Fig. 2.14: The 1961-90 period discharge map (mm). 2.4. GEOMORPHOLOGIC REVIEW OF TRNOVSKO-BANJŠKA PLANOTA (P. HABIČ) 2.4.1. General orographic-hypsographic properties Among the valleys of the Soča, Idrijca, Pivka and Vipava rivers in western Slovenia lies a mountain ridge of the High Karst, called Trnovsko-Banjška Planota and sometimes Trnovski Gozd for short. Tlie north-western part of the High Karst comprises a scries of morphologically rounded units called, from the Soča valley towards Pivka or Postojna basin in the south-east, as Banjšice, Trnovski Gozd, Križna Gora, Javornik, Crnovška Planota, Hrušiea and Nanos. Most of this entirely karst surface reaches altitudes between 800 to 1200 m; there are some dry valley incised in it and also some wider depressions, and at its border the surface is slightly lower. Only single peaks in a central ridge of Trnovski Gozd reach more than 1200 m a.s.l.; the highest of these is Veliki Golak (1495 m), in Javornik the highest is Srednja Gora (1275 m) and on Nanos it is Suhi Vrh (1313 m); the Črnovrška Planota hes mostly at altitudes between 600 and 800 m, and the same may be said for the western border of Banjšice; the lowest is its southern border where the bottom of a margin karst polje near Grgar lies between 285 to 300 m a.s.l (Fig. 2.4.1). On the border of the High Karst the relatively narrow Soča valley is cut the deepest; near Gorica where it broadens to the Gorica Plain it lies at about 50 m a.s.l., but only 30 km upstream at the confluence with the Idrijca near Fig. 2.4.1: The orographic units of the High Karst in western Slovenia. Most na Soči it is 150 m a.s.l. The Idrijca valley rises for about 400 m up to the confluence with the Belca which is deeply cut in the northern border of Trnovski Gozd. The watershed between the valleys of the Belca and Trebuša, in the NE side of Trnovski Gozd lies about 1050 m high; the Trebuša flows into the Idrijca at 190 m a.s.l. Both valleys are relatively narrow, the slopes in the southern side of the highest part of Trnovski Gozd being higher and steeper, sometimes even vertical. Even more deeply downcut is the Vipava valley on the southern side which rises from its confluence with the Soča at 30 m a.s.l. up to the Vipava spring below the western slopes of Nanos at only 100 m a.s.l.; along its tributary Močivnik the watershed with the Pivka near Razdrto hes at 595 m a.s.l. The valley of Vipava is in fact a low undulating surface on Eocene flysch between the Trieste-Komen Karst in the south and the High Karst in the north. Its valley bottom is relatively narrow, except between Vipava and Ajdovščina. The contrast between the low flysch hiUs in the north and the steep and sometimes even subvertical slopes of the High Karst is a remarkable sight. Limestone overthrusted on flysch is exposed to intensive mechanical weathering and breakdown; therefore tectonic breccias, debris and breakdown blocks are accumulated at the foot. The south-eastern karst border of the western High Karst comprises the valleys of the Nanoščica in a flysch part of the Postojna basin, from 510 to 600 m high, and a gap (Postojnska Vrata) between Hrušica and the Javorniki -Snežnik Mountains, between 600 and 750 m a.s.l.; further on there is the karst polje of Planina and a part of Notranjsko, or Hotenjsko Podolje between Logaško Polje and the valley of the Zala stream which flows near Podroteja into the Idrijca. Notranjsko Podolje at Planinsko Polje lies at about 450 m, but elsewhere the elevations between 500 and 650 m prevail. In the region between Kalce, Hotedršica and Godovič there is a karst plain up to two km wide in the Idrija fault zone. On its southern side it is bounded by the 300 m high steep edge of Hrušica and Javornik and on its northern side by Rovtarsko Zibrška Planota. To the east of Trnovski Gozd and Križna Gora the High Karst abruptly lowers to Črnovško Zadlaška Planota, up to 5 km wide, which forms the higher and broader part of Hotenjsko Podolje. The studied part of the High Karst is composed of Cretaceous and Jurassic limestones and Upper Triassic dolomites that belong to the Trnovsko Hrušiški nappe within a thrust structure of western Slovenia. The carbonate rocks are thrust over the layers of Eocene flysch and over-thrusted blocks are fractured and tectonically displaced along longitudinal Dinaric and transverse faults (see chapter 2.6). The western part of the High Karst in the region between the Idrijca and Vipava rivers is from 10 to 15 km wide as an uniform block of karstified limestones and dolomites; between the