19. NEDELJA MED LETOM 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 32/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 7. 8. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Zaklad v nebesih: Materialno bogastvo ne zagotavlja življenjske varnosti. V grob ne bomo ničesar odnesli, četudi bomo ohranili bogastvo kljub izgubam, ob raznih naravnih nesrečah in družbenih krizah. Naša resnična varnost ne more sloneti na tako negotovem temelju. Človek se sam ne more izogniti nevarnostim. Resnična varnost ni odvisna od njegove moči, ampak je posedovanje zaklada, ob katerem je vse zemeljsko nepomembno. Pred Bogom moramo biti bogati in zbirati nevenljiv zaklad v nebesih. »Bog nas je namreč iztrgal iz oblasti teme in nas prestavil v kraljestvo svojega ljubljenega Sina« (Kol 1,13). Zato nas tudi ne prizadene propad in spreminjanje, ki so mu podrejene vse stvari na svetu. Apostol Pavel oznanja skupini kristjanov v Korintu: »Vse je namreč vaše... svet, življenje, in smrt, sedanjost in prihodnost. Vse je vaše« (1 Kor 3,21-22). Poudarja razmerje z Bogom, v katerega vstopa vsak kristjan in v katerem imajo vse zunanje stvari svojo pravo vrednost: »Vse je vaše, vi Kristusovi, Kristus pa božji« (1 Kor 3,23). Največja napaka pri iskanju varnosti v posesti je prepričanje, da je posest razpolaganje s stvarmi. Naša srca so polna predmetov, ki nas vežejo nase, namesto da bi bili v božji posesti. Le če smo božja last, smo svobodni in imamo pravi odnos do vsega. Vera in čuječnost: Kristjani moramo čuti, »ker ne vemo ne dneva ne ure« (Mt 25,13), kdaj pride Jezus. V srednji priliki (v. 39-40) je opisan nepričakovan prihod, drugi dve pa prikazujeta kristjane tudi kot Kristusove služabnike, ki opravljajo zaupano jim službo in ne vedo za dan obračuna. Odlomek je prepleten z dramatičnimi, apokaliptičnimi podobami, ki poudarjajo, da imajo vsa naša dejanja, dobra in slaba, določen pomen in učinek. Bogu smo odgovorni. Zvesti mu moramo biti v malem, ker malih stvari ni, kajti On je vedno tukaj... Clovek vsak dan, vsako uro stoji na robu večnega pogubljenja ali nebes, na meji dokončnega propada ali pa zmage. Pripravljeni moramo biti na sodbo, ker pod sodbo živimo, in pričakovati zmago, ki je realna možnost. To je slava in posebnost človeškega življenja. 282 | VESTNIK 2016 284 | VESTNIK 2016 286 | VESTNIK 2016 288 | VESTNIK 2016 The 16th Annual Slovenian Day Camp in-cluded 35 campers who enjoyed a sunny hot week full of fun, activities and great memories. Each morning began with prayer and singing under the guidance of Father Drago which also included each camper expressing to all in at-tendance what they were thankful for. Everyday featured a variety of activities which included crafts, sports, water balloons, bingo, picture dress up, slip and slides, hot dog day, make your own ice cream sundaes, puppet show, circus act, magician, bouncy castle, cotton candy and a variety of games. Unfortunately due to the uncertainty of the weather late Friday, the annual barbeque and soccer game was cancelled. We are grateful to have had no rain until after 4pm on Friday. The children enjoyed a great week, which could not have been a success without the help and support of many people and groups which include the following: Camp Director Amanda Novak who provid-ed the leadership role for all the campers and junior leaders. Junior Camp Leaders who provided guid-ance and direction to all the campers and with-out their dedicated volunteer work, the camp would not have been a success. Thank you to the following junior leaders: Jason Horvat, Nicholas & Vanessa Scarcelli, Christopher Dunn, Rita Bartula, Thomas & Tilen Groznik, Carmen Hode, Sofia Labricciosa, Joel & Adam Antolin, Tonya & Julia Miklavcic, Amalia & Nikola Lukezic. Adult Helpers were greatly appreciated to ensure the overall camp activities were success-ful. Thank you to Mike Brake, Sidonia Poppa, Maryanne Demšar and Emily Novak. Sponsors who provided financial support towards the Slovenian Day Camp include: St. Jo-seph Society, Catholic Women’s League, Moya Credit Union and the individuals