VSEBINA – CONTENTS PREGLEDNI ^LANEK – REVIEW ARTICLE An overview of the influence of stainless-steel surface properties on bacterial adhesion Vpliv lastnosti povr{ine nerjavnega jekla na adhezijo bakterij M. Ho~evar, M. Jenko, M. Godec, D. Drobne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Adsorption of hexavalent chromium from an aqueous solution of steel-making slag Adsorpcija heksavalentnega kroma iz vodne raztopine jeklarske `lindre A. [trkalj, Z. Glava{, G. Matija{i} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619 Structural, mechanical and cytotoxicity characterization of as-cast biodegradable Zn-xMg (x = 0.8–8.3 %) alloys Strukturne, mehanske in citotoksi~ne lastnosti biorazgradljive Zn-xMg (x = 0,8–8,3 %) zlitine v litem stanju J. Kubásek, I. Pospí{ilová, D. Vojtìch, E. Jablonská, T. Ruml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 Structural characterization of a bulk and nanostructured Al-Fe system Karakterizacija strukture osnove in nanostrukture sistema Al-Fe A. Fekrache, M. Yacine Debili, S. Lallouche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 Wear behavior of Al/SiC/graphite and Al/FeB/graphite hybrid composites Vedenje hibridnih kompozitov Al/SiC/grafit in Al/FeB/grafit pri obrabi S. ªahýn, N. Yüksel, H. Durmuº, S. Gençalp Ýrýzalp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639 Mathematical model for an Al-coil temperature calculation during heat treatment Matemati~ni model za izra~un temperature v Al-kolobarju med toplotno obdelavo F. Vode, F. Tehovnik, J. Burja, B. Arh, B. Podgornik, D. Steiner Petrovi~, M. Malen{ek, L. Ko~evar, M. La`eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647 Investigating the effects of cutting parameters on the hole quality in drilling the Ti-6Al-4V alloy Preiskava vpliva parametrov rezanja na kvaliteto izvrtine, izvrtane v zlitino Ti-6Al-4V Y. Hýþman Çelik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653 Influence of graphite on the hardness and wear behavior of AA6061–B4C composite Vpliv grafita na trdoto in vedenje kompozita AA6061–B4C pri obrabi S. Prabagaran, Govindarajulu Chandramohan, P. Shanmughasundaram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 Tribology of CrAg7N coatings deposited on Vanadis 6 ledeburitic tool steel Tribologija prevlek CrAg7N na ledeburitnem orodnem jeklu Vanadis 6 P. Bílek, P. Jur~i, M. Hudáková, ¼. ^aplovi~, M. Novák . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 Morphology and magnetic properties of Fe3O4-alginic acid nanocomposites Morfologija in magnetne lastnosti nanokompozitov Fe3O4-alginska kislina M. KaŸmierczak, K. Pogorzelec-Glaser, A. Hilczer, S. Jurga, £. Majchrzycki, M. Nowicki, R. Czajka, F. Matelski, R. Pankiewicz, B. £êska, L. Kêpiñski, B. Andrzejewski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 Microstructural comparison of the thermomechanically treated and cold deformed Nb-microalloyed trip steel Primerjava mikrostruktur termomehansko obdelanega in hladno deformiranega, z Nb-mikrolegiranega trip-jekla A. Grajcar, K. Radwañski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 Control of the metallurgical processing of ICDP cast irons Kontrola metalur{ke obdelave litega `eleza ICDP J. Hampl, T. Válek, P. Lichý, T. Elbel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685 Synthesis comparison and characterization of chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles prepared with different methods Primerjava postopkov in karakterizacija magnetnih nanodelcev, prevle~enih s hitozanom G. Hojnik Podrep{ek, @. Knez, M. Leitgeb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 Study of phase transformations in Cr-V tool steel [tudij faznih premen v orodnem jeklu Cr-V M. Pa{ák, R. ^i~ka, P. Bílek, P. Jur~i, ¼. ^aplovi~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693 Model antimicrobial polymer system based on poly(vinyl chloride) and crystal violet Model protimikrobnega polimernega sistema na osnovi polivinilklorida in kristal violeta J. Klofá~, I. Kuøitka, P. Ba`ant, K. Jedli~ková, J. Sedlák . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 48(5)607–800(2014) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 48 [TEV. NO. 5 STR. P. 607–800 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA SEP.–OCT. 2014 Effect of the tool geometry and welding parameters on the macrostructure, fracture mode and weld strength of friction-stir spot-welded polypropylene sheets Vpliv geometrije orodja in parametrov varjenja na makrostrukturo, vrsto preloma in trdnost zvara pri torno-vrtilnem to~kastem varjenju polipropilenskih plo{~ M. Kemal Bilici, A. Ýrfan Yükler, A. Kastan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705 Microstructural analysis of CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy before and after the tensile testing Analiza mikrostrukture zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom pred nateznim preizkusom in po njem I. Ivani}, M. Goji}, S. Ko`uh, B. Kosec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Effect of the initial microstructure on the properties of low-alloyed steel upon mini-thixoforming Vpliv za~etne mikrostrukture na lastnosti malolegiranega jekla po predelavi mini-thixoforming B. Ma{ek, D. Ai{man, H. Jirková . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 Experimental investigation of the surface properties obtained by cutting Brass-353 (+) with an abrasive water jet and other cutting methods Preiskava lastnosti povr{ine medenine 353 (+) po rezanju z abrazijskim vodnim curkom in drugimi metodami rezanja A. Akkurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725 Influence of the working technology on the development of alloys H13-w(Cu) 87.5 % Vpliv tehnologije izdelave na razvoj zlitine H13-w(Cu) 87,5 % U. Arti~ek, M. Bojinovi~, M. Brun~ko, I. An`el . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735 Microstructure characteristics of the Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % model alloy Mikrostrukturne zna~ilnosti modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % B. [u{tar{i~, M. Jenko, B. [arler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743 Chromite spinel formation in steelmaking slags Nastanek kromitnih spinelov v jeklarskih `lindrah J. Burja, F. Tehovnik, J. Medved, M. Godec, M. Knap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES Recycling of jute wastes using pulpzyme enzyme Recikliranje odpadkov jute z uporabo encima pulpzima K. Mohajershojaei, F. Dadashian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757 Influences of the heat input on a 2205 duplex stainless steel weld Vpliv vnosa toplote v zvar dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla 2205 B. Rajkumar Gnanasundaram, M. Natarajan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761 Tribological behavior and characterization of borided cold-work tool steel Tribolo{ko vedenje in karakterizacija boriranega orodnega jekla za delo v hladnem I. Gunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765 Microstructures of the Al-Fe-Cu-X alloys prepared at various solidification rates Mikrostruktura zlitin Al-Fe-Cu-X po razli~nih hitrostih strjevanja M. Vodìrová, P. Novák, F. Prù{a, D Vojtìch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771 Assessment of the post-impact damage propagation in a carbon-fibre composite under cyclic loading Ocena napredovanja po{kodbe po udarcu pri ponavljajo~ih se obremenitvah kompozita z ogljikovimi vlakni D. Kytýø, T. Fíla, J. [leichrt, T. Doktor, M. [perl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777 Possibilities for increasing the purity of steel in production using secondary-metallurgy equipment Mo`nosti pove~anja ~istosti jekla pri proizvodnji z uporabo opreme za sekundarno metalurgijo M. Korbá{, L. ^amek, M. Raclavský . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781 Effect of different surface-heat-treatment methods on the surface properties of AISI 4140 steel Vpliv razli~nih toplotnih obdelav povr{ine na lastnosti povr{ine jekla AISI 4140 A. Ayday, M. Durman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787 Preparation and application of polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs) including alamine 336 for the extraction of metals from an aqueous solution Priprava in uporaba membrane iz polimera (PIM) in alamina 336 za lo~enje kovin iz vodnih raztopin Y. Yildiz, A. Manzak, B. Aydýn, O. Tutkun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791 Accelerated carbide spheroidisation and refinement (ASR) of the C45 steel during controlled rolling Pospe{ena sferoidizacija in udrobnjenje karbidov (ASR) pri kontroliranem valjanju jekla C45 D. Hauserova, J. Dlouhy, Z. Novy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797 M. HO^EVAR et al.: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ... AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ON BACTERIAL ADHESION VPLIV LASTNOSTI POVR[INE NERJAVNEGA JEKLA NA ADHEZIJO BAKTERIJ Matej Ho~evar1,2, Monika Jenko1, Matja` Godec1, Damjana Drobne3 1Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Jo`ef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ve~na pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia matej.hocevar@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-02-06; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2014-06-02 The adhesion and growth of bacteria on the surface of stainless steel promotes corrosion of the material, microbiological contamination, healthcare problems and results in economic losses. There are numerous factors influencing the adhesion of bacteria to stainless steel, and material properties are one of the most important ones. In particular, surface roughness, topography, chemistry and surface energy can promote or inhibit the adhesion and growth of bacteria. Surface roughness and topography are generally accepted as crucial parameters, especially when the surface features are comparable to the size of the bacteria. The roughening of the surface increases the area available for adhesion and protects the bacteria from environmental factors, like liquid shear stress, mechanical forces and disinfectants. The surface chemistry and surface energy of the material can also affect microbial attachment and survival. The surface chemistry of stainless steel is significantly affected by the formation of an ultra-thin passive chromium-rich oxide film on the surface in the presence of an oxidative environment. Surface energy is also an important factor in the initial adhesion and it is commonly known that the minimal relative adhesion to surfaces occurs at surface energies ranging between 20 mN/m and 30 mN/m (Baier curve). Materials with a high surface energy, such as stainless steel, are mainly hydrophilic, frequently negatively charged and susceptible to contamination, and thus are rarely clean. This paper presents an overview of the mechanism and theories of bacterial adhesion on surfaces in general, together with a comprehensive overview of stainless-steel surface properties that may influence the adhesion of bacteria. Here we give a literature review and discuss how to manage the stainless-steel surfaces in food processing, medicine and other industries in order to reduce the adhesion of bacteria. Keywords: stainless steel, surface properties, adhesion, bacteria Adhezija in rast bakterij na povr{ini nerjavnega jekla pospe{uje korozijo materiala, povzro~a mikrobiolo{ko kontaminacijo, zdravstvene te`ave in posledi~no gospodarsko {kodo. Na adhezijo bakterij vplivajo {tevilni dejavniki, med katerimi so lastnosti materiala med pomembnej{imi. Sem spadajo predvsem hrapavost, topografija, kemijska sestava in povr{inska energija. Hrapavost in topografija povr{ine sta splo{no sprejeta kot klju~na dejavnika, ki vplivata na adhezijo bakterij na povr{ino, predvsem kadar so topografske zna~ilnosti na povr{ini primerljive velikosti z bakterijo. Pove~ana hrapavost po eni strani pomeni ve~jo povr{ino za pritrjevanje, po drugi strani pa {~iti bakterije pred okoljskimi dejavniki, kot so stri`ne napetosti v teko~ih medijih, mehanske sile in razku`ila. Kemijska sestava povr{ine in povr{inska energija materiala lahko tudi vplivata na adhezijo in pre`ivetje bakterij. Na kemijske lastnosti povr{ine izrazito vpliva oksidna plast, ki se ustvari na povr{ini nerjavnega jekla. Povr{inska energija je prav tako pomemben dejavnik pri za~etni fazi adhezije. Splo{no znano je razmerje med adhezijo in povr{insko energijo, ki ga opisuje Baierjeva krivulja, kjer minimalno adhezijo na povr{ini opazimo pri povr{inski energiji med 20 mN/m in 30 mN/m. Materiali z visoko povr{insko energijo, kot je na primer nerjavno jeklo, so pogosto hidrofilni, negativno nabiti in dovzetni za kontaminacijo, tako da so te povr{ine redko ~iste. ^lanek daje splo{en pregled mehanizmov in teorije adhezije bakterij na povr{ine. Podrobno je podan pregled povr{inskih lastnosti nerjavnega jekla, ki lahko vplivajo na adhezijo bakterij. V ~lanku razpravljamo o tem, kako zmanj{ati adhezijo bakterij v `ivilskopredelovalni industriji ter pri medicinski uporabi. Za uspe{no zmanj{evanje ne`elene adhezije bakterij je potrebno poglobljeno znanje o dejavnikih, ki v najve~ji meri vplivajo na adhezijo bakterij. Klju~ne besede: nerjavno jeklo, lastnosti povr{ine, adhezija, bakterije 1 INTRODUCTION Bacteria generally exist freely or as a population attached to surfaces.1 When available, bacteria prefer to grow on surfaces2 forming aggregates known as biofilms. Bacterial adhesion and the subsequent biofilm formation is a complex physico-chemical process consisting of several stages, including the development of a surface- conditioning film, the approach of bacteria to the sur- face, adhesion (initial reversible and subsequent irrever- sible adhesion), the growth and division of organisms and finally detachment and dispersal of cells.1,3–5 The adhesion of bacteria to surfaces depends on the properties of the material (surface topography, rough- ness, surface chemistry and surface energy), the bacteria (surface charge, surface hydrophobicity and appendages) and the surrounding environment (type of medium, tem- perature, pH, period of exposure and bacterial concen- tration).6,7 Among them, the material surface properties are one of the most important. Stainless steels are commonly used in industrial, medical and food-processing applications,8,9 and the adhesion of bacteria to stainless steel represents a chro- nic source of microbial contamination that leads to the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 609–617 609 UDK 669.14.018.8:620.179.11 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)609(2014) deterioration of food, healthcare problems, the enhanced corrosion of stainless steel and reduces the performance of plants, pipelines, cooling towers and heat exchan- gers.1,3,10–12 Stainless steels can be produced in various grades and finishes, and additional surface treatments can affect surface physico-chemical properties.13–15 The same type of stainless steel may have distinctly different surface properties, including topography, roughness, molecular composition, electrochemistry and physico-chemistry.15 Additionally, an ultra-thin oxide film composed of chro- mium and iron oxides forms on the stainless-steel sur- face, which makes the steel resistant to corrosion.14,15 The surface properties of stainless steel depend on the stainless-steel grade, the surface finish applied and the cleaning process used.15 The passive oxide layer is also very susceptible to contamination from the environment (dissolve solutes and molecules from air)16,17 and conta- mination can alter the surface properties and influence the adhesion. The influence of stainless-steel surface properties on the adhesion and retention of bacteria has been exten- sively investigated. There have been numerous studies on different stainless steels, including AISI 30218, AISI 3048,13,19–32, AISI 31613,23–26,32–37 and AISI 43013,25 using different bacteria. However, it is still not clear as to which characteristics of stainless steels are favourable for bacterial adhesion as they are often interrelated.15 To reduce microbial adhesion and retention on stain- less-steel surfaces it is necessary to understand the factors governing microbial adhesion through the syste- matic research of the various surface properties involved. This review summarizes the influence of the surface properties of stainless steel, especially surface rough- ness, topography, chemistry and energy on the adhesion and retention behaviour of bacteria. The aim of this review is to summarize the available literature data on the material surface characteristics that are responsible for bacterial adhesion. We will emphasize the stainless- steel-bacterial adhesion in order to provide information about how to produce and maintain the surfaces in order to reduce bacterial contamination. 2 THEORY AND MECHANISM OF BACTERIAL ADHESION TO A SURFACE The adhesion of bacteria to a substrate surface is governed by the physico-chemical properties of both the substrate and the bacterium, and also the environmental conditions.6,7,38 Bacteria may adhere to the surface either directly to the bare material (nonspecific adhesion) or indirectly to the conditioning film (specific adhesion) on the surface. Usually, nonspecific adhesion is investigated and these results are the closest to the predictions of theoretical models.39 However, in natural environments the first step of the adhesion process is the formation of a conditioning layer4,5 of organic and inorganic molecules that may alter the physico-chemical properties of the surface, provide a nutrient source for bacteria or inhibit the adhesion of certain bacteria.5 2.1 Theoretical background of bacterial adhesion 2.1.1 Physico-chemical Models of Bacterial Adhesion Concepts developed in colloidal research are a common approach to predicting bacterial adhesion to surfaces.2,10 If bacteria are treated as colloids in suspension, it is possible to model the bacterial adhesion to surfaces as the sum of the chemical and physical properties of bacteria and the material surface.39 Three colloidal models are commonly applied when studying bacterial adhesion to surfaces: the thermodynamic the- ory, the Deryaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) theory and the extended-DLVO (XDLVO) theory.10,39,40 Thermodynamic theory The thermodynamic approach is based on the total change in the potential Gibbs free energy (energy available in a closed system) when a bacterium attaches to a surface and is calculated from the Lifshitz-van der Waals forces and Lewis acid-base interactions39: GADH = GLW + GAB (1) GADH is the total change of the Gibbs free energy of adhesion, GLW is the Gibbs free energy change of the Lifshitz-van der Waals forces and GAB is the Gibbs free energy change of the Lewis acid-base forces. Thermodynamic theory assumes that adhesion is always reversible and distance independent. The theory does not include the effects of surface charge and the electrolyte concentration of the surrounding media. This theory is the most accurate with uncharged surfaces or in the presence of large quantities of ions.39 DLVO theory The DLVO theory like the thermodynamic approach also assumes that adhesion is the sum of interfacial ener- gies. However, the DLVO theory considers electrostatic forces instead of acid-base interactions39: UDLVO = ULW + UEL (2) UDLVO is the total interaction energy, ULW is the Lifshitz- van der Waals interactions energy and UEL is the electro- static interaction energy. DLVO theory assumes that adhesion can be reversible and distance dependent. The theory is most accurate when electrostatic forces are predominant; however, it is limited due to the dis- regarded effects of the polar interactions.39 XDLVO theory In an attempt to more accurately model bacterial adhesion the XDLVO theory combined the features of the thermodynamic approach and DLVO theory. The XDLVO model assumes that adhesion is the sum of the Lifshitz-van der Waals, electrostatic and Lewis acid-base interactions39: M. HO^EVAR et al.: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 610 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 609–617 UDLVO = ULW + UEL + UAB (3) UDLVO is the total interaction energy, ULW is the Lifshitz- van der Waals interaction energy, UEL is the electrostatic interaction energy and UAB is the Lewis acid-base interaction energy. Like with the DLVO, also XDLVO theory assumes that adhesion can be reversible and distance dependent.39 All three models favour bacterial adhesion when the product of the equations’ theories is negative. An increase or decrease in bacterial adhesion for one set of parameters compared to a different set of parameters is calculated. These three theoretic models that predict the bacterial adhesion to surfaces were developed for ideal systems; however, the actual bacterial adhesion is complex and can behave completely differently from the prediction of the developed models.39 2.2 Mechanism of bacterial adhesion Actual bacterial adhesion frequently deviates from the above-described adhesion models.10 Solid materials exposed to various environments adsorb organic and inorganic material, thus forming a conditioning layer to which microorganisms attach.10 The conditioning layer changes the physico-chemical properties of the surface and thus plays an important role in the bacterial attach- ment process.5,10 The adhesion of bacteria to solid surfaces is a two-phase process composed of an initial reversible (physical) followed by an irreversible (molecular and cellular) phase.2,5,41 The adhesion of bacteria to the surface may be passive or active and this depends on the motility of the bacteria and the transportation of cells by gravity, the diffusion of bacteria and the fluid dynamic forces.3,5 Initial adhesion also depends on the physico- chemical properties of bacteria cells, their growth phase and the availability of nutrients.3 The adhesion of bacteria to surfaces occurs rapidly, within seconds.42,43 Planktonic microbial cells are trans- ported from the suspension to the conditioned surface either by bacterial appendages or by physical forces, thus enabling an initial reversible adhesion.1,3,41 The long- range physical forces, including van der Waals forces, steric and electrostatic interactions, influence the initial reversible adhesion. During this initial stage the bacteria still show Brownian motion and can be easily removed from the surface.3,41 After an initial reversible adhesion a number of cells adhere irreversibly. In this phase molecular reactions between bacterial surface structures and substrate surfa- ces become predominant. In contrast to reversible adhe- sion, various short-range forces such as dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen, ionic and covalent bonding and hydrophobic interactions are involved.1–3,41 Once the bac- teria attach, irreversible strong physical or chemical forces are required to remove them from the surface.3 The irreversibly attached bacterial cells start to grow, divide and form microcolonies, the basic structural unit of the biofilm.1,3,44 The production of additional extra- cellular polymeric substances (EPS) helps to strongly bind the cells to the surface and stabilize the micro- colonies from the environmental fluctuations1,3 and the presence of nutrients in the conditioning film and the surrounding environment determines the rapid growth and division of cells.1 The biofilm not only enables the strong attachment of the cells to the surface, but also helps collect diffuse nutrients, acts as a protection against environmental stress, antibiotics and disinfec- tants and enables intercellular communications. As the biofilm ages the attached bacteria detach and disperse from the biofilm and colonize new niches.1,3 3 FACTORS AFFECTING BACTERIAL ADHESION TO SURFACES Bacterial adhesion is a complex process affected by the characteristics of the bacteria, environmental properties and the physical and chemical properties of a material surface.6,7,38 Environmental factors including the type of medium, temperature, pH, shear stress of the flowing medium, bacterial concentration, chemical treatment and the presence of antibiotics may influence bacterial adhesion by either changing the surface characteristics of the bacteria and material or influencing the interactions in a reversible phase of adhesion. Fur- thermore, different bacterial species and strains adhere differently for a given material. This is due to the diffe- rences in the physic-chemical characteristics of the bacteria, including surface hydrophobicity, surface charge, appendages and EPS production.6,7 The physical and chemical properties of a material surface that can influence bacterial adhesion to the material surface include surface roughness, topography or physical confi- guration, chemical composition, surface energy and hydrophobicity.6,7 However, the surface characteristics can be quickly altered by the adsorption of organic and inorganic compounds forming a conditioning layer.3,5,10 This review will focus on the properties of stainless steel that can influence bacterial adhesion. 3.1 Stainless-steel surface properties affecting bacte- rial adhesion Stainless steels are iron-based alloys containing at least 10.5 % Cr with numerous alloying elements that improve the mechanical and corrosion properties.9 Stainless steel is the material of choice in the food- processing industry14,15,45, mainly because it is inert, resistant to corrosion, stable at various temperatures and hygienic.45,46 Stainless steel can be produced in various grades (AISI 302, AISI 304, AISI 316, AISI 420) and finishes (2B, 2R, 2D, number 4 finish), thus having different surface properties (chemistry, topography, roughness, M. HO^EVAR et al.: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 609–617 611 energy).13,14 Furthermore, additional surface treatments such as mechanical or electro polishing can be applied to modify the surface topography and roughness and achieve functionally and aesthetically improved surfa- ces.13,45 When the commonly used 2B surface finish is additionally grinded/polished with SiC papers and diamond paste, different surface patterns are obtained (Figure 1).47 Stainless steel forms an ultra-thin oxide film on the surface composed of chromium and iron oxides that protects the steel from corrosion. The composition of the oxide film depends on the metal substrate, the surface finish and the surrounding environment.15 3.1.1 Effect of surface roughness and topography on bacterial adhesion Stainless steel produced in different surface finishes is designated by a system of standardized numbers: No. 1, 2D, 2B, and 2BA for unpolished finishes; and No. 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 for polished finishes.9 The 2B pickling finish, the 2R bright annealed finish and finish 4 are the most often used.14,15 During production, stainless steel goes through annealing and pickling processes where the stainless steel is softened and descaled. These processes clean the surface of the material prior to processing to a given finish.14 After cold rolling, which reduces the thickness of the steel, final annealing (in oxidising atmosphere) and pickling follows and the surface finish obtained is designated as a 2D surface finish. When the 2D surface finish is finally light passed on polished rolls 2B or pickling finish is obtained.9,15 To achieve a bright finish or a 2R finish, the stainless steel is annealed in a protective atmosphere and the final pickling process is avoided.15 Finish 4 is achieved when 2D or 2R sheets are further polished with fine-grained polish belts.9,15 The surface composition, topography and roughness for a given material may differ considerably according to the different surface finishes applied.15 M. HO^EVAR et al.: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 612 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 609–617 Figure 1: Secondary-electron (SE) images taken on scanning electron microscope illustrate the surface features of different surface finishes of AISI 316L stainless steel: a) 2B surface finish, b) 2B surface finish grinded with 100 SiC grit paper, c) 2B surface finish grinded with 800 SiC grit paper and d) 2B surface finish polished with diamond paste 3 μm and 1 μm to mirror finish. The 2B surface finish (a) has a network of subsurface crevices between the oxide grain boundaries; mechanically grinded surface finishes (b, c) exhibit scratch patterns with long linear alternating grooves and ridges; and the mirror surface finish (d) is the smoothest without pronounced topography features.47 Slika 1: Slike sekundarnih elektronov (SE), posnete z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom, prikazujejo topografske karakteristike razli~no obdelanih povr{in nerjavnega jekla AISI 316L: a) 2B povr{ina, b) 2B povr{ina, bru{ena z granulacijo papirja 100 SiC, c) 2B povr{ina, bru{ena z granulacijo papirja 800 SiC in d) 2B povr{ina, polirana z diamantno pasto 3 μm in 1 μm. 2B povr{ina (a) ima mre`o razpok med oksidnimi zrni na povr{ini; na mehansko poliranih povr{inah (b, c) je opazen vzorec prask z dolgimi izmeni~nimi dolinami; polirana povr{ina (d) na drugi strani nima izrazite topografije.47 When studying bacterial adhesion to surfaces, a comprehensive characterization of the surface-roughness parameters and visualisation of the surface topography is very important.38,48 Surface roughness is a two-dimen- sional parameter of a material surface and is usually described as the arithmetic average roughness (Ra) and the root mean square roughness (Rq)6,38, whereas the topography is a-three dimensional parameter and describes the shape of the surface features.6 The Ra and Rq, are commonly reported surface-roughness parameters when investigating bacterial adhesion; however, they are measures of the height variation without information about the topography (surface features).38,48 Therefore, it is important to measure the spatial or amplitude para- meters that give information about the spatial variation and to visualize and describe the morphological features of the surface.38 Stainless-steel grades AISI 302, AISI 304 and AISI 316 are most often used in adhesion studies due to their application in the food industry and medicine.14,15,33,49 In the literature regarding adhesion and retention, bacteria genus Escherichia, Staphylococcus, Listeria, Pseudo- monas, Streptococcus and Salmonella are the most often studied.14 Although a number of studies have investi- gated the influence of the surface topography and rough- ness of different stainless steels on the adhesion of different bacteria the conclusions from these studies are not consistent.38,48 Several researchers including Jullien et al.13, Ortega et al.19, Whitehead and Verran23, Flint et al.26, Peterman et al.27, Hilbert et al.50 and observed no direct correlation between the surface roughness of the AISI 304/316 stainless Ra ranging between 0.01 μm and 3.3 μm and the adhesion of bacteria or spores. Arnold et al.8,30 and Ortega et al.,29 on the other hand, reported a positive correlation between the adhesion of bacteria and the surface roughness of the AISI 304 stainless steel. How- ever, Goulter-Thorsen et al.20 reported that E. coli attached in greater numbers to significantly smoother AISI 304 stainless steels. Also interesting are the find- ings of Medilanski et al.51 who reported that minimal adhesion occurs at Ra = 0.16 μm and attachment to both rougher and smother surfaces was significantly higher. The increased adhesion of bacteria on rougher surfaces may be explained due to the increase in the surface area available for adhesion6,7 and the roughening of the sur- face might also facilitate a firmer attachment by provid- ing more contact points.52 The opposing observations reported between the different studies are probably due to the various experimental conditions, different bacterial species tested, the material studied and methods used for bacteria detection.26,42 Besides surface roughness, also the topography of the surface or surface features such as pits, crevices, scratches, grooves and ridges, play an important part in the adhesion process.15,38,43,45 Many researchers con- cluded that if the surface features are comparable to the size of the bacteria they can promote bacterial attach- ment and increase the subsequent microbial reten- tion.6,7,43,48 The bacteria attach differently to surfaces with different surface topographies or special surface features and often the pattern of adhesion reflects the surface topography (Figure 2).47 Medilanski et al.51 studied the influence of an AISI 304 stainless-steel surface topo- graphy (three surface finishes with scratches and two without observable scratches) on the adhesion of four bacteria strains (Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Pseudo- monas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas putida and Rhodo- coccus sp.) and found that bacterial cells attach into scratches in the longitudinal orientation when the width of the scratches corresponds to the width of the bacterial cells. Rougher surfaces with wider scratches exhibit a higher fraction of bacteria adhered in other orientations and the smoothest surfaces exhibit a random cell orien- tation.51 Flint et al.26 observed that surface flaws (scrapes, scratches and pitting) on AISI 304 stainless steel did not always affect the number of adhered bacteria; however, bacteria often aligned with the lines created by the surface flaws. Similar observations were made by Whitehead and Verran23 on AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steel. Barnes et al.21 compared the 2B and 8 mirror finish of AISI 304 stainless steel and reported that Staphylococcus aureus attach in greater numbers to a rougher 2B surface finish, whereas little differences between the 2B and number 8 mirror finish were observed for Listeria monocytogenes. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy revealed that bacteria cells did not orient exclusively along polishing lines.21 Using microbial retention assays with a range of differently sized, unrelated microorganisms on engineered surfaces (silicon wafers) with controlled topographical features Whitehead et al.53,54 and Verran et al.55 demonstrated that the size of the surface features is important with respect to the size of the bacteria, and its subsequent retention. The wear of the surfaces may change the adhesion and retention of bacteria14,45 with the introduction of new random features (i.e., scratches) different dimensions45, especially on smooth polished surfaces. Studies of simulated worn surfaces demonstrated that the hygienic status of stainless steel was not affected in terms of microbial retention; however, the cleanability was affected in terms of the reduced removal of organic soil.45 Holah and Thorpe46 observed the increased retention of bacterial cells on abraded sinks compared to unused ones, this is due to the fact that rougher surfaces have an increase in the number of attachment sites, a larger surface contact area and topographical features that reduce the cleaning shear forces. Verran et al.32 simulated wear on AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steel and studied the retention of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The results showed that wear corresponding to Ra < 0.8 μm did not significantly affect the retention of microorganisms, but the pattern of M. HO^EVAR et al.: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 609–617 613 the attachment was highly affected by the surface topography.32 Linear surface features will be more easily cleaned along rather than across the features and presumably also more easily than surfaces with random linear features across the surface. Furthermore, an in- crease in the surface roughness may cause the entrap- ment of microorganisms within the surface features and reduce the cleanability; however, if the surface features are significantly larger than the microbial cells, then they are relatively easily removed from the surface.14 There- fore, it is important to visualise the surface features as well as measure the roughness parameters as the wear of food contact surfaces can affect the topography without any observable change in roughness.45 3.1.2 Effect of surface chemistry, hydrophobicity and energy Stainless steels, produced in various grades and finishes, also vary in surface properties like chemistry, topography, roughness and surface energy.14,15 Stainless steel forms an invisible oxide film (passivation) on the surface composed of chromium and iron oxides that protects the steel from corrosion.14,15,45 The composition of the oxide film depends on the metal substrate, the surface finish and the surrounding medium.15 When scratched from surface the oxide layer forms within seconds and due to the speed of re-passivation it is difficult to determine the exact chemical composition of the surface.45 The passive film on a stainless steel is not static but it changes (grows, dissolves and may adsorb or incorporate anions) according to the environment.56 M. HO^EVAR et al.: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ... 614 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 609–617 Figure 2: SE images of attachment patterns of Escherichia coli cells to surfaces with different surface finishes of AISI 316L stainless steel: a) 2B surface finish, b) 2B surface finish grinded with 100 SiC grit paper, c) 2B surface finish grinded with 800 SiC grit paper and d) 2B surface finish polished with diamond paste 3 μm and 1 μm to mirror finish. On 2B surface finish (a) microorganisms attach to the crevices between oxide grain boundaries, whereas on mechanically polished surface finishes (b, c) bacteria align often along longitudinal scratches (when comparable to the size of the bacteria). On the other hand, mirror finish (d) exhibited a less pronounced topography and microorganisms were observed to be distributed across the surfaces more randomly.47 Slika 2: SE-slike razporeditve celic bakterije Escherichia coli na razli~no obdelanih povr{inah nerjavnega AISI jekla 316L: a) 2B povr{ina, b) 2B povr{ina, bru{ena z granulacijo papirja 100 SiC, c) 2B povr{ina, bru{ena z granulacijo papirja 800 SiC in d) 2B povr{ina, polirana z diamantno pasto 3 μm in 1 μm. Na povr{ini 2B (a) se bakterije pritrjujejo v razpoke med oksidnimi zrni na povr{ini, medtem ko se na mehansko bru{enih vzorcih (b, c) bakterije pogosto orientirajo vzdol` prask (kadar so primerljivih velikosti z bakterijami). Po drugi strani poliran vzorec nima izrazite topografije in razporeditev bakterij na povr{ini je naklju~na.47 From a physico-chemical standpoint, the energy charac- teristics of stainless steel depend on the surface finish and on the cleaning process used15 and a high- or low-energy surface can be obtained depending on the cleaning treatment.15,28 Surface energy is inversely proportional to the thickness of the contaminating carbon layer that is not eliminated by cleaning. The cleaning also affects the surface charge of the steel. For a given surface finish, and with a pH above the isoelectric point, a more or less negatively charged surface can be obtained.15 In the food industry, the electrostatic interactions are repulsive because stainless-steel surfaces are generally negatively charged at neutral or alkaline pH and microorganisms are also negatively charged at these pH values in low-con- centration aqueous solutions. In weakly charged liquids such as water, repulsive electrostatic interactions are significant, whereas in high electrolyte concentrations (milk, wine) the effect of surface charge is obscured.15 Metals compared to polymers have a high surface ener- gy, they are mainly hydrophilic, frequently negatively charged6,15,17 and when exposed adsorb dissolved solutes or atmospheric contaminants, thus being rarely clean.17 On the other hand, metal oxides provide positively- charged surfaces that can significantly increase the adhesion of negatively-charged bacteria to surfaces, pri- marily due to their positive charge and hydrophobicity.40 It is thought that hydrophobic materials are more sus- ceptible to bacterial adhesion in contrast to hydro- philic.6,7 The adhesion of vegetative cells, bacterial spores and freshwater bacteria has been shown to increase with increasing surface hydrophobicity. The cell attachment to hydrophobic plastic occurs very quickly compared to hydrophilic surfaces (metals oxides, metal and glass) where longer exposure times are needed.43 Marine Pseudomonas sp. attach in large numbers to hydrophobic plastics with little or no surface charge, moderate to hydrophilic metals with a positive or neutral surface charge and few to hydrophilic, negatively charged materials such as glass and oxidized plastics.6 Teixeira et al.57 reported that hydrophobic and hydro- philic bacteria attach in greater numbers to relatively hydrophobic surfaces with a low surface energy like AISI 316 and AISI 304 stainless steel compared to polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and glass which are more hydrophilic. Sinde and Carballo58 studied the adhe- sion of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogens strains to AISI 304 stainless steel, rubber and polytetra- fluorethylene (PTFE). The attachment results showed that in general Salmonella and Listeria monocytogens strains adhered in greater numbers to more hydrophobic material (rubber and PTFE), with stainless steel being the least hydrophobic.58 Boulangé-Petermann et al.28 studied the wettability of AISI 304 stainless steel with 2B and 2RB surface finishes with respect to the cleaning process. The cleaning process affected the wettability of a solid stainless steel surface; however, the results obtained regarding bacterial adhesion showed no direct correlation between the wettability or surface energy and the adhesion of Streptococcus thermophiles.28 Flint et al.26 studied the adhesion of thermoresistant streptococci (Streptococcus thermophilus and Streptococcus waiu) to different substrates (stainless steel, aluminium, zinc, cooper and glass) and different grades of stainless steel (AISI 304L and AISI 316L). The influence of substrate hydrophobicity, charge and a thin oxide film on stainless steel surfaces was also investigated with respect to the adhesion of thermo-resistant streptococci.26 The results showed that bacteria preferentially attach to stainless steel and zinc compared to copper, aluminium and glass. Bacteria adhere in higher numbers to AISI 316L stainless steel with a 2B surface finish compared to AISI 304L stainless steel with the same surface finish, indi- cating the role of the chemical composition on the adhesion.26 On the other hand, Percival et al.59,60 reported a greater number of adhering viable cells on AISI 304 stainless steel compared to grade AISI 316 in a water piping system over a period of a few months. Flint et al.26 also observed that negatively charged surfaces attracted more bacteria than positively charged surfaces and the unpassivated stainless-steel surface (without oxide layer) reduced the adhesion of thermo-resistant streptococci, thus suggesting that a stainless-steel surface oxide film enhances adhesion. However, when stainless steel is exposed to air repassivation occurs and the ability to attract bacteria is restored.26 The influence of surface energy on adhesion has been studied extensively and the surface energy of the material is an important factor influencing adhesion. The Baier curve demonstrates the relationship between the relative adhesion of organisms and the energy of the surface where minimal adhesion occurs between 20–30 mN/m.61 The surface energy of the substrate also depends on the conditioning layer (defined by the sur- rounding environment) and surface structure with surface irregularities. In an aqueous environment a conditioning film forms immediately after exposure of the surface and changes the substrate properties and affects microbial retention.43 More comprehensive investigations on different stainless steels with well-known properties (roughness, topography and surface chemistry) are necessary in order to determine the effect of surface chemistry on bacterial adhesion. However, surface physico-chemical properties are interrelated, therefore, it is difficult to draw the conclusions of the effects on adhesion due solely to one of them.15 4 CONCLUSIONS Bacterial adhesion is governed by properties of the material surface, bacterial surface characteristics and the surrounding environment, therefore a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach is necessary in order to improve the understanding of factors contributing to the adhesion and retention of bacteria to surfaces. M. HO^EVAR et al.: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF STAINLESS-STEEL SURFACE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 609–617 615 The adhesion of bacteria to stainless steel and retention on surfaces can enhance the corrosion of steel, present the source of contamination in the food-pro- cessing industry, cause healthcare problems in medicine and decreases the performance of equipment in other industries, thus causing economic losses. Therefore, it is important to control and reduce the adhesion process. Stainless-steel surface properties including rough- ness, topography, chemistry, surface energy and hydro- phobicity affect the adhesion of bacteria. These factors are interdependent. The surface topography and roughness play a crucial role, especially when they are comparable to the size of the bacteria and can promote the adhesion and retention while reducing the cleanability of the surface. On the other hand, hydrophobicity and surface energy also play an important role in the adhesion process as hydrophobic surfaces are more susceptible to adhesion in comparison to hydrophilic ones and a low surface energy is better than a high surface energy. The physico-chemical properties of the substrate are important in initial cell adhesion; however, once a bio- film is formed the effect of surface properties on adhe- sion diminishes, but the effect on retention and cleanabi- lity is still observable. In order to reduce or manage the adhesion to stain- less-steel surfaces in food processing, medical appli- cation and other industries, knowledge of factors that govern bacterial adhesion is necessary for each material being used. It is important to take into account the grade of the steel, the surface finish applied, the surface roughness, the cleaning procedures used and the age of the steel. A surface-modification approach should concentrate on a reduction of the initial bacterial adhesion process and, on the other hand, cleaning protocols used should be improved, to increase the removal of bacteria. With wear these protocols should be adjusted (intensified). Stainless steel is hard, inert, hygienic and has good wear resistance compared to plastic and ceramics, and when using smooth surfaces with effective cleaning and disinfection procedures this is the best approach to reducing adhesion in food processing, medicine and industry. However, we also have to take into account the pro- perties of different bacteria and surrounding environment where stainless steel is exposed. Therefore, the adhesion of a particular group of bacteria that are expected to contaminate the surfaces should be tested. 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ADSORPTION OF HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF STEEL-MAKING SLAG ADSORPCIJA HEKSAVALENTNEGA KROMA IZ VODNE RAZTOPINE JEKLARSKE @LINDRE Anita [trkalj1, Zoran Glava{1, Gordana Matija{i}2 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44 000 Sisak, Croatia 2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Maruli}ev trg 19, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia strkalj@simet.hr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-01-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-18 A batch removal of Cr(VI) ions from an aqueous solution under different experimental conditions using steel-making slag as a low-cost adsorbent is presented in this paper. The obtained results showed that the steel-making slag is an effective adsorbent for the removal of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions. The adsorption of Cr(VI) with the steel-making slag follows the Langmuir isotherm equation. Among the tested kinetics models in this study (pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich and intraparticle-diffusion models), the pseudo-second-order equation successfully predicted the adsorption. The thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption process were determined and discussed. Keywords: adsorption, Cr(VI) ions, steel-making slag, isotherms, kinetic, thermodynamic V ~lanku je predstavljena raziskava odstranjevanja ionov Cr(VI) iz vodne raztopine z jeklarsko `lindro kot poceni adsorbenta pri razli~nih eksperimentalnih razmerah. Dobljeni rezultati so pokazali, da je jeklarska `lindra u~inkovit adsorbent za odstranje- vanje Cr(VI) ionov iz vodnih raztopin. Adsorpcija ionov Cr(VI) z jeklarsko `lindro se sklada z Langmuirovo izotermno ena~bo. V tej {tudiji je od preizku{enih kineti~nih modelov (psevdo prvega reda, psevdo drugega reda, Elovichev model in model difuzije med delci) ena~ba psevdo drugega reda uspe{no napovedala adsorpcijo. Dolo~eni in obravnavani so termodinami~ni parametri za proces adsorpcije. Klju~ne besede: adsorpcija, ioni Cr(VI), jeklarska `lindra, izoterme, kinetika, termodinamika 1 INTRODUCTION Over the last few decades, due to their increased use in the treatment of metals and ceramic, glass production, mining operations and the production of batteries, various heavy metals were released into terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.1 The increase in the environmental contamination with heavy metals is a big concern for ecological systems and human health due to their toxicity, accumulation in food and persistence in nature.2 The main focus in water and wastewater treatment is given to hexavalent chromium due to its carcinogenic properties.3 Cr(VI) ions are considered as one of the top 16 toxic pollutants and due to their carcinogenic effect on humans, they have become a serious health problem.4 Cr(VI) ions can be released into the environment from various industrial operations such as the treatment of metals, production of iron and steel and the production of inorganic chemicals.5 Heavy metals can be removed from aqueous solu- tions using various techniques such as ion exchange,6 precipitation7 and adsorption.8 Adsorption has been successfully used to remove heavy metals.9 For several decades, activated carbon has been used as an adsorbent for the purification of industrial wastewater.10 Although it is a most appropriate adsorbent for removing heavy metals, its widespread use was limited due to its high cost. Steel-making slag as an alternative adsorbent has been used to remove heavy metals in the environmental field. Due to its unique properties, steel-making slag is used as an alternative adsorbent for removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Steel-making slag is a by-product of the steel production and a waste material that is widely used due to its useful properties.11 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Adsorption experiments were performed using the batch-equilibration technique. The initial concentrations of Cr(VI) ions were prepared in the range of 50–300 mg/L of dissolving K2Cr2O7 in distilled water. A series of Erlenmeyer flasks containing steel-making-slag samples 1 g and solutions 50 mL were sealed until equilibrium was obtained. Then the adsorbent was removed by fil- tration. The concentration of Cr(VI) ions was determined using an atomic absorption spectrometer with a graphite furnace, equipped with Zeeman background correction. A Cr hollow-cathode lamp operating at the current of 4 mA was used as a line source. The measurements were performed at 357.9 nm, with the slit fixed at 0.8 nm. The atomization was carried out with the following parameters: T = 2400 °C, the ramp rate of 1200 °C/s and the dwell time of 6 s.12 Each analysis was performed in triplicate and the average value was taken as the result. The chemical composition of the steel-making slag was determined with the standard chemical analysis13 and the result in mass fractions (w) is: CaO – 36 %, MgO – Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 619–622 619 UDK 544.726:544.3:544.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)619(2014) 0.3 %, MnO – 18 %, SiO2 – 17 %, Al2O3 – 1.4 %, FeO – 27 %. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Adsorption isotherms Figure 1 shows the adsorption isotherms of Cr(VI) ions on the steel-making slag. The adsorption of Cr(VI) ions on the steel-making slag increased with an increase in the ion concentration. This finding is similar to the other studies.11,14 The adsorption-equilibrium data were processed using two isotherms: the Freundlich and Langmuir iso- therms. The Langmuir isotherm (Equation 1) and the Freundlich isotherm (Equation 2) can be expressed as:7,8 q q K c K ce L e L e = + max 1 (1) q K c ne F e= 1 / (2) where ce is the equilibrium concentration of Cr(VI) ions, qmax (mg/g) and qe (mg/g) are the maximum adsorption capacity and the adsorbed amount of Cr(VI) ions. KF (mg/g) and n are the Freundlich constants. KF (L/mg) is the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent and n is the intensity of adsorption. KL is the Langmuir constant related to the energy of adsorption. The parameters of the two isotherms calculated with Equations (1) and (2) are presented in Table 1 and the fitting curves for the experimental data are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Table 1: Parameters of the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption-iso- therm models Tabela 1: Parametri Langmuirovega in Freundlichovega modela adsorpcijskih izoterm Langmuir Freundlich T K qmax mg/g KL L/mg r2 n KF mg/g r2 293 313 333 3.14 3.05 3.59 0.020 0.034 0.029 0.9580 0.9765 0.9912 2.24 2.51 2.80 0.251 0.366 0.930 0.8678 0.9327 0.9172 A comparison of the correlation coefficients and the fitting curves obtained using the two models shows that the Langmuir model was more suitable for the adsorp- tion of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions by the steel-making slag. The Langmuir theory considers the adsorption onto the materials with homogeneous specific surfaces. Therefore, the maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) can be obtained from the fittings of the adsorption isotherm.9 The main feature of the Langmuir adsorption iso- therm is a dimensionless constant called the separation factor or equilibrium parameter (RL), presented by the following equation:15,16 R K cL = + 1 1 L 0 (3) where c0 is the initial concentration of Cr(VI) ions (mg/L). The RL value indicates the shape of the isotherm to be irreversible (RL = 0), favorable (0 < RL < 1), linear (RL = 1) or unfavorable (RL > 1).17,18 The RL value for the studied Cr(VI) ions/steel-making slag system varied from 0.17 to 0.63. It means that the steel-making slag is A. [TRKALJ et al.: ADSORPTION OF HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ... 620 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 619–622 Figure 3: Freundlich isotherms for the adsorption of Cr(VI) ions by steel-making slag Slika 3: Freundlichove izoterme za adsorpcijo ionov Cr(VI) na jeklarsko `lindro Figure 2: Langmuir isotherms for the adsorption of Cr(VI) ions by steel-making slag Slika 2: Langmuirove izoterme adsorpcije ionov Cr(VI) na jeklarsko `lindro Figure 1: Adsorption isotherms of system steel-making slag – Cr(VI) ions Slika 1: Adsorpcijske izoterme sistema jeklarska `lindra – ioni Cr(VI) favorable for the adsorption of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions under the conditions used in this study. For the Freundlich isotherm, as shown in Table 1, n is equal to 2.24. In many cases n > 1; this may be a result of the distribution of surface sites or another factor causing a decrease in the adsorbent/adsorbate interaction due to an increase in the surface density.19 The values of n in the range from 2 to 10 indicate a good adsorption.20 3.2 Adsorption dynamics The study of adsorption dynamics describes the rate of solute removal. This rate controls the residence time of the adsorbate uptake at the solid/solution interface. The kinetics of the Cr(VI) ion adsorption on steel- making slag was analyzed using pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich and intraparticle-diffu- sion-kinetic models21–24 (diagram not shown here). The correlation coefficient (r2) indicates the fitting experi- mental data and the values predicted by the model. A high value of r2 (close or equal to 1) indicates that the model successfully describes the kinetics of the adsorption of Cr(VI) ions. The pseudo-first-order equation is generally ex- pressed as follows:15 d d e t q t k q q t = −1 ( ) (4) where qe and qt are the adsorption capacities at equili- brium and at time t, respectively (mg/g), and k1 is the rate constant of the pseudo-first-order adsorption (L/min). The pseudo-second-order adsorption-kinetic-rate equation is expressed as:15 d d e t q t k q q t = −2 2( ) (5) where k2 is the rate constant of the pseudo-second-order adsorption (g/(mg min)). The Elovich model equation is generally expressed as:15 d d t q t q t = − exp( ) (6) where  is the initial adsorption rate (mg/(g min)) and  is the desorption constant (g/mg) during the experiment. The intraparticle-diffusion model is expressed as:15 R k t a= id ( ) (7) where R is the percent of the Cr(VI) ions adsorbed, a is the gradient of linear plots and kid is the intraparti- cle-diffusion-rate constant (h–1). Figure 4 shows the results of the adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) ions on the steel-making slag versus time at 293 K. The parameters of adsorption-kinetic models are presented in Table 2. The kinetic adsorption of Cr(VI) ions on the steel- making slag followed the pseudo-second-order model (the correlation coefficient (r2) was the highest – 0.9999). The r2 values indicate that the intraparticle- diffusion process is the rate-limiting step. Higher values of kid indicate a better mechanism of adsorption and an increase in the adsorption rate, which is related to an improved bonding between Cr(VI) ions and the adsor- bent particles.24 3.3 Thermodynamic studies It is necessary to perform thermodynamic studies of the adsorption process to conclude whether the process is spontaneous or not. The Gibbs free energy change (G°) is an important parameter determining the spontaneity of the chemical reaction. In order to determine the Gibbs free energy of the process it is necessary to know the entropy and enthalpy. The reaction occurs spontaneously at a given temperature if G° has a negative value. The Gibbs free energy change (G°), the enthalpy change (H°) and the entropy change (S°) were calculated from a variation of the thermodynamic equilibrium Langmuir constant, KL. The thermodynamic parameters were calculated using the following equations:25 ΔG RT K° = − ln L (8) ln K S R H RTL = ° − °Δ Δ (9) A. [TRKALJ et al.: ADSORPTION OF HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 619–622 621 Figure 4: Adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) ions on steel-making slag versus time at 293 K Slika 4: ^asovna odvisnost kapacitete adsorpcije ionov Cr(VI) na jeklarsko `lindro pri 293 K Table 2: Constants of the adsorption kinetic models (system Cr(VI) ions – steel-making slag) Tabela 2: Konstante kineti~nih modelov adsorpcije (sistem Cr(VI) ioni – jeklarska `lindra) Pseudo first order Pseudo second order Elovich model Intraparticle-diffusion model k1 L/min r2 k2 g/(mg min) r2  g/mg  mg/(g min) r2 kid h–1 a r2 0.121 0.9204 2.777 0.9999 1.560 2.615 0.9061 17.227 0.340 0.8200 where H° and S° were determined from the slope and the intercept of the plot of lnKL versus 1/T (diagram not shown here). Thermodynamic parameters are given in Table 3. Table 3: Thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption of Cr(VI) ions on steel-making slag Tabela 3: Termodinami~ni parametri adsorpcije ionov Cr(VI) na jeklarsko `lindro T K G°, J mol–1 H°, kJ mol–1 S°, J mol–1 K–1 293 313 333 –9.529 –3.397 –2.159 A negative value of G° (Table 3) indicates that the adsorption is highly favorable and spontaneous. A nega- tive value of H° indicates that the adsorption is exo- thermic. The adsorption in the solid/liquid system consists of two processes: the adsorption of the adsorbate (solute) and desorption of the solvent (water) molecules that have been previously adsorbed. In an endothermic process, to be adsorbed, the adsorbate particles have to displace more than one water molecule. This results in the endothermic reaction of the adsorption process. On the order hand, in an exothermic process, the total energy consumed for bond breaking is lower than the total energy released during the formation of the bond between an adsorbate and an adsorbent. This results in the release of the extra energy in the form of heat. Therefore, H° will be negative. The value of H° also indicates the type of adsorption. The heat produced during the physical adsorption is the same as the heats of condensation, i.e., 2.1–20.9 kJ mol–1.26 On the order hand, the heat of chemisorption generally falls into the range of 80–200 kJ mol–1.26 Accordingly, the data in Table 3 show that the adsorption of Cr(VI) ions can be attributed to the physical-adsorption process. A negative value of S° indicates that the adsorption process is enthalpy driven. A negative value of the entropy change (S°) also indicates a decreased disorder at the solid/ liquid interface during the adsorption process causing the adsorbate ions/molecules to escape from the solid phase to the liquid phase.26 It this case, there is a decrease in the amount of the adsorbate that can be adsorbed.27 4 CONCLUSIONS The present study shows that steel-making slag is an effective adsorbent for a Cr(VI) ion removal from an aqueous solution. The equilibrium studies confirmed that the Langmuir model was better in describing the adsorp- tion of Cr(VI) ions on steel-making slag. The dimension- less-separation factor (RL) showed that steel-making slag could be used for the removal of Cr(VI) ions from an aqueous solution. The amount of the adsorbed Cr(VI) ions increased with an increase in the temperature. The kinetics of the adsorption of Cr(VI) ions on steel-making slag followed a pseudo-second-order model. 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STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND CYTOTOXICITY CHARACTERIZATION OF AS-CAST BIODEGRADABLE Zn-xMg (x = 0.8–8.3 %) ALLOYS STRUKTURNE, MEHANSKE IN CITOTOKSI^NE LASTNOSTI BIORAZGRADLJIVE Zn-xMg (x = 0,8–8,3 %) ZLITINE V LITEM STANJU Jiøí Kubásek1, Iva Pospí{ilová1, Dalibor Vojtìch1, Eva Jablonská2, Tomá{ Ruml2 1Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic 2Department of Microbiology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic kubasek.jiri@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-04-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-04 In the present work, the structural, tensile, compressive and bending mechanical properties as well as the cytotoxicity of the Zn-Mg biodegradable alloys containing mass fractions from 0 % up to 8.3 % Mg were studied. It was found that the maximum tensile and compressive strengths of 170 MPa and 320 MPa, respectively, were obtained for the Zn-0.8Mg alloy. This alloy also showed the highest tensile elongation of 2 %. Mechanical properties were discussed in relation to the various structural features of the alloys. The structure of the strongest Zn-0.8Mg alloy was composed of a fine mixture of -Zn dendrites and -Zn + Mg2Zn11 eutectics. The cytotoxicity was evaluated with an indirect contact assay using human osteosarcoma cells (U-2 OS). The cytotoxicity of the Zn-0.8Mg alloy extract was low and only slightly higher than in the case of the pure-Mg extract. Keywords: biodegradable material, zinc, mechanical properties, structure, cytotoxicity V tem delu so bile preu~evane struktura, natezne, tla~ne in upogibne mehanske lastnosti biorazgradljive zlitine Zn-Mg z masnim dele`em od 0 % do 8,3 % Mg. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da sta bili pri zlitini Zn-0,8Mg dose`eni najve~ja natezna in tla~na trdnost 170 MPa oziroma 320 MPa. Ta zlitina je tudi pokazala najve~ji raztezek 2 % pri natezni obremenitvi. Mehanske lastnosti so prikazane v odvisnosti od mikrostrukturnih zna~ilnosti zlitin. Mikrostruktura najmo~nej{e zlitine Zn-0,8Mg je bila sestavljena iz -Zn-dendritov in -Zn + Mg2Zn11-evtektika. Citotoksi~nost je bila ocenjena s posrednim preizkusom kontakta s celicami ~love{kega osteosarkoma (U-2 OS). Citotoksi~nost ekstrakta zlitine Zn-0,8Mg je bila majhna in samo malo ve~ja v primerjavi z ekstraktom ~istega Mg. Klju~ne besede: biorazgradljiv material, cink, mehanske lastnosti, struktura, citotoksi~nost 1 INTRODUCTION Biodegradable implant materials progressively de- grade in the human body after the implantation, produc- ing relatively non-toxic compounds and, simultaneously, they are being replaced by the growing tissue. Biodegra- dable polymeric materials have been known and used for a long time. However, polymeric materials are not suit- able for the load-bearing applications such as screws or plates for fractured bones, due to their low mechanical strength.1 Among biodegradable metallic materials, magnesium alloys have attracted the greatest interest since the beginning of the 20th century.2 The reason for this is that magnesium is relatively non-toxic to the human body and excessive amounts of it can be readily excreted by the kidneys. Moreover, it is very important for many biological functions of the human body. The main disadvantage of most magnesium alloys explored so far is that they corrode too rapidly in physiological environments, producing excessive amounts of hydrogen and increasing the alkalinity close to the implant.2–6 Both factors retard the healing process. Therefore, large efforts have been devoted to finding magnesium-based alloys degrading at acceptably low rates and many kinds of Mg-based alloys, like AZ, AM, LAE, WE, Mg-Zn, Mg-Zn-Ca, Mg-Zn-Mn-Ca, Mg-Zn-Y, Mg-Gd, Mg-Zn- Si and others, have been studied until now.7–16 In Mg-based biodegradable alloys, zinc is often one of the major constituents. Zinc is known to improve the strength and corrosion resistance of magnesium and, from the biological point of view, it is generally consi- dered relatively non-toxic.17 In the majority of the Mg biodegradable alloys given above, the concentrations of zinc do not exceed several mass fractions w/%. But a deep eutectic in the Mg-Zn binary-phase diagram18 with about 51 % Zn supports the glass-forming ability (GFA) of Mg-Zn-based alloys with high concentrations of zinc. Amorphous ternary Mg-Zn-Ca alloys whose composi- tions are close to the eutectic point were already pre- pared19,20 and shown to be promising candidates for biodegradable implants. Due to the unordered atomic structures and high Zn contents, amorphous alloys have an excellent strength, high corrosion resistance, low hydrogen evolution rate and a good biocompatibility in animals. Until now, bulk amorphous Mg-Zn-Ca samples of only a few millimeters in size have been prepared. The fact that zinc is a biologically tolerable element, even when its content in Mg-based alloys approaches Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 623–629 623 UDK 669.55:620.17 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)623(2014) w = 50 %,21 indicates that Zn-based alloys may also be promising candidates for biodegradable implants. This has motivated our research of Zn-based biodegradable alloys. The main advantage of these materials over Mg-Zn metallic glasses is that they are much easier to prepare using the classical routes like gravity or die cast- ing, hot rolling, hot extrusion, ECAP, etc. In our previous work22 we provided information on the basic mechanical and corrosion properties of three binary Zn-Mg alloys containing w(Mg) = 1–3 %. We have shown that these alloys are significantly more corrosion resistant in a simulated body fluid (SBF) than Mg alloys. Possible zinc doses and toxicity were estimated and found to be negligible when compared to the tolerable biological daily limit of zinc. Magnesium was shown to strengthen the alloys and it is also known to support the healing process of the hard tissue.22 To properly design a load-bearing implant, the me- chanical properties of an implant material are of a great importance. For this reason, this work is focused on the mechanical characterization including the hardness, tensile, compressive and bending properties of a series of the Zn-Mg binary alloys containing w(Mg) = 0–8 %. These limits were selected to be around the eutectic point in the Zn-Mg system (approximately w(Mg) = 3 %).18 Moreover, the cytotoxicity of zinc was also assessed and compared with magnesium and other elements. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In this study, pure zinc and six binary Zn-Mg alloys containing w = 0.8–8.3 % of Mg were studied. The designations and chemical compositions of the studied alloys are given in Table 1. Zn-based alloys were prepared by melting pure zinc (99.95 %) and magnesium (99.90 %) in a resistance furnace in air. To prevent an excessive evaporation of volatile zinc, the melting temperature did not exceed 500 °C, and the homogenization was ensured with an intense mechanical stirring using a graphite rod. After a sufficient homogenization, the melts were poured into a cast-iron mold to prepare cylindrical ingots of 20 mm in diameter and 130 mm in length. The chemical compo- sitions were verified at both ends of the ingots with X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), as shown in Table 1. The structures of the alloys were studied using light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Tescan Vega 3) with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS, Oxford Instruments Inca 350). The phase composition was also confirmed with an X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD, X Pert Pro). The mechanical properties of the as-cast alloys were characterized with hardness, tensile, compressive and bending tests. The samples for these tests were cut di- rectly from the as-cast ingots. A loading of 5 kg was used for Vickers-hardness measurements. The rod samples for tensile tests had a diameter and length of 10 mm and 120 mm, respectively. Compressive tests were realized with rectangular samples of 10 mm × 10 mm × 15 mm in size. The compressive loading direction was parallel to the longest dimension. For three-point bend- ing tests, rod samples of 4 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length were used. All the mechanical tests used a defor- mation rate of 1 mm/min. Fracture surfaces were exa- mined after the tensile and bending tests using SEM. The cytotoxicity of Zn-Mg alloys was assessed by using human osteosarcoma cells (U-2 OS). The investi- gated Zn-0.8Mg alloy and pure magnesium were used in these tests. Pure magnesium was used for comparison because it is generally considered to have a good bio- compatibility and it is, thus, the basis of the most exten- sively studied metallic biomaterials. Before the extrac- tion, cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) with a 10 % fetal bovine serum (FBS), 100 U/mL penicillin, 1 mg/mL streptomycin and 250 ng/mL amphotericin B at 37 °C in a humidified atmosphere of 5 % CO2. The cytotoxicity was evaluated with an indirect-contact assay. Extracts were prepared by immersing the alloys in a DMEM medium containing a 5 % FBS and antibiotics at 37 °C for 7 d. The ratio of the surface area of the alloy samples to the extraction me- dium was 1 cm2/mL. The extracts were then withdrawn and diluted twice. The concentrations of Zn and Mg released from Zn-0.8Mg and Mg, respectively, were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS). The cells were seeded at a density of cells 2.5 × 104 mL–1 and incubated in 96-well cell culture plates for 24 h to allow attachment. The medium was then replaced with 100 μL of the extracts. The controls for a comparison of the cell viability involved both pure DMEM medium (100 % viability) and 0.64 % phenol in the DMEM medium as the toxic control. After the incubation of the cells in a humidified atmosphere of 5 % CO2 at 37 °C for 1 d the extracts were removed. The cells were then washed twice using phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and overlaid with a phenol red-free DMEM medium containing 5 μL of the WST-1 reagent (Roche) per well. The plates were incubated with WST-1 for 4 h at 37 °C. The assay is based on the reduction of tetrazolium salt to soluble formazan due to mitochondrial enzymes of the viable J. KUBÁSEK et al.: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND CYTOTOXICITY CHARACTERIZATION ... 624 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 623–629 Table 1: Chemical compositions of the investigated alloys in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijske sestave preiskovanih zlitin v masnih dele`ih (w/%) Alloy designation Zn Zn-0.8Mg Zn-1.6Mg Zn-2.5Mg Zn-3.5Mg Zn-5.4Mg Zn-8.3Mg Mg concentration <0.01 0.79 ± 0.05 1.57 ± 0.04 2.51 ± 0.03 3.47 ± 0.03 5.36 ± 0.12 8.32 ± 0.04 cells. The absorbance of the samples characterizing the cell viability was measured using a microplate reader at 450 nm with a reference wavelength of 630 nm. The higher the absorbance, the higher is the viability of the cells. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Structures The light micrographs of the investigated alloys are shown in Figure 1. It is seen in Figure 1a that the pure zinc is composed of almost equi-axed grains of approxi- mately 20 μm in size. The structures of the alloys from Zn-0.8Mg to Zn-2.5Mg (Figures 1b to 1d) are hypo- eutectic, i.e., they are composed of the primary -Zn dendrites (light) and the -Zn + Mg2Zn11 eutectic mixture (dark) in interdendritic regions, dominated by the lamellar and rod morphologies of the eutectic phases (see also a detailed view inserted in Figure 1d). The presence of the two phases of -Zn and Mg2Zn11 in the alloys was also confirmed with XRD (not shown). The average thickness of the dendritic branches in these alloys is approximately 30 μm and the volume fraction of the eutectic mixture increases with the increasing Mg concentration. In all the hypoeutectic alloys the average eutectic interparticle spacing is approximately 2 μm (Figure 1d). The composition of the Zn-3.5Mg alloy is very close to the eutectic point in the binary Zn-Mg phase diagram.18 Its structure (Figure 1e) is, thus, domi- nated by a very fine rod-and-lamellar -Zn + Mg2Zn11 eutectic mixture, in which the average eutectic interpar- ticle spacing is close to that in the previous alloys (2 μm). The eutectic mixture creates the colonies of 50–200 μm in size that differ in the spatial orientation of the rods and lamellae. The Zn-5.4Mg and Zn-8.3Mg alloys (Fig- ures 1f and 1g, respectively) are hypereutectic, contain- ing sharp-edged Mg2Zn11 intermetallic phases (light) and the -Zn+Mg2Zn11 eutectic mixture (dark). Rod and lamellar eutectic particles are observed (Figure 1g). Like in the hypoeutectic and eutectic alloys, the average eutectic interparticle spacing is approximately 2 μm. The volume fraction and dimensions of the primary inter- J. KUBÁSEK et al.: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND CYTOTOXICITY CHARACTERIZATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 623–629 625 Figure 1: Light and detailed SEM micrographs of the alloys: a) Zn, b) Zn-0.8Mg, c) Zn-1.6Mg, d) Zn-2.5Mg, e) Zn-3.5Mg, f) Zn-5.4Mg, g) Zn-8.3Mg Slika 1: Svetlobni in podrobni SEM-posnetki mikrostrukture zlitin: a) Zn, b) Zn-0,8Mg, c) Zn-1,6Mg, d) Zn-2,5Mg, e) Zn-3,5Mg, f) Zn-5,4Mg, g) Zn-8,3Mg metallic phases increase with the increasing Mg contents in the alloys. The nature of the Mg2Zn11 intermetallic phases was verified with XRD (not shown) and EDS, determining mole fractions x = 15.1 % Mg and x = 84.9 % Zn in these particles. Due to enrichment in magnesium, the particles are often surrounded by a thin layer of the -Zn phase. 3.2 Mechanical properties Figure 2 shows various mechanical properties of the Zn-Mg alloys as functions of the Mg content. One can see that there is a direct relationship between the Mg content and mechanical properties. The hardness of the Zn-Mg alloys increases with the Mg concentration from approximately 37 HV5 for the pure zinc up to 226 HV5 for the Zn-8.3Mg alloy (Figure 2a). This behavior can be attributed to the increasing volume fraction of the hard Mg2Zn11 intermetallic phase due to magnesium (Figure 1). The compressive mechanical properties summarized in Figure 2b show a similar trend, i.e., the compressive yield strength increases with the Mg concentration from 80 MPa (the pure zinc) up to 625 MPa (the Zn-3.5Mg alloy). The ultimate compressive strength of the alloys containing 0–3.5 % Mg was not measured because they were not broken during the loading, suggesting a good compressive plasticity of hypoeutectic and eutectic alloys. In the case of hypoeutectic alloys this plasticity is attributable to a relatively large volume fraction of the soft -Zn phase (Figures 1a to 1d). The compressive plasticity of the eutectic Zn-3.5Mg alloy is a little sur- prising because this alloy contains approximately volume fraction  = 50 % of the brittle Mg2Zn11 eutectic phase (Figure 1e). A detailed insert in Figure 1e shows that the eutectic mixture is very fine and that the average diameter of eutectic rods and the thickness of eutectic lamellae do not significantly exceed 1 μm. During the compressive loading, hard eutectic particles act as stress concentrators. The larger are the particles, the higher is the local-stress increase around them. In the case of fine eutectic particles, the local-stress increase in their vici- nity is probably small; therefore, the alloy shows an unlimited plastic deformation in compression. In con- trast, at higher Mg concentrations the fracture took place before the onset of the plastic deformation, therefore, only the values of the ultimate compressive strength of the Zn-5.4Mg and Zn-8.3Mg alloys are shown in Figure 2b. Both these alloys contain sharp-edged primary Mg2Zn11 intermetallic phases (Figures 1f to 1g). Their sizes, shapes and brittle nature indicate that the stress concentration around them is high. Fracture cracks, thus, grow at a low nominal compressive stress of slightly above 200 MPa, i.e., significantly below the onset of the plastic deformation. Bending mechanical properties are illustrated in Figure 2c. It is observed that a bending strength first J. KUBÁSEK et al.: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND CYTOTOXICITY CHARACTERIZATION ... 