsednik Slovenske izseljenske matice. 3 George H. W. Bush; roj. leta 1924 v Milionu, Massachusetts. Predsednik Združenih držav v letih 1989-1993. 4 Baker James Addison, tU; roj. leta 1930, pravnik; nosilec Številnih državnih funkcij, podsekretar sekretariata za trgovino 1975-76, vodja kampanje za Izvolitev Gcorgca Busha za predsednika Združenih držav leta 19HH, ameriški državni sekretar za zunanje zadeve v obdobju 1989-1992,1992-1993 šef osebja Bele hiSc. 5 Slovenian American Council, organizacija, ki je podprla Slovenske krščnaske demokrate in Slovensko kmečko zvezo na volitvah v skupščino SRS leta 1990. ^ Župnik pri Sv. Vidu v Clevelandu. 7 American Mutual Life Association (Ameriška dobrodelna zveza), organizacija, ustanovljena v Clevelandu leta 1910. Razprave in arodivo, Ljubljano. 1999. št. 34 31 KSKJK PSWA.y SWU,ll) and SNPJ^); the three (3) main Slovenian Catholic parishes (St.Vitus,12 St.Marys,13 and St. Lawrence)14 also one representative; one representative from the Slovenian American Council;15 one (1) representative from the Alliance;1^ and one (1) representative from the (Federated) Slovenian National Homes17 to serve on a temporary "AD HOC" Committee to work toward informing and maintaining the democracy and independence in Slovenia. Edmund Turk18 will act as legal advisor with the American Home (James Debevec19) and Joseph Valencic20 acting as public relations advisors. Ad Hoc committee will meet at 4:00 P.M. at AMLA headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio on July 1, 1991. Meeting concluded at approximately 9:55 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Stane S. Kuhar21 * * -Jk 8 American Slovenian Catholic Union; slovenska fraternalistična organizacija, ustanovljena leta 1894 vjolietu, II.. ^ Progressive Slovcne Womcn of America; slovensko politično in dobrodelno društvo, ustanovljeno leta 1934 v ZDA M Slovcne Women's Union; katoliško orientirana bratska podporna organizacija slovenskih žena, organizirana leta 1928 v Chicagu. 11 Slovenska naiodna podporna jednota; ustanovljena leta 1904 v Chicagu Pri United Amcricans for Slovcnia s sedežem v Celevelandu ni sodelovala Ameriška bratska zveza (American 1'ratcrnal Union), organizacija s sedežem v l\ly, Minnesota, ustanovljena 1898, ki je še danes tretja največja od Slovencev organizirana bratska podporna organizacija v ZDA. Se pa kasneje predsednik te organizacije uidi pojavlja v številnih delegacijah v zvezi s predstavljanjem slovenskih problemov v ZDA. 12 Slovenska etnična župnija, ustanovljena leta 1894. ^ Slovenska etnična župnija, ustanovljena leta 1905- Slovenska etnična župnija, ustanovljena leta 1901. 15 Organizacija slovenskih izseljencev, ki so se po drugi svetovni vojni izselili iz. političnih razlogov in so na volitvah v Sloveniji leta J990 podprli stranke DEMOS-a. Organizacija, ki so jo lez.a 1990 ustanovili s sodelovanjem vseh slovenskih organizacij v Clevelandu, z namenom podpore demokratičnim procesom v Sloveniji. 17 V Clevelandu je tedaj še vedno delovalo osem slovenskih narodnih domov; to je stavb, ki so jih zgradili Slovenci z namenom, da bi lahko v njih organizirali kulturne, zabavne in politične prireditve. Rojen leta 1925 v Clevelandu. Ohio. Diplomiral na pravni fakulteti Cieveland-Marshall Collegc of Law leta 1954. Od leta 1961 do leta 1973 član elevelandskega mestnega sveta. Predsednik mestnega sveta od leta 1972 do leta 1973. Predsednik Slovenian American Heritage Foundation in nosilec ostalih funkcij. ^ Lastnik podjetja, ki izdaja Ameriško domovino. 20 Rojen leta 1954 v Clevelandu. Od srede osemdesetih let se ukvarja z. reklamami, od leta 1977 do 19H2 je bil zaposlen v Western Reserve Historical Society kjer je bil zadolžen z.a pripravo razstav. Direktor agencije za reklamiranje International Management Group od leta 1992 dalje. Predsednik Clevelandskc Federacije društev SNPJ od leta 1982, podpredsednik društva SNPJ št. 5. Naprej od leta 1981 in številnih drugih slovensko-amer-iških kulturnih organizacij v Clevelandu, avtor člankov v Pncyclopcdia of Cleveland Hisiory ter Western Reserve Historical Society Quarierly. 21 Rojen leta 1953 v Clevelandu. Diplomiral i/, komunikacijskih ved na Ohio State University leca 1976 Podiplomski študij komunikacijskih ved na Cleveland Suite University in v okviru AmeriLrusi Company Leta 1991 je postal vodja prodaje v oddelku Society Bank. Aktiven v življenju slovenskih organizacij v Clevelandu, še zlasii v okvn u farc Svetega Vida. 32 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' MINUTES OF THE JULY 1, 1991 Meeting - Am la Home Office July 1, 1991 4:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 4:10 P.M. Several of the original appointees were unable to attend today's meeting. Their replacements were: Joseph Baškovič22 for Eugene Kogovsek23 (KSKJ): John Pestotnik2^ for Tony Hiti25 (The Alliance); Frank Urankar for Father Kumse (St. Mary's);26 Frank Sega27 for Stan Kuhar28 (The Council); Cirila Kermavner2^ for Jean Krizman (SWU)30. Father Boznar represented both St. Vitus and SL Lawrence Parishes (Father Rebol31). Also present were Jim Debevec of the American Home Weekly and Joseph Valencic. Touched briefly on including a member from the American Fraternal Union (AFU) and the cultural groups. All agreed this should be done. Stan Ziherl32 reported on a call from Yugoslav Consul Jancar saying that eventhoug the media is telling us there is a 90-Day moratorium, the Slovenians are not in agreement with their independence moratorium: they only agreed to freeze some of the implementive procedures. Also, the East Coast Slovenian * * -k 22 Član glavnega odbora in podpredsednik Ameriško slovenske katoliške jednote. 23 Predsednik Ameriško slovenske katoliške jednote. Slovenski podjetnik iz Clevelanda, predstavnik United Slovenian Society in Slovenian-American Radio Club. 25 Anthony W Hiti.: arhitekt., rojen icta 1963 (Cleveland, Ohio). Študiral arhitekturo na univerzah v Cincinnatiju in Ljubljani. Arhitekt in oblikovalec v Kuckidu, Ohio. Član številnih slovenskih organizacij v Clevelandu, med drugim tudi podpredsednik S. A. H. 1: Soavror: Guide to Cleveland Architecture (1991) 26 John M. Kumsc; rojen leta 1952 v Uarbertonu, Ohio. Diplomiral zgodovino na Borromeo Collegeu v Clevelandu in Študiral teologijo na St Mary Seminary v Clevelandu. Postal župnik pri Sv. Mariji v Clevelandu leta 198727 Tajnik Društva Si. 169 KSKJ in član vodstva Slovensko ameriškega sveta 28 Stane S. Kuhar, rojen leta 1953 v Clevelandu. Študiral komunikacijske vede na Ohio University (1976) in zatem na Cleveland State University. Član Slovenskega ameriškega sveta. podpredsednica Slovenske ženske /veze, organizacije katoliški ameriških slovenskih žena, ki je bila ustanovljena leta 1928 Rojena leta 1921 v Clevelandu. Diplomirala na Ohio University v Athens (Ohio) leta 1943- Njena poklicna kariera je vezana na vodenje mreže restavracij Stouffer. V letih 1975-1980 podpredsednica korporacije Stouffer Food. Od leta 1980 v pokoju. Aktivna je bila v najrazličnejših slovenskih organizacijah, še zlasti kot članica direktorija slovenskih Narodnih domov ter članica Slovenske Ženske zveze. 31 Anthony Rebol, župnik pri Sv. Lovrencu v Clevelandu. 32 Stanley Ziherl, rojen leta 1929 v Clevelandu. Pravnik in predsednik American Mutual Life Association (AMIA), organizacije, ki je bila pod imenom Slovenska dobrodelna zveza ustanovljena v Clevelandu kot edina centralizirana bratska podporna organizacija s sedežem v Clevelandu. Njegov oče jc ustanovil podjetje "Z & W Tool" v okraju Lake. Razprove in qradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. st. 3-4_33 Enterprises are interested in establishing some lobbying for this cause. We also have access to the Fax No. of DELO: and J. Evanish33 of SNPJ has informed Stan that we could set up a Western Union Hotline for $ 6.75/Message. Our first objective was to have a name for this organisation. Several suggestions were discussed and the final decision was to call this Ad Hoc Committee "United Americans for Slovenia". Our purpose clause was also discussed at length with several suggestions. Father Boznar's suggestion was accepted unanimously on a motion by Stan Ziherl, second by John Pestotnik. It shall read: "The United Americans for Slovenia support the declaration of independence of Slovenia. We urge the government of the United States of America to give immediate recognition to the new democratic government of the Republic of Slovenia". Jim Debevec reported that he was on Station WWWE this morning from 9:00 to 9:15 A.M. and that it is important that we get support of all Americans to help us in this effort. He has received many phone calls from different areas of the United States asking where they can call; send money, etc. Jean Krizman contacted the American Red Cross and was able to pass out a letter indicating the work the Red Cross is engaged in connection with the Yugoslav situation. Discussion ensued on a membership roster with names, addresses and phone numbers. Since expediency is of utmost importance in disseminating information to members of many organisations, it was decided that each organisation should use its own resources... whether it be individual letters to its membership, weekly newspapers, church bulletins, etc. to encourage concerned citizens to respond. This could be done through a form letter, fax, phone or personal letter. Also brought up was the need for office space; funding for this organisation, letterhead stationery. Stan Ziherl offered the AMLA Home Office for immediate use; Father Boznar felt that parishes and, perhaps, fraternal organisations could share the burden of cost. Securing stationery was tabled for the present time. John Pestotnik provided the names and addresses of all the Senators and Representatives in Washington D.C. All agreed that a copy of the July 1st issue * * * John Kvanish; rojen lew 1959 v Pittsburgh Pennsilvania. Diplomiral iz ekonomije na Robert Morris Collegeu, Coraopolis l'A. Od leta 1991 predscdnik SNPJ. 34 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' of the American Home Weekly should be sent to each one. Stan Ziherl agreed to send the Senators each a copy. Since a cover letter with a brief explanation of our purpose for the mailing was necessary, Edmund Turk asked Joe Valencic to draft such a letter. This was done almost immediately and the letter was approved by all. Since the task of sending out approximately 500 letters to each member of the House of Representatives is monumental, Betty Rotar34 suggested that we have a "lick and stamp" meeting on Thursday, July 4th at 9:00 A.M. at which time volunteers could either type labels or stuff the envelopes. Again, we will use the AMLA Home Office to accomplish this job. We discussed at length what other areas should be covered and it was felt that State Officials of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania and other states, where there are large Slovenian settlements would be helpful to our cause. Here again, perhaps the Fraternals could help in securing names and addresses of officials in their respective states. Jim Debevec suggested a press release covering yesterday's meeting and conight's meeting be sent to die media, as well as notifying Slovenia. Joe Valencic volunteered to do this. Jim also asked where people could send money for victims in Yugoslavia and it was suggested that if anyone asks, we recommend contacting the Red Cross of Slovenia. Edmund Turk commended Jim Debevec on printing the July 1st edition of the American Home Weekly to insure our people knowing of the plight of Slovenia and the efforts that are being made to help. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Friday, July 5th at 7.00 at the AMLA Home Office. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA * * •* 34 Rojena leta 192y v Clevelandu, dolgoletna funkdonaika lokalnega društva Slovenske narodne podporne jednore (SNPj) in članica glavnega odbora SNPJ. V času delovanja United Americans for Slovenia (UAS) jc bila regionalna podpredsednica SNPJ, ki je predstavljala Cleveland. Bila je itidi predsednica pevskega društva 'Jadran" in članica odbora Slovenskega delavskega doma na Waterloo Road v Clevelandu. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34____35_ UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA 19424 S. Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 July 2, 1991 Dear Member of Congress: As you know, hundreds of Americans trace their roots to the Republic of Slovenia. The current situation in Slovenia has brought together representatives of the largest Slovenian-American organisations to ask for your assistance. We, the members of the United Americans for Slovenia, support the declaration of independence of Slovenia. We urge you and die government of the United States of America to give immediate recognition to the new democratic government of the Republic of Slovenia. The enclosed copy of American Home, a national Slovenian-American newspaper, will enlighten you to our concerns. Sincerely, Committee for United Americans for Slovenia 36 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' MINUTES OF THE UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIJA Wednesday, July 10, 1991 Slovenian Workmen's Home The meeting was called to order at 7:50 P.M. by Chairman Edmund Turk, who then read the Proclamation that was issued by the City of Euclid just this evening, prior to this meeting. Absent this evening were: Carl Bonutti35 representing the Primorski Club Helen Konkoy representing the Fed. of Slovene Homes In the absence of Helen Konkoy, who took minutes at the July 5th meeting, Betty Rotar read the minutes. There were several corrections in the spelling of names which will be taken care of. Other corrections included: The word "Slovenian" should precede "American Heritage Foundation". On Pg. 2 the PSWA report should read: Frances Mauric3(S sent some messages and made many calls, passing along information for members to call legislators. Also, Dorothy Gorjup, representing SNPJ reported that SNPJ Headquarters sent Mail-o-Gram information to all secretaries. Information also was published in the Prosveta. On Pg. 3 under Joe Valencic's (Public Relations) report: He received calls from individuals regarding financial support. Also on Pg. 3, Father Kumse was the Celebrant with l600 in attendance at St. John's Cathedral on July 1st and, again, it was Father Kumse who reported that upon meeting a journalist from the Columbus Gazette, it appears that not many people in Columbus realise that Cleveland is a strong Slovenian Community. On Pg. 4, John Pestotnik speaking for die Alliance of American Slovenes reported that $ 10,000 was sent to the hospital in Celje, Slovenia and the second $ 10.000 was going to be presented to an Elementary School in Celje, pending approval by three (3) members of the organisation who will make an "on site" determination since they would be in Slovenia for the Slovene World Congress. Also on Pg. 4 (top of * * * Karl Bonutti, rojen leta 1928 v Gorici. Študiral ekonomijo in politične vede na Case Western Reserve University v Clevclandu in na univerzi v Fribourgu, Švica. Profesor ekonomije na Cleveland State University; kasnejši častni konzul Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu in veleposlanik republike Slovenije v Vatikanu. Odbornica Progresivnih slovenskih žena Amerike, organizacija liberalno orientiranih slovenskih žena v ZDA, ustanovljena leta 1934 v Clevelandu, aktivna pa je bila tudi pri pomoči za vzdrževenje zabaviščnega parka SNPJ v Klrtlandu pri Clevelandu. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 37_ the page) a motion was made by Father Kumse to support the work being done by the United Americans for Slovenia as well as support the Appeal for Aid to Slovenia Fund being sponsored by the Slovenian American Council. Second by Martin Kumse.37 Motion passed. Relative to the above motion, Edmund Turk reiterated his remarks made at the previous meeting indicating that he said more than once, that this Organisation has nothing to do with fund raising, since our sole purpose is to influence the Government to recognise the independent Republic of Slovenia. We cannot raise funds in connection with any other group and, therefore, he was upset with the letter mailed out by the Slovenian-American Council dated July 5th. In the 4th paragraph, only the first sentence "The campaign is being coordinated by the Slovenian American Council" is correct. The rest of the paragraph should be stricken from all future correspondence. This should clarify our position. The minutes will be accepted as amended and corrected. Mike Po!ensek,38 Councilman from Ward 11 was introduced as was Tony Petkovsek. 39 Edmund Turk asked if there would be any objection to have Tony Petkovsek become a member of this Committee. Ann Opeka40 moved, seconded by Joyce Plemel(4J Tony to represent Radio media. Motion passed. MatjažJanČar reported he has been in contact with Foreign Minister Rupel.42 He has informed him of our function. He also received both the English and Slovenian text of the talks between Foreign Ministers that were held in Brioni. * * -* 37 Predsednik Kluba slovenskih upokojencev (Slovenian Pensioners Club) v Barbertonu, Ohio. Srric Rev. Johna Kumseia. Rojen leta 1949 v Clevclandu. Diplomiral na Cuyahoga Community Collegeu. Od leta 1977 dalje član mestnega sve-ta v Clevelandu. Aktiven v različnih elevelandskih bratskih podpornih organizacijah. Od leta 1994 član vodstva mestnega sveta v Clevelandu. 39 Anthony L Peikovsek; rojen leta 1941 v Clevelandu. Diplomiral na Ohio School of Broadcasting na Kent State University. Radijski napovedovalec in produceru radijskih oddaj od 1961. Lastnik postaje WELW (Petkovsek-Somich Broadcast Company) in podpredsednik Kollander World Travel. Ustanovitelj cleve-landskega slovenskega radijskega kluba in United Slovenian Society of Greater Cleveland. Soustanoviielj in predsednik ameri.ško-slovenske fondacije za polko. American Slovenian Polka Foundation, član Sveta za umetnost Ohia. 4(> Predstavnik slovensko-ameriške fundacije za ohranjanje kulturne dediščine (Slovenian American Heritage Foundation) in nekdanji Član odbora Glasbene Matice. 41 Vina od ustanoviieljic in Članica odbora Progresivnih slovenskih žena Amerike. Aktivna je tudi pri dramskem društvu "Ivan Cankar" in pevskem zboru "Anton Verovšek". Dimitrij Rupel, rojen leta 1946 v Ljubljani. Slovenski sociolog, pisatelj in politik. Diplomira) leta 1970 iva Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Doktoriral iz sociologije na univerzi Brandeis, ZDA. Od leta 1992 redni profesor za sociologijo kulture.Ustanovitelj in odgovorni ured ni k Nove revije v IcLili Slovenski zunanji minister v letih I99o-1992. V letih 1994-1997 župan Ljubljane. Od leta 1997 veleposlanik RS v ZDA. 38 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' Jim Debevec offered to take the English text and print in the American Home Weekly. As of this moment, Matjaž Jančar has officially been declared die Consul representing Slovenia. However, since Slovenia is not recognised by our Government, it is difficult to say what his position is. Mr. Millonig43 was nominated by the Government of Slovenia to lobby in Washington and is the liaison between Slovenia and the United States. Edmund Turk believes the Euclid City Council is the first legislative body to pass such a resolution in the State of Ohio. The City of Los Angeles also passed a resolution July 2nd. On the 24th of July, the City of Cleveland will also present a resolution and Rep. Ron Sustar4^ will introduce a resolution in the House at the State level. Ail these passed resolutions should be faxed to Slovenia and John Pestotnik offered to do this. Mike Polensek said he talked to Senator Glenn45 and that he has taken no position; what Mike is saying is, that we as individuals have to start letting Glenn, Eckart,46 Metzenbaum/*7 Stokes,48 Oaker4^ and Feighan5<> know that we want support and a firm commitment from each of them. Joe Valencic then read letters that were prepared for President Bush, our Congressmen, Secretary of State Baker and Ambassador Eagleburger.51 These * * J'ctcr Millonig, slovenski podjetnik v Washingtonu, dolgoletni član uredništva revije Celovški zvon in prvi predstavnik Slovenije v ZDA. Honald Sustar, član predstavniške zbornice amcriSkc zvezne države Ohio in kasnejši okrajni sodnik v Clevclandu. ^ John Glenn Herschel; rojen leta 1921. Prvi ameriški astronavt in predstavnik zvezne države Ohio v ameriškem senatu v Wash in gromi Dennis )■. Hckart; rojen leta 1950 v lluclidu, Ohio. Diplomiral na Xavier University ter doktoriral na Marshall I .aw School v Clevclandu. Bil poslanec v državi Ohio ter član ameriškega kongresa v letih 1981-1993. Howard Morton Meizenb; mm; rojen leta v Clevclandu leta 1917. Pravnik. Diplomiral na Ohio State University, School oF Law. Izvoljen v predstavniški dom države Ohio leta 1943-1947. Član senata drŽave Ohio. Leta 1974 ga je guverner države Ohio kot demokrata imenoval v senat Združenih držav, kjer je ostal do 23, 12. 1974 in bil 2.11. 1976 izvoljen v scnai ZDA; član senata vse do danes. ^ I.oiiis Stokes; rojen leta 1925 v Clevclandu, brat bivšega župana Clevelanda Carla B. Stokesa, pravnik, demokratski kongresnik iz Oliia, 1953 diplomiral na Cleveland Marshall Law School, izvoljen v 95. ameriški kongres 1969, v kongresu do letu 1998 (105 kongres). V svoji kongresniški karieri je bil čudi član kongresnega odbora za obveščevalno dejavnosL ^ Mary Hose Oakar; rojena leta 1940, kongrcsnica iz Ohia od leta 1977 dalje, doccntka na Cuyahoga Community College 1968-1975: članica mestnega svcia v Clevclandu 1973-1976, prebiva v Clevclandu. Kdward Pan ell Peighan; rojen leta 1947 v predmestju Clevelanda, Lakewoodu; demokratski predstavnik Ohia v Kongresu v obdobju 1983 do danes, pravnik v Clevelandu, izvoljen v predstavniški dom Ohia v letih 1973-1982; komisar okrožja Cuyahoga v letih 1979-1982; delegat v demokratski konvenciji drŽave Ohio leta 1980; prebiva v Lakewoodu, Ohio Lawience Sidney l-aglebuigcr: rojen leta 1930; veleposlanik Združenih držav Amerike v Jugoslaviji v letih 1977-1981, leta 1989 postal pomočnik državnega sekretarja v zunanjem ministrstvu. 1989 je bil predsednik Kissingcrjeve fondacije "Kissinger Associates Incorporated" v New Yorku. Sodeloval je pri projektu "Yugoamerica", ki je na ameriški trg plasirala avtomobile kragujevške "Zastave . Leta 1991 postal državni sekretar (zunanji minister) ZDA. Rnzprave in qrodivo. Ljubljana, 1999. št. 34_39 letters were to be signed by all the members of the Committee. Reports from the different representatives followed: SWU - Ann Tercek reported that she has contacted members in West VA, Washington, D.C., etc. Also contacted their President, Victoria Bobence52 and, of course, all the local members are doing their part. ST. LAWRENCE - Father Rebol has already asked through the Sunday Bulletin for support and of course, addresses and telephone numbers for all representatives were included in the bulletin. ST. VITUS - Father Boznar has written a lengthy article on the work that the Organisation (UAS) is doing. Parishioners need to know. Received communications from the Slovenian Research Center (Prof. Edward Giles Gobetz53) re: "Myths and Facts about Slovenia". Father Boznar gave the copy to Stan Ziherl who will make copies for the Committee members. USS - John Pestotnik reported that he has been in contact with his daughter who is in Ljubljana. The Federal Army is removing some of the army members and replaced them with M.P.'s. There are 100 M.P.'s in Zadar, one of the many border cities of Slovenia, (sic!) The Chetniks have risen in Croatia and they are fighting again. John feels that the Federal Army will come back into Slovenia. Some would like to give up-, however, orders are to kill anyone who wants to leave. There are mine areas around the barracks. We cannot let down on this problem. RADIO - Tony Petkovsek would like to zero in on a particular fund raiser campaign. Perhaps a 4-Hr. stint on the radio within the next two weeks, possibly on a Saturday afternoon. If we want to do this sort of tiling, Tony has the accessibility and could handle eight (8) trunk lines for calls. Edmund Turk thought that, although an excellent idea, it should be "on hold" for a bit; perhaps a bit premature until we can sit down with some of our elected officials and see where we are getting resistance in Washington. John Pestotnik agreed it was a good idea; i.e., going ahead widi a campaign for a specific purpose; perhaps getting a lobbyist in Washington. SAHF (Slovene American Heritage Foundation op. M. K.) Ann Opeka reported the SAHF issued a letter on information and requesting action and ■k -k * 52 Predsednica krajev nega d ru šiva Slovenske ženske zveze v Washingtonu. upokojeni profesor sociologijo na Kent State University, avtor, urednik in založnik številnih knjig o problematiki slovenskih izseljencev ter dolgoletni direktor Slovenian Research Institute of America s sedežem v Clevelandu. 40 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' strong support for the independence of Slovenia. Letters sent to President Bush, Secretary of State Baker, Congressmen and Senators; also to Nationalities Services of Cleveland and Senior Services. The Foundation has also contributed to the finances for mailing purposes. Also contacting non-Slovenians for their support. The SNPJ Federation of Western PA is printing 5,000 prepaid postcards, with a message directed to Pres. Bush. These will be available at this weekend's Slovenefest54 in Enon Valley.55 She has also been in touch with the County Auditor's office and they are willing to help. PUBLIC RELATIONS - Joe Valencic requested permission to represent The American Slovenes for Cultural Exchange at the Committee's suggestion. Betty Rotar moved. Stan Ziherl second the motion to have Joe Valencic as their representative to this Committee. Motion passed. Joe reported he talked to our National President Joe Evanish over this weekend and was informed that the SNPJ has started a Slovenia Relief Fund which has been announced on National Television last week and the information is already printed in this week's Prosveta.56 During our SNPJ Federation Picnic where 700 people were in attendance, two bands approached Joe and said if we could Find a date, they would be happy to donate their services. We are thinking of Labor Day for this benefit fund-raiser. ASA - Tony Hiti reported he wrote to various representatives and officials in addition to helping at the AMLA office on the 4th of July. Dr. Susel 57 spoke at the Euclid City Council in support of the resolution. Dr. Susel has also brought back the official Flag of Slovenia. Tony feels we have to keep an audit on replies from the different representatives, etc. ST. MARY'S -Father Kumse encouraged parishioners to take petitions and sign them. He turned them in to this SWH tonight. Also announced the Slovenian American Council Fund raiser as well as asked the people to call their respective Congressmen, etc. * * * 54 Letno druženje Članov SNPJ in ostalih Slovcnccv na področju slovenske farme, na katerem se zbere v treb dneh več kot 30. 000 ljudi. 55 Kraj kjer leži Borrough of SNPJ, malo mesto v rokah SNPJ 56 Glasilo SNPJ, tiskano v okrog 20.000 Izvodih. 57 Rudolph (Mart) Suscl; rojen leta 1940 (Cleveland, Ohio), doktorat zgodovinskih ved leta 1972 (Indiana University, Bloontington), profesor zgodovine na Arizona State University od leta 1979 dalje; urednik tednika American Home/Ameriška domovina, od leta 1981 dalje urednik Our Voice ADZ, poluradnega glasila A. M. L A., (American Mutual Life Organisation, predhodno Slovenska Dobrodelna Zveza), urednik Papers in Slovene Studies, 1967-, avtor članka o slovenskih Američanih v Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups (1980) in Encyclopedia of Cleveland; član AAASS, SSS. Rozprave in gradivo. Ljubljano, 1999. šl. 34 45 BAJRBERTON - Martin Kumse did much the same as Father Kumse, but at the Sacred Heart Church in Barberton. Had people sign petitions. News re Slovenia on Akron TV. Channel 23 and rwice in the Akron Beacon Journal. AMLA - Stan Ziherl said it would be interesting to find out how many will respond. Editor just got back from Slovenia. All information will be printed in the forthcoming issue of Our Voice.58 Edmund Turk thanked Stan for his tremendous help and support and that of his AMLA members. KSKJ - Gene Kogovsek suggests that we get the word out to other organisations from around the country other than Slovenians. Gave the Fraternal Statistics Booklet to Joe Valencic so that all 100 fraternals in the Ohio Fraternal Congress can be contacted. SAC - Stane Kuhar the SAC is trying to get a program together where they would co-ordinate something for Northeast Ohio either August 4th or 25th. This gathering would be held at the Slovenska Pristava5? and they would invite Dr. Millonig to give the Washington perspective. They sent out about 2,000 request letters. Their feeling is that the best opportunity to get to Washington legislators would be through Senator Dole's60 office. Need to push President Bush to make some decisions. Our Congressmen are getting many calls. If support does not come from Ohio, Rep. Sangmeister61 of Joliet will bring the resolution to the floor. John Vidmar62 andjoze Bernik,63 both of Chicago will also help. * * * Poluradno glasilo AMLA Kraj, ki .so ga v sedemdesetih letih odkupili in zgradili za potrebe svojega druženja politični emigranti. Uob (Robert) Joseph Dole, rojen leta 1923, republikanski senator iz Kanzasa. član predstavniškega doma v letih 1951-1953; kongresnik v letih 1961-1969; republikanski kandidat za podpredsednika v letu 1988; izvoljen v senat leta 1968, ponovno izvoljen leta 1974, 1980 in 1986 in 1992; vodja republikancev v senatu v letih 19851997; predsednik v komiteju za finance in v specialnem komiteju za varnost in sodelovanje v Evropi; republikanski kandidat za predsedniško nominacijo v letu 1988 in republikanski kandidat za predsednika ZDA leta 1996, George E. Sangmeister; rojen leta 1931 v Jolietu v eni izmed znanih slovenskih naslebin v bližini Chicaga, demokratski kongresnik iz Illinoisa., pravnik, Icra 1957 diplomiral na ElmhurstCollegeu, I960 na John Marshall Law School. V svoji karieri je bil zaposlen tudi kot sodnik in državni pravdnlk v Jolietu. Politično kariero je začel leta 1972 z izvolitvijo v predstavniški dom države Illinois. V letih 1976 do leta 1987 je bil član senata države Illinois. Leta 1988 je postal kongresnik in bil ponovno izvoljen 6. 2.1990. Med drugim je bil tudi član centra za ekonomski razvoj Jolicta in okrožja Will. 62 John Vidmar; rojen leta 1952 v Clevelandu, diplomiral iz političnih ved in sociologije in političnih ved na Cleveland State University leta 1974, magistriral iz političnih ved na University of Chicago leta 1976, doktoriral iz "Public Affairs" na University of Illinois, Urbana Illinois leta 1985. Po doktoratu je bil v letih 1985-1988 konzul-tant Metropolitan Planning Council of Chicago, potem konzultant NBC News Election Unit v letih 1986-1988. V letih med 1988 in 1990 je bil vodja skupine za računovodstvo v Public Sector Research Group, Market Facts, Inc. Od leta 1991 je član komiteja za računalniško zbiranje podatkov v okviru ameriškega urada za ljudsko štetje. 63 Jože M. liernik; rojen leta 1924 v Škofji Loki. Študiral na več univerzah (Rim, 1946-47; Madrid, 1948-50; 42 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' PSWA - Joyce Plemel64 reported that Fran Mauric wrote a letter which will be sent to all members for them, in turn, to send to their respective legislator. Joyce also attended the Waterloos Pensioner's meeting, where Don Gorjup65 spoke in behalf of the UAS to have all members sign the petitions that were distributed. SNPJ - Betty Rotar reported that both Joe Evanish and Grace Doerk,66 National president and National Secretary respectively, were on National TV in Chicago. She also passed around the latest issue of the Prosveta which had much information about Slovenia and the efforts being made in the United States to help. She also reported that 3 sheets of petitions were signed at Friday's Fish Fry at SWH67 and another 10 sheets of petitions were signed at the SNPJ Farm on Sunday, July 7th. Petitions will be taken to the SNPJ Recreation Center in Enon Valley for signatures also. AMERICAN HOME - Jim Debevec just returned from vacation. Out West, nobody is interested in the events other than the Slovenes in their respective communities. Councilman O'Malley donating 5" - 2 Column space for whatever Jim wants to print. Paul Barborich68 of Indianapolis sent him a clipping from the Indianapolis Star which had a derogatory cartoon depicting Slovenes and Croations (sic!) as being "a bunch of rubes"... a woman with a babushka, etc. This type of portrayal hurts the Slovene people and deserves a letter of protest from our Organization. There will be another march in Washington on July 26th. Croatians and Albanians will be meeting with Senator Dole. The New York Times in doing an excellent job of writing about the Slovenia crisis. Stane Kuhar reported that tomorrow night on Channel 8 between 5:00 and 6:00 there will be a program regarding Slovenia with Dr. Gobetz and John Hocevar participating. * * * Illinois, 1953, Chicago Kern College of Law, podiplomski študij mednarodnega prava na univezi v Chicagu, 1962, podiplomski Študij managements na univcr/.i v Rostonu, 1970). Zasedal visoke funkcijo (podpredsednik, tajnik in svetovalec) v Abbot Internalional Ltd v letih 1965-1989. liden od ustanoviteljev dnevnika Slovencc, podpredsednik (1991-1992) in predsednik Slovenskega svetovnega kongresa. Članica glavnega odbora Progresivnih slovenskih žena Amerike. član odbora za šport pr glavnem odboru SNPJ, predsednik odbora za vzdržavanje zabaviščnega parka v Kirtlandu pri Clevelandu in predsenik elevelandske Športne lige pri SNPJ ter član odbora Slovenskega delavskega doma v Clevelandu. v obdobju delovanja UAS je bita nacionalna sekretarka SNPJ. Slovenski delavski dom je bil zgrajen leta 1927 kot zbirališče levo orientiranih elevelandskih Slovencev. ^ Rojen leta 3959 v Indianapolisu. Diplomiral na Purdue University. Aktiven član Kranjsko-slovenske katoliške jednote, Razprgve in grodivo. Ljubljana. 