Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 30-31/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26. 7. 2015 17. & 18. Nedelja MED LETOM 17th & 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ V ljubezni prenašajte drug drugega Naši medsebojni odnosi so zrcalo našega življenja. Vse, kar doživljamo, problemi in radosti, ki spremljajo naš vsakdanjik, odmevajo v življenju mnogih. Ne čudimo se, ko nas kdo vpraša: "Kaj pa je s tabo danes? Si vstal z levo nogo?" Nič ne moremo skriti pred drugimi, pa se lahko še tako trudimo. Z besedami nekaj zanikamo , vendar nas govorica telesa slej ko prej izda. Apostol Pavel se je čutil večkrat izdanega. Po naravi je bil trmast in hkrati se je dobro zavedal, da mu glede znanja večina sogovornikov ne sega do kolen. Zelo ga je bolelo, da veselo oznanilo o odrešenju ljudem ni seglo do srca. Zaničevali so ga in preganjali, zato je v svojih pismih oster. Krščanski skupnosti v Efezu je pisal: "Jaz, jetnik v Gospodu, vas opominjam, da živite vredno klica, s katerim ste bili poklicani, v vsejponižnosti, krotkosti in potrpežljivosti." V Efezu, v mestu bogate trgovske izmenjave, je bila tudi bogata tradicija, kultura in užitki vseh vrst, je nova vera težko pognala korenine. Zato jih je Pavel opominjal, naj bodo zvesti poklicu za katerega so bili izbrani. Biti kristjan namreč ni človekova zasluga, ampak dar neskončne Božje ljubezni. Vere se ne moreš naučiti, ampak jo prejmeš kot milost. Tretje tisočletje s procesom globalizacije ni nič drugačno od Pavlovih časov. Lahko rečemo, da se je labirint še povečal, duhovne zmede je veliko več in zato kristjan, ki želi biti zvest, povsod naleti na zavračanje, zasmehovanje in prezir. "Pusti me pri miru in se brigaj zase!" je najpogostejši odgovor na nasvet, ki ga hočeš podeliti s sogovornikom. Hkrati pa se zavedaš, da moraš govoriti, ker se čutiš soodgovornega v vsem, kar se dogaja in ti ni vseeno, kakšna bo prihodnost človeštva. Zato je Pavlov nasvet aktualen tudi danes: "Živite vredno klica, s katerim ste bili poklicani, v vsej ponižnosti, krotkosti in potrpežljivosti." Nekaj lahko naredimo sami, a glavni del moramo prepustiti Bogu, ki bo našel način, kako se bo srečal z ljudmi, za katere prosimo v svojih molitvah. V svojih odnosih bodimo ponižni in nenasilni. Uspeh bo prišel ob svojem času, pa čeprav ga morda sami ne bomo doživeli. 18. Nedelja med letom Podjetniki pravijo, da danes brez reklam ne moreš preživeti. Če svojih artiklov ne znaš oglaševati, če ne znaš ustvarjati novih potreb, je bolje, da zapreš štacuno. Danes je embalaža pomembnejša od vsebine. Zakaj? Zaradi lačnih oči, ki so tako poželjive, da jih ni mogoče brzdati. Videz mora biti lep in privlačen, da pritegne pozornost. Kvaliteta ni toliko važna, ker se bomo nove pridobitve že v nekaj dneh naveličali in jo zavrgli. Osvojil nas bo nov reklamiran izdelek, ki naj bi bil boljši in ga bomo hoteli imeti. Tako se znajdemo v labirintu brez izhoda. Zato se ne smemo čuditi, da so množice zmedene in ne vedo, kaj je za njih res dobro in kaj jim je v pogubo. Pavlova izkušnja ni bila nič drugačna. Ko je hodil po tedanjih velemestih in ustanavljal krščanske skupnosti, je videl, da bo novi nauk težko dobil dovolj privržencev, ker ljudem nič ne manjka, ravno nasprotno, siti so vsega in za večino novost ne bo noben izziv. Majhnim skupinam kristjanov je zato predlagal, da se dosledno držijo Kristusa in se ne ozirajo okrog, ker jih bo sicer svet premamil. Efežanom je pisal takole: "Treba je odložiti starega človeka, kakor je živel doslej in ki ga uničujejo blodna poželenja, da se prenovite v duhu svojega mišljenja in oblečete novega človeka, ki je po Bogu ustvarjen v pravičnosti in svetosti resnice." Kakšen je prvi korak za preživetje v konglomeratu kultur, prepričanj in navad? Da pridemo do jasnih misli. Sprememba se mora zgoditi v glavi, drugače moramo začeti razmišljati, novi nauk mora postati pravi izziv za nove življenjske usmeritve. Vse drugo je samo lepotni dodatek. Lahko si oblečeš najboljšo obleko, se klanjaš mogočnikom, v srcu pa si še vedno velik bedak, ki se ni sposoben postaviti na lastne noge. Novi nauk mora biti