SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 10.34 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, III. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZN1KAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELI Z A BETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. Stale President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cat. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota—- BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee'. MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 VV. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. I A dedication ... j j In May, we dwell on thoughts of Mother-Love | | and our Issue is dedicated to this noblest of all I virtues On the cover is the Pacher Madonna, 1470, I displayed at the Saltzburg Museum in Austria and | known to millions of tourists who travel there I yearly to see the masterpiece done In solid gold. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . May 3—Bake Sale, Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. May 3—Mother’s Day Celebration, Br. 21, Cleveland, O. May 4—Mother’s Day Dinner, Br. 54, Warren, O. May 6—25th Anniv. Mass, Br 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 7 Holy Communion Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Mass, St. Mary’s Church, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. May 11—Mother’s Day Program Br. 2, Chicago, 111. May 11—25th Anniv., Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. May 14—Mother’s Day Program, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. May 21, 24—12th National Convention, Ely, Minn. May 27—30th Anniv., Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio May 28—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., 8 p.m. St. Mary’s Aud. July 16 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2 hostesses at Lemont, Sept. 6 — Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Sept. 10—Minnesota! State Convention, Chisholm, Minn. Oct. 8 — State Convention and 35th Anniv. Br. 2, Chicago, Nov. 12—35th Anniv., Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY! Supreme Officers: May 15—losephine Železnikar, Supr. Treas., Chicago, 111. May 10—Mary Tomsic, State President of Pa. Strabane, Branch Presidents: May 4—Emma Tomse, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. May 5—Ann Satovich, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. May 15—lennie Sataj, Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio May 18—Anna Jakovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. May 21—Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N.Y. May 22—Helen Kovali, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. May 25—Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30—Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Vol. XXXIII—No. 5 MAY, 1961 LETO XXXin—St, 5 OFFICERS AND DELEGATES ATTENDING THE 12th NATIONAL CONVENTION The formal opening of the 12th S.W.U. National Convention will be Sunday, May 21st at Ely, Minnesota. Officers attending will be as follows: Spiritual Advisor, Eev. Claude Okorn Founder, Marie Prisland President, Josephine Livek Vice-president, Frances Globokar Secretary, Albina Novak Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar Auditors: Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller, Anne Podgoršek Director of Women’s Activities: Elizabeth Zefran Director of Juvenile Activities: Christine Menart State Presidents: Anna Pachak, Rose Kraemer, Antoinette Tanko, Mary Tomsic, Rose Scoff, Mary Muller, Barbara Rosandich Editor: Corinne Leskovar Honorary Delegates: Barbara Kramer, San Francisco, Calif.; Anna Zorko, Chicago, 111.; Marie A. Floryan, West Allis, Wis.; Mary Otoničar, Cleveland, O.; Roseann Munsell, Duluth, Minn.; Louise Epley, Warrensville, Ohio All the officers and delegates are requested to be in Ely, Minnesota in time to attend the Sunday Solemn High Mass at 11 A.M. at St. Anthony church. Address all communications to: Slovenian Women’s Union Convention, St. Anthony Church Hall, Ely, Minnesota. CONVENTION TRAVEL AND ACCOMODATIONS Midwest delegates and visitors are invited to join the group traveling via charter bus to Ely, Minn., for the Convention departing Chicago, III., Saturday, May 20th, 8:00 a.m. The bus will be direct to Ely and traveltime is approximately 12 hours. The round-trip fare for the Chicago to Ely bus is $21.00 per person. Reservations must be made immediately. Contact your local secretary or Albina Novak, Supr. Sec’y, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, with remittance. Cleveland area delegates and visitors are traveling by charter bus, leaving Cleveland Friday night, May 19th. Reservations for Cleveland bus *nay be made through your local secretary or Antonia Tanko, State Pres., 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. ROOM RESERVATIONS for private or hotel rooms in Ely, Minn., Convention week, contact Mary Jamnick, 1202 E. Sheridan, or State Pres., Barbara Rosandich, 1212 E. Sheridan, Ely. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary DELEGATES OF S.W.U. BRANCHES Branch 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 2. Chicago, 111. 3. Pueblo, Colo. 5. Indianapolis, Ind. 7. Forest City, Pa. 9. Detroit, Mich. 10. Cleveland, Ohio 12. Milwaukee, Wis. 13. San Francisco, Cal, 14. Euclid, Oliio 15. Cleveland, Ohio 16. So. Chicago, 111. 17. West Allis, Wis. 18. Cleveland, Ohio 19. Eveleth, Minn. 20. Joliet, 111. 21. Cleveland, Ohio 22. Bradley, 111. 23. Ely, Minn. 24. LaSalle, 111. 25. Cleveland, Ohio 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 28. Calumet, Mich. 29. Broundale, Pa. 31. Gilbert, Minn. 32. Euclid, Ohio 33. Duluth, Minn. 34. Soudan, Minn. 35 Aurora, Minn. 38. Chisholm, Minn. 39. Biwabik, Minn. 40. Lorain, Ohio 41. Cleveland, Ohio 42. Maple Hgts., O. 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 47. Cleveland, Ohio 50. Cleveland, Ohio 52 Kltzville, Minn. 54. Warren, Ohio 55. Girard, Ohio 56. Hibbing, Minn. 57. Niles, Ohio 64. Kansas City, Kan. 65. Virginia, Minn. 66. Canon City, Colo. 71. Strabane, Pa. 73. Warrensville, O. 83. Crosby, Minn. 88. Johnstown, Pa. S9. Oglesby, 111. 90. Presto, Pa. 93. Brooklyn, N. Y. 95. So. Chicago, Hi. 96. Universal, Pa. Delegate Mary Godez Sophie Petrovič Ursula Krzisnilc Frances Simonich Angela Škerjanc Antonia Bajt Josephine Gostisha Mary Jamsek (67-105) Mary Camloh Millie Novak Frances Plesko Rose Scoff Pauline Cesar Mary Iskra Frances Lindic Gladys Buck Marie A. Floryan Albina Malovasic (53) Mary Lenich Emma Planinšek Frances J. Gaspich Stella Dancull (97) Mary Rittmanic (6) Mary Shikonya Angela Strukel Pauline Stampfel Vickie Faletič Dorothy Sternisha Anna Trontel Mary Bonenfant (30-99) Mary Pristavec (27-102) Antoinette Lucich Anna Godlar Frances Danko Mary Pahula (45-46) Frances Bradach (37) Anna Trdan Frances Anzelc Angela Kozjan Ella Starin Ixiuise Prhne (61-74) Rose Kraemer Jennie Pugely Ann Dekleva (51-94) Mary Musich (85-59) Rose Racher (68) Theresa Lozier (72) Anna Satovich Mary Macek (62-70) Antonia Kostelec (77) Jennie Tavchar (49) Christine Konte (4-78-92) Anne Sterle Rose Zbasnik Helen Kovali (86-81-100) Mary Kuzma (104-105) Mrs. F. Franks Mary Rupnik (91) Helen Corel (84) Mildred James Pauline Kokal (8) (48-79-80 -81) Mary Alternate (namestnice) Ruth Sheck Frances Zibert Mary Hozjan Antonia Klune Frances Skull Anna Jerančič Mary Kotar Marie Vihtelic Mary Matoh Jennie Koren Anna Grahek Frances Chiodo Caroline Turk Frances Kog Frances Novak Jean E. Bukvich Josephine Schlossar Nettie Strukel Frances Sterle Josephine Muster Josephine Sumic Anna Pelcic Jennie Vidmar Barbara Rosandich Mary Krogulski Mary Malme Mary Yeraj Angela Virant Antoinette Stayduhar Stephanie Ryan Marion Scepita Anna Zgonc Elizabeth Smolnikar Angela Tekautz Mary Smolich Sylvia Petrich Pavlovčič Mary Debevec Josephine Kolar Rose Chiodi Mary Ponikvar Anne Catone Mary Drobnich Frances Yerman Anne Peresic Elizabeth Matko Cecile M. Adamic Frances Tomsic Louise Epley Mary Zakrajšek Mary Zupan. Frances Nemeth Johanna Aubel Helen Hodnick Mildred Poropat Anna Podobnik Love Shines Thru Our Mothers’ Eyes A TRIBUTE TO OUR CHOSEN MOTHERS OF S.W.U. Rose Carek Br. no. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. The Sheboygan branch has this year selected Mrs. Rose Carek tor its Honored Mother. She and her two daughters have been members of our branch for many years. Mrs. Carek — nee Gergisch — was born in Sheboygan. She was married September 26, 1925 and is the mother of 6 children: four sons and two daughters. Her husband, Peter, passed away January 30, 1957. Mrs. Carek's children have made these notable life achievements: The Rev. Peter P. Carek was ordained last year. He is an assistant at the St. Bernard’s parish in Wauwatosa, Wis. Donald, Doctor of Psychiatry, is a resident doctor at the University of Michigan. He interned at the famous Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C.—Dr. Carek was one of the recipients of the scholarship awards given by our organization. Roman, graduated from St. Francis Minor Seminary in Milwaukee and attended St. Francis Major Seminary for several years.—Jerome is employed at the Sheboygan Press as a printer. Daughter Doris, is in charge of Claims at the Social Security office in Sheboygan. Barbara, age 15, is a member of our junior class. The late Mr. Peter Carek was a factory worker. He insisted that his children be educated and saved every penny for this purpose. The boys were very ambitious to get ahead In life, and worked at all kinds of jobs to earn money for their education. Our former pastor, Rev. Louis F. Koren, for many years supervised the boys’ education and was of great help to them as were their sister, Doris, and aunt, Anna Gergisch. Yes, a group of wonderful children and a wonderful mother! May the good Lord bless them and give them health and happiness. Marie Prisland Anna Fachak Br. no. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Sister Anna Pachak has again been designated “Worthy Mother of the Year ” The fact that she has been chosen for this honor several times in the past is indeed an indication that she is held in high esteem by our local branch and nationally as well Sister Pachak is one among few who gives untiringly of her time and talents with the foremost thought in mind being that of constantly striving towards the goal of making the organization a consistently better one. She is, indeed, a “Worthy Mother.” Congratulations, Sister Pachak! Katherine Kochevar, reporter Mary Ansel Br. no. 13, San Francisco, Cal. A devoted mother, wife and officer of Br. 13 is Mary Ansel. She and her husband, Joe, are parents of two daughters, Agnes Kurnick and Edith. Mary herself was born on May 5th, 1897 in San Francisco and was married there on June 23, 1915. Her 3 grandchildren, gardening and baking take care of her extra time; plus that, she is a diligent worker for church, home and the branch. Mary Ansel never falters when asked to take on the jobs which are not most popular at all the branch functions and is most generous in baking and donating for all our money-making ventures. The entire family is a pleasure to know, having been residents of Kranski Hrib most of their lives. The family home is at 691 Kansas St. Friendship with Mary is indeed an honor. This year as always, Br. 13 is truly proud of its choice as Mother of the Year. 9:30 every Sunday finds Mary and Joe side by side at church hearing Mass; this is not just a marriage but a devoted companionship that binds two wonderful people. Fran Chiodo, reporter Margaret Prebil Br. no. 16, So. Chicago, III. The members of br. 16 have chosen Marge Prebil for many reasons. She is a most considerate friend to all her sisters in the branch and has been active on their correspondence and party committees for various doings. She has enrolled her four children in S.W.U. and has shown a beautiful example of mother-love in their rearing. Marge and her husband, Anton, were married onj Oct. 8th, 1938 and make their home at 3543 E. 106th St. Their eldest daughter is Sister M. Margarita, O.S.F., and other children are Kathleen, Anthony and Rose Marie. An added activity Marge en joys is with the Brownies of St. Francis De Sales Church. A poem written by S. Margarite for her mother also appears in this issue, dedicated to all mothers. It speaks most eloquently of the blessings a family shares with their loving mother. Marge’s daughter, RoseMarie will receive First Holy Communion on this Mother’s Day—the most wonderful gift a Mother could receive. Marie A. Floryan Br. no. 17, West Allis, Wise Many May birthdays are enjoyed by the chosen mothers of S.W.U. and leading them with her birthday on May 1st Marie Floryan, the active secretary of br. 17. Marie was born in Sheboygan, Wise., and resides at 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, a suburb of Milwaukee with her husband, Anton. Marie’s daughter, Marion, is married and has a son, Ray Anthony Marolt, who is the apple of grandma’s eye. A very industrious lady, Mary spends all her leisure time doing something with her hands. She loves to sew, to crochet, and to make plastic and other kinds of artificial flowers. Many prizes for the branch’s pillow-case card parties are made by Marie who loves handwork. When possible, she likes to travel, too. Marie A. Floryan As an officer of br. 17, Marie has been treasurer (1940-41) and for the last 19 years, their able secretary. This year, shei is the delegate to the Nat’l Convention in Ely. She is very conscientious in her work and never misses sending in a report to Zarja with the branch’s doings and plans outlined. One of our top scribes is Marie Floryan. Josephine Weiss Br. no. 21, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Weiss has been a member of the organization since 1933 and during this time has been a most enthusiastic worker, willing to devote time and effort to her duties as treasurer. Rarely does she ever miss a meeting and is a fine, gracious and loyal member. She is right on hand when it comes to fund-raising projects and contributes a most generous array of aprons for our game parties1 and other events. She loves her garden and plants a new one each year. This leaves little time for other enjoyments, but she does like to read. The birthplace of Mrs. Weiss is Mrs. Josephine Weiss, right, with her sister, Ivana Sertic of Canada Yugoslavia but she has been in America since 1912. In June 14, 1914 she married her husband, Michael, and their four children are: Josephine Weiss, Alice Vidmar, Michael, Jr., and Helen Nosan. Four grandchildren delight her , too. The family residence is at 12619 Kirton and her birthday is March 15tli, 1895. We feel fortunate to have such a worthy member as our Mother for 1961. God bless her for many years to come. S.E.D. Margaret Hassett Br. no. 22, Bradley, III. Officers are honored in this issue for their dual roles as mothers and branch workers — and among those who fit both titles is Mrs. Margaret Hassett of 236 N. Center St., Bradley, 111. She is their vice-president and trustee as well as mother of three children with four grandchildren to delight her. A daughter, Corrlne Hassett is also a member of the Bradley branch Mrs. Hassett was bom in Calumet, Mich, oni March 20, 1899. She married John on May 25, 1920; he is deceased since 1942, Among Mrs. Hassett’s past-times are cooking and that most popular of all indocr sports, watching TV! The members wish her the heartiest good luck and happiness. Antoinette Stayduhar Br. no. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. “Blondie is a love!” She is a favorite of all the members of br. 26 because of her appealing personality and warm friendly attitude. For the past 25 years, she has been an officer of her local branch—has been president, auditor and is now treasurer. Antoinette Stayduhar was born on Feb. 19, 1914 in Pittsburgh and just nineteen years later, married Charles, her husband. They reared two children, Charles, Jr., and Dorothy, and now they are grandparents to four grandsons and a granddaughter, little Susan Jane, also a member. Among this chosen mother’s accomplishments are domestic arts such as cooking and baking. She says her favorite cookbook is “Woman’s Glory” from which she has taken many good Mother in gladness Mother in sorrow, Mother today and Mother tomorrow; With arms ever open to fold and caress you Oh Mother of mine, May God keep you and bless you. W.D.W. Mary Klemenčič Br. no. 30, Aurora, III. Another of our members whose most generous nature is appreciated by her sister members is Mary Klemenčič of Aurora, who is pictured with baby daughter. She is always willing with help and contributions to make her branch successful in their undertakings. Her family has been active with br. 30 for a long time and daughter Mary De King is a past president. A son, Joseph, Jr., completes the family which was bom to Mary and her husband, Joseph. They were married in June of the year 1924. They have eight grandchildren now—daughter Mary’s 3 boys and a girl and son Joe’s 3 boys and a girl! Among her past-times are embroidery, knitting and—fishing! Statistically speaking, her birthday i3 July 5, 1901 and sbe came to America in May of 1921. Her home is at Box 130, Aurora Ave. Antoinette Stayduhar recipes. Bowling is another leisuretime activity which she enjoys. Their home is at 5607 Wickliffe St. O VIRGIN MOTHER! O Virgin Mother! pure and sweet As low before thee bending, We east our garlands at thy feet, In faith and love unending, We sing the glory of thy name, Who bore our Lord and Brother, And since from heaven the angel came, Hast been our loving Mother. Blessed name to God most dear, Sweetest name to sinners here, Iloly name that all revere, Virgin Mother Mary! William Livingston. DEDICATED TO OUR DEARLY DEPARTED MOTHERS OF S.W.U. Mayme Musich Br. no. 34, Soudan, Minn. Tower, Minn., adjacent to Soudan, is the home of Mrs. Michael Musich and her husband who will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary this May 28th. Their family is most proud of this observance, indeed. Son, Dr. Michael Musich, is an optometrist and has been making his home in Ely since his marriage. He has offices in Ely and Tower where he practices his profession. Their daughter, Mary, who was a registered nurse and practiced her profession for 10 years, died in 195C, a year and a half after her marriage to Arlo Kutnink. Mr. Michael Musich was employed by his father-in-law, Jacob Skala (now deceased) managing his grocery store for a number of years, but for the past thirty years was employed as a miner at the Soudan Underground Mine from which he was retired 3 years ago. Mrs. Musich has worked in all the activities sponsored by the branch, altho’ she never held an office. Hers is a loyalty which is true and humble. She especially likes gardening and her flowers in the summertime. Other seasons, when it is cold along the Iron Range area, she likes to sew. Mrs. Musich was born in Tower on Nov. 26, 1895 and has been a pioneer in that district, witnessing the progress of churches, schools, industry and the community. B.Y. Anna Ahlin Br. no. 39, Biwabik, Minn. The life of Anna Strah Ahlin reads like a history book—and the many activities she has performed would make a very interesting “best seller” if written in that style. As a young woman, her husband was mayor of McKinley when she became interested in community life. She was the first woman automobile driver on the Iron Range in 1914; she was the first woman in Minn, to be elected to the Village Council as trustee holding that post for many years; she was elected as Village Clerk for 8 years and was Justice of the Peace for some time. Mrs. Ahlin was always at service when a child was born and the doctor for away on country calls. She was ready to help and console those who were bereaved. As an active church member, ehe directed many Slovenian plays and took part in others, in order to raise funds for the church. She organized many activities, including branch 36 in McKinley (now merged with no. 39 in Biwabik), one of the first and most active groups on, the range. During World War II she was a volunteer nurses’ aide. Now retired, Mrs. Ahlin spends many happy hours in her garden. With the years of the setting sun upon her, she is still active nursing her husband back to health. Mrs. Ahlin was born in Slovenia on March 6, 1888, was brought to America as a child in 1S93 and came (o Soudan. In 1905 she was married to Joseph Ahlin by Rev. Bilban in Eveleth. Their life together began in McKinley where they went into business and have resided since. Their family of five children are all well-educated and in professional careers. One son, Ted, was killed during the war. They have 7 grandchildren. The family is looking forward to their parents’ 5Gth wedding anniversary on June 12th. Reporter of br. 39 Rose Kraemer Br. no. 43, Milwaukee, Wise, The State President of Wisconsin is Mrs. Rose Kraemer, chosen mother of Br. 43 She has also served as president of the branch from 1950 to 1954 and as secretary since 1954. When time permits, she finds time to engage in social work and sewing. Rose was the chairman of the last two Wisconsin conventions and the recent 25th Anniv. Midwest Bowling Tournament in March. She has proven herself to be very capable in organizing and as a leader. Rearing two children is her chief occupation; they are, Richard, age 16 and Rose Lee, age 14. Her husband is deceased. Rose’s birthday is on Feb. 5, 1909 and she was bom light in Milwaukee. The Kraemer home is at 4304 S. Kinmc Ave., Cudahy, Wise. Mayme Musich Anna Ahlin Rose Kraemer HRV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. MOTHER OF S.W.U. HEADS 4 GENERATIONS MOTHER A SELF-SACRIFICE Self-sacrifice has always appealed to the highest moral aspirations of human beings. That is why motherhood is especially honored, because the very idea of motherhood involves this idea of giving oneself, of sacrifice, for the benefit of another. There is no other human endeavor in which the idea of giving oneself is fulfilled so literally as in the case of a mother giving birth to her child. Generous and noblehearted women give of themselves freely in this regard without considering the cost of sacrifice. What in this world of ours a mother would not do for her child? How many are there that give mother their love in return? Many a mother sits in her chair with hands folded, nobody near her. The room is dull and quiet. The face and body are tired; the mother’s work has been done. The children have been born and cared for. The anxious nights have been lived through and there many a mother sits at the end of it all, praying for the loved ones who maybe are far away, whom she never forgets. You owe her much, so very much, when you think back to all that she did for you, to the nights when at her knee, you were taught first words and prayers and she smiled as you spoke the words through lisping lips. In gratitude you have to say but: Mother I love you. Say these words to her at least on Mother’s Day. Four generations of Prisland women: Great-grand- mother Marie Prisland, Grandmother Margaret Prisland Fischer, Mother Mary Fischer Turvey, and Daughter Patricia Ann Turvey. The picture was taken at the family residence, Sheboygan, Wise. Eva Polich Br. no. 45, Portland, Ore. Nearly 30 years a member of S.W.U., Mrs. Eva Polich of the far-western state cf Oregon has served her branch as a most active member and for a time was their treasurer. She is a native of Yugoslavia, came to this country in 1922 and has resided in Portland ever since. She was married to Anton (now deceased) in 1923 at St. Patrick’s Church. She has been a widow for six years. Mrs. Polich has three children, Robert P., Patrick J. and Theresa La-sieh. Six grandchildren help to delight her leisure hours. One of the most interesting times in her life was a trip she made back to her home village of Solta, Grahote in 1958. Mrs. Polich lives at 152G N.W. 19th There are three words that sweetly blend, That on the heart are graven; A precious soothing balm they lend— They’re Mother, Home and Heaven! Agnes Trebar Br. no. 50, Cleveland, Ohio The Trebar name is as popular in Cleveland as polkas are to the Slo-venan people; and, our mother of Br. 50 is responsible for some of it! Agnes Trebar instilled love for Slovenian music in her son, Louis, when he was just a tot and she brought him along to play his accordion on many S.W.U. occasions. Since then, Louis lias become the foremost exponent of the Slovenian waltz. Agnes Trebar Agnes takes pride in her four grandchildren, 2 boys and 2 girls who are Louis’ children. She also loves to cook, knit, crochet and excells in baking. She was born on March 24, 1904 in Cleveland, married on Jan. 12, 1920 and makes her home at 18906 Ke-wanee Ave. Her heart is pure gold; she donates constantly to all the branch's activities and supplies baked goods when- ever there’s a sale. She attends meetings regularly and has been doing this for twenty-five years. When in better health, Agnes was a good bowler and participated in many tourneys. She has always been sincere and wholehearted in her friendships. Br. no. 52, Kitzville, Minn. A very proud mother of four grown children is Mrs. Julia Mancuso of 207 Mitcliel Ave. She and her husband, Janies, a maintenance mechanic, have reared a well-educated family, namely: James, head geologist for Bear Creek Mining Co. in Tucson, Ariz.; Joseph, professor at Bowling Green Univ. in Ohio; Dominic, attending U.M.D. for his teaching degree and Shirley Ann, a sophomore and “A” student at Minn Univ. Julia put in many hours and hard work into raising such a nice family and yet she is never too busy to help others and to open her home with hospitality that’s “out of this world.” Member since 1947, she has baked for bake sales, and given a hand at every function. She is also a mem- Julia Mancuso ber of the Volley-Ball team, Rock Club, Bridge Club and sewing and remodeling clothes is one or her greatest past-times. (On the picture with her is one of her seven grandchildren.) We have chosen ail outstanding mother. Congratulations, Julia! We hope and pray that you will live on forever and that God will bless you and yours until the end of time! Reporter of Br. 52 Joanne Ponikvar Br. no. 54, Warren, Ohio Our Mother of the Year is Joanne Ponikvar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Racher—her mother, Rose, is our very active president and past Supreme Officer of S.W.U. Her mother-in-law, Mary, is our branch’s vice-president. As a graduate of St. Elizabeth's Hospital School of Nursing, and a registered nurse, Joanne was employed at St. Joseph’s Hosp. in Warren. She left this career to become a wife to a Slovenian boy, Harry Ponikvar, on Dec. 1, 1956 and their marriage has been blessed with two fine sons, Philip, age 3 Ms, and Thomas, age 2. She is active in making a happy and successful home for her family and loves baking, gardening and crocheting. She collects milk glass as a hobby. Joanne rarely misses a meeting of Br. 54 and has been rec. sec’y and reporter for a number of years. She is also active in nursing organizations, as president of the Trumbull County Catholic Nurses Ass’n whose function it is to provide nursing scholarships for young high school graduates. Joanne is on the board of Mahoning County Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses and a member of St. James Altar and Rosary Society. The members feel very fortunate in having Joanne as an interested and loyal member and salute her at this time. Mary Waltko, sec’y On the picture, a happy trio are Mr. and Mrs. Opaika with granddaughter Kathy Prystash on her graduation day ... a treasured photo. Mary Opalka Br. no. 57, Niles, Ohio Her sister-members being Slovenian proves no hardship for Ukranian-born Mary Opalka who was chosen as their worthy mother this year. She gets along as true sisters should and has been an officer for three years. She was born April 11, 1902 and as a child of 8, was brought to America. She married Onufry Mike Opalka Feb. 9, 1918 and they have three children: Ann (Mrs Nick Prystash), Olga (Mrs. Lou Gallite) and Ted. Ten grandchildren provide her with many nights of baby-sitting—which she loves to do. Otherwise, she relaxes by gardening and taking care of her home. She has been a member of the Union for 30 years and there have been innumerable times when she made contributions of all sorts for the branch’s welfare. Anna Mundi Br. no. 62, Conneaut, Ohio Mrs. Frank Mundi was born Anna Milakovich im Mansfield, Ohio, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Milakovich. She and her husband are the parents of four children. Son, John, 21, is a marine stationed at Corpus Christi, Tex.; Frank, 18, grad- uates this June and will be headed for naval service; Michael is 15 and Kay Ann is 13. The whole family is active at St. Francis X. Cabrini Church. Mrs. Mundi has been sec.