626 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 623–629 Figure 2: Mechanical properties of Zn-Mg alloys versus Mg con- centration: a) Vickers hardness HV5, b) compressive tests (UCS – ultimate compressive strength, CYS – compressive yield strength), c) bending tests (UBS – ultimate bending strength, BYS – bending yield strength), d) tensile tests (UTS – ultimate tensile strength, TYS – tensile yield strength, E – elongation) Slika 2: Mehanske lastnosti zlitin Zn-Mg glede na koncentracijo Mg: a) trdota po Vickersu HV5, b) tla~ni preizkus (UCS – kon~na tla~na trdnost, CYS – meja plasti~nosti pri tla~nem preizkusu), c) upogibni preizkus (UBS – kon~na upogibna trdnost, BYS – meja plasti~nosti pri upogibnem preizkusu), d) natezni preizkus (UTS – kon~na natezna trdnost, TYS – meja plasti~nosti pri nateznem preizkusu, E – raztezek) increases with the increasing Mg concentration and reaches the maximum of 320 MPa at 0.8 % Mg. At higher Mg concentrations, the bending strength progres- sively reduces to 110–120 MPa at 3.5–5.4 % Mg. The bending yield strength also increases with the increasing Mg concentration, i.e., with the increasing volume fraction of the eutectic mixture, and reaches 253 MPa at 1.6 % Mg. The alloys with higher Mg amounts fracture before the onset of the macroscopic plastic deformation. The results illustrated in Figure 2c also show that the plasticity of Zn-Mg alloys during bending is lower com- pared to that during compressive loading. In the com- pressive tests, the Zn-3.5Mg alloy can withstand a significant plastic deformation, whereas in the bending tests this alloy is macroscopically brittle. The reason for this difference is in the nature of the local stresses in the alloys during loading. During macroscopic compressive loading, the compressive component of the local stresses predominates. On the other hand, bending induces the local tensile stresses supporting the formation and growth of defects and macroscopic fracture cracks. Tensile mechanical properties are summarized in Figure 2d. As in the previous case, the ultimate tensile strength increases up to 170 MPa at 0.8 % Mg. Higher Mg concentrations lead to a decrease in the ultimate tensile strength to 73 MPa for the Zn-2.5Mg alloy. The tensile yield strength reaches the maximum of 124 MPa at 0.8 % Mg. At this concentration an elongation of the alloy is 2 %. The alloys with the Mg concentrations above this limit fractured before the macroscopic plastic deformation due to an increased fraction of the brittle Mg2Zn11 phase. These results confirm the above finding that the plasticity of Zn-Mg alloys decreases with the increasing tensile component during loading. In the tensile testing, the most detrimental tensile-stress com- ponent is the most pronounced supporting an easy nucle- ation and growth of fracture cracks. The fracture surfaces of the selected alloys after tensile testing are shown in Figure 3. One can observe that zinc shows a brittle and intercrystalline fracture (Figure 3a) without any plastic deformation. Individual grains are clearly visible in this figure. Figure 3b shows the fracture surface of the Zn-0.8Mg alloy with the highest bending and tensile strengths. In contrast to the pure zinc, this surface has a significantly refined morphology, in which both the primary zinc and eutectic (Figure 1b) can be clearly distinguished. The primary zinc dendrites are characterized by an almost brittle fracture that corresponds to the flat facets on the fracture surface. The eutectic mixture that surrounds these facets exhibits a refined morphology and there is an indication of a plastic deformation in this area. The refined fracture morphology with a certain degree of plastic deformation is associated with improved bending and tensile strengths of this alloy because both the fine grains and the hard network represent barriers for the growing crack. It appears that the Zn-0.8Mg alloy provides the optimum volume fractions of both structural compo- nents. The fracture surface of the Zn-2.5Mg alloy in Figure 3c also includes the flat facets of the primary -Zn and the regions of refined morphology corres- ponding to the -Zn + Mg2Zn11 eutectic mixture (Figure 1d). But a high portion of the brittle Mg2Zn11 eutectic phase negatively affects both the bending and tensile strengths because this phase acts as a source of defects during mechanical loading at which fracture cracks nucleate. Based on the results shown in Figure 2, it can be assumed that the Zn-0.8Mg alloy is the most promising material for load-bearing implants because it reaches the maximum bending and tensile strengths of 320 MPa and 168 MPa, respectively. The Zn-0.8Mg alloy also shows a good plasticity in all three loading modes. In compres- sion this alloy is able to be deformed without a fracture. When considering an application of Zn-Mg alloys as, for example, the fixation screws or plates for fractured bones, the mechanical properties of the alloys should be compared to those of bones or other biomaterials. Table 2 provides a summary of the tensile, compressive and bending mechanical properties of bones, the Zn-0.8Mg J. KUBÁSEK et al.: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND CYTOTOXICITY CHARACTERIZATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 623–629 627 Figure 3: Fracture surfaces of Zn-Mg alloys after the tensile tests: a) Zn, b) Zn-0.8Mg, c) Zn-2.5Mg Slika 3: Povr{ina preloma zlitin Zn-Mg po nateznih preizkusih: a) Zn, b) Zn-0,8Mg, c) Zn-2,5 Mg alloy, biodegradable polymers (polylactic acid, PLA), hydroxyapatite, inert Ti-, Co- and Fe-based alloys.1,23–28 One can see that the Zn-0.8Mg alloy is characterized by significantly higher tensile and bending strengths as compared to the biodegradable PLA and hydroxyapatite. Moreover, the strength and elastic modulus of this alloy are much closer to those of the bone, as compared to the inert Ti-, Co- or Fe-based biomaterials. 3.3 Cytotoxicity The Zn and Mg concentrations in the extracts pre- pared using the Zn-0.8Mg alloy and Mg are 4 μg/mL and 43 μg/mL, respectively. The significantly lower concen- tration of zinc results from a much better corrosion resistance of the zinc alloy as compared to magnesium, as shown in our previous work.22 Figure 4 illustrates the cytotoxic effects of the extracts on the U-2 OS cells, expressed as the percent absorbance of the DMEM control. It is observed that pure magnesium is tolerated well by U-2 OS cells because these cells are fully viable in the extract containing 43 μg/mL Mg (almost a 100 % absorbance). This measurement confirms the presump- tion stated in the experimental section that magnesium has a good biocompatibility. What is more important in this study is that the U-2 OS cells exposed to the extract from the Zn-0.8Mg alloy also show a good viability of 80 %, i.e., only slightly lower than in the case of the Mg extract. Due to a low corrosion rate of zinc,22 its concen- trations in the extracts are very low and, therefore, such extracts are not toxic for the cells. A similar situation can be expected in the case of Zn implants in the human body. The zinc present in the body fluids would probably not cause any toxic effects, despite the lower tolerable biological limits of zinc as compared to magnesium. 4 CONCLUSIONS Biodegradable Zn-Mg alloys containing from 0 % to more than 8 % Mg were investigated in this work. It was shown that only the alloys containing relatively low con- centrations of Mg (approximately 1 %) are suitable for the load-bearing implants in the as-cast state, because they have high tensile and bending strengths and an acceptable elongation. The strength of such alloys is higher than those of biodegradable polymers and hydro- xyapatite and comparable to that of the bones. Good mechanical properties result from a relatively fine struc- ture composed of primary zinc and interdendritic eutec- tic. It is assumed that an additional improvement in the strength can be achieved with hot extrusion. At the Mg concentrations of above 1 %, Zn-Mg alloys become relatively brittle mainly during tensile loading. Zn-Mg alloys can be considered as the alternatives to Mg-based biodegradable alloys. The main advantage of zinc alloys over magnesium alloys lies in their signifi- cantly better corrosion resistance in simulated body fluids. Therefore, the concentrations of the Zn ions extracted from alloys are low and they do not cause any significant toxic effects, as demonstrated with the cyto- toxicity tests involving human osteosarcoma U-2 OS cells in this study. Acknowledgements The research of the biodegradable metallic materials was financially supported by the Czech Science Foundation (project no. P108/12/G043). 5 REFERENCES 1 J. R. Davis, Handbook of materials for medical devices, ASM Inter- national, Materials Park 2003 J. 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FEKRACHE et al.: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A BULK AND NANOSTRUCTURED Al-Fe SYSTEM STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A BULK AND NANOSTRUCTURED Al-Fe SYSTEM KARAKTERIZACIJA STRUKTURE OSNOVE IN NANOSTRUKTURE SISTEMA Al-Fe Abdelhak Fekrache, Mohamed Yacine Debili, Saliha Lallouche LM2S, Physics department, Faculty of Science, Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University, 23200 Annaba, Algeria mydebili@yahoo.fr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-08-06; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-12 The main purpose of the present paper is a study of the properties of stable and metastable structures of several binary Al1–xFex alloys (0 = x = 0.92) made with high-frequency induction fusion and radiofrequency (13.56 MHz) cathodic sputtering from composite Al-Fe targets, resulting in homogeneous thin films. The study of the lattice parameters and mechanical behaviour was followed by X-ray diffraction and Vickers microhardness measurements of bulk and sputtered Al-Fe thin films. The phenomenon of a significant mechanical strengthening of the aluminium by means of iron is essentially due to a combination of the solid-solution effects and the grain-size refinement. A further decrease in the thin-film grain size can cause a softening of the solid and then the Hall-Petch relation slope turns from positive to negative at a critical size called the strongest size, which is coherent with the thin-film dislocation density. Keywords: aluminium alloys, sputtering, microhardness, thin films, grain size, Hall-Petch Glavni namen te predstavitve je {tudij lastnosti stabilnih in metastabilnih struktur v ve~ binarnih zlitinah Al1–xFex (x-vrednosti so v molskih dele`ih 0 = x = 0,92), izdelanih z visokofrekven~nim zlivanjem in radiofrekven~nim (13,56 MHz) katodnim napr{evanjem iz kompozitnih tar~ Al-Fe, ki omogo~ajo homogene tanke plasti. Po {tudiju mre`nih parametrov in mehanskih lastnosti je bila izvr{ena rentgenska difrakcija in dolo~ena mikrotrdota po Vickersu osnove in napr{ene tanke plasti Al-Fe. Pojav ob~utnega pove~anja mehanske trdnosti aluminija z `elezom je zaradi kombinacije med vplivi trdne raztopine in zmanj{anja velikosti zrn. Nadaljnje zmanj{anje zrn v tanki plasti lahko povzro~i meh~anje in potem se smer razmerja Hall-Petch obrne od pozitivnega k negativnemu pri kriti~ni velikosti, za katero je zna~ilna najve~ja koherenca z gostoto dislokacij v tanki plasti. Klju~ne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, napr{evanje, mikrotrdota, tanke plasti, velikost zrn, Hall-Petch 1 INTRODUCTION The characterization of solidification microstructures is essential in many applications. However, the com- position complexity of most technical alloys makes such an analysis quite difficult. Microcrystalline and nano- crystalline materials can currently be produced with several methods, like the rapid solidification (RS) or physical vapor deposition (PVD), and the resulting metal has a polycrystalline structure without any preferential crystallographic grain orientation. Aluminium and its alloys with their low densities and easy working have a significant place in the car industry, aeronautics and food conditioning. The on-glass-slides, sputter-deposited, aluminium-based, alloy thin films such as Al-Mg,1 Al-Ti,2,3 Al-Cr4 and Al-Fe5–7 exhibit a notable solid solution of aluminium in the films and microhardness values higher than those of the corresponding traditional alloys. The inverse Hall–Petch effect (IHPE) has been observed for nanocrystalline materials by a large number of researchers.8,9 This effect implies that nanocrystalline materials get softer as the grain size is reduced below its critical value. In this paper, we report on a study of the inverse Hall–Petch effect with respect to a practical question as to whether ductility is increased in high- strength metals. The goal of this paper is to highlight the particular structural behaviours of different Al-Fe alloys prepared by RF magnetron sputtering on glass substrates in terms of structure, lattice parameter, grain size, dislocation density and deviation from the normal Hall-Petch relation. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The eight bulk samples used in the present work, shown in Table 1, were quenched from the liquid state after high-frequency induction fusion. Powder alumi- nium and iron (99.999 %) were used in the proportions defined according to the required compositions. The total mass of the samples to be elaborated was between 8 g and 10 g. A cold compaction of the mixed powder (Al-Fe) was achieved to obtain a dense product (60 %), intended for a high fusion frequency (HF). A sample densified in this way was then placed in a cylindrical alumina crucible (height of 3 cm and diameter of 16 mm), introduced into a quartz tube and placed in the coil prior to the high-frequency fusion. After the primary vacuum, the heating of the sample was carried out in steps, with a ten-minute maintenance stage towards 600 °C until the complete fusion of the alloys at a tempera- ture of about 1140 K, as determined with a pyrometer. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 631–637 631 UDK 669.715:532.6:669.058 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)631(2014) Light microscopy (using a Philips microscope) was used for the polished surface observations. The micro- structure of the alloys was examined on metallographic microsections. The mechanical polishing technique involved 600–4000 SiC grinding paper. The samples were etched for 15 s with Keller’s reagent (5 mL HF + 9 mL HCl + 22 mL HNO3 + 74 mL H2O). X-ray diffrac- tion analyses were performed using a Philips X-ray diffractometer working with a copper anticathode ( = 0.154 nm) and covering 180° in 2. The samples were subjected to heat treatments in primary vacuum media at 500 °C for a period of 1 h. The twelve targets used in the elaboration of the aluminium-iron thin films were made from a bulk aluminium crown of 70 mm of diameter in which is inserted a bulk copper or iron disc. Using bulk material minimizes the oxygen in the films. This target shape enables the easy control of an additional element composition in the films (Table 1). The films were on 75 mm × 25 mm × 1 mm glass slides that were radiofrequency (13.56 MHz) sputter- deposited under low pressure of 0.7 Pa and a substrate temperature that does not exceed 400 K. The sub- strate–target distance was 80 mm. The sputtering is carried out with a constant power of 200 W, an auto- polarization voltage of –400 V, that acquired by the plasma is –30 V, a regulation intensity of 0.5 A and a argon flow of 30 cm3/min. After 1 h and 30 min, the deposition velocity is 2.5 μm/h and films of about 3 μm to 4 μm thickness were obtained. The chemical analysis of atomic Fe in Al-Fe was made by X-ray dispersion spectroscopy. The microstruc- ture of the films was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Philips X-ray diffractometer working with a cobalt K anticathode ( = 0.179 nm) and covering 120° in 2, and transmission electronic microscopy (Philips CM12) operating under an accelerating voltage of 120 kV. The Vickers indentation under low load allows us to specify by means of the microhardness the mechanical strengthening of the aluminium by iron addition. The measures were realized by means of a Matsuzawa MTX microdurometre. To reach the intrinsic hardness of the deposit and free itself from the influence of the substrate, the Bückle law10 must be taken into account. This law imposes a depth of penetration h that does not exceed a tenth of the thickness e of the deposit. So, to have h < 0.1 e, it is necessary to respect the condition D < 0.7 e, where D is the diagonal of the square impression left by the Vickers indenter (pyramid of angle in the summit equal to 136 °). We chose to work with a normal load of 0.1 N (10 g). In addition, the deposit had to have a thickness of at least 10 μm so that the previous condition was satisfied. Thin film specimens were sealed in silica ampoules in an argon atmosphere, after a previous evacuation to a pressure of 1.33 × 10–6 mbar, and then heat treated at 500 °C for a period of 1 h. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The liquid-quenched Al-60 % Fe alloy is characte- rized by an ordered B2 (FeAl) CsCl-type structure, as revealed by the X-ray diffraction pattern (Figure 1a), and described in Table 2. For 74 % Fe we observe a structural change leading to a DO3-ordered structure (Figure 1b), while when the iron content reaches 85 % and as showed by X-ray diffraction pattern of Figure 1c, the structure changes completely, giving rise a disor- dered -Fe solid solution (Figure 2 and Table 2). Table 2: Phase limits in bulk Al-Fe produced by high-frequency induction fusion Tabela 2: Fazne meje v osnovi iz Al-Fe, izdelani z visokofrekven~nim indukcijskim zlivanjem A. FEKRACHE et al.: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A BULK AND NANOSTRUCTURED Al-Fe SYSTEM 632 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 631–637 Figure 1: X-ray diffraction patterns of various as-solidified Fe-rich alloys: a) B2, b) DO3 and c) -Fe Slika 1: Posnetki rentgenske difrakcije razli~nih strjenih z Fe bogatih zlitin: a) B2, b) DO3, c) -Fe Table 1: Chemical compositions of the bulk and the sputtered Al-Fe alloys (amount fractions, x/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava osnove in napr{ene zlitine Al-Fe (mno`inski dele`i, x/%) x(Fe)/% Bulk 5.09 10.78 17.16 30 40 60 74 85 Sputtered 5.6 7.8 18 23 27 29 36 39 47 70 71.9 71.9 For sputtered Al-Fe, the lattice parameter of the -Al phase decreases from 0.405 nm (pulverized pure alumi- nium deposit) to 0.403 nm (pulverized deposit contain- ing x(Fe) = 5 %). This decrease in the parameter is not surprising since the radius of the iron atom (RFe = 0.124 nm) is lower than that of the aluminium atom (RAl = 0.143 nm). The lattice parameter of the body-centred-cubic phase or the B2 phase (in the composition field x(Fe) = 45–55 %) decreases in an appreciably linear way bet- ween x(Fe) = 38 % (x(Al) = 62 %) (a = 0.295 nm) and pure iron (a = 0.287 nm) while passing the value a = 0.291 nm for the pulverized deposit containing x(Fe) = 70 % (x(Al) = 30 %) (Figure 3). This decrease is again explained by the difference in size between the alumi- nium and iron atoms. With the fraction of Al increasing, the bulk Al-Fe lattice parameter increases linearly, which indicates that the Al simply substitutes for Fe on the Fe sublattice. There is a change of slope that occurs at 20 % Fe, but when the percentage of Fe is larger than 20 %, the lattice parameter decreases, which may indicate that these com- positions are in a two-phase field, where the BCC-to- FCC transition may occur between 30 % and 40 % Fe, see the inset in Figure 3. Similar results were obtained by Pike et al.11 The results clearly indicate that the larger Fe atom preferentially occupies the anti-structure sites on the Al sublattice, and only when these are filled do the Fe atoms begin to occupy the vacancy sublattice. Between amount fractions 10 % and 20 % Fe, the bulk alloy microhardness remains almost constant. Beyond 20 % Fe it will begin increasing until a maximum at 40 % Fe (Figure 4). We observed a Gaussian-shaped curve for the as-solidified alloys. The effect of iron on the mechanical properties of aluminium alloys has been reviewed extensively.12,13 The detrimental effect of iron on the ductility is due to two main reasons: 1) the size and number density of iron-containing intermetallics like Al3Fe and Al2Fe increases with iron content, and the more intermetallics there are, the lower the ductility; 2) as the iron-level increases, the porosity increases, and this defect also has an impact on the ductility (Table 2). A. FEKRACHE et al.: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A BULK AND NANOSTRUCTURED Al-Fe SYSTEM Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 631–637 633 Figure 3: Lattice-parameter variation with iron composition on the aluminium-rich side and iron-rich side. Inset shows a change of the slope for 20 % iron. Slika 3: Spreminjanje mre`nih parametrov s koli~ino `eleza na z alu- minijem bogati strani in z `elezom bogati strani. Vlo`eni diagram prikazuje spremembo naklona pri x(Fe) = 20 % Figure 2: As-quenched microstructures from bulk Al-Fe Slika 2: Kaljena mikrostruktura osnove iz Al-Fe Figure 4: Microhardness evolution with iron content for bulk Al-Fe Slika 4: Spreminjanje mikrotrdote z vsebnostjo `eleza v osnovi iz Al-Fe For the Al-Fe deposits the intrinsic microhardness of the thin films increases according to the content of iron from 130 HV (pure aluminium) up to a maximum in the form of plate of 800 HV, located between 45 % and 70 % Fe, and then follows a decrease to reach that of iron towards 400 HV (Figure 5). We have shown in previous work6,14 that in alumi- nium-based thin films the microhardness is always related to the structural and sub-structural features via the influence of the technological physical conditions of vapour condensation and film growth. 3.1 Grain size Two methods were used for the quantitative approach of the grain size. The first is the application of the Scherer formula.15 This is based on a measure of the width of the X-ray diffraction field via a measurement of the angular width (2). The crystallites average dimen- sion being given by = 0. 9/(2(cos), where  is the wavelength of the radiation used,  is the angular position of the diffraction line and  (2) is the width with half intensity expressed in radians. This method assumes the exploitation of diagrams obtained in /2 focusing mode with a low divergence of the incidental beam. In order to limit the errors, diagrams on alumi- nium and iron with coarse grains (several micrometres) allowed a free from the instrumental widths of the lines (111) Al and (110) bcc (body centred cubic) which was used. The results that come from this method provide a good estimate of the grain size when the grain is smaller than 1 μm. The second method consists of evaluating the grain size starting from images obtained using transmission electron microscopy (Figure 6). The evolution of the -Al grain size in the presence of iron is similar to that already observed in the presence of chromium or titanium.3,4 Whereas the grain of a pulverized pure aluminium deposit has a size of about 1 μm, this falls to approximately 500 nm for x(Fe) = 5 %. Beyond this composition, the microstructure in the two-phase field (-Al + amorphous) becomes increasingly fine with grains whose dimensions do not exceed 30 nm to 40 nm (Figure 7). The refinement of the microstructure, in cathodic sputtering, at the time of the addition of an alloy element in aluminium, is constant, because this element is substituting in the solid solution5,14 or insert- ing in the aluminium.16 Concerning the body-centred-cubic phase and the ordered B2 simple cubic phase observed for iron con- centrations higher than x = 38 %,17 the grain size varies slightly with iron content in the range of the composition A. FEKRACHE et al.: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A BULK AND NANOSTRUCTURED Al-Fe SYSTEM 634 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 631–637 Figure 7: X-ray diffraction pattern of wholly amorphous Al-81.5 % Fe deposit and quasi-amorphous Fe-70.5 % Al deposit Slika 7: Posnetek rentgenske difrakcije popolnoma amorfnega nanosa Al-81,5 % Fe in kvazi amorfnega nanosa iz Al-70,5 % Fe Figure 6: Bright-field transmission electron micrographs and associ- ated selected-area diffraction ring pattern showing a mixture of nano- crystalline and amorphous phases from an Al-7.5 % Fe deposit Slika 6: Posnetek mikrostrukture s presevnim elektronskim mikro- skopom in izbrano podro~je difrakcije, ki prikazuje me{anico nanokristalini~nih in amorfnih faz v nanosu iz Al-7,5 % Fe Figure 5: Comparative microhardness variations with iron content for bulk and sputtered Al-Fe Slika 5: Primerjava spremembe mikrotrdote z vsebnostjo `eleza v osnovi in v napr{enem Al-Fe studied (38 % to 72 % Fe) and lies between 200 nm and 250 nm (Figure 8 and Table 3). Table 3: Phase limit in deposits Tabela 3: Meje faz v nanosih For Al-Fe films containing between amount fractions 30 % and 40 % iron we observe an inverse evolution of the Hall-Petch relationship (IHPR) (Figure 9). However, as the crystal is refined from the micro- metre regime into the nanometre scale, this mechanism will break down because the grains are unable to support dislocation pile-ups. Typically, this is expected to occur for grain sizes below 10 nm for most metals.18 There is a growing body of experimental evidence for such unusual deformations in the nanometre regime; however, the underlying atomistic mechanisms for the IHPR remain poorly understood. The physical origin of the IHPR transition and the factors dominating the strongest size are a long-standing puzzle.19 Two main plausible hypotheses have been advanced to explain the deviation from the Hall-Petch relation. First in the HPR regime, crystallographic slips in the grain interiors govern the plastic behaviour of the poly- crystallite; while in the IHPR regime, grain boundaries dominate the plastic behaviour. This hypothesis is sup- ported by recent computer simulations of deformation in ultrafine-grained material.20 However, it is not clear from these simulations that grain-boundary sliding could become dominant at grain sizes as large as 20 nm; a recent simulation for Cu suggests a transition at 6–7 nm.9 Second, very small grains cannot support distributions of dislocations, so the pile-up and dislocation-density mechanisms for Hall-Petch behaviour cease to apply. Relevant experimental work has recently been published by Misra et al.21 3.2 Dislocation density The finer the grains, the larger the area of the grain boundaries that impedes the dislocation motion. Further- more, grain-size reduction usually improves toughness as well. The dislocation density for Al-Fe thin films has been determined by using the Williamson and Smallman method.22 Between amount fractions 7.8 % Fe and 36 % Fe, the dislocation density of heat-treated thin films is more sensitive to iron than in the as-deposited specimen (Figure 10). This phenomenon may be explained by the relatively small grain size of the as-prepared coatings. From 36 % Fe the dislocation density drops drastically, probably due to the structural change of the coatings from a mixture Al (fcc) or Fe (bcc) with an amor- phous phase to crystalline (bcc) phase. This behaviour is coherent with the inverse Hall-Petch effect (IHPE) A. FEKRACHE et al.: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A BULK AND NANOSTRUCTURED Al-Fe SYSTEM Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 631–637 635 Figure 8: Grain size evolution with iron content Slika 8: Spreminjanje velikosti zrn od vsebnosti `eleza Figure 10: Dislocation density versus iron content for as-deposited and annealed Al-Fe thin films Slika 10: Gostota dislokacij v odvisnosti od vsebnosti `eleza za nane- sene in `arjene tanke plasti Al-Fe Figure 9: Variation of microhardness with the inverse square root of the grain size Slika 9: Spreminjanje mikrotrdote z inverzno vrednostjo kvadratnega korena velikosti zrn observed in the same iron concentration range. However, as the crystal is refined from the micrometre scale into the nanometre scale, this mechanism will break down because the grains are unable to support dislocation pile-ups. The dislocation density after a subsequent heat treat- ment of the coatings decreases in nearly the same manner as in the as-deposited state until 36 % Fe. Beyond this composition the variation become very slight, because the grain has reached its micrometre size 3.3 Micro deformation There are several methods (we chose that of William- son and Hall23) that can determine the average grain size (D) and the average microstrain rate ( ). For aluminium compositions between amount frac- tions 30 % and 70 %, the microstrain coming from the tension stress varies smoothly. Beyond 70 % Al the vari- ation become more pronounced, until 90 % Al, and cor- responds to the amorphous domain phase. For alumi- nium compositions higher than 90 %, the microstrain falls again in the domain of -Al solid solution (Figure 11). A transition of the microstrain from tensile to com- pressive can be seen after the subsequent heat treatment at 500 °C for a period of 1h, for amorphous films with an aluminium content between mole fractions 68 % and 90 %. It is well known that the atomic peening of the grow- ing film by energetic particles is currently believed to favor both a dense morphology and grain size refine- ment. The energetic particles are not only the sputtered metal atoms, but also the high-energy neutral reflected gas atoms.24,25 Both the flux and the energy of the high-energy neutral reflected gas atoms are proportional to the Mt : Mg ratio, where Mt is the atomic mass of the target material and Mg is that of the gas. As the transient metal (TM) is always heavier than Al, increasing the TM insert size on the target is equivalent to increasing the Mt : Mg ratio, and this leads to an enhancement of the in-situ bombardment of the growing film. 4 CONCLUSION The analysis of the main experimental results issued from the present study leads to an extended solid solution in sputtered films versus liquid quenched alloys and significant mechanical strengthening of the alumi- nium by means of iron, essentially due to a combination of solid-solution effects and grain-size refinement. The lattice-parameter change of slope that occurs at 20 % Fe in a bulk alloy may indicate that the BCC-to-FCC transition may occur between amount fractions 30 % and 40 % Fe. The bulk alloy microhardness is related to the detrimental effect of iron on the ductility. The Gaussian increase in the hardness of the alloys as the Fe content increases is explained by the intermetallic Al3Fe and Al2Fe phase formation. These phases are found in an eutectic-like structure over a wide composition range, while for Al-Fe deposits, the intrinsic microhardness of the thin films increases in a parabolic way according to the content of iron. A transition of the microstrain from tensile to com- pressive can be seen after the heat treatment at 500 °C for a period of 1 h, for amorphous films with aluminium contents between mole fractions 68 % and 90 %. On an other hand, the dislocation density is observed to exhibit a decreasing trend in both the as-deposited and heat-treated specimens. From 36 % Fe the dislocation density drops sharply, probably due to the structural change of the coatings from a mixture Al (fcc) or Fe (bcc) with an amorphous phase to a crystalline (bcc) phase. This behaviour is in line with the inverse Hall- Petch effect (IHPE) observed for the same concentration range of iron. 5 REFERENCES 1 R. D. Arnell, R. I. Bates,Vacuum, 43 (1992), 105 2 T. Uesugi, Y. Takigawa, K. Higashi, Mat. Sci. 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FEKRACHE et al.: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A BULK AND NANOSTRUCTURED Al-Fe SYSTEM Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 631–637 637 S. ªAHÝN et al.: WEAR BEHAVIOR OF Al/SiC/GRAPHITE AND Al/FeB/GRAPHITE HYBRID COMPOSITES WEAR BEHAVIOR OF Al/SiC/GRAPHITE AND Al/FeB/GRAPHITE HYBRID COMPOSITES VEDENJE HIBRIDNIH KOMPOZITOV Al/SiC/GRAFIT IN Al/FeB/GRAFIT PRI OBRABI Salim ªahýn, Nilay Yüksel, Hülya Durmuº, Simge Gençalp Ýrýzalp Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Engineering, Materials Engineering Department, Manisa, Turkey nilay.yuksel@cbu.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-08-12; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-26 Silicon carbide is often the preferred reinforcement in the production of aluminium-powder composites. In this study, alumi- nium composites were produced with 10 % and 20 % silicon-carbide and ferroboron reinforcements and (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5) % graphite additions using powder metallurgy. The effects of the reinforcement type, the amount and the graphite content on the wear resistance were investigated. When compared with the unreinforced aluminium sample, it was clear that the increasing reinforcement increased the wear resistance. It was determined that the increasing graphite content negatively affects the wear resistance. The sample including 20 % ferroboron and 0 % graphite showed the minimum wear rate. Keywords: aluminum hybrid composite, ferroboron, silicon carbide, wear Silicijev karbid se pogosto uporablja za oja~anje pri proizvodnji aluminijevih kompozitov iz prahov. V tej {tudiji so bili alumi- nijevi kompoziti izdelani po metalurgiji prahov, utrjeni z 10 %, 20 % silicijevega karbida, fero-bora in dodatkom (0, 0,5, 1 in 1,5) % grafita. Raziskani so bili vplivi vrste oja~itve, koli~ine oja~itve in koli~ine grafita na odpornost proti obrabi. V primerjavi z neutrjenimi vzorci aluminija je razvidno, da se odpornost proti obrabi pove~uje z ve~anjem utrjevanja. Ugotovljeno je, da pove~anje koli~ine grafita negativno vpliva na odpornost proti obrabi. Najmanj{o stopnjo obrabe je pokazal vzorec, ki je vseboval 20 % fero-bora in bil brez grafita. Klju~ne besede: aluminijev hibridni kompozit, fero-bor, silicijev karbid, obraba 1 INTRODUCTION Powder metallurgy is considered as a good technique for producing metal-matrix composites1 and has a wide range of applications ranging from automotive to ad- vanced aerospace components2. P/M components are an established economic alternative to the components made with other manufacturing processes as well as the only means to produce those components that cannot be made with other methods2. One of the best properties of the composites fabricated with powder metallurgy is ob- tained when the reinforcement is homogeneously dis- persed in the matrix, as proven with both experimental and theoretical studies3. Another advantage of the powder-metallurgy technique is the fact that it allows us to manufacture near-net-shape products at low costs1. Al-based particulate-reinforced metal-matrix compo- sites have attracted much interest due to their potential use and desirable properties4. Aluminum is one of the best materials for the matrix because of its low density, high conductivity and high toughness. The other advantage of using Al for the matrices of MMCs is its corrosion resistance which is very important when using composites in different environments3,5. Aluminum P/M alloys are used in the automobile industry for cylinder liners, cylinder blocks and drive shafts, replacing more traditional ferrous alloys6,7. Moreover, Al composites are used for helicopter parts in aeronautics, such as the parts of the body, the support for rotor plates and rotor vanes in compressors7. Their use is a part of the trend toward the materials that can reduce the weight of a vehicle6. However, a low wear resistance of pure aluminum is a serious drawback in using it in many applications1. An addition of a non-metallic second phase such as oxides, carbides, nitrides and borides to aluminum alloys can dramatically improve the mechanical properties and wear resistance of the materials8. Particle reinforcements are more favorable than the fiber type as they allow a better control of the microstructure and mechanical pro- perties obtained by varying the size and the volume frac- tion of the reinforcement1. Aluminium-matrix composites (AMCs) reinforced with SiCP are recognized as important advanced structu- ral materials due to their desirable properties, including a high specific stiffness, a high specific strength, a high temperature resistance and an improved wear resistance9. So, many studies were carried out on the preparation and wear properties of the Al-matrix composites with the SiC-particle reinforcements10–13. However, there are not many works on the wear behavior of the Al-matrix com- posites with the FeB-particle reinforcements. Generally, the effect of the FeB reinforcement on the wear pro- perties was investigated for iron-based P/M alloys14–17. In addition to the contact configuration for different types of the wear tester, the wear behavior of materials is related to several factors such as the properties of the materials sliding against each other and experimental Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 639–646 639 UDK 621.762:669.018.9 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)639(2014) conditions including environmental conditions, load, speed, etc.8 The wear rate and friction coefficient of an Al-matrix composite strongly depends on the reinforce- ment particles, the amounts of the reinforcement and graphite12,13,18,19. It was found that the wear rate of a hard-particle composite is substantially lower than that of the base material7,20. The reinforcement of an alumi- num matrix with SiC or FeB was generally found to improve the wear resistance7,14,21. In this study, an aluminum-matrix composite with the reinforcement of SiC or FeB and an addition of graphite (Gr) particulates was explored for tribological properties. In many works, it was reported that graphite particulates form a solid lubricant on a tribosurface19,22,23. Generally, an addition of graphite to aluminum alloys is known to decrease the strength, fracture energy, ductility and hard- ness of the materials. A graphite particulate has a brittle structure; therefore, the tendency of crack initiation and propagation increases at the graphite-metal interface19,22. Also, the final properties of the metal-matrix composites depend on the matrix and ceramic reinforcements, the bonding of the ceramic reinforcements, the size and dis- tribution of ceramic reinforcements and the graphite particulates in an aluminum matrix. According to the literature studies, little information about the effect of the FeB reinforcement and graphite particulates on the wear properties is available. In this work, the effect of the FeB reinforcement, the SiC reinforcement and graphite on the wear properties of P/M composites was investigated. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Production of the composites In this study Al/SiC/Gr hybrid composites with the size of Ø 20 mm × 10 mm were produced using the pow- der-metallurgy method. The chemical composition of the aluminium powder was 98.23 % Al–0.0056 % Fe–1.52 % MgO. The sizes of aluminium, FeB and SiC powders were below 53 μm. Al/Gr composites were reinforced with SiC and FeB particles. The composites were produced with the addi- tions of w = (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5) % graphite and w = (10, 20) % FeB or SiC (Table 1). The powder mixtures were pressed under a 400 MPa load, with the size of Ø 20 mm × 10 mm. The green samples were sintered at 620 °C for 1 h. 2.2 Microstructural investigation Microstructural examinations were carried out with SEM to investigate the porosities and particle clusters. 2.3 Density The densities of the composite samples were measured according to Archimedes’ principle and their porosity ratios were calculated. 2.4 Wear tests A CSM instruments ball-on-disc wear-test unit was employed in the present work for a tribological analysis under dry-sliding conditions with the Al-SiCp + Al-FeBp composites against a 100 Cr6 stainless-steel ball. The stainless-steel counter-face material had a diameter of 6 mm. All the experiments were carried out at a load of 3 N at room temperature. Each test was performed with a sliding speed of 20 cm/s and the track diameter was 8 mm. The speed, temperature and sliding-distance conditions were all kept constant in each test. This procedure was executed for each sample along the total sliding distance of 250 m. The coefficient of friction was recorded during the wear testing by a transducer on the load arm of the tribometer. The quantitative value of the wear was obtained by measuring the cross-sectional area of the wear track and then the wear rate was calculated by the TRIBOX 2.10.C program. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructural investigation It can be seen that SiC particles dispersed uniformly in the aluminium matrix (Figure 1). But in the FeB-reinforced samples, some clusters of FeB particles S. ªAHÝN et al.: WEAR BEHAVIOR OF Al/SiC/GRAPHITE AND Al/FeB/GRAPHITE HYBRID COMPOSITES 640 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 639–646 Figure 1: Microstructure of 10 % SiC + 1.5 % Gr reinforced com- posite Slika 1: Mikrostruktura kompozita, oja~anega z 10 % SiC + 1,5 % grafita Table 1: Powder compositions of composite samples (mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Sestava prahov kompozitnih vzorcev (masni dele`i, w/%) Sample Al SiC Gr Sample Al FeB Gr 1 90 10 0 9 90 10 0 2 89.5 10 0.5 10 89.5 10 0.5 3 89 10 1 11 89 10 1 4 88.5 10 1.5 12 88.5 10 1.5 5 80 20 0 13 80 20 0 6 79.5 20 0.5 14 79.5 20 0.5 7 79 20 1 15 79 20 1 8 78.5 20 1.5 16 78.5 20 1.5 were noticed (Figure 2a). The sample including 20 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr, exhibiting the maximum porosity, had pores around the reinforcements and also between the grain boundaries due to insufficient sintering (Figure 2b). In contrast, there were no pores around the rein- forcement particles of the sample including 10 % SiC + 1.5 Gr which exhibited the minimum porosity (Figure 1); moreover, no insufficient sintering was confirmed. The maximum porosity was revealed in the sample with the maximum reinforcement. It is thought that the pores originating from insufficient sintering can result from the cold-pressing pressure. Due to the negative influence of an increase in the reinforcement on the compressibility, the sintering process for the sample reinforced with 20 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr was not adequately maintained. More- over, the pores arising from the clusters must be consi- dered. 3.2 Density The compressibility of composite powders is notice- ably lower than that of the unreinforced matrix, often producing a low green density and an insufficient strength to support secondary processing like sintering, machining or extrusion4. Reinforcement particles have a tendency to associate themselves with porosity and give rise to particle-porosity clusters24. The presence of non- metallics such as unreduced oxides reduces the com- pressibility because of their hardness and low specific gravity2. Rahimian et al.25 reported that as the amount of alumina increases, the relative density declines. The reason for this, in comparison with pure aluminum, is the decline in the pressing capacity of the samples with the increase in the amount of alumina. This is due to a higher hardness of alumina. Therefore, these composites have a lower compressibility resulting in a lower relative density25. In Figure 3 it can be seen that the increasing amount of reinforcement has increased the porosity. SEM images of the microstructures show the increase in the porosity with the increasing reinforcement (Figures 1 and 2). Also, Tekmen et al.24 found that the increasing reinforcement volume fraction increases the porosity content. In the present study the porosity ratio of the unreinforced aluminium composite was calculated as 3.77 %. So, the minimum porosity ratio compared to the reinforced samples was shown. It was observed that the composites with an addition of FeB have a higher poro- sity compared to the SiC samples. During the micro- structural investigation, agglomerations of FeB particles were noticed particularly in larger reinforcement amounts (Figure 2a). The SiC-reinforced composites showed a more homogeneous distribution in the alumi- nium matrix. So, it was concluded that a particle agglo- meration causes an increase in the porosity. In general, the porosity due to the increasing graphite amount exhibited a downward trend except for the com- posites reinforced with 20 % FeB (Figure 3). Due to the FeB clusters (Figure 2a), the graphite could not properly show its lubricant effect during cold pressing. S. ªAHÝN et al.: WEAR BEHAVIOR OF Al/SiC/GRAPHITE AND Al/FeB/GRAPHITE HYBRID COMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 639–646 641 Figure 2: Microstructure of 20 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr reinforced composite: a) FeB cluster in the structure, b) porosities due to insufficient sintering Slika 2: Mikrostruktura kompozita, oja~anega z 20 % FeB + 1,5 % grafita: a) skupek FeB v strukturi, b) poroznosti zaradi nezadostnega sintranja Figure 3: Porosity values of the composites (w/%) Slika 3: Dele` poroznosti kompozitov (w/%) 3.3 Wear tests From Figure 4, it can be concluded that the maxi- mum wear rate was obtained for the sample consisting of 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr and the minimum wear rate was obtained for the sample without graphite and reinforced with 20 % FeB. The wear-test parameters generated a very large wear scar on the unreinforced aluminium, so that the profilometer could not scan the whole section of the wear scar. For this reason, the wear rate of the un- reinforced aluminium composite could not be calculated; however, it can be said that the unreinforced aluminium shows a higher wear rate than the reinforced ones. The wear resistance increased as the reinforcement proportion increased from 10 % to 20 % since the hard SiC and FeB particles in the matrix resisted the coun- terpart. The increased reinforcement reduced the contact area between the counterpart and the relatively soft matrix, thus the abrasion (wear) was reduced. Figure 5 explains this phenomenon. Here, the hard SiC particles outcropped and formed an impediment for the contact between the composite surface and the counterpart (Fig- ure 5a). The outcropped particles abraded the counter- part. Figure 6 also shows the abraded areas of the counterparts of the 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr and 20 % SiC + 0 % Gr composites. The counterpart of the 20 % SiC + 0 % Gr composite exhibited a larger abrasion area in comparison with the counterpart of 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr due to the increased reinforcement amount. Ravin- dran et al.26 reported that the dispersion of silicon carbide, the hard phase in the soft aluminium matrix, tends to reduce the wear loss of hybrid composites. In the literature some researchers maintain that the graphite amount in aluminium composites enhances the tribological properties and wear resistance13,27,28. However, Vencl et al.29 reported that an addition of gra- phite particles (w = 1 %) to a composite with SiC parti- S. ªAHÝN et al.: WEAR BEHAVIOR OF Al/SiC/GRAPHITE AND Al/FeB/GRAPHITE HYBRID COMPOSITES 642 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 639–646 Figure 6: Counter parts of the composites: a) 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr, b) 20 % SiC + 0 % Gr Slika 6: Sti~na povr{ina kompozitov: a) 10 % FeB + 1,5 % grafita, b) 20 % SiC + 0 % grafita Figure 5: Wear surface of 20 % SiC + 0 % Gr reinforced composite: a) wear tracks, b) EDX analysis Slika 5: Obrabljena povr{ina kompozita, oja~anega z 20 % SiC + 0 % grafita: a) sledi obrabe, b) EDX-analiza Figure 4: Wear rate Slika 4: Hitrost obrabe cles further reduced the wear rate and the coefficient of friction, but this influence of such a relatively small amount of graphite was not clear enough and should be considered only as a trend of behavior. According to the results of the present study, the increased Gr amount increased the wear rate. Actually, this was an expected result because the main reason for the graphite addition to aluminium composites reinforced with hard particles was to simplify the machining. The presence of the hard, brittle and abrasive SiC reinforcement makes the mate- rial difficult to form or machine using traditional manu- facturing processes. In order to improve the machina- bility of the SiCp/Al composites, graphite was added to the composites30. As an alternative approach, an explanation for the decreasing wear rate with the increasing reinforcement might be the pores filled up with the wear debris. A high reinforcement amount causes high porosity, so the wear debris could easily fill these numerous pores instead of being pushed out of the tribological system. Actually, a negative effect of the increasing pores on the wear resi- stance was expected. In this case, the pores presumably filled with the wear debris gave rise to a decrease in the wear rate calculated as the volumetric wear loss. As can be seen from Figure 7, a pore on the worn surface of the 20 % FeB + 0 % Gr hybrid composite was filled with the wear debris. According to the results of the EDX ana- lysis it can be concluded that wear debris is composed of the aluminium matrix, the stainless-steel counterpart and FeB-reinforcement particles (Table 2). The pores could have been formed due to the insuffi- cient sintering (Figure 2) and they could have also been created by the mechanical force during the wear test. Figure 8 shows the pores caused by the wear test, as the reinforcement particles were pulled out. These kinds of pores could be large and easily filled with the wear debris. The reason for the particle pullout was found with the EDX analysis carried out along a line. The EDX graph of graphite shows a significant increase of the pores arrowed as "reinforcement particle pullouts" in Figure 8. By means of the EDX analysis (in Figure 8, the EDX graph on the right-hand side shows graphite) it was realized that the wall of pores was smeared by graphite, so the wettability between the matrix and the reinforcement was reduced. In this case, the particle pullout occurred easily and due to the low bonding of the aluminium matrix and the reinforcement. Thus, a detri- mental effect of graphite on the wear resistance was confirmed. The samples that exhibit the maximum wear rate in both groups, the SiC- and FeB-reinforced composites, exhibit both abrasive and adhesive wear tracks. For both reinforcement groups, if the wear surfaces of the most and the least wear-resistant samples were compared, adhesion wear was observed to be more intense on the least wear-resistant samples. The wear surface of the sample reinforced with 10 % SiC + 1.5 % Gr exhibited both large craters arising from adhesion and abrasion scratches (Figure 9a). Similarly, the wear surface of the sample including 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr shows adhesion craters and also flaky wear debris subjected to delamination (Figure 10). According to the EDX analysis (Table 3) the aluminium amount of the delaminated area was larger than the other analyzed area; consequently, it is maintained that the delaminated part had a smaller reinforcement amount and was subjected to a large plastic deformation. The plastically deformed part became strain hardened and brittle. Ravindran et al.26 S. ªAHÝN et al.: WEAR BEHAVIOR OF Al/SiC/GRAPHITE AND Al/FeB/GRAPHITE HYBRID COMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 639–646 643 Figure 7: Pore and wear debris on the worn surface of 20 % FeB + 0 % Gr hybrid composite Slika 7: Praznine in delci obrabe na obrabljeni povr{ini hibridnega kompozita z 20 % FeB + 0 % grafita Table 2: EDX analysis of the pore on the worn surface of 20 % FeB + 0 % Gr hybrid composite (w/%) Tabela 2: EDX-analiza povr{ine pore na obrabljeni povr{ini hibridnega kompozita z 20 % FeB + 0 % grafita (w/%) Element Al Fe Cr Si Mn 1 81.799 13.687 3.542 0.203 0.769 2 76.015 18.834 4.319 0.172 0.661 Figure 8: EDX analysis of 10 % SiC + 1.5 % Gr hybrid composite along the line; left: Si, right: C (graphite) Slika 8: Linijska EDX-analiza hibridnega kompozita z 10 % SiC + 1,5 % grafita; levo: Si, desno: C (grafit) also observed severe plastic deformation of the Al 2024 matrix and a brittle fracture on the wear surface. Table 3: EDX analysis of 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr reinforced composite (w/%) Tabela 3: EDX-analiza kompozitov, oja~anih z 10 % FeB + 1,5 % grafita (w/%) Element Al Fe Cr C Si Mn 1 93.197 4.631 1.259 0.352 0.188 0.374 2 88.810 6.680 1.628 1.184 1.069 0.630 If the wear surfaces in Figures 9 and 11 are com- pared, it can be observed that the adhesive-wear tracks reduced and the abrasive scratches became shallower with the increase in the reinforcement proportion from 10 % to 20 %. Similar observations were made for the wear surfaces of the FeB-reinforced samples (Figures 10 and 12). On the wear surfaces of the most wear-resistant samples including a 20 % reinforcement of (FeB or SiC) + 0 % Gr, it was observed that the reinforcement parti- cles were pulled out but not taken away from the tribo- logical system (Figure 9). It is maintained that the detached hard reinforcement particles might have become embedded a little into the soft matrix due to the applied load during the wear test and decreased the wear rate by reducing the real contact area between the surface and the counterpart. As can be seen from the EDX analy- sis (Table 4), the particle marked as "1" is the FeB reinforcement covered with some of the Al matrix (Fig- ure 12). Similarly, the pulled-out SiC particle marked as "1" and the presumably oxidized aluminium particle marked as "2" were detected with EDX as presented in Table 5 and Figure 9. The shape of the reinforcement particles caused a difference in the abrasive-wear tracks, particularly for the 10 % reinforced samples. The sharp and angularly shaped SiC particles caused narrow but deep grooves (Figure 9), while the relatively round-shaped FeB particles formed shallower and wider grooves (Figure 11). S. ªAHÝN et al.: WEAR BEHAVIOR OF Al/SiC/GRAPHITE AND Al/FeB/GRAPHITE HYBRID COMPOSITES 644 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 639–646 Figure 11: Wide and shallow wear tracks of 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr reinforced composite Slika 11: [iroke in plitve sledi obrabe na kompozitu, oja~anem z 10 % FeB + 1,5 % grafita Figure 9: Wear surface of 10 % SiC + 1.5 % Gr reinforced composite: a) abrasion and adhesion marks, b) deep abrasion grooves Slika 9: Obrabljena povr{ina kompozita, oja~anega z 10 % SiC + 1,5 % grafita: a) obraba in lepljenje, b) globoki abrazijski utori Figure 10: Wear surface of 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr reinforced com- posite Slika 10: Obrabljena povr{ina kompozita, oja~anega z 10 % FeB + 1,5 % grafita As the two surfaces are brought in contact, the nanoscale asperities are the first to come into contact, instantly plastically deforming and merging to form micro- or macro-contacts, which, upon further applica- tion of the load, may deform due to elastic or elastic- plastic deformation31. A further plastic deformation leads to a brittle fracture. In this study, the sample including only 20 % SiC exhibited brittle flakes during the wear test. Here, the plastically deformed aluminium matrix underwent strain hardening. The brittle layer consisted of the strain-hardened aluminium and the hard SiC particles were smeared on its surface. In Figure 13, the cracks and debris separated from the brittle layer can be seen. It is assumed that the existence of SiC particles contributes to the strain-hardened aluminium and so the hardness of the strain-hardened matrix increases further. Analyzing the EDX results of the 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr and 20 % FeB + 0 % Gr reinforced samples (Tables 3 and 4), some elements such as Cr and Mn belonging to the stainless-steel counterpart were observed. In contrast, the EDX result for the 20 % SiC + 0 % Gr reinforced composite did not show any element of the stainless- steel counterpart (Table 5). 4 CONCLUSIONS • The minimum wear rate was obtained for the sample without graphite and reinforced with 20 % FeB. • The 20 % FeB-reinforced samples showed the maxi- mum porosity and insufficient sintering due to the in- creased reinforcement. In a further study, pressure can be raised during cold pressing. • The maximum wear rate was obtained for the sample consisting of 10 % FeB + 1.5 % Gr. • The increased graphite amount increased the wear rate of all the Al-powder composites. • The increased reinforcement increased the porosity. • The wear rate decreased with the increasing rein- forcement. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Rahimian, N. Parvin, N. Ehsani, The effect of production para- meters on microstructure and wear resistance of powder metallurgy Al–Al2O3 composite, Mater. Design, 32 (2011), 1031–1038 2 P. C. Angelo, R. 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MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR AN Al-COIL TEMPERATURE CALCULATION DURING HEAT TREATMENT MATEMATI^NI MODEL ZA IZRA^UN TEMPERATURE V Al-KOLOBARJU MED TOPLOTNO OBDELAVO Franci Vode1, Franc Tehovnik1, Jaka Burja1, Bo{tjan Arh1, Bojan Podgornik1, Darja Steiner Petrovi~1, Matja` Malen{ek2, Leonida Ko~evar2, Marjana La`eta2 1Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2IMPOL d.d., Partizanska cesta 38, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia franci.vode@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-09; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2014-05-28 This paper presents the implementation of a mathematical model for an Al-coil’s temperature evolution during heat treatment in a forced-circulation furnace. The coil’s spatial-temperature evolution is calculated using the finite-difference method in the axial and radial directions, i.e., 2 dimensional. The model is verified by measuring the coil’s temperature during reheating using 10 pre-installed thermocouples arranged in two lines of 5 thermocouples, each at a different coil radius. The sensitivities of the furnace-air temperature and the initial-coil temperature on the time to switch are determined, i.e., –52.5 s/°C and –55.5 s/°C, respectively. The mathematical model proved to be a multipurpose tool for different simulation-based reheating studies, while its industrial real-time application offers an even wider range of uses and capabilities: automatic coil-temperature control and observing reheating conditions on an industrial level. Keywords: Al-coil, temperature, finite difference, mathematical model ^lanek obravnava uporabo matemati~nega modela razvoja temperature v Al-kolobarju med toplotno obdelavo v pe~i s prisiljeno cirkulacijo. Razvoj prostorske temperature v kolobarju je izra~unan z uporabo metode kon~nih diferenc v osni in radialni smeri. Model je bil preizku{en z merjenjem temperature v kolobarju med ogrevanjem s predhodno vgrajenimi 10 termoelementi, razporejenimi v dveh vrstah po 5 na dveh razli~nih premerih kolobarja. Ugotovljena je bila ob~utljivost temperature atmosfere v pe~i in za~etne temperature v kolobarju v odvisnosti od pe~i: –52,5 s/°C oziroma –55,5 s/°C. Matemati~ni model se je izkazal kot ve~namensko orodje za razli~ne simulacije ogrevanja, medtem ko industrijska uporaba v realnem ~asu ponuja {e {ir{e podro~je uporabe in zmogljivosti: avtomatsko kontrolo temperature kolobarja, opazovanje razmer pri ogrevanju na industrijskem nivoju. Klju~ne besede: Al-kolobar, temperatura, kon~ne diference, matemati~ni model 1 INTRODUCTION The description of physical processes using appro- priate mathematical models is nowadays achieving practical usefulness in different fields.1,2 One of these fields are certainly models for describing heat transfer, especially in metallic materials, where the metal’s tem- perature drives, determines or triggers most mate- rial-transformation processes. Coil temperature is one of the most important reheating parameters for Al-coils. The precision of the reheating process is therefore limited by the precision of the coil’s temperature data. The coil’s temperature data can be obtained by measur- ing or from a calculation using mathematical models. Nowadays, furnace control systems optionally provide a control method known as the šair-to-work ratio control system’.3 This method uses two pairs of thermocouples to measure the šwork–coil’ and šair’ temperatures and calculates the furnace-temperature set-point as a scaled difference of both. The method is efficient, but requires a proper measuring coil temperature. For this method, a hole is drilled into the coil and a thermocouple is mounted into it. If the location of the hole is correct and representative for the whole-coil temperature, the method is accurate. But the drilled hole represents a potential defect in the final strip. In any case, measuring the temperature of every coil in industry is not practical. A much more practical and non-destructive technique is to employ a mathematical model (MM) for the calcula- tion and prediction of coil temperatures. For accurate MM coil-temperature predictions, (1) the measured air temperature in the furnace (which all furnaces already measure and use), (2) the coil-alloy and (3) the coil- dimension data are required. The rest of the required information is integrated into the MM during the deve- lopment and calibration procedure. Thus the MM can be used instead of the measuring coil’s temperature, but it should be capable of running in real-time. Another advantage of the MM for the coil’s temperature is that the model can be used for optimizations and various other services, which are impossible without a MM. The fastest reheating of Al coils in reheating furnaces is achieved by an overshoot of the furnace-air temperature above the coil temperature.3 The time from beginning of the reheating process until the time of decreasing the furnace temperature from Tot is denoted as the time to switch, i.e., ts (Figure 1). Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 647–651 647 UDK 519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)647(2014) The aim of the work was to quantify the influence of the furnace over-temperature and the initial temperature of the coil on the time to switch (ts) using a mathematical model. 2 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE COIL TEMPERATURE 2.1 2D model of the Al-coil temperature using the finite-difference method Heat transfer in solid state is mathematically ex- pressed using the diffusion equation: ∂ ∂ T t a T= ∇ 2 ; a c =  p (1) where T is the temperature, t is the time,  is the thermal conductivity, cp is the specific heat and is the density. The temperature field is calculated in two dimensions, i.e., the radial r and the axial x directions. Equation 1 for the selected r and x coordinate direc- tions in a cylindrical coordinate system can be written as:    c T T t x T T x r T T r p ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ = = ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + T r T r ) 1 ∂ ∂ (2) where the heating conditions in the angle direction are assumed to be symmetric and thus the second derivative ∂ ∂2 2 0T/ = is zero. In equation 2,  is a function of temperature, while the temperature field as well as the convective boundary conditions are not constant. In fact, the boundary conditions for equation (2) are a function of the measured values of the furnace-atmosphere-gas temperature and the equation is thus analytically unsolvable. A handy way for numerically solving eq. 2, bearing in mind that the boundary conditions (furnace temperatures) for real-time operation will be available (measured) one per calculation period, is the explicit method of finite difference. For the used finite-difference method the calculation space is discretized in both time and space: { }Δ Δ Δt x r x r rz n (sec), ( ), ( ) , ,m m = − ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ 1 21 21 , so that the stability condition is satisfied1 within the proposed coil dimensions and sample time. For each point on the grid, eq. 2 is rewritten as ( ) ( )   c x r t T T r x T T r i j t t i j t x i j t i j t x p Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ , , , , + −− = − + + 1 ( ) ( ) x T T x r T T x r T i j t i j t r i j t i j t r i j t + − + − + − + + − 1 1 1 , , , , ,   Δ Δ Δ Δ ( ) ( )T x r r T Ti j t r i j t i j t , , ,+ −+  Δ Δ 1 1 (3) According to the literature data,4 the thermal conduc- tivity of the Al-coils differs in the r and x directions due to the air-gap between the strip wraps and the thin oxide-layer of the strip surface. Thus, the thermal con- ductivities r and x are considered different, where x equals the alloy data, while r is lower then x due to the air gap and the oil films between the coil wraps, which decreases the thermal conductivity in the radial direction. From eq. 3, the temperature at time t + 1 for each ele- ment on the grid (i, j) is expressed as: T t c T T T xi j t t x i j t i j t i j t , , , ,+ − += + −⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + + Δ Δ Δ   p 1 1 2 2 r i j t i j t i j t r i t c T T T r t c r T Δ Δ Δ p p  , , ,− ++ −⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + + 1 1 2 2 1 , , , j t i j t i j t T r T + −⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + 1 Δ (4) F. VODE et al.: MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR AN Al-COIL TEMPERATURE CALCULATION ... 648 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 647–651 Figure 2: Coil dimensions, discretization grid, boundary lines and indexation of x–r cross-section Slika 2: Dimenzije kolobarja, diskretizacijska mre`a, robne ploskve in indeksiranje x–r prereza Figure 1: Furnace over-temperature; time to switch ts Slika 1: Vi{ja temperatura zraka v pe~i; ~as preklopa ts Eq. 4 is recursive and is used for inner points of the calculation grid, while for the boundary points the equation is modified to consider the convective boundary conditions.3 2.2 Model calibration The thermo-physical data of around 40 alloys were obtained using JMatPro software ver.4.0: , cp and  in the desired temperature range. The MM was calibrated to the measured temperature values in 10 points, i.e., 5 points close to the outer radius rz and the remaining 5 on the radius, which is in the middle of the coil’s length. The air temperature in the furnace (boundary condition) was measured above the measured coil. The temperature of the heat treatment for Al-alloys rarely exceeds 550 °C, and thus convective heat transfer domi- nates the heat-transfer mode. The conductive heat-trans- fer mode is not present due to the stage design, while the radiative heat-transfer thermal mode is estimated to be sufficiently low compared to the conductive mode. The maximum ratio of the radiative-to-convective heat flux   ( ) / ( )q /q A F T T Ah T Tr c c= − − air coil air coil 4 4 is estimated to be  0.031. For a furnace air temperature that is 5 K above the coil temperature of 550 K (close to the end of the reheating) this ratio is estimated to be  0.025. For the estimation, the following assumptions are consi- dered: = 0.09, F = 1, hc = 150, Tair = 823 K, Tcoil = 293 K. The radiation heat transfer is thus neglected. Note that a forced-air-circulation furnace is studied. The cali- bration is made by changing the convective heat-transfer coefficient hc on the boundary surfaces of the calculated cross-section area – see the lines of A, B, C, D, F and G in Figure 2, until a calculated and measured temperature match is achieved. When the calculated and measured temperature profiles match at this point, it can be con- cluded that the model is capable of describing the heat transfer for the considered conditions (Tair = f(t), hc = f(T)). To check the possible variability of the process, additional coil-temperature measurements were per- formed at the same position in the furnace and with the same coil, but with a modified Tair = f(t) profile. Unfortu- nately, the reheating conditions for the measured coil were slightly modified (closed steel-coil on both sides) due to studies for improving the homogeneity conditions. The boundary conditions on the inner coil surface –D were therefore modified: hc drops from 22 to 5. The mo- del’s validation is therefore performed with a modified hc on boundary D and this is compared to the temperature measurement obtained with the closed steel-coil. A com- parison is shown in Figure 3 and it can be seen that the maximum absolute difference in the coil temperature is around ± 10 °C. However, for a strictly correct model validation, the process condition should remain intact, so that hc would remain intact during the validation as well. 3 USE OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL 3.1 Off-line calculations of the re-heating procedures The MM was firstly applied for the prediction of the Al coil’s temperature evolution for modified reheating conditions, e.g., modification of the desired end-tempe- rature of the Al coil and the task was to modify the furnace time and temperature in such a way as to obtain a specific temperature homogeneity of the coil at the end of the treatment. To perform such a task, the boundary conditions – furnace air temperatures – need to be pre- dicted (Figure 4). This is achieved by employing another model, which predicted the furnace-air-temperature, closed-loop res- ponse, where the inputs are the furnace-temperature set-points. A first-order system5 with a different time constant for increasing/decreasing the furnace tempera- tures is used to mathematically express the relation. The furnace temperature model is verified on 10 furnace-tem- perature profiles for various charging data (coil total mass from 22–78 t, 9 alloy grades, etc.). Due to the uncertainty of the model-obtained furnace air tempera- ture (boundary conditions), the calculated coil tempera- F. VODE et al.: MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR AN Al-COIL TEMPERATURE CALCULATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 647–651 649 Figure 4: Furnace air temperature predictions for off-line calculations substitute measured temperatures, available in real-time calculations Slika 4: Izra~unane temperature zraka v pe~i v "off-line"-na~inu nadome{~ajo merjene temperature zraka, ki so v "real-time" na~inu na voljo Figure 3: Comparison of measured and calculated coil temperatures. Note that the validation temperature measurements were obtained for slightly modified conditions on surface D. Slika 3: Primerjava merjenih in izra~unanih temperatur kolobarjev. Validacijske meritve temperature so bile merjene pri spremenjenih robnih pogojih na povr{ini D. ture for these boundary conditions decreases the accu- racy of the coil temperatures compared to the measured boundary conditions. Note that the prediction-accuracy of the furnace-air temperature is ± 10 °C. The crucial benefit of the model-obtained furnace-temperatures (boundary condition) combined with the coil-tempera- ture model is the capability for off-line simulations involving various conditions and parameter sets (coil dimensions, alloy data, coil initial temperature, furnace temperature profile during reheating, etc.), but at the cost of a slightly decreased coil-temperature accuracy. For the off-line calculations a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is provided (Figure 5). 3.2 Quantification of the furnace-air temperature and the initial coil temperature for the coil-temperature evolution A frequent task in the Al-coil reheating process is the modification of the reheating parameters (furnace time and temperature) according to a specific variation of the parameters, e.g., variation of the initial coil temperature of the Al coils or a higher furnace over-temperature Tot. The coil with an increased initial temperature reaches the desired temperature faster. A straightforward solution to such a problem is to employ the developed mathematical model, including a furnace-temperature model (Figure 4) and change the reheating parameters until the conditions are met (trial-and-error method). Another way is to quantify in advance the response of a certain para- meter change on the reheating parameters. For industrial production, the quantification of such reheating shorten- ing is beneficial. For each furnace over-temperature Tot = (400, 420, 440, 460, 480) °C in set and independently for each initial coil temperature Tcoil,0 = (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160) °C, a simulation is performed and the resulting time to switch ts is determined from the model results (Figure 6). The ts is actually determined by the model during the simulation, since the model also calculates the Tair,t curve (Figure 3). The criterion to start decreasing the air temperature in the simulation model is when the Al-coil temperature in the node Tcoil,t (10, 10) is Td = 30 °C under the desired final temperature of the coil, in this case (280–30) °C = 250 °C. Note that, different Td values lead to different reheating profiles. Therefore, Td is adjustable through the GUI. The node (10, 10) is in the middle of the coil (Figure 2). The other simulation parameters are constant: Tcoil,0 = 20 °C, Tair,0 = 20 °C, coil dimensions rz = 900 mm, rN = 280 mm, x = 1250 mm, alloy EN 8079 AlFe1Si. The simulation is repeated for each Tot. The obtained values are presented in Figure 6. The relation between Tot and ts is almost linear with a coefficient of –52.5 s/°C around the working point Tot = 440 °C. The result shows that the increment of the furnace over- temperature for a single °C means ts is shorter by 52.5 s. And conversely, the reduction of the furnace temperature by a single °C means a longer ts for 52.5 s. In the same way we estimated the influence of the initial coil temperature Tcoil,0 on ts. The relation between the initial coil temperature Tcoil,0 and ts is presented in Figure 7. The time to switch ts is fairly linear, with a F. VODE et al.: MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR AN Al-COIL TEMPERATURE CALCULATION ... 650 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 647–651 Figure 7: Influence of initial coil temperature Tcoil,0 = (0 : 20 : 160) °C on the time to switch ts Slika 7: Vpliv za~etne temperature kolobarja Tcoil,0 = (0 : 20 : 160) °C na ~as preklopa ts Figure 6: Influence of furnace over-temperature on the time to switch ts Slika 6: Vpliv vi{je temperature v pe~i na ~as preklopa ts Figure 5: GUI for offline calculations of reheating procedures Slika 5: Grafi~ni uporabni{ki vmesnik za izra~une ogrevanja kolobar- jev v pe~i coefficient of –55.5 s/°C of the initial coil temperature. The simulation results show that an increment of +1 °C for the initial coil temperature means a shorter time 55.5 s to switch and, conversely, a reduction of –1 °C of the initial coil temperature means a longer time 55.5 s to switch. 3.3 Potential use of the model modified for a real-time calculation of the coil temperature To run the developed model in real-time, accurate coil charging data, accurate air temperature in the fur- nace combined with the presented mathematical model are needed and thus provide the coil-temperature data without measuring the temperature in the coil. Note that the used explicit finite-difference method for the conduc- tion calculation in the coil (eq. 4) is suitable for a real- time calculation, the only modification of the method is that the real-time simulation is interrupted after every iteration until the next measured furnace-air temperature is delivered to the model. Unequal coil alloys, dimensions, initial temperature, malfunctions in the furnace and burners all lead to more or less unknown coil temperatures in the situation with- out either the coil temperature measurements or the real-time coil-temperature calculation. The MM obtained coil temperatures in such a situation are crucial for proper operator decisions and can be upgraded in the automatic coil-temperature control system. Furthermore, the stored real-time-calculated coil-temperatures can be used as documentation for coil-customer claims, research and development purposes. Real-time operation of the model is underway. 4 CONCLUSION A mathematical model for an Al-coil temperature evolution during heat treatment proved to be an efficient and multi-purpose backbone tool for advanced planning, control and documentation of the Al-coil heat-treatment process. Employing the mathematical model, which pro- vides coil-temperature knowledge, offers a simple, cost- effective and punctual tool for the determination of the proper furnace-temperature time settings during modi- fied Al-coil reheating conditions. 