ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME VII No. 12-1 May 1954 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces, Free Territory of Trieste. La Editorial« Ubrarla 5. p. A., Tri«st* 1954 A.M.G, OFFICIAL GAZETTE PUBLICATION : on 1st, 11th and 21st of each month. (In the month of January it is published only on 11th and 21st, whereas in the month of December it is published also on 31st). Edition „bis“ (Civil Insertions) on 1st and 15th of each month. PBICE : one copy, 60 Lire. SALE: Office of the Zone President, „Economato“, „Prefettura“ Palace, 2nd floor, room 60, daily from 10.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs. SUBSCRIPTIONS: only half-yearly; subscriptions are accepted at the Directorate of Legal Affairs, Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N8 17, room N° 10 groundfloor. a) for the three bound versions of the Gazette . .............. 3.240.— Lire b) for one version only, either English, Italian or Slovene.... 1.080.— Lire cj for one copy of „bis“ issues (civil insertions) either in Italian or in Slovene ...................................... 720.— Lire Payment through postal order or bank-check to the name of „Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. INSERTIONS : must be drawn up on 200 Lire stamp-paper or on stamp-like paper for those which, pursuant to law provisions, enjoy the privilege of exemption from stamp-duty. Price of insertions: 7 Lire for eaoh word or figure excluding punctuation. Payment through bank-check to the name of “Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. Presentation of insertions : Directorate of Legal Affairs, A.M.G., Publio Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N” 17, groundfloor, room N° 10 ; Tel. 83-33, 78-88, ext. 76, daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. N OTE : Insertions must be presented five days and notices for the convening of Meetings three Working days prior to the date of publication of the Gazette. Complaints or researches concerning insertions must always refer to the number of the insertion concerned which corresponds to that of the receipt issued. GAZETTE OFFICE: A.M.G. Headquarters, Room N° 196. Telephone: 29701, 29794 ext. 110; daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. CORRESPONDENCE : Directorate of Legal Affairs, Gazette Office, A.M.G., Trieste. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 40 DETERMINATION OF THE AMOUNT OF THE CONTRIBUTION DUE FOR 1953 IN FAVOUR OF PATRONAGE AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE OFFICES WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to determine for the year 1953 the quota-share of contributions due in favour of Patronage and Social Assistance Offices in terms of Article VII, Section 2 of Order No. 77, dated 27 December 1947, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KOMG, OB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1. — The quota-share provided for by Article VII, Section 2 of Order No. 77, dated 27 December 1947, is fixed for the year 1953 at the rate 0.24% of the contributions collected from 1 January to 31 December 1953. Section 2. — The funds deriving from the allocation of the quota-share of contributions referred to in the foregoing Section shall be paid by the Institutes administering the different classes of social assistance, after the closing of the’ financial year 1953, in the manner provided for by Article VIII, Section 1 of Order No. 77, dated 27 December 1947, as amended by Article I of Order No. 80, dated 14 April 1949. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 26th day of April 1954. H. R. EMERY Colonel GS Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDfAf54l36 Zone Commander Order No. 41 TRANSFER OF RECIPIENTS OF PENSIONS PAID BY THE PENSIONS FUND OF THE FORMER „BANCA COMMERCIALE TRIESTINA“ TO THE COMPULSORY INSURANCE SCHEME FOR INVALIDISM, OLD AGE AND SURVIVORS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to provide for the transfer of recipients of pensions formerly paid by the ceased pensions Fund („Istituto pensioni“) of the former „BancaCommerciale Triestina“ to the compulsory insurance scheme for invalidism, old age and survivors, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, GB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I Recipients of pensions paid by the ceased pensions Fund („Istituto pensioni“) of the former „Banca Commerciale Triestina“ who are at present benefitting from life annuities of the „Istituto nazionale delle assicurazioni“, according to the convention of 1 August 1935 between the Commissioner for the winding-up of the said pensions Fund on one side, and the „Istituto nazionale delle assicurazioni“ and „Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà“, on the other side, are hereby transferred to the compulsory insurance for invalidism, old age and survivors and are declared qualified for the benefits thereof as from 1 January 1952. ARTICLE II The „Istituto nazionale delle assicurazioni“ shall pay to the „Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale“ the mathematical reserves relative to the life annuities in course of payment on the date of the transfer provided for in the foregoing Article, and also the increases deriving from revaluations established by law in favour of recipients of life annuities. ARTICLE III * This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 30th day of April 1954. H. R. EMERY Colonel GS Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Rtf. : LDIAI54I30 Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 19 APPOINTMENT OF DR. ETRUSCO CARMINELLI AS ACTING SECRETARY GENERAL („REGGENTE“) OF THE COMMUNE OF TRIESTE WHEREAS by Administrative Order No. 28, dated 6 April 1951, Dr. Ambrogio SACCHI Vice-Secretary of the Commune of Trieste, was appointed Acting Secretary General ; WHEREAS it is considered advisable to restore Dr. Ambrogio SACCHI to his ordinary functions and to entrust the post of Acting Secretary General („reggente“) to a person not engaged in discharging other functions at the same time, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. — Dr. Etrusco CARMINELLI, Secretary General 1st Class, is hereby appointed Acting Secretary General („reggente“) of the Commune of ^Trieste. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Offioial Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of April 1954. H. R. EMERY Colonel GS Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDIBf54ll5 Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 20 RECOGNITION OF JURIDICAL PERSONALITY OF THE CHURCH OF ,,S. LUIGI“, TRIESTE, AND AUTHORIZATION TO SAME TO ACCEPT A DONATION WHEREAS the Bishop of Trieste and Capodistria, in his capacity as Diocesan Ordinary, has made application in order to obtain recognition of the juridical personality of the public Church of „S. Luigi“, Trieste, which is open for worship, and authorization for same to accept the gift of a parcel of land owned by the Commune, provided for by the Communal Board of Trieste by decision of 31 March 1952, approved by the Zone Administrative Board on 30 April 1952, and WHEREAS the above applications have been duly approved by the Zone President of Trieste and there is no objection thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: • ■ 1. — The juridical personality of the public Church of ,,S. Luigi“, Trieste, which is open for worship, is hereby recognized. 2. — The said Church is hereby authorized to accept, from the Commune of Trieste, the gift of the parcel of land P. T. 40 of Chiadino, of 647 square metres in area, which on the land-map („piano tavolare“) of the said Commune dated 30 July 1953, revised and numbered by the „Ufficio del Catasto Fondiario di Trieste“ by prot. No. 864, is delineated in green and marked „A“. 3. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated ap TRIESTE, this 30th day of April 1954. H. R. EMERY Colonel GS Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LD/Bf54f 18 Zone Commander CONTENTS Page Determination of the amount of the contribution due for 1953 in favour of Patronage and Social Assistance Offices ................................. 139 Transfer of recipients of pensions paid by the pensions Fund of the former „Banca Commerciale Triestina“ to the compulsory insurance scheme for invalidism, old age and survivors ..................................... 140 Administrative Order No. 19 Appointment of dr. Etrusco Carminelli as Acting Secretary General („reggente“) of the Commune of Trieste ..................................... 141 No. 20 Recognition of juridical personality of the Church of ,,S. Luigi“, Trieste, and authorization to same to accept a donation............................. 142 Order No. 40 No. 41