M E D N A R O D N A KONFERENCA O SIVI LITERATURI D u n ja Kalčič, N a r o d n a in u n iv e r z ite tn a knjižnica, Ljubljana UDK 087(100)(063) Povzetek O d 2. - 4. novem bra 1995 je na Catholic U niversity of America v W ashingtonu D.C. v Z druženih državah Amerike potekala 2. m ednarodna konferenca o sivi literaturi z naslovom Grey Literature 1995: Grey Exploitations in 21st century. Med organizatorji in sponzorji konference so bili Catholic U niversity of America, E uropean Association of Grey Literature Exploitation, International Federation for Inform ation and D ocum entation, G reyN et, IFLA in International Translation Centre. Sodelovalo je okrog 200 udeležencev z vsega sveta, od tega več kot 50 z referati. UDC 087(100)(063) Summary The second international conference on grey literature entitled "Grey Literature 1995: Grey Exploitations in 21st Century" took place at the Catholic University of America in W ashington, D.C., from N ovem ber 2-4,1995. O rganizers and sponsors of the Conference w ere the Catholic U niversity of America, E uropean Association of Grey Literature Exploitation, International Federation for Inform ation and D ocum entation, G reyN et, IFLA and International Translation Centre. The conference w as attended by more then 200 people from all the w orld, more than 50 of them w ith papers. KALČIČ, Dunja: International Conference on Grey Literature. Knjižnica, Ljublja­ na, 40(1996)1,69-73