1999. si. 34 __________43 Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 17th at 7:00 P.M. at the AMLA Home Office. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary UNUED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA 44 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA 7/17/91 1. APPROVAL MINUTES 7/17/91 2. NEW MEMBERSHIP-FRANCES AND JANE S. LAUSCHE FOUNDATION 3. REPORT ON MEETING WITH DENNIS ECKART, MC&> 4. CROATIAN RALLY, WASH. D. C. 7/26/91 5. AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE OF PREPAID POST CARDS 6. REPORTS 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. DATE & TIME NEXT MEETING 9. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES OF THE UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Wednesday, July 17, 1991 Am la Home Office The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Edmund Turk. Betty Rotar read the minutes of the last meeting; with a few minor corrections, they were unanimously approved as corrected. Edmund Turk complimented Betty Rotar on her excellent comprehensive minutes and all reciprociated with a round of applause. Absent from this meeting were: Joyce Plemel (PSWA), Jean Krizman (Red Cross), Stane Kuhar (SAC), Eugene Kogovsek (KSKJ), Father Boznar (St. Vitus), Helen Konkoy (Federation of Slovenian Homes) and Karl Bonutti (Primorski Club). Joseph Baskovic represented KSKJ at this meeting. * * * Rojen leta 1950 v Euclidu, Ohio, pravnik in član predstavniškega doma ameriškega kongresa (1981-1993). Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34 45 Edmund Turk suggested having Jim Debevec represent the Lausche Foundation on this Ad Hoc Committee. Motion by Ann Opeka, second by Cirila Kermavner, we approve. Motion passed. Edmund Turk reported that Stanley Ziherl wrote a letter which was sent to Anna Mae Mannion, 70 1st V.P. of the Ohio Fraternal Congress asking them to pass a resolution supporting Slovenia's declaration for independence. The Ohio Fraternal Congress represents 500,000 members. An attempt will also be made to present a similar letter/resolution at the National Fraternal Congress to see if they too would support recognition of Slovenia's independence. The National Fraternal Congress represents 9,000,000 members. Edmund Turk also reported on the meeting which was held on Sunday, July 14th at the AMLA office with Congressman Dennis Eckart present. Dennis is in contact with representatives in Slovenia everyday The important thing is that we have to get the President's ear since he is the only person that has the authority to recognise Slovenia as an independent nation. We have to keep calling and writing into Washington. He stressed that the phone calls/letters have to continue so they make an impact. Dr. Rupel will be coming to the U.S.A. this week and will open up the way for the Slovenian delegation. He will appear on CNN on Friday at 3:00 P.M. Someone should approach Governor Voinovich71 and the State Chairman of the Republican Party for them to use their influence. Edmund Turk reported that Governor Voinovich stopped at his home the other evening and assured him he is doing everything he can. Rep. Eckart indicated a resolution will be presented in Congress by Co-sponsors Lantos72 and Sangmeister who are on the Congressional Foreign Relations Committee and therefore, have more clout. Edmund Turk also reported that he received a phone call from England this afternoon from a gentleman by the name of Keith Miles who is married to a Slovene. He arranged a meeting with Peterle and John Major. Also arranged to have past Prime Minister Thatcher7^ call President Bush who talked to him about Slovenia. * * * 70 Po poklicu gospodinja; prva podpredsednica Ohijskcga fraternalisričnega kongresa, organizacije, ki združuje bratske podporne organizacije v tej ameriški zvezni dr2avi. 71 George Voinovich; rojen leta 1936 v Clevclandu. Mati Slovenka. Študiral na Ohio University in si pridobil doktorat pravnih znanosti na Ohio State University. Bil župan Clevelanda v letih 1979-1990 in guverner države Ohio v letih 1991 do 1998. Izvoljen za zveznega senatorja iz drŽave Ohio na listi republikanske stranke. 72 Thomas Peter Lantos; rojen leta 1928 v Budimpešti, demokratski kongresnik iz Kalifornije v obdobju 1981 do danes,. V Združene države je prijel leta 1947 na Srudije. Doktorat v Berkeleyu, Kalifornija. Profesor ekonomije; televizijski komentator; ekonomski in zunanjepolitični svetovalec v senatu Združenih držav; dele-gai na demokratski nacionalni konvenciji leta 1976. Margareth Thatcher, 1979-80 predsednica vlade Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske. 46 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' The Croations (sic!) are planning another rally in Washington D.C. on July 25 and 26 and would welcome Slovenians to join them. The Croations (sic!) are getting support from Senator Dole7"* because he has a Croation (sic!) woman who works in his office. Ann Opeka gave a notice to Edmund Turk re this same rally. This note was passed around the bus that took them to and from Enon Valley last Sunday. John Pestornik wondered how effective this rally will be; do they have permits to attend; most of the Senators and Representatives leave Washington on Thursday or Friday for the weekend. After much discussion, it was agreed that both Tony Petkovsek and Jim Debevec would publicize this rally, suggesting that any interested party can contact Mr. Nogalo, Tele: 951-5191 and leave it up to each individual who wishes to go. Cost will be $ 20.00/person. We discussed having something to pass out to people to show/send their support. Betty Rotar passed out postcards which were given to her from the SNPJ Western Federation. These postcards were prepaid and carried a message to President Bush to support Slovenia's and for Croatia's independence; there was space for the name and address of the sender. Betty Rotar moved, Joe Baskovic second we have 5,000 pre-printed postcards with a similar message that can be passed around to all our organisations asking for support. A question on how we can purchase these cards brought a response from our Chairman that we do have $ 1,300 in our treasury. Betty Rotar then presented several envelopes that had come to the SWH, each with donations. Upon opening the envelopes, another $ 150.00 was noted, which brings the total to $ 1,450. On a vote for the motion, die motion passed. Joe Valencic was asked to come up with the appropriate message for these postcards. We discussed mass mailing to lodges, organisations etc. Using the USS Slovene Directory?5 as a source for names, addresses, etc. Discussion continued on the need for funds. Although we agreed at our past meetings that we can not collect funds for Slovenia since our purpose clause explicitly states that our mission is to urge the U.S. Government to recognise the Republic of Slovenia, it is imperative that we do collect funds to resolve our mission. However, we have to be very specific since this Ad Hoc Committee represents a cross-section of Slovenia/Cleveland/Ohio/U.S.A. member collectively. It has to be approached as a "fund raiser" stating that the monies collected will be used exclusively for lobbying purposes and to keep our people aware of what is happening in Washington, here, as well as in Slovenia. Father Kumse was * * * Hob Dole, gl op. 60 Dolgan Cecilia: Slovenian National Directory, 1st Edition. (Cleveland: United Slovenian Snciery, 1984). Rnzprave in qrodivo. Ljubljana. 1999, si. 34 A7 asked to explain why SAC76 funds were going to be directed to the Slovenian Society of St. Mohor (Mohorjeva Družba op. M. K.) in Celovec, Austria. Father Kumse replied that the Mohorjeva Družba has a long tradition of helping people in times of disaster. They have the assurance that funds will be used for humanitarian, medical supplies, rebuilding the lives of refugees, etc. The reason the money is sent to Celovec is that in the event funds are "frozen" in Slovenia, they will be able to get help thru Celovec. Tony Petkovsek again stated that he would be willing to have a Radiothron on WELW within the next several weeks and that the money collected could be used by this Ad Hoc Committee. He suggested having a 4-Hour Radiothron on Saturday, August 3rd from 12:00 to 4:00. The radio station will be willing to donate free air time; the trunk lines from Kollander World Travel; all we need are volunteers to help answer calls and list the donors. This would actually fall within "Old World Festival" Week; However, the Saturday afternoon is a slow time for the Festival and this might be an excellent time to do this. All were in agreement. Publicity will begin at once on radio, the American Home, Our Voice77 and any other publication that may be printed within the next two weeks. The statement issued should be identical for all media. With this decision made, John Pestotnik suggested that Father Kumse might be willing to act as Treasurer. Father Kumse accepted and Joe Baškovič agreed to help him. Checks/money should be sent in c/o Edmund Turk, Chairman, United Americans for Slovenia, 6411 St. Clair Avenue, Suite #8, Cleveland, OH 44103. John Pestotnik suggested a follow-up promo letter that should go out to all areas of the United States. We should also push for interviews in the United States. We should also push for interviews with the Associated Press, CNN; also Dick Russ78 on TV; Tony on WELW; Jim Debevec via American Home and other news media. Joe Valencic was asked how long he thought it would take to get out a solicitation package including a press release, imprinted envelopes (both outer and return) and anything else that should be included in sending out information to all organisations in the U.S.A. Joe felt that it would take approximately one week and felt that by next Thursday or Friday it could be done. He was given the "go* * * Slovene American Council; ena od slovensko-ameriSkih organizacij, ustanovljena 1990. 77 Glasilo American Mutual Life Association (AMLA) Napovedovalec in politični komentator na eni od glavnih clevelandskih televizijski mrež. Po obeh starSih je bi! slovenskega porekla. 48 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' ahead" by all in attendance. Volunteers will again be called to help stuff envelopes and address same. This will again be done at the AMLA office. John Pestotnik also mentioned the possibility of having the new Slovenia flag made and use it as a "fund raiser". He has taken the new flag and checked on prices. However, he has to wait and see how much it will cost because of the silk screening. The approximate cost at this point in time is $23-00 for a 3' x 5' flag. The flags would have to be sold for no less than $ 30.00, but John will get the actual figures for our next meeting. The general consensus was that we should not go in the "flag selling" business because we could not maJke enough money for all the work involved. However, we will make our final decision at our next meeting. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, July 25th at 7:30 P.M. here in the AMLA Home Office. The meeting was adjourned at 9-40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Secretary UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Rnzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. st. 34 49 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA 7/25/91 1. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 7/17/91 2. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 3. 3. REPORT JOE VALENCIC, PRINTING & MAILING 4. REPORT TONY PETKOVSEK, FUND-RAISING, PRESS RELEASE ETC., 5. STAN KUHAR, MR. MILLONIG BRIEFING 6. NEW INFORMATION & REPORTS 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING 9. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES OF THE UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Thursday, July 25, 1991 Amla Home Office The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Edmund Turk. The following members of the Committee were absent: Joyce Plemel (PSWA), Cirila Kermavner (SWU), Jean Krizman (Red Cross), Eugene Kogovsek (KSKJ), Father Kumse (St. Mary's), Father Rebol (St. Lawrence) Helen Konkoy (Federation of Slovenian Homes), Martin Kumse (Barberton) and Tony Petkovsek (Radio Advisor). Fran Mauric represented PSWA at this meeting. Betty Rotar read the minutes of the July 17th meeting. Stane Kuhar pointed out that on Pg. 3, 9th line. The word "lobbying" should be changed to the following phrase: "exclusively for the promotion and recognition of an independent Slovenia by the United States of America". This will clarify our stand. Since there were no other additions or corrections, the minutes were accepted as read. 50 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' Edmund Tlirk asked if there were any other requests for membership to this Committee, such as Singing Societies, etc. There were no requests made at this meeting. Edmund once again expressed his gratitude to Stanley Ziherl of AMLA for their hospitality in letting us use the facilities of the AMLA Home Office. Joe Valencic will have our mailing package ready to go by this coming Saturday. The mailing will include a cover letter from our Committee, a Petition for the Recognition for the Republic of Slovenia, a flyer regarding the Radiothon for United Slovenes for America on August 3rd, a pre-paid post card addressed to Pres. Bush and a preadressed return envelope for the donation. In addition to the volunteers from this committee, both John Pestotnik and Father Boznar offered to contact people who will be willing to help. Volunteers should come at 10:00 A.M. to type the labels and after 12:00 Noon for "stuffing" the envelopes. John Pestotnik reported on his findings re the Slovenian Flag. Cost will be around $ 20.00 for a 3' x 5' flag, with a selling price of $ 30.00. He ordered 100 of them. He also had pins which will be selling for $ 1.00 each and hats that will be either $ 5-00 or $ 6.00 depending on the style. These purchases were all financed by the United Slovene Society. After repayment to the USS, all proceeds realised will be given to this Committee. John also reported on the Radiothon scheduled for Saturday, August 3rd. Volunteers will be needed for that day. The Radio Club members will also be there. John suggested that the treasurer Father Kumse or his assistant Joe Baskovic should be there so that after the checks are audited and announced over the air, they can be deposited immediately. Tony Petkovsek did send out promotional material regarding the Radiothon; however, printing the information on the back side of our mailing packet will increase publicity greatly. All volunteers should be at Koliander World Travel (where Tony's show is broadcast) by 11.00 A.M. Stane Kuhar asked if any consideration was given to where any excess funds might be allocated when Slovenia is recognised as an Independent Republic and this Ad Hoc Committee's work is completed? Discussion ensued on existing rules for tax exempt organisations. This collective body will make the decision when the time comes. Right now, we have managed to purchase 5,000 postcards and plan to make a mass mailing of approximately 1,000 pieces of mail. However, we are hoping that other organisations may "take the bull by the horn" and continue the campaign by ordering their own postcards and mailing to their respective membership. In this way the impact will be much greater for our leaders in Washington. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34 51 John Pestotnik is also negotiating for a big truck for the "Old World Festival" Parade on Sunday, August 4th. He plans to use SNPJ, AM LA. KSKJ and AFU7? banners. If he can get a banner for the United Americans for Slovenia, he will do so: however, time is of essence. All in attendance were in agreement that we should identify ourselves. As to the representatives on the Float, all will depend on the conditions prevailing in Slovenia. If all seems to be fairly calm, he may invite musicians to perform; otherwise a more sombre atmosphere will be apparent. Stane Kuhar reported on the itinerary of Dr. Peter Millonig for this weekend. A news conference is planned for 1:30 P.M. A meeting with the UAS will be at 3:30-3:45 P.M. and a meeting with the SAC at 5:00 P.M. On Sunday he will be at the Slovenska Pristava where the St. Vitus Slovenian School will be sponsoring their annual picnic. Dr. Millonig is fluent in English, Slovene and German. He is a graduate of the Slovenska Gymnasia in Celovec and the University of Vienna where he attained an attorney's degree. He has been in the U.S.A. for 10 years, owns an Import/Export business in McLean, VA and is the Editor of "Celovški Zvon". Meeting with this Committee will give us another dimension and sense of what is going on in Washington. Dr. Millonig is the official representative from Slovenia having been nominated and elected from the Executive Committee of Slovenia and works on a voluntary basis without reimbursement. All members of this Committee were invited to attend the Saturday afternoon meeting. Father Boznar reported that he has a small group of about eight (8) persons who are willing to help whenever needed. He would like to know if we have any plans coming up where he could utilise these people. John reminded him that it is important that we continue having the petitions and post cards that are circulating collected so that they can be sent to Washington. Father Boznar then suggested that a question and answer type interview by Tony Petkovsek during the Radiothon might be a good way for people to familiarise themselves with this Committee and the work that we are doing. Karl Bonutti reminded us that the expenses for achieving our objective will not be small; this process of getting recognition will be very costly. At the present, everyone on the Committee is doing a good job; however, we have to go out of our own groups and approach different people so the concentration of effort is not only coming from Northeast Ohio but from all across the U.S.A. * * * American l-'ratcrna) Union; Ameriška bratska zveza, slovenska fraternalistična organizacija s sedežem v Ulyu v Minnesoii. 52 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' Edmund Turk reported that twenty-two (22) buses will be leaving Cleveland tonight bound for Washington— another five (5) from Chicago and a bus from New York as well as from Sharon, Pa. This is a part of the Croation (sic!) contingent reported on at last Thursday's meeting and announced over the air via Tony's Polka Show and thru Jim Debevec via the American Home Weekly newspaper. Under new business, Betty Rotar invited all members to the Farewell Party which will be given in honour of our departing Yugoslav Consul General, Matjaž Jančar. This party will be held at the SWH on Waterloo on Monday, July 29th from 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. A donation of $ 10.00 person will be collected at the door. Betty Rotar also suggested the possibility of sponsoring a fundraiser at the SNPJ Farm with a Labor Day picnic. As previously noted, several orchestras are willing to donate their time for this worthy cause. The suggestion was put "on hold". Edmund Turk read a letter sent to State Rep. Ron Sustar80 from Joan E. Colbert, Co-Ordinator for Intergovernmental Affairs, Bureau of Public Affairs wherein she alluded to the fact that each of the Republics that make up Yugoslavia are free to secede, according to the last Four (4) constitutions governing their country, as long as the proper process is followed. Jim Debevc reported that he printed some highlights from an article which appeared in "Delo" stating that there is support in the U.SA. for Slovenia's sovereignty Karl Bonutti also quoted, regarding a rather critical article by the Editorial Board of the Washington Post, wherein they state that Europe is soon to see a new Nation. It appears that in Washington now, die public is accepting the reality. Similar stories were also carried in U.S. World Report and the July 20th issue of "Delo". The army is already moving out and things are moving in the right direction, but we still have much work. Patrick Buchanan81 wrote a strong commentary on foreign policy directed at Pres. Bush. Since he is non- ethnic, this carries a lot of weight. * ■* Ronald J. Sustar; rojen leta 1942 v Clevelandu, Ohio. Doktor pravnih ved s Case Western Reserve Law School, Cleveland, Ohio (1967). Odvernik. Član predstavniškega doma države Ohio od leta 1981do Icia 1991. 81 Patrick Joseph Buchanan; rojen leta 1938; eden izmed najbolj znanih ameriških žurnallstov, predsedniški svetovalec, piscc številnih knjig in voditelj televizijskih programov (med drugim rudi CNN-ovega Crossfire ter moderator Capitol Gang; glavni urednik Newsletter PGB from the Right v letih 1990-1991); leta 1992 kandidat za republikansko nominacijo za predsednika Združenih držav. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 53_ Senators Dole and Metzenbaum have put a resolution on the floor. Mike Polensek sent a fax stating that a resolution was introduced at a committee meeting and passed. It will now be introduced at City Council this coming Monday and there seems to be no reason to believe that it will not pass unanimously. John Pestotnik reported that his daughter Linda called and told of a tornado in Domžale and hail as big as "golf balls" in another section of Slovenia. This only adds to their already troubled woes. A short discussion ensued regarding the state of their economy. We touched briefly on their inflation and the value of the dinar. We also discussed the possibility of their getting enough credit from the World Bank to be able to survive as an independent nation. John Pestotnik moved, Stane Kuhar second we adjourn the meeting at 9:07 P.M. The next meeting will be Thursday, August 1st at 7:30 P.M. at the AMLA Home Office. Respectfully submitted., Betty Rotar, Recording Sec. 54 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA 8/1/91 1. APPROVAL MINUTES OF 7/25/91 2. NEW MEMBERSHIP 3. RADITHON REPORT TONY PETKOVSEK JOHN PESTOTNIK 4. REPORTS 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. TIME & PLACE NEXT MTG. 7. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Thursday August 1, 1991 The meeting was called to order at the AMLA Home Office by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7;35 P.M: No roll call was taken however, Franc. Mauric replaced Betty Rotar for this meeting as recording secretary, Frank Sega sat in for Stane Kuhar and Joe Lach82 for Helen Konkoy. Frances Mauric read the minutes of the previous meeting and after a few typographical errors, a motion was made by John Pestotnik and seconded by Stan Ziherl to accept as read. Ed Polsak8^ had expressed a desire to have the Slovenian Singing Societies represented on this Committee. Was agreed by all that Ed Polsak should represent all of the groups. A• * * 82 Član odbora Federacije Slovenskih narodnih domov v Clevclandu, Edwin Polsak/ rojen leta 1921 v Clevelandu, pevovodja in organizator slovenskih pevskih društev v Clevclandu. Rnzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana, 1999. šl. 34 55 Joe Valencic to put this group on an amended letter head. Tony Petkovsek reported that all is in pretty much good order to go on the radiothron this coming Saturday during the annual E. 185th Street Fair. He has it all pretty well covered by all of the Slovenian publications and hopes more from the Plain Dealer8^ He is expecting the following to call in during the broadcast: Governor Voinovich, Congressman D. Eckart, Mayor Lynch from Euclid, Ronald Suster State Rep. ,85 Mike Polensek,86 Cleveland Councilman, Corrine Leskovar87 from a Chicago radio program. Hoping that this will give considerable credence to our work. Tony has faxed a letter to Charles Kuralt,88 a descendant from no iess than Slovenian nobility and has expressed interest in his heritage. Edmund Ttirk has been in touch with Kieth (sic!) Miles89 from London, England. Kieth describes himself as working for the Embassy in Waiting. A medium between the British and the Slovenians. Said that there are some 2000 Slovenians in England. He may call Mr. Rupel in Slovenia and have him call here, hopefully. Said that Mr. Peterle has talked to Mrs Thatcher who still has some clout in England. Tony would like to have Ed Turk there for the time to explain to people what is going on in Slovenia and what this organization is all about and of course why we need financial help. Ed Turk also to air express all pertaining articles to active and interested Mark Ryavec90 from California and who is reputed to also to have some friends with clout. John Pestotnik,^1 chairman of promotion, has items for sale. New Slovenian flags that will sell for $ 30.00. cost us $ 20.00. Caps to sell for $ 6.00, these have logo on front. And badges selling for $ 1.00. People donating $ 1000.00 will get * * * Glavni clevelandski lokalni časopis z naklado preko milijona ¡'¿vodov. 85 Itonald J. Susier; rojen leta 1942 v Clevelandu, študiral na Adalbert College, Western Iteserve University (1964) in na Case Western Uw School (1967, doktor prava). Odvetnik. Poslanec v zakonodajni zbornici države Ohio in sodnik elevelandskega mestnega sodišča. 86 Michael D. Polensek; rojen leta 1949 v Clevelandu. Študiral industrijski managemenet na Cuyahooga Community College, Cleveland, Ohio. Član elevelandskega mestnega sveta od leta 1977 dalje. Nekdanji podpredsednik in član SNPJ lože # 142 v Clevelandu. Član KSKJ, AMLA. 87 Leskovar Con ine; lastnica in urednica slovenskega radijskega programa v Chicagu. 88 Charles Kuralt; dolgoletni politični komentator ene od treh nacionalnih televizijskih mrež CBS in avtor številnih knjig. Naj med njimi omenimo le knjigo "Charles Kuialt's America", v kateri v poglavju o Elyju s ponosom govori o svojih slovenskih koreninah. 8^Keith Miles, angleški zgodovinar, ki se je posvečal zlasti dogodkom ob koncu druge svetovne vojne v Sloveniji. Mark Ityavcc; rojen leta 1951 v Santa Monici, California. Diplomira! Iz psihologije na University of California, Los Angeles, in magistriral iz urbanih študij na Occidental Collegeu v Los Angelesu leta 1978. Deloval kot lobist v Los Angclesu. Avtor resolucije mesta Los Angelesa, ki je podprla neodvisnost Slovenije in Hrvaške. Odvetnik iz Clevelanda. 56 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' a flag. Those contributing $ 500.00 will get a cap and all others will get a badge. John stresses the importance of everyone getting involved, writing, calling and talking and what have you. Would particularly like to have more young folks take an interest He feels strongly that if Slovenia fails, our cultural activities here will also suffer. We have much to lose. John outlined the work force and line of duty for the radiothon on Saturday. Tony Petkovsek?2 reported that the Croations (sic!) collected locally in one night, a total of $ 600,000. No small amount Reported here that we have already received some very notable donations. $ 1,000,00 from Andy Cashen, who is a Slovenian, a proud one, businessman from Lake County, $1,000,00 from the United Slovenian Society, and $ 500,00 from the National Board of the P.S.W.A. Joe Valencic has done a remarkable job in getting the mailing necessities. 950 PCS. of card, letters and envelopes for the cost of $ 950,00 and the printing cost $ 248,00. Joe also did a great job in emceeing the A: the fast put together farewell party for former Yugoslav Council (sic!), Matjas Jančar. He had proclaimed his loyalty to Slovenia, The Federal Government then demanded that he return to Yugoslavia. Decided that Joe Valencic is to order 10,000 more post cards and there should be a place noting the name and address for people signing these. This an urgent need and Jean Krizman and Mr. Sega are to look into availability of immediate printing. John can use them for this weekend. Ann Opeka passed out 600 cards this past week. Franc Mauric is going to the Midwest and will attend the Slovene Fest in Urbana, Illinois. This is always attended by thousands of people. And she would hope to have some ready then. Perhaps sell some badges also. Suggested that perhaps we can pay someone overtime to get these cards printed immediately. John Pestotnik asked Fr. Kumse to audit at the Radiothon, however, Fr. explains that Saturdays are a busy time for priests. He cannot put off wedding etc. Stan Zihed volunteered to stand in for Fr. Kumse. Jean Krizman hoped that we could reach some big radio or T.V. station and get a dialog going. Tony is doing a great job, but his daily program does not * * * Tony Petkovsek; rojen leta 1941 v Clevelandu v Ohlu; napovedovalec na etničnem radijskem programu v Clevelandu ccr lastnik radijske postaje "Petkovsek Somic" ter podpredsednik potovalne agencije "Kollander World Travel. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34 57 reach far enough. Jean says that we need someone on public relations. Perhaps we should contact Sue Gorisek from Public Radio. We have able people here to work on such a committee. Jim Debevec,93 who is aJready doing beyond expectancy, Joe Valencic and Tony Hiti. Edmund Turk said that he would put together such a committee. He suggested that perhaps Jim Debevec would again print a big promo issue and send it out widely as possible. Will be interesting see what kind of monies will come in. Jim Debevec announced, to everyone's great surprise that the phone call to Washington costs only .23! Suggested that someone contact the Senior Citizens and explain all of this to them. Someone who can talk strongly and forcefully. That can instil the desire to help in the apathetic people. The .23 phone call should be an incentive. Jean Krizman also suggested that other parish, not just the Slovenian ones, be contacted. Found out that there has already been some that showed concern. Edmund Turk asked if perhaps we have to ask Bishop Pevec94 if he is open to above suggestion. Tony Petkovsk said that it is very imperative to stress that none of these (this committee) is being paid for their work! John Pestotnik also said that perhaps it may be necessary to join forces with other nationalities for this fight for recognition by our Government. Stan Ziherl suggested that we have some government people attend our meeting. Some discussion on reputed disunity in Slovenia. What can we do to suggest to them "please try to stay united until goals are achieved" at least Maybe send a letter to Mr. Rupel, Tony Hiti suggested sending a letter in form of a congratulatory message on their unity. Also letters to Mr. Peterle and Mr. Kučan. Suggested that our President certainly would not be inclined to support them if they are not united. However, Mr. Turk insisted that this is not our concern. Our purpose here is being united in our goal to encourage our country leaders in supporting Slovenia's fight for democracy. Even the money aspect is not the foremost We must reach everyone possible. Professor Karl Bonutti wished to discuss the letter received from Phylis Kaminsky in Washington D. C. Re: Congressman (Sic!) Dole's amendment and his sympathy to our cause. This amendment will offer the monies that are now * * * 93 Urednik in lastnik "Ameriške domovine" 1-Idward A. Pevec, rojen leta 1925 v Clevelandu. Doktoriral leta 1964 na Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Posvečen v duhovnika leta 1950.1982 imenovan za pomožnega Škofa elevelandske Škofije. 