Adobe Systems 1 | 2013 | | | Learning Parade 2013 Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, SIAE The project dates back to 2011, when the European Commission adopted the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL). SIAE took up the national coordination of its implementation, and we approached this task in our own way. More on page 3 in Nova Gorica Nada Uršič Debeljak, Nova Gorica Adult Education Centre All our thematic sets were presented through all senses in a positive way. This energy was everywhere. Each person could take with them a little piece of this rich puzzle. More on page 5 in Žalec Biserka Neuholt Hlastec, Žalec Adult Education Centre The weather forecast was bad, but when we woke up on Monday to a cloudy morning, we were full of joy, and at the meeting before the event we decided unanimously – the Parade WILL go ahead at the Žalec Country Market. More on page 6 in Slovenj Gradec Bernarda Mori Rudolf, MOCIS Slovenj Gradec At the central square, all the participants joined together in creating an event with a unique, cooperative and lifelong learning-friendly atmosphere. And we were pleased with the response from random passers-by, too. More on page 7 at Jesenice Maja Radinovič Hajdič, MA, Jesenice Adult Education Centre We will definitely hold the Learning Parade again next year, since it turned out that if you take education outside, among the people, it’s something really special. More on page 8 in Novo mesto Anita Jakše, Novo mesto Adult Education Centre The Learning Parade brings to this local area a new chance to connect, to socialise and to learn for all those who see lifelong learning as an opportunity for personal growth and social development. More on page 9 in Murski Soboti Alojz Sraka, Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre In the festival part it was good that we had a moderator, that there was a cultural programme and that there was a screening of video work related to lifelong learning. More on page 10 at Magolnik Marija Imperl, KTRC Radeče The Learning Parade saw such a variety of actors, so many friends and such diverse types of knowledge come together on this hill! You might not be able to imagine truly the experience of a violin in the forest, or forest lessons ... More on page 11 We gladly joint forces for the LP 2013! Project working group at SIAE The Learning Parade was a new challenge for us, demanding that we take some steps into the unknown. But we were repaid handsomely when we toured individual scenes of events and met with providers and participants. Content About the project 3–4 Learning parade 2013 5–11 Videos express more 12–13 Learning together 14 E-corner 15 Closing remarks 16 Published by: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, Šmartinska 134a, 1000 Ljubljana | Editor: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (T: 01 5842 567, E: | Translation: Amidas, d.o.o. | Proof reading: Mateja Pečar | Design: David Fartek | Technical realisation: Franci Lajovic The Learning parade 2013 e-bulletin is one of the ‘Implementation of the renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) 2012–2014 in Slovenia’ project outcomes. It has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The publication is available at: Adobe Systems About the project On the European level, adult education (AE) has been labelled the “weakest link in the chain of lifelong learning”. On the other hand this field is recognised as one of the key potentials for overcoming the crisis, mitigating the consequences of demographic trends and maintaining a balance between the economic and humanistic development of society European education policy background In November 2011, the Council Resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning (EAAL) 2012-2014 was published. The Agenda was designed in accordance with the Europe 2020 and Education and Training 2020 framework as to activate the before mentioned potential. For the implementation of EAAL, member states have designated national coordinators (in the case of Slovenia this is the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education – SIAE) who designed projects related to priority fields of EAAL: . Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; more >> . Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; more >> . Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; more >> . Enhancing the creativity and innovation of adults and their learning environments; more >> . Improving the knowledge base on adult learning and monitoring the adult learning sector; more >> In this process, attention is being focused on the low-skilled and other educationally deprived target groups. cid:image001.jpg@01CEF0FD.2930A8D0 Under the leadership of the European Commisssion, national coordinators (NCs) meet regularly and exchange experiences related to the implementation of their projects which differ substantially. We also take part in relevant EU policy and professional events. In addition, we act as mediators of information from European to national and local level, and vice versa. We disseminate information on the project and related meetings via SIAE’s bulletin e-Novičke, and the project website. The last meeting, which was also an opportunity for some NCs to present their EAAL results, was the international conference on 9 and 10 December 2013 in Lithuania. It was titled Equipping Adults for the 21st Century. Joining Forces for Action on Skills and Competences. The event was a joint endeavour of the European Commission (DG EAC, Unit B.2 - Vocational training and adult education; Erasmus+), UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Research. Main topics were: the public launch and presentation of the UNESCO Second Global Report on Adult Learning and Education: Rethinking Literacy (GRALE II ), presentation of some results on the international study on adult skills (PIAAC) with emphasis on European countries, and the perspective of the European Commission (Adult Learning in Europe – Challenges and Responses). Final reports of thematic groups on adult education quality and financing were introduced. You can read more on topical issues of the international adult education arena at the conference website. Harmonisation with Slovenian policy and strategy European cooperation in the field of education is founded on the principle of subsidiarity, so the EAAL guidelines have the character solely of recommendations. It is true of Slovenia, however, that the policy and strategy of adult education set out in the Resolution on the