Ali je že napočil čas za nov korak v energetiki? Zadnja umetno izzvana ekonomska (monetarna?) svetovna kriza je dobila nove odseve predvsem na družbenih, socialnih, kulturnih področjih in konec koncev tudi na energetskem področju. Predsedniki vlad ne najdejo poti, gospodarstveniki tarnajo in tavajo v zaprtem krogu države, kultura se izgublja (ali utaplja?), apatija ljudi je vse večja. Seveda ni nič čudnega, da se vse to reflektira tudi na našem energetskem področju. Nič čudnega, ko pa vsak dan iz medijev slišimo samo banalne novice, kako je kdo kaj ukradel, kako si je človek sodil sam, ker je storil moralni prekršek, mediji pa so z največjim veseljem neusmiljeno drezali vanj... In seveda o našem »Slovenskem zlatem dimniku«, ki je presegel vse meje razumnosti, ali če želite človečnosti, ko na eni strani nekateri nimajo kaj za v usta, na drugi pa se nekateri sprenevedajo, od kod jim poldrugi milijon na bančnem kontu ali v sefu? Da, naš zlati dimnik je požrl enormna sredstva, ki bi jih lahko bistveno bolj preudarno naložili v druge, tehnološko bolj napredne veje energetike in bi bili tako lahko vzor za napredno družbo, ki odpira nov korak v energetiki s tem, da se že končno enkrat oddalji od »ogljikovega« lobija in pretrga dosedanjo odvisnost od le-tega. Ne, žal tudi pri nas še vedno zmaguje ta lobi. Še vedno smo »jahajoča družba«, v kateri šteje le tisti, ki je najvišji v jahajoči piramidi, pravzaprav enako, kot v dvajsetih letih zgodnjega kapitalizma v Združenih državah Amerike. Kot noji še zmeraj rinemo z glavo v pesek in si zatiskamo oči, zavedajoč se dejstva, da je denarja, hrane in energije na svetu dovolj za vse, le porazdelitev šepa. To je že daleč nazaj ugotovil naš Nikola Tesla, pa ga še danes ne želimo (nočemo) razumeti. Nikola je razumel, da vsa energija prihaja od našega sonca, ki ne more biti zasebno (hvala bogu). Res je da še danes koristimo najbolj primitivne oblike (premog, nafta, plin, ...), za katere pa smo si enotni (vsaj upam tako), da trajnostno gledano onesnažujejo naš svet, ki ga imamo samo »v najemu« od naših vnukov. A ni že skrajni čas, da se zamislimo kaj bodo naši vnuki mislili o nas? Morda pa z novo vlado vendarle napravimo korak naprej tudi na energetskem področju Slovenije. Andrej PREDIN 8 JET Is it already time for a new direction in the energy sector? The recent artificially induced economic (monetary?) global crisis has given rise to new reflections, especially on the social and cultural fields as well as, ultimately, on the energy field. Politicians cannot find the way out, economists complain and wander about seeking a state-based solution, culture is being lost (or drowning), and the apathy of people is increasing; consequently, it is not surprising that all this is also reflected in the energy field, especially considering that we daily hear from the media just predictable news about how someone stole something, how someone should be judged because of an alleged moral offense (and the media have the greatest pleasure in reporting this) and of course about our 'Slovenian golden chimney', which has exceeded all limits of reasonableness, or if you want also all limits of humanity. On one hand, some do not have anything to eat, when on the other, some pretend that they do not know where the half million in their bank account or safe came from. Yes, our golden chimney has consumed enormous resources that could be much better invested in the other, more technologically advanced branches of electric energy production. If we do so, we can be an excellent example of an advanced society, which opens new directions in the energy field. This would finally be the path away from the so-called carbon lobby would cut society's the dependence on it. Unfortunately, the carbon lobby is still winning in our country. We are still 'pyramid society' in which only those who are at the highest level have rights. We still live like in the early years of capitalism in the United States. Like ostriches still putting their head in the sand, we shut our eyes, mindful of the fact that the money, food and energy in the world are enough for all, but only distribution has failed. Nikola Tesla knew this to be true in his time, but we still do not want to accept it, or want to understand it. Tesla understood that all of our energy comes from the sun, which cannot be privatized (thank goodness). It remains true that we use more primitive forms of energy sources (coal, oil, gas, etc.) because of its simple use (via simple technology). However, I do hope that we all know that these technologies have a serious impact on the environment that we have only rented from of our grandchildren. Is it not already the right time to imagine what will our grandchildren think about us? Perhaps we will have success with the new Slovenian government and also step forward in the field of energy. Andrej PREDIN JET 9