po svoji vsebini drugačen, da lahko osvoji srce z novim smislom, ki je tako močan izziv, da se odločiš, da boš delal in živel drugače. Kristjanom tretjega tisočletja danes Pavel ne daje drugačnega nasveta: "Prenovite se v duhu svojega mišljenja in oblecite novega človeka, ki je po Bogu ustvarjen v pravičnosti in svetosti resnice." Kot kristjani bomo preživeli, ker se oklepamo prave resnice, ki nas osvobaja in nam odpira drugačno prihodnost. Ne bo nas rešil višji standard, ampak nova miselnost, da je telo le zunanja lupina, ki ščiti bogato duhovno vsebino. Nismo samo telo, ampak tudi duh in duša. Če dajemo enemu prednost, bosta druga dva takoj protestirala. Treba je najti skupno zadovoljstvo, ko ni nihče v prednosti. Ko se to zgodi, smo zares novi ljudje. summer day camp_ With school almost out and summer on its way, it is time again to start planning for our annual Slovenian Summer Day Camp. We are proud to announce that this will be our 15th year. We hope that children take advantage of this week of summer with Slovenian friends and high school students sign up to volunteer and share some new ideas. Summer camp will be as always, the first week of August ... August 4-7, 2015: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. daily. The registration forms are available in the church vestibule, or you can email me directly for a form at Parent volunteers are also always welcome! We look forward to seeing you all again this summer! 17th Sunday in OT Response: You open your hand to feed us, Lord; you satisfy all our needs. First Reading 2 Kings 4:42-44 By multiplying the loaves, Elisha shows that he is a prophet like Moses, through whom God fed the people in the desert. Second Reading Ephesians 4:1-6 Paul stresses that the gifts that unite us in Christ are to be activated in love for one another. Gospel John 6:1-15 In his account of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes John alludes symbolically to the Eucharist. "Jesus climbed the hillside." Illustration Four friends climbed a hill in Orkney, the islands off the north-eastern tip of Scotland, to see the sunset. They were too late. The sun had just gone under the horizon. Memories of the experience were captured by one of the friends when he wrote down his thoughts soon after the event: "In the lingering twilight of mid-August, everything around us had an evanescent beauty... All behind us was the 'vacant wine-red moor'. Across the undulating moorland rolled the sounds of the western sea - a long low sonorous croon that reminds men of the vastness of eternity. And we saw a kestrel in the gathering darkness, cutting a superb graph of flight against hill and sky - the long downward glide on level wings, the sudden fluttering rise, the incredible hover, pivoted motionless in space - and then that downward glide again, till we lost him in the hollows. We climbed down into the silent town, all four of us, and thought that, from the point of view of worship, it was almost as good as having been in church." The words were written in 1951 by George Mackay Brown, poet, novelist, playwright and short-story writer, who was born and lived in Orkney for most of his life until his death in 1996. They are taken from his essay "From Brinkie's Brae", one of many he wrote celebrating the life and history of Orkney, published in a collection of his prose and poetry entitled Northern Lights. To gaze upon the grandeur of the hills and mountains at sunset or when the sun has gone down, to see them at dawn, or to look in awe at the mountain peaks encircled by mist, is to catch a glimpse of the mystery of God. No wonder that Mackay Brown, a man of deep Christian faith, compared his time on the hill with worship in church, or that in another essay he quoted from the poet William Wordsworth's description of a mountain as "part of God's vision". Gospel Teaching The Gospel takes us to another hillside, this time by the Sea of Galilee. Among the great crowd who have followed Jesus to this place is a small boy with five barley loaves and two fish. We do not even know his name, yet the little boy represents all those