58 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' frozen to be distributed to all of the Yugoslav Republics and not to [he Federal Government in Belgrade. This will no doubt pass both house and seemingly, Pres. Bush could do no less but pass it also. Economy in Slovenia is bleak indeed. They have no currency, but the dinar, and this is not very desirous to say the least. Also discussion on who is capable on ruling the new Slovenia. Rumors on disunity are a natural process of evolution. This is democracy at work. Some people point to our Civil war. But Mr. Bonutti points out that there is a decided difference between the two. There is also fear that the Yugoslav Army will return unless we get the recognition from our Government and some of the European countries. Cirila Kermavner (SWU) reported that she had read that Mr. Tudjman has put 2 Serbs in his cabinet. This is good and wise. Again, Mr. Turk asked individual organisations to expand on our work, Gene Kogovsek reported from K.S.K.J. that theirs is us already in the making. Ann Opeka moved to close this discussion. Professor Bonutti announced that there will be a Slovenian History Professor at the Cleveland State. Teaching and lecturing on Slovenian Prospective teachings. Using his lecture to prepare a book in Slovenian. This will begin at the end of the September for the following quarter, t of the students are Slovenian and Prof. Bonutti would hope for more to sign up. Karl Bonutti also noted that everyone on Adria Airlines speak Slovenian and sounds impressive. NOTE: Saturday on August 3- From 11:30 to 4:00 P.M. The Big Push on W.E.L.W. 1330 on your dial. The next meeting to take place at the same place, The gracious AMLA Home Office with gracious Stan Ziherl at the helm, on Wednesday, August 7, 1991 This meeting adjourned on motion by Joyce Plemel, seconded by Joe Valencic adjourned at 9:45 P.M. P.S. Some 26 people were here on the preceeding Saturday working on the first mailing. An impressive number. Respectfully submitted Rgzprave in grodivo. Ljubljana. 1999. si. 34 59 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, August 7, 1991 This meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund J. Turk at 7:45 P.M., at the Home Office of A.M.L.A., 19424 S. Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio pursuant to the notice of this meeting given at the close of the prior meeting of August 1, 1991- Present were: Edmund Turk, Jean Krizman, Eugene Kogovsek, Matt Susel, John Pestotnik, James Debevec, Ann Opeka, Stanley Ziherl, Tony Petkovsek, Tony Hiti, Stane Kuhar and Joseph Valencic. Ann Opeka read the minutes of the prior meeting, and the following corrections were made: on page 2, second sentence, "cost us $ 20.00" was deleted; on page 3, seventh sentence, in place of "Public Radio", Ohio Magazine was the correct designation. The minutes were then approved as corrected upon the motion of John Pestotnik and seconded by Eugene Kogovsek. Stane Kuhar mentioned that he had not yet seen or heard a Treasurer's report, and received the explanation that Father Kumse was not able to be present this evening and that other expenses were not yet submitted by persons or organisations who had expended funds on behalf of our committee. John Pestotnik brought up for clarification that one of the callers to the Radiothon asked that the funds he had sent to the Slovenian American Council be earmarked as a pledge to U.A.S. The details were given to the S.A.C. representative, Stane Kuhar. Mr. Pestotnik also explained that Edvard Polsak, representing the singing societies, was not able to make it tonight due to rehearsals. Ann Opeka suggested that we inform the members of the committee that if they or their substitutes are unable to attend the meeting, the A.M.L.A. Home Office should be called, or others on the committee can relay the information to the meeting. Jean Krizman stated that this committee should lay out and detail our objectives for die future. Chairman Turk responded that our public relations sub-committee use all the media at our disposal and co-ordinate timetables so that our messages can get out in one huge common voice. He reiterated his vision of a coalition of all of our Fraternal publications Zarija (sic!) (S.W.W), Prosveta (S.N.P.J., Glasilo 60 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' (K.S.K.J, New Era (A.F.U.), Our Voice (A.M.LA.), Fraternal Voice (W.S.A.) and the Sloga publication (all of U.A.S. which representing approximately 125,000 plus members) uniting in the common cause of periodic coordinated publishing of our information, purpose, and pleas to continue calling and writing to the White House and elected officials of our Federal government. John Pestotnik suggested planning another mass mailing to include another spectacular issue of the Ameriška Domovina. Someone spoke that a spot could be reserved in all fraternal publications of around 2 columns by 5 inches. Eugene Kogovsek stated that he would recommend same at his National Board Meeting of K.S.K.J. James Debevec suggested that it would be very helpful if what we could send out to these publications, or any other print media, be camera ready, and we may have to hire a graphic arts specialist for illustrative purposes to best get our message across to the readers. The consensus regarding our recent Radiothon was that it was a very successful promotion of our cause and that the donations received or pledged exceeded our expectations. Tony Petkovsek expressed his disappointment of the lack of coverage by our major local media. Chairman Turk, speaking for all of the committee, expressed his and our gratitude to Tony Petkovsek and W.E.L.W. for their superb efforts in this endeavour. He also remarked in the same manner regarding our debt of gratitude to Kollander World Travel Organization for their generosity and courtesies extended, - even the pizza supplied after the radiothon. He suggested that we recognise these contributions at an appropriate time in the near future with a plaque or other suitable permanent memorial of this event. Chairman Turk also expounded on some of the highlights of the event such as the calls from Bishop Pilla Anthony^, Keith Miles from London, England; Ivo Veigl's (sic!)96 call and one of the Slovenian Minister's who called from Ljubljana along with Linda Pestotnik; Mr. Ryovec (sic!)^7 from California; Dr. Longo (sic!)98 from New York; and our own Congressman Dennis Eckart, among others. John Pestotnik reported on the effectiveness of the U.S.S. booth at the 185th St. festival regarding petitions signed, memorabilia purchased and approxi- -k * ■* Škof v Clevelandu. Rectc Ivo Vajgl; rojen leta 1943, dipl. ing., državni sekretar na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve republike Slovenije, jugoslovanski generalni konzul v Clevelandu v letih 1986-1990, predstavnik za stike z javnostjo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve SFRJ v letih 1990—1991, leta 1991 (ob razdružitvi Slovenije z Jugoslavijo) postal slovenski diplomat in leta 1993 slovenski veleposlanik na Švedskem, leta 1998 pa v Avstriji. Pravilno Ryavec. Pravilno Lango. Razprgve in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. st. 34 61 mately 1,000 post cards that were signed. He also thanked Matt Susel for bringing a new Slovenian flag from Europe, without which, replicas could not have been made for sale. Tony Hiti brought us up to date on the plans that the Alliance of Slovenian Americans are involved in regarding a large labor day demonstration that the AFL-CIO will have in Washington D.C., and they are trying to get a group together to participate in that demonstration for our cause. He also reported that the Alliance will be writing to a Congressional Committee on Human Rights regarding the Helsinki Accord violations against Slovenians by the Yugoslav government. Mr. Hiti also informed the committee that he was made aware of the fact that several persons had received the July 5th letter from the Slovenian American Council, postmarked August 3rd, and containing language that was to be deleted from that communication per discussions with Stane Kuhar on July 10th at the Waterloo Hall meeting of this committee. Chairman Turk commented on this matter, and Mr. Kuhar responded that it might have been coincidental, but was not intentional, as the letters were sent from another location where such letters, in their original form were located. Chairman Turk asked Mr. Kuhar to look further into this matter and report back at the next meeting. Stan Ziherl suggested that the RR. subcommittee meet to layout plans for future conferences with other elected officials of the government. He also suggested that each member write their own thoughts on this and present them to the committee. There was some general discussion on fund raising, and Mr. Kuhar suggested using goals and letting the public know what this committee would decide to do with any funds that may be in excess of our needs. James Debevec suggested a fund raising committee to make our goals known and to solicit more contributions, and buying radio time or advertising in media such as U.S.A. Today Tony Petkovsek suggested plans for some major publicity at such future events as the Oktoberfest. At 9;35 p.m., upon the motion of Stane Khuha (sic!) and second by Tony Hiti, the meeting adjourned. Our next meeting will be held at the A.M.L.A. Home Office on Friday, August 16, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Stanley G. Ziherl 62 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the Meeting of Friday, August 16, 1991 This meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund J. Turk at 7:45 p.m., at the Home Office of A.M.L.A., 19424 S. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio, pursuant to the notice of this meeting given at the close of the prior meeting. Present were: Edmund Turk, Fr. Rebol, Eugene Kogovsek, Jean Krizman, Cirila Kermavner, Martin Kumse, Joseph Valencic, John Pestotnik, Ann Opeka, Karl Bonutti, Rudolph Susel, James Debevec and Stanley Ziherl. Stanley Ziherl read the minutes of the prior meeting, and the following corrections and additions were made: Spelling errors were made in the names of Edwin Polsak, Dr. Lango,yy Mark Ryavec and Ivo Vajgl; and Chairman Turk asked that the third paragraph on page 2 include this committee's praise for the contribution, attention and efforts in our endeavour by John Pestotnik and the Radio Club, and James Debevec and the American Home. Chairman Turk in his opening remarks repeated that we had made known that we would welcome participation by other groups, but he has not yet heard from others that may be interested. Karl Bonutti suggested that large donors to our cause be invited to our meetings and Chairman Turk pointed out that they would be welcome, as we always have extra seats and space available for them to observe our proceedings, and that we have allowed guests in the past. Regarding a Treasurer's report, Chairman Turk asked if John Pestotnik and Stan Ziherl would lend themselves to working with Fr. Kumse in that matter. John Pestotnik reported that to date, the pledges and contributions would exceed $ 27,000,00. Joseph Valencic reported on the work he is doing on drafting a Thank You and od^er information letter to our donees. Chairman Turk suggested that it would be nice if the letter was constructed to include the amount of the dona-k -k * W Lango Silvester, rojen leta 1940 (Dcsklc, Slovenija), zdravnik, pisec strokovnih del s področja medicine, član številnih strokovnih /.druženj, predsednik Ameriškega slovenskega kongresa, predsednik NYC Slovene American Club-a, član Številnih slovenskih združenj v Združenih državah Amerike (Slovene Business Community Club, New York, SSS, Slovene Republican Club of New York), sponzor simpozijev o slovenski prisotnosti v Združenih državah leta 1992 in 1993, moderator mesečnih slovenskih kulturnih srečanj v New Yorku. Razprove in qradivo. Ljubljana. 1999, st. 34 63 tion to serve as a confirmation of the amount, as at least one of the donors had made that request. Martin Kumse and John Pestotnik suggested placing ads in publications such as the Plain Dealer, in addition to another mailing project. Chairman Turk spoke on considering meeting with Senator Metzenbaum and Congressman Feighan, and Jim Debevec suggested extending an invitation to Senator Dole or trying to meet with him. Eugene Kogovsek suggested concentrating on all senators and congressmen who expressed favor for the independence of Slovenia. After a discussion on ordering more post cards to be sent to the White House, Karl Bonutti moved, and John Pestotnik seconded to purchase and print 5,000 more postcards, motion was approved unanimously. Joseph Valencic shared with us the thoughts of our PR. subcommittee regarding a series of ads in Slovenian publications telling the readers how to contact the White House President Bush Hot Line; self-mailing envelopes and order form for donations; follow-up press releases on our actions and results; audio tapes to Slovenian and polka radio media nationally to run as public service announcements on contacting President Bush for recognition of Slovenia; and other means of keeping up the pressure. John Pestotnik commented that we're due for another attention-getting mailing to keep our cause on an up-beat. James Debevec suggested that we make an effort or contact in other areas across the country for groups to form or be associated with us. He also suggested that church bulletin ads may also be helpful. Karl Bonutti thought that other ethnic groups should be approached through their leaders. Chairman Turk asked Karl Bonutti if he could make contact with people in other cities that he has contact with. Joseph Valencic mentioned that we should look forward to packaging some written material for the Oktoberfest celebration. Eugene Kogovsek reported that K.S.K.J, sent $ 100,00 in response to the Radiothon, and that the KSKJ board approved setting aside space of 2 columns by 5 inches for the next three months in their publication for our material. An Opeka suggested sending information to Slovenia, and after further discussion by others, upon the motion of Stanley Ziherl and second by Eugene Kogovsek, it was unanimously approved that U.A.S. would pay for the postage and subscription to the American Home for issues to be sent to Slovenia's president and selected members of Slovenia's cabinet to let them get information from Cleveland. 64 — Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" John Pestotnik brought us up to date regarding possible representation in the Labor march in Washington available to local Slovenians, and may have more information next week on further details. Jim Debevec suggested that we send a letter of support to the AFL-CIO with the expectation that they may, in turn, sponsor our cause. This was taken under advisement, especially when we have no idea on what kind of turnout or support that may participate in their march and demonstration. Chairman Turk read the recent letter he received, along with a T-shirt which commemorated the demonstrations by Slovenians in London, England, from Keith Miles, the Honorary representative of the Republic of Slovenia in England. There being no further business, upon the motion of Karl Bonutti and second by Stanley Ziherl, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m., and our next meeting will be on Friday, August 23, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. at the AMLA Home Office. Respectfully submitted, Stanley Ziherl Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 65_ UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the Committee Meeting of August 23, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m., on August 23, 1991, by Chairman Turk at the A.M.L.A. Home Office. Present were Edmund Tlirk, Edwin Polsak, Stane Kuhar, Fadier Kumse, James Debevec, John Pestotnik, Joseph Valencic, Kari Bonutti, Cirila Kermavner, Matt Susel, Stanley Ziherl, Tony Petkovsek and Father Boznar. The minutes of the meeting of August l6th were read by Stan Ziherl and were corrected regarding the mailing of the Ameriška Domovina to persons in Slovenia to clarify that the U.A.S. would pay for the postage involved for a period of six months and that it would be mailed to several newspapers and the Slovenian Press agency and Matica. After the corrections were noted, John Pestotnik moved with a second by Mrs. Kermavner to approve the minutes as corrected and emended. Chairman Turk welcomed Edwin Polsak to the committee, and reported that he received no requests from any other organization to become a member of this committee. Father Kumse reported that our checking account had a balance of $ 24,142 at this time, with only partial expenditures paid for, and other expenditures have not yet been submitted. It was reported that there could be approximately two thousand plus dollars of pledges that have not actually been received yet, and some monies received on this date that have not been submitted and cleared for deposit to our account.. The report as given by Father Kumse was approved and accepted by the motion of Stan Ziherl and second of John Pestotnik and the agreement of the committee. Chairman Turk reported upon the letter sent to the President by Senator Glenn and Congressman Eckart and asked that it be published by Jim Debevec. Stane Kuhar gave a report in the nature of a response to the request for clarification by Anthony Hiti at prior meeting where Mr. Hiti was of the opinion that solicitations sent out by the Slovenian American Council on the same day as the radiothon might have confused some of the donors. Joseph Valencic reported that the "thank you" letter will be ready to send to all of our donors and would get together with Stan Ziherl and John Pestotnik to implement this project. 66 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' Chairman Turk stated the most recent events regarding the Soviet Union developments and asked for an evaluation and input on our feelings as to the possible effects of our government recognising the Republic of Slovenia. The consensus was that the Soviet situation, and the impending recognition of the Baltic states by both the U.S. and Russia, had a positive effect for Slovenia and did not seem to be detrimental in the long run. John Pestotnik stated that we should send out another mailing as soon as possible, in addition to the Thank you letters to keep the pressure on. Karl Bonutti reported that Ernest Petric100, the former Yugoslav ambassador to India would be coming to Washington DC in some form of diplomatic status as the representative of Slovenia here in the U.S. He should be located in the U.S. near the end of September, and the situation looks more promising for Slovenia, and that it seemed likely that Slovenia and Croatia may be recognized simultaneously in the near future. It was suggested that we should send another very strong letter to the President and members of Congress to cake advantage of the situation as it stands now. Some felt that if we do, we should speak only of Slovenia and not mention Croatia. Stan Ziherl felt that, while we speak only of the recognition of Slovenia, that we must mention the Croation (sic!) situation, so not as to distance ourselves from that situation as our President has done. John Pestotnik reported that approximately 250 full petitions have been returned, and in his opinion the response was not as good as anticipated. He also reported that we would have some persons at the Oktoberfest to keep our movement going. Upon the motion of Stan Ziherl and second by John Pestotnik, this meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m., and that our next meeting will be on September 5, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. again at the A.M.LA. Home Office. * * Krnest Petrič; rojen leta 1936 v Ljubljani. Od leta 1982 redni profesor na Fakulteti za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo v Ljubljani. V letih 1989—1991 veleposlanik SFRJ v Indiji, od leta 1991 najprej pooblaščenec vlade Republike Slovenije v ZDA nato pa v letih 1992—1996 pa veleposlanik Republike Slovenije v ZDA. Od leta 1996 državni sekretar na Ministrstvu /a zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. st. 34 67 Stanley Ziherl UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA FOR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 1. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING, 8/23/91 2. TREASURER'S REPORT 3. NEW MEMBERSHIP ON COMMITTEE. 4. BARAGA DAYS, WASHINGTON DC, REPORT FROM JAMES DEBEVEC. 5. MARK RYAVEC. 6. UNITED FRONT AGAINST COMMUNISM IN YUGOSLAVIA. 7. REPORT FROM FLORENCE UNETICH RE: SLOVENIA INDEPENDENCE VIDEO. 8. TIME & PLACE OF NEXT MEETING. 9- ADJOURNMENT. UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the Meeting of Thursday, September 5, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Edmund Turk. The minutes of the August 23rd meeting were read and approved on a motion by Carl Bonutti, second by Betty Rotar. Present at this meeting were: Edmund Turk, Father Boznar, Jean Krizman, Gene Kogovsek, Tony Hiti, Edwin Polsak, Joe Valencic, John Pestotnik, Ann Opeka, Carl Bonutti, Florence Unetich, Cirila Kermavner, Jim Debevec, Stanley Ziherl and Betty Rotar. Stan Ziherl reported that 400 "ThankYou" letters were sent out on Labor Day. Where pledges had been made and not received as yet, it was so noted on the letter. 423 — Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" John Pestotnik reported that additional donations are being directed to the Treasurer, Father Kumse. To date, approximately $ 27,000 has been received. Edmund Turk acknowledged a check for $ 100 from Frank and Anne Kern and a $ 250 donation from the KSKJ. Jim Debevec reported on Prime Minister Peterle's101 visit to the U.S.A. and passed around copies of the latest edition of the American Home Weekly which covered the weekend events in Washington. D.C. Peterle is very optimistic that within a matter of days, the European countries will recognise Slovenia and the U.S.A. will follow. Peterle had a meeting with Mark Ryavec of California at 10:00 A.M. Sunday morning. There are two items that are of utmost importance: Support of a "Dear Colleague" letter which is to be sent to the President and urging of the passage of the Dole-Pell102 ammendment. There is also a possibility that Peterle will be meeting with Vice President Dan Quayle.103 Jim remarked that Prime Minister Peterle comes on very favourably with the news media and is very charismatic. Jim also said that everyone was asking where they could get the "Support Slovenia" buttons. John Pestotnik replied that the Brodniks were in Washington and had them available. Edmund Turk asked Joe Valencic to write a letter to Governor George Voinovich thanking him for his letter to President Bush. Similar thank you letters should be written to both Congressman Eckart and Senator Glenn as well as Oberstar104 A lengthly discussion ensued re "United Front against Communism in Yugoslavia" letter. Edmund Turk reported that he has been in contact with Hon. Joseph DioGuardi105 of the Albanian American Civic League who is urging our * * * 101 Lojze Peterle; rojen leia 1948 v ČuŽnji vasi na Dolenjskem; geograf in politik, prvi predsednik slovenske vlade po demokratičnih volitvah leta 1990 (1990-1992); minister Republike Slovenije za zunanje (1993—1994); publicist in urednik Revije 2000; od leta 1989 je predsednik stranke Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov in od leta 1993 popredsednik Evropske zveze krščanskih demokratov. 1<)2 Clairborne de Horda Peli; rojen leta 1918; od leta I960 senator z Rhode Islanda. Diplomiral na Princeionu in Columbia University. Hil predsednik odbora za zunanje zadeve v senatu ZDA. Danforth (Dan) J. Quayle, rojen leta 1947 v Indianapollisu, kongresnik in senator iz. Indiane; podpredsednik Združenih držav v letih 1988-1993; leta 1976 izvoljen v kongres, leta 1981 izvoljen v senat. ^ James I„ Obersiar; rojen lera 1934 v Chisholmu, Minnesota. Študiral francoščino in politične vede na College of St. Thomas v St. Paul, Minnesota (1956). Komparativne politične sisteme je študiral na College or Europe v Uruggesu, Helgija. Dodatno študijsko izpopolnjevanje na Laval University (Quebec) in Georgetown University (Washington D. C.) Kongresnikod leta 1975 do danes, torej že 11. periodo (osmi distrikt, Minnesota) 105 Joseph J. DIoGuardi; roj. leta 1940, republikanski kongresnik iz okrožja Scarsdale; diplomiral na Fordham University, Bronx New York, leta 1984 izvoljen v 99- kongres, ponovno izvoljen v 100. kongres; predsednik Albanian American Civic League. gn7prave in qrodivo, Ljubljana, 1999. st. 34 69 Committee to back them on this cause. Many representatives present felt that although the sub-title states it is an Ad Hoc Coalition to promote Democracy, Human/Civil Rights and Self-determination for all Peoples in Yugoslavia, the contents of the letter itself suggests their goals are not in keeping with ours. They only say what they are "for"; not what they are "against". We would be better served to stick to our goal, i.e., getting President Bush to recognise Slovenia as an independent nation, than getting involved with peripheral issues. Carl Bonutti was in favor of our getting involved, pointing out that this letter will help to get the Dole-Pell Act passed. There will be a meeting on the 25th of September of the National Security Council where this issue will be discussed. Carl Bonutti moves we support this group, second by Stanley Ziherl. Motion carried. Carl also suggested that perhaps some volunteers may want to attend the meeting on that day. We must, however, reiterate to Joseph DioGuardi that our involvement is specified under their sub-title and that, at this point, we are only involved until the 25th of September. Edmund Turk will reply to the letter. Florence Unetich talked about the Alliance of Slovenian-Americans showing a video cassette entitled Slovenija na Barikadah. The video is 1 Hr., 20 minutes long showing the hostilities of June 26/July 10th with excellent commentary including press conferences and some of the negotiations that took place. Some of it is in English and or German with subtitles in Slovenia. The video will be shown this coming Saturday at 3:00, 4:00 and 7:00 P.M. at the Slovene Workman's Home on Waterloo. There will be no charge; however, donations will be accepted. If response is good and if we get permission from Radio/ TV Ljubljana, we will make copies of the video to sell. Price to be approximately $ 25.00. Edmund Turk read the letter which was written by Joe Valencic and is to be sent to President Bush. All agreed it was a good letter. Motion by Betty Rotar, second by Ann Opeka the letter be sent. Approved by all. Although Stane Kuhar was not present at the meeting, he reported to Chairman Turk that their SAC has collected in excess of 1/2 Million Dollars (with SAC Group responsible for approximately $ 150,000 of that amount). Wants a list from Slovenia as to what they want to use the money for so that it gets directed to the proper people/places. Jean Krizman, affiliated with the Red Cross/International Section had Florence come down to talk to her people. Florence did an excellent job of explaining the history of Slovenia and spoke for 55 min. without stopping. About 20 people were in attendance and this certainly will help the Red Cross 425 — Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" understand what is going on in Slovenia. She has also got in touch with Tanny Babic to help with support for Croatia. Edwin Polsak wondered why more pressure is not coming from our own Federal Government to the Serbian Government to take control of the situation between Croatia/Serbia. Carl Bonutti offered that he has learned that a group of Senators/Congressmen will invite Kučan106 for an official visit sometime in January; the exact date unknown at this time. This is an interesting development because of the definite interest on the part of our Congressmen and would be an honour to have the President of Slovenia invited. Through this invitation there is a strong possibility that Kučan would be able to meet with the President. More publicity is needed in the Cleveland Papers about Slovenia and what is being done to get recognition. Perhaps a half-page spread and some good copy, utilising the information of what this organization has already done should be sent to Feighan, Stokes, Metzenbaum, Oakar and others. The Cleveland Plain Dealer should also be sent a copy of the Committee's letter. We should also look into the National Endowment for Democracy Grants Package. John Pestotnik reported that all the names of the donors for the Radiothon will be published in the American Home. Jim Debevec reported on two young wholesome college students that he spent several hours with today. Joe Valencic reported that 5,000 more postcards have been printed. Motion to adjourn at 9:28 by Father Boznar, second by Cirila Kermavner. Passed. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12, at 7:30 P.M. here in the AMLA Office. Respectfully submitted Betty Rotar, Ree. Sec * * * 106 Milan Kučan; rojen leta 1941 v Kri/evcih v Piekmurju; pravnik in politik. Med leti 1978-1982 predsednik skupščine SR Slovenije, aprila 1990 izvoljen za predsednika predsedstva Republike Slovenije in leta 1992 in 1996 izvoljen za predsednika Republike Slovenije. Odigral je pomembno vlogo pri razdruževanju Republike Slovenije od Soči a I is lične federativne republike Jugoslavije. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34 71 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the Meeting of Thursday, September 12, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Edmund Turk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved after Carl Bonutti noted an error in the time of Kucan's visit. It should read "sometime in January", not October as stated in the minutes. Fran Mauric moved the minutes be accepted ns corrected with a second by Tony Hiti. Passed. Chairman Turk reported that the American/Slovenian Polka Foundation at its meeting this past Tuesday asked for representation in this Committee. Motion by Carl Bonutti, second by Jim Debevec for approval. Motion passed. Edmund Turk also questioned if we should invite Cardinal Hickey or perhaps Bishop Pevec would like to be a member. Carl Bonutti will call Bishop Pevec. John Pestotnik gave the Treasurer's Report. Checks are still coming in. He is trying to co-ordinate with Father Kumse and Stan Ziherl so they can keep current on the donations. Edmund Turk also presented a bill from AMLA in the amount of $ 987.34 which is, indeed, a conservative figure for all the copy paper, envelopes, postage, etc. used in sending out our mailings. Motion by Gene Kogovsek, second by John Pestotnik, the bill be paid. Motion passed. Edmund Hirk also read excerpts of a letter written by Albin Lipoid,107 President of the United Slovene Society to President Bush. It was a very good letter. Edmund Turk also reported on the United Front against Communism in Yugoslavia letter. A question arose that we may become liable. We might be called "communists" etc. In view of the feeling after we discussed it a little further. One of the problems is that we do not have a corporate veil and we're all responsible for the actions of this committee. Edmund did not follow thru on our previous motion of September 5th. Therefore, he wishes us to reconsider the motion. Motion to reconsider was moved by Gene Kogovsek, second by Jim Debevec. Motion to amend or delete the adoption of the motion... that is, we will not get involved by Gene Kogovsek, second by John Pestotnik. Motion passed. Edmund Turk then read a letter which was written by Stan Kuhar re Mark Ryavec's letter. No action was taken. However, Carl Bonutti felt that we should * * * 107 Albin Lipoid, rojen leta 1928 v Dawsonu (NM.) Leta 1954 doktoriral na Cleveland Marshall Law School (Cleveland State Universiiy). Pomočnik tožilca v Cuyahooga County, Cleveland, Ohio, 72 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' support anyone in the democratic government in Slovenia. It is not proper for us to point a finger to individuals that might have been members of the Communist Party years ago. They fought for democracy and succeeded in changing the system. Whether it's a Christian or Social Democrat or former Communist Party member, why should we be critical. No one on this Committee is getting paid and it is our duty and obligation to get going on the issue of getting support from our government. We again discussed the Dole-Pell Amendment and all agree that for the most part, the passage of this bill will greatly benefit our cause. However, John Pestotnik has asked Dennis Eckart's office to get him a copy of the bill in its entirety so that we can fully understand the parameters of this bill. Edmund Turk will also get more information. We also discussed the possibility of having Congressman Edward Feighan attend one of our meeting so we might get an update on this issue. It is our understanding that when Mr. Petrič arrives in this country, he will be given diplomatic status. Matt Susel, who just returned from a week in Slovenia, gave an indepth report on what is going on. Apparently, their primary concern is the market economy and privatisation. They are having real difficulty in how to go about structuring businesses which were run by the government and now are going private. They don't know to do it and are asking how it can be done. An Economist from Harvard108 was very successful in advising the Eastern European countries, including Slovenia. Peterle is committed to the plan. However, there is no model and no capital and if they take the wrong route, it will be a disaster. Jim Debevec added to the comments about a newspaper, much smaller in size than the American Home Weekly which has 18 reporters and 85 people working compared to the half dozen working at the American Home. Ivo Vajgl and Matjaž Janchar are both working in the Foreign Ministry. It appears there are two teams... Peterle and Rupel and each is doing their own thing. We are, however, channelling information to Slovenia re our Radiothon, our letters, postcard, etc. So that they are aware that we are behind them 100%. Matt also reported that everything in Slovenia is expensive, even newspapers. The official rate of a dinar is 22, but it will be going up again and there is * ■* * 108 Jeffrey Sachs, profesor ekonomije na harvardski univerzi In nekaj časa svetovalec vlade Republike Slovenije in ostalih vzhodnoevropskih držav v tranziciji. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 73_ a physical shortage of bank notes. What they really need is hard currency. The Yugoslav Army is leaving, but destroying anything of value left at the army posts, etc, Stan Ziherl reminded us that we discussed putting an ad in the Washington Post or die Plain Dealer. Joe Valencic reported that a 1/2 Pg. ad somewhere in the vicinity of the Editorial Page would cost either $ 5,250 (432,000 Circulation) or $ 6.210 (562. 000 Circulation), He will also find out what the cost would be in the Washington Post. Joe Valencic also read a cover letter which will go out with the petitions that are going out. Another letter was received today. This one from a Tadej Gartner, which was directed toward the Radiothon. This letter, plus others we receive from across the country should be used as publicity. Tony Petkovsek reported that he will be travelling extensively and will be unable to attend too many meetings. However, he will be having an 8 x 10 Commemorative Program Booklet in conjunction with the Thanksgiving Polka Weekend and is asking the fraternals and other organisations for support, Carl Bonutti reported that the President of Cleveland State10y has received a request to have Carl teach at the University of Ljubljana from October thru December. Permission has been granted and Carl will teach a course in Economics. He will have approximately 250 students, it will be taught in Slovenian and since there are no textbooks, the students write their own. He also noted that Vodopivec110 is coming to America with his family and his apartment will have to be furnished. If anyone has any furniture to donate, kindly let him know. Members in attendance were: Carl Bonutti, Frances Mauric, Tony Hiti, Gene Kogovsek, Edwin Polsak, Edmund Turk, Stanley Ziherl, Cirila Kermavner, Rudy Susel, Jim Debevec, John Pestotnik, Joe Valencic, Tony Petkovsek and Betty Rotar. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. The next meeting will be held at the AMLA. Office on Tuesday, September 24th. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rottar, Recording Secretary * * * Cleveland State University; državna univerza v Clevelandu. 110 Peter Vodopivcc; rojen leta 1946 v Heogradu, redni profesor za občo zgodovino 19. stoletja na Univerzi v Ljubljani in avtor številnih prispevkov v domačih in tujih znanstvenih revijah, znanstveni svetnik na Inštitutu za novejšo zgodovino v Ljubljani. 74 Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA 9/24/91 1. READING & APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 9/12/91 2. NEW MEMBERSHIP 3. TREASURER'S REPORT 4. REPORT ON COMMUNICATIONS & STATUS OF DOLE-PELL AMENDMENT 5. REPORTS 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT & TIME & PLACE OF NEXT MEETING UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of September 24, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7:40 p.m., at the A.M.L.A. Home Office. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected as follows: Tony Petkovsek name was omitted as an attendee. A remark made by Dr. Bonutti was attributed to Matt Susel, however neither of them thought it important enough to redo. Also, concerning the United Front Against Communism in Yugoslavia there was a question of possible liability if someone is called "communist" and not "we might be called communist". On motion of Stan Ziherl and second by Cirila Kermavner, minutes approved as corrected. Carl Bonutti reported that he called Bishop Pevec about joining this group, and was awaiting a return call from the bishop. Father Kumse sent in a detailed treasurer's report and co-treasurer Stan Ziherl summarised it. Also, Stan Ziherl reported that Fr. Kumse would like to be Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano, 1999. št. 34 75 relieved of these duties, and since Stan and Fr. Kumse are both the signatories, Stan said that he would be willing to let it remain as such with Stan doing the necessary paper work. John Pestotnik reported that our donations have exceeded $ 30,000.00. An unsolicited donation of $ 500.00 was received from Dr. Glavina.111 This prompted discussion on how to thank persons that sent in the larger donations. Jim Debevec volunteered to print the names, etc in the Domovina112 at no charge. He also suggested diat these large donations should be acknowledged with a letter and perhaps a phone call. Joe Valencic will compose such a letter. The treasurer's report referred to earlier was approved on the motion of Ann Opeka and second by John Pestotnik. Chairman Turk reported on various phone calls he made and received. Stan Kuhar called him regarding the activities of Mark Ryavec of California, and no action was taken on a request from Mark Ryavec to be employed to go to Washington to promote the Slovenian cause. Chairman Turk also reported that he has been trying to get more information on the Dole-Pell AmmendmenL Carl Bonutti reported that it did pass the Senate and is in Conference now and thought this ammendment has enough support to pass. Ed Turk further reported that Senator Glenn's office has been in touch with him and are impressed by our committee's efforts and that his office is still working for our cause. Jim Debevec suggested the importance of having a lobbyist in Washington, but agreed that the expense would be prohibitive with our current treasury. A detailed discussion on the feasibility of taking an ad in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and others - as to which would be most effective and reach the right persons. Costs were given by Joe Valencic. Stan Ziherl suggested an ad in the Washington Post and also another mailing. Joe Valencic pointed out some of our problems with such an ad, such as time required for composition, copy readiness, etc. * * * Sonja Glavina, rojena leta 1931 v Mariboru. Študirala na univerzi v Ljubljani v letih 1954-56, na Dunaju v letih 1956-57, na Case Western University v Clevelandu (1962) je doktorirala i/, dentalne kirurgije. Dentisktka v, zasebno prakso in poučevalka ("senior clinical instructor") na Case Western University 112 Ameriška domovina, najstarejši slovenski etnični časopis v Clevelandu. Od leta 1899 do 1908 se je imenoval Nova domovina. Leta 1908 jc Louis Pire (solastnik Nove domovine) ustanovil Clevelandsko Ameriko, ki se je po prvi svetovni vojni preimenovala v Ameriško domovino. Čeprav je bil časopis katoliško orientiran, je bil po svoji vsebini neodvisen od ccrkevih krogov in je včasih prišel v nasprotje z njimi. Po drugi svetovni vojni jc postal tudi glasilo slovenske politične emigracije v Clevelandu. 76______—___Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" Joe also suggested that the ad has to reach the right people, and that it would be more effective in Washington rather than in our Plain Dealer, and gave us some of his ideas of what the copy should contain. < Senator Glenn's office also informed Chairman Turk that the Senator was in favor of bringing to the attention of the U.N. Security Council the hostilities in Croatia. Stan Ziherl reported that he will be attending the National Fraternal Congress convention in Washington next week and there is a possibility that he may meet Ernest Petric, the Slovenian representative. Carl Bonutti suggested that we bring Mr. Petric to Cleveland to lecture again, and Chairman Turk responded that it may be more appropriate for some other organization such as the Heritage foundation to make such arrangements. If he should come here, there is no hesitation to have him meet with our committee. Since die Brioni Accord moratorium will expire on October 7th, Matt Susel felt that Slovenia will go forward to further implement their independence from Yugoslavia. Chairman Turk thought that this time would be a very propitious date to implement our press releases and letter campaign with our own mailings and coverage in the fraternal newspapers regarding the importance of calling the White House comment line and mailing postcards on and during the week of October 7th. Stan Ziherl moved that the chair be authorised to implement this program at the most opportune time, however Chairman Turk suggested that those interested could meet again this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. to set the logistics for another mass mailing and forwarding of press releases. Chairman Turk reported that he received a fax from Linda Cimperman regarding the atrocities being committed upon the Croatians. All agreed that we have hear too little from the White House regarding this situation, and are concerned why we never hear the President mention Slovenia. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Present at this meeting were: Edmund Turk, John Pestotnik, Ann Opeka, Joseph Valencic, James Debevec, Matt Susel, Cirila Kermavner, Carl Bonutti, Fran Mauric, Stan Ziherl. Ron Mauric, Recording Secy (acting). Rnzprove in grodivo. Ljubljana. 1999. st. 34 77 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the Meeting of Wednesday, October 2, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by Chairman Edmund Turk. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Acting Recorder Frances Mauric. Since there were no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved on a motion by Stanley Ziherl, second by Carl Bonutti. Attendees at this meeting were: Edmund Turk, Tony Hiti. Stane Kuhar, Cirila Kermavner, Frances Mauric, Stanley Ziherl, Joe Valencic, Carl Bonutti, Ann Opeka, Jim Debevec, Rudy Susel and Betty Rotar. Relative to the minutes of September 24th. Stane Kuhar asked about Father Kumse's request to be relieved of his duties as Treasurer. Stan Ziherl commented that nothing has changed. The co-signatures on the account will remain the same. Edmund Turk asked is there were any more requests for new membership to the UAS. There were none. On the Treasurer's Report, Stan Ziherl reported an additional $ 2,050 in donations. There are some bills that have to be paid for postage, printing, etc. Fran Mauric moved, second by Ann Opeka all bills presented be paid. Passed. Our balance now stands at $ 24,945.34. Discussed at length was the campaign targeted for October 7th, wherein everyone will be pushing to send postcards and/or call the White House at 1202-456-1111 to get the message across to President Bush that we want him to recognise Slovenia as an independent nation. There was an informal meeting on Thursday, September 26th at which time information and press releases were gathered for a mass mailing which took place on Saturday, September 28. About 12 or 13 people helped in this effort; about 1300 letters were sent out. Edmund Turk thanked the volunteers for their work in this behalf. Relative to the same subject, Stane Kuhar reported that both S. Vitus and S. Mary's will print information about calling the White House, etc. in their Sunday-bulletins. He is not quite sure about St. Lawrence yet; however, if it is too late to get printed in the Bulletin, he is certain something will be said from the pulpit. Fran Mauric reported that St. Felicitis, as well as St. Noel will be supporting this cause. 78_Zapisniki "United Americans For Slovenia7' Since there will be several social functions this coming week, Edmund Turk asked for volunteers to get the message out at these affairs. They include, "Fantje na Vasi" Concert Saturday night, The SND113 Sunday Brunch and George "Knaus's Upstairs/Downstairs Dance. Cirila Kermavner will co-ordinate die work. Ann Opeka, Jim Debevec and Fran Mauric also volunteered their services. Others will also be asked to help. Cirila also reported that the SWU114 will also be doing their part in this effort. We again discussed putting an L or Pg. Ad in either the Washington Post or the New York Times. We have to be careful that the ad would carry the impact to warrant the cost. We may do something on this after October 7/8. Stan Ziherl reported that he will be in Washington D.C. for the National Fraternal Congress starting tomorrow. He, along with Gene Kogovsek of KSKJ and Joseph Evanish of SNPJ will try to get together with Mr. Petric sometime this weekend. President Bush will be addressing the Congress and, perhaps, they may have some luck with him also. It appears that ail of our Congressmen & women in Washington are willing to meet with this committee. Included will be Feighan, L. Stokes, Rosemary Oakar and Sen. Metzenbaum Arrangements will be made. Carl Bonutti remarked on the banquet that was held in honor of the Hungarian Prime Minister. Apparently, the Prime Minister feels his country will support Slovenia in its quest for independence. Edmund Turk reported on Tony's absence, noting that he is in Akron receiving a prestigious award, voting him into the Broadcaster's Hall of Fame and we compliment him on this honor. Since this is his 30th year of Broadcasting, there will be a program book during the Thanksgiving Weekend and we have been asked to take an ad in this book. Taking into account the tremendous job Tony has done for our Radiothon, plus the constant references on his programs to support Slovenia's independence, all agreed we should take out a full page ad for $ 300. Motion by Betty Rotar, second by Cirila Kermavner we purchase ad. Passed. Edmund Tltrk thanked Cirila for bringing an up-to-the-minute report which she received on a modem in her home giving latest information on Slovenia/Croatia. Rudy Susel also passed around information received from * * * Slovenski Narodni Dom na Sl Clair Avenue, 114 Slovene Women's Union (-Slovenska ženska zveza) Rgzprave in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. si. 34 79 Ljubljana, re the Slovenian Press Agency which touched on the ending of the moratorium, recognition of Slovenia, etc. Stan Kuhar reported that the Dole-Pell Act is now #1415 State Audiorization Bill. The main obstacle is from Indiana. The plans are to put an arms embargo to Serbia. Edmund Turk remarked that he is totally amazed at the concern ancl responsiveness from Senator Glenn toward Slovenia ever since we met with him. Of course, others have also jumped on the "bandwagon", namely Senator Metzenbaum. Edmund Turk also thanked Rudy Susel and Jim Debevec for keeping Slovenia news on the "front burner". The Prosveta issue this week also devoted a good portion of front page to the October 7th "push" for Slovenia's independence. The most important function of this committee is to keep the momentum going. We are all anxiously awaiting the October 7/8 outcome of responsiveness. Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 10th at 7:30 P.M. at die AMLA Home office. Motion to adjourn at 8:35 P.M. by Stan Ziherl, second by Jim Debevec. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA ^ 80 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of October 10, 1991 In the absence of Edmund Turk, the meeting was called to order by acting chairman Stanley Ziherl, at 7: 40 p.m. Acting Recording Secretary, Fran Mauric read the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion to accept these minutes as read was made by Ann Opeka and seconded by John Pestotnik. Approved. Stane Kuhar questioned the status of Father Kumse's position on the Treasury post, Stan Ziherl answered that nothing has been changed. Stan Ziherl gave a verbal report on the treasury. We have an outstanding bill of $ 182.00 which needs approval. Approval to pay made by Gene Kogovsek and seconded by Toni Hiti. Approved. Matt Susel, Gene Kogovsek and Stan Ziherl reported on their trip to Washington DC where they were attending the National Fraternal Congress. President Bush addressed the group one day on the subject of Volunteerism. Senator Dole spoke another day and met with much approval and acclaim as he spoke on Slovenia and Croatia. He strongly feels that these peoples' quest for independence should be recognised by our government. Mr. Petric who is from Slovenia and representing Slovenia in Washington met with Matt Susel and the presidents of AMLA, KSKJ and SNPJ for dinner and all were impressed by him. He was accompanied by Gregor Zore who is the financial and economic person.* The three fraternals took care of the expenses of Mr. Petric and his party. Mr. Petric was impressed with our work here. He thought our State Department was turning about and would be willing to talk to him. Cyrus Vance115 was appointed special envoy from the United Nations to try to resolve the problems in Yugoslavia. Joe Valencic reported on the publicity. Since the middle of the month, some 9,000 names have been sent to Washington on petitions. Ed Turk had spoken on WERE. Channel #3 showed Jim Debevec at work on our issue, of course. * * * ' Rojen leta 1946 v Washingtonu D. C. Magisterij iz mednarodnih ekonomskih odnosov na univerzi v Ljubljani (1974). Opravljal razne funkcije v Zveznem sekretariatu za zunanje zadeve SFRJ v letih 1976 ■ 1991. V letih 1991 - 1995 namestnik veleposlanika in leta 1997 veleposlanik, stalni predstavnik Slovenije pri OZN in drugih mednarodnih organizacijah v Ženevi. 115 Cyrus Vance, ameriški državni sekretar v Carterjevi administraciji (1977—1981). Rgzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. s>. 34 81 Churches did their part. Concerts and dances were attended with cards and petitions. Thanks to all who participated in all of this work. Calls were made to Washington in great numbers this past week. He reported that Slovenia is very impressed with our work. Said that a big driving factor in our work is the work of both Senator Glenn and Congressman Eckart. They also said we should stay on course. The ad in the Washington Post was brought afore. And in view of the fact of Dr. Petric's arrival in Washington, it was thought that now is the time for our ad. This ad and expense details were discussed at a previous meeting. Stane Kuhar moved that we put a L page ad in the Washington Post, seconded by John Pestotnik and added that it should be done with ultimate speed. All agreed. John also moved that for a few hundred dollars more we should duplicate this ad in the American Home newspaper. Ed Polsak seconded this motion and agreed upon by all. Stan Ziherl asked Joe Valencic, Matt Susel, Jim Debevec and several others to get together after this meeting and set a time to meet next week to work on this ad. Jean Krizman suggested that mailing be sent to our legislators at this time also. Also agreed. Professor Bonutti reported that there will be a lecture at the Euclid Library by visiting professor Vodopivec, who will lecture on Slovenia and Croatia. Carl also reported that Mr. Dular,116 Minister of Slovenians abroad will be in the country, and on November 3rd the Heritage Committee will sponsor another Slovenski Vecer. Mr. Petric will also be there. Carl also invited any organisations to invite the gentlemen to their meetings or whatever, for the next few days. Ed Polsak suggested that we have them at a meeting on November 4th. All agreed. Perhaps we should ask Mr. Glenn also and others. Jim Debevec brought in a First Edition of a Croatian Newspaper which will be published monthly. In that issue they noted the arrival of Dr. Ernst Petric to Washington. John Pestotnik told of the cutting of cables in Croatia and problems arising from this, as related to him by his daughter Linda in Slovenia. * * * janez Dular; rojcn leta 1943 v Vavti vasi pri Novem mestu, doceni za slovenski jezik na Filozofski fakultetl v Ljubljani, minister za Slovence po svetu in narodnosti v Sloveniji v Peterletovi vladi in minister za kuloiro v letih 1995-1996. ^ 2 __________Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" A motion to adjourn was made by Father Boznar and seconded by Ann Opeka. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Present were: Ed Polsak, Jos. Valencic, Jean Krizman, Stane Kuhar, Fran Mauric, Gene Kogovsek, John Pestotnik, MattSusel, Aain Opeka, Tony Hiti, Cirila Kermavner, Father Boznar, Jim Debevec, Carl Bonucti and Stanley Ziherl. Fran Mauric, acting rec. Secy. Rgzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. s>. 34 83 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of meeting of October 22, 1991, 7:40 P.M. The meeting was called to order by chairman Edmund Turk at the AMLA Office. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved on a motion by Stanley Ziherl and seconded by Karl Bonutti. Stan Ziherl had prepared a treasury report and followed it with a verbal explanation. This included a donation of $ 50.00 from the K.S. K.J. from Joliet, III. and another $50.00 which had been pledged during the radiothon. Cirila Kermavner moved to accept this report. It was seconded by Tony Hiti and approved. In conjunction with that report, John Pestotnik reported that Tony Hiti had done some photography work at the radiothon amounting to $ 30.00. Motion made by Ed Polsak and seconded by Gene Kogovsek to pay this bill approved. John Pestotnik thought that we have not rounded the good number of senior citizens in this area. Ann Opeka to contact the Federation of the Senior Citizen groups. John also reported that he had been contacted by an individual in Texas that showed some interest in our work. He will send him some of our literature. Chairman, Ed Turk reported that Mr. Dular and Mr. Petric will be here either Friday evening or Saturday A.M. An extensive itinerary has already been planned. Was decided that we would meet hereabout 2.00 p. m. on Nov. 2 and these gentlemen would arrive about 3.00 P.M. John Pestotnik suggested that we present ourselves with a bit of class and have tablecloths on the tables with mineral water and then perhaps some coffee and whatever. Ed Turk suggested that John handle and Fran Mauric offered the help of the women. To prepare for about 50 people. Chairman Tbrk emphasised that this is a meeting and not a reception. Mr. Bonutti did think that it was very important that this committee deals with these gentlemen. Feels that the Slovenian Government will or would be glad to deal with this group. Discussion on the prospective ad in the Washington Post. At the previous meeting, it was moved and agreed upon to purchase this ad. Now the discussion as to when and how. Joe Valencic explained that the ad wilt cost $ 10.000 , i.e. a ^ 84 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" 1/4 page. It can appear for two Mondays for that price, however to appear on days of Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday would mean that price for one day. Friday was not accepted as a good day. These prices are also considered on a special "stand by". The committee chosen to work on this will meet after this meeting. John Pestotnik cites that Switzerland is accepting Slovenian passports; also Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Austria, Italy and Poland are about to recognise Slovenia. He feels that they are awaiting the United States. We must go for it!!! Stan Ziherl reported that he had received a letter from Senator D'Amato117 from N.Y. expressing his concern and that he had introduced a bill favoring economic sanctions against the Federal Government of Yugoslavia. Stanley feels that if we do not do something, such as the ad in the Washington Post, we will lose steam and the issue will be forgotten. Mr. Petric will meet with the Plain Dealer. Jos. Valencic had called Mr. Bill Miller118 and Brent Larkin11? and neither showed any interest in our issue. Ed Turk suggested that perhaps Karl Bonutti talk to Bill Miller. As told above, Ed Polsak reiterated that there can be no talk as to whether we should or should not go with the ad as it had been voted upon at the last meet- Stan Ziherl also displayed the Slovenian Newspaper "Delo" reporting our big effort on Oct. 9■ i.e. calling and writing to President Bush.120 No one has any information as to how many calls may have been made on that day. John Pestotnik will contact Dennis Eckart. Also reported that the C.F.U.121 is having a gigantic drive to secure 5,000,000 petitions for their effort in Croatia. ■k -k * Alfonse Martello D'Amato; rojen leta 1937, republikanski senator iz New Yorka, Pravnik. Diplomiral na Siracuse Law School, Prvič izvoljen v senat leta 1980 za obdobje, ki se je začelo 3 januarja 1981; ponovno izvoljen v letu 1986 za obdobje, ki se je končalo 3- januarja 1993- Bill Miller, novinar Plain Dealerja, ki se ukvarja z etničnimi vprašanji v Clevelandu. Odgovorni urednik časopisa Plain Dealer. Gre za poziv profesorjev ameriške književnosti na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani, naslovljen "Pismo Warennu Zimmermannu" in objavljen v Delu 16.10. 1991 na ser. 4. V pismu profesorji pozivajo ameriško vlado k priznanju Slovenije, konča pa se s stavkom: "...Ta podpora bo tudi pripomogla k krepitvi tradicionalno dobrih odnosov med slovenskim narodom in državo ZDA, kjer Američani slovenskega rodu prav tako s srcem podpirajo prizadevanja za samostojnost Slovenije." 121 Croatian Fraternal Union (Hrvatska bratska zajednica), hrvaška podporna organizacija, ustanovljena kot Hrvatska narodna zajednica leta 1894. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano, 1999, št. 34 85 Ed Turk reported that he has received more donations through the mail. Also a letter from the White House, however, there was no commitment and not even any mention of Slovenia. He did receive a very encouraging letter from Senator Dole. Ed has also received a call from Congresswoman Oaker's office, (not from her personally) Also no commitment. Tony Petkovsek suggested that we support the Slovenski Vecer. Said that most of the committee members represented here, will be there representing their other organisations. In attendance at this meeting were: Edmund Turk, John Pestotnik, Joyce Plemel, Cirila Kermavner, Antony Hiti, Eugene Kogovsek, Jos. Valencic, Stanley Ziherl, Ann Opeka, Karl Bonutti, Tony Petkovsek. MattSusel, Ed Polsak and Fran Mauric. The next meeting will be right here on Saturday, November 3th 1991- The meeting adjourned on a motion by John Pestotnik and seconded by Joyce Plemel. Submitted by Fran Mauric, Acting Recording Secretary ^ 86 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA NOVEMBER 21, 1991 1. THE APPROVAL FOR THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER, 1991 2. NEW MEMBERSHIP. 3. BRIEF EVALUATION OF DULAR/PETRIC CONFERENCE. 4. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS. 5. RECOGNITION LETTERS TO $ 1,000.00 AND $ 500,.00 CONTRIBUTORS. 6. MEDIA ADVERTISING AND ACCOUNTING OF LIST OF DONORS. 7. PAT BUCHANAN RECOGNITION. 8. PURCHASE OF FILING CABINET AND PAPER-FOLDING MACHINE. 9- TIME AND PLACE AND ADJOURNMENT. UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of November 21, 1991 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7:40 P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted on a motion by Karl Bonutti, second by John Pestotnik. Motion passed. Members absent included Fathers Boznar and Kumse, Mat Susel, Cirila Kermavner and Gene Kogovsek. Joe Valencic will be late. Joe Petric122 is representing the Cleveland Federation of Slovenian Homes.123 Jim Debevec proposed Jean Drobnic of the American Slovene Club124 who would like to serve on this committee. Motion by Stan Ziherl, second by Jean * * * 122 Sekretar American Mutual Life Association (AMLA) in nekdanji predsednik Slovenskega narodnega doma v Euclidu na Rechee Avenue. 123 Organizacija osmih slovenskih narodnih domov v Clevclandu, ki skrbi za njihovo vzdržovanje in ohranitev. 124 lino od mnogih slovenskih društev v Clevelandu. r jazprove in grodivo, Ljubljana. 1999. šl. 34___87 Krizman we accept the American Slovene Club's representative. Motion passed. Ann Opeka reported that she did contact the Pensioners Clubs125 and was told that John Taucher would represent that group at the November 2nd meeting with Drs. Petric and Dular. He did not attend. Edmund Turk spoke briefly on the Petric/Dular reception which was heid here in die AMLA Headquarters Office. The meeting gave us some insights on what is happening in Slovenia and also in Washington. From all reports, they were quite busy travelling throughout the U.S. The Heritage Foundation Dinner which was held on November 3rd was well attended. Ed was impressed with Dr. Petric as a very articulate speaker and feels he will be a good conduit for us in Washington. Other committee members added their comments. Jim Debevec reported that he asked them to give us more news regarding Slovenia. The people in the U.S.A. are interested in what is going on there. They would also like to see some of our people travelling to Slovenia again. Karl Bonutti felt that the meedngs were beyond their expectations. Both men felt there was a great deal of interest on the part of the Slovenian communities in the Slovenian cause. They were also surprised at our efforts to keep Slovenian culture alive in the U.S.A. Ann Opeka was impressed with the warmth shown to the guests, especially when Tim McCormack126, Mayor White127 and Senator Glenn spoke and thanked everyone who came and participated. John Pestotnik said although congratulations on the successful visit are in order, the issues are still not resolved. Serbia sull controls Slovenia and the U.S.A.(sicl) There is definitely something going on in Washington that is not in our favor regarding the Slovenia independence issue. We are all aware that many State Reps and Senators have come out strongly in our behalf; yet, with as many as 18-24 bills pending in the White House on this same issue, there is stili no acdon from President Bush. Stanley Ziherl has in his possession the different bills that are pending in Congress. However, he has to read thru them to see which ones direcdy affect Slovenia. Many of them also relate to Croatia and its struggle for independence. We all realise that we have to assert ourselves more. We are all working toward the recognition of Slovenia and trying to do our best. However, perhaps * * * 125 Zveza slovenskih upokojencev v Clevelandu Okrajni pooblaščenec (County Commissioner) v elevelandskem okraju Cuyahoga. 127 Župan mesta Cleveland ^ 88 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" we should send letters to all the Congressmen and Senators whose names appear on the different bills pending, expressing our thanks for their support Joe Valencic will write the letter and it will go out. Letters will also go out to any individual or organization that donated $ 500 or more to the United Americans for Slovenia Fund. Discussed at length was the approach we should take in regard to the ad in either the Washington Post or a newspaper of that caliber. Although we have voted to place a full page ad several meetings ago this has not been done to date. Members made comments as to which avenue would be best. We want to get the finest and best product and the biggest "bang" for our dollar. Tony Hiti felt that we should go locally first and print something in the American Home. Jim Debevec felt that we would have more impetus if we would have our ad in U.S.A. Today.128 Stan Ziherl agrees. Joe Valencic and Tony Hiti who have worked on the ad layout showed a couple of their efforts and asked for imput as to what would be most effective. Although the general format was impressive, Tony felt that they were not confident that it is exactly right at this point. Edmund Turk asked that those members interested in helping set up the ad should stay after the meeting and meet with Joe Valencic and Tony Hiti. Jim Debevec, Joe Petric, Ed Polsak and Stan Ziherl volunteered to stay. We then discussed the timing for placing the ad. Congress will be taking a recess during the Thanksgiving Holiday. However, they will be coming back to finish their business during the month of December. The ad should be placed sometime early in December. Dr. Petric offered to help with the ad. The feeling is that he still doesn't have the sensitivity of the American public at this early date and, since we are not obligated in any way, he will not be asked. Edmund Turk then addressed the abundance of publicity that is coming by way or reporter Pat Buchanan who writes for the Washington Post among other publications. With his articles he has put "Slovenia" on the front burner more than any other journalist. Ed thought that perhaps we should present him with a plaque. Stane Kuhar felt we should invite him here to speak. We would get the milage and the publicity would be plentiful. Motion by Ann Opeka to invite Pat Buchanan, second by Fran Mauric, Karl Bonutti would make the contact and see if he could appear at the City Club. There would be an invitation to all the media to come for a press conference. All felt in would be in his best interest if he would accept. The motion passed without opposition. * * ■* 128 USA Today, vseamcriSki ¿asopis. Rgzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. s>. 