POWERFUL TOOLS FOR RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION Mark Pleško Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia INVITED PAPER 23'' International Conference on Microelectronics, IVIIEL'95 31® Symposium on Devices and Materials, SD'95 September 27.-September 29., 1995, Terme Čatež, Slovenia Key words: synchrotron radiation, synchrotron light sources, VLSI circuits, circuit production, VLSI devices, micro mechanic devices, device production, properties of synchrotron light, experimental methods, XAS, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, XANES, X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure, EXAFS, Extented X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, XSW, X-ray standing waves, XRF X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy, EPS, electron photoemission spectroscopy, HREELS, High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, measuring methods, ESCA, Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis, XRD, X-Ray Diffraction, WAYS, Wide Angle X-ray scattering, SAXS, Small Angle X-ray Scattering, LEED, Low Energy Electron Diffraction, LIGA, lithography, electroplating, moulding process Abstract In the last two years, new high-brilliance synchrotron light sources have been commissioned and taken into operation. Compact synchrotron sources dedicated to the production of VLSI and micro mechanic devices are being built, too. This article gives a basic list of the properties of synchrotron radiation, provides a brief overview of the main experimental methods and shows how synchrotron radiation can be used for production of micro devices. The new synchrotron light source ELETTRA, which has been built at Trieste, and the planned Slovenian beam line BOSS are presented in more detail. Močno orodje za raziskave in proizvodnjo Ključne besede: sevanje sinhrotronsko, viri svetlobni sinhrotronski, VLSI vezja, proizvodnja vezij, VLSI naprave, naprave mikromehanske, proizvodnja naprav, lastnosti svetlobe sinhrotronske, metode eksperimentalne, XAS spektroskopija absorpcijska z Rentgen 'arki, XANES absorpcija struktur blizu roba z Rentgen žarki, EXAFS absorpcija Rentgen žarkov struktur finih razširjena, XSW valovi stojni Rentgen žarkov, XRF spektroskopija fluorescenčna z Rentgen žarki, EPS spektroskopija elektronska fotoemisijska, HREELS spektroskopija ločljivosti visoke z izgubo energije elektronov, metode merilne, ESCA spektroskopija elektronska za analizo kemično, XRD uklon Rentgen žarkov, WAXS stresanje Rentgen žarkov širokokotno, SAXS stresanje Rentgen žarkov ozkokotno, LEED difrakcija elektronov energije nizke, LIGA proces litografije, galvanizacije, odtisa tipografskega Povzetek: Večje število novih izvorov sinhrotronske svetlobe z veliko svetilnostjo je bilo postavljeno in spuščeno v pogon v zadnjih dveh letih. Ravno tako so tudi mnogi kompaktni sinhrotronski izvori namenjeni proizvodnji VLSI vezij in mikromehanskih struktur še v fazi izdelave, oz. priprave. V prispevku najprej opišemo osnovne lastnosti sinhrotronske svetlobe, podamo pregled glavnih eksperimentalnih metod, kjer uporabljamo sinhrotronsko svetlobo in komentiramo, kako lahko sinhrotronsko svetlobo uporabimo za izdelavo mikro komponent. Na koncu bolj podrobno predstavimo predvideno slovensko žarkovno linijo BOSS pri novem izvoru sinhrotronske svetlobe ELETTRA, ki je zgrajen blizu Trsta. 1. Introduction Synchrotron radiation became available in a routine manner to the scientific community in the early 1980s. Since that time the use of techniques employing synchrotron radiation has proliferated, so that its unique properties are now having a major impact on many areas of natural and technical sciences such as chemistry, material science, physics, biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, ecology, medicine, etc. /1-4/. Not only have new opportunities with existing methodologies been opened up but also several new techniques have become available. It is interesting to note that synchro- tron radiation was first generated in the bending magnets of accelerators built for high energy particle physics research and that it took ten years before it was considered a potentially useful research tool instead of a mere technical nuisance for accelerator builders /5/. Particle physics accelerators were soon inadequate to meet the demand for synchrotron radiation which was increasing within the scientific community. Dedicated storage rings and associated instrumentation with enhanced performance characteristics were then constructed in Europe, Asia and the USA (second generation sources). During this period it became apparent that the brilliance of a source could be tremendously increased by introducing magnetic insertion devices in the storage ring (undulators and wigglers). The results were such that third generation sources, based essentially on insertion devices, were proposed in various places. Third generation synchrotron radiation sources are characterised in general by an increased emphasis on the quality of the photon beam, expressed in terms of its spectral brightness, i.e. the number of photons emitted per second in a unit of the solid angle, source surface, and frequency bandwidth. High spectral brightness requires therefore a high photon beam intensity, a narrow spectral distribution and ease of focusing onto a small spot. From the accelerator designer point of view, this implies a low emittance of the electron beam. This condition requires a strong focusing electron optics /6/. A strong focusing optics has the disadvantage of requiring strong chromaticity correction sextupoles and increased sensitivity to quadrupole misalignment and movement, which lead to short beam lifetimes and movements of the photon source. The challenge of the new generation of light sources is that the same optics characteristics that produce a high-brightness photon beam also make it difficult to obtain stable and reproducible operating conditions. 