ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNIOM NUMBER 5 MAY, 1974 VOLUME XLVI ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 5 MAY 1974 VOL. XLVI Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. DATES TO REMEMBER.. MAY 4-5 — BAKE SALE, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. MAY 5 — COMMUNION BREAKFAST, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. MAY 6 — COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Dawn Choral Group, St. Christine's Church, 7 p.m. MA'r 8 — 45th ANNIVERSARY OF BR. 28, Calumet, Mich.; also Mother’s Day Party MAY 9 — MOTHER’S DAY MASS, 7:30 p.m. St., Stephen’s, Br. 2, Chicago, ill. MAY 12 — CORPORATE COMMUNION & MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. MAY 12 — LUNCHEON & GAMES PARTY, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. MAY 14 — MOTHER’S DAY DINNER, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. MAY 15 — ANNIVERSARY BANQUET, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. MAY 19 — MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. MAY 26 — MOTHER OF THE YEAR MASS & DINNER, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., 0. MAY 29 — ANNUAL CARD PARTY, Dawn Choral Group, Euclid Park Clubhouse JUNE 21 — REUNION OF ALL OHIO DRILL TEAM CADETS, Cleveland, Ohio JULY 21 — ZVEZA DAY AT LEMONT, ILL., Br. 2, Chicago, III. hostesses. OCT. 6— PENNA-NEW YORK STATE CONVENTION, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. OCT. 17 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., 7:45 p.m. St. Mary’s. OCT. 18 — CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland, 0. OCT. 27 — 45th ANNIVERSARY, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio OCT. 29 — CARD PARTY, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio, Euclid Pk. Clubhouse. DEC. 28 — FOURTH S. W. U. DEBUTANTE COTILLION BALL S.N.D., St. Clair, Cleveland, Ohio DEC. 28 — OHIO.-MICH. STATE CONVENTION. ON THE COVER: Artest Emilija Razman-Bucik nas captured the "Life of a Mother" in her series of sketches, beginning with the new baby, her growth and development and showing all the ways a Mother molds and directs her child's character. It continues until her child becomes a bride herself and so the cycle goes on. In this issue, wa pay tribute to our Mothers of Slovenian Women’s Union — it’s really a year-long tribute, but in May, all thoughts naturally center on our remembrance of Mother. We wish for thom all, a most happy and pleasant day and hope that not cne of them will ever be forgotten. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social members, $4.00 — za družabne članice $4.00 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 Slovenia Is Beautiful In Summer MEMBERS JOIN OUR DEPARTURE AND SAVE FROM $300.00 TO $500.00 Nt changing of planes — fly direct from Chicago, Cleveland and Pittsburgh to Ljubljana Brnik airport. Departures from Chicago (Chicago-Ljubljana-Chicago) — only $366.00 June 29 to July 29 July 20 to August 8 July 1 to July 24 August 6 to Sept. 3 Sept. 4 to Sept. 27 Departures from Cleveland (Cleveland-Ljub-Ijana-Cleveland) — only 348.00 June 20 to July 31 June 26 to July 24 June 27 to July 19 July 1 to July 23 July 4 to July 17 July 4 to August 2 July 3 to Sept. 5 October 11 July 4 to Sept. 5 July 15 to August 4 July 22 to August 3 July 31 to August 20 August 6 to Sept. 3 Sept. 4 to Sept. 27 Sept. 30 to Oct. 14 to Oct. 26 Departures from Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh-Ljub-Ijana-Pittsburgh) — only $358.00 July 1 to July 14 July 22 to August 3 July 22 to August 10 Also weekly departures from Detroit-Bel-grade connecting to Ljubljana. Excellent car rental service; European, Adriatic, Slovenia tours available for all departures. CALL FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. 589 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tel. (216) 692-2225 , / Mother’s day is a day of appreciation and love for that special person, who for most of us, has had the most profound and lasting influence on our lives — our earthly mother. Giving her gifts tells part of our appreciation, but somehow they fall short of expectation. In present days of confusion and wrong :nterpretation on birth of human being, her love for children and life, and her fulfillment as mother is even more appreciated. There is hardly anything more beautiful on earth as mother's love. In many ways the words of St. Paul on love could be applied to most of the mothers. St. Paul Rt Corinthians expressed so nicely: Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jeakous, it dees not put on airs, it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger, neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices w'th the truth. There is no limit to love’s forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure. Love nover fails. This is monther's love. It is greatest gift to mankind. We really owe a lot to our mothers. One way to express our appreciation for her wonderful love for sure is: whether she is still living or has passed on to her heaven, in person or in spirit she will be pleased to hear each of us say: “Mother I love you very much.” NATIONAL PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE FOR MAY Dear Members, May, the month of beautiful blossoms and pretty ;irds, is also the month to honor Mothers. Congratulations to all our members who were chosen as Mother-of-the-Year by their respective branches. Like many women we all consider ourselves rather knowledgeable about the high rising prices that have been demanding more and more money to pay for our daily needs. That’s why it will be understandable that the S.W.U. is also feeling the "Rising Temperature”. To keep on going strong, members will have to pay more dues each month on our assessments starting January, 1975; but this amount is so small, only 10 cts. a month more. Compare wages when the dues were 25 cts. today wages have increased three times over and our dues are still at a low tide. Dear members, those who have been in the organization for a long time, let’s try not to be skeptical about ail this. Just thank our Dear Lord that He has given us a long life-time to be able to do so, and compare this with the enjoyment we have received reading our monthly ZARJA and belonging to the S.W.U. Be sure to read the explanations on why we require the additional assessment, then read it once or twice again. It should give you the feeling that this increase is necessary in order for our organization to go upward and not feel a declining trend and lose out. We have a wonderful staff of National Officers who are working for you and the welfare of the S.W.U. Thru diligent efforts, they have found out that necessary increase will help our organization work on a level basis again. In one of my reports, I claimed that Mrs. Otoničar must have found the Fountain of Youth and energy. This also applies to Mrs. Marie Prisland, our Founder. In her English monthly column, “Capsules”, she has now added a new attraction with full reports about our National Officers, which helps getting to know them better. On March 16, 1974, a large attendance at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., honored the Man and Woman of the Year along with nine 1974 Honorees. Were we happily surprised to learn that Mildred Lipnos of Branch No. 42, Map’e Hts., was to receive an award for her activities among the Slovenes in Maple Heights. Mildred was the secretary for Branch No. 42 for a number of years and is now serving as recording secretary. Congratulations!! The Man of the Year was George Voinovich. As a lawyer he was elected to many offices and is now County Auditor for the City of Cleveland. It was thru his efforts and know-how that hundreds of Slovenes are now getting tneir Senior Citizen rights, as under a new law they are now eligible to apply for a Homestead Tax Exemption. It seems this was his goal even as a youngster, for he remembered how his parents had to struggle to pay their yearly home taxes. Right now my goal is to sign up his wife and daughter into our organization! Everyone seems excited about the Ohio Drill Team Reunion Party which is coming up June 21, 1974, at the Euclid Club House at Lake Shore Blvd. & E. 223 St. Our new membership campaign called “Rounding Out” is starting up. Read all about it in this issue and then try to follow thru. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun to round out your number of members. I have been receiving quite a bit of mail on my monthly articles. I’m happy to know you enjoy reading them. Thank you. Celebrating their 35th Anniversaries are: Branch 95, South Chicago, III. — Organized by Agnes Mahovlich. Branch 96, Universal Pittsburgh, Pa. — Organized by Anna Petrich Branch 28, Calumet, Michigan — Organized by Mary Kocjan — celebrating their 45th year., Happy Birthday Greetings to all and to our mothers, and especially Mrs. Marie Prisland, our Founder and Mother of Zveza. To all our ailing members, best wishes for a quick recovery. Remember to visit your members who are on the sick list. God Bless you all, MARY BOSTIAN "Rounding it out'' Membership Campaign Let’s all get busy and help our membership totals increase! “Rounding Out” the numbers of our state groups is our goal in this campaign that is on until the end of the year. Every state or group of states has a goal —to bring the total membership up to the next nearest figure, rounded out in 50’s. Hope every branch will work toward this goal and bring our totals up! Cash prizes will be given for every new member: $1 for a new Olass B member; 50 cts for a Class B member and 25 cts. for a Junior member. Transfers te. the Adult Dept will be counted as new members and ^ remember, they can transfer from age 14 to either Class A or B. New membership applications must be ac-r companied by a full year's dues (to the branch secretary) in order to qualify for prizes. States and groups of states will be entitled to a special prize for each goal achieved: 1st Goal: A Desk Set of your State flag or flags 2nd Goal: Desk set of your State flag plus American and Slovenian flags (These are to be displayed at the State Conventions.) ASSESSMENTS FOR NEW MEMBERS IN THIS CAMPAIGN: Class A, 50 cents per month, Class B, 80 cents per month; Junior Class 10 cents per month! New membership blanks are available at your Branch Secretary’s office. Addition to the Nat’l Board Minutes: REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF MINNESOTA Report of the State Convention which was held in Chisholm, Minn, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 1973 hosted by Br. 38. Registration and a coffee social preceded the business meeting at the Slovenian Home. Angeline Karish, State President, opened the meeting with a prayer, greetings were extended also by Barbara Rosandich, Ely, Minn, our National Auditor. Minutes of the 1972 meeting were read and approved. That meeting was held in Ely as you remember. Congratulatory messages were read from Marie Pris-land, Founder of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Mary Bostian, National President, Fanika Humar, National Secretary, and Sophie Magayna, State President of Ohio— M'chigan. Thank you all. Roll call was taken by the State President. Delegates were from 13 branches. Each branch was called upon tc give reports. The president asked for remarks for the betterment, pro and con, for our convention. A discussion on many subjects and an important one was that no branch for for any reason can change the date of the State Convention of Minnesota. It must be held on the second Sunday of September. In deciding on the next State Convention location, it was voted that all the branches be given the opportunity in numerical order. Therefore, Eveleth, Br. 19 was chosen for 1974. I wish to encourage all members to keep up the good work on the membership campaign. Let’s make our new National President, Mary Bostian, happy as she is working so hard to build up the membership which is our most important work. (Thanks, Mary, for all the help you have given me. It is nice to know that if I need advice, Mary is fast and willing. If anyone has a question, get in touch with Mary and you'll know what I mean.) One the motion for adjournment, we concluded with prayer and the group went to St. Joseph’s church to attend the Polka Mass under the direction of Jtoe Cvek. Ceiebrant was Rev. Fr. Frank Perkovich of Eveleth, Minn. Following the Mass, the 350 delegates and guests gathered at the Social Hall for a Banquet and program. Principal Speaker was Robert Babich, Executive Vice-President and Director of the NEMDA. A talk by C.A. Nickloff, the invocation and benediction were given by Rev. Fr. James Hayden. The welcome was extended by Mayor of Chisholm, Lawrence Belluzzo, and short remarks were made by Mrs. Frances Hren, president of Br. 38, Barbara Rosandich, Nat’l Auditor and yours truly. Musical entertainment during the dinner was provided by Tony Menart, a fifteen year old accordionist from Eveleth and the Joe Cvek Band. Prizes were awarded at the close of the banquet. Mistress of Ceremonies was Miss Veda Ponikvar, and the banquet was prepared by Jennie Adamic assisted by other members of the branch. After the Benediction, the members concluded the day by singing “America, the Beautiful”. I extend my best wishes to the National Officers and Spiritual Advisor for continued good health and progress for our organization. Thank you. ANGELINE KARISH State President Combined Branches Report The Cleveland Combined Branches met on March 28, 1974 at one o’clock at the St. Clair Recreation Center. It was so nice to see all the ladies’ after a few month’s vacation. In fact, this is our first meeting of the year. Present were members from Branches 10, 14, 21, 25, 32, 42 and 50. Missing was Mrs. Pugelj of Br. 47 but she left us her message. Also present was our Na- tional President, Mary Bostian and Frances Seitz of Br. 50. We heard the reports from a.\ branch members. Most of them were secretaries. After all reports were given we found that from all represented branches we had lost 18 members so far this year. Mrs. Pugelj's message was brief and good news, as they have 4 new members. We all have nice plans for the coming year. Our Nat’l President talked about getting a bus of members to go to Lemont, III. for Zveza Day in July. Frances Seitz, chairman of the Cotillion for 1974 gave us a wonderful report. The Deb Ball will be in December on the 28th at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. The former Debs and their mothers will also help to make this a big success. There will also be a reunion of all Drill Teams of this area on June 21st at the Euclid C'ub House on 222nd St. I would like to ask all branches which had Drill Teams years ago to get in touch with members. I’m sure this will be a wonderful affair. We also want girls who would like to be Debutantes to make plans to join this event on Dec. 28th. Our National President gave us her report of the Board Meeting held in February at the Home Office. She stated that the Scholarship grants will be increased to $250.00 per scholar. That’s really good news for our youngsters. I’m happy about that. Mary also reported on the increase in assessment. This was a big blow to us, especially because at the 1973 convention we delegates turned down the proposed 5 cts. increase. And it isn’t even a year yet and the Board voted for a 10 cts. increase for all A & B mem- bers. After much discussion, pro and con, Mrs. Mary Otoničar of Br. 25 made a motion that we, the representatives of branches in Cleveland, turn down the 10 cts. raise in assessments. This was seconded by secretary, Vera Bajec of Br. 14. The vote was unanimous. The decision is that since the raise is for Zarja, try to get less expensive paper and cut down on articles published, print 6 copies a year. I’d like to thank all who attended the meeting and hope to see you at our next meeting wich will be May 23rd at the same place. A very Happy Mother’s Day greeting to all of you. SOPHIE MAGAYNA State President of Ohio-Michigan From the Editor After reading the report of the State President of Ohio-Michigan of the meeting of the Combined Branches of Cleveland, it seems appropriate that several comments be given by the Editor, since the issue was raised of the publication of our ZARJA. It behooves me to try to give my views., It somehow feels like we have lost the confidence we always had in our officers. The National Board of Directors is doing its best for the organization without personal aggrandizement. Now, a year after the Convention, the Boa-d is still facing the same problems that the delegates have forgotten exist since the moment they left the convention floor. For this reason, the Board has studied the financial picture of the Zveza and determined that the increase in dues that was proposed and defeated at that convention, must become a reality in the near future, and the duty and responsibility of the Board must be exercised. Therefore, the raise in assessment for all members, will take affect Jan. 1, 1975, a fu l year and a half after the last convention, and now more necessary than ever with the continually rising costs of all operational expenses, not only ZARJA. As housewives we know that the value of a single dime is practically zero, but we are hoping that many dimes can help us face general inflation. We pride ourselves in our ZARJA. In the past 47 years, we have worked to bring it to its present status, a most beloved publication for members and their famii'es. In ZARJA, you have the opportunity to learn and study how your sisters in other parts of the country are living and working and keeping their activities going. You are inspired by the courage of your sisters who face hardship and/ or are doing things with their lives that make us proud and uplift our spirits. We learn about our young people and how our families are growing within the jurisdiction of this organization. We are promoting the cultural life of our members and their recreation. Furthermore, it has been in the spirit of our pioneers that ZARJ"A upholds it place as an ethnic press in America.. Most fraternal organs and foreign language newspapers are finding it difficult to go on. But, for as long as we can, we must follow our duty to work, improve, progress, and keep our identity for as long as we can. This 'S what our members expect of us and our duty. We have worked hard to build the greatest involvement 3ver of our members in ZARJA and thus, have the largest number or reporters of any similar organization. Each deserves the respect and admiration of all of us for they are doing a service to all. To answer the appeal for a less costly ZARJA, we can only say, it is now being printed the most economically possible. The paper stock used is the 'least expensive for the type of machines handling the printing. The Croatian Fathers and Sisters that comprise the staff of the printing shop have taken all means possib’e to give us the best service at the least cost and are not gouging or overcharging in any phase of the printing operation. But, they have had to make an adjustment in the price and we believe it is an honest attempt to keep their prices just. The proposal to print ZARJA less frequently is most difficult to an- swer affirmatively. We have a monthly contract and as such can ask for the best financial arrangement. Half this amount of work might increase the prices the printers would have to charge us per issue. Furthermore, the huge amount of material that would accumulate over two months might very well necessitate larger issues than the ones we publish now and defeat the entire economic structure. And finally, I can assure you that any Editor who has to keep the fires going for a two month interval between issues will be hard to find and this is a most difficult and frustrating aspect. Your comments, dear members, would be appreciated and of value to our understanding of your views. CORINNE LESKOVAR BOWLING TOURNEY GRAND SUCCESS! There were 28 teams and 43 doubles at the Midwest Bowling Tourney held in Milwaukee. I hope everybody enjoyed themselves and we had some good scores. The winners will be published in the June issue. I want to thank Br. 43 for all their help, especially Rose Kraemer and Mary Tratnik. UL PUTZELL Director of Women’s Activities ,vAw.mwrtv.v.w.v.v«’.ei No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. BOWLING NEWS Marquette Super Service continues to lead the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league, but they’re beginning to feel some pressure from below. As of March 19, they had a record of 54% wins and 29J losses. Dr. Grill had a good month and rose to second place with 50 wins and 34 losses. Lawn Fence fell to third place with 47 wins and 37 losses. Zefran Funeral Home (46-38) and St. Paul Federal (41J-42i) retained their respective places from last month. St. Paul Federal took over the lead in high team series with 2817. All other handicap leaders remained the same. Another new bowler has joined our “star” ranks. Linda DiGiacomo bowled a 428 series, which was 89 pins over her 113 average.. She also was 86 pins over her average earlier in the month with a 422. Dorothy Ceska wasn't too far behind, bowling 87 pins over her 108 average, for a 411 series. Mae Per-sa’s 476 and Donetta Knezevich’s 515 were both 83 pins over their respective averages. Some of the high series of the month included: S. Melissa, 530, 515 and 508; S. Gorka, 521, (200 game) and 525; A. Salvino, 511; H. Fitzgerald, 507. J. Nowaczyk had a 198 game. The month's railroad “hotshots” were: A. Salvino, G. Niedzielko, D. Ceska, K. Cepelak, M. Stuck (2), 5-7; J. Ovnik, 3-7 and 3-10; S. Gorka, 3-10 (2) and 5-10; S. Melissa, 3-10 and 5-7; A. Hozziem, 5-7-9; R. Swartz, 6-7-10 and 2-7; B. Shiliga, 