Ljubljana is thè carità! of Slovenia, the mdnt enveloped of Yugoslavia's six If ed fitted republics. Marijan Rožič, Mayor of Ljubljana, was interviewed by Nebojša Tomašević, Editor in Chief of Review. INTERVIEW WITH THE mfiYOR OF UUBUfìNfì Question: What kind of a town is Ljubljana, how many inhabitants does it have, what is the national composition of its population? What about employment, educational facilities and cultural institutions? Answer: Ljubljana has 313,000 inhabitants and we do not intend to increase its population .beyond the limits of normal growth, our aim being to continuously improve the quaiity of life. Ljubljana is the economic and cultural centre of the Slovene nation and Socialist Republic of Slovenia. The active population accounts for- 64 percent of the total number of inhabitants, and as far as national composition is concerned we may rightly be considered a Yugoslavia in miniature. Members of the other nations and nationalities account for about 15 percent of Ljubljana's population but we are all completely equal in every respect. It is characteristic of present day Ljubljana that development efforts are concentrated on the economic sphere, particularly industry. There is no unemployment in Ljubljana: there is work for all. Average per capita income is in the environs of 6,000 US dollars. Full e iployment has been attained, as testified by the fact that 47 percent of the total active population are women. The number of people with unsolved housing problems is diminishing steadily, and we are also gradually overcoming the complex ecological problem^ntaile^^ndustdar^ growth, while concurrently strengthening popular awareness of the need to conserve Nature and improve the human environment. Education is accessible to all while elementary education is obligatory. There are 40 specialized and research institutes, a University with 20.000 students and the Slovene Academy of Science and Art. The Ljubljana Clinical Centre is a medical institution of the highest order. Industry, diligence and efficiency are typical traits of the townsfolk, while a lively cultural, creative activity and sustained rise in the standard of living are distinctive features of contemporary Ljubljana. Question: Ljubljana undoubtedly also has its problems, //hat are the problems facing the City Assembly and its population? Answer: Rapid development inevitably entails problems, difficulties and a certain degree of opposition. We are not quite satisfied with the rate of economic development, particularly in qualitative terms. We are endeavouring to assure a more vigorous production increase in keeping with international productivity standards and thus enable a more even and rapid promotion of exports. We also need to assure a more appreciable rise in employment levels. There are also the economic, cultural and scientific sphere as well as in the field of sports and light THE LJUBLJANA CLINICAL CENTRE The Clinical Centre in Ljubljana is the largest institution of its kind in Slovenia, and one of the most modern centres for comprehensive medical care in Europe. The Centre, comprising several institutions located in Ljubljana and its environs, is organized in 32 basic units. Equipped with the most up-to-da e medical appliances and apparatus, it extends specialist, out-patient and hospital service to the citizens of Ljubljana and the whole of Slovenia. It also provides facilities for practical tuition to the Faculty of Medicine and other medical schools and is engaged in various medical research projects. The Clinical Centre employs a staff of 6,640, of whom 3,566 are medical workers. There are 679 doctors, including 527 specialists; 171 are also on the teaching staff of the Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine. The Centre with its specialized clinics and institutes has a total of 4,200 hospital beds. Only part of its activities are carried out in the new building with 1,100 beds which was opened in 1975. There is also a new clinic for cardiovascular diseases and a surgical ward where President Tito underwent surgery. entertainmennjübl)än^^!s^n^enüe of International athletic events, congresses, various forms of inter-university cooperation etc. The offices of several international centres i.e. for the developing countries, for self-management, for the management of socially owned enterprises etc., are likewise located in Ljubljana. There are 26 museums, 12 art galleries, 9 theatres and many other cultural institutions. The International Biennial of Modern Graphic Art has won world wide affirmation. The Ljubljana Ohcet (Wedding), an international event inspired by popular tradition, is organized every year at the beginning of the tourist season. On this occasion a number of young couples from all parts of the world are married according to the traditional Slovene wedding customs. Question: Although surrounded by other larger, often hostile nations the small Slovene nation succeeded in preserving its national identity during a period of over 12 centuries. What can you tell us about