ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 9 - 1 April 1949 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Fred Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1949 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 53 PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE RESTITUTION OF SURNAMES WHEREAS it is considered advisable to grant those who had their surname changed pursuant to R.D.L. dated IO January 1926, No. iy (as extended to Venezia Giulia by R.D. y April 192g, No. 494) an opportunity to re-establish and restore their original surnames, upon application, in that Zone oj the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE. I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE 1 RESTITUTION OF THE ORIGINAL FAMILY NAME All persons who had their surnames changed by law or upon application, pursuant to R.D.L. dated 10 January 1926, No. 17, as extended to Venezia Giulia by R.D. 7 April 1927, No. 494, may, upon application, have their original surname restored in accordance with the provisions set forth in the following Articles. ARTICLE II SUBMISSIONS OF APPLICATIONS Section I. — The application for the restitution of the original sámame shall be submitted to the Zone President. Section 2. — The application submitted by the family head shall be valid also with regard to his wife and minor children. Section 3. — There shall be attached to the application a copy of the decree by which the original surname had been changed as well as a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate showing the original form of the surname. ARTICLE III DECREE RESTORING THE SURNAME Section I. — The Zone President, after having verified the grounds of the application, shall issue a decree authorizing the restoration of the surname in its original form. Section 2. — One copy of such decree shall be forwarded to the Allied Military Government for publication in the Official Gazette ; the other shall be forwarded to the Mayor of the Commune of the applicant's residence. Section 3. — The Mayor of the Commune, after having received the copy of the decree shall provide for : a) the necessary annotations and corrections, including the proper spelling and accents marks, on the margin of the documents already inscribed in the Vital Statistics Records ; b) the annotations as per (a) above in the birth and marriage registers kept by the appropriate parish offices, in case of facts recorded prior to 1 January 1924 and inscribed only in such registers ; c) the necessary alterations in the fiscal, provincial, communal and electoral rolls ; d) all other necessary corrections, including the proper spelling and accents marks, and alterations in the records and public registers not specifically set forth in this Order. ARTICLE IV REJECTIONS OF APPLICATIONS The Zone President, whenever he has verified the non-existence of any of the conditions as required by this Order for the issue of the decree mentioned in the preceding Article, shall reject the application and inform the person concerned, in writing. In case of the rejection of his application, the applicant may appeal within 30 days after such communications to the Department of Legal Affairs of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVENESS OF DECREES ISSUED BY THE ZONE PRESIDENT The decrees concerning the restitution of the surname shall become effective on the day they are signed and dated by the Zone President. ARTICLE VI FORWARDING OF ONE OF THE LISTS TO THE OFFICE OF THE „CASELLARIO GIUDIZIALE1 Section I. — The Zone President, after having examined the applications shall forward to the appropriate office of the „Casellario Giudiziale“ a list, in which, next to each surname in the form it was prior to the presidential decree shall be inscribed the restored surname. Section 2. ■ The office of the „Casellario Giudiziale“ shall provide for the necessary alterations of the schedules. EXEMPTION FROM TAXES AND OTHER DUTIES Section I. — Applications for the restoration of surnames, documents attached thereto, the decree of the Zone President and the copies of such decree which would be necessary for the corrections or annotations provided for by this Order, shall be exempt from any taxes. Section 2. — No duties shall be asked by public officials or employees for the compilation of records concerning the procedure as set forth by this Order. ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 19th day of March 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A^gfyo Director General. Civil Affairs Order No. 54 INCREASE OF RENTS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to authorize certain increases of rents in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, 7. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs. ORDER: , ARTICLE I DWELLING HOUSES With effect from 1 May 1949 the existing legal rents and legal sub-rents of real property used for dwelling purposes may bo increased as follows : INCREASE OF RENTS FOR DWELLING PURPOSES Monthly legal rents Monthly Monthly legal rents Monthly Exceeding Not exceeding Increase Exceeding Not exceeding Increase Lire Lire Lire Lire Lire Lire 100.— 150,— 38,— 1.300,— 1.350,— 398,— 150,— 200,— 53,— 1.350,— 1.400,— 413,— 200,— 250,— 68,— 1.400,— 1.450,— 428,— 250,— 300.— 83.— 1.450,— 1.500,— 443,— 300,— 350.— 98,— 1.500,— 1.550,— 458,— 350,— 400,— 113,— 1.550,— 1.600,— 473,— 400,— 450,— 128,— 1.600.— 1.650,— 488,— 450.— 500,— 143,— 1.650,— 1.700,— 503,— 500,— 550,— 158.— 1.700,— 1.750,— 518,— 550,— 600,— 173,— 1.750,— 1.800,— 533,— 600.— 650.— 188,— 1.800,— 1.850,— 548,— 650,— 700,— 203,— 1.850,— 1.900,— 563,— 700.— 750.— 218,— 1.900,— 1.950,— 578,— 750.— 800.— 233.— 1.950,— 2.000,— 593,— 800,— 850.— 248.— 2.000,— 2.100,— 615,— 850,— 900.— 263,— 2.100.— 2.200,— 645,— 900,— 950.— 278.— 2.200,— 2.300,— 675,— 950.— 1.000.— 293.— 2.300,— 2.400,— 705.— 1.000,— 1.050,— 308,— 2.400,— 2.500,— 735,— 1.050.— lrlOO.— 323,— 2.500,— 2.600,— 765,— 1.100,— 1.150,— 338,— 2.600,— 2.700,— 795,— 1.150,— 1.200,— 353.—' 2.700,— 2.800,— 825,— 1.200,— 1.250,— 368,— 2.800,— 2.900,— 855,— 1.250,— 1.300,— 383,— 2.900,— 3.000,— 885,— 3.000,— 30% ARTICLE II EXEMPTIONS The increases provided for in Article I shall not apply to lessees and sub-lessees of dwelling premises who are : a) assisted by E.C.A. on 1 April 1949 ; b) in the rolls of the unemployed on 1 April 1949 ; c) pensioned by I.N.P.S. on 1 April 1949; d) inmates of Tubercular Hospitals, or Tubercular patients awaiting hospitalization or Tubercular patients who were released from the Hospital or Sanatorium after 1 January 1947. The above exemptions are applicable only in those cases where lessee or sub-lessee and any other member of the family living together, have no other income. ARTICLE III REAL PROPERTY OTHER THAN FOR DWELLING PURPOSES The existing legal rents and legal sub-rents of real property used other than for dwelling purposes may be increased with effect from 1 May 1949 as follows : a) Theatres, exhibition galleries, by 70%, b) cinemas, bars, dancing halls, coffee-houses, buffets, ice cream shops, confectioner’s shops, reastaurants of 1st and 2nd category, jewellery shops, de-luxe gift shops, florists, perfume shops, beauty parlours, de-luxe tailor, ladies garment shops, fur shops, clubs other than sport and cultural ones, by 105% ; c) hotels, boarding houses, inns as follows : 1) whore the lease contract was stipulated for the first time prior to 16 April 1934, by 100% ; 2) where the lease contract was stipulated for the first time between the 16 April 1934 and the 11 March 1941, by 50% ; 3) where the lease contract was stipulated for the first time between 12 March 1941 and including 8th of September 1943, by 30% ; 4) where the lease contract was stipulated for the first time between 8 September 1943 and the effective date of this Order, the increase of the rent shall be permitted at such a rate as to make it correspond to that for premises having the same specifications, nature and condition leased at an earlier date, as increased in accordance with the provisions of this Order. d) Professional offices, artisan workshops, by 45% ; e) premises not mentioned in the preceding paragraphs by 65%. ARTICLE IV REAL PROPERTY LEASED AFTER 8 SEPTEMBER 1943 Other than that provided for in Article III (c) (4) there shall be no increase in rents of real properties which were leased for the first time after 8 September 1943. ARTICLE V RENTS FREELY CONTRACTED The provisions of this Order shall not be applicable to rents fixed pursuant to Article III, Section 2, and Article IV, Section 1, of General Order No. 64 dated 7 January 1947 and to Orders No. 56 (54 E) dated 25 October 1947 and No. 161 dated 16 February 1948. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 23rd day of March 1949. R1DGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Bef. ; LD¡A /49 ¡4 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 55 SPECIAL SECTION OF THE ZONE ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD — AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 24 OF 7 FEBRUARY 1949 AND TO THE LAW OF LOCAL FINANCE WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and advisable to cancel Article III of Order No. 24 dated 7 February 1949 so that the appeals provided for by Article 282 of said Consolidated Text be decided over by a special section of Zone Administrative Board in ordinary office and not by the Zone Administrative Board in jurisdictional office, and to amend Article 283 of the Consolidated Text of Local Finance approved by R. D. No. 1175 of 14 September 1931, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I CANCELLATION OF ARTICLE III OF ORDER No. 24 OF 7 FEBRUARY 1949 Article III of Order No. 24 dated 7 February 1949, is hereby cancelled. Articles IV, V and VI shall be numbered as Articles