National Adult Education Programme (RNAEP) 2013-2020 and in individual Annual Adult Education Programmes, have been formulated in a similar spirit and are harmonised with the messages of the EAAL. This applies especially to promoting the inclusion of adults in all forms of education and learning, where special attention is focused on those with less education and other vulnerable groups. In the RNAEP Slovenia set the following targets: raise the educational level of the population and the level of basic ability, increase the employability of the active population, improve the scope for learning and involvement in education and improve the general education of the population. We can meet these targets through measures in three priority areas: general adult education, education to raise the levels of adult qualifications and training and education for the workplace. The activities needed to fulfil the RNAEP include raising public awareness about the importance of adult education and lifelong learning. Since 1996 we have been doing this through the festival of learning and other promotional approaches. The aim of the Slovenian project is awareness raising The Implementation of the renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) 2012-2014 in Slovenia project is intended for the popularisation of the EAAL's key messages and educational policy measures at EU and national level. Above all, it is designed for awareness raising on the importance and omnipresence of adult education and lifelong learning as well as on opportunities that are available for the adult population. The role of project coordinator was taken by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), the umbrella institution for the development of AE. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport contributed directly to project financing, and the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs contributed indirectly by financially supporting basic SIAE's promotional work. Namely, project activities are related to and upgrades existing national endeavours, especially the Slovenian Lifelong Learning Week (LLW) and the promotional campaign Role models attract. Through examples of good practice other aspects of Slovenian adult education are included in the project. Until now, via video-publications the topics of assuring high quality adult education to the unemployed, programmes for the development of basic skills and key competences as well as guidance and recognition of non-formal learning have been presented. In the second phase, the fourth video on learning communities will be produced. The project addresses all target groups: representatives of policy, practice and profession, learners, media representatives and the widest public. Special attention is being paid to the low skilled and educationally deprived ones. Expected project outcomes are the Learning Parade – days of learning communities (two rounds, linked with LLW 2013 and 2014), production of four videos with examples of good practice, the definition of a learning community and the e-corner with an overview of relevant materials for e-learning. All activities are supported by a very complex project website filled with information and multimedia materials. The idea dates back to 2005 SIAE organised the first Parade - at that time called the Knowledge parade - in October 2005 to mark the 10th anniversary of the LLW. Taking place in one of Ljubljana's central parks, it consisted of presentations of lifelong learning providers on stands and public appearances of learners on stage. The whole-day event was supported by the Ljubljana municipality. This experience has lead us to the conclusion that it would be worthwhile to repeat the Parade and reach even more people, especially the educationally deprived ones. It took eight years to get a new opportunity through the EAAL project. The new concept of the Learning parade (LP) includes the festival part, i.e. a 'fair' of opportunities for learning and creativity in a public place (in city squares, parks, shopping centres, etc.). Participants and passers-by are invited to information stands and guidance services, lectures, workshops, public appearances of successful learners - role models, etc. In addition, the professional part of LP takes place in fora of politicians (local, regional, national), representatives of AE providers, other stakeholders and partners as well as learners with the aim to create a standpoint on AE challenges in each local area. Other approaches evolved as well, based on opportunities of LP coordinators, such as colleting learners' opinions. Seven LLW coordinators broke new ground Implementing the LP involves the close collaboration of the national coordinator of the learning festival, the SIAE, with selected LLW and LP coordinators. We selected the latter from a multitude of those who organised national LLW openings in the 2006–2012 period. Indeed we had already gained experience in reciprocal cooperation with them. At a joint meeting in March 2013 at the SIAE, the introductory presentation of the entire project was followed by an exchange of initial thoughts on its implementation at individual event locations. Coordination proceeded right through to May, when all the coordinators staged unforgettable events where old and young people came together. We present them below. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, SIAE Learning Parade 2013 In the year that it came of age, the LLW enjoyed a major developmental and promotional breakthrough with the LP. In the period from 10 to 19 May, the LP was carried out by seven coordinators in the towns of Nova Gorica, Žalec, Slovenj Gradec, Jesenice, Novo mesto, Murska Sobota and Radeče. Nova Gorica LP Coordinating institution: Nova Gorica Adult Education Centre (LUNG) Coordinators: Nada Uršič Debeljak and Ksenija Petek Slogan: Women’s energy - energy of the future Highlights (more: . Conference on the status of women in Slovenian society and the role of lifelong learning; around 200 participants; . Learning festival: stands, workshops, public appearances of successful learners, presentations of programmes and projects... in cooperation with 20 LUNG's partners from various projects and thematic weeks; . Presentation of the video Handmade stories; . Concert by the local music group Suhu cvetje. No of partners: 22 No of participants: around 250 Video: The Nova Gorica LP was tied to the national opening of the LLW. On 10 May Nova Gorica was bursting with women’s energy – energy of the future that connects and