Ljubljana in the past? Answer: History is very much' in evidence in the old part of the city, the Castle which is currently under reconstruction, the splendid collections in the Ljubljana museums. Many blank spaces in the mosaic of Ljubljana's historical development have now been filled out by the latest archeological finds and discoveries made in recent years. The recent archeological excavations TONE FORNEZZI f^l m Tone Fornezzi — Tof. The name is well known in Slovenia, one of the six federated Yugoslav republics, where they are proud of him as the possessor of qualities not considered typical of Slovenes: a highly developed sense of humour and a keen satirical wit. He is the author of many aphorisms, witty sketches and humorous anecdotes published in newspapers and periodicals, broadcast on radio and TV, and performed on many stages. With his hat perched at a rakish angle, Tof is a symbol of fun. He published a book which according to him has been sold out in advance, and founded the Metla (Broom) Cabaret in Ljubljana. Metta, which gives performances during the Ljubljana Summer Festival, not only amuses its audiences but also aims to sweep away prejudices and misconceptions, — What does humour mean to you? He was asked. — Humour is my daily bread, which is often hard to swallow. — Is it true that Slovenes have no sense of humour? — Oh they do, they do indeed, especially those with low wages who need it most. — Why is your Cabaret Metla active only in summertime? — I think it would be difficult to keep the audience warm by humour alone, as the only accommodation available is the open-air theatre. — Do you write the texts for the Cabaret yourself and how did it come into being? — I always write by myself, no one helps me nor do I help anyone. The Cabaret was set up ad hoc, the group members were assembled ad hoc, they perform ad hoc and are paid ad hoc. — Against whom are your satirical barbs directed? — Against our everyday reality, which, speaking in all seriousness, Is often so funny it seems simply ideal for satire. — What about your new book? — In keeping with the general policy of thrift and stabilization, I have decided that page 80 shall be followed immediately by page 120, and thus 9ave 40 pages. This is a book intended for multiple purposes and use. As it is a fairly slim volume, if slipped under a table leg it is pretty sure to stop the table from wobbling. — Very large imports and inadequate exports are a chronic sorepoint of Yugoslavia's economy. What is your solution? — My answer is very simple: If we are importing what we already have, we should export what we haven't got. aphorisms I've found that there l9 no difference whatsoever between the dinar and the dollar. I'm worth the same without a dinar as without a cent. The earlybird is first to hear about the latest price rise. earned out paraNe^mMh^estofation of the old urban nucleus and systematic study organized to that effect have notably broadened our insights in the history of ancient Aemona. Many remains of classical Aemona have successfully been integrated into the modern urban enclaves as a living testimonial to Ljubljana's rich historical heritage, This refers primarily to Jakopiö's Park, the archeological park on the Er|avec Road, while part of the Roman walls will be integrated in the landscape of the park gardens surrounding the Ivan Cankar Culture Club. The recently discovered archeological sites of the Alpine Slavs (10th and 11th centuries) on the Hrvatski trg square have revealed many unknown facts about the period preceding the written source (dating from 1114) in which Ljubljana is first mentioned under the German name of Laibach, the Slav name Luwiana having appeared two years later. Ljubljana acquired the status of a free city as early as in 1220 and became the capital of the Province of Carniola in the second half of the 13th century. The Slovenes constituted the majority of the population at the time and Ljubljana began developing Into a Slovene cultural centre. Many features of medieval Ljubljana have been preserved in the old city enclave dominated by the Castle situated on a hill overlooking the city. This part of Ljubljana is gradually being restored and adjusted to the requirements of modern living. Question: Ljubljana is often referred to as an "open gate" to Yugoslavia? How » many foreigners arrive every year? Answer: About 1.5 million foreign cars and over 16,000 buses with over 6 million people, mostly tourists, travel via Ljubljana every year. About 20 percent spend a few days or longer sightseeing in the city and its environs. Some people would have to take off their pants in order to show their true face. We're always asking people not to be what they are but to be what they are not. The State is withering away, yet the number of statesmen is increasing all the time. Always criticize your superiors in silence. In vino Veritas. This is why public speakers always have water on their tables. Never squander money as money tends to corrupt, particularly those who have none. You can wreak greater