2. The Properties of Synchrotron Light The main advantages of synchrotron radiation over conventional sources (X-ray tubes and UV lamps) can be summarised as: » analytic computability of the source properties ® broad and continuous spectrum without peaks and dips ° high flux ® small divergence • high brilliance • pulsed operation for time-resolved studies • highly polarised • very stable and reproducible source ® UHV clean source for surface analysis - no gases, no plasma 2.1 Radiation of a single charged particle Synchrotron radiation, which is electromagnetic radiation emitted during the transverse acceleration of charged high energy particles /7-10/ (electrons and positrons), got its name because it has been first seen at a synchrotron /11/. When the high energy particles pass into the magnetic field of the bending magnet they deviate and emit light tangentially to the curve /12/. The radiation emitted has the shape of a fan with an opening angle of the order 1/y where y is the relativistic Lorentz factor: j = I c' -1/2 The total power emitted scales with the fourth power of J and is inversely proportional to the second power of the electron's radius of curvature p: P = e'cy' 6nEo p' with e being the electron charge. The power is continuously distributed over the frequency spectrum such that the so-called critical frequency 3c y^ 2p divides the total power spectrum into two equal parts. For a synchrotron light source with E = 2 GeV (y =4000), p = 5.5 m, the critical frequency and the corresponding critical wavelength Xc= 2kcI(üc, respectively, belong to the X-ray domain: Xc = 0.38 nm. For the soft X-ray and ultraviolet range, an energy of 2 GeV is sufficient and such third generation sources are built on a national scale (BESSY II - Germany, ELETTRA - Italy, ALS - USA, Pohang - Korea, SRRC - Taiwan). To achieve wavelengths of several hundredths of a nanometer higher energy is required. Three hard X-ray facilities are under construction or in operation: SPringS (Japan - 8 GeV), APS (Argonne/USA - 7 GeV), ESRF (Grenoble/France - 6 GeV). In the case of the ESRF, European co-operation was needed forthe construction of such a facility in view of its complexity, cost and experimental potential. 2.2 Insertion devices In the new light sources the most important elements are the magnetic systems, called insertion devices/13/, inserted in the straight sections of the storage ring. There are two types of insertion devices: wigglers and undulators. Each comprises a succession of small magnets of alternating polarity (figure 1) producing a vertical component of the magnetic field as Bx(s)=Bo cos(2'ks/Xu) with s being the longitudinal co-ordinate and Xu the period of the magnetic structure. Magnetic undulator (N periods) Diffraction-limited cone of x-rays which is proportional to the electron energy E = mc^y Roiativistic electron beam, Eb = /moC ' Flux-concentrating Permanent steel (Fe) pole pieces magnets (SmCOs) Fig. 1: Schematic of a periodic magnet structure (an unduiator). Tine ampiitude of the eiectron trajectory and the light cone size are not to scaie. The resulting magnetic fields force the electrons to oscillate around a linear trajectory. The light cones emitted at each bend superimpose and in the case of the wigglers their intensity increases proportionally to the number of bends while the spectrum is still continu- ous. In the undulators the deviations are weaker, thus the light cones from the different bends overlap and at wavelengths given by /14/ 2r 1 + K^ 12 the interference effects produce a spectrum with a brilliance increased by the square of the number of bends. This radiation has peaks at odd multiples of Xx and has a spectral width of Xxl^'kx = UN, N being the number of undulator periods (figure 2). The dimensionless variable K = 0.934 Bo [T] Xt;[cm] is a measure for the type of insertion device [K >>1 for wigglers and K < 1 for undulators) .The magnets on the undulator are mounted on two jaws that can be opened or closed as required in order to change the on-axis magnetic field Bo and in turn the value of K. Thus the wavelength maxima Xx of the radiation emitted by the undulator can be shifted over part of the spectrum. The spectral brilliance of a typical rotating anode X-ray source is only around 1 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/(0.1% bandwidth), while the best synchrotron sources reach lO""^ and more. S. 10" 10' 10' 10" 10'^ 10'' Undulator Wiggler Bend magnet lA. Fig.2: 12 3 4 Photon energy (keV) Harmonic content of undulator radiation arising from interference of radiation from different unduiator periods (fuli line) compared to the spectrum of wiggler (dash-dotted) and bending magnet (dashed) radiation for the ALS 1151. 