5 REFERENCES 1 A. Jakli~, T. Kolenko, B. Glogovac, B. Ke~ek, J. Jamer, Simulacijski model ogrevanja gredic v pe~i allino, Mater. Tehnol., 38 (2004) 1–2, 33–38 2 F. Vode, A. Jakli~, R. Robi~, A. Ko{ir, F. Perko, J. Novak, Deter- mination of the deformational energy during slab-width rolling on an edger mill, Mater. Tehnol., 40 (2006) 2, 61–64 3 www.secowarwick.com/assets/Documents/Brochures/AP-Alumi- nium-Annealing-Furnaces2.pdf 4 A. von Starck, A. Mühlbauer, C. Kramer (eds.), Handbook of ther- moprocessing technologies: Fundamentals, Processes, Components, Safety, Vulkan Verlag GmbH, Essen 2005, 557 5 R. Burns, Advanced Control Engineering, 1st ed., Butterworth- Heinemann, 2001, 145 F. VODE et al.: MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR AN Al-COIL TEMPERATURE CALCULATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 647–651 651 Y. H. ÇELIK: INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ON THE HOLE QUALITY ... INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ON THE HOLE QUALITY IN DRILLING THE Ti-6Al-4V ALLOY PREISKAVA VPLIVA PARAMETROV REZANJA NA KVALITETO IZVRTINE, IZVRTANE V ZLITINO Ti-6Al-4V Yahya Hýþman Çelik Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Batman University, Batman, Turkey yahyahisman.celik@batman.edu.tr, yahyahisman@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-20; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-19 In this study, the effects of cutting parameters on the surface roughness, burr height, hole-diameter deviation, cutting temperature and structure of a chip formation were investigated during the drilling of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. For this purpose, the Ti-6Al-4V alloy was drilled at different cutting parameters, longitudinally in the 10 mm depth with Ø = 10 mm high-speed-steel (HSS) drills, having 90°, 118°, 130° and 140° point angles on the CNC vertical machining centre. Experiments were carried out at the (12.5, 18.75 and 25) m/min cutting speeds and the (0.05, 0.1 and 0.15) mm/r feed rates without using the cutting fluid. As a result, as the feed rate and the drill-point angle were increased, the surface roughness increased as well; however, as the cutting speed increased, the surface roughness decreased. When the feed rate and drill-point angle increased, the burr height decreased. On the other hand, an increase in the cutting speed increased the burr height. In general, an increase in the feed rate and drill-point angle increased the hole diameters, and the hole diameters obtained were close to the nominal size when the cutting speed was increased. Keywords: Ti-6Al-4V, surface roughness, chip, drilling, burr height, hole diameter V tej {tudiji so bili preiskovani vplivi parametrov rezanja na hrapavost povr{ine, vi{ino zarobka, odmike premera izvrtine, temperaturo rezanja in strukturo nastalega izvrtka pri vrtanju zlitine Ti-6Al-4V. V ta namen je bila zlitina Ti-6Al-4V vrtana na vertikalnem CNC obdelovalnem stroju pri razli~nih parametrih rezanja vzdol`no v globino 10 mm s svedri iz hitroreznega jekla (HSS) premera 10 mm, ki so imeli vr{ni kot 90°, 118°, 130° in 140°. Preizkusi so bili izvr{eni pri hitrostih rezanja (12,5, 18,75 in 25) m/min in podajanju (0,05, 0,1 in 0,15) mm/r, brez uporabe hladilne teko~ine. Rezultati so pokazali, da pri pove~evanju podajanja in ve~anju vr{nega kota svedra nara{~a tudi hrapavost povr{ine, vendar pa se pri pove~evanju hitrosti rezanja zmanj{uje hrapavost povr{ine. ^e se pove~ujeta podajanje in velikost vr{nega kota, se zmanj{uje vi{ina zarobka. Po drugi strani pove~anje hitrosti rezanja pove~a vi{ino zarobka. Na splo{no velja, da pove~anje podajanja in pove~anje vr{nega kota svedra pove~ujeta premer izvrtine. Premeri izvrtin so bili blizu nazivni velikosti, ~e se je pove~ala hitrost rezanja. Klju~ne besede: Ti-6Al-4V, hrapavost povr{ine, izvrtek, vrtanje, vi{ina zarobka, premer izvrtine 1 INTRODUCTION Titanium and its alloys are widely used in many fields, especially in aircraft engines and automotive parts because they are light, exhibiting quite a good perfor- mance, high resistance to corrosion and high strength and being appropriate for high-temperature applica- tions.1,2 To give the final shape to these materials pro- duced by casting, forging and powder metallurgy, various manufacturing methods are utilized.3 The drilling process is one of the main manufacturing methods for obtaining the final shape of a material.4 Nowadays, the drilling of Ti and its alloys within the desired tolerance is required. However, the drilling of these materials is very difficult because of their superior features.5 During drilling, the chip welds to the cutting tools. In addition, the temperature of the tools and materials increase due to a low thermal conductivity of the HSS versus the Ti-Al-V alloys.6 These factors negatively affect the tool wear, chip type, burr formation, surface roughness and geometric quality.7 A correct selection of the cutting parameters and cutting conditions is important to mini- mize these problems and determine the ideal cutting con- ditions.8,9 When literature studies are examined, it can be seen that there are not many studies related to this topic. Some studies performed on titanium alloys are given below. Rahim and Sasahara10 measured the tool wear, the temperature of the workpiece and the cutting forces occurring at various cutting parameters and different cooling types at high-speed drilling of Ti-6Al-4V. They found that the maximum temperature of the workpiece occurred when it was cooled with an air blower, being lower when using minimum quantity lubrication palm oil (MQLPO) and minimum quantity lubrication synthetic ester (MQLSE) and the lowest when using water. How- ever, they reported that MQLSE led to a higher thrust force than MQLPO affecting the material during the cutting process. Park et al.11 measured the thrust force and investigated the wear of tungsten carbide (WC) and polycrystalline diamond (PCD) during the drilling of titanium- and carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics. They determined that PCD drills showed a lower titanium adhesion when compared to WC drills. They also observed a higher spindle speed, causing a significant Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 653–659 653 UDK 621.95:669.295 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)653(2014) increase in the tool wear due to a higher temperature. Pujana et al.12 applied ultrasonic vibrations on workpiece samples while drilling the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. They investi- gated the temperature, the chip formation and the feed force on the drill tip by means of an infrared radiation thermometer. They observed that a higher force was required for cutting because of a high-temperature occur- rence when the vibration amplitude was increased. Shyha et al.13 drilled titanium/carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP)/aluminum stacks at different cutting parameters with a coated (a CVD diamond and a hard metal) tungsten-carbide drill. Due to out of roundness, they measured the hole size, cylindricity, burr height, hole-edge quality, average surface roughness (Ra), micro- hardness (of the metallic elements) and swarf morphology. The burr height was observed to be larger at the hole exit (Al 7050) compared to hole entry (Ti 6–4), while the delamination was significantly reduced by wen machining the CFRP in the stack configuration as opposed to the stand-alone configuration. However, the chip formation occurring while drilling Al 7050 was obtained using a similar cutting fluid and low cutting parameters of the titanium alloy. Isbilir and Ghasse- mieh14 investigated the drilling of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy using the 3D Lagrange finite-element software. By analysing the materials, they reported that the thrust force, stresses and burr height of the drilled materials increased when the feed rate was increased. Guu et al.15 analyzed the stresses in the micro-drilling of Ti and its alloy using finite-element methods. Kývak and Þeker16 investigated the effect of the cutting parameters on the cutting forces in drilling the Ti-6Al-4V alloy with coated and uncoated drills under dry and wet cutting conditions. At the end of the experimental study, they found that the coating materials provided about a 17 % decrease in the cutting forces. It was seen that the feed rate had a bigger effect than the cutting speed on the change in the cutting forces. The main objective of metal cutting is to provide the surface quality and the burr height along with the geome- tric and dimensional completeness of the workpiece to be produced economically and within the desired limits. Nowadays, drilling the Ti-6Al-4V alloys that are used widely is very difficult because of their excellent pro- perties such as high resistance to corrosion, high strength and high-temperature resistance. Therefore, in this study, the effects of the cutting parameters, together with diffe- rent point angles of HSS drills, on the surface roughness, hole-diameter deviation, burr height, cutting temperature and structure of the chip formation were investigated during drilling a Ti-6Al-4V alloy at various combina- tions of the feed rates and cutting speeds. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Experimental study For the experimental study, the Ti-6Al-4V alloy was provided by Sincemat Co. Ltd. The nominal chemical composition of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy with the size of 100 mm × 150 mm × 10 mm is given in Table 1. In the experiments, a HUMMER VMC-1000 CNC vertical machining centre with the maximum speed of 8000 r/min and the spindle power of 15 kW was used. The experiments were performed using 10 mm diameter HSS drills with the helix angle of 35°, with the point angles of 90°, 118°, 130° and 140°. For the experi- ments where no cutting fluids were used, the cutting parameters are given in Table 2. 2.2 Measurement of the surface roughness A measurement of the surface roughness is quite important to see the effects of the cutting parameters on the material of a machined surface. With this regard, the surface-roughness measurements of the drilled alloy were performed for different cutting parameters using Taylor-Hobson’s Surtonic 3 and a surface-roughness measuring device in accordance with ISO standards. The measurement sampling length was chosen as 5.6 mm. The measurement process was carried out parallel to the axis hole. Four surface roughness values (Ra) for the machined surfaces were obtained and then averaged. 2.3 Determining the burr height and the hole-diameter deviation To determine the burr height and the hole-diameter deviation, a three-dimensional coordinate measuring device of the SIDIO XR brand, with a 1.4 megapixel IDIO Neo sensor, 340 mm scan area and Manfrotto Studio Tripod was used. Before scanning with this device, a non-destructive testing spray (BT 70) was sprayed on the surface of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, where the drilling process would be applied, in order to make a better measurement and determine the reference points that were affixed to certain portions of the alloy to be drilled. For the determination of the burr height and the hole-diameter deviation, the Ti-6Al-4V alloy was scanned with a 3-D optical scanning system. For the determination of the effects of different cutting para- meters and point angles of the drills on the burr height, the Ti-6Al-4V alloy scanned with the three-dimensional coordinate measuring device was transferred to the PolyWorks program. This program automatically gives minimum, mid and maximum values of the burr height at a hole exit. The burr height was determined by taking the arithmetic means of these values. Y. H. ÇELIK: INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ON THE HOLE QUALITY ... 654 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 653–659 Table 1: Chemical composition of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava zlitine Ti-6Al-4V (w/%) Ti Al V Fe C N H O 89.52 6.1 4.1 0.056 0.019 0.025 0.08 0.1 Table 2: Cutting parameters and their values Tabela 2: Parametri rezanja in njihove vrednosti Parameters Values Cutting speed (m/min) 12.5, 18.75 and 25 Feed rate (mm/r) 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Surface roughness The surface roughness of the holes occurring as a result of drilling the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is given in Figures 1 and 2. As seen in these figures, the surface roughness increased when the feed rate was increased and it decreased when the cutting speed was increased. In addition, it was observed that the surface roughness increased with an increase in the point angle. While the lowest surface roughness was obtained with the 90° point-angle drills, 0.05 mm/r feed rate and 25 m/min cutting speed, the largest surface roughness was obtained with the 140° point-angle drills, 0.15 mm/r feed rate and 12.5 m/min cutting speed. Similar results were found by Kim et al.17 and Sharif and Rahim.18 During the machining at a high cutting speed, the cutting temperature increases due a small contact length between the tool and the workpiece. This could be due to a decrease in the value of the coefficient of friction, resulting in a low friction at the tool-workpiece interface. These factors could contribute to an improvement in the surface-roughness values.19 In addition, as the cutting speed increases, more heat is generated, thus softening the workpiece material, which, in turn, improves the sur- face roughness. However, a low cutting speed may lead to the formation of a built-up edge and, hence, deterio- rates the machined surface. The investigation revealed that at a high feed rate the surface roughness is poor, probably due to distinct feed marks produced at the high feed rate.10 3.2 Burr height In Figure 3, the burr heights obtained with the Poly- Work program for the alloy scanned with the three- dimensional coordinate measuring device are shown. In addition, the burr heights obtained depending on feed rates, cutting speeds and point angles are given in Fig- ures 4 and 5. The burr height occurring at the hole exit at the low feed rate was found to be larger than the burr height occurring at the hole exit at the high feed rate. However, when the cutting speed was increased, the burr height at the hole exit also increased. For this reason, the biggest burr height was obtained at the high cutting speed and low feed rate. The burr that occurred in the drilling process carried out with large point-angle drills was found to be smaller. Similar results were found by Kim et al.20 and Dornfeld et al.21 Y. H. ÇELIK: INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ON THE HOLE QUALITY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 653–659 655 Figure 4: Effect of the feed rate on the burr height Slika 4: Vpliv hitrosti podajanja na vi{ino zarobka Figure 2: Effect of the cutting speed on the surface roughness Slika 2: Vpliv hitrosti rezanja na hrapavost povr{ine Figure 1: Effect of the feed rate on the surface roughness Slika 1: Vpliv hitrosti podajanja na hrapavost povr{ine Figure 3: PolyWork burr measurement Slika 3: Merjenje zarobka s PolyWork-om The cutting tool, processed materials, cutting para- meters and the cooling fluid affect the burr formation.22,23 Especially the drilling of metal materials causes the formation of burrs, resulting from the plastic deforma- tion of workpiece materials both at the entrance and the exit of a hole.7 ISO 13715 standards define the burr di- mensions that deviate from the ideal geometry. However, the measurement of chip characteristics is rather difficult and takes time.24 Therefore, the easiest way of characte- rising chips is to measure their height and thickness.25 The burr height and thickness are very important for deburring an unwanted formation off the workpiece. These unwanted burrs are harder than the workpiece. Therefore, deburring is quite costly forcing us to use extra tools. This causes the costs to rise by up to 30 %, especially for aircraft engines. For automobiles, on the other hand, the cost rise varies between 15 % and 20 %.26 3.3 Hole-diameter deviation A hole-diameter deviation is usually a result of the effects such as deflection, vibration, wear and lack of lubrication. On the other hand, a deviation from the circularity represents the fluctuations on the surface, and it is defined as the difference between the largest and the smallest radius measured from the center point. How- ever, there are various ways of determining the center of a hole. In this study, the hole diameter and the circularity were determined with the coordinates taken at different points. These measurements used in the evaluation of the hole diameter and circularity were transferred directly to the PolyWorks program (Figure 6). Thus, the hole-dia- Y. H. ÇELIK: INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ON THE HOLE QUALITY ... 656 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 653–659 Figure 6: PolyWork hole-diameter deviation Slika 6: Merjenje odmika premera izvrtine s PolyWork-om Figure 5: Effect of the cutting speed on the burr height Slika 5: Vpliv hitrosti rezanja na vi{ino zarobka Figure 9: Effect of the drill-point angle on the hole diameter Slika 9: Vpliv vr{nega kota svedra na premer izvrtine Figure 8: Effect of the cutting speed on the hole diameter Slika 8: Vpliv hitrosti rezanja na premer izvrtine Figure 7: Effect of the feed rate on the hole diameter Slika 7: Vpliv hitrosti podajanja na premer izvrtine meter deviation was detected at the entrance, the middle and the exit of a hole. The evaluation of the hole diameter was performed by comparing the values obtained with the cutting tool depending on different cutting parameters. The diameters affected by the feed rate, the cutting speed and the point angle are given in Figures 7 to 9. With an increase in the feed rate and drill-point angle, the diameter also in- creased significantly at the entrance, middle and exit of a hole. On the other hand, the diameter deviation de- creased with an increase in the cutting speed. In addition, it was found that the deviation at the entrance of a hole was smaller than that at the exit. 3.4 Cutting temperature During the drilling process, 90 % of work is conver- ted to heat as a result of the plastic deformation.27 Therefore, a very high temperature occurs in the drilling zone. This temperature affects a specific region of the chip, tools and workpiece.28 In connection with the ther- mal properties of the workpiece and cutting, either the cutting tool or the workpiece is affected by this. Since Ti and its alloys, which are about 1/6 of steels,29 have low thermal properties, a great deal of heat, as much as 80 %, is absorbed by the tool.30 50 % to 60 % of the heat gene- rated during the drilling of steel is absorbed by the tool.31 When machining Ti and its alloys, the tool reaching a high temperature wears quickly because of the high cutt- ing temperature and a strong adhesion between the tool and the workpiece; and the high stresses developed at the cutting edge of the tool may cause a plastic deformation and accelerate the tool wear.32 The images of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy taken by a ther- mal camera at various cutting parameters are given in Figure 10. As seen in this figure, a low cutting speed leads to a low temperature because of the interaction bet- ween the material and the tool. 3.5 Chip types A chip formation of titanium alloys during the drill- ing process is quite difficult when compared with the other metals. There are three types of chip. These are the continuous chip, the continuous chip with a build-up edge, and the discontinuous chip.33 When the feed rate was low, the Ti chip was long and continuous, and when the feed rate was increased, it became shorter and stiffer.17 However, as the cutting speed was raised, the chip-serration frequency was enhanced.34 A few chip samples were taken from each drilling process to detect the effects of the cutting parameters and drill-point angle on them. From these chips, it was observed that the chips were formed under difficult conditions and that high cutting force and temperature took place; depending on these factors, the shapes of the Y. H. ÇELIK: INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ON THE HOLE QUALITY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 653–659 657 Figure 11: Some chip shapes: a) continuous chip, b) continuous chip with a build-up edge, c) discontinuous chip Slika 11: Nekaj oblik izvrtkov: a) kontinuirni izvrtek, b) kontinuirni izvrtek s poudarjenim robom, c) razlomljeni izvrtek Figure 10: Temperature measurements with thermal cameras: a) low cutting speed, b) high cutting speed Slika 10: Merjenje temperature s toplotno kamero: a) majhna hitrost rezanja, b) velika hitrost rezanja chips were irregular. At a low cutting speed, feed rate and drill-point angle, the chip was observed to be ductile and continuous (Figure 11a). The chip was hardened and it became fragile with an increase in the cutting speed, feed rate and drill-point angle (Figure 11b). How- ever, with an increase in the cutting speed, ridges appeared on the chip surface (Figure 11c). The effect of the temperature on the chip hardening is very important due to the friction. Due to the tempera- ture effect, the chip had a dark colour. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Ýhsan Pilatin, an experienced lecturer at Batman University for his con- tributions and corrections to the paper. 4 CONCLUSION In this study, the parameters such as surface roughness, burr height, hole-diameter deviation, cutting temperature and structure of a chip formation were investigated during the drilling of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy under different feed rates, cutting speeds and drill-point angles using HSS drills with 90°, 118°, 130 ° and 140° point angles and the following conclusions were reached: • When the feed rate and drill-point angle were increased, the surface roughness increased as well; when the cutting speed increased, the surface roughness decreased. • When the feed rate and drill-point angle were increased, the burr height decreased, but an increase in the cutting speed increased the burr height. • Generally, when the feed rate and drill-point angle were increased, the hole diameter increased; when the cutting speed was increased, the diameter was close to the nominal value. • For all the drill-point angles, the cutting speed and feed rate combinations, the diameters obtained were larger than the nominal values. • For the low cutting speed and feed rate, the chip form was found to be more regular and ductile. • With an increase in the cutting speed and feed rate, the chip formation displayed a shift from a ductile structure towards a more rigid and fragile form. • An increase in the cutting speed caused the material to overheat due to the friction and the thermal properties of Ti-6Al-4V. 5 REFERENCES 1 A. 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Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore-641042, India 3Karpagam University, Department of Automobile Engineering, Coimbatore-641032, India prabagaran.s@karpagam.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-12-10 Dry-sliding-wear behavior of AA6061, AA6061-B4C composite and AA6061-B4C-Gr hybrid composite was investigated by employing a pin-on-disc wear-test rig. Hardness tests were also carried out. Graphite was used as a solid lubricant since it is a soft, slippery and greyish-black substance. Because of the cleavage (crystal) loose interlamellar coupling, graphite has good lubricating properties. A comparative analysis was made on the hardness and wear behavior of AA6061, AA6061-B4C composite and AA6061-B4C-Gr hybrid composite. Boron carbide is known as a robust material having a high hardness. Worn-out surfaces of the wear specimens after the wear tests were examined with a scanning electron microscope to study the morphology of the worn surfaces. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was employed to identify the oxides formed on the worn surfaces of the AA6061-B4C and AA6061-B4C-Gr composites after the wear test. It was found that a mutual transfer of the material between the wearing Al-alloy and the steel counterface occurred as the load increased. Oxidative wear occurred at low applied loads and a high velocity, whereas delamination and adhesive wear occurred at a high load and high sliding velocity. Keywords: boron carbide, dry sliding, graphite particles, pin-on-disc, wear resistance Preiskovano je bilo vedenje AA6061, AA6061-B4C-kompozita in hibridnega kompozita AA6061-B4C-Gr pri suhem drsenju z uporabo naprave “pin on disc”. Kot trdno mazivo je bil uporabljen grafit, ki je mehka, spolzka in sivo-~rna snov. Zaradi cepljive {ibke medlamelarne povezave (v kristalu) ima grafit dobre mazalne lastnosti. Izvr{ene so bile analize primerjave trdote in vedenja pri obrabi AA6061, AA6061-B4C-kompozita in hibridnega kompozita AA6061-B4C-Gr. Borov karbid je poznan kot zdr`ljiv material z veliko trdoto. Po preizkusu obrabe je bila z elektronskim vrsti~nim mikroskopom izvr{ena preiskava morfologije obrabljene povr{ine vzorcev, da bi ugotovili nastale okside na obrabljeni povr{ini kompozitov AA6061-B4C in AA6061-B4C-Gr. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se pri nara{~anju obremenitve pojavi vzajemen prenos materiala med Al-zlitino, ki se obrablja, in jeklom. Oksidativna obraba se je pojavila pri majhnih obremenitvah in velikih hitrostih, medtem ko se je obraba zaradi delaminacije in adhezije pojavila pri velikih obremenitvah in veliki hitrosti drsenja. Klju~ne besede: borov karbid, suho drsenje, grafitni delci, "pin-on-disc", odpornost proti obrabi 1 INTRODUCTION Metal-matrix composites have received a lot of com- mercial attention due to their enhanced mechanical properties, wear resistance and low coefficient of thermal expansion.1 Metal-matrix composites have many appli- cation areas such as automotive and ballistic industries, infrastructure, space and air vehicles, under-water vehi- cles and deep-ocean equipment. In addition, metal-ma- trix composites have other advantageous characteristics such as good strength-to-weight ratio, high specific stiff- ness, high hardness, high plastic-flow strength, good thermal expansion, thermal stability, creep resistance, and good oxidation and corrosion resistance.2 Boron carbide exhibits excellent physical and mecha- nical properties. Boron carbide is a low-density ceramic with a high hardness and Young’s modulus which make it a valuable candidate for engineering applications. Rama Rao and Padmanabhan3 reported that an addition of boron carbide decreases the density of composites and increases the hardness. Gómez et al.4 reported that the hardness and strength of composites increased together with the volume fraction of reinforcement, reaching its maximum value of 10 % B4C. Wear is a removal of a material from one or both of the two solid surfaces in a solid-state contact. An addition of hard ceramic particles improves the wear resistance of a matrix material. The wear rate is associated with the sliding velocity, normal load, particle size, hardness, particle volume fraction and particle homogeneity.5 Jinfeng et al.6 observed that with an addition of graphite, the friction coefficient of Al-SiC composites decreases and the wear resistance is signifi- cantly increased. Ames and Alpas7 reported that Al-Gr composites had a higher wear resistance than Al-SiC composites. A solid lubricant provides protection from damage during relative movement between the sliding elements and reduces the wear. Miyazaki et al.8 analyzed the mechanical behavior of graphite-and-boron-carbide composites made with the hot-pressing method. They reported that the strength of a composite increased with an increase in the boron-carbide content. Many research works were carried out to investigate the sliding-wear behavior of aluminum MMCs reinforced with different Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 661–667 661 UDK 66.017:620.178.1:539.92 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)661(2014) types of reinforcements such as SiC, Al2O3 and B4C. But limited studies have been carried out on hybrid metal- matrix composites. Shorowordi et al.9 studied three aluminium metal- matrix composites containing the reinforcing particles of B4C, SiC and Al2O3 (volume fractions,  = 0–20 %) that were manufactured with the stir-casting method followed by hot extrusion. They reported that the B4C-reinforced Al-composite seemed to exhibit a better interfacial bond- ing compared to the other two composites. Stir casting appears to be the best method for the production of metal-matrix composites compared to the other processing techniques because of its simplicity, allowing an economical large-scale production. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of graphite parti- cles on the hardness and wear behavior of AA6061-B4C composites fabricated using a two-stage stir-casting method. The wear tests were carried out by employing a pin-on-disc wear-testing rig. Scanning Electron Micro- scopy (SEM) was employed to study the microstructures of the composites and the morphologies of the worn surfaces of the composites. Energy Dispersive Spectro- scopy (EDS) was used to characterize the Mechanically Mixed Layer (MML) formed on a worn surface during the sliding wear and to elucidate its influences on the wear behavior of the composites. 2 EXPERIMENTATION 2.1 Experimental description In this study, a two-stage stir-casting method was employed to fabricate AA6061-B4C and AA6061- B4C-Gr composites. Brinell hardness testing equipment was employed to measure the hardness of the AA6061 alloy and the composites. The dry-sliding wear behavior of AA6061 and the composites was tested with a pin-on-disc wear-testing rig. Scanning Electron Micro- scopy (SEM) was employed to study the microstructures and morphologies of the worn surfaces of AA6061, AA6061-B4C and AA6061-B4C-Gr composites. 2.2 Specimen preparation In this study, we used AA6061 as the matrix material, B4C particles with the average size of 20–50 μm as the reinforcement and graphite particles of 20 μm as the solid lubricant. The composition of AA6061 is presented in Table 1. The stir-casting setup is shown in Figure 1. Table 1: Composition of AA6061 (mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Sestava AA6061 (masni dele`i, w/%) Element Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Ti Ca Al % 0.359 0.221 0.219 0.032 0.901 0.053 0.141 0.013 Bal A two-stage stir-casting route was adopted to fabri- cate the composites. Both B4C and graphite particulates were preheated at 300 °C in a separate muffle furnace. AA6061 was charged into the crucible and heated up to 650 °C in order to completely melt the aluminium and then the stirring was done at 300 r/min. During the stirring, degassing tablets were added to drive away the entrapped gases from the melt. The stirring was carried out for 3 min. During the stirring, preheated w = 10 % B4C and 3 % graphite particulates were added. The melt temperature was brought down to 575 °C to reach a semi-solid state. At this stage the stirring was done for 3 min. The composite slurry was again reheated to the temperature of 650 °C and stirred at 300 r/min for 3 min. Finally, the composite slurry was poured into a steel die cavity of 90 mm × 90 mm × 7 mm to solidify. The melting was done in an electric resistance furnace (2 kW – 1 kg capacity). The temperatures were measured with a thermocouple with an accuracy of ± 3 K. 2.2.1 Hardness-test specimens The poured samples of 1) the AA6061 alloy, 2) com- posite AA6061-B4C and 3) AA6061-B4C-Gr were machined on their four sides to obtain 50 mm squares. All the edges and corners were made blunt/rounded to ensure safety while handling. 2.2.2 SEM analysis (microstructure) With electric discharge machining, three different samples were machined to rectangular pieces of 10 mm × 20 mm with a thickness of 6 mm. Then these samples were mounted using a heat-conducting, quick-setting epoxy resin. After the mounting each sample was manu- ally polished with a 1200-grade silicon-carbide emery sheet with the help of a diamond paste of 7 μm until achieving a mirror-like finish. The polished surfaces were then etched with a 2 % nitric acid and 98 % alcohol etching solution for 10 s. S. PRABAGARAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF GRAPHITE ON THE HARDNESS AND WEAR BEHAVIOR ... 662 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 661–667 Figure 1: Two-stage stir-casting setup Slika 1: Dvostopenjska naprava za vme{avanje delcev 2.2.3 Wear-analysis specimens Pin specimens with a width of 6 mm and a height of 30 mm were prepared with EDM (Electric Discharge Machining). The two ends were cut with high flatness accuracy so that the pin face was thoroughly in line with the disc, held perpendicular to the disc surface during the wear test. Moreover, the wear testing equipment had a split-type holder to ensure a proper alignment throughout the test run. Prior to the wear testing, the specimens were polished with an abrasive paper of silicon carbide of grade 600 followed by grade 1000, then cleaned with ethanol and dried. 2.2.4 EDS analysis specimens The samples prepared for the SEM analysis were also used for the EDS analysis without any modifications. 2.3 Hardness test The hardness test was performed on AA6061 and the composite specimens of AA6061-B4C and AA6061- B4C-Gr using the Brinell hardness testing equipment with a 2.5 mm steel-ball diameter at a load of 1839.4 N. The loading time was 30 s. Three readings were taken for each specimen to eliminate the possibility of segre- gation and the mean value was considered. 2.4 Microstructure analysis A scanning electron microscope was employed to study the distribution of boron-carbide and graphite particles in the Al-matrix. The bonding quality between the particulates and the matrix was also studied. 2.5 Dry-sliding wear test The wear tests were carried out under varying loads of (5, 10, 15 and 20) N at the sliding velocities of 1 m/s and 3 m/s by employing a pin-on-disc wear-testing rig (DUCOM, TR-20LE) with a data-acquisition system shown in Figure 2. Each test was conducted for at least 30 min. The main parts of the apparatus are a variable-speed electric motor with a steel disc attached to it and a lever arm to which the weight is added. The wear loss of the sample pins was measured in terms of the height loss in microns with the accuracy of 1.0 μm. A track diameter of 100 mm was selected for the analysis. The rotating disc was made of the EN 31 steel having the hardness of 62 HRC. The wear tests were carried out at a room temperature of 30 °C and a relative humidity of 60 % for 30 min, the contact pressure on the disc being 0.14 N/mm2 (at 5 N load), 0.28 N/mm2 (at 10 N load), 0.42 N/mm2 (at 15 N load) and 0.56 N/mm2 (at 20 N load). Two samples were tested for each condition. A SEM examination was carried out on the worn surfaces of the specimens in order to understand the wear mechanism under various test conditions. 2.6 Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis An EDS analysis was done on the worn surfaces of the AA6061 alloy and AA6061-B4C-Gr composite (Jeol) primarily to verify the presence of oxides on the worn surfaces. The data output plots the original spectrum showing the number of X-rays collected at each energy level and mapping the element distributions over the areas of interest. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructural analysis The microstructure of the AA6061-B4C-Gr hybrid composite (Figure 3) was fabricated with the stir-casting method. It can be seen that the boron-carbide and graphite particles are distributed uniformly, bonding well with the aluminum matrix. The interface between the Al-matrix, boron-carbide and graphite particles is clean allowing a strong interfacial bonding. No agglomeration of the particles was observed in the composite. S. PRABAGARAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF GRAPHITE ON THE HARDNESS AND WEAR BEHAVIOR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 661–667 663 Figure 3: Microstructure of AA6061-B4C-Gr hybrid composite Slika 3: Mikrostruktura hibridnega kompozita AA6061-B4C-Gr Figure 2: Pin-on-disc wear-testing rig Slika 2: Naprava "pin on disc" za preizku{anje obrabe 3.2 Hardness analysis It can be observed from Figure 4 that the hardness of the Al-matrix increased from 50 BHN to 83 BHN due to the addition of w = 10 % of boron-carbide particles. This reveals an increase in the hardness due to the addition of boron carbide. On the other hand, the hardness of AA6061-B4C composites decreased from 83 BHN to 66 BHN when graphite particles were incorporated. This can be elucidated with the fact that graphite has a lower hardness than B4C particles. The hardness of Al–10 % B4C–3 % graphite was by about 21 % lower than the hardness of the Al–10 % B4C composite. A similar observation was made by Hassan et al.10 3.3 Dry-sliding wear test Typical curves of the wear loss of matrix AA6061 at the 3 m/s sliding velocity and of hybrid composite AA6061-B4C-Gr at the sliding velocity of 3 m/s and the constant load of 20 N are presented in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. It can be observed that the wear of hybrid composite AA6061-B4C-Gr is lower by 28 % when compared with matrix AA6061. This is due to the presence of the B4C and graphite particles. This can also be attributed to a better interfacial bonding between Al and the B4C particles. The volume of the wear debris increases with the increasing load, resulting in a greater loss of the material. The wear resistance of the Al-B4C composites tends to decrease when the sliding velocity is increased from 1 m/s to 3 m/s at the load of 20 N. In general, a higher sliding velocity generates a higher frictional heat which increases the wear. It can be observed from Figures 7 and 8 that the wear loss increased with the increasing load. The volume of the wear debris increases with the increasing load, resulting in a greater loss of the material. The wear resistance of the AA6061-B4C composites tended to decrease when the sliding velocity was increased from 1 m/s to 3 m/s at the load of 20 N. In general, a higher S. PRABAGARAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF GRAPHITE ON THE HARDNESS AND WEAR BEHAVIOR ... 664 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 661–667 Figure 5: Typical curve of the wear-loss pattern of AA6061 at a load 20 N and 3 m/s sliding velocity for a duration 30 min Slika 5: Zna~ilna krivulja obrabe AA6061 pri obremenitvi 20 N, hitrosti drsenja 3 m/s in trajanju 30 min Figure 6: Typical curve of the wear-loss pattern of AA6061-B4C-Gr at 20 N and 3 m/s sliding velocity for a duration 30 min Slika 6: Zna~ilna krivulja obrabe AA6061-B4C-Gr pri obremenitvi 20 N, hitrosti drsenja 3 m/s in trajanju 30 min Figure 4: Hardness of AA6061, Al–10 % B4C and Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr (mass fractions, w/%) Slika 4: Trdota AA6061, Al–10 % B4C in Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr (masni dele`i, w/%) Figure 7: Variation of the wear as a function of normal loads and sliding velocities for AA6061 and AA6061-B4C composite Slika 7: Spreminjanje obrabe v odvisnosti od obremenitve in hitrosti drsenja za kompozita AA6061 in AA6061-B4C sliding velocity generates a higher frictional heat which increases the wear. Figure 8 shows that the wear loss of AA6061-B4C is higher than that of the AA6061-B4C-Gr composite irrespective of the load and speed. This could be due to the soft nature of graphite particles acting as solid lubricants with a layer lattice lamella crystal structure consisting of hexagonal rings forming thin parallel planes (graphenes). Graphenes are bonded to each other with weak van der Waals forces. The layered structure allows a sliding movement of the parallel planes, hence, reducing the frictional forces between the pin and the counter disc. This results in a reduction of the wear of the AA6061-B4C-Gr composite which is 15 % lower than that of the AA6061-B4C composite at the 3 m/s sliding velocity and the 20 N load. A similar observation was noticed by Shanmughasundaram et al.11 for AA6061-Gr (w = 0–7.5 %) composites. 3.4 Morphology of worn surfaces Figures 9 and 10 show the wear-track morphology of AA6061 and the AA6061-B4C composite, respectively, at the normal load of 20 N and the 3 m/s sliding velocity. The worn surface of aluminium with large ploughing grooves is shown. The AA6061 material is much softer than the carbon-steel disc; the asperities on the steel counter face pierce to a larger depth. A larger plastic deformation is seen on the worn surface. The worn sur- face of the AA6061-B4C composite (Figure 10) shows that the extent of the material removal is not as large as in the case of the AA6061 matrix (Figure 9). The wear grooves are smaller along the sliding direction due to the incorporation of boron carbide. The worn surface of the AA6061-B4C-Gr composite subjected to the 20 N load at the 1 m/s sliding velocity is shown in Figure 11. It shows that the extent of the material removal is not as large as in the case of the AA6061-B4C composite. Graphite is a solid lubricant and its particles are soft, slippery, greyish-black, having a layer lattice lamella crystal structure. Its layered structure allows a sliding movement of the parallel S. PRABAGARAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF GRAPHITE ON THE HARDNESS AND WEAR BEHAVIOR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 661–667 665 Figure 10: SEM micrograph of the worn surface of the AA6061-B4C composite at the normal load of 20 N and 3 m/s sliding velocity Slika 10: SEM-posnetek obrabljene povr{ine AA6061-B4C kompozita pri obremenitvi 20 N in hitrosti drsenja 3 m/s Figure 11: SEM micrograph of the worn surface of the AA6061- B4C-Gr composite at the normal load of 20 N and 1 m/s sliding velocity Slika 11: SEM-posnetek obrabljene povr{ine kompozita AA6061- B4C-Gr pri obremenitvi 20 N in hitrosti drsenja 1 m/s Figure 9: SEM micrograph of the worn surface of AA6061 at the normal load of 20 N and 3 m/s sliding velocity Slika 9: SEM-posnetek obrabljene povr{ine AA6061 pri obremenitvi 20 N in hitrosti drsenja 3 m/sFigure 8: Variation of the wear as a function of normal loads and sliding velocities for the AA6061-B4C and AA6061-B4C-Gr composites Slika 8: Spreminjanje obrabe v odvisnosti od obremenitve in hitrosti drsenja za kompozita AA6061-B4C in AA6061-B4C-Gr planes. Hence, it reduces the friction between the pin and the disc, thus, reducing the wear. This observation proves that the wear loss of the hybrid composite of AA6061- B4C-Gr is lower compared to the AA6061-B4C com- posite. The SEM micrograph does not indicate any delamination. The sliding marks (Figure 12) obtained at the 3 m/s velocity are relatively higher compared with the low velocity (1 m/s) when viewed at the same magni- fication. This can be noticed when the sliding velocity increases from 1 m/s to 3 m/s. The morphologies of the worn surfaces gradually change from fine scratches to grooves. This shows that the transition from mild wear to severe wear takes place with an increase in the sliding velocity at a higher load. Generally, aluminium and reinforcement particles react with the oxygen in the air, forming iron oxides during the wear and a Mechanically Mixed Layer (MML) on the worn surface. This oxide film tends to deteriorate at the higher sliding velocity due to a higher frictional heat and increases the wear. It can be concluded that the SEM observation of the worn surfaces of AA6061 and the composites validate the results of the wear loss. 3.5 Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis When the sliding velocity is increased to 3 m/s at the low load (5 N), the surface of the composite pin reacts with the oxygen and forms an oxide layer due to a higher frictional heat. It reduces the direct metallic contact between the sliding surfaces resulting in a lower wear rate of the composite. As can be seen from Figure 13, the peak of the oxide which is the main constituent of MML is clearly detected on the worn surface of the composite. It indicates that the oxidative wear is predominant at the low load (5N) and high sliding velocity (3 m/s). Moreover, a negligible amount of oxides was observed on the worn surface of AA6061. Figure 14 shows the EDAX spectrum of MML for the Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr composite when tested at 20 N, 3 m/s. It can be observed that the amount of the oxi- des present on the worn surface tends to decrease. It can also be noted from Figure 15 that a considerable amount of iron is transferred from the counter steel disc to the composite pin. However, broken and uneven oxide seg- ments increase the wear. Hence, MML failed to sustain S. PRABAGARAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF GRAPHITE ON THE HARDNESS AND WEAR BEHAVIOR ... 666 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 661–667 Figure 14: EDAX spectrum of MML for the Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr composite tested at 20 N, 3 m/s Slika 14: EDAX-spekter MML za kompozit z Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr, preizku{en pri 20 N in 3 m/s Figure 15: Weight percentage of Al, Fe and oxides as a function of the load and sliding velocity on the worn surface of the Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr composite against the counter steel obtained with EDS Slika 15: Masni dele`i Al, Fe in oksidov, ugotovljeni z EDS, v odvisnosti od obremenitve in hitrosti drsenja na obrabljeni povr{ini Al-kompozita z 10 % B4C in 3 % Gr v paru z jeklom Figure 13: EDAX spectrum of MML for the Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr composite tested at 5 N, 3 m/s Slika 13: EDAX-spekter MML za kompozit z Al–10 % B4C–3 % Gr, preizku{en pri 5 N in 3 m/s Figure 12: SEM micrograph of the worn surface of the AA6061- B4C-Gr composite at the normal load of 20 N and 3 m/s sliding velocity Slika 12: SEM-posnetek obrabljene povr{ine kompozita AA6061- B4C-Gr pri obremenitvi 20 N in hitrosti drsenja 3 m/s under the high load and velocity during the sliding. A higher sliding velocity increases the interface tempera- ture and causes a local yielding, thereby the wear mechanism changes into the delamination wear. This behavior is termed as severe wear behavior, in which the material removal occurs at a higher rate. The transition from mild to severe wear is associated with the existence of delamination and adhesion, which are the primary wear mechanisms at the higher load and sliding velocity. 4 CONCLUSIONS AA6061-B4C and AA6061-B4C-Gr composites were successfully fabricated by employing the stir-casting method. A SEM analysis revealed that boron-carbide and graphite particles are distributed uniformly in the aluminium matrix. The AA6061-B4C composite had a higher hardness compared to AA6061. The wear resi- stance of the AA6061-B4C-Gr hybrid composite and Al-B4C composite increase steadily with the sliding load and velocity. The wear resistance of the AA6061-B4C-Gr hybrid composite is higher than that of the AA6061-B4C composite and much higher than that of the AA6061 matrix. The formation of the oxides at the interface plays a significant role in reducing the wear rate. The oxides and reinforcing particles form a mechanically mixed layer (MML) appearing on the worn surface of the composite pin and enhancing the wear resistance. Hence, it can be concluded that graphite particles reduce the wear when included in an aluminium alloy or in an AA6061-B4C composite. Acknowledgement I am grateful to the Faculty of Engineering, Depart- ment of Automobile Engineering, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, for providing the facilities for a successful completion of this project. 5 REFERENCES 1 S. Balasivanandha Prabu, L. Karunamoorthy, S. Kathiresan, B. Mo- han, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 171 (2006), 268–273 2 A. A. Cerit, M. B. Karamiº, F. Nair, K. Yildizli, Tribology in industry, 30 (2008), 3–4 3 S. 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Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 661–667 667 P. BÍLEK et al.: TRIBOLOGY OF CrAg7N COATINGS DEPOSITED ON VANADIS 6 LEDEBURITIC TOOL STEEL TRIBOLOGY OF CrAg7N COATINGS DEPOSITED ON VANADIS 6 LEDEBURITIC TOOL STEEL TRIBOLOGIJA PREVLEK CrAg7N NA LEDEBURITNEM ORODNEM JEKLU VANADIS 6 Pavel Bílek, Peter Jur~i, Mária Hudáková, ¼ubomír ^aplovi~, Michal Novák Institute of Materials Science, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Paulínská 16, 917 24 Trnava, Slovak Republic pavel-bilek@email.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-25; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-19 Samples made from Vanadis 6 PM ledeburitic tool steel were surface machined, ground and mirror polished. Prior to the deposition, they were heat treated to a hardness of 60 HRC. The CrAg7N coating was deposited with the magnetron-sputtering technique, using pure-Cr and Ag targets in a composite low-pressure nitrogen/argon atmosphere and at a temperature of 500 °C in the Hauzer Flexicoat 850 device. Tribological testing using a pin-on-disc apparatus was carried out at ambient and elevated temperatures: (300, 400 and 500) °C, respectively. Al2O3, 100Cr6 and CuZn balls were used as the counterparts. The wear tracks after the pin-on-disc testing were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy and a microanalysis. The experiments have shown a strong dependence of tribological parameters on the temperature. The friction coefficient of CrN-Ag against the 100Cr6 ball at ambient temperature was μ = 0.56. Tribological sliding tests of this coating system against the alumina balls indicate a decrease in the friction coefficient due to the increasing temperature. At ambient temperature μ = 0.68 and its minimum occurred at the temperature of 400 °C, μ = 0.24. This is attributed to the diffusion of Ag particles to the sliding top surface at elevated temperature. The testing against the CuZn brass ball generally gave a lower friction coefficient at ambient temperature, μ = 0.39. In contrast, the friction coefficient slightly increased with the increasing temperature and was practically constant at elevated temperatures, ranging between μ = 0.43–0.48. Keywords: Cr-V ledeburitic steels Vanadis 6, PVD, chromium nitride with silver, pin-on-disc, friction coefficient Vzorci, izdelani iz ledeburitnega orodnega jekla Vanadis 6 PM, so bili povr{insko obdelani, bru{eni in zrcalno polirani. Pred nanosom so bili toplotno obdelani na trdoto 60 HRC. S tehniko magnetronskega napr{evanja in z uporabo tar~ iz ~istega Cr in Ag je bila nanesena CrAg7N-nanoprevleka v sestavljeni nizkotla~ni atmosferi iz du{ika in argona pri temperaturi 500 °C v napravi Hauzer Flexicoat 850. Tribolo{ki preizkusi s preizku{evalnikom “pin-on-disc” so bili izvr{eni pri sobni temperaturi in pri povi{anih temperaturah (300, 400 in 500) °C. Krogle Al2O3, 100Cr6 in CuZn so bile uporabljene kot par. Sledi obrabe po preizkusu "pin-on-disc" so bile analizirane z vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo in z mikroanalizo. Eksperimenti so pokazali mo~no odvisnost tribolo{kih parametrov od temperature. Koeficient trenja CrN-Ag proti krogli 100Cr6 pri sobni temperaturi je bil μ = 0,56. Tribolo{ki drsni preizkusi te prevleke proti kroglam Al2O3 ka`ejo zmanj{anje koeficienta trenja z nara{~ajo~o temperaturo. Pri sobni temperaturi je bil μ = 0,68, minimum pa se je pojavil pri temperaturi 400 °C, μ = 0,24. To se pripisuje difuziji delcev Ag na drsno povr{ino pri povi{anih temperaturah. Preizku{anje v paru s CuZn in medeninasto kroglo je dalo na splo{no ni`je koeficiente trenja pri sobni temperaturi, μ = 0,39. Nasprotno pa je koeficient trenja malo narasel pri povi{anju temperature in je bil pri povi{anih temperaturah prakti~no konstanten v obmo~ju μ = 0,43–0,48. Klju~ne besede: ledeburitno jeklo Cr-V Vanadis 6, PVD, krom nitrid s srebrom, "pin-on-disk", koeficient trenja 1 INTRODUCTION Chromium nitrides (CrN) have been extensively in- vestigated in the applications of protective coatings due to their high hardness, good wear resistance as well as excellent corrosion and high-temperature-oxidation re- sistance.1–5 They gained great scientific interest and industrial popularity due to these properties in copper machining, aluminium die casting and forming, and wood processing.6 However, in many applications, the requirements on the coated-material surface cannot be met by such a single coating. A further development to adapt some of their properties to the levels required for specific applications leads to the production of com- posite coatings, combining different material properties so that certain new desired properties can be created.7–9 The effect of self-lubrication has gained a great sci- entific importance in the last few years. The main idea to develop self-lubricating and multi-purpose coatings is based upon the fact that commercially available lubri- cants (sulfides, oxides, graphite) exhibit considerable shortcomings and cannot be used effectively in tooling applications over a sufficiently wide temperature range.10–12 Soft noble metals, on the other hand, show a stable chemical behavior and can exhibit self-lubricating properties due to their low shear strength. Noble-metal particles bring several benefits to the layer properties compared to metal oxides or graphite. They are stable up to relatively high temperatures, have a low hardness and do not behave as abrasive particles. A common dis- advantage of noble metals is their high cost, but this can be optimized to an acceptable level. The self-lubricating effect is based on an incorporation of a small amount of noble metals, mostly silver, into the basic CrN film. Silver is completely insoluble in CrN and forms nano- particles in the basic CrN compound. Silver-containing transition-metal-nitride films have been extensively studied in recent years.13 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 669–673 669 UDK 539.92:621.793 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)669(2014) The current paper deals with the development of adaptive nanocomposite CrAgN coatings on the Vanadis 6 Cr-V ledeburitic tool steel. It describes and discusses the tribological properties, such as the friction coefficient and wear rate during the pin-on-disk testing, of the coat- ing with the mass fraction w = 7 % content of silver. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The substrate material was PM ledeburitic steel Vanadis 6 with nominally 2.1 % C, 1.0 % Si, 0.4 % Mn, 6.8 % Cr, 1.5 % Mo, 5.4 % V and Fe as the balance that was soft annealed to a hardness of 21 HRC.14,15 The samples used for the investigation were plates with the dimensions of 50 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm, heat treated (austenitized at a temperature of 1050 °C, quenched in a flow of nitrogen gas and double tempered for 2 h at a temperature of 530 °C) to the final hardness of 60 HRC and then finely ground and polished with a diamond suspension up to a mirror finish. The conditions for depositing CrN/Ag coatings were reported elsewhere.16 The output power on the Cr cath- ode was 5.8 kW and on the Ag cathode it was 0.21 kW. Tribological properties of the coating were measured using a CSM pin-on-disc tribometer at ambient and at el- evated temperatures, up to 500 °C. Balls, 6 mm in diameter, made from sintered alumina, 100Cr6 steel and CuZn brass (55 % Cu, 45 % Zn) were used for the tests. The testing against the 100Cr6 counterpart was carried out only at ambient temperature due to a low thermal stability of the 100Cr6 steel. No external lubricant was added during the measurements. The normal loading used for the investigation was 1 N. For each measure- ment, the total sliding distance was 100 m. The volume loss of the coated samples was calculated from the width of the track using the following formula:17 = R [r2 sin–1(d/2r) – (d/4)v(4r2 – d2)] where R is the wear-track radius, d is the wear-track width and r is the radius of the ball. To relate the volume loss to normal load F and sliding distance l wear rates W 17 were calculated. After the testing, the wear tracks were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) JEOL JSM-7600F and an energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Table 1 summarizes the results of the tribological in- vestigations. In the case of the alumina counterpart, the friction coefficient at ambient temperature was μ = 0.68. Therefore, no positive effect of the Ag addition was found at the low temperature, which is in line with the previous investigation.18 Basnyat et al.19 and Yao et al.20 established a benefi- cial effect of Ag on the friction coefficient at room tem- perature. However, the loading applied in their investi- gation was much higher, which makes the results incomparable with our measured data. At a higher testing temperature, the friction coeffi- cient of the CrN coating with w = 7 % of silver became much lower. The minimum value, μ = 0.24, was found at the temperature of 400 °C. This phenomenon is attri- buted to various factors. Firstly, there is an increasing mobility of silver at elevated temperature that has been reported.21 These atoms can diffuse to the surface at elevated temperatures and effectively work as a solid lubricant due to the low shear strength of silver. The second possible contribution of the friction coefficient decreased with the increased testing temperature can be indentified on the basis of the assumption that an increased temperature makes the coating softer.18 Figure 1 shows the dependence of the friction coeffi- cient on the sliding distance. At ambient temperature, the friction coefficient increased at the beginning of the test and after that it slightly decreased to a stable state of μ = 0.68, typical for a steady state of sliding. At elevated temperatures, the friction coefficient was first between μ = 0.55–0.65 and then it immediately decreased to the values of the steady state. Figure 2 demonstrates the wear tracks obtained by testing the CrAg7N coating against alumina at ambient and elevated temperatures. At ambient temperature, the testing gave a smooth surface without any failure of in- tegrity. The testing at elevated temperatures led to a creation of parallel grooves oriented along the sliding direction on the coated material and to a much wider wear track and a high volume loss of the coating and the wear rate, respectively, as documented in Table 2. The P. BÍLEK et al.: TRIBOLOGY OF CrAg7N COATINGS DEPOSITED ON VANADIS 6 LEDEBURITIC TOOL STEEL 670 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 669–673 Table 1: Results of tribological investigation of the CrAg7N coating Tabela 1: Rezultati tribolo{kih preiskav nanosa CrAg7N μ Counterpart Temperature Al2O3 CuZn 100Cr6 20 °C 0.68 0.39 0.56 300 °C 0.40 0.43 400 °C 0.24 0.48 500 °C 0.29 0.46 Figure 1: Dependence of friction coefficient on sliding distance for alumina counterpart Slika 1: Odvisnost koeficienta trenja od poti drsenja za Al2O3 v paru wider tracks can be attributed to the softening of the coating at elevated temperatures. At the temperature of 400 °C a partial failure of the coating was observed. The EDX analysis showed the presence of iron (the base element of steel) on the sur- face of the track in some sites, while the contents of chromium and silver were found in the other sites (Figure 3). This result confirms a partial removal of the coating from the substrate. Our previous investigation of the CrN coating with w = 3 % of silver gave similar results.22 The lowest value of the friction coefficient was also found at the temperature of 400 °C. However, the CrAg3N coating showed a much higher failure, and even at the temperature of 500 °C it was completely removed from the surface of the substrate after the test. Figure 4 shows the surface of a track after the pin-on-disc testing at the temperatures of 300 °C and 400 °C. In both cases, Ag particles are well visible and these particles are responsible for a better friction and could act as a solid lubricant. In the wear track formed during the testing at 500 °C Ag particles were also identified, but their population density was reduced in comparison with the samples tested at lower temperatures. Figure 5 shows the wear tracks formed by the sliding of the coating against CuZn brass. Compared to the tracks caused by the sliding of sintered alumina these tracks are wider, but no damage of the coating is ob- served. On the other hand, a considerable amount of the ma- terial transferred from the counterpart to the surface of the coating was detected (Figure 6). P. BÍLEK et al.: TRIBOLOGY OF CrAg7N COATINGS DEPOSITED ON VANADIS 6 LEDEBURITIC TOOL STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 669–673 671 Figure 4: Nanoparticles of silver on the surface of track after pin-on-disc testing Slika 4: Nanodelci srebra na povr{ini sledi po preizkusu "pin-on-disc" Figure 2: Wear tracks after pin-on-disc testing against alumina at ambient and elevated temperature Slika 2: Sledi obrabe po preizkusu "pin-on-disc" v paru z Al2O3 pri sobni in povi{ani temperaturi Table 2: Width of tracks, volume loss and wear rate after pin-on-disc testing against alumina Tabela 2: [irina sledi, volumenska izguba in obraba pri preizkusu "pin-on-disc" v paru z Al2O3 Heat (°C) d/μm V/m3 W/(m3/(N m)) 20 85 2.72 · 10–13 2.72 · 10–15 300 228 5.17 · 10–12 5.17 · 10–14 400 250 6.85 · 10–12 6.85 · 10–14 500 276 9.24 · 10–12 9.24 · 10–14 Figure 5: Wear tracks after pin-on-disc testing against CuZn at am- bient and elevated temperature Slika 5: Sledi obrabe po preizkusu "pin-on-disc" v paru s CuZn pri sobni in povi{ani temperaturi Figure 3: Partial failure of coating CrAg7N after pin-on-disc testing against alumina at the temperature of 400 °C: a) overview, b) EDX of chromium, c) EDX of silver, d) EDX of iron Slika 3: Parcialne po{kodbe nanosa CrAg7N po preizkusu "pin-on- disc" v paru z Al2O3 pri temperaturi 400 °C: a) videz, b) EDX kroma, c) EDX srebra, d) EDX `eleza This is due to the very low shear strength of CuZn, especially at a higher temperature. It should be noted that such a material transfer was detected irrespective of the testing temperature. These results are in good agreement with the previous work.22 The measurement results for the friction coefficient of the CuZn counterpart are shown in Table 1. The mini- mum friction coefficient of μ = 0.39 was found at ambient temperature. With the increasing temperature, the friction coefficient becomes higher, ranging between μ = 0.43–0.48. No effect of silver on the tribological performance was found here – the material transfer can be considered as a plausible explanation (Figure 6). The friction coefficient against the 100Cr6 counter- part was found to be μ = 0.56 (Table 1). The material of steel transferred to the surface of the coating is docu- mented in Figure 7. The surface of the coating stayed smooth, without any damage. 4 CONCLUSIONS The friction and wear characteristics of the CrAg7N coatings prepared with the magnetron-sputter-deposition method were examined at different temperatures and with different counterpart materials. The results can be summarized as follows: • The friction coefficient rapidly decreased with the increasing testing temperature when an alumina ball was used as the counterpart, with its minimum at the temperature of 400 °C. The coating showed partial damage at elevated temperatures, but it was not removed from the substrate. • The friction coefficient was not positively influenced when tested against the CuZn counterpart. • No removal or other coating damage was established after the sliding against the CuZn ball and 100Cr6 ball, but a considerable material transfer from the ball to the sample was detected. • The presence of silver in the CrN coating results in improved tribological properties at moderate tem- peratures. Under these conditions, the CrN coating with w = 7 % of Ag could find its application in industry. Acknowledgements This publication is the result of implementing project CE for development and application of advanced diag- nostic methods in processing of metallic and non-metal- lic materials, ITMS:26220120048, supported by the Re- search & Development Operational Programme funded by the ERDF. The research was supported by grant pro- ject VEGA 1/1035/12. 5 REFERENCES 1 G. Bertrand, C. 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BÍLEK et al.: TRIBOLOGY OF CrAg7N COATINGS DEPOSITED ON VANADIS 6 LEDEBURITIC TOOL STEEL 672 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 669–673 Figure 7: Material transferred from counterpart 100Cr6 to the surface of coating CrAg7N after pin-on-disc, at the temperature 20 °C: a) overview, b) EDX of chromium, c) EDX of silver, d) EDX of iron Slika 7: Prenesen material iz para 100Cr6 na povr{ino nanosa CrAg7N po preizkusu "pin-on-disc" pri temperaturi 20 °C: a) videz, b) EDX kroma, c) EDX srebra, d) EDX `eleza Figure 6: Material transferred from counterpart CuZn to the surface of coating CrAg7N after pin-on-disc, at the temperature of 20 °C: a) overview, b) EDX of chromium, c) EDX of silver, d) EDX of copper, e) EDX of zinc Slika 6: Prenesen material s para CuZn na povr{ino nanosa CrAg7N po preizkusu "pin-on-disc" pri temperaturi 20 °C; a) videz, b) EDX kroma, c) EDX srebra, d) EDX bakra, e) EDX cinka 3 S. K. Pradhan, C. Nouveau, A. Vasin, M. A. 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Bílek, Proceedings of the 22nd Int. Conference METAL 2013, Brno, 2013 P. BÍLEK et al.: TRIBOLOGY OF CrAg7N COATINGS DEPOSITED ON VANADIS 6 LEDEBURITIC TOOL STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 669–673 673 M. KAMIERCZAK et al.: MORPHOLOGY AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Fe3O4-ALGINIC ACID NANOCOMPOSITES MORPHOLOGY AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Fe3O4-ALGINIC ACID NANOCOMPOSITES MORFOLOGIJA IN MAGNETNE LASTNOSTI NANOKOMPOZITOV Fe3O4-ALGINSKA KISLINA Ma³gorzata KaŸmierczak1,2, Katarzyna Pogorzelec-Glaser1, Andrzej Hilczer1, Stefan Jurga2, £ukasz Majchrzycki3, Marek Nowicki3, Ryszard Czajka3, Filip Matelski3, Rados³aw Pankiewicz4, Bogus³awa £êska4, Leszek Kêpiñski5, Bart³omiej Andrzejewski1 1Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, M. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60179 Poznan, Poland 2NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61614 Poznan, Poland 3Poznan University of Technology, Nieszawska 13A, 60965 Poznan, Poland 4Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89b, 61614 Poznan, Poland 5Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Okolna 2, 50422 Wroclaw, Poland malgorzata.kazmierczak@ifmpan.poznan.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-27; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-19 The morphology, structure and magnetic properties of the nanocomposites of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles and alginic acid (AA) are studied. Magnetite Fe3O4 nanoparticles and the nanoparticles capped with alginic acid exhibit very distinct properties. The chemical bonding between alginic acid and the surface of magnetite nanoparticles results in the recovery of surface magnetization. On the other hand, it also leads to the enhanced surface spin disorder and unconventional behavior of the magnetization observed in Fe3O4-AA nanocomposites at low temperatures. Keywords: nanocomposite, magnetite nanoparticles, alginic acid, enhanced magnetization Preu~evali smo morfologijo, strukturo in magnetne lastnosti nanokompozitov na osnovi nanodelcev magnetita (Fe3O4) in alginske kisline (AA). V primerjavi z magnetitnimi nanodelci izkazujejo nanokompoziti Fe3O4-alginska kislina precej druga~ne lastnosti. Molekule alginske kisline se kemijsko ve`ejo na povr{ino magnetitnih nanodelcev in s tem povzro~ijo vrnitev povr{inske magnetizacije. Hkrati pa se s tem v nanokompozitih Fe3O4-AA pri ni`jih temperaturah pove~a povr{inska neurejenost spinov in nekonvencionalno vedenje magnetizacije. Klju~ne besede: nanokompozit, nanodelci magnetita, alginska kislina, pove~ana magnetizacija 1 INTRODUCTION The interest in the composites of polymers with magnetic nanoparticles stems from their unique physical properties and potential future applications for mag- netic-data storage,1 electronic devices and sensors,2 biomedical applications in magnetic resonance imaging,3 drug delivery4 and hyperthermia agents.5 From this point of view, one of the most preferred magnetic materials is magnetite Fe3O4 because it is a biocompatible mineral with a low toxicity (for example, the crystals of magne- tite are magnetoreceptors in the brains of some ani- mals6). It also exhibits a large magnetic moment and a spin-polarized electric current – the features highly desired for the applications in spintronics. In bulk, magnetite crystallizes in the inverse spinel AB2O4 structure with two nonequivalent Fe sites placed in the fcc lattice of O2– ions. Tetrahedral A sites contain Fe2+ ions, whereas octahedral B sites are occupied by Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. The magnetic sublattices located on A and B sites are ferrimagnetically coupled. The mixed valence of Fe ions and fast electron hopping between B sites are responsible for a relatively high electric conductivity of Fe3O4 above the Verwey transition, Tv ≈ 125 K.7 Nanostructured magnetite exhibits different mag- netic, electronic and optical properties than the bulk material. Particularly, a significant reduction in the magnetization at the surface of Fe3O4 nanoparticles makes them useless for many applications. This obstacle can be overcome by capping the magnetic nanoparticles with polymers8 or organic acids, which allows a restoration of the surface magnetism.9 One of the best capping material is alginic acid, which is a cheap, common and nontoxic natural biopoly- mer.10,11 The aim of this work is to study the effect of the alginic-acid capping on the surface magnetization reco- very in Fe3O4 nanoparticles. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Sample synthesis All the chemicals used in the experiments were purchased from SIGMA ALDRICH. To obtain the dis- aggregated nanoparticles of magnetite Fe3O4, a portion of 9.0 mmol of FeCl3 · 6H2O was dissolved in 200 mL of ethylene glycol. The solution was vigorously stirred. After 15 min 131.7 mmol of CH3COONa and 1.575 mmol of polyethylene glycol PEG 400 were added Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 675–678 675 UDK 620.3:66.017:621.318 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)675(2014) and the stirring was continued until they completely dissolved. Then, the solution was transferred into 50 mL teflon reactors and heated using microwave radiation (MARS 5, CEM Corporation) at 160 °C for 25 min. The black suspension of the nanoparticles obtained as a result of the reaction was first cooled, isolated by centrifuga- tion and washed with absolute ethanol. The final product was dried in a vacuum oven at 40 °C. A nanocomposite was prepared from the aqueous dispersion of the magnetite nanopowder and alginic acid (AA) that was then air-dried at room temperature. The nanocomposite had the form of flakes with flat surfaces. 2.2 Sample characterization The crystallographic structures of the samples were studied by means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) using an ISO DEBYE FLEX 3000 instrument with a Co lamp ( = 0.17928 nm). The morphology of Fe3O4 nanoparticles was observed using a Philips CM20 SuperTwin transmission electron microscope (TEM). The structures of nanocomposites were studied by means of an atomic force microscope (Dimension Icon®, Bru- ker) using the magnetic-force-microscope (MFM) mode and NANO-SENSORS™ PPP-MFMR probes. The mag- netic measurements were performed using a Quantum Design physical property measurement system (PPMS) fitted with a vibrating-sample-magnetometer (VSM) probe. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows the X-ray powder diffraction patterns of the as-obtained Fe3O4 nanoparticles (panel a) and of the Fe3O4-AA nanocomposite with the magnetite content equal to the mass fraction w = 10 % (panel b). The solid line corresponds to the best Rietveld profile fit calculated by means of the FULLPROF software for the cubic crystal structure with the Fd-3m space group and X-ray radiation with the wavelength of 0.17928 nm, as used in the experiment. The vertical bars correspond to the Bragg peaks and the line below them is the difference between the experimental data and the fit. XRD studies verified the Fd-3m point group of the Fe3O4 nanopowder with the lattice parameters of a = 0.83641 nm and the mean crystallite size of 20 nm determined with the Scherrer method. For the composite, the intensity of diffraction peaks is too low to perform an analysis, even if the content of magnetite is high and equal to w = 10 %. A TEM image of magnetite nanoparticles is pre- sented in the inset to Figure 2. The magnetic nanoparti- cles are almost monodisperse and spherical. A histogram of the particle-size distribution of Fe3O4 nanoparticles is presented in Figure 2. The distribution can be fitted with a log-normal function: f x x x x ( ) exp ln= − ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ 1 2 1 22 2 2 π (1) where x is the mean size of the nanoparticles and is the distribution width. The values characterizing the distribution are: x = 20.5 nm and = 0.11, with x corresponding well to the XRD data. Figure 3 shows the topography (panel a), elastic properties (panel b) and magnetic domains (panels c and d) of the Fe3O4-AA composite surface with the Fe3O4 content of 10 %, studied with MFM. The roughness of the surface is below 10 nm for the scanned area of 500 nm × 500 nm. The knobs on the topography image (the white spots) indicate the presence of small agglomerates of Fe3O4 nanoparticles that are also seen as white areas on the phase-contrast image (panel b). The amplitude and phase contrast of the magnetic signal (panels c and d) indicate the presence of magnetic domains with the size close to 100 nm. The actual size of these domains M. KAMIERCZAK et al.: MORPHOLOGY AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Fe3O4-ALGINIC ACID NANOCOMPOSITES 676 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 675–678 Figure 2: Histogram for Fe3O4 nanoparticles with a log-normal fitting. A TEM image is shown in the inset. Slika 2: Histogram nanodelcev Fe3O4. TEM-posnetek je prikazan v vstavku. Figure 1: XRD powder pattern and line profile fitting of: a) Fe3O4 nanoparticles and b) Fe3O4-AA nanocomposite Slika 1: XRD-difraktogrami in ujemanje linij za: a) nanodelce Fe3O4 in b) nanokompozit Fe3O4-AA can be smaller than that presented in the figures because of the insufficient spatial resolution of the MFM method (about 50 nm) which causes a smearing of the images. The results of the magnetic study are presented in Figures 4 and 5. The magnetization is normalized with respect to the content of magnetite in the samples. For the nanoparticles of Fe3O4, the temperature dependence of magnetization M  T1.9 deviates from the Bloch law M  T1.5 valid for the capped nanoparticles of magnetite (Figure 4). The deviation from the Bloch law for the uncapped Fe3O4 nanoparticles can be related to a degraded magnetic ordering at the surface. Moreover, the magnetization of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles at room temperature is only 51 A m2/kg, i.e., much below the saturation value for the bulk magnetite ( 90 A m2/kg), and also lower than the magnetization of the capped particles, equal to 60 A m2/kg. The enhancement of the magnetization and the Bloch-like behavior of the capped nanoparticles can be explained in terms of the recovery of surface magnetism due to the chemical bonding between the AA and Fe3O4 nanoparticles. This bonding between the O atoms in the carboxylic groups and two of the four Fe atoms in the Fe-O surface unit cell makes the coordinations and distances close to those in the bulk.9 The remaining two Fe atoms still exhibit a reduced magnetization because they are closer to the in-plane oxygens, which results in partially empty dx2 – y2 orbitals. The inhomogeneity with respect to the Fe coordination can be responsible for the increased spin disorder or unconventional magnetism at the Fe3O4 surface. This un- conventional behavior is manifested as a rapid increase in the magnetization at a low temperature observed for Fe3O4-AA composites (Figure 4). The alternative expla- nation of this magnetization upturn assumes a quantization of the spin-wave spectrum due to the finite size of the particles that occurs at low temperatures and is responsible for the deviation from the Bloch law.12 The magnetization loops M(H) for the Fe3O4 nano- particles and Fe3O4-AA composites are shown in Figure 5. Both the nanoparticles and composites exhibit ferro- magnetic (ferrimagnetic) hysteresis loops, which saturate above about 0.3 T. The magnetization of the composites is enhanced as compared to that of the uncapped Fe3O4 nanoparticles. At low temperatures the magnetization loops for the composites are the superpositions of the ferromagnetic and linear contribution from an unconven- tional magnetism. This unconventional behavior cannot be simply related to the paramagnetism at the degraded M. KAMIERCZAK et al.: MORPHOLOGY AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Fe3O4-ALGINIC ACID NANOCOMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 675–678 677 Figure 5: Magnetization loops M(H) for the Fe3O4 nanoparticles and Fe3O4-AA composites with mass fractions 5 % and 10 % of the magnetite content Slika 5: Histerezna zanka M(H) nanodelcev Fe3O4 in kompozitov Fe3O4-AA z masnim dele`em magnetita 5 % in 10 % Figure 3: a) Surface topography, b) phase contrast, c) magnetic phase and d) magnetic amplitude images for the Fe3O4-AA composite with the Fe3O4 mass fraction of 10 % Slika 3: a) Povr{inska topografija, b) fazni kontrast, c) magnetna faza in d) magnetna amplituda kompozitov Fe3O4-AA z masnim dele`em Fe3O4 10 % Figure 4: Magnetization M(T) of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles and Fe3O4-AA composites containing mass fractions 5 % and 10 % of magnetite Slika 4: Magnetizacija M(T) nanodelcev Fe3O4 in kompozitov Fe3O4-AA z masnim dele`em magnetita 5 % in 10 % Fe3O4 surface because it is absent in the uncapped nano- particles of magnetite. 4 CONCLUSIONS The capping of Fe3O4 nanoparticles with alginic acid leads to a partial recovery of the surface magnetization. On the other hand, the bonding between alginic acid and Fe3O4 nanoparticles by means of O atoms results in an unconventional magnetism observed at low temperatures. Acknowledgments This project was supported by the National Science Centre through project No. N N507 229040. M.K. was supported through the European Union – European Social Fund and Human Capital – National Cohesion Strategy. We thank dr. Alja Kupec and dr. Brigita Ro`i~ for the Slovenian translation. 5 REFERENCES 1 D. Weller, A. Moser, IEEE Trans. Magn., 35 (1999), 4423 2 I. Koh, L. Josephson, Sensors, 9 (2009), 8130 3 C. W. Jung, P. Jacobs, Mag. Reson. Imaging, 13 (1995), 661 4 S. Bucak, B. Yavuztürk, A. D. Sezer, Magnetic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Surface Modifications and Application in Drug Delivery, In: A. D. Sezer (ed.), Recent Advances in Novel Drug Carrier Systems, InTech Publisher, 2012 5 P. Wunderbaldinger, L. Josephson, R. Weissleder, Bioconjugate Chem., 13 (2002), 264 6 R. R. Baker, J. G. Mather, J. H. Kennaugh, Nature, 301 (1983), 79 7 F. Walz, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14 (2002), R285 8 E. Sówka, M. Leonowicz, B. Andrzejewski, A. D. Pomogailo, G. I. Dzhardimalieva, J. Alloys Comp., 423 (2006), 123 9 J. Salafranca, J. Gazquez, N. Pérez, A. Labarta, S. T. Pantelides, S. J. Pennycook, X. Batlle, M. Varela, Nano Letters, 12 (2012), 2499 10 Z. Durmus, H. Sözeri, B. Unal, A. Baykal, R. Topkaya, S. Kazan, M. S. Toprak, Polyhedron, 30 (2011), 322 11 B. Unal, M. S. Toprak, Z. Durmus, H. Sözeri, A. Baykal, J. Nano- part. Res., 12 (2010), 3039 12 K. Mandal, S. Mitra, P. A. Kumar, Europhys. Lett., 75 (2006), 618 M. KAMIERCZAK et al.: MORPHOLOGY AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Fe3O4-ALGINIC ACID NANOCOMPOSITES 678 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 675–678 A. GRAJCAR, K. RADWAÑSKI: MICROSTRUCTURAL COMPARISON OF THE THERMOMECHANICALLY ... MICROSTRUCTURAL COMPARISON OF THE THERMOMECHANICALLY TREATED AND COLD DEFORMED Nb-MICROALLOYED TRIP STEEL PRIMERJAVA MIKROSTRUKTUR TERMOMEHANSKO OBDELANEGA IN HLADNO DEFORMIRANEGA, Z Nb-MIKROLEGIRANEGA TRIP-JEKLA Adam Grajcar1, Krzysztof Radwañski2 1Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, 18a Konarskiego Street, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland 2Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, 12-14 K. Miarki Street, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland adam.grajcar@polsl.