III, IV and V respectively. ARTICLE II AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 283 OF LAW OF LOCAL FINANCE Section 1. — The first para of Article 283 of the Consolidated Text 14 September 1931, No. 117Ö, is hereby substituted by the following provisions: „In order to decide on appeals provided for by the preceding Article 282 a Special Section for local taxes shall be constituted at the Zone Administrative Board established by Order No. 259 dated the 25th day of June 1948. „The said Special Section shall hold office for a term of four years and shall be composed by the following : „the Zone President, or the person acting in lieu thereof, as Chairman ; the Administrative Zone Inspector, or the Ragioniere Capo di Prefettura, Inspector ; the Sovraint elidente di Finanza one Consigliere di Prefettura, to be designated by the Zone President ; one official of the Sovraintendenza di Finanza to be designated by the Sovraintendente ; one representative of the Communes to be appointed by the Zone President, aid one representative of the workers, to be designated by the Labour Office ; three members and three substitute members, to be chosen from among experts in Administrative Law and Local Taxes and appointed by decision of the „Deputazione Provinciale“ and approved by the Zone President ; two members and two substitute members to be chosen by the Zone President from a tern of names proposed by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. The Zone President and the Sovraintendente di Finanza shall designate a Consigliere di Prefettura and an official of the Sovraintendenza di Finanza respectively as substitutes. The substitute member shall attend meeting only in case of absence of the members of the respective categories.“ Section 2. — The second para of Article 283 of thè Consolidated Text 14 September 1931, No. 1175 is hereby substituted by the following: „The Zone Administrative Board shall normally not decide appeals before the twentieth day and not later than the sixtieth day after lodging ; the Board may avail itself of the authority set forth in Article 280, first para, and shall hear the appellant and the representative of the Communal Administration whenever- they have expressly requested to be heard in their appeal or counter-statements.“ ARTICLE III TRANSITORY PROVISION Appeals formerly submitted to the „Giunta Provinciale Amministrativa,, still pending and undecided at the time of the suspension of the „Giunta Provinciale Amministrativa“ may now be presented to the Special Section for Local Taxes constituted by Article II hereof for decision, provided that they are presented to the Special Section within 60 days from the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE Tbis Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of March 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD!A¡49¡62 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 56 PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE CHANGING OF SURNAMES (AMENDMENT TO R.D. 9 JULY 1939, No. 1238) WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend Article 72 of R. D. 9 July 1939, No. 1238 by removing certain prohibitions as to the giving of names to children in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United. States Forces, NOW. THEREFORE. I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The words ,,e, se si tratta di bambino avente la cittadinanza italiana, anche nomi stranieri“ occurring in the first paragraph of Article 72 of R.D. 9 July 1939, Nc. 1238 (Ordinamento dello Stato Civile) are hereby deleted. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of March 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General. U. S. Army Ref. : LDIA/49/36 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 57 DISPLACED PERSONS CENTRE — DECLARATION OF PUBLIC UTILITY WHEREAS the works necessary for the construction of a Displaced Persons Centre at via Bonomea, Trieste, are deemed to be of urgent necessity and of public utility and interest, NOW. T H EREFORE. I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I All works necessary for the construction and development of a centre for Displaced Persons at via Bonomea, Trieste, (NC 1225, 1233 and 1235) as delineated and marked on the Plan Annex A attached hereto, is hereby declared to be of urgent necessity and of public utility and interest. Copies of the Plan will be deposited at the Genio Civile where they may be freely seen and examined. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 26th day of March 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LDIA/49/75 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 58 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 397 — DRIVING LICENCES FOR DRIVERS OF MOTORCYCLES WHEREAS it is considered necessary to delay the date of the coming into effect of Order No. 397, dated 16 of December 1948, NOW, THEREFORE, I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, V. S. Army, Di-rector General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article X of Order No. 397 dated 16 December 1948 is hereby substituted by the following new Article X. “Article X“ “This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall have effect as from 1 July 1949.