6. JULIJ 2009 6 JULY 2009 št./No 28 9 IZOBRAŽEVANJE EDUCATION št./No 1 ZAVODI, DOMOVI IN DRUGE USTANOVE ZA NASTANITEV OTROK IN MLADOSTNIKOV S POSEBNIMI POTREBAMI, SLOVENIJA, 2008 INSTITUTIONS, CHILD AND YOUTH HOMES AND OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS FOR LODGING OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, SLOVENIA, 2008 V letu 2008 je bilo v centre za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo vključenih nekaj več kot 500 otrok in mladostnikov z zmerno, s težjo in težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju, od tega 400 v domsko oskrbo, 120 otrok in mladostnikov pa je bilo vključenih v dnevno varstvo. In 2008, slightly more than 500 children and youth with moderate, severe and profound mental disabilities resided in centres for training, work and protection; of whom 400 in residential full-time care and 120 in daily care. Skoraj 300 otrok in mladostnikov s funkcionalnimi motnjami in 250 otrok z lažjimi ali zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju je bivalo v času študija v domovih v okviru zavodov, od tega: − nekaj več kot 20 v domovih za slepe in slabovidne otroke in mladostnike, − 40 v domovih za gluhe in naglušne otroke in mladostnike, − malo nad 200 v domovih za gibalno ovirane otroke in mladostnike in − 250 v domovih za otroke in mladostnike z lažjimi ali zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Almost 300 children and youth with functional disabilities and 250 children with mild or moderate mental disabilities resided for the time of their education in residential schools: − slightly more than 20 in residential schools for blind and weak sighted children and youth, − 40 in residential schools for deaf and partially deaf children and youth, − a bit more than 200 in residential schools for children and youth with motive impediments, and − 250 in homes for slightly or moderately mentally disabled children and youth. V zavode in domove za čustveno in vedenjsko motene otroke in mladostnike je bilo vključenih 400 otrok in mladostnikov. 400 children and youth were included in institutions and youth homes for children and youth with severe emotional and behavioural disorders. Slika 1: Otroci v centrih za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo, Slovenija, 2005-2008 Chart 1: Children in centres for training, work and protection, Slovenia, 2005-2008 577 560 531 523534 422 403 43 95 109 120 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2005 2006 2007 2008 število / number skupaj total institucionalno varstvo residential full-time care dnevno varstvo daily care © SURS 465 Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 2 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 Število otrok in mladostnikov z zmerno, s težjo ali težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki so vključeni v centre za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo, se v zadnjih letih rahlo zmanjšuje. Zmanjšuje pa se predvsem število tistih varovancev, ki so vključeni v institucionalno varstvo, medtem ko se število otrok in mladostnikov, ki so vključeni v dnevno varstvo, povečuje. In recent years the number of children and youth who have moderate, severe and profound mental disabilities and are included in centres for training, work and protection has been slightly decreasing. Reduction is perceived first of all in the number of protégés in institutional full-time care, while the number of children and youth included in daily care has been on the increase. Slika 2: Strokovno osebje, ki skrbi za otroke in mladostnike, ki bivajo v centrih za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo, Slovenija, 2008 Chart 2: Professional staff taking care of children and youth residing in centres for training, work and protection, Slovenia, 2008 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 varuhi in negovalci guardians and nurses specialni pedagogi special pedagogues zdravstveno osebje medical staff drugi strokovni delavci other professional staff vzgojitelji in učitelji praktičnega pouka lessonseducators and teachers for practical število / number institucionalno varstvo residential full-time care dnevno varstvo daily care © SURS Za otroke in mladostnike z zmerno, s težjo in težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki so bivali v centrih za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo, je leta 2008 skrbelo 560 strokovnih delavcev, od tega 170 varuhov in negovalcev, 117 specialnih pedagogov in 75 zdravstvenih delavcev. Za otroke in mladostnike v dnevnem varstvu je skrbelo 50 strokovnih delavcev, od tega 20 varuhov in negovalcev. In 2008, 560 professional staff were taking care of children and youth with moderate, severe and profound mental disturbances residing in centres for training, work and protection, of whom 170 guardians, 117 special pedagogues and 75 medical staff. 