merges, and this was the main thread of both events. We launched the Parade with a professional conference at which we were joined by some prominent Slovenian women: the Human Rights Ombudsman, Vlasta Nussdorfer, and Dr Vesna Vuk Godina; the two spoke about the position of women in Slovenian society in terms of the importance of lifelong learning. They were wonderful and made us laugh. This is also clear from the video on the Nova Gorica Adult Education Centre website, which is well worth watching. We continued with the national opening, and in the afternoon we transferred to the city, more precisely in front of the Nova Gorica City Hall, where together with the stands of all our partners in various thematic groups and projects we occupied the space under the arcades. All our thematic sets were presented through all senses in a positive way. This energy was everywhere. Each person could take with them a little piece of this rich puzzle, for everyone worked actively to include visitors young or old, all of them curious. We concluded with a dance, with one of the partners, the group Suho cvetje, entertaining us well after the conclusion of the Parade. It was truly wonderful – the energy was everywhere, so we can only wish to continue such events. After 10 May there were two more thematic weeks of events on the same topic in Nova Gorica, and these drew a lot of very satisfied visitors. Nada Uršič Debeljak from LUNG Žalec LP Coordinating institution: Žalec Adult Education Centre (UPI – LU Žalec) Coordinators: Franja Centrih, Biserka Neuholt Hlastec and Neža Kočevar Slogan: Lower Savinjska Valley - a learning region Highlights (more: . Press conference at the Žalec market with mayor and other guests; . Learning festival: workshops, public appearances, presentations of educational programmes, taster sessions etc. . Professional part: learning ambassadors (participants of the Žalec Adult education centre) collecting learners' opinions presented in the booklet Let my voice be heard (in Slovenian). No of partners: 27 No of participants: around 150 Video: We held our LP at the Country Market in Žalec under the common banner Lower Sava Valley – a learning region. A special feature of our Parade was that we planned out our professional event a little differently – as a booklet entitled Let my voice be heard. Out of those that participated in our courses we selected six ambassadors of learning, each of whom made sure in their own location that the voice of learners was heard and recorded in the booklet. The ambassadors of learning went around asking people what they would like to learn, how and in what way, and what else they thought would need to be done in adult education. All these opinions were diligently entered in the booklet, which travelled from place to place and hand to hand for almost two months. In the end more than 25 records were collected. One of them is a full five pages long, proving to us that learners want to express their opinion, and also that they expect their opinion to be received openly and treated seriously. We presented the booklet to local community representatives and professional partners at our award ceremony Oscars for learning, which was held in June. It is also published on our website, so you can take a look at it. Our other special feature was the press conference. It was held outside. A special flavour was added by the leader, who gave a very relaxed conference and was quite mischievous with those attending. This made the event not just interesting for media types, but also for any random visitors. We are pleased at being able to participate in the LP because it signals a different approach to promoting lifelong learning, since it takes us out of our buildings and closer to people. The numerous stands of participating partners offered people abundant opportunities for learning and practical trials, or else visitors at least gained information about the possibilities on offer in our environment. Each opinion from learners is a new challenge, an opportunity and food for thought for the Žalec Adult Education Centre. Young people want experience, practical knowledge, alternative learning methods, slightly older people want to learn for their professions, and older people want to learn for its own sake. We were very surprised that some people wrote at length in the booklet, as if they wanted to pour all their thoughts out onto paper, to release them, communicate them to someone and try to make something happen with them. One of the learners expressed determination in his statement: “After you finish formal education processes you have to start your education, development, personal growth and spiritual evolution into a mature person. Only in this way can a person be capable of living in modern times in a modern society and culture and in modern companies. You have to learn all your life so you can live with your fellow people as a Person.” Biserka Neuholt Hlastec from UPI – LU Žalec Slovenj Gradec LP Coordinating institution: Public institute MOCIS, Adult Education Centre Slovenj Gradec (MOCIS Slovenj Gradec) Coordinators: Sonja Lakovšek Kos and Bernarda Mori Rudolf Slogan: Learning parade - days of learning communities in the Koroška region Highlights (more: . Official opening by Dr Jernej Pikalo, minister for education, and others; . Conference Culture of coexistence – opportunities and challenges in the Koroška gallery of arts; . Public appearances on stage; . Learning festival: 24 information stands, workshops, taster sessions... provided by 18 partners (institutions, associations, study circles etc.). No of partners: 18 No of participants: around 250 Things were very lively on 14 May 2013 at Trg svobode square in Slovenj Gradec. The centre of town was occupied with stands presenting throughout the day educational institutions and other organisations associated with education. Events at the stands were spiced up by a rich programme of music and dance performances. The official part of the LP in front of the Fine Art Gallery was marked with speeches by keynote speakers, the Minister Dr Jernej Pikalo, the SIAE director Andrej Sotošek, MA, Mayor of the City of Slovenj Gradec Andrej Čas and the directress of Slovenj Gradec Adult Education Centre Sonja Lakovšek Kos. In his speech the Minister emphasised the importance of an orientation towards lifelong learning, and pointed out that acquired knowledge rapidly becomes outdated and needs to be continuously refreshed. It is also important for us to become more flexible and receptive to (further) education, since