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-04 The work deals with a microstructural comparison of the thermomechanically processed and subsequently cold deformed Nb-microalloyed Si-Al-type multiphase steel, showing a TRIP effect. The newly developed steel was subjected to the thermomechanical rolling and controlled cooling under the conditions allowing us to obtain a fine-grained ferritic-bainitic microstructure with a large fraction of the retained austenite. Subsequently, the thermomechanically rolled sheet samples were subjected to a 10 % elongation in uniaxial tension. The comparison of the multiphase microstructures and, especially, the identification of the strain-induced martensite were carried out using light microscopy, electron transmission microscopy and electron scanning microscopy equipped with EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction). Morphological details influencing the mechanical stability of the retained austenite were indicated. Keywords: thermomechanical treatment, TRIP effect, multiphase steel, retained austenite, strain-induced martensite, EBSD technique Delo obravnava primerjavo mikrostruktur termomehansko obdelanega in nato hladno deformiranega, z Nb-mikrolegiranega ve~faznega jekla Al-Si, ki izkazuje vedenje TRIP. Novo razvito jeklo je bilo termomehansko valjano in kontrolirano ohlajeno v razmerah, ki omogo~ajo doseganje drobnozrnate feritno-bainitne mikrostrukture z velikim dele`em zaostalega avstenita. Termomehansko izvaljani vzorci plo~evine so bili nato izpostavljeni 10-odstotnemu raztezku pri enoosni natezni obremenitvi. Primerjava multifaznih mikrostruktur in posebno dolo~anje napetostno induciranega martenzita je bila izvr{ena s svetlobno mikroskopijo, elektronsko presevno mikroskopijo in elektronsko vrsti~no mikroskopijo, opremljeno z EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction). Prikazane so morfolo{ke podrobnosti, ki vplivajo na mehansko stabilnost zaostalega avstenita. Klju~ne besede: termomehanska obdelava, u~inek TRIP, ve~fazno jeklo, zaostali avstenit, napetostno inducirani martenzit, EBSD-tehnika 1 INTRODUCTION The mechanical properties and technological for- mability of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) for the automotive industry depend on the relative proportions and mechanical properties of individual microstructural constituents. Ferrite forms a matrix of AHSS whereas the strengthening phases consist of martensite and/or bainite. A very attractive combination of high strength and ductility can be obtained in dual-phase (DP) steels consisting of a ferrite matrix and uniformly distributed martensitic or martensitic-bainitic islands.1–4 A further growth of the strength-ductility balance can be obtained for the steels with a ferritic matrix containing bainitic- austenitic islands, where the final mechanical properties are formed during cold working under the conditions of the strain-induced martensitic transformation of the metastable retained austenite.5–8 Multiphase steel sheets are produced with the continuous annealing of cold- rolled sheets3,7 or they are thermomechanically hot rolled and controlled cooled.8,9 A further increase in the strength properties of multiphase steels requires modi- fied chemical-composition concepts. Recently, Nb, Ti and V microalloying has been used to enhance the strength of multiphase steels8–10, well known for its beneficial effect in HSLA steels.11–15 Thermomechanically processed multiphase steels are characterized by a high-grain refinement. Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative identifications of individual structural constituents are especially important. A deter- mination of the -phase volume fraction is achieved using a computer-image analysis after the colour etching, X-ray or neutron diffraction and magnetic methods.5,6,8,16 Recently, the EBSD technique of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) has had an essential significance in determining the fractions and morphological features of various microstructural constituents.17–19 Microstructural details of cold-rolled multiphase steels have been charac- terized to a sufficient extent.7,17–19 However, there are very few reports concerning morphological details of thermomechanically rolled TRIP steels.9 Hence, the present study addresses the microstructure evolution of a hot-rolled Nb-microalloyed Si-Al multiphase steel. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 679–683 679 UDK 620.186:621.78 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)679(2014) 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The chemical composition of the newly developed steel was designed with the focus on maximizing the retained-austenite fraction and obtaining the carbide-free bainite. The steel contains: 0.24 % C, 1.55 % Mn, 0.87 % Si, 0.40 % Al, 0.034 % Nb, 0.023 % Ti, 0.004 % S and 0.010 % P. Nb and Ti were used to increase the strength and to achieve the grain refinement during hot rolling. The ingot was produced with vacuum induction melting and then it was hot forged to a thickness of 22 mm. Subsequently, the flat samples were roughly rolled to a thickness of 4.5 mm within the temperature range between 1200 °C and 900 °C. The thermomecha- nical rolling was conducted in 3 passes between 1100 °C and 850 °C to the final sheet thickness of about 2 mm. After the final deformation at 850 °C the specimens were air cooled to 700 °C and then slowly to the temperature of 650 °C for 50 s using furnace cooling. The next step included immerse cooling of the sheets at a rate of about 50 °C/s, using a water-polymer medium, to the isother- mal holding temperature (450 °C) at the bainitic trans- formation range. The specimens were held at 450 °C for 600 s and finally cooled at a rate of about 0.5 °C/s to room temperature. Then, standard-sized, A50 tensile-test samples with a gauge length of 50 mm and a width of 12.5 mm were cut parallel to the rolling direction of the sheets and deformed to 10 % of the plastic strain at a strain rate of 5 × 10–3 s–1. Metallographic specimens were taken at different points along the rolling direction for both thermomechanically processed samples and those subjected to cold deformation. For the purpose of a detailed analysis of all the microstructural constituents and, especially, to identify the strain-induced martensitic transformation, light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used. Additionally, orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) using SEM was applied. Etching in a 10 % aqueous solution of sodium metabisulfite was used. Metallo- graphic observations at the magnification of 1000-times were carried out with a Leica MEF 4A light microscope. Morphological details of microstructural constituents of the steel were revealed with SUPRA 25 SEM using back-scattered electrons (BSE). Observations were performed on nital-etched samples at the accelerating voltage of 20 kV. The EBSD technique was performed using Inspect F SEM equipped with Shottky field emission. After the classical grinding and polishing, the specimens were polished with Al2O3 with a granularity of 0.1 μm. The final stage of the sample preparation was the ion polishing using the GATAN 682 PECS system. A fraction of the retained austenite in both the initial state and after cold deformation, assessed with EBSD (the average value of five measurements) was determined at a magnification lower than 3000-times to obtain reliable quantitative results. The thin-foil investigations were carried out using a JEOL JEM 3010 at the accelerating voltage of 200 kV. Mechanically grinded disk specimens were polished at the voltage of 17 V and current density of 0.2 A/cm2. The mixture of 490 mL H3PO4 + 7 mL H2SO4 + 50 g CrO3 was used as the electrolyte. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Applying the thermomechanical rolling and con- trolled cooling results in a fine-grained ferritic matrix with a volume fraction of about 60 % containing uni- formly distributed bainitic-austenitic and austenitic islands (Figure 1a). The amount of the retained austenite determined by EBSD is about 13.8 %. The carbon content (C) of the  phase determined earlier8 using the A. GRAJCAR, K. RADWAÑSKI: MICROSTRUCTURAL COMPARISON OF THE THERMOMECHANICALLY ... 680 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 679–683 Figure 1: a), b) Fine-grained ferritic matrix containing bainitic-auste- nitic and austenitic islands after the thermomechanical processing and c) the finest regions of the retained austenite;  – ferrite, B-A – baini- tic-austenitic islands, R – retained austenite Slika 1: a), b) Drobnozrnata feritna osnova vsebuje po termomehanski obdelavi bainitno-avstenitne in avstenitne oto~ke in c) najdrobnej{a podro~ja zaostalega avstenita;  – ferit, B-A – bainitnoavstenitni oto~ki, R – zaostali avstenit X-ray analysis equals mass fraction 1.14 %, which corresponds to lowering the martensite start temperature of the  phase to about 10 °C. The mean ferrite grain size is equal to 6 μm and the retained austenite is located along the ferrite boundaries as blocky grains with the size up to 5 μm. Some retained austenite forms a halo around the -phase grains whereas another part is located at the ferrite-bainite interfaces. A large fraction of the retained austenite, formed as thin layers or small blocky grains with the size of between 1 ìm and 3 μm, is a constituent of the bainitic islands (B-A) (Figure 1b). A utilization of TEM reveals the finest regions of the retained austenite with the sizes from 50 nm to 200 nm (Figure 1c). Figure 2 is an EBSD map using colour coding for determining individual grains. The inverse-pole figure (Figure 2a) shows the crystal direction parallel to the normal direction of the specimen using the colour coding according to the unit triangle. The grains of the highest size with a random crystallographic orientation can be recognized as ferrite. In the grey-scale image-quality (IQ) map (Figure 2c) they correspond to the brightest regions of the best diffraction quality. The IQ factor represents a quantitative description of the sharpness of the EBSD pattern. A lattice distorted by crystalline defects such as dislocations and subgrain boundaries has a distorted Kikuchi pattern, leading to lower IQ values.7,8 The retained austenite, bainite and grain boundaries are represented by different levels of dark grey because their pattern contrast is lower than that of the ferrite. The color-coded phase map in Figure 2b clearly shows the distribution of the retained austenite. The BCC constituents and the retained austenite are distinguished on the basis of the differences in their crystal structures, whereas for a discrimination of the bainite from the ferrite the differences in the IQ values have to be used. Due to a very small size of the retained austenite, its phase map is highly fragmented. The grain area of the retained-austenite particles covers a range of up to 14 μm2 but the majority of the grains is smaller than 6 μm2 (Figure 3). Having the knowledge of the retained-auste- nite presence and analyzing the IQ map in Figure 2c as well as the misorientation-angle distribution of the retained austenite (Figure 4), it is possible to indicate the bainite regions. Firstly, this phase always occurs in conjunction with the retained austenite and, secondly, having high-lattice imperfections, it corresponds to the dark regions of the low IQ. High-angle boundaries (> 15°) occur between the ferrite grains, BCC consti- tuents and the retained austenite as well as between the ferrite and the bainite (Figure 2c). A large fraction of the retained austenite exhibits a misorientation angle close to 45° with the neighboring BCC constituents (Figure 4). This is in line with the earlier results obtained by Zaeffe- rer et al.19 for the 0.2C-1.4Mn-0.5Si-0.7Al steel and Petrov et al.7, Wasilkowska et al.18 for the 0.2C-1.5Mn- 1.5Si steel, according to which bainite regions require a Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) or Nishiyama-Wasserman A. GRAJCAR, K. RADWAÑSKI: MICROSTRUCTURAL COMPARISON OF THE THERMOMECHANICALLY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 679–683 681 Figure 3: Distribution of the retained-austenite grain area Slika 3: Razporeditev podro~ij zrn zaostalega avstenita Figure 2: Microstructure images of the thermomechanically pro- cessed steel obtained with EBSD: a) inverse pole-figure map showing the grains with different crystallographic orientations, b) marked regions of the retained austenite, c) image-quality map with crystallo- graphic misorientation angles Slika 2: EBSD-posnetki mikrostrukture termomehansko predelanega jekla: a) zemljevid inverznih polovih figur, ki prikazuje zrna z razli~no kristalografsko orientacijo, b) ozna~ena podro~ja zaostalega avstenita, c) zemljevid kvalitete zrn s kristalografsko razli~nimi koti (N-W) orientation for their growth, confirming a displa- cive growth mechanism of bainite. The -phase content decreases to about 7.7 % after applying a 10 % tensile strain. It corresponds to the 44 % initial austenite volume fraction transformed into mar- tensite due to a strain-induced transformation. Generally, the strain-induced martensitic transformation initially proceeds in the largest and medium-sized austenite grains located in a ferritic matrix (Figure 5a). Martensite usually forms in the central zones of the grains whereas the borders remain untransformed (Figure 5b). This confirms a higher enrichment in carbon of the regions adjacent to the ferrite grains and a smaller enrichment of the central austenite regions as a result of a longer A. GRAJCAR, K. RADWAÑSKI: MICROSTRUCTURAL COMPARISON OF THE THERMOMECHANICALLY ... 682 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 679–683 Figure 5: a), b) Ferritic-bainitic microstructures containing the retained austenite and strain-induced martensite of the steel strained to the elongation of 10 %, c) plate morphology of the strain-induced martensite;  – ferrite, B-A – bainitic-austenitic islands, R – retained austenite, M – martensite Slika 5: a), b) Feritno-bainitna mikrostruktura z zaostalim avstenitom in napetostno induciranim martenzitom v jeklu z 10-odstotno natezno deformacijo, c) plo{~ata morfologija napetostno induciranega mar- tenzita;  – ferit, B-A – bainitno-avstenitni oto~ki, R – zaostali avstenit, M – martenzit Figure 6: Microstructure images of the steel strained to the elongation of 10 %: a) inverse pole-figure map showing grains with different crystallographic orientations, b) marked regions of the retained austenite, c) image-quality map with the crystallographic misorienta- tion angles corresponding to the K-S and N-W relationships;  – ferrite, B – bainitic ferrite, B-M-A – bainitic-martensitic-austenitic regions, SZ – retained austenite Slika 6: Posnetki mikrostrukture jekla, natezno obremenjenega do raztezka 10 %: a) zemljevid inverznih polovih figur, ki prikazujejo zrna z razli~no kristalografsko orientacijo, b) ozna~ena podro~ja zao- stalega avstenita, c) zemljevid kvalitete z razli~nimi kristalografskimi koti, ustrezno razmerjem K-S in N-W;  – ferit, B – bainitni ferit, B-M-A – bainitno-martenzitno-avstenitno podro~je, SZ – zaostali avstenit Figure 4: Distribution of the crystallographic misorientation angles of the grains Slika 4: Razporeditev zrn z razli~nimi kristalografskimi koti diffusion path of carbon. The formed martensite has a plate morphology (Figure 5c) and it contributes to a fragmentation of the untransformed austenite fostering its further stabilization due to a reduction in the particle size. It is clear from Figure 6 that the strain-induced martensitic transformation is also initiated inside the largest bainitic-austenitic islands resulting in a further fragmentation of -phase particles. Moreover, the detailed analysis from Figure 6c indicates that the K-S and N-W relationships are partially kept between the austenite and the bainitic ferrite. However, the fraction fulfilling the special crystallographic orientations decre- ases (Figure 7) compared to the initial state (Figure 4). The fragmentation of the retained austenite is revealed through a reduction of the grain-size area below 4 μm2 (Figure 8). It should be noted that the fraction of the grain area changes roughly in proportion to the inverse of the particle size. 4 CONCLUSIONS A detailed identification of the morphological features of individual microstructural constituents of thermomechanically processed multiphase steels is a challenging problem due to a high dispersion of particu- lar phases. The problem becomes even more complicated during cold deformation, when the highly dispersed retained austenite transforms into the strain-induced martensite. It was shown that the investigated Si-Al TRIP steel is characterized by a fine-grained ferritic matrix containing bainitic-austenitic and austenitic islands. The retained austenite occurs as small blocky grains or thin layers forming bainitic-austenitic islands. The strain-induced martensite initially forms in large and medium-sized austenite grains located along the boun- daries of the  phase. The transformation is initiated in the central parts of the grains whereas the border regions of the austenite remain untransformed. The essential effect increasing the stability of the retained austenite against the strain-induced martensite is a fragmentation of the -phase regions. This effect is additionally enhanced by the neighboring bainitic-ferrite laths and the formed plate martensite creating a hydrostatic pressure against the deformation progress. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Pouranvari, E. Ranjbarnoodeh, Mater. Tehnol., 46 (2012) 6, 665–671 2 M. Weglowski, K. Kwiecinski, K. Krasnowski, R. Jachym, Arch. Civ. Mech. Eng., 9 (2009), 85–97 3 M. Pernach, K. Bzowski, R. Kuziak, M. Pietrzyk, Mater. Sci. Forum, 762 (2013), 699–704 4 Z. Gronostajski, A. Niechajowicz, S. Polak, Arch. Metall. Mater., 55 (2010), 221–230 5 S. Wiewiorowska, Steel Res. Int., 81 (2010), 262–265 6 A. Kokosza, J. Pacyna, Arch. Metall. Mater., 55 (2010), 1001–1006 7 R. Petrov, L. Kestens, A. Wasilkowska, Y. 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Zaefferer, J. Ohlert, W. Bleck, Acta Mater., 52 (2004), 2765–2778 A. GRAJCAR, K. RADWAÑSKI: MICROSTRUCTURAL COMPARISON OF THE THERMOMECHANICALLY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 679–683 683 Figure 8: Distribution of the retained-austenite grain area of the cold-deformed steel Slika 8: Razporeditev podro~ij zrn zaostalega avstenita hladno defor- miranega jekla Figure 7: Distribution of crystallographic misorientation angles of the grains after cold deformation Slika 7: Razporeditev zrn s kristalografsko razli~nimi koti po hladni deformaciji J. HAMPL et al.: CONTROL OF THE METALLURGICAL PROCESSING OF ICDP CAST IRONS CONTROL OF THE METALLURGICAL PROCESSING OF ICDP CAST IRONS KONTROLA METALUR[KE OBDELAVE LITEGA @ELEZA ICDP Jiøí Hampl1, Tomá{ Válek2, Petr Lichý1, Tomá{ Elbel1 1V[B -Technical University of Ostrava, FMMI, Department of Metallurgy and Foundry, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic 2Vítkovické slévárny spol., s. r. o., Halasova 2904/1, Ostrava –Vítkovice, Czech Republic jiri.hampl@vsb.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-18 The article is focused on the use of the measurement of oxygen activity for the management of cast-iron metallurgical processing in the operating conditions of a centrifugal-roll casting foundry. The paper presents the results of the oxygen-activity measurement recorded during the metallurgical processing of cast iron from the beginning of the melting to the inoculation of cast iron. The measurement of oxygen activity was made with specifically developed devices and the probes with a high sensitivity designed for measuring aO in cast iron by Heraeus Electro-Nite Celox Foundry. The oxygen activities in cast iron correlate with the properties of cast iron. Keywords: oxygen activity, ICDP iron, inoculation ^lanek je osredinjen na merjenje aktivnosti kisika za vodenje metalur{ke obdelave litega `eleza v livarni pri centrifugalnem ulivanju valjev. ^lanek predstavlja rezultate meritev aktivnosti kisika, spremljane med metalur{ko obdelavo litega `eleza od za~etka taljenja do inokulacije litega `eleza. Meritev aktivnosti kisika je bila izvr{ena s posebno razvito napravo in sondo z veliko ob~utljivostjo za merjenje aO v litem `elezu s Celox – Foundry Heraeus ElectroNite. Aktivnosti kisika v litem `elezu so odvisne od lastnosti litega `eleza. Klju~ne besede: aktivnost kisika, ICDP-`elezo, inokulacija 1 INTRODUCTION The methods for the control of the metallurgical processing of cast iron in the molten state are based on the analyses of solid samples, i.e., the thermal analysis, the chill test and the spectral analysis. For a quick interpretation of the metallurgical quality of molten cast iron, the measurement of oxygen activity can be used too. The measurements are made in the furnace after melting, in the last stage before casting, after the inoculation or modification in the ladle. It is possible to rapidly analyse the level of metallurgical processing (quality) of the melt on the basis of the measured oxygen activity in real time and, if necessary, to make its adjust- ment. 2 OXYGEN IN CAST IRON The oxygen content in molten cast iron influences the mechanism of solidification in the phase of eutectic transformation and it has positive, but also negative, effects on molten cast iron. The positive role of oxygen is primarily to support the formation of stable oxides for the crystallization of graphite; it also supports the hete- rogeneous nucleation and stabilises the solidification of cast iron. An intense formation of graphitization nuclei occurs during the transition of a melt into the solid pha- se, especially during the eutectic transformation. During this solidification phase, the optimum amount of oxygen has to be available. A higher oxygen activity is also able to support the formation of exogenous and endogenous gas bubbles and pinholes in cast iron, or an increased amount of slag and inclusions in the castings. Excessive amounts of oxides can be unstable at elevated temperatures, and under cer- tain conditions (the temperature, time, and viscosity of the melt) they dissociate or coagulate, creating an in- creased amount of slag. The oxygen activity in cast irons is strongly dependent on the temperature. The oxygen activity is increased by the liquidus temperature as a consequence of a release of the crystallization heat. The heat is secreted from the austenite in the concentration melt of carbon. This creates good conditions for the graphite nuclei. A drop in the liquidus temperature starts a decrease in the oxygen activity, taking place until the beginning of the eutectic reaction. The decline in the oxygen activity is simultaneously accompanied by a formation of oxides. An increase in the oxygen activity occurs again during the eutectic transformation, as a consequence of the cry- stallization-heat eutectic reaction.1,2 The measurement of oxygen activity is normally used to control the deoxidation process of steel during the melting and casting of steel castings. The oxygen activities in molten steel are of a higher- order, in the range of 10 × 10–6 to 100 × 10–6, depending on the degree of deoxidation under the temperature of molten steel. Relatively high levels of oxygen activity in Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 685–688 685 UDK 621.74.042:54-145.55:669.787 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)685(2014) steel during melting correspond to the sensitivity of the probes used for the measurement (ppm). Table 1: Informative chemical composition of the ICDP iron (w/%) Tabela 1: Okvirna kemijska sestava ICDP-`eleza (w/%) C Mn Si Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.1 0.03 1.5 2.0 3.8 4.8 0.2 1.0 The oxygen activity in cast iron is by about 3–4 orders of magnitude lower than that of steel, depending on whether it is measured in the cast iron with lamellar or spheroidal graphite (Figure 1). The relationship bet- ween the oxygen activity and the shape of graphite in the processed FeSiMg cast irons was set with the Mampay and CELOX-Foundry equipment for measuring oxygen activity, the Heraeus Electro-Nite company3–5. The way of the metallurgical processing of cast iron, i.e., the management of the melt, the holding temperature and the time greatly influence the oxygen content, i.e., its activity in cast iron and the metallurgical quality of cast iron6–8. The default level of the oxygen activity in cast iron before an inoculation or modification conse- quently influences its graphitization ability, the process of crystallization, the microstructure and the resulting quality of the castings. 3 METALLURGICAL PROCESSING OF CAST IRON The melting of the shell iron (ICDP – Indefinite Child Double Pour) of the centrifugally cast rolls was performed in 4-ton electric induction furnaces. The regu- lation of the chemical composition of iron (alloy) was performed in the furnaces and the subsequent inoculation was performed in the ladles. In total, 14 melts were analyzed. The microstructure of the ICDP iron is formed by the ledeburite basic metal material (BMM), in which there is extruded graphite whose surface portion is optimized in the range of 2–5 % in the evaluated area of the scratch pattern. The cast iron is controlled during its melting with a spectral analysis and cooling curves analyses7,9. An informative chemical composition of the ICDP iron is shown in Table 1. The samples are sampled from the castings for metallurgical analyses, the tests of the quantity of graphite and of the hardness. Table 2: Timeline of the melts and the measured values of oxygen activities, aO Tabela 2: Potek izdelave taline in izmerjene vrednosti aktivnosti kisika, a0 Number of the melt End of melting (h:min) Dwell time of the charge (h:min) aO (10–9) Furnace aO (10–9) Ladle aO (10–9) F-L 1 1:30 2:06 1159.9 699.8 460.1 2 1:40 1:40 932 721.2 210.8 3 1:40 1:30 996.1 718 278.1 4 1:40 2:00 829.3 693.5 135.8 5 1:10 3:50 877.6 766.2 111.4 6 1:40 0:45 1522.9 695.4 827.5 7 2:00 1:33 1496 708.7 787.3 8 1:20 0:55 1213.7 726.9 486.8 9 2:00 2:30 1028 700 328 10 1:20 1:20 895 518.5 376.5 11 2:25 6:20 811.4 792.63 18.77 12 1:20 0:55 1034.1 709.04 325.06 13 2:00 2:35 797.7 717.2 80.5 14 1:20 1:15 874.4 717.2 157.2 4 METHODOLOGY FOR MEASURING OXYGEN ACTIVITY For the measurement of the oxygen activity we used Multi-Lab III by Heraeus Electro-Nite, which consists of a generator, connecting cables and a vibrating lance with a single measuring probe. The measured values are: the temperature (°C), the Emf electromotive voltage (mV), converted to a value of the oxygen activity by the melt temperature and the oxygen activity, converted to a reference temperature of 1420 °C. The reference temperatures are shown in the measurement results. The measured values are displayed on the display device in real time approximately 20–30 s after the immersion of the probe into the melt. The aim of the measurement was to measure the oxygen activity after every metallurgical processing of the ICDP cast iron in real time in the interval of the melting of the charge, while keeping the iron at the set temperature until the inoculation in the ladle. The timeline of the melts (h) and the measured values of the oxygen activities (aO) are shown in Table 2. The graph in Figure 2 presents the dependency of the oxygen activity (aO) on the time (h) of melting in the furnace. The highest activity was measured in the melts with the shortest dwell time at the set temperature. J. HAMPL et al.: CONTROL OF THE METALLURGICAL PROCESSING OF ICDP CAST IRONS 686 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 685–688 Figure 1: Oxygen activity in the cast iron with spheroidal, compacted and lamellar graphite Slika 1: Aktivnost kisika v litem `elezu s kroglastim, kompaktiranim in lamelarnim grafitom With an increasing dwell time in the furnace, the oxygen activities gradually decrease from the maximum value of 1522.9 × 10–9 at the dwell time of 45 min up to the lowest value of 811.4 × 10–9 at the dwell time of 6.3 h. Figure 3 shows the dependence of the oxygen acti- vity (aO) measured in the ladle after the inoculation and the dwell time of the melt in the furnace. For the melt with the shortest dwell time, the oxygen activity was measured to be aO = 1522.9 × 10–9 and after the inocu- lation it was aO = 695.4 × 10–9. In this case, the diffe- rence in the activities aO before and after the inoculation is the largest (54 %). In contrast, for the melt with the longest dwell time, the lowest activity, aO = 811.4 × 10–9, was measured in the furnace and after the inoculation in the ladle, it was aO = 792.63 × 10–9. The decrease was only 18.8 × 10–9. In this case the difference in the oxygen activity before and after the inoculation is only 2.5 %. The differences between the initial oxygen activity aO in the furnace, before pouring the melt into the ladle, and the finishing aO, after the inoculation in the ladle (Figure 4) show a similarly decreasing trend as the activity aO in the furnace depends on the dwell time of the cast iron (Figure 2). 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The oxygen activities were measured for the molten ICDP iron in an electric induction furnace, showing a large range of measured values (711.5 × 10–9). The J. HAMPL et al.: CONTROL OF THE METALLURGICAL PROCESSING OF ICDP CAST IRONS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 685–688 687 Figure 4: Difference between the initial oxygen activity aO and the finishing aO Slika 4: Razlika med za~etno aktivnostjo kisika a0 in kon~no aktivnostjo kisika aO Figure 2: Oxygen activity (aO) dependent on the dwell time (h) of the melt in the furnace Slika 2: Odvisnost aktivnosti kisika (aO) od ~asa (h) med dr`anjem taline v pe~i Figure 5: Dependence of the oxygen activity in the ladle and the surface quantity of graphite Slika 5: Odvisnost med aktivnostjo kisika v ponvi in koli~ino grafita na povr{ini Figure 3: Oxygen activity aO in the ladle after the inoculation and the dwell time Slika 3: Aktivnost kisika aO v ponvi po inokulaciji in ~asu zadr`anja measurements were in the range of 1522.9 × 10–9 up to 811.4 × 10–9. The oxygen activities were measured after the inocu- lation in the ladle (Figure 2). A relatively narrow range of values (99.4 × 10–9) from the lowest activity of aO = 693.5 × 10–9 to the highest activity of aO = 792.6 × 10–9 was measured. The oxygen activities in the iron covered a relatively wide range after the melting and the dwell time. It was caused by different melting times. After the inoculation a narrow range of oxygen activities was measured in the ladle. This corresponds to the criterion set for the opti- mum quantity of graphite (2–5 %) in the ledeburite base of the metal mass of the ICDP iron (Figure 5). The quantity of graphite was established on the basis of an image analysis. 6 CONCLUSIONS On the basis of an evaluation of these melts, it can be concluded that the value of about aO = 700 × 10–9, obtained after the inoculation, provides the optimum level of metallurgical quality of this iron (type ICDP). By measuring the oxygen activity aO (10–9 ) in real time, metallurgical processing and quality can be eva- luated relatively quickly so as to achieve the desired parameters of the casting. Acknowledgements The paper was prepared with the financial support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic within the TIP project Nr TIP: FR-TI2/188 "Research and development of working-layer materials of spun-cast multi-layered rolls focused to modern trends of rolling mills". 7 REFERENCES 1 Z. Bù`ek, Základní termodynamické výpo~ty, Hutnické aktuality, Informetal, 1988, VÚH@ 2 I. C. Kulikov, Raskislenije metalov, Metalurgia, Moskva 1975 3 F. Mampaey, D. Habets, J. Plessers, F. Seutens, On-line oxygen activity measurements to determine optimal graphite form during compacted graphite iron production, International Journal of Metal- casting, 4 (2010) 2, 25–40 4 F. Mampaey, K. 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HAMPL et al.: CONTROL OF THE METALLURGICAL PROCESSING OF ICDP CAST IRONS 688 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 685–688 G. HOJNIK PODREP[EK et al.: SYNTHESIS COMPARISON AND CHARACTERIZATION ... SYNTHESIS COMPARISON AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CHITOSAN-COATED MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES PREPARED WITH DIFFERENT METHODS PRIMERJAVA POSTOPKOV IN KARAKTERIZACIJA MAGNETNIH NANODELCEV, PREVLE^ENIH S HITOZANOM Gordana Hojnik Podrep{ek, @eljko Knez, Maja Leitgeb University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Laboratory for Separation Processes and Product Design, Smetanova ul. 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia maja.leitgeb@um.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-26 In this study, magnetic maghemite nanoparticles were prepared with the coprecipitation method, due to its simplicity and productivity. Thereafter, chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized with three different methods, the micro-emulsion process, the suspension cross-linking technique and the covalent binding. Subsequently, a comparison of the used methods was done using various analyses such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetry (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), vibrating-sample magnetometry (VSM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The characterization results from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) indicated a successful binding of chitosan on the magnetic nanoparticles. SEM pictures showed that spherical structured particles with an increased particle size were obtained as the chitosan layer around the particles was increased. Considering that the magnetic-separation technique has the advantages of rapidity, high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and lack of negative effect on the biological activity, these carriers may be applied in enzyme immobilization. Keywords: magnetic nanoparticles, chitosan, surface functionalization V prispevku je opisana enostavna priprava magnetnih nanodelcev, prevle~enih s hitozanom. Postopek je potekal v dveh stopnjah. V prvi smo sintetizirali magnetne nanodelce s koprecipitacijo `elezovih ionov. V drugi smo nanodelce prevlekli s hitozanom, da bi prepre~ili aglomeracijo, z uporabo treh razli~nih postopkov: z metodo mikroemulzije, metodo zamre`enja in s kovalentno vezavo. Karakterizacija tako pripravljenih nanodelcev je bila izvedena s Fourierjevo transformacijsko infrarde~o spektroskopijo (FTIR), z vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM), s termogravimetri~no analizo (TGA), z diferencialno dinami~no kalorimetrijo (DSC), z analizo vibracijskega magnetometra (VSM) in dinami~nim sipanjem laserske svetlobe (DLS). Rezultati analiz FTIR in TGA so potrdili vezavo hitozana na magnetne nanodelce, medtem ko je bila oblika in debelina sloja hitozana dolo~ena s SEM-analizo. Ker ima tehnika magnetnih nanodelcev veliko prednosti pri lo~evanju, cenej{i proizvodnji in nima negativnih u~inkov na biolo{ko aktivnost, se lahko potencialno uporablja pri encimski imobilizaciji. Klju~ne besede: magnetni nanodelci, hitozan, povr{inska funkcionalizacija 1 INTRODUCTION Recently, magnetic nanoparticles such as maghemite (-Fe2O3) have attracted a great deal of attention due to their unique, controllable sizes, shapes, other physical properties, compositions and also for their wide applica- tions in biomedicine, biotechnology, engineering, mate- rial science and environmental areas1–3. They have a magnetic response and can be manipulated with an exter- nal magnetic-field gradient (Figure 1). Chitosan, a deacetylated derivative of chitin, is a polysaccharide with both a hydroxyl and an amine group in its structure. In addition, it is non-toxic, biocom- patible, biodegradable, and anti-bacterial4. It is insoluble in water, but becomes soluble and positively charged in acidic media. Nowadays, the preparation of chitosan-mo- dified magnetic nanoparticles are of great interest5,6. In addition, this polymer has been used successfully to colloidally stabilize magnetic nanoparticles and has also been used as a matrix for enzyme immobilization since it has numerous amino groups that can interact with enzy- me7,8. The amino groups are responsible for the distinct characteristics attributed to this basic polymer. There- fore, the characterization of chitosan is extremely important with respect to the structure-property relation- ship, defining a possible industrial application9. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 689–692 689 UDK 620.3:66.017:621.318.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)689(2014) Figure 1: Magnetic-property illustration of the maghemite nanopar- ticles dispersed in water Slika 1: Prikaz magnetnih lastnosti nanodelcev maghemita, dispergi- ranega v vodi 2 EXPERIMENTS 2.1 Materials Iron (II) chloride tetrahydrate (FeCl2 · 4H2O), iron (III) chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3 · 6H2O) and acetic acid were supplied from Merck, (Germany). Chitosan (CTS, MMW, the degree of deacetylation was 75–85 %), glutaraldehyde (GA) and Span-80 were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Ammonia was purchased from Carlo Erba and paraffin from Kreiger. All the solutions were prepared with Milli-Q water. 2.2 Apparatus and procedures Maghemite nanoparticles were synthesized by coprecipitating Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in the presence of ammonium. A functionalization of chitosan was carried out with three different methods: the micro-emulsion process10, the suspension cross-linking technique11 and the covalent binding of chitosan12. These methods differ with respect to the chitosan concentration, the presence and concentration of the acetic acid solution, the glutaraldehyde concentration, the synthesis temperature, the pH of the medium and the time of the synthesis. The properties and structures of non-functionalized magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles and chitosan-func- tionalized magnetic maghemite nanoparticles were characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectro- scopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic light scattering (DLS), vibrating-sample magnetometry (VSM) and potentiometric titration. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Characterization of chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles The FTIR spectra of chitosan, chitosan-coated maghemite and maghemite nanoparticles are shown in Figure 2a to 2c. Undoubtedly, the FTIR spectra of chitosan showed a broader band at 3410 cm–1, which was attributed to the hydroxyl (OH) stretching as reported in6. For the IR spectra of chitosan, the characteristic absorption bands appeared at 1654 cm–1 which can be assigned to the N-H bending vibrations, and at 1377 cm–1 assigned to the C-O stretching of the primary alcohol group in chitosan. For the magnetic maghemite nano- particles, the peaks at 570 cm–1 and 628 cm–1 were related to the Fe-O group10. However, the adsorption of chitosan on the surface of the magnetic iron-oxide nano- particles was confirmed with the FTIR analysis. Figure 3 shows the size distribution of the magnetic nanoparticles determined with DLS in an aqueous solution with the mean diameter of 22.8 nm. The results of the TGA characterization of the maghemite nanoparticles coated with chitosan obtained with three different methods were used for an estimation of the amount of the chitosan coating on the maghemite G. HOJNIK PODREP[EK et al.: SYNTHESIS COMPARISON AND CHARACTERIZATION ... 690 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 689–692 Figure 4: Weight-loss curve of chitosan by sample; (MC1) maghemite particles coated with chitosan with the micro-emulsion process, (MC2) maghemite nanoparticles coated with chitosan with the suspen- sion cross-linking technique and (MC3) maghemite nanoparticles coated with chitosan with the covalent-binding method Slika 4: Krivulje zmanj{anja mase hitozana v vzorcih; (MC1) delci maghemita, pokriti s hitozanom s postopkom mikroemulzije, (MC2) delci maghemita, pokriti z metodo zamre`enja in (MC3) maghemitni nanodelci, pokriti s hitozanom z metodo kovalentne vezave Figure 2: FTIR spectra of: a) chitosan, b) maghemite coated with chitosan and c) maghemite Slika 2: FTIR-spektri: a) hitozan, b) maghemit z nanosom hitozana in c) maghemit Figure 3: Particle-size distribution of non-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles Slika 3: Razporeditev velikosti nefunkcionaliziranih magnetnih nano- delcev nanoparticles. The actual weight loss of pure maghemite nanoparticles was subtracted from the actual weight loss of maghemite nanoparticles coated with chitosan to get the mass loss of chitosan in percentages for MC1, MC2 and MC3, presented in Figure 4. The mass loss of chi- tosan for MC3 (22.2 %) is lower than for MC2 (28.8 %) and MC1 (60.7 %). The presence of the amino-group amount was studied for pure chitosan and chitosan-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles, using a potentiometric titration. The re- sulting charging isotherms QVt/mf versus pH are pre- sented in Figure 5. The figure contains the titration data for pure chitosan and the MC3 sample. The amount of amino group in free chitosan was 4.22 mmol/g, while in sample MC3 it was 2.48 mmol/g. Typical SEM micrographs for maghemite nanoparti- cles and chitosan-coated maghemite nanoparticles are shown in Figure 6, presenting maghemite nanoparticles (a) and maghemite nanoparticles, coated with chitosan with the covalent-binding method (b). Figure 6 reveals that the maghemite particles, coated with chitosan (MC3) have spherical shapes and a size range of 50–100 nm. Figure 7 shows the magnetization curves for the maghemite nanoparticles, revealing superparamagnetic properties. The magnetization of the micro- and nano- particles, coated with chitosan with the micro-emulsion process was found to be 3 emu/g, for the suspension cross-linking technique it was 40 emu/g and for the covalent-binding method it was 20 emu/g. These values were compared to the value for the uncoated maghemite nanoparticles. Therefore, it can be concluded that a chitosan-surface functionalization of the maghemite nanoparticles was achieved. 4 CONCLUSION In this paper, chitosan-coated maghemite nanoparti- cles were synthesized with the micro-emulsion process, the suspension cross-linking technique and covalent binding of chitosan. The samples exhibited clear diffe- rences in the saturation magnetization, which can be ascribed mainly to different chemical compositions and magnetic moments of Fe. The chitosan-coated maghe- mite nanoparticles appeared in granules with the average sizes of 40–350 μm after the micro-emulsion process, 400 nm after the suspension cross-linking technique and 50–100 nm after the covalent binding of chitosan. The size of the nanoparticles was increased with an increase G. HOJNIK PODREP[EK et al.: SYNTHESIS COMPARISON AND CHARACTERIZATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 689–692 691 Figure 6: SEM images of: a) magnetic maghemite nanoparticles and b) maghemite nanoparticles, coated with chitosan with the covalent- binding method (MC3) Slika 6: SEM-posnetka: a) magnetnih nanodelcev maghemita in b) nanodelcev maghemita, pokritih s hitozanom s kovalentno metodo vezanja (MC3) Figure 7: Hysteresis loops of the maghemite and chitosan-function- alized maghemite nanoparticles Slika 7: Histerezna zanka maghemita in s hitozanom funkcionalizi- ranih nanodelcev maghemita Figure 5: Charging isotherms of pure chitosan and MC3 nanoparticles Slika 5: Izoterme naboja ~istega hitozana in MC3-nanodelcev in the concentration of chitosan and decreased with an increase in the cross-linker concentration. We found that the magnetic nanoparticles, coated with chitosan with the covalent-binding method (MC3) are suitable for practical applications due to their sufficiently high values of amino groups and nanosized particles. The maghemite nanoparticles, functionalized with chitosan, have a po- tential to be used in assisted drug-delivery systems, cell/enzyme immobilization, separation processes, medical diagnosis and therapy and many other industrial applications. Acknowledgements This work was entirely supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (PhD researcher fellowship contract No. 1938/FKKT-2010) and financially supported through Project J2-4232. 5 REFERENCES 1 L. Zeng, R. Hu, Z. Wu, Q. He, Preparation and characterization of amino-coated maghemite nanoparticles, Bioinformatics and Biome- dical Engineering (iCBBE), (2010), 1–5 2 M. Faraji, Y. Yamini, M. Rezaee, Magnetic nanoparticles: Synthesis, stabilization, functionalization, characterization, and applications, Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 7 (2010) 1, 1–37 3 S. K. Janardhanan, Synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles using chito- san and starch templates, Transition Metal Chemistry, 33 (2008), 127–131 4 D. Kavaz, T. Cirak, E. Öztürk, C. Bayram, E. B. Denkbas, Function- alized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems, Springer, Netherlands 2008, 313 5 G. Li, Y. Jiang, K. Huang, P. Ding, J. Chen, Preparation and pro- perties of magnetic Fe3O4-chitosan nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 466 (2008), 451–456 6 C. Yuwei, W. Jianlong, Preparation and characterization of magnetic chitosan nanoparticles and its application for Cu(II) removal, Che- mical Engineering Journal, 168 (2011), 286–292 7 G. Hojnik Podrep{ek, @. Knez, M. Leitgeb, Different preparation methods and characterization of magnetic maghemite coated with chitosan, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (2013), 1–12 8 S. Jenjob, P. Sunintaboon, P. Inprakhon, N. Anantachoke, V. Reutra- kul, Chitosan-functionalized poly(methyl methacrylate) particles by spinning disk processing for lipase immobilization, Carbohydrate Polymers, 89 (2012) 3, 842–848 9 E. S. Alvarenga, Characterization and Properties of Chitosan, In: M. Elnashar (ed.), Biotechnology of Biopolymers, InTech, 2011, 91 10 H. Y. Zhu, R. Jiang, L. Xiao, W. Li, A novel magnetically separable -Fe2O3/crosslinked chitosan adsorbent: Preparation, characterization and adsorption application for removal of hazardous azo dye, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179 (2010), 251–257 11 G. Y. Li, Y. R. Jiang, K. L. Huang, P. Ding, J. Chen, Preparation of magnetic Fe3O4-chitosan nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Com- pounds, 466 (2008), 451–456 12 D. Bhattacharya, S. K. Sahu, I. Banerjee, M. Das, D. Mishra, T. K. Maiti, P. Pramanik, Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro biolo- gical evaluation of highly stable diversely functionalized superpara- magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13 (2011), 4173–4188 G. HOJNIK PODREP[EK et al.: SYNTHESIS COMPARISON AND CHARACTERIZATION ... 692 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 689–692 M. PA[ÁK et al.: STUDY OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN Cr-V TOOL STEEL STUDY OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN Cr-V TOOL STEEL [TUDIJ FAZNIH PREMEN V ORODNEM JEKLU Cr-V Matej Pa{ák, Roman ^i~ka, Pavel Bílek, Peter Jur~i, ¼ubomír ^aplovi~ Institute of Materials Science, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Paulinska 16, 917 24 Trnava, Slovak Republic matej.pasak@stuba.sk Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-10-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-12 The properties of steels are very dependent on the phases present in the microstructure. The wear resistance and thermal stability of tool steels are achieved with the presence of different types of carbides. So the chemical composition and heat treatment play crucial roles in optimizing the properties of tool steels. The phase transformations in Cr-V tool steel were analyzed during the heating from room temperature up to 1100 °C using DTA and dilatometry. After soft annealing the microstructure of the investigated steel consists of a ferritic matrix and M7C3 and MC carbides, as determined with SEM, EDX and XRD techniques. The experimental results were compared to the computational results (Thermo-Calc). Keywords: phase transformation, Cr-V tool steel, Thermo-Calc Lastnosti jekla so mo~no odvisne od faz, ki so v mikrostrukturi. Odpornost proti obrabi in toplotna stabilnost orodnih jekel se dose`eta z razli~nimi vrstami karbidov. Kemijska sestava in toplotna obdelava imata klju~no vlogo pri optimiranju lastnosti orodnih jekel. DTA in dilatometrija sta bili uporabljeni za preu~evanje faznih premen v orodnem jeklu Cr-V med ogrevanjem od sobne temperature do 1100 °C. Tehnike SEM, EDX in XRD so potrdile, da po mehkem `arjenju mikrostrukturo preiskovanega jekla sestavlja feritna osnova ter karbidi M7C3 in MC. Eksperimentalni rezultati so bili primerjani z izra~unanimi (Thermo-Calc). Klju~ne besede: fazna premena, orodno jeklo Cr-V, Thermo-Calc 1 INTRODUCTION At present Cr-V ledeburitic steels are often used for the manufacturing of cutting, forming and other tools in the industry. To meet the industrial requirements for high stability and reliability, they have to withstand the wear and plastic deformation. They are usually produced with powder metallurgy. This technology enables us to obtain a uniform carbide size and distribution and also to pro- duce the materials with particular compositions that cannot be prepared by conventional casting. The techno- logy of powder metallurgy provides good results in achieving high homogeneity. The phase composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of ledeburitic tool steels are determined by the matrix and the type, quantity, size and distribution of the carbides.1 The pro- perties of the material thus depend on the microstructure obtained after heat treatment. The phase transformations during heating can be described with thermodynamic modeling using the CALPHAD method.2–4 Thermal-analysis techniques are suitable for an experimental determination of the phase transformations in materials. For steels, the DTA and dilatometry tech- niques are often used.5,6 Carbide phases have a different thermal stability and some of them are dissolved during the austenitizing in the solid state.7,8 Bílek et al.9 investigated the phase composition of Cr-V tool steel after heat treatment, using SEM+EDX, a quantitative analysis of the microstructure and hardness measurements. They found two types of carbides in the microstructure of Cr-V tool steel. Carbide M7C3 was partially dissolved during the austenitizing at 1000 °C and it completely disappeared after the auste- nitizing at 1100 °C. Carbide MC is more stable and starts to dissolve only at a temperature higher than 1200 °C. The aim of this paper is to enhance and explain the results published previously by Bílek et al.9 using addi- tional experimental techniques (XRD, DTA and dilato- metry) and thermodynamic calculations (Thermo-Calc). 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Sample material Cr-V tool steel was used as the experimental material with the chemical composition of w(C) = 2.1 %, w(Si) = 1 %, w(Mn) = 0.4 %, w(Cr) = 6.8 %, w(Mo) = 1.5 %, w(V) = 5.4 %, balanced by Fe.10 The sample was initially annealed at the temperature of 900 °C for 1 h and then slowly cooled down to room temperature. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was accom- plished with a Panalytical Empyrean X-ray diffracto- meter. A cobalt anode (U = 40 kV and I = 40 mA) with a parallel-beam X-ray mirror was used. The sample was measured with a PIXcel3D detector at room temperature Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 693–696 693 UDK 669.14:669.017.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)693(2014) in the angular range of 45–110° with a step size of 0.0131°. The microstructure and chemical composition of the phases were analyzed with a JEOL JSM 7600F electron microscope equipped with a secondary and back-scattered electron detector and a MAX 50 EDX detector from Oxford Instruments. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) was done using a NETZSCH STA 409CD simultaneous thermal analyzer in an inert gas (Ar 6.0) with a magnetic frame enabling also the measurements of the magnetic transition in the tempe- rature range of 100–1100 °C, at the heating rate of 10 K/min. The dilatometry measurements were performed using a NETZSCH DIL 402C dilatometer. The inert-gas atmosphere (Ar 6.0) in the temperature range of 100–1000 °C and different heating rates (2, 5, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25) K/min were used. The thermodynamic calcula- tions were done using the Thermo-Calc software and TCFE6 thermodynamic database. 2.2 Results The XRD analysis (Figure 1) confirms that only MC and M7C3 carbides are present as the secondary phases in the ferrite at room temperature. Figure 2a illustrates the microstructure of Cr-V tool steel after annealing, with the coarse M7C3 particles (some of these particles are in an extraordinary fine form) and finer MC particles in the ferritic matrix. In the EDX mapping mode the distribution of vana- dium (Figure 2b) and chromium (Figure 2c) can be seen. The phase transformations in the investigated steel during heating are shown with the DTA and thermomag- netometry curves in Figure 3. The magnetic transition of the ferrite from the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic state is detected at 754.0 °C from the thermomagnetometry curve and at 753.6 °C from the DTA curve. The next peak on the DTA curve with the onset at 855.3 °C corres- ponds to the austenitization process. These results were verified with thermodynamic calculations using the Thermo-Calc software. Figure 4 shows the temperature dependence of the volume frac- tions of individual phases. It can be seen that the amount of the M7C3 carbide starts to decrease already during the ferrite-to-austenite transformation, in the temperature range of 814–837 °C. After the completion of the ferrite-to-austenite trans- formation, the dissolution of M7C3 in austenite continues until its completion at about 1200 °C. M. PA[ÁK et al.: STUDY OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN Cr-V TOOL STEEL 694 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 693–696 Figure 3: DTA and TG curves of the as-prepared tool-steel powder at the heating rate of 10 K/min Slika 3: Krivulji DTA in TG prahu orodnega jekla pri hitrosti ogre- vanja 10 K/min Figure 1: Diffractogram of the annealed sample measured at room temperature Slika 1: Rentgenski difraktogram `arjenega vzorca, posnet pri sobni temperaturi Figure 2: Microstructure of the ledeburitic Cr-V tool steel in the soft-annealing state: a) overview (SEM), b) EDX map of vanadium from Figure 2a, c) EDX map of chromium from Figure 2a Slika 2: Mikrostruktura ledeburitnega orodnega jekla Cr-V v mehko `arjenem stanju: a) SEM, b) EDX-razporeditev vanadija s slike 2a, c) EDX-razporeditev kroma s slike 2a Figure 5 shows the dilatometry curves of Cr-V tool steel during heating (2 K/min) and cooling (3 K/min). By analyzing the curve of the thermal-expansion coefficient, the characteristic temperatures of the ferrite-to-austenite transformation were determined. The transformation start and finish temperatures during the heating are thus 843.0 °C and 872.6 °C, respectively. The transformation start and finish temperatures during the cooling were determined as 760.2 °C and 732.3 °C, respectively. The other dilatometry measurements were performed at different heating rates and the results regarding the transformation start and finish temperatures of the ferrite-austenite transformation are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 6. 3 DISCUSSIONS In this work it was confirmed that the microstructure of Cr-V tool steel after soft annealing consists of a ferritic matrix and M7C3 and MC carbides. M7C3 starts to dissolve during the ferrite-to-austenite phase transforma- tion and a complete dissolution of M7C3 in the austenite occurs at the temperature of about 1200 °C. The MC carbide is more stable and its amount remains unchanged from room temperature up to 1200 °C. The temperature range of the ferrite-to-austenite phase transformation determined with dilatometry is 843.0–872.6 °C using a slow heating rate (2 °C/min) and the transformation during cooling occurs in the temperature range of 760.2–732.3 °C. The temperature range of this phase transformation calculated with Thermo-Calc is 814–837 °C. If the heating rate in dilatometry measurements increases (2–25 °C/min), the transformation start tempe- rature also increases from 843.0 °C to 857.1 °C, while the transformation finish temperature increases from 871.8 °C to 904.0 °C and the temperature range of this transformation also increases from 28.8 °C to 46.9 °C. The results for the thermal stability of M7C3 and MC carbides in Cr-V steel are in agreement with and explain M. PA[ÁK et al.: STUDY OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN Cr-V TOOL STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 693–696 695 Figure 6: Transformation start and finish temperatures of the ferrite-austenite transformation in dependence on the heating rate Slika 6: Temperature za~etka in konca pretvorbe ferit-avstenit v od- visnosti od hitrosti ogrevanja Table 1: Start/finish temperatures of the ferrite-to-austenite transfor- mation at different heating rates, with the calculated temperature range of the transformation Tabela 1: Temperature za~etka – konca pretvorbe ferita v avstenit pri razli~nih hitrostih ogrevanja z izra~unanimi temperaturnimi obmo~ji pretvorbe Heating rate 2 °C/min 5 °C/min 8 °C/min 12 °C/min 16 °C/min 20 °C/min 25 °C/min Ts/°C 843.0 845.5 848.2 852.3 855.5 856.3 857.1 Tf/°C 871.8 881.9 887.8 895.6 899.6 902.6 904.0 T/°C 28.8 36.4 39.6 43.3 44.1 46.3 46.9 Figure 4: Volume-phase fractions in dependence on the temperature calculated with Thermo-Calc Slika 4: Volumenski dele` faz v odvisnosti od temperature, izra~unane s Thermo-Calc Figure 5: Dilatometric curves at the heating rate of 2 °C/min and the cooling rate of 3 °C/min Slika 5: Dilatometrijska krivulja pri hitrosti ogrevanja 2 °C/min in pri hitrosti ohlajanja 3 °C/min the results published previously.10 The future work will be focused on developing a kinetic model of the ferrite-austenite phase transformation in this system using the dilatometry data. The dissolution of M7C3 in austenite will be modeled using the Dictra software to enhance the knowledge about these kinetic processes occurring in Cr-V tool steel during heating. 4 CONCLUSIONS The microstructure and phase transformations in Cr-V tool steel were analyzed using experimental and computational techniques. The main results are sum- marized as follows: • the microstructure of Cr-V tool steel after soft annealing consists of a ferritic matrix and M7C3 and MC carbides • M7C3 starts to dissolve during the ferrite-to-austenite phase transformation and is completely dissolved in the austenite at 1200 °C • MC is more stable and its amount does not change from room temperature up to 1200 °C • the phase transformation of ferrite to austenite proceeds in the temperature range of 843.0–871.8 °C, determined at the low heating rate by dilatometry by using the dilatometry data obtained at different heat- ing rates, a kinetic model of the ferrite-to-austenite phase transformation will be proposed in the near future, and the kinetics of the dissolution of M7C3 in austenite will be calculated using the Dictra software. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the financial support of projects ITMS:26220120014 and ITMS:26220120048 "Center for development and application of advanced diagnostic methods in processing of metallic and non-metallic materials" funded within the Research & Development Operational Programme. 5 REFERENCES 1 P. Grgac, R. Moravcik, M. Kusy, J. Toth, M. Miglierini, E. Illekova, Thermal stability of metastable austenite in rapidly solidified chromium–molybdenum–vanadium tool steel powder, Materials Science and Engineering A, 375–377 (2004), 581–584 2 J. Kohout, Modelling of changes in properties of alloys at elevated temperatures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 462 (2007) 1–2, 159–163 3 A. Costa e Silva, J. Ågren, M. T. Clavaguera-Mora, D. Djurovic, T. Gomez-Acebo, B. J. Lee, Z. K. Liu, P. Miodownik, H. J. 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Jur~i, Evaluation of the microstructural changes in Cr-V ledeburitic tool steels depending on the austenitiza- tion temperature, Mater. Tehnol., 45 (2011) 5, 489–493 10 Material list of Uddeholm company, Vanadis 6 [online], 2009 [cit.2013-24-9], www: http://www.bucorp.com/files/van_6_ds.pdf M. PA[ÁK et al.: STUDY OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN Cr-V TOOL STEEL 696 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 693–696 J. KLOFÁ^ et al.: MODEL ANTIMICROBIAL POLYMER SYSTEM BASED ON POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) AND ... MODEL ANTIMICROBIAL POLYMER SYSTEM BASED ON POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) AND CRYSTAL VIOLET MODEL PROTIMIKROBNEGA POLIMERNEGA SISTEMA NA OSNOVI POLIVINILKLORIDA IN KRISTAL VIOLETA Jiøí Klofá~1,2, Ivo Kuøitka1,2, Pavel Ba`ant1,2, Kristýna Jedli~ková1,2, Jakub Sedlák1,2 1Polymer Centre, Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Nam. T. G. Masaryka 275, 762 72 Zlin, Czech Republic 2Centre of Polymer Systems, University Institute, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Nad Ovcirnou 3685, 760 01 Zlin, Czech Republic j_klofac@ft.utb.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-10-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-11 The development of novel antimicrobial materials for biomedical application in indwelling devices such as catheters is very important as the resistance of the pathogens responsible for nosocomial infections towards recent systems has been emerging with an increasing rate. The work presented here is focused on the preparation and characterization of an antimicrobial polymeric system composed of poly(vinyl chloride) in combination with crystal violet as a model compound of organic ionic active species. The antimicrobial activity of the system against gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and yeasts Candida albicans as the representative microorganisms were evaluated with a disk-diffusion test. The release profile of the active substance was observed with UV-VIS spectrometry. The mechanical properties of the prepared material were tested to verify that they were not altered with respect to the original medical-grade polymer matrix. Keywords: poly(vinyl chloride), crystal violet, antibacterial, antimicrobial, release Pomemben je razvoj novega protimikrobnega materiala za biomedicinsko uporabo notranjih pripomo~kov, kot so katetri, ker se vedno pogosteje pojavlja odpornost patogenov, odgovornih za bolni{ni~ne oku`be. Predstavljeno delo je osredinjeno na pripravo in karakterizacijo protimikrobnega polimernega sistema, ki ga sestavlja polivinilklorid v kombinaciji s kristal violetom kot model za spojine organskih ionskih aktivnih vrst. S plo{~inskim difuzijskim preizkusom je bila ocenjena protimikrobna dejav- nost sistema proti predstavnikom mikroorganizmov: gramnegativni bakteriji Escherichia coli, grampozitivni bakteriji Staphylococcus aureus in kvasovkam Candida albicans. Profil sprostitve aktivnih snovi je bil opazovan z UV-VIS-spektro- metrijo. Mehanske lastnosti pripravljenega materiala so bile preizku{ene, da bi potrdili, da niso druga~ne od navadnega medicinskega polimera. Klju~ne besede: poli(vinil) klorid, kristal violet, protibakterijski, protimikrobni, spro{~anje 1 INTRODUCTION Polymers are known for their high versatility and excellent physical-chemical properties and, in some cases, they are suitable as biomaterials for the medical sector and packaging industry. As a candidate for these applications, the third most common polymer, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), can be considered due to its high mechanical and chemical resistance, inertness against biological fluids and a wide range of processing possibilities.1–3Among many products, urinal catheters, blood bags and cardiovascular implants are typical items used in the medical sector; nevertheless, they exhibit a vulnerability towards surface bacterial colonization.2,4 Therefore, it is important to enhance their antimicrobial properties by modifying the surfaces of such materials with a plasma treatment, corona discharge and chemical grafting.5,6 Another promising strategy of modifying PVC is to incorporate an antimicrobial substance within the polymer matrix.4,7,8 Such modifications have long- term effects and are relatively easy to perform, showing high rates of success. The solvent-cast technique allow- ing a preparation of the films with extremely high quality requirements and great uniformity of the thickness is often employed due to its advantage of easy blending of the films with the active molecular compounds soluble in the used solvent system.9,10 The effectiveness of the anti- microbial properties of such films is strongly dependent on the release profile of the antimicrobial substance from the polymer matrix.11 Organic substances migrate, over time, out of the polymer matrix and onto the polymer surface and are then released into the surrounding liquids. Migration occurs as the organic molecules follow down a concen- tration gradient and exit the plastic. The migration is driven by the inherent compatibility differences between the organic antimicrobials and the polymer substrates in which they are dispersed. The losses of the organic mole- cules into the environment are replenished by the additives within the substrate volume. The benefit of this mode of action is that it can have a very high activity rate, and the migratory molecules can very quickly inte- ract with large numbers of microbes. This does, however, affect the lifespan of the activity, as the additives leach out over time, emptying the polymer’s reservoir. The concentration and choice of the respective organic additive depend on the level of efficacy required and the duration of the action needed.12 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 697–703 697 UDK 678.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)697(2014) An antimicrobial agent release that is too fast can be harmful under certain conditions and perceived as undesirable. Besides inorganic fillers, ionic organic com- pounds can provide a real option in the material design having long-lasting mild effects due to their relatively slow migration rates. An organic salt structure comprised of a large bulky organic cation and a small inorganic anion can be considered to have the migration rates in a polyolefinic matrix slow enough in comparison with the molecular organic antimicrobial additives. As a well- known model representative for this class of compounds crystal violet (CV) can be chosen. It is a triarylmethane dye formerly used in medicine due to its antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic and antiseptic properties.13–15 CV was generally considered to be safe for a long time in the history of medicine; however, many studies have reported that CV has potentially mutagenic and carcino- genic effects on humans and animals.16–19 In spite of this, CV is an excellent model compound for the release-pro- file studies. This dye can be easily mixed with polymers; it has a very good and broad antimicrobial activity, giving deep violet colour to its solutions; hence, its concentration can be easily monitored with an UV-VIS absorption spectrometer. This study focuses on the modification of a medical- grade PVC with a crystal-violet (CV) addition, using the solvent-casting technique resulting in a model organic antimicrobial polymer system. Its composition, morpho- logy, mechanical properties, antimicrobial tests and the kinetics of the CV release from a polymeric matrix in water and physiological solution used as model liquids, were investigated in the presented work. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Materials Medical-grade thermoplastic plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) compound RB3 was purchased from Modenplast Medical (Italy). This material is in compli- ance with the European Pharmacopeia and biocompa- tible according to ISO 10993, USP, Class VI. Crystal violet C25N3H30Cl (CV) and cyklohexanone C6H10O (CYH) were purchased from PENTA (Czech Republic). All the chemicals were of the analytical grade and used as received without further purification. Demineralized water was used for all of these experiments. 2.2 Sample preparation PVC/CYH/CV films were prepared with the solvent- casting technique. In the first step a solution of CV in CYH was prepared: 0.2522 g of CV was added to 250 mL CYH to get a concentration of 1 g/L. 20.005 raw PVC in the form of granules was dissolved in 300 mL of CYH during a period 16 h at the room temperature under continuous stirring. The amount of 250 mL of the CV solution was added and this blend was left to mix for another 8 h. Finally, the mixing was finished with a sonication of the solution for 15 min in an ultrasonic bath. The solution was then poured into glass dishes and the solvent was allowed to evaporate at the laboratory temperature for 10 d. The PVC/CYH control sample was prepared with the same procedure, but without incorporating the CV. The conditions for the film preparation were chosen on the basis of practical laboratory experience, with the aim to achieve the smoothest fine films of comparable quality. The thickness of the resultant films was about 500 μm. 2.3 Characterization 2.3.1 Infrared absorption spectroscopy A FTIR analysis was used to compare the PVC pellets, PVC/CYH and PVC/CYH/CV films. All the measurements were performed with a Nicolet 6700 spectrophotometer (Nicolet, Czech Republic) with the ATR accessory and the Ge crystal for the attenuated- total-reflection method. 2.3.2 SEM analysis The micrographs of the prepared materials were taken with a Vega II LMU scanning electron microscope (Tescan, Czech Republic). The freeze fracture surfaces were obtained with liquid nitrogen and observed after the coating with a thin layer of gold/palladium by an SC 7640 sputter coater (Quorum Technologies Ltd, UK). 2.3.3 Tensile tests The effects of the CV added to the PVC matrix on the mechanical properties were studied using a tensile test. The specimens for the test were cut from the prepared film samples as rectangular stripes with the width of 5 mm and the length of 36 mm. The specimens were tested on a tensile testing machine Testometric M350-5CP (LABOR machine, Ltd.) at 25 °C according to standard ISO 37:2005. The speed of the moving clamp was 500 mm/min. The Young´s modulus, the stress at break and the strain at break were determined. All the samples were measured in 5 replicates and standard deviations were estimated. 2.3.4 Antimicrobial tests The antimicrobial properties of the PVC/CYH/CV films were assessed using the agar-diffusion test. Round specimens (8 mm in diameter) were placed on Petri dishes with the nutrient agar inoculated with the dispersion of microorganisms (a concentration of CFU 1.0 × 107 mL–1). The samples were tested against gram- negative Escherichia coli (EC) 4517, gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (SA) 4516, and yeast Candida albicans (CA) CCN 8215. After a incubation 72 h at 23 °C for the yeast and a incubation 24 h at 37 °C for bacteria, the dimensions of the inhibition zones were measured in four directions, and the average values were used to calculate the diameter of the circle-zone inhibi- J. KLOFÁ^ et al.: MODEL ANTIMICROBIAL POLYMER SYSTEM BASED ON POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) AND ... 698 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 697–703 tion area and its standard deviation. All the tests were done in triplicates. 2.3.5 Release of CV and plasticizers from the PVC matrix Round specimens with a diameter of 12.7 mm were cut from the PVC/CYH/CV samples to be used in the release-profile study of CV in the water and physiolo- gical-solution environment. One specimen was always placed in a beaker with 50 mL of elution liquid and the beaker was shaken at 60 r/min to ensure a good homo- genization of the liquid media. The measurement of the CV release was performed with a UV-VIS spectropho- tometer Cary 300 (VARIAN, USA) equipped with a sipper (a peristaltic pump) and a flow cell (a cuvette). The whole spectral range (200–800 nm) was monitored and the spectra were recorded in the preselected time intervals covering representatively the full time range of each individual release experiment. The same procedure was used for obtaining the reference leachate for the specimens cut from the neat PVC sample with the thickness of 0.5 mm obtained by hot pressing at 170 °C for 5 min to evaluate the release of the plasticizers after three days, which was done to investigate the influence of either the CV addition or the preparation process on the release of the plasticizers from the PVC matrix. The absorbance value at the wavelength of 580 nm was chosen for a quantitative evaluation of the observed release profile of CV because this is the position of the absorption maximum of CV in the elution medium. The data were then converted to the concentration of the released CV using calibration curves. The data were fitted with a non-linear fitting procedure using the Lavenberg-Marquart algorithm incorporated in the Origin 7.0 software. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Infrared absorption spectroscopy The aim of the FTIR analysis was to study a possible modification of the PVC material with the preparation process and an addition of CV. In Figure 1, the FTIR spectra of the neat PVC (pellets), the processed PVC/CYH sample and the modified PVC/CYH/CV material are plotted. The infrared absorption spectrum of an unplasticized polyvinyl chloride contains the bands typical for the aliphatic CH groups at their most typical positions, except that, due to the CH2 deformation vibration, a band is shifted by about 30 cm–1 to the lower wavenumbers, nearly to 1430 cm–1 as typically observed for PVC. In addition to the aliphatic CH bands, the spectra of PVC contain contributions due to the C-Cl vibrations that can be found as a weak band at 1425 cm–1 and as a medium-intensity band at 959 cm–1. The most intense and significant band for the C-Cl vibration at 610 cm–1 cannot be observed due to the range of measurement. In general, the spectrum of the neat PVC material is greatly affected by the presence of plasti- cizers and dominated by their absorption bands. The manifestation of the polymer matrix is, therefore, quite weak. The most prominent band at 1725 cm–1 can be assigned to the carbonyl group (C=O) stretching mode typically observed for the plasticizers. It can be expected that the medical-grade PVC contains the additives circumventing the crucial plasticizer migration problem associated with the softened PVC. The position of this peak is too low for the aliphatic low-molecular plasti- cizers such as dioctyl-sebacate, citrate or adipate esters. On the other hand, a common phthalic ester plasticizer with a typical manifestation of the carbonyl group at 1720 cm–1 cannot be successfully used as a medical material intended for modern indwelling applications. A careful analysis of the wavenumber region between 1500 cm–1 and 1650 cm–1 revealed that there is a quadruplet of peaks at positions (1540, 1580, 1600 and 1637) cm–1, while the phthalic ester plasticizers only display doublets at 1580 cm–1 and 1600 cm–1. Alkyde (based on vegetable fatty acids) polyanhydrides were found as the highest scoring records in the available IR spectra database20; however, the exact identification was impossible. There is virtually no difference between the spectra recorded for the neat material and for the PVC/CYH sample, proving that the RB3 composition did not change during the solution-casting process and that no solvent residuals were manifested. The IR absorption spectrum of the PVC/CYH/CV sample displays all the characteristic peaks of CV in addition to the aforementioned spectral features of the plasticized medical-grade PVC; namely, 1587 cm–1 due to the C=C stretching in phenyl rings, 1365 cm–1 due to J. KLOFÁ^ et al.: MODEL ANTIMICROBIAL POLYMER SYSTEM BASED ON POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) AND ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 697–703 699 Figure 1: FTIR ATR spectra of neat PVC pellets (curve 3), PVC/CYH film (curve 2) and PVC/CYH/CV film (curve 1) samples. The region between 2800–1800 cm–1 is hidden in the graph as no absorption peaks were manifested. Slika 1: FTIR ATR-spektri vzorcev gladkih PVC-pelet (krivulja 3), PVC/CYH-plast (krivulja 2) in PVC/CYH/CV-plast (krivulja 1). Pod- ro~je 2800–1800 cm–1 je skrito v grafu, ker tam ni bilo izrazitih absorpcijskih vrhov. the C-H deformation vibrations in methyl groups, 1174 cm–1 due to the C-H in-plane deformation in 1,3,5 substituted aromatic ring, and 1128 cm–1 due to the C-N stretching vibration in trisubstituted aromatic amines. 3.2 SEM analysis SEM images were obtained for the freeze-fracture surfaces of the films prepared with CV. The PVC/CYH/ CV film morphology before the immersion into the liquid media is shown in Figure 2a and the morphology of the PVC/CYH/CV film after the release-profile measurement is shown in Figure 2b. First, there are no observable crystals of CV in the polymer matrix, and second, there is no observable change in the material after the release test. 3.3 Tensile tests The influence of the PVC modification with CV on the mechanical properties of the material prepared by casting from a CYH solution can be seen in Table 1 where the measured values with their standard deviations are summarized. The mechanical properties of the PVC/ CYH film and the PVC/CYH/CV film are very similar. The Young’s modulus of PVC/CYH and PVC/CYH/CV is about 5 MPa and the tensile stress at break is about 11–13 MPa. The only property showing a slight diffe- rence between the samples is the strain at break. The PVC with CV shows a higher deformation (elongation) ability than the pure PVC sample, which can be consi- dered as an advantage of the material with the additive. Moreover, the obtained result is in accordance with the microscopic observation, both testifying a good disper- sion (blending) of CV in the material. Table 1: Selected mechanical properties of the PVC/CYH and PVC/CYH/CV samples and their standard deviations Tabela 1: Izbrane mehanske lastnosti vzorcev PVC/CYH in PVC/CYH/CV in njihov standardni odmik Sample Young’smodulus (MPa) Strain at break (%) Tensile stress at break (MPa) PVC/CYH 5.0 ± 0.6 490 ± 40 11 ± 3 PVC/CYH/CV 4.8 ± 0.4 620 ± 50 13 ± 3 3.4 Antimicrobial activity The results of the antimicrobial-activity halo-zone test against S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans, performed with the agar-diffusion test method, are presented in Table 2, while Figure 3 demonstrates the inhibition zones around the samples of the antimicrobial material (PVC/CYH/CV) studied with the agar-diffusion test. The obtained values show that the pure PVC material has no antimicrobial properties, but the PVC with CV shows an activity against all the tested microorganisms. Table 2: Antimicrobial activity expressed as inhibition-zone diameters and their standard deviations for PVC/CYH and PVC/CYH/CV Tabela 2: Protimikrobna aktivnost, izra`ena kot premer podro~ja zaviranja in njegov standardni odmik za PVC/CYH in PVC/CYH/CV SAMPLE SA EC CA PVC/CYH (mm) 0 0 0 PVC/CYH/CV (mm) 14.8 ± 0.9 10.3 ± 1.0 15 ± 3 J. KLOFÁ^ et al.: MODEL ANTIMICROBIAL POLYMER SYSTEM BASED ON POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) AND ... 