-treas. of the branch for the past 10 years. She has been a member for twenty years. Her husband is an engineer on the Nickel Plate R. R. They celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary in 1959. Her hobbies are sewing, sqilare dancing and bowling. Her mother, Mrs. John Milakovich was our Mother of the Year several years ago. Peggy Gurto, sec’y Josephine Siegworth Br. no. 63, Denver, Colo. A good cook is worth her weight in gold—so the ladies of Br. 63 feel about their worthy mother, Mrs. Siegworth. She has helped at many of their benefits, preparing all the food for the 25th anniversary of the branch and arranging for service at that dinner. She and her husband make all the home-made sausages enjoyed by the community, which are delicious. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone; for this quality she is truly admired. Josephine was born Jan. 11, 1902 in Germany and came to America as a 21 year old girl. She married Albert Siegworth on Feb, 27, 1827 and they have four children, Walter, Helen, Lola and Elizabeth. There are 10 grandchildren. In her membership she has been pres, of the auditing committee of the branch for many years. The members of Br. 63 are happy to have such a fine person as their Mother of 1961. Anna Kostelec Br. no. 64, Kansas City, Kans. The members of our branch in Kansas City have chosen their first treasurer, Anna Kostelec, 343 N. 29th St., to be their Mother of the Year. She and her husband Anton, whom she married Oct. 20, 1921 have two daughters, Anna and Leona—Anna in a registered nurse. Anna Kostelec Mrs. Kostelec was born in Joliet, 111., and now makes her home in Kansas City, where there is a very nice Slovenian settlement. She is a devotee of needlework—with knitting and crocheting her favorite hobbies. Frances Kosek Br. no. 66, Canon City, Colo. There are some members who by their presence lend encouragement to the officers and help in the progress of the organization, and such a member is Frances Kosek. She has been a faithful member, rarely missing a meeting and has taken part in :tll the activities of br. 66. For this, the members are most appreciative. She was born on Feb. 27, 1885 in Frances Kosek Slovenia. In May of 1907 she came to this country and a year later, May 27, 1908 was married to Joe Kosek, who passed away in 1958. Of their family of five children, one son, Joe, Jr., also passed away a year later to the day, Jan. 27, 1959. She has two sons, Eddie of Denver and Ludvic of Florence, and two daughters, Eula Fedkam of Denver and Frances Hit-shew living in Wyoming. There are 7 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren in the family. When time permits, Mrs. Kosek can be found in the garden where she raises beautiful flowers. She also likes to crochet. The family residence is Rt. 1, Florence, Colo. Josephine Turk Br. no. 73, Warrensville, Ohio The hostess with the "mostess’ is Josephine Turk of Br. 73. She has been hostess of the branch meetings for seven years—as they are held in the basement recreation room of her home at 22714 Vera St. Her sisters love her for being such a marvelous member, willing to help in all ways possible. Josephine was born March 12, 1906 in Cleveland. Her husband is John Turk, Jr., whom she married Nov. 18, 1931. They have a daughter, Joanne. When it comes to a moment of relaxation, Josephine takes up her sewing which she enjoys most of all past-times. Katherine Dauer Br. no. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Members of br. 77 named Mrs. Katherine Dauer, their past vice-president for four years, as the mother most deserving of the special Mother’s Tribute in Zarja. She has been a kind and true friend to all of her sisters on Pittsburgh’s northside. She resides at 1268 High St. in the same city she was born, Nov. 7, 1904. On May 20, 1936 she became the bride of Walter Dauer, who is deceased. Their daughter is Mrs. Lois Ann Newman. Bowling is Mrs. Dauer’s favorite past-time with bingo as another "fun” activity. Anna Novad Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. A member from the first, Mrs. Anna Novad is still active with her sisters at the Bessemer branch. She cooks for weddings and banquets and helps out with the branch’s parties as well. She herself raised money by holding dances, etc., for the branch years ago. Mrs. Novad is a native of Pennsylvania, was born there on Feb. 12, 1908. She married John Novad on A-pril 14, 1925 and they have four children, Mary Zorinich, Joseph, Edward and John, Jr. They are proud of John, Jr., who has made the Navy his career. He serves as captain’s assistant on the U.S.S. Newport News, currently in for repairs at Norfolk, Va. Growing roses is Anna’s specialty and her garden is a lovely sight for all. to see. Stefania Plese Br. no. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Br. 74 is very proud to have selected their secretary - treasurer as Mother of the Year. She is a very deserving person — always working for the good of our little group. Her record alone shows how good a secretary she has been—a twenty year term. Her pleasant personality has held us together during all this time, with the accent of friendship and loyalty. Mrs. Plese is a widow with five grown children, Anthony, Charles, William, Elizabeth and Francine. She has nine grandchildren. Her birthday is Feb. 17th, 1900— born in Slovenia and her wedding date was May 16, 1918. Her husband was Rudolph Plese. She, too, is a devotee of hand-craft, with needlework as her favorite We thank her for her good and self-less work with our branch. Mary Habich, pres. Jennie Beaver Br. no. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. A large family which she practically reared herself is Mrs. Jennie Beaver’s pride and joy. She has six children, four girls and two boys who lost their father in 1935 when they were little. Mrs. Beaver was married Nov. 13, 1921. Sons are: Eldon and Dolphin and girls are Marguerite, Dorothy, Luella and Shirley. Mrs. Beaver can boast a large number of grandchildren as well, 18, and 1 on the way! As for spare time, when she has it, Mrs. Beaver loves to work in her flower garden.; and indoors she spends evenings crocheting. Br. 79 has had her as treasurer for about 6 years and she is a very good and conscientious one. June 1st, 1900 is her birthday and she lives at Box 96 in Enumclaw. Nancy Kleczewski Br. no. 89, Oglesby, III. Mother of four little girls, two of them pictured with her are twins, Peggy and Penny, our mother of br. 89 is Nancy Kleczewski. She and her husband, Robert, whom she married on Sept. 20, 1953, make their family home at 120 B. 3rd St. Daughters Deborah and Shelley are G and 4 years old respectively. When duties permit, she is In the kitchen baking bread, cakes and home-made noodles—or cooking her family’s favorite dinner. The sport of bowling is also on the agenda when there’s a free afternoon or evening. Mrs. Kleczewski has been the secretary of Br. 89 for more than a year and has brought in many new members. She has shown great zeal in conducting her office in the highest standard. Oct. 16, 1934 is her birthday and she is a native of Illinois. Anna Flisek Br. no. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Meetings are always pleasant when Anna Flisek presides. She's been president for some time now, off and on, and considers it a duty to make the monthly meetings with her members most enjoyable It’s her nature to help people whenever she can—and in doing so, she has gained many, many friends. Her love for singing and good company brings her to all Slovenian affairs in her community which she enjoys very much. Anna Flisek was born right in Pennsylvania, Jan. 1, 1903. She married June 1st, 1918 to Anton Flisek and they have two children, Agnes Em-riclc and Carl Flisek. There are also 6 grandchildren and one great grandchild. They reside at 721 3rd St., in Oakmont. Pauline Marie Slajduhar Br. no. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Our Mother of Br. 92 was born and raised in Crested Butte. Early in life, she was head supervisor of a ward in the State Home for Mental Defectives at Ridge, Colo. She married Arthur IJss in 1945—he has since passed away. Two children, Charles M. and Patricia Jo Liss were born to them. Charles is now a freshman at Holy Cross Abbey, Canon City and Patty Jo is an 11 year old 6tli grader. Both children have musical talent—■ Chuck is proficient on the electric guitar, clarinet, accordion, and plays a little on the organ. He and two other boys have formed a combo and play for some of the dances at the Abbey Pauline Stayduhar and St. Scholastic Academy. Patty Jo also plays the clarinet and will be in the school band this fall. In 1956, Pauline married her wonderful husband, John with Fr. George Spehar, John’s cousin, officiating at the services at Leadville. Among her activities, she is a band mother and also reporter for the Globe Newspaper Inc., of Gunnison, Colo., writing the weekly news from the Crested Butte area. She has been a member of Br. 92 for over a year and considers the friendship with her sister members very valuable and pleasant. Cvita Cliorieli Br. no. 95, S. Chicago, III. My mother, Cvita Chorich arrived in this country from her homeland, Mostar, Yugoslavia 48 years ago; is now 70 years old and lives at 2449 E. 107th St. She isi a widow with 2 living children of the 3 born to her. namely: Andrew Chorich and yours truly, Mildred James. Four grandchildren are her prize possessions. Her outstanding contributions thru the years have been to help organize br. 95 twenty-two years ago and to help found Sacred Heart Parish of So. Chicago. Her donations in the form of baked goods, hand-work and cash has added much to the success of our branch. «■ «■ o 0 1 f3> MY FAVORITE “MOM RECIPE” INGREDIENTS (as needed) Hopes, Dreams, Desires Meaningful Words Brown Curls Gray Hairs Flowered Apron Some Pets Equal Amounts of: Generosity Love Understanding Tenderness DIRECTIONS Take one woman of approximately 5’ 2”. Mix in a pair of generous hands and a generous heart. The hands to teach, to cook, to sew, to bake, to S’2” Woman Purpose Hands Heart Arms Wonderful Man Children Small Neat Home Large Smile Green Thumb Knack for Baking write letters . . . The heart to love, to understand, to give to others . . . Add arms to carry groceries, laundry and babies. Fill her life with a wonderful man, four children and some pets. Whip in a smile that shows her generosity and tenderness. Add a green thumb and a knack for baking. Pour in her loved ones’ hopes, dreams, and desires. Stir in words that console and enthuse. Slowly sift in her Purpose, her God, that enables her to accomplish all things. Top with a crop of chestnut brown curls and sprinkle with a few gray hairs. Cover with a flowered apron. Put into a neat little home. Blend well for many years. The number of servings is limitless. Let stand for only a moment and say: I LOVE YOU, MOM. (by Sr. M. Margarita, O.S.F. for her mother, Mrs. M. Prebil of Br. 16) She firmly believes that one has an obligation to share and to serve, work together in harmony with and for others whether it be for family, church, school or business. Also, to have a strong faith in God—to live to please Him and never to depart l'rom the philosophy: It’s wonderful to be able to undertake that which gives us special pride and joy—to be able to feel pride in accomplishment. We salute you and extend our deep affection for the qualities you possess and for the many things you have done for the society. Mildred James, pres. first husband in 19.14 and had 4 children. She became a widow and faced with the responsibility of rearing the children alone. In 1937 she married John Sechoka, a widower with 10 children. Together they made a fine life and now are proud grandparents of 26 and great-grandparents of 9. Obviously, Mrs. Sechoka’s life philosophy has been one of "smiling through!” for she has proven that happiness grows with living and giving to the fullest extent. Mary Sechoka Br. no. 96, Universal, Pa. A couple very well-liked in their community are Mr. and Mrs. John Sechoka of 2739 Reiter Rd., Pittsburgh 35, Pa. They take an active interest in their neighborhood, their friends and relatives, which makes them very popular. Mr. Sechoka is a handy man and likes to help others with various repairs. Mrs. Sechoka is a jolly and happy lady who attends all the meetings and loves to meet with people, especially at their weekly games at St. John’ the Baptist Church. Mi's. Sechoka was born in Czechoslovakia Dec. 19, 1891 and came to this country in 1923. She married her a veteran of fraternal work, and thus, helps her along with lots of moral support. When time permits, Dorothy loves to bowl—and if she finds enough members who love the sport as much as she does, there may be a western S.W.U. bow'ling league in the near future! Dorothy E. Petrich Br. no. 100, Fontana, Cal. Our Mother of the Year from Fontana in southern Califoria is Dorothy E Petrich, the mother of three girls, Carol Ann, 14, Cindy, 8, and Lucille, 5. Her husband is John F. Petrich, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Petrich who were residents of Warren, Ohio for years. It was in Homestead, Pa. that Dorothy and Johnny met and were married on June 22, 1946, as Dorothy was a Pittsburgh girl, born on Feb. 23, 1923. They joined the elder Petrichs in Fontana some years ago and now reside there at 9350 Palmetto Ave. Dorothy is a person who is always willing to work and help whenever she can in branch activities. She has been the president of no. 100 since January and is very well-liked by all the members. Mother-in-law Anna is Lillian Ault Br. no. 105, Detroit, Mich. Reports from br. 105 monthly in Zarja often include a word about the wonderful Mrs. Ault who is hostess on many occasions and in general, a very fine member. This year, the members have chosen her for their Mother of the Year, an honor most deserving. She is also a May birthday celebrant, on the 19th, and she was born in Detroit in 1895. She married Albert Ault on Nov. 17, 1919. He passed away this past February. Five children were bom to the Aults: Virginia, Lillian, Albert, Florence and Ruth Ann. There are also fifteen grandchildren. Mrs. Ault loves her home and her garden. She longs for the warm weather when she can get into the outdoors again. She also finds enjoyment in visiting her friends and relatives. She is a regular at meetings and helps with br. 105’s activities. Her address is 82G6 Forestlawn. DOBRA MATI **» BOŽJI D AR Frances Gomilar Podr. št. 2, Chicago, Illinois Naša podr. je soglasno izvolila za častno mater leta Mrs. Fiances Gomilar. Rojena je bila 23. jan. 1918 V Chicagu in 18. maja 1935 se je poročila z Joseph Gomilar s katerim vodita poznano slov. trgovino in mesarijo na naslovu 1801 W. Cermak Rd., v slov. naselbini v Chicagu. