Št. 3. / 2015 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning £ wo M LU ca Olga loannou: SINERGIJE ARHITEKTURNEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA PREK SPLETA IN V UČILNICI - PREOBLIKOVANJE PROGRAMA IN UČENCA ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION ONLINE AND IN-CLASS SYNERGIES: RESHAPING THE COURSE AND THE LEARNER 10.15292/IU-CG.2015.03.030-037 I UDK:72.01:378 I 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek / Scientific Article I SUBMITTED: June 2015 / REVISED: September 2015 / PUBLISHED: October 2015 ČLANEK RAZPRAVA DISCUSSION RECENZIJA REVIEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOP NATEČAJ IZVLEČEK Tradicionalno se arhitekturni programi načrtujejo v kontekstu fizične učilnice, kjer je neomajni pogoj za učenje neposredni odnos med učenci in učiteljem. Toda ta model učenja je nastal v času, ko tehnologija še ni vplivala na učenje. V arhitekturno prakso so digitalni mediji že prodrli, v arhitekturno izobraževanje pa še ne. Avtorica navaja, da vključevanje spletnih izobraževalnih praks v arhitekturne učne načrte koristno vpliva na izobraževanje na področju oblikovanja, saj veča medsebojno sodelovanje in zagotavlja, da študentje prevzemajo odgovornost za učenje. Za ponazoritev koristi sinergije arhitekturnega izobraževanja prek spleta in v učilnici smo pripravili mešani program na podiplomskem študiju nacionalne tehnične univerze atenske šole za arhitekturo. Skrbno smo preučili sodobne trende spletnega učenja v zvezi z njihovo združljivostjo s kulturo arhitekturnega oblikovanja v smislu »učenja skozi prakso«. Program je bil pripravljen v skladu s temeljnimi načeli konektivističnega modela, kjer je učenje povezano z zmožnostjo oblikovati omrežja povezav in se po njih pomikati (Downes, 2012). Ta pristop smo uporabili zaradi podobnosti s prakso oblikovanja, kjer morajo študentje iskati kritične povezave za ugotavljanje prostorskih pojavov in rekonstrukcijo realnosti. Vsebina programa je bila preoblikovana tako, da ustreza novemu mediju. Študentje so imeli na voljo več poti za komuniciranje. K vsebini so lahko tudi sami prispevali. Analiza podatkov je pokazala, da raven sodelovanja, izmenjava in zadovoljstvo študentov še nikoli niso bili tako visoki, kar so pokazale tudi ankete, ki so bile izvedene po koncu izvajanja programa. ABSTRACT Architectural courses have been traditionally planned in the context of a physical classroom where the direct rapport of the students with the instructor is an unswerving condition for learning. This model was formed, however, at a time when learning was not impacted by technology. Although digital media have infiltrated architectural practice, they still elude architectural design education. The author argues that the integration of online educational practices in architectural curricula can benefit design education immensely by raising interaction and making students assume responsibility for their learning. To demonstrate the gains of online and in-class synergy in architectural education a blended course was set up at the postgraduate program of the National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture. Current trends of online learning were carefully examined in regard to their compatibility with the architectural design culture of "learning by doing". The course was eventually founded on the core principles of the connectivist model where learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse networks of connections (Downes, 2012). This approach was chosen because of its affinity to the design praxis where similarly students are required to make critical connections in order to map spatial phenomena and reconstruct the real. Course content was redesigned to comply with its new medium. Students were offered multiple channels of communication. They were also asked to contribute to the content material. Course data analysis demonstrated an unprecedented level of participation, exchange and student satisfaction as expressed in the surveys that followed the course's completion. KLJUČNE BESEDE arhitekturni seminar, mešani programi, teorija konektivističnega modela, spletna orodja za učenje KEY-WORDS architectural design studio, blended courses, connectivist theory, online learning tools, student interaction 30 Olga loannou: SINERGIJE ARHITEKTURNEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA PREK SPLETA IN V UČILNICI - PREOBLIKOVANJE PROGRAMA IN UČENCA, 30-37(148) IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No. 3. / 2015 1. INTRODUCTION - THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Contemporary approaches in higher education often involve the integration of online tools. From Open Distant Learning (ODL) to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) there has been an outbreak of new technology used to overcome the temporal and spatial vehicles of distant learning (Hollands & Tirthali, 2014; Barber, Donnely, Rizvi, 2013; Daniel, 2012, Comier & Siemens, 2010). Tools used for e-learning practices are also currently being tried in more flexible blended learning environments where the in-class sessions are supported by online features (Griffiths, 2013; Norton, 2013). The level of