34__89 Edmund Turk asked for permission to purchase a filing cabinet and a paper folding machine, both items not to exceed $ 850.00. Permission granted. Edmund Turk then reported on a discussion he had with a gentlemen of Croauon (sic!) descent who wondered if we could have a liaison person to attend their meetings and they in turn, would send someone to attend ours. Apparently the Croations (sic!) are very well organized and are sending clothing, canned goods and medical supplies, etc. to help their people. More discussion ensued on this subject: however, it was felt that our focus should stay on having our government recognize Slovenia as an independent nation. Karl Bonutti again brought up the subject matter of the ad which will be published. He felt that there is some confusion in Washington and that it appears that they are blaming Slovenia for the problems that have developed in Yugoslavia. It is a very serious and depressing statement they are making. Therefore, it is very important that we stress that Slovenia was promoting a confederation; that they were for human rights for Kosovo and Albania (sic!). Their secession was a last resort. Our ad should reflect this message. Under miscellaneous business, Ann Opeka reported that Eleanor Molley (Kmet) had called about selling Xmas Angels at the Slovenian National Art Guild Bazaar129 in October. She had made these "Angels" and wanted any monies realized from this project to be donated to a worthy cause. A total of $ 218.00 was donated. Eleanor Molley will be thanked. A donation of $ 50.00 was received from the Bishop Baraga Society, KSKJ Lodge # 257. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 40 P.M. on a motion by Ann Opeka, second by Fran Mauric. Motion passed. Edmund Turk reminded any one who wished to participate in preparation for the ad to stay and help. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, December 5th at 7: 30 P.M. at the AM LA Home Office. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary Organizacija za promocijo slovenske kuliure med Slovenci v Clevelandu, ki vsako leto v Euclidu organizira prodajno razstavo slik. ^ 90 _ Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" Members in attendance at the November 21st Meeting were: Edmund Turk, Stanley Ziherl, Joseph Petric, Jim Debevec, Fran Mauric, Ann Opeka, Karl Bonutti, John Pestotnik, Tony Petkovsek, Betty Rotar, Ed Polsak, Tony Hiti, Stane Kuhar, Jean Krizman, Joseph Baskovich. Joseph Valencic. Rozprove in grodivo. Ijubljgno. 1999. si. 34______^ UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of December 5, T99T The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7:40 P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Recording Secretary Betty Rotar. Corrections to the minutes included: On Pg. 2, Para. 2, Stan Ziherl was in agreement an ad be taken in the American Home Weekly, not U.S.A. Today. Same Para., the size of the ad should have read "1/4 Pg.". not Full Page Ad. Also, same Para., John Pestotnik was also present when the "Ad" was set up. Hearing no further objection the minutes were accepted as corrected. Stanley Ziherl gave the Treasurer's Report. Balance as of Dec. 5, 1991, $ 25,536.76. The $ 6,211.60 figure represents stationery, printing and mailing costs for our massive mailings. Motion by Fran Mauric, second by John Pestotnik to accept the Treasurer's Report. Motion passed. John Pestotnik also mentioned that he was able to procure a file cabinet for our use from his sister-in-law. Ann Opeka questioned if we really need a folding machine. Edmund Turk pointed out that when this Committee is officially terminated, the Folding Machine could be used by any organization that has been involved with the UAS. Since there was no motion for reconsideration for the action taken at the last meeting, the Chair will go ahead with other business. Speaking on the subject of having Pat Buchanan as a possible speaker at the City Club, Matt Susel felt we should think twice. He is not in favor of this move, considering that Mr. Buchanan is seriously considering running as a presidential candidate. Edmund Turk felt that we should explore the possibility of getting Buchanan because he is definitely supporting our cause; we invited John Glenn and no one criticised us. Pat Buchanan as a nationally syndicated columnist seems to be the only journalist who speaks out on the subject of what is happening in Slovenia and Croatia and we should seek anyone who shows an interest in this matter. Actually, its not a matter of principle, but a matter of what is better for us. John Pestotnik reported that at the U.S.S.^" meeting on Tuesday they voted to sponsor a clothing drive which would help the Croation (sic!) people now in Slovenia. The central collection point will be the Slovenian Workmen's Home * •k * United Slovenian Society. liny od kultuinih organi/adj Slovcncev v Clcvclandu. ^ 92 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" on Waterloo. A 2.5% tax is being imposed on Slovenians and sending this clothing will relieve the burden on them. Father Boznar reported that St. Vitus had a similar clothing drive for two weekends and they collected not only clothes but $ 3,000 which will be sent to Karitas in Slovenia. He would be willing to receive this drive, perhaps after Christmas. John Pestotnik will work with Father Boznar re the expenses, i.e., cost of shipping, etc. A copy of the ad which will appear in the Washington Post was passed around and Edmund asked for comments. Some suggestions included changing the order of "bullet" paragraph No. 4 to the No. 2 spot: spelling out CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe): making a change in the next paragraph to say "The United States has a moral commitment to support Slovenia and other emerging democracies and grant it formal diplomatic recognition". A clearer, larger sketch of the map of Slovenia will be used. Chairman Turk complimented the committee on the fine job they did on preparing this ad. He also felt that this ad should appear in the American Home and the other five (5) fraternals first. Then, we should put it in the Washington Post. A lengthy discussion ensued. Most of the members felt that we should put the ad in the Washington Post as quickly as possible. Joe Valencic reported that he will call on Monday to see if we can be on standby for possible inclusion in the Thursday issue. On this basis, it would only cost us $ 5,000. Stane Kuhar moved, second by John Pestotnik, we have the revised ad printed this coming week. Motion passed. We then discussed using the ad in our fraternals with the notation that it appeared in the Washington Post and we would like to have the readers clip it out and send to President Bush. Likewise in the American Home Weekly. Jim Debevec said he is still waiting to get the list of donors to the UAS so that it can be published. Joe Valencic is in the process of getting out the letters to all the Senators and Congressmen who have offered their support. Edmund Turk then announced that an invitation has come to his office re the official opening reception of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, December 11,1991- From all indications, it appeared that no one would be in a position to attend. Edmund then read a letter received by Karl Bonutti asking for support for a group that is forming a coalition for Slovenians and Croations (sic!) and other ethnics to stop the bloodshed and recognize the independence of both countries. Letter tabled. Rgzprgve in qrodivo. Ljubljona. 1999, st. 34 93 Edmund also reported that he had an informal meeting with Linda Cimperman who enlightened him on what's happening in Slovenia. She is still here in Cleveland and he was wondering if we would like to have her talk to us at our next meeting. John informed us that she will be leaving on December 13th and since everyone was in favor of having her talk to us, it was decided to have a short meeting on Thursday, December 12th at 7:30 preceding her arrival. Karl Bonutti announced that there was an interesting interview with Father Kumse in the last issue of Druzina. He also invited every one to join in the Annual Bishop Pevec Mass and Xmas Program at Borromeo Seminary tomorrow evening. The program starts at 6:30, the Mass at 7:00 with the Glasbena Maticn Chorus, followed by singing of Xmas Carols and a social. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. on a motion by Stanley Ziherl, second by Joe Valencic. Motion passed. Members in attendance were: Jim Debevec, Stan Ziherl, Joe Valencic, Matt Susel, Ann Opeka, Karl Bonutti, John Pestotnik, Betty Rotar, Edmund Turk, Father J. Boznar, Cirila Kermavner, Tony Hiti, Fran Mauric, Stan Kuhar, Helen Konkoy. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary ^ 94 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA December 12, 1991 In attendance at this meeting were; Chairman Turk, Stan Ziherl, Rudy Susel, Jim Debevec, Jos Valencic, Ann Opeka, Cirila Kermavner, Jean Krisman, Tony Hiti, Gene Kogovsek, Fran Mauric and Father Boznar. New Member is Jean Drobnik representing the American Slovenes. Chairman opened the meeting and reported that he had no Formal agenda. The recording sec'y Betty Rotar was ill, therefor not in attendance and therefore, no minutes of the previous meeting. Fran Mauric offered to record. Jos. Valencic reported as follows. Presented all with the Final ad which will appear this coming Tuesday, the 17th in the Washington Post. He had negotiated For the Federal Page at a price oF approximately 4000 to 5,000 dollars. It was sent in today. Consensus of all that it was a "good deal". Price and timing. With Germany to announce on the 18th their sanction of Slovenia and Croatia, this is good! Other countries are promising to follow. This ad will then be printed in the American Home and other Fraternal Papers. People will be asked to cut out this ad, make copies and send it to then-respective representatives in Washinton. Stan Ziherl moved to buy this ad in the American Home. Cirila Kermavner seconded the motion and approved. Karl Bonutti had called Stan and reported a bit on his attendance at the Petric reception in Washington, D.C. Stan Ziherl reported on a slight addition to the Treasury report. Gene Kogovsek was added to the "Ad" Committee. Suggested that a list of the donors to our organization will be listed in the American Home after the holiday. The "Ad" Committee to work on the subject as to which papers the ad will be sent to. John Pestotnik and his daughter Linda arrived. They also had attended the reception in Washington. Gave a very concise report on it. Linda proceeded to give her interpretation of the situation in Slovenia. She has been living and working there for the almost 2 years. Razprave in grodivo. Ljubljana, 1999, št. 34______95 Meeting adjourned on a motion by Stan Ziherl and seconded by Cirila Kermavner at 9:30 P.M. A meeting to be held next Thursday, the 19th. Acting Recording Secretary, Fran Mauric 1 ) 04_Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA DECEMBER 19, 1991 1. READING & APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOV. 28 & Dec. 5, 1991 2. NEW MEMBERSHIP 3. TREASURER'S REPORT 4. REPORT ON ADVERTISEMENT WASHINGTON POST 5. FOLLOW UP ON CAMPAIGN STRATEGY RE: 4 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. MERRY CHRISTMAS & THANKS FROM OUR SLOVENIAN COMMUNITY FOR YOUR DEDICATION AND HARD WORK 8. ADJOURNMENT AND TIME & PLACE NEXT MEETING UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of December 19, 1991, 7. 43 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ed. Turk at the AMLA office. The minutes of the Dec. 5 meeting were read and that following corrections made; The last sentence of the second par. on the 2nd page is to be deleted, re: Stan Kuhar's motion to go ahead with the ad. This had already been moved on and approved at the previous meeting. And to clarify on the same page, par. 4; Jos. Valencic is in the process of getting out the letters to all of the Senators and Congressmen who offered their support. This should be: They are to be sent Thanks for their support. There being no further corrections, a move to accept was made Tony Hitt and 2nd by Matt Susel, approved. The Minutes of the December 12 meeting were read and the following correction was made: In the 3rd par., the word sanction is to be changed to the Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano, 1999, št. 34_97 word recognition. Cirila Kermavner moved to accept the minutes and this was seconded by Tony Hiti, approved. Stan Ziherl reported that there was no change in the Treasury and that the folding machine had arrived today. The Big News of the Day and Week is: Our ad appeared in the Washington Post yesterday. And propitiously, on the same page that announced the installation of new Chief of Staff, Samuel Skinner. Joe Valencic reported on the drama proceeding the ad's appearance. In fact, surprising, that on the preceding two pages are headlines of Croation (sic!) and Slovenian news. This had not appeared before. Also noted that Zagreb was celebrating tonight Germany's recognition. Dan Rather131 also reported on the issue. It seems that our issue has become of some value to the public other that ourselves. Jos. Valencic faxed the ad to Mr. Petric in Washington, also to Mr. Mitja Mersol.132 A Mr. Stan Sustersich133 of Chevy Chase, M.d, sent copies of this newspaper to Ed. Turk. Ed also rec'd.134 a letter from a Mr. Halogyn who supplies inflatable boats to Croatia. He wanted to know about our committee and it's work. Ed rec'd. copies of bills no. 213 and 224. These bills support our cause. 65 members cosponsored these bills. Hamilton of Indiana refused to sign them. Suggested that Mr. Oaker, Mr. Feighan and Mr. Stokes be contacted as to their thoughts on these bills. Ed Turk also suggested that our Mast Head be put on this ad when it is reprinted in our Fraternals. Also suggested that a note be added that people should read or hear about these bills. John Pestotnik said that we take time to read these bills thoroughly as some of them may be duplicates. There are 20 of them. Stan Ziherl said that he has already found the above bills in our files. Jos. Valencic to include a note on the # 224 bill when writing on our ad to Congress people. Feighan, Stokes and Oaker. Ed rec'd. a donation from a lodge in Indiana of $100.00. Karl Bonutti offered that he received positive calls from people on the ad these same people had questioned the monies spent. Chairman Turk proposed a Big Hand to the Ad Committee, a good amount of work expended, a wise expenditure. Indeed a good job. A slight discussion as to whether this ad should appear again and * * * 131 Komentator CBS, od leta 1988 dalje glavni poročevalec CBS News. 132 Urednik časopisa Delo in avtor številnih knjig. 133 Pravnik slovenskega porekla rt Clevelanda. Od leta 1979 do 1987 je bil radijski koordinator radijskih oddaj za Evropo pri Voice of America (Glas Amerike). Po upokojitvi se ukvarja z organizacijo in koordinacijo slovenskih kulturnih prireditev v Washingtonu. 134 |-eCejved ^ 98 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" when. Adding the possibility as to is going to recognize. Added that it will be pertinent that the ads appear in our fraternals/determined that 50,000 families can be reached through the fraternals. Ed has been contacted by the Washington Times, selling us space. Tabled. John Pestotnik suggested that copies of these bills be sent to all of Ohio Representatives. Stan Ziherl suggested that we make a concerted plan on what we are going to send an to whom. Suggested also that we send/some of the editorials such as the one written by Richard Nixon135 in the Wall St. Journal.136 Interesting as to what motivated Nixon's interest. Agreed that a Mail-Out during the holidays is not very probable but should aim for one after, possibly the 15th. Stan complimented Jim Debevec on the good editorials. John Pestotnik reported that approximately $300.00 is owed by pledges from the radiothon. Ed. Tbrk suggested that he diplomaticaly ask for it. Joe Valencic will call a meeting as needed by the Ad committee and Ed Turk to call meetings for the full committee. Jos. Valencic will get letters to donors. Wondering by all why the Plain Dealer is so lax in reporting on our issue. Karl Bonutti suggested that these reporters do not know much about the world outside of our city. Karl also announced that both Jim Debevec and Matt Susel will be honored by the American Nationality Movement in recognition of their work on the Slovenian and Croation (sic!) issue. This to be done at the Hofbrau House on the 15th. All invited. Mall Susel that another ad appear following the news on recognition appears on Jan. 15. This meeting adjourned on a motion by Cirila Kermavner, 2nd by Karl Bonutti at 9 P.M. Submitted by Franc Mauric, Acting Recording Sec'y. * * * 135 Ameriški predsednik v letih 1967-1973. 136 vodilni ameriški gospodarski časopis. Y Rozprgve in qradivo. Ljubljana, 1999. si. 34_99_ UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1992 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7: 40 P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Fran Mauric. Corrections to the December 19th minutes included: 64 Members, not 65 Members on Bill No. 224 and on Bill No. 213, 27 sponsors. However, what's important is that they need a majority of 218 signatures to get a bill moved in Congress. Hearing no other additions or corrections, the minutes were approved on a motion by Gene Kogovsek, second by Jean Krizman. Passed. New Membership - Edmund received a letter from the United Slovene Society stating that Linda Cimperman will be their representative. In the event Linda cannot attend the meetings, John Pestotnik will be the alternate. John also represents the Slovene Radio Club. Edmund also wondered what ever happened to Jean Drobnik of the American Slovene Women's Club. Ann Opeka offered the information that she were in Florida at this time. Treasurer's Report - Two $100 donations were received: one from Slovenska Druzba and one from St. Aloysius # 52, KSKJ. Expenses were: #458.06 to Quill Corp. for the letter folder and $300 to Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club for the "Trideset" ad. Income to date: $32,062.56, Expenses: $11,263-26; Balance 1/92: $20,799.30. Motion to accept the Treasurer's report by John Pestotnik, second by Betty Rotar. Approved. Edmund acknowledged the recognition received by American Home owners James and Madeline Debevec and the Slovene section editor Dr. Rudolph Susel at the December 21st Annual Christmas Luncheon of the American Nationalities Movement. A round of applause for the recipients was given. Edmund Turk also read a letter he received from Dr. Petric. He was most complimentary and thanked the UAS and all those responsible for the timely ad which was printed in the Washington Post. He has received many calls relative to the ad; response has been good. Edmund suggested that the letter in its entirety could be printed in the American Home Weekly and Jim Debevec agreed to do this. Dr. Karl Bonuui offered the information that there will be a change in the leadership of Slovenia. At this time, Parliament does not have die majority. However, a new law has to be written and passed to have a new election in ^ 100 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" Summer or in September. The present government could stay in power for four years. However, if there is a change in the Prime Minister, they have to have an election. They are learning. No one said "democracy would be easy". Dr. Bonutti also elaborated on other aspects of the problems between Croatia and Serbia. Jean Krizman reported that there was an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer re finding missing people in Yugoslavia on January 2nd. There have been 8 inquiries to date to the ICRC.137 She also reported that Geneva, Switzerland has taken charge of the Yugoslav Red Cross. We discussed at length having another and appear in the Washington Post. However, Linda Cimperman reported that in talking to Rep. Dennis Eckart, the dollars spent would have more of an impact if the ad were to appear the week of January 20th (or on January 23rd). In general, the consensus seemed to be we will wait until January 15th to see if the European Countries will recognize Slovenia as has been indicated and then we will know what direction to take. Edmund reported on a meeting held last Thursday (Jan.2) where this same subject was discussed at length. He has talked to Dr. Petric who was optimistic about what was happening following our Dec. 17th ad. Has been attending many diplomatic functions. Jim Debevec asked Ed if when talking to Dr. Petric, he had alluded to whether he felt the U.S.A. would recognize Slovenia on January 15th. Ed responded, "No", not at that time, but was hopeful the recognition would follow soon. Jim Debevec mentioned that in its January, 1992 edition, the Rodna Gruda had reprinted in its entirety, the October 31st article "Call the President" is Big Success ! and remarked that this is good publicity and makes the Slovenians aware that we are doing something here in America to help their cause. John Pestotnik reminded everyone that we must continue to "bombard" President Bush with telephone calls, postcards, letters, etc., because they do a daily tally on what news items U.S. citizens are most concerned about. John Pestotnik also remarked that we are missing representation from about 4,000-5,000 people because we don't have the Pensioner's Clubs included in our membership. A letter should be sent asking for a representative to be appointed or elected. Ann Opeka has already approached John Taucher several months ago and he had indicated that he would come. Ann will call again and a follow-up letter will be sent. -k * * Internationa) Committee Red Cross ■= Mednarodni komite Rdečega križa. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999. šK 34 101 Joe Valencic reported that he sent out 24 mailings over the weekend. These included all the fraternals, including Western Slavonic as well as Bill Miller and Brent Larkin of the Plain Dealer; John Urbancich1^ of the Sun Newspapers (brother of Madeline Debevec), the News Herald, Akron Beacon Journal and Assoc. Press. He has also submitted publicity (including the Washington Post ad) to WELW and WEWS.139 Edmund thanked Joe for the great job he has done in the publicity department for us. It is really appreciated. Joe was acknowledged with a round of applause. Dr. Bonutti reported that the City Administration has called a meeting of a Sister Cities Committee1"*0 for Thursday, January l6th at 7:30 in the Council Chambers. They are expecting the Mayor of Ljubljana to visit Cleveland sometime in February. Since our meetings are generally held on Thursdays, Karl will see if they can, perhaps, change their date. Fran Mauric moved, second by Stanley Ziherl our next meeting be held on Thursday, January ]6th at 7:30 P.M. here in the AMLA Home Office. Motion passed. Motion to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. by Tony Hiti, second by Gene Kogovsek. Passed. All were invited to partake of Jean Krizman's Potica and Coffee in the AMLA kitchen. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary ■k -k -k Roj. 1948 v Clevelandu, Ohio, novinar in odgovorni urednik časopisa Sun Newspaper v Clevelandu Lokalni radijski postaji v Clevelandu. Clevelandski del odbora pobratenih mest Clevelanda in Ljubljane. ^ 102 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of January 16, 1992 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7:40 P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Betty Rotar and corrected as follows: Under New Membership: Spelling of Gene Drobnic's name and it should be listed as the American Slovene Club. Top of Pg. 2. under Dr. Bonutti's report. "At this time, the Demos Coalition does not have a majority in the Parliament." Hearing no other additions or corrections, the minutes were approved on a motion by Stanley Ziherl, second by Tony Hiti. Approved. Ann Opeka reported that she has talked to John Taucher and although he is not able to attend meeting, he offered to call Gus Petelinkar, Frank Cesenl4i (son of Frank Cesen) and Stanley Frank142, to see if any of them would be willing to attend. None are present tonight. There is no change in the Treasurer's report. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the recognition of Slovenia by the European Communities. However, the position of the United States Government has not changed. In fact, it appears that they are again favoring a confederation of Yugoslavia according to Linda Cimperman's remarks. Dr. Karl Bonutti reported that Dr. Petric was very distressed after his meeting at die White House, especially because he not only wants recognition of Slovenia, but also because he would like to have the sanctions imposed on Slovenia lifted. This is causing a tremendous economic problem in Slovenia. At the present time, drey have only enough fuel for another month at the Atomic Energy Plant and if their plant gets shut down because of this shortage, it will cut down Slovenia's energy by 50%. Although the plant was built by Westinghouse, permission has to come from the U.S. Government even if Westinghouse intercedes in Slovenia's behalf. Just about everyone present at the meeting offered some suggestions as to what procedure we should follow. They included: A follow-up ad in the Washington Post; more letters to our Congressmen; additional postcards, but with different wording such as "X No. Of Countries have recognized Slovenia... Why not the U.S.A.?; another Phone-a- * * * Funkcionar slovenskih upokojcnskib klubov iz Clcvclanda. 142 Clan odbora federacije slovenskih narodnih domov v Clevelandu in blagajnik slovenskih clevelandskih upokoj'enskih klubov. Razprove in qrodivo. Ljubljana. 1999. st. 34__1 03 thon, perhaps on Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12th (maybe even suggest calling all week long); a delegation of Slovenian leaders go to Washington to meet with the State Department and Congress to express our disappointment at the way this situation is being handled. All these suggestions were recognised as being good ones however, according to Edmund Turk "no wheels will turn until Congress gets back in session. Only then will we be able to determine if this subject will be re-opened; if there is enough dialogue to warrant their reacting to what their constituency wants". The discussion continued with an overall agreement that a personalised, comprehensive, all encompassing letter be sent to each Congressman asking for support to have Slovenia recognized by the U.S.A. Enclosed with the letter will be a copy of the Washington Post Ad, a copy of the American Home Newspaper, etc. Another letter and similar enclosures will be made to the 645 organisations who are supporting the UAS cause. A motion by Ed Polsak, second by Karl Bonutti to purchase 1,600 envelopes to get this project underway was approved by all. Dr. Bonutti will check into utilising a software disk which may be available thru the Urban College to help expedite this mailing. In planning for our next big campaign, we must see what the next several days will bring. We have to see how many countries will recognize Slovenia, a sense of what Congress will do and a feeling from the State Department. We have to emphasise that Slovenia's borders are not in dispute, we are supporting human rights and protection for minorities. We have to find which are the right buttons to push, where the pipe line is, who are we trying to get to. Linda Cimperman will give Nixon's personal fax number and address to Ed. Turk. Dr. Karl Bonutti had a suggestion that perhaps a letter written by Chairman Edmund Turk to the President of the Latin/American countries urging them to recognize Slovenia would have an impact. The gentlemen is a good friend of Dr. Bonutti's and will be glad to do this. Dr. Bonutti also reported that he heard they will be having a big celebration in Slovenia this coming Sunday and was wondering if. perhaps, our parish churches could have a Mess of Thanksgiving here at the same time. Father Boznar felt that we should wait for an appropriate time and day and do something as a Slovenian community, not just the churches. Dr. Bonutti reported on the Sister Cities meeting held last night regarding the visit of the Mayor of Ljubljana. He wondered if this Committee would be interested in meeting with the delegation that is coming from Slovenia. A decision was put "on hold". 1 ) 04_Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" Linda Cimperman asked if we could reconsider the urgency of placing another ad in the Washington Post. She realises that Joe Valencic is inundated with work and that our December 17th ad was a manifestation of nearly two months of work to produce that excellent ad. However, she is willing to help if you need assistance in whatever way she can to produce another one as quickly as possible. Jim Debevec suggested that we welcome the Congressmen back to session and tell then what countries have already recognized Slovenia and that it is a top priority. A motion was made by Stanley Ziherl, second by Father Boznar to go forward with mass publicity. People did contribute for this specific cause and we should spend the money (prudently, of course) in the way that is most effective. Therefore, we should put another ad in the Washington Post, send our the letters and postcards. All agreed. Chairman Edmund Turk again thanked Joe Valencic for all his work above and beyond the call of duty. He asked Joe if he needed help and Joe replied that writing the letters doesn't take that much time. However, other areas in the Publicity Department do, and he will ask for help when necessary. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:30 P.M. at the AMLA Home Office. Motion to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. by Dr. Karl Bonutti, second by Tony Hiti. Passed. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Present at the meeting: Edmund Tbrk, Dr. Karl Bonutti, Joe Valencic, Tony Hiti, Edwin Polsak, Father John Kumse, Father Joseph Boznar, Jean Krizman, Fran Mauric, John Pestotnik, Linda Cimperman, Jim Debevec, Stanley Ziherl, Matt Susel, Ann Opeka, Betty Rotar. Rgzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. s>. 34 105 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of January 23, 1992 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7:35 P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Betty Rotar and corrected as follows: Linda Cimperman wished to clarify the statement re the United States position toward Yugoslavia. It should have read, "The State Department Representative stated that the U.S. position has not changed". It was further stated that the "U.S. favored a Yugoslav Union". Karl Bonutti asked that on Pg. 2, Para. 3, the word "President" be changed to "Parliament" and Ann Opeka suggested that in her report on contacting the Pensioner's Clubs, it should be so stated. Stan Ziherl moved, second by Jim Debevec that minutes be accepted as corrected. Motion passed. Treasurer's Report - Motion to accept by Dusan Marsic, second by Betty Rotar. Passed. Edmund Turk read a letter he received from Ernest Ryavec143 who resides in California. Enclosed was a donation of $100 to the United Americans for Slovenia in memory of Frank Zebot,144 a native of Maribor, Slovenia. Betty Rotar will send a letter to his widow, Lija. John Pestotnik noted that many letters accompanied donations to the UAS, expressing sentiments of "why" they were donating to this worthy cause. If we start a precedent with this individual, all should be acknowledged. Other correspondence included a signed petition page from the Plymouth, Minnesota area and a clip out of the message for Pres. Bush from a woman in Wisconsin. Rudy Susel showed a copy of the American Serbograd (sic!)145 newspaper which is packed with letters to our Congressmen. It is interesting to note that if you listen to Slovenians and Croations (sic!), the feeling is that the Serbs control the media. In this newspaper, the Serbs feel the opposite is true. Jim Debevec stated that in the Financial Times of London, if you read between the lines, the Serbs are acknowledging that Slovenia and Croatia are no ■* ■* * 143 Rojen leta 1916 v Clevelandu, Ohio, poveljnik vojne ladje v ameriški vojni mornarici in veteran druge svetovne vojne; vodja matematične sekcije v uradu za pomorsko raziskovanje pri ameriškem obrambnem ministrstvu. ŽivivSania Monlci v Kaliforniji. 