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen s 4 otroci: Mary Ann Fuja, Ronald, Joseph in Rose Marie, ki so vsi v ponos staršem. Naša Francka zelo rada plete in kvačka, če ji le čas dopušča. Frances je tudi vneta sodelavka pri podr. in vedno rada pomaga kolikor more. Pri Zvezlnih dnevih v Lemontu vedno neutrudno dela za uspeh romanja in to ne samo ona, ampak tudi ostali člani družine. Njen soprog Joe in sin Ronny igrata na harmoniko in sta bila deležna splošne pohvale. Joe ml. in Rose Marie sodelujeta pri mladinski skupini. Za otroško Božičnico podr. je vneto prodajala listke, kar je pripomoglo k sijajnemu uspehu iste. Vse članice ji čestitajo in kličejo Bog jo živi! Terezia Paulin Živele častne matere S.Ž.Z. Terezia Paulin Podr. št. 4, Oregon City, Ore. Zaslužna mati naše podr. Mrs. Terezia Paulin, je ena izmed tistih naših zavednih slovenskih pionirk v Ameriki, ki je vse življenje pridno delala in vedno rada pomagala, kjer koli je bilo potrebno, toda zaradi svoje skromnosti ni bila nikoli v ospredju. Rojena je bila 15. okt.. 1884 v Sloveniji in je 1. 1903 prišla v Ameriko. Leta 1905 se je poročila z Josephom. Imata hčerko Amelijo in 3 vnuke. Najbolj priljubljeno delo naše častne matere je vrtnarstvo in gojenje cvetlic, ki so ji v največje veselje in razvedrilo. Za Zvezo in podr. je vedno rada delala in v svoji dobri, postrežljivosti mnogo doprinesla k organizaciji. Vse članice ji želijo, da bi jo Bog ohranil še mnogo srečnih in zdravih let. Agues Raeuba Podr. št. 7, Forest City, Pa.. Zaslužna mati naše podr. Mrs. Agnes Raeuba, rojena Rogel, je bila rojena 26. dec. 1885 v vasi Treves, fara Krka pri Stični na Dol. v Sloveniji in je 1. 1905 prišla v Ameriko. Njen prvi soprog Lawrence Strekal je umrl 1 1921, potem se je drugič poročila z Harry Raeuba. Naša Mrs. Raeuba ima 4 otroke: Rudolph, Agnes, Jessie in Frank. Pri podr. je že od 1. 1927 ter je vedno pri roki za delo, predvsem je odlična kuharica, ki svoje dobre izdelke rada daruje za dobro stvar, kakor za bake sale, podr., za cerkev, piknike in pod. V kampanjah za nove članice je redno pomagala. Poleg kuhanja in pečenja, zelo rada šiva. Z našimi čestitkami ji pošiljamo vse članice tudi najlepša voščila za zdravje in srečo. Anna Jerančič Podr. št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Naša častna mati Mrs. A. Jerančič, 2709 W. St. Clair St., je bila rojena 20. dec. 1887 v fari Šmihel na Dol. in je 1. 1910 prišla v Ameriko, najprej za th a blessed rosary as a small token of appreciation. Those who were able to attend the meeting were: Anna Yane, Mary Juratovac, Mary *'urk and Frances Travnik. We have °ne deceased past president, Mary Walters, and our first president, Mrs. Gliha, was unable to attend. Betty Matjašič read the past history of our branch for the last 25 years. Our honored Mother of the Year, Josephine Turk, is a lady most deserving of this title. A pot luck dinner will be held at our regular meeting in honor of Mother’s Day. The Ohio State Fair was a success as far as our branch is concerned. Two of our members participated in the style show. They were Jo Ann Turk and Louise Epley. Louise M. Godec was the commentator and she did a very nice job. Thanks to everyone who worked at it. One of our members, Jean Hren, won a beautiful pillow as a door prize. Our deepest sympathy to Florence Duval and family on the loss of her dad. Member Betty Bayus recently 120 M.P.: Al Al and * * * . * Mrs. Antonia Tanko, state president for Ohio and Michigan, a popular leader and an excellent program maker, sent in her favorite recipe which is— Lemon Strudel Ingredients for dough: 3 cups of flour V2 teaspoon salt Vs cup melted shortening and ma-zola oil combined 1 egg well beaten % cups warm water Combine shortening, egg and water, pour into flour and mix well with your fingers until you have a soft dough. If too sticky add a little flour and kneed some more. Dough has to be soft but not sticky. Cover with cloth and let stand for one hour or more. Lemon Filling 4 egg whites 4 egg yolks rind of 2 lemons juice of 2 lemons 2 heaping tablespoons bread crumbs % pound of butter 1% cups sugar Cream together butter and sugar; add egg yolks and beat well; add lemon juice with bread crumbs, then fold in the egg whites which have been beaten very stiff, last fold in the finely ground lemon rind. Roll out the dough on cloth sprin kled with flour and stretch it until paper thin. Spread filling over the dough then roll up like potica or jelly roll. Place in well greased pan and bake 1 hour in 325 dgrees. When baked, cool. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar and cut in 2 inch pieces. underwent surgery but was recovered enough to attend our April meeting. Congratulations to Dorothy Erhlic Godfrey on the birth of a baby boy. Good luck to mother and baby! Member Stella Stem will undergo surgery soon, and our best to her for a very speedy recovery. To all who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries this month, our best to you and God bless you all. Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa.—We had the pleasure of electing our Mother of the Year at the last meeting—and we think she is most deserving of this title, our secretary, Stephanie Plese. This year we will not have a Mother’s Day party; but, we are hoping next year we will be better “fixed” 50th JUBILARIANS MR. & MRS. JOHN MIHELICH to undertake the expense. Congratulations to Mrs. Plese and we thank her for all her excellent work, Also, congratulations to Sister Jennie Anzur of Aliquippa on becoming grandma again. To all mothers and grandmothers, a very healthy and happy Mother’s Day and I think every day should be Mother’s Day! To my sister, Anna Petrich in Fontana, and all members of S.W.U., best wishes. Those of our members on the sick list are wished a very speedy recovery and hope to have you back with us at our meetings very soon. God bless you all. Mary Habich, president No. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa.—This month of May is our branch’s 25th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion we will have a Mass said on the Gth of May at 8:00 in St. Mary’s Church. 57th St. I hope most, if not all of our members, will attend. Our May lltli meeting will be short so that we can spend the evening enjoying our favorite game. We are asking each member for a small donation, in return for which they will each have an opportunity to get the swell gift. Come to the meeting to see what that gift will be! Congratulations to our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Katherine Dauer. She is the mother of our new vice-presi-dent, Mrs. Lois Ann Newman. On behalf of all our members, I would like to extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Mrs. Gertrude (Vogrin) Lokar, who passed away March 25th and also to the family of Mrs Frances (Derganz) Necemar who passed away April 2nd. As president, I hope to meet all of our members at the anniversary meeting. Happy Mother’s Day to my mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Conway and to all the members in our branch. BettyAnn Murphy, pres. No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash.—We last met at the home of the reporter in Auburn at which time we discussed plans for a party commemorating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the S.W.U. in Enumclaw. Fifty years of married life were commemorated on Sunday, January 29th by Mr. and Mrs. John Mihelich of Enumclaw, Wash. An open house reception took place at the Enumclaw Golf and Country Club where their many friends and relatives enjoyed good food, dancing and fellowship. They were married in Pueblo, Colo., on Jan. 31st, 1911 and have lived in Enumclaw since 1924. Mr. Mihelich, a coal miner, retired in 1952. They are the parents of 4 children, have 10 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Mrs. Mihelich was a charter member of br. 79 and has continuously served as vice-president until the past year when she became president. Conscientious worker, many new members are in our branch through her efforts and no meeting is complete without her good humor. Congratulations, Mary and John! It has been decided to hold a party at the Krain School house on June lltli starting at one o’clock. Utensils and ham and sausage will be provided. Let’s all branch members please show up with your families for some fun with old friends. Mary Bratovich No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo.—Our April meeting was held at Frank’s Cafe on the ninth. There were eleven members present. Meeting was brought to order by Vice -P resident Helen Cobai in absence of the president, Frances Greenfield, who was ill. We hope you have a very swift recovery, Frances. We all missed you. Mrs. Ann Mufich was not only our guest but joined us at this meeting. Congratulations, Ann, and we hope you will like being with us. Hostesses for the evening were Ann and Margaret Malenšek. We are having winter weather. It has been snowing for several days and is quite cold, too. Helen Cobai No. 95, So. Chicago, III.—This month of May is dedicated to our Blessed Lady, the Queen of Heaven. I would like to take this opportunity to pay a special tribute and extend my greetings to all our mothers for their service and loyalty to our branch. We are expecting an exceptionally large attendance at our May meeting, to honor our Mother of the Year, Cvi-ta Chorich. I am very happy and proud that she is my mother and grateful to be her daughter. So much was accomplished at our April meeting because it was well-attended. Stephanie Magnavite asked to be relieved of her office as treasurer inasmuch as she will be spending most KONVENCNA POROČILA POROČILO GLAVNE TAJNICE (Začetek poročila na št. 112.) Pozdravljam navzoče glavne odbornice, delegatke in goste, zbrane na 12. redni konvenciji SŽZ, ki se letos prvič vrši v prijaznem mest« Ely, Minnesota, ki leži na skrajnem severu Ameriških držav, na meji Canade. Po pripravah sodeč sem prepričana, da bo bivanje v tem mestecu prijetno, ker so vsi meščani pozorni na naš obisk in nam bodo izkazali iskreno gostoljubnost. Še posebno pa bomo deležne ljubeznivosti od domačih članic in podružnic. Konvencija se bo formalno pričela s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Antona in po sveti maši bo pripravljen slavnostni banket. (Podroben spored je bil že deloma objavljen v Zarji in bo zopet ponovljen v tej izdaji, da bomo na jasnem, kaj vse nas čaka.) Članske kampanje so najvažnejše merilo stanja in delovanja celotne organizacije kot posameznih podružnic. Od zadnje konvencije smo imele tri kampanje. V kampanji po konvenciji leta 1958 je bilo vpisanih 2(!6 novih članic. V kampanji “državnih predsednic,” ki se je vršila od 1. aprila, 1959 do januarja, 19G0 je bilo vpisanih 330 članic. Pred-konvenčna kampanja, ki je bila zaključena 31. decembra, 1960 nam je pa prinesla 574 novih članic. Ta kampanja nam jo prinesla pet častnih delegatk: Mrs. Anna Zorko, št. 2, Chicago, 111.; Mrs. Mary Otoničar, št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Marie A. Floryan, št. 17, West Allis, Wis.; Mrs. Roseann Munsell, podružnica št. 33, Duluth, Minn., Mrs. Louise Epley, št. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. Iz podanih pregledov je X’azvidno, da je Zveza v preteklih treh letih denarno lepo napredovala, nazadovala pa po številu članstva. Temu je vzrok naraščajoča umrljivost. starejših članic in drugi vzrok so suspendacije, ker tajnice zalagajo gotovo dobo za tiste, ki so neredne pri plačevanju in ko se ne odzovejo urglranju za plačitev, ostane le en izhod: suspendacija. Da se obdrži solidnost organizacije, je potrebno pridobivati predvsem mlajše žene in dekleta ter ustanoviti razne družabne aktivnost. Za našo organizacijo, mora asesment ostati v mejah možnosti plačevanja, zlasti sedaj v splošni gospodarski krizi. Toda nujno je, da se zborovalke pomudijo pri raz-motrlvanjih, ki so usmerjene za bodočnost Zveze ter posvetijo največje zanimanje za prireditev privlačnih programov pri podružnicah, ker končno so podružnice tista sila, ki nas vežejo v veliko skupnost. Mladina hoče imeti družabne sestanke in to se mora vpeljati, da bo mladina postala pozorna na našo Zvezo in se nam pridružila. Zahvaljujem se glavnim odbornicam, zlasti tajnicam podružnic za vestno sodelovanje v pretekli poslovni dobi, of her time awaiting her first born soon. Our new member, Margaret Krmpotich has succeeded her as treasurer. We welcome you, Margaret, as a new member and officer. I am happy to report that our ever-faithful member, Mary Simunich, enrolled two new members: Helen Martino and her daughter, Mary Kay. The following were hostesses and donated cakes for the meeting: Mary Nieksic, Barbara Sambol and Ann Pave. Rose Marie Cacich donated a gift to be disposed of at a later date. I am extremely grateful to Ann Pave for her ever-faithful service. Congratulations to the following Way birthdays: Mary Barcevac, Veronica Cacija, Irene Cutich, Johanna Malcich, Mary Mazar, Mary Prebeg, Marge Rozich and Matilda Turica. Get well wishes to Kate Bucich ^ho has been ailing for many months. Lucy Kopilash, who has been hospitalized, is home recuperating. She’s Packing for a trip abroad soon. Bon POROČILO PRVE GLAVNE PODPREDSEDNICE Iskreno pozdravljam vse glavne odbornice in delegatke 12. redne konvencije SŽZ! Bog daj bi bili vsi sklepi te konvencije v dobrobit članstva in Zveze. Kot podpredsednica glavnega odbora, sem po svoji moči pomagala pridobiti nekaj novih članic in agitirala sem, da bi še druge članice pomagale Udeležila sem se sledečih Zvezinih prireditev: 30 letnice podružnice št. 25 dne 12. oktobra, 1958; 30 letnice podružnice št. 41 dne 21 maja, 1960; zastopala sem Zvezo na banketu proslave 40 letnice obstoja American Jug. Center dne 22. novembra, 1959. Pri skupnih podružnicah sem se udeležila večine sej im tudi delovala, kar je bilo v moji moči. Enako pri državnih konvencijah v 1. 1959 in 1960. Pomagala sem tudi pri razstavi ročnih del in mode, ki se je vršila 11. in 12. marca 1961 . V veliko veselje mi je delovati z dobrim odborom in članicam, ki rade pomagajo za lep napredek Zveze. Bila sem vedno pripravljena sodelovati za korist in napredek moje podružnice, skupnih podružnic, članstva in Zvezi. Želeč konvenciji mnogo blagoslova in uspehov ter vas vse Iskreno pozdravljam, Frances Globokar delegatkam, kakor tudi vsem drugim, ki se bodo udeležili naših konvenčnih prireditev pa želim srečno pot in veselo svidenje. Od 1. aprila 1958 do 31. dec. 1960 je bilo 472 smrtnih slučajev, za katere se je izplačala vsota $48,975.00. Drugi večji Izdatek je naše glasilo. Toda priznati je treba, da je list neobhodno potreben za. ohranitev dobre volje med članstvom, katerim prinaša vsak mesec lep užitek v branju. Saj naša Zveza je edina slovenska organizacija v Ameriki, ki se postavi z lepim mesečnikom. Bilo bi gotovo vsem v zadovoljstvo, če bi se našel vir dohodkov, da bi Zarja izhajala mesečno na 32 straneh. Zadnja naklada kuharskih knjig je skoraj razprodana in to delo bo v kratkem zaključeno. Bilo je ogromno potov in dela pri razpečavanju. Dobiček od prodaje knjig, vključivši tisočak, ki je bil zbran od zadnje naklade, znese $10,371.57. Od te vsote je upravni sklad Zarje dobil $520.00 za oglaševanje in to v času, ko je bil skoraj izčrpan. Iskreno se zahvaljujem vsem sotrudni-cam, ker brez Vaše zveste pomoči bi ne bilo prodanih toliko knjig. To delo je zdaj pri kraju, kar se mene tiče. Tvarina je na razpolago, ako se želi kdo drugi z delom ukvarjati. Uverjena sem, da je knjiga v pripomoček mnogim kuharicam in Zvezi pa tudi s prebitki. Albina Novak, glavna tajnica pient was our president, Julia Pan-zica. Thanks again, Gail. Our next meeting is to be at Alice Kocjan’s home and is intended especially for those who work. We are very happy to have Mrs. L. Ault as our Mother of the Year. She raised 5 children, 4 daughters and a son. She is now a grandmother of 15. Until about a year ago, she was with us regularly—then, her husband took sick and was hospitalized from time to time. He passed away in February. Accept our sincere sympathy, Lillian — and join us again, soon. Mrs. Antoinette Lindich has become a grandma to a sweet little girl, her first granddaughter. Mother is Marie who also has an eight year old son. Congratulations to both parents and grandparents. See you all at the meeting. Thanks to Pauline Adamic for selling a dozen cookbooks! Rose Jamnik, reporter voyage and a safe return home! Also vacationing are Ann Graniceh, going to California—have a nice time, Ann! It is always sad to report when two of our members passed away, Cecilia Justinich was laid to rest April 6th following Mass at Assumption Church. Mary Al'rich was laid to rest April 8th after funeral Mass at Sacred Heart Church. Both are buried at St. Mary’s Cemetery. May they rest in peace. Thanks to Mary Simunic and Catherine Cacich who were pallbearers for Mrs. Africh and all who prayed with me and attended the funerals. Mildred James, president No. 105, Detroit, Mich.—We had a very nice meeting in March at the home of Gail Simon. She served a very nice luncheon. We want her to know how grateful we are for her efforts. Her warm acceptance made us feel so much at home. She also had the usual hostess gift and the reci- KONVENČNO POROČILO GL. BLAGAJNIČARKE Pozdravljene gl. odbornice in delegatinje 12. redne konvencije SŽZ. Nahajamo se v letu ko Zveza slavi svoj 35 letni jubilej, želim, da bi ta konvencija prinesla in ukrenila kaj dobrega za članstvo in v korist organizacije. Po sklepu Zvezinih pravil, da imamo redne sestanke vsakih 6 mesecev, sem se teh udeleževala in predložila svoje poslovne knjige v pregled nadzornicam. Opravljam tudi vse drugo delo, ki mi je določeno, po svojih najboljših močeh. Dela je vedno več, ker premoženje lepo raste. Z veseljem lahko poročam, da se je finančno premoženje v zadnjih 3 letih lepo povišalo. Na tem mestu se lepo zahvalim častni predsednici in tajnici finančnega odbora Mrs. Prisland za njeno skrbno investiranje Zvezinega denarja, da nam nosi lepe obresti, kakor tudi za lepe članke v Zarji in sploh za vse njeno delovanje v dobrobit organizacije. Poročam skupno svoto premoženja za 3 letno dobo, ker podrobno poročilo bo podala gl. tajnica, Albina Novak, s katerim se tudi jaz strinjam Skupno poročilo za dobo 3 let se glasi: V skupni blagajni 31. dec. 1960 .... $450,041.13 V blagajni 31. marca 1958 ............... $394,502.20 Skupni preostanek za 3 leta .... $ 55,538.77 S ponosom poročam, da smo finančno lepo napredovale, čeprav je bilo veliko več smrtnih slučajev, kakor po navadi. V gl. uradu sem imela vedno lepo sodelovanje, posebno od strani gl. tajnice Albina Novak, s katero imam največ posla. Tudi urednici Corinne Leskovar lepa hvala za vso njeno naklonjenost, enako vsem ostalim direktoricam ker je vedno bilo lepo sodelovanje. Priporočam, da vedno podpremo športne in mladinske prireditve, ker mladina je naša bodočnost. Ob sklepu mojega poročila, Vas vse delegatinje prisrčno pozdravljam in želim srečno zborovanje. Josephine Železnikar, gl. blag. POROČILO DRUGE GLAVNE NADZORNICE Moje poročilo bo kratko, ker itak poročam vsakih šest mesecev, ko pregledujemo knjige v glavnem uradu, kjer smo vselej našle poslovanje v najlepšem redu. Da naša Zveza lepo finančno napreduje gre zasluga glavni tajnici Albini Novak za skrbno vodstvo ter tajnici finan* čnega odbora Mrs. Prisland, ki dobičkanosno investira naš denar Navzoča sem bila ob vsakem pregledovanju knjig skupno z ostalima nadzornicama Mrs. Otoničar in Mrs. Podgoršek. Lahko se zanesete, da smo bile točne pri delu in vedno našle knjige in bančne vložbe v popolnem soglasju s poročil, ki so objevljena v Zarji. Moje delovanje je bilo največ v okrožju podružnice št. 16, kjer sem predsednica že več let. Kakor je bilo po-ročano lansko leto, je bila moja podružnica gostiteljica državne konvencije, katera je lepo uspela. Seveda, državne konvencije so šele v začetku, zato se imamo še dosti za naučiti v tem oziru, toda z dobro voljo in sodelovanjem se lahko pričakuje, da bo vsaka državna konvencija prinesla večje uspehe. Udeležila sem se vedno Zvezinega dne in romanja v Lemontu, kjer sem imela priložnost se snideti z znankami in članicami, ki so aktivne pri Zvezi. V upanju, da bo naša 12. redna konvencija ukrenila dosti dobrih sklepov, katere bo mogoče izpeljati in posebno za pospešitev zanimanja med mladino, da jo bo lažje pridobiti v Zvezo. Bog blagoslovi našo konvencijo! Katie Triller KONVENČNO POROČILO DRŽAVNE PREDSEDNICE ZA COLORADO Pozdravljeni, duhovni vodja SŽZ, p. Claude Okorn, častna preds. Marie Prisland, preds. Josephine Livek in vse gl. odbornice in delegatinje SŽZ 12. redne konvencije. Ta mesec se boste zbrale v prijazni slovenski naselbini v Ely, Minn., kjer ima Zveza svojo pionirsko podr. št. 23. Vsaka konvencija je važna stopnja za napredek Zveze, poleg tega čaka konvencijo še mnogo važnih zadev, ki imajo pomen za obstoj SŽZ in blagobit članic. Od zadnje konvencije ni bilo posebnega dela. Pismena vprašanja gl. odbornic sem točno odgovorila, v kampanjah sem delovala kolikor mi je bilo mogoče z malenkostnim uspehom. Moj poklon vsem, ki so pridobile 500 novo pristoplih članic v pred-konvenčni kampanji, tako tudi častnim delegatlnjam. 23. jan. 1960 sem se odzvala vabilu in zastopala v Denver, Colo., kjer je dr. Columbine SNPJ obhajalo 50 letnico. 14. maja je bila slavnost 25 letnice obstajo podr. št. 63 v Denver, Colo. Za to prireditev sem organizirala udeležbo članic ter nas je bilo lepo število za en bus. Preteklo leto dne 28. aug. se je vršila naša drž. konvencija, ki je sijajno uspela v vseh ozirih. Konvenčna seja je bila zanimiva in polna raznih predlogov. V čast nam je bilo, da je bila z nami navzoča naša gl. preds. Josephine Livek, ki smo jo z veseljem sprejele. Predlagala je, da si podr. ustanove mladinski krožek. Vse Colo. podr. so bile zastopane. Tajnica Malie Svigel mi je sporočila, da bo letošnja drž. konvencija 12. avg. pri podr. št. 63 v Denver, Colo. Predlagam, da se upošteva nasvet gl. preds. J. Livek, da vsaka drž. konvencija vodi zapisnik za pravilni zaključek seje. Nekatere podr. so površne v tem oziru. Tudi priporočam, da bi se uvedlo več zanimanja za mladino, posebno, da se priredi Božičnica za mlade in da Zveza pomaga pri kritju stroškov. Vedno sem bila mnenja, da je gl. odbornica tudi desna roka svoji podr. zato sem sodelovala, pa naj bi bilo še tako težko delo. Naša SŽZ je ponosna na odbornice in članice, ki pomagajo pri napredku Zveze. Moje delo pri SŽZ se je pričelo 1945 in od tedaj sem delovala z gl. odborom in članicami in naše delo je bilo vedno uspešno v vseh ozirih. Vsem gl. odbornicam in delegatinjam želim umne razsodnosti, da boste kos svoji nalogi. V svojih predlogih imejte vedno pred očmi koristi skupnega članstva naše SŽZ. Urednici Zarje C. Leskovar izrekam Izraze zahvale za odlično urejeno glasilo SŽZ in potrpljenje z mojimi spisi v Zarji. Anna Pachak, drž. preds. za Colo. PRIDRUŽITE SE: Queen Mary — 17. maja, United States—25. maja, Liberte—27. maja Queen Elizabeth—26. julija, (pod vodstvom Mrs. A. Tanko) Air France Jet—17. junija, (pod vodstvom Mrs. A. Novak) Pan American Jet—29. maja, TWA Super Jet—28. junija, Pan American Jet—15. julija Kollander Travel Bureau 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio Drage sestre SŽZ.: Kdo bi ne želel videti večnega mesta Rima? Kdo v življenju bi ne želel videte kraje kjer se je Marija prikazala v Lurdu? Prav radi tega sem se odločil da vodim pod okriljem Slovenske Ženske Zveze romanje v Fatimo, Lurd, Rim, ki je združeno z obiskom starega kraja, kjer morete ostati kolikor časa želite. Povabim Vas vse, ki žele obiskati te kraje, da se mi pridružijo. Naš odhod bo dne 12. junija z ogromnim SWISSAIR letalom. Za natančnejša pojasnila in prijave pišite na moj naslov, Rev. Klavdij Okorn, O.F.M., 823 W. Mineral Street Milwaukee 4, Wis. ali pa na potniško pisarno BLED TRAVEL, 6113 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3. Ohio — -............................................................................. Marie Prisland: Najlepši mesec v letu, krasni maj, je posvečen materam Poleg spomina na ljubo rodno mater častim spomin na mojo staro mamico. Naj bodo to vrstice, napisane za Materinski dan, posvečene oni dragi duši, ki mi je poleg rodne matere nadomestovala še očeta,-—Bila sem namreč sirota brez očeta in matere.—Čeravno je zemeljska vez bila med nama pred več leti pretrgana, sem vseeno prepričana, da je moja stara mamica ves čas čuvala nad menoj; da je zrla name z nebes, katere si je na zemlji s svojo vzglednostjo, dobrotlivostjo in trpljenjem zaslužila. Ni skrbela zase ampak zame je žrtvovala zadnja leta svojega življenja. Ni ji bilo usojeno, da bi živela do časa, ko sem si sama pričela služiti kruh, da bi pomagala tudi njej. Odšla je v večnost predno sem se ji mogla vsaj malo oddolžiti. Le spomin na njo mi je ostal. Spomin, ki je neminljiv in hvaležnost do nje, ki v mojem srcu ne bo pojenjala nikdar . * * * Spomin umrlih praznujemo 30. maja. Zveza letos žaluje za 163-timi zvestimi članicami, ki so tekom leta preminule. Med temi so 3 vzgledne sosestre: Elizabeth Kozek, Mary Hosta, Josephine Speck. Elizabeth Kozek je bila članica pod. št. 2 v Chicagi in njena bivša tajnica. Bila je več let glavna odbornica za Mladinske in športne aktivnosti. Za Zvezo je bila vedno navdušena in delavna. Celo v svoji težki bolezni se je zanimala za napredek svoje podružnice. Mary Hosta je bila ustanoviteljica pod. št. 21 v Clevelandu. Svojo podružnico je kot predsednica vodila 25 let. Večkrat je bila lconvenčna delegatka ter do svoje smrti marljiva in zvesta članica. Bolj vzorne odbornice bi bilo težko najti. Josephine Speck je bila ustanoviteljica pod. št. 4 G v St. Louisu. Nad 20 let je bila predsednica ter za podružnico skrbela kot mati za otroka. Njene hčerke bodo nadaljevale delo za Zvezo, ki ga je mamica pričela.