collaboration between the two mediums varies according to the objectives of each course. In architectural curricula the incorporation of online tools of learning has been scarce so far (Bender, 2005). In most cases, the online presence of an architectural course simply reflects its in-class development (flipped classroom mode). The design studio in particular, the backbone of architectural education, is deeply rooted in the physical co-presence and interaction of professors and students and that is a habit that has resisted change. So far some isolated examples have been registered such as Susan Yee's MIT successful attempts coordination to form interdisciplinary and transcontinental synergies between architectural Institutions. Technology was used to support the social character of learning by bringing together people from different cultures. (Yee, 2001) Or the more recent venture of Petar Arsic's Design Studio at the Faculty of Architecture of Belgrade University. Here, the course's online aspect was mostly oriented to supporting the studio as it is, by incorporating MOODLE features and profiting from its repository character (Devetakovic et al. 2011). During the research, one theory in particular stood out because of its resemblance to the general framework of the predominant architectural pedagogy: the connectivist theory. In this model of self directed learning the major activities involve: aggregation, relation, creation and sharing (Kop, 2011). Likewise, the students of architecture are expected to collect information and reflect upon this material in order to eventually create something of their own. The outcomes of this mental or cognitive process are consecutively shared between classmates and often discussed openly between the network of professors and students (Salama, 2015). This is an affinity that was worth looking into. The course redesign was founded on the connectivist model of education. This paper examines the process of the course redesign and assesses the outcomes of its implementation. It starts by describing the objectives that led to the decision of using online tolls of learning. Then it follows the changes made to the course's components: its content, its layout, the additional features that were used and its new deliverables. It continues by presenting student ratings and their evaluation of the redesigned format. In the final section, the author assesses student performance in regard to the course reform. 2. THE EXISTING COURSE - COURSE REDESIGN OBJECTIVES The original course of "New Fields of Design and Construction"1 had been 1 For more information: https://www.arch.ntua.gr/en/node/H47 (official page of the course on the University's website) formed by joining two distinct yet complementary units of content. The first part of the course examined Urban Homoeostatic Clusters (UHC). It presented students with a series of city mapping techniques and then illustrated ways of managing the data retrieved to shape integral strategies for urban interventions. Course content was based on a wide range of the most recent PhD dissertations and undergoing postgraduate research which dealt with ways of reading the city phenomena. The second part of the course had been based on the Urban Ecosystems of Innovation (UEI) and in particular the collection and management of urban data with the aim of forming digital networks and helping make a city smarter. The course was originally held only in-class. Each week a new mapping tool was presented during a three-hour session along with examples of its application. Interaction with the students, however, was problematic. At the end of each presentation, students were given little time to ask questions and comment on the subject discussed that day. It was only at the end of the semester that students were asked to actively engage by using one or more mapping tools to read a specific urban area in Athens. What is more, students worked alone for their projects. Grading depended mostly on the performance of the students on their individual assignments. The redesign of the course was primarily conceived as a way of dealing with the course's intrinsic weaknesses. As in-class sessions were mostly devoted to presentations, students did not have enough time to familiarize themselves with the course content. They were often overwhelmed by the quantity of the information. Class discussions were short, awkward and rarely exhaustive. Course duration needed to be increased, preferably without shrinking the content. Switching to an online environment for the transmission of content material offered a way out of this impasse. The task that was eventually undertaken, however, did not solely involve the accommodation of the content in a digital online environment. The course redesign sought to find a way to increase the interaction between the parties involved in the process. Its revised version aspired to create a learning environment as indicated by the connectivist model where "knowledge is not transferred from educator to learner and where learning does not take place in a single environment; instead, it is distributed across the Web, and people's engagement with it constitutes learning" (Kop, 2011b). All this led to the creation of a hybrid course that called for an extended participation of all parties in multiple learning environments. In this new setting the focus lay on the students as a learning community. Students were no longer considered as simple receivers of information; they became active agents in the process of creating knowledge by assuming responsibility for their learning. 