havoc with your tongue than with an earth-moving machine. Think twice before speaking out loud, and then say what your superiors think. Have fun and let others have theirs too. Let this be your motto: Alitor one, provided I'm the one. Better a dinar in the hand than a dollar in America. Do not put spokes in your colleague's wheels, it is to expensive. Don't be choosy about the means to become a man of means. Prove that you are worth your weight in gold at conferences. It's not worth doing so at work. (Yugoslav Review) SAMORÀSTNIKI mimiimiimiHimiiimiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiHmmi . Elwood, maj, 1980 Posvečeno avstralskim Slovencem ROBČKI SLOVESA Beli robčki v pozdrav drobna jadra daljav Beli pozdrav slovesa slana pena valov Židana rutica spomina darilo odhajajočega sina Črni klobuk upanja kako pleše valček tvojega kesa! objeta na vetru slonita oče in mati nekdo se nad žalostni rob skloni ko valčki z vetrom zašnšljajo tujina . . . tujina . . . na krivem pomolu obupa zamukajo stroji kakor domača živina daljava pahljačo sledov pušča drži ustnice zaprte pusti vrstice odprte zalivajte rožmarin odpirajte polknice slovo: odkrnjena kaplja s pročelja valov spomin: vklesan v obrazih hiS in cest upanje: vrtinec prahu za vinjenimi vogali Samo antene v vetru pozabljene nihajo: vsi naši ptiči na ?icah so se vrnili — (posamič se ptiči ne vračajo) in robčki slovesa danes niso već beli in rutice spomina niso več židanc in črni klobuki upanja, ki jih kakor berači nosijo so se obrnili z antenami v vetru, da je ves drobi?, solza popadal na kamnita tla kakor vdove Bogvc — kje otrok, ko pokrili so Se komaj zaznavne čečke tovarniškega dima in 7. dežjem spomina zdaj že modrikaste krove samotnih v nebo štrlečih hiš Danes antene v nebo pišejo nerazumljiva pisma med redkimi obiski ptic žalostno kimajo razvedrilo v neveselem kotu na razpelu čakanja, na resnice uvele v kanalih številk gumbov pozabljene kakor neplačan račun v sivi zaslon neba danes in danes je vsak dan in jutri ne pride 7. robčki z robčki spomin peša v predalih Peter Košak Predviden spored zabav in prireditev Slovenskega društva Melbourne v letu 1981 RAZSTAVA NA DOMU PRI ROMANI V avstralskih. Brdih Romana slik razstavo je imela. Od obi le je setve zadoščenja mnogo žela. Vse, v duhu, slike sem kupila, jih dolgo v srcu bom nosila. Kar pri Potresu sem začela, a veselejSe gledat sem hitela. Ko> Štanjel slika tam visi; Bog ve, če tam še "Miramont" stoji? Vse do Gorice sem hodila, na Travniku sem kavo pila. Sedaj Gorici sta kar dve, skozi Solkan se pa na sv. Goro gre. Pri sliki vodnjaka se pomudim za petdeset let se pomladim. Na Mt. Buller sneg blišči miadina tam se veseli. Prepočasi sem vse prebrala, •'kokljo s piščeti" druga je pobrala. Kar se ti dopade na prvi pogled, navadno ostane do poznih ti let. Urno zagrabi! Tvoje naj bo! Cc nočeš, da izpodlelelu -ti bo. Zavese iz vreče, kolovrat stoji, zelo je prija7.no, da vleče te k nji. V ognjišču pozimi pa ogenj gori. Je senca poleti, da por ti hladi. Bole Marcela OB SLOVESU Podali ste mi roko ob slovesu in še zadnjič zrecitirali naučene besede * » za .vami so se zaprle vrata, kot da je padla zavesa po zadnjem dejanju. * * * Ostala sem sama igralka na odru; med pisanimi trakovi svilenim papirjem in šopkom rož. SMEH Smejem se, ker sem vesela, ker sem našla rožna semena, ki so se vsula po kamnu . . . * * * Smejem se, ker so dunes prav vsi našli trenutek za pesem . . . * * # O, ko bi se lahko tako smejala vsak dan, ko bi bilo vsak dan in povsod dovolj prostora za pesem . . . Danica Petrič 14. marec: 11. aprila: 20. aprila: 2. maja: 9. maja: 13. junij: 11. julij: 8. avgust: 5. september 12. september 10. oktober: 14. november: 6. december: 12. december: 26. december: 31. december: VSTOPNICE navadno lahko rezervirate pri sledečih: Vrtna veselica — Vinska trgatev Mladinski večer Velikonočni piknik Večer naših mamic (samo za člane S.D.M.) Letni ples S.D.M. in izvolitev lepotice slovenske skupnosti Kostanjev večer Balinarski ples Večer domačih kolin Večer naših očetov (Samo za člane S.D.M.) Lovski ples Večer na vasi "Vestnikov" večer Miklavž za otroke in upokojenska božićnica Miklavževanje Štefanovanje — piknik Silvestrovanje Maks Hartman Andrew Fistrič Stanko Penca Janez Zemljlč Anica Markič SSO 4090 434 U9S 233 5670 306 9303 870 9527 Gornji program se labko po potrebah društva »premeni, zato opozarjamo, da pažljivo precitate vabila, ki vam jih S.D.M. pošilja. V slučaju, da vabil ne sprejemate nam prosimo Javite. Sporočite nam tudi naslove onih ki vabila ne sprejemajo, pa bi jih radi dobivali. ZAHVALA Iskrena zahvala vsem prijateljem in znancem, ki so se udeležili pogrebne sv. maše, katera je bila 3. dccembra 1980 zvečer v cerkvi sv. Cirila iu Metoda v Kew za našo pokojno mamo TEREZIJO HORVAT Posebej se zahvaljujemo patru Baziliju za darovano sv. mašo in tolažilne besede. Iskrena hvala za izreke sožftlja Slovenskemu Društvu Melbourne. Hčerka MARIJA, poročena CVETKO, vnuk JOHN in vnukinja SILV1JA. zet LOJZE CVETKO, Close to our heart she will always stay — loved and rembered every day.