to whom Jesus has been sent to give the Good News, for in giving loaves to Jesus he is offering him barley, the food of those who are poor. From this small amount of food Jesus provides for the needs of as many as five thousand. There is even food left over. This wondrous event brings to mind the first reading and Elisha's multiplication of barley loaves. At a still deeper level it looks back to Mount Sinai and the covenant God made through Moses, and forward to the new covenant Christ will make at the Last Supper before his journey to the Mount of Olives and his death on the hill of Golgotha. The multiplication of the loaves and fishes stirs a belief in the people that Jesus is the prophet foretold by Moses and a general desire to make him their king. But their enthusiasm is born of an earthly vision. They have not recognised the spiritual meaning of what he has done. His kingdom is not of this world and he withdraws into the solitude of the hills. Application From time immemorial, people of religious faith have seen the hills and mountains as signifying the meeting of heaven and earth. In the scriptures, such meetings took definitive form. At Mount Horeb Moses received God's revelation from the middle of the burning bush; on Sinai he received the Ten Commandments from God. To Elijah at Mount Horeb God was revealed not in mighty wind, earthquake or fire, but in a gentle breeze. Jesus went into the hills to pray. He fasted in a mountainous wilderness, was transfigured on a mountain and preached the Sermon on the Mount. When the small boy gave Jesus the loaves and fishes, heaven and earth met on a mountainside. From his poverty the boy gave him all he had and Jesus transformed his offering beyond all understanding. Jesus said that unless we change and become like little children we shall never enter the kingdom of heaven. The little boy shows us how to change that we might live for ever with the Lord on his holy mountain. f \ 18th Sunday in OT \_/ Response: The Lord gave them the bread of heaven. First Reading Exodus 16:2-4.12-15 God provides manna in the desert for the people of Israel who have recently fled Egypt. It is a story of God's abundant provision and care for God's people. Second Reading Ephesians 4:17. 20-24 Paul explains that a Christian life is a fundamentally changed life, one that requires a change of spirituality and lifestyle. Gospel John 6:24-35 Jesus tells the people that the bread they are seeking is not the food but himself. "I am the bread of life," he says. "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst." Illustration A five-year-old bows her head to say Grace before eating her school lunch. But she is reprimanded by the school's lunchroom supervisor and told she must stop and get on with her meal. "It's good to pray," the young girl says, but the supervisor retorts with, "It's not good." The girl's parents are outraged when they hear about it, for the daughter has been taught to say Grace before every meal, and they remove her from the school. The incident happened in the USA, at a Florida school, and it mushroomed into accusations of religious discrimination. The parents felt that in offering thanks to God before meals they were showing that they did not take their food and their lives for granted. The girl was being helped to develop an understanding of herself as a human being placed in a world of gifts from God. This family felt that saying Grace at mealtimes is important because eating is among the most intimate ways we know for joining our lives with others - other people, animals, plants, local habitats and ecosystem processes - and with God as the source of life. Amidst the whirl and speed of life, saying Grace is a patient and focused time in which we become mindful of our place in the world. Eating is not simply a physical act. The family felt that it is also a spiritual practice, whereby the deep and sacramental significance of life is learned daily. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel Jesus uses the staple food of bread to point his followers to something more. He suggests that the crowd is following him to get a free meal - as they did last week in the story of the feeding of the five thousand - but they should be looking to him for so much more. Jesus refers to himself as the "bread of life". This is a phenomenal statement. First, by equating himself with bread - a staple food in the Middle East - Jesus is saying he is essential for life. Second, the life Jesus is referring to is not physical life, but eternal life. Ordinary bread goes stale or mouldy quickly in a hot climate. Jesus refers to himself as the bread that lasts for ever and always gives life. Jesus is trying to get his followers thinking not only of the physical, but of the spiritual realm as well. Jesus has provided food for their bodies, but he also feeds us spiritually with love, hope, grace and forgiveness. This is the true manna from heaven, which points beyond itself. As the source of all life, God meets us here and now as divine love made food, as life for humanity. Yes, by all means, feast on the bread, Jesus says. But don't forget to feast on me! Application Whether we appreciate it or not, whenever we eat we commune with God. We experience the world as a place of gift - the "work of God's hands". If we don't do so already, perhaps we could say Grace before our meals. When we offer a blessing upon our food, we do not merely pronounce a few pious words, but rather commit ourselves to the nurture, protection and celebration of the gifts of God's creation. We participate in the healing of the world and that gives meaning to our lives. Practically speaking, this means that as we give thanks for our food we will also make sure that the food we eat does not involve unnecessary suffering to animals and does not degrade our soil and water sources. We could support gardeners and farmers who grow food in a healthful and careful manner. We could even learn to grow some food ourselves so that we can see, smell, touch and taste at first hand the miraculous and fragile processes of birth, growth, death, decay and rebirth going on all around us. Human life is most fulfilled when we celebrate the sacrament of life, when we transform mundane eating into an act of solidarity with creation and communion with God. In terms of meals, it could mean fewer TV dinners and more enjoying the company of family and friends over a meal. Sharing a meal gives us opportunities for discipleship, for eating with others creates a profound sense of community. We could get in touch with someone from whom we are alienated, or perhaps take part in events addressing the needs of vulnerable people. Through food, we can heal rifts and celebrate life. Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 26. julij: Bled-Planica 13 - Proščenje: maša ob 12:30 p.m. ♦ 1. avgust-sobota: Slovenski park - Soccer Torunament ♦ 2. avgust: Slovenski park - maša ob 1:00 p.m. - Mladinski dan - Balinanje ♦ 4. - 8. avgust: St. Gregory the Great - DAY CAMP ♦ 9. avgust: Lipa Park: Music in the Park from 1:00 - 8:00 p.m. ♦ 15. avgust: Triglav-London: Piknic - pevka Brigita Šuler iz Slovenije st. joseph society - Društvo sv. Jožefa Društvo Bocce Tournament: Saturday, August 29th, 2015 - For information contact Frank Erzar @ 905-643-0285 Trips planned by the Društvo for 2015: Oktoberfest - Sava Club-Saturday, October 17th, 2015 Cleveland Polkafest Weekend - November 26-28th, 2015. Details to follow! scholarship banquet_ Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation organizira 19. letni Scholarship Banquet in "Fundraiser" v nedeljo, 25. oktobra 2015 v Župnijski dvorani sv. Gregorija Velikega. Zbiranje ob 12:30 popoldne in ob 1:00 p.m. kosilo (Dinner). Slavnostni govornik bo g. Jerry Ponikvar. Prijavnice so ob vhodu v župnijsko cerkev. Vstopnice za odrase so $40 in za študente $25. Rezervacije sprejemajo: Karl Ferko (905-578-5890), Rosemary Pavlič (905-643-7394), Ed Kodarin (905-309-4050), Andy Habjan (905-8993876) in Irene Glavač Petrič (905-379-3667). prvi petek_ V mesecu avgustu je prvi petek po prazniku Gospodovega spremenja na gori. Zvečer ob priložnost za sveto spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. Ta