—Jo-sephino sem izmed vseh članic poznala najdalje. Potovali sva skupaj iz starega kraja v Ameriko. Nazadnje sva se videli pred petimi leti, ko sta z možem praznovala zlato poroko. Vsem pokojnim Zvezinim članicam bo med nami ohranjen hvaležen in trajen spomin. Naj v miru počivajo! Sestri Antoniji Tanko, državni predsednici in odlični voditeljici Zvezlnih programov v drž. Ohio, izrekamo iskreno sožalje nad izgubo ljubljenega soproga Antona, ki je preminul lansko jesen. Blag mu spomin! 1» # >!< Meseca marca so združene podružnice države Ohio imele v Clevelandu razstavo ročnih del in mode ter nastop mladinskih krožkov. Vse je bilo dobro organizirano ih izvrstno izpeljano. Na okrašenih mizah so bila razstavljena ročna dela, kot: predpasniki, posteljno perilo, brisače, robčki, prtički, dolike, blazine za naslonjače, ročno šivane slike, klobuki, ogrinjala, odeje, čeveljčki, jopiči, kipi in razne igrače. Mrs. Fiances Salmič je kleklala žirovske čipke, Mrs. Anna Perko pa je razstavila ročno izdelane vaze in kipe. Te umetnosti se je ličila 8 let. Poleg razstave ročnih del je bilo razstavljeno tudi Pecivo. Članice so demonstrirale, kako napraviti dobre štrudelne, potico in krofe. (Navodila za te delikatese b°nt navedla prihodnjič.) Dekleta od Grdina Bridal Shoppe so modelirala krasne °bleke za neveste in družice. Nastopile so tudi naše čla- nice v finih oblekah, ki so jih same sešile. In. končno mladina od 5-16 let. Teh je bilo okrog GO. Prvi so junaško prikorakali mali fantički z bobni. Tem je sledila plesalska skupina v posebnih nošah, nato skupina deklet s palčicami in dva telovadna krožka. Gledalci so z veseljem in zanimanjem sledili mladini, ki je z veliko vnemo korakala in delala že kar težke vaje. Podružnice so s svojim programom napravile velikansko reklamo sebi in Zvezi. Bil je tudi lep gmotni dobiček. Samo v kuhinji so za pecivo in kosila prejele nad tisoč dolarjev. Dober izkupiček so napravile tudi podružnice s prodajo ročnih del. Rastavo je posetilo kakih dva tisoč ljudi. To je bila največja prireditev, kar jih je Zveza zadnje čase imela. Mrs. Antonija Tanko, v katere modri glavici se je rodila ideja za razstavo, je bila voditeljica. Mrs. Prances Seitz se je trudila z mladino in jo več mesecev vežbala. Mrs. Mary Otoničar, priznana kuharica, je pokazala, kako se napravi dobra potica in krofi, poleg tega je nadzorovala kuhinjo. Mrs. Vida Furlan je demonstrirala, kako napraviti štrudelne. Kakih 50 članic pa je pri delu pomagalo. Šivale so noč in dan, da so izgotovile 60 uniform za mladino in napravile druga ročna dela za razstavo. Kuhinjski štab je več dni pred razstavo pekel potice, krofe in štrudelne. To so res marljive in požrtvovalne članice, ki složno delajo, zato imajo uspeh. Vsa čast jim in priznanje! * * * Ta mesec se vrši Zvezina narodna konvencija v mestu Ely, država Minnesota. Prepričana sem, da bodo naše delegatke in gl. odbornice z konvenčnim mestom zadovoljne, saj mi je iz izkušnje znano, kako prijazne in gostoljubne so tamošnje članice. Toraj na veselo svidenje ! V zvezi s konvencijo naj objavim mično zgodbico, ki sem jo prejela od znanke iz Minnesote. Zgodbica izvira iz tistih časov, ko so naši ljudje trumoma prihajali v Ameriko. Nevešči angleščine so v novem svetu imeli vsako-jake težave. Naj nam naša članica pove svoj dogodek: "Bilo je pred 45-timi leti, ko sem prišla v Ameriko. Napotila sem se naravnost v Minnesoto, kjer je bivalo več mojih sorodnikov. Pokrajina takrat še ni imela lepo cementiranih sajtvokov in cest, zato smo včasih morali gaziti prah do kolen. En dan sem šla obiskati sorodnico, ki je stanovala blizu velike premogarske majne. Tam je bilo poleg rujavega tudi mnogo črnega prahu. Ko sem se vračala od sorodnice je pričelo deževati; iz mehkega prahu se je polagoma napravljalo še bolj mehko blato. Ker ni bilo sajtvoka sem ubrala kar po sredi ceste. Hoja je bila vse prej kot udobna. V blato stopiti je bilo lahko, a iz njega noge izdreti, je bila druga viža. Ko tako stopicam in pretekujem noge po blatu, pride mimo farmar na svojem bugiju. Nisem razumela kaj je rekel, ker slovensko ni govoril, jaz pa angleščine razumela nisem. Uganila pa sem, da me hoče vzeti na voz, ker se je pred menoj ustavil. Skoba cam se na njegov voz ter na nogah, oziroma na čevljih neseni najmanj eno tono minnesotske ilovice. Komaj se vsedem, ko se domislim, da ne bom znala povedati, kje me naj razloži. Gruntam, tuhtam in ugibljem kaj bo, ko farmar konjem zakliče: O, bek! Konja se takoj ustavita, da je voznik lahko nekaj na vozu popravil. To mi je dalo rešilno misel. Ko smo prišli v domači vilič in sem jaz zagledala svojo hišo, zakličem na ves glas: O, bek! Konja se ustavita, farmar me pa vprašujoče pogleda. S prstom sem pokazala na sebe in na hišico ob cesti, češ, to je moj dom. Farmar je razumel. Zlezla sem iz voza ter vozniku prijazno pokimala, ker se mu v ameriškem jeziku zahvalili nisem znala. Takoj drugi dan sem se pričela učiti angleščine, predvsem ime ceste in hišno številko, da bi v enaki priliki znala povedati, kje sem doma. Ameriškega jezika sem se prav dobro naučila. Če me, naprimer, hočete za govornico na konvenčnem banketu, vas bom pozdravila v pravilni angleščini.—” Sledi podpis. P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: Materina nesebična ljubezen in požrtvovalnost Med vsemi odlikami, ki jih poseduje mati, je najbolj občudovanja vredna njena nesebična ljubezen in požrtvovalnost. Te odlike napravijo mater zares veliko. Skoraj nihče ni tako pel in pisal o materah kakor so to storili slovenski pesniki in pisatelji. Govorijo o materah, katerih čela so razorana kot dežela v kateri živijo, in roke razpokane kot gruda, ki od nje preživljajo svoje družine; govore o materah katerih hrbti so upognjeni v devet gub od težkega dela in kolena skrivljena od molitve. Matere, ki so znale trpeti, delati in moliti. V slabotnih in od dela izmozganih telesih pa je živela duša: močna in plemenita, ki se ni bala nikogar razen Boga. Slovenske matere bo veliki govorile o svojih dolžnostih in prav malo o svojih pravicah. Dogorevale so kakor sveča v žrtvah za otroke, za družino. Kongres Združenih držav je takole označil hvaležnost materam: Hvaležni smo materam zato, ker toliko store za dom, ki je vir države, za podvigo moralnega življenja in za vero in na ta način za dobro vlado in človeštvo. Mati je velika zato, ker pozabi na sebe in misli le na druge. Mati je ljubezen, njeno delo, je delo ljubezni, vse razume, vse odpušča. Mati hodi z otrokom vedno, živa in mrtva. Pisatelj Cankar je zapisal: V mojem srcu je materina podoba—lepota in blagost kakor je nikoli in nikjer nisem videl in ki jo bodo živo ugledale še le moje umirajoče oči. Zatrdimo naši nateri na materinski dan z Lincolnom: Bog blagoslovi mojo mater. Vse kar imam in vse kar naj postanem dolgujem svoji angelski materi. DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.—Po dobrem razmotrivanju smo sklenile, da proslavimo 35 letnico naše podr. in SŽZ drugo nedeljo v nov., dne 12 nov. cerkveni dvorani z javnim kosilom (dinner) in popoldne bomo imele odprto hišo (open house). V načrtu imamo izvrsten program, zato že sedaj prosimo vse članice za pomoč in sodelovanje V Zarji bomo poročale o poteku priprav. V maju imamo tudi važno sejo s programom na čast materam ter slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov v apr., maju in juniju. Prosimo, da se vse v velikem številu udeležite in posvetite vsaj eno uro svoji podr. Na sporedu je lep program, zato pridite gotovo. 18. febr. smo pospremile k večnemu počitku dolgoletno čla. sestro Teresa Spender, ki je 1. 1907 prišla v Ameriko. L. 1957 sta s soprogom Mathom slavila zlato poroko. Poleg omenjenega soproga zapušča tudi hčerki Mary German in Veronika Ilosfelt ter sina Franka in brata Max Koren; vsem izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Pogreba se je udeležilo mnogo sorodnikov in prijateljev ter lepo število naših članic. Preminuli sosestri Te-resi večno luč in pokoj. Daljše poročilo sledi v prih. Zarji, ker bo v majski izdaji gotovo manjkalo prostora Pozdrav vsem in na svidenje na konvenciji v Ely. M. Godez, poročevalka Št. 2, Chicago, III.—Seja 11. maja bo zelo važna združena s proslavo Materinskega dne in otroškim programom. Članice bodo prinesle okusna okrepčila in potegnjena bo srečna številka za ročno torbico, ki je dar požrtvovalne in velikodušne Mrs. Wilma Habazin, ki ni samo torbice izdelala, ampak tudi sama prodala 150 listkov. Vsa čast dobrosrčni rojakinji! Ves dobiček je namenjen domu za ostarele pri slov. sestrah v Lemontu. Sestra Steflie Osterman je na čelu te važne zbirke.—Vsem na veselo svidenja! Corinne Leskovar Št. 2, Pueblo, Colo.—Moj poklon našim materam. Najlepši mesec v letu je posvečen nebeški Materi, toda namenjen je tudi našim materam, ki zaslužijo hvaležnost in spoštovanje. Bog daj vsem materam najlepši prostor v nebesih; to je moja molitev in želja vsem materam za njihov praznik 14. maja. Jerry Klintz, preds. I-Ioly Name vabi vse matere pri fari k skupnemu zajutreku v cerkveni dvorani po 7 maši dne 14. maja. Postregli nam bodo tega dne možje in fantje, za kar jim velja že v naprej najlepša hvala. 30. maja bo dan kinčanja grobov tistih, ki so dali svoja življenja za domovino. Vsa dežela se bo poklonila njihovemu spominu. Še vedno so mi oči solzne ob spominu na mojo mamo, ki se je ločila od nas pred 13 leti. Tolaži me zavest, da se snidemo odkoder ne bo več ločitve. ltojstne dneve bodo praznovale: 15. maja gl. blagaj. Josephine Železnikar, 21. junija pa častna preds. Marie Pris- land. Bog vaju ohrani še mnogo let med nami. Vsem izletnikom, ki potujejo v rojstno domovino, posebno gl. taj. SŽZ Albini Novak, želimo veselo potovanje in srečen povratek. Sporočite vsem skupaj tople pozdrave. V bolnišnici se zdravijo ses.: Natalia Marcela, Theresa Lesar, Jennie Anzick, Mary Zaletel, Miss Jean Dolgan se zdravi doma. Vsem želimo, da jim Majniška kraljica nebes okrepi zdravje. Imele smo tudi prvi smrtni slučaj v mladinskem oddelku. Umrl je G mesečni sinček-dvojčelc, Richard V. Warn, ki zapušča poleg malega bratca, starše in stare starše Mr. in Mrs. Valentine Udovich. Še mlada je umrla Mary Mismash, hčerka ses. M. Puntar. Nagle smrti je preminul Louis Oražem. Vse žalujočim ostalim izraze sočutja, pokojnim pa blag spomin. Vse čla. št. 3 obveščam, da v mesecih junij in julij, ne bomo imele sej, ker bo večina čla. odsotnih na počitnicah. Vsem zdrav In vesel poletni počitek. V apr. smo sprejele nove čla. Elsie Wilson in hčerko Myra Wilson. Obema hvala za pristop. Vse pri SŽZ lepo pozdravljene. Anna Pachak, vaša preds. Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Poročati imamo žalostno vest, da je nam smrt pobrala zvesto sestro Anna Skarbetz. Čez zimo je šla k svoji dobri hčerki v New York in tam je zbolela in bila je nekaj časa v bolnici, pa si je kar zaželela priti nazaj. Pripeljali so jo domov v soboto in drugi torek je pa umrla. Zelo jo bomo pogrešale, ker MLADI CLEVELANDSKI PAR Sin naše poznane članice in poročevalke Antonia Sustar, podr. št. 14 z nevesto ob rezanju poročne torte. se je prav vsake seje udeležila. Je velika družina, vsi odrastli. Spet je med nami ljubi maj, krasni maj, konec zime je tedaj. Bila je dolga in mrzla zima. Majnik je najbolj priljubljen mesec leta. Kamor zre oko, vidi novo življenje. Poslušamo slavčke žvrgoleti ln imamo Majniške pobožnosti Kraljici Majnika. Naša podpreds. Mary Kotar je šla za nekaj tednov na počitnice v Florido k svoji sestrični. Se ji je zelo dopadlo, ko je bilo tam tako toplo, mi smo pa tukaj zmrzvali. Čestitke naši Auditor, Margaret Ko-min, ki je postala še enkrat več stara mama. Pri sinu Albert Komin so dobili hčerko. Vsem bolnim članican želimo ljubega zdravja posebno Josephine Paze), Mary Sever, Mary Verhovsek, Mary Tomašič in zopet so zbolele Mary Marolt in Mr3. Frank Poderzij. Bog daj da bi pomladansko sonce jih ogrelo in prineslo ljubega zdravje. Ker bo samo še ena seja pred konvencijo ste prošene, da se je prav vse udeležite, da bomo dale delegatkam navodilo za korist Zveze. God bless you all. Anna Kameen, preds. St. 10, Cleveland, O. — Čeprav je uradno pomlad že tukaj, vendar nas mraz kar noče zapustiti. Na marčni seji smo največ debatirale o naši prih. konvenciji, ki je pred durmi. Upam, da se bo iztekla v zadovoljstvo vseh. Naše delega-tinje imajo veliko odgovornost in delo in tako ima odgovornost vsaka, ki je izvoljena. Želim, da bi vse lepo skupno delale in bile složne, pa boste vse probleme gotovo laliko rešile, ker v skupnosti je moč. Zadnji mesec se je vršila razstava ločnih del in drugih doma narejenih predmetov vseh clev. podr. Kakor Poročilo je celotni program bil zelo uspešen v vseh ozirih. Kadar si naše žene in dekleta nekaj zamislijo, to tudi lepo izpeljejo. Zadnji mesec smo izgubile dobro čl a. Johano Kristofelc. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj, družini pa naše sožalje. V blagajno so darovale sledeče čla.: Mary Marolt, Mary Kolenc, Uršula Šuštaršič, Anna Unetič, Mary Pančur, Rose Fatur in Ivana Valenčič. Rojstne dneve so zadnja 2 m. slavile naslednje: Mary Comlah, Gertrude Bokal, Mary Komidar in Jennie Koren. Ob tej priliki so nas prav dobro pogostile s finim pecivom in pristno kapljico, da smo bile prav Židane volje. Vsem sestram, ki ste darovale v blag. in našim slavljenkam, ki so nas tako lepo pogostile prav lepa hvala. Kličemo jim—naj vas ljubi Bog ohrani še mnogo let zdrave. Mesec maj je posvečen vsem živim in mrtvim materam. Tudi jaz želim, da bi vas ljuba nebeška Mati Marija vse blagoslovila in vas enkrat vse sprejela k sebi v nebeški raj,-Happy Mothers’ Day. Antonia Repic, poročevalka Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.—Vse članice ste vabljene na sejo 3. maja v cerkveni dvorani ob 1 uri pop. Sv. maša za žive in mrtve članice bo 7. maja ob 7 uri zjutraj v cerkvi Sv. Janeza. Prosim, da pridete v večjem številu. Bolane so naslednje sestre: Lucy Tews, Mary Wojvodich, Angeline Fon, Josephine Martinčič, Helen Presečnik, Molly Dolenz, Mary Schuster, Mary Tamše, Mary Jeraj, Josephine Kusnik, Anne Brulc, Mary Erman, Josephine Berginz, Kathie Stuller. Vsem hitrega ozdravljenja. Materam pri Zvezi želim happy Mother’s Day. Na sejo pripeljite s seboj kako novo članico, da bo podr. napredovala. Prosim tudi, da plačate asesment ob pravem času, posebno tiste, ki dolgujete že dalje časa. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, članicam Zveze in posebno sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz, tajnica Št. 14, Euclid, O.—Poročilo seje 4. aprila. Te seje se je udeležilo kar lepo število članic. Odbor je zadovoljen, ko vidi toliko članic na sejah. V marcu smo za vedno izgubile eno naših najboljših članic, Urško Trtnik, ki je na Veliki petek okoli 3 ure zjutraj zatisnila svoje oči. Bila je zelo vneta čla. in društvena delavka. Naj ji Bog obilno poplača njena dobra dela. Bolanih je več članic: Mrs. Hočevar, Mrs. Casterman, Mrs. Gabrenja in Mrs. Hornie. Naše odbornice Mary Stražišar, Pavli Cesar in Mary Iskra so vse obiskale. Preds. Till Špehar še nadalje priporoča, da se jih spominjajmo s kakšno kartico. Priporočam v molitev Frances Gerčman, ki liudo trpi v svoji težki bolezni.— Pogrešale smo na seji Josephine čebul, ki je bila prehlajena in smo sko-ro bile brez kateta. Upamo, da bo prihodnjič že boljša. Tukaj je mesec majnik, god naših mater, katere bomo počastile. Ta večer so darovale v ročno blagajno: Mrs. Tomažin, Mrs. Pust, Mrs. Klemenčič, katerim velja lepa hvala. Ob koncu vas pa prosim, da bi še nadalje tako pridno prihajale na seje. Vse lepo pozdravljam in kličem. Na svidenje, Antonia Sustar Kar 2 članici št. 12, sta slavile s svojimi soprogi ZLATO POROKO. Mr. & Mrs. Frank in Terezija Ramšak ter Mr. in Mrs. John in Antonia Sušnik. Naše čestitke. Mr. in Mrs. J. Sušnik v krogu svoje družine; 3 hčerke, 2 sinova, 12 vnukov in 1 pravnuk. Št. 15, Newburgh, O.—Marčna seja je bila povoljno obiskana. Po seji smo bile prav lepo pogoščene od ses. Mary Meljač, ki je prinesla cake in Mary Filipovič, sirov štrudel. Prav lepa hvala obema in še enkrat čestitke k rojstnim dnevom. Prisrčna hvala tudi darovalkoma za razstavo, ki je bila 11. in 12. marca: Helen Mirtel za podvzglavnike in Mary Filipovič za podvzglavnike in 3 robce. Bile smo prav vesele, ko smo videle med nami ustanoviteljico Marie Pris-land in gl. taj. Albino Novak. Obema hvala za obisk naše razstave, katere se je udeležilo mnogo ljudi. Drage sestre, pridite na sejo v maju im povejte svoje nasvete delegatinji za konvencijo, ki bo koncem maja. Po seji bomo obhajale materinski dan. Vse članice vljudno vabljene. Vsem čla. ki obhajate svoje rojstne dneve v aprilu, maju in juniju želimo vse najboljše. Vsem bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. Sesterski pozdrav in na svidenje na seji. Frances Lindich, poročevalka SLOVENSKA POROKA Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn.—Lepo prosim vse sestre, da bi se udeležile seje v četrtek IX. maja v navadnem prostoru, ob pol osmih zvečer. To bo prva seja po februarski, zato je važno, da se pripravimo z dobrimi nasveti za konvencijo, ki se bo pričela na Ely 21. maja. Praznovale bomo tudi materinski dan, ki bo naslednjo nedeljo. Ob tej priliki se bomo spomnile tudi vseh umrlih, katere pogrešamo v svoji sredi. V našem mestu imamo tudi zelo zmožnega organista, ki je nadarjen pevovodja, to je g. William Kuntara, ki poučuje otroke na harmonike in klavir. Lepo število mladih fantov in deklet se je izobrazilo v glasbi pri njemu. Mr Kuntara poučuje tudi tu rojene fante v slovenskem petju, ki nastopajo vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu na radiju za pol ure. Vsi čakamo na napovedan čas ter z veseljem poslušamo lepo slovensko petje. Nastopajo pod imenom Slovenian Choral-eers. Za ta del doprinosa slovenske kulture med ameriško javnost gre zasluga Mr. William Kuntara. Naše čestitke. V bolnici se nahaja sestra Anne Shukle. Bolna je tudi sestra Shukle, st., ke se vsled poškodb pri padcu sedaj zdravi doma. Vsem bolnim želimo hitro okrevanje. Rade bi videle na seji marljive sestre Erklautz, Ule-sich, Kaps, Rakovetz, Jerome, Klun in Mihevc. Slednja poskrbi, da beremo vse novice v Eveleth News; hvala, Mary! Vsem, želimo ljubo zdravje. Čestitke tudi vsem, ki boste v maju praznovale svoj rojstni dan ter vse najboljše v bodočnosti. Voščim vsem materam vesel praznik in vse najboljše tistim, ki boste obhajale svoj rojstni dan med kateri- mi je moja dobra prijateljica glavna blagajničarka Josephine Železnikar. Pozdrav duhovnemu vodju vsem glavnim odbornicam in članicam . Na svidenje 11. maja! Te vrstice naj bodo v spomin vsem živim in umrlim materam: Vseh mater dan se praznuje, da rod se spominja, kaj ti dolguje. V letih poznih pride spoznanje kaj ti dolgujemo za tvoje dejanje. V trudu in skrbeh si nas negovala in na pot življensko nauke dajala. Ti nauki, ki nekdaj so bili preprosti, danes so jedro zakladi modrosti! Moja mati ne sliši me več, ker odšla je po večno plačilo k Bogu Slava Ti, draga mati! Počivaj sladko v rodni zemlji!—Vsem živim pa naj Bog siplje blagoslove nad družinami! Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, III.—Naša fara se pripravlja, da proslavi 40 letnico maš-ništva Msgr. M. J. Butala, kateri je preko 23 let naš župnik. Slavnost bo 7. maja s slovesno sv. mašo nato z kosilom v farni dovorani in sprejem gostov popoldne na farnem parku. Vsa društva in sploh vsa na selbina se trudi, da našega župnika čim bolj počasti na ta dan. Msgr. Butala je tudi dolgo vrsto let duhovni vodja naše podr. Njegova sestra Catherine je tudi naša dolgo letna članica in to iza časa ko je bil naš župnik premeščen iz fare Matere Božje v Waukegan, kjer je bil devet let za župnika. Msgr. M. J. Butala je mnogo storil za našo faro ter mu mora dati sleharni faran priznanje za njegovo modro gospodarstvo. Čestitke! Čestitke tudi naši dolgoletni članici in prejšnji odbornici Mrs. Mary Terlep iz Center Streeta katera je bila imenovana na jan. seji za najbolj popularno mater naše podr. v tem letu. Mrs. Terlep, kakor vse vemo ima mnogo zaslug pri naši podr. radi tega zasluži to čast. Ona bo naslednica Mrs. Anna Korevec, katera je Imela ta naslov v letu 1960 in Mrs. Josephine Muster v letu 1959. Naša podr. ima kar lepo število na svojem rekordu popularnih mater, katere so vse tako vneto delale v prvih letih za napredek podr. Upam, da bo njih zanimanje prav tako v prihodnjih letih. Na naši zadnji seji se je mnogo razmotrivalo glede prihodnje konvencije. Nadljavalo se bo še na prihodnji seji, radi tega je važno da vse pridete na sejo v maju, enako tudi, da se počasti našo popularno mater Mrs. Mary C. Terlep. Ob enem bomo imele BLAG SPOMIN ZASLUŽNEMU PIONIRJU Po dolgi dve letni mučni bolezni je v visoki starosti 79 let zatisnil svoje trudne oči, Joseph Menart, Cleveland, Ohio, soprog Terezije, ki je ustanovna članica št. 25 in oče Josephine Muster iz Jolieta, bivše gl. blagajničarke. Za njim žalujejo tudi 3 sinovi: Joseph, John in Louis v Clevelandu ter brata Johna in sestra Mary Peterlin v Clev.— Pokojni je bil rojen v vasi Peč, fara Polica pri Višnji gori. Zaposlen je bil kot delovodja 24 let pri Cleveland Illuminating Co —Pogreb se je vršil iz cerkve Sv Vida na Calvary pokopališče. Blagega pokojnika ohranimo v lepem spominu! tudi party na čast našim materam, kateri se bo zaključil s primernim petjem. Ker se bo vršila konvencija dne 21. maja to je na dan naše mesečne seje se naša seja premesti na četrto nedeljo ki bo 14. maja. Prosim da upoštevate ta datum in pridite dne 14. maja in ne 21. maja kot običajno. Torej se vidimo 14. maja v navadnih prostorih kjer bo party! Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O.—Imele smo dobro obiskano sejo in vse članice so bile prav dobre volje, saj je veselje biti v dobri dražbi. Srce me boli ko moram poročati žalostno vest, da je kruta smrt pobrala naši dobri sestri Mary Galič, njeno ljubo ličerko Josephine Petek. To je pa še toliko bolj hudo, ker je ona v teku 14 mesecev Izgubila že drugo hčerko. Draga ses. Galič, prav vse žalujemo z vami. Za pokojno žalujejo poleg matere, sestra Agnes, bratje Anton, Mike, Frank, John in Raymond, hčerka Laveme in sinček Joseph. Marija Žalostna naj vas vse tolaži ob tej bridki izgubi; pokojni pa večni mir. Sestri Mary Hočevar je preminula mala 5 let stara vnukinja. Naj nikar preveč ne žalujejo za njo, ker ona je sedaj angeljček v nebesih, ki prosi Boga za vas. Sožalje vsej družini. Kot delegatinje se bodo udeležile konvencije od naše podr. ses. Stella Danilover in Ančka Pelčič. Naslednje PRAZNUJMO ZVEZINO 35-LETNICO Z IZLETOM NA HAWAII Podružnica v San Francisco pripravlja velik izlet v Hawaii. Brošure, ki so vam bila poslane, natanko povedo o tem potovanju. Posrečilo se nam je dobiti jako nizko ceno. Samo $395.00 iz San Francisco in nazaj. V tej vsoti je vključeno potovanje z letalom, sprejem v Hawaii, hotel, razni izleti po Havajskih mestih in otokih. Deset lepih dni se nam obeta, ko si bomo ogledale čudo Pacifika. Za to turo ni potreba nikakih legitimacij in nobenih viz. Governor države Hawaii ini župan mesta Honolulu sta nam poslala prisrčno pismeno dobrodošlico, posebno še Mrs. Marie Prisland, ustanoviteljici Zveze, ki bo potovala z nami. Za pojasnila pišite na: Fran Chiodo, 2275 Mission St., San Francisco 10, California Slika s krasnega poročnega slavja Erike Kuntara in prof. Paternost iz Pittsburgha. Obred sv. zakona je bil v slov. cerkvi sv. Družine v Eveleth, Minn. Bilo srečno! Vseh 10 že živečih otrok dobre članice št. 32, Katarine Golinar, se je zbralo na poroki njenega sina. Od leve na desno so: Katarina, Martha,, Frank, Donald, Johny, Karl (ženin), Pavlina (nevesta), Katarine z možem Frankom, Ana, Rose, Mary in Margaret. ao imele svoje predmete na razstavi in so pridno delale za uspeh: Stella l-»anilovec, Ančka Pelčič, Prances Blatnik, Cecilia Brodnik, Pauline Fri-del, Teresa Lah, in Mary Nosen. Prances Perušek je obhajala svoj rojstni dan. "Vse ji želimo še mnogo let. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III.—Zopet je prišla lepa zelena pomlad in upam, da bodo naše čla. zopet oživele in prišle v lepem številu na sejo. Sklenjeno je bilo, da v počitniškem času ne bo sej. Zadnja seja bo 5 junija, v pon-deljek zvečer, ko bomo imele tudi pot-luck večerjo. Naslednja seja bo v oktobru, zato res prosim, da pridite vse na junijsko sejo in večerjo. Imamo tudi vedno kaj važnega Bolna je Justina Anglevar. Za druge mi ni znano, a želim njej in vsem ljubega zdravja, da bi zdrave in vesele praznovale materinski dan med svojimi družinami. Zopet prosim tiste, ki ste zaostale z asesmentom, da poravnate ali na domu ali pa pridete na jun. sejo. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O.—Na tem mestu se želim lepo zahvaliti vsem za lepo sodelovanje ob priliki našega Ohij-skega Zvezinega dne. Posebno Mrs. Tanko, ki je imela skrbi črez svoje moči in Mrs. Seitz, Mrs. Faletič, Bran-cel, Rebol, ki so tako hitro pripravile naše male, da so nastopili dobro iz-vežbani. Zahvala Ameriški Domovini, ki je objavljala naše dopise in zahvala gre našim dobrim članicam, ki ko tako veliko darovale za našo podr.: Mrs. Stampfel za predpasnike, Mrs. Virant, Mrs. Swegel, ki so tudi dale predpasnike, Mrs. Rutar za prevleke, šal in več drugih reči, Mrs. Gnidica za lep šal in 5 dol. v denarju, Mrs. M. Može iz 70 St., Mrs. Zalar, Mrs. Krajnc, Mrs. Braidic za prevleke in druga darila, Mrs. Kovačič, Mrs. Faletič za lepega praškega Jezuščka, Mrs. Vovko, ki je oblekco naredila za istega in prav vsem, katere so na eni ali drugi način pomagale. Posebno še vsem v kuhinji, ki ste bile ]'es pridne. Jaz sem prav kratka z zahvalo, toda Bog vam bo obširno povrnil vaša dobra dela. V tem mesecu praznujemo naterin-ski dan. Naši častni sestri preds. Pauline Stampfel in vsem materam veselo obhajanje tega dneva. Mary Otoničar, tajnica Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn.—Nahajamo se v prelepi spomladanski dobi, kako le-I'o sije sonce nad to božjo naravo, da zemljo ogreje, da bi nam obrodila obilni sad. Članstvo opozarjamo, da se udeležite v obilnem številu seje 10. maja. '•'rez poletje nimamo sej in kakor veste bo 21. maja konvencija v Ely. 8. apr. smo položili k večnemu po- čitku Frank Lopp, moža naše sestre. Doma je bil blizu Komende na Gorenjskem. Naj v miru počiva. Žalujočim naše sožalje. V bolnici na Eveleth se nahaja sestra Mary Kunstel, ki se nahaja v kritičnem stanju. Molimo za njo, da ji Bog pomaga prestati bolečine in trpljenje in če je božja volja, da pride zopet med nas, ker jo močno pogrešamo. Čestitam podr. št. 25, Cleveland, št. 2, Chicago, št. 33, Duluth, Minn., št. 17, West Allis, Wis„ št. 73 Warren-ville, O., ker ste s svojim navdušenjem pokazale kaj vse zmorete in ste dosegle častno delegatinje. Na svidenje v Ely, če Bog da. Antoinette Lucich, taj. Št. 32, Euclid, O.—Na aprilski seji je bila še kar lepa udeležba. Hvala članicam, ki so se potrudile. V maju upamo, da nam bo gorko sonce prineslo zdravja in cvetja, želimo pa tiuli lepega uspeha konvenciji za dobrobit članic in naše Zveze. Lepo je bilo srečanje z gl. odbornicami Albino Novak in Marie Prisland, ki so prišle od daleč, da so se udeležile “fair” naših ohijski podr. Upamo, da so odnesle lepe vtise. V poletnih mesecih ne bomo imele sej, zato prosim vse tiste, ki ste zaostale s članarino, da pošljete tajnici, ali pa plačate 25. v mesecu pri preds. T. Potokar, 19850 Kenwood Ave., ali pa pri spodaj podpisani. Naše sožalje Rose Matko ob izgubi moža Franka, kakor tudi sestri umrlega, Frances Sokač. Ana Godlar pa je izgubila brata Joseph Kuhar ter ji enako izrekamo iskreno sožalje in umrli naj počivajo v miru božjem. Frances Cimperman iz Volker Ave., je v marcu dopolnila 80 let. Naše čestitke in Bog jo ohrani v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Frances Klun je prestopila k naši podr, ter ji kličemo dobrodošla med nami Če ima katera sales stamps, prosimo, da bi jih dale v prid blagajne, ker se sliši, da bodo spremembe. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja, zdravim pa kličemo na svidenje na seji Frances Perme, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, O.