50 professional staff were taking care of children and youth in daily care of whom 20 were guardians. Slika 3: Otroci in mladostniki v domskem in dnevnem varstvu, ki v centrih obiskujejo posebne programe vzgoje in izobraževanja, Slovenija, 2008 Chart 3: Children and youth in residential full-time care and in daily care attending special education and care programs in centres, Slovenia, 2008 153 49 77 67 152 112 41 53 48 131 41 8 24 19 21 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 I. stopnja / level I II. stopnja / level II III. stopnja / level III IV. stopnja / level IV V. stopnja / level V število / number skupaj total institucionalno varstvo residential full-time care dnevno varstvo daily care © SURS Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 3 Otroci in mladostniki z zmerno, s težjo in težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki so vključeni v domsko ali dnevno varstvu, se v okviru centrov izobražujejo po posebnih programih vzgoje in izobraževanja. Posebni program se deli na 5 stopenj, vsaka stopnja pa traja 3 leta. Obvezni del programa pokriva prve tri stopnje, IV. stopnja predstavlja podaljšan obvezni del programa, V. stopnja pa predstavlja neobvezni del programa. Po končani V. stopnji se nekateri varovanci vključijo še v program usposabljanje za življenje in delo, ki traja 5 let. Izobraževanje in usposabljanje tako lahko zaključijo pri 26. letu starosti. Children and youth with moderate, severe and profound mental disabilities in residential full-time and in daily care are attending special educational programs within centres. The special educational program is divided into 5 levels, each lasts for 3 years. The first three levels are compulsory, level IV is extended compulsory level, level V is optional level. After finishing level V, some of the protégés continue their education in programs on training for life and work, which lasts 5 years. So they can complete education and training programs at age 26. Največ varovancev centrov za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo je bilo v letu 2008 vključenih v I. stopnjo omenjenega programa, ki predstavlja prva tri leta izobraževanja, in v V. stopnjo, ki vključuje varovance, stare od 18 do 21 let. In 2007, most protégés in centres for training, work and protection were enrolled in level I of the above mentioned program, which represents the first three years of education, and in level V, which includes protégés aged eighteen to twenty-one. Slika 4: Otroci in mladostniki s funkcionalnimi motnjami in z lažjimi in zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju, ki bivajo v domovih v sklopu zavodov, po vrsti motnje, Slovenija, 2008 Chart 4: Children and youth with functional disabilities and with mild or moderate mental disabilities, residing in residential schools, by type of disturbance, Slovenia, 2008 48 % 40 % 8 % 4 % z ovirami pri gibanju with motive impediments z motnjami sluha deaf and partially deaf z motnjami vida blind and weak-sighted © SURS z lažjimi ali zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju with slight or moderate mental disabilities Zavodi in nekatere osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom imajo v svoji sestavi tudi domove za nastanitev otrok, ki prihajajo iz oddaljenejših krajev ali doma nimajo ustreznih pogojev za šolsko delo in se vključujejo v izobraževanje v njihovem zavodu oz. šoli. V letu 2008 je bivalo v teh domovih nekaj več kot 500 otrok in mladostnikov; največ teh otrok, 48 %, je imelo lažje ali zmerne motnje v duševnem razvoju, sledili pa so gibalno ovirani otroci in mladostniki; teh je bilo 40 %. Institutions and some elementary schools with special curriculum comprise homes for residence for children and youth coming from remote places or for children who at home haven’t suitable conditions for school work. In 2008, slightly more than 500 children and youth resided in those homes, most of them (48% children) with mild or moderate mental disabilities, followed by children and youth with motive impediments (40%). Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 4 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 Slika 5: Otroci in mladostniki s funkcionalnimi motnjami in z lažjimi in zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju, ki bivajo v domovih v sklopu zavodov, po vrsti šole, ki jo obiskujejo, Slovenija, 2008 Chart 5: Children and youth with functional disabilities and with mild or moderate mental disabilities, residing in residential schools, by type of school they attend, Slovenia, 2008 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 osnovno šolo elementary school srednjo šolo upper secondary school oddelke za vzgojo in izobraževanje care and education class units število / number v zavodu in the scpoe of institution zunaj zavoda outside the institution © SURS Več kot dve tretjini otrok, ki bivajo v domovih v sklopu zavodov, se v njih tudi izobražujeta. To velja za predvsem za osnovnošolsko populacijo; med te sodijo tudi otroci, ki se izobražujejo po posebnem programu v oddelkih vzgoje in izobraževanja. Med srednješolci pa se v okviru zavoda izobražuje okrog 60 % vseh otrok, ki bivajo v domovih v okviru zavodov. More than two thirds of children residing in homes operating within the scope of institutions are attending school within the institution. This refers mostly to elementary school children, which include also children educated by special program in care and education class units. Nearly 60 % of upper secondary pupils residing in institutions are also educated in this institutions. Slika 6: Otroci in mladostniki v vzgojnih zavodih, v mladinskih domovih in v prevzgojnem domu, Slovenija, 2008 Chart 6: Children and youth in reformatory, youth and reeducation homes, Slovenia, 2008 0 50 100 150 200 250 vzgojni zavodi reformatory homes mladinski domovi youth homes prevzgojni domovi reeducation homes število / number ženske women moški men © SURS V vzgojne, prevzgojne in mladinske domove je bilo v letu 2008 vključenih blizu 400 otrok in mladostnikov. V vzgojne zavode je bilo vključenih nekaj več kot 200 otrok in mladostnikov, v mladinske domove skoraj 150, v prevzgojni dom skoraj 30. V teh tako imenovanih korekcijskih domovih prevladujejo fantje, ki običajno predstavljajo skoraj dve tretjini vseh nastanjenih. Razmerje med fanti in dekleti je bilo najbolj izenačeno v mladinskih domovih; tam so dekleta predstavljala 49 % vseh nastanjenih. In 2008, almost 400 children and youth resided in reformatory, reeducation and youth homes. Slightly more than 200 children and youth resided in reformatory homes, nearly 150 in youth homes and almost 30 in reeducation homes. Boys, who are prevalent at these so-called correctional homes, usually represent almost two thirds of all residents. The sex ratio was most equal in youth homes, where in 2008 girls represented 49% of all residents. Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 5 Slika 7: Otroci in mladostniki v vzgojnih zavodih, v mladinskih domovih in v prevzgojnem domu po starosti, Slovenija, 2008 Chart 7: Children and youth in reformatory, youth and reeducation homes by age, Slovenia, 2008 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 do 10 let up to 10 years 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21 + starost / age % vzgojni zavodi reformatory homes mladinski domovi youth homes prevzgojni domovi reeducation homes © SURS Starostna struktura nastanjenih v vzgojnih, prevzgojnih in mladinskih domovih se razlikuje glede na vrsto doma oz. zavoda. V vzgojnih domovih so v letu 2008 prevladovali mladi med 13. in 18. letom starosti, v mladinskih domovih je bilo največ osnovnošolcev, v prevzgojnem domu pa se je starost nastanjenih gibala med 15. in 20. letom. The age structure of residents in reformatory, reeducation and youth homes differs as to the type of home or institution. In 2008 in reformatory homes prevailed youth aged thirteen to eighteen, elementary school age pupils were prevalent in youth homes while in reeducation homes the residents were fifteen to twenty years olds. Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 6 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 1. Centri za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo otrok in mladostnikov z zmerno, s težjo in težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju, Slovenija, 2008 Centers for training, work and protection of children and youth with moderate, severe and profound mental diabilities, Slovenia, 2008 Skupaj Total Institucionalno varstvo1) Residential full-time care1) Dnevno varstvo Daily care Število centrov 5 Number of centers Število otrok in mladostnikov 523 403 120 Number of children and youth Ženske 217 159 58 Women Otroci in mladostniki po starosti Children and youth by age skupaj 523 403 120 total do 5 leta 8 4 4 up to 5 years 6 do 10 let 52 24 28 6 to 10 years 11 let 6 3 3 11 years 12 let 21 12 9 12 years 13 let 13 9 4 13 years 14 let 21 14 7 14 years 15 let 21 18 3 15 years 16 let 22 18 4 16 years 17 let 29 19 10 17 years 18 let 25 22 3 18 years 19 let 41 33 8 19 years 20 let 35 27 8 20 years 21 let 29 23 6 21 years 22 let in več 200 177 23 22 years and more Otroci in mladostniki glede na starše Children and youth according to their parents brez staršev 7 7 without parents z enim od staršev 93 93 with one parent z obema staršema 297 297 with both parents v rejništvu 6 6 in fosterage ni podatka 1 1 no data available Otroci in mladostniki, ki so od 1. 