in this way we can more easily grapple with the challenges of modern life. The professional part of the LP comprised a consultation entitled Culture of coexistence – opportunities and challenges, whereby from the point of view of participating experts we sought to shed light on the topic of coexistence and co-responsibility for our own and the common good. The consultation was fascinating and invaluable for all present, with the participation of Dr Miro Cerar and Dr Manca Košir, while examples of good practices were presented by Kristina Orter, Mojca Čerče and Brigita Kropušek Ranzinger. The consultation was moderated with an analytical and incisive approach by Andrej Makuc, who thereby added to the consultation a special tone and credibility. A heartfelt note was provided at the start of the consultation by school pupils with special needs and their dedicated teachers with a touching theatre performance entitled Pinocchio’s travels. In the festival part, 24 stands featured 18 representatives of institutions and societies which in one way or another are involved in lifelong learning. “It was a bright sunny day and the square was bustling. A string of stands with herbs, handicrafts, flowers and information about various projects and the diverse forms of lifelong learning ... A lot of people, from little children to silver-haired folk, and more video devices, cameras and audio recorders than I have seen in one place in a long time. Enormous interest in the LP, hand in hand, and boundless joy in it!,” said Manca Košir, describing the Slovenj Gradec LP. Events as part of the LP and LLW took place in all municipalities of the Koroška region in the days that followed, right up to Friday 17 May 2013. In all the Mislinja and Drava valleys hosted 20 festival, educational, promotional, informative, guidance and social events for all generations. Bernarda Mori Rudolf from MOCIS Slovenj Gradec Jesenice LP Coordinating body: Jesenice Municipality, LLW Organisational board, and Jesenice Adult Education Centre (LU Jesenice) Coordinators: Maja Radinovič Hajdič, MA, and Gordana Trokič Highlights (more: . 20 workshops for learning and creativity for all generations; . Information stands of 20 partners, providers of formal and non-formal education and learning; . Many-coloured cultural and educational programme; . Concert of the music group Čuki; . Professional event linked to the national conference 'Lifelong Learning Centre Gorenjska - opportunities for learning for all' where the video-interview with Martina Ní Cheallaigh, European Commission representative ( was presented.. No of partners: 22 No of participants: around 1.000 Given that the weather in May was not that clement, we were delighted by the sunny day that drew plenty of visitors to the square in Stara Sava. After our initial attempts at the festival of learning the previous year, this time we linked together the participating organisations even more intensively, making up a diverse programme and ensuring that the public was properly notified of the event. Our LP involved the cooperation of more than 20 organisations. The stands provided visitors with details of the activities on offer, plus a variety of information and promotional materials. The cooperating organisations provided 20 creative workshops, all of which were extraordinarily well attended. Visitors could try their hand at painting in acrylics, making gingerbread hearts, dancing, jewellery making, juggling, calligraphy, handicrafts, make up and more. A lot of attention was drawn to the presentation of the project Chain Experiment, which was devised by members of the Jesenice pensioners’ society together with pupils from Jesenice primary schools. The children were delighted by the clown and his mischief, and by the little dog and her owner, who presented a dog therapy show. The cultural programme ran for the entire afternoon, delighting different generations. Nursery school children and a primary school choir sang to us, and there were performances by music school students as well as pupils from the Jesenice Grammar School and Jesenice Secondary School. Dance was provided by members of Javornik – Koroška Bela folklore society and the Jesenice Majorettes. Finally we all partied together to the music of the group Čuki. The LP in Stara Sava was opened and toured by Aljuš Pertinač, state secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and Tomaž Tom Mencinger, mayor of the Municipality of Jesenice (pictured with the directress of the Jesenice Adult Education Centre, Maja Radinovič Hajdič). Visitor responses were more than positive. The fact that in one place they could find out all about various educational institutions, join in free workshops and attend an interesting cultural programme is a good indication that we achieved our target. Everyone could find something for themselves, gain knowledge and make new acquaintances. And for us, our primary mission succeeded – spreading the concept of lifelong learning. Gordana Trokič from LU Jesenice Novo mesto LP Coordinating institution: Novo mesto Adult Education Centre (RIC Novo mesto) Coordinators: Marjeta Gašperšič and Anita Jakše Highlights (more: . Learning festival: presentations, workshops, public appearances etc.; . Professional part: presentation of project results Raising the literacy level and Project learning for young adults; . Collecting learners' opinions for the booklet Collection of thoughts on learning; . Social event for collaborators and partners of RIC Novo mesto on the timber-raft along the Krka river. No of partners: 34 No of participants: around 1.100 On the special invitation of the SIAE, we organised a LP for Thursday 16 May 2013 at the Novo mesto Adult Education Centre. We only had good weather in the morning, when the ribbon was cut for the official opening on the RIC terrace, signalling the start of the all-day festival and professional LP event. Dancers from the Novo mesto Dance Studio provided an opening spectacle, and their hip-hop rhythms got the crowd of nearly 300 visitors well in the mood. We then packed out the classroom and heard with great interest the talk by Anton Komat on modern food and its consequences for our health. In the afternoon members of the Knowledge Exchange got visitors to make bags out of videotape, items from sheep’s wool, to find out all about sound, the didgeridoo, singing bowls and gongs. There was also the fascinating manufacture of home-made ecological cleaning agents. We were accompanied throughout by girls from the vocal group Lilith, who conjured a