Image Anal Stereol 2010;29:85-90 Original Research Paper QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF BANDED STRUCTURES IN DUAL-PHASE STEELS Benoit Krebs1, Alain Hazotte1, Lionel Germain1 and Mohamed Goune2 1Laboratoire d'Etude des Textures et Application aux Materiaux (LETAM) FRE CNRS/UPVM 3143, Universite Paul-Verlaine, 57012 Metz cedex, France, 2ArcelorMittal Research SA, R&D Automotive Products, Voie Romaine - BP30320, 57283 Maizieres-les-Metz, France e-mail:;; (Accepted Api^il 28, 2010) ABSTRACT Dual-Phase (DP) steels are composed of martensite islands dispersed in a ductile ferrite matrix, which provides a good balance between strength and ductility. Current processing conditions (continuous casting followed by hot and cold rolling) generate 'banded structures' i.e., irregular, parallel and alternating bands of ferrite and martensite, which are detrimental to mechanical properties and especially for in-use properties. We present an original and simple method to quantify the intensity and wavelength of these bands. This method, based on the analysis of covariance function of binary images, is firstly tested on model images. It is compared with ASTM E-1268 standard and appears to be more robust. Then it is applied on real DP steel microstructures and proves to be sufficiently sensitive to discriminate samples resulting from different thermo-mechanical routes. Keywords: banded structure, covariance function, quantitative microscopy, steel. INTRODUCTION One of the major criteria in the development of advanced materials to meet the latest automotive fuel efficiency standards are mechanical properties improvements associated with high level of formability. Dual-Phase (DP) steels composed of martensite islands (a' phase in dark in Fig. 1) dispersed in a ductile ferrite matrix (a phase in white in Fig. 1) were developed to provide a good balance between strength and ductility. In order to reach this goal, it is of prime necessity to control their final microstructure, in particular phase volume fraction, carbon composition and banded structure. 'Banded structure' or 'microstructural banding' are the terms used to qualify a microstructure consisting of parallel and alternating bands of ferrite and martensite (Fig. 1). A lot of publications (Bastien, 1957; Grossterlinden et al., 1992; Thompson and Howell, 1992) have been dedicated to the mechanisms of its formation. Only a few works have been published on quantitative characterization of microstructural banding through image analysis, although a lot of companies probably developed their own specific methods. ASTM E-1268 standard (ASTM, 1988) was fixed to quantify microstructures presenting either banded structures or elongated second phase components. This method is based on counting the number of particle interceptions (or intersections) per unit length of straight lines parallel and perpendicular to the elongation direction. Two parameters are usually calculated to characterize microstructural banding: AI the anisotropy index defined as the ratio between the number of interceptions perpendicular and parallel to the deformation direction; SB the mean center-to-center spacing of the bands as the test line length divided by the number of interceptions perpendicular to the deformation direction. Since it is based on interception measurements, this method is very sensitive to sample preparation, especially on the presence of more or less boundaries between grains of the same phase (Hetzner, 1996; Krebs eta^l., 2010). Fig. 1. Microg^raphy of a banded structure of DualPhase steel; ferrite (a) appears in white, mar^tensite (a') in dark. This paper present a novel and simple-to-implement method based on the automated analysis of the covariance function of binary images. This method is firstly validated on model images representative of banded microstructures, in order to evaluate its sensitivity and robustness. Then, the method is adapted and applied to discriminate banded DP microstructures resulting from three different heat treatment routes. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS METHOD PRINCIPLE The covariance function has been introduced in the 60's by G. Matheron as a simple but effective tool to describe the morphology of compact sets. More details on this function and on its applications can be found in references (Matheron, 1967; 1975; Serra, 1982; Stoyan et ah, 1987; Coster and Chermant, 1989; Jeulin, 1997). For the present purpose, the covariance can be introduced in a simple way: X being a given compact set (phase) and h a vector (modulus \h\ and direction ß) the covariance C{X,h) is the probability that both extremities of vector h belong to X, whatever the position of h in the set. If | A|=0 this probability is equal to the volume fraction of A', i.e., C{X,d) = VviX). If \h\ is very large, the probabilities for both extremities to belong to X are independent and equal to Vv{X), leading to C{X,^) = Vy{X). Therefore, in the lack of any periodicity, the evolution of C{X, h) as a function of \h\ (hereafter denoted as 'covariogram') shows a continuous asymptotic decrease from Vv{X) to Vy^X). The range of the covariogram - defined as the critical modulus \h\ over which C{X,h) is 'sufficiently' close to the asymptote (using a given criterion) - is the distance over which two