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Only a brief overview of the main experimental methods with synchrotron light is presented here. The reader is encouraged to read the exhaustive overviews in references /1-4/. 3.1 X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is ideally suited to probe the immediate environment of specific atoms. An X-ray absorption spectrum is usually divided, for convenience of interpretation, into three regions: the pre-edge and edge; the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES); the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The excitation of a core electron into the continuum may be convoluted with transitions from the core level to outer bound states resulting in features in the absorption spectrum that precede the absorption edge. The position and intensity of such features are dependent upon the electronic structure and the local symmetry at the primary absorber as the atomic transition is forbidden by the AI = ±1 selection rule. Valuable structural insights may be obtained from the nature of such effects. The chemical shift in the absorption edge is a measure of the net charge on the primary absorber and, therefore, can serve as an indicator of the element's oxidation state. The spectral features of XANES and EXAFS arise as a consequence of local electron diffraction. The principal distinction between XANES and EXAFS is that the former invariably involves multiple scattering of the photo-electron within the cluster of atom surrounding the primary absorber, whereas the latter usually does not. The XANES is therefore difficult to interpret, making it an empirical, although very sensitive, fingerprint of the immediate environment about the primary absorber. Direct comparisons of measured spectra can prove extremely useful. First discovered in the 1930s /16/, the interpretation of EXAFS has progressed from the plain wave, single scattering approximation, to a full spherical wave treatment /17/ which allows the inclusion of multiple scattering pathways. Analytical procedures in k-space involve simulations of EXAFS profiles and refinement of structural and other parameters to produce the optimum agreement between the theoretical and measured data as described in /18/. The structural parameters available from EXAFS analysis are the distance, the occupation number and Debye-Waller parameter for the nearest and possibly next-to-nearest shell of atoms around the primary absorber (up to an atomic distance of 0.3 - 0.5 nm). Careful modelling of the measured data can also reveal the atomic number Z of the neighbouring atoms. The simple correlation between EXAFS and the local atomic environment, which has been first pointed out in /19/, is extremely important. Unlike X-ray diffraction, which collects information simultaneously on a large number of atoms in the system and is therefore extremely non-local in nature, the EXAFS is not limited to systems with long-range order. The technique is therefore unique for the study of the chemical structure of amorphous solids, liquids, solutions and gases. Also, since the EXAFS spectrum is measured on a known absorption edge, due to an atom of known chemical type, the technique is chemically specific, giving the co-ordination of a known type of atom. If, instead of measuring the absorption directly, the secondary process of X-ray fluorescence is monitored /20/, a considerable improvement in the spectral quality of low concentration atoms is achieved, pushing the sensitivity of the EXAFS technique to the levels necessary for the detection of diluted impurities /21/. The same method is also applied for thick samples, where the transmitted X-ray intensity is too low for a precise determination of the absorption coefficient. Surface EXAFS (SEXAFS) is the surface-sensitive version of the EXAFS technique which implies the use of a surface-sensitive detection method. One of the possibilities is to measure the yield of secondary electrons /22/, because they have a mean free path in the sample between 0.5 and 5 nm, depending on their energy. By tuning the position in energy of the detecting window, one can, in principle, obtain layer-by-layer information on the local atomic structure. This method can be made atomic-species selective on the cost of losing depth tunability by tuning onto the energy of the Auger electrons produced by the core-hole recombination as pioneered in /23/. 3.2 X-ray Standing Wave X-ray standing waves occur parallel to the surface of a crystal when the incoming and the Bragg reflected waves interfere. At normal incidence of the primary beam, the reflection curve has a wide range, therefore the effect takes place also in less perfect crystals. This opens the possibility to periorm XSW on a wide range of materials. When the photon energy is scanned through the region of a Bragg reflection, the standing wave outside the surface will move. This is equivalent to rotating the sample, as in measurement of the crystal rocking curve. Relative photon energy (gV) Figure 3: Experimental copper {-.