Mic 2024 Management International Conference Next Generation Challenges: Innovation, Regeneration and Inclusion Abstracts of the Joint International Conference Organised by • University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia • University of Trento, Department of Economics and Management, Italy • University of Trieste, Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics (DEAMS), Italy • Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr Mijo Mirković,’ Croatia Trento, Italy • 5–8 June 2024 MIC 2024: Next Generation Challenges; Innovation, Regeneration and Inclusion Abstracts of the Joint International Conference Organised by University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia University of Trento, Department of Economics and Management, Italy University of Trieste, Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics (DEAMS), Italy Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr Mijo Mirković,’ Croatia Trento, Italy | 5–8 June 2024 Management International Conference ISSN 2712-3766 Edited by Suzana Sedmak Ana Grdović Gnip Anita Trnavčević Design and Layout Alen Ježovnik Published by University of Primorska Press Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper, Slovenia hippocampus.si Editor in Chief Jonatan Vinkler Managing Editor Alen Ježovnik Koper, Slovenia | June 2024 © 2024 University of Primorska Press Electronic edition | Published under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 License https://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-293-322-7.pdf https://doi.org/10.26493/978-961-293-322-7 Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 197103875 ISBN 978-961-293-322-7 (PDF) Contents Conference Organisers · 4 Welcome Address by the Conference Chairs · 5 Contents Conference Aims · 6 Programme Boards · 7 Conference Programme · 9 Keynote Speech: The Significance of Planetary Boundaries in Shaping Global Governance and Sustainability · 10 Keynote Speech: Untangling the Complex Relationship between Business and Sustainability · 11 Round Table: Museums as Public Spaces for Social Change · 12 Meet the Editors · 13 Pre-Conference Day · 14 Sessions Pre-Conference Day Presentations · 19 Economics · 20 Digitalisation I · 21 Innovations · 22 Green Transition · 23 Education I · 24 Management I · 25 Sustainability I · 26 Finance I · 27 Entrepreneurship · 28 Education II · 29 Digital Innovation and Finance · 30 Sustainability II · 31 Social Issues · 32 Human Resource Management · 33 Poster Session · 34 Management II · 35 Digitalisation II · 36 Finance II · 37 Tourism · 38 3 Conference Organisers The conference is organised by partner institutions: University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (Slovenia) is a higher educa-Organisers tion institution for education and research in the fields of social sciences and business management. The Faculty offers professional and university bachelor study programmes in Management, master study programmes in Management, Economics and Finance, Law for Management and Political Science, interdisci-plinary master’s study programme in Sustainable Development Management, and doctoral study programme in Management. Besides the study programmes leading to a degree, the Faculty also offers modules for groups or in-company training from the field of social sciences and business management with inter-disciplinary links to economic, business, legal, organizational, and behavioural sciences. University of Trento, The Department of Economics and Management (Italy) is a 50-year-old dynamic academic institution that is actively engaged in diverse fields of economic and management research. Recognized for its teaching quality, DEM offers a variety of study courses, including undergraduate courses in General Economics and Business Administration, as well as master’s programmes in Economics and Company Legislation, Finance, Management, Sustainable Tourism Management, Behavioral and Applied Economics, International Management, European Master in Business Studies, Innovation Management, Data Science, European and International Studies, and International Security Studies. Additionally, DEM provides research doctorates (PhD) in Economics and Finance, Management, International Studies, and Sustainability (Susteems). University of Trieste, The Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics (DEAMS) promotes and coordinates teaching and research activities in the fields of economics and business sciences, statistical sciences, and mathematics applied to economics and social sciences. DEAMS undergraduate programmes include three degrees in Economics and Financial Markets, Business Administration and Management, Statistics and Informatics for Business, Finance and Insurance. At the graduate level, DEAMS offers three Master’s degrees in Economy, Environment and Development, Business Strategy and Con-sulting, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences. It is also home to an international PhD in Circular Economy. Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr Mijo Mirkovi´ c’ (Croatia) offers all levels of higher education: from undergraduate and graduate studies to postgraduate specialist and doctoral programmes of study. Scientific activities of the Faculty include research in the field of social sciences and organisation of international conferences as well as publishing of international scientific journals, including Economic Research and Review of Innovation and Competitiveness. 4 Welcome Address by the Conference Chairs It is our distinct pleasure and privilege to welcome you to Trento, Italy, for the Management International Conference (MIC) 2024. Address This year’s MIC Conference is organised in partnership between the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (Slovenia); University of Trento, Department of Economics and Management (Italy); University of Trieste, DEAMS – lcome Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics, and Statistics (Italy); and e Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr Mijo W Mirković’ (Croatia). We extend our sincere appreciation to all participants and presenters for their valuable contributions and active participation. This year, we received 110 sub-missions, each subjected to a double-blind review process. Out of these, 89 are presented at the conference. We expect a total attendance of 110 participants. All paper abstracts are compiled in the Book of Abstracts. Authors are encouraged to submit full papers for consideration in the MIC 2024 Conference Pro-ceedings or for inclusion in the regular or special issues of MIC supporting journals. The list of supporting journals is available on the conference website. Our deepest gratitude is extended to our esteemed Keynote Speakers, Dr Lučka Kajfež Bogataj (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Dr Francesco Testa (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, Italy), and Dr Antonella Zucchella (University of Pavia, Italy), as well as to all speakers participating in the Round Table discussion and in the Editors’ Panel. We also express our appreciation to the Chairs of the Pre-Conference Day, Dr Bob Bastian and Dr Andrea Caputo, along with all mentors, for organizing an engaging and enriching experience for PhD students. Lastly, we extend our sincere thanks to all members of the programme boards and