points in the microstructure can be considered as independent (non-correlated). Obviously, in the case of anisotropic microstructures, the shape of the covariogram will also depend on j8. In addition, any periodicity in the compact set will result in oscillations of the covariogram before reaching the asymptote. The distance between oscillations and the magnitude of maxima are related to the wavelength, to the variability and to the intensity of the periodicity. The present work takes advantage of this particularity. When dealing with binary digitized images, h is restricted to discrete vectors and C{X,h) can be estimated through a very simple procedure: the initial image of X set, I{X), is translated by h, giving a new image ; C{X,h) is measured as the area fraction of the intersection of these two images, I{X) n Obviously, the area fraction measurement has to be restricted to the effective surface of the overlap. The covariogram of X set is obtained through successive translations with increasing \h\ modulus. The parameters used to quantify the band structures in the following are schematically defined on Fig. 2 with the covariogram realized on a model microstructure. The mean distance between bands is estimated by the modulus of the first maximum of oscillations, noted HM hereafter. Their intensity is quantified by the difference between C{X,h) values measured at the first maximum (CiMax) and first minimum {CiMm) of the covariogram. In the following, this difference {CiMax — CiMin) is noted BI (for Band Index). For randomly distributed grains of the analyzed phase, BI becomes very small but not null. In that case, HM is representative to the mean distance between grains. The slope at the origin of the covariogram, noted or CO, will also be used as an additional parameter sensitive to the grain size and the complexity of the microstructure. Its signification will be discussed in more details below. In the present work, this slope was estimated using a linear least square interpolation applied on the five first points of the covariogram as proposed by Coster and Chermant (1989). These three parameters are determined automatically during the covariogram acquisition. Unlike the ASTM method which measures individual intercepts, this approach is based on global surface measurements which prevents border effects. Fig. 2. Illustration of the parameters measured with covariogram method on a model microstructure. VALIDATION Validation of the method is described in more details elsewhere (Krebs et af, 2010). Only its principle and main conclusions are given here. Model images of banded micro structure s have been created with Voronoi tesselations, in order to test the efficiency of the analysis procedures without interfering with the problems of experimental part. The image analysis software APHELION (copyright ADCIS S.A. and A.A. Imaging) was used for this purpose, as well as for the development of the different algorithms described hereafter. Each micro structure was generated with 2000 nuclei in 1000 x 1000 pix.^ image. Pij,) the probability to get martensite or ferrite, was defined as following: P{yi) = Vv sm 271 X±e (yj-yr), (1) where Vy is the mean martensite volume fraction, AVv is the banding magnitude and A is the band wavelength; yr is a random number ranging between 0 and A, which allows to vary the vertical position of rich and poor bands from one image to another and £ follows a Gaussian disfribution of average 0 and standard deviation AA and varies the interspacing from one band to the next. The covariogram method was compared to the automated version of ASTM E-1268 presented in 1996 (Hetzner, 1996). The method based on the covariance frinction appears much more robust with regard to the sample preparation (Krebs et al, 2010). Fig. 3 reports the evolution of and //M parameters, as a frinction of the microsfructure parameters. It can be seen that BI evolves linearly with IS.Vy, whatever the value of Vy. //M values are close to the real band wavelength while these parameters measured with the ASTM method are unrealistic (Krebs et al, 2010). Fig. 3. Evolution of BI and HM as a function of banding magnitude, IsVy, for different mean martensite volume fractions (X=200 pixj. APPLICATION TO DUAL-PHASE STEELS MATERIALS The microsfructures tested were extracted from a wider set of experiments focusing on the mechanisms of solid phase transformation during continuous cooling of DP steels. The chemical composition of the Fe-C-Mn alloy used is reported in Table 1. Small samples were extracted from 1.2 mm thick sheets issued from a complex route involving continuous casting followed by hot and cold rolling. For one of these sheets, an additional homogenization heat freatment was performed to smooth the segregation of the Mn element. Table 1. DP steel composition. Element C Mn Si P S Fe Wtpct 0.15 1.48 0.013 O.Ol 27ppm 98.34 Then, the samples were given specific heat freatments schematized in Fig. 4, in order to obtain different types of DP structures. For the present study, two cooling rates, Pc, from 870° C down to 650° C were selected: a 'standard' (slow) cooling rate (SC) and a rapid one (RC). Then, several holding times at 650° C, ta, were applied to initiate various amounts of ferrite before quenching. Fig. 4. Temperature cycle used to obtain a DP m irrn