very special atmosphere for us. Children painted wooden toys, while young people searched the town for some proper treasure. We also had a market place called RIC PLAC, for the free exchange of items, where anyone could bring things they no longer needed and take away things that they did need. We recorded a full 100 visitors. As part of the Parade we also concluded the projects Raising Literacy and Project Learning for Youth. Once again, this brought together more than 200 participants. In the evaluation workshops they wrote down their thoughts on the actual learning, the importance of learning, its lifelong quality, and they recorded their experiences of learning; we wrote out their thoughts and statements as “fruit” – apples – then stuck them to trees and exhibited this on the wall in the entrance to the premises. We also published them in an e-version on our website, and in this way emphasised and promoted the importance and imperative of lifelong learning. Our manifesto comprises a full 143 statements. More than 620 participants attended the various lectures and workshops. Undoubtedly this large number was spurred by our “walk through Novo mesto”. In order to promote the LP, three days before it started we walked from in front of the RIC terrace all the way to the Town Hall, in RIC T-shirts with slogans, hand in hand, in the “longest chain of knowledge in Dolenjska”. The chain was made up of 100 links. Joining the RIC staff in the chain were our participants, pensioners, and children and seniors from Poland, who just happened to be visiting our institution at that time as part of a volunteer assignment. The promotional stand in the middle of the old town centre offered refreshments, and we handed out LP programmes to passers-by. Anita Jakše from RIC Novo mesto Murska Sobota LP Coordinating institution: Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre (LUMS) Coordinators: Alenka Kučan and Alojz Sraka Highlights (more: . Professional part in the Regional and study library of Murska Sobota: ­ Conference on the theme "The Mura River – our wealth!?" (presenters: Dr Darko Anželj, Stojan Habjančič, Simon Balažic, Tine Mlinarič); ­ Lecture of Dr Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič on the theme "To reject the unacceptable, invent the unknown, create the new" . Learning festival: stands of numerous educational providers and appearances on stage (from 9:00 until 15:00); . Video-productions, among others also of the award winners from Murska Sobota (Designer of textiles with elements of traditional textile heritage). No of partners: 25 No of participants: around 1.500 Murska Sobota is a fair town, and here we call festivals SENJE. SENJE means that at least once a month the providers of various services and products meet up in the region and in the centre of Murska Sobota. Our Parade had a similar approach. We wanted to offer and present to the people of this region knowledge, skills and creativity in the land along the River Mura. In the professional part we wanted to find some answers to issues concerning the nature-friendly development of the region and inhabitants. The festival part featured appearances by individuals and groups of young people, as well as those slightly less young, people who are creative, on the margins, who have no money to make presentations and promotions, and we also presented video screenings of success stories and groups in the field of lifelong learning. The films were projected onto an expensive “film” screen raised high. In addition to education providers for all generations, the stands showcased societies and organisations that include in particular vulnerable groups. And we are of course very proud to have the first social enterprises in Slovenia. These too had a presence at the LP. As for professional events, the first one was related to the theme of the International Year of Water Cooperation – water links us. Here it is of course the Mura that links us, and we are proud to have brought together in one place for the first time advocates, opponents and alternative people. They debated what would become of the Mura. Believe me, the debate was heated! The other professional event – which calmed tempers – was a lecture given by a local woman, Dr Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič, on the topic Reject the unacceptable, invent the unknown, create the new. In summary, she told us: “You have to believe in people, you have to believe in the future, and that after all the storms the sun comes out.” I believe this myself. We hope that the Parade will find its way back to Murska Sobota again. As for the fairs, one of our biggest is on 6 December, which is Miklavž or the Feast of St. Nicholas. Alojz Sraka from LU Murska Sobota Radeče LP Coordinating institutions: Public institute KTRC Radeče, regional LLW coordinator, and Slovenia forest service Coordinators: Marija Imperl and Jože Prah Slogan: Learning with nature Highlights (more: . Arrival to Magolnik, the LP venue on foot, by bike or car, horseriding …; . Learning festival: presentations, competitions, public appearances, taster sessions, learning in the forest ... ; . Central event: introduction of partners and featuring the publication Študijski krožki kot prispevek k razvoju lokalne skupnosti (Study circles as a contribution to the development of local community); . Social event. No of partners: 20 No of participants: around 500 On 19 May this year the house at Magolnik once again acquired a new image. People came from all corners of Slovenia to our LP, which brought to this local area a new chance to connect, to socialise and to learn for all those who see in this an opportunity for personal growth and social development. Working together to shape a common future in these unpredictable times is a challenge, and only with new information and knowledge, with joint responsibility to ourselves, to nature and other people, and with a good measure of courage, we blaze a trail to our own happiness and to a pleasant environment. Some came to the house on foot others biked or rode on horseback, and others drove. Numerous study circles and institutions from throughout Slovenia had a presence with stands at the event, under the slogan Learning with Nature, in front of the house at Magolnik. They presented their products, materials and activities. The artist Brane Žunič was at work outside; before the eyes of those present, a wonderful wooden sculpture was created, an owl, symbol of learning. A presentation was made next to a shelter in the forest by ProSilva