the Organisation Committee of MIC 2024. We wish everyone a highly suc-cessful and productive conference. Dr Anita Trnavčević Dr Oksana Tokarchuk Dr Guido Bortoluzzi Conference Chairs 5 Conference Aims Aims Innovation, regeneration, and inclusion are central pillars of the future agenda for strong societies and economies, as they are key to overcoming challenges and driving sustainable growth in a rapidly changing world. It is recognised by researchers and policymakers, as well as by individuals, that it is their responsibility to improve the quality of life while preserving the environment for future Conference generations. Economies and societies must therefore plan, act, and create a future that leaves room for future generations. The Next Generation EU instrument, an ambitious recovery plan launched by the European Union, recognises the critical role of the four pillars embedded in green and digital foundations in shaping the future. As we navigate through an ever-evolving and complex world, it is crucial to address the challenges that lie ahead. Scientists and researchers have a responsibility to explore, investigate, and make the world a better place. The MIC 2024 conference aims to explore the next generation challenges fac-ing different industries, sectors, and fields, with a particular focus on fostering innovation, building resilience, promoting regeneration, and ensuring inclusivity – it is open to all contributions that address the next generation challenges. The conference also aims to bring together academics, professionals, and experts from management, economics, human resource management, organizational studies, finances, accounting, and other related fields, while providing a unique platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. As always, MIC 2024 welcomes researchers to join the conference community, share their expertise and experience, provide new empirical evidence, and engage in theoretical discussions. 6 Programme Boards Conference Chairs Boards Dr Anita Trnavčević, University of Primorska, Slovenia Dr Oksana Tokarchuk, University of Trento, Italy Dr Guido Bortoluzzi, University of Trieste, Italy Pre-Conference Day Chairs Dr Bob Bastian, University of Trento, Italy Dr Andrea Caputo, University of Trento, Italy, and University of Lincoln, UK Scientific Committee Dr Kirk Anderson, Memorial University, Canada Dr Reinhard Bernsteiner, MCI The Entrepreneurial School, Austria Dr Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Dr Hani El-Chaarani, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon Dr Ksenija Černe, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Dr Patrizia de Luca, University of Trieste, Italy Dr Maria Della Lucia, University of Trento, Italy DDr Imre Fert˝ o, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Dr József Fogarasi, Óbuda University, Hungary and Partium Christian University, Romania Dr Maria Antónia Gonçalves Rodrigues, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal Dr Małgorzata Gotowska, University of Science and Technology, Poland Dr Rune Ellemose Gulev, Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Germany Dr Florin Ionita, Bucharest University for Economic Studies, Romania Dr Anna Jakubczak, University of Science and Technology, Poland Dr Maria Jakubik, Ronin Institute, USA Dr Pekka Kess, University of Oulu, Finland Dr Massimiliano Kaucic, University of Trieste, Italy Dr Branko Kavšek, University of Primorska, Slovenia Dr Danijela Križman Pavlović, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Dr Atanu Kumar Nath, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway Dr Mitja Ruzzier, University of Primorska, Slovenia Dr Erica Santini, University of Trento, Italy Dr Cezar Scarlat, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Dr Marcello Signorelli, University of Perugia, Italy Dr Dean Sinković, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Dr Brandon William Soltwisch, Tulane University, USA, USA Dr Marinko Škare, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Dr Janez Šušteršič, Re-forma, Research and Development, Ltd., Slovenia Dr Giorgio Valentinuz, University of Trieste, Italy Dr Donata Vianelli, University of Trieste, Italy Dr Robert Zenzerović, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia 7 Organising Committee University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia Boards Suzana Sedmak, MSc Dr Ana Grdović Gnip Staša Ferjančič Rosso Dr Tatjana Horvat Robi Regoršek Matevž Malej University of Trento, Department of Economics and Management, Italy Dr Bob Bastian Dr Andrea Caputo Dr Maria Della Lucia Dr Giulia Dore Dr Erica Santini University of Trieste, Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics, Italy Dr Guido Bortoluzzi Dr Grazia Garlatti Costa Dr Rubina Romanello Dr Gabriele Sbaiz Dr Giorgio Valentinuz Dr Donata Vianelli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr Mijo Mirkovi´ c’ (Croatia) Dr Dean Sinković Editorial Office Alen Ježovnik, University of Primorska Press, Slovenia 8 Conference Programme Wednesday, 5 June 2024 – Pre-Conference Day for PhD Students 10.00–11.00 Registration and Coffee (School of Innovation) rogrammeP 11.00–11.15 Welcome Address 11.15–12.05 Elevator Pitches 12.05–13.00 Interactive Discussion: What is the Meaning of Doing Research? 13.00–14.00 Lunch (Department of Economics and Management) 14.00–15.00 Mentor Sessions 15.00–15.45 Keynote Speech: Dr Antonella Zucchella, Formulating Impactful Research Questions 15.45–16.00 Coffee Break 16.00–17.00 Meet the Editor in Chief Session 17.00–17.45 Mentor Sessions 17.45–18.00 Closing Words 18.00–20.00 Social Event for PhD Students (Ristorante Borgo Nuovo) Thursday, 6 June 2024 08.30–14.00 Registration (Department of Economics and Management) 09.00–10.15 Parallel Sessions 10.15–10.30 Conference Opening 10.30–11.30 Keynote Speech: Dr Francesco Testa, Untangling the Complex Relationship between Business and Sustainability 11.30–12.00 Coffee Break 12.00–13.00 Keynote Speech: Dr Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, The Significance of Planetary Boundaries in Shaping Global Governance and Sustainability 13.00–14.30 Lunch 14.30–16.00 Parallel Sessions 16.00–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Round Table: Museums As Public Spaces and Agents of Social Change (Trento Philharmonic Society) 19.30 Conference Dinner (Locanda Margon) Friday, 7 June 2024 08.30–13.00 Registration (Department of Economics and Management) 09.00–10.30 Parallel Sessions 10.30–11.00 Poster Session with Coffee Break 11.00–12.30 Meet the Editors 12.30–14.00 Lunch 14.00–15.30 Parallel Sessions 15.30 Conference Closing and Farewell Saturday, 9 June 2024 09.00-11.00 Trento Guided Tour 9 Keynote Speech: The Significance of Planetary Boundaries in Shaping Global Governance Speech and Sustainability Thursday, 6 June 2024 • 12.00–13.00 • Sala Conferenze ynote Keynote Speaker: Dr Luˇ cka Kajfež Bogataj eK Luˇ cka Kajfež Bogataj is professor emeritus at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her areas of research include biometeorology, climate change impacts on ecosystems and human well-being. Her expertise as a climate scientist is internationally recognized and she was, as a member of the In-tergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2002– 2016) the joint recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. She was also