6-7-10; E. Statkus, 5-8-10; L. DiGiacomo, C. Wrezzes, 3-10; J. Muelle-man, 3-7-10; A. Vucko, 5-10; P. Robinson, 6-7 and 5-7; M. Cepelak, 4-7-10; M. Zefran, 5-6-10. That’s all for now. See you next month! BARBARA ZUREK .V.V.W/AV.V, No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. A very happy Mothers Day greetings to all of you wonderful mothers and grandmothers everywhere. Please members do try and attend the May meeting on the 19th, which will be in conjunction with a Mother's Day program. Our treasurer, Dorothy Brezonik, will be honored as our Mother of the Year. Luncheon also will be served. We welcome Agries Melanz in our branch. Two of our members, Mesdames Mary Turk and Amelia Mueller spent an enjoyable visit in Hawaii, escaping the cold Wisconsin winter weather. Do contact me if your policies concerning beneficiaries need to be changed, so this matter can be up-dated. A new Campaign is in progress, will you try and enroll new members, which are urgently need for the continued progress of our organization? Our prayers for all the sick and shut-ins for a speedy recovery. MARGARET FISCHER Secretary No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Two main events are coming up these next few months and this is just a reminder, members. May 9, 1974 is the evening of our Mother’s Day Mass and Party at St. Stephen’s. The Mass will be at 7:30 p.m. to which we hope you will invite members of your families as well. We will conclude the church services with the Singing Litany of the Blessed Virgin. Afterward, the traditional party will be held in the Lower Hall to which all are invited and we’ll have a lot of refreshments, provided by our generous and kind members. It will be also the quarterly birthday party for members celebrating in April, May and June! Then, we have the annual Zveza Day in Lemont on July 21st. For this event, we’ll ask you again to give your wholehearted support. A meeting in June will determine all the committees necessary, but we ask you in advance to be ready to help out if called upon. Volunteers are ALWAYS WELCOME. The outdoor Grotto will be the scene of Mass at 11:00 a.m., in plenty of time for you to drive in from outlying areas. We are hoping to have many guests this year coming from Cleveland branches and as usual, we hope to see the members of Indianapolis and Milwaukee, our loya! guests. We extend our love and affection to all our mothers and grandmas this month—God keep you and bless you! HANDWORK EXHIBIT FABULOUS! In March, we were treated to an array of handwork the likes of which few of us have seen all in one place. Numerous members brought their work, some «ven were ready to show how to do things and it was most interesting for the spectators. We liked it so much that we plan already now, to have something of the kind again next year, on -t larger scale, and open to the public. Thanks to our chairman, Mrs. Breda Modic and all who helped out in any way. It was fabulous! CORINNE LESKOVAR No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO At the March meeting, we were very happy to see so many members. Jennie Koren, our sentinel, celebrated her 90th birthday. Also celebrating were Mary Camloh, Mary Komidar, Frances Zagar and Mary Cemigoj. Our Mother of the Year is Wilma Krall who was very active at our time. She was captain of the Frances Susel Cadets. We congratulate Wilma who at the present time is one of our auditors. We have two new members who joined our branch: Antonia Alec and Katherine Klusurich. Welcome, ladies, and hope to see you at the meetings. We also held an afghan project and Martha Batich of Akron, Ohio was the one who drew the winning ticket that belonged to Antonia Baraga. She was present at the meeting and very happy to go home with the beautiful afghan. I wish to thank all the members and friends who so generously he'ped to make this event such a success. I wish you all could have won, you were great! Julia (Pearl) Mooney donated a beautiful hand- made shawl for a door prize and the winner was Wilma Krall, Thank you, Pearl! Our hearts were saddened this month. We lost two dear members. Our one and only remaining charter member, Mary Sluga, slept away on her 78th Birthday. Two days later, also sleeping away was Mary Urbas, at age 95. Together, they enrolled 251 .members, Mary Sluga 108 and Mary Urbas, 145. Mrs. Urbas was president for 26 years. We have many happy memories woman Mrs. Agnes Melanz, veteran of 18 years as a deputy Court Clerk, has announced her candidacy on the Democratic ticket for Sheboygan, Wisconsin, County Clerk of Courts in this fall’s election. A native of Sheboygan, Mrs. Melanz, the former Agnes Zlodi, is a 1940 graduate of Sheboygan High School, followed by a four-year commercial course and was an Honor student. of their participation in our branch activities. Our deepest sympathy to Albert Sluga and Alice Mendoza and all the grandchildren, also to Virginia Winger, John and Anthony Urbas and all 19 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren ">f Mrs. Urbas. Please remember our shut-ins, Josie Zarnic, Josephine Sušfarsic, Josephine Oberstar, and we hope the good Lord will return good health to them. A very happy Mother’s Day to all of you and may you be blessed with good health qnd happiness. SOPHIE MAGAYNA Secretary No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO The main topic of our monthly meeting was our up-coming Woman of the Year celebration in May — this will 'ye combined with our three month birthday party. The Woman of the Year for our branch is Mary Iskra, our Treasurer. Plans were discussed for our Annual Card Party coming up this fall. Sorry to be the bearer of sad news but two of our members passed away this month: Frances Srpan and Caroline Turk. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. May they rest in peace. is Court candidate Her career in local court work began in September 1956, when she became then the only clerk in the County Municipal Court. Later she continued in all phases of court clerical work under two other judges including Traffic, Family court. Juvenile court and adoptions. She has trained several girls in clerical duties of the courts and has attended seminars on new court procedures, fee schedules and processing which the Judiciary Council presents to the Judges and its clerks. She feels that 18 years of experience in local court work qualifies her for the position as Sheboygan County Clerk of Courts. Agnes is a member of Sheboygan Branch SWU. We are calling on all members and their friends to vote for her in the fall elections. It will be an honor for our Branch to have one of its members holding a high County office. On the sick list are Antonia Sustar, Frances Plevnik and Mary Sporar. We wish them a speedy recovery. Donations to our treasury were made by—Anna Pinculic, Frances Kristoff & Jennie Stopar. Donations to our Goodtime treasury was made by Antonia Sustar. Thank you for your generosity. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. At our March meeting final plans were made for our games party which was held on the 24th. Ann Lustig and her committee are to be congratulated for the success of this affair. They wish to thank all the members who contributed toward the refreshments and the many special and door prizes. Every lady went home with a prize. Before she left on her Spring vacation, Jean Bukvich organized the girls who will be bowling in the tournament. Jean Bukvich, Anchea Krai, Christine Krai, Marge Prebil and Mary Rago will be on the team representing our branch. Some of our other members planned to accompany them to Milwaukee for a social weekend. At the social hour following the Maroh meeting, we all enjoyed refreshments contributed by the birthday celebrants. Happy Birthday was sung for Mary Brebrick, Mary Fugina, Antonia Krese, Mary Primožič, Julia Vrlich and Mrs. Katie Triller.. Welcome to Anna Novak our new social member. In March, we lost one of our oldest members, Frances Kuhel. She was one of our most faithful members before ill health overtook her. She was the mother of members Zora Yurkus, He'en Milanovich and Ruth Cubra. Our sympathy is extended to them and to the other family members. Our condolences also go to the bereaved families of Joseph Brozovich, husband of Mary Brozovich; Anthony Sebahar, brother of Mary Primožič; Joseph Mergoie, son of Agnes Mergole and Frank Lustig, father of Barbara Lustig. March was a sad month for our members. Get well wishes are sent to Pat Schwer and Dorothy Plebanski who are on the sick list. We would like to see all our recent new members present at the June meeting for an initiation ceremony. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Within two weeks we have lost two old-time members, Mrs. Anna Adamich (Grebenc) age 88 years and Mrs. Clara Puž (Push) Srdec, 78 years of age. Mrs. Adamioh is survived by two daughters who are both in a religious order, as sisters of St. Francis of Christ the King at Lemont, III., Mt. Assisi Convent. Also, she had five sons, one is Rev. Albert Adamich, the pastor of Mother of God Church in Waukegan and others are John, who lives in Arkansas and Raymond, Henry, and Walter Adamich. Also there is one sister, Johanna Gustin in Slovenia, 10 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren, many nieces and cousins. She was born in Slovenia and lived in J'oliet since 1906. She was preceded in death by her husband, John, a daughter, two sons, Frank and Edward. Mrs. Adamich was a member of many societies and our member since 1928, recommended at that time by the late Oath. Dragovan. Mrs. Srdec was ill several years and died at St. Joseph Hospital on March 30th. She is survived by one daughter, Florence Ancel, two granddaughters, Janice Ancel and Charlene McDade and one grandson; also two brothers and a sister in Slovenia. She was preceded in death by a brother and sister. She was our member since 1941, recommended by Anna Mahkovec. Both our members were buried from St. Joseph Church and rest at St. MARIE PRISLAND JU ouincf memory It is with sadness that I report the death of our member, Mrs. Frances Kuhei, who passed away on March 13, 1974. She would have been 91 years on March 25th. She joined Branch No. 16 on April 15, 1937 and attended meetings regularly until a few years ago. She is survived by her son, Joseph, daughters, Zora Yurkus, Ruth Oubra of Phoenix, Arizona and Helen Milanovich, 1 2 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Her daughter, Zora was very active in bowling activities as well as with the Branch No. 16 cadets. Zora also served on the Youth and Recreation Committee for three years having been elected to that position at the National Convention held in May of 1949. She also held the position of Secretary of Branch No. 16. For the past several years, Zora has been suffering with arthritis and presently spends her time making Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls as well as other types of dolls which she sells, and she has donated many of these lovely items for various S.W.U. functions. Mrs. Kuhel was chosen our Mother-of-the-Year in 1959 and was honored with having her picture, which is shown above, appear on the cover of the May issue of the Zarja. To the family we offer our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of their beloved Mother. “Eternal rest grant to her, O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest In peace! Amen.” GLADYS K. BUCK Secretary Joseph Cemetery. Our sympathy to the familes of both deceased and our prayers for their reward in heaven. Our bowlers also attended the Midwest Bowling Tournament in Milwaukee and the group who rode with the bus v/as headed by our treasurer and bowling director, Jo Sumic. They were Lillian Anderson, Mildred Brisko, Judith Darlinga, Marge Gasperich, Ann Kobe, J’osephine Mlakar, Ann Papesh, Catherine Petrich, Mary Rudman, Ann Ster-nisha, Ann Stofko, Agnes Verbiscar and Mary Zadra. Also on the bus were Tony and Mary Kochevar and Tony and Mary Mihelič with their three children, Annette, Tony and Tommy Miihelich. Olga Ancel, our secretary also attended and brought along her son, Andrew and his friend, Keith MaoNamara for company. With their cars came the following: Alice Ancel, a new member, Lodine Hays, Lillian Bozich and Betty Lakotich. Four officers of Br. 20 attended, namely Jo Sumic and Olga Ancel, Mary Ivanich, Vice-President and Yours Truly. Everyone had a good time and thanks to Rose Kraemer who made arrangements for a wonderful hotel, Nina’s, where all the bowlers spent the night and also for the nice bowling lanes, Kuglitch’s, where we also met our friends and had our lunch. Everyone was helpful., Here also we met our Founder, and Honorary President, Mrs. Marie Prisland, Editor, Cor-inne Leskovar, Vice-Pres. Marie Floryan, and Auditor, Marion Marolt. Also, our old time friend was there, Josephine Schlossar of West Allis and the present Sport Director, Lil Putzell. On the way to Milwaukee, an entertainment was given by Marge Gasperich who had many prizes on hand for the winners and Jo Sumic took care of the finances for the bus. Marge was really a good entertainer and we are glad she is one of our group. Congratulations also to Marge who was selected by the Holy Rosary and Altar Society of St. Joseph’s as the Woman of the Year. She really deserves this honor for she helps in many activities. Our former Secretary, Frances Gaspich is in sunny California these days vacationing. We wish her many nice days. A speedy recovery to Mayme Fedo who underwent a second operation within a month and to Mrs. Frances Gregorich, also hospitalized for surgery. We hope they will soon come home. Our next meeting will be in May and celebration for our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Mary Mihelich, a very active member, a bowler and good helper in all our activities. Her mother-in-law, Mary Mihelich, is also our long-time member. A gala night was held at the Sheraton Hotel on April 5th when our friend was honored, selected by a committee of Young Republicans and he is none other than John J. Jevitz. He has been secretary of Will County Republican Central Committee for the past 24 years and was re-elected for this 25th year. He is a member of the Republican National Heritage Committee dealing with Pan-£uropean Ethnic groups and was Joliet Township Clerk for the past four years. His many friends attended the affair and joined in congratulating him as their MAN OF THE YEAR. John is noted as a loyal friend and hard-working official. As a long-time choir singer, from his youth on, John has earned a special place in the hearts of all parishioners of St. Joe’s. At Br. 20 we always call on him and his wife, Lottie for help that only he knows how to give. We appreciate all of this and with one word from all of us say: CONGRATULATIONS! May God give you strength and long life so you can continue your good work! Secretary, Olga Ancel asks every member who is arreas to please pay up your dues; the work would foe so much more easy if you take care of your obligations. Please do and help her to keep the books up to date. Meeting date is May 19th, please come and make this a friendly gethering as always. Lunch will be served and games played. Thanks to Mary Ivanich, our V-P for her home-baked cookies served to us on the bus. With best wishes. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 23, ELY, MINN.-DAWN CLUB A report on the Feb. meeting. Our president opened the meeting with prayer. The following are the new slate of officers: President, Mary Mavetz, Vice-President, Jtennie Deyak, Secretary, Mary Skufsa and Treasurer, Julia Russ. Sunshine Chairman is Mary Starkovich and Auditors are Emma Pucel and J. Marolt. Cards were played after a short meeting. Emma Pucel won first prize in pinochle and low was Jeannette Vidmar. High in "B” was Mary Gatchnik and Sally Davidson, low. Margaret Shuster was high in Canasta and Emma Železnikar, low. Games prize was won by Frances Maki and Vickie Skala, the door prize., A lovely lunch was served. Our March meeting was held at the St. Anthony's church hall with Mary Mavetz presiding. Plans were made for the annual Banquet at Bridgemen’s May 15th. The time is 6 oc.ock cocktails with dinner at 6:30. So be there! It’s always a p.easure to get together, especially wnen Mary Gatchnik takes along her accordian. She fills us all with good spirits. A speedy recovery to all our sick members, including Pauline Polyner who has been ill in the hospital and is now hoime recuperating. Door prize winner was Margaret Deyak. Card “B” was played and lunch followed with a variety of jello salads and wafers. It was very good. Thank you, ladies, on the lunch comrtiittee! Good bless you all., MARY ZGONC Reporter No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Our first meeting of the year was held March 19th due to the unpredictable weather during January and i-ebruary. There were 3b memocrs present. With the coming of spring, ladies, we’re hoping for a larger attendance, so come on out and join uie crowd! The families of Margaret Bonak anti Johanna Ogriszek who died this year, sent thank you cards expressing their gratitude tor tne prayers ana mass cards. Our annual Luncheon and "B” party will be Tuesday, May 12th and all members are asked to donate a prize and also to sell tickets which went on sale at the April meeting. Let’s all join in and make this affair a huge success. We added one new member to our rolls at the last meeting, Florence Mantick. Welcome. The State Convention will be at Br. 96, Universal on Oct. 6th Keep this date open, so that we can have a good representation from Br. 26. We are asking all the members to get on the “bandwagon” as the saying goes and try to sign up one new member so that we will do our part in keeping the Slovenian Women’s Union growing in membership. Being that the Luncheon is in May, °ur next meeting will be June 18th. See you then. We extend our best wishes to all the sick, aged and shut-in members Wherever you may be. May God bless you. HELEN CESNIK Recording Sec’y No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our meeting in March had a nice attendance with our V i c e-President absent due to illness; we hope she is now o.k. Our meeting was short as we had another demonstration by Julia Zak and ner dough, again, seemed to us a little easier and she made cheese strudel, just delicious. She made a lot of dough which went like "hot cakes” and we were able to take it home to use it later. Pictures were taken and they should be in Zarja soon. President, Mary Bostian asked what we’d like for April and again by great demand, the ladies asked for the same demonstration ay Julia but for a different filling. We surely enjoy watching and learning something new every time. Thanks to Julia and her daughter Merilyn Freck for giving a hand. We were very proud of the pictures in the March issue of Br. 32 members who were initiated to our branch; Alma Eppich did a good job taking them. Back from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Mary Drobnick told aoout her visit. She saw Bob Hope and Jackie Gleason playing golf and other Temperatures were in the 80's and she did a lot of swimming and was very satisfied. They had good times. Annie Godlar was in Manette, Georgia visiting her nephew and others. This is a beautiful p.ace, different with a Jot of pine trees. Good smelling air and a very nice visit made ner happy she said. We are glad to announce that Josephine Posch was awarded a pin for 50 years service as a volunteer worker for the Red Cross. This was on Sunday, March 10th at the Sheraton Hotel. She also donated to our treasury and Josephine Jevec also. We heard at the March meeting that Josephine’s husband was very sick at Euclid General Hospital and we wish him a speedy recovery and good health. Let’s pray for all our sick. Tony Somrock, husband of Josephine, also is sick. We hope they are much better already. Our next meeting will be May 15th. Please come to the meeting and Mother’s Day Luncheon. Mother of the Year will be honored and we hope to see you there, if you are not contacted. May is one of the nicest months and an honor to all mothers. Check your dues and make the secretary happy. A Happy Mother’s Day to all and may God bless you. See you at the meeting. ANN TEKAVEC Rec. Secretary No. 33, DULUTH, MINNESOTA Uur March meeting was attended by about 2b memoirs in reasonably good weather. After a short business meeting those in menaance enjoyed a suae presentation of her trip to Yugoslavia, Germany and Switzerland by member Mary Berntson. Hopefully, many of you attended the Card and Games Party sponsored by Branch 33 in April. Congratulations to Frances and Nick Borovac on their o2nd wedding anniversary and to former reporter Florence Burger and her nt-sband Ed on the birth of a granddaughter—their first. Best wishes to Sandra, daughter of lhara and Nick, on her marriage. Speedy recovery to Fanny Blatnik, daughter of former president Francis Blatnik, Peggy (Johard, Ann Podgoršek and any other member who may be sick., a number or our members are now living in nursing homes. We send greetings to Mary Jaksha and Vicky ovjnch in Uuium auu to r\cua iviuzuian in Virginia, Minnesota. iviemDers snou.d maKe an effort to Keep in contact by visiting or sending cards. Our sympatny to Mrs. Frank Sever on the death of her husband and to her family on the loss of a father. Daughters Virginia Mikrut and Althea iverberg are memDers our branch. Aiso surviving are sons Francis, Lawrence and Phillip. Guest of honor at our Mary meeting was Lois Pelander, our Mother of the Year. The May meeting is one of our big meetings of the year — the mood more festive, the lunch more lavish and the attendance good. MARY CHEPELNIK No. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. SWU Branch No. 38 met at the Slovenian National Home on April 3. President Frances Hren opened the meeting with a prayer. All officers were present. The group decided to donate the $100 from Robert Babich, director of NEMDA, to the Iron Man project to be erected in time for Chisholm’s Diamond Jubilee in 1976. A Mass for living and deceased members will be said on May 5 at which time the group will have a Communion breakfast for members and invited guests. Jennie Adamic will be in charge of catering, assisted by Helen Balich, Rose Niemi, Fran Kos-nik, Fran Schaefer, Ann McAlpine and Lucile Palcich. Fran Russ will be in charge of ticket collections. (Continued on Page 9) Marie Prisland: C* | ■ SpeciaC feature ANNA TRONTEL SOPHIE MAGAYNA At the National Convention in 1958 it was ruled that seven divisions be formed of the states where Zveza's Branches operate and each group shall have a president who will prepare for her state convention pro-giams to offer new ideas for improvement and expediency w.thin the Branohes and the Union. The state presidents assumes leadership in membership campaigns. PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Anna Trontel, 24 years a devoted president of Branch 26 in Pittsburgh, is the newly-elected state president for the above division. She was born in Slovenia, married there and with her husband arrived in America in 1927. Her husband, Louis, a trained carpenter, passed away in 1963. Two sons and two daughters were born to the Trontels. Son, Louis, is employed at the U.S. Steel Public Relations Department, while son, Henry, is a mem-bet of Corporate Staff of the Broackway Glass Company. Eoth Boys are graduates of Duquesne University. Their daughter, Ann, is employed as a clerk at the Veteran Hospital and daughter, Mary, is a home-maker for her husband and two small children. Mrs. Trontel, a member of since 1936, has done a lot of good work for her Branch. She also sold over 100 of Zveza’s cookbooks. She io doubt will be an exemplary leader as state president supervising 22 branches in her group—19 in Penna, alone. The Slovenian nationality is highly recognized in Pennsylvania. When I wrote to Mrs. Sharp, the state governor’s wife, for her favorite recipe for Zveza’s cookbook, she promptly sent her recipe along with hers and the governor's warm greetings and good wishes. ANNA LUSTIG ROSE KRAEMER OHIO AND MICHIGAN Sophie Magayna, a member of Branch 10 since 1947, is the new president for the state of Ohio and Michigan. Knowing her energy we are confident that she will become a devoted officer. She was born in Cleveland. In 1934 she married Raymond J. Magayna, later manager of Glascote Company, now retired. They have no children. Sophie is secretary-treasurer of her Branch since 1973 and was recording secretary before that. She also recorded the last National Convention Minutes in the Slovenian Language and is recording secretary for the Retirement Group meeting on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland. This group selected Sophie as The Mother of the Year in 1973. She loves to travel and has visited Slovenia five times. With her husband she attended the dedication of the Bishop Baraga Monument in L’Anse, Michigan last fail A member of the Board of Directors of the Slovenian National Home on Holmes Avenue, she also holds membership in Catholic Daugthers and in AMLA, an Ohio fraternal. As state president she will have under her jurisdiction 23 Branches, among them her own. Branch 10 is the first Branch organized in Cleveland under the banner of the Slovenian Women's Union. I remember how heartily Me all welcomed that Branch—the first—in our great Slovenian-American metropolis. We sincerely hope that Sophie will work very hard to bring success to all the Branches and especially to her own Branch, to make her open up like a rose bush in spring and decorate itself with many new members and future constructive programs.—Come on, girls! Show us what you can do! Anna Lustig, elected in 1970 and re-elected at the last National Convention is the state president for lll'i-noiš'and Indiana. She is supervising 10 Branches among them Branch 2 in Chicago which embraces the homo Office of our Slovenian Women's Union of America. Anna was born in Whil'ing, Indičma, and was married in September 1934. Her husband, John, is a craneman at John Mohr & Son Company. They have three children all High School graduates. Edward is a mailman, John is employed at the U.S. Steel Corporation as instrument repairman and daughter Patricia makes a home for her husband and their small children. The daughter, the daughter-in-law and the five grandchildren are members of Branch 16 in South Chicago where Anna holds membership since 1961. She is a great membership campaign worker. To date she has enrolled 109 new members. Her Branch honored her as Mother of the Year in 1967. She is very active in her Branch and in church work at St. George S'ovenian Parish in South Chicago. Anna is supervising 9 Branches in the state of Illinois and one in Indiana. She plans to organize a new Branch in Gary, Indiana. We sincerely hope that she will be successful. Gary is a wonderful community and has a iarge field for expansion. — Anna, lets have a new Branch this year! /wwwwwwv No. 38 Mary Tegg volunteered to be our historian this year. Jennie Adamic and Theresa Gerzin will be on the lunch committee for the September meeting, as no meetings will be held after our May social gathering until next fall. New members insta'led into our lodge by Vice-president Jennie Adamic were as follows: Mary Tegg, Frances Techar, Sophie Tiburzi, and Helen Kochevar. Cards were played. Brownies and coffee were served by hostesses Frances Hren and Fran Schaefer. Prizes were won by Mary Cvar and Ann Mc-Alpine. 24 members were present. FRANCES A. BIZAL No. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. A new year has begun. I wish nothing but the best health for everyone and good fortune thru the entire year! Greetings to our Mother of the Year, Mayme Mohar. This is your Tionth! May you know a feeling of Pride and knowledge you have been so honored because of your dedication to Zveza. The many deeds of kindness shown to so many have not Rose Kraemer, Secretary of Branch 43 in Milwaukee, holds the position as state president of five Wisconsin Branches since 1958. I knew Rose since her childhood. Her mother, the late Mrs. Mary Frangesh, was my school class mate in Slovenia. Rose graduated from Bay View High School and was married on January 27, 1944. With her husband, Leo F.. she continued her father's business until they opened the Rose’s Baby and Gift Shoppe. After her husband’s sudden death in 1955 she closed the store and went to work as a clerk., Two children were born to the Kraemers. Richard A., after graduating from High School and Milwaukee School of Technology, is employed in the office at Mount Olivet Cemetery and in the evening helps out at the Circle Air Freight. Rose Lee M. graduated from High School and from Adele Ballou Beautician School. She was married on April 6th 1974 to James Otto, material coordinator for Everbrite Sign Company. He attended Business College two years. Rose has one grand daughter. She is a member of Branch 43 since 1933 and has actively participated in organizational work for 40 years. She held the office of president 6 years and is secretary 19 years. In her term of office Rose has enrolled 269 new members. She loves sports. She has served as Bowling Director for Midwest Bowling League and conducted this year's Midwest Bowling Tournament held in Milwaukee. Her ardent wish was fullfilled last year when the state of Wisconsin reached its goal of ONE THOUSAND members, due mostly to Rose’s enrollment of new members. — She holds membership in the Eagle Auxiliary and in Know Ycvur Wisconsin Groups. •VWVVW’,/'.%".VVVV'.,VWVVVyVVi/VUVVVV,%VV^%V‘..V.V,.”oV,.VWVV’»"»^VWVVWVWW' gone unnoticed. Humility is one of your assets: your love is endless both to family and friends. You are an inspiration to all who know you, Mayme Mohar. Blessings on you, Mother of the Year! Happy Mother’s Day to all of our members. Being a mother can be a wonderful experience but not without much pain, anquish and sorrow, and let’s not forget, tears! Because it is said, when a child is small he walks on your heart with small shoes, as he grows so does the size of his shoes, so we'll always know worry, love and happiness. The good Lord knew in His perfect plan of life just what it would take to make the life worthwhile, everyday after, we are called Mother. Then to be called Grandma. This a cup filled to the brim with pleasure. A darling baby girl was welcomed in the family of Donna Garland, one of our younger members. Congratulations! Grandma Johanna Zallar was brimming with joy when she heard of the new bundle of love. Mary Karish, a sweet lady, has suffered much pain but she goes right along, keeping herself and husband, Jack, in good spirits. She was in the hospital and is now at home. Mary, get well soon and stay that way! These gals from the old country, certainly know the meaning of the word COURAGE, like Johanna Zallar, Johanna Geržina, Anna Spehar, Anna Ahlin and all others that have been sick and still are, but hold their families together by their strength of character and heart. Mary Berkness had surgery this last month — we all miss her for she is one of the very active members. We always eat well for she is our luncheon chairlady. We wish a speedy recovery to all of our sick members, with God’s blessings. Many fine members of our branch never forget the lonely and shut-ins and they take time off to go and visit, entertain and serve coffee in the different rest homes. Last month, Fran Anzelc, Marge Dewhurst, Ann Kroger, our president and Maize Geržina went to the Aurora Care Center to be with the patients. They entertained with songs, music and they even danced for them. From reports they enjoyed themselves as much as the patients. Thanks, girls; that is what the world is all about! Hermin« Prišland Dick*: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 pi r jul & Mrs. Sophie Koplan and Mrs. Ann Winter of Branch No. 50; Cleveland, Ohio contribute their marvelous and unusual recipes for this month’s col-lumn. Sophie's DATE AND NUT CAKE and Ann’s CHALLOH BRAID would be a delicious addition to your Mother’s Day dinner. DATE AND NUT CAKE For this 40 year old recipe you use only one bowl. 1 cup dates, cut up 1 teaspoon soda Pour 1 cup boiling water over these two ingredients. Add 1/4 pound butter cut up into the above and mix while hot. While cooling; get the following ready to add to the above mixture; 1J cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup chopped nuts Mix thoroughly. Dough will be watery. Do not add more flour. Bake in greased 3 inches high round angel food pan and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or drip icing over top when done. CHALLOH BRAID This makes two very attractive and delicious loaves of bread. 1£ cups milk 1/4 cup sugar 3 teaspoons salt 1/3 cup butter 3 eggs 2 envelopes yeast or 1 double fresh yeast J cup very warm water 1\ cups sifted flour 1 tablespoon water 2 teaspoons poppy or sesame seeds 1. Combine first 4 ingredients in saucepan. Heat until butter melts; cool to lukewarm. 2. Beat eggs, reserve 2 tablespoons for glazing. 3. Dissolve yeast in water. Add milk mixture and eggs. 4. Beat in 4 cups flour. Add enough remaining flour to make a soft dough. 5. Turn out; knead 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl; turn dough over and cover; let rise 1} hours. Punch down and turn out and knead. Divide into 6 pieces. With hands shape each into a rope 15 inches long. Place 3 strands on a greased cookie sheet and braid. Braid the other 3 strands on another cookie sheet. Cover and let rise for 1 hour. Combine 2 tablespoons egg and 1 tablespoon water; glaze, then sprinkle with seeds. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. CHICKEN TETRAZZINI This is a delicious way to extend chicken. Most Italian restaurants feature CHICKEN TETRAZZINI. 7 oz. package macaroni or spaghetti 4 oz. can mushrooms, drained 3 tablepoons butter or chicken fat 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup half and half 2 cups chicken broth Salt and pepper to taste 3 tablespoons Sherry wine 3 cups cooked cut-up chicken 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Cook macaroni or spaghetti in boiling salted water until tender; drain. Drain mushrooms. Brown mushrooms in butter; remove mushrooms. Add flour to butter; blend. Add half and half and broth to the thickened butter; simmer, stirring constantly until uniformly thickened. Season to taste; blend in wine. Add chicken, mushrooms, and macaroni or spaghetti. Place in greased casserole. Top with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees until bubbling. W.W.V^.WAWo'W.V.V.VW.WMW.V.VW.'/.V.V.V.V.V/.WANV.'W.V.V.V.V.V.VW. Our Christmas project was with these same people in mind, our members pitching in and guying an electric razor for the Wishing Well of the Aurora Care Center. Then, corsages were made for the women which surely put a sparkle in their eyes. Now, for the summer, we plan to have the annual picnic which is enjoyed by the old and young alike. Thanks to Frank Stebly for letting us have it at his cabin by the lake, really the most beautiful spot in the world. Our Mother's Day Breakfast will be held the first Sunday in May. Keep well and happy until we meet again. If you don’t attend our meetings you’re really missing a good time. Come to the meeting in May and you’ll see what I mean. Thank you. ANGELINE KARISH Rec. Sec’y and Reporter No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Hello ladies, Sorry I didn’t mention in the last issue that our Johanna Perko reached her 75th birthday. Also, Josephine Stavec was 86 years young. We wish these ladies many, many years of the best of everything. Also, to our May birthday gals, Mary Filips, "Tonka” Kastelic, Dorothy Ponikvar, and Angela Zupanc, a Happy Birthday. Don’t forget that on May 26th at St. Wenceslaus church, 1:15 p.m. mass, takes place with dinner afterwards at the Slovenian Home. We shall honor our Mother of the Year, Donna Stub-Ijer. She’s a good member, always willing to help and bake at our affairs. We all like her and wish her the best. Please get in touch Tonka, Cilka or me for your dinner reservations and hope to see you all there. We had another big event here in Maple Hgts. Millie LIpnos was the first Woman of the Year of the Slovenian Home Federation. It will be all about her in the next Issue. Congratulations, Millie! To our Mary Hočevar — We’re glad you're feeling better. Hope this will be a quiok recovery for you. We had a nice meeting last month but ladies, there will be moie to talk about at the June meeting. So, please be sure to attend an bring a new member with you, too. Sorry Marge Lipnos — a Happy Belated Birthday! Your reporter, MARY LOU PRHNE No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our forsythias blossomed in April, our trees bringing new foliage to life, beautiful flowers blooming, lillies of the valley, roses budding, tulips in colorful array and nature welcoming our Blessed Mother’s Month — May! Oh, the serenity and tranquillity to behold all around us—if only we pause and pray a few words in Her Honor for the warm sun on our faces and life being reborn thru Her intercession to God. Our March meeting was attended by Our Antique Room It all began at a garage sale when my husband purchased a beautifully carved foot-pump organ. Although Bob is in the academic field as a professor of Entomology, he loves to work with his hands. Immediately after getting the organ into our garage, he began dismantling it. Over a period of many week-ends he removed all of the old varnish, replaced the felt pieces, relined the carved front panel with red velvet, replaced the foot pedals to the bellows and cleaned all the inside parts grimy from years of standing in a basement. Inside on one of the key arms, a note left by a repairman is dated April, 1873. Only paste wax, no stain, was then rubbed in to bring out the beauty of the solid walnut wood. Finally the pieces were reassembled in an upstairs bedroom. This lead to the project of an "antique room". We removed the finish from an old bed, a dresser and a caned chair to give a coordinated antique look. Since Bob also enjoys wallpapering, he decorated the room with a red flocked small patterned paper on a white background, and painted the woodwork white. Now it was my turn to contribute to the project. I sewed ruffled muslin curtains for the three windows and made an old fashioned tufted bedspread. An antique rocher, a gently ticking pendulum clock of a century ago, brass candle holders, a milky glass lamp and a wooden cross received as a wedding gift complete the furnishings. We just love this bright and cheery room. Our daughter-in-law's grandmother gave me the instructions for the quilt from which I made the bedspread. She uses this pattern to make warm quilts from flannel pieces left over from pajamas sewn each Christmas for her eight grandchildren. Nylon Stocking-Stuffed Quilt 1. Cut 2-6 inch squares of new left over scraps of lightweight material (cotton preferred). 2. Place right sides together and machine stitch three sides, allowing i inch for seams. 3. Turn right side out. 4. Take an old nylon stocking; cut 5. Grasp top of stocking in both hands; gather stocking upwards with your fingers to the open toe forming a doughnut-like ring. Insert this into the open side of square. 6. Thread a needle with knitting yarn. Pull through center and up again making a knot on top side. Cut off ends about 1 inch long. 7. With nylon now in place by knot, hand stitch fourth side shut folding seam allowance in. 8. Hand whip squares together or zig-zag machine stitch together. Make 12 rows of 15 squares in each row to make a quilt 60” x 75”. T h i s washes well and dries fast. Note: I enlarged the pattern to 17 rows of 15 squares for the bedspread. After sewing the squares together, I also tied a red knot in the corners of each of the squares. Happy Mother’s Day. HERMINE 69 members in a jovial spirit with St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s atmosphere. New members joining our branch are Rose Skully, Mary T. Pike and Mary £. Pike. Frances Seitz suggested an Ohio Drill Team Reunion—and we have reserved Friday, June 21st at the Euclid Park Clubhouse. Details later. Thanks to our Vice-President, Dorothy Ann Winter for her excellent salesmanship on our detergent soap sponges. Monetary gain added to the Sunshine Fund. Prayers for our sick members, Josephine Plavcan in Euclid General Hospital, also Joe Debelak home on Park-grove Ave. who will have a long struggle towards health. Don't forget our confined members, Cecelia Žnidaršič, Louise Mlakar and Eleanor Karlinger. A visit, cards or a little note will ~heer them up. We lost an active member in March, Anne Malnar (1940) who was a Zarja reporter many years ago. Also, Antonia Glenn’s husband, Harold, expired. Our deepest sympathy to their families and May the Light Eternal shine on them, o Lord. Our outdoor mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine .s scheduled for Sun., June 23rd, weather permitting. It will be at 9:30 a.m. followed by breakfast. Reservations please, as we have accommodations for 100 members. We are proud of our member, Mother of the Year, Mary Perusek. Read the column in this issue. Important Notice: We are not sending birthday cards to members since January, 1974. This project was too expensive since our membership has increased. Get well, sympathy cards will continue. Happy Birthdays and many more anniversaries to our members in May and June. Jane Novak, our previous V-P, is a new grandma, as her daughter-in-law, Pat, gave birth to a baby girl they named Antoinette (Toni). Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Paik announced the marriage of their son, David to June Krai of LaMars, Iowa on March 30th. Jfean Paik is our recording secretary and pianist at our meetings. Congratulations to the happy bride and groom. Oh, Queen of Heaven, Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, pray for all members, whose who are i'l and those who implore your guidance. SOPHIE KOPUN No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Our meeting was again held at the Little Grove on the first Wednesday of the month. We held our White Elephant Sale and it was quite successful. We will hold another in the near future and hope those that can will attend. We have to report a lot of sick members, namely: sisters Ann Roberts, Sharon Whipple who spent a few days at the Hibbing General Hospital and to sisters Betty Strazisher whose husband, Tony underwent surgery and Mildred Barbatto whose husband, Anthony also is a patient at the Hibbing General Hospital. We hope and pray that they all are on the road to a rapid recovery. May God bless you all and bring you back to better health. There was a great turn-out at our last meeting and we would like to ~ee a lot more at the next meeting. President, Josephine Oswald led us in closing prayer. We then went on to the social aspects of the meeting at which time cards were played and prizes awarded to the following sisters: High in Smear to Gertrude Kochevar, Genevieve Zidarich, Low to Jennie Crea, Ann Roberts; Bridge High, Alice Baratto, Low, Rose Chiodi; "B” High Josephine Oswald and Low, Pauline Germe. Door prize was won by sister Joan Spinelli. We then had a very delicious lunch served by our hostesses, sisters, Alice Baratto, Margie Andrican, Josette Maki, Celia Politano and Bernice Bonacci. This brought a very delightful evening to a close. We will again hold our meeting on the first Wesnesday of May at the Little Grove. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR Reporter HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY National Officers: iviay 1 — MARIE FLORYAN, Vice-President, west A.lis, Wise. Iviay 10 — MARY 10MSIC, Honorary State President, Strabane, Penna. branch Presidents: iviay a — AGNES KLARICH, br. 93, brookiyn, N. Y............. iviay 11 — CHRISTINE KONiE, Br. b6, Canon City, Colo. Iviay la — anna HktN, br. ja, Aurora, Minn. May 17 — ANGELA ARKO, Br. 72, Pullman, III. iviay — iviAKr iViHOLK, br. aa, Girard, Ohio IViay 21 — ANGELA VOjE, br. b4, New 'lork, N.Y. May 24 — ANiON IA KASTELIC, Br. 42, Maple hgts., Ohio May 25 — FRANCES YERMAN, Br. 57,, Ohio May 29 — ROSE KOSKO, br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio May 30 — MARY SNEZIC, Br. 67, Bessemer, Penna. Secretaries: May 3 — ANNA ANDERSON, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. May 6 — GLADYS BUCK, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 4 — FRANCES SAMSA, Br. 67, Bessemer, Penna. May 9 — CATHERINE HOEKLER, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Penna. May 13 — MARY F. MEJAC, Br. 103, Washington D.C. May 22 — JENNIE TAVCHAR, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Minnesota State Convention Memories by Angeline Karish, State President I always look forward to our Stale ouuvtution for ii gives us an opportunity to renew the irienusnips max ate so much a pan of our /iveza. he'e v»e nav« a cnanct: to gather and tell of our labors, our good aeeas, anu extend our regards. Also, to receive ein-uuiagciuent lui seme of our set backs that at times take some of ihe joy out ot our woik, but never stops us coni'pieitiy. Ihe good work from State Conventions is too numerous to menuon, however, ihe activities aisp ayeu snow tilt, willingness we have to be a strong part of the S.W.U. All our members are waiting for each and everyone of us to bring home successful reports of the Convention. To Corinne, our Editor, many cornp.iments for tne wonderful job she does on our monthly magazine, ZARJA.-The DAWN. The membership is very on.husiastic about magazine and look forward to receiving it. (Thank you, C.) In Minnesota, our State Convention is very successful, bigger and better each year. With God's help, may we work in harmony and in a co-operative spirit that will not only benefit our present organization, but also the even more productive Union that future State Conventions will assemb.e. I wish to thank the officers and members of Br., 38, Chisholm, Minn, for all the hospitality shown. May God biess you all. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. With quite a few members out, we had a short meeting. We made a donation to the Kitzville Reunion and we hope they all have a nice time. We discussed and planned for the celebration of our Lady of the Year, Margaret Shelko. This will be this month. To Ann Satovich and husband, we want to say, Congratulations on becoming grandparents of twins, bom to their daughter! Have fun! To our sick members, Mary Ayotte, Mary Joh-nscn, get well soon — we miss you. To our dear, lovely sister, Margaret Imbertson, we want to congratulate you and Larry MacDonald on your coming wedding in August. May you have many happy returns and good luck. Prizes were awarded to Amelia Domen, Ann Satovich, Dorothy Obestar, Mary Meadows, Margaret Shelko, Mary Babich and Mary Martinich. Our hostesses: Rose Vukich, Mary Putzel, Rose Koempten and Mary Massich. ROSE MARAS No. 57, NILES, OHIO Spring is upon us and with it, Mother’s Day. We will have a Mother’s Day Banquet and I hope as many as can attend will. Mary Vigarito wi'l be honored as the Mother of the Year. We all hope Ann Tarr is on the road to recovery and to her, our best get well wishes. Mary Stancher and Jterry Spoljeric who is in the Cleveland Clinic are offered our wishes, too. It was decided at the meeting that in place of a Bake Sale all members will pay $1.00 instead into the treasury. So, p.ease bring your dollars to the next meeting or send it to Virginia Zevkovich or Frances Yerman. We welcome a new member, Ann Malesovich. Hope Moler will be making her 1st Holy Communion in May. She is the daughter of Leona Moler and granddaughter of Yours Truly. Happy Birthday to all who have them in April and May and get well wishes to those who are not in the pink of health! See you at the next meeting and please take care of your dues if in arrears. MARY MOLER Reporter and your old self again. Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Jennie G.usac, 209 Biackstone, Thornton, 1,1. Piease come, we know you will spend a very pleasant afternoon. Her home is very easy to find, but if you need a ride or directions, call me at 474-1780. Our prayers and good wishes to ail our ailing members. WILMA ZAGAR No. 72, PULLMAN, ILL. Our March meeting was the first one for this year. It was held at Mrs. Arko's home, and we wish to thank her kind hospitality. We spent a most happy afternoon visiting with each other. It was an especially happy meeting and visit because Margaret Vrhovnik was with us. Since our last meeting Margaret had surgery and was hospitalized for several weeks. She is still convalescing, but doing fine. However, the day after our meeting, she was scheduled to 30 back into the hospital for more surgery. Margaret, you came thru the first surgery so well, we know you are going to do the same the second time. We’re all praying for you. By the time this appears in print we hope you will De completely recovered No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HG1S., OHIO Since our branch did not have a meeting the month of March, we want to take this opportunity to wish all the members who celebrated their birthdays a very happy birthday and many more to come, along with good health and happiness. With the energy crisis, very few of our members have taken winter vacations this year, but our Vice President Ann Fike flew to Florida and had a very enjoyable and relaxing ten days visiting member Helen Dusek. Helen sends her regards to everyone. Our ladies are in the process of finishing their fifteenth crib quilt for the physically handicapped and mentally retarded children at the Hattie Larlham Home in Mantua, Ohio, and will be making a trip to the home shortly with all the projects that have been completed as well as the Betty Crocker coupons we are still saving for this home. So please keep saving the box top Betty Crocker coupons as well as those found inside flour bags etc. representing so many points toward the purchase of silverware, as these are acceptable also. Until further notice by my writing regarding same in my article, please keep saving all regular type coupons whether past their due date or still active, as all are acceptable by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in Bellevue, Pennsylvania. We are still saving cancelled stamps (do not remove from the envelope but cut around the stamp Icav'n xk" to 1/3” of paper surrounding same), and as mentioned before, these are being saved for the Little Flower Missions run by the Jesuit Fathers of Patna, India. Our project of gathering "pocket edition” books for the Veteran’s Hospitals, is also stilli in effect. With housecleaning days staring us all in the face this time of the year, this is a good time to gather books such as this and in turn help make the long days for these veterans a little bit shorter with varied and additional reading material on hand. Please keep me informed of any and all vital news regarding members and their families, so that I don’t continually write about active members only, because we want our inactive members to feel that they are just as important to our branch as those members able to attend meetings. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. After two months of vacation, the members of Br. 89 had their first meeting in the month of March. It is better, especially for the older members to eliminate meetings in the cold, winter months as the roads are slippery and dangerous. So, our secretary, Mary Kernz and Helen Komater and Mitzi took advantage of the time off and went to California. There they visited among others, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hunter, past residents of Oglesby. They were taken to the ocean and other places of interest which they enjoyed very much. Mrs. Hunter, the daughter of our treasurer, Sophie Frank, is a teacher and Mr. Hunter a school principal. A lot of our members were sick with the “flu” this winter: Anna Kran-cic, Mary Dittle, Lillian Byrne, Sophie Frank and Magdalena Skoporc and husband, Louis. Mrs. Mary Cenkar had a stay of three weeks in the hospital. We hope they are all o.k. again and will be able to attend the meetings. Birthdays were celebrated by Mrs. HURRAY! ANOTHER SLOVENIAN MAYOR! HON. FRANK HORZEN No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. Buttons are popping off all over Fontana and it is all due to the fact that Frank Horzen is our new Mayor! Yes, Frank won the mayoral race in a sweeping victory — one that left no margin of doubt as to who was the preferred candidate. His acceptance speech was very well delivered and received, a standing ovation did indicate that we were indeed proud of our Slovenian Mayor., Let me give you a little dossier on Frank, just a small thumb sketch to acquaint you with our newly-elected official. He was born in Du Pue, Illinois, is a graduate of LaSalle-Peru Township High school and St. Bede Academy. He has taken special courses in organization and management plus real estate law. He :s a past chairman of Fontana Redevelopment Agency, Vice-President of National Slovenian Catholic Union. He is 54 years old and has been a resident of Fontana for 31 years. He and his lovely wife, Cecelia have six off-spring ranging from ages 14 to 31. Jimmy, the youngest, is an Frances Gorišek and Angela Nico in March and Helen Komater in April. A letter was read to us at the last meeting from State President, Anna Lustig inviting us to come to Lemont, III. for Zveza Day this July 21st. We will discuss this further at the next meetings. After the close of business, games were played and refreshments served. JOSEPHINE LIVEK No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. March turned out to be one of our larges gatherings with 46 members attending the meeting. Routine reports where given, with discussions on >ur accomplished accordianist and has his own band that for my money can give competition to Lawrence Welk any time. Our sincere congratulations to you, Frank! May you spend many years in office where we are assured that you will wield your gavel with a fair and firm hand. I attended a birthday party for Anissa Vlasic ,vho was all of six years old. Memory took me back to my sixth birthday to a little town called Iselin in Pennsylvania where Mrs. Telban, Shirley Melissa’s grandmother, baked a cake for my birthday. I shall remember Mrs. Telban with love until the day I am no more for she was a very dear person and all the grandmother I ever had. Birthdays are such fun, especially when you’re a little one. Now is a good space as any to mention the birthday celebrants of this month, Marie Arneson, Eleanor Brayer, Carol Ann Hartley, Patricia Koza, Christine Pierman, Frances Martin, Mary Omaits, Gertrude Rupert, Edith Videg-ar, Mary Železnikar, “our leader” Josephine Susel and last but not least, Mrs. Mayor, Cecelia Horzen. Many more years to follow, ladies, with good health leading vour way to happiness. Bill Arneson is ill and in the hospital. Please, sisters, remember him in your prayers. A speedy recovery is also wished to our other friends who might be on the sick list. I had the pleasure of meeting Angela Voje who is from Brooklyn, New York and president of Br. 84. She is visiting her sister-in-law, Mary Videgar. We know you will have a nice visit, Angela, if for no other reason that being in the pleasant company of Nancy Videgar. Happy Belated Easter wishes to all my friends wherever they are and especially to Mary Reich. See you next month, God willing. EDITH DRAWENEK fashion show and the Mother-of-the-Year party. After the business session we had on our program Mrs. Mary Kay Mont Pas, a bright and articulate women from Armstrong Cork Co., who presented her first in a four part series of Decorating Your Indoor World. Her first interesting and informative presentation was a 45 minute movie on Decorating do’s and dont’s with furniture and decor analysis—a unique audience participation quiz to determine your decorating personality, which indeed was most interesting. She will be back on June 5th. when she will present her second segment on 'Carpeting”. The goodies and table decorations were supplied by the following members: Ann Hlacar, Ann Granich, Carrie Plebanski, Virginia Kwiatkowski, Ann Pave, Marge Innis, Ann Bozich, Eva Starcevich, Fran Seabloorn and Yours Truly. Cash donated by the following: ($4) Bernice Golden, ($3) Manda Dosen, ($2) Polonia Ashenbrenner, Lucille Sarich (Texas) and Ann Pearson ($1) Marge Innis, Mary Duich and Ann Bozich. Many thanks for your generosity ladies. Regretfully, I hear that Mary Jurko and her husband have been ailing for a long time. We miss you Maiy, please you and hubby get well quick. Our condo’ences to Evelyn McNulty on the loss of the beloved sister-in-law, Laura Brown, a well-known funeral director who as always ready to support everything that was fine and noble in her community. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Niksic on the loss of her beloved husband Pete. It is difficult indeed to find words to express our regret at the death of this splendid man. Our sympathy and our heart is out to Dragica Vukasovich whose son met with a fatal accident. Birthday Greetings to the following celebrating in May: Mary Barsevac, Eva Cora, Lucille Svalina, Julie Two-hig, Frances Radosevich, Matilda Tur-ica, and Mayme Holmes.. On May 12th. we will all be celebrating Mother's Day which is a great Christian Tradition with a well tested framework of values and ideals so that we may lead our personal lives as we please. Some of us may ignore the values of this great tradition but most of us will continue to hang onto the values our mothers have taught us. So continue to remember her in your own special way, and never forget her stability and loyalty to you. Happy Mother's Day! MARY MATIJ EVICH We note with sorrow the passing of our beloved member Mary Matijevich. She will be remembered as one of our pioneer members who in the formative years of our branch was active in all of our projects. During those years and later, -she made many friends in our group. Our most sincere and prayerful sympathy to her bereaved family. LJUBA BRUNSKI If ever there was left a void in our membership of our branch, it was with the passing of Ljuba Brunski, who also gave fully of her time and energy in the formative years of our branch. She was in every sense a lady and organizer; her influence will be felt for many years to come and the example she has set will continue to inspire us. To her daughter Milly who bore the heavy burden of taking care of her in her declining years and her family, we extend our most sincere sympathy. We pause to pay our tribute of affection and respect to her memory. MILDRED JAMES No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. We had a nice group at the meeting and talked more for our State Convention which is going to be held at Renton, Pa. on Oct. 6th. at St. Januar-us church. Especially we invite our neighboring branches, officers and members, to attend. Don’t forget, mark it on your calendars. I will have more to write later on. Before the State Convention, we ask all branches to discuss more points for the good of our organization. The next meeting of Br. 96 is June 3rd at the Center Club, 2 o'clock. Kathleen Podobnik was picked to be our Mother of the Year, a very loyal and pleasant lady and generous to all. To Kathleen and all the mothers, a Happy Mother’s Day! God bless you with health and happiness, always! Also, a big thank you for Mary Bos-tian, our National President of Ženska Zveza for doing so many nice things to keep our organization active. Our families and many of the members are proud of Mary especially since we are distant relatives and we know she is a good president and hope she will get cooperation from all! Keep up the good work, Mary! Wishing everyone a happy springtime and summertime and hope to see you all in the fall. Special thanks to Mrs. Mary Sashek, recording secretary, for the nice snack she fixed for us after our meeting. Hope to have a nice attendance at future meetings. Best regards to all. PAULA KOKAL, President No. 101, BEDFORD HGTS., OHIO Our last meeting was well attended at the home of our member, Mary Laskowski, who was kind enough to let the ladies use her facilities. We would like to welcome new members Carol Laskowski, Rita Tilisky and Mary Ann Stopar. They are a welcome addition to the organization and will offer much in the way of ideas and help. Also, may we remind all delinquent members to catch up on their dues. Mrs. Cindy Tankovich paid the ladies a visit to report on the progress of her daughter Julie. Julie is the little retarded girl the club sponsored in "Children Forever”. We all enjoyed the visit and are glad to hear Julie is making real progress. We would also like to acknowledge our sick members, Pauline Stepic and Dorothy Kastelic. We hope they are up and around at this writing. We also learned that Barbara Orlowski’s Dad passed away recently. May his sould "Rest in Peace". Congratulations go out to Mr. & Mrs. Ed Picone, recent newlyweds. We would like to see more members attending our meetings — the first Thursday of every month at the Bedford Hgts. Oity Hall. Our group is in the midst of planning some fund raising events, and everyone’s help will be needed. We know you will enjoy participating, and our hostesses are always generous with the goodies after the meeting. If you have any news, or know of any sick members, or other items that might be of interest, please contact the writer so we can get it in the “Zarja”. DOROTHY STARK 662-0078 No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Happy Mother’s Day to all our gracious members. Our April meeting was held at Angeline Jenkins home, What a lovely hostess! Too bad there were so few members that attended. We had a good excuse, the weather was terrible. I’d like to thank my sweet little sister for taking down the notes for me. Our meeting was opened with a prayer by our president, Pauline Adamic. Jenny Bole gave the reports of the last meeting. A delicious luncheon was served and enjoyed by everyone. The homemade ravioli was super good. Our Mother’s Day dinner will be at the Little Cafe, 12601 Gratiot St. at 7 p.m. May 11th. Here's hoping we will have a good turnout to honor our very deserving mother, Pauline Adamic. No one has worked as hard as she to keep our club together. May God bless her with the best of everything in life. We love you, Pauline! Our prayers are with out ailing members. May they enjoy good health soon, Please don’t forget our big night, May 14th at 7 p.m. ANN POBANZ WE IIOVOH WII l»lt\IM T1IK3S! ZVEZA’S BELOVED MOTHERS 01' THE YEAR 1974 DOROTHY BREZONIK LIL PUTZELL MARY GUZZOL MARGARET STEBLEY Dorothy Brezonik BR. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Since 1952, our Branch annually honors one of .ts distinguished members as Mother of the Year or Officer of the Year. This year Mrs. Dorothy Brezonik, former vice-president and present treasurer, will be so honored. Dorothy was born in Milwaukee. When nine years old, her family, consisting of one sister and two brothers, moved to Sault St. Marie, Michigan, where she graduated from High School then entered St. Luke School of Nurs-sing in Marquette, Michigan, graduating in 1945. She has the license to practice nursing in Michigan and in Wisconsin. In 1947 she came to Sheboygan to visit relatives. She liked the city especially after she met John Brezonik, a handsome young man, whom she married on November 19, 1949. Four children were born to them. Their twins, John and Thomas, are graduates of Sheboygan High School. John is a Sargent in the U.S. Air Force serving in Germany, Tom was recently honorably discharged from the Army after three years in service. Mike, after graduating from High School, is employed in a local store and Kathy is a Junior in High School. Dorothy, a registered nurse and a member of our Branch since 1963, has been employed at the St. Nicholas Hospital, Sheboygan, for over 20 years while her husband, a High School graduate, is inspector of shipping for RWAY Furniture. Their daughter Kathy, a very active young lady, and several relatives are members of our Branch. Dorothy is always ready to help in the kitchen, at card parties or whatever program is being held. She is active in Red Cross Blood Bank a id is one of the St. Cyril and Methodius Library Ladies. She loves people. Many patients remember her with love and gratitude for ner kindness and encouraging words while they were in the hospital. To Dorothy and her family we extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes for a happy life! MARIE PRISLAND Lil Putzell BR. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Lil Putzell is the kind of person who’li never let you down! She’s ready for any undertaking, will drive and pick up our members for meetings, bowling, conventions or wherever the crowd is going. She’s one in a million! Lil was bom in Chicago on Nov. 16, 1919 and has a, Helen Smuda. Their mother is the popular lady and former Mother of the Year, Julia Pavlin. A brother, Martin lives in Florida. Lil has been bow!ing for many years with the Chicago SWU League and was named Director of Sports last fail as a successor to Liz Zefran. She has many trophies and commendations for her good scores and has been on the Zefran Funeral Home Team since 1948 —they always finish at the top of the league. When it’s not bowling, she enjoys watching her son, Tommy’s Little League baseball games or doing special things for her other five children, a married son, Ronald and Bob, Marilyn, Michael and Carol. All the children are members of Zveza from their birth. Lil and her husband, Frank have been married almost thirty years and for 15 those, their home is in the Chicago suburb of Berwyn. Lil has shown great interest in this organization, was the branch’s No. 2 delegate to the last National Convention, and now as a National Officer supervised the recent Bowling Tournament in Milwaukee. We wish her the best—a happy and contented lifetime and much success in all her activities. Mary Guzzol BR. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. .. .The members have chosen as their most worthy Mother of the Year, Mrs. Mary Guzzol. Her happiest moments and most enjoyable occupation are right in her own home, cooking, making poticas and other good things for her family. She has 6 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Mary took a trip to Slovenia a year ago and enjoyed it very much. We are proud of Mary who is loyal to her SWU Br. 3 and we are thankful for her interest in all our functions. She is a member a total of 36 years and 8 years was president of Br. 3. Before that, she was a member of Br. 92 in Crested Butte. Mary's children are Joseph, John and Leonard Tezak, from her first husband, Joe, who died many years ago. She is a widow the second time since 31/2 years ago when her husband, Fred Guzzol passed away. She was cook for 18 years at McClelland Orphanage and Colorado State Hospital. She has donated many prizes for the branch and has taken part in all their affairs, fulfilling her duties very well. A Happy, Happy Mother's Day to her! MARY CHOLAC WILMA KRALL 1 ! 1 i < ANA KAMBICK MARY ISKRA Margaret Stebley BR. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO The members of Br. 6 selected Margaret Kaluza Stebley as Mother of the Year. Born in Ely, Minnesota, August 10, 1895 to Frank and Margaret Ada-mich, Margaret was six years of age when her parents took the family and went to Austria. She was married in 1916 in Dobropolje, Slovenia, to Anthony Kaluza. She returned with her husband to America and to Barberton where they made their new home. She is the mother of two sons, Anthony and Andrew, and has one granddaughter. Her husband, died in March, 1940. She married Joseph Stebley in 1950. She likes to work in her flower and vegetable garden. She also does needlework and crochets. She belongs to a senior oitizens group here in Barberton. Although never an officer of the Branch, she is a loyal member and attends meetings regularly. Many wishes for a Happy Mother’s Day. MARY LAUTER, Sec'y Wilma Krall/ BR. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO A unanimous choice for Mother of the Year is Wilma Krall, who is a very charming lady. She is the mother of two sons, Gary, 23 and Dennis 21. This June, she and her husband, Rudolph L. Krall, will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. The same month Dennis will graduate from Cleveland State University. Wilma's home is at 21375 Miller Ave. in Euclid.. She was born in Cleveland on Oct. 19th, 1922 and her maiden name is Baraga. She attended Collinwood high school. June is also the month of the Reunion party for Ohio Drill Team Cadets and Wilma also has a record of service in that department. She was a Lt. and Capt. for the Frances Susel Cadets of Br. 10 in the 40’s. In fact, she ho’ds medals for excellence in 1945 and 1946 in this capacity. Wilma also loves her garden, to do crafts and sewing. She’s a regular at the meetings, too. Our heatiest wishes for a Happy Mother’s Day to Wilma. Ana Kambick Ivlother-U'T-the-ifcar muči Kamb.c* was Dorn in Joiiei, i.I. Dui giew up in Uskorsnico, a smaii vi.iage near Seirnc in Siovenia. In ladi she returned tu the United States wnere sne I i veu wuh her sister Agnes Bukovec, in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1936 Ana continued her trav-e,s to San Francisco, California. In 1939, she married John Kambick who passed away 5 years ago. She has a daughter. Jacque.ine and son-in-law, Gerald Lowe. To her daughter and son-in-law, she represents the springtime of life. She is a mother of courage, energy, understanding, warmth along with a great sense of humor. She recently took a trip to Slovenia to visit her family. She enjoyed the majesty of the iand and the kindness of the people so much that she is looking forward to a return visit. Mrs. Kambick has been a member for 24 years.. Her hobbies consist of people, cooking, baking, gardening, specializing in cymbidium orchids and her 2 Maltese poodles. Ana wishes to “thank” the lovely ladies of Branch No. 13 who bestowed on her this honor. REPORTER Mary Iskra BR. 14, EUCLID, OHIO It's a pleasure to salute a member of 45 years standing — that’s Mary Iskra. During her membership, she has not been one of those who’s a member in name only—Mary has always been a fine and outstanding leader. She is generous, well-liked by all members and nas a sweet disposition. She has, in her 45 years of membership, been an officer of 20 years service and Auditor and Treasurer of the Branch. She has also served as an officer of the Combined Cleveland Branches. Mary was born to the Sedej family of Ljubljana, Slovenia on Dec. 12, 1910. She was twenty-two when she married Frank iskra on Sept., 3, 1932. She is a homebody, loves to do her handwork such as knitting, crocheting, quilting and other handwork. She has traveled quite a bit, too. Mary is a lovely lady and one whom all members agree is a perfect Woman of the Year for Br. 14. Mary Cholac BR. 16, So. CHICAGO, ILL. Mary Bucher Cholac was born in Studence pri Maribor, Slovenia, July 4, 1903. She and her husband who passed away in 1961 made their home on Chicago’s South Side since their marriage in 1921. So, she has seen lots of history pass her door. Sinr^ the death of her husband, Mary „.id her son Edward have continued to operate the Calumet Beach Inn which has been in the family and at the same location for 51 years. In May of 1973, Mary was interviewed by Bob Luce of Chicago's T.V. Channel 26 on the occasion of their 50th Anniversary in the tavern business. Mary’s son, Edward, better known as "Moose” Cholac is a professional wrestler who is world known having wrestled in many countries and awarded many trophies for his achievements in this field. A visit to their tavern is like a visit to a museum with the display of pictures of important events which have occurred in the interesting and active life of the Cholac family. Many of our annual chicken dinners have been held at Cholac’s Tavern where Mary would serve us the most delicious dinner, always going out of her way to take care of us right down to fresh flowers on the table. Mary has a daughter, Ann Tanner, 4 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren! We love her and wish her all the best! GLADYS K. BUCK ZARJA—THE DAWN IP . IP / MARY BOJANTZ Mary Bojantz MARY MICHELICH ROSE KOŠKO BR. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. Another long-time member is Mary Bojantz of West Allis. She belongs to Br. 17 for 42 years and during all this time has maintained a keen interest in all the affairs and doings of the branch. “The has a sunny disposition that has endeared her to all and is most helpful when we are in need of baked goods., She attends meetings whenever possible and we are proud— she really deserves this title", say her sister members! Mary Loncarcic Bojantz was born in Majsberg, Austria April 4, 1895. She was married to her husband, John in 1918 but is a widow 10 years already. Her three daughters are, Mary Coleman, Caroline Kugi and Janet Ruh and she has two grandsons, Robert and Jterry Coleman. The Bojantz family operated a tavern business for 20 years and before, had a grocery store in Bay View on South Bay Street. One of their happiest family events was the celebration of their mom and dad's Silver Anniversary in 1943. “We wish her health and happiness and may she enjoy her lovely family and host of friends for many, many years to come”, is Br. 17’s wish to her. Mary Mihelich BR. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Mary and Tony Mihelich have an active, happy family life. With their three children, Tony, Jr., 13^8 years Old, Tom, 12 and Annette, 9, they have lots of things to keep them going such as wrestling, basketball games and dancing lessons, besides their own interests in bowling and lodge events. Mary is active with the Joliet Rivals Auxiliary, serving as president and now treasurer. She is a regular bowler in the SWU league and cooperates wholeheartedly with the picnic each summer for junior members. She has served °n committees for Br. 20 anniversaries and state conventions and was hostess for many meetings. She is a member since 1966 and is the kind of member one dreams of having — a generous and energetic person. Mary lost her mother when she was three and was then raised by an aunt and stepmother who also raised another sister and her three brothers. Her step mother end father are also deceased. Mary’s mother-in-l a w describes her as wonderful and good. She is totally involved in her family and plans mini-vacations for them that co-incide with ner own activities. For example, when Mary signed up to bowl in the recent Midwest Tournament, held in Milwaukee, she brought along her children for the weekend and they enjoyed it as well. Jo Sumic said: Mary is a remarkable, all- around generous, capable person. We heartily agree! Rose Kesko No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO The members of Br. 21 are happy and proud to honor Rose Kosko as our Mother of the Year. She joined our organization back on March 12, 1963 and was president one year also serving as vice-president for four years. She has been a faithful and loyal member, giving her time willingly to help others and helping out at all affairs, participating in the activities of various fraternal organizations. Rose was born in Cleveland on May 29, 1912. The pride and great joy of her life are ner three grandchildren, Deborah, John and Gregory. Her favorite pastimes are sewing—she’s an excellent seamstress, also baking and she loves to travel. Rose’s home is at 13128 Astor Ave. on Cleveland’s west side. She was Zupančič before her marriage to Michael Kosko and is a widow for 10 years now. May God’s blessings and rewards be hers in abundance. REPORTER ROSE BAROTHY Rose Barothy BR. 22, BRADLEY, ILLINOIS A zealous worker that has always been helpful to Br. 22, and whose mother, Mrs. Rose Smole was one of the organizers of the branch, has been chosen as Mother of the Year. She is Rose Barothy of Indianapolis, Ind. She was born in Bradley and her sister, Marie Vanden Hout, now deceased, was another of the Smole girls that did so much for the organization. Rose is a member since the branch was founded, Aug. 1, 1928. Rose was married to Charles Barothy from June 27, 1942 until 3 years ago when she became a widow. Their daughter, Mary Anne, has followed her mother's footsteps in seeking higher education and has a degree in English and Journalism. She is a personal secretary to movie and TV actress, Doris Day! Rose also is a college grad with a B.S. degree and has worked as an executive secretary. She spends much of her time in her charitable activities with Guardian Angel Guild for special children and Little Sisters of the Poor. She is also a member of the Garden Club, Camera Clu'b and does handwork beautifully. To this very active and industrius Mother of the Year, our very best wishes for happiness. Agnes Skraba BR. 23, ELY, MINN. Mrs. Agnes (Zupec) Skraba was born on Feb. 4, 1987 in Loki, Slovenia. She came to America on March 25, 1906 and soon afterward, met her husband, J'ohn whom she married May 5, 1907. From this union 13 children were born and nine are still living. Four girls died at birth or infancy. The family has now grown to 5 generations with 16 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren! On August 18, 1936, she became a widow at the age of 48. Mr. Skraba was killed in an accident at the Zenith AGNES ŠKRABA AND DAUGHTERS Mine (iron ore) in Ely at the age of 53. Seven of the 9 children were living at home at the time. Through the years, the children grew up and married and left home. Only one son, Frank, is unmarried. About 13 years ago Mrs. Skraba moved in with her uaughter Agnes Zaverl. Just being outdoors is a hobby with her—she enjoys walking, regardless of the weather, 30° below or 90 above —she walks almost daily to her house which is about a mile away where son, John, resides. She also enjoys gardening and maintains a vegetable garden at her present location and also at her own home. Neighbors and friends get to enjoy the fruits of her labor, especially the leaf lettuce and cucumbers, at harvest time. Last year, she did her own spading also. Although she has been in perfect health all these years, never been in a hospital—she has been troubled with cataracts in the eyes for several years now. Her sister, Johanna Merkun, age 94, has also enjoyed good health and never been hospitalized but now resides at the Ely Nursing Home. To this exemplary lady whom we love, our very best wishes for a Happy Mother's Day. REPORTER Mary Može ST. ,25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Naša podružnica je izvolila za letošnjo zaslužno mater, Mary Moze, 1044 East 70 St. Ses. Može je bila rojena dne 14. jan., 1897 v fari Osilnica, vas Križmani v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1922 in dne 19. okt., 1924 se je poročila z Josephom Može in v zakonu sta imela tri otroke: Joseph, Anthony in Frances. Prav posebno je naša zaslužna mati tudi ponosna na svoje tri vnuke in tri pravnuke. Ona rada obdeluje vrt, šiva in hekla. To jesen v oktobru bosta z možem slavila visoko zlato oDletnico poroke, k čemer ji vse članice že sedaj iskreno čestitamo. Za našo podružnico je zvesta podpornica, ki vedno rada daruje za napredek organizacije. Bog živi Mrs. Moze, še mnoga, mnoga leta v zdravju in srečil MARY KOLEGAR Helen Gulla BR. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Being called a "wonderful mother and grandmother” is probably the nicest compliment Helen Gulla has ever received and it is the sincere feeling of her sister members at Br. 26 who have chosen her as their Mother of the Year. Helen is the mother of two grown children, Raymond and Rita Marmarel-li and grandma of three, David, K Diane and John Marmarelli. She and her husband, John, are pictured here with the three grandchildren. Her wonderful patience with her son who has needed her care since his birth 40 years ago has earned her the added admiration and respect of all. And when there is leisure time, Helen is usually busy doing something with her grandchildren and family. She loves to knit, crochet, bake delicious goodies for all the branch affairs and to attend the meetings often. She is “one you can count on!” to do her part. The Gulla home where John and Helen live is at 5234 Holmes St., in Pittsburgh—she >s a native of that area. The Gullas have been married 46 years and are looking forward to their Golden Anniversary in 1978. It's a pleasure to have Helen Gulla in this mother’s tribute and we salute her. Margaret Musich BR. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Margaret Musich is a very good member of Br. 28 and that's one of the reasons we selected her for this honor at the March meeting. She is our Vice-President and has held that office for 9 years and serves on many committees. She was born July Gth, 1914 at Calument and lives at 206 Rockland St. She is a member of St. Paul the Apostle Church and is also very active in church affairs. As with most Slovenian ladies, her favorite hobby is gardening. She also loves to cook and bake. She and her husband enjoy walking in the woods, picking berries and enjoying nature. Margaret is a cook for the Senior Citizens’ Nutrition Program for Community Action in our area. She has four children, Mary Lanctot, Genevieve Seaton, Frank and Joseph. A son, John, was killed in Vietnam Oct. 30, 1970. There are five grandchildren in the household. We are very pleased to have Margaret as our Mother of the Year and wish her many happy years! REPORTER Barbara Baron BR. 32, EUCLID, OHIO A happy person, with FIVE grandsons, Barbara Baron epitomizes the modem grandmother. She just loves baby sitting for the boys, sons of her son, Ronald and daughter, Marilyn Herbert. Little Eugene, Robert, Jeffrey Baron and Damon and Russell Herbert are the apples of grandma’s eye! Barbara is a working mother, who applied herself after leaving high school and business college. During her childhood she lived in Conway, Pa. moving to Euclid after her marriage in 1938. Although she is a widow HELEN GULLA AND HER FAMILY BARBARA BARON LOIS M. PELANDER MARY MOŽE for 8 years, she manages to lead a full life by her membership is several organizations, bowling and keeping house at 940 E. 218th St. Her birthday is Nov. 23, 1913 and she was bom in Croatia. She has enrolled many new members and with SWU has been treasurer and auditor of Br. 32. She's a member 34 years! Barbara has a wonderful personality and is well-liked by all the branch members! God bless her abundantly! Lois M. Pelander No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Lois (Blazevic, Popovich) Pelander was born and raised in Duluth. One f fifteen children, only her father and a sister are deceased, she was brought up in a Catholic environment with a close family relationship. As a member of St. Elizabeth Parish, New Duluth, for 24 years, she belonged to the Blessed Virgin Sodality for many years. At the age of 14 she began singing at weddings and funerals throughout the parishes in Duluth. She continues to perform this service whenever requested to do so. In 1951 Lois married Raymond L. Popovich. Four years later Ray was killed in an industrial accident leaving Lois a widow with three sons under the age of three to care for. Being a mother and a father to three active boys is no easy task, but it was faithfully and admirably performed by our Mother of the Year for 19 years. She also found time to be active in the Confraternity of Christian Mothers at Holy Cross Parish, taught religion and was a Cub Scout den mother. All this was in addition to working outside the home as a full time secretary and bookkeeper for ten years. 1970 brought another change in Lois's life. She married Lester E. Pelander, a widower who also has three sons. For the next three years all six boys lived at home. Lois’s sons are Michael 21 and Lee 18. Mark Popovich 19 was killed in a tragic traffic accident in October, 1973. Les’s sons are Dennis 25, Rodney 22, and Donald 19. At present only Lee, a high school senior, and Rodney, a senior at the University of Minnesota Duluth, are at home so Lois finds time to work as a bookkeeper on a part time basis. Active in all the activities of our branch, Lois has been director of our Funeral Fund for the past five years. We salute you, Lois, for your service, courage and faith in God. REPORTER Ann Stefanich BR. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Mrs. Joseph (Ann Grahek) Stefanich was born on Dec. 28, 1917 in Ely, Minn, where she lived until her marriage to Joseph Stefanich of Tower. They were b'essed with 8 children. Son Joseph is a Comptroller for Control Data and he and his wife and two sons, Jeffrey and Steven live in White Sear Lake, Minn. Son, Gregory is a Professor of Science at Bozeman State Univ. at Bozeman, Montana where he and his wife and infant son, Lyle Joseph, live. Raymond is employed as an apprentice boiler maker at Reserve Mining Co., at Babbit, Minn. With his wife and two sons, Mark and Raymond, they have their home at Soudan. Theodore is a barber at Burnsville, Minn. Nicholas was a Computer Technician for National Cash Register at Minneapolis before entering the Service but was killed in action in Vietnam Aug. 31, 1970. His body was brought to Tower for full Military burial. Carol, is Mrs. Tim Dyhr and is a graduate Dietician at Minneapolis. Dorothy, Mrs. Vincent Vesel, lives in Soudan and is the mother of two daughters, Rebecca Lyn and Amy Rose. Mary Jo is attending Ely Community College in Ely, Min. and will be married to Jay Wiermaa at St. Martin’s Church in Tower this month on the 25th., There you have Ann’s beautiful family. Her husband, Joe, before his ANN STEFANICH retirement, was employed as a meat cutter in the Stefanich Brothers Store in Tower until its closing several years ago. Ann is a cook at the Sower-Soudan Schools serving hot lunches to all pupils and it is Ann who is at the High School at 6 a.m. mixing the dough for fresh bread or rolls daily. She is known for her cooking and baking ability; with her large family she had plenty of practice! Her sons and daughters have inherited her cooking and baking ability too. She makes the best noodles, she sometimes offers as prizes for Church doings. She says she loves hiking and her duties as a good homemaker and mother and grandmother keep her busy. She has a ready smile and friendly personality and is loved by all who know her. Family gatherings are numerous during the holidays and summertime. She joined SWU Br. 34 in 1957 and has been active in all our activities. To Ann and husband, Joseph, we wish a continued long and happy life with their outstanding family — may God bless them all! BARBARA YAPEL Reporter Sophie F. Pogachar BR. 40, LORAIN, OHIO As most of our chosen Mothers of the Year, Sophie Pogachar is remembered especially for her willingness to be of help and participate in the branch’s activities. This title is more than a reward—it’s a tribute! Mrs. Pogachar is a twenty year member and has been a good and loyal sister. Her mother, the late Mrs. Frances Tomazic was very proud that all her five daughters belonged to this organization and an aunt, Mrs. Agnes Jancar is the president. Another aunt, Mrs. Mary Plečnik, is one of the oldest members of Br. 40 at 93 years of age! Sophie is recording secretary of the SOPHIE F. POGACHAR DONNA STUBLJER MAR]E GARTNER ANN CHRISTOFEK Slovenian Club Ladies Auxiliary for the past five years. She and her husband, Andrew, married since Aug. 30, 1941, have three children and three grandchildren. Son, Kenneth is married to a school teacher and teaches math—also is coach for freshman basketball at Lorain Catholic high school. Ken and his wife, Barbara have two children, Laura and Mark. The Pogachar's second son, Thomas, passed away in 1970, only 22 years old. Daughter, Patti, is married to lim Simashkevich, a musician who has a well-known band "The Ambers", and they have a son, Brian. The youngest son, Ronald, lives at home and works at the Lorain Products Co. She was also recently honored for being the first president of the Ladies Guild from the parish which observed their 25th Anniversary. Our heartiest wishes and congratulations! Donna Stublier BR. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO It must be nice to live on Friend Avenue. Mother of the Year, Donna Stubljer lives at 15911 Friend Ave. in Maple Hgts., Ohio this town named for all the many maple trees in that vicinity. She has made her home there for many years. Mrs. Stubljer was married to her husband Mark for over 30 years; he passed away two years ago. Their children are Mrs. Nancy Thompson, Mrs. Marlene Dean and Mark J. Stubljer, Jr. The grandchildren number seven. She has been a member since 1937 and altho never elected to office, a fine member of Br. 42 since 1962 when she transferred from Br. 73. She is also has been active in the PTA. “She is a good woman and well-liked” is a commendation hard to beat and it’s from the hearts of her sister members who extend all the best for many years to come. Frances Widemshek BR. 43, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Frances Widemshek, a devoted wife and mother of four children, has b:en selected “Mother of the Year”, an honor we 11-deserved. She is always willing to give of ner time and is usually available to “sit” for her four grandchildren. Entertaining is an avocation she is particularly talented at as she excels in the culinary arts and is a gracious hostess. She also takes pride in a neat and well-managed home. The ‘‘welcome mat” is always out at 1233 S. 52nd St. to all friends and their growing family as three of her children are married. She has been a member for about 31 years and during this time, has been most co-operative. Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 43 has assigned tasks to her which were accepted by our ‘‘Mother of the Year” and she has done a commendable job, always! Congratulations, Fran! REPORTER Marie Gartner BR. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. We in St. Louis, are happy to have Marie Gartner as Mother of the Year. She and her husband, Harold, have three sons Jim, Tim, and Robbie. Their daugther-in-law, Joyce, who is married to Jim, recently gave birth to the first grandchild, whom they have named Tommie. Marie devotes most of her time to her family, and is involved in church work. She is the daughter of Eva Hozjak, a long-time member of Zveza. Her sister, Ann Faith, is also a member, and they are all active in our group. Congratulations tc a lovely lady. JO ANCEL Ann Christofek BR. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO What Slovenian lady doesn’t like to be happy, to sing and enjoy dancing! Ann Christofek is such a person, who likes Slovenian folksongs and ail music in general. She is a member of two Slovenian ladies' clubs, a cook’s club and Ladies’ Association. With the SWU, she is a member 21 years and was auditor of Br. 47 for seven years. Three members of her family are also members. Ann and Steve Christofek were married in 1934 and have three children, Doris Pashko, Donald and Richard. In all, there are eight grandchildren. Their family home is at 219 Linda Dr. In Cleveland and she is a native of Cleveland ‘‘The Polka Town”—maybe that’s why she loves that good music so much! Many happy and blessed years to Mother of the Year, Ann and her family. Mary Perusek BR. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Mary Perusek, our Mother of the Year, is a true-blue Slovenian. Her younger years were spent in the St. Clair district. She is the daughter of John and Mary Jerse. On August 26, 1939, she became the bride of William Perusek, and of this happy couple three children were born, Elaine, William and James. She is grandma to 4 lovely children, is an excellent housekeeper and very talented in flower arrangements and is a willing worker, making corsages for our branch when there is a special occasion. Whenever help is needed, Mary is always there, doing all she can to keep our branch active. She is a good | cook and marvelous baker. As for her talents, she has artistic hobbies, crocheting and making hand-painted and decorated china plates and bead work. MARY PERUSEK MARGARET SHELKO iRENE CHASE IRENE NOSSE Mary has signed up quite a few members during our campaigns. To this lovely lady, we wish the best that life can offer and congratulations are extended to her for she will be celebrating her 35th wedding anniversary this year. To show our appreciation for all her help, she nad the honor of being our Valentine Queen last year. REPORTER Virginia Bestic BR. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Mrs. Virginia Bestic will be honored as Mother of the Year for the S.W.U. Branch in Girard. Her parents are John and Frances Juvančič, the latter is a charter member of Br. 55. Virginia graduated from the Girard High School and Youngstown Hospital Association School of Nursing and also attended Youngstown State University. She was married to Frank P. Bestic in May, 1947. Frank 'S a machinist in the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. They have five children, Michael is a graduate of Youngstown State University and will graduate from Ohio State Dental School. Gregory is a sophomore at Youngstown State U. and is majoring in accounting. Mary Ann, a senior in high school, is a life-long member of the S.Ž.Z. and will enter Youngstown State in September to study Medical Technology. Carol, also a life-long member of our branch is in the 6th grade and wants to be either a nurse or dental hygienist. So, you can see, Virginia is a full time housewife and mother, rearing a beautiful family. She works part time as a registered nurse at the North Side Hospital. She is a member of various other organizations such as the CFY, PDZ, American Nurses Association, General Duty Nurses, Catholic Nurses, of which she is a past Diocesan pres. Her hobbies are cooking, reading and crocheting. This story portrays a wonderful mother whom we honor with special love and affection this year. REPORTER Margaret Shelko BR. 56, HIBBING, MINN. One of the veteran members of Br. 56 was voted this year as Woman of the Year! Miss Margaret Shelko is a native of Calumet, Mich, where she was born March 15, 1901. She joined our organization in 1934 and at that time was actively taking part in social and money-making projects for the treasury. She also held office as President and Auditor. Margaret and her sister, Mary Babich, are now serving as Auditors for the third year. She has another sister, Anna Kozan, ;n Euciid, O'hio. AU are members of S.W.U. She is a faithful member, willing to help in any way when called upon and attends the meetings regularly. Their late mother, Anna was also a member for many years. Her hobbies are gardening and she likes cooking, frequently, she visits the elderly and the sick. She worked for many years for U.S. Steel Co. Her home is at 3712 5th Ave. in Hibbing. Our salute to Margaret Shelko and congratulations! REPORTER Irene Chase BR. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS. O. Mrs. Irene Chase is our chosen Mother of the Year She was unanimously selected by our members who admire and respect her. Married June 27, 1942 at St. Wen-ceslas Church, Maple Heights to Leon Chase. Two children — Sharon and Lee. Hobbies: Knitting, baking, sewing, and swimming. Irene has been a veiy good member, attending meetings and assisting with all our projects. She has made many quilts for the Hattie Larham home for the mental retarded children. She is a very pleasant member and we enjoy her company and hope she will be with us for many years to come in good health and happiness. Yours truly, KAY YURATOVAC Irene Nosse BR. 68, FA1RPORT HARBOR, OHIO The members of Br. 68 have selected one of our younger mothers for the honor of being Mother of the Year. Irene Nosse was born July 11, 1929 in Cleveland and is the mother of four young children. She and Anthony Nosse married Sept. 5, 1959. The family: Rosaiie, Gregory, Marie and Matthew reside at 14378 Rock Creek Road in Chardon, Ohio. She is a member of Br. 68 since 1964 and altho she lives a distance from the meeting place, does try to attend as often as possible. Ail ner children are members, too. Mother Irene graduated from Col-linwood High School and attended Dyke-Spencerian Business College. She was employed as a secretary for Union of Paper & Twine Co. for a number of years before becoming executive secretary for the U.S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautic Representative, at the TAPCo. plant in Euclid. Her hobbies are crocheting, reading and does volunteer work as a Librarian at Hambden Elementary and Chardon Middle Schools, also for Heart, Cancer, Muscular Dystrophy, Birth Defects charity drives and likes to ski and swim. She was a member of Mladinski Zbor on Waterloo Road, later the Jadran Pevski Zbor and sang with the TRW employees chorus for over 3 years. She especially enjoyed their tour in Europe in 1968 when they saw the World's Fair in Brussels, also visited the late Pope Pius XII and Lourdes on the Centenary of that famous shrine. She is also a member of numerous fraternal and social clubs. Irene has pen pals all over the world and enjoys writing to them. She writes to her relatives in Slovenia, too. She has a warm personality and all the members just love her - hoping that she will nave a long and happy lifetime! ANN PREBECK MILDRED JAMES AND GRANDCHILDREN Ann Prebeck BR. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. The members of Branch 81 of Keewatin have chosen Ann Prebeck as "Mother of the Year”. Ann joined the organization on April 22, 1937 and for the past thirty-four years has been our loyal and dedicated secretary. The happiest day of Ann's life was in December 1920 when Ann and her mother landed at Ellis Island, later joined her father Mike Medved an iron miner in Keewatin. Left back home in Sodevci, Bela Kranja were her brothers Joseph and Mike who were in the armed services of Yugoslavia and could not leave the country. Ann attended the Keewatin schools and later worked in various retail stores. In 1930, Ann married Tony General and with her husband operated an appliance and grocery store. In 1958, her husband passed away, she then continued the business and in conjunction also sold real estate. Ann has two children, a daughter Dorothy, and a son Max. Dorothy is married to Walter Kukich and they live in Bloomington, Minnesota. They have two adopted children, Marion, and Gregory. Max and his wife, Patricia, have three children, Julie, Maxie, and Brenda and reside in Hibbing, Minnesota. Ann pursued her life interests in business until 1968 when she married Milo Prebeck, a carpenter. Upon disposing of her business, Ann and her husband moved to Goodland where he is semi-retired. Ann’s hobbies are gardening, flowers, wildlife (birds and squirrels) and collecting and refinishing antiques, but her main interests are her children and grand-children. Ann will be honored on May 12th. (Mother’s Day) following the 8 A.M. Mass in St. Mary’s Catholic Church. A Communion Breakfast in the Fr. Frederick Hall will follow the Mass. Congratulations to a most deserving "Mother of the Year". We wish her happiness and good health for many years to cornel CLEM BOLF Reporter, Mildred James BR. 95, SO. CHICAGO, II. She's a member since Br. 95 was organized and president of this fine group of ladies for 16 years! She’s Mildred James, former State President of lllinois-lndiana and a very energetic and well-liked officer. Her plans for their monthly meetings are always chuck full of interesting aspects. It makes for exoiting reading in her monthly branch report in ZARJA. Millie in an active person and is always on the go. She is a member of so many groups, space would not allow us to print them all; she also is proud of being honored frequently by the groups she participates in. At the town of New Lenox where she and her husband, Cyril reside the past few years, Millie is already active in the Lady Lions and Catholic Women’s Council of St. J'ude’s. She also loves to garden and spends lots of time in her kitchen baking for her family., Millie is the mother of a daughter, Jan Bercich and a son, Cyril Jr. Their four grandchildren are Laura Lynn and Peter Bercich and Gregg and Eric James, who are also seen on the photo. She is respected by the membership, is a very capable and outstanding president. What more can one say —except, that God willing, Millie will continue to do what she enjoys doing, and that we can be the beneficiaries of her energetic leadership. Hats off. MARIE ARNESON Kathleen Podobnik BR. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Mrs. Kathleen Specht Podobnik lives on a beef cattle farm in Plum, Pa. near Renton where she was born Jan. 11, 1937. She is the granddaughter of the recently deceased Jennie Snoznik who had been a member for a long time. She is the daughter-in-law of Anna Podobnik, one of our Mothers of the Year as had seen Mrs. Snoznik. Her aunt, Jean S. Oswalt was also a Mother of the Year of our branch and is a very active member. Kathleen is the mother of 19 year old Matthew, Cheryl, 16, Christine 12, and Andrew 10, Andrew delights everyone with his accordian playing. Mother of che Year, Kathleen, has been president of our St. Januarius Ohurch Altar and Rosaiy Society for 31/2 years. She is a graduate of the Plum High School, class of 1954. With her husband, August whom she married on J'une 26, 1954, the family lives on a 130 acre farm and Kathleen loves to operate the tractor and work outdoors during the growing season. Equally as much, she enjoys Siovenian music, especially polkas. Presently, she is very busy remodeling a fine, old brick house into a beautiful home. Other hobbies are crocheting and gardening; they have a very large one. We are all delighted when she finds time to come to our meetings and spend time with us. We wish her a life filled with God’s blessings. REPORTER Marie Arneson BR. 100, FONTANA, CAL. Amid the beauty and warmth of sunny southern California, the Fontana members live and enjoy good times. Their member, Marie Arneson, has a PAULINE ADAMIC AND HUSBAND, JOHN MARA CHOKEL wonderful disposition, just like their weather, and so, the members have selected her for this tribute. Marie is married to William Arneson since 1951. Their two children are deseased. Their home is at 8641 Kempster Ave. where Marie has many flowers growing that provide her a favorite hobby, gardening. Marie was an office clerk at one time and a telephone supervisor before retiring to become a homebody. She was born :n Slovenia and her maiden hame is Mohorko. Wishes for a lot more sunny days to Marie and sincere thanks from her sister members' for all the years of sincere cooperation she has given. God bless her. Mary R. Mertle BR. 101, BEDFORD HGTS., O. Mrs. Mary R. Mertle has been chosen Mother of the Year by the ladies of Br. 101, Bedford Hgts. She will be honored at the annual Mother of the Year dinner this month. Mary was widowed in 1964 when her husband, John was killed in an accident. She has three children, Rita-marie, Janice Morgan and Bill. Rita-marie and Bill are living at home and Janice is living in Seattle, Wash, with her husband, Jim. Mary has been working at Highland View Hospital for the last 8 years; presently her position is Manager >f the Canteen. She has been very active in organizations as a parishioner of St. Benedict’s, taking part in the Camp Fire Girls' activities. She was a leader for 11 years and a president of the Camp Fire Leaders for 2 years. She was also active in the Boy Scouting program of St. Benedict’s. When the girls went to Marymount High School, .ihe became active in the Mom’s Guild for 7 years and was president in 1962. Since her children have graduated fram schools, she is only active in the Slovenian Women’s Union. She has traveled to Europe, visiting Germany and Hie surrounding countries. In the States, she has visited Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylva-nia and Washington. Her hobbies include leather craft, flower arranging which is her favorite and enjoys reading a lot—this is her way of relaxing. Our very best wishes to Mary and happiness always. REPORTER Mara Chokel BR. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Mara Chokel (Čokelj) was born Kočevar in Ljubljana, Slovenia Before World War II and partly during the war she worked for the city of Ljubljana in the Office for Ftood Rationing. She married her husband, Professor Miro Chokel In 1944. After a sojourn in Trieste and Italy they came to the U.S. in 1950 and settled in Florida where she worked as a hostess and her husband as a chef for the Red-emptorist Fathers’ Convalescent Home in New Smyrna Beach. When her husband completed his graduate studies in American Studies at the John B. Stetson University, the whole family moved to Washington, D.C. Her husband, Miro, is presently working for the World Bank as assistant chief of documentation and research support services, while she is employed by Peoples' Drug Stores as a cosmetician. They have two lovely sons. Capt. Mirko M. Chokel, born in Trieste, now resides in Wheeling, West Virginia and teaches mathematics at the Linsey Military Institute. He is married and has three little sons, Michael, Jeffrey and Jason. Her second son, Frank, was bom in Florida and is now one of the top students at Gonzaga College High School and will graduate in June. They have a beautiful home in Southeast Washington. A picture of their living room which her husband, Miro artistically decorated with murals depicting scenes from Slovenia and United States was recently published in the Washington Post which nicknamed their home "The Slovenian Castle” MARY R. MERTLE in the Nation's Capital. Both Mara and Miro are very active. She is a long-time auditor of our SWU branch and Miro is president of the local Bishop Baraga Society of the KSKJ. They both love to sing in the Washington Slovenian Choral Group led by Mr. Vladimir Pregelj. Mrs. Chokel's story proves once again that our members are really the most wonderful and lead the most interesting lives! We add our greetings to her on this special occasion with hopes for a happy and contented future and fine remembrances of this year. Pauline Adamic BR. 105, DETROIT, MICH. President of Br. 105, Pauline Adamic has been named Mother of the Year by the friendly members in Detroit. Pauline (Kuzma) was born in Eveleth, Minn, on July 15, 1905 and married John Adamic June 14, 1924. So, this year, they are going to celebrate their 50th GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! What a wonderful occasion. As you see by the photo, they are both young-looking and a handsome pair. Pauline is a very active president. The members like her and follow her guidance in their many affairs held through the year. She is president a number of years and holds membership in SWU since 1955. We wish only the best for Pauline on this happy year of happy events! SLOVENSKIM PIONIRKAM, BIVŠIM ZVEZINIM GLAVNIM ODBORNICAM, IN NEUTRUDLJIVIM DELAVKAM, KI SO NAS ZA VEDNO ZAPUSTILE. iMarr Lcni<*li o Dne 31. marca je sledila v večnost njenemu Ijjb'jc-nemu sprogu Tonetu, ena izmed vodilnih Zvezinih voditeljic Minnesote, MRS. MARY LENIČIH do zadnjega tajnica št. 19 v Eveleth, Minn. Blaga pokopica j »At i rfi. ifti tšt »O« i>« iMi »Im »O« iti »Ih ii> -a % l . «<■ «4i «IU T-„i\ Mati in otrok Mati z otrokom v naročju je vedno prikupna slika. Je to nekaj čudovitega in tudi nerazumljivega. V tem vidimo skrivnost življenja, ki se ponavlja. Ozadje tega porajanja je ljubezen, ki ima odsvit v božji ljubezni do človeka. Bog je svet tako ljubil, da je poslal svojega edinoronjenega sina in ga dal za naše odrešenje. Vse božje delovanje je ljubezen. Božja dobrota se vekomaj razliva na vse stvarstvo. Božja dobrota je večni "dam”. Tako je tudi materina ljubezen po človeško govorjeno vedno dajanje brez pridržka. To zasluži našo pozornost in upoštevanje ne samo kadar se na to spomnimo ampak vedno. Vendar ker smo ljudje tako pozabljivi ali bolje premalo pazljivi, nas materinski dan na to spomni, da smo dolžni svojim materam ne samo hvaležnost, ampak tudi ljubezen. Mnogo skrivnosti nas obdaja, a največja med njimi je ljubezen. To je nedoumljiva sila, ki vedno znova ustvarja in rojeva, osrečuje in omišlja najbolj nerazumljive stvari in žrtve, često se nam zdi, da jo poznamo, ker jo doživljamo in okušamo, v resnici pa pnesega vse meje. Vse prenese, nikoli ne obupa, se vedno pomlaja in prilagaja vedno novim potrebem. Mi lahko veliko govorimo o njej, ob njej se lahko raznežimo, jo pocenismo ali celo oskrunimo, prava ljubezen ostane nad vse vzvišena, čista in neomadeževana. Božja služabnica je, božja hčerka, odsvit živega Boga. Kako vzvišena je mati, ki vzame svoje materinstvo kot poslanstvo in je’ orodje v božjih rokah da posreduje novo življenje. Vse to vidimo v materi z otrokom in podobno čutimo ob svoji materi. Kako primerno je, da ob materinskem dnevu bilo živi ali pa da je že prejela plačilo za svojo zvesto službo v radostnem gledanju Boga, izrečemo njej, naši materi besedo zahvale in ljubezni. Drugega si tako in tako ne že.i. DOPISI... ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Drage članice! že dolgo časa nisem nič pisala o delu v naši sredi, zato se je za danes nabralo kar precej novic. Bile smo res zelo zaposlene. V marcu smo priradile razstavo raznih ročnih del. Saj si sploh ne morate predstavljati, kaj vsega so zmožne delavne roke naših članic. Toliko lepih, lepih stvari, narejenih s potrpežljivostjo v dolgih zimkih večerih. Mnogo lepih kvačkanih pregrinjal, pa blazin, prtov, jopic in lopat, vseh velikosti. Tudi slike na platnu, na steklu. Ene štikane, druge narejene iz bakra, pa lepi leseni krožniki poslikani z motivi iz Slovenije, pa olno umetnih rož narejenih iz blega in moških školjk. Gospa Puhek je demonstrirala Kako se "kleklajo” lepe "špice”, neka druga gospa je pokazala "macrime” in kako se dela. Marsikateri članici, ki je zamudila ta večer, je bilo zelo žal, ko je slišala od drugih kako je bilo zanimivo. No pa naj se polažijo. Če bo v jeseni se toliko zanimanja, bomo razstavo ponovile. Torej dobro pomislite in "veselo na delo”. Vsem, ki so pri razstavi sodelovale in [»omagale pa priscrčna zahvala, in se že v naprej priporočam za jesen. Druga velika aktivnost je tudi že za nami. Aprilski sestanek je bil odpovedan in namesto njega nam je gospa Zibert pokazala kako se speče dobra potica, že ob 2.30 popoldne je zamesila prvo testo, članice pa so prihajale in odhajale, ogledovale spretnost g. Zibert in poskusale dobre filo. Največ se jih je nabralo ob 7h žvecer. Potica je zelo lepo dišala še bolj pa je bila dobra. Prav hitro smo eno shladile in pojedle. Gospa Zibert — ČESTITAM! Vem, da so vse zelo hvaležne za ta prijeten večer v kuhinji. Sedaj pa je to že vse mimo nas in se že pripravljamo na Materinski dan, ki ga bomo praznovale v mesecu maju. Počastila bomo vse "MAME", še posebno pa Mrs. Lillian Putzell, zasluženo in dolgoletno članico ženske zveze ki je naša “Mother of the Year”. Prisrčne častitke. No, tako vsaj vidite, drage bralke, da pri nas ne lenarimo in da smo zelo delavne, pa kaj bom sama hvalila, saj stari slovenski pregovor pravi: "Dobro delo se samo hvali. Lep pozdrav prav vsem. Vaša BREDA MODIC KAMPANJA ''ZAOKROŽEN.! V' ČLANSTVA V teku je nova članska kampanja! Traja do konca leta! { I»OMtOI»NOSTI V APltll.KKI %A1t.II! f, t t +*• *** ^ t t t if-i ZLATA POROKA V CHISHOLMU Preljubijena preds. št. 38, FRANCES HREN je z možem JOSEPHOM slavila visoko 50 letnico zakona v januarju. Na gornji sliki sta zlatoporočenca v krogu visoko-vzgojenih otrok; Patricia Nunes, Ruih Monaco, Joseph Hren, ml., in Frances Holasek. (Giej dopis na št. 29) Iskrene čestitke! ST. 3, PUEBLO, COLORADO 'Tlaiim mamicam V lepem mesecu maju bomo praznovali Materinski dan ter proslavili naše častne matere SŽZ po vsej naši prostorni Ameriki. Ni lepšega, kot da skažemo ljubezen do svoje matere, kateri cveti najlepši cvet. Naj nebo rosi svoj blagoslov sleherni materi za njen dan. Moja mati že 26 let počiva v grobu, toda spomin na njo mi je še vedno svež, zato y poklonim venček molitvic, kakor vsem materam, da bi obhajale svoj dan v družinski sreči. SŽZ v duhu poklanja venec spomina na grob sosester v globoki in iskreni molitvi nepozabnega spomina pokojnim članicam. Posebno mi je drag spomin na vse prehitro umrle ALBINE NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ŽELEZNIKAR, BARA KRAMER in nepozabna MARGARET KOZJAN, katera mi Je še vedno sveža v spominu, tako tudi moja draga sestra MARY PUGEL (Jagrova Micka). Kdo bi znal opisati veliko delo, ki so ga opravile, zato ne bodo nikoli pozabljene, čeprav so odšle v večnost. Prve cvetlice, ki nam_ oznanjajo pričetek pomladi, naj bodo poklonjene č. preds. Marie Prisland. Odlična voditeljica, ki je ustanovila našo SŽZ, ki ima podružnice s tisočerimi članicami širom Amerike in lepo urejeno revijo ZARJO. Za vedno bo zapisano; to je ustvarila zavedna slovenska žena in mati v korist našemu narodu. Gospa Prisland, sprejmite lavorjev venec za Vaš prelepi Materinski dan. Dne 28. febr. sta obhajala John in Anne Germ zlato poroko. Ona je naša zavedna članica. Prijatelji so poskrbeli, da Jima proslava 50—letnice ostane vedno v najlepšem spominu, želimo, da bi Jima bilo življenje še v bodoče z rožcami posuto. Tam v daljni McKinley, Minn, je umrl naš sorodnik Anton Purkart. Njegova žena Annie je čla. naše Zveze. Neizmerno težka je 'očitev, ko smrt poseže v družino. Pri nas je umrl poznani Jack Okey, ki je bil oskrbnik Safvey Store 42 let in cerkveni pevec, saj je imel krasni glas. Ženi Mary in sinovom sožalje! Jennie Kočevar si je pri padcu zlomila roko in to že v drugič. Zelo pogosto obiskuje bolezen čla. podr. 66, Jennie Lukazic. Zadnja operacija je bila zelo boleča in posebne bolečine še vedno trpi na nogi, katero so zdravniki odstranili ored leti. Vsem, ki bolehajo, želimo, da vam pomladanske sapice in sonček prineso to ljubo zdravje v cvetoči naravi. Naša Zveza vabi študente višjih šol, da se prijavijo za šolnino (scholarship), ki je povišana sedaj na $250 za en termin. Seveda je omejeno samo za študente, ki so člani naše Zveze. Sestre, bodite pridne za nove članice, da nadomestimo tiste, katerih ni več med nami. Nova mlad. čla. je moja pravnukinja Andran Miller in njjena mama Marcia je prestopila v razr. A; prestopile so tudi Sandra Castello in Diane Schneider obe v razr. B. Sporočam, da se je hčerka Sandra od Evelyn Scheider poročila dne 4. dec. lani z zdravnikom Dr. Raymond Costello. Oba sta rojena v Pueblo. Nova zdravnika sta absolvirala in dokončala študije in sta zaposlena v bolnišnici San Antonio, Texas. Moje najlepše priznanje na lepem uspehu. Sporočam, da ne bo sej v jun., jul. in aug., toda vse ste lepo vabljene na sejo v maju, ko bo party za vse. Želim vsem prijetne počitnice, tistim, ki boste imele vesela snidenja bodisi tukaj, ali pa v domovini, naj Vas vse Marija sprejme pod svoje vodstvo. Z Bogom, Vaša. ANNA PACHAK ST. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Materinski dan se bliža in vam vsem slovenskim ženam želim vse najboljše za ta dan, da bi še mnogo let praznovali in bili veseli v krogu vaših družin. Naša seja je bila kar dobro obiskana. Praznovale smo rojstni dan Jennie Koren, ki je dosegla lep« starost 90 let. Praznovale so tudi: Mary Komidar, Frances Žagar in Mary Černigoj. Za našo zaslužno mater leta smo izbrale WILMO KRALL, ki je sedaj naša nadzornica in pred leti je bila zelo aktivna pri Frances šušel Cadets. Naše čestitke od vseh članic! Prav lepa hvala vsem članicam, ki so darovale v našo blagajno in tudi tistim, ki ste kupile listke za afgan. Iz Akron, Ohio je prišla na sejo Martha Batich in ona je potegnila srečno ime Antonije Baraga, ki je bila prav vese'a, ko je nesla afgan domov. Skoda, da niste bile vse srečne, ker ste tako dobrega srca. J'ulia Mooney je darovala lepo ročno delo (shawl) za door prize in dobile je Wilma Krait. Še enkrat hvala vsem! Ta mesec nam so umrle 2 članice: Mary Sluga, naša zadnja ustanoviteljica.. Kar lepo je zaspala na njen rojstni dan v starosti 78 let. Zapustila je sina Alberta 'n hčer Alice Mendoza. Bila je 6-krat stara mama in enkrat pra-stara mati. črez nekaj dni je v 95 letu starosti umrla Mary Urbas, ki je bila naša predsednica 26 let in je vedno rada prišla na seje. Skupno z Mary Sluga sta vpisale 251 članic v našo podr. Mrs. Urbas zapušča hčer Virginia Winger in dva sinova, Johna in Antona. Pokojna je bila 19 krat stara mati in 28-krat prestara mati. Naše globoko sožalje ostalim sorodnikom. Naj naše pokojne sestre počivajo v miru. Imamo tudi članice, ki so zelo bolane: Josie Zernic, Josephine Šušteršič in Josephine Oberstar. Upamo, da bo ljubi Bog dal vsem zdravje. Prihodnja seja bo prvo nedeljo v maju. Prisrčne pozdrave vsem članicam, posebno še tistim, ki mi pišejo, upam, da vas bom s časom vse osebno spoznala. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, tajnica ST. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Poročilo aprilove seje. To zimo smo že preboleli. Imamo prav lepe dneve, vseeno pa je veliko ljudi bolanih, morda je pregorko za ta čas. Težko je zbolela Mrs. Šporar in več naših članic v domu ostarelih na Neff Rd., posebno Mrs. Kog. Molimo za njo in za vse bolane sestra, da bi lažje prenašale težave bolezni. V zadnjem mesecu smo zopet izgubile 2 naše članice: Mrs., Srpan in Mrs. Karolin Turk. Obe sta bile dobre članice, delavne pri naši podr. želimo jima večnega miru in božje plačilo pri Bogu. Ohranile Jih bomo v trajnem spominu. Ostalim družinam naše sožalje! Mrs. Mary Iskra nam bo podarila lep afgan. Ona je bila izbrana za letošnjo zaslužno ženo podr. leta 1974. Tajnica poroča od skupnih podr., da bodo dne 21. junija imele Reunion of Cadets. Pripravljajo lep program za Cotillion Debutante Ball, ki bo 28. decembra v Slovenian National Dom na šentklerju. Mrs. Iskra poroča od Club društva, da bodo dne 22. sept. imele čiken diner. Maja meseca bomo pa obhajale tri-mesečno godova n je in Materinski dan. Družine pok. članic Mrs. Srpan in Karolin Turke se lepo zahvaljujejo podr. za molitve in sv. mašo na dan pogreba. Tajnica poroča, da se bo v prihodnjem letu 1975 članarina zviša'a za 10 cts. V good tajm blagajno so darovale ta večer: Mrs. Baj, Antonija Šuštar, Mrs. Stopar, in Mrs. Pincolič. Bog vam povrni, da bi bile zdrave in srečne! Ob koncu se najlenše zahvaljuiem Mary Stražišar (Aerohead), ki Je mesto mene pisala zapisnik in poročala v Zario v času moje bolezni. Vas lepo pozdravljam na vse strani, ANTONIJA ŠUŠTAR, poroč. ST. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISCONSIN Vsem našim dobrim mamicam želim vesel MATERIN DAN. Še posebne ča-stitke pa pošiljam Mary Bojantz, ki je častna mati naše podružnice. Ga. Bo-jantz je dobra članica Zveze in zasluži to izredno čast., Bog Te živi, Mary, še mnogo let! Kakor je bilo že poročano, ne bomo imele sej v juniju, juliju in augustu, vendar ne pozabite na Zvezo črez poletje. Presenetite odbor z novo članico za sejo v septembru. Gotovo ste že mislile, da sem že zmrznila, ker se nisem nič oglasila že par mesecev v Zarji. Da si malo ogre-jem te stare kosti, sem poletela z Mr. & Mrs. Pleško ter prijateljico Cilko Kostelic za nekaj časa v sončno Florido. Srečali smo se v Fort Lauderdale i Mrs. Jackie Nimer ter njeno prijateljico Margaret. Hvala obema za prijaz nost. Naj se še na tem mestu zahvalim vsem Slovencem iz Clevelanda ter sploh vsem, ki smo jih srečali, tudi iz Kanade in drugih krajev, prisrčna hvala za vso gostoljubnost in upam, da se še snidemo v vaši družbi. Vabim tudi, da nas obiščete čez poletje, saj pri nas v Wis. je krasno čez poletje. Srčen pozdrav, MARY MURN MATERINA LJUBEZEN Sveti tam lučka večno gori, za sina, za hčerke mati skrbi; zapustil otrok je že davno ta kraj, kedaj, oh kedaj le pride nazaj. Mame ljubezen ga spremija povsod, za vroče molitve ve le sam Bog; iz srca se vroča dviga v nebo, oh Ti mu ohrani dušo telo. Izmerjena že je globina morja, Izmerjena je visočina neba; je večja kot morje - neskončno nebo, Ljubezen ta tiha - rosi mami oko! MARY MURN ST. 19, EVELETH, MINNESOTA MARY LENICH PREMINULA Drage članice; ponovno moram poročati žalostno vest, da nas je za vedno zapustila naša vrla dolgoletna tajnica, Mrs. Mary Lenich, ki ni mogla preboleti smrti ljubljenega soproga Toneta. Bila je v bolnici in vsi smo upali, da se ji bo zdravje vrnilo, ko nas je zadela novica o njeni smrti. Vsej družini globoko sožalje! Naj bo naši blagi pokojni sestri in voditeljici naše podružnice lahka ameriška gruda! Radi bolezni ni bilo seje v februarju, zato nimam mnogo za poročati. Upam, da bomo v kratkem imele sejo, ker bo treba začeti pripravljati za Zvezin dan, ki bo drugo nedeljo v septembru in bo hitro tukaj. Vse članice ste lepo prošene, da se udeležite seje in prosimo tudi vse mlade članice, da se pridružijo, ker rabile bomo pomoč. Dan seje bo objavljen v časopisu in na radiju. Sporočam še drugo žalostno vest, da smo v tem mesecu izgubile še 2 naše članice. Dne 16. marca je za vedno zatisnila oči in odšla iz naše srede ses. Mar^ /urkovich in danes je zapustila to solzno dolino, ses. Agues Gerchman. Bog jima daj v miru počivati! Preostalim družinam pa naše sožalje! Upam, da ste vse obhajale veselo Velikonoč in vsem želim mnogo dobrega zdravja, MARY MENART ST. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Z žalostjo sporočam, da smo v kratkem času izgubile dve naše dobre članice, katere sta bolehale več let. Prva je bila Anna Adamich, ki je preminula v St. Joseph bolnišnici v Visoki starosti 88 let. Zapušča 2 hčerke, ki sta obe redovnice v Lemontu in enega sina, Rev. Albert, ki je župnik slovenske fare Matere Božje v Waukegnu, III. Dalje zapušča še 4 sinove, 10 vnukov in 7 pravnukov ter eno sestro v rodni Sloveniji. Tukaj v Jolietu živi od leta 1906. Njen soprog John je umrl pred mnogimi leti, kakor tudi ena hčerka in dva sinova. Pri naši podr. je bila od leta 1928, priporočena po Cath. Dragovan. Pogreba se je udeležilo 'epo število duhovnikov in sester reda Sv. Frančiška. V kratkem cašu smo izgubile tudi čla. Clara Puž, ki je podlegla dolgi bolezni v bolnišnici Sv. Jožefa. Dosegla je starost 78 let. Zapušča hčerko Florence, poročeno Mrs. Ralph Ancel. Ralph je umrl pred nekaj tedni. Za pok. žalujejo tudi 2 hčerke, zet, vnuk in 2 vnukinje ter sestra v Sloveniji kakor tudi 2 brata, Marion v Daly City, Cal. in Matt v starem kraju. Obe pokojne so bile pokopane na farnem pokopališču Sv. Jožefa. Naj bo pokojnima lahka ameriška zemlja. Žalujočim iskreno sožalje. Dne 30. in 31. marca se je vršila Srednje-Zapadna Kegljaška tekma SŽZ v Milwaukee., Od naše podr. se je udeležilo več skupin, kar boste brale v angleška delu Zarje. Kegljanje se je vršilo v prijaznem mestu Milwaukee in Rose Kramer nam je preskrbela krasen hotel za naše kegljačice in njihove družine. Na busu nas je zabavala naša stalna kegljačica Marge Gasperich z igrami, da nam je čas hitro potekel. Direktorica Jo Sumic je imela v oskrbi blagajno, da je bilo vse v redu glede busa. Naša podpreds. Mary Ivanič, nam je postregla z domačimi tortami. Hva'a Mary! Od podr. so se udeležile naslednje odbornice: Olga Ancel, taj., Mary Ivanič, podpreds. Josephine Sumic in Vaša poročevalka, zapisnikarica Josephine Erja- vec. Bile smo vesele videti našo častno preds. in ustanoviteljico, Mrs. Marie Prisland iz Sheboygna, W'is. med nami tudi našo urednico Zarje, Corinne Leskovar iz Chicaga, direktorico in kegljačico Lil Putzell, gl. nadzornico Marian Marolt, g', podpreds. Marie Florjan iz West Allis, našo bivšo gl. odbornico Josephine Schlossar in več drugih. Rose Kramer velja naša zahvala, da nam je preskrbela tako krasni hotel kegljišče. Kegljačice so prišle iz sosednjih mest, Oglesby, Chicago, So. Chicago, West Allis, Joliet in seveda Milwaukee. Bilo nas je kar lepa skupina. Ako Bog da, na svidenje prihodnje leto! Te dni so bile na operaciji dve naše članice: Mayme Fedo, ki se je morala ponovno podvreči operaciji in Frances Gregorich iz N.. Broadway. Obe se nahajata v St. Joseph bolnici in jima želimo kar najhitrejše okrevanje. Iskrene čestitke naši agilni in navdušeni kegljačici Mrs. Marge Gasperich k imenovanju “Woman of the year” (žena 'eta) od članic Oltarnega in Roženvenskega društva. Posebno bo tudi počaščena v St. Charles Bo-romeo seminišču, kjer se snidejo vsa oltarna društva našega okraja. Njena mama, Mary Cohil je tudi naša članica dolgo vrsto let ter taj. društva St. Genovefe, št. 108, KSKJ. Marge, želimo Ti še mnogo let zdravja! Prisrčne čestitke tudi naši Zvezini Materi tega leta, Mary Mihelich, ki je tudi zelo aktivna med nami. Je tudi navdušena kegljačica, ki se je z možem in družino udeležila zadnjega turneja.. Tudi njena hčerka in mati soproga, so naše dolgoletne članice. Taj. Olga Ancel lepo na srce polaga prošnjo, da bi vse članice, ki ste v zoastanku z Vašimi prispevki na članarini, čimpreje poravnale svoj dolg. Pomislite same, da ni šala prositi za denar za Vašo članarino. Pridite vse na sejo v maju, ki bo v Loretto dvorani, ali v šolski kafeteriji, ker se dvorana Ferdinand prenavlja. PRIJATELJ ZVEZE MR. JEVITZ POČAŠČENI Izkrene čestitke John Jevitz, ki je bil izvoljen pri American Republicans za "MAN OF THE YEAR”. To čast si je John poštene zaslužil za svoje delo pri naselbini, fari in raznih društvih, kjer je vedno pripravljen pomagati. Tudi pri Slov. Ženski Zvezi nam je bil vedno v pomoč, mnogkrat je bil desna roka pri pripravah in nasvetih. Od njegove mladosti je bil cerkveni pevec in odbornik raznih organizacij. Slavnost njemu na čast se je vršila v Sheraton hotelu ob polni dvorani prijateljev. Bil je nepozabni večer. V imenu podr. št. 20, že enkrat, John Jevitz, naše ČESTITKE in še mnogo let zdravja za bodoče delo. Pozdrav vsem članicam! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 24, LASALLE, ILLINOIS Ko boste prejele to številko Zarje v svoje roke, bodo lepi Velikonočni prazniki že za nami. Prelepe pesmi nas spominjajo na božje Vstajenje: Zveličar naš je vstal iz groba! Aleluja! V mesecu aprilu smo dale na številke lep dar, katerega nam je dala Mary Uranich iz Floride. Hvala lepa, Mary. Naj Ti Bog poplača! Maja meseca bo pa na domu naše tajnice, in blag. Therese Savnik, 232— 5th Str., La Salle, rummage sale. Na prodajo bodo stvari, katere ene ne potrebujejo, pa drugim prav pridejo in imele domo domač spečen kruh in druge dobrote. Morda boste vzeli domov več lepih spominkov. Hvala za vašo pomoč! Poskusite tudi pripeljati s seboj svoje prijatelje in morda bodo pristopile kot nove članice? Dne 14. marca letos sem se morala podati na operacijo na obeh nogah in za 10 tednov se moram zelo paziti, zato v aprilu in maju ne bom mogla priti na seje. Moja podpredsednica Mary Gramc bo vse lepo vodila. Vsem, ki ste mi želeli hitro zdrave noge se res iz vsega srca lepo zahvaljujem, posebno tudi za vaše molitve ter vsak dar mi je bil drag. Iskrena hvala vsem! Vsem bolnikom naj Bog nakloni, da lažje prenašajo tripljenje. Lep pozdrav vsem! MARY MICI PILETIČ, preds. ST. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Zopet se približuje prelepi mesec maj, ko vsa zemlja lepo ozeleni. V tem mesecu tudi slavimo lepi materinski dan, ker najprej počastimo našo nebeško Mater, Kraljico nebes in zemlje, nato počastimo svoje lastne matere. Hčerke in sinovi, ki jih še imate, spoštujte in razveselite svoje mamice na ta pomembni dan. Kateri pa imate že pokojne matere, spomnite se jih v svojih molitvah. Pri naši podr. bomo letos počastili spoštovano našo članico, Mary Može, ki je naša dolgoletna in delavna sestra, dobra družabnica, ki rada pride na seje in vedno prinese kakšen dobitek, saj je dobra heklarica, ali čipkarica. Dosti prevlek je že prinesla, da smo dale na številke v pomoč blagajne. Dne. 11. maja bomo šle v Sorn restavracijo, da jo bomo lepo pogostile. Naša tajnica, Christine Zivoder je v tem mesecu praznovala 50 let odkar dela v Central Lithograph na 1278 W. 58 St. Kot 13 letna deklica je začela in vedno je bila vljudna in prijazna ter si je pridobila dosti prijateljic in prijateljev ter je postala prva pred-delavka, kot “boss lady”. Počastile so jo z veliko party in prejela je mnogo čestitk in daril za njeno dolgoletno delo. Soprog naše nadzornice Jennie Feme, je bil v bolnici. Sedaj se zdravi doma pod skrbno oskrbo njegove pridne ženice, Jennie. Želimo kar najhitrejše okrevanje. Naši članici Frances Dobnikar, je preminul soprog. Bog mu daj večni pokoj! Vsem našim sestram želimo hitrega okrevanja, zavodih so: Pauline Stamp-fel, Jennie Strnad, Jennie Zelko, Mary Kovačič, Mary Sodar, Mary Konchan Karolina Krnc. Vsem želimo potrpljenja. Na skupni seji podr. SŽZ smo tudi vzele na znanje, da bi rada naša gl-preds. Mary Bostian zdrala žene, da bi šle na skupno romanje in Zvezin dan dne 21. julija na Lemontkse Brezje. Katera bi se zanimala, naj se priglasi. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam in na svidenje dne 11. maja ob 2 pop. pri Sornu. MARY OTONIČAR ŠT. 30, AURORA, ILLINOIS Popotnikova Popotnik pridem čez goro, Od doma jemljem še slovo; In kamor se oko ozre, povsod se mi nov svet odpre. Tud’ tu cveto cvetličice, po njih buče čebelice; pa naših rož je lepši svet, čebelic naših boljši med. Dežela ljuba kje ležiš, in jezik moj kje govoriš? jaz tu nikogar ne poznam in sred ljudi povsod sem sam.......... Pomen te lepe pesmi sem v polni meri spoznala, ko sem bila več kot eno leto sama Slovenka tukaj. Zdaj sta tukaj tudi Mr. in Mrs. Margetič, ki sta prišla iz Califomije, toda sta pred tem živela v Chicagu. Stara moda je minula; enkrat je veljalo, da je sin rekel očetu: Ti pojdi v kot hiši, pa tiho bodi. Sedaj pa morajo iti ven poiskati drugi dom in v njem biti v kotu. Zdaj so prav tisti časi kot sem jaz slišala prerokovati mojega očeta in starejše može, da zemlja ne bo rodila, ker ne bodo ljudje sadili. Prostore za vrtove so zavzele garaže za automobile, ker kara je bolj važna kot vrtni nasad. V obleki se ne da več spoznati, ali je fant ali dekle. Bog daj, da ne bi prišlo tako hudo kakor prerokbe napovedujejo, da kamen ne bo ostal na kamnu, toda upamo, da ne bo tako hudo. Pozdravljene vse članice od blizu in daleč, ker spominjam se vseh. FRANCES KRANTZ, 42 Ashland, La Grange, III. ST. 38, CHISHOLM, MINNESOTA Po letih se zopet oglašam v naši priljubljeni Zarji. Pomladanski dnevi in toplo sonce so zopet med nami, kar je prijetno oddih po mrki zimi. Na naših društvenih sejah se imamo kar dobro. Seja v febr. je bila zelo lepo obiskana, čeprav je mene kot preds. in mojega moža prehlad (flu) položil na posteljo. Po seji so grale priljubljene ig^e. Sestre Bob Bizal in Louis Palčič so pripravile nekaj prav sladkega s kofetkom., Ta veseli večer, so praznova.e kot Valentinov večer. Za materinski dan se že pripravljamo, da ga kar najlepše proslavimo. Vsem materam po celi Ameriki, želimo serečni dan, a tistim, ki ste se že ločile iz tega sveta, pa želimo blaženi mir in veselje pri Bogu. Na bolniški listi so: ses. Rosi Kočevar in ses. Helen Guštin. Obe sta v Buchanan Nursing home. Druge so: ses. Mrs. John Ponikvar, Mrs. Jerry Virant in Mary Arko, ki je v Nursing home v Hibbingu. članice prosim, da jo obiščete. Vsem žeiimo ljubega zdravja in veselja še mnogo let! ZLATA POROKA (Slika na st. 26) Dne 12. januarja sva z možem slavila 50 letnico zakonskega življenja v krogu najine družine. Poročena sva bila v cerkvi Sv. Jožefa 1. 