Slovenije, we heard about care of the forest from Slovenian Forest Service officers from Brežice, and hunters joined us with their dogs. The Slovenian Army gave a presentation on orientation in nature and modern military technology. With an outstanding violin concert outdoors provided by the string orchestra Strunikat, visitors were able to admire the works of fine artists from the art society DLLU Radeče, they could learn about the basics of forest education or immerse themselves in nature for a while through yoga. The event actually lasted two days. On the previous afternoon, the owners of forests came to Magolnik, and after some official training, on the following day they tested their skills in a chainsawing contest. Their contest was enhanced by a fine exhibition of forest machinery and equipment. The main cultural programme on the Sunday afternoon featured the folklore society Brusači, children from the Svibno affiliate school and Svibno folk singers. The directress of KTRC Radeče, Marija Imperl, presented the booklet Study Circles as a contribution to developing the local community. It is aimed at a wide circle of readers who can find in it examples of good practices in study circles, and this makes clear how we can be successful and effective with modest financial input. It was created as the fruit of cooperation and connection of study circle participants, who have been working, creating and connecting for more than a decade under the aegis of the SIAE. Publication of the booklet was enabled with funding from the Pahernik Institution. Marija Imperl from KTRC Radeče Videos express more Encouraged by our experience gained through the production of video-portraits of SIAE award winners as well as through the promotional campaign Role models attract, video-production has become an important part of our project tasks. Via videos we are presenting professional achievements that took ground in real life and made a difference in the lives of individuals as well as wider communities. Video-production is an important branch of project activities In the project, four video-publications are foreseen. Until the end of 2013, three have been made public; they are presented in this bulletin whereas the fourth video is in production. Films are intended for domestic and international political, professional and widest public. They have English subtitles and are available at the respective project websites. In addition, 200 copies of each video have been produced. The contents are related to priority areas of the EAAL with special emphasis on topical themes of Slovenian adult education. Examples of networking, cooperation and partnerships at the local level are presented. On the other hand, their transferability to other thematic and/or geographic areas is indicated. There are opportunities! Training programmes for the unemployed Theme: providing quality adult education and other services that would enable adults, in this case the unemployed, to develop new skills and knowledge in order to respond successfully to the demands of their living and working environment; see leaflet >> Programmes: Designer of textiles with elements of traditional textile heritage, Companion for the elderly, and Provider of traditional products and services; more >> Experts: Dr Tanja Možina and Jasmina Orešnik Cunja, SIAE Coordinator: Darijan Novak, SIAE Camera, Directed and Edited by: Jure Plešec, Oblikovalnik Partners: Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre, Črnomelj Institute for Education and Culture, Ajdovščina Adult Education Centre and others; see title page >> Length: 27:18 Available at: In the video There are opportunities we present examples of cooperation and partnership between numerous interested stakeholders in three local environments, specifically Ajdovščina, Črnomelj and Murska Sobota. Cooperating organisations tell of the design, preparation and pilot runs of three new training programmes for unemployed persons created in 2010 and 2011 in the project Development of Quality Educational Provision for the Unemployed in Selected Regions. The project was headed by the SIAE, and was made possible with finance from the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The placing of the new programmes in the local environment began in 2012 with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The core of the approach is a model of partnership between all major stakeholders (units of the Employment Service, development agencies, companies, educational and other organisations etc.) in determining needs and in developing and placing new education programmes. In addition to showing the fundamental approach in designing and preparing new programmes, the video There are opportunities shows the experiences of those in charge of placing the programmes, and the frank stories of the first participants in these programmes. The film gives a realistic presentation of the situation of unemployed persons when they lose their jobs, while it maintains the authenticity and dignity of the programme participants who share their stories in the film. At the end of the film, the participants provide messages that address other unemployed persons, and with a great deal of optimism they show the possible ways out of their situation. Jasmina Orešnik Cunja, SIAE Handmade stories. Rural areas as an opportunity for the development of basic skills and key competences Theme: providing opportunities for adults to develop basic skills, knowledge and literacy; enabling intergenerational cooperation and partnerships at local level; assuring quality of AE supply and other services; see leaflet >> Programme: Usposabljanje za življenjsko uspešnost – Izzivi podeželja (Training for Success in Life – Challenges of the Countryside programme); more >> Experts: Estera Možina, MA, and Manuel Kuran, SIAE Coordinator: Ajda Turk, external collaborator of SIAE Camera, Directed and Edited by: Jure Plešec, Oblikovalnik Partners: Posočje Development Centre (Almira Pirih, MA, Patricija Rejec), and others; see title page >> Length: 21:24 Available at: D:\NevenkaK\DOKUMENTI\Fotografije\Naslovnice\Stkane_zgodbe-dvd.jpg In the video Handmade stories we present an example of good practice from the Posočje region in implementing the Training for Success in Life – Challenges of the Countryside programme. Slovenia’s rural areas face numerous developmental challenges, which offer local residents new developmental opportunities, while also raising the danger of their marginalisation and loss of identity. With the design of this programme