-.-) and chlorine (...) Auger electron yields as a function of photon energy around the normal incidence [111] Bragg reflection. The theoretical cun/es are calculated for different plane spacing, showing that copper coincides with the surface and that the chlorine layer is 1.81 Ä above the surface. As the node passes through the position of adsorbed atoms, the characteristic Auger electron or fluorescence signal from these atoms will go through a minimum, while an antinode will produce a maximum. Thus the vertical distance of the adsorbate layer can be determined to a precision of a few pm, even at very low adsorbate concentrations, down to a few percent surface coverage. An example is shown in figure 3 for a regular overlayer of chlorine atoms on a Cu[111 ] surface /24/. This technique actually measures the spacing of the overlayer atoms from a continuation of the perfect bulk lattice rather than from the real surface layer, which may be relaxed or reconstructed in some way. By measuring XSW on two or more lattice planes, the exact position of the adsorbed atoms with respect to the substrate atoms can be determined through simple triangulation. To have diffraction at normal incidence with low index Miller planes, a range in energy between 2 and 6 keV is necessary. The experiments are quite simple involving only a scan in energy of the incoming radiation instead of a scan in angle. However, the required monochroma-tor resolving power is about 5000. Since SEXAFS and XSW can use the same beam line and the same experimental apparatus, this is a natural combination of methods for determining surface adsorbate geometries. 3.3 X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy Fluorescence X-rays occur when an electron of a higher atomic shell decays into the previously emptied core level and releases its energy. The characteristic energy of the fluorescence X-rays, different for each chemical element, makes X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) a very suitable method for the detection of elements in very low concentrations. Several methods exist that allow to determine concentrations of major, minor and trace elements from the fluorescence yield, either by using reference standards or based on fundamental parameters /25/. The following characteristics of synchrotron radiation besides the obvious high incident X-ray flux available are exploited for XRF trace element analysis in order to achieve the lowest possible detection limit: • the tunability of the excitation energy offers the possibility of obtaining the highest sensitivity throughout the whole range of elements of interest by tuning the excitation energy just above the binding energy of the electrons in a particular shell of the element of interest; • the linear polarisation of the synchrotron beam enables a low background to be achieved, in particular if the fluorescence X-rays are detected at 90° to the incident radiation where no Compton scattering occurs. Compared with ion-bombardment, the radiation damage induced in the specimen under investigation is considerably less. Especially for biological applications this is a major advantage. Moreover, one can perform XRF measurements in air or under a protective atmosphere instead of the vacuum necessary for ions. Because of the high fiux available, a wavelength dispersive detector with a higher resolution and thus a better signal/noise ration can be used instead of the more common solid state energy dispersive detector. The lowest detection limit depends very much on -the element and the underlying matrix, however, detection limits as low as a few parts /26/ to a few tens of parts /27/ per billion have been reported. If the photon beam impinges on the sample at angles below the critical one, total reflection occurs. The penetration depth is very small resulting in a good surface sensitivity and in a complete suppression of the scattering background in the fluorescence spectrum. The total reflection XRF method was successfully explored using X-ray tubes/28/, nevertheless up to now the full potential of this method has not been exploited at synchrotron radiation sources yet. 3.4 Electron Photoemission Spectroscopy Since electrons have a mean free path of only a few atomic diameters in the energy range of 50 - 1500 eV, a number of particle-based techniques are surface sensitive such a low energy electron diffraction (LEED), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (IHREELS) and others. For photoelectron spectroscopy with a synchrotron light source, major advantages arise from the tunability, polarisation and brightness of the source. Tunability allows to optimise surface sensitivity by maximising 10 - (-) A 10- (») / \ ? 