1. 2008 do 31. 12. 2008 zapustili zavod Children and youth who left the institution between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2008 skupaj 20 20 total odšli k staršem 2 2 they went to their parents napoteni v drug zavod 12 12 they were referred to another institution odšli k skrbnikom - - they went to guardians drugo 6 6 other Otroci in mladostniki po trajanju bivanja v zavodu Children and youth by duration of staying in the institution do 4 leta 92 92 up to 4 years 5 - 9 let 75 75 5 - 9 years 10 - 14 let 107 107 10 - 14 years 15 - 20 let 100 100 15 - 20 years 21 let in več 29 29 21 years and more Zaposleni 611 560 51 Employees skupaj total ženske women varuhi - negovalci 191 170 21 guardians - nurses vzgojitelji 5 5 - educators specialni pedagogi - defektologi 128 117 11 special pedagogues - defectologists socialni delavci 4 4 - social staff psihologi 6 6 - psychologists učitelji praktičnega pouka 1 1 - teacher for practical lessons zdravstveno osebje 81 75 6 medical staff drugi strokovni delavci 14 13 1 other professional personnel drugo osebje 156 148 8 other personnel vodstveno osebje 25 21 4 management staff 1) Pod institucionalnim varstvom prikazujemo podatke o otrocih in mladostnikih, ki so trajno nameščeni v centrih ali zavodih. Under residential full-time care we present data on children and youth who are permanently housed in centres or institutions. Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 7 2. Otroci in mladostniki v domskem in dnevnem varstvu, ki obiskujejo posebne programe vzgoje in izobraževanja, Slovenija, 2008 Children and youth in residential full-time care and in daily care attending adjusted education and care programs, Slovenia, 2008 Centri za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Centers for training, work and protection Skupaj Total Institucionalno varstvo Residential full-time care Dnevno varstvo Daily care Posebni programi - skupaj 498 385 113 Adjusted programs - total I. stopnja 153 112 41 Level I II. stopnja 49 41 8 Level II III. stopnja 77 53 24 Level III IV. stopnja 67 48 19 Level IV V. stopnja 152 131 21 Level V 3. Zavodi z domovi za nastanitev in oskrbo otrok in mladostnikov s funkcionalnimi motnjami in z lažjimi ali zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju, Slovenija, 2008 Institutions with homes for lodging and care of children and youth with functional disabilities and with mild or moderate mental disabilities, Slovenia, 2008 Zavodi z domovi Institutions with homes Skupaj Total za slepe in slabovidne otroke in mladostnike for blind and weak-sighted children and youth za gluhe in naglušne otroke in mladostnike for deaf and partially deaf children and youth za gibalno ovirane otroke in mladostnike for children and youth with physical disabilities za otroke z lažjimi ali zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju for slightly or moderatelly mentally disabled children Zavodi 15 1 2 2 10 Institutions Otroci in mladostniki - skupaj 534 24 43 213 254 Children and youth - total Deklice 212 7 13 96 96 Girls Otroci in mladostniki po starosti - skupaj 534 24 43 213 254 Children and youth by age - total do 10 let 68 1 3 36 28 up to 10 years 11 let 25 - 2 8 15 11 years 12 let 22 3 - 7 12 12 years 13 let 36 1 1 13 21 13 years 14 let 35 - 3 14 18 14 years 15 let 57 5 3 11 38 15 years 16 let 55 3 6 20 26 16 years 17 let 66 1 5 23 37 17 years 18 let 58 5 4 21 28 18 years 19 let 49 3 9 23 14 19 years 20 let 28 1 1 20 6 20 years 21 let 17 1 3 10 3 21 years 22 let in več 18 - 3 7 8 22 years and more Otroci in mladostniki glede na starše Children and youth according to their parents brez staršev 3 - - 1 2 without parents z enim od staršev 140 4 5 52 79 with one parent z obema staršema 366 19 38 152 157 with both parents v rejništvu 23 1 - 8 14 in fosterage ni podatka 2 - - - 2 no data available Otroci in mladostniki, ki obiskujejo šolo Children and youth attending school v zavodu 388 22 43 209 114 in the institution osnovno šolo 165 12 9 65 79 elementary school srednjo šolo 139 10 33 95 1 upper secondary school oddelke za vzgojo in izobraževanje 84 - 1 49 34 care and education class units Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 8 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 3. Zavodi z domovi za nastanitev in oskrbo otrok in mladostnikov s funkcionalnimi motnjami in z lažjimi ali zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju, Slovenija, 2008 (nadaljevanje) Institutions with homes for lodging and care of children and youth with functional disabilities and with mild or moderate mental