a member of the Steer-ing Committee for the Global Climate Observation System at the World Meteorological Organisation. In 2016 she became a member of the UNESCO Expert Group on the Declaration on Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change. She was listed among Women Who Inspire Europe in 2012 by the European Institute for Gender Equality. She has shared her expertise at many national and international conferences and in various media. Abstract. Imagine Earth as a delicate ecosystem, with interconnected cycles and systems that support life as we know it. Planetary boundaries serve as guardrails for human activity, defining the safe operating space within which we can thrive without causing irreversible harm to our planet. This framework guides us in navigating our actions to avoid tipping these delicate balances, ensuring that we don’t disrupt vital biological and chemical processes that sustain Earth’s systems. It’s like having rules for a game: by respecting these boundaries, we protect the health and stability of our shared home. Increasingly recognized on a global scale, the concept of planetary boundaries is shaping how governments, organizations, and communities approach environmental management. It moves us away from traditional sector-focused strategies towards a holistic understanding of the limits within which human development can flourish sustainably. 10 Keynote Speech: Untangling the Complex Relationship between Business and Sustainability Thursday, 6 June 2024 • 10.30–11.30 • Sala Conferenze Speech Keynote Speaker: Dr Francesco Testa ynote Francesco Testa is Full Professor of Sustainability e of Management at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna K in Pisa where he coordinates the research group on Life Cycle Management, Vice-Director of the Institute of Management and partner of the Spin-off Ergo srl. His main research areas concern the relationship between institutional pressures, motivational drivers and environmental and economic performance, circular economy business models and sustainable entrepreneurship. He has participated in numerous research projects promoted by the European Commission in the field of environmental management. He is Associate Editor of Business Strategy & Environment and CSR&EM and member of the Editorial Board of Organization & Environment. He is the author of more than 100 articles, books and book chapters on these topics. Abstract. According to the United Nations, the world is currently grappling with a Triple Planetary Crisis involving climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. These crises are highly interconnected, making the issue particularly challenging and complex. Such interconnection between the crises makes it clear that dealing with them independently is no longer sufficient. In such process the role of business is pivotal. It is imperative to take a holistic and integrated approach capable of grasping the complexity of nature and its relationship to human activities, of which companies are a prominent manifestation that needs to be deepened. Moving beyond short-term approach is essential. Embracing complexity by recognizing tensions can trigger creative solutions, necessary to make business really sustainable. However, in order to trigger a change of course and reverse the worrying trend of nature degradation, it is not enough to act only at an operational level. Practical solutions need to be complemented with a radical, ontological, change in the ways in which the relationship between humans and nature is conceived. 11 Round Table: Museums as Public Spaces ble Ta for Social Change Thursday, 6 June 2024 • 16.30 • Trento Philharmonic Society oundR Innovation, regeneration and inclusion are key pillars for building resilient societies and economies that can promote sustainable development, social welfare and environmental protection, with the active involvement of citizens and for the benefit of people and territories. These challenges are the focus of the scientific debate at the 2024 MIC Conference. The same goals are pursued by the PNRR iNEST-Interconnected Northeast Innovation Ecosystem project’s Spoke 6 on Tourism, Culture and Creative Industries and the project’s cross-cutting Citizen Engagement activities. Within this framework, the Symposium discusses the role of museums as public spaces that are catalysts for innovation, agents of cultural regeneration, and promoters of social inclusion, including through museum network projects with a territorial base but a global reach. 16.30–16.45 Institutional greetings: Maria Cristina Pedicchio (University of Trieste), Representative of iNEST-Interconnected Northeast Innovation Ecosystem by CC3 Citizen Engagement Initiatives Alberto Montresor (University of Trento), Representative for Uni-Trento of CC3 iNEST 16.45–17.00 Chamber music performance by the Bonporti Conservatory of Trento and Riva del Garda 17.00-18.30 Introduced by: Maria Della Lucia e Giulia Dore (University of Trento), iNEST Spoke 6 Moderator: Michele Lanzinger (ICOM Italia) Discussing: Antonella Arzone (Castelvecchio Museum, Verona), Isabella Colpo (University Museums of Padua, Padua), Ornella Dossi (MART, Trento), Patrizia Famà (MUSE, Trento), Brita Köhler (Museion, Bolzano), Leonardo Latella (Natural History Museum, Verona), Serena Mizzan (Immaginario Scientifico, Trieste) 12 Meet the Editors Friday, 7 June 2024 • 11.00–12.30 • Sala Conferenze ditorsE The Editors Panel is a tailored session for all participants interested into gaining insight on the publication process and journal’s metrics. It is an opportunity to the meet the editors and their respective journals as well as raise any relevant concern related to the publication process. Exchanging views on experiences about manuscript preparation and proper journal selection or about the understanding Meet of the journals’ metrics, are just some of the covered topics. 13 Pre-Conference Day Wednesday, 5 June 2024 Dear participants of the Pre-Conference Day, Conference Welcome to the Pre-Conference Day of the Management International Confer-re- ence 2024! We are excited to have you join us in Trento for this exciting event. P As the chairs of the conference, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your dedication to research and your commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of management. This year’s colloquium brings together a diverse group of doctoral students from various institutions and backgrounds. From the Czech Republic to Slovenia, from Lithuania to Italy, you represent the future of management scholarship. Your presence here enriches our discussions, encourages collaboration, and inspires new ideas. Over the next few days, you will engage in stimulating conversations, attend thought-provoking sessions, and connect with seasoned researchers. Take full advantage of this unique opportunity to learn, share, and grow. Whether you’re presenting your own work or actively participating in discussions, remember that your voice matters. As you familiarize yourselves in the world of management research, we encourage you to form meaningful connections with your peers. Exchange ideas, challenge assumptions, and explore novel approaches. The Pre-Conference Day is not just about academic rigor; it’s also about building lasting friendships and networks that will shape your