8 -c 3 / B- ■e ■S. A / 6- 1 / \/ C 4 ■ o u 2- J o u 2- \ 0- 0- -6 -4 -2 0 Energy(eV) -6 -4 -2 0 Energy (eV) -6 -4 -2 0 Energy (eV) Fig. 4: Photoemission spectra of (a), (b) CusoZrro and (c), (d) Cu40Zr60 at ptioton energies of (a), (c) 40 ey and (b), (d) 120 eV. cross-section and by gearing the kinetic energy of the emitted electron to the minimum escape depth. The polarised nature of the source allows the symmetry of electron states in the surface to be determined. Here, only one striking example is shown in which the tunability of the source may be exploited to yield interesting information. For instance, figure 4 shows the photoemission yield from amorphous metallic glasses of CusoZrzo and Cu40Zr60 measured at two different photon energies /29/. The valence bands comprise a mixture of states derived from Cu 3d and Zr 4d orbitals. The former exhibit a fairly smooth variation in cross-sec-tion as the energy is varied but the 4d states, with anode in their wave function, change in intensity by about two orders of magnitude in the range chosen, allowing easy separation of the contributions to the valence band, with the Zr states found to be near the Fermi level (E=0) and thus dominating the conductivity. Another powerful method is the measurement of core level shifts. The binding energies of core level electron states are sensitive to the valence level environment of the atom. The corresponding chemical shifts of the core level energies of adatoms, typically by several electron volts, are used to monitor the presence of different valence states on surfaces. This is the basis of the familiar use of ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) which has been pioneered by K. Siegbahn /30/. More recently, using high resolution instrumentation, core level shifts of substrate atoms has been measured, and favourable circumstances, it has proved possible to use this technique to distinguish surface substrate atoms from bulk atoms and even from atoms on intermediate layers (figure 5) /31/. The shifts here _8 _5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Wäl-Stm inSTB» I «V MäMk« B bu» S2s,„ I Fig. 5: The Si 2p3/2 components of Si 2p spectra from thin oxide fiims of approximateiy 0.5 nm thicl1000 determination of macromolecular biological structures; studies of temporal variations of structures SAXS 5.4, 8, 16 1000 material physics; polymer science; biomembranes GasPhase Photoemission 0.02-1.2 12000 gas phase reactions of chemicals; chemistry of combustion; electronic structure of gas atoms and molecules Spectromicroscopy* 0.02-0.8 3000 high lateral resolution photoemission, used for highly inhomogeneous solids, micro crystals, biological structures; study of localised bad-bending phenomena caused by imperfections in semiconductors ESCA microscopy* 0.1 -2 3000 high lateral core level photoemission for the same topics as above A recent survey among research groups in Slovenia has shown that there is interest practically in all experimental methods that can be offered by ELETTRA. Fortunately, more than 70% of the requests can be fulfilled by a single beam line operating in the X-ray region between 2 and 12 keV. About two thirds of those want to utilise absorption spectroscopy, in particular EXAFS or one of its flavours (SEXAFS, fluorescence EXAFS). The EXAFS spectroscopy is a particularly interesting method for the industry, too. An analysis of recent industrial use of the SRS at Daresbury /57/ shows that 47% percent of the use is allocated to experiments with EXAFS making it the most widely used method for industrial synchrotron radiation research. The beam line BOSS has been therefore designed primarily for absorption spectroscopy, exploiting the high spectral flux and small source point of the ELETTRA bending magnet as compared to other X-ray sources. The spectral region covers either the K-edge or the L-edge of almost all elements between and including phosphorous (Z= 15) and platinum (Z=78), giving sufficient tunability for a wide range of absorption experiments. The limits actually come from the absorption in the C and Be filters below 2 keV and from the poor reflectivity of the gold coated mirror above 12 keV /58/. The expected characteristics of the beam line are a good photon energy resolution (3000 to 6000) in the range between 2 keV (0.62 nm) and 12 keV (0.1 nm), high spectral flux from a bending magnet source (about lO'i^monochromatised photons/second over the whole spectral region), small focal spot size on the sample (below 1 mm^) and a vertical divergence below 0.4 mrad /58/. These characteristics are probably sufficient also for XSW experiments, therefore XSW is considered as a potential method even though no proposals were submitted from Slovenian researchers yet. The other two methods that have been requested by Slovenian research groups and are well suited to the characteristics of BOSS are fluorescence and photo-electron spectroscopy. None of them is covered by other beamlines at ELETTRA in the complete range between 2 and 12 keV. The main purpose of electron detection at BOSS is to allow total electron and Auger yield measurements for SEXAFS. However, the equipment can be set up in order to allow electron spectroscopy, too. The photon energy range of BOSS does not fall into the classical XPS region, although some useful spectra may be obtained at the lowest energy range from 2 - 3 keV. Yet the higher photon energies could be efficiently exploited for some specific topics like: ® thick films, in particular buried interfaces, where the larger thickness forbids the penetration of low energy electrons to the surface ® the study of the change of the ratio between the main and satellite peaks between low and high energy photons, which is due