Soča and Pivka rivers it is about 50 km long and covers roughly 700 km^ of karst surface which is prac- tically from all the sides bounded by lower fluvial areas. Flysch rocks encompass karstified limestones as a partial or complete hydrogeological barrier on the west, south and east. On Banjšice to the west of the High Karst flysch is preserved as a thin cover over karstified limestones and in some places the karstified base outcrops; however it mostly acts as a hanging hydrogeological barrier underlain by a typical karst circulation. In the north the High Karst is surrounded by impermeable Middle and Lower Triassic but also Permian and Carboniferous rocks. The river Idrijca and its tributaries the Belca, Zala, Ka-nomlja, Hotenja and Trebuša incised their superficial beds in them. Taking into account the trend of the Idrijca headwater valleys and also corresponding hypsographic conditions we may assume that the Idrijca, Belca, Nikova and Kanomlja once flowed towards the south-east over Črnovrška Planota and by Hotenjsko Podolje into the formerly superficial Ljubljanica (MELIK 1963). It is supposed that river piracy in impermeable rocks around Idrija and karstification in the Ljubljanica riverbed contributed to diversion of the Idrijca headwaters into the Soča. GORENJE S. A e.'^ 7.» 8.0 Fig. 2.4.2: The sinking streams and caves near Predjama. Legend: 1 - overthmst, 2 - cave passage, 3 - sinking stream, 4 - Adriatic-Blacl Fig. 2.4.5: Morphographic section through High Karst between Vipava valley and vale of Hotedrščica. 1 the base of Trnovo nappe. Smaller karst depressions developed in three hort belts in Gornje and Dolnje Lome and near Podjesen where the superfi-ial waters from nearby flysch disappear. In older phases the flyseh waters ontributed to the formation of the karst plain in limestones at the border of olomite. But karstified limestones in a flysch basement shortened their uperfieial flow. The north-eastern part of Črnovrška Planota is formed in cetaceous limestones as a doline-like plain. The superficial waters from the resent Idrijea and Belca headwaters probably contributed to its former lanation when they had flowed superficially south-eastwards and helped to evelop Hotenjsko Podolje in the Idrija fault zone along the northern border f Hrušica (Fig. 2.4.5). .4.2.4. Nanos with Hrušica and Zagora and the northern border of tie Pivka basin In the series of the High Karst morphological units of western Slovenia; lanos Mt. takes a special place due to its wide ridge and background deep in Irušiea and Zagora. This speciality derives from its geological structure with lick beds of carbonate rocks, in particular Cretaceous and Jurassic limestones f the Hrušica nappe. On the southern side they are over-thrusted to the koto 3: Mt. Nanos above the village of Razdrto (Photo by P. Habič). Javornik-Snežnik thrust sheet; from the northern side they are underlain by Trnovo nappe and interjacent sliccs (PLACER 1981). In its structure and at the surface also a recumbent fold thrust over flysch is well seen; it is jagged by the Idrija and Predjama fault zones and also by interjacent faults and it is differently tcctonically displaced along them. From northern, western and southern side Nanos Mt. (Photo 3) is bounded by flysch with deeply downcut superficial flows. These streams have contributed to an important exposure of the more resistant carbonatc rocks and consequently to more abundant karstification. The High karst border of Nanos between Vipava and Pivka does not essentially differ from a similar one on Trnovski Gozd, but more important morphological differences appear in southern and eastern border. Nanos itself is about 12 km long and about 7 km wide, and forms together with Hrušica, the uninterrupted karst plateau between Vipavska Dohna and Hotenjsko Podolje of more than 15 km. Nanos is highest on the north-eastern side, where its peak Suhi Vrh reaches 1313 m. It is relatively high on the eastern side also; Debeli Hrib is 1209 m high and in-between is a sort of plain with cones and valleys between 1000 and 1100 m a.s.l. The distribution of cones, dry valleys and ouvalas in this part of Nanos is controlled by the structure of the rock basement and also by long-lasting karstification which is typical of the highest parts of Trnovski Gozd, Nanos and Hrušica. In this part there are most caves and shafts, among them Slapenski Ledenik and Strmadna (HABIČ 1963). Westwards Nanos lowers in relief steps to a margin ledge similar to the one met at Voglarska Planota and Otlica; this one on Nanos is also