future endeavors. Once again, welcome to Trento! May this conference be an impulse for your intellectual journey, and may you leave with fresh insights, lasting memories, and a renewed passion for advancing management knowledge. Safe travels, and let’s make this Pre-Conference Day an unforgettable experience! Warm regards, Bob Bastian and Andrea Caputo Co-Chairs of the MIC Pre-conference day 2024 14 Keynote Speaker Antonella Zucchella is Professor of Marketing and of Circular Entrepreneurship at the University of Pavia in Italy. She has been vising professor in universities in Europe and the US and visiting re-Conference searcher at Harvard Business School in 2019. Her research interests are in international entrepre-re-P neurship, international business, sustainability and circular entrepreneurship. She published several articles in international journals and is also author of books on entrepreneurship. She has been awarded by International Business Review for the best article in 2018, she received the Emerald literati award for most outstanding paper in Multinational Business Review in 2017, twice awarded for the best paper in the International Business conference AIB. She has been keynote speaker in several international conferences. Editors-in-Chief Roger Strange is Professor of International Business in the Department of Strategy & Marketing, having joined the University of Sussex in Septem-ber 2009. He was previously Professor of International Business at King’s College London, where he was Head of Department from 1990 to 1995. Roger is a former President of the European International Business Academy (EIBA). He was the UK National Representative on the EIBA Board from 2009 to 2017. He organized the 2012 EIBA Annual Conference at Sussex and the 2007 AIB-UKI Annual Conference at King’s College London. He is currently Visiting Professor at the University of Pavia (Italy). Roger Strange is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Business Review, and on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of International Business Policy, the Journal of World Business, the Global Strategy Journal, the Asia Pacific Business Review, and the Journal of Management & Governance. Roger is the author/editor of fourteen books, and over one hundred journal articles and book chapters. He is a co-author (with Pervez Ghauri & Kjell Grønhaug) of the popular textbook, Research Methods in Business Studies (Cambridge University Press, 2020). Roger is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB), a Fellow of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) and, in 2024, the recipient of the John H. Dunning Award for Lifetime Achievement. 15 Andrea Caputo is Associate Professor in Management at the University of Trento (Italy) and Professor of Strategy & Negotiation at the University of Lincoln (UK). He is the Editor-in-Chief of Strategic Change. He received his PhD from the Univer-Conference sity of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. He has had aca-re- demic experiences in various countries, including P the United States, Jordan, Australia, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and Malta. His award-winning research was published in over 100 contributions concerning entrepreneurial decision-making, negotiation, digitalization and sustainability, internationalization, and strategic management of SMEs. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, he was ranked among World’s Top 2% Scientists List of outstanding researchers prepared by Elsevier BV, Stanford University, USA. Mentors Ana Grdovi´ c Gnip is Associate Professor at the University of Primorska where she teaches microe-conomics, econometrics and other macro-finance courses. Her primary scientific interests include fiscal policy and tax efficiency as well as EU economic governance. She has published in several high-ranked journals such as the Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Policy Modeling or the European Journal of Political Economy. She is also a member of the Economic counseling com-mittee of the Croatian President Zoran Milanović. Stefano Amato is Assistant Professor in business administration and management at the University of Trento (Italy). He has been Post-Doctoral Researcher at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy). He earned his PhD from the University of Pisa (Italy) and has been a Visiting PhD Candidate at the Sheikh Saoud bin Khalid bin Khalid Al-Qassimi Chair in Family Business of American University of Sharjah (UAE) and at the Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership (Ce-FEO) of Jönköping International Business School (Sweden). His main research interest focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), family businesses, and regional development. 16 Guido Bortoluzzi is Professor of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the Department of Economics, Management, Mathematics and Statistics ‘Bruno de Finetti’ of the University of Trieste (Italy). He’s also Core Faculty Member of the MIB Trieste School of Management and Academic Conference Director of the MBA Programme in International re-Business. He holds a PhD in Management from P the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He has been a visiting lecturer at several international institutions worldwide, including the University of North-ern Colorado (Greeley, USA), Lingnan (University) College (Guangzhou, PRC) and ISM University of Economics and Business (Vil-nius, LT). His research interests deal with creativity and innovation processes, business modeling and the growth of SMEs. He has published his research in several academic journals, including Harvard Business Review, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Journal of International Management and others. Bob Bastian is Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Trento, Italy. Previously, he was a Visiting Research Fellow at the RUG in Groningen, The Netherlands. His research is focused on entrepreneurial judgment and decision-making in various uncertain and strategic contexts, mostly conducted in qualitative and experimental settings. More recently, he is analyzing how these decision-making processes relate to sustainability for the Grand Challenges of society. PhD Students (with Title of Research) Pier Luigi Giardino, Corporate Misconduct: Looking at Executives’ Personality Traits Seckin Celik, Sailing in the Open Sea: A Systematic Literature Review on Open Hardware – Unveiling Innovations, Challenges and Motivations across Industries Silvia Delladio, Cross-Country Mental Health Regulations: Effect on Entrepreneurial Well-Being Andrea Pavon, Exploring the Synergy of Digitalization and Sustainability in Business Performance: A Systematic Literature Review 17 Leyla Vesnic, Sustainability and Strategy in Management Studies: A Systematic Literature Review Lorenzo La Porta, Micro-foundations of Entrepreneurial Decision-Making in the Face of Technological Discontinuity: A Systematic Literature Review Christian Toros, The Impact of Digital Technologies on Material Product Innova-Conference tions re- Victoria Mogni, Regenerative Tourism from an Economic Perspective: A System-P atic and Bibliometric Literature Review Chiara Marinelli, A Preliminary Study on Employees’ Goal Alignment and Organisational Humane Entrepreneurship Doina Liliana