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall come into force on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29 day of March 1949. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A/49l76 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 12 AUTHORITY TO MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD., LONDON, TO CARRY ON INSURANCE BUSINESS WHUREAS the Marine Insurance Company Limited, having its head office in London, has made application for authority to underwrite Marine Insurance (Ocean, Inland and Air) having established for that purpose an Agency in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Zone), and WHEREAS the said Marine Insurance Company Limited has complied with the laws in force in the Zone and there being no objection to the granting of the authorization, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F. A., Executive Director-to the Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The Marine Insurance Company Limited, having its Head Office in London and having an Agency at Trieste is hereby authorized to underwrite Marine (Ocean, Inland and Air) and hull insurance within the Zone. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st day of March 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD¡B¡4gli3 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 13 PROMOTION OF DR. PAOLUCCI EUGENIO, DR. AMODEO FULVIO AND DR. ZENARI FRANCO FROM GRADE X TO GRADE IX WHEREAS by Administrative Order No. 52, dáted 10 August 1946, Dr. PAOLUCCI Eugenio and Dr. ZENARI Franco were appointed temporary Magistrates with grade X and are not „di ruolo“ Magistrates having a contract of service with the Italian Government, and WHEREAS by Administrative Order No. 4. dated 24 September 1947, Dr. AMODEO Fulvio ivas appointed a temporary Magistrate and is not a „dì ruolo“ Magistrate having a contract of service with the Italian Governm,ent, and WHEREAS the said Magistrates have performed their duties since their appointment with the maximum zeal and efficiency. NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA. F. BURGER, Colonel F. A., Executive Director to the Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I L — Dr- PAO LUCCI Eugenio is hereby promoted temporary Magistrate grade IX, with effect from 1 January 1949. 2. — Dr. AMODEO Fulvio is hereby promoted temporary Magistrate grade IX, with* effect from 1 January 1949. 3. — Dr. ZENARI Franco is hereby promoted temporary Magistrate grade IX, with effect from 1 January 1949. ARTICLE II This Order shall come into effect on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of March 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to jRef. : LD¡B¡4g¡i8 Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 5 MINIMUM WAGE FOR PERSONNEL IN THE SERVICE OF CRAFTSMEN HAIRDRESSERS, NOT MEMBERS OF CATEGORY ASSOCIATIONS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wage Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947. has issued, in respect of personnel in the service of craftsmen hairdressers, not members of category associations, the following award. “LODO: „ARTICOLO 1 „I dipendenti dogli artigiani parrucchieri non iscritti ad associazioni di categoria hanno diritto, con effetto dal 15 marzo 1949, allo stesso trattamento economico dei loro colleglli regolati dal contratto salariale di categoria, e cioè ai seguenti minimi salariali : Lavorante qualificato di I. categoria: Lire 2.200 sett. + il 15% sul lavoro eseguito. Lavorante qualificato di II. categoria : Lire 1.800 sett. + il 20% sul lavoro eseguito. Lavorante qualificato di III. categoria : Lire 1.300 sett. + il 20% sul lavoro eseguito. Manicure:.................................Lire 1.800 sett. + il 30% sul lavoro eseguito. Ai lavoratori viene garantito un minimo di retribuzione settimanale del seguente ammontare : Lavorante qualificato di I. categoria : Liro 4.500 settimanali Lavorante qualificato di II. categoria: Lire 4.300 settimanali Lavorante qualificato di III. categoria : Lire 4.000 settimanali. Al lavoratore cui vengono affidate mansioni direttive verrà corrisposta una retr ibuzione settimanale di Lire 3.000 più il 20% sul lavoro eseguito e più il 5% sull’ introito netto dell azienda. Al lavoratore cui vengano affidate mansioni direttive ed amministrative verrà corrisposta una retribuzione settimanale di Lire 3.000 più il 20% sul lavoro eseguito e più il 10% sull’ in-_ troito netto della azienda. ARTICOLO 2 Per gli apprendisti parrucchieri la retribuzione (che assorbo Г indennità di contingenza) è fissata come