disabilities, Slovenia, 2008 (continued) Zavodi z domovi Institutions with homes Skupaj Total za slepe in slabovidne otroke in mladostnike for blind and weak-sighted children and youth za gluhe in naglušne otroke in mladostnike for deaf and partially deaf children and youth za gibalno ovirane otroke in mladostnike for children and youth with physical disabilities za otroke z lažjimi ali zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju for slightly or moderatelly mentally disabled children zunaj zavoda 146 2 - 4 140 outside the institution osnovno šolo 29 - - - 29 elementary school srednjo šolo 91 2 - 4 85 upper secondary school oddelke za vzgojo in izobraževanje 26 - - - 26 care and education class units Zaposleni - skupaj 322 5 13 172 132 Employees - total ženske 268 2 9 155 102 women vzgojitelji, pomočniki vzgojiteljev 97 4 10 25 58 educators, assistant educators zdravstveni delavci 87 1 - 78 8 medical staff specialni pedagogi 29 - - 15 14 special pedagogues, defectologist svetovalni delavci 5 - 2 2 1 advisers drugi strokovni delavci 8 - - 8 - other professional personnel vodstveni delavci 10 - 1 5 4 management staff drugi delavci 86 - - 39 47 other personnel 4. Zavodi in domovi za čustveno in vedenjsko motene otroke in mladostnike, Slovenija, 2008 Institutions and homes for children and youth with severe emotional and behavioural disorders, Slovenia, 2008 Skupaj Total Vzgojni zavodi Reformatory homes Mladinski domovi Youth homes Prevzgojni domovi Reeducation homes Zavodi in domovi - skupaj 11 7 3 1 Institutions and youth homes - total Otroci in mladostniki - skupaj 397 226 144 27 Children and youth - total Deklice 141 69 71 1 Girls Otroci in mladostniki po starosti - skupaj 397 226 144 27 Children and youth by age - total do 10 let 14 5 9 - up to 10 years 11 let 17 9 8 - 11 years 12 let 23 13 10 - 12 years 13 let 34 22 12 - 13 years 14 let 47 34 13 - 14 years 15 let 46 23 23 - 15 years 16 let 54 34 18 2 16 years 17 let 67 38 22 7 17 years 18 let 46 30 12 4 18 years 19 let 33 14 12 7 19 years 20 let 12 3 4 5 20 years 21 let 3 - 1 2 21 years 22 let in več 1 1 - - 22 years and more Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 9 4. Zavodi in domovi za čustveno in vedenjsko motene otroke in mladostnike, Slovenija, 2008 (nadaljevanje) Institutions and homes for children and youth with severe emotional and behavioural disorders, Slovenia, 2008 (continued) Skupaj Total Vzgojni zavodi Reformatory homes Mladinski domovi Youth homes Prevzgojni domovi Reeducation homes Deklice 141 69 71 1 Girls do 10 let 4 - 4 - up to 10 years 11 let 4 1 3 - 11 years 12 let 8 3 5 - 12 years 13 let 9 5 4 - 13 years 14 let 18 10 8 - 14 years 15 let 22 11 11 - 15 years 16 let 19 13 6 - 16 years 17 let 30 16 14 - 17 years 18 let 16 7 9 - 18 years 19 let 8 2 5 1 19 years 20 let 2 1 1 - 20 years 21 let 1 - 1 - 21 years 22 let in več - - - - 22 years and more Otroci in mladostniki Children and youth according to reason glede na razlog sprejema v zavod for acceptance in the institution po sklepu sodišča 64 36 1 27 by the decision of the court po odločbi centra za socialno delo 333 190 143 - by order of the centre for social work Otroci in mladostniki, ki so od Children and youth who left the 1. 1. 2007 do 31. 12. 2007 zapustili institution between 1 January zavod 2007 and 31 December 2007 skupaj 173 105 56 12 total odšli k staršem, skrbnikom, rejnikom 135 83 41 11 went to their parents, guardians, fosterage napoteni v drug vzgojni zavod 10 6 4 - were referred to another reformatory home v stanovanjsko skupino 8 7 1 - went to housing group v prevzgojni dom 2 2 - - went to reeducation home drugo 18 7 10 1 other Otroci in mladostniki po Children and youth by duration trajanju bivanja v zavodu of staying in the institution do 3 mesece 47 34 9 4 up to 3 months 4-6 mesecev 62 27 30 5 4-6 months 7-12 mesecev 63 48 12 3 7-12 months 13-18 mesecev 67 38 24 5 13-18 months 19-24 mesecev 44 24 19 1 19-24 months več kot 24 mesecev 114 55 50 9 24 months and more Otroci in mladostniki, sprejeti Children and youth accepted in v isti zavod oz. dom the same institution prvič 394 224 143 27 for the first time drugič v isti ustanovi 3 2 1 - for the second time tretjič ali večkrat v isto ustanovo - - - - for the third time or more METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja Purpose of the survey je statistično spremljanje otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami, ki so v oskrbi centrov, zavodov, domov in drugih ustanov za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami, ter zaposlenih v teh institucijah. is statistical monitoring of children and youth with special needs who are in residential care in centres, institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for