Badea, Analysis of the Sovereign Risk Based on Debt Maturity Exposure Muhammad Kamal Subhani, Tourism Sector Development through Destination Brand Authenticity in Pakistan Rodrigo Costa Gomes, Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Management Decisions to Achieve Insurance Companies’ Brand Positioning Yves Pouabe, Future of Services in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Investigating the Role of Service Robots in Shaping Consumers’ Willingness to Pay Henrika Rugine, The Baltic States Maritime Industries Readiness for Circular Economy Erika Kovács, Possibilities and Risks of Using Digital Technologies (Telemedicine) a in Patient Care and Their Impact on the Health Service Outcome 18 Pre-Conference Day Presentations Wednesday, 5 June 2024 Cross-Country Mental Health Regulations: Effect on Entrepreneurial Well-Being Silvia Delladio, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: legislation, Europe, entrepreneurship, well-being, EWCS, 2-ESENER resentations Abstract P Regenerative Tourism from an Economic Perspective: A Systematic and Bibliometric Literature Review Alejandro Alcalá-Ordóñez, University of Jaén, Spain Juan Gabriel Brida, Universidad de la República Uruguay, Uruguay Pablo Juan Cárdenas-García, University of Jaén, Spain Victoria Mogni Graña, Universidad de la República Uruguay, Uruguay Keywords: regenerative tourism, systematic literature review, economic impacts Abstract Sustainability and Strategy in Management Studies: A Systematic Literature Review Leyla Vesnic, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: sustainability, strategy, strategic planning, strategic implementation, strategic control Abstract Micro-Foundations of Entrepreneurial Decision-Making in the Face of Technological Discontinuity: A Systematic Literature Review Lorenzo La Porta, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: technological discontinuity, micro-foundations, decision-making, business strategy Abstract Exploring the Synergy of Digitalization and Sustainability in Business Performance: A Systematic Literature Review Andrea Isabel Pavon Flores, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: digitalization, sustainability, business performance Abstract Corporate Misconduct: Looking at Executives’ Personality Traits Pier Luigi Giardino, University of Trento, Italy Andrea Caputo, University of Trento, Italy, and University of Lincoln, United Kingdom Keywords: personality traits, executives, corporate misconduct, systematic literature review Abstract Analysis of the Sovereign Risk Based on Debt Maturity Exposure Doina Liliana Badea and Emilia Titan, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Keywords: debt, maturity, sovereign risk Abstract 19 Economics Thursday, June 8 • 9.00–10.15 • Room 3D Session Chair: Reinhard Neck Optimal Fiscal Policies in Booms and in Recessions: resentationsP A Case Study for Slovenia Reinhard Neck and Dmitri Blueschke, University of Klagenfurt, Austria Klaus Weyerstrass, Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles Group, Austria Miroslav Verbič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: economics, fiscal policy, dynamic optimization, Slovenia Abstract Human-Related Factors Influencing FDI Inflows in EU-Countries Lóránd Králik, Partium Christian University, Romania József Fogarasi, Partium Christian University, Romania and Óbuda University, Hungary Keywords: foreign direct investment, human development, labour productivity, labour costs Abstract EU Macro-Regional Strategies: Can We Assess Their Impact? Ana Grdović Gnip and Andreja Pegan, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: EU macro-regional strategies, EUSAIR, EUSALP, EUSBSR, growth, synthetic control Abstract Unlocking the Nexus: Personal Remittances and Economic Drivers Shaping Housing Prices Across EU Borders Maja Nikšić Radić, Siniša Bogdan, and Marina Barki¯ dija Sotošek, University of Rijeka, Croatia Keywords: European real estate market, personal remittances, housing prices economic drivers Abstract The Complementarity between Automation and Labour Contracts: Firm-Level Evidence from Italy Silvio Traverso, University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy Massimiliano Vatiero, University of Trento, Italy, and Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland Enrico Zaninotto, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: automation, labour contracts, flexible capital, flexible labour Abstract 20 Digitalisation I Thursday, June 6 • 9.00–10.15 • Room 3E Session Chair: Andrej Bertoncelj Aligning the Data Strategy to the Ecosystem’s Management: The Case of Wärtsilä resentationsP Eleonora Masiero, Grazia Garlatti Costa, and Guido Bortoluzzi, University of Trieste, Italy Korinzia Toniolo, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy Keywords: servitisation strategies, ecosystems, digital technologies, case study Abstract The TESS of Cultural Tourism: The Digital Dimension C˘ alin Veghe¸ s, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Keywords: cultural tourism, cultural marketing, digital demand Abstract Sailing in the Open Sea: A Systematic Literature Review on Open Hardware – Unveiling Innovations, Challenges and Motivations Across Industries Seckin Celik, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: open hardware, innovation adoption, open-source product development, collaboration Abstract Digital Transformation of Cultural Industry: A Topic Analysis of Research Dealing with Job Creation and Displacement Andrej Bertoncelj and Tine Bertoncel, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: Industry 4.0, digital transformation, cultural industry, job creation and displacement, automation, artificial intelligence, topic mining Abstract 21 Innovations Thursday, June 6 • 9.00–10.15 • Room 3F Session Chair: Jean-Paul Van Belle Addressing the 4IR: Analysing the Success Factors of South African Hubs resentationsP Using SSM Savannah Althoff-Thomson and Jean-Paul Van Belle, University of Cape Town, South Africa Keywords: technology innovation hubs, innovation success, Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), South Africa Abstract From Eco-Innovations to Organizational and Regional Resilience: A Climate Change Perspective Agnieszka Karman, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland Keywords: climate change, eco-innovations, resilience, region Abstract Affect-As-Information in the Process of Individual’s Change Readiness Development Eva Repovš, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: change readiness, feelings-as-information theory, qualitative study Abstract The Impact of Digital Technologies on Material Product Innovations Christian Toros, University of Latvia, Latvia Keywords: digitalization, digital technologies, innovations, material products Abstract Enhancing Open Innovation through Strategic Marketing Intelligence Alessandro Comai, International University of Japan, Japan Marcel Bogers, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Keywords: open innovation, marketing intelligence, market orientation Abstract 22 Green Transition Thursday, June 6 • 9.00–10.15 • Room 3G Session Chair: Štefan Bojnec Sustainability in the Adoption of Agri-Environmental-Climate Schemes Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia resentationsP Imre Fert˝ o, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungary Keywords: agri-environmental-climate programmes, adoption, selection model, duration analysis, Common Agricultural Policy Abstract Sustainability in Farming Businesses: How Do Business Models Embrace the Principles of the Circular Economy? Silvia Cantele, Silvia Vernizzi, and Vincenzo Riso, University of Verona, Italy Keywords: agri-business, business model, sustainability, circular economy, biogas Abstract Impact of Agro-Environmental Schemes on Hungarian Winegrape Farms’ Technical and Eco-Efficiency József Fogarasi, Óbuda University, Hungary, and Partium Christian University, Romania Zoltán Bakucs, Centre for Economic and Regional Research, and Óbuda University, Hungary Lajos Baráth, Centre for Economic and Regional Research, Hungary Keywords: technical efficiency, eco-efficiency, difference in differences, Hungarian winegrape farms Abstract 23 Education I Thursday, June 6 • 9.00–10.15 • Room 3H Session Chair: Elizabeta Zirnstein Social Entrepreneurship: How Social Innovation Can Be Tackled resentationsP through Challenge-Based Learning and What Is the Impact on Students’ Entrepreneurial Skills Alessandra Scroccaro, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: challenge-based learning, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, higher education institutions, entrepreneurial skills, management course Abstract Garbage In, Garbage Out – The Appropriate Use of Scales? Borut Kodrič, Anita Trnavčević, Nada Trunk Širca, and Tine Bertoncel, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: higher education, questionnaire, measurement scale Abstract Artificial Intelligence in Education – Legal Issues Elizabeta Zirnstein and Suzana Sedmak, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: artificial intelligence, education, EU regulation Abstract Is the Eco-Education the Remedy for Sustainable Future? Dagmara Lewicka, Helena Starowicz-Rajca, and Paweł Zając, AGH University of Krakow, Poland Keywords: eco-education, employee green behavior, POS, employee eco-identity Abstract 24 Management I Thursday, June 6 • 14.30–16.00 • Room 3D Session Chair: Benjamin Maury Preliminary Results of Processes Monitoring: The Case of a Company in the Automotive Industry resentationsP Aleksander Janeš and Robert Pavlin, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: measurement, business processes, process technology, performance indicators, process capability, overall equipment efficiency, return on investment, monitoring system, automotive company Abstract Critical Success Factors for Six Sigma Implementation: Evidence from Slovenia Dušan Gošnik, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: management, Six Sigma, implementation, success, factor Abstract Exploring Transformative Service Research: Innovating for Next Generation Challenges through Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis Maria Della Lucia, Erica Santini, and Muhammad Junaid Shahid Hasni, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: transformative services, value co-creation, well-being, sustainability Abstract Business Environment, Management, and the Performance of Romania’s Economy in the Year 2022 in the European and Global Context Gyula Florian, Partium Cristian University, Romania Ferenc Mózes Olivér Jakab, Szent László High School, Romania Keywords: pandemic, economies, war, sustainability Abstract Alternative Data Taxonomy and Financial Decision Making Benjamin Maury and Daniel Pasternack, Hanken School of Economics, Finland Keywords: alternative data, unstructured data, big data, integrative model Abstract 25 Sustainability I Thursday, June 6 • 14.30–16.00 • Room 3E Session Chair: Tine Bertoncel Reviewing Sustainability for Business Models: Problematizing, resentationsP Rather than Gap-Spotting Bob Bastian, University of Trento, Italy Andrea Caputo, University of Trento, Italy, and University of Lincoln, United Kingdom Maria Della Lucia, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: sustainable business models, problematization Abstract Unveiling the Nexus Between Corporate Sustainability and Digital Communication Rubina Romanello and Donata Vianelli, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: sustainability, sustainable growth, digital communication, digital channels Abstract The Baltic States Maritime Industries Readiness for Circular Economy Henrika Rugin˙ e, LCC International University, Lithuania Keywords: circular economy, Baltic states, maritime industry Abstract Sustainability and Financial Performance: A Winning Duo in the Fashion Industry? Samantha Barresi and Michele Bertoni, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: ESG, ESG performance, corporate financial performance, fashion industry, environmentally sensitive industries, socially sensitive industries Abstract Energy Sustainability and Robotic Integration: A Bibliometric Analysis Tine Bertoncel, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: sustainability, energy efficiency, greentech technology, robotic systems, bibliometric analysis Abstract 26 Finance I Thursday, June 6 • 14.30–16.00 • Room 3F Session Chair: Giorgio Valentinuz The State of the Art on Corporate Risk Disclosure: A Systematic Literature Review resentationsP Chiara Mio, Nicolas Canestraro, and Antonio Costantini, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy Keywords: risk disclosure, risk reporting, non-financial risks, Directive 2014/95/EU, Directive 2022/2464/EU Abstract Introduction of Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) – Implications for European Pension Funds’ Practices Dražen Novaković and Dina Bičvić, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia Antonija Matić, Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET, Croatia Keywords: PEPP, pension funds, fees, EU, Croatia Abstract Executive Compensation and Corporate Philanthropy in the Financial Sector: A Case Study of Banks in Poland Marta Idasz-Balina, Kozminski University, Poland Rafał Balina, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Keywords: corporate philanthropy, bank, compensation, financial performance, corporate social responsibility Abstract An Analysis of the Sustainable Bond Market and the New European Green Bond Standard Giorgio Valentinuz, University of Trieste, Italy Leonardo Massarutto, LungoRaggio Srl, Italy Keywords: Sustainability Bond, Green Bonds, ICMA Principles, European Green Bond Standard Abstract 27 Entrepreneurship Thursday, June 6 • 14.30–16.00 • Room 3G Session Chair: Simona Kustec Entrepreneurial State Management of Innovation: A Comprehensive resentationsP Cross-Country Comparative Analysis of EU Democracies Simona Kustec and Ana Zalokar, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: entrepreneurial state, state management, democracy, innovation, EU, statistical analysis Abstract An Exploration of an Entrepreneurial Solution to the Global Freshwater Crisis Samuel Beck, Fu Jen University, Taiwan Shane Rivera, Loyola Marymount University, United States Keywords: wastewater recycling, global freshwater crisis, freshwater scarcity Abstract EU-Funded Romanian Startup SMEs: Lessons Learned from Initial Market Steps Árpád Szabó and Tünde Zita Kovács, Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: SPEED program, startup SMEs, economic growth, formation, business strategy Abstract A Preliminary Study on Employees’ Goal Alignment and Organisational Humane Entrepreneurship Chiara Marinelli, Grazia Garlatti Costa, and Guido Bortoluzzi, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: humane entrepreneurship, goal alignment, sustainability Abstract 28 Education II Thursday, June 6 • 14.30–16.00 • Room 3H Session Chair: Igor Rižnar Everyman’s ChatGPT Igor Rižnar and Armand Faganel, University of Primorska, Slovenia resentationsP Keywords: AI, ChatGPT, DeepL, LLM, machine learning, machine translation Abstract The Practice Enterprise Model as a Tool for Innovative Teaching in Economics and Management Courses: A Case Study Daniele Gualdi, University of Bologna, Italy Keywords: management, accounting education, practice enterprise Abstract Service Learning International Start-Up in ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations): From Where to Where? Vishalache Balakrishnan, University of Malaya, Malaysia Keywords: service learning, internationalization, sustainability Abstract From University Statistic Classroom to IT Company: Using MS Copilot in Grounding Data Matevž Malej, University of Primorska, Slovenia Vladimir Djurdjić, Actual I.T. group, Slovenia Keywords: generative AI, statistics, grounding data, Actual I.T. Abstract 29 Digital Innovation and Finance Friday, June 7 • 9.00–10.30 • Room 3D Session Chair: Dušan Lesjak Exploring South Africa Artists’ Sentiments towards Non-Fungible Tokens resentationsP Salma Noor Mahomed and Jean-Paul Van Belle, University of Cape Town, South Africa Keywords: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), art market, blockchain technology, South Africa, technology adoption Abstract Future Challenges and Concerns in Cryptocurrency Dušan Lesjak, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: cryptocurrencies, financial transactions, regulatory framework, public perceptions, academic insights, digital financial systems, legislative measure Abstract Developing Transversal Skills: Applied Artificial Intelligence in Finance Aleksandra Porjazoska Kujundziski, Damir Rahmani, Hiqmet Kamberaj, Ervin Domazet, Neslihan Ademi, and Amra Feta, International Balkan University, North Macedonia Francisco Lopez Valverde and Sergio Gálvez Rojas, University of Malaga, Spain Eduard Petlenkov and Kristina Vassiljeva, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Ivan Štajduhar, University of Rijeka, Croatia Tobias Hagen, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Anton Gradišek, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Aleksander Zidanšek, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Slovenia Keywords: applied artificial intelligence, transversal skills, teaching platform Abstract Determinants of Initial Coin Offering’s Success: The Role of Social Networks Visibility, Crowd Involvement and Human Capital Silvia Blasi, University of Verona, Italy Elena Sapienza and Silvia Rita Sedita, University of Padua, Italy Keywords: initial coin offering, crowdfunding, social visibility, human capital, regulation Abstract 30 Sustainability II Friday, June 7 • 9.00–10.30 • Room 3E Session Chair: Sergej Griˇ car Addressing Challenges in Bicycle Daily Commuting in Slovenia Sergej Gričar, University of Novo mesto, Slovenia resentationsP Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: sustainability, bikes, Slovenia, commuting Abstract Greenhushing: A Systematic Literature Review Lucia Gatti, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: greenhushing, greenwashing, green communication, green marketing Abstract Place-Attached Family Firms and CSR Orientation: The Mediating Role of Local Embeddedness Stefano Amato, University of Trento, Italy Paolo Di Toma and Ulpiana Kocollari, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Keywords: corporate social responsibility, place attachment, local embeddedness, location, family firms, causal mediation analysis, Italy Abstract Green Marketing Through a Neuromarketing Perspective Indre Razbadauskaite Venske, LCC International University, Lithuania Keywords: green marketing, neuromarketing, consumer behaviour Abstract 31 Social Issues Friday, June 7 • 9.00–10.30 • Room 3F Session Chair: Ana Arzenšek How Self-Centered Is Generation Z? The Influence of Self-Centeredness resentationsP on Sustainable Behaviour Brindusa Mariana Bejan and Ciprian Marcel Pop, Babe¸ s-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Keywords: generation Z, egocentrism index, next generation, sustainable behaviour Abstract Gender Equality: A Pathway to Monitoring and Implementation Štefan Bojnec, Patricia Blatnik, and Jan Frančeškin, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: education, science, gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusive university Abstract Emotional Intelligence in Dental Teams at the Dental Clinic of University Clinical Centre Ljubljana – A Pilot Study Martina Drevenšek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Ana Arzenšek, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: emotional intelligence, ESCQ, good clinical practice, UCC Ljubljana Dental Clinic Abstract Researching Development Experience – Some Insights from Managers of Generation Y Morena Paulišić, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Keywords: talents, development experience, managers, generation Y Abstract 32 Human Resource Management Friday, June 7 • 9.00–10.30 • Room 3G Session Chair: Andreja Pegan Motivating Employees to Apply Knowledge at Work: The Case of Lithuanian Banks resentationsP Laima Jeseviciute-Ufartiene and Raminta Andreja Ligeikiene, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania Keywords: knowledge management, employees’ motivation, human resource management Abstract Investing in Talent: Managerial Training and Its Impact on Firm Performance in Uncertain Times Oksana Tokarchuk and Roberto Gabriele, University of Trento, Italy Anna Menozzi, University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy Keywords: dynamic capabilities, firm performance, managerial training Abstract Third Sector Professionals in the Delivery of Public Services in Slovenia Andreja Pegan, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: third sector, public services, public service delivery, professionals, social policy, welfare Abstract Finders, Keepers; Losers, Weepers. An Empirical Analysis on the Ability to Recognize Talent in the NBA Alberto Alvisi, University of Padua, Italy Keywords: talent management, recruiting skills, human capital Abstract Human Resource Management, Employee Well-Being and Performance: A Systematic Review Diep Thi Phuong Thao and Petra Horváthová, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Keywords: HRM, employee well-being, performance Abstract 33 Poster Session Friday, June 7 • 10.30–11.00, 3rd Floor Hall Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Management Decisions to Achieve Insurance Companies’ Brand Positioning resentationsP Rodrigo Costa Gomes, University of Évora and University of Beira Interior, Portugal Marta da Conceição Cruz Silvério, University of Évora, Portugal Pedro Mota Veiga, University of Maia and University of Beira Interior, Portugal Keywords: artificial intelligence, brand positioning, insurance companies, insurance managers Abstract Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) in Mathematics Education: The Next Generation Teachers Challenges Edith