who provided financial donations and help in their own special way. Thank you to Milan Vinčec (Toronto) who provided music and song for the campers. The camp would not have been a complete success without the support of Father Drago who provides endless help and spiritual guid-ance. Upon returning from Slovenia on Monday afternoon, his time was stretched in many direc-tions, however he ensured that time was dedi-cated to the camp which included taking pic-tures for everyone to have memories from this week. We are very fortunate to have someone with so much enthusiasm and dedication to the younger generation of our Slovenian communi-ty. And finally, thank you to all the campers who participated in the Slovenian Day Camp, as your attendance (with the help of parents and grandparents), will continue this annual event to be successful for many more years to come. Linda Novak Posebna zahvala gre Lindi Novak in Amandi, ki sta prevzele vodstvo Day Campa 2016, prav tako tudi Petru, ki je pomagal v ozadju in kadar je bilo potrebno. Hvala tudi Heidy Novak, ki je vnaprej organizirala različne aktivnosti, ki so potekale v popoldanskem času. 16th ANNUAL SLOVENIAN DAY CAMP at ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CHURCH VESTNIK 2016 | 283 VESTNIK 2016 | 285 VESTNIK 2016 | 287 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Blessed the people the Lord has chosen as his heritage. First Reading Wisdom 18:6-9 The people prepare to be liberated by the Lord from their oppressors in Egypt. Second Reading Hebrews 11:1-2. 8-19 Abraham and Sarah placed their trust in God’s promises. Gospel Luke 12:32-48 All are warned to be ready for the master’s return. You must keep yourself ready. “You too must stand ready.” Illustration All over the world, huge numbers of people are on the move. Whether we call them migrants, refu-gees, asylum seekers, it is estimated that the world has not seen the current level of migration since the end of the Second World War. There are people flee-ing conflict in Syria and Iraq, crowding onto boats to get across the Mediterranean; encampments around the French ports at the English Channel, made up of both political and economic migrants from Africa and the Middle East; the ongoing migra-tion from Southern and Central America continues to be a major political issue in the USA; there is con-troversy over the treatment of migrants trying to get into Australia who are diverted to camps in other areas in the region. Fences have been built and strengthened in parts of Europe, while the border between the USA and Mexico is under constant sur-veillance. All these people on the move are desperately seeking a new homeland – a place where the essen-tials of life can be guaranteed: safety, freedom, food and clean water, education and health care, oppor-tunity, equality. Often the journeys undertaken are long and hazardous, and it is open to question whether the countries at the end of their journey will in fact prove to be the hospitable homes that the migrants dream of. Gospel Teaching That universal longing for a safe and perma-nent homeland is one that finds an echo in all of our readings today. The letter to the Hebrews speaks of the faith of Abraham and Sarah as they leave their old home and place their trust in God’s promises of a new homeland and an enduring legacy – descend-ants beyond counting. We are told that though Abraham and Sarah could never see that promise fulfilled in their own lifetime, they nevertheless placed their trust in God as they looked to the ulti-mate homeland of heaven where all God’s promises would come to completion. The book of Wisdom recalls the night of the first Passover, when the oppressed people of Israel were liberated by God from slavery in a foreign land so that they could make their long journey to their homeland. The people need courage for their jour-ney and they stand in solidarity with each other, sharing the danger, as they prepare for their libera-tion. The journey to their homeland is a matter for the whole community. And in the Gospel Jesus tells his “little flock” not to be afraid – the Father has already given them the kingdom. They have a homeland awaiting them. But there is a note of caution struck: the people have to be ready, prepared, actively about their master’s business, living faithfully according to his com-mands, if they are to be ready to greet the master when he returns. Application That longing for a homeland lies deep within each of us. Jesus promises that the Father has pre-pared the kingdom for us. But he tells us to be pre-pared, ready for this homeland. How do we do that? Jesus warns us that we have been entrusted by God with tasks and responsibilities – and that if in the meantime we start to act selfishly, greedily or vio-lently, then we will be denied entry to the promised land. The first reading speaks of the people sharing the dangers together. That sense of solidarity is surely the entry visa we need to access the home-land we all long for. It is the solidarity of knowing that we have one common Father – that we are brothers and sisters who need to care for each other. That when we feed those who are hungry, clothe those who are naked, visit those who are sick and welcome those who are strangers, then we are stor-ing treasure for ourselves in heaven and are on the right path to the kingdom. If we live out of this sense of belonging to a single human family, there can be no barriers, no fences, no “them and us”; just the solidarity of one single community, because it is as a community – a people – that we are saved, not as a random grouping of individuals. Are we journeying on the way to the kingdom, or will we be denied entry? To answer that, we can simply look at our lives to see if are we travelling alone or in genuine fellowship with others, living for ourselves or leading a life of service, building up fences or creating community. Such solidarity is all the preparation we need to make for our homecom-ing. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 7. avgust-nedelja: Lipa park - Music in the park - 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. . 13. avgust-nedelja: Triglav - London: Piknik . 21. avgust-nedelja: Sava - Kitchener: Kids camp, band from Slovenia, Mass at 1:00 p.m. . 27. avgust-sobota: St. Joseph: Bocce Tournament . 3/4 september: Slovenski park - Labour Day Weekend Baseball Tournament; Mass on September 4th at 1:00 p.m. . 5. september-ponedeljek: Bled - Labour Day Picnic and Bocce Tournament PRINAŠANJE DAROV: GIFT BEARERS . 7. august, 10:00 a.m.: Ivan & Angela Antolin SUMMER SOCIAL FOR CWL MEMBERS Summer Social for CWL Members and Ladies of Our Parish. CWL mem-bers and ladies of our parish are cordi-ally invited to our annual summer so-cial which will take place at King's Buf-fet (200 Centennial Pkwy. N., Hamilton) on Wednes-day , August 10th at 12:00 pm. Price is $20 for adults or $17 for seniors. This includes taxes, tips and bev-erage (coffee, tea, soft drink). Please confirm at-tendance at this event by contacting either Julie Matus (e-mail: Julie.matus@yahoo.com or phone: 905-975-0568) or Rosemary Šušteršič (e-mail: rsjsri-ba@ gmail.com or phone: 905-512-2176) by August 1st. ST. JOSEPH SOCIETY BOCCE TOURNAMENT St. Joseph Society Bocce tournament will be held August 27th at 10 AM – Villa Slovenia. Registra-tion is $12.00 or Lunch only is $8.00. Tournament is open to all members, potential members, & Slovenian youth,14 years and up. Each team will be comprised of 4 members. This year, you may create your own team by entering 1, 2, 3 or 4. If less than 4 are entered, we will add to complete the foursome. Registration for tournament and lunch attendees is to be accompanied with full payment to Frank Mramor (905-662-7438) or Ivan Miketič (905-560-1200). KITCHENER OKTOBERFEST 2016 - DAYTRIP St. Joseph Society once again is planning to at-tend Oktoberfest – Sava Club – Breslau Saturday, October 15th. Departure: 12:00 Special package - $65 includes: visit to St. Jacob Market and Outlets, Sava Club Admission, Family style dinner, Oktoberfest Band, German Dancers, Taxes & gratuities and com-fortable Motor Coach transportation. All are wel-come! Registration: Make cheques payable to St. Joseph Society - contact: Frank Erzar (905-643-0285) or Jerry Ponikvar (905-333-5813). IN MEMORY In Memory of my husband, father and papa, brother and uncle Ivan Tompa, May 1st, 1939 - Au-gust 11th, 2015. Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen unheard but always near. Still loved still missed and very dear. Our family is not the same since you past away. But we know someday we will meet again as God calls each one of us home you will be waiting for us. From Norma, John (Mercy), Kathleen (Tony), Aprilyn, Rhiannon & Ethan. POKOJNI Komaj sem prišel iz Slovenije, so me poklicali za bolniško miaziljenje Tilke (Matilde) VENGAR (rojena Iskra). Bilo je prvega avgusta zvečer, ko jo je Bog poklical k sebi za večno plačilo. Po kratki bolezni nas je zapustila v 83 letu starosti. V četrtek, 4. avgusta popoldne in zvečer ste se lahko poslovili od rajne v Smith's Funeral Home na Guelph Line, Burlington, ob osmih zvečer pa smo se zbrali k molitvi rožnega venca. Pogrebna sveta maša je sledila v petek ob 11h dopoldne in nato pa smo jo položili k večnemu počitku na pokopališču Gate of Heaven, poleg njenega moža. Iskreno sožalje ob izgubi matere hčerki Rose Marie z družino in sinu Tonyju z družino. Pokojni Tilki pa večni mir pokoj v božji bližini. PREDAVANJE Dr. Gloria Polo, avtorica knjige »Zadela me je strela« /Struck by Lightning/ bo imela 15. avgusta predavanje v angleški cerkvi Immaculate Heart of Mary, Highway 8, v ponedeljk 15. avgusta ob 7:00 h zvečer. JOIN US on MONDAY, August 15 beginning at 7 p.m. in Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, to hear GLORIA POLO, a dynamic individual who will speak on her after life experience after being struck by lightening. Spoken in Spanish with direct translation to English. Everyone is invited to attend. Place: 934 Highway #8 Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5H7 Telephone: 905-643-1637 SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO SVETI KRST V soboto, 6. avgusta 2016 sta zakrament svetega krsta prejeli sestrici NINA in CHESSA ROŽICH. Starši deklic sta oče Boris Rožich in mati Faye, rojena Elatrash. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu otrok. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov, da jima bosta dober zgled krščanskih staršev. 19. NEDELJA MED LETOM 7. AVGUST Kajtan, duhovnik † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Janez Šušteršič Lucija in Jernej Ponikvar 10:00 A.M. Družina Šušteršič - Novak Družina Ponikvar PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 8. AVGUST Dominik, ust. Domini. † † Pavel Novak Tilka Vengar 7:00 P.M. Dorothy Ježovnik Manja Erzetič TOREK - TUESDAY 9. AVGUST Terezija (Edith Stein) † Za duše v vicah 8:00 A.M. Štefan in Gizella Ray SREDA - WEDNESDAY 10. AVGUST Lovrenc, Diakon muč. † †† † Pavel Novak Jože in sestra Vera Žižek Tilka Vengar 7:00 P.M. Sonja Langenfus Jože in Vera Rajner Veronika Čurič ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 11. AVGUST Klara (Jasna), devica †† † † † Pokojni iz družine Kološa Ivan Tompa Ivan Tompa Ivan Mertuk Tilka Vengar 7:00 P.M. Majda Salajko Žena in družina Janez Lovrenčec Emilija Mertuk Jožica Novak z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 12. AVGUST Ivana Šantalska, red. † † † Pavel Novak Jože Bukvič Marija Rajtar 7:00 P.M. Manja erzetič Fedele Scime Cecilija Sobočan z družino SOBOTA SATURDAY 13. AVGUST Gertruda, opatinja † † † † † † Vera Despoja Jugovič Ivan Tompa Apolonija Marič Štefan Gabor Vid Kastelic Mike Blekuž 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Alojis in Agata Sarjaš Sestra Ivan Antolin z družino Ivan Antolin z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa Družina P. Novak 20. NEDELJA MED LETOM 14. AVGUST Maksimilijan Kolbe, mučenec † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane George Madronich Ivan Tompa Zygmund, Henrik ,Piotr 10:00 A.M. Žena Ida Madronich Sestra Janiak Family SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 7. 8. 2016 Do 14. 8. 2016