3.0 COURSE REDESIGN 3.1 Content It was decided from the start that the course content would be uploaded online prior to each in-class meeting as a prerequisite for the students' in- _ 31 OgOarnoU3NEFGlJEARHT3- Cû £ o ČLANEK DISCUSSION RECENZIJA REVIEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOP NATEČAJ Versal was chosen for its simplicity and the easiness of use both for the attending students and the contributing teachers. Most free online platforms have a rather commercial profile that did not suit the one of an academic classroom8.Therefore, while other systems available online guaranteed more insights and a considerable variety of analytics, the final decision was based on how the platform could fit in the requirements the team had set and not vice versa. (Fig. 04) 3.5 Deliverables A design project was assigned to the students in a three-day workshop at the end of the tutorials. The students were encouraged to use one or more mapping tools of the course content to read an area indicated to them. The area selected for this semester was the highway overpass between Egaleo and Ela-ionas in the Western part of Athens. They were then asked to use this data to propose a strategy for intervention in the area. One of the course's outcomes was the representations, verbal and visual, of their endeavours. The intention was to isolate the design workload of the program in a condensed creative and interactive experience.Therefore, the students shared their mapping outcomes in intermediate mini presentations throughout the workshop and their findings were openly discussed and analyzed by them all. At the end of the three-day session each student presented an autonomous personal approach to mapping and proposed a strategy of intervention that enhanced a certain aspect of the area they were able to map and evaluate. The results of the students'work were presented in full in-class on the last day of the course. 8 For more information on free platforms visit: Reviews of eLearning Platforms, Tool s & Software for Teacher & Coaching, http/Zbestelearnlngplatformszom/sofiware-tooTrevlews. Accessed 09 June, 2015. versal METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS OF ANALYSIS FOR CHEATING STRATÉGIES OF INTEGRAL URBAN INTERVENTIONS W1 U1.0 - EicraywYn H koivwvikjí opYávuícrri Tou x^pou Course constitution Week Oner Space Syntax WlUi ,0 - Ewwiiyfl. H *QN, . WtUl.l - Ano ni rcwueTf>ci ' ' ■ WíUZ.O- AvomnpccoTiJooç WÍU2.1 -B46eç-ZiMciKTiK„, WtU3,Q - úiüOtt/úííTH «Olli,,,, WÍU4.0 - Éwwvdríi«>0n oa.., W1U5,0 - EuAflntômiQ, HAc.,. WÎU6.0 - nairttöwija TOW... W1U7,Q - napÄtofti« CTIM... WtU8,0-EnítoVG< MAÖHMA; [TAPONA riEAIA EXEAIAIMOY - KAWKEÏHÏ Ab!,a$ icXaSwt ^taptnj iiita^T), j^açacVt cîtoît}. ^tspucoi avu^Erianoi, k1vt|otl Šioori, koivVi m i O Elirtrp-KT|| H tfHWMWtï^ *J>?É%*tM| t»» Tail, cbš avoçuiÇjsiLm. Hjïvvii ZnnipavJuikTi «m ctjun SifidicTopa^ niç EjpW|i; ApJUEtiiviav tov FMTT Avntiftyei* «mfc m-; «05«|idi a^ StaX^sav RV« rç Pewpto SpK* Syniû» (OTx4(i>¥Mt »ai iî- Cû £ o ning.The synergy of digitized online material and in-class live discussions promoted individuality and encouraged interaction. The students'responsibilities were raised and so was the level of their interference with the course content in total.Their high reception and appraisal for this course is expressed in the high ranking that was depicted in the surveys following the course's completion. Student performance has also been improved and their attendance rates have doubled.The analytics provided by their monitoring showed -beside their extremely diverse learning paths- a consistent attendance rate throughout the duration of the course. Their contributions in the live discussions and their numerous contributions through their blog posts reveal their immense need to express themselves through more channels than the traditional ones. This emergent type of learner matches the model set by architectural pedagogy according to which the designer is someone who seeks connections and relates collected bits of information to map and reconstruct the real. The self directed learner is in fact already the designer of his/her own learning path.Therefore, architectural courses and the design studio courses in particular, face a growing challenge of incorporating new technology. REFERENCES Barber, M., Donnely, K., Rizvi, S., (2013). An avalanche is coming, Institute for Public Policy Research, London UK. Bender, D., (2005). Developing a Collaborative Multidisciplinary Online Design Course,The Journal of Educators Online, Volume 2, Number 2, July 2005. Cornier, D., Siemens, G., (2010).Through the Open Door: Open Courses as Research, Learning, and Engagement, Educause Review, vol. 45, no. 4 {My/Amti),hnp:/M.educauseedu/anides/2010/8Ahrough-the-operi-door-open