to the difference between the adiabatic and sudden transitions. Furthermore, the photoelectron spectra at these higher photon energies are relatively unexplored and it is always possible that new interesting phenomena could be observed. Therefore a thorough investigation of photoelectron spectra with BOSS might prove useful. Photoelectron spectra obtained from BOSS are of interest also for atomic physics to study correlated processes in events with multiple photoelectron emission. Some proposed experiments include: ® Auger spectroscopy of satellite and hyper satellite lines; ® threshold spectroscopy for double K shell Ionisation; ® Auger spectroscopy; ® determination of fluorescence yields and Coster-Kronig transition rates. X-ray scattering already sees two dedicated beamlines at ELETTRA, the diffraction and the SAXS beam line (see table 1 above). However, the characteristics of BOSS allow also a range of scattering experiments and this can be exploited in order to allow Slovenian users immediate usage without having to wait for beam time at the dedicated lines. In addition, due to the fixed wavelengths of the SAXS beam line, BOSS is a possible candidate for anomalous SAXS experiments. The main experimental chamber will be equipped to allow several types of measurements of the absorption coefficient, via the detection of the transmitted flux as well as the secondary processes like fluorescence, pho-toelectrons and Auger electrons. The chamber will allow the addition of particular sample chambers which will allow the study of crystalline, amorphous, liquid and gaseous samples under different temperatures, pressures and other physical and chemical conditions. Measurements of trace elements with XRF will be possible with the same chamber. Other experiments will need a dedicated experimental chamber, such as surface science experiments, or dedicated detectors, such as atomic physics experiments, which is beyond the scope of the proposed project. However, the Slovenian beam line will deliver the proper type and quality of radiation. The chambers and specialised detectors will be constructed or are already under construction by individual users, like an energy and a wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer, an electron energy spectrometer, a four crystal monochromator, etc. Attachment ports for several kind of experimental chambers and detectors are foreseen. For surface mapping, the addition of a glass capillary microprobe is envisaged, giving spatial resolution to all of the aforementioned methods of about 10 - 30 /jm /59/ or even down to 1 /jm /60/. For some cases the use of a PEEM (photoelectron emission microscope) camera is considered, giving a resolution of 0.5 jum and better /61/. A four crystal monochromator to be added after the mirror will provide a resolving power of 10000 whenever needed. The scientific case, where 35 proposals from Slovenian research groups have been presented /62/, has been recently approved by the Programme Advisory Committee of Sincrotrone Trieste. It is planned that once funds for the project become available, the beam line should be constructed in two years time. 7. CONCLUSIONS Synchrotron radiation has proven to be a potentially powerful tool both for basic and applied research. The great success of the new third generation light sources has already triggered plans for other machines and even ideas for fourth generation machines. Maybe the only reason why many laboratory-based scientist have not used synchrotron radiation in their research yet, is the fact that synchrotron radiation is available only at large, centralised facilities. However, the complexity and cost of modern experimental science is forcing experimenters to look for equipment that may not be available at the home laboratory. Some scientists may not like this trend, but it is a reality with which we must cope. Fortunately, due to the increasing supply of synchrotron radiation from all those sources and the construction of new national and regional sources (like Elettra) we can expect rapid expansion of research made with synchrotron light and -what is important for small groups - the continuation of free access both in financial and in scientific terms. Whether synchrotron radiation will become the standard of industry based production of microelectronics and micro mechanics and whether all large IC producers will have their own compact synchrotron sources in their production plants still remains an open question. Technical problems notwithstanding, the feasibility of synchrotron radiation lithography has been clearly demonstrated in a number of prototypical production tests. It is definitely a challenging and highly expanding field. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses his sincere thanks to Iztok Arčon, who has done the detailed design of the BOSS beam line and to H.O. Moser, who has provided him with the newest information on the Liga process. Special thanks go to all the colleagues from the Institute Jožef Stefan, the Universities of Ljubljana and Maribor and from the industry, who have submitted proposals and letters of support for the beam line and made the proposal a real project. 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