144 Francis L Zebor; rojen leta 1943 (Ljubljana, Slovenija), doktorat pravnih ved leta 1969 (University of Chicago), od leta 1978 dalje pomočnik vrhovnega tožilca Združenih držav. l45Pravilno Srbobran srbski etnični časopis, glasilo Srbske narodne zajednice (Serbian National Federation), med drugo svetovno vojno na velesrbskih, pročetniških stališčih. ^ 106 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" longer a part of Yugoslavia; and today, both Bosnia-Hercegovina and Macedonia said "No" to Serbia. Ail in attendance had received a copy of Senator Dole's January 23rd Resolution urging the U.S. to recognize Croatia and Slovenia. The resolution states that 27 Senators and 39 Countries have already extended recognition. Linda Cimperman noted that in talking to someone in the Minister of Foreign Affairs Office, 45 countries have already signed on and Jim Debevec offered the information that he had received a fax from Senator Glenn's office with this same information. Edmund Turk felt that a "Thank You" letter should be sent to all the 28 persons telling them a little bit about our organization, along with a copy of the American Home newspaper. A similar letter should be sent to the remaining 62 Senators asking them for support. The Dole Resolution should also be included in this latter. Linda Cimperman also stated that in talking to several people, it was suggested that we lobby the Black Caucus and Spanish Caucus. These two independent groups might have some appreciation for what we are trying to accomplish. Linda offered to send a letter to these two groups to alleviate an extra burden on Joe Valencic. Two other comments were that the Foreign Affairs Committee is in support of Serbia and that the Sports Trade Publication is recognising Slovenia's entries in the Winter Olympics. Dr. Bonutti asked if the letters to the Latin American Countries has been written. Joe Valencic stated they were; however, they have not been mailed. Dr. Bonutti wondered if he could add a new introductory paragraph and include a copy of the Dole Resolution. Joe acknowledged it would be no problem. Dr. Bonutti also reported that there are rumors that the White House and State Department are now in the process of re-evaluating their position on Slovenia and Croatia. At this point in time, Edmund Turk left the meeting, following an emergency phone call and he asked Stanley Ziherl to preside. Joe Valencic reported he may have a problem getting the ad in the Washington Post when it would be most effective. It appears the Senate will be adjourning the week of February 10th. At the moment, there is space available on a standby basis for January 31st and possibly February 6th. However, there is no guarantee and confirmation can only be gotten a week before date of issue. An alternative would be printing the ad in the New York Times-that cost Razprgve in grodivo, Ljubljana, 1999, st. 34 107 would be $ 5,100 on a standby basis. At this point, corrections have been made on the original ad and Joe will check on Monday to see what dates are available fort the coming week. Even though it appeared we didn't get much response, the phones "were ringing of the wall" in Washington. Rudy Susel suggested that several months ago there was talk that a delegation of some of our members go physically to Washington. It might cost less and be more effective. Karl Bonutti reiterated that 3-4 months ago, a group of people were ready to go; however, they had to cancel because of the political situation in Slovenia at that time. You do have to have a professional organize those meetings and you have to have a lobbyist With a Republican Government, you have to have someone open the doors within the White House and the State Department. According to John Pestotnik and Linda Cimperman, Congressman Dennis Eckart would assist us. Tony Hiti also felt strongly about sending a delegation to Washington. Suggestions were noted and Stanley Ziherl appointed Tony Hiti, Linda Cimperman, Karl Bonutti and Rudy Susel to assess the possibility and effectiveness of this move. John Pestotnik feels very strongly that we should repeat what we have done before. We should send out the personalised letters to the Congressmen, then follow up with a similar letter to all the organizations as well as the 500 plus contributors to arouse our people to support our cause. This should be done just prior to February 12th, the date we have mentioned for our phone-a-thon. A mail-out will be done this coming Sunday. Jim Debevec wondered if we could invite Senator Dole to come to Cleveland so we could have a meeting with him, similar to that which we had with Senator Glenn. Karl Bonutti offered the information that Senator Dole had been invited to Cleveland when Dr. Dular was here. Unfortunately, he could not make it. Stane Kuhar reported that SAC has extended an invitation to Senator Dole to come to Northeast Ohio. There has been no response to date. Karl Bonutti noted that the Cleveland Plain Dealer has not had an editorial in the newspaper re the recognition of Slovenia and Croatia; Rudy Susel added that in talking with Joseph Bernik of Chicago, the Chicago Tribune is also silent on this issue. Apparently both newspapers favor a Yugoslav Confederation. Duke Marsic added his comments: The cause of Yugoslavia is falling apart. Slovenes and Croatians have been oppressed from 1918 thru 1941. We now have to use the leverage that 45 countries are recognising these two nations. They were considered 3rd class citizens in Yugoslavia even though they produced artists, writers, etc. They have voted for their independence and it should be supported. They have wanted this for a long time and they are jusdy deserving. ^ 108 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" Linda Cimperman expressed her feeling that the strategy behind the U.S. not reacting too quickly is that someone has to play ""dirty guy"" The had to get the U.N. troops into Croatia. Someone had to be in the middle. They did send a 3-man team from the Institute of Strategic Planning and others to analyse the situation. Hopefully, they will recognize at some point. There being no further discussion, a motion by Stane Kuhar, second by Cirila Kermavner to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 P.M Passed. Our next meeting will be held here at the AMLA Home Office on Thursday, January 30th at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary UNITED AMERICAN FOR SLOVENIA Present at the meeting: Edmund Turk, Stanley Ziherl, Joe Valencic, Jim Debevec, Cirila Kermavner, Joe Petric, Florence Unetich, Karl Bonutti, Duke Marsic, Rudy Süsel, Tony Hiti, Ann Opeka, Stane Kuhar, Linda Cimperman, John Pestotnik, Edwin Polsak, Betty Rotar. r Rgzprove iri grodivo, Ljubljana, 1999. st. 34_ 1 09 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1992 Prior to the meeting being called to order a group photograph was taken of the committee members. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 8:00 P.M. The Minutes of the January 30, 1992 meeting were read and corrected to indicate that 4l countries had recognized Slovenia, and that recognition by Israel and Ethiopia would increase the number to 43. G. Kogovsek moved to approve the Minutes as corrected. J. Pestotnik seconded. The motion carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT S. Ziherl reported that there were no changes from the last report. Some recent contributions have been received and will be accounted for in the next report. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT E. Turk read a letter he received from Dr. Ernest Petric thanking the members of the UAS for their efforts during the mailings to Congress. He reported that the Russian Federation will be recognizing Slovenia by the end of the week. E. Turk detailed the progress of Senate Bill 246 which was co-sponsored by Sen. Bob Dole. To date 36 Senators have signed on. Unfortunately Ohio Sen. Howard Metzenbaum has not yet signed. E. Turk indicated that he would contact Sen. Metzenbaum's office regarding this matter. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Jo. Valencic reported that press releases had been sent to the Slovenian -American media concerning the February 12 White House phone-in campaign. He has also prepared letters for UAS contributors and the general mailing list. J. Pestotnik informed everyone that workers will be needed on Sunday Feb. 9 to prepare the mass mailing. Anyone interested in helping should contact him. J. Pestotnik also reported that the list of contributors should be ready to publish soon. RECOGNITION CELEBRATION COMMITTEE J. Valencic asked all committee members to stay after the regular meeting to Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" develop plans for the celebration. Rev. Boznar said that he would talk to the other Slovenian parish priests concerning a Mass of thanksgiving. He felt that the Cathedral would be the best location. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS J. Valencic and L. Cimperman reported that the Slovenian and Croation (sic!) flags were flown over City Hall today as a sign of solidarity during President Bush's visit to Cleveland. E. Turk suggested that a letter be sent to Mayor White thanking him for this gesture of support. K. Bonutti reported that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has invited Slovenian President Milan Kucan to Washington DC during the week of February 17th. K. Bonutti suggested the UAS send a delegation to Washington at this time. E. Turk would contact Dr. Petric in Washington to see if a UAS delegation would be appropriate. M. Benz from Kollander World Travel briefly reported on the travel situation to Slovenia. He said that the U.S. State Department has lifted its travel advisory for Slovenia and that the Brnik airport is again open and operational. He reported that flights to Slovenia via Frankfurt would soon be available. With no further business before the Board, S. Kuhar moved that the meeting be adjourned. S. Ziherl seconded. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. The next meeting will be at the AMLA Home Office on Thursday, February 13, 1992 at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Anthony W. Hiti, Acting Recording Secretary UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA ATTENDANCE Edmund Turk, Joe Valencic, Cirila Kermavner, Karl Bonutti, Tony Hiti, Linda Cimperman, Stane Kuhar, Betti Rotar, Jean Krizman, Helen Konkoy, Tony Petkovsek, Stanley Ziherl, Jim Debevec, Joe Petric, Rudy Susel, Ann Opeka, John Pestotnik, Edwin Polsak, Rev. Joseph Boznar, Fran Mauric, Gene Kogovsek, Joyce Plemel. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljana, 1999. šl. 34 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of February 13, 1992 Chairman Edmund TUrk called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. The minutes of the last meeting written by Tony Hiti were read by Betty Rotar. Hearing no additions or corrections, die minutes were accepted as read on a motion by Stanley Ziherl, second by Jean Krizman. Approved. Edmund Turk welcomed Gene Drobnic to her first meeting. Gene apologised for not coming before; however, she was out-of-town. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Edmund Turk reported that he heard that Pres. Milan Kucan is coming to America... then later that he is not. However, Dimitri Rupel and Ivo Vajgl and several others are apparently coming to Washington to meet with some of the Senators. Dr. Petric wondered if perhaps a small delegation from the UAS could come and have dinner at his house. It would be a two-day trip and the dates are not yet confirmed. A greeting was also received from Meta Vajgl wishing us success in our efforts in contacting the Leaders in Washington. Received a letter from John R. Kasich146 Representative from the 12th, District of Ohio dated November 12, 1991 and one from Stanley Frank Secretary-Treasurer of the St. Clair Pensioners Group. Although we have not heard what the figures were on yesterday's telephone campaign to the White House, indications are that it was very successful. Dennis Eckart will be contacted for a possible up-date. Edmund Turk was featured live on Station WLIP from Kenosha Wise, at 7:45 A.M. this morning. The interview lasted about 8 minutes discussing the issue of the USA's recognition of Slovenia as an independent nation and of course, our organization, that UAS. It's ironic that we get publicity so far away and yet, here in Cleveland, all the radio stations and TV stations are so quiet about our work. Stanley Ziherl had called Edmund Turk with the information that Russia has recognized Slovenia. -k -k * John R. Kasich, republikanski kongresnik iz Wester vil le, Ohio. Prvič izvoljen v 98. kongres leta 1984 in v vse nadaljne do danes. Leta 1974 diplomiral iz političnih ved na Ohio State University v Columbusu. Pomočnik ohijskegd državneha senatorja Donalda Luckensa 1975-1977. Član ohijske zakonodajne zbornice 1979-1982. Član kongresnega komiteja za varnost ZDA. Predsednik kongresnega komiteja za proračun. 1 1 1 2_Zapisniki "Uniled Americans for Slovenia" RECOGNITION CELEBRATION Joe Valencia reported on the meeting that this committee had with regard this celebration. They will do a mailing to the different Choruses to be on standby for when recognition does come. They are also going to contact the USS Band and a couple of orchestras. As of now, they are looking at three options: 1. A spontaneous open-house (within several days of the official announcement) at the St. Clair Hall. An invite to Mayor White, Rep. Dennis Eckart and perhaps some other celebrities/dignitaries who were helpful in our quest. The festivities would include a cash bar and kitchen and arrangements are being made to get a liquor license on short notice when the time comes. Joe Petric would be in charge of the bar and Jean Krizman in charge of the kitchen. 2. A Mass at St. John's Cathedral with an open-house following at eidier St. Vitus or the Slovenian National Home. Here again, it would take several days to get the word out; publicity on Tony's Radio Show and in the American Home would help to alert the general public of this endeavour. 3. Our formal celebrating would be by invitation only. Guests would include donors and workers/volunteers who helped in any capacity. The combined choruses would be asked to perform and a featured speaker would be invited. Some of the dignitaries would include Dr. Petric from Washington, D.C., Mayor Lynch, Robert Dole, Dennis Eckart and others. Since this would all have to be coordinated, it would not necessarily be done as soon as the first two options. There is a possibility that we could work out a telephone/video hookup with Slovenia or a video-taped message that could later be televised in Slovenia. John Pestotnik is looking into getting some sort of a souvenir to give each donor for this special event. A lengthy discussion ensued on all the possibilities available. Many suggestions came from all in attendance: Pins, ribbons, something in china, crystal or wood were all mentioned. Of course, cost will also come into the picture and John is exploring all the avenues and come up with a few choices. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS Stanley Ziherl had no treasurer's report as he is awaiting statements from the bank. John Pestotnik reported that 1,100 mailings went out on Sunday February 9th with the help of many volunteers. Thanks to all who came and helped. Rozprove in qrodivo. Ljubljana. 1999. si. 34_1 1 3 Edmund Turk felt that since this mailing is out and we are just sort of waiting for something "big" to happen, perhaps we should wait for two weeks before we meet again. Hearing no objection, the next meeting will be on Thursday, February 27 th at 7:30 P.M. at the AM LA Home Office. Motion to adjourn by Cirila Kermavner, second by John Pestotnik, at 8:55 P.M. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Members in attendance were: Edmund Ttirk , Joe Valencic, John Pestotnik, Stanley Ziherl, Jim Debevec, Jean Krizman, Fran Mauric, Cirila Kermavner, Edwin Polsak, Joe Petric, Linda Cimperman, Betty Rotar. Zapisniki "United Americons (or Slovenia" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the mhhng of March 19,1992 - Amla home ortce The meeting was called to order at 7:35P.M. by Chairman Edmund Turk. Minutes of the last meeting were read with a few minor corrections. The luncheon at the Playhouse Club was a combined effort of the Slovene Businessmen and The Cleveland Heritage Foundation. Motion to accept the minutes as corrected was made by John Pestotnik, second by Jim Debevec. Approved. Edmund Turk reported on mail received which included: An Editorial from the Arizona Republic; Mary Rose Oakar; Mrs. Mary Lavrich and Albert Gore.147 There was also a $25.00 donation from Frank and Stella Strauss and anodier $25.00 from John Krepfl in addition to a $ 100 donation from Vladimir Rus14^. Stanley Ziherl reported approximately $ 21,600 is in the treasury at this time. Since the American Home Publishing Company has been financing the air mail cost of the American Home Weekly to Slovenia (approximately $ 231.65), motion was made by John Pestotnik, second by Ann Opeka we renew the subscriptions for another 6 months as this is an excellent source for news from America. At present, copies are being sent to Bojan in Italy,^ Slovenska Izseljenska Matica, Družina, Kučan, Slovenec and Peterle. It was reported that Japan and Libya recognized Slovenia on March 17th. Matt Susel reported that he received a letter from Ernest Petric in Washington and it now appears that we are looking for recognition from the * * * 147 Albert Gore; rojen leta 1948. podpredsednik Združenih držav, demokratski kongresnik in senator, diplomiral na Harvardu in na pravni fakulteti Vanderbilt University, udeležence- vojne v Vietnamu, izvoljen v 95. kongres leta 1976 in tri naslednje kongrese, 6. 11.1984 izvoljen v senat, ponovno izvoljen v senat 6. 11.1990 in 3. 11. 1990 je bil ¡'/voljen za podpredsednika ZDA in zaprisegel 20.1.1993- Ponovno izvoljen za podpredsednika novembra 1996 Rojen leta 1925 na Reki na HrvaŠkem, študiral politične vede na tržaški univer/i, slavistiko na Western Reserve University ter na University of Michigan. Zaposlen je bil kot doccnt na Case Western University v Clevelandu ter kot administrator na Cuyahoga Community Colegeu in v clcvclandski mestni hiši. Je tudi ustanovni član Slovene Heritage l-oundation ter Številnih drugih slovenskih izseljenskih in mestnih organizacij v Clevelandu. Rojen leta 1948 v Trstu. Študiral ekonomijo na univer/i v Trstu. V letih 1984-1985 dopisnik Primorskega dnevnika v Rimu. Konce leta 1992 glavni urednik Primorskega dnevnika in ljubljanske Republike, danes odgovorni urednik Primorskega dnevnika. Ustanovni član italijanske manjšinske organizacije CONPKMILl leta 1984, od leta 1990 njen predstavnik pri Evropskem uradu za manj raširjene jezike. V letih 1988-92 poslanec deželnega sveta Purlanije-Julijske krajine.1988 deželni svetovalec na listi Slovenske skupnosii. Prvi predsednik Slovenskega svetovnega kongresa (1991). r Rozprove in gradivo, Ljubljana, 1999, si. 34_1 1 5 U.SA. the week of April 6 thru the 10th. A lengthy discussion ensued relative to the impending recognition and plans for our celebrations. Stane Kuhar will check with Father Boznar to see if any plans are being made to have a Mass prior to the initial celebration. He will report back to Joe Valencic. There are many things to be considered. Will the SND150 be available? If recognition comes during Easter Week, we may have to hold up any celebration. Many aspects of the celebration are already covered. The menu will be simple; bartenders are on call; Slovenian Flags are available thru U.S.S. Also, local radio announcers and newspapers will be contacted immediately for publicity since this will be open to everyone. Letters have been sent to all the Slovene Choruses to see if they will participate with the combined singing of the two Anthems (American and Slovene) and to be prepared to sing one other song, time permitting. We also discussed at length the people that we would consider inviting for the formal celebration. Some of the suggestions included: Dr. Ernest Petric, Senators John Glenn and Dole; Congressman Dennis Eckart and Charles Kuralt. Since we seem to be "whistling in the dark" until we know the exact date, what we're hoping for is that word may leak out of Washington and we would have a litde time to plan. Stane Kuhar also wondered what we will do with any remaining funds in our Treasury when recognition is accomplished Edmund Turk felt making plans at the present time would be a bit premature. However, we are all in agreement that an accounting is necessary and all the income, expenses, etc. will all be publicized in the American Home. We did not make any plans for the next meeting as this too, will depend on whether or not Slovenia is about to be recognized. Keeping in mind the fact that we may hear something "via the grape vine" we should leave ourselves open for the next meeting, whenever it comes up. Motion to adjourn at 8:55 P.M. by Jean Krizman, second by Joe Valencic. Passed. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary * * * Sloven.ski navodni dorn. Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of April 30, 1992 Chairman Edmund Turk called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. Since the minutes of the previous meeting were unavailable at this time, they will be read and approved at our next meeting. Stanley Ziherl reported $ 21,056.00 is the balance in our account at the present time. However, some expenditures will have to be approved at this meeting in conjunction with die April 10th spontaneous celebration at the Slovenian National Home. Joe Valencic reported that there were approximately 750 people in attendance and at least 100 singers appeared on stage during the program. It was quite an impressive turnout on such short notice. All three (3) TV Stations and The Plain Dealer reporters were on hand. The income for the evening was $ 2,256.25 and the expenditures were $ 3,545.00. It appears that our cost will be somewhere in the neighbourhood of $ 1,200 to $ 1, 300.00. Motion by John Pestotnik, second by Edwin Polsak to pay all the bills was unanimously passed. Edmund Turk thanked everyone for their help in both the bar and kitchen as well as publicity, etc. A list of all of the volunteers is needed so that they can be thanked. A motion by Betty Rotar, second by Edwin Polsak to pay for all the minor sundry items was also approved by all. Both Ken Tomsick,^1 and George Knaus,152 took tapes on the April 10th celebration. The tapes are almost two hours long. These tapes are available for $ 10.00 each; Florence Unetich153 also has tapes of the July, 1991 War available at at S 20.00 if anyone is interested in purchasing them. Edwin Polsak suggested that a tape be kept in our archives for future posterity. It will be done. Several of the members expressed an interest in purchasing the above tape. Edmund Turk then expounded on the official reception that was held in Washinton, D.C. on Tuesday, April 28th. Three plaques were ordered and presented to Senators Dole and Glenn as well as Rep. Eckart with appropriate * * * Aktiven pri ameriško-slovenskem radijskem klubu; oče glasbenika in povezovalca radijskih oddaj Josepha To i nsicka. 152 Clevelandski trgovec z nepremičninami in povezovalec radijskih oddaj. cievelandska profesorica angleškega jezika na srednji šoli in dolgolema predsednica Progresivnih slovenskih žena Amerike. r Razprave in grodivo. Ljubljana, 1999. št. 34_1 1 7 messages conveying our thanks for their leadership and support in attaining U.S. recognition of Slovenia. The cost of these plaques was $ 198.00 and a motion was made by Gene Kogovsek, second by Gene Drobnic, we approve payment. Passed. Edmund Turk would also like permission to get two additional plaques to be presented to Cong. Oberstar and Harkin154 for their assistance in getting U.S.A. approval. Permission granted. Jim Debevec, Owner of the American Home Weekly reported that a Special Edition will be published at the end of May or the early part of June which will highlight some events that took place and what the UAS did to help Slovenia's cause. It will be at least an 8 Pg. Edition on a heavier paper and will include the list of donors as well as the financial report and breakdown of expenses incurred. Following a short discussion, Frances Mauric moved, second by John Pestotnik that the UAS pay for a minimum of three (3) pages of this edition and, if necessary, even a forth (4th) page. Motion approved. This commemorative issue155 will be sent to each clonor/volunteer who assisted in any way during the UAS's existence. In addition, a "thank you" letter and an appropriate pin will be enclosed in the mailing. This action will be followed through in lieu of a dinner party as was previously discussed. A motion by Edwin Polsak, second by Ann Opeka to go ahead with this plan was unanimously passed by all. Edmund Turk then suggested that we consider presenting some type of significant permanent plaque or monument to AMLA for the use of then-facilities during this past year. Edmund also suggested appropriate plaques be presented to Kollander World Travel Agency, WELW-1330 AM for four (4) hours of air time, the American Home Weekly for their extensive coverage and, perhaps, others who donated to help in this endeavour. A lengthy discussion ensued with many ideas being presented. However, a presentation of this magnitude should be thoroughly discussed and, taking Stan Ziheri's suggestion that he would bring the idea up at a future Supreme Board meeting for possible input, die discussion was tabled. We also discussed briefly the possibility of having an appropriate plaque/monument in Ljubljana, perhaps in the Square, in recognition of the independence of Slovenia. Here again, much thought will have to be given •* * * Tom Harkin; roj. leta 1939 v Camming, towa. Senator iz lowe. Diplomiral na Iowa State University in pravni fakulteti Catholic University of America v Washingtonu. Koavior "l'ive Minutes to Midnight: Why the Nuclear Threats is Growing Paster d ran liver". V letih 1974—1984 član predstavniškega doma ameriškega kongresa, od leta 19H4 dalje demokratski senator. 155 Ameriška domovina - posebna izdaja (American Home - commemorative issue), maja 1992. Zapisniki "Uniled Americans for Slovenia" before action is Laken. Stanly Ziherl elaborated on the official reception in Washington D.C. He quite picturesquely explained who was in attendance and the proceedings of the entire evening. Some of the Clevelanders present were: Stan Ziherl, Edmund Turk, Dr. Bonutti, Charles Ipavec, the Kollanders156, Tim McCormick & spouse,157 Robert Tomsich1^ and spouse (who donated $ 1,000 to cover expenses of the reception). Altogether, approximately 100 people were in attendance. Edmund asked Father Boznar if he thought it would be timely to have a Mass at the Cathedra] in the near future. Father Boznar suggested that Edmund himself approach Bishop Pevec to see when it would be feasible. Joe Valencic mentioned that perhaps it would be appropriate to celebrate Slovenia's independence and U.SA. recognition on or about June 25th which would be anniversary date of the cessation from Yugoslavia. It's an excellent idea, but much will depend on Bishop Pevec's itinerary. Edmund Turk will contact the Bishop. Edmund Turk thanked Joe Valencic for the stupendous job he did of correlating the spontaneous celebration in two and one-half days. In addition, Joe also was responsible for the wording on the plaques which were presented to the political dignitaries. A much deserved "round of applause" was given Joe for all his time and effort in behalf of the UAS Committee. Hearing no other comments or discussion the chair asked for adjournment at 8:50 P.M. Members were asked to speak a few words for the video tape that will be sent to Slovenia and also to look at the pictures that were taken at the Washington D.C. reception. Our next meeting will be held on May 14th at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary Člani družine podjetnikov, lastnikov potovalne agencije iz Cleveland;!. Nadzornik okraja Cuyahoga, letu 1999 okrajni pooblaščenec (County Commissioner) v okraju Cuyahoga. 158 Predsednik podjetja NKSCO. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999, št. 34 Members present: Edmund Turk, Joe Valencic, Edwin Polsak, Gene Kogovsek, Karl Bonutti, Tony Hiti, Father J. Boznar, Gene Drobnik, Cirila Kermavner, Stanley Ziherl, Jim Debevec, Fran Mauric, Ann Opeka, John Pestotnik, Stane Kuhar, Betty Rotar, Sophie Opeka (Guest)- ^ 120 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of the meeting of August 24, 1992 Chairman Edmund Turk called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. Minutes of the April 30th meeting were read by Edwin Polsak (since Recording Secretary Betty Rotar would be late for this meeting). There being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved on a motion by Gene Kogovsek, second by Ann Opeka. Passed. Edmund Turk reported that the Commemorative Issue of the American Home will be printed and available approximately Labor Day. It will contain a chronological listing of the names and money people donated toward Slovenia's independence. Listed also will be the monies spent and a brief treasury report. Many members in attendance were not even aware that there had been solicitations for ads for this issue and wondered why they had not been informed. Apparently, the solicitations were printed in the weekly American Home and not thru letter or any other means, except "word of mouth". John Pestotnik felt that the people who were a party to this operation should have something printed in that issue. Discussion that followed revealed that the United Americans for Slovenia will have at least three (3) pages including pictures and additional material gleened from our files. Stanley Ziherl reported $ 19,715-00 in the checking account with no checks written since May. At this lime, Jim Debevec entered the meeting room and reported that all material must be in by next Tuesday, Noon. He anticipates at least a 16 Pg. Edition, perhaps more. The bulk of the newspaper will be ads, the rest will constitute articles from various groups and pictures as well informative articles relating to the measures that were taken to insure the Independence of Slovenia. The Commemorative Issue itself will be printed on a "high quality" paper. John Pestotnik touched on the mailing of the Commemorative Issue along with a Certificate of Appreciation. He would like to have several people from the Committee meet with him following this meeting to discuss the possibility of a pin or other suitable gift. Thus far, only people who have donated $ 1,000 have received flags of Slovenia; $ 500 donors received white hats. Rozprove in grodivo. ljubljono. 1999. st. 34 121 Edmund Turk again talked about the plaques which he felt should be presented to: AMLA, American Home, WELW/Tony Petkovsek/Kollander, the Slovenian Embassy in Washington and to Slovenia. The chair moves authorization to spend approximately $65.00 each for these plaques. Second by Joyce Plemel. The motion was amended to a $ 100.00 amount for each and these plaques will be suitable for Board Room mounting. In regard to the bronze plaque for Slovenia, Linda Cimperman, via letter thru the Ministry of Slovenia, reported that there will be a meeting of the UAS on August 27th, at which time an expenditure of & 2,000-$3,000 will be discussed. Linda has prepared the information sent to us, covering the expenditure and details and proposed location of the same. In the discussion that followed, some of the areas for the plaque location to be considered were "in the park" or on the Parliament Building. Further discussion ensued with Edmund Turk ending same announcing he will appoint a committee to come up with the wording and size and other factual information. Ed Polsak moved it is much too early in the development of Independent Slovenia to put up a plaque or wherever we have in mind. We need to research and investigate and decide later. Second by Ann Opeka. Motion passed with one objection, Stane Kuhar. Edmund Turk also reported that he had a telephone call asking for the mailing list which was compiled by the UAS membership and personally felt that he had no authority to give it to anyone without UAS membership approval. Motion by Stane Kuhar, second by Edwin Polsak that, in the future, if anyone needs/wants the list, the request should come up at a meeting for approval. Motion passed. Karl Bonutti suggested that if there is an activity or project that benefits the whole community, the Chair should have the judgement to approve. Father Boznar reported that he had no meeting with Bishop Pevec. However, the date for the Mass of Thanksgiving will be Sunday, November 8 th. Gene Kogovsek brought up the point of what will happen with the funds after we have paid all of our bills; the commemorative issue of the American Home as well as the plaque for Slovenia. He was assured that we will have another meeting and a final disposition of the Committee. Because of the uncertainty of when the Committee will be asked to do a mailing on the Commemorative Issue/Appreciation Certificate or a ruling on the plaque for Slovenia, the Chair will call the next meeting. ^ 22 _______Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 P.M. by Joe Petric, second by Cirila Kermavner. Passed. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary Members Present: Edmund Turk, Joe Valencic, Edwin Polsak, Gene Kogovsek, Karl Bonutti, Father Joseph, Boznar, Gene Drobnik, Rudy Susel, Tony Petkovsek, Joe Petric, Jim Debevec, Cirila Kermavner, Stanley Ziherl, Franc Mauric, Ann Opeka, John Pestotnik, Stane Kuhar, Joyce Plemel, Betty Rotar. Rgzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. s>. 34 123 AGENDA UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AUGUST 31, 1992 1. COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE, NAMES OF DONORS, AMOUNTS, ADDITIONAL COPY: J. DEBEVEC, JOE VALENCIC 2. MAILING OF COMM. ISSUE, INSERTS & CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION 3. APPRECIATION PLAQUES, AM LA, RADIO CLUB, AMERICAN HOME, KOLLANDER, WELW. ANY OTHER? 4. MONUMENT OF PLAQUE, INSTALLATION AND EXPENSE, SLOVENIA 5. MAILING LIST OF UAS 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. TIME & PLACE OF NEXT MEETING ^ 124 Zopisniki "United Americans for Slovenio" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA Minutes of meeting of May 5, 1994 Present: Chairman Ed. Turk, Ann Opeka John Pestotnik, Dr. Karl Bonutti Joe Valencic Tony Hiti Stanley Ziherl Stan Kuhar Joyce Plemel Frances Mauric Joe Boskovic Gene Kogovsek Florence Unetich (arr. 8:00 P.M.) Betty Rotar (arr. 8:30 P.M.) (When arrived, Dr. Bonutti appeared to be explaining why the March 27th reception for President Kucan was held at Slovenian National Home rather than at AMLA as original plan had been. Answer: Later decision was made to invite all those who had financially or through volunteer efforts assisted the work of UAS to achieve recognition for Slovenia. That precluded a reception at AMLA for a larger facility was needed.) Discussion moved to whether or not it was appropriate for IJAS funds to cover expenses of the event. A request for costs thus far received showed a total of approximately $ 2450.00, itemized as follows: Hall rental $ Postage 176.00 Invitations 200.00 Refreshments Button Box Group 100.00 U.S.S. Band 100.00 Photography Motion by Ann Opeka seconded by Fran Mauric that UAS cover the expenses which should be capped at $ 2.700.00. Discussion followed. Stan Kuhar stated donations were not made for this kind of event. Expressed Rgzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. s>. 34 125 opinion that people would not cooperate in future. Chairman Turk stated he viewed the visit of the President of Republic of Slovenia as a culminating event in the recognition drive. The call for a vote on the motion showed unanimous approval with the exception of a "nay" vote by Stan Kuhar. Dr. Bonutti referred to May 10th reception in Washington, D.C., in honor of Foreign Minister Lojze Peterle, and to celebrate opening of new Embassy of Slovenia. Dr. Petric had suggested to Dr. Bonutti that a painting, representing Bishop Baraga's missionary work with North American Indians, to hang in the Embassy as a gift of Slovenian-Americans would be much appreciated. Since time had not allowed for contracting well-known artists either in Slovenia or USA, Dr. Bonutti had contracted with Damjan Kreze of Mural Art Gallery to do such a painting. Kreze agreed and offered to donate the frame. Painting measures 3x5' and cost is $ 1000.00. Required deposit of $ 400.00 was made by Dr. Bonutti; painting is presently in Mural Art Gallery. Discussion followed. A question raised on whether or not it is a function of UAS to fund the painting was resolved by agreement that the plaque should indicate the painting is in commemoration of the recognition of Slovenia by the USA. Chairman Turk suggested the plaque should also state that the painting was presented by United Americans for Slovenia and dedicated to all Slovenian Americans who had worked for the recognition. Furthermore, it should include the names of all the organizations which are part of UAS. A question on the size of the UAS treasury revealed it totalled $ 16,000. Question raised on where the suggestion of the Baraga subject came from was answered by Dr. Bonutti. He stated it came from the Embassy. Reportedly, Dr. Petric feels it as appropriate for the RS Embassy an America as the bas-relief .of the investiture of the Dukes of Carinthia which came from Slovenia. Tony Hiti moved, Stan Ziherl seconded that the UAS cover the cost of $ 1000.00 plus expenses to bo incurred for plaque. Motion was unanimously approved with the exception of one "nay" vote from Stan Kuhar. Chairman Turk brought up bills on hand for mailing the AMERICAN HOME via airmail to various individuals/departments in Slovenia. UAS had authorized the postage cost during the campaign for recognition; American Home Publishing keeps sending copies to Slovenia. Should the mailings be continued and how long? Discussion followed. S. Kuhar insisted a letter from Father Boznar must be read. Declaring S. Kuhar out of order, Chairman Turk stated he had a copy of Fr. Boznar's letter and would read it, but mailing issue had to be concluded first. Motion made by S. Kuhar, seconded by John Pestotnik that the T 1 26_Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" subscriptions be concluded May 31st and what is owed is to be paid, but no postage bills are to be accepted after the end of May, 1994, Motion passed unanimously. S. Ziherl is to get the total bills. Chairman Turk read the letter from Fr. Boznar who could not attend the meeting. Letter referred to formation of the UAS as an ad hoc committee formed to help achieve recognition, which objective was reached 2 years ago. Fr. Boznar questioned why committee was still active and requested a definitive plan to bring the committee to an end. Discussion followed. Chairman Turk stated special meeting must be held to vote on dissolution and members must be advised of nature of meeting. Motion made by F. Mauric, seconded by G. Kogovsek that Chairman Turk calls special meeting. After several tries, June 20th 7:30 P.M. was agreed upon as the date when all present were available for the meeting. Question was then raised as to what concluding projects or tasks had already been decided upon and had not yet been accomplished. Ed Polsak asked that minutes be checked to determine what remains uncompleted. Joe Valencic stated a mailing to donors (as previously agreed upon) cannot be accomplished by the meeting date. Further discussion suggested the dissolution process might take some weeks. Chairman requested that members be notified of the June 20th meeting by letter. Meeting adjourned, approximately 10.00 P.M. Florence Unetich Razprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34______] 27 BIOGRAFSKI VIRI Klemenčič Matjaž: Slovenes of Cleveland. The Creation of the New Nation and a New World Community. Slovenia and the Slovenes of Cleveland, Ohio. Novo mesto, Dolenjska založba, 1995- Menaše Luc: Svetovni biografski leksikon. MihelaČ, Ljubljana 1994 Enciklopedija Slovenije, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana Primorski biografski leksikon. Goriška Mohorjeva družba, Gorica. Who is Who of Slovene Descent in the United States. 1995 Revised Edition. New York. Society for Slovene Studies. Compiled and edited by Joseph Velikonja and Rado L. Lencek. Who is Who in the US Congress. Washington DC. Government Printing Office 1990. 128 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobiblioarofijo DR. JANKO JERI - BIOBIBLIOGRAFIJA znanstveni svetnik Dr. Janko Jeri je bil rojen 24. 6. 1927 na Vrhniki. Komaj štirinajstleten je doživel usodo pregnanca. Ko sta Nemčija in Italija 6. aprila 1941 napadli Jugoslavijo, je v Mariboru obiskoval tretji razred gimnazije. Že v juniju 1941 so ga nemški okupacijski organi pregnali na Hrvaško, leta 1943 pa je šestnajstleten odšel v partizane. Njegovi novinarski začetki sodijo v čas vojne, v letih po njej pa je bil urednik in zunanjepolitični komentator pri radiu Ljubljana in Ljudski pravici. Vmes je leta 1950 diplomiral na pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani. Leta 1958 je na pravni fakulteti uspešno zagovarjal doktorsko tezo o tržaškem vprašanju. Vsebinsko izpopolnjeno disertacijo je leta 1961 objavil v knjigi »Tržaško vprašanje po drugi svetovni vojni: tri faze diplomatskega boja«. Ta prva monografija s področja diplomatske zgodovine na Slovenskem in v Jugoslaviji po drugi svetovni vojni je bila deležna priznanj domače (nagrada Ivana Cankarja) in tuje strokovne javnosti in skupaj z deli Bogdana A. Novaka, Jeana Baptistea Durosella in Diega De Castra sodi med Štiri temeljna dela o tržaškem konfliktu. Vse od leta 1958 dalje je ime Janka Jerija neločljivo povezano z zgodovino Inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja v Ljubljani. Sprva znanstveni sodelavec, leta 1965 višji znanstveni sodelavec, leta 1972 raziskovalni svetnik, je bil na Univerzi v Ljubljani leta 1976 izvoljen za znanstvenega svetnika. Leta 1975 je postal ravnatelj inštituta in naslednja štiri leta vodil njegovo dejavnost. Vse od leta 1959 je bil predstojnik raziskovalne skupine za preučevanje Slovencev ob zahodni meji. 18. 10. 1995, ob sedemdesetletnici ustanovitve te znanstvene ustanove, mu je bilo podeljeno posebno priznanje za prispevek k preučevanju narodnostne problematike in razvoju INV. Njegov petdesetletni življenjski opus ga uvršča med najvidnejše strokovnjake na področju diplomatske zgodovine in raziskovanja narodnostne problematike pri nas. Dr. Janko Jeri je tako doma kot v tujini objavil celo vrsto tehtnih razprav in esejev o problematiki jugoslovansko-italijanske razmejitve in položaju slovenske narodnostne skupnosti v Italiji in Avstriji. Sodeloval je z referati na številnih tujih in domačih znanstvenih srečanjih in bil leta 1974 strokovni vodja jugoslovanske delegacije na mednarodni konferenci o manjšinah v Trstu. Bil je član številnih uredniških odborov in svetov različnih slovenskih revij, in glavni Razprave in grodivo. Ljubljana. 1999, št. 34 129 urednik knjige »Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni«. Od začetka njenega izhajanja je urednik strokovnega področja zamejstvo Enciklopedije Slovenije in pisec več prispevkov, objavljenih v njenih edicijah Samo Kristen 130 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobiblioarofijo DR. JANKO JERI - BIOBIBLIOGRAPHY scientific research councillor Dr.JankoJeri was born on June 24th, 1927 at Vrhnika. At merely fourteen he experienced the fate of a deportee. When Germany and Italy attacked Yugoslavia on April 6th, 1941, he was attending the third grade of high school in Maribor. As early as June 1941, he was deported by the German occupying forces to Croatia, and in 1943, when he was sixteen, he joined the partisans. His journalistic beginnings belong to the time of war, and in the following years he became editor and foreign affairs commentator with Radio Ljubljana and the paper Ljudska pravica. Apart from these activities, he graduated from the Faculty of Law in 1950. In 1958 he obtained his doctor's degree at the Faculty of Law with his thesis on the problem of Trieste. His complemented dissertation was in 1961 published as the book »The Question of Trieste After World War II: Three Phases of Diplomatic Struggle«. This, by then the first monograph dealing with the diplomatic history of the Slovene territory and of Yugoslavia in the period after World War II, gained numerous acknowledgements from the national (the Ivan Cankar Award) and the foreign professional sphere. Together with the works by Bogdan A. Novak, Jean Baptiste Durosell, and Diego De Castro the book belongs among the four fundamental works on the Trieste conflict. Ever since 1958 the name of Janko Jeri has been inseparately linked to the history of the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana. At the beginning research fellow, in 1965 senior research fellow, in 1972 research councillor, he was in 1976 nominated scientific research councillor by the University of Ljubljana. In 1975 he became the Institute's director and proceeded to manage its activities for four years. Since 1959 he was head of the research group dedicated to the study of issues concerning the Slovenes along the western border. On October 18, 1995, on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the founding of this scientific research institution, he was given a special award for his contribution to the study of ethnic issues and to the development of the Institute. His fifty-year opus places him among the most prominent experts in the field of diplomatic history and ethnic issues research in this country. In his home country as abroad, Dr. Janko Jeri has published a number of important treatises and essays concerning the problems of Yugoslav-Italian state borders, as well as the situation of the Slovene ethnic communities in Italy Rgzprove in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999. s>. 34 131 and Austria. With his papers, he participated at numerous international and internal scientific conferences; in 1974, he was the expert who was head of the Yugoslav delegation at the international conference on minorities in Trieste. He was member of several editorial committees and boards of various Slovene journals, and editor-in-chief of the book »Slovenes in Italy after World War II«. From the very beginning he has been editor of contributions dealing with the issues of Slovenes in the neighbouring countries in the Encyclopedia of Slovenia, as well as author of numerous texts published in its editions. Samo Kristen 132 Dr. Jonko jeri. Biobibliogrofijo BIBLIOGRAFIJA Z dveletno zamudo objavljamo bibliografijo dr. Janka Jerija ob njegovi 70-let-nici. Bibliografija zajema vsa najpomembnejša dela, ki so nastala v Času njegove zaposlitve na IN V, pozneje pa predvsem prispevek za enciklopedijo in poročila o raziskovalnih nalogah. Bibliografski zapisi so urejeni po mednarodnem standardu ISO 690. Enote so razvrščene kronološko v okviru posamezne tipologije dokumentov. Po mnenju dr. Jerija bi veljalo kot posebej reprezentativna izpostaviti sledeča dela: ... Tržaško vprašanje po drugi svetovni vojni : tri faze diplomatskega boja. - Lj, 1961. - 378 str., Tržaško vprašanje od aprila 1948 do maja 1952. - Razprave in gradivo 1960, št. 1, str. 39-87, Tržaško vprašanje od sklenitve mirovne pogodbe z Italijo do sklenitve londonskega memoranduma o soglasju. - Jadranski koledar 1961. - str. 46-56, Jeri, Janko, Ivo Murko, Ivo Juvančič, Ančka Jager: Deset let Memoranduma o soglasju : (sporazum o tržaškem vprašanju 5. oktobra 1954). -INV, 1968. - 471 str., Jeri. Janko (ur.) Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. -Ljubljana, 1975. - 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek 1. Tri faze reševanja tržaškega vprašanja / Janko Jeri. V: Naša sodobnost. -Let. 7, št. 3/4/V6 (1959), str. 246-255, 347-357, 443-452, 548-563. 2. Tržaško vprašanje od aprila 1948 do maja 1952 / Janko Jeri. V: Razprave in gradivo. - Št. 1 (1960), str. 39-87. - Zvd. 3. Razpotje v notranjem razvoju Italije : nekateri vidiki sedanje politične krize v Italiji/ Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 1, Št. 2 (1960), str. 5063. 4. Gospodarska depresija Trsta, vprašanje avtonomne dežele in položaj slovenske manjšine v Italiji: nekateri vidiki sedanje politične krize v Italiji /Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 11, št. 1/2 (1960), str. 64-71. 5. Tržaško vprašanje od sklenitve mirovne pogodbe z Italijo do sklenitve T Razprave in gradivo, Ljubijang,.. 1999. šl. 34_______I 33 londonskega memoranduma o soglasju / Janko Jeri. V: Jadranski koledar.... -(1961), ser. 46-56. 6. Sto godina ujedinjenja Italije / Janko Jeri, V: Naša stvarnost. - Let. 15, št. 6 (1961), str. 676-682. 7 Ustvarjalna koeksistenca in manjšine : položaj slovenske narodnostne skupnosti v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 2, št. 1 (1961), str. 22-27. S. Levi centar u Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Naša stvarnost. - Let. 16, Št. 3 (1962), str. 334-346. 9. Procesi in protislovja v italijanskem notranjem razvoju / Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 3, št. 10 (1962), str. 300-306. 10. Tržaško vprašanje : kratek zgodovinski prerez / Janko Jeri. V: Jezik in slovstvo. - Let. 9, št. 7/8 (1963/1964), str. 220-225. U. U Italiji ponovo pometanje u levo / Janko Jeri. V: Naša stvarnost. - Let. 17, št. 7/8 (1963), str. 116-125. 12. XXXV. kongres talijanskih socialista/ Janko Jeri. V: Naša stvarnost. - Let. 17, št. 11/12 (1963), str. 508-514. 13■ Ob ustanovitvi samoupravne dežele Furlanije-Julijske krajine /Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 1, št. 6 (1964), str. 828-843. 14. Odgovornost večine za manjšino /Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 13, Št. 8/9 (1965), str. 917-921. 15. Premik v pozitivni smeri / Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 2, Št. 10 (1965), str. 1621-1633. 16. Quelques éléments de la situation sur le territoire de nationalités mixtes a la frontiere occidentale de RS.F. de Yugoslavie / Janko Jeri. V: Razprave in gradivo. - Št. 4/5 (1966), str. 61-74. 17. Quelques aspects de la constatation de l'appartenance linguistique au cours du recensement regulier de la population sur le territoire Triestin en octobre 1961 / Janko Jeri. V: Razprave in gradivo. - St. 4/5 (1966), str. 133163. 18. Izkrivljena resnica : ob ugotavljanju jezikovne pripadnosti med rednim 134 Dr. Jonko Jeri. Biofaibliografijo popisom prebivalstva na tržaškem območju oktobra leta 1961 / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 14, šl 6 (1966), str. 616-627. Let. 14, št. 7 (1966), str. 745753. 19. Premiki v miselnosti / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let 14, št. 8/9 (1966), str. 897-904. Let. 14, št. 10 (1966), str. 1030-1040. Let. 14, št. 11 (1966), str. 12571264. Let. 14, št. 12 (1966), str. 1257-1264, 20. Sodobni družbeno politični premiki v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 3, št. 6/7 (1966), str. 1057-1065. 21. Odprto razglabljanje ob odprti meji / Janko Jeri. V: Goriška srečanja. - Let. 2, št. 5 (1967), str. 1-4. 22. Nove in stare teme : odnosi z našo zahodno sosedo / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (27. maj. 1967), str. 243-244. 23. Vsebina avtonomije in narodnosti: s simpozija v Novem Sadu od 8. do 10. junija 1967/Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (24. jun. 1967), str. 307. 24. Trst in zaledje / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 15, št. 3 (1967), str. 312-318. Let. 15, št. 5 (1967), str. 521-533. 25. Odprtost z odkritostjo / Janko Jeri. V; Sodobnost - Let. 15, št. 4 (1967), str. 337-343. 26. Prava in "manjšinska" demokracija / Janko Jeri. V; Sodobnost. - Let. 15, št. 7 (1967), str. 757-761. 27. Dejstva, vzburjenja, procesi / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 16, št. 7/8 (1968), str. 788-798. Let. 16, št. 9 (1968), str. 919-931. 28. Na pravi poti v jugoslovansko-italijanskih odnosih / Janko Jeri. V: Goriška srečanja. - Let. 4, št. 19 (1969), str. 1-10. 29. Koroški kompleks in izkušnje / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 18, št 11 (1970), str. 1114-1120. Let. 18, št. 12 (1970), str. 1235-1240. 30. Petnajst let sporazuma o tržaškem vprašanju / Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 7, št. 1 (1970), str. 107-12531. Položaj slovenačke nacionalne manjine u Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Medunarodna politika. - Let. 22, zv. 506 (1971), str. 21-23. Let. 22, zv. 507 (1971), str. 24-28. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljano, 1999, št. 34 135 32. Pred šestnajstimi leti rešeno vprašanje / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost, - Let. 19, Št. 2 (1971), str. 188-192. Let. 19, št. 3 (1971), str. 287-293- Let. 19, Št. 4(1971), str. 399-403. Let, 19, št. 5 (1971), str. 522-532. 33- Italijanske punktacije : beležka med drugim o integriteti in prijateljstvu / Janko Jeri, V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 8, št. 2 (1971), str. 295-298. 34. Krščanska demokracija in Slovenci v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (21. maj -2. jul. 1972). 35. Pred 25 leti se je zedinila Primorska z matično deželo / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (15. sept.-13. okt. 1972). 36. A szlovčn nemzeti kisebbsečg Olaszorsšgban / Janko Jeri, V: Letunk. - Let. 2, št. 5 (1972), str. 23-31. 37. Slovenačka nacionalnata zaednica vo Italija / Janko Jeri. V: Nova Makedonija. - (5- avg.-l6. avg. 1972). 38. Slovenska narodnostna skupnost v Italiji (I) : nekateri elementi zgodovinske geneze / Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 9, št. 8/9 (1972), str. 1125-1136. 39. Neki pravni vidovi sadašnjeg položaja slovenačke manjine u Italiji / Janko Jeri, Gorazd Kušej. V: Jugoslovenska revija za medunarodno pravo. - Let. 20, št. 1/3 (1973), str, 139-166. 40. Slovenes in Italy and Austria : their present national position and a brief (partial) historic retrospective of its genesis / Janko Jeri. V: Le livre Slovene. - Let. 11, št. 3/4 (1973), str, 90-103. 41. Slovenska narodnostna skupnost v Italiji : nekatere prvine njenega pravnega položaja, tudi v primerjavi s položajem nemške in francoske manjšine /Janko Jeri, Gorazd Kušej. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (25. sept. - 17. okt. 1973). 42. Tudi manjšinske svoboščine so nedeljive : (ob sedanjem narodnostnem trenutku v našem zamejstvu) / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 21, št. 4 (1973), str. 345-352. 43. Resnice, polresnice in statistike : (ob sedanjem narodnostnem trenutku v našem zamejstvu) / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 21, št. 5 (1973), str. 439446. 136 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobiblioarofijo 44. Na temo postopnosti : (ob sedanjem narodnostnem trenutku v našem zamejstvu) / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 21, št. 10 (1973), str. 851-860. 45. Slovenska narodnostna skupnost v Italiji (II) : nekatere prvine njenega pravnega položaja, tudi v primerjavi s položajem nemške in francoske manjšine / Janko Jeri, Gorazd KuŠej. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 10, Št. 5/6 (1973), str. 476-504. 46. Los Eslovenos en Italia / Janko Jeri. V: Cuestiones actuales del socialismo. -Let. 9, št. 8 (1974), str. 78-101. 47 Les Slovenes en Italie / Janko Jeri. V: Questions actuelles du social isme. - Let. 24, št. 8 (1974), str. 57-80. 48. Prvine pravnega položaja slovenske narodne manjšine v Italiji / Janko Jeri ; Gorazd Kušej. V; Razprave in gradivo. - Št. 6 (1974), str. 55-83. 49. Slovenes in Italy /Janko Jeri. V: Socialist thought and practice. - Let. 15, št. 8 (1974), str. 54-77. 50. Slovency v Itaiii / Janko Jeri. V; Socialističeskaja raysl' i praktika. - Let. 12, št. 8 (1974), str. 58-84. 51- Slowenen in Italien / Janko Jeri. V: Sozialistische Theorie und Praxis. - Let. 1, št. 8 (1974), str. 58-8352. Struktura slovenske narodnostne skupnosti v Italiji (HI) / Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 11, št. 1/2 (1974), str. 24-25. 53. Nekateri elementi diplomatske geneze vprašanja jugoslovansko-italijanske razmejitve po drugi svetovni vojni do leta 1954 / Janko Jeri. V: Časopis za suvremenu povijest - Let. 7, št. 1 (1975), str. 187-240. 54. Primer Južne Tirolske /Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (13. dec. 1975). (27. dec. 1975). 55- Primer Južne Tirolske / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (3. jan. 1977). (10. jan. 1977). (17. jan. 1977). (24. jan. 1977). 56. Preprečiti narodnostno odtujevanje / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 32, št. 5 (1984), str. 537-544. 57 Zahodna meja 1945-47 : ob 40. letnici mirovne pogodbe z Italijo / Janko Rozprove in gradivo. Ljubljano, 1999, Št. 34 137 Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 24, Št 1/2 (1987), str. 31-44. Let. 24, št. 3/4 (1987), str. 298-323. 58. Konec "utrakvistične"šole na Koroškem? / Janko Jeri. V; Teorija in praksa. -Let. 24, Št. 12 (1987), str. 1491-1494. 59. 1918 in jadransko vprašanje / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 37, št. 5 (1989), str. 531-543. Let. 37, št. 6 (1989), str. 664-680. 60. 1918 in jadransko vprašanje / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 38, št. 5 (1990), str. 539-547. Let. 38, št. 6/7 (1990), str. 708-718. _ 1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek_ 61. Konec politične krize?: ob sestavi nove vlade A. Fcinfanija / Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 1, št. 7 (1960), str. 214-216. 62. Pred novo fazo v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (24. feb. 1962), str. 6264. 63. Slednjič "levi center"? / Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 3, št. 1/2 (1962), str. 50-52. 64. Novo obdobje?: zapiski s XXXVI. kongresa italijanskih socialistov /Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (27. nov. 1965), str. 448-449. (11. dec. 1965), str. 468469. 65. Nova istorijska faza u jugoslovensko-tdlijanskim odnosima / Janko Jeri. V. Medunarodna politika. - God. 20, br. 467 (1969), str. 6-7. 66. Drugič na temo - odprtost z odkritostjo / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 19, št. 1 (1971), str. 3-13. 67. Vprašanje jugoslovanskchitalijanske meje : neformalno na rob članka v "Relazioni internazionali"Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (9. jun. 1972), str. 326-327. 68. Proti elementarni demokratičnosti in temeljnemu človeškemu dostojanstvu : politična histerija ob dvojezičnih napisih na Koroškem / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 20, ŠL 11 (1972), str. 996-998. 1 38 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobibliografija 69Veritá mezze veritá e statistica : accertamento dell'appartenenza Lingüistica nel territorio di Trieste /Janko Jeri V: Bollettíno d'informazioni degli Sloveni in Italia. -Let. 12, št. 8/9 (1973), str. 9-13. 70. Zadnja faza" tržaškega vprašanja/ Janko Jeri. V: Obala. - Št. 23 (1974), str. 1-4. 71. Narodne manjšine danes : svetovno in meddržavno sodelovanje za izboljšanje zaščite narodnih} etničnih in drugih manjšin / Janko Jeri... [etal.]. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 22, Št. 7 (1974), str. 638-669. 72. Naši rojaki onstran naše zahodne meje: nekatere zgodovinske značilnosti v Benečiji, na Tržaškem in Goriškem /Janko Jeri. V: Slovenija paralele. - Let. 5, Št. 43 (1975), str. 125-129. 73. Slovenska narodna skupnost v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Vestnik koroških partizanov. - Letn. 11, št. 1 (1977), str. 62-67. Letn. 11, št. 2(1977), str. 52-60. 74. Manjšinske punktacije ; "Slovenci - enotno za naše pravice" / Janko Jeri. V. Teorija in praksa. - Let. 21, št. 7/8 (1984), str. 675-682. 75. Razvojni preskok - nastajanje moderne Italije : (skica nekaterih prvin za pisanje knjige o naših sosedih) / Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 21, št. 11 (1984), str. 1260-1269. 1.04 Strokovni članek 76. Ob bonnskem sklepu : Zahodna Nemčija / j. V: Naši razgledi. - (5- april 1958), str. 154-155. 77 Pred parlamentarnimi volitvami : politični položaj v Italiji leta 1958 / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (26. april 1958), str. 180-181. 78. Rezultati in razpotja : Italija po splošnih volitvah / Janko Jeri. V-. Naši razgledi. - (7. junij 1958), str. 259-260. 79. Desnica na krmilu : po parlamentarnih volitvah v Franciji / j.j. V: Naši razgledi. - (13- dec. 1958), str. 533-534. 80. XXXUL kongres italijanskih socialistov : nekatera stališča in vidiki / j.j. V: Naši razgledi. - (31. jan. 1959), str. 27-28. Rozpmve in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999. št. 34 139 81. Anahronistični epilog : pred razsodbo na proliparlizanskem procesu v Firencah / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (11. april 1959), str. 152-153. 82. Po volitvah na Siciliji/ ).). V: Naši razgledi. - (27. junij 1959), str. 279-280. (11. julij 1959), str. 304-305. 83. Epilog z amnestijo : [proces v Firencah] / j.j. V: Naši razgledi. - (25. julij 1959), str. 325-326. 84. Širša obzorja : [jugoslovansko-italijanski stiki in položaj slovenske manjšine v Italiji] / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (12. sepL 1959), str. 395. 85. Širša obzorja : [jugoslovansko-italijanski sliki in položaj slovenske manjšine v Italiji J /Janko Jeri. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (17. sept. 1959), str. 5. 86. Za stvarno enakopravnost/ Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (27. avg. 1960), str. 362-363. 87. Nadaljevanje procesa: po upravnih volitvah v Italiji / j.j. V: Naši razgledi. -(26. nov. 1960), str. 506. 88. Napredek in disonance / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (24. dec. 1960), str. 563. 89- Levi center?/ j.j. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 1, št. 14/15 (1960), str. 443-445. 90. Ob stoletnici združene Italije / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (8. april 1961), ste. 153. 91. Pred popisom narodnosti na Tržaškem / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (7. okt. 1961), str. 449-450. 92. Vrnitev škvadrizma? / Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 2, šl 3 (196l), str. 95. 93. Trstdanas: dileme i horizonti /Janko Jeri. V: Danas. - (18. jul. 1962), str. 5. 94. Uresničenje ustave : deželna ureditev v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (15. april 1962), str. 5. 95. Aldo Moro /Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - Let. 3, št. 3 (1962), str. 96. 96. Jugoslavija med zahodom in vzhodom / j. V: Naši razgledi. - (7. april 1962), str. 124. 1 38 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobibliografija 97. Levi center v Italiji... / j.j. V: Naši razgledi. - (25 avg. 1962), str. 302. 98. Razčiščenja in problemi: beležke z X. kongresa Komunistične partije Italije /JankoJeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (22. dec. 1962), str. 467-468. 99. Antonio Segni : ob izvolitvi za predsednika republike / Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let. 3, št. 10 (1962), str. 320. 100. Zgodovina in politika: vtisi in razmišljanja o sodobni Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. (18. jan. 1963), str. 5101. Razpotja med socialisti : vtisi in razmišljanja o sodobni. Italiji / JankoJeri. V Delo. -(19. jul. 1963), str. 7. 102. Funkcija povezovanja / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (6. april 1963), str. 132. 103■ Na temo levega centra / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (11. maj 1963), ser. 169170. 104. Italicae res / Janko Jeri. V; Naši razgledi. - (10. avg. 1963), str. 291-292. 105. Stvamejšipogledi: sveži tokovi u italijanskem zgodovinopisju / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (5. okt. 1963), str. 374-375. 106. Nova vrednotenja in dileme : ob XXXV. kongresu italijanskih socialistov / JankoJeri. V; Naši razgledi. - (9- nov. 1963), str. 411-412. 107. Italijanske alternative / Janko Jeri. V: Vprašanja naših dni. - Let, 4, Št. 23 (1963), str. 551. 108. Iskanje novih ravnovesij: ob reprizi levega centra v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V. Naši razgledi. - (8, feb. 1964), str. 44. 109■ Protislovja in izvirnosti: ob reprizi levega centra v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (22. feb. 1964), str. 64. 110. Dialektika enotnosti; nacionalna konferenca KPI v Neaplju /JankoJeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (21. mar. 1964), str. 104. 111. Značilni dokumenti iz preteklosti : ob sedemdesetletnici E. Besednjaka / JankoJeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (4. apr. 1964), str. 128. 112. Volitve v Furlanijijulijski krajini / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (23. maj 1964), str. 183. Rozprove in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999. št. 34___1 4 1 113- Beležka o tretji varianti: vnovič levi center v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (8. avg. 1964), str. 287-288. 114. Odprt razgovor; ob deseti obletnici londonske spomenice o Trstu / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (7. nov. 1964), str. 407. 115. Obmejni levi center / favko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (9. okt. 1965), str. 383. 116. Vtisi z XI. kongresa KPItalije od 25. -31. januarja 1966v Rimu / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (12. feb. - 12. mar. 1966). 