between 800 to 900 m. This ledge is cut by a precipitous edge above Vipavska Dolina; parallel to it two dry valleys developed, called Ravnik and Lipe. The last one is deepened in its NANOS NW SE Debeli hrib Slapenski ledenik Suhi vrh VIPAVA PraslovecORLOVŠE : V. Tržki ledenik Debeli vrti ; PIVKA Bpla LIPE RAVNIK I Strmadna UBELJSKO ŠEMBIJSKA BAJTA 1288 ''Ü® Fig. 2.4.6: Longitudinal section of the Nanos plateau. upper part by the elongated ouvala of Sembije; towards the north-west it remains hanging, as at Ravnik, above the semi-circular border between the Vipava and Bela valley near Vrhpolje. The ledges on this slope of Nanos are structurally controlled and partly associated with gradual downcutting of the Bela stream into flysch between Vipava and Col. The intensive entrenchment of the Bela valley was enabled by tectonic subsidence of Vipavska Dolina between Vipava and Ajdovščina. Near Vipava the flysch barrier at the foot of Nanos had been eroded below the present valley's bottom. The subsided part of the valley was partly filled up by Quaternary sediments which dammed the runoff of karst waters from Nanos and thus caused the delta-like distribution of the Vipava springs (Fig. 2.4.6). The flysch cover of Nanos extends in the western, southern and southeastern part from Vipava, where it is below 100 m, to the border below Pleša (1262 m) where it reaches near Razdrto the height of about 800 m and near Sv. Brie below Suhi Vrh 1000 m. Below the precipitous wall called Rjava Stena above Strane it lowers to about 800 m and still more in a direction towards Stranske Ponikve and further on towards Predjama. In this part a flysch base is relatively lower, concordantly to Hrušica in the east from the Predjama fault. Also the steep eastern slope of Nanos corresponds to tectonically relatively uplifted block. Thus Hrušica starts on the western side by Črnjavsko Podolje which is deepened at the foot of uplifted Nanos in the Predjama fault zone and remains hanging from a pass above the recent valley of the Bela near Podkraj towards Pivka basin. There the plain opens widely into a margin karst ledge called Podgora between Šmihel, Predjama and Studeno at the altitudes from 600 to 650 m. In fact it is a pediment shelf in the southern thrust edge of Hrušica. Above Predjama and Bukovje the steep slope of Hrušica reaches the altitudes slightly above 800 m, above Studeno and Strmica up to 1000 m. The higher eastern part belongs to tectonically uphfted Planinska Gora and Zagora which are separated from the lower Hrušica by a dry valley between Gorenje near Bukovje and Laniše near Kalce. To the south and east Zagora is bounded by a steep slope above Planinsko Polje and plain between Grčarevec and Kalce. Hrušica in a narrow sense of meaning is a sort of triangular inlier of karst surface between southern border of Trnovski Gozd and the northern part of the Pivka basin. To the east of Streliški Vrh (1265 m) and Javornik (1240 m) there is a karst ledge overlying the limestones of Hrušica nappe at about 1100 m; the next, lower, step surrounds Javornik from Nadrti above Hotenjsko Podolje to Podkraj above the Bela valley, about 900 m high. South from the road Kalce - Podkraj the lower, central, part of Hrušica continues along 150 m high slope in a south-west - north-east direction at altitudes from 800 to 900 m (Fig. 2.4.7). On the extreme southern border of Hrušica at the contact with flysch the Pivka basin is located. This part of the basin is an morphologically and H R U Š I C A Otavnik V. Rogač Medvejšek HRUŠICA Jama pod Gradom 663 Fig. 2.4.7: The morphographic section through the Hrušica plateau. hydrographically interesting area with small sinking flows, from the Stranske to Šmihelske Ponikve, Lokve, Ribnik, Mrzlek and Belščica, and also the Osojščica near Belska Žaga and five swallow-holes south of Studeno. Here lies the bifurcation watershed between the Vipava and the Pivka, between the Adriatic and the Black Sea. Blind valleys of sinking streams end with hmestone walls where active influent caves developed at several levels. The largest is Jama pod Predjamskim Gradom (HABE 1970) which consists of underground passages that even reach Vipavska Jama and karst springs of the Vipava on the other side of Nanos. 