dan se g. Branko Balažic vrača nazaj v Slovenijo. Hvala za vso njegovo pomoč v tem poletnem času. Naj ga Gospod blagoslavlja pri njegovem delu v župnijah Trstenik in Goriče. prinašanje darov - julij in avgust_ 26. julij: Mr. & Mrs. S. Vegelj 2. avgust: Eva Erzetic & Jozica Vegelj 9. avgust: Aranka & Danny Dundek 16. avgust: Joze and Jozica Groznik 23. avgust: Toni & Marija Franc darovi_ Za + Jožico Vovk je v dober namen za misijone družina Pavla Novaka darovala 100$. Za Slomškovo oltarno društvo je Lojzka Saje darovala 100$. Vsem darovalcem iskrena hvala za darove. pogrebna maša_ V ponedeljek 20. julija je v 74. letu starosti umrla SILVA KOREN. Težko bolna naša župljanka je bila v bolnišnici v Burlingtonu, kjer sem ji podelil bolniško maziljenje in kmalu po mojem odhodu je odšla k Bogu po večno plačilo. Pogrebna maša za pokojno Silvo bo v ponedeljek, 27. julija ob 11.00 a.m. v župnijski cerkvi sv. Gregorja Velikega v Hamiltonu. Gospod, daj ji večni mir in pokoj in večna luč naj ji sveti. Naj počiva v miru. svete maše - masses 17. Nedelja me letom 26. Julij Joahim in Ana za žive in rajne župljane tt Starši Vlašič in sin Matija tt Ivan in Ana Tompa tt Pokojni člani društva BLED 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. Jožica in družina Matija Tompa z družino Proščenje pri društvu Bled Ponedeljek - Monday 2l. Julij Gorazd in Kliment, duh. t Za + Silvo Koren, pogrebna maša t Marija Joželj, obl. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Hči sonja Langenfus Torek - Tuesday 28. Julij Samson (Samo), škof tt Za verne duše v vicah t Za + Cecilijo Copot iz Chicaga t Za + Cecilijo Copot iz Chicaga 8:00 A.M. N.N. Tončka Smodiš z družino Terezija Donko z družino Sreda - Wednesday 29. Julij Marta, Lazarjeva sestra t Marija Grebene tt Katarina in Vinko Antolin tt Jožef in Marija Heric 7:00 P.M. Lojze Grebenc Sin Štefan z družino Hčerka Francka z družino Četrtek - Thursday 30. Julij Peter Krizolog, škof t Hugo Hapke, obl. 7:00 P.M. Žena z družino Petek - Friday 31. Julij Ignacij Lojolski, ust. Jez. t Paul Richard Novak t Slava Vehovec 7:00 P.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič Manja Erzetič Sobota Saturday 1. Avgust Alfonz Ligvorij, škof Po namenu t Franc Jernejčič, obl. t Štefan Gonza t Štefan Gonza Materi Božji v zahvalo 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. N.N. Hči sonja Langenfus Toni in Marija Franc Žena Vera in hči Sandy N.N. 18. Nedelja me letom 2. Avgust Prcijunkula, Evzebij, šk. za žive in rajne župljane t Štefan Gonza t Zygmunt, Henryk, Walter t Alex Zolis t Janko in Tončka Demšar tt Pokojni člani Slovenskega parka 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Vinko in Magda Benc Janiak Family Zlatko in Marija Berkovič Družina Pust Maša v Slovenskem parku Od 3. 8. 2015 Do 9. 8. 2015 svete maše - masses Ponedeljek - Monday ........ 3. Avgust tt EmN' Angela ^00 p m Manja Erzetlc t iriHn 'ov,n tt Za Maksa in sina Maksa Emilijana Julija Sagadin z družino Lidija, Sp. Zeila. Torek - Tuesday 4. Avgust tt Za verne duše v vicah tt Za starše Pibrovec 8:00 A.M. N.N. Družina Kastelic S U Janez Vianej, duh. M ■П M Sreda - Wednesday t Po namenu KŽZ KŽZ - CWL F 5. Avgust V čast Materi Božji 7:00 P.M. Kastelic Milka R Marija Snežna, Nives t Anica Bobovec Družina Antolin Četrtek - Thursday D 6. Avgust t Za Pavel Richard Novak 7:00 P.M. Družina Kastelic A Jezusova sprem. na gori Y Prvi Petek First Friday 7. Avgust Kajetan, duhovnik tt Za duše v vicah tt Nikola in Angela Bukovac t Za Slava Vehovec 7:00 P.M. Tone in Marija BukviC Marica Majzelj z družino Manja ErzetiC C A M P Sobota Saturday 8. Avgust Dominik, ustanovitelj Dominikancev tt Za starše Kastelic 8:00 A.M. Družina Kastelic t Za Paul Richard Novak 5:30 P.M. Kata in Jože BaCiC 19. Nedelja me letom 9. Avgust Terezija, Edith Stein,red tt za žive in rajne župljane Janez Zagorc Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar Albin Žagar 9:30 a.m. Frank Erzar z družino 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar Družina Žagar svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, Ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. t