117. Lekcija iz antifašizma: rimska univerza v obrambi idealov rezistence/jj. V: Naši razgledi. - (28. maj 1966), str. 195118. Bivalentna stranka : razmišljanje o združitvi italijanskih socialistov / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (26. nov. 1966), str. 450. 119. Koroška 1966/Janko Jeri. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (18. okt. 1966). (19- okt. 1966). (20. okt. 1966). 120. Odprtost z odkritostjo / Janko Jeri. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (9. apr. 1967), str. 1/3. 121. Jezikovno-kulturna avtonomija je premalo : južno tirolska različica ma njšinske zaščite / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (20. apr. 1968), str. 221-222. 122. Ne deklarativnost, marveč resnična zaščita : volitve v Furlantji-Julijski krajini in Slovenci / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (8. jun. 1968), str. 317-318. 123■ Italicae res anno 1968 : nadaljnji razvoj političnih tendenc minulih desetih let / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (6. jul. 1968), str. 380. 124. Pereča vprašanja slovenske manjšine v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. -(25. jun. 1969), str. 17. 125. Nekaj o zgodovinskih temeljih jugoslovansko-italijanskih odnosov in sodelovanja / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (15. okt. 1969), str. 2. 126. Stvamejšipogovor: ob sedanjem položaju Slovencev v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (25. jan. 1969), str. 38-40. 127. Jugoslovansko-italijanski odnosi; nekaj zgodovinskih punktacij na temo ■jadranskega sosedstva /Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (3. okt. 1969), str. 561. 1 38 ) 44 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobibliografijo 128. Nekaj o zgodovinskih temeljih jugoslovansko-itidijatiskih odnosov in sodelovanja / Janko Jeri. V Primorski dnevnik. - (15. okt. 1969), str. 3. 129. Nujne so vsebinsko celovitejše rešitve : premiki, odprta vprašanja, senčne strani položaja slovenske narodne skupnosti v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. -(5. dec. 1970), str. 15. 130. "Skupina s posebnimi interesi" : Slovenci v Italiji : nujnost uzakonitve specifične narodnostne zaščite / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (26. sept. 1970), str. 15. 131- Konkretne pobude : nujna je normativna ureditev narodnostnega položaja Slovencev v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (26. dec. 1970), str. 23. 132. Ugotavljanje jezikovne pripadnosti na Tržaškem 1971 / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (26. nov. 1971), str. 66l. 133. Položaj slovenske manjšine v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (25. jun. 1971). (26. jun. 1971). 134. Slovenska nacionalna skupnost v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V Večer. - (1. jul. 1971), str. 15-18. 135. Bankrot miselnosti in morale / Davorin Jernejeič. V: Delo. - (25. nov. 1972), str. 3. 136. Po 25. letih : senčne in svetlejše strani položaja narodnostne skupnosti v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (25. mar. 1972), str. 17. (1. apr. 1972), str. 18. 137. Dozoreli problemi: sedanji narodnostni trenutek Slovencev v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (2. jun. 1972), str. 12. 138. Po 50 letih torzna dvojezičnost: nekaj misli, zgodovinske geneze primerjav ob nedavnih dogodkih na Koroškem / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (14. jul. 1972), str. 16. 139■ Obnavljanje geneze tržaškega vprašanja: ob predavanju Diega De Castra /Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (21. apr. 1972), str. 234-235. 140. Zgodovina se izteka v prihodnost: ob srebrnem jubileju vrnitve Primorske/ Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (22. sept. 1972), str. 503141. Karantanske (vendarle) pozitivne metamoifoze? : nekaj dejstev, misli, mnenj ob zadnjih dogodkih /Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let 20, št. 5 (1972), str. 450-454. Rozorave in gradivo, Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34 143 142. Scila in Karibda ugotavljanja / Janko Jeri. V: Dnevnik. - (9. nov. 1973), ser. 4. 143. Vprašanje dejanske narodnostne enakopravnosti in "dobre volje" : ob avstrijskem dogovoru o položaju slovenske narodnostne skupnosti na Koroškem/ Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (26. nov. 1973), str. 19-20. 144. "Postopnost" ne preprečuje asimilacije : problemi slovenske narodnostne skupnosti, po volitvah v tretji deželni svet Furlanije-Julijske krajine / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (23. jul. 1973), str. 22. 145. Dve obletnici in Slovenci v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (9- feb. 1973), str. 36-37. 146. "Anonimna" narodnostna skupnost: deseta obletnica samoupravne dežele (Furlanije-Julijske krajine) in Slovenci / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (23. feb. 1973), str. 83. 147. Vprašanje stvarne zaščite : tretji deželni svet Furlanije-Julijske krajine in Slovenci / Davorin Jernejčič. V: Naši razgledi. - (6. jul. 1973), str. 335-336. 148. Vprašanje dejanske narodnostne enakopravnosti in "dobre volje" : ob avstrijskem dogovoru o položaju slovenske narodnostne skupnosti na Koroškem/ Janko Jeri. V: Slovenski vestnik. - (9. feb. 1973), str. 7. 149. Karantanija anno 1973 ' (ob sedanjem narodnostnem trenutku v našem zamejstvu) / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 21, št. 11 (1973), str. 969-971. 150. Priznanje (post/as/um)/Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost - Let. 21, št. 11 (1973), str. 1031-1032. 151. Mednarodna konferenca o manjšinah v Trstu / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. -Let. 21, št. 12 (1973), str. 1127-1128. 152. Še vedno različno obravnavanje/ Janko Jeri. V: Dnevnik. - (2. avg. 1974), str. 4. 153■ Ohrid in Trst/ Janko Jeri. V: Dnevnik. - (20. jul. 1974), str. 4. 154. Zgodovinske korenine tržaškega vprašanja : na rob sedanji zaostritvi / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (5- apr. 1974), str. 17. 155. Manjšinska konferenca v Trstu / Janko Jeri. V: Razprave in gradivo. - Šl 6 (1974), str. 120-129- ) 44 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobibliografijo 156. Bilateralni sporazumi za zaščito narodnih manjšin v Zahodni Evropi po drugi svetovni vojni /Janko Jeri. V: Razprave in gradivo. - Št. 6 (1974), str. 132-135. 157. Manjšinski posvet v Trstu: (nekaj dejstev in za zclaj ad hoc opomb) / Janko Jen. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 22, št. 8/10 (1974), str. 765-767. 158. Bilateralni sporazumi za zaščito narodnih manjšin v Zahodni Evropi po drugi svetovni fo/n//Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 22, št. 8/10 (1974), str. 770-774. 159. Priznanje stvarnosti s pogledom, uprtim v prihodnost: (o jugoslovansko-italijanskem sporazumu) /Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (13. okt. 1975), str. 17. 160. Manjšine - vprašanje dejanske humanosti in demokratične zrelosti : Slovenci v Italiji in Avstriji /Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (3. feb. 1975), str. 20. 161. Koroške "skurnosH" anno 1974 / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 23, št. 1 (1975), str. 1-5. 162. Ločnica in vizija / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 23, št. 11 (1975), str. 857859. 163■ Razpotja sodobne manjšinske zaščite / Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (30. maj 1977), str. 21. 164. Narodne manjšine / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (3- marec 1984). (17. marec 1984). (24. marec 1984). 165. Tri desetletja tržaškega sporazuma / Janko Jeri. V: Primorska srečanja. - Let. 9, št. 51 (1985), str. 17-20. 1.06 Objavljeno vabljeno predavanje na znanstveni konferenci 166. Etnična, gospodarsko-socialna struktura in kulturnoprosvetna struktura slovenske narodnostne skupnosti v Italiji / Janko Jeri. V: I. slovenski demografski simpozij. [I.], Komunikacije. - Ljubljana : Demografski institut : RCEF, 1974. - 30 str. 167. Prispevek (v glavnih obrisih) J.Jerija 16. novembra 1973 na pripravljalni konferenci o manjšinah vNabrežinipri Trstu / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. -Let. 22, št. 1 (1974), str. 74-79- Rozorave in gradivo, Ljubljana. 1999. št. 34 145 ____1.16 Poglavje ali samostojni sestavek v znanstveni knjigi 168. Nekatere prvine narodnostnega položaja ob naši zahodni meji do tržaškega sporazuma 1954 / Janko Jeri. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani : Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975- - Str. 2-44. - Ilustr. 169. Vprašanje naše zahodne meje 1945-1954: (kratka geneza) / Janko Jeri. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni. - V Ljubljani: Cankarjeva založba; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975. - Str. 45-98. - Ilustr. 170. Geneza etnične strukture na Tržaškem : (popis leta 1961) / Janko Jeri. - V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani : Cankarjeva založba ; Koper: Primorski tisk; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975- - Str. 178-200. - Ilustr. 171. Ob ustanovitvi samoupravne dežele Furlanije-Julijske krajine / Janko Jeri. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani: Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, '1975. - Str. 201214. - Ilustr. 172. Premiki v miselnosti : aktualni pripisi k znanim temam / Janko Jeri V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani: Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst ; Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975. - Str. 244252. - Ilustr. 173■ Odgovornost veČine za manjšino : ob seminarju OZN o človekovih pravi cah v večnarodnoslnih skupnostih od 8. do 22. junija 1965 v Ljubljani / Janko Jeri. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani : Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst : Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975. - Str. 253-258. - Ilustr. 174. Dejstva, vzburjenja, procesi : (nekateri podatki o strukturi slovenske narodne manjšine v Italiji) / Janko Jeri. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani : Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975. - Str. 281-303- - Ilustr. 175. Na temo 'postopnosti": (po volitvah v tretji deželni svet Furlanije-Julijske krajine in odprta vprašanja narodnostne zaščite slovenske manjšine v Italiji) / Janko Jeri. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani : Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975. - Str. 391-401. 146 Dr. lanko leri. Biobibliogrofijo 176. Mednarodna konferenca o manjšinah v Trstu: (pričevanje) / Janko Jeri. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani: Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst : Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975. - Str. 490504. 1.17 Poglavje ali samostojni sestavek v strokovni knjigi_ 17 7 Vprašanje zahodne meje in položaj narodne skupnosti v Italiji / Ja n ko Jeri. V: Koledar zgodovine KPJ ZKJ. - Ljubljana : "Komunist", 1969- - 20. str. _1.18 Sestavek v enciklopediji _ 178. Trst / J. J. V: Enciklopedija Jugoslavije. - Zagreb : Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod "Miroslav Krleža". - Zv. 8: Srbija-Ž. (1971), str. 376-379. 179. Agneletto, Branko / J Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga,. - Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 18. 180. Agneletto, fosip / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 18. 181. Bartolomasi, Angelo / J. Je.V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga,- Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 201. 182. Beneška Slovenija / J. Je... [et al.]. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 227-232. 183 Bernetič, Marija - Marina / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 250. 184. Besednjak, EngeJbert / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 253. 185• Boj za meje / J. Je., R., D. Neč. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 305-314. 186. Bole, Stanislav / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 1: A-Ca (1987), str. 316. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljeno. 1999. št. 34 147 187. Colja, Srečko/J. Je.V. Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 78. 188. Cona A in cona B STO / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 79-80. 189. Cona A Julijske krajine / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 80-81. 790. Cracina, Angel Peter / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 83791. Čermelj, Lavo / J. Je. V; Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 110-111. 192. Čok, Ivan Marija / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 142. 193■ Dan / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 171. 794. Dekleva, Jože / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 187. 795. Delo / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 215796. Demokracija / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 223-224. 797. Demokratična fronta goriških, beneških in kanalskih Slovencev / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 224. 198. Dvojezičnost v zamejstvu / J. Je., D. Neč., F. Še., R.V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 2: Ce-Ed (1988), str. 406-408. 199. Emigrant / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. -Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 36. 200. FaidutH, Luigi / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 75. ) 44 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobibliografijo 201. Ferfolja, Josip / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 96. 202.Fogar, Alojzij / J. Je. V; Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 130. 203. Fogar, Galliano / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 130. 204. Fortuna, Loris /J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 133. 205. Franzil, Mario / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 155-156. 206. Furlan, Dušan / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 163. 207. Furlanijajuiijska krajina / J. Je., M. Bu.V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. -Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 165-167. 208. GcUeb /J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 176. 209. Gariup, Mario / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 181. 210. Generalne stavke v Trstu in Julijski krajini / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 188. 211. Gerbec, Jelka / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 204. 212. Glas zaveznikov / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 232. 213. Godnič,Just/J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 257. 214. Gujon, Paskval / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 3: Eg-Hab (1989), str. 407. 215. Iredenta / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. -Zv. 4: Hac-Kare (1990), str. 176. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljana. 1999, Št. 34_____ _1 49 216. Iskra, Boris / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga-2v. 4: Hac-Kare (1990), str. 177. 217. Italijanizacija / B. Ma., M. K. W, J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Z v. 4: Hac-Kare (1990), str. 184-189. 218. Italijansko-jugoslovanski mešani odbor /J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. -Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 4: Hac-Kare (1990), str. 192. 219. Jadransko vprašanje / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 4: Hac-Kare (1990), str. 246-247. 220. Jarc, Andrej /J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 4: Hac-Kare (1990), str. 270. 227, Jelinčič, Zorko / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 4: Hac-Kare (1990), str. 283222. Komunistična partija Italije / M. K. W, T. Fc, J. Je, N. Tr. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije . - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 5: Kari-Krei (1991), str. 226228. 223■ Kukanja, Angelo / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 6: Krek-Marij (1992), str. 66. 224. Lavrenčič, Marlo / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 6: Krek-Marij (1992), str. 108. 225. Posebni statut / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 9: Plo-Ps (1995), str. 159226. Santin, Antonio / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 10: Pt-Savn (1996), str. 399227 Schijfrer, Carlo / J. Je. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga. - Zv. 11: Savs-Slovenska m (1997), str. 12. 1.19 Objavljena recenzija, prikaz knjige, kritika 228. Fašizem in antifašizem v Julijski krajini / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (9-jun. 1962), str. 203. ) 44 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobibliografijo 229. Zaton režima / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (5. sept. 1964), str. 326-327. 230. Prispevek k iskrenejšemu medsebojnemu razumevanju : ob knjigi "La Jugoslaviji oggi": nekaj misli na temo jadranskega sosedstva / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (17. maj 1969), str. 16. 231- Nedoslednost ali nepoznanje?: ob nekem zemljevidu / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (6. feb. 1970), str. 67-68. 232. Vsestransko dozorel problem /Janko Jeri. V: Komunist. - (9. dec. 1972), str. 27. 234. Teorija in praksa : tehten prispevek k poznavanju "jezikovnih" manjšin : ob knjigi A. Pizzorussa "Jezikovni pluralizem" med državo in deželnimi avtonomijami /Janko Jeri, Gorazd Kušej. V: Delo. - (6. nov. 1976), str. 24. 235. Teorija in praksa : tehten prispevek k poznavanju "jezikovnih" manjšin : ob knjigi A. Pizzorussa "Jezikovni pluralizem" med državo in deželnimi avtonomijami / Janko Jeri, Gorazd Kušej. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (24. nov. 1976), (25. nov. 1976). _1.22 Objavljeni intervju_____ 236. Usoda slovenske narodne skupnosti v Italiji : nekatera pereča vozlišča / Janko Jeri...(et al.). V: Sodobnost. - Let. 17, ŠL 8/9 (1969), str. 817-837 (lastni tekst 823-825). 237. 'Južnotirolskipaket" in Slovenci / Janko Jeri. V: Dialogi. - Let. 6, št. 4 (1970), str. 238-241. 238. Novo obdobje v prizadevanjih za stvarno enakopravnost / Janko Jeri. V: Sodobnost. - Let. 20, št. 2 (1972), str. 123-126. 239■ Usoda slovenske narodne skupnosti v Italiji : (prva anketa Sodobnosti) / Janko Jeri... [et al.]. V: Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni. - V Ljubljani : Cankarjeva založba ; Koper : Primorski tisk ; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975. - Str. 260-280. Razpfove in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999. št. 34 151 _______1.25 Drugi članki ali sestavki_ 240. Sovražnik nacizma : ob smrti Wins tona Churcilla / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (6. feb. 1965), str. 46-47. 241. In memoriam Zorko Jelinčič / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (21. avg. 1965), str. 284. 242. Zapis o nedavnih dogodkih v Trstu : pismo Našim razgledom /Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (11. sept. 1965), str. 343243- Zapis o nedavnih dogodkih v Trstu: pismo Primorskemu dnevniku /Janko Jeri. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (9- sept. 1965), str. 2. 244. Več funkcij Trsta : pismo Našim razgledom / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. -(24. sept. 1966), str. 364. 245. Oblikovanje zunanje politike SFRJ je samoupravna pravica : iz zanimive razprave v komisiji za mednarodne odnose na VI kongresu SZDL Slovenije /Janko Jeri. V: Primorski dnevnik. - (9. apr. 1966), str. 2. 246. Obnovitev "tradicionalne" vloge?: ob perečih vozliščih nekaj zgodovinskih reminiscenc na temo Trst - zaledje /Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (5. apr. 1969), str. 15. 247. Posluh za pravo resnico / Janko Jeri. V: Delo. - (15. feb. 1969), str. 16. 248. Ob 80-letnici dr. Lava Čermelja /Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (9. jan. 1970), str. 7. 249. Borec proti nasilju : v spomin dr. Jožetu Deklevi / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (20. feb. 1970), str. 101. 250. France Onič. ob sedemdesetletnici / Janko Jeri. V: Naši razgledi. - (14. maj 1971), str. 276. 251. Slovenske in druge narodne manjšine / Janko Jeri. V: Dnevnik. - (23. nov. 1973), str. 4. 252. Zaplodovit dialog /Janko Jeri. V: Dnevnik. - (26. okt. 1973), str. 4. 253■ Pričevanje / Janko Jeri. V: Bitka, kakor življenje dolga. - Ljubljana : Cankarjeva založba, 1975. - Str. 712-721, 728. 152 Dr. Janko Jeri, Biobibliogrofija 254. GorazdKušef : in memoriam / Janko Jeri. V: Teorija in praksa. - Let. 23, št. 4/5 (1986), str. 373-374. __2.01 Znanstvena monografija______ 255. Tržaško vprašanje po drugi svetovni vojni: tri faze diplomatskega boja / Janko Jeri. - Ljubljana : Cankarjeva založba, 1961. - 378 str., pril. 256. Passato epresente degli Sloveni in Italia / Milko Kos... [et al. ] ;[Trad. d i Ivan Fischer, Ravel Kodrič]. - Trieste : [Editoriale Stampa Triestina], 1974. - II, 100 str. - (Gli Sloveni in Italia ; [2]) 251. Slovenci v Italiji včeraj in danes / [avtorji] Milko Kos ...[et al.]. - Trst : [Založništvo tržaškega tiska], 1974. - 97, [IV] str. - (Slovenci v zamejstvu ; [1]) 258. The Slovenes in Italy yesterday and today / by Milko Kos... [et.al.]. - Trst = Trieste : Založništvo tržaškega tiska = Editoriale stampa triestina, 1974. -108 str. _2.02 Strokovna monografija____ 259. The special statute (annex to the London Memorandum of understanding) and some elemetns of the legal situation of the Slovenian ethnic group in Italy and of the Italian in Yugoslavia / Jan ko Jeri, Gorazd Kusej, Svetozar Polic. - Ljubljana : [s.n.], 1974. - 35 str. ____2.08 Doktorska disertacija_ 260. Tri faze reševanja tržaškega vprašanja: doktorska disertacija / Janko Jeri. - Ljubljana : [s.n.], 1958. - 302 str. Razprgve in gradivo. Ljubljano. 1999. li. 34 ) 53 ___2.11 Poročilo o znanstvenoraziskovalni nalogi_ 261. Vprašanje naše zahodne meje 1945-1975 / Janko Jeri. - Ljubljana : RSS, 1985. - 10 str. - (Naravna in kulturna dediščina slovenskega naroda) 262. Neuvrščenost kot mednarodnopolitična praksa / nosilca Vlado Benko, Irena Brinar; sodelavci Janko Jeri ...(et. al.) - Ljubljana : RSS, 1986. -1 zv. [loč. pag.]. - (Raziskovanje mednarodnih odnosov in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve) 263. Raziskovanje mednarodnih odnosov in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve : letno poročilo 1986 / koordinator Bučar; sodelavci Janko Jeri (et al.). - Ljubljana : RSS, 1986. - 1 zv. [loč. pag. j. - (Raziskovanje mednarodnih odnosov in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve ; C5-0595) 264. Mednarodni odnosi in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve / Vlado Benko...(et al.). - Ljubljana : RSS, 1987. -1 zv. [loč. pag.]. - (Mednarodni odnosi in razvoj NMEU ; C5-0595) 265. Raziskovanje mednarodnih odnosov, strategija gospodarskega sodelova nja med deželami v razvoju, mednarodno regionalno sodelovanje Jugoslavije, poročilo o delu za leto 1987 j koordinator Ernest Petrič ; sodelavci Janko Jeri (et al.).- Ljubljana : RSS, 1987. - 1 zv. [loč. pag.]. -(Raziskovanje mednarodnih odnosov in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve ; C5-0595) 266. Mednarodni odnosi in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve : poročilo o delu za leto 1988 / vodja raziskovalne skupine Ernest Petrič; sodelavci Janko Jeri (et al.). - Ljubljana : Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo, 1988. - 1 zv. [loč. pag.]. (Mendarodni odnosi in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve ; C5-0595) 267. Mednarodni odnosi in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve : poročilo o delu za leto 1989 / vodja raziskovalne skupine Bojko Bučar; sodelavci Janko Jeri (et al.). - Ljubljana : RSS, 1989- - 1 zv. [loč. pag.]. -(Mednarodni odnosi in nova mednarodna ekonomska ureditev) 268. Mednarodni odnosi in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve : poročilo o opravljenem delu v okviru programskega sklopa / vodja ) 44 Dr. Janko Jeri. Biobibliografijo raziskovalne skupine Marjan Svetličič, Bojko Bučar; sodelavci Janko Jeri (et al.). - Ljubljana : RSS, 1990. - loc.pag. - (Mednarodni odnosi in razvoj nove mednarodne ekonomske ureditve ; C5-0595) __2.13 Elaborat, predštudija, študija_ 269. Deset let Memoranduma o soglasju (sporazuma o tržaškem vprašanju 5. oktobra 1954) / Janko Jeri, Ivo Murko, Ivojuvančič, Ančka Jager, Hilarij Frančeškin. - Ljubljana : INV, 1968. - 471 f. - (Raziskovalne naloge) _2.20 Druge monografije in druga zaključena dela_ 270. United Nations Seminar on the promotion and protection of human rights of national ethnic and other minorities : background paper : Ohrid, Yugoslavia 25june - 8july 1974: United Nations, SO 216/3 (26) BP/B, 1974 / by Janko Jeri and collaborators. - Ljubljana : OZN, 1974. - 47 str. _3-14 Predavanje - gostovanje na tuji univerzi_ 271. Primary matters of the legal status of the Slovene national minority in Italy : predavanje na Colombia University of New York / Janko Jerj, Gorazd Kušej. -1998 4.01 Urednik 272. Slovenci v Italiji po drugi svetovni vojni/ [glavni urednik Janko Jeri... et al.]. - V Ljubljani: Cankarjeva založba ; Koper: Primorski tisk; Trst: Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, 1975- -XV, 656 str., [lj f. zvd. Razprave in gradivo. Ljubljeno. 1999. št. 34 155 273- Actual questions of the Slovene and Croat minorities in Austria / [Editor board: Mirjana Domini... et aJ.; editor in chief and responsible editor Janko Jeri ; translated by Tatjana VogriČ ... et al.]. - Ljubljana : Inštitut za narodnostna vprasanaja ; Zagreb : Zavod za migracije i narodnosti, 1976. -76 str. Bibliografijo pripravila Marinka Lazič 156 Notes for contributing oulhors notes for contributing authors Treatises and Documents, The Journal of Ethnic Studies (Razprave in gradivo, RIG) welcomes the submission of articles, other materials and documents on ethnic and minority studies — more specifically on ethnicity, racial and ethnic relations, ethnic identity, nationalism, xenophobia, protection of (ethnic, national) minorities, migration, mutliculturalism and related subjects. Manuscripts should be sent to: The Editor Razprave in gradivo / Treatises and Documents Institute for Kthnic Studies Erjavčeva 26 SM000 Ljubljana, SI.OVKNIA Submissions may also be made by e-mail attachment to boris.jesih@inv.si (Subject: RIG). All submissions will be acknowledged. All received manuscripts are reviewed. Manuscripts are referred to specialist readers for anonymous comment before a decision is made on publication. Following reviewers' recommendations the authors may be asked to revise their contributions for publication. The Editor and Editors of Special Issues may invite individual authors to contribute to a certain issue; solicited manuscripts may exceed the length limitations. MANUSCRIPTS AND FORMAT Authors are requested to submit three double-spaced, typed copies of manuscripts. Each page of manuscripts, including tables, schemes, figures, maps, references and notes, should be numbered with margins on all four sides of at least 2 cm. Tables, schemes, Figures and maps should be printed separately from the text, each on a separate sheet of paper. Places where they belong to in the text must be marked. Title, author name(s) and a brief biographical note on each author should be typed on a separate page. Full contact details for the author(s) should be supplied. An electronic version of the manuscript should be sent by e-mail, or by posting a 3 " diskette (preferably in IBM format). Authors must indicate which format and wordprocessor (computer program) are used. Tables, schemes, figures and maps should be saved in separate files and not embedded in the text. Submissions should be accompanied by a covering letter confirming that the manuscript is original and not under consideration elsewhere, The preferred length for articles is between 5,000 and 12,000 words. Other contributions (Research reports and papers, Review articles, Interviews) should not exceed 4,000 words and book reviews should not exceed 1,500 words. All contributions must be typed double-spaced. The RIG reserves the right to allow the said limits to be exceeded, depending on the nature of the contribution. Rozprove in grgdivo. Ljubljana. 1999. st. 34 157 Authors are requested co attach an ABSTRACT (10-20 lines, up to 200 words) in English, .stating precisely the topic under consideration, the method of argument using in addressing the topic, and the conclusion reached. Abstracts are not required for Debates and Book Reviews. The RIG publishes contributions in Slovenian and/or English. Nevertheless, articles in other languages may be published if the Editor or Editors of Special Issues decide to do so. If a certain article is not written in English, it must have an ENGLISH SUMMARY of up to 400 words. A manuscript not presented in accordance with these guidelines will not undergo the reviewing process. It will be returned to the author for appropriate modifications. STYI.lv Authors who do not have native or equivalent proficiency in English are encouraged to have the manuscript read by someone with this proficiency prior to submission. Numbers up to ten should be written in words, except lor measurements. Metric measurements are preferred. Abbreviations are written without full stops (UN, OSCF, etc.). Quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks, l.ong quotations (three lines or more) should be typed as indented paragraphs, single spaced, without quotation marks. Dates should be written 26 December 1991, the 1960s (no apostrophe), twentieth century (no capital, hyphen only when used as an adjective). TERMINOLOGY with derogatory connotations is not permitted NOTES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A limited number of explanatory and bibliographic endnotes are permitted. Notes should be indicated serially within the paper, Endnotes should not be used for citations. For technical reasons, it is preferred if authors do not use automatic note formats, but simply indicate notes with superscript numbers in the text and list the notes as ordinary text at the end of the article, before ihe references. Acknowledgements appear under a separate subtitle and are positioned before the Notes and References. REFERENCES Manuscripts should follow the conventional guidelines of the style of footnotes, endnotes and citations. It is recommended that authors use the following method in the text: (Author year: page). References to more than one publication by the same author in the same year should be distinguished alphabetically by a, b, c etc. Where there are no named authors, the name of the appropriate body or the title of the referred material should be placed in parentheses instead. 158 Notes for contributing authors The alphabetical listing of all References should be placed at the end of the text. Only works referred to in the text should be listed and conversely, all references given in the text must appear in the listing. The full names of all authors (initials only for the possible middle name) should be used in the listing. The style of references is as follows: - for books: Author's family name, name (year) Title of the book, Location: Publisher. - for chapters and/or articles in books: Aurhor's family name, name (year) "Title of the chapter/article" - in Editor's family name, name (ed/eds) Title of the book, Location: Publisher: pages from — to. - for articles in journals and newspapers: Aurhor's family name, name (year) "Title of the article" - in Journal / Newspaper, Vol., No.: pages from — to. PROOFS AND CORRECTIONS The RIG reserves the right to edit or otherwise alter contributions, but authors will receive proofs for approval before the publication whenever this right is exercised substantially. Every author of a manuscript accepted for publication will receive page proofs for correction, if there is sufficient time to do so. The deadline to return them to the Editor will be indicated. Speedy return of corrected proofs is important. Requests for amendments must be kept to a minimum and the Editor's decision will be final. Extensive changes will be charged to the author and will probably result in the article being delayed to a later issue. AUTHOR ISSUES AND OFFPRINTS Authors receive two complementary copies of the issue in which their contribution appears and 25 offprints of their article. COPYRIGHT It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright in their articles, including summaries and abstracts, in the Institute for Ethnic Studies. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and in electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may use the article elsewhere after publication without prior permission from the Institute, provided that acknowledgement is given to the RIG as the original source of publication and that Institute for Ethnic Studies is notified so that our records show that its use is properly authorized. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. The RIG is a scholarly journal published by the Institute for Ethnic Studies from Ljubljana, Slovenia and is listed in COBISS and Historical Abstracts. Any additional queries and/or information requests should be directed to the Editor at the above address.