700 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 697–703 Figure 4: Release profile of CV from PVC/CYH/CV in the deminera- lised water. The experimental data points are represented by full-circle symbols; curve Y represents equation (3) fitted into the data; curves 1, 2 and 3 represent the single-term contributions to curve Y, respectively. The inset graph shows detailed data from the initial stage of the experiment. Slika 4: Profil spro{~anja CV iz PVC/CYH/CV v demineralizirani vodi. Eksperimentalni podatki so prikazani s polnimi krogci, krivulja Y ponazarja ena~bo (3), urejeno s podatki; krivulje, ozna~ene z 1, 2 in 3 so posamezni prispevki h krivulji Y. Vstavljeni diagram prikazuje podrobne podatke iz za~etka preizkusa. Figure 2: Microphotographs of: a) PVC/CYH/CV before immersion and b) after 3 d in the liquid Slika 2: Posnetka: a) PVC/CYH/CV pred potopitvijo v teko~ino in b) po 3 d Figure 3: Photographs of Petri dishes after cultivation in the agar-test diffusion zone against: a) S. aureus, b) E. coli, c) C. albicans Slika 3: Posnetki petrijevke po kultiviranju v difuzijski coni preizkusa z agarjem proti: a) S. aureus, b) E. colli, c) C. albicans 3.5 Release profile of CV from PVC/CYH/CV films The obtained release profiles are shown in Figures 4 and 5 where the dependences of the CV concentration in the elution liquids are plotted in dependence on the release time for demineralised water and physiological solution, respectively. According to the literature, the first-order kinetic model can be a suitable formal kinetic description of the process of a water-soluble compound release from an insoluble polymer matrix to the liquid medium although it cannot be straightforwardly related to the sample geometry and it is difficult to concep- tualize this mechanism on a theoretical basis.21 The release rate of the model compound (CV in our case) that obeys first-order kinetics can be expressed with the following equation: d d c t c= − 1  (1) where c is the concentration of the model compound in the elution media, the expression on the left side of the equation is the release rate defined as the concentration increase rate in the elution medium (directly obtained from absorbance, which is the observable quantity in this study), t is the release time, –1 is the first-order release-rate constant. Equation (1) can be integrated into the following form: c C exp t = − −⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ max 1  (2) where parameter Cmax is the integration constant repre- senting the maximum achievable concentration of the model compound in the elution media for the infinite time. With respect to the second boundary condition, it is assumed that the initial concentration of the model compound is zero in the liquid media at the beginning of all the experiments. The rest of the variables and con- stants have the same meanings as in equation (1). It can be expected that this formal description only relates to a limited concentration range and to certain boundary conditions. According to our observations, several mechanisms can be active at different time scales during the release process and, thus, it is reasonable to extend the kinetic description by one or two more terms for the first-order processes if they differ significantly in their rate constants, i.e., by orders of magnitude. The following equation represents the extension of equation (2) for three formally independent and additive contri- butions to the release process: c C C exp t C exp t C exp t = − ⋅ − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ − ⋅ − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ − − ⋅ − max 1 2 3      ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ (3) where C1, C2, C3 represent the maximum contribution of each process to the infinite time Cmax concentration. The rest of the variables and constants have the same meanings as in equation (2) with the indexes showing their relations to the respective process. It is obvious that: C C C C1 2 3+ + = max (4) For the two processes involved in the release, equa- tion (3) can be simplified by omitting the third term. Obtained equation (3) was fitted into the experimen- tal data as can be seen in Figure 4 representing the water and Figure 5 representing the physiological solution where the two-term variant was used. The contributions of each process are plotted separately with simulated curves for a better clarity. The obtained parameters are summarized in Table 3. This mathematical analysis was performed with a full awareness of the fact that the terms in equation (3) are not sequential but running parallel as J. KLOFÁ^ et al.: MODEL ANTIMICROBIAL POLYMER SYSTEM BASED ON POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) AND ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 697–703 701 Figure 5: Release profile of CV from PVC/CYH/CV in the physiolo- gical solution. The experimental data points are represented by full-circle symbols, curve Y represents simplified equation (3) without the third term fitted into the data; curves 1 and 2 represent the single- term contributions to curve Y, respectively. The inset graph shows detailed data from the initial stage of the experiment. Slika 5: Profil spro{~anja CV iz PVC/CYH/CV v fiziolo{ki raztopini. Eksperimentalni podatki so prikazani kot simboli polnega kroga, krivulja Y ponazarja poenostavljeno ena~bo (3) brez vklju~itve tretje- ga izraza v podatke; krivulji z oznako 1 in 2 pomenita posamezen pri- spevek h krivulji Y. Vstavljeni diagram prikazuje podrobne podatke iz za~etka preizkusa. Table 3: Fitting-equation parameters and their standard errors describing the release profile of CV from the polymer matrix in the PVC/CYH/CV sample Tabela 3: Parametri urejanja ena~b in njihove standardne napake, ki opisujejo profil spro{~anja CV iz polimerne osnove v vzorcu PVC/CYH/CV Environment Water Physiologicalsolution Cmax /(μg/L) 20.19 ± 0.14 11.15 ± 0.24 C1/(μg/L) 5.20 ± 0.12 2.38 ± 0.06 T1/min 15.2 ± 0.7 66 ± 3 C2/(μg/L) 3.86 ± 0.16 8.63 ± 0.21 T2/min 256 ± 24 4340 ± 220 C3 /(μg/L) 11.09 ± 0.14 n. a. T3/min 2488 ± 98 n. a. they use the common time and start at t = 0. However, the differences in the rate-constant magnitude separate them to an acceptable level resulting in a good approxi- mation. Each process (term) dominates its own time- scale window and relies on its specific concentration range as it can be seen from the graphs. The first exponential component (the term with the shortest time constant, 1) probably represents the release of CV from the matrix surface, because this process is the shortest and could only be limited by the CV solu- bility in water that is 10 g/L as indicated by the supplier. It is evident, that even the highest CV concentrations in the elution medium are far from approaching this limit. In the case of the physiological solution that shares a chloride anion with CV the solubility must be lower due to the solubility-product limitation; however, even here the solubility is more than several orders in magnitude higher than the observed concentrations. The value of the solubility product is Ks = 6 × 10–4 mol2 dm–6 estimated roughly from the CV solubility in water. The solubility in the physiological solution can be derived by solving the following equation: (x + 0.154 mol/L)x = Ks (5) where x is the maximum CV concentration and 0.154 mol/L is the chloride concentration in the physiological solution. The equation gives only one positive root, x = 0.0038 mol/L, which corresponds to the CV concen- tration of 1.55 g/L. This value is about six and a half times lower than the limitation for the sample in distilled water. The second phase of the release process is slower because the CV readily available from the matrix surface is already depleted and the CV from the subsurface layers of the film needs to cross an energetic barrier before being released into the demineralised water. The third phase is characterized by a further signi- ficant decrease-release rate that can be ascribed to the diminishing of the gradient between the film surface and the solution layer in its proximity and to the depletion of the extractable CV in the subsurface of the film. Accord- ing to the macroscopic observation, the material changed neither its colour nor any other property after its immersion into the liquid for several days. No dimension or significant mass changes were observed which con- firms there was no swelling or matrix-component disso- lution. Therefore, we believe that the CV located in the deeper layers of the material is not released into the solution in the relevant time horizon. These three phases were observed for the sample immersed in the water. The sample in the demineralised water has a higher saturation value (Cmax) than the sample in the physiological solution. In general, this might be caused by the omnipresence of chloride anions with a relatively high concentration diminishing all the gradients discussed above in the case of pure water. The first and second processes of the sample in the physiological (saline) solution were slow and the third process was not observed at all. In this case, the solu- bility of CV is influenced by the presence of the chloride anion, which is commonly shared between CV and the physiological solution. Moreover, the CV molecule can leave the polymer matrix as a CV+ cation and a Cl– anion, always in a pair, i.e., in the ratio of 1 : 1 due to the electroneutrality condition that must always be kept. This condition is obviously satisfied in the case of water, whereas in the case of the physiological solution this pair would be released into a medium with a high con- centration of chloride anions. Alternatively, a lone CV+ cation can be released into the liquid with a concurrent counter transport of a Na+ cation to the matrix. Both options can be considered for significantly slowing and limiting the diffusion process, so only the first two phases were observed within the time scale of several days. 3.6 Plasticizer role in the release of CV from PVC/ CYH/CV films Although the neat PVC material has been approved for medical use and can be considered as safe from the point of view of the release of the contained plasticizer or plasticizers, it must be re-evaluated after being mixed with CV as the eventual synergic effects cannot be excluded and the release of the plasticizer could be enhanced by adding other species to the compound. A simplified test was performed analysing the absorption spectra in the wavelength region where both the plasti- cizer and CV absorb light. The graph in Figure 6 shows the UV absorption spectra of the leachates obtained for the PVC/CYH/CV and neat PVC samples after a three-day elution in water. The third curve represents the absorption spectrum of CV in water with the same concentration as that in the liquid media collected for PVC/CYH/CV. It can be J. KLOFÁ^ et al.: MODEL ANTIMICROBIAL POLYMER SYSTEM BASED ON POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) AND ... 702 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 697–703 Figure 6: UV absorption spectra recorded for the CV solution in water (curve 2), leachate from the neat PVC specimen (curve 1) and leachate obtained for the PVC/CYH/CV specimen (curve 3). For details, see the text. Slika 6: Posneta absorpcija UV-spektra za raztapljanje CV v vodi (kri- vulja 2), izcedna voda iz ~istega PVC-vzorca (krivulja 1) in izcedna voda iz PVC/CYH/CV-vzorca (krivulja 3). Za podrobnosti glej tekst. clearly seen, that there is no enhancement of the plasti- cizer release and that only a simple additivity of the signals takes place as the absorption spectrum recorded for PVC/CYH/CV is approximately the sum of the spectra of the plasticizer released from the neat PVC sample into the liquid medium and the CV solution. The test for the physiological solution showed the same result, but it is not shown here for the sake of brevity. 4 CONCLUSIONS A model organic antimicrobial polymeric PVC/CYH/ CV system based on medical-grade poly(vinyl chloride) and crystal violet was prepared with the solvent-casting technique. The work was focused on investigating the effects of the used technique for preparing and entering substances and it was shown that the CYH solvent and the model CV-active substance did not have any adverse influence on the chemical structure, morphology and mechanical properties. The prepared solvent-cast materials can be used in the form of a film, as a volume material or as an additive for further compounding but, preferentially, we aim at various coatings and thin-film applications on the surfa- ces of medical devices or other plastic articles wherever this technique allows hopes for a good adhesion and compatibility with the substrate material, especially when coated on the plastic articles made of the same neat PVC resin. The antimicrobial activity was investigated using the agar-diffusion test method and the PVC/CYH/CV material manifested a good antimicrobial activity against gram-positive S. aureus, gram-negative E. coli and yeast C. albicans. Although the material is an organic-doped antimicrobial polymer system, the release profile of CV, as the representative model compound with a large orga- nic cation and halide anion, to the demineralised water and physiological solution simulating body liquids is appropriately slow allowing a long-lasting mild delivery effect of the active species on the closest proximity of the place of insertion or application. Next, no adverse effect of either the CV addition to the PVC matrix or the preparation process on the release of the plasticizers from the PVC matrix was observed. These results suggest that the prepared model mate- rial has a potential in medical plastic industries and the obtained knowledge can be generalised to a certain degree, without losing its relevance, covering the whole class of modelled compounds and used for a further development of the materials or coatings for PVC medical devices and hygienic products. Acknowledgment The authors wish to thank for the internal grant of TBU in Zlin, No. IGA/FT/2013/026 funded from the resources for specific university research. This article was written with the support of the Operational Program "Research and Development for Innovations" co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the national budget of the Czech Republic, within the "Centre of Polymer Systems" project (reg. number: CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0111). This article was written with the support of the Operational Program "Education for Competitiveness" co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the national budget of the Czech Republic, within the "Advanced Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Polymer Systems" project (reg. number: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/ 20.0104). 5 REFERENCES 1 R. R. Xu, L. X. Song, Y. Teng, J. Xia, Thermochimica Acta, 565 (2013), 205–210 2 N. R. James, A. Jayakrishnan, Biomaterials, 24 (2003), 2205–2212 3 M. Polaskova, M. Sowe, I. Kuritka, T. Sedlacek, M. 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EFFECT OF THE TOOL GEOMETRY AND WELDING PARAMETERS ON THE MACROSTRUCTURE, FRACTURE MODE AND WELD STRENGTH OF FRICTION-STIR SPOT-WELDED POLYPROPYLENE SHEETS VPLIV GEOMETRIJE ORODJA IN PARAMETROV VARJENJA NA MAKROSTRUKTURO, VRSTO PRELOMA IN TRDNOST ZVARA PRI TORNO-VRTILNEM TO^KASTEM VARJENJU POLIPROPILENSKIH PLO[^ Mustafa Kemal Bilici1, Ahmet Ýrfan Yükler1, Alim Kastan2 1Department of Materials Technology, Marmara University, 34722 Istanbul, Turkey 2Department of Materials Technology, Afyon Kocatepe University, 03200 Afyon, Turkey mkbilici@marmara.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-10-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-19 The effect of the tool geometry and welding parameters on the macrostructure, fracture mode and weld strength of the friction-stir spot welds of polypropylene sheets was studied. Three fracture modes were observed: the nugget pull-out failure, the cross-nugget failure and the mixed nugget failure under a lap-shear tensile test and nugget debonding and a pull out under a cross-tension loading, while the lap-shear tensile load was not affected significantly by the delay time. The lap-shear tensile load and the nugget thickness increased with the increasing tool rotation speed and dwell time. The macrostructure shows that the welding parameters have a determinant effect on the weld strength (x: the nugget thickness, y: the thickness of the upper sheet). Finally, when different welding parameters were used, different fracture modes of the joints were obtained in the friction-stir spot welding of polypropylene sheets. Based on the experimental observation of the macrostructures, the effect of the welding parameters and tool geometry on the lap-shear tensile load and the fracture mode were discussed. Keywords: polymers (thermoplastics), polypropylene, friction-stir spot welding, polymer welding, welding parameters Preu~evan je bil vpliv geometrije orodja in parametrov varjenja na makrostrukturo, vrsto preloma in trdnost zvara pri torno-vrtilnem to~kastem zvaru polipropilenskih plo{~. Opa`eni so trije na~ini preloma: poru{itev z izpuljenjem jedra, poru{itev s pretrgom jedra in me{an prelom jedra pri prekrivnem stri`nem preizkusu ter prekinitve v jedru in izpuljenje jedra pri pre~ni natezni obremenitvi, medtem ko na prekrivno natezno obremenitev ni bilo velikega vpliva. Prekrivna stri`na napetost in debelina jedra sta nara{~ali z nara{~anjem rotacijske hitrosti orodja in ~asa zadr`anja. Makrostruktura ka`e, da parametri varjenja igrajo pomembno vlogo pri trdnosti zvara (x: debelina jedra, y: debelina zgornje plo{~e). Kon~no, ~e so bili uporabljeni razli~ni parametri varjenja, so bili razli~ni tudi na~ini poru{itve pri torno-vrtilnem to~kastem varjenju polipropilenskih plo{~. Na osnovi eksperimentalnih opa`anj makrostrukture je prikazan vpliv parametrov varjenja in geometrije orodja na prekrivno stri`no natezno obremenitev in vrsto preloma. Klju~ne besede: polimeri (termoplasti), polipropilen, torno-vrtilno to~kasto varjenje, varjenje polimera, parametri varjenja 1 INTRODUCTION Recently, a new joining technique called friction-stir spot welding (FSSW) or friction spot joining (FSJ) has been developed1. This technique has the same advantages as friction-stir welding (FSW) such as the solid-state process, ease of handling, joining of dissimilar materials and the materials that are difficult to fusion weld, a low distortion, excellent mechanical properties and little waste or pollution. Hence, it is expected to be used for joining lightweight materials in order to achieve a high performance and save the energy and costs of the machines. The FSSW process consists of three phases: plung- ing, stirring and retracting2. The process starts with the spinning of a tool at a high rotation speed. Then the tool is forced into the workpiece until the shoulder of the tool plunges into the upper workpiece. The plunge movement of the tool causes the material to be expelled. When the tool reaches the predetermined depth, the plunge motion ends and the stirring phase starts. In this phase, the tool rotates in the workpieces without plunging. Frictional heat is generated in the plunging and stirring phases and, thus, the material adjacent to the tool is heated and soft- ened. The softened upper and lower workpiece materials mix together in the stirring phase. The shoulder of the tool creates a compressional stress on the softened mate- rial. A solid-state joint is formed in the stirring phase. When a predetermined bonding is obtained, the process stops and the tool is retracted from the workpieces. The resulting weld has a characteristic keyhole in the middle of the joint created during the friction-stir spot welding. Different welding-parameter configurations and their consequences on the weld strength and fracture mode can be identified. FSSW has been successfully applied to aluminium3, magnesium4 and steel sheets5, but there are very few publications on its applications to polymer6–9. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 705–711 705 UDK 678.7:621.791 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)705(2014) Based on the observations of the FSSW macrostruc- tures, the weld zone of a FSSW joint is schematically illustrated in Figure 1. From the appearance of the weld cross-section, two particular points can be identified10. The first point is the thickness of the weld nugget (x) which is an indicator of the weld-bond area (Figure 1). The weld-bond area increases with the nugget thickness. The second point is the thickness of the upper sheet under the shoulder indentation (y). The sizes of these points determine the strength of a FSSW joint. In this study, FSSW was performed to join PP sheets in order to understand the influence of the welding para- meters and tool geometry on welds. The modifications of the macrostructural features (the fracture mode, the nugget thickness and the thickness of the upper sheet) induced by these different processing configurations are identified and their consequences on the weld strength and fracture mode during the lap-shear tensile tests are discussed. The purpose of this investigation was to improve the strength of the spot welds. Both the nugget thickness and the upper-sheet thickness have significant effects on the fracture modes under tensile loading. 2 EXPERIMENTS In this investigation 4-mm-thick polypropylene sheets were used. The polypropylene sheets were purchased from SIMONA AG, Germany (the tensile yield stress of 34 MPa or lap-shear fracture load of 4500 N). Specimens were made by using 60 mm by 150 mm sheets with a 60 mm by 60 mm overlap area. In order to carry out the FSSW tests, a properly designed clamping feature was utilized to fix the specimens to be welded on an NC milling machine. The tool was made of the SAE 1040 steel and heat-treated to a hardness of 35 HRC. Four different tool-pin profiles (straight cylindrical, tapered cylindrical, threaded cylindrical and triangular) were used to fabricate the joints (Figure 2). Each tool had a pin length 5.5 mm and pin size 7.5 mm. The tapered pin had a 15° pin angle. For the straight cylindrical, tapered cylindrical and threaded cylindrical pins, the pin size was determined by measuring the bottom diameter of the pin. For the triangular pins, the pin size was determined by calculating the diameter of the cross-section area formed by the turning pin. In all the cases, the constant tool-plunge rate of 0.26 mm/s and the shoulder-plunge depth of 0.2 mm below the upper-plate surface were applied. The tool rotation speeds and the tool dwell times also varied, being between 560 r/min and 1400 r/min, and between 20 s and 200 s, respectively. The welded lap-shear specimens were tested on a ZWICK machine at the constant cross-head speed of 5 mm/s. The load and displacement were simultaneously recorded during the test. The fracture mode of each specimen was then determined. The fracture-mode- appearance observations of the joints were done with a camera. For the weld-macrostructure studies, thin slices (of 20 μm) were cut from the welded specimens using a Leica R 6125 rotary microtome. These thin slices were investigated using a video spectral comparator. The photographs of the cross-sections were obtained. 3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS During the FSSW of polyetprophlene, three types of fracture mode were observed as shown in Figure 3: (a) the nugget pull-out failure, P; (b) the cross-nugget fail- ure, C; and (c) the mixed nugget failure, M. By changing the welding parameters, these three types of fracture mode were changed. These three types of fracture mode are affected by the heat amount: insufficient heat, ideal heat and excessive heat. Consequently, the orientation of the fracture mode changes the weld strength. While the highest lap-shear fracture load causes a nugget pull-out M. K. BILICI et al.: EFFECT OF THE TOOL GEOMETRY AND WELDING PARAMETERS ... 706 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 705–711 Figure 3: Three types of fracture mode: a) nugget pull-out failure, b) cross-nugget failure and c) mixed nugget failure Slika 3: Tri vrste preloma: a) izvle~enje jedra, b) pre~na poru{itev jedra in c) me{ana poru{itev jedra Figure 2: FSSW tool profiles: a) straight cylindrical, b) tapered cylindrical, c) threaded cylindrical, d) triangular Slika 2: Profil FSSW-orodja: a) raven valjast, b) sto`~ast valjast, c) valjast z navojem, d) trikoten Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the cross-section of a friction-stir spot weld (x: nugget thickness, y: the thickness of the upper sheet and t: the total material thickness) Slika 1: Shematski prikaz prereza torno-vrtilnega to~kastega zvara (x: debelina jedra, y: debelina vrhnje plo{~e in t: skupna debelina ma- teriala) failure, the lowest lap-shear load causes a cross-nugget failure. The effect of the tool-pin geometry on the lap-shear fracture load is shown in Figure 4. In these tests the welding parameters were kept constant: the tool rotation speed ranged from 360 r/min to 1400 r/min, the tool- plunge rate was 0.26 mm/s, the dwell time was 120 s and the tool-plunge depth was 5.7 mm. The maximum frac- ture load (900 r/min) was obtained with the tapered cylindrical pin (4280 N) and the threaded cylindrical pin resulted in the lowest fracture load (3305 N). Due to the maximum fracture load obtained with the tapered cylin- drical pin, all the experiments were made with the tapered cylindrical pin. The effect of the tool profile on the welding zone is shown in Figure 5. The three photo- graphs illustrate that the size of the keyhole formed in the welding zone depend directly on the pin profile. The wall slope of the keyhole changed with the pin-angle of the tool. The nugget thickness was 8.4 mm for the straight cylindrical pin, 9.9 mm for the 15° angled tapered pin and 7.8 mm for the threaded cylindrical pin. The tapered pin created a thicker nugget and a bigger weld-bond area than the straight cylindrical pin. The nugget thickness increased with the pin profile changes, as shown in Figure 5. Also, the nugget thickness exhi- M. K. BILICI et al.: EFFECT OF THE TOOL GEOMETRY AND WELDING PARAMETERS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 705–711 707 Figure 5: Effect of tool geometry on weld-nugget formation: a) straight cylindrical pin, b) 15° angled tapered cylindrical pin and c) threaded cylindrical pin Slika 5: Vpliv geometrije orodja na nastanek jedra: a) cilindri~na konica, b) sto`~asta valjasta konica s kotom 15° in c) valjasta konica z navoji Figure 4: Effect of tool profile and tool rotation speed on weld strength Slika 4: Vpliv profila orodja in hitrosti vrtenja orodja na trdnost zvara Table 1: Effect of tapered cylindrical pin on the fracture mode and nugget thickness Tabela 1: Vpliv valjaste konice na na~in preloma in debelino jedra Tool rotation speed (r/min) Fracture mode Macrostructure Quality of weld-metal consolidation Probable reason for the formation 360 very poor Insufficient flow of the joining materials due to low heat 560 poor Although there was insufficient heat, a weld was formed 710 better than in theprevious case Heat input is sufficient for a good-quality weld 900 very good Heat input is sufficient for a good-quality weld 1120 good Heat input is sufficient for a good-quality weld 1400 worse than in theprevious case Poor weld quality occurred due to excessive heat bited a very large decrease with the threaded cylindrical pin, as shown in Figure 5. The best results were obtained in the experiments involving the tapered cylindrical pin. For this reason, for the following experiments, investigating the effect of the welding parameters the tapered pin was used. In order to determine the effect of the tool rotation speed on the FSSW of polypropylene, seven different speeds were used. For all the welds, the plunge rate was 0.26 mm/s, the dwell time was 120 s and the tool-plunge depth was 5.7 mm. These three parameters were kept constant and only the dwell time was allowed to vary in the welding operations. Increasing the tool rotation speed from 360 r/min to 1400 r/min resulted in a linear progress in the strength of the welds. The effects of these speeds are shown in Figure 6. While the lap-shear fracture load dra- matically increased up to the rotation speed of 900 r/min, it decreased after 900 r/min. The maximum fracture load obtained at 900 r/min was 4280 N. The fracture modes obtained were the cross-nugget failure at the speeds of 360 r/min and 560 r/min, the nugget pull-out failure at 710 r/min, and the mixed nugget failure at (900, 1120 and 1400) r/min. The fracture mode and the macrostruc- ture are shown in Table 1. The largest nugget thickness was 9.9 mm obtained at the tool rotation speed of 900 r/min. The lowest nugget thickness was 4.5 mm obtained at the tool rotation speed of 360 r/min. This nugget thickness is very important for the lap-shear fracture load. At the tool rotation speed of 900 r/min, a thicker nugget and a larger weld-bond area than at the other tool rotation speeds were obtained. The nugget thickness and the fracture load increased with the tool rotation speed as shown in Table 1 and Figure 6. Figure 7 shows the effect of the dwell time on the lap-shear tensile strength of FSSW joints. For all the welds, the plunge rate was 0.26 mm/s, the tool rotation speed was 900 r/min and the plunge depth was 5.7 mm. These three parameters were kept constant and only the dwell time was allowed to vary during the welding ope- rations. The dwell-time experiments used the tapered pin. Increasing the dwell time from 20 s to 180 s resulted in a linear progress in the strength of the welds. The transition time for the failure modes of the PP sheets 4 mm under the above-mentioned welding parameters was found to be 45 s. In the period between the dwell times of 20 s and 120 s, there was a slight increase in the weld strength. For the dwell times of more than 120 s, the lap-shear fracture load showed a linear decrease after 120 s. A longer tool stirring time did not affect the weld strength. Only the fracture mode was changed during the lap-shear tests. The effect of the dwell time on the weld cross-sections is shown in Table 2. A thin nugget of the weld developed over the dwell time of 20 s (Table 2). The nugget thickness increased with the dwell time M. K. BILICI et al.: EFFECT OF THE TOOL GEOMETRY AND WELDING PARAMETERS ... 708 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 705–711 Figure 6: Effect of tapered cylindrical pin on lap-shear fracture load Slika 6: Vpliv sto`~asto valjaste konice na prekrivno stri`no obreme- nitev Table 2: Influence of dwell time on the fracture mode and nugget thickness Tabela 2: Vpliv ~asa zadr`anja na vrsto preloma in debelino jedra Dwell time (s) Fracture mode Macrostructure Quality of weld-metal consolidation Probable reason for the formation 20 very poor Insufficient flow of the joining materials due to low heat 120 very good Heat input is sufficient for a good-quality weld 200 worse than in theprevious case Poor weld quality due to excessive heat Figure 7: Effect of dwell time on lap-shear fracture load Slika 7: Vpliv ~asa zadr`anja na prekrivno stri`no obremenitev (Table 2). The maximum fracture load was obtained at the dwell time of 120 s. Different fracture modes were obtained during the dwell-time tests: the cross-nugget failure at the dwell times of 20 s and 45 s; the pull- nugget failure at the dwell times of (80, 100, 120 and 150) s; and the mixed nugget failure at the dwell times of 60 s and 200 s. The fracture mode and the macrostruc- ture are shown in Table 2. The largest nugget thickness was 9.9 mm obtained at the dwell time of 120 s. The smallest nugget thickness was 1.1 mm obtained at the dwell time of 20 s. The dwell time is very important for the nugget thickness. At the dwell time 120 s, a thicker nugget and a bigger weld-bond area were produced than at the dwell times 20 s and 200 s, as shown in Table 2. In order to determine the effect of the delay time on the FSSW of polypropylene, seven different delay times were used. Figure 8 shows the effect of the delay time on the weld strength. In all the welds, the plunge rate was 0.26 mm/s, the dwell time was 120 s and the plunge depth was 5.7 mm. These three parameters were kept constant and only the dwell time was allowed to vary during the welding operations. The lap-shear fracture load was on an increase up to the dwell time of 30 s. After this dwell time, the lap-shear fracture load de- creased very little. Although the delay time increased up to seven fold, the weld strength changed only within the experimental scatter limits (delay times of (0, 10, 20) s). The highest lap-shear fracture load was obtained after 30 s. For all the delay times the fracture mode was ob- served to be the nugget pull-out failure. The largest nugget thickness was 9.9 mm obtained with the delay time of 45 s. The delay time is very important for the nugget thickness. The delay time 45 s led to a thicker nugget and a bigger weld-bond area than the delay times of 0 s to 30 s, as shown in Table 3. 4 DISCUSSION The importance of the tool pin profile is shown in Figure 4. The tapered cylindrical pin resulted in the biggest and the threaded cylindrical pin resulted in the lowest lap-shear fracture load. The reason for this diffe- rence can be easily explained with the weld-nugget thicknesses that are shown in Figure 5. The straight cylindrical pin and tapered cylindrical pin have the same pin size (7.5 mm), but the weld-nugget thicknesses ob- tained with these pins are different. The nugget thickness obtained with the straight cylindrical pin was 8.4 mm as shown in Figure 5a. The tapered cylindrical pin pro- vided the weld-nugget thickness of 9.9 mm (Figure 5b). The threaded cylindrical pin provided the weld-nugget thickness of 7.8 mm (Figure 5c). The tapered pin created a thicker nugget and a bigger weld-bond area than the other tools. With the straight cylindrical pin a small amount of frictional heat was produced in the weld; therefore, a small weld-bond area and a very low strength were obtained. The stirring of the pin increased with the tool rotation speed11. The frictional heat also increased with the rotation speed. The maximum strength was obtained with the speed 900 r/min. The welding residual stresses of the upper sheet increased with the tool rotation speed12. When the rotation speed exceeded 900 r/min, the strength decreased because of the increased residual stresses. The lap-shear fracture load of a FSSW joint is directly proportional to the nugget thickness and the weld-bond area10. The tapered pin produced more frictional heat and a larger weld thickness, as shown in Figure 5. The heat produced in the weld area is directly proportional to the welding parameters and the tool geometry13. Suitable welding parameters produce more heat and a large weld area, causing a high weld strength14. Therefore, the tapered pin produces a higher lap-shear fracture load than the other pins. As seen in Figure 4, the strength varies signifi- cantly with the tool pin profile. Figure 5 shows that the maximum nugget thickness (9.9 mm) changes with the pin profile. In fact, a change in the pin profile results in a more extensive stirring and a higher heat input during the M. K. BILICI et al.: EFFECT OF THE TOOL GEOMETRY AND WELDING PARAMETERS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 705–711 709 Figure 8: Effect of delay time on lap-shear fracture load Slika 8: Vpliv ~asa zakasnitve na prekrivno stri`no obremenitev Table 3: Influence of delay time on the fracture mode and nugget thickness Tabela 3: Vpliv ~asa zakasnitve na vrsto preloma in debelino jedra Delay time (s) Fracture mode Macrostructure Quality of weld-metal consolidation Probable reason for the formation 0 very poor Insufficient flow of the joining materials due to low heat 45 very good Heat input is sufficient for a good-quality weld FSSW, causing the nugget thickness to develop. The shear fracture of the nugget takes place easily when the nugget thickness is small, having a low tensile-shear strength. The results presented in Figure 5 are in agree- ment with the work up to a certain tool profile (tapered pin). Different tool profiles resulted in three types of fracture in the FSSW of PP. These three types of fracture mode are affected by the heat amount: insufficient heat, ideal heat and excessive heat. Consequently, frictional heat occurred with different tool profiles. The fracture- mode changes associated with the nugget thickness and weld strength are shown in Figure 5. As a result, the reason for this strength difference is the chain scission15. The chain scission lowers the strength of a thermoplastic material16. If a molten thermoplastic material is heated to a high temperature and then a high pressure is applied to it, a decrease in the molecular weight of the material occurs15. The mechanical properties of thermoplastics decrease with lowering the molecular weight17. In FSSW the welding tool produces a compressive pressure in the weld zone18. In the FSSW of thermoplastics, the material in the weld area melts7. Figure 6 shows the effect of the tool rotation speed of the tapered pin on the weld strength. The lowest strength was obtained at the tool rotation speed of 360 r/min. In this weld, a small amount of frictional heat was produced; therefore, a small weld-bond area, a very low strength and the cross-nugget failure were obtained. The stirring of the pin increased with the tool rotation speed13. The frictional heat increased with the rotation speed. The maximum strength (4280 N) was obtained with the speed 900 r/min. The welding residual stresses of the upper sheet increased with the tool rotation speed12. When the rotation speed exceeded 900 r/min, the strength decreased because of the increased residual stresses. The fracture mode changed with the increasing tool rotation speed. The fracture mode changed due to the frictional heat. The lowest frictional heat led to the cross-nugget failure, while the excessive frictional heat led to the mixed nugget failure (Table 1). A high fric- tional heat causes a high material temperature in the welding zone7 and a thicker nugget, as shown in Table 1. The fracture also occurs due to the high frictional heat in the welding zone. The tapered pin forms a thicker nugget and a bigger weld-bond area than the other pins. In the FSSW fracture experiments, the ideal fracture type is the nugget pull-out failure due to the high weld strength. Figure 7 shows the effect of the dwell time of the tapered pin on the weld strength. The effects of the dwell time on the weld strength and fracture mode are shown in Table 2. Short dwell times cause a thin nugget thick- ness and the cross-nugget failure, as shown in Table 2. The nugget thickness, bond area and fracture mode have a direct effect on the weld strength. Increasing the dwell time from 20 s to 40 s resulted in a linear progress in the strength of the welds. All these welds were fractured under small tensile loads because of the small weld-bond areas. As the dwell time increased, the frictional heat increased as well. Larger weld nuggets were obtained with longer dwell times, increasing the joint strength (Table 2). An increase in the dwell time changed the fracture mode. The maximum weld strength was obtained with the nugget pull-out failure, as shown in Figure 7 (dwell time 120 s). The shape of the weld-bond area in FSSW is found to be of high importance. The weld nugget represents the weld bond in FSSW. The cross-section area of a weld nugget determines the strength of a weld19. Very high temperatures were recorded in the FSW of plastics8,12. High melt tempe- ratures and high welding forces cause chain scission in the welding zones of the plastics, decreasing the weld strength20. The physical properties of a polymer are strongly dependent on the size or length of the polymer chain. For example, if a chain length is increased, the melting and boiling temperatures increase quickly as well. The weld strength also tends to increase with the chain length, as does the viscosity, or the resistance to flow, of the polymer in its melt state. The FSSW process produces high temperature and pressure. But the excessive heat and pressure cause the chain structure to break. Most of the molten material is expelled, so a very small weld stir zone is formed, resulting in a very small fracture load. Thus, a reduction in the weld strength occurs. In friction-stir welding it is very important to check the excessive heat and pressure. Furthermore, the tool geometry is very important in the production of heat and pressure. In this study each mechanical-test diagram shows an extremum. The lap-shear fracture load increases with the tool rotation speed (Figure 6), the dwell time (Figure 7) and the delay time (Figure 8). All these diagrams indi- cate that there is an optimum value for each welding parameter. When a variable value exceeds the critical value, the weld strength starts to decrease. The size of the weld increases continuously with the welding-para- meter variables (Figures 6, 7 and 8). For example, the weld-nugget thickness increases with the tool rotation speed (Figure 6). The lap-shear fracture load reaches its highest value with the tapered pin (Figure 6). The reason for this strength difference is the mechanical scission15. Mechanical scission lowers the strength of a thermo- plastic material16. If a liquid thermoplastic material is heated to a high temperature and then a high pressure is applied to it, a decrease in the molecular weight of the material occurs15. The mechanical properties of thermo- plastics decrease with lowering the molecular weight17. In FSSW the welding tool produces a compressive pres- sure in the weld zone18. In the FSSW of thermoplastics, the material in the weld area melts21. High liquid tem- peratures and high welding forces cause mechanical scission in the welding zones of the plastics, which lowers the weld strength20. The frictional heat produced in the vicinity of the tool increased with the dwell time11,22, so the temperature of M. K. BILICI et al.: EFFECT OF THE TOOL GEOMETRY AND WELDING PARAMETERS ... 710 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 705–711 the material increased as well. The temperature of the material reached the melting temperature (131 °C) in the dwell time 45 s. The temperature rose up to 142 °C within the dwell time 50 s and it did not change with the extended dwell time. Similar temperatures were calcu- lated for the friction-stir welding of PP sheets12,22. If the tool was retracted at the end of the predetermined dwell time, the liquid filled the space of the pin, as shown in Table 3. This weld does not have a characteristic keyhole in the nugget. If the pin was retracted with the delay time 45 s, the liquid in the vicinity of the pin cooled down and solidified. Such a weld has a keyhole as shown in Table 3. During all the experiments, the nugget pull-out failure occurred at the end of the delay time. Also, an increase in the delay time increases the weld strength. The dwell times from 30 s to 60 s resulted in a linear progress in the strength of the welds. All these welds were fractured with small tensile loads because of the small weld-bond areas. Larger weld nuggets were obtained with longer delay times, which increased the joint strength (Figure 8). The shape of a weld-bond area in FSSW is found to be of high importance. The cross-section area of a weld nugget determines the strength of a weld23. A weld with a small bond area fractures under a low tensile force in the zero delay time. In the FSSW of PP sheets 4 mm, the ideal delay time was found to be 45 s. Fracture modes were changed in accordance with the welding parameters and tool geometry. This change in the welds causes the melting and boiling temperatures to increase quickly. For example, as a chain length is increased, the melting and boiling temperatures increase quickly. The weld strength also tends to increase with the chain length, as does the viscosity, or resistance to flow, of the polymer in its melt state. Due to these properties of polypropylene, the weld strength and fracture mode can be changed. Therefore, in the FSSW of polypro- pylene, both the fracture mode and the weld strength were very important. 5 CONCLUSIONS The macrostructures, the weld strength and the frac- ture mode of friction-stir spot welds of polypropylene sheets were investigated. • In the FSSW of polypropylene, three types fracture mode were observed: the nugget pull-out failure, the cross-nugget failure and the mixed nugget failure. • The weld strength during FSSW was found to mainly depend on two macrostructural features: the weld- nugget thickness (X) and the thickness of the upper sheet under the shoulder indentation (Y). • With the increasing rotation speed (up to 900 r/min), the lap-shear fracture load decreased because of the increased amount of the heat generated by the mechanical scission in the stir zone. • The tool rotation speed and dwell time must be sufficient to allow a high weld strength and the appropriate fracture mode. • During the FSSW of polypropylene, the pin geometry affects the nugget formation and lap-shear fracture load. • The optimum tool for sheets 4 mm was found to be the tapered cylindrical pin. • Mechanical scission can occur during the FSSW of polypropylene, if excessive frictional heating is created in the weld zone, so the optimum welding parameters should be chosen (the tool rotation speed of 900 r/min, the dwell time of 120 s and the delay time of 45 s). 6 REFERENCES 1 Y. 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MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CuAlNiMn SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY BEFORE AND AFTER THE TENSILE TESTING ANALIZA MIKROSTRUKTURE ZLITINE CuAlNiMn Z OBLIKOVNIM SPOMINOM PRED NATEZNIM PREIZKUSOM IN PO NJEM Ivana Ivani}1, Mirko Goji}1, Stjepan Ko`uh1, Borut Kosec2 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44103 Sisak, Croatia 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, A{ker~eva cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia iivanic@simet.hr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-10-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-18 In this paper the results of a microstructural analysis before and after fracture along with the mechanical properties and hardness of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy are presented. The melting of the alloy was carried out in a vacuum-induction furnace in a protective atmosphere of argon. The alloy was cast into an ingot of 15 kg. After casting the alloy was forged and rolled into rods with a diameter of approximately 10 mm. A microstructural characterization was performed with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS). Martensitic microstructure was observed in the rods after the deformation. The fractographic analysis of the samples after the tensile testing revealed some areas with intergranular fracture. However, the greater part of the fracture surface indicated the pattern of transgranular brittle fracture. The results of the tensile tests showed the tensile strength of 401.39 MPa and elongation of 1.64 %. The hardness of the CuAlNiMn alloy is 290.7 HV0.5. Keywords: shape-memory alloy, CuAlNiMn, fracture analysis, microstructure, hardness V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati analize mikrostrukture pred prelomom in po njem skupaj z mehanskimi lastnostmi in trdoto zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom. Taljenje zlitine je bilo izvedeno v vakuumski pe~i v za{~itni atmosferi argona. Zlitina je bila ulita v ingot mase 15 kg. Po litju je bila zlitina kovana in zvaljana na premer pribli`no 10 mm. Karakterizacija mikrostrukture je bila izvedena s svetlobno mikroskopijo (SM) in vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM), opremljeno z energijskim disperzijskim spektrometrom (EDS). Analizirana je bila martenzitna mikrostruktura zlitine CuAlNiMn pred izvedenim nateznim preizkusom. Izvedena sta bila natezni preizkus in meritve trdot. Fraktografska analiza je pokazala ve~ podro~ij z interkristalnim in pogosto transkristalnim krhkim prelomom. Rezultati nateznega preizkusa so pokazali, da je natezna trdnost 401,39 MPa in raztezek 1,64 %. Trdota zlitine CuAlNiMn je 290,7 HV0,5. Klju~ne besede: zlitina z oblikovnim spominom, CuAlNiMn, analiza preloma, mikrostruktura, trdota 1 INTRODUCTION Shape-memory alloys (SMAs) based on copper such as CuZnAl and CuAlNi are attractive for practical appli- cations because of their special properties (shape-me- mory effect and pseudoelasticity) which are based on the crystallographic reversible thermoelastic martensitic transformation. They are also suitable due to lower costs (compared to NiTi) and the advantages with regard to electrical and thermal conductivities.1–5 However, the polycrystalline copper-based shape- memory alloys with coarse grains are very brittle and they are prone to intergranural fracture because of the high elastic anisotropy of the parent  phase, the exi- stence of the brittle 2 (Cu9Al4) phase and the formation of the stress-induced martensites along the grain boun- daries upon quenching.6–10 The usual way to improve the disadvantages mentioned above is to alloy them with the elements that are grain refiners like Ti, B and Zr, which create the precipitates limiting the grain size and grain growth. Also, the production of the alloy with the rapid-solidification technique or powder metallurgy is very effective in obtaining a fine-grain microstructure.2,11 The mechanical properties of the polycrystalline CuAlNi alloy can be improved effectively with grain refinement and texture control. Both of them play important roles in relaxing the stress concentration at grain boundaries, which prevents intergranular fracture and improves the plasticity of the alloy. The fatigue and memory proper- ties of the CuAlNi alloy with fine grains are considerably limited because the fine grains inevitably tend to grow during hot-working or heat treatment, leading to a degradation of mechanical properties.6,12 Manganese is added as an alloying element to improve the ductility of the CuAlNi alloy by replacing the partially aluminum content. It also increases the stability domain of the  phase and allows the betatising process to be performed at lower temperatures.8,12 Also, manganese was provided to enhance the thermoelastic and pseudoelastic behavior.11,13 The aim of this paper was to carry out the strength testing, hardness measurements, microstructural characterization and a fractographic analysis of the CuAlNiMn alloy. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 713–718 713 UDK 669.35:620.17 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)713(2014) 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy was produced by melting in a vacuum-induction furnace in a protective atmosphere of argon and cast into a classical iron mould with the dimensions of 100 mm × 100 mm × 200 mm. The heating temperature was 1330 °C. After casting the alloy was forged and rolled with step heating at 900 °C after every reduction into the bars with a diameter of approximately 10 mm. From the bars the samples were prepared as standard round tensile-test probes with the dimensions of 6 mm × 100 mm. The tensile test was made with a Zwick/Roell Z050 universal tensile-testing machine at room temperature. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were applied for the microstructural characterization of the alloy. For the microstructural analysis, the samples were grinded (120–800 grade paper) and polished (0.3 μm Al2O3). After polishing, the samples were etched in a solution composed of 2.5 g FeCl3 and 48 mL methanol in 10 mL HCl for 15 s. A fractographic analysis using a JOEL JSM5610 scanning electron microscope was carried out to observe the surfaces of the samples after the tensile testing. The hardness of the alloy was carried out with the Vickers method with the applied force of 5 N. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The average chemical composition of the alloy measured with EDS was Cu-8.05 % Al-3.51 % Ni-2.44 % Mn (w/%). 3.1 Microstructural characterization before fracture The obtained microstructures are presented on Fig- ures 1 to 3. It can be observed that the microstructure of the alloy after the deformation (forging and rolling) is martensitic. Because of the plastic deformation after the casting, it can be assumed that most of the martensite in I. IVANI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CuAlNiMn SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... 714 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 713–718 Figure 3: a) SEM micrograph of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy with the positions marked for EDS analysis, b) EDS spectrum for position 1 and c) EDS spectrum for position 3 Slika 3: a) SEM-posnetek mikrostrukture zlitine CuAlNiMn z obli- kovnim spominom z ozna~enimi mesti za EDS-analizo, b) EDS-spek- ter na mestu 1 in c) EDS-spekter na mestu 3 Figure 1: LM micrograph of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy, magnificaton 100-times Slika 1: Mikrostruktura zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom, pove~ava 100-kratna Figure 2: SEM micrograph of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy Slika 2: SEM-posnetek mikrostrukture zlitine CuAlNiMn z obli- kovnim spominom the structure is the stress-induced martensite. The grains appear clearly and the martensite plates have different orientations in individual grains. We also noticed a large grain size which commonly appears in Cu-based alloys.12 In our previous paper14 it was observed that the CuAlNiMn SMA in the as-cast state has a martensitic microstructure with some areas of the 2 phase. The CuAlNi ternary phase diagram, Figure 4, shows the main phases that appear in the CuAlNi shape-me- mory alloy. The  phase, which is essential for the shape-memory effect, can exist independently and stably above 565 °C. The eutectoid reaction (   + 2) occurs in the alloy at 565 °C. Meanwhile, the adequate cooling rate can suppress the eutectoid reaction, and the  phase can be totally transformed into martensites when the temperature decreases to Ms (the martensite start tempe- rature).2,6 On the SEM micrographs (Figures 2 and 3), marten- sitic microstructure is confirmed. Several inclusions can be noticed and their chemical compositions (positions 1 and 2 on Figure 3a) are presented in Table 1. It can be seen that the inclusions contain the highest amount of Mn, along with Cu, Al and Ni (which are the main constituents of the alloy), and there are also other elements – "impurities" (Fe, Cr, P) (Figure 3b). Table 1: Results of the EDS analysis before tensile testing for the positions marked on Figure 3a, (w/%) Tabela 1: Rezultati EDS-analize, izvedene pred nateznim preizkusom na mestih ozna~enih na sliki 3a, (w/%) Position Cu Al Ni Fe Mn Cr P 1 25.20 1.73 3.58 8.59 40.65 4.75 15.50 2 17.28 1.86 3.82 9.63 46.18 5.23 15.99 3 86.07 8.04 3.53 – 2.36 – – 4 85.95 8.06 3.48 – 2.51 – – The usual chemical composition of the CuAlNi SMA is Cu-(11–14) % Al-(3–4.5) % Ni (w/%). According to the literature12 an addition of manganese replacing the aluminum content is effective as it can improve the ductility. The EDS analysis of positions 3 and 4 (Figure 3a) and the EDS spectrum on Figure 3c confirm such a replacement. U. Sari13 investigated the influence of the mass frac- tion w = 2.5 % of manganese on the CuAlNi SMA, and he concluded that, due to a manganese addition, the grain size, which is over 1 mm for CuAlNi, is reduced by 75 %, to the average value of 350 μm. 3.2 Fracture analysis of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy The results of the SEM microfractography analysis after the tensile testing of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy are presented on Figures 5 to 8. It can be seen that a crack often occurs at a three-fold node of grain boundaries, Figure 5. It is known that the brittleness of copper-based alloys arises from the high degree of order in the parent phase with B2, DO3 and L21 structures; the brittleness was also attributed to their high elastic anisotropy (A ≅ 13) which is a reason for the brittle-grain-boundary cracking.15–17 The second cause is I. IVANI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CuAlNiMn SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 713–718 715 Figure 5: SEM microfractographs of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy after tensile testing: a) magnification 100-times and b) the magnified section Slika 5: SEM-posnetek preloma zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom po izvedenem nateznem preizkusu: a) pove~ava 100-kratna in b) pove~ano obmo~je Figure 4: Ternary phase diagram of the CuAlNi alloy; a vertical cross-section at the mass fraction of Ni w = 3 % 9 Slika 4: Ternarni fazni diagram zlitine CuAlNi; vertikalni prerez pri masnem dele`u Ni w = 3 % 9 the grain size of -phase alloys which is usually in order of 1 mm.12,13 The causes mentioned above probably constitute the essential differences between NiTi alloys and Cu-based alloys, influencing the fracture behavior. A large stress concentration occurs at the grain boundaries due to a large elastic anisotropy under loading. The result is that very brittle intergranular cracking occurs even during elastic deformation.16 It may be assumed that the cracks nucleate at the grain-boundary nodes where the stress concentrations develop.15 This assumption is confirmable with the cracks visible on Figures 5 to 7. Grain boundaries provide the easiest crack-propagation path. The cracks nucleate at the grain boundaries where the stress-level concentration is high and the intergranular fracture is obtained. It is mostly a transgranular type of fracture with the characteristic river pattern that can be observed (Figures 5 and 6) but sporadic intergranular fracture can also be noticed. At a higher magnification it is visible that the plane of fracture displays the river patterns typical of a cleavage – like a rupture (Figures 5b and 6b).18 On Figures 7a and 7b there are parallel lines near the grain-boundary plane that probably represent the stress-induced martensite. There are some small and shallow dimples on the fracture surface of the investigated alloy, indicating that the alloy underwent a certain plastic deformation during the fracture (Figure 7c). The fracture surface was examined with an EDS analysis (Figure 8), and the chemical composition of the fracture surface is presented in Table 2. It can be noticed that the amount of Cu was from 88.15–93.55 %, Al was from 1.78–5.81 %, Ni was from 3.19– 3.46 % and Mn was from 1.25–2.60 % (w/%). Lower concentrations of alloying elements probably influence the fracture mechanism and properties of the alloy by decreasing the strength in the region of grain boundaries. Reduced concentrations of the alloying elements at the grain boundaries are probably due to slow cooling rates and I. IVANI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CuAlNiMn SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... 716 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 713–718 Figure 7: SEM microfractographs of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy: a) magnification 100-times, b) the magnified section and c) the area with transgranular brittle fracture – the magnified section Slika 7: SEM-posnetek preloma zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom: a) pove~ava 100-kratna in b) pove~ano obmo~je ter c) podro~je z transkristalnim krhkim prelomom – pove~ano obmo~je Figure 6: SEM microfractographs of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy: a) magnification 100-times and b) the magnified section Slika 6: SEM-posnetka preloma zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom: a) pove~ava 100-kratna in b) pove~ano obmo~je low solidification velocities that are the consequences of the alloy-casting procedure. Table 2: Results of the EDS analysis after tensile testing for the positions marked on Figure 7a, (w/%) Tabela 2: Rezultati EDS-analize po izvedenem nateznem preizkusu na mestih ozna~enih na sliki 7a, (w/%) Position Cu Al Ni Fe Mn 1 88.96 4.89 3.46 0.22 2.47 2 93.55 1.78 3.19 0.23 1.25 3 88.15 5.81 3.44 0.00 2.60 3.3 Mechanical properties of the CuAlNiMn shape- memory alloy The results obtained after the tensile testing are given in Table 3. The tensile strength/elongation curves are presented in Figure 9. The tensile strength was 401.39 MPa, calculated as the average value of three measure- ments. The Young’s modulus and yield strength were 67.72 GPa and 242.81 MPa, respectively. According to the literature,19 this value of the tensile strength is satisfactory for a Cu-based alloy. The elongation (A) after fracture was very low (1.64 %) and without a measurable contraction. In the literature19 the maximum elongation after tensile testing for a continuously cast Cu-13 % Al-4 % Ni (w/%) SMA was 1.45 % and this is below the limit of the typical recoverable strain of 4–6 %. U. Sari13 found that the compression strength for Cu-11.6 % Al-3.9 % Ni-2.5 % Mn (w/%) amounts to 952 MPa and the ductility is 15 %. The hardness of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy was 290.7 HV0.5. As manganese favorably influences the alloy plasticity, it is fair to assume that the hardness of the CuAlNiMn alloy should be lower than that of the alloy without manganese.13,14 4 CONCLUSIONS The microstructure analysis of CuAlNiMn before the tensile testing shows the presence of a martensitic micro- structure. According to the plastic deformation carried out after the casting, it is fair to assume that the marten- site existing in the microstructure is stress induced. The fracture surface indicates intergranular fracture and mainly transgranular brittle fracture with the characte- ristic river pattern. There are also some parts with shallow dimples indicating that the alloy was plastically deformed. The cracks nucleate at the grain boundaries where the stress-level concentration is high. Mechanical properties of CuAlNiMn show satisfactory results for the I. IVANI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CuAlNiMn SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 713–718 717 Figure 8: a) SEM microfractograph of the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy with the positions marked for EDS analysis and b) EDS spectrum of position 1 Slika 8: a) SEM-posnetek preloma zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom z ozna~enimi mesti za EDS-analizo in b) EDS-spekter na mestu 1 Table 3: Tensile-test results for the CuAlNiMn shape-memory alloy Tabela 3: Rezultati nateznega preizkusa zlitine CuAlNiMn z oblikovnim spominom Mechanical properties Young’s modulus / GPa Yield strength / MPa Tensile strength / MPa Elongation / % Measurement results with mean value 60.76 67.72 244.04 242.81 350.78 401.39 1.41 1.6466.94 245.99 416.10 1.74 75.45 238.39 437.30 1.79 Figure 9: Tensile stress – elongation curves of the CuAlNiMn SMA Slika 9: Krivulje natezna napetost – raztezek zlitine CuAlNiMn SMA tensile strength (401.39 MPa) and a very low value for the elongation (1.64 %). The hardness of the alloy is 290.7 HV0.5. Acknowledgement The authors want to thank professor Franc Kosel and Brane Struna (University of Ljubljana) for the tensile testing and technical information. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Goji}, L. Vrsalovi}, S. Ko`uh, A. Kneissl, I. An`el, S. Gudi}, B. Kosec, M. Kli{ki}, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011), 9782–9790 2 G. Lojen, I. An`el, A .C. Kneissl, A. Kri`man, E. Unterweger, B. Kosec, M. Bizjak, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 162–163 (2005), 220–229 3 M. ^oli}, R. Rudolf, D. Stamenkovi}, I. An`el, D. Vu~evi}, M. Jen- ko, V. Lazi}, G. Lojen, Acta Biomaterialia, 6 (2010), 308–317 4 Y. Sutou, T. Omori, K. Yamauchi, N. Ono, R. Kainuma, K. Ishida, Acta Materialia, 53 (2005), 4121–4133 5 Y. Sutou, R. Kainuma, K. Ishida, Materials Science and Engineering A, 273–275 (1999), 375–379 6 Z. Wang, X. F. Liu, J. X. Xie, Progress in Natural Science, Materials International, 21 (2011), 368–374 7 A. C. Kneissl, E. Unterweger, M. Bruncko, G. Lojen, K. Mehrabi, H. Scherngell, Metalurgija, 14 (2008) 2, 89–100 8 C. Segui, E. Cesari, Journal de Physique IV, Colloque C2, supple- ment au Journal de Physique III, 5 (1995), 187–191 9 K. Otsuka, C. M. Wayman, Shape memory alloys, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge 1998, 97–116 10 Z. G. Wei, H. Y. Peng, W. H. Zou, D. Z. Yang, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 28 (1997), 955–967 11 Z. Li, Z. Y. Pan, N. Tang, Y. B. Jiang, N. Liu, M. Fang, F. Zheng, Materials Science and Engineering A, 417 (2006), 225–229 12 J. Van Humbeck, L. Delaney, A comparative review of the (Potential) Shape Memory Alloys, ESOMAT 1989 – Ist European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations in Science and Technology, Germa- ny, 1989, 15–26 13 U. Sari, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 17 (2010) 2, 192–198 14 I. Ivani}, M. Goji}, I. An`el, S. Ko`uh, M. Rimac, O. Beganovi}, K. Begovi}, B. Kosec, Microstructure and properties of casted CuAlNi and CuAlNiMn shape memory alloys, Proceedings of the 13th Inter- national Foundrymen Conference, Opatija, 2013, 153–162 15 G. N. Sure, L. C. Brown, Metallurgical Transactions, 15A (1984), 1613–1621 16 H. Sakamoto, Y. Kijima, K. Shimizu, Transactions of the Japan Insti- tute of Metals, 23 (1982) 10, 585–594 17 Y. Sutou, T. Omori, R. Kainuma, N. Ono, K. Ishida, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 33 (2002), 2817–2824 18 L. A. Matlakhova, E. C. Pereira, A. N. Matlakhov, S. N. Monteiro, R. Toledo, Materials Characterization, 59 (2008), 1630–1637 19 G. Lojen, M. Goji}, I. An`el, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580 (2013), 497–505 I. IVANI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CuAlNiMn SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... 718 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 713–718 B. MAŠEK et al.: EFFECT OF THE INITIAL MICROSTRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTIES ... EFFECT OF THE INITIAL MICROSTRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTIES OF LOW-ALLOYED STEEL UPON MINI-THIXOFORMING VPLIV ZA^ETNE MIKROSTRUKTURE NA LASTNOSTI MALOLEGIRANEGA JEKLA PO PREDELAVI MINI-THIXOFORMING Bohuslav Ma{ek, David Ai{man, Hana Jirková University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Research Centre of Forming Technology – FORTECH, Univerzitní 22, 30614 Pilsen, Czech Republic daisman@vctt.zcu.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-10-19; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-12-06 Thixoforming is an unconventional forming process based on semi-solid processing. Semi-solid processing involves heating the feedstock to a temperature at which it becomes partly liquid and partly solid. Thanks to partial melting and rapid solidification, unconventional microstructures can be obtained even in conventional materials. Today’s research efforts mainly involve high-al- loyed steels with a wide freezing range at lower temperatures. By contrast, low-alloyed steels with the solidification tempera- tures above 1400 °C are not under extensive investigation. The main objective of the study was to find whether and how the attributes of the feedstock microstructure can be transmitted to the final semi-solid processed microstructure of the 30MnVS6 microalloyed steel. The first stage of the experiment involved mini-thixoforming of the as-received specimens of the steel. In order to assess the effects of the initial microstructure, speci- mens with three types of microstructure were prepared with high-pressure torsion (HPT), a severe-plastic-deformation (SPD) technique. Initial and final microstructures were examined using light and electron microscopes and image-analysis techniques. The phase composition was determined with the aid of the X-ray diffraction analysis. The mechanical properties were deter- mined with tensile and hardness testing. Information on the local properties and the properties of microstructure constituents was obtained with microhardness measurement. Keywords: minithixoforming, 30MnVS6, severe plastic deformation, high pressure torsion Thixoforming je neobi~ajen postopek preoblikovanja, ki temelji na preoblikovanju v testastem stanju. Preoblikovanje v testastem stanju vklju~uje ogrevanje preoblikovanca do temperature, pri kateri postane material delno v staljenem in delno v strjenem stanju. Po zaslugi delnega taljenja in hitrega strjevanja se lahko dose`e neobi~ajne mikrostrukture celo pri navadnih materialih. Sedanje raziskave se izvajajo ve~inoma na mo~no legiranih jeklih s {irokim intervalom strjevanja pri ni`jih temperaturah. Nasprotno se malolegirana jekla s temperature strjevanja nad 1400 °C ne preiskuje intenzivno. Glavni cilj te {tudije je ugotoviti, ali in kako atribute mikrostrukture surovca prenesti po preoblikovanju v testastem stanju pri mikrolegiranem jeklu 30MnVS6. Prva stopnja eksperimentov je vklju~evala minithixoforming preoblikovanje dobavljenih vzorcev jekla. Za oceno vpliva za~etne mikrostrukture so bili pripravljeni vzorci s tremi vrstami mikrostrukture s torzijo pri visokem tlaku (HPT), to je s tehniko velike plasti~ne deformacije (SPD). Za~etne in kon~ne mikrostrukture so bile preiskane s svetlobno mikroskopijo, z elektronsko mikroskopijo in s tehnikami analize slik. Sestava faz je bila dolo~ena z rentgensko difrakcijsko analizo. Mehanske lastnosti so bile dolo~ene z nateznim preizkusom in z merjenjem trdote. Informacija o lokalnih lastnostih in lastnostih posameznih mikrostrukturnih faz je bila dobljena z meritvami mikrotrdote. Klju~ne besede: minithixoforming, 30MnVS6, plasti~na deformacija, torzija pri visokem tlaku 1 INTRODUCTION Mini-thixoforming was developed for processing small volumes of a material using highly dynamic heat- ing and cooling processes.1,2 Thanks to these characte- ristics, the processing induces transformations that are not commonly encountered in the conventional proces- ses. As a consequence, various types of microstructure are obtained which contain metastable constituents, such as austenite in ferritic-pearlitic steel.3 Owing to the highly dynamic nature of the phenomena involved, the initial condition of a material cannot be neglected because the material’s history is often reflected in its final microstructure. This fact frequently fails to be acknowledged and has not been explored adequately. The objective of the present experiment was to compare the character of the resulting microstructure with the initial condition. The method used to modify the microstructures was a severe-plastic-deformation technique known as high-pressure torsion (HPT)4 and it involved various amounts of the applied strain. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME The experimental programme was conducted with the 30MnVS6 microalloyed steel (Table 1). This steel, alloyed predominantly with manganese and silicon, is typically used for making forged parts. The as-received material was in the form of rolled and peeled normalized bars. The as-received microstructure consisted of ferrite and pearlite (Figure 1). The ultimate and yield strengths in the as-received condition were 770 MPa and 570 MPa, respectively, and the hardness was 237 HV10. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 719–723 719 UDK 669.018.258:539.374 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)719(2014) With regard to the low content of alloying elements, a tentative simulation using the JMatPro program was used to ascertain that the freezing range of the material was relatively narrow and lying at high temperatures.5 The temperature interval was 1425–1490 °C. The tempera- ture to be used for achieving the semi-solid state region was set at 1455 °C. 2.1 Refinement of the initial microstructure using HPT The structure of the material was refined using the HPT method, one of the severe-plastic-deformation tech- niques. Its principle is a torsional deformation between stationary and rotating dies that compress the material (Figure 2).6 The magnitude of the strain introduced depends on the number of revolutions. The feedstock was a disc with a 35 mm diameter. The forming process reduced its height to 7.5 mm and expanded its diameter to 38 mm (Figure 3). The forming was performed at ambient temperature. The material did not undergo any recrystallization. The effect of the initial microstructure was explored using three specimens upon various numbers of revolutions: 3.5, 4.25 and 7. 2.2 Microstructure after HPT As the amounts of the strain in the centre and by the edge of the formed disc differ, the metallographic section was prepared on the disc face. The observations with both the light and electron microscopes confirmed that the resulting microstructure was heavily distorted, in contrast to the as-received material. The most severe dis- tortion was found in the specimen upon the highest num- ber of revolutions, which was seven (Figure 4a). Its microstructure still contained the ferrite and pearlite mixture but both phases were heavily deformed (Figure 4b). Its hardness, up to 502 HV10, was higher than that of the as-received material. The surprising finding was that the pearlite lamellae underwent a heavy deformation without any fracturing. Another interesting feature was B. MAŠEK et al.: EFFECT OF THE INITIAL MICROSTRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTIES ... 720 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 719–723 Figure 4: a) Microstructure of 30MnVS6 steel upon HPT processing, 7 revolutions,; ) detail of distorted pearlite lamellae Slika 4: a) Mikrostruktura jekla 30MnVS6 po HPT-predelavi, 7 vrtlja- jev, b) detajl izkrivljene lamele perlita Figure 2: Schematic of the HPT process6 Slika 2: Shematski prikaz HPT-postopka6 Figure 1: As-received microstructure of 30MnVS6 steel Slika 1: Mikrostruktura jekla 30MnVS6 v dobavljenem stanju Figure 3: Final products of the HPT process Slika 3: Kon~ni proizvod HPT-postopka Table 1: Chemical composition of 30MnVS6 steel in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava jekla 30MnVS6 v masnih dele`ih (w/%) C Mn Si P S Cu Cr Ni Al N Mo V Ti 0.31 1.50 0.62 0.018 0.024 0.03 0.20 0.02 0.02 0.0122 0.007 0.098 0.0261 that upon three or even four revolutions, the microstruc- tures in the centre of a disc and by its edge showed little difference. This was evidenced by similar hardness levels for all the areas of the deformed disc. Upon 3.5 revolu- tions, the hardness was 421 HV10. Upon 4.25 revolu- tions, it rose to 465 HV10. 2.3 Preparation of the workpieces for semi-solid pro- cessing The non-uniform strain intensity was reflected in the not quite uniform microstructures of the discs upon HPT. The difference was most notable between the outermost edge and the centre of a disc. For this reason, the edge and the centre of a disc were not used for further experi- ments. Cylinders of a 15 mm height were cut from the discs. This dimension is consistent with the length of the active part of the workpiece for mini-thixoforming. The remaining conical parts of the workpiece were made for low-carbon steel with a high melting temperature. The entire workpiece for semi-solid processing was thus as- sembled from three parts and electron-welded in a vac- uum (Figure 5). This low-energy welding method left the special microstructure in the active part of the workpiece unaffected. The workpieces from the as-re- ceived material were made in one piece. Their length was 48 mm and their diameter was 6 mm (Figure 6). The purpose of their conical ends is to carry the electric current for heating and to centre the workpieces inside the die. 3 SEMI-SOLID PROCESSING All the workpieces were formed in a titanium die with a groove-shaped cavity with a 20 mm length and a 5 mm × 1.9 mm cross-section. This die was specially B. MAŠEK et al.: EFFECT OF THE INITIAL MICROSTRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 719–723 721 Figure 7: Schematic illustration of the whole process with the microstructure development after individual steps Slika 7: Shematski prikaz celotnega postopka z razvojem mikrostrukture po vsakem koraku Figure 6: Final workpiece welded together with an electron beam Slika 6: Kon~na oblika obdelovanca, zvarjenega z elektronskim curkom Figure 5: Schematic of the workpiece manufacturing sequence Slika 5: Shematski prikaz korakov priprave obdelovanca developed for the mini-thixoforming process.7 With respect to the high heating temperature, an R-type thermocouple (rhodium-platinum) was used. The heating temperature was found using stepwise optimization. Despite the temperature being high, it was maintained accurately, as was the heating rate (Figure 7). The initial experiments were conducted with the as-received specimens. Only after all the mini-thixo- forming parameters were determined, the HPT-processed specimens were employed. First, a suitable heating tem- perature was sought. A total of three temperatures were tried: (1450, 1455 and 1460) °C. The heating time was 61 s. The deformation applied within 0.3 s was followed by rapid solidification enhanced by the contact with the metal cavity surface. The initial cooling rate reached 300 °C/s. 4 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS At the first stage, the semi-solid processing parame- ters were optimized for the 30MnVS6 steel employed outside its typical domain. Mini-thixoforming of the as-received non-refined material produced a martensitic microstructure with some amount of bainite. This is un- usual, considering the typical thixo-formed micro- structure, which consists of polyhedral austenite grains embedded in a ledeburite network. In the specimen heated to 1460 °C, the etchant used for outlining prior austenite grains (the picric acid) revealed that the major- ity of the product and the interior of the workpiece had a dendritic morphology. In response to this finding, the heating temperature was reduced. However, with the temperature reduced by 10 °C, the cavity was not filled completely because the liquid fraction was inadequate. The most suitable heating temperature proved to be 1455 °C. Once the processing parameters were opti- mized, the product filled the die cavity completely. The microstructure in the centre of the product contained mostly martensite and some bainite (Figures 8a and 8b). Its hardness was approximately 767 HV10. The etchant for the prior austenite grain boundaries revealed that the proportion of the dendrites in the product decreased. Besides the dendrites, there were polygonal shapes of the prior austenite grains in the microstructure. These shapes were found predominantly in the product formed by forcing the semi-liquid material into the groove in the titanium die. A higher proportion of bainite was found in the workpiece interior, whose cooling rate was lower than that of the product. Processing the workpieces made from the discs upon 3.5 revolutions led to a similar character of the micro- structure. It consisted of a mixture of martensite and bainite. The hardness in the centre of the product reached no more than 500 HV10. The variation in the micro- structure was only found after outlining the prior auste- nite grain boundaries by etching, whereas the normally etched martensitic-bainitic microstructure appeared uniform. The morphology of the prior austenite grains in the mini-thixoformed HPT-refined material was poly- gonal. In contrast to the as-received material, no large dendritic areas were found upon mini-thixoforming (Figures 9a and 9b). Etching the material processed with HPT with 4.25 revolutions and picric acid revealed areas with very fine globular particles with the size of approximately 20 μm (Figure 9c). The matrix consisted of martensite and bainite, as in the previous cases. The hardness in the centre of the product was 713 HV10. No effects of a further refinement were found in the speci- mens upon 7 revolutions. B. MAŠEK et al.: EFFECT OF THE INITIAL MICROSTRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTIES ... 