1924 po pokojnem Msgr. John Schiffrer. Moj mož John je bil rojen v žužembergu v Sloveniji in jaz pa v Ljubljani. Zlate poroke so se udeležili vsi najini otroci: Frances In Ruth, ki sta obe registrirane bolniške sestre, Patricia, ki je socialna delavka in sin J’oseph ml., ki je računovodja. Vsem najina iskrena zahvala za počastitev! Naš domači časopis Tribune Press, je 22. Januarja objavil slika ki je bila na naslovni strani glasila SŽZ, ZARJE. Ruth ima važni položaj učiteljice bolničark na medicinskem oddelku či-kaške univerze. Smo kar ponosne na njo, kakor na vse naše otroke! Ko boste čitale te vrstice, bodo velikonočni prazniki že za nami in upam, da ste jih vsi obhajali v sreči in zdravju. Pozdrav vsem! FRANCES HREN, predsednica k. ST. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OHIO Zopet je čas, ko bodo podr. počastile zaslužne matere. Poleg domačega dela in skrbi za svojo družino, še vedno najdejo nekaj časa, katerega porabijo za društvene aktivnosti. Tudi pri naši podr. imamo častno mater, katero smo izvolile na letni seji v decembru. To je naša sestra, Anna Christofek. Njeno življenje ni bilo vedno z rožami posuto. Njen mož, Steve, je bil več let zaposlen pri Lubs Bakery, katero so pred par meseci zaprli in odpustili vse uslužbence ne glede koliko časa je delal za Co. Vzgojila sta 3 otroke v družini, eno hčer in dva sinova. Pred par leti sta se preselila na zahodno stran blizu Airline letališča. Kupila sta si Trailer Mobile home. Ker nima veliko dela okoli hiše, zato se ona kratkočasi z ročnimi deli. Napravila je že več ogrinjal in pančov. Rada pomaga pri društvih, je vesela kadar je v družbi. Govori slovensko in rada prepeva slovenske pesmi. Je odlična natakarica in je delala nekaj let v SDD na Prince Ave„ V podr. je vpisala več članic in svoje vnukinje. Pri podr. je že več let nadzornica. Med članicami je priljubljena, jo imamo vse rade, ker je vedno vesela biti v naši družbi. Vse Ti želimo še mnogo let veselega in srečnega življenja. Bog Te živi, naša častna mati! Dne 5. maja bomo praznovale materinski dan. Vabljene ste prav vse, da se udeležite in pripeljite s seboj novo članico. S sejo bomo začele ob 1:30 popoldne, da bo več časa za zabavo. Posebno so vabljene novo pri-stople članice: Mary Mundson, Marie Ann Drobnick !-n Josephine Gruden. Dobrodošle med nas! Hvala vsem tistim članicam, ki ste prostovolnjo prispevale dar v ročno blagajno. Vaša imena se prečitajo na seji. Vesele rojstne dneve vsem, katere praznujete v aprilu in maju. Vsem bolnim pa želimo 'jubega zdravja. Tretjo nedeljo v novembru dne 19. nov. imamo naročeno sv., mašo pri fari Sv. Lovrencu, E. 81 St. Darovana bo za žive in umrle članice. Vsem materam želim, da bi obhajale materinski dan v zdravju in veselju. Bog nam daj svoj blagoslov! Umrle pa priporočamo naši nebeški Materi Mariji, da jim izprosi pri Bogu večnega veselja v nebesih. Pozdrav vsem članicam, JENNIE PUGELY, taj. ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Na naši zadnji seji je bila bolj slaba udeležba. Prosim članice, da bi sedaj ko bo bolj toplo vreme, prišle v večjem številu na seje in tudi pripeljale kaj novih članic. Vem, da ima vsaka kaj prijateljic. Ker imamo seje vsake tri mesece na drugo sredo, zato smo na tej seji izvolile zaslužno mater, našo blagajničarko, MARY BOŠTJANČIČ, ki je že 29 let v uradu naše blagajničarke. Dobro članica je tudi naša zapisnikarica Mary Kocian, ki piše zapisnik že 29 let. Imamo več bolanih članic, med njimi je bolana že več let, Frances Batista, katero muči artrajtis, da že več let ne more hoditi. Mary Nemanich je pred leti izgubila nogo, sedaj se nahaja v Pine Lawn Home, Houston, Pa. Ses. Antonija Progar se zdravi v Washington bolnici. Pred leti je izgubila eno nogo za sladkorno boleznijo, a sedaj je v nevarnosti, da izgubi še drugo nogo. Mary Čadež je tudi bila v Canonsburg bolnici in se sedaj zdravi na domu, kakor tudi več drugih članic, ki se zdravijo doma. Prosim članice, da obiščete bolne sestre in jim pošljete bodrilne kartice, ker če je človek več let priklenjen na posteljo, je vesel če se ga spomnimo. Vsem bolnim želim, naj ljubi Bog podeli ljubo zdravje in olajša bolečine. Zimo še nismo imeli premrzlo, vendar je bila muhasta, ker smo imeli vsaki dan drugačno vreme. Upam, da ste imele lepe Velikonočne praznike v krogu Vaših družin. Želim vsem gl. odbornicam, posebno Mrs. Prisland srečni Materinski Dan, kakor tudi vsem materam naše Zveze. MARY TOMSIC ST. 77, PITTSBURGH, PA. Zima se je končno poslovila in nihče je ne bo pogrešal, čeprav je še precej hladno, vendar zgodnje cvetlice že prav lepo krasijo naše vrtove. Vsepovsod se vidi, da je pomlad tukaj, človek se veseli pomlajene narave, samo škoda, da se tudi me ne moremo pomladiti, ker naša leta tečejo z neverjetno naglico naprej. Sama sebi ne morem verjeti, da se človek tako hitro stara. V najlepšem mesecu maju, imamo tudi obletnico naše podružnice, ki je bila ustanovljena pred 38 leti. Nekaj ustanovnih članic je še vedno aktivnih, veliko pa jih že krije gomila. Bog jim daj mirni počitek. Dne 8. maja zvečer bomo zopet imele ta pomembni materinski dan. Vse bo kot prejšnja leta, pridite prav vse vsaj enkrat na leto. Prireditev bo v St. Mary’s Lyceum, 910 Chestnut St. Ker se članice ne udeležujejo meseč- nih sej v dovoljšnem številu, zato je bilo na decemberski seji sklenjeno, da bomo imele samo dve seji na leto in to bo v maju in decembru. Naše sožalje ses. Mary Tomec ob izgubi edine hčerke Eleonore Steuer-nagel, ki je preminula v januarju. Bila je naša ustanovna članica. Naj počiva v miru! Imamo tudi več bolehnih članic. V bolnici so se zdravile naša preds. Betty Ann Murphey, zapisnikarica Maria Strauss, Amelia Flore, Johana Mravintz, Angela Jeke, Mary Rogale, ako sem katero izpustila, mi naj oprosti. Tiste, ki boste dosti potovale to poletje, bodite previdne, ker nesreča nikoli ne počiva, želim vam obilo veselja, kjerkoli boste hodile. Vsem preminulim članicam mirni počitek, bolanim pa iz srca želim ljubega zdravja. Na veselo svidenje na seji dne 8. maja! MINKA CHRNAT, tajnica ŠT. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Na zadnji seji smo imele lepo udeležbo in smo precej uredile glede priprav za državno konvencijo, ki bo v Renton, Pa. dne 6. oktobra, 1974 v cerkvi St., Januarus. Vabimo vse sosednje podružnice na to zborovanje. Ne pozabite si zaznamovati vaše koledarje za ta dan. Več pojasnil bo še s'edilo in gotovo pridite na sejo dne 3. junija ob dveh popoldne, da bomo rešile razna vprašanja, ki tičejo naše društvo. Tudi imamo vedno pokrivanje številk po seji, zato prinesite kaj, da pomagamo naši blagajni. Za častno mater leta je bila izbrana Kathleen Podobnik. Ona je zelo korajžna žena, ki obdeluje njive s traktorjem. Ima dva fanta in 2 hčere, želim njej in vsem zdrav in srečen materinski dan, da bi ta pomembni dan v življenju vse še mnogokrat dočakale. Lepo se zahvaljujem Mary Bostian, naši gl. predsednici Slov. ženske Zveze za vse kar ona pomaga, da so vse podružnice tako aktivne. Upam, da bomo dobili še kaj novih članic. Naše družine so ponosne na Mary, ki ima tako lepe dopise v Zarji in se vedno zanima za nove članice. Mi smo še nekoliko v sorodstvu z njo in vse naše članice ji čestitajo za njen trud in delo, da pomaga pri napredku Zveze. Lepa hvala, Mary! Ob koncu želim vsem, da boste imele lepo pomlad in poletje. Upam, da se vas bo veliko udeležilo seje dne 3. junija ob 2 uri v Center Clubu. Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam ženske Zveze. PAULA KOKAL ZARJA—THE DAWN Pismo prijatelja SŽZ Financial Report - Finančno Poročilo, Mar. 1974 Prosim, sprejmite me v vašo hišo v obliki tega dopisa, res kiklje ne nosim, ali ženske imam pa rad že od vse takrat, ko sem spoznal da sem moškega spola. Vaša cenjena organizacija mi je bila pri srcu že od njenega rojstva saj mi je bila Mati članica vse do njene smrti, kakor tudi moja pokojna prva žena enkrat tukajšna tajnica podružnice št 38 z go. Marijo (Smoltz) Lenich kot predsednico. To je bilo takrat koje imela vaša organizacija konvencijo v C h i s h o I m Minn. Bili smo vsi v najlepših letih, Albina Novak (vaša mama) so kolegica domačinka iz Ribnice, fina duša, kakor tudi ga. Prisland gl. predsednica, jedro te vaše Zveze kako postavno in zopet tako milo je vodila vsa leta, še živa Bog ji daj še mnogo let med svojimi članicami, katere tako ljubi. Takrat so bile tekme med podružnicami z tako-zvanimi (drill team-i) oh, kako so bile ■epe že tako in tako al, ko so bile v odorah in krojih ja, jih ni lepših na svetu, sem rekel takrat in še danes pravim. KRASNE STE. Z svojimi nastopi ste vpisale v zgodovino ameriško—slovenskih izseljencev z diamantno ostrino ne zbrisne in lepe odnošaje slovenskega dekleta in žena. Lavorjov venec vam, ki ste bile takrat aktivne mnoge izmed vas že danes pra-babice, ali še vedno čvrste. Orale ste to, kar je bilo preraščeno z mahom in skrito pod važami, dale ste najlepša leta na oltar svojega porekla — čast vam. Bil sem na banketu Minnesotskih podružnic, kateri je bil obdržan tukaj na Chisholm v-cerkveni dvorani ne v Slovenskem Domu; bilo je lepo med , članicami in občinstvom. Vzdihnil sem kje so pionirke, niti ena ni bila ome- njena da bi dobila priznanje če ravno v grobu. Grem nazaj k agilnim, odkritim ne-) sebičnim ženam in dekletom kakor na- Primer tu rojena, roža neomadeže- vana z zavratnimi napadi, toje pokojna Mary Shikonja iz Ely, bivša predsednica podružnice št. 23. Kako živo rni je pred očmi, videl sem jo na banketu par let nazaj na Ely vsa v delu in izvrstno izpeljala z sosestrami, potek tega dneva, častital sem ji, in na tiho ''roče stisnil roko. Malo poprej, ko so bili "Slakovi” tukaj iz starega kraja sva imela dopise, in skoro bi bilo uspelo da bi bili nastopili tudi na Ely, ali navzlic temu, da je bila ji srčna želja imeti to skupino na Ely, ji ni uspelo in to jo ie potrlo, seveda šla je naprej z delom, Pripeljala je precejšnjo skupino na Br. No.: Amount: Adults: Jr. R.: 1 $108.65 182 69 2 248.15 403 197 3 147.25 250 142 4 7.50 11 — a 5 71.50 80 15 a 6 49.95 110 18 7 46.20 79 31 8 13.85 39 — b 9 — 20 1 b 10 — 276 20 12 64.00 148 58 13 54.10 104 19 14 143.15 284 43 15 148.30 179 7 c 16 100.90 155 70 17 87.70 152 103 Chisholm jih videti, ob enem mi je mnogo razložila zakaj Slaki niso bili na Ely. Čislal sem jo, odkrita je bila. Zadnji pot ko sem jo videl, je bilo v hiši Rev. Mihelicha župnika v pokoju in mi rekla (takrat nasmeh Ijajoči obraz, že izdajal da ima kal bolezni) kako rada bi se vpisala, in šla z vami v domovino pra—dedov, ali ne vem kaj bode zdravnik rekel? Z tolažilno besedo sem jo potroštal da se bo vse še preobrnilo k boljšem malo sluteč da je to naš zadnji sestanek. Pred menoj leži revija "Zarja” uradno glasilo Slovenske Žen ske Zveze od Januarja 1974 pač žalostno nisem nič vedel o tem do sedaj, znal sem da se nahaja v bolnici ali da je umrla ne. Kaj je človek. povej mi? kje se začne fraternalizem in kje se konča? Sirota je mnogo trpela v času njene neozdravljive bolezni, res mnogo jih je ko so obiskali in mnogi tudi pozabili njo ki je vedno rekla da, bom, bomo. Kjer poti nazaj ni, in nam najbo vsem v svarilo da damo kredit tistemu ki ga je deležen, ne pa tistim, ki skušajo žeti le zase pomni DANES MENI—JUTRI TEBI še drži. Dobra dela ostanejo, čeprav so prikrita, prido pa na dan prej ali slej. Iman skušnje z filmom katerega smo povzeli že 45 'et nazaj na naši slovenski Radio Uri, tu jasno kaže kedo in kateri so delali in orali brezplačno. Tebi draga Marija in prijateljica najti bo lahka rodna gruda (rojena je bila namreč tu) želela si videti rodno grudo mame in ata ali ti ni bilo dano, počivaj v miru in spomin nate ne bo obledel. Ostalim kot sestra ga. Barbara Rosandich, ga. Ann Kroger, bratom Antonu in Bernardu moje iskreno in čuteče sožalje. FRANK L. TEKAUTZ Br. No.: Amount: Adults: Jr. R.: 19 93.80 98 14 c 20 179.80 356 105 21 61.15 109 47 22 — 15 — d 23 104.95 210 28 24 55.25 119 35 25 297.30 552 134 26 124.50 113 30 c 27 — 37 2 28 43.55 69 28 29 9.55 22 4 30 5.40 9 — 31 72.10 75 22 a 32 106.25 179 68 33 118.70 186 146 34 19.25 35 4 35 30.60 52 28 37 — 17 — 38 — 92 — 39 19.65 42 4 40 57.15 105 2 41 136.15 172 29 42 49.30 49 2 c 43 121.25 183 121 b 45 15.95 36 11 46 13.45 31 3 47 56.90 103 38 49 — 27 — 50 380.75 274 53 c 52 32.05 52 21 54 — 49 31 55 29.85 54 19 56 41.25 88 7 57 64.10 57 15 a 59 41.10 26 — e 61 — 5 — 62 20.50 20 — 63 — 86 23 64 — 40 1 d 65 — 41 20 66 32.80 56 21 b 67 40.50 69 8 68 37.95 58 26 70 — 13 1 f 71 56.10 113 38 72 13.80 20 — a 73 52.25 95 56 74 — 26 1 g 77 19.35 40 28 79 19.75 36 18 80 — 13 — 81 14.00 28 — 83 6.60 15 — 84 — 42 2 d 85 — 35 2 86 20.60 19 — c 88 22.45 47 6 89 28.00 65 26 90 16.10 39 8 91 73.65 41 7 h 92 19.30 27 11 93 37.25 48 3 94 — 6 — Br. No.: Amount: Adults: Jr. R.: 95 — 173 24 96 44.70 43 — 97 — 14 — 99 4.60 13 — 100 33.40 46 15 101 22.05 30 11 102 — 36 2 103 14.05 20 14 105 17.65 29 6 106 — 24 1 Total: $4,339,65 4,649 2,225 Remarks: Pd. March & Apr. . a; Pd. Feb. b, Feb. & Mar. c; J'an. Feb. Mar. e; Pd. in Jan. f; Pd. to Dec. g; Apr. May & June h. gv?imwwHiHmiHHHitiimiiittrniiiiif' MtiHiiiHimiMiuuiiiwiiiuimaiflttwft’ittiiminniiiHtijifwmflHiiiHniifiHtnmwttiiiinutntimmtarg I TOR THE YOUNG AT HEART ' I INCOME — POHODKI MAR. 1974: Assessment: Interest: Rent: Books wld: Saving withdr.. Bank withdr. Bonds sold: State Tax Deposit $4,339.65 4,604.90 210.00 74.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 17,581.43 30.62 $56,840.60 Sav. Cert., Bank Cert. Bonds Assets; $47,581.43 Clear Income: $9,259.17 DISBURSEMENTS — STROSKI -MAR. 1974 Claims pd. — plačane zavarov. Br. 2, Mary Tivador $100.00 Br. 5, Mary Hribernik 100.00 Br. 6, Emily Martinčič 100.00 Br. 10, Frances Macek 100.00 Br. 10, Barbara Sablak 100.00 Br. 12, Mary Trobf=nt?r 100.00 Br. 12, Mary Susha 100.00 Br. 14, Theresa Skur 100.00 Br. 14, Frances Srpan 100.00 Br. 16, Frances Kuhelj 100.00 Br. 23, Amelia Mainer 100.00 Br. 24, Mi'ka Chavich 100.00 Br. 37, Mary Vidor 100.00 Br. 39, Kristina Medved 100.00 Br. 41, Anna Kozelj 100.00 Br. 42, Antonia Cercek 100.00 Br. 49, Frances Kochevar 100.00 Br. 50, Anne Molnar B. 150.00 Br. 74, Anna Mursec 100.00 Br. 88, Mary Klinar 100.00 Br. 88, Jennie Draksler 100.00 Salaries — plače 1,225.00 Administration 393.00 Travel & Per Diem 66.00 Fuel & Elect, kurjava in luč 148.08 F:I:C:A: Tax - Social., zavarov. 71.66 March Zarja 1,528.71 Office rent 75.00 Post. & Telephone 58.91 Mother's Messy Crossword Puzzle ACROSS: 1. Therefore, consequently, so (French) 5. Women, Entwined (poetic spelling) 10. Riddle: When is a door not a door? When it’s--------------. 14. East Indian nursie. 15. To crumble (French). 16. My mother-in-law is one 17. In a motherly manner 19. What they pour on troubled waters in Italy 20. To Rosa! 21. Negative 22. Belonging to famous Latin Poet 23. Mean Hindu god 25. Girl’s name, or nickname 27. What’s on the end of a cigar 28. One kind of childbirth 30. The Republicans 33. Re-published 35. Three short cheers! 37. Organization of Navajos at Pueblo University 38. Spanish for The Rope ------------- er kind of abbreviated 40. The English word for Alit or maybe it’s en lit? 41. A word that Time magazine is always using to denote a little boy or girl. 43. The state of being a baby. 45. A Japanese says Hello (in English, that is). 46. What my mother said when a mouse ran out of the closet. Secret. & Campaign awards 1,012.45 Bowling tournament 349.00 Miscell. razno 35.00 Accrued Interest 798.06 US Treas. Bonds 39,721.90 47,632.77 Assets: U.S. Treas. Bonds—39,721.90 Total disbursem.- stroški Mar. 74: $ 7,910.87 Balance Feb. 28, 1974: $576,677.97 March Income-dohodki: 9,259.17 $585,937.14 Mar. Disbursem. stroški: 7,910.87 Balance March 31, 1974: $577,026.27 FANIKA HUMAR Sec’y HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Mothers are not "radiant Madonnas, nor silver-haired saints, but ordinary women, stumbling along with neither special know-how nor special vision, rearing children as well as they can.” But one thing in sure—moms are many things but the single gift they have in common is love. The Messy Crossword Puzzle came from a book titled MOTHERS ARE FUNNIER THAN CHILDREN. It’s very possible that this is so, what with all the many shenanigans they do. And if it’s true that from the mouths of babes come words of wisdom, it can be truly said that mothers are funny. Whether it may be something silly I said or an order given him to do a ohore which he doesn't care to do, our youngest son says: you’re funny, mom! Being funny is often an important ingredient in getting through many hectic days. But what moms are concerned with mostly, is how our children live in God’s graces, keep His commandments and being exemplary Christians, so that someday we’ll all be enjoying God’s home together. May Mother’s Day be a happy and blessed one for moms, grandmas, aunts and their families wherever they may be. Your friend, REGINA 48. Republic State of Yemen 49. What Boy Scouts do every day if they’re any good 51. Let’s see ------------- what on earth can this be ------------- ha I’ve got it -------- a Latin Word always a teentsy bit abbreviated. 53. Where we out Mother’s picture 55. A Magpie 57 Spooky, weird 61. Ladies used to have them instead of legs (singular) 62. Mother of Constance, Joan and Barbara 64. Adjective meaning frozen solid — Spelled daintily 65. Oh dear ----------- this isn't a word at all --------- it’s it’s------- well let’s see, ------------ it’s Eagle scrambled ----------- that’s what it is! 66. Town in New York where they make shirts or something 67. A British cleaning leady 68. Veddy British person saying really 69 What snakes say Mother's Messy Crossword Puzzle 1 V 3 * i u > t * 1 ix. /4- >S- * 11 IS * oiO ■ m m 1 H -’5 TC <*? *7* A XT- ft 1 * 0 j i 2>$ HI h- SL 37 H * 1 H * y-jr H * 7 PI m 4 9 so IN 5/ I mm r 3 1 ri 1' 1 4.3 L4- “ 1 *7 * 24. Arched DOWN: 1. Mistress (Italian) 2. Mrs. Khayam’s Boy 3. Nickname for Nathaniel — Spanish style 4. Last name of lay who makes swell perfume ----------- strategy! 5. Sign on ihe door of a masculine powder room 6. Someone who is an issue forth- er ------ no, an issuer forth ------- well someone who issues forth I guess 7. Farmers, they say, can sit on top of one of these and get roaring drunk 8. First Part of a hyphenated word meaning something in a children's playground. Also means disorderly 9. Attempt 10. Where the ceiling usually is 11. Mother of three Hungarian ladies (full name) 12. Dry 13. Automobiles made in the past by Mr. R.E. Olds. 18. Actor whose first name is Claude 22. Spanish word for something or other ----------- jug or door or maybe it’s ball - anyway it’s al- ways in these puzzles. 26. Now what on earth is this word? Oh, it’s the last name of a governor of Iowa back in 1898. 27. The best oart of a cigar 27-A. Ooops! Forgot to number this word which is a Spanish title of courtesy. 27-B. Overlooked another word! Anyway it’s the lady who married Pelops, who was the mother of Atreus and also the grandmother of Tantalus, yet. 28. What they build houses out of out in the Southwest -------------- only it isn’t spelled quite right. Wait a -minute --------- this isn’t word 28 ------- ,t’s 29. Sorry. 31. Favorite crackers ------------- chocolate with a white cream filling ------------- yum! 32. Now then! This would be something to stand in if you were a character in a Pearl Buck novel. 34. To eat the evening meal. 36. A short cheer for ME! 39. An Italian cheese in two words only in this case the last word is first. 42. Another mouse ran out of the closet ------------ a smaller one. 44. Country on the Red Sea. 47. A large fish hawk spelled wrong, or wait -------- French word for spirit also incorrectly spelled in a whole other way. 50. A glowing coal 52. Trousers (lower east side pronunciation) 53. French policeman 54. Adjective describing Paul Getty and chocolate f 'dge 56. International Society of Goatsuckers Lyonnaises 58. Roman Eating and Reducing Society. 59. Auntie Marne’s famous Japanese house boy (plural)! 60. Josephine Tey’s Last name scrambled (plural). 62. Short for maraschino cherries, which I loathe anyway. 63. Small town in Iowa or big cathedral in England or merely standing for end of labor. (YEAAAA!) Answers to Mother’s Messy Crossword Puzzle ACROSS: DOWN: 1. Done 1. Dama 5. Mesht 2. Omar 10. Ajar 3. Nato 14. Amah 4. Chess 15. Emier 5. Men 16. Bore 6. Emanater 17. Maternally 7. Silo 19. Olio 8. Helter 20. Arosa 9. Try 21. Not 10. Above 22. Ovids 11. Jolie Gabor 23. Siva 12. Arid 25. El le« 13. Reos 27. Ash 18. Rains 28. Natural 22. Olla 30. GOP 24. Vaulted 33. Reissued 26. Lara bee 35. RaRaRa 27. Aroma 37. ONPU 27-A. Senor 38. Lropa 27-B. Hippodan 40. Abed 28. Udobe 41. Moppet 31. Oreos 43. Babyhood 32. Paddy 45. Aro 34. Sup 46. Eeeeeee 36. Rah 48. RSY 39. Paesebel 49. Deeds 42. Eeee 51. Semp 44. Yemen 47. Esprey 53. Frame 50. Ember 55. Pie 52. Pents 57. Eerie 53. Flic 61. Limb 54. Rich 62. Mrs. Bennett 56. ISGL 64. Icie 58. RERS 65. Aegel 59. Itos 66. Char 60. Etys 68. Rylly 62. Mar 69. Ssss 63. Ely FRANC GOHSS % STUDIA SLOVENICA P.O. BOX 232 N?'V. Y DR" , '!. Y . 10032 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - IF YOU MOVE, HERE'S WHAT YOU DO: Please fill out this coupon and mail to the Home Office, 1937 W. 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