Debrenti, Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: Keywords: game-based learning, digital game-based learning, STEM Abstract 34 Management II Friday, June 7 • 14.00–15.30 • Room 3D Session Chair: Patricia Blatnik Strategic Implementation of Circular Economy Principles in Business for Sustainable Growth resentationsP Albana Berisha Qehaja, University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina,’ Kosovo Keywords: strategic implementation, circular economy, sustainability, business strategies, competitive advantage, resource utilization Abstract Trade Show Performance: A Systematic Literature Review and Directions for Future Research Anita Proszowska, AGH University of Krakow, Poland Keywords: trade shows, trade show performance, trade show effectiveness Abstract Promoting Gender Equality at the University of Primorska Štefan Bojnec, Patricia Blatnik, and Jan Frančeškin, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: gender equality, educational institutions, managerial staff, middle management, academic staff, international mobility Abstract The Effect of Translation Quality on Ideal Consumers’ Price: Evidence from a Between-Group Design Experiment Chiara Marinelli, University of Trieste, Italy Marco Balzano, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, and SKEMA Business School, France Guido Bortoluzzi, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: instructions, translation, language quality Abstract Advancing Professional Development in the Museum Educational Landscape: A Law & Management Perspective Maria Della Lucia and Giulia Dore, University of Trento, Italy Michele Tamma, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy Keywords: museum education, digital transformation, accessibility, expertise, Continuous Professional Development Abstract 35 Digitalisation II Friday, June 7 • 14.00–15.30 • Room 3E Session Chair: Terezie Krestová A Case Study on the Impact of Digital Transformation in Management resentationsP Accounting: Interplay between Different Levels of Organizational Management and Accountants Nicola Sarain and Eleonora Masiero, University of Trieste, Italy Michael Kend, RMIT University, Australia Keywords: digital transformation, management accounting, innovation theory, accountability Abstract The Human Capital Digital Readiness in the European Union Countries Johanna Tripo and Tünde Zita Kovács, Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: DESI index, human capital, digital skills, STEM education, panel regression Abstract The Application of Digitalisation in Human Resource Management Terezie Krestová, Václav Friedrich, and Petra Chlopčíková, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Keywords: human resource management, digitalisation, organisational size, economy sector Abstract Knowledge-Based Hierarchies and Emerging Technologies Fabio Pieri, University of Trento and Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano, Italy Alì Tariq, University of Trento, Italy Massimiliano Vatiero, University of Trento, Italy, and Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland Keywords: knowledge-based hierarchy, span of control, emerging technologies Abstract Evaluating the Level of Digitalization in Czech Companies Lucja Matusiková and Kateřina Stanovská, VŠB – Technical University, Czech Republic Keywords: strategic management, management, digitalization, questionnaire survey Abstract 36 Finance II Friday, June 7 • 14.00–15.30 • Room 3F Session Chair: Matthew Pauley Navigating the Herd: A Bibliometric Examination of Investor Psychology in Financial Markets resentationsP PS Arundhathi, University of Calicut, India Matthew Pauley, Middlesex University, United Kingdom KB Libison, University of Calicut, India Keywords: herding behavior, investor psychology, financial markets, bibliometric analysis, performance analysis Abstract Unlocking Unicorn Success: Socio-Demographic Factors Shaping ESG Performance Silvia Delladio and Tesfaye Salarin, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: unicorns, ESG, socio-demographic characteristics, NCA, FsQCA Abstract The Capital Structure of Companies in the Italian Wine Sector Kristina Kregar, University of Trieste, Italy, and University of Rijeka, Croatia Fabrizio Rossi, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: Italian wine sector, capital structure, consumer preferences, market dynamics Abstract Investing in the Sense of ESG Mária Bohdalová and Vladimír Valach, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia Keywords: ESG risk, RepRisk, Socially responsible investing, Portfolio choice, ESG-Markowitz model Abstract 37 Tourism Friday, June 7 • 14.00–15.30 • Room 3G Session Chair: Tünde Zita Kovács Tourism Sector Development Through Destination Brand Authenticity in Pakistan resentations Muhammad Kamal Subhani and Terezie Krestova, P VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Keywords: destination brand authenticity, destination brand familiarity, destination brand self-congruence, revisit intention, recommendation attention Abstract Aqua est Dominus! Tünde Zita Kovács, Partium Christian University, Romania Beáta Bittner, University of Debrecen, Hungary Lajos Fazekas, Aquaticum Debrecen Kft., Hungary Johanna Tripo, Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: SPA, tourism, COVID-19, war, panel regression Abstract Productivity of the Slovenian Tourist Accommodation Sector Jan Frančeškin and Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: hospitality, accommodation companies, company size, company location, total factor productivity, Malmquist index Abstract Positive Impact of Experiential and Beer Tourism, a Case of Rinkuškiai Brewery in Biržai Region, Lithuania Aušrin˙ e Černiauskien˙ e, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania Keywords: craft beer tourism, experiential tourism, beer tourism, gastronomic tourism Abstract Evaluating Consumer Willingness to Pay for Robot-Delivered Services in Tourism and Hospitality Yves Pouabe, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, and University of Trento, Italy Serena Volo, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Oksana Tokarchuk, University of Trento, Italy Paolo Figini, University of Bologna, Italy Keywords: willingness to pay, service robots, discrete choice experiment, tourism and hospitality industry Abstract Tutors or Hosts? Examining the Role of Tour Guides in History Museums: A Netnography Study Maria Della Lucia and Rana Muhammad Umar, University of Trento, Italy Keywords: history museums, tour guide, visitor engagement, netnography, professional development programs Abstract 38 Document Outline Conference Organisers Contents Welcome Address by the Conference Chairs Conference Aims Programme Boards Conference Programme Keynote Speech: The Significance of Planetary Boundaries in Shaping Global Governance and Sustainability Keynote Speech: Untangling the Complex Relationship between Business and Sustainability Round Table: Museums as Public Spaces for Social Change Meet the Editors Pre-Conference Day Pre-Conference Day Presentations Economics Digitalisation I Innovations Green Transition Education I Management I Sustainability I Finance I Entrepreneurship Education II Digital Innovation and Finance Sustainability II Social Issues Human Resource Management Poster Session Management II Digitalisation II Finance II Tourism