segue : por il I. semestre di apprendistato : Lire 500 settimanali per il II. semestre di apprendistato : Lire 600 settimanali per il II. anno di apprendistato : Lire 1.100 settimanali per il III. anno di apprendistato : Lire 2.200 settimanali per il 1У. anno di apprendistato : Lire 3.100 settimanali. ARTICOLO 3 A titolo di gratifica natalizia i lavoratori cui il lodo si riferisce, hanno diritto ad una somma uguale a quella percepita dai loro colleghi regolati dal contratto di categoria, nella misura e nella forma nello stesso prevista o che eventualmente potrebbe essere successivamente concordata. ARTICOLO Il presente lodo entra in vigore il 15 marzo 1949 e verrà a scadere il 15 settembre dello stesso anno. Sarà ammessa una revisione dello stesso prima della scadenza solamente nel caso in cui sia migliorato il trattamento economico dei dipendenti, attualmente, sottoposti alla disciplina del contratto di lavoro di categoria. Letto, approvato e sottoscritto : Trieste, 3 marzo 1949. Department of Labor Approved 14 March 1949 Sgd. : LIONEL H. BAILEY Capt. Inf. Il Presidente : Aw. Walter LE VITUS I Componenti : Renato CORSI Guido BORZAGHINI Ermanno ER A GI AC O M O Giuseppe RODRIGUEZ I Consulenti tecnici : Giovanni POLI Dott. Nicolò PASE Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of March 1949. Ref. : LD/CI49I6 R. G. HUMPHREY Lt. Col. F. A. Chief, Department of Labor MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED WITH CRAFTSMEN BARBERS, NOT MEMBERS OF THE CATEGORY ASSOCIATIONS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wage Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued, in respect of personnel employed with craftsmen-barbers, not members of the category associations, the following award, approved by the Department of Labor on 14 March 1949. „LODO „ARTICOLO I „I dipendenti degli artigiani barbieri non iscritti ad una associazione di categoria, hanno diritto con effetto dal 1 Marzo 1049, allo stesso trattamento economico dei loro colleghi regolati dal contratto salariale di categoria e cioè ai seguenti minimi salariali : Lavoratori qualificati di I cat........................... L. 1.080 settim. „ „ „ II „ ............................ „ 880 settim. In caso di retribuzione a percentuale, verrà agli stessi corrisposto il 45% dell’incasso per il lavoro eseguito, con un minimo garantito costituito da quanto previsto nella tabella precedente e dall’indennità di contingenza. ARTICOLO 2 Oltre al salario tali lavoratori avranno diritto ad un’indennità di contingenza pari a quella spettante ai dipendenti disciplinati dal contratto di lavoro di categoria. ARTICOLO 3 Inoltre a titolo di gratifica natalizia sarà loro versato un importo pari a quello che spetta ai dipendenti cui si riferisce il contratto di lavoro di categoria. . ARTICOLO 4 Il presente lodo entra ir. vigore il 15 marzo 1949 e verrà a scadere il 15 settembre dello stesso anno. Sarà ammessa una revisione dello stesso prima della scadenza solamente nel caso in cui sia migliorate il trattamento economico dei dipendenti, attualmente sottoposti alla disciplina del contratto di lavoro di categoria. Letto, approvato e sottoscritto Trieste, 28 Febbraio 1949 : Presidente : Walter LEVITUS Membri del Collegio : Renato CORSI Guido BORZAGHINI -Ermanno FRAGIACOMO Giuseppe RODRIGUEZ Consulenti tecnici : Ruggero TIRONI Department of labor Giovanni POLI Approved 14 March 194!) sgd : LIONEL H. BAILEY Capt. Inf. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of March 1949. R. G. HUMPHREY Lt. Col, F. A. Ref. : LD/C/4917 Chief, Department of Labor CONTENT S Order No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 56 No. 57 No. 58 Page Provisions relating to the restitution of surnames....................... 147 Increase of rents ....................................................... 149 Special section of the Zone Administrative Board — Amendment to Order No. 24 of 7 February 1949 and to the Law of Local Finance.............. 152 Provisions concerning the changing of surnames (Amendment to R.D. 9 July 1939, No. 1238) ................................................ 154 Displaced Persons Centre — Declaration of public utility................. 154 Amendment to Order No. 397 — Driving license for drivers of motor-cycles 155 Administrative Order No. 12 Authority to Marine Insurance Company Ltd., London, to carry on insurance business............................................................... 156 No. 13 Promotion of Dr. Paolueci Eugenio, Dr. Amodeo Fulvio and Dr. Zenari Franco from grade X to grade IX.................................. 156 Notice No. 5 Minimum wage for personnel in the service of craftsmen hairdressers, not members of category associations ........................................ 157 No. 6 Minimum wages for personnel employed with craftsmen-barbers, not members of the category associations ..................................................... 159