the SIAE offered adults living in rural areas the chance, based on an in-depth knowledge of the local environment and on discovering their own abilities, to strengthen their own fundamental capacities and knowledge to fulfil enterprising ideas and supplementary activities in rural areas. The programme is being implemented in various locations in the Upper Posočje region. In that area the Posočje Development Centre represents a model for a very successfully implemented programme in the local environment. In the video we present an example of how the programme has been implemented in recent years in the municipalities of Tolmin, Kobarid and Bovec. A key to success is the cooperation and connecting of teachers, cultural, educational, administrative and developmental institutions and above all of the participants in these education programmes. Each programme carried out is a story unto itself, woven from the knowledge and experience of the participants. The stories that motivated and linked participants and teachers in an individual programme went beyond the classroom walls found a path from raw material to product and crop. They are happy to transfer their knowledge to the younger generation. Ajda Turk, external collaborator of SIAE Guidance for learning. Educational guidance support for adults Theme: providing versatile and accessible information and guidance systems as well as validation and accreditation of non-formal and informal learning; see leaflet >> Activity: Information and guidance in adult education – IGAE; more >> Experts: Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, MA, and Andreja Dobrovoljc, MA, SIAE Coordinator: Darijan Novak, SIAE Camera, Directed and Edited by: Jure Plešec, Oblikovalnik Partners: Novo mesto Adult Education Centre, Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre, Velenje Adult Education Centre, and others; see title page >> Length: 22:52 Available at: In the video Guidance for learning we present work in the project Information and Guidance in Adult Education (IGAE), the network of 14 Slovenian guidance centres and the guidance providers at those centres. In the video we captured the opinions of those in charge of the project at the SIAE, guidance providers in Murska Sobota, Novo mesto and Velenje, their colleagues in local environments and the users of their services. The film can be seen in its entirety, but is also divided into individual thematic sections, since it can be viewed on a modular basis. Along with the introduction and conclusion, it offers a range of information on guidance in adult education in general, about guidance before, during and after education and about validation of non-formal education. Darijan Novak, SIAE Preparations for a fourth film about learning in the community Based on the definition of a learning community presented below, we intended the fourth video publication to present learning in the community. Through this film, which will be based on some examples from the treasury of recipients of awards for promoting adult learning and knowledge, we wish to promote various aspects of this type of learning. We will shed light on the importance of the individual and the role of the group and wider community for quality of life and (self-) development. We will focus on young unemployed people, immigrants, older people and community learning mentors and animators. Their stories are tied to the communities in which they live and work. People are involved in events in the local environment, and they either integrate successfully into it or contribute to its economic, cultural and sustainable growth. We will emphasise the following areas: the importance of learning in the community for vulnerable groups and the role of a learning community, with stress on social inclusion (cohesion), ecology, sustainable development, self-sufficiency and cultural heritage. We will collect statements from individuals who provide initiatives in communities for their growth. Their statements will illustrate both the importance of the individual for the community and the importance of the community for social cohesion and the development of individuals, groups of people with special needs and local communities. We went into the field in October 2013 and recorded statements in three locations. We put together a final screenplay, which is the basis for the final edited video with the title Hand in hand. Learning in the community for the personal and common good. It will be available in March 2014 on the project website. Slavica Borka Kucler and Ajda Turk, external collaborators of SIAE Learning together We also called the LP the “days of learning communities”, since it reflects the link and cooperation in the local area with the intention of acquiring knowledge and skills. One of the project tasks is to define the concept of the learning community. We took a research approach to it, analysing the literature and examples of the learning community in Slovenia, selected from SIAE award recipients. Defining a learning community You can read about details of the research background, which includes an analysis of three examples, two of which are examples of mixed communities and one an example of a special interest community, on the website. Here we summarise the essence. The term learning community is composed of the noun community and the adjective learning. So the emphasis is on community, and it is therefore appropriate to adopt a definition of the nature of the community (links between members of the community, two-way flow between them, common identity). There is a significant difference between group and community, and it is determined by time. For now we cannot precisely define the time frame, but there is a clear association with several generations, since we identified this in the actual name of one of our examples. Equally, we cannot define the size of the community, although examples indicate a size of up to 1,500 people. The definition of a community, and more so its interpretation, emphasise the links between people in the community and the dynamic of change in the community through outside influences (for instance people moving away or moving in, information and interpretations provided by the media) or internal influences (age-related needs, possibilities and expectations, changes to the internal structure of the community owing to reduced birth rate and so on). The intent of the project steers us solely to those communities that contain a learning dynamic, in other words an impulse in the form of a conflict