722 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 719–723 Figure 8: Micrographs of the as-received material upon semi-solid processing: a) workpiece centre, b) centre of the extruded product Slika 8: Mikrostruktura dobavljenega materiala po predelavi v testa- stem stanju: a) sredina obdelovanca, b) sredina vzorca po ekstruziji Figure 9: Comparison between the morphologies of prior austenite grains upon semi-solid processing of the material with two different initial microstructures: a) micrograph of as-received material, b) micrograph of HPT-refined material, c) detail of fine globular grains Slika 9: Primerjava videza prvotnih avstenitnih zrn po predelavi v testastem stanju materiala z dvema razli~nima za~etnima mikrostrukturama: a) mikrostruktura dobavljenega materiala, b) mikrostruktura materiala po HPT-postopku, c) detajl drobnih globulitnih zrn 5 CONCLUSION The effect of the initial microstructure of the micro- alloyed 30MnVS6 steel on its final microstructure upon semi-solid processing was explored. The material in the two initial states was mini-thixoformed under identical conditions. The first state was characterized by a fer- rite-pearlite microstructure with the hardness of 237 HV10 and the other was a plastically deformed micro- structure caused by high-pressure torsion. The hardness level was between 421 and 502 HV10, depending on the strain intensity. All the products made with mini-thixoforming con- tained martensite with a small fraction of bainite. The fi- nal hardness was high, reaching 713 HV10 in some cases. The refinement of the initial microstructure was not reflected substantially in the semi-solid processed microstructure. After the heaviest deformation, the work- piece material had a very fine morphology of the prior austenite grains. In order to characterize them, additional microscopic techniques will have to be used such as EBSD to find their size or X-ray diffraction analysis to describe their texture. Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungs- gemeinschaft, DFG) and the Czech Science Foundation (Grantové agentura ^eské republiky, GA^R) through joint, binational projects WA 2602/2-1 and GA ^R P107/11/J083. 6 REFERENCES 1 H. Mi{terová, A. Rone{ová, [. Jení~ek, Mini-thixoformnig of tool steel X210Cr12, 22nd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Metal 2013, Brno, 2013 2 I. Sen, H. Jirkova, B. Masek, M. Böhme, M. F. X. Wagner, Micro- structure and Mechanical Behavior of a Mini-Thixoformed Tool Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43 (2012) 9, 3034–3038 3 M. N. Mohammed, M. Z. Omar, J. Syarif, Z. Sajuri, M. S. Salleh, K. S. Alhawari, Microstructural Evolution during DPRM Process of Semisolid Ledeburitic D2 Tool Steel, The Scientific World Journal, (2013), article ID 828926 4 T. C. Lowe, R. Z. Valiev (eds.), Investigations and Applications of Severe Plastic Deformation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2000 5 JMatPro, The Java-based Materials Property Simulation Package, Version 6.1, Sente Software Ltd., Surrey Technology Center, UK 6 T. Hebesberger, H. P. Stüwea, A. Vorhauer, F. Wetscher, R. Pippan, Structure of Cu deformed by high pressure torsion, Acta Materialia, 53 (2005) 2, 393–402 7 B. Ma{ek et al., Minithixoforming of high chromium tool steel X210Cr12 with various initial states, Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 2011 B. MAŠEK et al.: EFFECT OF THE INITIAL MICROSTRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 719–723 723 A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 (+) WITH AN ABRASIVE WATER JET AND OTHER CUTTING METHODS PREISKAVA LASTNOSTI POVR[INE MEDENINE 353 (+) PO REZANJU Z ABRAZIJSKIM VODNIM CURKOM IN DRUGIMI METODAMI REZANJA Adnan Akkurt Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Ankara, Turkey aakkurt@gazi.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-10-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-18 In the manufacturing industry different methods are used to provide the fastest, cheapest and the most cost-effective way of facilitating the process of cutting with the minimum surface deformation. Apart from the conventional methods, non-traditional methods such as abrasive water jet (AWJ), laser, plasma, underwater plasma and wire erosion are used intensely for the cutting of hard-to-cut materials and products. Research has been conducted on the AWJ method. Brass materials are widely used in industry. In this study the results of the cutting process for brass material with AWJ were investigated. Based on the results the ideal cutting method for the investigated material was found to be AWJ. Keywords: cutting methods, unconventional cutting, surface properties V industriji se uporabljajo razli~ne metode za hitro, cenej{e in stro{kovno bolj ugodne metode rezanja z minimalno deformacijo povr{ine. Poleg navadnih metod za rezanje trdih materialov in proizvodov se uporabljajo tudi netradicionalne, kot je abrazijsko rezanje z vodnim curkom (AWJ), laser, plazma, podvodna plazma in `i~na erozija. Izvr{ene so bile raziskave AWJ. Medenina se pogosto uporablja v industriji. V tej {tudiji je bil preiskan postopek rezanja medenine z AWJ. Glede na dobljene rezultate je ugotovljeno, da je za preiskovani material najbolj{a metoda abrazijsko rezanje z vodnim curkom. Klju~ne besede: metode rezanja, neobi~ajno rezanje, lastnosti povr{ine 1 INTRODUCTION Cutting quality can be determined by measuring the surface roughness, dimensional tolerances, etc. In the cutting processes for different materials, there are no sig- nificant differences in general macro-morphological sur- face properties. For example, the surface obtained on cut glass is the same as on metal, ceramic and composites. However, when examined at the micro-level, micro-qual- ities of surfaces vary depending on the differences be- tween the cutting mechanisms of different methods. The properties of the surfaces obtained with an abrasive wa- ter jet are listed below: • The surface is not affected by thermal impacts or heat. • No crusting is found on brittle materials. Surface is almost free of refractions. • An insignificant hardness alteration may occur on the surface. • The width of the cut may be narrowed depending on the diameter of the jet. • Abrasive fragment sedimentation may occur in the material. • Small chamfers may occur in the holes to the surface. The quality of the obtained surface could be im- proved by increasing the power spent for each unit of the cutting length. A better surface quality is obtained by in- creasing the water pressure, decreasing the jet speed, in- creasing the abrasive magnitude rate in the jet and select- ing a larger nozzle. Abrasive-surface properties as well as abrasive-particle shape and dimension are important factors. The width of the cutting channel is controlled with the mixture tube nozzle and the jet speed1. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 725 UDK 621.96:691.73:620.179.11 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)725(2014) Figure 1: Surfaces obtained with the jet flow and the quality zones2,3 Slika 1: Povr{ine, dobljene s curkom, in njihova kvaliteta 2,3 Characteristics of the cut surface: When examined in order to determine the surface quality, the surfaces cut with different methods are similar. Surface roughness is defined with the waves on the surface and the size of the wave is proportional to the jet diameter (Figure 1)2,3. While the wave size depends on the jet diameter and the penetration of the abrasive water jet, the surface roughness is related to the micro-interaction between each abrasive and the workpiece. The cutting quality de- pends on the inner physical effects caused by the jet and the external factors such as various cutting parameters, nozzle vibration and job fragment. When a surface cut with abrasive water is examined, three different sections can be seen as shown in Figure 22,4. 1. In the upper corner of the cut surface there is a small curve caused by the hitting articles departing from the jet. This section is usually accepted as an ignorable edge impact. 2. This is a smoother surface section located under the first section. This section is formed by the particle erosion caused by the abrasive particles hitting the sur- face at a low impact angle. Experimental studies per- formed recently have proven the fact that a 1.3 μm sur- face-roughness quality can be obtained on this section. 3. The cutting capability is reduced as the kinetic en- ergy of the abrasives decreases and the jet looses it regu- larity. This is a transition section where the second cut- ting mechanism prevails and the surface is formed by faults due to parallel jet deviations. In this second cutting mechanism, the impulse angle of the hitting particles against the surface is bigger and defined as "the deforma- tion erosion". The deformation abrasive mechanism is realized by the particles hitting the surface at a bigger angle. When the travelling speed of the jet is reduced, the transition area between the second and third sections is smaller4. If a quality cutting process is required, the parameters must be adjusted and the cutting process must be com- pleted before entering the deformation abrasion section. By adjusting the parameters, the flaking will also be avoided. By selecting a sufficiently low lateral speed level, a considerably smooth surface without any flaking will be obtained on the first section. Smaller abrasive particles and a bigger abrasive mass of the jet flow will reduce the surface-roughness value. A particle with bigger dimensions will consequently cause a larger cut area and the surface will be rougher (it will have a larger roughness value)3–5. Increasing the abrasive mass of the jet or reducing the jet speed will improve the quality by increasing the number of the particles hitting against the surface being cut. When greater cutting speeds are used in a rough cutting operation, each of the three sections can be seen on the surface. A deviation of the jet on the third section and a formation of parallel lines appear as a function of the parameters of lateral speed alterations, abrasive feeding-flow rate, liquid pressure and nozzle geometry. Abrasive substances form holes and pockets at the lower parts, where they are accumulated and embedded during the rough cutting operations. Such residual particles may damage the nozzle during the operations. These negative effects must be taken into consideration. When the surface quality and energy of the particle are considered, we find that as the cutting depth gets bigger the deviation of the jet increases causing an increase in the energy of the particle.6,7 Thus, a greater energy applied on the surface show that the surface roughness and surface waviness are more robust and there are more deviations of the jet (Figure 3)1,4. Comparison of the abrasive water jet with the alter- native methods: In Figure 4, the inverse relationship between the thickness and lateral feed rate is shown, considering the surface quality of the cutting surface. The AWJ method has the lowest lateral feed rate, while the plasma method has the highest feed rate. An overall comparison of the abrasive water jet and the alternative cutting methods in Table 1 shows that the most efficient cutting method is the cutting with AWJ, being inde- pendent of the material thickness and its characteristics. However, there are some disadvantages of this method. The most important one is the dependency of the system and the cutting parameters on several variables. Because of this dependency, it is hard to provide a continuous A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... 726 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 Figure 3: Cut-face quality zones based on jet flow143 Slika 3: Podro~ja na povr{ini, rezani s curkom1,4 Figure 2: Surface sections cut by the abrasive water jet4 Slika 2: Podro~ja povr{ine reza pri abrazijskem vodnem curku4 surface quality on the cutting surface. An increasing surface roughness is inevitable, as in the cases of laser, plasma, underwater plasma and oxygen-flame cutting methods4,8–12. There are several studies that compare the AWJ method with the other methods. The studies give differ- ent results due to different materials used. The techni- ques of AWJ and the other methods are compared by Hashish2 as shown in Figures 5a and 5b. This compa- rison is based on an evaluation of different processing methods in terms of their power levels and typical machining removal rates. There are various techniques for cutting materials (Figure 6)2,9,13. According to Hashish,4 when compared with the traditional methods, AWJ forms a jet that is able to perform a cutting process with a very low energy and an intense energy distribution where most of the energy is lost due to friction. Just as in the other unipolar, ductile cutting operations, AWJ can be given directions perfectly well with a low energy applied, and it can perform cutting in all directions and can form considerably narrow cuts. Particularly due to no thermal effects on the cut materials, AWJ is more effective than the other competitive methods. However, in spite of the many advantages of the WJ and AWJ processing technologies, there are still certain disadvantages2,14. There are many studies comparing AWJ and the other methods. When these are examined different results are set forth depending on the material. Powell et al.10 per- formed a study comparing the economical aspect of AWJ and laser. In their analysis they discussed the technical and commercial advantages and disadvantages of both methods and focused on the relative productivity of both processes. Ohlsson et al.11 studied the pressure, abrasive flow and lateral-speed impacts on the steel cut with AWJ, the grey-cast-iron cutting depth and surface pro- perties. Zheng et al.14 made comparisons based on the quality and process costs, aiming at helping the users decide which methods would be more convenient for various applications. They made their comparison by using stainless steel with different thicknesses, soft steel and aluminum12–14. In the studies by Hashish and Ramulu,13 focusing on the mechanical properties of laser and AWJ, they discussed the unique cutting abilities and characteristics of both methods. The researchers drew the attention of the users not only on the technical performance of the methods but also on how they affect the completed products; they evaluated the mechanical impacts of both methods on the titanium-alloy (Ti6Al4V) and steel (A286) materials12. As the optimum A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 727 Figure 6: Comparison of the abrasive water jet with the other cutting methods2,9,13 Slika 6: Primerjava rezanja z abrazivnim vodnim curkom z drugimi metodami rezanja2,9,13 Figure 4: Comparison of the cutting abilities of different cutting methods using single-orifice jet beams8 Slika 4: Primerjava zmogljivosti razli~nih metod rezanja pri uporabi curka z eno {obo8 Figure 5: Comparison of the abrasive water jet with the other cutting methods4,8 Slika 5: Primerjava rezanja z abrazivnim vodnim curkom z drugimi metodami rezanja4,8 parameters have not been completely determined yet for the vast majority of these methods, there are plenty of other studies still being currently performed. The best data to set forth the superiority of AWJ is probably the figure given below. Furthermore, a graph is given indi- cating the capability of the method with respect to material thickness and a general comparison is given in Tables 1 and 21,9,15–17. Applications of various machining methods are summarised in Tables 2 and 3. The machining characte- ristics of different non-conventional processes can be analyzed with respect to metal-removal rate, tolerance maintained, surface obtained, depth of surface damage and power required for machining. The physical para- meters of the non-conventional machining processes have direct impacts on the metal removal as well as on the energy consumed for different processes. These A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... 728 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 Table 1: Overall comparison of abrasive water jet and the alternative cutting methods 1,9,16 Tabela 1: Primerjava abrazijskega vodnega curka z drugimi metodami rezanja1,9,16 Comparison of Disconnections by Water Jet and the Other Machining Methods Comparison Factor AbrasiveWater Jet Laser Cut- ting Plasma Cutting Underwa- ter Plasma Wire EDM Milling Cutting Band Saw Oxygen Cutting Material Thickness A C B B A B B A Cutting Quality A A C B A B B C Lateral Speed B A B B B B A B Multi-Purpose Use A D B B B B B C Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) A D D C C B B D Sensitive Cutting A A B B A A C D Secondary Process Requirement A B B B B B C C Chip Formation B C C C A B D B Production Flexibility A B C C B A C D Overall Process Time B B D D B B A C A: Excellent B: Good C: Acceptable D: Unacceptable Table 2: Material applications of some machining methods1,9 Tabela 2: Uporabnost obdelovalnih metod glede na material1,9 Materials Applications Process Aluminium Steel Super Alloys Titanium Refectories Plastics Ceramics Glass Ultrasonic Machining C B C B A B A A Abrasive Jet Machining B B A B A B A A Electrochemical Machining B A A B B D D D Chemical Machining A A B B C C C B Electric Discharge Machining B A A A A D D D Electron Beam Machining B B B B A B A B Laser Beam Machining B B B B C B A B Plasma Arc Machining A A A B C C D D Abrasive Water Jet Machining A A A A A B A A A: Good Application B: Fair C: Poor D: Not Applicable Table 3: Process capabilities of non-conventional cutting processes9,12 Tabela 3: Zmogljivosti nekonvencionalnih postopkov rezanja9,12 Process Capability Process Metal Removal Rate(mm/min) Tolerance (μm) Surface (μm) CAL Depth of Surface Damage (μm) Corner Power (W) Ultrasonic Machining 300 75 0.2–0.5 25 0.025 2 400 Abrasive Jet Machining 0.8 50 0.5–1.25 2.5 0.100 250 Electrochemical Machining 0.15 15 0.1–2.5 50 0.025 100000 Chemical Machining 150 50 0.4–2.5 50 0.125 – Electric Discharge Machining 800 15 0.2–1.25 125 0.025 2 700 Electron Beam Machining 16 25 0.4–2.5 250 250 150 (average),200 (peak) Laser Beam Machining 0.1 25 0.4–1.25 125 250 2 (average) Plasma Arc Machining 75000 125 Rough 500 – 50000 Abrasive Water Jet Machining 1.3 25 0.4–2.5 125 0.025 220 Conventional Milling of Steel 50000 50 0.4–5.0 25 0.050 3000 characteristics of different methods are given in Tables 4 and 59,17–19. 2 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES In this study the samples of (Figure 7) brass-353 (+) material 20 mm were cut with conventional (oxy- gen flame, hydraulic saw and freeze) and eight uncon- ventional methods (abrasive water jet, laser-plasma arc, underwater plasma, wire erosion). The cutting edges obtained with these methods were examined in terms of their hardness and their effect on the microstructures. A comparison was made between the initial microstruc- tures and the microstructures of the materials after cutting them with different methods; the effectiveness of the methods was evaluated. Water-jet-cutting parameters are shown in Table 6. Other cutting-process parameters were selected according to the parameters recommended by the lathe-manufacturing companies. Chemical composition of the material: w/% (S 0.831, Pb 2.21, Zn 36.37, P 0.216, Mn 0.0778, Fe 0.293, Si 0.0829, Al 0.442, Cu < 59.23, Ni 0.237) The average hardness level was calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the measured values at five dif- ferent points at a given height on the surface. The value of HV 30 was calculated with an INSTRON WOLPERT TESTER hardness-measurement device. Additionally, hardness was measured in intervals 1 mm from the edge A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 729 Figure 7: Samples after cutting Slika 7: Vzorci po rezanju Table 4: Effects of different machining methods on equipment and tooling9 Tabela 4: Vpliv razli~nih metod obdelovanja na opremo in orodje9 Effects on Equipment and Tooling Process Tool Wear Ratio Machining MediumContamination Safety Toxicity Ultrasonic Machining 10 B A A Abrasive Jet Machining – B B A Electrochemical Machining 0 C B A Chemical Machining 0 C B A Electric Discharge Machining 6.6 B B B Electron Beam Machining – B B A Laser Beam Machining – A B A Plasma Arc Machining – A A A Abrasive Water Jet Machining – B B A Tool Wear Ratio = Volume of work material removed / Volume of tool electrode removed A: No Problem B: Normal Problem C: Critical Problem Table 5: Economic performance of different machining methods9 Tabela 5: Ekonomi~nost posameznih metod rezanja9 Process Economy Process Capital Invest-ment Tooling and Fix- tures Power Require- ment Efficiency Tool Consump- tion Ultrasonic Machining B B B D C Abrasive Jet Machining A B B D B Electrochemical Machining E C C B A Chemical Machining C B D* C A Electric Discharge Machining C D B D D Electron Beam Machining D B B E A Laser Beam Machining C B A E A Plasma Arc Machining A B A A A Abrasive Water Jet Machining B B B C C Conventional Milling of Steel B B B A B A: Very Low Cost B: Low C: Medium D: High E: Very High *Indicates cost of chemicals. of the material towards the inner part along a linear line, so that the hardness changes depending on the heat distribution were observed. The microstructures of the main material and the cut edges were viewed with a PANASONIC WV-CP410 Model, Type N334, light microscope, with a magnification of 280-times. Alumina and diamond paste were used to examine the microstruc- ture of the material in the polishing operation followed by the etching process when dipped in the mixture of 2 mL of HNO3 and 98 mL of methane alcohol for 20 s. Examination of different cutting methods in terms of the structural variations created on the materials: In or- der to perform metallographic examinations and find structural deterioration on the cut section of the material, a microstructure photo of the section resistant to the cutting process was taken as shown in Figure 8. For an accurate assessment, plenty of photos were taken from every cutting edge, and the deformations due to the cutting method formed on the material structure as well A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... 730 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 Table 6: Cutting systems and cutting parameters Tabela 6: Sistemi rezanja in parametri rezanja Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Water consumption  3.5 L/min Pump piston diameter 20 mm System temperature of water 48 °C Inlet pressure of water into thepressure booster 6 bar Working pressure of the booster 200 bar Inlet diameter of water into thenozzle 0.25 mm Outlet pressure of water from the pressure booster 20 bar Abrasive nozzle inlet diameter into the nozzle 0.75 mm Water flow rate 3 L/min Stand-off distance 4 mm Outlet velocity of water from the nozzle 800 m/s Water pressure at the instance ofdischarge 400 MPa Temperature at the instance of cutting  55 °C Jet angle at the nozzle 90° Current consumption during work 380 V Energy consumption 58 kW h Amount of abrasive consumed 250 g/min Material used in the nozzle orifice Sapphire Abrasive used GMA Garnet Chemical composition Fe2O3Al2 (SIO4)3 Abrasive hardness (Mohs) 7.5–8 Abrasive particle size 300 μm Abrasive water outlet diameter from the nozzle 0.75 mm Nozzle length 76.2 mm Slurry content 18 % Mixing tube length 88.9 mm Mixing tube diameter 1.27 mm Nozzle orifice life 40–50 h Laser Beam Cutting Plasma Beam and Water Shield Plasma Cutting Cutting rate (Lateral feed rate) 20 m/min Cutting rate (Lateral feed rate) 20 m/min Position rate 140 m/min Plate positioning By Laser Laser power 1550 W Current for maximum cutting 760 A Main power supply GW 0–100 % Nozzle pressure 12 bar Pulse type Mega pulse Operating pressure 24 bar Pulse change frequency 2000 Hz Operating frequency 50 Hz Pulse time NP(T) 1500 ìs Cooling capacity 16747 kJ/h SP(t) 120 ìs Mod type Sürekli mod (CW) Nominal voltage 400 V Focus distance 7.5 mm Average sound level (A) 68 dB Cutting gas Nitrogen Cutting gas Oxygen + Nitrogen Cutting gas pressure 1.2 bar Maximum cutting thickness 35 mm Cooling temperature TA = 25 °C Cutting capacity 4000 mm × 7000 mm Oxygen Flame Cutting Wire Electrical Discharge Cutting Cutting rate (Lateral feed rate) 20 m/min Processing condition C521 Current for maximum cutting 760 A Feed rate 3 m/min Nozzle pressure 10 bar Processing conditions and parameters Operating pressure 20 bar ON OFF IP HP MA SV V SF C Operating frequency 50 Hz 006 15 17 2 15 0.3 0.3 005 0 Cooling capacity 16747 kJ/h Voltage 32 V Receiver tank capacity 30 l Current 5.6 A Nominal voltage 400 V Wire tension Level 8 Average sound level (A) 68 dB Wire feed rate 7 m/min Cutting gas Oxygen+Propane Control system Fine APT Parameters for each cutting methods are selected in accordance with the machine manufacturers’ recommendations. as their changes were evaluated at the end of examining these photos. Stripe (hydraulic) saw cutting: A considerably rough surface profile was obtained on the cut section. This cut profile was similar to the gear shape and it had a rather rough surface. Again, in the distance of approximately 25 μm a hard rough surface was observed due to the ef- fect of cool deformation. No remarkable morphological change is seen, but there is a structural change caused by the deformation (Figure 9a). Cutting with a milling cutter: A very flat profile was gained on the cut section. In the distance of nearly 10 μm, there is a remarkable, strong surface affected by the impact of cool deformation. Also, no strong structural change due to heat is noticed, but there is a change due to deformation (Figure 9b). Cutting with underwater plasma: In the distances of approximately 75 μm the grain size of  and  phases got smaller and thinner but on the remaining section the grain size remained same. Also, structural deformations exist on the cut section due to excessive warming and fast cooling in the water (Figure 9c). Laser cutting: On the cut section a rough cut profile is visible and due to a high temperature and cooling in air, the geometries of  and  phases turned into acicular forms. At the same time, the structure of the cut section was entirely deformed and  grains became different from their original forms. On the cut section and around it, a new rigid and fragile form emerged (Figure 9d). Cutting with plasma: Owing to the heat effect, in the distances of approximately 75 μm, the grain size of  and  phases got smaller and over the main metal section the size of these grains got infinitesimally small as well. Moreover, due to excessive heat and fast cooling, the grains forming the structure got thinner. This trend con- tinues towards the inner sections. A new hard and fragile structure was formed (Figure 9e). Cutting with abrasive water jet: A very flat cut sur- face was obtained and in the distance of approximately 10 ìm, a layer affected by cool deformation was ob- served. Apart from that, no structural alteration was ob- served on the cut section (Figure 9f). Cutting with wire erosion: In the distance of approxi- mately 20 μm the particle size of  and  phases got smaller and over the remaining part the particle size re- mained the same. Also, on the cut section, the particles forming the structure got thinner, more rigid and fragile due to excessive heat and rapid cooling (Figure 9g). Cutting with oxygen flame: Over the cut section, the structure was entirely deformed and there was a new form, different from the original one. Due to an exces- sive heat input and rapid cooling in air, the geometries of  and  phases changed and  particles, apparently acicular, were also formed around the cutting section (Figure 9h). In Figure 10, the surface-roughness values obtained by cutting thick brass-353 20 mm with different methods are compared. If this graph is carefully analyzed, it is clear that the roughest surface is obtained by cutting the material with the oxygen-flame method and the smooth- A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 731 Figure 8: Microstructure of brass-353 () Slika 8: Mikrostruktura medenine 353 () Figure 9: a) Stripe-saw cutting, b) milling cutting, c) underwater plasma cutting, d) laser cutting, e) plasma cutting, f) abrasive water jet cutting, g) wire-erosion cutting, h) oxygen-flame cutting Slika 9: a) Rezanje s tra~no `ago, b) rezanje z rezkanjem, c) podvod- no rezanje s plazmo, d) rezanje z laserjem, e) rezanje s plazmo, f) abrazijsko rezanje z vodnim curkom, g) rezanje z `i~no erozijo, h) pla- mensko rezanje s kisikom est surface is obtained by cutting it with the wire-erosion method. The obtained outcomes of the study were evaluated using the unprocessed surface-microstructure photo- graphs of the material shown in Figure 11 and the sur- face microstructures of different methods shown in Figure 12. With the conventional cutting methods (in this study they include the milling cutter and the band saw) nearly the entire energy used for the machining was liberated as heat and a very small percentage of the energy turned into lost energy in the form of an elastic loss14,15,19. If the heat liberated in this way is not controlled, it will lead to a change in the metallurgical properties of the material. When the temperature is higher than the recrystallization heat of the material, it will lead to sig- nificant changes in the metallurgical properties of the material. The cooling conditions applied during machining will also affect the metallurgical forms of the material. Transformation of the energy into heat and the cooling conditions can be interpreted as the underlying reasons of the main metallurgical and mechanical chan- ges such as the hardness of the material. The fundamen- tal principle of the oxygen-flame cutting operation relies on rising the temperature of the material to the melting point. Rising the heat to the melting temperature and the successive cooling conditions will lead to significant changes in the mechanical and metallurgical formation of the material. This study also gave the expected result, according to which both metallurgical and hardness properties revealed the most significant changes to the material cut with this method. The causes for the metallurgical changes and hard- ness variations in the materials are based on the frame- works of the methods applied. The laser, plasma and wire-erosion methods are based on the principle of cutting the material at the melting heat level. Different energy inputs and cooling conditions are the main causes for different metallurgical and hardness formations. Among the traditional methods, the hardness values obtained with the underwater-plasma (focusing) and wire-erosion methods were a little better than those obtained with the laser and plasma methods, because they were implemented in a preserving liquid and, thus, the temperature level was controlled. If a comparison is to be made between the executed cutting methods in terms of metallurgical properties and hardness factors on the basis of the original material structure and the hard- ness alteration, the best outcome is obtained for the AWJ cutting method. The hardness values for the surfaces cut with AWJ are fairly close to the original hardness ratios (for all the materials). This can be explained in terms of abrasion mechanisms. When cutting with AWJ, the heat variation remains very low (around t = 75 °C)1,4,7. This shows that no section (HAZ) is affected by the heat factor when using the AWJ cutting method. Taking this feature into account, it is clear that the AWJ cutting method is outstanding, not causing any form of metal- lurgical and mechanical alteration of the original mate- rial. For the bras-353 materials used in this study, the hardness differences caused by different methods on the cut surfaces are shown in Figure 11 and the impact rates of these effects are shown in Table 7. Following the AWJ cutting method, the second lowest change in the A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... 732 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 Figure 11: Comparison of the hardness values for the brass-353 (+) samples cut with different methods in comparison with the original hardness of the material core Slika 11: Primerjava trdot medenine 353 (+), odrezane z razli~nimi metodami, v primerjavi s trdoto jedra materiala Table 7: Hardness variations for brass-353 (+) cut with different methods Tabela 7: Spreminjanje trdote medenine 353 (+) Cutting Method Brass-353 Hardness (HV30) Change (%) Base material 115.17 - Cutting by Abrasive Water Jet 116.50 1.15 Cutting by Milling Cutter 118.17 2.60 Stripe (Hydraulic) Saw Disconnection 118.00 2.46 Cutting by Oxygen Flame 128.50 11.57 Cutting by Laser 122.67 6.51 Cutting by Plasma 125.50 8.97 Cutting by Underwater Plasma 119.33 3.61 Wire EDM Cutting 118.50 2.89 Figure 10: Comparison of the roughness values of cut faces obtained by cutting brass-353 with different methods Slika 10: Primerjava hrapavosti povr{ine reza pri rezanju medenine 353 z razli~nimi metodami hardness is observed for the conventional methods such as the milling cutter and the band saw. This finding may be attributed to the fact that for the classical methods the cutting parameters are selected so as to avoid excessive recrystallization heat levels. The depth of the section exposed to the heat also changes depending on the properties of the cutting method. Due to the changes in the metallurgical struc- tures caused by the method, the measurement of the hardness, in the distance 1 mm starting from the cut surface towards the inner part, provides the information on the width of the section affected by the heat factor. The results of these measurements for brass-353 are shown in Figure 12. The most outstanding result ob- served from the graphs is the fact that there is a linear slope for the AWJ cutting method and, thus, no section on the brass material is affected by heat. The AWJ cutting method appears to be a process causing almost no change in the material hardness and metallurgical properties. On the other hand, the oxygen-flame cutting causes the highest level of change to the metallurgical and hardness properties. With this method, the hardness varies significantly from the surface to the core, and the whole material is affected by the heat factor. With the laser and plasma-cutting methods known as the biggest rivals to the AWJ cutting method, the hardness changes from the surface to the core, indicating that a large percentage of the surface of the material is affected by the heat factor. With respect to the metallurgical properties of the material, these methods cannot compete with AWJ. When all the methods are taken into consideration, the hardness of brass changes constantly. This tendency, which is higher up to some point in steel materials, is re- duced after a certain point18,19. This circumstance may be explained as a dependency on the heat conductivity of the material. For brass-353, the heat conductivity is higher than that of steel and, thus, the section affected by the heat factor is larger. 3 CONCLUSION When the effects of different cutting methods on the metallurgical properties of the surface are taken into con- sideration, the AWJ cutting prevails outstandingly over the other cutting methods. While different cooling and heat impacts caused by different cutting methods have important effects on the metallurgical properties of the material, in the AWJ cut- ting method, no section is affected by the heat as the temperature on the surface (HAZ) is not very high and there is no destruction of the original properties of the material. This finding shows that the mechanical proper- ties of the material will remain unchanged as well. Depending on the changes in the microstructure properties of the material, the section affected by the heat factor and the width of this section are subjected to structural change because of the high heat and cooling of some methods. Depending on the features of the cutting methods, some methods cause a rough particle formation and others cause a thin particle formation, due to instant cooling. Again, due to the effects of the methods, gas holes in the structure and microcracks are likely to emerge. In the AWJ cutting method, a high heat and in- stant cooling are the fundamental reasons for the microstructures not being destroyed. When evaluating the eight different methods examined in this study on the basis of the changes in the microstructure properties of the section affected by the heat factor, it is clear that the least effective method is the oxygen-flame cutting and the most effective one is the AWJ cutting. Among the applied methods, the oxy- gen-flame cutting is viewed as the poorest method because of the variation in the hardness of the material it creates. Depending on the effects of different methods on the metallurgical forms of the material, the mechanical prop- erties of the material also change. In the experimental studies, the hardness values of the material, after using different methods, are different from the original values. This finding proves that the other cutting methods change the mechanical properties of the materials. All the cutting methods tested in this study change the hardness of the material. This variation is changeable depending on the heat, temperature and cooling condi- tions occurring during the cutting operation. When comparing different cutting methods with re- spect to the metallurgical properties and the hardness of the material, the best method is the AWJ cutting. This finding proves that during the AWJ cutting no section is affected by the heat factor (HAZ). When the hardness changes caused by the heat factor are examined from the surface to the centre of the mate- rial cut with different methods, the AWJ cutting stands out as the most effective cutting method because with AWJ no section is affected by the heat factor and the cut- A. AKKURT: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OBTAINED BY CUTTING BRASS-353 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 725–734 733 Figure 12: Hardness variations for brass-353(+) from the cutting edge to the center due to various cutting methods Slika 12: Spreminjanje trdote medenine 353 (+) od roba rezanja proti sredini pri razli~nih metodah rezanja ting operation does not cause any metallurgical and me- chanical changes to the material. In the laser and plasma methods, considered as the most important alternatives to the AWJ cutting, the changes in the hardness from the surface to the center of the material show that, with these methods, the section affected by the heat is much larger than in the case of AWJ. When compared with the other methods, AWJ is an effective and contemporary alternative cutting method in terms of the surface properties of the materials pro- cessed. 4 REFERENCES 1 A. Akkurt, Surface Properties of Various Materials in Abrasive Water Jet, Comparative Examination of Hardness and Micro Structure Changes in Different Methods, Doctoral Thesis, G. U. Science Department Institution, Ankara, 2002 (In Turkish) 2 M. Hashish, Application of Abrasive-Waterjets to Metal Cutting, Proceedings of The Nontraditional Machining Conference, ASM, Cincinnati, OH, 1985, 1–11 3 N. S. Guo, H. Louis, G. 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ARTI^EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT ... INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLOYS H13-w(Cu) 87.5 % VPLIV TEHNOLOGIJE IZDELAVE NA RAZVOJ ZLITINE H13-w(Cu) 87,5 % Uro{ Arti~ek1, Marko Bojinovi~2, Mihael Brun~ko3, Ivan An`el3 1EMO – Orodjarna, d. o. o., Be`igrajska cesta 10, 3000 Celje, Slovenia 2TIC-LENS, d. o. o., Be`igrajska cesta 10, 3000 Celje, Slovenia 3Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia uros.articek@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-11-04; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-22 Most dies in the casting industry for injection moulding are machined from the premium-grade H13 tool steel. They provide excellent performance in terms of mechanical properties and service life; however, these dies are characterised by a relatively low thermal conductivity. The tool-and-die industry is interested in depositing a material of a high thermal conductivity onto steel in order to improve the thermal management and productivity. We have explored the possibility of using copper with a new technology. In this study, the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties are discussed using the Laser Engineered Net ShapingTM (LENSTM) technology. For a better understanding of the solidification, the microstructure of a LENS sample was compared with the microstructure of a reference alloy produced with the ingot-casting technology having the same chemical composition of H13-w(Cu) 87.5 %. We carried out light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, an EDS microchemical analysis, the tensile test and microhardness testing. The results show a successful fabrication of LENS samples; their microstructure is more homogeneous compared to the castings; they show better mechanical properties and represent a good potential for further development and use. Keywords: LENS, casting, microstructure evolution, mechanical properties V industriji tla~nega litja se za izdelavo matric orodij pogosto uporablja visokokakovostno orodno jeklo H13, ki ima odli~ne mehanske lastnosti in dolgo trajnostno dobo, vendar je zanj zna~ilna relativno nizka toplotna prevodnost. Orodjarska industrija `eli dodati jeklu material z visoko toplotno prevodnostjo za dosego bolj{e porazdelitve toplote in ve~je produktivnosti. Z novo tehnologijo, imenovano Laser Engineered Net ShapingTM (LENSTM), smo raziskali mo`nost uporabe bakra, spremljali razvoj mikrostrukture ter ugotovili mehanske lastnosti. Za bolj{e razumevanje strjevanja smo primerjali mikrostrukturo vzorca LENS z mikrostrukturo referen~ne zlitine z enako kemijsko sestavo H13-w(Cu) 87,5 %, izdelano s tehnologijo litja. Karakterizacija zlitin je potekala s svetlobno mikroskopijo, vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo, mikrokemi~no EDS-analizo, z nateznim preizkusom in merjenjem mikrotrdote. Rezultati ka`ejo uspe{no izdelavo vzorcev LENS, katerih mikrostruktura je bolj homogena in ima bolj{e mehanske lastnosti v primerjavi z odlitki. Tehnologija LENS je dober potencial za nadaljnji razvoj in uporabo v praksi. Klju~ne besede: LENS, litje, razvoj mikrostrukture, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION In the injection-moulding industry, new materials and technologies are required for mould dies in order to optimize the production and keep the costs as low as possible. Despite their excellent mechanical properties, tool steels that are nowadays used as the materials for moulds limit the productivity due to their low thermal conductivity. To solve this problem, designers have been focusing on how to design the tool geometry and con- struction to achieve higher cooling rates. Complex cool- ing channels are being designed to enable the cooling liquid to extract the heat from a mould. Ejector pins, slides and air-stream gates are used to eject a part from a mould cavity so the space left in it is small. An alter- native way to solve this problem is the use of copper- beryllium inserts1, which have a higher thermal conducti- vity. However, they can leave marks on the part and are not environmentally friendly. Therefore, new technologies and materials, like a Cu-deposition on tool steel, or functionally graded mate- rials (FGM) with a combination of high strength, wear resistance and thermal conductivity are explored as potential candidates for a more efficient injection-mould- ing tool. The use of a direct-metal-deposition (DMD) fabrication process makes it possible to create an opti- mum configuration of fin trees and cooling channels as well as to use FGM without being concerned with the limitations of the traditional manufacturing method2,3. The laser-engineered-net-shapingTM (LENS) process is seen as one of the most promising DMD technologies for the production of such materials4–6. LENS is a relatively new technology capable of rapidly producing complex, fully dense parts directly from a computer-aided design (CAD). A high-power Nd-YAG laser is used to heat and melt a metal powder, thereby producing a melt pool on a substrate attached to an X-Y table. The metal powder from coaxial powder-feed nozzles is injected into the melt pool as the table is moved along pre-designed 2-D tool paths generated using the sliced CAD models. The additions of multiple layers produce a 3-D net or a near- net shape. The fabrication takes place under a controlled, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 735–742 735 UDK 621.74.043:669.018.258 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)735(2014) inert atmosphere of argon. Some of the important pro- cess parameters are laser power, powder flow rate, layer thickness, hatch width, deposition speed and oxygen level. The iron-copper (Fe-Cu) alloying system7 is one of the most suitable systems to produce an efficient FGM mould material. The thermal conductivity of copper is approximately 13 times higher than that of the H13 tool steel at the operating temperatures between 220–600 °C. Unfortunately, a large solidification temperature range and a high amount of the Cu-rich terminal liquid over a wide range of Cu concentration promote solidification cracking in Fe-Cu alloys8,9. Additionally, a Fe-Cu phase diagram contains two peritectics and a nearly flat liquidus; they exhibit a high tendency for non-equili- brium solidification that probably has a significant influ- ence on the susceptibility to cracking7,8. At the same time, LENS is considered to be a technology that in- volves a high velocity of solidification with the possibi- lities of specific reactions, new phases and a metastable microstructure formation. While the properties of mate- rials mainly depend on the microstructures, it is import- ant to know the microstructure development during the LENS process as well as the final microstructure of the layers, depending on the thermal influence of the addi- tional layers. Our main objective is to explore the microstructure development with the LENS technology. As it is evident from the previous research8, some chemical composi- tions are more susceptible to the formation of cracks when using DMD in a Fe-Cu system. Based on the current data, it is not yet possible to conclude how the LENS technology will influence the formation of cracks. In the first part of our research, the composition of H13-w(Cu) 87.5 % was selected. Despite the fact that this composition belongs to the crack-free composition range, the question of how the LENS technology influ- ences the microstructure evolution is still open. Namely, the thermal impact of the solidifying layers on the microstructure of the previously solidified layers and the irregularities of the previous layers is not yet known. In our research, the resulting microstructures and mecha- nical properties of the samples produced in this way were compared with the conventional-casting samples with the same composition, which enabled us to evaluate the effect and the rationality of the technology. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The conventional solidification of the alloying system consisting of the H13 tool steel and the mass fraction of Cu w = 87.5 % was studied using the mould casting. For the preparation of the alloy, oxygen-free high-conduc- tivity copper (w (Cu) = 99.99 %) and the H13 tool steel with the chemical composition presented in Table 1 were used. The material system was vacuum-induction heated at 10–2 mbar. Before melting, the chamber was backfilled with the high-purity Ar gas up to 1150 mbar. The melt was homogenized at 1450 °C and then cast at 1400 °C into, cylindrically shaped, grey-cast-iron moulds 50 mm. The inner walls of the moulds were protected with a thin layer of ZrO2. Before casting, the moulds were preheated to 400 °C to decrease the cooling rate and lower the melt undercooling prior to the primary solid nucleation. For the layered manufacturing experiments a LENS 850-R machine made by Optomec Inc. with a high- power Nd:YAG laser with a capacity of 1000 W was used. The machine consists of a dual-powder feeder system that allows a simultaneous delivery of two different material mixtures. Several cylindrically shaped samples (D = 10 mm, L = 100 mm) were successfully produced using the following parameters: the laser power of 530 W, the traverse speed of 5.3 mm/s, the layer thickness of 0.35 mm, the hatch spacing of 0.46 mm, the hatch angle of 60° and the powder-flow rate of 2.75 g/min. In our experiments, we used the powders produced using gas atomisation with the particle sizes ranging from 45 μm to 160 μm (Figure 1). The greater U. ARTI^EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT ... 736 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 735–742 Figure 1: SEM images of the powders: a) Cu, b) tool steel H13 Slika 1: SEM-posnetka prahov: a) Cu, b) orodno jeklo H13 Table 1: Chemical composition of tool steel H13 in mass fractions, w/% Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava orodnega jekla H13 v masnih dele`ih, w/% Element C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo V Fe Composition (w/%) 0.32 - 0.45 0.8 - 1.2 0.2 - 0.5 4.75 - 5.5 0.3 max 1.1 - 1.75 0.8 - 1.2 bal. parts of the powders of both materials were spherical, providing the solution to the porosity problem10,11. The powders were delivered by the argon carrier gas (2 L/min) to the focus of the laser beam. The oxygen level during all the experiments was maintained below 10 · 10–6. The influence of the microstructure on the mecha- nical properties was evaluated using uniaxial tensile testing and microhardness measurements. The static tensile tests were performed on a Zwick/Roell ZO 10 tensile-testing machine with a load cell capacity of 10 kN at a constant position and a controlled speed of the crosshead of v = 1.5 mm/min at ambient temperature. The shapes and dimensions of the tensile-test samples complied with the SIST EN 10002-1 standard. The mechanical properties of several testing samples cut out from the cylinder-shaped casting produced with the conventional casting technology were compared with the tensile bars obtained with the LENS technology, machined in the longitudinal orientation so that the axis of the tensile bars was parallel to the cladding direction. The hardness measurements were carried out according to the 6507-1:1998 standard by means of the Vickers test on a Zwick 3212 microhardness-measurement device. A microstructural characterisation of the conven- tionally cast and LENS materials was carried out with light microscopy, LM (Nikon Epiphot 300) and scanning electron microscopy, SEM (FEG Sirion 400 NC) as well as the energy dispersive X-ray analysis, EDX (INCA 6650). The samples for light and electron microscopies were grinded, polished and etched according to the standard metallographic procedures. The etching in a solution consisting of 5 g FeCl3, 10 mL HCl and 100 mL ethanol for about 20 s was used to reveal the microstructure. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The microstructure evolution during solidification depends on the alloy characteristics, its chemical compo- sition and it is primarily a function of the solidification condition. For a better understanding of the solidification process under the LENS conditions, the microstructure obtained with conventional solidification in the mould casting of an alloying system with the same composition was studied first. 3.1 Microstructure of conventional-casting samples The typical microstructure of the conventionally cast material composed of the H13 tool steel and w(Cu) = 87.5 % is shown in Figure 2. The microstructure con- sists of the Fe-rich dendritic-like primary phase (P1) and Cu-rich matrix (M1). However, the size, morphology and distribution of the primary-phase particles are very different throughout the volume of the casting, indicating a high inhomogeneity of the microstructure. A detailed microstructural analysis of the samples at a higher magnification revealed very fine dendrites (P2) in the Cu-rich matrix and the Cu-rich zone (M2) around the Fe-rich particles (Figure 3). An elemental EDX analysis performed within the FE SEM indicates that the Fe-rich primary phase and the surrounding zone contain the alloying elements of the H13 tool steel, while the Cu-rich matrix and fine dendrites consist only of copper and iron (Table 2). Because of the inaccuracy of the EDX method used for a quantitative analysis of light U. ARTI^EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 735–742 737 Figure 2: Microstructure of the as-cast sample (SEM back-scattered electron image – BEI) Slika 2: Mikrostruktura litega vzorca (SEM-posnetek povratno sipa- nih elektronov – BEI) Figure 3: SEM BEI of the: a) as-cast sample, b) showing the Cu-rich zone around the Fe-rich particle and c) fine dendrites in the Cu-rich matrix Slika 3: SEM BEI: a) litega vzorca, b) podro~je, bogato z bakrom, okrog delca, bogatega z `elezom, in c) fini dendriti v matrici, bogati z bakrom (c) Table 2: Chemical compositions of different microstructural regions in mass fractions, w/% Tabela 2: Kemijska sestava razli~nih podro~ij mikrostrukture v masnih dele`ih, w/% Microstructural region Chemical composition (w/%) Fe Cu Cr Mo Si V Mn P1 78.9 14.5 3.8 1.2 0.6 0.9 0.1 M1 3.6 96.4 M2 4.5 95.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 elements, the detected carbon concentration was not taken into consideration in these results. Also, in the microchemical analysis of fine dendrites, the size of the interaction volume was too large for a correct quantita- tive evaluation of the elements. Therefore, a line analysis is presented in Figure 4 to show the detected chemical elements in the region of fine dendrites. It is well known that the alloys from the ternary Cu-Fe-Cr system12,13 indicate a high tendency for non- equilibrium solidification with metastable transforma- tions. The phase diagrams of the constituent binary Cu-Fe and Cu-Cr systems have flat parts of the liquidus lines, and a metastable liquid-phase separation has been established for these systems13,14. The Cu-Fe system displays a large solidification-temperature range and a peritectic reaction at both ends of the phase diagram. Under the near-equilibrium condition, the solidification of the hypo-peritectic composition with w(Cu) = 87.5 % starts with the -Fe dendrite nucleation. A further cool- ing leads to the growth of the primary phase, and the solidification ends with a peritectic reaction, where the rest of the remaining liquid reacts with an equivalent part of the primary solid, i. e., -Fe + L  -Cu. On the other hand, if the melt is undercooled below the metastable miscibility gap, the metastable liquid-phase separation takes place, i. e., L  L1 (Fe-rich) + L2 (Cu-rich). In this case, the L1 phase solidifies as the leading phase under the non-equilibrium conditions and the solidification of the L2 phase proceeds under the near-equilibrium con- dition. According to the Cu-Fe binary-phase diagram with metastable miscibility lines, the minimum undercooling which is required for the liquid-phase separation depends on the chemical composition15. For the alloy with w(Cu) = 87.5 %, the estimated critical value of T based on the metastable miscibility line in the phase diagram is about 70 K. An addition of Cr increases the critical tempera- ture of the miscibility gap of the Cu-Fe binary system15,16 and decreases the necessary undercooling for the meta- stable liquid separation. The results of our microstructural analysis indicate that the obtained undercooling in the mould casting of the material composed of the H13 tool steel and w(Cu) = 87.5 % exceeded the critical value for the melt separation into two liquids: Fe-rich and Cu-rich. After the separa- tion, both liquid phases were undercooled. In accordance with different copper concentrations, the Fe-rich liquid was more undercooled, having a larger driving force for nucleation. Consequently, the solidification started with the Fe-rich primary-phase nucleation in the Fe-rich liquid. The lower undercooling as well as the recale- scence event during the Fe-rich liquid solidification enabled the Cu-rich liquid to solidify at a much smaller deviation from equilibrium. The composition and frac- tion of each liquid changed as the sample was being continuously cooled and probably followed the meta- stable miscibility-gap phase boundary as the time was allowed for the transfer of the atoms between the two liquids. The solidification of both liquids was terminated by a peritectic reaction, which resulted in the formation of a Cu-rich zone around the Fe-rich primary phase. 3.2 Microstructure of LENS samples The LENS process can be analysed as a sequence of discrete events, given that it is a layer-by-layer process. Each layer of the melted powders composed of H13-w(Cu) 87.5 % was highly supercooled below the liquidus temperature; the liquid entered an immiscibility gap and separated into two liquids17. The phase sepa- ration generally appeared as dispersed Fe-rich liquid spheres (L1) in the Cu-rich liquid matrix (L2). Figure 5 shows a typical microstructure of a LENS sample in the longitudinal direction. The microstructure is not fully homogeneous, but still much more homogeneous than in the cast samples. It consists of dark and bright areas U. ARTI^EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT ... 738 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 735–742 Figure 5: Typical microstructure of a LENS sample layer deposition in the longitudinal direction Slika 5: Tipi~na mikrostruktura vzdol`nega prereza vzorca plastne gradnje procesa LENS Figure 4: Line microanalysis across a fine dendrite in the Cu-rich matrix Slika 4: Linijska mikroanaliza preko finega dendrita v matrici, bogati z bakrom depending on the distribution and size of the Fe-rich phase, which are a consequence of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) and re-melting zone (RMZ). The dark (wide) area consists of fine copper grains, dispersed fine spherical particles of the Fe-rich phase and some individual coarse Fe-rich particles. In the bright (tight) area – the interlayer zone – the copper grain sizes are bigger, and the area includes a considerably lower amount of Fe-rich spherical particles that are also of a smaller size. There are no individual coarse Fe-rich particles. If we compare the average size of the dendritic-like primary phase in the as-cast microstructure, being in the range of 100 μm, with small Fe-rich spherical-type particles of the LENS samples, we can see that they are much smaller (2–8 μm) and also more uniformly distri- buted. The size of these Fe-rich particles depends on the dark/bright area of the microstructure. Some individual coarse Fe-rich particles (A) can also be observed, but they occur less often, normally in the dark area of the microstructure, and belong to the size range of 100 μm (Figure 5). In the microstructure, a uniformly distributed micro- spherical-type gas porosity is present. The gas dissolved or entrapped in the melt did not have sufficient time to escape to the top of the melt pool due to a rapid solidifi- cation. However, the concentration of porosity is much smaller than it can often be because of the spherical morphology of atomized powders10,11. An light micro- graph (Figure 5) clearly shows the presence of porosity, indicated by small dark spots, having a diameter smaller than 50 μm. For a better understanding of the microstructure evolution, we clad one single layer on the substrate. In this case, the primary microstructure was preserved because there was no HAZ or RMZ caused by additional layers. The temperature distribution was different. The absence of HAZ and RMZ, and significantly higher cool- ing rates because of the cold-plate substrate prevented the Fe-rich liquid spheres (L1) from coarsening. There were no individual coarse Fe-rich particles. The results show that the resultant microstructure with a very fine grain size of approximately 1 μm is homogeneous, and the minority Fe-rich phase spheres are homogenously dispersed in the Cu-rich matrix so that there are no dark or bright areas (Figure 6). A further deposition of layers led to the changes in the primary single-layer microstructure. As the previous layer was re-melted, some of the Fe-rich particles lifted up into the new layer due to the lower density of iron compared to copper. RMZ provides a directional solidifi- cation and a grain growth of Cu-crystals in the bright area. Ahead of the solid-liquid interface, liquid L1 becomes highly undercooled and begins to solidify forming a solid and dark area. The latent heat is released to the previous layer slowing down the growth of Cu in RMZ (Figure 7a). The figure shows the distribution and size of the Fe-rich particles in the Cu-rich matrix in the dark and bright areas of an individual clad layer, in which the bright area is in the upper part and the dark area in the lower part of Figure 7b. The theoretical layer thickness is 355 μm. For the cyclical layer deposition technique, an interlayer zone – the bright area between two deposition layers – is characteristic, being a consequence of re-melting. The bright and dark areas depend on the local heat input and U. ARTI^EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 735–742 739 Figure 7: Border area of an individual layer recorded with: a) LM, and b) SEM micrograph of the transitional zone between a dark and a bright area Slika 7: Mejno podro~je posamezne plasti, posneto z: a) LM in b) SEM-posnetek prehoda iz temnega v svetlo podro~je Figure 6: Single-layer weld build-up shows a very fine-grained micro- structure: a) LM micrograph, b) SEM BEI micrograph Slika 6: Ena sama navarjena plast izkazuje zelo finozrnato mikro- strukturo: a) LM-posnetek, b) SEM BEI-posnetek the mechanism of the turbulence in the melt due to cladding the next layer (Figure 5). After the liquid-phase separation, Fe-rich droplets grow and coagulate in order to reduce the interface area with the Cu-rich phase. Since the system still remained a complete liquid during the period between the separation and solidification, the liquid Fe-rich spheres can grow and move relative to the Cu-rich matrix and to each other. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the evolution of size distribution of the dispersion phase, including the wetting behaviour, Ostwald ripening and coarsening of droplets due to collisions, whereby the size of the dispersed L1 spheres increases with the increasing undercooling. Generally, as the cooling rates become higher, the solidification time becomes shorter and the microstructure becomes finer18. The area with a higher amount of dispersed Fe-rich particles exhibits very fine grains of the Cu-rich matrix (Figure 7). High undercooling favours a long interval between the separation and nucleation temperatures. As shown in the upper part of Figure 8, there was enough time for the spheres to grow through coagulation or coalescence. With the coalescence, some droplets collided with each other so that they may have mutually lost surface energy by joining to form a larger single one. Coagulation, on the other hand (a lower temperature, a higher viscosity) is a process when particles come together irreversibly, i.e., they get stuck together and cannot be separated. Coagulation and coalescence constitute a process, in which fine, dispersed, primary spherical Fe-rich particles (2–8 μm) aggregate together to form individual coarse Fe-rich particles that belong to the size range of 100 μm. Furthermore, low undercooling provides a short coarsening time, in which a free movement and coagu- lation cannot occur. Therefore, the coarsening of the L1 spheres in this undercooling range should be attributed to Ostwald ripening19. This is a mechanism, allowing the droplets to coalesce due to the solute diffusion between them. The solute solubility depends on the curvature of a droplet; the smaller the curvature, the larger is the radius and the lower is the solubility. This diffusion-dependent coarsening mechanism plays a dominant role when the dispersion phase has a small diameter. With an increase in the droplet radius and a decrease in the temperature, the solid-liquid interface tension increases, whereas the solubility decreases, resulting in the weakening of Ostwald ripening. This mechanism can be observed in the lower part of Figure 8, in the bright area. It should also be noted that the secondary phase separation was observed in the highly undercooled areas of the H13-w(Cu) 87.5 % alloy, i.e., inside the L1 phase, and some Cu-rich spheres occurred due to the secondary phase separation (Figure 9), which is a monotonic increasing function of undercooling. Multi-phase separa- tion has been rarely observed in stable metallic immiscibles. Since liquid metals exhibit a low viscosity and high diffusion coefficient, less time is needed to adjust the composition of the primary phases20. However, as undercooling increases, the viscosity rises and diffu- sion coefficient declines. In this case, a complete diffu- sion is absent and a multi-phase separation in the liquid becomes more likely to occur. 3.3 Mechanical properties The solidification parameters of the alloys directly affect the microstructures of the alloy systems, and also significantly influence their mechanical behaviours. The LENS samples have higher tensile-strength values and the cast samples are more ductile (Figure 10). This is due to their microstructures, which are finer and more homogenous in the LENS samples that solidified at much higher rates. The uniformly distributed particles of U. ARTI^EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT ... 740 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 735–742 Figure 8: Coagulation and coalescence mechanisms in liquid-liquid mixtures and the Ostwald ripening mechanism in solid-liquid mixtures Slika 8: Mehanizem koagulacije in koalescence v zmesi teko~e-teko~e in mehanizem Ostwaldovega zorenja v zmesi trdo-teko~e Figure 9: SEM BEI micrograph of a secondary phase separation inside an Fe-rich particle Slika 9: SEM BEI-posnetek prikazuje sekundarno lo~itev faze v delcu, bogatem z `elezom the Fe-rich phase, which are of a smaller size and in a larger quantity, represent the regions that require an increased amount of energy for the dislocations to pass through. The elongation ( ) of cast samples is greater than the elongation of LENS samples. This is due to different solidification rates of the alloys. A LENS microstructure is the result of faster cooling and solidification – a metastable solidification where the Cu-rich matrix with a higher strength is formed (containing more alloying elements and precipitates due to which is smaller). In the case of cast samples where the solidification is slower, the matrix – practically pure copper – has a lower strength, resulting in a larger . There is a trend of the LENS samples to have a slightly higher value of elastic modulus E than the cast samples because they are more metastable due to a greater number of the alloying elements in the Cu-rich matrix, affecting the bond strength. These characteristics of the microstructure are reflected on the results of the microhardness measure- ments. A very fine-grained microstructure, a smaller size, a larger quantity of the uniformly distributed Fe-rich spherical phase and the amounts of the alloying elements in the Cu-rich matrix result in significantly higher average microhardness values of the LENS samples. Table 3 shows the average measures of the microhardness values of the cast samples in the areas of dendrites, near dendrites and without dendrites and the microhardness of the LENS samples in Fe-rich phases, Cu-rich phases and the re-melted HAZ. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this research, two different technologies were compared, i.e., the LENS technology and the conven- tional mould casting to produce an alloy with the same chemical composition, H13- w(Cu) 87.5 %. The obtained results can be summarized as follows: • During the solidification of the conventional castings, the melt is undercooled and separated into two pha- ses. The Fe-rich phase solidifies as the leading phase under the non-equilibrium condition and the solidi- fication of the Cu-rich phase proceeds under the near-equilibrium condition according to the phase diagram. • Large local variations in the temperature gradient of the castings cause a very inhomogeneous microstruc- ture. • The microstructure of the LENS samples is much more homogeneous than that of the cast samples. During the LENS process, where a much higher undercooling takes place, the undesired dendritic morphology of primary Fe-rich crystals becomes spherical. • There is a significant change in the microstructure of a LENS sample between the first layer and the following layers that are re-melted and heat affected, resulting in dark and bright areas of the microstruc- ture. The largest differences are due to HAZ, where a bright area occurs, containing a very small amount of Fe-rich spherical particles. The bright area represents the weaker part of the material, which should be minimized as much as possible by optimizing the energy intake. However, the microstructure is suffi- ciently homogeneous to allow homogeneous mecha- nical properties of the bulk samples. • The porosity found in the LENS samples was con- sidered low and uniformly distributed due to the spherical morphology of the atomized powders. • The tensile data show that the as-deposited yield strength of the LENS fabricated materials is substan- tially higher than that of the cast materials; better properties are obtained as a result of a rapid solidi- fication and grain refinement. The tensile data and microstructure characterisation indicate a good metallurgical bonding of individual layers of LENS deposits. • It has been shown that the H13-w(Cu) 87.5 % alloy fabricated with the LENS technology can perform well in real-life applications. A good thermal conduc- tivity of copper and a high wear resistance of steel can be achieved without any cracks as well as better U. ARTI^EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON THE DEVELOPMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 735–742 741 Figure 10: Stress-strain curves of the cast and LENS alloys at room temperature Slika 10: Krivulja napetost – raztezek lite in LENS-zlitine pri sobni temperaturi Table 3: Results of the average microhardness-measurement values according to Vickers Tabela 3: Rezultati povpre~nih vrednosti merjenja mikrotrdote po Vickersu CASTING of dendrites near thedendrites without dendrites 194 HV 0.01 67 HV 0.01 49 HV 0.01 LENS Fe Cu Cu (HAZ) 734 HV 0.01 102 HV 0.01 81 HV 0.01 mechanical properties compared to conventional mould casting. Acknowledgments The research is partially funded by the European Social Fund. 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[U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY MIKROSTRUKTURNE ZNA^ILNOSTI MODELNE ZLITINE Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % Borivoj [u{tar{i~1, Monika Jenko1, Bo`idar [arler1,2 1Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Laboratory for Multiphase Processes, University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia borivoj.sustarsic@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-04-14; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2014-05-12 Samples of the model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % with a controlled microstructure obtained at different cooling rates were synthesized. We investigated the microstructure and the microchemistry using light and scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the segregation on the macro and micro scales, depending on the cooling rate of the synthesized model alloy. Theoretical thermodynamic and kinetic analyses of the model alloy were also performed. Keywords: model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 %, thermodynamics, kinetics, microstructure, microchemistry, segregation Pripravili smo vzorce modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % s kontrolirano mikrostrukturo, dose`eno pri razli~nih hitrostih ohlajanja. [tudirali smo mikrostrukturo in mikrokemijo s svetlobnim (LM) in vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (FE SEM) ter uporabili analizni metodi EDS in AES za dolo~itev obsega izcejanja na makro- in mikronivoju v odvisnosti od hitrosti ohlajanja. Naredili smo tudi teoreti~ne termodinamske in kineti~ne preiskave modelne zlitine. Klju~ne besede: zlitina Al-w(Cu) 4,5 %, termodinamika, kinetika, mikrostruktura, mikrokemija 1 INTRODUCTION The selected alloy is of the eutectic type (Figure 1) and is positioned mainly in the region of the homoge- neous solid solution of -Al and the secondary -phase (Al2Cu). This type of alloy can be heat treated by the so-called precipitation hardening (combination of ho- mogenisation annealing, fast cooling and natural/artifi- cial ageing) due to the improvement in the mechanical properties. CALPHAD-based (Calculation of Phase Diagrams)1,2 software based on theoretical thermodyna- mic and kinetics also enable a determination of the equilibrium and metastable phases in more complex systems. The theoretical binary phase diagram (Figure 2) calculated by ThermoCalc1 is in a good agreement with the experimental diagram,3,4 shown in Figure 1. A theoretical calculation (at standard pressure 1 bar) for the pure binary alloy predicts the existence of only three phases in the whole (20 °C to 700 °C) temperature region. Between 20 °C and 521 °C two phases coexist: crystals of the -Al solid solution and the eutectic -phase (Al2Cu). Between 521 °C and 564 °C only the -Al phase is present (complete solid solubility of Cu in Al) and then between 564 °C and 648 °C exists the two-phase -Al + L region. Above 648 °C only the liquid L is still present. A theoretical calculation shows that the Cu content in the Al2Cu phase increases with temperature from mass fractions (w) 46 % to 47.7 %. The solubility of Cu in the -Al solid solution is minimal at 20 °C (only approx. 5.3 × 10–4) and then increases up to approximately w = 5 % at 560 °C. Theory also predicts the existence of the ’ (theta prime) phase up to 339 °C, containing approximately 54 % Cu and 46 % Al in metastable equilibrium. The selected alloy is a simple binary alloy (nominal w(Cu) = 4.5 %); however, bulk and microchemical anal- yses by SEM/EDS have shown that the synthesised alloy also contains some impurities and trace elements be- cause of the use of impure raw materials (technical pu- rity wp > 99.7 %). Therefore, in the alloy, besides Cu some Si is also present (approx. w(Si) = 0.14 %), Fe (approx. w(Fe) = 0.09 %) and traces of Ni and Mg. The Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 743 UDK 669.715'3:620.187:536.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)743(2014) Figure 1: Experimentally determined equilibrium binary phase diagram for Al-Cu with a designated position of the model alloy3,4 Slika 1: Eksperimentalno dolo~en ravnote`ni binarni fazni diagram Al-Cu z ozna~enim mestom, kjer se nahaja modelna zlitina3,4 Al, Mg and Si have a large affinity for oxygen (Gf = –277.8 kJ/mol at the melting point of Al). Therefore, some surface oxidation and a thin Al2O3 film is formed during the alloy synthesis if a very pure protective atmo- sphere (Ar or N2) is not used. Some complex inclusions containing Al2O3, MgO and SiO2 can also be formed. For this type of alloy there is a typical dendrite morphology of solidification during the cooling and casting into a sand, metal or graphite model at normal cooling rates (0.1 K/s to 100 K/s). The measure for cooling rate and segregation is the so-called Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing (SDAS). It generally follows exponent law,  = k · –n; i.e., the larger is the cooling rate , the finer are the dendrites and the smaller is the space between the secondary dendrite arms , as well as the alloy being more micro homogeneous over its volume. Some theoretical models exists5,6 for a determination of , and recently some researchers have also tried to predict  with ANNs (Artificial Neuron Networks)7. For Al alloys different values for the alloy-dependent parameter k (approx. 110) and exponent n (approx. 