2.4.3. Geomorphological Processes and Development While reviewing the relief properties of single orographic units we noticed the differences in shape and development of surface that are supposedly due to differences in exogenic, climatic and hthologically controlled geomorphological processes in impermeable rocks with prevaihng fluvio-denudation transformation on one hand and on the other hand by karstification of limestones and dolomites. An essential difference between erosional dissection and lowering of the surface on impermeable rocks and in preservation of older rehef forms at the karstified surface was shown. During long-lasting geomorphological devel- opment from the Upper Tertiary onwards, the geological setting became more and more important but so also did the differentiated tectonic dynamics. An older, levelled surface had been partly covered by fluvial sediments and later exposed by gradual tectonic uplifting to more differentiated erosional and corrosional factors. Important changes occurred in the fluvial net and also in the direction of superficial waters. On one hand the previous river net disintegrated due to karstification, and on the other hand the superficial flows changed their directions due to tectonic uphfting or relative stagnation of single parts. All these processes occurred in the active geotectonic area between the Adriatic and Southern Alps. From the hydrographic point of view the biggest changes occurred at the Adriatic-Black Sea divide. From the climatic point of view the conditions at the passage between Submediterranean and Alpine continental climate were decisive. Climatic influences were particularly strong during the Pleistocene when warmer and cooler, more dry or more humid periods alternated. The traces of glaciation in the highest parts of Trnovski Gozd are preserved, and the Soča valley glacier reached down to confluence of the Soča and Idrijca. In cool periods a major part of the High Karst was exposed to typical periglacial processes. In that time also karstified limestones and dolomites suffered intensive mechanical weathering. This is evidenced by huge scree cones remaining, now covered by vegetation, at the foot of the karst border above Vipavska Dolina and also in headwater gulhes and gorges in the northern side of Trnovski Gozd. Periglacial and glacial debris had also been deposited in dohnes and ouvalas on the whole plateau, especially over the less resistant flat limestones. In thick-bedded limestones corrosional deepening of dolines and ouvalas prevailed, giving them a shape of larger gently sloping dolines. These features are more frequent at altitudes above 1200 m; in lower-lying areas karstification is better expressed in fractured and broken fault zones. These features are connected by several deep shafts but also caves where snow and ice now remain during the whole year. The considerable vertical permeability of the karst underground is due to karstification in cold periods when solution reached deeper than in warmer periods when corrosion was more intensive on the surface itself. The mostly bare rocky surface on the higher parts of Trnovski Gozd (Photo 4) shows the properties of high mountainous karst. Solution flutes and karren are in some places slightly changed and weathered, but some features remained that had already developed above the upper tree limit. In the cold period this hmit was at about 600 m a.s.l. and the limit of permanent glaciation reached somewhere to altitudes between 1250 to 1300 m. When the chmate warmed, chmatic and vegetation belts rose and the present-day tree limit is at about 1450 m which is relatively low yet it is controlled by the isolation and exposure of the highest parts of Trnovski Gozd. A large amount of precipitation contributes to the intensity of recent erosion and dissolution processes in particular, as it occurs mostly in the winter half of the year and Photo 4: Karren surface round Otlica (Trnovski Gozd) (Photo by P. Habič). during the frequent summer storms with heavy rain. Intensive karstification and modest soil cover on the hmestones enable the precipitation to drain underground quickly and feed abundant karst springs at the border of the High Karst. Geomorphological processes and karst and other geomorphologic features are studied in detail in geomorphologic and speleological treatises by MELIK (1959, 1963), RADINJA (1972), GAMS (1974), HABIČ (1968, 1974, 1992) and others. 2.5. SPELEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE AREA (A. MIHEVC) There are 489 caves known and registered on the area of Trnovski Gozd and Banjšice plateau. The longest cave is the Predjama cave, the 7571 m long ponor cave of Lokva stream. The deepest caves are Velika Ledena Jama v Paradani, Jazben, Habečkov Brezen and Strmadna on Nanos plateau. There are 17 caves longer than 200 m and 18 deeper than 100 m.