between the individual’s interpretation of his experience and the interpretation of the same experience that prevails in his local environment. Based on this background we propose for the EAAL project the following working definition of a learning community. Working definition: A learning community is people linked to each other for a relatively long time, and among whom personal contacts have led to the development of special mutual relations in which all the people influence the decisions and rules of how the community functions. Through learning, involving informal, non-formal and formal approaches (e.g. when socialising or in school), the community finds self-fulfilment and preserves its common identity across generations. The identity of the community includes the economic aspect (economy of functioning) and non-economic aspect (solidarity, volunteering, community symbols), which must be balanced, since only in this way can responsibility to the community and to resources for its survival can be fulfilled. The common identity includes both the community past (e.g. historical memory) and its orientation to the future (common vision). Dr Nevenka Bogataj and Mateja Pečar, SIAE E-corner Another accompanying project activity concerns the collection and publication of information on adult learning and education, supported by modern information and communication technologies. Promoting creative learning environments falls within the fourth priority of the EAAL, and its aim is to ensure broader access to education and flexible provision of services, which should also reach new target groups. Collection of information on e-education and learning We developed the e-corner with the aim of providing for various target groups systematically arranged and updated information on e-education as well as on substantively linked topics. More recently such topics have included the topical massive open on-line courses (MOOCs). The e-corner is aimed at teachers, tutors, experts for the requirements of developmental and research work, management staff in educational organisations, organisers and advisers in adult education, participants in e-education programmes and all those who are interested in modern forms of education. With the aim of including relevant web links in the area of e-education in the e-corner, we have regularly monitored news from international organisations concerning e-education and distance learning. We have also regularly browsed the news on e-magazines and websites dealing with e-education and the use of modern ICTs in education. We subscribed to these sites via e-mail or Facebook. We made a selection of received information (the content of web links, including YouTube clips) and placed them in the database of web links for the e-corner. Up to the end of 2013 a total of 295 web links had been entered and published on the e-corner. They are presented by different thematic groups and subgroups, such as: knowledge resources and web portals, international organisations, e-magazines, e-publications, glossaries and dictionaries, conferences, theoretical aspects, management, strategic aspects, business plan, economic aspects, quality, technological aspects, freely open education resources (OERs) and massive open on-line courses (MOOCs), strategic and legal documents and interesting SIAE links. These links include the link to the SIAE multimedia site and to the range of e-education programmes and distance learning in Slovenian adult education. Due to limited funding, for the moment the e-corner enables searching for desired web information and contacting the SIAE staff member who wrote this article. Margerita Zagmajster, MSc, SIAE Closing remarks The successfulness of the LP 2013 surpassed our expectations by far. A similar breakthrough and joining of forces is envisaged in 2014. The second implementation of the LP will take place in other seven locations throughout the country. However, some of the LP 2013 coordinators will continue to organise a LP in accordance with their abilities. The Learning Parade 2013 was promoted at the annual AE gathering The Annual Adult Education Conference has for the second time in succession been an opportunity to promote the project. In 2012 we presented the purpose of the project and its content just briefly, but in 2013 all the LP coordinators appeared at the Conference and gave inspiring testimony. It has turned out that the general design of the LP as developed by the SIAE has been adapted by each coordinator to the needs and different circumstances of the individual local community. This served to create a mosaic of colourful and well-received events that drew national and local policy makers, numerous providers of adult education and lifelong learning, those in charge of cultural, social and sustainably oriented coexistence in individual locations, learners, random passers-by, the media and many others. Old and young came together at the venues. We also presented the dimensions of the LP at the Annual Conference using a joint photo-mosaic, which showed to great effect the colours, faces, venues and more. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the lead institutions of the LP 2013, the coordinators and all their associates, numerous partner institutions, groups and individuals, as well as representatives of the media who contributed to the success, colourfulness and reach of the events. Our thanks go also to those that provided funding – the European Commission, DG Education and Culture, and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, as well as the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The LP met with receptive responses among decision-makers on the local and national levels. In their speeches they confirmed the importance of adult education and intergenerational learning in the community. They also highlighted the importance of the LP coordinators and their partners for the development of the local community, and the role of the SIAE was noted, too. LP 2014 is in the planning stage Like its predecessor, the LP 2014 will be tightly linked with the Slovenian Lifelong Learning Week 2014. The national LLW opening, which is the official start of the learning festival, will take place on 9 May. In the following week, i.e. between 12 and 18 May the Learning Parade – days of learning communities will take place at seven different venues across Slovenia. Current information on both projects are available on websites and Join us! Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, and the project team, SIAE