children and youth with special needs, and employees in these institutions. Enote opazovanja Observation units so centri, zavodi, domovi in druge ustanove za vzgojo, izobraževanje, usposabljanje, delo in varstvo otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. are centres, institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for education, training, work and protection of children and youth with special needs. Statistične informacije, št. 28/2009 10 Rapid Reports No 28/2009 Viri podatkov Data sources so letni statistični vprašalniki SOC-ZU, ŠOL-ZU in ŠOL-MVO, ki jih pošiljamo v izpolnjevanje centrom, zavodom, domovom in drugim ustanovam za vzgojo, izobraževanje, usposabljanje, delo in varstvo otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. Zbrani podatki o opazovanih enotah se nanašajo na stanje 31. 12. tekočega leta. are annual statistical questionnaires SOC-ZU, ŠOL-ZU and ŠOL-MVO, which are sent to the centres, institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for education, training, work and protection of children and youth with special needs. The data are collected for each observation unit as of 31 December in the current year. Zajetje Coverage je popolno. is complete. Definicije in pojasnila Definitions Otroci s posebnimi potrebami so po Zakonu o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (Ur. l. RS, št. 54/2000) otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, slepi in slabovidni otroci, gluhi in naglušni otroci, otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, gibalno ovirani otroci, dolgotrajno bolni otroci, otroci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja ter otroci s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami, ki potrebujejo prilagojeno izvajanje vzgojnih in izobraževalnih programov (z dodatno strokovno pomočjo) ali prilagojene oziroma posebne vzgojne in izobraževalne programe. Children with special needs are according to the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act (OJ RS, No. 54/2000) mentally retarded children, blind and weak-sighted, deaf and partially deaf children, children with speech disturbances, children with motive impediments, children with long-term illnesses, children with a deficit in some fields of education and training, and children with emotional and behavioural disturbances who need special implementation of programmes of education and training and with additional professional help or special programmes of education and training. Center je socialno varstveni zavod za usposabljanje, vzgojo in izobraževanje, zdravstveno varstvo, rehabilitacijo in nego otrok in mladostnikov z zmerno, težjo in težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju z dodatnimi motnjami. Centre is social health care institution for qualification, education and training, rehabilitation and nursing of children and youth with mild, severe and profound mental disturbances with additional impairments. Zavodi za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami usposabljajo in izobražujejo otroke, mladostnike in mlajše polnoletne osebe, ki zaradi motenj v duševnem in/ali telesnem razvoju potrebujejo posebne oblike vzgoje, izobraževanja in usposabljanja (Ur. l. RS, št. 12/96). V okviru zavoda je lahko tudi dom za otroke, ki jim ni bilo mogoče zagotoviti izobraževanja v kraju stalnega prebivališča. Institutions for children and youth with special needs educate and train children, youth and young, disabled adults who, due to physical and/or mental handicap, require special forms of education and training (OJ RS No. 12/96). The institution can comprise also a child and youth home for children who are not in the position to be educated in the place of permanent residence. Objavljanje rezultatov Publishing Letno: − Statistične informacije. Izobraževanje. Zavodi, domovi in druge ustanove za namestitev otrok s posebnimi potrebami. − Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije Annually: − Rapid Reports. Education. Institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for lodging of children and youth with special needs, Slovenia, 2007 − Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia Sestavila / Prepared by: Breda Ložar Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas - Urednica podzbirke Tatjana Škrbec - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 35 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Izobraževanje 1580-1780 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas - Subject-matter editor Tatjana Škrbec - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 35 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Education 1580-1780 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.