0.30) are reported. Generally, the parameter k depends on the chemical composition; i.e., decreasing with an increasing concentration of alloying elements. Figure 3 shows an example of the secondary dendrite arm spacing  vs. cooling rate  diagram for the selected values of k  109 and n  0.33. One can clearly see that for the selected parameters  decreases from approxi- mately 500 μm at cooling rate  = 0.01 °C/s, over 110 μm at  = 1 °C/s, and finally at  = 100 °C/s it is only approximately 24 μm. The physical and mechanical properties of metal- based alloys are dependent on the chemical composition (alloying and trace elements) and the microstructure controlled by the solidification rate connected with the type and geometry of the model and product, respecti- vely. A higher initial solidification rate (cooling rate in the mushy zone) produces a finer dendrite morphology of solidification, a smaller segregation of alloying ele- ments, as well as better are mechanical properties (higher yield/tensile strength and hardness). The refine- ment of the microstructure also improves the ductility and toughness for a given strength level. Recently, new software6 has been developed for the relatively accurate prediction of the mechanical properties of Al alloys over a wide range of chemical compositions and solidification conditions. Figure 4 shows the theoretical equilibrium thermo- dynamic phase stability of the model alloy with actual chemical composition determined at the Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT), Ljubljana Slovenia (Table 1). It is clear that in this case seven phases are stable in the temperature region between 20 °C and 700 °C. However, also in this system the main phases remain -Al (fcc-A1 solid solution), Al2Cu and liquid L. The theoretical calculation predicts the existence of the pro-eutectic -phase (Al2Cu) between 20 °C and 514 °C. The solid solution -Al is stable up to 646.4 °C. In this case the autonomous one-phase region of the -Al solid B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY 744 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 Figure 3: Prediction of the secondary dendrite arms space vs. cooling rate for the Al-based alloy and selected values of the alloy-dependent parameters Slika 3: Napoved razdalje med sekundarnimi dendritnimi vejami v odvisnosti od hitrosti ohlajanja za zlitino na osnovi Al in izbrane zlitinske parametre Figure 2: Theoretical equilibrium binary phase diagram Al-Cu, calculated by ThermoCalc1 (TCBin database) Slika 2: Teoreti~ni ravnote`ni binarni fazni diagram Al-Cu, izdelan s ThermoCalc-om1 (podatkovna baza TCBin) solution does not exist, because the Fe-based inter- metallic phase Al7Cu2Fe is stable up to 579 °C. The optimal temperature interval for homogenization anneal- ing is between 547 °C and 559 °C. But in this tempera- ture region there is also a small content of Al7Cu2Fe. Only liquid is present above 646.4 °C. Silicon has a low solubility in the present alloy. Therefore, it appears in the temperature region between 20 °C and 223 °C as -phase (AlFeSi) and between 223 °C and 340 °C as elementary crystals of Si, respectively. As already mentioned, in the temperature region between 223 °C and 579 °C, the intermetallic phase Al7Cu2Fe is also stable, because of the presence of iron in the model alloy. Besides this, the presence of traces of Ni can stabilize the Al7Cu4Ni phase in the temperature region between 20 °C and 548 °C. Some traces of Mg are also detected in the model alloy. In this case we can also expect the presence of the Al5Cu2Mg8Si6 intermetallic phase. However, it should be noted that the content of Ni and Mg in the model alloy is very low and these phases could be neglected. 2 EXPERIMENTAL The model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 %, was prepared in the frame of the project entitled ½Advanced modelling and simulation of liquid-solid state processes½8. In the frame of this project the development of the microstructure dur- ing solidification in the mushy zone are studied on the macro and micro levels for the selected Al- and Fe-based complex alloys. The microscopic model is to be solved by the cellular automata concept. 2.1 Synthesis of the model alloy The model alloy was synthesised in a graphite pot of a laboratory melting furnace 10 kW under an Ar protec- tive atmosphere. The furnace is one of the basic compo- nents of the Melt-Spinner M-10 Marco Materials Inc. (Figure 5a) which serves primarily for the preparation of rapidly solidified ribbons with the casting of the melt on a rotating Cu-wheel. As the basic raw materials for the preparation of the model alloy, commercially available materials of techni- cal purity (Al 99.7 % of manufacturer Impol Slovenska Bistrica and commercial Cu 99.9 %) were used. Four batches of 200 g were prepared. Each weight was melted and then cooled under natural cooling conditions down to the room temperature. The chamber of the melt-spin- ner was evacuated with a rotary vacuum pump (absolute pressure approx. 10 Pa) and then filled with Ar (over pressure 60 kPa abs.) before melting. Individual weights were heated up in the inductive melting furnace to 800 °C in 20 min, homogenized for 10 min and then cooled down. The temperature was followed with a DataLogger and measured with a Pt-PtRh10 thermocouple, located in the middle of the graphite melting pot. It was protected against the melt by a ceramic (alumina) protective tube. The final bulk chemical composition of the prepared alloys was checked using a fast portable XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) analyser XL3Thermo Fischer Scientific Niton and a more accurate classical ICP OES (Ion Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy) Agilent 720 instrument with a lower limit of detection (w < 0.001 % of individual element). Table 1 shows the results of both chemical analyses. Some impurities are detected because of the use of technically pure raw B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 745 Figure 5: a) Chamber of melt-spinner with inductive melting furnace and b) laboratory tube furnace for heat treatment of the model alloy Slika 5: a) Laboratorijska naprava Melt-Spinner z induktivno talilno pe~ico in b) laboratorijska cevna pe~ za toplotno obdelavo modelne zlitine Figure 4: Theoretical equilibrium thermodynamic stability of the phases in the alloying system with the real chemical composition of the model alloy, calculated by ThermoCalc1. Slika 4: Teoreti~na ravnote`na termodinamska stabilnost faz v sistemu z dejansko kemijsko sestavo modelne zlitine, izra~unana s ThermoCalc-om1 materials. Besides Al and Cu, some Fe and Si, as well as traces of Ni, Zn and Mg, were detected. Table 1: Average bulk chemical composition of prepared batches of model alloy in mass fractions, w/% Tabela 1: Povpre~na kemijska sestava izdelanih {ar` modelnih zlitin v masnih dele`ih, w/% Chemical composition Cu Si Zn Fe Mg Ni Al XRF 4.30 0.14 0.010 0.12 – – balance ICP OES 4.45 0.14 0.002 0.09 < 10–3 0.006 balance Five cylinders of diameter 45 mm and height 40 mm weighing approximately 200 g were prepared in this way (Figure 6) for further experiments and microstructure investigations. The cylinders were cleaned of surface oxidation by smooth drilling. Further heat treatments of the cylinder were performed due to the formation of an appropriate microstructure at different cooling rates. It is very difficult to obtain the required cooling rate because the real cooling conditions vary over the cross-sections (volume) of relatively large samples, and they are not constant in different temperature regions. The laboratory equipment also does not enable the use of a larger number of thermocouples at different locations of the samples. It can be considered that below 200 °C signi- ficant microstructure changes do not happen in a relati- vely short period of time. Therefore, we can assess the average cooling rate above this temperature. However, in the literature6 one can find different approaches to cooling-rate definition (initial, average, for a given temperature interval etc.) depending on how it can influ- ence the microstructure formation. During the planning of the present project we did not have in mind that for the formation of a selected Al-4.5 Cu binary alloy that the initial cooling rate and cooling rate in the mushy zone are important. Therefore, it was planned that three different characteristic average cooling rates will be obtained; i.e., very slow (< 0.1 °C/min or 0.0017 °C/s), natural cooling rate (30 °C/min to 40 °C/min or 0.5 °C/s to 0.7 °C/s) and very fast quenching (300–400 °C/min or 5.0 °C/s to 6.7 °C/s). Actually, the following experimen- tal cooling rates are obtained: Sample 0 to 4 – reference materials – only synthe- sised alloy (melted in graphite pot of inductive furnace and cooled down). Figure 7 shows the temperature pro- file of the alloy synthesis, i.e., heating and cooling in a graphite melting pot. During cooling there is a clearly visible solidification interval between approximately 645 °C and 550 °C. This is in relatively good agreement with the theoretical prediction, which predicts that the solidi- fication starts at 648 °C and ends at 564 °C (Figure 4). The obtained cooling rate between 645 °C and 100 °C is approximately 10 °C/min and approximately 0.17 °C/s, respectively. For the formation of the dendrite morphol- ogy of solidification the cooling rate in the mushy zone is important. This was assessed at approximately 30 °C/min and 0.5 °C/s, respectively. In this case, one can estimate from Figure 3 the SDAS on 130 μm. Samples 0 and 1 were retained in the original state for metallographic investigations. However, the samples 2, 3 and 4 were additionally heat treated in order to ob- tain the planned cooling rates. The samples were heated up to 610 °C into the mushy zone (semi-solid state) and then cooled down. With sample 2 we tried to simulate natural cooling conditions in the tube furnace (Figure 5b). A half part of the cylinder was heated up to 610 °C for 10 min and then a ceramic tube was pulled from the heating chamber of the furnace. The obtained cooling rate in the temperature interval between 610 °C and 200 °C was approximately 12 °C/min (0.2 °C/s) and below 200 °C it was approxi- mately 0.7 °C/min (0.012 °C/s) (Figure 8). The maxi- mum cooling rate in the mushy zone was estimated to be approximately 0.4 °C/s (SDAS  138 μm). But it has to be noted that the prepared alloy was not completely melted. As one can see the average cooling rate of the material is rather lower than planned 30–40 °C/min (0.5–0.7 °C/s) and similar to that obtained during the alloy synthesis. Sample 3 was heated to 610 °C for 10 min and then fast cooled, i.e., quenched in water. The estimated aver- B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY 746 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 Figure 7: Temperature profile obtained during the synthesis of the model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % Slika 7: Temperaturni profil sinteze vzorca modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % Figure 6: a) Schematic presentation of the cast cylinder of the model Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % alloy and a) its cutting into specimens for the pre- paration of metallographic samples Slika 6: a) Shemati~ni prikaz ulitka modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % in b) njegov razrez za pripravo metalografskih vzorcev age cooling rate of this sample was 1220 °C/min (20.3 °C/s), which is rather faster than planned. Sample 4 – with this sample we tried to simulate very slow cooling. The cylinder was cooled down from 610 °C over approximately 4 d with an approximate cooling rate of 0.1 °C/min, (0.002 °C/s) (Figure 9). In this case the maximum cooling rate was 0.7 °C/min and 0.01 °C/s, respectively (SDAS  500 μm). From the above-described experiments we can con- clude that the experimental work was not completely successful, as planned in the frame of the project. In spite of this the obtained results are very interesting and are published as follows. 2.2 Microstructure investigations of the model alloy Cast and heat-treated cylinders of the model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % were cut up into slices and prepared for microstructure investigations (Figure 10). The metallo- graphic specimens were prepared with Struers equipment (electron saw Accutom 50, automatic press Pronto- Press-20 and grinding/polishing apparatus Abramin with MD-system). The microstructure characterization with a light (LM, Nikon Microphot FXA with 3CCD video camera Hitachi HV-C20AMP and software AnalySIS PRO 3.1) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM; JEOL FE HR JSM-6500F) combined with micro-che- mical analysis based on a measurement of the dispersed kinetic energy of X-rays (EDS – Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer) on polished and etched metallo- graphic plates 20 mm × 20 mm (specimens) were per- formed. A systematic non-continuous point profile (10-points per 20 μm) and surface (mapping) EDS analyses at different locations (Figure 11) of the samples were then performed. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The prepared model alloys were cooled down with cooling rates between 0.002 °C/s and 20.3 °C/s. In all these cases one can expect a dendrite morphology of B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 747 Figure 11: Schematic presentation of EDS analyses’ locations on metallographic samples of the model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % Slika 11: Shemati~ni prikaz analiznih mest SEM/EDS na metalo- grafskih obruskih modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % Figure 9: Diagram of heating and very slow cooling of sample 4 of model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % in tube furnace Slika 9: Diagram segrevanja in zelo po~asnega ohlajanja vzorca 4 modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % v cevni pe~i Figure 8: Heating/cooling diagram for model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % in the ceramic tube of the furnace, sample 2, ceramic tube with sample pulled from the furnace chamber Slika 8: Diagram segrevanja in ohlajanja modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % v cevi cevne pe~i (po segrevanju je cev potegnjena iz pe~i), vzorec 2 Figure 10: Schematic presentation of ingot cutting of the model alloy for the preparation of metallographic samples Slika 10: Shemati~ni prikaz razreza ingota modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % za pripravo metalografskih obruskov solidification with different SDAS in the range between 500 μm and 35 μm, and, actually this was obtained. Figure 12 shows a typical dendrite morphology of the solidification formed during the alloy synthesis. Figure 13 shows this microstructure visible under the SEM at different magnifications. At the highest magnification one can clearly see the micro-chemical segregation due to non-equilibrium solidification. Microchemical point, profile and EDS mapping were performed at different locations on the samples in order to obtain information about the local microchemical composition and the alloy segregation. Figure 14 shows an example of point (Spectrums 1, 2 and 3) and mapping (Spectrum 4) EDS analyses. One can clearly see that in the interdendritic regions a secondary Al2Cu phase, as well as Al2O3 oxide based is formed. It could be antici- pated that the oxide inclusions are the nuclei for a sec- ondary phase precipitation. Figure 15 shows an example of profile analyses across the dendrite region. It is clear that the Cu-rich secondary phase has approximately B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY 748 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 Spectrum O Al Ni Cu Spectrum 1 4.37 67.29 28.34 Spectrum 2 4.01 68.25 27.74 Spectrum 3 5.23 65.72 0.58 28.47 Spectrum 4 99.03 0.97 Figure 14: Area (metal matrix of -Al solid solution) and point SEM/EDS analyses (secondary phase) of model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % Slika 14: Ploskovna (kovinska matrica -Al) in to~kovna (sekundarna faza) SEM/EDS modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % Figure 12: Microstructure of model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % visible under LM: a) sample 1, SDAS = 83 μm and b) sample 2, SDAS = 100 μm, magnification 50-times Slika 12: Mikrostruktura modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4.5 %, vidna pod LM: a) vzorec 1, SDAS = 83 μm in b) vzorec 2, SDAS = 100 μm, pove~ava 50-kratna Figure 13: SE images of microstructure of model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % at different magnifications; sample 1: a) magnification 100-times, b) magnification 500-times and c) magnification 2000-times Slika 13: SE-posnetki mikrostrukture modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 %, vzorec 1: a) pove~ava 100-kratna, b) pove~ava 500-kratna in c) 2000-kratna Figure 15: EDS profile analysis from Al metal matrix across secondary phase back to the metal matrix; Al and Cu concentration distribution Slika 15: EDS profilna analiza iz kovinske -Al osnove preko sekun- darne faze in nazaj v kovinsko osnovo; porazdelitev koncentracije Al in Cu w(Cu) = 44 %, but the metal matrix, i.e., the -Al solid solution, has approximately w(Cu) = 5 %. Non-continuous profile (10-points per 20 μm) SEM/EDS analyses of metallographic samples cooled down with an average cooling rate of 10–12 °C/min have shown that four typical concentration profiles exist: Generally, the concentration of Al continuously falls to a minimum crossing the secondary phase in the inter- dendritic regions (dendrite pockets) and then again the Al concentration increases back to the Al-based metal matrix. Simultaneously, the concentration of Cu changes in the opposite direction (Figure 15). The average local microchemical composition of the Al matrix is approxi- mately w = 95 % Al and w = 5 % of Cu ( amount frac- tions  = 97.7 % Al and 2.3 % of Cu) and the average local microchemical composition of the secondary phase is approximately w = 56 % of Al and 44 % Cu ( = 75 % Al and 25 % of Cu). Theoretically, the metal matrix -Al solid solution contains w = 100 % of Al at room tempe- rature and approximately  = 98 % Al and 2 % Cu at 550 °C. The secondary phase Al2Cu contains theoreti- cally at room temperature  = 66.7 % of Al and 33.3 % of Cu up to 68 % of Al and 32 % of Cu at 550 °C. The experimentally determined composition is close to the equilibrium composition theoretically predicted at appro- ximately 550 °C. This is a consequence of the non- equilibrium solidification and the metastable condition of the model alloy at room temperature. It also has to be noted that the EDS information comes from a depth of about 1 μm to 3 μm. The size and shape of this inte- raction volume is dependent on the primary beam energy and the sample material (Figure 16). For the surface analysis EDS is not the proper analytical method. In the case of very thin secondary phases, inclusions and surface analyses one must use a surface-sensitive analy- tical method such as Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES). Theoretical thermodynamic analyses predict the exis- tence of some intermetallic phases (Al7Cu2Fe, Al7Cu4Ni, AlFeSi and crystals of Si) because of the presence of Fe, Si and Ni in the investigated model alloy. Actually, at some places inside the secondary Al2Cu phase we de- tected the presence of these elements. In the middle of the secondary phase, where the concentration of Cu is the highest, the EDS analyser detected small concentra- tions of Ni (Figure 17). The intermetallic phase B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 749 Figure 18: AES mapping of a precipitate of secondary phase in the model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % (sample 2) showing the distribution of selected elements Al, O, Ni and Cu and a clearly visible increased concentration of Ni Slika 18: AES-mikroskopija porazdelitve izbranih elementov Al, O, Ni in Cu v izlo~ku sekundarne faze v modelni zlitini Al-w(Cu) 4,5 % (vzorec 2) z dobro vidnim podro~jem pove~ane koncentracijo Ni Figure 16: The interaction between an incident electron beam and the solid sample, showing the analysis volumes for Auger, secondary electrons, back scattered electrons and X-ray fluorescence Slika 16: Interakcija vpadnega elektronskega curka s povr{ino trdnega vzorca prikazuje analizni volumen za Augerjeve elektrone, sekundarne elektrone, povratno sipane elektrone in rentgensko fluorescenco Figure 17: EDS profile analysis across -Al dendrite region into the inter-dendritic region and back into the metal matrix; concentration distribution of Al, Cu and Ni Slika 17: EDS profilna analiza iz kovinske -Al osnove preko sekun- darne faze in nazaj v kovinsko osnovo; porazdelitev koncentracije Al, Cu in Ni Al7Cu4Ni is stable from room temperature up to 550 °C and theoretically contains mass fractions w = 51 % Cu, 38 % Al and 11 % of Ni. The EDS analyses give a lower Ni concentration (w = 1.5 % to 3.5 %). However, the ra- tio Cu : Al (58 % Cu : 40 % Al) perhaps confirms that at these places the Al7Cu4Ni phase or its non-equilibrium approximate is present. Therefore, we also performed SEM/AES analyses which suggest that at some places there is a higher local concentration of Ni (Figure 18). GIXRD (Grazing incidence X-Ray Diffraction) can help in the exact identification of the presence of this phase. However, this investigation was not planned in the frame of the project. It will be performed later and published elsewhere. Aluminium has a high affinity for oxygen; therefore, it was expected that a slight oxidation of the alloy could happen during its synthesis. The SEM/EDS microanaly- ses have shown the presence of oxygen at some locations at the interdendritic locations. Figure 19 shows the pro- file EDS analysis across the secondary phase. The pre- sence of a xSiO2 yAl2O3-based inclusion is clearly visible at the edge of it. At some locations only Al2O3 is present. A proof of this is the simultaneous increased concentration of Al at these locations (Figure 20). Finally, EDS analyses have also shown that practi- cally all the elements of impurities are present at some locations in the interdendritic regions (Figure 21). This is important from the mechanical properties point of view because hard intermetallic phases in the interden- dritic locations worsen the cohesive strength between the metal matrix and the interdendritic phase. Additionally, segregations are more extensive and the SDAS is larger, respectively, if the cooling rate is lower. Figure 22 shows the average SDAS measured on samples 0, 1 and 2. The performed SDAS measurements show a relatively larger scatter of measured values from location to location. No evident law or regular change in SDAS as expected; for example, from the surface to the middle of the sample. The average measured values are between 79 μm and 110 μm, which corresponds to the theoretical initial cooling rate between 1.0 °C/s and approximately 2.5 °C/s (from 60 °C/min to 150 °C/min.). These cooling rates are higher than determined during the experiment (20–30 °C/min) at the thermocouple location. Besides, the thermocouple was isolated with an alumina tube against the effects of the melt. Therefore, further experimental work has to be considerably improved. In particular, the techniques of cooling-rate detection during solidification (smaller sample, larger number of thermocouples at different locations, B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY 750 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 Figure 21: EDS profile analysis across -Al dendrite region into the inter-dendritic region and back into the metal matrix; concentration distribution of Al, Cu, Fe, Ni and O Slika 21: EDS profilna analiza iz kovinske -Al osnove preko sekun- darne faze in nazaj v kovinsko osnovo; porazdelitev koncentracije Al, Cu, Fe, Ni in O Figure 19: EDS profile analysis across -Al dendrite region into the inter-dendritic region and back into the metal matrix; concentration distribution of Al, Cu, Si and O Slika 19: EDS profilna analiza iz kovinske -Al osnove preko sekun- darne faze in nazaj v kovinsko osnovo; porazdelitev koncentracije Al, Cu, Si in O Figure 20: EDS profile analysis across -Al dendrite region into the inter-dendritic region and back into the metal matrix; concentration distribution of Al, Cu and O Slika 20: EDS profilna analiza iz kovinske -Al osnove preko sekun- darne faze in nazaj v kovinsko osnovo; porazdelitev koncentracije Al, Cu in O appropriate melting furnace etc.) must be additionally improved. The most important for the formation of the solidi- fication microstructure is the initial cooling rate and the cooling rate in the mushy zone, respectively. In the case of our model alloy the solidification interval is rather narrow and it is very difficult to control the solidification process on the relatively large samples that were initially selected. At the beginning of our experimental work we did not have enough experiences in the field. However, we became acquainted with the problems and gained a lot of experience in the field during the execution of the present project. In the late phase of the project we performed much more controlled cooling experiments in the DSC/TG apparatus (Netzsch STA 449C Jupiter) with smaller samples ( 4.5 mm × 5 mm, m  0.2 g) and much more controlled cooling rates in the mushy zone. However, this equipment does not allow us to perform the experiments with very high cooling rates. Therefore, the selected cooling rates were (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10 and 25) °C/min. The DSC cooling curves show a big difference in solidification and phase precipitation, respectively, if the cooling rate is changed. A very clear and sharp phase formation is noticed at the lowest cooling rate (Figure 23). Details of these experiments will be published elsewhere separately, because of the limited space here. 4 CONCLUSIONS Samples of the model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % with a controlled microstructure obtained at different cooling rates were synthesized in the frame of the present investigation. The obtained average cooling rates on larger samples (Figure 6) in the temperature interval from 600 °C to 200 °C are estimated to be 0.1 °C/min, B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 751 Figure 23: DSC cooling curves of model alloy Al-w(Cu) 4.5 %, cooled in the temperature region between 700 °C and 500 °C with two different cooling rates: a) 0.1 °C/min (SDAS > 700 μm) and b) 10 °C/min (SDAS  100 μm), with appertain microstructural characteristics visible by LM. Slika 23: DSC ohlajevalna krivulja modelne zlitine Al-w(Cu) 4,5 %, ohlajane v temperaturnem obmo~ju med 700 °C in 500 °C s hitrostjo: a) 0,1 °C/min (SDAS > 700 μm) in b) 10 °C/min (SDAS  100 μm), s pripadajo~imi mikrostrukturnimi zna~ilnostmi, vidnimi s svetlobnim mikroskopom Sample 0: 0_zg_L 0_zg_D 79.1 94.4 90.6 81.8 98.6 107.9 87.8 89.2 79.0 89.4 91.3 84.0 67.0 90.5 97.8 92.8 90.1 93.3 83.8 82.3 103.9 95.2 81.6 76.3 83.1 87.5 88.6 88.5 79.0 76.4 100.4 102.6 94.5 102.1 108.2 87.7 0_sp_L 0_sp_D Sample 1: 1_zg_L 1_zg_D 96.8 79.2 98.8 86.9 98.7 84.0 104.7 114.2 85.9 69.4 84.1 94.7 90.5 83.9 72.2 90.8 84.9 95.4 87.6 126.0 79.5 87.3 107.2 76.3 71.8 100.4 87.1 96.1 119.0 98.0 87.1 95.2 105.5 83.5 92.2 97.7 1_sp_L 1_sp_D Sample 3: 3_zg_L 3_zg_D 106.9 99.7 100.2 89.9 77.5 92.3 98.8 97.7 112.6 94.5 69.9 99.4 92.2 77.1 99.3 84.5 91.4 97.3 94.3 104.7 86.4 90.8 86.5 106.4 109.8 90.3 95.4 104.4 100.8 89.0 100.5 93.2 99.2 110.0 91.0 94.4 3_sp_L 3_sp_D Figure 22: Average SDAS measured in micrometers, measured on metallographic LM snapshots on individual samples cooled with different average cooling rates, in accordance with Figure 11 Slika 22: Povpre~na velikost SDAS v mikrometrih, izmerjena na metalografskih LM-posnetkih na posameznih vzorcih, ohlajanih z razli~no povpre~no hitrostjo; vezano na sliko 11 12 °C/min. and 1 220 °C/min. The size of the SDAS is controlled by the initial cooling rate and the cooling rate in the mushy zone, respectively. This cooling rate was estimated to be approximately 0.7 °C to 30 °C/min in the case of natural cooling and very slow cooling in the furnace. It is a rather larger cooling rate than the average measured cooling rate in the middle of the samples. The average measured SDAS on all the samples are between approximately 79 μm and 110 μm. This corresponds to the theoretical initial cooling rate of approximately between 1.0 °C/s and 2.5 °C/s. The only exception is the sample with the lowest selected average cooling rate (approx. 0.002 °C/s). In this case the SDAS was assessed to be more than 700 μm. But it was difficult to measure because even the lowest magnification (50-times) of the LM does not enable exact measurements. For this case much lower magnifications (10- to 25-times) are necessary. The performed investigations showed that more exact measurements of the cooling/solidification rate, especially in the mushy zone, are necessary. The experiments performed on smaller samples in the DSC/TG apparatus enabled better control of the solidifi- cation, but in a limited range (from 0.1 °C/min to 25 °C/min) of cooling rates. Therefore, new lab equipment (furnace) with a controllable atmosphere and accurate temperature control over a wider range of cooling rates (0.1–100 °C/s) for relatively small samples must be developed or purchased, respectively. The next step of the performed investigations was the preparation of metallographic samples, as well as micro- structural and microchemical investigations under the LM and SEM combined with EDS and AES microana- lyses. The aim of these investigations was a determina- tion of the segregation at the macro and micro levels, depending on the cooling rate of the synthesized model alloy. The microstructural composition of the naturally cooled model alloy is markedly in the non-equilibrium state, and similar to those predicted theoretically at 550 °C. Four characteristic states of chemical composition are detected in the interdendritic regions because of the presence of impurities (Fe, Si, Ni) in the model alloy, as well as its slight oxidation during synthesis. For the synthesis and study of the pure binary Al-w(Cu) 4.5 %, model alloy it is necessary to select completely pure raw materials. Impurities can disturb some of the investi- gations to a certain extent. However, on the other hand, it can also help in understanding the complexity of multicomponent alloying systems. Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank the Slovenian Research Agency for financial support in the frame of project no.: J2-4120 and P2-0132, and to Professor Jo`ef Medved, Department for Metallurgy and Materials, University of Ljubljana, for assistance with the DSC/TG experiments. 5 REFERENCES 1 Software package for thermodynamic calculations: Thermocalc; in- ternet address: http://www.thermo-calc.com/start/ 2 U. R. Kattner: Thermodynamic Modelling of Multicomponent Phase Equilibria, JOM, 49 (1997) 12, 14–19 3 TAPP – Thermochemical and Physical Properties, A computer data- base, 1994 4 E. A. Brandes, G. B. Brook, Smithells Metals Reference Book, 7-th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd., Oxford UK 199 5 J. F. Chinella, Z. Guo, Computational Thermodynamics Character- ization of 7075, 7039, and 7020 Aluminum Alloys Using JMatPro, ARL, MD, USA, 2011 6 Z. Guo, N. Saunders, A. P. Miodownik, J. P. Schillé, Prediction of room temperature mechanical properties in aluminium castings, Proceedings of the 7-th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting and Solidification Processes, Dalian, China, 2007 7 D. Hanumantha Rao, G. R. N. Tagore, G. Ranga Janardhana, Evolution of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for predicting secondary dendrite arm spacing in aluminium alloy casting, J. Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. & Eng., 32 (2010) 3, 276–281 8 B. [arler et al., Advanced modelling and simulation of liquid-solid state processes, small basic project J2-4120, Slovenian Research Agency, internal reports, 2010–2013 B. [U[TAR[I^ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Al-w(Cu) 4.5 % MODEL ALLOY 752 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 743–752 J. BURJA et al.: CHROMITE SPINEL FORMATION IN STEELMAKING SLAGS CHROMITE SPINEL FORMATION IN STEELMAKING SLAGS NASTANEK KROMITNIH SPINELOV V JEKLARSKIH @LINDRAH Jaka Burja1, Franc Tehovnik1, Jo`ef Medved2, Matja` Godec1, Matja` Knap2 1Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Materials and Metallurgy, A{ker~eva 12,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia jaka.burja@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-05-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2014-05-21 During the processing of stainless-steel grades in an electric arc furnace (EAF) a considerable amount of chromium can be lost due to oxidation. These chromium oxides form different phases in the slag, the most stable being the spinel phase. The basicity of the slag has a major impact on the composition of the chromium oxide phase. A phase analysis revealed two types of chromium oxide phases, calcium chromites and chromite spinels, which are dependent on the chemistry and the basicity of the slag. The calcium chromites only form at a high slag basicity, while the chromite spinels form at both high and low basicity. The effects of ferrosilicon additions were observed as they have a profound effect on both the slag and the chromite spinel chemical composition. Keywords: chromite spinel, calcium chromite, stainless steel slag, chromium loss Med izdelavo nerjavnih jekel v EOP lahko pride do znatnih izgub kroma zaradi oksidacije. Kromovi oksidi v `lindri tvorijo razli~ne faze, najstabilnej{a je spinelna faza. Bazi~nost `lindre ima velik vpliv na fazno sestavo kromitnih oksidov. Fazna analiza je pokazala prisotnost dveh vrst kromovih oksidov, odvisnih od kemijske sestave `lindre in bazi~nosti, to sta kalcijev kromit in kromitni spinel. Kalcijevi kromiti so prisotni ob visoki bazi~nosti, medtem ko so spineli prisotni tako ob visoki kot nizki bazi~nosti. Opazovani so bili u~inki dodatkov ferosilicija, ki odlo~ilno vplivajo na kemijsko sestavo `lindre in kromitnih spinelov. Klju~ne besede: kromitni spinel, kalcijev kromit, nerjavna `lindra, izguba kroma 1 INTRODUCTION Chromium promotes ferrite1 and is an important alloying element in steels, especially stainless steels. Stainless steels contain chromium in excess of the mass fraction w = 10 %;2 higher amounts of chromium in steel leads to a higher corrosion resistance.3 Chromium is added through the melting of stainless-steel scrap and ferrochromium additions. Ferrochromium is available in different grades that contain different amounts of chro- mium and other alloying elements. Carbon plays the most important role as an alloying element in ferrochro- mium besides chromium, because oxygen blowing is needed to remove the carbon from the melt, which can cause chromium losses. Chromium-rich slags typically form during the melting of stainless-steel grades. Studies show that 97 % of the chromium losses are attributed to the electric arc furnace (EAF),2 during melting and to a large extent during the blowing of oxygen into the melt in order to remove the carbon.4,5 The oxidation of chromium takes place alongside that of other alloying elements in the steel, such as aluminum, carbon, silicon, manganese and a certain amount of iron itself. The reaction of chromium and oxygen dissolved in steel can be described as:6 2 3 3 1 0 Cr Cr O 1 127 100 250.80 (J) s 2 s( ) ( ) Δ + = = − + [O] G T (1) The dominant chromium oxide in the slag at the melting temperature, without a protective atmosphere, is Cr2O3.7 Oxides of alloying elements, among them chro- mium oxides, along with slag-forming oxide additions, form different phases in the slag. There are two types of chromium-oxide-based phases that are generally found in a chromium slag, i.e., chromium-oxide-based spinels, which are solid solutions, and calcium chromites, which are stoichiometric compounds.8 Chromium-oxide-based spinels contain Cr2O3, Al2O3, FeO, MgO and MnO, while calcium chromites contain only CaO and Cr2O3. Chromium oxide spinels precipitate in the liquid slag9 and affect the slag’s properties. The slag stiffens and be- comes inactive, thus preventing the reduction of oxides and attributing to the loss of alloying elements. When spinels are formed, the activity of the chromium de- creases because of the strong bonding in the spinel, especially in the MgCr2O4.10 Reductive agents such as aluminum, carbon, ferro- silicon and even calcium carbide are introduced into the slag in order to minimize the chromium losses.4,5,9,11–15 In the case of the decarburization of the melt a typical stainless-steel slag can contain from w = 30 % to 40 % Cr2O3.15 The aim of this work is to study the phase composition of chromium-rich slags and the composition of chromium-oxide-based phases in order to establish the basic conditions for further studies of the thermodyna- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 753–756 753 UDK 669.187:669.015.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)753(2014) mic equilibrium mechanism of the chromium distribu- tion between the steel and the slag. 2 EXPERIMENTAL Slag samples were taken with a special spoon during the steel processing in the EAF. One sample was taken after the ferrochrome addition and the oxygen blowing and another after the ferrosilicon addition. The samples were left to cool; smaller pieces were cut away and put into the mass for metallographic investigation. They were grinded and polished and then carbon was evapo- rated onto the surface to provide electrical conductivity for the electron microscope. Other pieces of the same slag samples were crushed in a steel mortar, then in a steel ball mill, and finally in an agate mortar to achieve the final fine powder that is needed for the X-ray diffrac- tion. The slag samples underwent light microscopy (LM), (Microphot FXA, Nikon), electron microscopy and electron-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis (SEM-EDS, JEOL – JSM6500F) and X-ray diffracto- metry (XRD, Panalytical XPert Pro PW3040/60). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Slag samples, before and after the ferrosilicon addi- tion, were taken from high and low basicity slag. The basicity is defined as: B = %CaO %SiO 2 (2) The samples with high basicity before the ferrosili- con addition contain both calcium chromites and spinels, whereas the low-basicity samples after ferrosilicon con- tain only spinels. The formation of spinels is preferred over the formation of calcium chromites.16 The spinels are particles that precipitate at processing temperatures from liquid slag, and the equations for precipitation are:17,18 MgO(S) + Cr2O3(S) = MgO ·Cr2O3(S) ΔG T3 0 30 221 19 945= − − (J). (3) FeO(S) + Cr2O3(S) = FeO ·Cr2O3(S) ΔG T4 0 37 706 3846= − + (J). (4) MgO(S) + Al2O3(S) = MgO ·Al2O3(S) ΔG T5 0 20 740 1157= − − . (J) (5) The precipitated spinels are solid solution of all the oxides mentioned above. The analyzed samples can be divided into two groups, i.e., those with high basicity and those with low basicity. The low-basicity samples contain only chromites and no calcium chromites. The spinels are of various sizes, from 10 μm to 100 μm, as shown in Figure 1. The high-basicity slags (Figure 2), on the other hand, contain large spinels that can reach J. BURJA et al.: CHROMITE SPINEL FORMATION IN STEELMAKING SLAGS 754 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 753–756 Figure 3: Ternary diagram of Mn-Fe-Mg in spinels (mole fraction) before and after FeSi addition Slika 3: Ternarni diagram Mn-Fe-Mg v spinelih (molski dele`) pred dodatkom FeSi in po njem Figure 1: Microstructure of slag with chromite spinels (B = 0.8, after FeSi addition) Slika 1: Mikrostruktura `lindre s kromitnimi spineli (B = 0,8, po dodatku FeSi) Figure 2: Microstructure of slag with chromites, and calcium chromites (B = 2, before FeSi addition) Slika 2: Mikrostruktura `lindre s kromitnimi spineli in kalcijevimi kromiti (B = 2, pred dodatkom FeSi) sizes above 100 μm in diameter. The main difference, however, is the presence of needle-shaped calcium chromites. The EDS analysis of the slag samples showed that the chemical composition of the spinels changes during the processing. After the ferrosilicon addition, the content of FeO in the spinels is lowered, as can be seen in Figure 3. Iron oxide is the most easily reduced of all the oxides in the spinels and is therefore the most impacted by the addition of FeSi. Magnesium oxide, on the other hand, is very stable in the spinel phase and is not reduced, its content is also increased by refractory degradation.19,20 FeSi is mainly added in order to reduce the chromium content in the slag, but a significant part is used to reduce the iron oxides. The diagram in Figure 3 shows that FeSi does not reduce the manganese from the spi- nels very effectively. The composition of spinels follows the parallel Mn concentration lines in the ternary dia- grams, showing only slight deviations. The XRD spectrum of the slag before the FeSi addi- tion at high basicity (Figure 4) shows the presence of spinels, calcium chromites and alpha iron. After the FeSi addition at low basicites there are no calcium chromites present, only spinels and alpha iron, as can be seen in Figure 5. There are no more calcium chromites present. Alpha iron is the presence of metal droplets that form due to the entrapment of the melt during the steelmaking process, either because of mixing during the arc melting and oxygen blowing or during the reduction of the oxides to the metal state. The XRD spectra confirm the observations under both SEM and LM. In fact, the SEM EDS analysis of the metal droplets revealed that they contained mostly iron and chromium, hence the ferrite phase, the composition spanning from w(Cr) = 10 % up to 20 %. The examinations of the slags revealed that although all of the slags contained calcium chromites before the FeSi additions, none of the samples after the FeSi addi- tions did. The tendency of calcium oxide to form phases with silicon oxides is clearly greater than that of forming them with chromium oxides. 4 CONCLUSION Chromium slags contain two types of chromium- based oxides: calcium chromites and chromite spinels. The composition of the chromites changes during the processing; the addition of ferrosilicon (FeSi) signifi- cantly decreases the Fe content in the spinels. The magnesium contents in spinels increases during the steelmaking process, both due to the relative increase of the content (FeO and Cr2O3 reduction) during ferro- silicon injection and due to MgO dissolution from the refractory. Calcium chromites form only in slags with high basicity, when the silicon content in the slag is low; the slag is saturated with CaO. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank mag. Alojz Rozman and Metal Ravne d.o.o. for financing this research project. 5 REFERENCES 1 F. Tehovnik, B. Arzen{ek, B. Arh, D. Skobir, B. Pirnar, B. @u`ek, Microstructure Evolution in SAF 2507 Super Duplex Stainless Steel, Mater. Tehnol., 45 (2011) 4, 339–345 2 S. Sun, P. Uguccioni, M. Bryant, M. Ackroyd, Chromium control in the EAF during stainless steelmaking, Proc. of the 55th Electric Furnace Chicago, 1997, 297–302 J. BURJA et al.: CHROMITE SPINEL FORMATION IN STEELMAKING SLAGS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 753–756 755 Figure 5: XRD spectrum of a slag sample after FeSi addition Slika 5: XRD-spekter vzorca `lindre po dodatku FeSiFigure 4: XRD spectrum of a slag sample before the FeSi addition Slika 4: XRD-spekter vzorca `lindre pred dodatkom FeSi 3 F. Tehovnik, B. @u`ek, B. Arh, J. Burja, B. Podgornik, Hot Rolling Of The Superaustenitic Stainless Steel AISI 904L, Mater. Tehnol., 48 (2014) 1, 137–140 4 B. Arh, F. Tehovnik, The Oxidation and Reduction of Chromium, Metalurgija, 50 (2011), 179–182 5 B. Arh, F. Tehovnik, The Oxidation And Reduction of Chromium During the Elaboration of Stainless Steels in an Electric Arc Furnace, Mater. Tehnol., 41 (2007) 5, 203–211 6 Y. Xiao, L. Holappa, M. A. Reuter, Oxidation State and Activities of Chromium Oxides in CaO-SiO2-CrOx Slag System, Met. and Mater. Trans. B, 33 (2002), 595–603 7 K. Morita, N. Sano, Activity Of Chromium Oxide in CaO-SiO2 Based Slags At 1873 K, Proc. of the VII International Conference on Molten Slags Fluxes and Salts, Johannesbourg, 2004, 113–118) 8 J. H. Park, I. H. Jung, S. B. Lee, Phase Diagram Study for the CaO- SiO2-Cr2O3-5 mass.%MgO-10 mass.%MnO System, Met. Mater. Int., 15 (2009), 677–681 9 S. Mostafaee, A Study of EAF High-Chromium Stainless Steel- making Slags Characteristics and Foamability, PhD. Thesis, Stock- holm, 2011 10 G. J. Albertsson, Investigations of Stabilization of Cr in Spinel Phase in Chromium-Containing Slags, Licentiate Thesis, Stockholm, 2011 11 N. Sano, Reduction Of Chromium Oxide In Stainless Steel Slags, Proc. of 10th Int. Ferroalloys Congr. INFACON X Transformation through Technol., Cape Town, 2004, 670–677 12 E. Shibata, S. Egawa, T. Nakamura, Reduction Behavior of Chro- mium Oxide in Molten Slag Using Aluminum, Ferrosilicon and Graphite, SIJ Int., 42 (2002), 609–613 13 J. Björkvall, S. Ångström, L. Kallin, Reduction Of Chromium Oxide Containing Slags Using CaC2, Proc. of the VII Int. Conf. Molten Slags Fluxes Salts, Johannesbourg, 2004, 663–670 14 X. Hu, H. Wang, L. Teng, S. Seetharaman, Direct Chromium Alloy- ing by Chromite Ore with the Presence of Metallic Iron, J. Min. Metall. Sect. B Metall., 49 (2013), 207–215 15 R. I. L. Guthrie, M. Isac, Z. Lin, A Fluid Dynamics Simulation Of Chromium Recovery From Aod Slags During Reduction With Ferrosilicon Additions, Proc. of the VII Int. Conf. Molten Slags Fluxes Salts, Johannesbourg, 2004, 465–472 16 H. Cabrera-Real et al., Effect of MgO and CaO/SiO2 on the Immo- bilization of Chromium in Synthetic Slags, J. Mater. Cycles Waste Manag., 14 (2012), 317–324 17 M. Hino, K. Higuchi, T. Nagasaka, S. Ban-Ya, Phase Equilibria and Activities of the Constituents in FeO·Cr2O3- MgO·Cr2O3 Spinel Solid Solution Saturated with Cr203, ISIJ Int., 34 (1994), 739–745 18 S. Jo, B. O. Song, S. Kim, Thermodynamics on the Formation of Spinel (MgO · Al2O3) Inclusion in Liquid Iron Containing Chro- mium, Met. and Mater. Trans. B, 33 (2002), 703–709 19 M. Guo, S. Parada, S. Smets, P. T. Jones, J. Van Dyck, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants, Laboratory Study of the Interaction Mechanisms Bet- ween Magnesia-Chromite Refractories and Al2O3-rich VOD slags, Proc. of the VII Int. Conf. Molten Slags Fluxes Salts, Johannesbourg, 2004, 327–336 20 M. Guo, P. T. Jones, S. Parada, E. Boydens, J. Van Dyck, B. Blan- pain, P. Wollants, Degradation Mechanisms of Magnesia-Chromite Refractories by High-Alumina Stainless Steel Slags under Vacuum Conditions, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 26 (2006), 3831–3843 J. BURJA et al.: CHROMITE SPINEL FORMATION IN STEELMAKING SLAGS 756 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 753–756 K. MOHAJERSHOJAEI, F. DADASHIAN: RECYCLING OF JUTE WASTES USING PULPZYME ENZYME RECYCLING OF JUTE WASTES USING PULPZYME ENZYME RECIKLIRANJE ODPADKOV JUTE Z UPORABO ENCIMA PULPZIMA Khashayar Mohajershojaei1, Fatemeh Dadashian2 1Department of Polymer Engineering and Color Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Textile Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran khashayar045@yahoo.com, dadashia@aut.ac.ir Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-12-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-06 In this paper, enzymatic treatment of jute wastes using pulpzyme was studied. The jute wastes from the machine-made carpet-production factories were used as a model. The effects of several parameters such as enzyme concentration, pH and time on the recycling process were evaluated. The optimum enzyme concentration, reaction time and pH for the recycling of jute wastes were 1.5 %, 2 h and 8, respectively. The results showed that the enzymatic process using pulpzyme was an effective method to hydrolyse cellulosic chains, shorten cellulosic fibers such as jute and decrease its moisture regain (%). The products obtained from the enzymatic process using pulpzyme are suitable raw materials for paper-making processes due to their length range between 0 mm to 4 mm. Keywords: recycling process, jute wastes, pulpzyme enzyme, mass loss, length reduction, fiber shortening V ~lanku je prikazana encimska obdelava odpadkov jute z uporabo pulpzima. Kot model so bili uporabljeni odpadki jute pri strojni izdelavi preprog. Ocenjen je bil u~inek ve~ parametrov, kot so koncentracija encima, pH in ~as za postopek recikliranja. Optimalna koncentracija encima, ~as reakcije in pH pri recikliranju odpadkov jute so bili 1,5 %, 2 h in 8. Rezultati so pokazali, da je encimski postopek z uporabo pulpzima u~inkovita metoda za hidrolizo celuloznih verig, skraj{anje celuloznih vlaken jute in zmanj{anje njene ponovne navla`enosti. Dobljeni produkti iz encimskega postopka z uporabo pulpzima so zaradi njihove dol`ine od 0 mm do 4 mm primerni za izdelavo papirja. Klju~ne besede: postopek recikliranja, odpadki jute, encim pulpzim, zmanj{anje mase, zmanj{anje dol`ine, skraj{anje vlaken 1 INTRODUCTION Waste management is an important issue in various industries. Nowadays, environmental concerns, ecologi- cal and economic considerations constitute the driving force for the waste management in the textile industry. In these cases, managing wastes involves modifying the old systems, developing new processes to limit, optimize and process waste materials and finding usage for post-con- sumer textile wastes.1 Managing wastes in a correct way will lead to saving the energy and cost, reducing the landfill usage and solving the present environmental and ecological problems.2 According to the importance of the recycling proces- ses in developed countries, different physical, chemical or biological methods are used to recycle various wastes from different industries. Cellulosic wastes such as cotton, viscose, lyocell and jute constitute a major part of the textile industries such as the machine-made carpet production. Nowadays, different methods such as chemi- cal and biological ones are used to recycle these wastes. Some of the chemical processes proceed slowly; there- fore, catalysts (especially enzymes) are needed to en- hance the rate of chemical reactions. In these cases, a small quantity of an enzyme is able to react with a large amount of a substrate in a mild condition.3 Hemmpel4 used cellulase enzyme in different pH conditions to modify woven and knitted cellulose fabrics. The results showed that cellulose enzyme has a signifi- cant effect on cellulose fabrics when pH is lower than 5, by hydrolyzing the cellulose bonds. Cellulase enzyme was used for bio-polishing of cotton, viscose and lyocell fabrics by Garret.5 He con- cluded that cotton, viscose and lyocell fabrics could be modified using cellulase enzyme due to the surface-fiber removal. The effect of an enzymatic treatment on the fine structure of cellulosic fibers and the properties of cellu- lose dissolved in aqueous 7.6 % NaOH and ionic liquid were analyzed by F. Dadashian6 and P. Rosenberg et al.7 It can be concluded from the SEM photographs that cellulase enzyme has a significant effect on modifying the fine structure of cellulosic fibers. G. Buschle-Diller et al.8 concluded that the cellulases from Trichoderma viride have a significant effect on the pore structure of different types of bead cellulose. A literature review showed that the recycling of jute wastes using pulpzyme was not studied. In this paper, enzymatic recycling of jute wastes using pulpzyme enzy- me was studied. The jute wastes from machine-made carpet-production factories were used as a model. The effects of several parameters such as enzyme concen- tration, pH and time on the recycling of the jute wastes were evaluated with respect to the mass- and length-loss fractions. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 757–760 757 UDK 658.567.3: 677.13.004.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)757(2014) 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Materials The jute waste and pulpzyme enzyme were obtained from the Novo Nordisk and Akij (Bangladesh) Compa- nies, respectively. All the other chemicals were of an analytical grade and purchased from Merck (Germany). The main constituents of the jute fiber are repre- sented in Table 1.9 Table 1: Contents of jute fibers9 Tabela 1: Sestava vlaken jute9 Content Fraction (%) Ash 3.04 Benzene alcohol 2.72 Lignin 21.61 Acid soluble lignin 0.95 Alpha cellulose 42.91 Beta cellulose 20 Others 8.77 2.2 Jute recycling Experiments were carried out in a batch-mode reactor with the total capacity of 250 ml. The recycling of jute wastes was performed using a 100 mL solution contain- ing a specified amount of jute wastes (5 g) using pul- pzyme enzyme. The solution pH was adjusted using a phosphate buffer.8,9 The samples were withdrawn from the sample point at certain time intervals and analyzed for mass and length losses. The mass- and length-loss fractions were checked and controlled by measuring the mass and length of the jute fiber before and after the enzymatic process. In this study an light projection microscope (400 X) and a Philips scanning electron microscope (690 X) were used to measure the fiber length and evaluate the surface morphology of the enzyme-treated and untreated jute wastes, respectively. The effects of the enzyme concentration (0.5–2 %) on the mass- and length-loss fractions of the samples were investigated by treating 5 g of jute wastes at the pH of 8 at 55 °C for 2 h. The effects of the pH (3–9) on the mass- and length- loss fractions of the samples were investigated by treat- ing 5 g of jute wastes with a 1.5 % enzyme concentration at 55 °C for 2 h. The effect of the time of treatment (0–3 h) on the mass- and length-loss fractions of the samples were inve- stigated by treating 5 g of jute wastes with a 0.5 % enzyme concentration at the pH of 8 at 55 °C. The mass-loss fractions of the samples were measured by weighting jute wastes before and after the enzymatic treatments. The mass-loss fraction was defined as follows: Mass-loss fraction /% = (A2 – A1)/A1 × 100 (1) where A1 and A2 stand for the dry mass and conditioned mass of the samples before and after the enzymatic treatment, respectively. The moisture regain of the samples was measured with the gravimetric method. The moisture regain was defined as follows: Moisture regain /% = (W2 – W1)/W1 × 100 (2) where W1 and W2 stand for the dry mass and conditioned mass of the samples, respectively. The FTIR spectra were obtained using a Nicolet Magna IR spectro- photometer equipped with a microscope. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Enzyme concentration The mass-loss and length-reduction fractions of jute samples for different enzyme concentrations are shown in Figure 1. According to the data from Figure 1, with the increasing enzyme concentration, the mas-loss and length-reduction fractions increased gradually because of the existing excess enzyme molecules relative to the fixed amount of jute. With the 1.5 % enzyme concentra- tion, the optimum mass-loss (almost 46 %) and length- reduction (almost 73.45 %) fractions were obtained; therefore, the optimum enzyme concentration for the recycling of jute was 1.5 %. 3.2 pH The mass-loss and length-reduction fractions of jute samples at different pH values are shown in Figure 2.The results show that the pH significantly influenced the pulpzyme action during jute recycling. The mass-loss and length-reduction fractions were found to improve with an increase in the aqueous-phase pH up to the value of 8 and, thereafter, an increase in the aqueous-phase pH from 8.0 to 9.0 caused the efficacy of the enzymatic recycling process to decrease. The aqueous-phase pH of 8.0 had a significant effect on the rate of the mass-loss and length-reduction fractions compared to the other pH K. MOHAJERSHOJAEI, F. DADASHIAN: RECYCLING OF JUTE WASTES USING PULPZYME ENZYME 758 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 757–760 Figure 1: Effect of enzyme concentration on: a) mass-loss fraction, b) length-reduction fraction of the samples Slika 1: Vpliv koncentracije encima na: a) dele` zmanj{anja mase, b) dele` zmanj{anja dol`ine vzorcev conditions. Thus, the aqueous-phase pH plays a signifi- cant role in enzymatic reactions. Moreover, the pH-acti- vity relationship of any given enzyme depends on the acid-base behavior of the enzyme and the substrate (the jute waste) as well as on many other factors that are usually difficult to analyze quantitatively.10 3.3 Time of treatment The mass-loss and length-reduction fractions of the jute samples at different times are given in Table 2. The results show that the time of treatment significantly influenced the pulpzyme action during jute recycling. The mass-loss and length-reduction fractionswere found to improve with an increase in the time up to 2 h and, thereafter, an increase in the time of the enzymatic treatment from 2 h to 4 h was without any significant changes. After the 2 h enzyme reaction, the optimum mass- loss (almost 46 %) and length-reduction fractions (al- most 73.45 %) of a jute sample were obtained; therefore, the optimum time for the enzymatic treatment was 2 h.10 Table 2: Effect of the time of treatment on mass-loss fraction and length-reduction fractions of the samples for the optimum enzyme concentration and pH Tabela 2: Vpliv ~asa obdelave na dele` zmanj{anja mase in dele` zmanj{anja dol`ine vzorcev pri optimalni koncentraciji encima in pH Time (h) 1 2 3 4 Mass loss (%) 27.6 46 48.3 50 Length reduction (%) 65.76 73.45 78.5 81.3 3.4 Effect of the enzymatic process on the moisture re- gain (%) The moisture regains of the samples before and after the enzymatic treatment were measured according to equation (2). According to the data from Table 3, the en- zyme-treated jute has a lower (22.37 %) moisture regain than the untreated jute in the optimum condition. The results show that the enzymatic treatment of jute has a specific effect on increasing the crystallinity.6,11 Table 3: Moisture regain of jute-fiber wastes after and before the enzymatic treatment in the optimum conditions Tabela 3: Ponovno navla`enje vlaken odpadne jute pred obdelavo z encimi in po njej v optimalnih razmerah Sample Conditionedmass (g) Dry mass (g) Moisture regain (%) Raw jute 0.63 0.54 14.3 Enzyme-treated jute 0.63 0.57 11.1 3.5 Microscopic structure The effect of pulpzyme enzyme on the macrostruc- tures of the samples was studied using SEM and light K. MOHAJERSHOJAEI, F. DADASHIAN: RECYCLING OF JUTE WASTES USING PULPZYME ENZYME Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 757–760 759 Figure 2: Effect of pH on: a) mass-loss fraction, b) length-reduction fraction of the samples Slika 2: Vpliv pH na: a) dele` zmanj{anja mase, b) dele` zmanj{anja dol`ine vzorcev Figure 4: SEM photographs of: a) fiber wastes enzyme treated with the optimum enzyme concentration and b) untreated jute-fiber wastes Slika 4: SEM-posnetka povr{ine vlakna odpadne jute: a) obdelanega z encimom pri optimalni koncentraciji encima in b) neobdelanega vlakna odpadne jute Figure 3: Light micrographs of: a) untreated jute-fibre wastes, b) jute-fibre wastes treated with enzyme in optimum concentration Slika 3: Svetlobni posnetki a) neobdelanega vlakna odpadne jute, b) vlakna odpadne jute, obdelanega z encimom pri optimalni koncentra- ciji encima microscopic photographs. The light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) photographs of the samples before and after the enzymatic processes are shown in Figures 3 and 4. The results show that pulp- zyme enzyme has a significant effect on the destruction of the molecular structure of jute in the longitudinal direction due to the hydrolyzing reaction. This phenome- non has a significant effect on the shortening of the jute samples. 4 CONCLUSION In this study, enzymatic treatments were used to modify jute wastes. The effect of several parameters such as enzyme concentration, pH and time on the recycling of jute wastes was evaluated. The results showed that the enzymatic treatment has a significant effect on the mass loss and shortening of the jute samples by hydrolyzing cellulosic chains. Moreover, the enzymatic treatment leads to a de- crease in the moisture regain of the samples due to the increasing crystallinity. It can be concluded from the SEM and light microscopic photographs that pulpzyme enzyme has a significant effect on the destruction of the molecular structure of jute in the longitudinal direction due to the hydrolyzing reaction. Finally, it leads to the shortening of the jute samples. According to the obtained data, the optimum enzyme concentration, reaction time and pH for recycling jute wastes were 1.5 %, 2 h and 8, respectively. The obtained samples are suitable for a usage in the paper-making industries due to their longitudinal distribution. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. J. Cornell, Getting to zero Wastes, [cited fall 2007], Available from World Wide Web: http://www.toenall.org 2 L. Wang, Y. Z. Zhang, H. Yang, Carbohydrate Research, 339 (2004), 819–824 3 Enzyme kinetics, Thomas Jefferson University, Maintained by AISR Education Services (EdServices@jeffline.tju.edu) 4 W. H. Hemmpel, International Textile Bulletin Dyeing/ Printing/Fini- shing, 37 (1992) 3, 1–5 5 A. S. Garret, D. M. Cedroni, In AATCC Book of Paper, AATCC International Conference & Exhibition, Atlanta, 1992 6 F. Dadashian, Changes in the Fine Structure of Lyocell Fibers during Enzymatic Degradation, Proceedings of the World Textile Con- ference, 2ndAutex Conference, Bruges, Belgium, 2002, 464–473 7 P. Rosenberg, T. Budtova, M. Rom, P. Fardim, Effect of Enzymatic Treatment on Solubility of Cellulose in 7.6 % NaOH-Water and Ionic Liquid, ACS Symposium Series, Chapter 12, 2010, 213–226 8 G. Buschle-Diller, C. Fanter, F. Loth, Cellulose, 2 (1996) 3, 179–203 9 T. C. Ranjan, Handbook of Jute, vol. 3, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi 1973 10 K. P. Katuri, S. V. Mohen, S. Sridhar, B. R. Pati, P. N. Sarma, Water Resource, 43 (2009), 3647–365 11 K. M. Shojaei, F. Dadashian, M. Montazer, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 166 (2011) 3, 744–52 K. MOHAJERSHOJAEI, F. DADASHIAN: RECYCLING OF JUTE WASTES USING PULPZYME ENZYME 760 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 757–760 B. R. GNANASUNDARAM, M. NATARAJAN: INFLUENCES OF THE HEAT INPUT ON A 2205 DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL WELD INFLUENCES OF THE HEAT INPUT ON A 2205 DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL WELD VPLIV VNOSA TOPLOTE V ZVAR DUPLEKSNEGA NERJAVNEGA JEKLA 2205 Bansal Rajkumar Gnanasundaram1, Murugan Natarajan2 1United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India 2Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India bansalgnanasundaram@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-02-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-19 In arc welding, the energy is transferred from the electrode to the base metal via an electric arc. The energy transferred per unit length is measured as the heat input. The heat input is an important factor that influences the cooling rate and affects the metallurgical and mechanical properties of welds. In this study, the flux-cored arc-welding process was used to join duplex stainless steel. The experiment was conducted on the basis of a three-factor, five-level central composite rotatable design using the full-replication technique. A mathematical model was developed for the heat input. The effects of the welding-process parameters on the heat input are discussed. Metallographic techniques were employed to study the microstructure produced at low, medium, high and optimum heat-input conditions. Key words: heat input, FCAW, duplex stainless steel, microstructure Pri oblo~nem varjenju se energija prena{a iz elektrode na osnovno kovino z elektri~nim oblokom. Energija, prenesena na enoto dol`ine, se meri kot vnos toplote. Vnos toplote je pomemben faktor, ki vpliva na hitrost ohlajanja, na metalur{ke in mehanske lastnosti zvara. V tej {tudiji je bilo za spajanje dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla uporabljeno varjenje pod pra{kom. Eksperiment je bil izvr{en na osnovi treh faktorjev in petnivojske centralno vrtljive izvedbe s polno mo`nostjo ponovitve. Za vnos toplote je bil razvit matemati~ni model. Obravnavan je bil vpliv parametrov varilnega procesa na vnos toplote. Za {tudij mikrostrukture, nastale pri nizkem, srednjem, velikem in optimalnem vnosu toplote, so bili uporabljeni metalografski postopki. Klju~ne besede: vnos toplote, FCAW, dupleksno nerjavno jeklo, mikrostruktura 1 INTRODUCTION The flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) is widely used by industries because it produces welds with better and more consistent mechanical properties and fewer weld defects, it is a high-deposition-rate process and suitable for stainless steel. Generally, FCAW produces a stronger weldment than SMAW at room temperature.1 Duplex stainless steel (DSS) is widely used in industrial applica- tions due to its excellent corrosion resistance and its strength that is higher compared to types 316 and 317 of austenite stainless steel.2 It is a combination of 50 % austenitic and 50 % ferritic steels. In the present study, 2205 DSS was used as the base metal for the experiment and a diameter 1.2 mm (E2209T1-4/1) filler wire was used for depositing the metal. For the shielding purpose, a combination of 75 % argon plus 25 % CO2 was used as the welding gas for horizontal-position welding. 2205 DSS was procured from Outokumpu Stainless AB, Swe- den. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The FCAW setup available at the Welding Research Centre of Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT), Coimbatore, India was used to conduct the experiments. The welding setup consists of a power source, namely, INDARC 400 MMR, a unit feeding the filler wire with the shielding-gas-flow control, a welding gun and a welding manipulator that helps to deposit the filler metal on the desired area as shown in Figure 1. The selection of significant FCAW process parameters helps us to get the desired weld-bead quality.3 In accordance with the available literature, the welding current (I), the welding speed (S) and the open-circuit voltage (OCV) were taken as the significant process parameters. The trial runs were conducted by varying Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 761–763 761 UDK 621.791:669.14.018.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)761(2014) Figure 1: FCAW experimental setup Slika 1: Eksperimentalni sestav FCAW one process parameter while keeping the other two parameters constant. The working range was selected, by visual inspection, on the basis of the appearance of the weld bead with respect to how smooth and continuous it was, and with respect to the absence of defects like porosity, undercut, etc. The welding parameters and their levels are given in Table 1. The experiment was conducted as per the design matrix and 20 runs were made by varying the process variables as shown in Table 2. Table 1: Welding parameters and their factor levels Tabela 1: Parametri varjenja in faktorji njihovih nivojev S. No. Parameter/unit Factor level –1.682 –1 0 1 1.682 1 Weldingcurrent (A) 170 182 200 218 230 2 Welding speed(cm/min) 25 27 31 35 37 3 Open-circuitvoltage (V) 28 30 32 34 36 Table 2: Design matrix and the observed heat-input values Tabela 2: Postavitev matrice in opa`ene vrednosti vnosa toplote Sp. No. I/A S/(cm/min) OCV/V U/V HI/ (kJ/cm) 1 –1 –1 –1 28.7 9.87 2 1 –1 –1 24.35 10.03 3 –1 1 –1 27.75 7.36 4 1 1 –1 27.7 8.80 5 –1 –1 1 31.55 10.85 6 1 –1 1 31.35 12.91 7 –1 1 1 30.9 8.19 8 1 1 1 29.35 9.32 9 –1.682 0 0 31.25 8.74 10 1.682 0 0 31.8 12.03 11 0 –1.682 0 32 13.06 12 0 1.682 0 32.55 8.97 13 0 0 –1.682 24.7 8.13 14 0 0 1.682 34.5 11.35 15 0 0 0 32.85 10.81 16 0 0 0 32.25 10.61 17 0 0 0 31.75 10.45 18 0 0 0 29.4 9.67 19 0 0 0 30.6 10.07 20 0 0 0 27.45 9.03 3 DEVELOPMENT OF A REGRESSION MODEL FOR THE HEAT INPUT The heat input could not be measured directly; how- ever, with the help of the welding current, the arc voltage and the welding speed it could be calculated. The arc voltage was measured with the voltmeter of the welding transformer, the welding current was determined on the basis of the wire feed rate and the welding speed on the basis of the movement of the table. The heat input was calculated as the ratio of the power to the velocity of the heat source: HI = 60 UI /1000 S (1) where HI = heat input (kJ/cm), U = arc voltage (V), I = current (A), S = travel speed (cm/min) and  = arc effi- ciency accounting for the heat dissipation to the surrounding as a result of the convection and radiation (0.85). The observed heat-input values are shown in Table 2. The response function representing the parameters is expressed with the following equation: Y = f (X1, X2, X3) (2) where Y = heat input, X1 = current (I), X2 = speed (S) and X3 = open circuit voltage (V). The second-order polynomial equation represents the response for K factors given in equation:4 Y b b X b X X b Xi i I K ij i j ij K ii i I i j K = + + + = = = ≠ ∑ ∑ ∑0 1 1 2 1 (3) For the three factors, the above polynomial equation can be expressed as: Y = b0 + b1 I + b2 S+ b3 V+ b12 IS + b13 IV+ b23 SV+ + b11 I²+ b22 S²+ b33 V² (4) where b0 = free term, coefficients b1, b2, b3 = linear terms, coefficients b12, b13, b23 = interaction terms and coefficients b11, b22, b33 = quadratic terms. The deve- loped regression model in the coded form is given below; adequacy was checked with the ANOVA method. Heat input: HI = 10.213 + 0.756I – 1.235S + 0.778V – – 0.294V2 – 0.314SV (5) 4 RESULTS Figure 2 depicts the effects of the process parameters on the heat input. The welding speed shows a significant effect on the heat input. The heat input increases up to 12.67 kJ/cm with the lower welding speed of 25 cm/min and it gradually falls down to 8.52 kJ/cm at the higher B. R. GNANASUNDARAM, M. NATARAJAN: INFLUENCES OF THE HEAT INPUT ON A 2205 DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL WELD 762 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 761–763 Figure 2: Effects of process parameters on the heat input Slika 2: Vpliv parametrov procesa na vnos toplote welding speed of 37 cm/min. At the lower welding speed, the heat input per unit length of the weld is higher resulting in large heat-affected zones and causing a se- vere distortion. The heat input increases from 8.01 kJ/cm to 11.24 kJ/cm with the increasing welding current and open-circuit voltage. Obviously, the higher voltage and the higher current increase the discharge and elevate the heat input. In Figure 3a, the ferrite phase is shown in white color. The presence of a columnar dendrite structure represents a faster cooling rate due to the low heat-input condition.5 It is evident from Figure 3b that a vermicular structure is observed in the weld metal at the magni- fication of 400-times. The delta ferrite is pale yellow, the austenitic regions are greenish blue, and the final-soli- dification regions are bluish. In Figure 3c, the micro- structure reveals the presence of ferrite (white) and austenite (dark). The coarse austenite grains found in the microstructure may be due to the higher heat input during the welding. 5 CONCLUSION At the higher welding speed, the heat input per unit length of the weld decreases. A higher heat input reduces the weld quality and in- creases the distortion. The microstructure study reveals the morphology of 2205 DSS welds at various heat-input conditions. 6 REFERENCES 1 Z. Zhang, A. W. Marshall, G. B. Holloway, Flux cored arc welding: the high productivity welding process for P91 steels, Proceedings of the 3rd conference on advances in materials technology for fossil power plants, The Institute of Materials, University of Wales Swansea, London, 2001, 267–282 2 I. Alvarez-Armas, Duplex Stainless Steels: Brief History and Some Recent Alloys, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 1 (2008), 51–57 3 K. Y. Benyounis, A. G. Olabi, Optimization of different welding processes using statistical and numerical approaches – A reference guide, Adva. Engg. Software, 39 (2008), 483–496 4 K. M. Carley, Response surface methodology, CASOS Technical Re- port, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004 5 J. Elmer, S. M. Allen, T. W. Eagar, Microstructural development during solidification of stainless steel alloys, Metallurgical Tran- sactions A, 20A (1989), 2117–2131 B. R. GNANASUNDARAM, M. NATARAJAN: INFLUENCES OF THE HEAT INPUT ON A 2205 DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL WELD Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 761–763 763 Figure 3: Microstructure of the weld metal zone at different conditions: a) low heat input (HI = 7.36 kJ/cm), b) medium heat input (HI = 10.45 kJ/cm), c) high heat input (HI = 13.06 kJ/cm); magnification: 400-times Slika 3: Mikrostruktura zvara v razli~nih razmerah: a) nizek vnos toplote (HI = 7,36 kJ/cm), b) srednji vnos toplote (HI = 10,45 kJ/cm), c) visok vnos toplote (HI = 13,06 kJ/cm); pove~ava 400-kratna I. GUNES: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BORIDED COLD-WORK TOOL STEEL TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BORIDED COLD-WORK TOOL STEEL TRIBOLO[KO VEDENJE IN KARAKTERIZACIJA BORIRANEGA ORODNEGA JEKLA ZA DELO V HLADNEM Ibrahim Gunes Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Afyon Kocatepe University, 03200 Afyonkarahisar, Turkey igunes@aku.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-08-20; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-19 In the present study, tribological and characterization properties of the borides formed on cold-work tool steel were investigated. Boriding was performed in a solid medium consisting of Ekabor-II powders at 850 °C and 950 °C for 2 h and 6 h. The boride layer was characterized with light microscopy, X-ray diffraction technique and a micro-Vickers hardness tester. An X-ray diffraction analysis of the boride layers on the surface of the steel revealed the existence of FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B and MoB compounds. Depending on the chemical compositions of the substrates and the boriding time, the boride-layer thickness on the surface of the steel ranged from 13.14 μm to 120.82 μm. The hardness of the boride compounds formed on the surface of the steel ranged from 1806 HV0.05 to 2342 HV0.05, whereas the Vickers-hardness value of the untreated steel was 428 HV0.05. The wear tests were carried out in a ball-disc arrangement under a dry friction condition at room temperature with an applied load of 10 N and with a sliding speed of 0.25 m/s at a sliding distance of 1000 m. The wear surfaces of the steel were analyzed using SEM microscopy and X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). It was observed that the wear rate of the unborided and borided cold-work tool steels ranged from 11.28 mm3/(N m) to 116.54 mm3/(N m). Keywords: cold-work tool steel, boriding, microhardness, wear rate, friction coefficient V tej {tudiji so bile preiskovane tribolo{ke in druge zna~ilne lastnosti boridov, nastalih na orodnem jeklu za delo v hladnem. Boriranje je bilo izvr{eno v trdnem mediju, ki ga je sestavljal prah Ekabor-II pri 850 °C in 950 °C v 2 h in 6 h. Boriran sloj je bil preiskan s svetlobno mikroskopijo, rentgensko difrakcijo in izmerjena je bila Vickersova mikrotrdota. Rentgenska difrakcija boriranega sloja na povr{ini jekla je potrdila prisotnost spojin FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B in MoB. Odvisno od kemijske sestave podlage in ~asa boriranja je bila debelina boriranega sloja na povr{ini jekla med 13,14 μm in 120,82 μm. Trdota boridov, nastalih na povr{ini jekla, je bila v razponu od 1806 HV0,05 do 2342 HV0,05, medtem ko je bila Vickersova trdota neobdelanega jekla 428 HV0,05. Preizkusi obrabe so bili izvr{eni na napravi krogla-disk pri suhem trenju pri sobni temperaturi z uporabljeno obte`bo 10 N, hitrostjo drsenja 0,25 m/s in pri razdalji drsenja 1000 m. Povr{ina z obrabo je bila analizirana s SEM-mikro- skopijo in energijsko disperzijsko spektroskopijo rentgenskih `arkov (EDS). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je hitrost obrabe neboriranega in boriranega orodnega jekla za delo v hladnem v razponu od 11,28 mm3/(N m) do 116,54 mm3/(N m). Klju~ne besede: orodno jeklo za delo v hladnem, boriranje, mikrotrdota, hitrost obrabe, koeficient trenja 1 INTRODUCTION Industrial boriding processes can be applied to a wide range of steel alloys including carbon steel, low and high-alloy steel, tool steel and stainless steel. Cold-work tool steels have a wide range of applications. Therefore, there has been an extensive research on the development of surface-treatment processes to improve the wear resistance, corrosion and oxidation resistance of the cold-work tool steels for high-temperature and high- pressure applications in recent years.1–7 Boriding is a thermochemical surface treatment, in which boron atoms diffuse into the surface of a workpiece to form borides with the base material.8,9 The main advantages of this technique are a high resistance to abrasion wear and a high oxidation resistance when compared with the other conventional surface treatments. The thermal diffusion treatments of boron compounds used to form iron borides typically require the process temperatures of 700 °C and 1000 °C. The process can be carried out in a solid, liquid, gaseous or plasma medium.10–14 In recent years, the boriding treatment has been used for a wide range of applications in industries such as the manufacture of machine parts for plastics, food pro- cessing, packaging and tooling, as well as pumps and hydraulic machine parts, crankshafts, rolls and heavy gears, motor and car constructions, cold- and hot-work- ing dies and cutting tools. The wear behavior of borided steels has been evaluated by a number of investiga- tors.15–20 However, there is no information about the friction and wear behavior of the borided cold-work tool steel. The main objective of this study was to investigate the friction and wear behavior of the borided cold-work tool steel. Structural and tribological properties were investigated using light microscopy, XRD, SEM, EDS, microhardness tests and a ball-on-disc tribotester. 2 EXPERIMENTAL METHOD 2.1 Boriding and characterization The high-alloy cold-work tool steel essentially contained mass fractions 0.90 % C, 0.50 % Mn, 7.80 % Cr, 2.50 % Mo and 0.50 % V. The test specimens were cut into the cylinders with the dimensions of ø 25 mm × 10 mm, ground up to 1200 G and polished using a dia- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 765–769 765 UDK 539.92:669.14:621.793/.795 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)765(2014) mond solution. The boriding heat treatment was carried out in a solid medium containing an Ekabor-II powder mixture placed in an electrical-resistance furnace operated at the temperatures of 850 °C and 950 °C for 2 h and 6 h under atmospheric pressure. Following the completion of the boriding process, the test specimens were removed from the sealed stainless-steel container and allowed to cool down in still air. The microstructures of the polished and etched cross-sections of the speci- mens were observed with a Nikon MA100 light micro- scope. The presence of the borides formed in the coating layer was confirmed by means of X-ray diffraction equipment (Shimadzu XRD 6000) using Cu K radia- tion. The hardness measurements of the boride layer for each steel type and the unborided steel substrate were made on the cross-sections using a Shimadzu HMV-2 Vickers indenter with a load 50 g. 2.2 Friction and wear To perform the friction and wear tests of the borided samples, a ball-on-disc test device was used. In the wear tests, WC-Co balls of 8 mm in diameter supplied by H. C. Starck Ceramics GmbH were used. The errors caused by a distortion of the surface were eliminated using a separate abrasion element (WC-Co ball) for each test. The wear experiments were carried out in a ball-disc arrangement under a dry friction condition at room temperature with an applied load of 10 N and with the sliding speed of 0.25 m/s at a sliding distance of 1000 m. Before and after each wear test, each sample and the abrasion element were cleaned with alcohol. After the tests, the wear volumes of the samples were quantified by multiplying the cross-sectional areas of the wear by the width of the wear track obtained from a Taylor- Hobson Rugosimeter Surtronic 25 device. The wear rate was calculated with the following formula: Wk /(mm 3/(N m)) = Wv /M · S (1) where Wk is the wear rate, Wv is the wear volume, M is the applied load and S is the sliding distance. The fric- tion coefficients depending on the sliding distance were obtained through a friction-coefficient program. The surface profiles of the wear tracks on the samples and the surface roughness were measured with the Taylor- Hobson Rugosimeter Surtronic 25. The worn surfaces were investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Characterization of boride coatings Light micrographs of the cross-sections of the cold-work tool steel borided at the temperatures of 850 °C and 950 °C for 2 h and 6 h are shown in Figure 1. As can be seen, the borides formed on the cold-work tool-steel substrate have a smooth morphology due to the high-alloy content. It was found that the coating/matrix interface and the matrix could be significantly distinguished and that the boride layer had a columnar structure. Depending on the chemical compositions of the substrates and the boriding time, the boride-layer thickness on the surface of the steel ranged from 13.14 μm to 120.82 μm. In this study, the presence of borides was identified using an XRD analysis (Figure 2). The XRD patterns show that the boride layer consists of the borides such as AB and A2B (A = metal: Fe, Cr). The XRD results showed that the boride layers formed on the steel con- tained the FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B and MoB compounds (Figure 2). The microhardness measurements were carried out along a line between the surface and the interior in order to see the variations in the boride-layer hardness, the transition zone and the matrix, respectively. The microhardness of the boride layers was measured at 10 different locations at the same distance from the surface, and the average value was taken as the hardness result. The microhardness measurements were carried out on the cross-sections, along a line between the surface and the interior (Figure 3). The hardness of the boride compounds formed on the surface of the steel ranged from 1806 HV0.05 to 2342 HV0.05, whereas the Vickers-hardness value of the untreated steel was 428 HV0.05. When the hardness of the boride layer is compared with the matrix, the boride-layer hardness is approximately four times greater than that of the matrix. 3.2 Friction and wear behavior Table 1 shows the surface-roughness values of the borided and unborided cold-work tool steels. The sur- face-roughness values of the unborided and borided cold-work tool steels varied from 0.12 to 0.54, as can be seen in Table 1. It was observed for the cold-work tool I. GUNES: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BORIDED COLD-WORK TOOL STEEL 766 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 765–769 Figure 1: Cross-sections of borided cold-work tool steel: a) 850 °C, 2 h, b) 850 °C, 6 h, c) 950 °C, 2 h, d) 950 °C, 6 h Slika 1: Prerez boriranega orodnega jekla za delo v hladnem: a) 850 °C, 2 h, b) 850 °C, 6 h, c) 950 °C, 2 h, d) 950 °C, 6 h steel that the surface-roughness values increased with the boriding treatment and time. Gunes18 studied plasma- paste-borided AISI 8620 steel and reported that the surface-roughness values increased with an increase in the boriding temperature. On the other hand, the friction coefficients of the unborided and borided cold-work tool steels varied from 0.38 to 0.65, as can be seen in Table 2. With the boriding treatment, a slight reduction was observed in the friction coefficients of the borided steels. I. GUNES: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BORIDED COLD-WORK TOOL STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 765–769 767 Figure 2: X-ray diffraction patterns of borided cold-work tool steel: a) 850 °C, 2 h, b) 850 °C, 6 h, c) 950 °C, 2 h, d) 950 °C, 6 h Slika 2: Rentgenska difrakcija boriranega orodnega jekla za delo v hladnem: a) 850 °C, 2 h, b) 850 °C, 6 h, c) 950 °C, 2 h, d) 950 °C, 6 h Figure 4: Wear rate of unborided and borided cold-work tool steels Slika 4: Obraba neboriranega in boriranega orodnega jekla za delo v hladnem Figure 3: Variation of the hardness depth for borided steel Slika 3: Spreminjanje trdote po globini boriranega jekla Table 1: Surface roughness values for unborided and borided steels Tabela 1: Vrednosti za hrapavost povr{ine neboriranega in boriranega jekla Unborided Borided 850 °C,2 h 850 °C,6 h 950 °C,2 h 950 °C,6 h 0.12 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.54 Table 2: Friction coefficients for unborided and borided steels Tabela 2: Koeficient trenja za neborirano in borirano jeklo Unborided Borided 850 °C,2 h 850 °C,6 h 950 °C,2 h 950 °C, 6 h 0.65 0.38 0.41 0.48 0.56 I. GUNES: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BORIDED COLD-WORK TOOL STEEL 768 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 765–769 Figure 6: SEM micrographs and EDS analysis of the wear surfaces of borided steel: a) 850 °C, 2 h, b) 850 °C, 6 h, c) 950 °C, 2 h, d) 950 °C, 6 h, e) EDS Slika 6: SEM-posnetki in EDS-analiza obrabljene povr{ine na boriranem jeklu: a) 850 °C, 2 h, b) 850 °C, 6 h, c) 950 °C, 2 h, d) 950 °C, 6 h, e) EDS Figure 5: a) SEM micrograph and b) EDS analysis of the wear surfaces of unborided steel Slika 5: a) SEM-posnetek in b) EDS-analiza obrabljenih povr{in na neboriranem jeklu Figure 4 shows the wear rate of the unborided and borided cold-work tool steels. The reductions in the wear rates of the borided steels were observed with respect to the unborided steels. Due to the toughness of the FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B and MoB phases, these steels showed a larger resistance to wear. The lowest wear rate was obtained for the steel borided at 950 °C for 6 h, while the highest wear rate was obtained for the unborided steel. The wear test results indicated that the wear resistance of borided steels increased considerably with the boriding treatment. It is well known that the hardness of the bo- ride layer plays an important role in the improvement of the wear resistance. As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the relationship between the surface microhardness and the wear resistance of borided samples also confirms that the wear resistance was improved with an increased hard- ness. This is in agreement with the reports of the pre- vious studies.20–23 When the wear rate of the borided steel is compared with the unborided steel, the wear rate of the borided steel (950 °C, 6 h) is approximately nine times lower than that of the unborided steel. SEM micrographs of the worn surfaces of the unbo- rided and borided cold-work tool steels are in Figures 5 and 6. Figure 5a shows a SEM micrograph of the wear surface of the unborided steel. In the wear region of the unborided steel, deeper and wider wear scars, debris, surface grooves and cracks can be observed on its surface. Figure 5b shows an EDS analysis obtained from Figure 5a (point A). Fe-based oxide layers formed as a result of the wear test. Figure 6 shows SEM micrographs of the wear surfaces of the borided cold-work tool steel. In Figure 6a, the worn surface of the borided steel is rougher, and coarser wear debris is present. There are microcracks, a delamination layer and wear, grooves, cracks and abrasive particles on the worn surfaces of the boride coatings (Figures 6a to 6d). In the wear region of the borided cold-work tool steel there are cavities, probably formed as a result of the layer fatigue (Figure 6) and cracks formed due to the delamination wear. Figure 6e shows an EDS analysis obtained from Figure 6c (point B). The Fe-based oxide layers formed as a result of the wear test. The spallation of the oxide layers in the sliding direction and their orientation along the wear track were identified. When the SEM image of the worn surface of the unborided sample in Figure 5a is examined, it can be seen that the wear marks are larger and deeper. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, the wear behavior and some of the mechanical properties of the borides on the surface of the borided cold-work tool steel were investigated. Some of the conclusions can be drawn as follows: • Boride types formed on the surface of the cold-work tool steel have a smooth morphology. • The boride-layer thickness on the surface of the cold-work tool steel was between 13.14–120.82 μm, depending on the chemical compositions of the substrates. • The multiphase boride coatings that were thermoche- mically grown on the cold-work tool steel were con- stituted of the FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B and MoB phases. • The surface hardness for the borided steel was in the range of 1806–2342 HV0.05, while for the untreated steel substrate, it was 428 HV0.05. • The lowest wear rate was obtained for the steel bo- rided at 950 °C for 6 h, while the highest wear rate was obtained for the unborided steel. • The wear rate of the borided steel was found to be approximately nine times lower than the wear rate of the unborided steel. 5 REFERENCES 1 A. K. Sinha, B. P. Division, Boriding (Boronising) of Steels, ASM Handbook, Vol. 4, J. Heat Treating, ASM International, 1991, 437–447 2 C. Bindal, A. H. Ucisik, Surface and Coatings Technology, 122 (1999), 208 3 A. G. von Matuschka, Boronizing, Heyden and Son Inc., Philadel- phia, USA 1980, 11 4 N. Ucar, O. B. Aytar, A. Calik, Mater. Tehnol., 46 (2012) 6, 621–625 5 I. Ozbek, S. Sen, M. Ipek, C. Bindal, S. Zeytin, A. H. Ucisik, Va- cuum, 73 (2004), 643 6 I. Gunes, Sadhana, 38 (2013), 527 7 S. Ulker, I. Gunes, S. Taktak, Indian Journal Eng. Mater. Sci., 18 (2011), 370 8 Y. Sun, T. Bell, G. Wood, Wear, 178 (1994), 131 9 K. Genel, Vacuum, 80 (2006), 451 10 I. Celikyurek, B. Baksan, O. Torun, R. Gurler, Intermetallics, 14 (2006), 136 11 I. Uslu, H. Comert, M. Ipek, O. Ozdemir, C. Bindal, Materials and Design, 28 (2007), 55 12 J. H. Yoon, Y. K. Jee, S. Y. Lee, Surface and Coatings Technology, 112 (1999), 71 13 M. Hudáková, M. Kusý, V. Sedlická, P. Grga~, Mater. Tehnol., 41 (2007) 2, 81–84 14 I. Gunes, S. Ulker, S. Taktak, Materials and Design, 32 (2011), 2380 15 C. Bindal, A. H. Ucisik, Vacuum, 82 (2008), 90 16 O. Ozdemir, M. A. Omar, M. Usta, S. Zeytin, C. Bindal, A. H. Uci- sik, Vacuum, 83 (2009), 175 17 T. Eyre, Wear, 34 (1975), 383 18 I. Gunes, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 29 (2013), 662 19 S. Taktak, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (2006), 2230 20 M. Ulutan, M. M. Yildirim, O. N. Celik, S. Buytoz, Tribology Let- ters, 38 (2010), 231 21 E. Atýk, U. Yunker, C. Meric, Tribology International, 36 (2003), 155 22 C. Li, B. Shen, G. Li, C. Yang, Surface and Coatings Technology, 202 (2008), 5882 23 I. Ozbek, C. Bindal, Vacuum, 86 (2011), 391 I. GUNES: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BORIDED COLD-WORK TOOL STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 765–769 769 M. VODÌROVÁ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURES OF THE Al-Fe-Cu-X ALLOYS PREPARED AT VARIOUS ... MICROSTRUCTURES OF THE Al-Fe-Cu-X ALLOYS PREPARED AT VARIOUS SOLIDIFICATION RATES MIKROSTRUKTURA ZLITIN Al-Fe-Cu-X PO RAZLI^NIH HITROSTIH STRJEVANJA Milena Vodìrová, Pavel Novák, Filip Prù{a, Dalibor Vojtìch Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic voderovm@vscht.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-08-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-08 Aluminium alloys are usually prepared with conventional casting, but rapid-solidification methods lead to the alloys with better mechanical properties or thermal stability. When an improved thermal stability is required, aluminium is alloyed with one or more of the elements from the group of transition metals (TM), for example, Ni, Fe, Cr or Ti. These elements are characterized by a low diffusivity and solubility in aluminium even at elevated temperatures, while Cu in an alloy forms a CuAl2 phase that enables precipitation hardening. In this work, the microstructures of the Al-7Fe-4Cu, Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni and Al-7Fe-4Cu-3Cr (mass fraction, w/%) alloys prepared with various solidification processes were investigated. The aim of this work was to determine the changes in the microstructure caused by the increasing solidification rate and to determine the influence of the copper present in each alloy. All the samples were prepared with single-roll melt spinning, water quenching of the melt and conventional casting. The microstructures of the alloys were studied with light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The phase composition was determined with X- ray diffraction (XRD). Vickers hardness (HV 5) and microhardness (HV 0.005) were measured to compare the mechanical properties of the alloys. The microstructure and the hardness of the alloys strongly depended on the solidification rate. The fine microstructure and high microhardness values obtained with melt spinning are promising for the use of these alloys in special applications at elevated temperatures. Keywords: aluminium alloy, rapid solidification, melt spinning, transition metals, microstructure Zlitine aluminija se najpogosteje izdelujejo z navadnim ulivanjem, vendar pa metode hitrega strjevanja povzro~ijo nastanek zlitin z bolj{imi mehanskimi lastnostmi ali toplotno stabilnostjo. Kadar se zahteva toplotna stabilnost, se aluminij legira z enim ali dvema elementoma iz skupine prehodnih kovin (TM), na primer: Ni, Fe, Cr ali Ti. Zna~ilno za te elemente je majhna difuziv- nost in topnost v aluminiju celo pri povi{anih temperaturah, medtem ko Cu v zlitini tvori fazo CuAl2, ki omogo~a izlo~evalno utrjanje. V tem delu so preiskovane mikrostrukture zlitin Al-7Fe-4Cu, Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni in Al-7Fe-4Cu-3Cr (masni dele`i, w/%), pripravljenih z razli~nimi postopki strjevanja. Namen tega dela je bil opredeliti razlike v mikrostrukturi, ki jih povzro~i pove~anje hitrosti strjevanja, in opredeliti vpliv bakra v vsaki od navedenih zlitin. Vsi vzorci so bili pripravljeni z ulivanjem tankega traku na bakren valj, z ohlajanjem v vodi in z navadnim ulivanjem. Mikrostruktura zlitin je bila pregledana s svetlobnim mikroskopom in z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Sestava faz je bila dolo~ena z rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD). Trdota HV 5 in mikrotrdota HV 0,005 sta bili izmerjeni za primerjavo z mehanskimi lastnostmi zlitin. Mikrostruktura in trdota zlitin sta mo~no odvisni od hitrosti strjevanja. Drobnozrnata mikrostruktura in velika mikrotrdota, dobljeni z ulivanjem na valj iz bakra, sta obetajo~i za uporabo teh zlitin v posebnih primerih pri povi{anih temperaturah. Klju~ne besede: zlitina aluminija, hitro strjevanje, ulivanje na bakreni valj, prehodne kovine, mikrostruktura 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium alloys processed with the conventional technologies, such as casting and forming, are widely used in many technical branches such as the aerospace and automotive industries. The main advantages of alu- minium alloys are price, good strength-to-weight ratio, good castability, formability or the ability of precipita- tion hardening. However, the mechanical properties of traditional alloys made of Zn, Mg or Cu strongly degrade at elevated temperatures, which means that their appli- cation is then limited to 150–200 °C. One way of improving the thermal stability of aluminium alloys is to use the elements from the transition metals group (TM). Transition metals, such as Ni, Fe, Cr or Mo, are charac- terized by a low diffusivity and solubility in aluminium even at elevated temperatures and they are able to stabi- lize the materials properties up to relatively high tempe- ratures (about 400 °C). Cu is used as an alloying element to increase both the strength and the hardness due to the CuAl2 phase that allows precipitation hardening of the material.1 Conventional casting processes produce the alloys containing coarse particles of hard and brittle Al-TM intermetallic phases, degrading the mechanical properties.2 Therefore, it is desirable to keep these alloy- ing elements dissolved in the matrix or in the finely dispersed intermetallic particles. A fine microstructure can be obtained by increasing the solidification rate, e.g., by atomisation or melt spinning.3,4 The alloying elements mentioned above are often the contaminants of Al scrap. In recent years, the consump- tion of aluminium alloys in engineering has been rising, causing the problems of recycling and waste disposal. Al scrap is never only pure aluminium, but it is mixed with steel, cast iron, copper alloys, etc. Parts of ferromagnetic iron-based alloys can be separated using magnetic sepa- ration. The other way is to dilute the melt with pure alu- minium, but this technique increases the cost of recycled aluminium alloys. In general, the transition elements Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 771–775 771 UDK 669.715:621.74.046 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)771(2014) included, e.g., in the austenitic-stainless-steel admixtures in Al scrap are very difficult and costly to remove. We would like to develop a new way of preparing the alloys with interesting mechanical properties and a thermal sta- bility using this contaminated Al scrap. The manufac- tured alloys would have better properties such as hard- ness, thermal stability and ductility associated with the low density. Due to the mentioned properties these alloys could be able to replace titanium alloys in some appli- cations, while their price and density would be lower. This work describes the microstructure and properties of the Al-Fe-Cu-X alloys prepared at various cooling rates. These alloys simulate the real alloys originating from melting the contaminated Al scrap. The alloys with the mentioned chemical composition have not been stu- died yet; there are only a few studies dealing with the microstructures of the rapidly solidified ternary alloys or systems of the quasicrystal chemical compositions.1,5–8 2 MELT-SPINNING PRINCIPLES Atomization of a melt with an inert gas or water produces the powders that solidify with the rate ranging from 102–104 K s–1. Melt spinning allows even higher cooling rates (104–106 K s–1). In this process, a molten alloy is ejected on a high-speed rotating metallic wheel. The alloy solidifies rapidly in contact with the wheel. This method produces thin ribbons, whose thickness varies in the order of ten micrometres. Due to rapid-soli- dification processes transition metals can be added to aluminium even above their equilibrium-solubility limits. Increased solidification rates lead to the formation of supersaturated solid solutions and fine particles of metastable and stable intermetallic phases. The amounts of intermetallic phases are reduced and the shape is usually spherical. The slow decomposition of a super- saturated solution containing transition metals at higher temperatures can lead to the precipitation strengthening of the material. The layout of the melt-spinning process is shown in Figure 1.3 To obtain a bulk material, the rapid-solidification process is associated with the compaction of the RS product. At first, the powder has to be milled, e.g., by cryogenic milling, to obtain a metallic powder with a well-preserved fine microstructure The most suitable technology is hot extrusion or e.g., hot isostatic pressing (HIP) or spark plasma sintering (SPS).9–11 3 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Alloys with the chemical compositions of Al-7Fe-4Cu, Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr and Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni were prepared by melting the master alloy Al-11Fe (w/%) with the additions of pure Cu, Cr and Ni in an elec- tric-resistance furnace in a graphite crucible and then poured into a brass mould. The second series was pre- pared by remelting the alloy and subsequent water quenching. The third series was prepared with single-roll melt spinning. The melting was carried out under an argon protective atmosphere and the temperature of the melt was 950 °C. The material was melted in a quartz- glass nozzle and then poured onto a copper wheel using overpressured argon. The circumferential speed of the wheel was 30 m s–1. The process yielded aluminium- alloy ribbons approximately 40 μm thick. The metallo- graphic cuts of the investigated alloys were etched in Kroll’s reagent (10 mL HF, 5 mL HNO3 and 85 mL H2O) and investigated with an Olympus PME3 light micro- scope and a TESCAN VEGA 3 LMU scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an Oxford Instruments INCA 350 EDS analyser. The phase composition was determined with X- ray diffraction (XRD, PANalytical X’Pert Pro). The mechanical properties of the investi- gated alloys were examined with Vickers-hardness measurements with the 5 kg (HV 5) and 0.005 kg (HV 0.005) loads. The microhardness was measured using a Neophot 2 light microscope equipped with a Hanemann microhardness tester. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Microstructure The microstructures of the aluminium alloys prepared by conventional casting into a brass mould are shown in Figures 2 to 4. It is obvious that the microstructure obtained after the conventional casting is composed of an inhomogeneous material with large amounts of coarse and brittle binary intermetallic phases Al13Fe4 and CuAl2 and ternary phase Al23CuFe4 in the solid solution of the alloying elements in aluminium. Moreover, the nickel-alloyed material contains Al4Ni3, Al7Cu4Ni and Al75Ni10Fe15 as well. Figures 5 to 7 show the microstructures of the alloys prepared by melting at 1000 °C and then water quenched. Intermetallic phases Al13Fe4 and CuAl2 become finer due M. VODÌROVÁ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURES OF THE Al-Fe-Cu-X ALLOYS PREPARED AT VARIOUS ... 772 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 771–775 Figure 1: Melt-spinning principles Slika 1: Shematski prikaz ulivanja na bakreni valj M. VODÌROVÁ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURES OF THE Al-Fe-Cu-X ALLOYS PREPARED AT VARIOUS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 771–775 773 Figure 7: Microstructure of the water-quenched Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni (SEM) Slika 7: Mikrostruktura Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni po ohlajanju v vodi (SEM) Figure 4: Microstructure of the as-cast Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni (SEM) Slika 4: Strjevalna struktura Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni (SEM) Figure 5: Microstructure of the water-quenched Al-7Fe-4Cu (SEM) Slika 5: Mikrostruktura Al-7Fe-4Cu po ohlajanju v vodi (SEM) Figure 2: Microstructure of the as-cast Al-7Fe-4Cu (SEM) Slika 2: Strjevalna struktura Al-7Fe-4Cu (SEM) Figure 3: Microstructure of the as-cast Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr (SEM) Slika 3: Strjevalna struktura Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr (SEM) Figure 6: Microstructure of the water-quenched Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr (SEM) Slika 6: Mikrostruktura Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr po ohlajanju v vodi (SEM) to a more intensive cooling and the amount of the intermetallics in the microstructure is decreasing. In Al-7Fe-4Cu, quasicrystalline Al65Cu20Fe15 is formed instead of a stable Al23CuFe4. On the other hand, no quasicrystalline phases were detected in the water-quenched Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr, but Al13Cr2 occurred in the microstructure. No differences in the phase compo- sition of the alloy containing nickel in the as-cast and water-quenched states were detected. The microstructures of the rapidly solidified alloys in the longitudinal cuts are documented in Figures 8 to 10. It is evident that the microstructure of a prepared ribbon is strongly dependent on the distance from the cooling wheel. On the wheel side, which is cooled more inten- sely, a supersaturated solid solution with nanocrystalline intermetallics is formed. On the free side, fine spherical intermetallic particles are formed. The saturation of the solution decreases when moving the ribbon from the wheel side to the free side. The amounts of the Al13Fe4 and CuAl2 phases are negligible; instead of them, metastable phases Al4Ni3, Al75Ni10Fe15, Al23CuFe4 or Al7Cu4Ni and quasicrystalline phase Al65Cu20Fe15, are formed.12–14 The phase compositions of all the samples M. VODÌROVÁ et al.: MICROSTRUCTURES OF THE Al-Fe-Cu-X ALLOYS PREPARED AT VARIOUS ... 774 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 771–775 Figure 12: XRD patterns of the Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr prepared with diffe- rent methods Slika 12: XRD-posnetki Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr, izdelane po razli~nih me- todah Figure 10: Microstructure of the rapidly solidified Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni (SEM) Slika 10: Mikrostruktura hitro strjenega traku iz Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni (SEM) Figure 11: XRD patterns of the Al-7Fe-4Cu prepared with different methods Slika 11: XRD-posnetki Al-7Fe-4Cu, izdelane po razli~nih metodah Figure 9: Microstructure of the rapidly solidified Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr (SEM) Slika 9: Mikrostruktura hitro strjenega traku iz Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Cr (SEM) Figure 8: Microstructure of the rapidly solidified Al-7Fe-4Cu (SEM) Slika 8: Mikrostruktura hitro strjenega traku iz Al-7Fe-4Cu (SEM) are summarized in Figures 11 to 13. The phase composi- tion, the amounts of intermetallics and the particle size are inevitably dependent on the solidification rate. 4.2 Hardness measurement The Vickers hardness of the as-cast and water- quenched samples was measured with a 5 kg load. The microhardness of the rapidly solidified alloys was measured with a 5 g load because of the low thickness of the produced ribbons. The microhardness of the rapidly solidified alloys was measured in the centre of a ribbon to avoid the influence of the epoxy resin surrounding the sample. The measurement results are shown in Figure 14. It is obvious that the hardness increases with the increasing solidification rate. The as-cast alloys consist of large sharp-edged particles of the intermetallics that have a negative effect on the hardness. A decrease in the particle size and the strengthening caused by the pre- sence of the supersaturated solutions are the main expla- nations of the increased hardness. 5 CONCLUSIONS This work focused on a comparison of the micro- structures of the Al-Cu-Fe-X alloys prepared at various solidification rates. The microstructures of the alloys prepared with traditional casting and water quenching are considerably inhomogeneous. There are large amounts of coarse Al13Fe4 and CuAl2 intermetallic phases in the aluminium matrix. The amount of interme- tallics decreases and the particles become finer, if the solidification rate increases. In the rapidly solidified alloys, the amounts of Al13Fe4 and CuAl2 are limited because these phases are replaced by metastable and quasicrystalline intermetallics. The microstructures of RS alloys consist of aluminium supersaturated with transition metals and spherical intermetallics. The hard- ness of the investigated materials is hardly dependent on the cooling rate; higher values were reached for very fine materials. Acknowledgement This research was financially supported by the Czech Science Foundation, within project No. P108/12/G043. 6 REFERENCES 1 S. J. Andersen, Materials Science and Engineering A, 179–180 (1994), 665–668 2 P. Jur~i, M. Dománková, M. Hudáková, B. [u{tar{i~, Mater. Tehnol., 41 (2007) 6, 283–287 3 D. Vojtìch, J. Verner, B. Bártová, K. Saksl, Metal Powder Report, 61 (2006), 32–35 4 D. Vojtìch, B. Bártová, J. Verner, J. [erák, Chemické listy, 98 (2004), 180–184 5 J. Q. Guo, N. S. Kazama, Materials Science and Engineering A, 232 (1997) 1–2, 177–182 6 E. Huttunen-Saarivirta, J. Vuorinen, Intermetallics, 13 (2005), 885–895 7 G. Rosas, J. Reyes-Gasga, R. Pérez, Materials Characterization, 58 (2007), 765–770 8 D. J. Sordelet, M. F. Besser, J. L. Logsdon, Materials Science and Engineering A, 255 (1998), 54–65 9 N. L. Loh, K. Y. 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Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 771–775 775 Figure 14: Hardness and microhardness measurements Slika 14: Izmerjene trdote in mikrotrdote Figure 13: XRD patterns of the Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni prepared with diffe- rent methods Slika 13: XRD-posnetki Al-4Fe-4Cu-3Ni, izdelane po razli~nih me- todah D. KYTÝØ et al.: ASSESSMENT OF THE POST-IMPACT DAMAGE PROPAGATION IN ... ASSESSMENT OF THE POST-IMPACT DAMAGE PROPAGATION IN A CARBON-FIBRE COMPOSITE UNDER CYCLIC LOADING OCENA NAPREDOVANJA PO[KODBE PO UDARCU PRI PONAVLJAJO^IH SE OBREMENITVAH KOMPOZITA Z OGLJIKOVIMI VLAKNI Daniel Kytýø1, Tomá{ Fíla2, Jan [leichrt2, Tomá{ Doktor1, Martin [perl1 1Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prosecká 76, 190 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic 2Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Department of Mechanics and Materials, Konviktská 20, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic kytyr@itam.cas.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-11-11 Carbon fibre in polyphenylene sulfide composites (C/PPS) became a popular material in the aircraft industry but its fragility and low impact resistance limits its application in primary aircraft structures. This study is focused on damage propagation in the laminated composites reinforced with carbon fibres. The damage may be inflicted during the ground maintenance, by an inflight bird strike or during a flight in severe meteorological conditions (heavy storms). The initial damage was created by a drop-weight out-of-plane impact using a spherical indenter. The response of the material was analysed by monitoring the impacted zones and their propagation history. The influenced area and specimen thickness in the centres of indents were chosen as the degradation parameters. The post-impact damage propagation induced by cyclic loading was assessed using a custom-designed computer-controlled laser-profilometery device. Both the upper and lower profiles of the specimen were scanned during the interruptions of the fatigue test. Global deformation was described with an analytically determined centroidal-axis curve. Local topography changes were obtained with a subtraction of this curve. Surface-deformation maps were created and used for a demonstration of the damage propagation in the specimen. Keywords: carbon-fibre composites, post-impact damage, laser profilometry Ogljikova vlakna v kompozitih iz polifenilen sulfida (C/PPS) so postala priljubljen material v letalski industriji, toda njihova krhkost in slaba odpornost proti udarcem omejujeta njihovo uporabo v primarnih letalskih konstrukcijah. Ta raziskava se osredinja na napredovanje po{kodbe na laminiranih kompozitih, oja~anih z ogljikovimi vlakni. Po{kodba lahko nastane med vzdr`evanjem na tleh, pri tr~enju s ptico med letom ali med letom v hudih vremenskih razmerah (huda nevihta). Za~etna po{kodba je bila narejena z udarno pregibnim preizkusom s kroglastim vtiskovalcem. Odziv materiala je bil analiziran z opazovanjem obmo~ij udarca in potekom napredovanja. Prizadeto obmo~je in debelina vzorca v podro~ju vtiska sta bila izbrana kot parametra degradacije. Napredovanje po{kodbe po cikli~nem obremenjevanju po udarcu je bilo ocenjeno s po meri oblikovane ra~unalni{ko vodene naprave za lasersko profilometrijo. Zgornji in spodnji profil vzorca sta bila skenirana med prekinitvami preizku{anja utrujenosti. Celotna deformacija je bila opisana z analiti~no dolo~eno krivuljo te`i{~nice. Lokalne spremembe topografije so bile dobljene z od{tetjem te krivulje. Ustvarjeni videzi deformacije povr{ine so bili uporabljeni za prikaz napredovanja po{kodbe na vzorcu. Klju~ne besede: kompoziti z ogljikovimi vlakni, po{kodba po udarcu, laserska profilometrija 1 INTRODUCTION The design and safe operation of lightweight struc- tures, especially in the aviation industry, is particularly important and challenging due to the inauspicious load spectra composed of a large number of low-amplitude cycles and sudden impacts1. Low-amplitude cycles are caused by aerodynamic loads and engine vibrations. Wayward strikes may be inflicted during the ground maintenance, by inflight collisions (bird strikes) or severe meteorological conditions (heavy storms). The damage-tolerance approach commonly used in aerospace engineering requires a comprehensive know- ledge of the material-degradation process and a reliable prediction of a structure safe life2. The thermoplastic composites commonly used for these purposes allow an application of an optimised manufacturing technology3,4. An application of a polymeric matrix lowered the tendency towards brittle behaviour (common for car- bon-fibre composites) and exhibited the advantages of high chemical resistivity, insensitivity to moisture, good fatigue performance5,6 and recyclability. Micromechanical modelling of the composites with imperfections7 sufficiently describes the degradation process. However, the material models based on the X-ray computed tomography of the specimen represent- ing the material at the macroscopic level including a complex microstructure could not be evaluated using the finite-element simulations with the plasticity applied due to the computational complexity and enormous memory requirements8. The presented work aimed to extend the range of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques com- prising the lock-in thermography9 or the modified-im- pulse excitation technique10. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 777–780 777 UDK 677.4:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)777(2014) 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Specimen description The base material, a carbon-fibre/polyphenylene sulphide (C/PPS) composite manufactured by Letov le- tecká výroba, s. r. o., was delivered as plates with a thickness of (2.5 ± 0.05) mm. The material consists of quasi-isotropic 8-ply carbon fabric with its volume fraction higher than 90 %, bonded with a thermoplastic matrix. The surface is covered with a thin glass-fibre cloth protecting the core against mechanical and che- mical influences. The final specimens with a rectangular shape with the dimensions of 250 mm × 25 mm were cut from the plates using a water-jet cutter. 2.2 Initial damage The first step of the experimental procedure was to inflict the initial damage to the specimens under con- trolled conditions. A drop tower designed within project SGS12/163/OHK2/2T/16 with the maximum impact energy of 50 J was used. The strike was carried out using a spherical indenter with a diameter of 20 mm and the energies of (10, 20 and 15) J on (30, 50 and 70) % of the length of the samples. The imprints of the diameter in the range of millimetres and the depth in the range of tens of micrometers then occurred. 2.3 Fatigue loading For a life-cycle assessment the specimens were cycli- cally loaded using a Mikrotron (Russenberger Prüfma- schinen, AG) resonant testing machine (Figure 1). To ensure the loading at the chosen stress level (33 % of the tensile strength) the mean loading-force value of 6 kN and the amplitude of 5 kN were set. A sinusoidal force was applied in the force-driven experiments. Due to a relatively high testing frequency (approxi- mately 75 Hz), the experiment was monitored with a thermal imaging camera SC7600 (FLIR Systems, Inc.). To prevent exceeding 50 % of the glass transition tempe- rature the specimen temperature was held at maximally 60 °C. At the same time, the lower frequency limit was set in order to avoid a specimen rupture11. The fatigue experiment was interrupted six times at the predefined numbers of cycles to perform profile scanning. 2.4 Profile measurement To obtain the information about damage propagation during the life cycle, a set of profilometery experiments was performed. A custom-designed scanning device equipped with laser scanner ScanControl LLT2600-25 (Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik) depicted in Figure 2 was used for this purpose. The device allowed us to measure the line profiles with the length of 20–40 mm, defined by 1024 measured points. The altitude resolution of the scans was 4 μm. The scanner was mounted on a motor- ised computer-controlled single-axis linear stage with the minimum incremental motion of 10 μm and the on-axis accuracy of ± 0.5 μm. One scanning sequence took approximately 15 minutes. 2.5 Damage-propagation assessment The changes in the impact depth, the sample thick- ness and the area of influenced zones were chosen as the degradation parameters. The automatic procedure for a surface reconstruction (Figure 3) and profile-change assessment was carried out using the tools developed in the MATLAB (Mathworks, Inc.) computational environ- ment. The variable position of the samples in the scann- ing area required the use of the corner detection D. KYTÝØ et al.: ASSESSMENT OF THE POST-IMPACT DAMAGE PROPAGATION IN ... 778 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 777–780 Figure 2: Custom-designed computer-controlled profilometery device equipped with a ScanControl LLT2600-25 laser scanner Slika 2: Po meri oblikovana ra~unalni{ko vodena naprava za profilo- metrijo, opremljena z laserskim opti~nim bralnikom ScanControl LLT2600-25 Figure 1: Experimental device for dynamic loading Slika 1: Eksperimentalna naprava za dinami~no obremenjevanje algorithm based on the altitude threshold to detect the specimen boundaries in the captured data. Transforma- tion functions were obtained and the objects were transformed into a unitary coordination system. Divergence of the laser beam was taken into account for the real-altitude matrix estimation and the blur of the edges caused by the same effect was reduced with gradient filters. The curvature of the surfaces was not caused only by the local impact zones but also by the overall bending of the samples due to a combination of the initial impact damage and cyclic loading. A piece- wise continuous second-order curve (the centroidal axis) was fitted and set as a new reference level. Then the altitude matrices were updated. On the straightened surfaces, the local impacted zones were quantified (area, maximum depth) using the data-registration procedure. From the subtraction of the upper and lower profile, the change in the sample thickness was obtained. 3 RESULTS Based on the reconstructed profiles from the laser measurements, the influenced zones were identified on the basis of thresholding. In the areas of interest, the impact depression depth and the local thickness were assessed. Propagation of the chosen degradation para- meters on two selected samples for several distinct impact levels is depicted in Figure 4. Damage propagation exhibits similar evolution on different tested samples. The most significant parameter was the maximum depth of the impact on the impacted side. The initial depth corresponds to the strike energy, while later the depth decreases with the increasing number of the loading cycles. The area of influenced zones grows with the number of the loading cycles but, surprisingly, the initial areas were not proportional to the strike energy. The area of damaged zones inflicted by lower energy impacts also showed a faster increase. The changes in the thickness of the samples due to the D. KYTÝØ et al.: ASSESSMENT OF THE POST-IMPACT DAMAGE PROPAGATION IN ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 777–780 779 Figure 3: Reconstruction of the sample surface based on laser triangulation Slika 3: Rekonstrukcija povr{ine vzorca, ki temelji na laserski triangulaciji Figure 4: a) Increase in the influenced zones, b) the maximum depth of the impact depression and c) the thickness of the sample plotted against the number of loading cycles Slika 4: a) pove~anje obsega prizadetega obmo~ja, b) maksimalne globine udrtine ter c) debelina vzorca glede na {tevilo ciklov obreme- nitve influenced zones were negligible as the differences in the thickness were only two or three times higher than the noise. 4 CONCLUSIONS The presented study describes the possibility of a time-lapse profilometery measurement for an evaluation of the post-impact damage propagation in a C/PPS composite under cyclic loading. The chosen parameters (the area of impacted zone, the maximum depth and the sample thickness) provide the information about damage accumulation in the material. Generally, laser profilo- metery is a suitable method for the NDT testing and evaluation of the surface damage. The described modi- fied method is applicable to bigger components and structures. With respect to our measured data, the reliability of the method was reduced by the resolution of the available laser scanner. Acknowledgements The research was supported by Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (grant No. TA03010209), Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague (grant No. SGS12/205/OHK2/3T/16), research plan of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports MSM6840770043 and by institutional support RVO: 68378297. 5 REFERENCES 1 R. Aoki, J. Heyduck, An Experimental Study of Impact-Damaged Panels under Compression Fatigue Loading, In: J. Füller et al. 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POSSIBILITIES FOR INCREASING THE PURITY OF STEEL IN PRODUCTION USING SECONDARY-METALLURGY EQUIPMENT MO@NOSTI POVE^ANJA ^ISTOSTI JEKLA PRI PROIZVODNJI Z UPORABO OPREME ZA SEKUNDARNO METALURGIJO Martin Korbá{1, Libor ^amek2, Milan Raclavský3 1Vítkovice Heavy Machinery a.s., Ruská 2887/101, Vítkovice, Ostrava, Czech Republic 2V[B-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Foundry, 17. listopadu 15/2172, Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic 3ECOFER s.r.o., Ka{tanová 182, 739 61 Tøinec, Dolní Lí{tná, Czech Republic martin.kor@centrum.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-09-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-12-09 The possibilities for increasing the purity of steel during the production of the liquid phase using secondary metallurgy mainly relate to affecting the number of emerging occlusions, their size, morphology and chemical composition. The metallographic purity of steel during production in an electric-arc furnace (EAF), in a ladle furnace (LF) and during processing with VD caisson technology was assessed. The steel samples were processed by means of an electron microscope and were simultaneously tested using the single-spark-evaluation (SSE) method. The aim of this investigation was to find the possibility for an operative steel-quality control and to obtain the desired mechanical properties already while processing the liquid phase. Keywords: steel purity, secondary metallurgy, occlusions, electron microscope, single-spark evaluation Mo`nosti pove~anja ~istosti staljenega jekla med proizvodnjo z uporabo sekundarne metalurgije so predvsem glede na koli~ino vklju~kov, njihove velikosti, vrsto morfologije in kemijsko sestavo. Metalografsko je bila ugotavljana ~istost jekla med proizvodnjo v elektrooblo~ni pe~i (EAF), nato v ponov~ni pe~i (LF) in po obdelavi v VD. Vzorci so bili pregledani z elektronskim mikroskopom in so bili preizku{eni z metodo plamenskega od`iganja (SSE). Namen je bil poiskati u~inkovito kontrolo jekla in vplive na `elene mehanske lastnosti `e med obdelavo taline. Klju~ne besede: ~istost jekla, sekundarna metalurgija, zapore, elektronska mikroskopija, ocena s plamenskim od`iganjem 1 INTRODUCTION The continuously increasing requirements for achieved levels of mechanical values like ductility, toughness and fatigue properties for steel are increasing the demands put on manufacturers when it comes to searching for new technological processes. One of the main possibilities for achieving higher levels of mecha- nical properties for steel increases with its metallurgical purity. This can be achieved with the technological processes utilised in secondary metallurgy that can affect the size, the quantity of inclusions and their morpho- logy.1 Within the conditions existing at the steelworks of Vítkovice Heavy Machinery a.s. (VHM), there are facilities for processing steel in a ladle furnace (LF) and for vacuum steel processing in a caisson (VD). The objective of the study was to assess the conti- nuous metallographic purity in the course of steel pro- duction in an electric-arc furnace (EAF), in a ladle furnace (LF) and during vacuum processing in a caisson using the VD technology. The study was based on the idea that the implemented technological processes (TS No. 1 and TS No. 2) can assist in obtaining metallo- graphic purity. Metallic disk-pin samples were collected during the steel’s production from secondary-metallurgical aggre- gates of LF and VD. Consequently, they were processed with an optical emission spectrometer, which assesses the analytical signal, while differentiating each indivi- dual spark with the single-spark-evaluation (SSE) method. A part of the analytical signal corresponds with the average content of an element in the collected sample (classically in the course of the steel’s production process), while the second signal part corresponds with the elemental concentration in the inclusion. The single- spark-evaluation (SSE) method helps us assess infor- mation about the amount, the type and the composition of the inclusion. A big advantage of the SSE method is the fact that the sample preparation for the analysis with a spectrometer is identical to the disk-pin sample preparation. Analyses of the standard control sample of the steel’s chemical composition were extended by only 20 s. The method took place online. The software for the optical emission spectrometer was set up for an elemen- tal analysis in relation to the chemical composition of the produced steel.2 In order to express certain opinions about the values measured with the SSE method, identical samples, collected in the course of the steel’s production, were consequently also processed with a roentgen spectral analysis (using an electron microscope) and subjected to Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 781–786 781 UDK 669.18:620.187:548.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)781(2014) a metallographic assessment, which was generally recognised within the metallurgical practice. The ana- lyses of the inclusions with the assistance of the roentgen spectral analysis were performed on the basis of the Pirelli Norm No. 18. V. 008 rev. 7 metallographic test of the microstructure and of the defects of the rod wires. The test was slightly modified for the disk-pin measure- ments. The device scans the image in the BSE mode (reflected electrons); the image size is 1024 × 1024 pixels at a magnification of 500-times; the field of vision has a size of 0.25 mm × 0.25 mm; and the scanning time for a single pixel is 2800 ns. It looks for inclusions based on the set brightness threshold and then it analyses them. The threshold is set in such a way that all the oxides are recorded, while in the case of sulphides only the partly complex ones (with an oxidative core) are recorded. The analysis is performed for 5 s at about 25 % of the detector’s dead time. This corresponds to an intensity of about 4500 impulses per second. The electron beam focuses on the particle’s centre of gravity during the analysis. The set of results from the analysed particles passes through a filter that ensures the exclusion of the non-oxidative included particles and, as a result, records them in a ternary diagram with the silicates in one cor- ner, aluminates in the second corner and the remaining oxides (Mn, Ca, and Mg) in the third corner. Particles larger than 1 μm are measured. The total assessed area of a sample consisted of 80 fields, i.e., 5 mm2, which corresponded to the size of the metallic-sample areas analysed with the SSE method. The measured areas were fully comparable for both measurement techniques. 2 EXPERIMENTAL The samples were manually collected from the fur- nace with the assistance of submersible disk-pin sam- plers and they were identical for both methods of steel purity assessment. The first sample, marked as LF1, represented the beginning of the steel-processing tech- nology in the ladle furnace and, at the same time, the result of the preliminary steel de-oxygenation in the ladle furnace (LP) after the completed tapping, without slag, of the electric-arc furnace. In order to ensure standardi- sation, a temperature of 1580 °C was selected for the LF at the beginning of the collection of each LF1 sample. Considering a certain time delay, related to the necessary heating of the tapped and de-oxygenated melt to that temperature, we assumed a good melt-concentration homogeneity was achieved, including a good liquid, and mixed the newly occurring basic slag. The sample LF2 represents the melt situation at the end of the melt processing in the ladle furnace, where the main stress was put on the creation of the melt slag mode. The LP with the melt was prepared for the subsequent steel vacuuming in the caisson furnace using the VD process. A detailed technological prescription TS 1, prepared by VHM, established the steel temperature before the vacuuming, the steel’s chemical composition, the slag parameters, and the oxygen activity. The samples VD1 and VD2 were collected at the beginning and at the end of the steel’s vacuum processing in the furnace. The 15 min of homogenisation using porous argon followed after the sample’s VD2 collection. The samples were collected from melts processed by following two techno- logical processes. The sample collections from melts No. K58494, K58500, K58507, K58508, K58509, K58555 were performed following the technological process TS No. 1, while the sample collections from melts No. K58489 and No. K58495 followed the technological process TS No. 2 prepared at VHM. The technological instructions differ, especially in terms of the method of the preliminary steel de-oxygena- tion in the ladle furnace after the tapping of the electric arc furnace. Other principles of the melt management in the ladle furnace or in the caisson are almost identical.2 TS No. 1 • 2 kg/t of CaC2 into the ladle furnace (LP) before the tapping, • FeSi to 0.15 % (steel in the furnace without Si after the oxygenation), • Calcinated anthracite in the course of carbonaceous steels, e.g., C45, • Al 0.3–0.6 kg/t into the flow in the course of the first tapping third, depending on the produced steel and according to the melted C content • Pieces of CaO + synthetic slag + FeMn follow (up to 2/3 of the production composition), • Possibly FeCr (none in the case of melts monitored by us) • 0.3–0.6 kg/t of Al, again in the course of the last tapping third TS No. 2 • 3.0 kg/t CaC2 + min. of 3.0 kg/t of the calcinated anthracite into the ladle furnace (LP) • FeMn (up to 2/3 of the production composition) + CaO + synthetic slag during the tapping, before the end of the tapping • 0.5–0.7 kg/t of Al, according to the melted C 3 DISCUSSION When assessing the research results, we must consider that the performed analysis could not be identical to the resulting composition of inclusions in the final product. The difference is given especially by the different speeds of cooling for the relatively small metallic sample, when compared with, for example, an ingot of many tons. The analysis does not present the inclusion composition and their quantity in the final product, but the actual inclusion types and the purity of the steel, which are analysed in the course of the technological steps LF and VD. The following set of figures (Figures 1 to 6) sum- marises the results of the analysis of the number of inclusions performed with a microprobe. M. KORBÁ[ et al.: POSSIBILITIES FOR INCREASING THE PURITY OF STEEL IN PRODUCTION ... 782 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 781–786 The above-presented figures clearly show that the inclusion density in the individual melts progressively decreased in the course of the technological process. The fundamental decrease in the inclusion density took place in the course of the melt processing in the ladle furnace. This trend is clear for inclusions up to 4 μm in size. The density of the smallest inclusions then changed only a little, or not at all, in the subsequent vacuum steel processing because of their low concentration. In the case of some melts, even a small increase was noticed. Inclusions larger than 4 μm occur rarely in the samples and their occurrence is thus accidental. No clear trend was noticed. However, we can assume that their occurrence at the end of the technological process in VD is close to zero. The melts 58489, 58495 and 58527, which went through a different de-oxygenation process, differ to some extent from the set. The density of inclusions is lower at the beginning. These melts were produced by TS No. 2. M. KORBÁ[ et al.: POSSIBILITIES FOR INCREASING THE PURITY OF STEEL IN PRODUCTION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 781–786 783 Figure 5: Numbers of inclusions in individual areas of the ternary diagram for the sample VD1 collection Slika 5: [tevilo vklju~kov v posameznih podro~jih ternarnega diagrama za vzorce iz VD1 Figure 4: Numbers of inclusions in individual areas of the ternary diagram for the sample LF2 collection Slika 4: [tevilo vklju~kov v posameznih podro~jih ternarnega diagrama za vzorce iz LF2 Figure 3: Numbers of inclusions in individual areas of the ternary diagram for the sample LF1 collection Slika 3: [tevilo vklju~kov v posameznih podro~jih ternarnega dia- grama za vzorce iz LF1 Figure 2: Summary of 2-μm inclusions’ density during individual technological operations, in all the monitored melts Slika 2: Se{tevek vklju~kov velikih 2 μm med posameznimi tehno- lo{kimi operacijami v vseh preiskovanih talinah Figure 1: Summary of 1-μm inclusions’ density during individual technological operations, in all the monitored melts Slika 1: Se{tevek vklju~kov velikih 1 μm med posameznimi tehno- lo{kimi operacijami v vseh preiskovanih talinah Figure 6: Numbers of inclusions in individual areas of the ternary diagram for the sample VD2 collection Slika 6: [tevilo vklju~kov v posameznih podro~jih ternarnega diagra- ma za vzorce iz VD2 The inclusions were divided into three groups using the following scheme (Figure 7) to monitor their chemical composition. The inclusion compositions in individual melts and stages were similar. We can claim that: • Inclusions from Zone A in the ternary diagram are practically absent in LF • A small number of inclusions from Zone A occur in VD • The dominant inclusion group consists of the inclusions from Zone B • The main parts of the individual inclusions are Al, Ca, and O The measured and presented results suggest that their effects, from the point of view of the number of inclusions in both technologies, TS No. 01 and TS No. 02, are similar. The result of the use of TS No. 02 is only the smaller number of inclusions at the beginning of the technological process in LF. When using TS No. 01 M. KORBÁ[ et al.: POSSIBILITIES FOR INCREASING THE PURITY OF STEEL IN PRODUCTION ... 784 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 781–786 Figure 8: The average number of impulses for the individual elements and melts LF1 Slika 8: Povpre~no {tevilo impulzov za posamezne elemente iz taline LF1 Figure 7: Scheme of the inclusions’ division into individual classes Slika 7: Shemati~en prikaz razporeditve vklju~kov v posamezne razrede Figure 9: The average number of impulses for the individual elements and melts LF2 Slika 9: Povpre~no {tevilo impulzov za posamezne elemente iz taline LF2 Figure 12: The number of impulses in the course of the steel pro- cessing LF1-VD2 Slika 12: [tevilo impulzov med izdelavo jekla (LF1-VD2) Figure 11: The average number of impulses for the individual elements and melts VD2 Slika 11: Povpre~no {tevilo impulzov za posamezne elemente iz taline VD2 Figure 10: The average number of impulses for the individual elements and melts VD1 Slika 10: Povpre~no {tevilo impulzov za posamezne elemente iz taline VD1 and TS No. 02, the inclusion number and their size become almost equal at the end of the processing in LF. Inclusions larger than 4 μm occur very rarely and accidentally. The fundamental decrease in the number of inclu- sions occurs only by 3/4 in the course of steel processing in the LF. The processing in VD does not present a more pronounced change in the number of smaller inclusions, up to 2 μm. The occurrence of inclusions larger than 3 μm is negligible. From the chemical inclusion composition in the LF point of view, the inclusions from Zone A are not present in any of the tested melts. A slight increase occurs only in the course of the VD technology. The inclusions from Zone B are the dominant ones. Their number from LF1 to VD 2 decreases in accordance with the above-pre- sented conclusions. The Zone C is basically a half of Zone B, where the inclusions of the type CaO.Al2O3 prevail. Only very fine inclusions of the CaO.Al2O3 type and pure Al2O3, but also CaO, remain at the end of the VD technology. The results obtained with the SSE method were based on an analysis of 2000 sparks. If any particles of a different composition than those in the basic metallic matrix, occurred in a given place, they are in the peaks of the present elements and, then, their bonds could be analysed. Each analysis of the relevant sample (disk-pin) was performed in three places, always in such a way that the relevant axis part of the sample was not affected and the measurements were averaged. The measured values of the analysed samples are summarised graphically in Figures 8 to 11. The number of sparks for the melt and the technological step are on the x-axis (2000 for each measurement). The individual colours mark inclusions based on the mentioned elements. The number of impulses is on the y axis.3 The individual analyses and melt graphics, inclusion types and technological steps of the production material flow suggest that the mutual connections in the inclusion volume and number, between individual samples for melting or for individual technological steps LF1, LF2, VD1 and VD2, seem difficult to define. Inclusions based on elements like aluminium and oxygen (AlO) occur more frequently than those based on aluminium, calcium and oxygen (AlCaO). Inclusions based on manganese and oxygen (MnO) or on manganese and sulphur (MnS) were not detected because the optical spectrometer Spectro Lab M10 was not equipped with a photo- multiplier for manganese. MnS inclusions were thus derived by calculation from the value S corr. There is a relation MnS = S corr – CaS, where (S corr) is the total content of inclusions incorporating sulphur and (CaS) are the inclusions based on calcium and sulphur. The analysis suggests that the number of inclusions (CaS) means a significant amount. We assume that the remaining number of inclusions based on sulphur has got the form of MnS inclusions. The occurrence and the number of inclusions based on aluminium and nitrogen (AlN) and those based on titanium and nitrogen (TiN) is not important. The occurrence of inclusions based on aluminium and oxygen (CaO) and the sulphur content show mostly the decreasing character. The relatively high and unbalanced contents of inclusions based on silicon and oxygen (SiO) are an oddity. The graphical presentation of the development in the total number of recorded impulses, in the course of individual technological operations, in all the assessed melts is in Figure 12. These data, in the sum of recorded impulses, correspond to the number or, possibly, to the volumes of steel inclusions. The assumption that the curve of recorded impulses would decrease in correspon- dence to the inclusion analysis made with the assistance of roentgen spectral analysis and the process of steel processing LF1-VD2 has not been quite proved. Thanks to the graphic assessment in Figures 8 to 12, which describe the number of impulses or the relative frequency of the individual elements and melts, we can say in summary that: • It is very difficult to find any similarity in the number of inclusions in individual samples in a melt and, also, in the technological step • The similarities of the trends’ decreases or increases in individual inclusion types could be followed to a melt or to a technological step • The occurrence of AlCaO inclusions is not the dominant detected bond • The occurrence of AlO inclusions is more frequent, when compared with AlCaO inclusions, but the trend after VD2 is relatively balanced in most melts • The number of AlO and AlCaO inclusions is lower, when compared with VD1VD2; the number of CaS inclusions logically decreases • The AlN and TiN inclusions do not practically occur and are not created in the liquid stage • The CaS inclusions make the dominant sulphur bond, while the remaining sulphur amount was not identified and it will possibly be connected with inclusions of the MnS type M. KORBÁ[ et al.: POSSIBILITIES FOR INCREASING THE PURITY OF STEEL IN PRODUCTION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 781–786 785 • The number of CaO inclusions occurs in a relatively large number • The number of TiO inclusions is not negligible and it is lower in VD1 Cd (II). The transport facilitated through the polymer inclusion membranes containing Alamine 336 and TBP was found to be an effective method for separation and recovery of cobalt (II) and cadmium (II) from aqueous solutions. Copper was precipitated in the feed phase. Nickel was not transferred to the stripping solution. The recovery factor for the cobalt ions was over 87 % over a period 6 h. Acknowledgement The financial support of this work, provided by the scientific research commission of Sakarya University (BAPK), Project No: 2010-02-04-025, is gratefully acknowledged. 5 REFERENCES 1 G. M. Ritcey, A. W. 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A new process has been discovered recently, which allows a significant refinement of ferrite grains and a carbide spheroidisation in a shorter time than in the case of conventional heat-treatment techniques. During this newly-developed ASR-based (accelerated spheroidisation and refinement) plastic deformation an accelerated spheroidisation and a refinement due to the heat treatment in the vicinity of the A1 temperature occur. Controlled rolling enables a production of the materials with a fine microstructure and better mechanical properties than conventional production processes. Accelerated carbide spheroidisation and refinement (ASR) is aimed to produce steel workpieces with a microstructure consisting of a fine-grained ferrite matrix and globular carbide particles. In carbon steels, this microstructure has higher yield strength and toughness than the conventional ferritic-pearlitic microstructure. The presented paper describes the effect of the ASR process on the C45 steel. The pearlite morphology was influenced by forming it at the temperatures around critical temperature A1 and an accelerated carbide-particle spheroidisation was achieved. The deformation increases the dislocation density and enhances the diffusion rate. Cementite globules form rapidly, within seconds or minutes at the most. Keywords: accelerated spheroidisation, refinement, rolling, C45 steel Sedanje usmeritve industrije vklju~ujejo tudi iskanje stro{kovno in energijsko ugodnej{ih postopkov in tehnologij. Razvit je bil nov postopek, ki omogo~a znatno udrobnjenje zrn ferita in sferoidizacijo karbidov v kraj{em ~asu v primerjavi s konven- cionalnimi tehnikami toplotne obdelave. Pri tej novo razviti plasti~ni deformaciji, na kateri temelji ASR (pospe{ena sferoidizacija in udrobnjenje), se pri plasti~ni deformaciji pojavi pospe{ena sferoidizacija in udrobnjenje med toplotno obdelavo v bli`ini temperature A1. Kontrolirano valjanje omogo~a izdelavo materialov z drobno mikrostrukturo in z bolj{imi mehanskimi lastnostmi kot pri navadnih proizvodnih procesih. Namen pospe{ene sferoidizacije karbidov in udrobnjenja zrn (ASR) je izdelava jekla z mikro- strukturo iz drobnih zrn ferita in globularnih karbidnih zrn. Pri ogljikovih jeklih ima ta mikrostruktura vi{jo mejo te~enja in ve~jo `ilavost kot navadna feritno-perlitna mikrostruktura. ^lanek opisuje u~inek ASR-procesa na jeklo C45. Na morfologijo perlita se vpliva s preoblikovanjem pri temperaturah okrog kriti~ne temperature A1, in s tem je dose`ena sferoidizacija karbidnih delcev. Deformacija pove~uje gostoto dislokacij in pove~a hitrost difuzije. Globularni cementit najve~krat nastane v nekaj sekundah ali minutah. Klju~ne besede: pospe{ena sferoidizacija, udrobnjenje, valjanje, jeklo C45 1 INTRODUCTION The current processes leading to a carbide-particle spheroidisation rely on diffusion of carbon in a work- piece heated to a temperature close to or slightly below Ac1.1 Diffusion-based processes of this type are usually time-consuming and the times of up to tens of hours2 make this type of annealing a very expensive heat-treat- ment process. During annealing, softening processes occur in the microstructure and, in some cases, a reco- very and a recrystallization also take place.3 The strength and hardness of the steel workpiece decline, whereas its ductility and plastic-deformation capability are in- creased. The newly-designed and patented thermo- mechanical process brings a several-fold reduction in the processing time and cost.4,5 The present paper describes an investigation of the influence of the plastic-deformation intensity and strain applied at various stages of transformation on the steel microstructure and mechanical properties. A significant acceleration of the process is due to the steel heating at a temperature just below transformation temperature Ac1 and the plastic strain.6 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Material and thermomechanical treatment The experimental work was performed using the carbon steel C45 with the chemical composition listed in Table 1. The initial microstructure consisted of ferrite and lamellar pearlite with pronounced banding along the bar axis (Figure 1). The hardness of the as-received material was 180 HV, the 0.2 proof stress was 345 MPa, the ultimate tensile strength was 629 MPa, the elongation was A5 = 29 % and the impact toughness was KCV = 29 J/cm2. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 797–800 797 UDK 621.77:669.111.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(5)797(2014) The thermomechanical treatment was carried out in a universal rolling mill that can be configured as either a four-high rolling mill or a two-high mill. The two-high configuration is used for hot rolling. The working roll diameter is 550 mm. The maximum width of the rolled plate is 400 mm and the thickness may range from 100 mm to 5 mm. The maximum rolling speed is 1.5 m/s. During rolling the induction heating system, situated on both sides of the rolling mill, can be used and a water- spray facility for quenching is provided on the mill. The rolling mill also includes hydraulic shears. The initial dimensions of the specimens for thermomechanical treat- ment were 330 mm × 50 mm × 30 mm. Thermomechanical-treatment schedules (Table 2) were proposed for investigating the impact of the strain magnitude and the strains applied at various stages of the pearlitic transformation on the microstructure and mechanical properties. The main focus was the degree of carbide spheroidisation and ferrite-grain refinement. Austenitizing at 850 °C was followed by a thickness reduction with the isothermal strain of  = 0.4. Before the second and third deformations, the specimens were air cooled. The second and third deformation steps were applied at various stages of the austenite-to-pearlite transformation (I, II, III – Figure 2). The strain magni- tudes applied at these lower temperatures and at various stages of the pearlitic transformation were 0.5 (one pass) or 1 (two passes). When two passes were used, they immediately followed each other and took place at a virtually equal temperature. The temperature at point I was approximately 675 °C. At point II, it was 685 °C and at point III it was 675 °C. In all the cases, the deformation speed was 1.5 m/s. After the last pass, the specimens were either air cooled or quenched in water. The quenching immediately followed the last pass to allow a later determination of the austenite content. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Metallographic observation Specimens 1w, 2w, 3w were processed using the schedules with a deformation at 850 °C applied at various stages of the transformation (I, II, III) and quenched in water. The metallographic examination clearly revealed varying amounts of martensite in the microstructure. In the course of the last deformation, the expected austenite amounts in the specimens in sche- dules 1w, 2w and 3w were approximately 50 %, 25 % and 10 % max., respectively. These fractions correspond D. HAUSEROVA et al.: ACCELERATED CARBIDE SPHEROIDISATION AND REFINEMENT (ASR) ... 798 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 797–800 Figure 3: SEM micrograph of the 4a specimen Slika 3: SEM-posnetek mikrostrukture vzorca 4a Table 2: List of schedules Tabela 2: Seznam poteka preizkusov Schedule Temperature of first deformation  =0.4 Temperature of second deformation  = 0.5 Temperature of third deformation  = 0.5 Cooling 1a 850 °C I - Air 1w 850 °C I - Water 2a 850 °C II - Air 2w 850 °C II - Water 3a 850 °C III - Air 3w 850 °C III - Water 4a 850 °C I I Air 4w 850 °C I I Water 5a 850 °C II II Air 5w 850 °C II II Water 6a 850 °C III III Air 6w 850 °C III III Water Figure 1: SEM micrograph of the initial state Slika 1: SEM-posnetek za~etne mikrostrukture Table 1: Chemical composition of the C45 steel (mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava jekla C45 (masni dele`i, w/%) C Si Mn S P Cr Ni Cu Mo W 0.42 0.24 0.69 0.019 0.016 0.12 0.16 0.12 0.02 0.01 Figure 2: Transformation stages during deformation Slika 2: Faze transformacije pri deformaciji to the fractions of lamellar pearlite in the air-cooled specimens (1a, 2a, 3a). The lamellar pearlite exhibits no sign of spheroidisation or lamellae fragmentation and it is assumed that the pearlite formed after the deformation. However, in the pearlite already present in the micro- structure during the last deformation, the lamellae were transformed into elongated particles or, less frequently, to globules and only a small fraction of the initial pearlite lamellae spheroidised completely. The 4a, 5a and 6a schedules comprised a deformation at 850 °C, consisting of two deformation steps at various stages of transformation, and the final air cooling. The specimens contained two pearlite morphologies, as in the 1a, 2a and 3a specimens, with parts of lamellar pearlite and, by regions, with globules and rod-like cementite particles. The fraction of lamellar pearlite decreases from the 4a to the 6a schedule (Figures 3 and 4), i.e., with the progress of transformation of the austenite present during the plastic deformation. The amount of austenite was found by mapping the martensite fraction in water- quenched specimens 4w, 5w and 6w, with the decreasing martensite proportion in this order. The mechanical deformation of austenite at transfor- mation stages I or II (Figure 2) caused it to transform to lamellar pearlite, as in the transformation of the austenite unaffected by deformation. The deformation of lamellar pearlite with the strain magnitude  = 0.5 at stages I, II or III led to a fragmentation of the lamellae and to a for- mation of predominantly elongated cementite particles. Strain magnitude 1 (i.e., two passes with the strains of 0.5) caused a partial spheroidisation of pearlite lamellae at all the stages of the pearlitic transformation, producing cementite in the form of globules and rod-like particles. 3.2 Ferrite Grains The characteristics of the ferrite grains in the micro- structure depend strongly on the transformation stage (I, II or III), at which deformation was applied (Figure 2). The strain of 0.5 applied at stage I led to a 90 % recrystallization of ferrite. The resulting grain size was less than 8 μm (Figure 5). The strain of 0.5 applied at stages II and III caused a recrystallization of only a small fraction of ferrite grains. Approximately 80 % of the ferrite grains exhibited a deformation substructure with elongated grains and deformation-induced subgrains (Figure 6). The size of the elongated ferrite grains was approximately 20 μm. In the case of the strain of magnitude 1, the differen- ces between the ferrite grains after the schedules involving the deformation at stages I and III were smaller. The larger strain caused a recrystallization of approximately 50 % of the ferrite grains even after the deformation applied at stage III (Figures 4 and 7). Upon schedules 4a, 5a and 6a, the size of the recrystallized grains was 4 μm. Scarcely recrystallized grains with the size of approximately 10 μm were also observed. With an EBSD analysis the grain size and the volume fractions of deformed and recrystallized grains could be assessed. 3.3 Mechanical properties Tensile tests were performed on the flat specimens with the dimensions of 35 mm × 6 mm × 4 mm. The V-notch impact-toughness test-specimen size was 3 mm × 4 mm with the notch depth of 1 mm. The HV10 hard- ness was measured as well. D. HAUSEROVA et al.: ACCELERATED CARBIDE SPHEROIDISATION AND REFINEMENT (ASR) ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 5, 797–800 799 Figure 5: SEM micrograph of the 1a specimen Slika 5: SEM-posnetek mikrostrukture vzorca 1a Figure 4: SEM micrograph of the 6a specimen Slika 4: SEM-posnetek mikrostrukture vzorca 6a Figure 6: SEM micrograph of the 3a specimen Slika 6: SEM-posnetek mikrostrukture vzorca 3a Different proof stresses and ultimate strengths were measured for three specimens upon these schedules (Table 3). One of the three specimens showed approxi- mately 50 MPa higher proof stress and ultimate tensile strength than the others. The figures listed in Table 3 are the average values of three tests. Table 3: Mechanical properties Tabela 3: Mehanske lastnosti Schedule PS/MPa UTS/ MPa A5/ % KCV/ (J cm–2) HV 10 Initial condition 345 629 29 29 180 1a 489 702 26 38 204 2a 511 710 25 36 213 3a 542* 688* 21 35 201 4a 547 709 28 36 212 5a 550 708 27 35 210 6a 534* 668* 25 35 199 Different properties will be the subject of a further investigation. All the thermomechanical treatment sche- dules led to higher proof stress, ultimate tensile strength, hardness and impact toughness (Table 3). The final elongation was slightly lower than, or equal to, the initial elongation. Upon the schedules with smaller strain mag- nitudes (1a, 2a and 3a) the following trends were observed for the specimens: If deformation was applied at an early stage of the pearlitic transformation [I], the resulting proof stress was the lowest of those measured. When deformation was applied at a later stage of the transformation [III], the resulting proof stress was higher. In the specimens under the schedules with higher strains (4a, 5a, 6a), this trend was not observed and their strengths were virtually equal. The schedules with the higher strains applied at the same transformation stage as in the other schedules lead to a higher proof stress. This observation does not apply to specimen 6a, as the strength levels achieved are very similar (Table 3). In terms of proof stress, less strain is sufficient ( = 0.5), provided that it is applied at the final stage of the pearlitic transformation. 4 CONCLUSION The purpose of the investigation was to improve the mechanical properties, promote the carbide spheroidisation and refine the ferrite grains in the medium-carbon C45 steel using controlled rolling. The final deformation was applied in the intercritical range at various stages of the transformation of austenite into ferrite and carbide particles. In the specimens quenched in water after the final deformation, no carbide spheroidisation or fragmentation was observed. On the contrary, in the specimens cooled in air spheroidised carbides were observed. A higher proportion of spheroidised particles was found in the specimens after a larger final deformation with  = 1. The fraction of spheroidised carbides increased with the applied strain magnitude at the advanced stages of transformation. The microstructure showed that after the deformation applied at the final stages of transformation, recrystallisation also took place in the ferrite grains. The proof stress and ultimate tensile strength of the processed material were higher by 200 MPa and almost 100 MPa, respectively, than the corresponding characteristics of the feedstock. The elongation levels were identical, whereas the toughness of the final material was slightly higher than that of the feedstock. The experimental rolling, thus, improved the mechanical properties, facilitated a partial spheroidisation of the carbides and required less time in comparison with the conventional carbide-spheroidising methods. Acknowledgment The results were achieved within the project Thermo-chemical treatment of steels using fluidised bed with thermoactive micropowders no. LF13032 co-funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. 5 REFERENCES 1 S. 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