—Zopet se nahajamo v prelepem majniku, v katerem obhajamo lep materinski dan. Vsem mamicam in starim mamicam želimo vse najboljše za njihov dan. V tem mesecu se bo tudi vršila konvencija naše organizacije. Želimo, da bodo dobri konvenčni zaključki zagotovili nadaljni napredek in še lepšo bodočnost naši Zvezi. Že v zadnjem dopisu sem omenila, da je naš bazar nad vse lepo uspel. Najlepše priznanje našim voditeljicam, Mrs. T. Tanko, Mrs. F. Seitz, Mrs. V. Faletich in vsem drugim mamicam, ki so pomagale pri šivanju obleke za deklice in drugo. Najlepša hvala pa našim kuharicam, ki so toliko dobrega napekle. Lepo še je bilo zopet sniti z našo ustanoviteljico Mrs. Marie Prisland in z gl. tajnico Mrs. Albino Novak, z njeno mamico Mrs, A. Križman in z vsemi drugimi uradnicami in članicami oddaljenih podružnic. Želimo, da ste odnesle samo prijetne spomine na naš Cleveland. Naša blag. ses. Mary Debevec je imela že tudi vse v redu od prodanih ročnih del, kar je prineslo kar lepo vsoto v blagajno. Najlepša hvala ses. R. Pujzdar, M. Debevec, A. Rebolj, E. Starin, M. Cerjak, F. Jamnik, A. Kozel, R. Strumble, A. Skok, M. Jur-ltezi, L. Pakiž in Mrs. Vera Kuhar za darovana ročna dela. Prav lepa hvala tudi našim odbornicam in ses. A. Skok, ki so oskrbovale našo stojnico. Dobrodošla, kličemo novopristopli ses. Frances Y. Zak. Ses L. Romih pa lepa hvala, ker jo je pripeljala. Resno je zbolela ses. Anna Skolar, kateri iskreno želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja. Najboljšega zdravja želimo vsem bolnim sestram. LEPO POROČNO SLAVJE V DRUŽINI NASE ČLANICE Sestri Ann Kuhar in njeni družini izrekamo iskreno in globoko sožalje nad izgubo ljubljenega soproga in dragega očeta. Bog mu daj večni mir in pokoj in ohranjen naj mu bo blag spomin. Sestri Mary Race tudi naše globoko sožalje nad izgubo sina Franka. Naj v miru počiva. Najlepša hvala za dar v blagajno ses. J. Markel in R. Sabec. Ses. Rose Pujzdar in Mary Debevec pa prisrčna hvala za pogostitev po seji v počast rojstnih obletnic. Bog vaju živi še na mnogo leta. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 48, Buhl, Minn.—Cenjene sestre: to je moj prvi dopis od naš podr. Naše seje so bolj slabo obiskane, ker v naselbini je samo 10 članic in še tiste so bolj pri slabem zdravju. Mrs. Maras si je zlomila nogo v kolku pred enim letom, bila je pri hčerki na Grand Rapids, a sedaj je doma. Mrs. M. Kutzler si je zlomila nogo v členku lani nov., bila je za en teden v bolnišnici in sedaj se zdravi na domu. Drži se največ v hiši, ker ne more hoditi zunaj. Njen soprog je že 5 let na bolniški postelji. Mrs. Mary Mik-lovic se nahaja precej bolana v Eve-leth Nursing Home. Mrs. Ozanich je tudi rahlega zdravja. Dve članice se nahajata, ena v Calif., druga v Michigan in se tudi pritožujeta, da so bolj slabega zdravja. Sporočam, da smo izgubile ses. Jennie Trlep, dne 10. marca. Bila je pri hčeri v Indiani. Bolehala je več let za srčno boleznijo. Žal se pogreba nismo mogle udeležiti, ker je pokopana v Ind., kjer so otroci. Mož ji je umrl pred več leti in je pokopan tukaj. Družini Trlep izrekamo vse članic naše iskreno sožalje. Mary Glavan, taj. Št. 54, Warren, O.—Po dolgi zimi smo vendar dočakali krasen mesec maj, ki je v prvi vrsti posvečen nebeški materi Mariji, nato praznujemo tudi praznik vseh mater. Moja želja vsem mamicam, da bi zdrave in vesele obhajale v krogu svojih otrok. Naša podr. bo proslavila matere z večerjo. Počastile bomo tudi častno mater, ki je letos moja hčerka Joanne, ki je zelo aktivna pri naši podr. in mamica dveh sinčkov. Vršilo se bo v Astoria Restaurant. Naša apr. seja je bila kljub dežju zelo dobro obiskana. Sledeče sestre so nas presenetile z okusnim prigrizkom: Mary Rubrinec, Elsie Persin, Izabel Rek, in Frances Ivock, poleg tega so prinesle tudi darila za igro. Vsem želim še na mnoga leta Za SŽZ je ta mesec tudi velikega pomena, ker se v Ely, Minn. vrši 12 redna konvencija. Tam so sedaj zelo zaposlene h pripravami. Gl. odbornice in delegatlnje se pripravljajo na “raj-žo”, med temi sem tudi jaz. Dal Bog, da bi prinesla priliodnjost SŽZ še dosti napredka. Apeliram na vse članice, da se udeležite junijske seje, ko bom poročala izid konvencije, če Bog da srečo in zdravje. Rose Racher, predsednica Št. 55, Girard, O.—Na zadnji seji ni bila preveč dobra udeležba, ker je bilo toliko snega, da je bilo težko lz hiše. Ker je bil še post, nam je Matilda Cigolle servirala čokoladno kavo, za kar se ji prav lepo zahvaljujemo. Dobitke so dobile: Theresa Lozier, Mary Mehalco in Matilda Cigolle. V marcu so praznovale rojstne dneve: Helen Bescan, Mary Cekuta, Beatrice Matuszewski in Gertrude Zimmerman. Še enkrat vesel rojstni dan in še na mnoga leta. Bake sale, katerega smo imele 25 marca je prav dobro izpadel. Čla. so se prav potrudile in prinesli peciva skupaj. Tiste, ki niso nič napekle, pa so rekle, da bodo darovale v blagajno. Hvala lepa vsem, ki so pekle, onim, ki bodo darovale, tistim, ki so prodajale in. enako tudi Helen Swabeck, ki nam je dala prostore na razpolago. Zelo smo ponosni na družino Mr. in Mrs. Frank Kalan iz Girard, ki imajo tako dobre, lepo vzgojene in brihtne otroke, da so v ponos Slovencem. Njihov starejši sin Frankie je bil v kontestu Vindicator carrier boys in dobil prvo nagrado kot najboljši. Odpeljal se je na Angleško z jet letalom ter bo za 10 dni kot turist na ogledu vsepovsod. Čestitamo našemu slovenskemu fantu Francelnu in vsej družini. S pozdravom do prihodnje seje. Emma Zore Št. 68, Fairport, O.—“Lepi maj, krasni maj, konec zime je tedaj . . .” Ta verz se kar lepo sliši. V resnici, vsa narava se prebuja in prve cvetlice tako lepo gledajo proti nebu, kot da so hvaležne božjemu Stvarniku, da zopet gledajo vzhajajoče sonce. Naša preds. in več drugih čla. obhaja ta mesec svoje rojstne dneve. Da ne bi katere spustila, zato vas ne bom imenovala, toda kličem vsem Happy Birthday in na mnogo yeta. Kakor veste poteka, to leto 25 let odkar smo ustanovile našo podr. Pridite na prih. sejo, da bomo razpravljale, kako bi lepo proslavile naš srebrni jubilej Povabile bi ustanoviteljico naše podr. Anno Petrich, toda se je preselila v daljno Calif. Kako vesele bi bile, če bi se Anna mogla udeležiti. Bodite zdrave. Angela Lunka, poročevalka Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash.—22. marca sem praznovala rojstni dan in sem mislila, da bo vse po tihem prešlo, toda Mary Milielich je skovala drugače. Sporočila je članicam, da me bodo presenetile in jih telefonsko obvestila, da naj pridejo na moj dom, da me presenetijo za rojstni dan. Prva je prišla Mrs. Remec, na kar se pripeljejo še v dveh autih in mi voščijo happy birthday. Zala cvetlica mi še sedaj krasi sobo. Vam vsem in pa Fanny za tako lep okusni cake in druga darila res iskrena zahvala iz vsega srca. Upam, da bom ob priliki povrnila, za danes pa lepa hvala. Ivana Chacata Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Na naši zadnji seji, nismo nič ukrenile v prid naše podr., ker je bila premajhna udeležba. Dobro bi bilo, če bi se članice navadile bolj redno prihajati na seje, da bi se kaj napravilo za našo ročno blagajno. Če bi napravile vsaj kako igro, ali drugo prireditev, da bi bila večja udeležba. Tiste, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, prosim, tla poravnate, ker se ne more vedno zalagati. Čla. Mrs. Frances Gabrenja je bila v bolnišnici in se sedaj zdravi doma. Naša podr. ji želi hitrega popolnega okrevanja. Mary Lovše, taj. Št. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y.—Hvala Bogu, da imamo zimo za seboj ter z veseljem pozdravljamo lepo pomlad, katero smo že težko pričakovali. Zadnja zima nam je tudi odnesla dobro in zvesto čla. Ano Majetič. Za njo žalujejo odrasli otroci, 3 sinovi in hčerka, ki je postala naša članica. Anna, počivaj v miru, ostalim pa naše sožalje. Drage sosestre, potrudite se malo za nove članice, saj zaradi hude zime ni bilo mogoče dosti storiti, ker smo tako raztresene. Bodite mi lepo pozdravljene vse članice SŽZ in gl. odbornice. Ravno tako naš duhovni vodja in zahvala za lepe članke in navodila. Enako pozdravljene vse, ki smo se spoznale na konvencijah in pa naša slavna ustanoviteljica Mrs. Prisland, katero naša Zveza slavi od Atlantika do Pacifika. Ravno tako lepo pozdravim Mrs. Corinne Leskovar za njeno veliko delo. (Prisrčna hvala. C.L.) Bog vas vse skupaj zdrave ohrani in vse pri naši podr. št. 93, to vam želi. Helen Corel, predsednica Št. 100, Fontana, Cal.—Najprej se moram zahvaliti vsem za prejete karte z željami za zdravje, katere sem prejela od naše podr. in iz raznih krajev. Zdravje se mi počasi vrača. 12. jan. sem dobila srčni napad in sem še sedaj pod zdravniško oskrbo. Ker je srce slabo, mi je zdravnik prepo vedal delati hišna dela in tako žal tudi na seje ne morem priti, zato seveda ne morem mnogo poročati od naše podr. I^epa livala tudi Anna Pa-chak iz Pueblo, Colo. za voščila. Pozdrav vsem članicam in urednici. Frances Lukanich ¥ PEN PALS WRITE! Dear Donna: I hope you and all the Junior Members had a Happy Easter. Besides going to school I have been so busy with outside activities. I am now a Brownie and we meet each Thursday. Our den mother has been teaching us hand-craft. I am getting ready for my First Holy Communion which I receive in May. Our dancing class is having a recital and we are practicing l’or it. I would like to wish my good Godmother, Mrs. F Gorenz, a very Happy Birthday which is the 15th of May, also a Happy Birthday to my good God-father, Mr. Gorenz, whose birth date I don't know. May God Bless them both. Surely is fun to read the Junior Page with my mother each month. Margie Fischer Dear Donna: I liked your letter that you wrote to me in the Zarja. I am an Altar Boy, and a boy Scout too! I have a lot. of fun at all our meetings. Our FRANK JAKEL. HEADER In the summer we are going out camping. At home in my grandmother’s upstairs I have a school room. It is for the boys and girls in my neighborhood. We play school in the evening when I’m finished with my homework. PATRICK ZIEGENHORN Sheboygan, Wisconsin P.S. I look forward to your letter in the Zarja again. Hi boys and Girls: Things are sure hopping around here for our Junior groups — They were very busy April 7- putting on a demonstration of marching at the Recreation Center at 62nd and St. Clair Ave We now have a group of 55 marching members and 8 boys in the Drum Corps. Our new project is to get good drums and an instructor to teach the drummers. If this can be accomplished our troubles will be over for we will always be ready to march at any time, because our Drum Corps will help us keep the correct cadence, which is very important. Our Junior Page will have interesting news from now on from our juniors. Officers have been selected from our senior and junior drum corps —Reporters have been selected, too— so keep on watching our Junior Page —because, as I said before, things are sure popping up! Good luck to all our Juniors—and may we hear from you soon. DONNA P.S. More news! The Drill Corps has been invited to lead the parade of the “St. Clair Little League” Base- very nice. VALENTINE PARTY, FEB. 12, 1961 at FOREST CITY, PA. LET’S GO BACK TO CHRISTMAS Pretty girls Ann Margaret Matko-vich and Rose Marie Gomilar of br. 2, Chicago, 111 , participated in the Christmas party as gowned Ladies in Waiting. This picture came to us rather late in the season, but it’s nice enough for a second look at Chrismas, isn’t it? ball Team, banner! So, now we need a new Dear Juniors, The Junior members of the St. Clair group are just bursting with joy on the successful outcome of their performance at the Ohio State Fair. After months of diligent practice and in brand new uniforms, their first appearance was a complete success and they are hoping for more occasions to arise when they may make more appearances. They are ready at any time to help out at other branch activities. Practice takes place at St. Clair Rec. every Saturday at 2. o’clock with each group rotating so that each group has two practices a month. Remember, we have the Marching Unit—Senior and Junior teams—the Drum Corps, the Baton Twirlers and the dancers and singers. The Ohio junior groups have started—now, who will follow so that one day we will again have competitive work. Will it be no 10—or 73? 14 or 11? 17 or 15? We are ready, are you? Frances Sietz and all the Junior Members of the Drill Corps A Valentine Party Present, enjoying the for the juniors of afternoon. Candy, circle 7 was held at the VFW gum, chips, cake and soda was Home on Feb. 12th with 46 youngsters served and extra heart-shaped lollypops a beautiful home-made cordu-Germ, Mrs. Thomas O’Boyle, youngsters as you see them Were given to those who sang or recited poems. Valentines were exchanged, and roy stuffed elephant was won by Raymond Sever. Misses Sally Mannion, Ruth A. and Josephine Gostlsha served the youngsters. Albert Daugevelo photographed the here. Isn’t it a happy picture? Children who attended the Valentine Party were: Albert Daugevalo, Jr., Paul Daugevelo, Mary and Joseph Cel-busky, Susan and Mary Cicco, Jean, Billy, Fred, Jr., and Joyce Glavach, Joyce and Mary Gardner, Mary and Ruth A. Germ, Marilyn Goskowski, John, Billy, Gary and Patricia Lesjack, Sally Mannion, Jo Ann Ostonek, Judy Oni-ti'ak, Janice O’Boyle, Mary A., Carl, and Carol Poterjoy. Mary Pierzga, Mark and Debra Staskavage, Peggy and Joseph Spyholsky, Thomas, Raymond, Nancy, Paul and Bobby Sever, Ronald Rchards, Delores Tomazic, Carol and Nancy Thied, Kathleen, Louise, Victoria and Mary Ra-cuba, Ann and William Yusavage. Christine Menart PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 YV. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal G-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. 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Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors A Embalm®ri Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin K.GRDINR & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio