©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, MAY 2002 Vol. 10, No. 1: 103-114 SPECIES OF THE GENUS DICYPHUS (HETEROPTERA: MIRIDAE) IN SERBIA Ljiljana PROTIČ Natural History Museum P.O. Box 401, YU-11000 Beograd Abstract. - Genus Dicyphus is represented in Serbia by ten species. New species for the fauna of Serbia are D. cerastii and D. eckerleini. The morphometric measurements of D. stachyclis have shown that all specimens from Serbia in the Study Collection of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade belong to the subspecies D. stachydis wagneri Tamanini. Key words: Heteroptera, Miridae, Dicyphus, Serbia, Yugoslavia, Balkan peninsula Izvleček - VRSTE RODU DICYPHUS (HETEROPTERA: MIRIDAE) V SRBIJI Rod Dicyphus je v Srbiji zastopan z desetimi vrstami. Novi vrsti v favni Srbije sta D. cerastii in D. eckerleini. Na osnovi morfometričnih merjenj vrste D. stachydis smo ugotovili, da vsi primerki iz Srbije, ki so shranjeni v Studijski zbirki Prirodoslovnega muzeja v Beogradu pripadajo podvrsti D. stachydis wagneri. Ključne besede: Heteroptera, Miridae, Dicyphus, Srbija, Jugoslavija, Balkanski polotok Introduction Work in the Study Collection of Heteroptera in the Natural History Museum in Belgrade in 2000 included work on species from the tribe Dicyphini Reuter. The Study collection of the Dicyphini tribe includes the genera Campyloneura, Dicyphus and Macrolophus. The genus Campyloneura is represented by the species C. virgu- 103 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta enlomologica, 10 (1), 2002 la Herrich-Schaeffer, and the genus Macrolophus by the species M. costcilis Fieber and M. glaucescens Fieber (Protic 1998). The genus Dicyphus is represented in the Study Collection of the Natural History Museum by eight species: D. annulatus (Wolff), D. cerastii Wagner, D. eckerleini Wagner, D. errcms (Wolff), D. genicula-tus Fieber, D. globulifer (Fallen), D. pcillidiis (Herrich-Schaeffer) and D. stcichydis wagneri Tamanini. In the literature, the following species are also given for Serbia: D. hyalinipennis (Burmeister) and D. stachydis stcichydis J. Sahlberg. So far, 16 species have been determined from the Balkan Peninsula, and two of them are endemic. These are D. digitalidis Josifov and D. martinoi Josifov, both from Bulgaria. Material and Methods Specimens from the genus Dicyphus given in this paper were caught by standard methods for collecting Heteroptera, in 41 localities in Serbia, during 1983-2000. All specimens were prepared for collection, labeled, and inventoried. They are part of the Heteroptera Study Collection. This paper also deals with representatives of the genus Dicyphus in other collections of Heteroptera kept in the Natural History Museum in Belgrade. Altogether, 11 species and 368 specimens were taken into account. They belong to the following: Heteroptera Study Collection in the Natural History Museum «600BE0595.7543» - 8 species with 304 specimens. Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection in the Natural History Museum «600BE0595.7542» 7 species with 30 specimens. Petar Novak Heteroptera Collection in the Natural History Museum «600BE0595.7.1» - 5 species with 34 specimens. Collection of Vladimir Martino. This paper includes data on two species of the genus Dicyphus collected by Professor Vladimir Martino during his phonological research on Heteroptera in the vicinity of Belgrade during the autumn of 1945. This research included 24 field trips (Martino 1949). While preparing this paper, scientific papers were collected in search of data. Therefore, we can include some data on species not yet found in Serbia but recorded in the Balkan Peninsula. 104 L. Piolic: Species of ihe genus Dicyphus (Heleroptera: Miiidae) in Serbia logiezentrum.at Tab. 1: Species of the genus Dicyphus in: AL - Albania, BH - Bosnia and Herzegovina, BU Bulgaria, CR - Croatia, GR - Greece (Crete included), MC -Macedonia, YU Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro); lit. literature data. AL BH BU CR GR MC YU Subgenus Brachyceroea D. al bona silt us Wagner + + + + D. annulatus (Wolf) + + + D. cligitciliclis Josifov + + D. geniculatus (Fieber) + + + + + + D. globulifer (Fallen) + + + + + + Subgenus Dicyphus D. cerastii Wagner + + + + + D. constrictus (Boheman) + + + D. eckerleini Wagner + + D. epilobii Reuter + D. errans (Wolff) + + + + + + + D. hyalinipeimis (Burmeister) + + lit. D. palliclus (Herrich-Schaeffer) + + + + + D. stachydis stachydis J. Sahlberg + + + lit. D. stachydis wagneri Tamanini + + + D. tamanini Wagner + + + Subgenus Mesodicyphus D. martinoi Josifov + + 6 8 37.5% 50% Total: 16 taxa in the Balkan Peninsula 11 9 5 10 10 68.75% 56.25% 31.25% 62.5% 62.5% List of Sites PN - Petal" Novak Collection; NK - Nicholas Kormilev Collection, all other sites refer to specimens from the Heteroptera Study Collection of the Natural History Museum. The numbers in brackets are UTM codes. SERBIA Bavanište (DQ96) Begaljica (DQ74) BeogradNK(DQ55) Beograd: Ada Ciganlija (DQ55) Beograd: Avala (DQ64) Beograd: AvalaNK Beograd: Košutnjak (DQ55) Beograd: Pinosava (DQ64) Beograd: Topčider (DQ55) Beograd: Topčiderski park (DQ55) Beograd: Resnik (DQ55) Beograd: Stepin Gaj (DQ55) Beograd: Vinča (DQ65) Beograd: Vračar (DQ55) Beograd: Zemun (DQ56) Besna Kobila (EN90) Besna Kobila-Kriva Feja (EN90) Bojčinska Šuma (DQ45) Boljevci (DQ35) Boljevci: Črni Lug (DQ35) Divčibare (DP28) Kosmaj (DQ62) LeskovacNK(EN75) Makiš (DQ44) Mala Moštanica: Žuto Brdo (DQ44) 105 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta enlomologica, 10 (1), 2002 Novi Beograd-ušče Galovice (DQ56) Obrenovac: Konatice (DQ43) Ozren (EP62) Ozren: Ripaljka (EP62) Ozren (EP62) Peručac na Drini (CP76) Popovič (DQ63) Priboj (CP82) Ritopek (DQ75) Sopot: Djurinci (DQ72) Stol (EP99) Surduk (DQ48) Šajince r. Pčinja (EM98) VranjskaBanja (EN71) Vratna (FQ01) MONTENEGRO Kanjon Tare-Bajloviča Sige Knezlaz (CMOl) BOSNA & HERZEGOVINA JablanicaNK BULGARIA Korten™ CROATIA Kastel SučuracPN Suiurac™ MosorPN MACEDONIA MatkaNK RaščeNK SkopjeNK ValandovoNK Besuyö (Hungary)NK Mariabesuyö (Hungary)NK Harz, Sachsa(Germany)''N Harz, Sachsa(Germany)NK Eisleben(Germany)PN Eisleben(Germany)NK Hamburg (Germany)NK Kortenhorf(Germany)PN Results The species of the genus Dicyphus are listed in alphabetical order within the subgenus. Not only species from Serbia are listed but all are within the genus present in the Balkan Peninsula. Familia: MIRIDAE Hahn, 1833 Tribe: Dicyphinae Reuetr, 1883 Genus: Dicyphus Fieber, 1858 Subgenus: Brachyceroea Fieber, 1858 D. albonasutus Wagner, 1951 Dicyphus (Brachyceraea) albonasutus Wagner, 1951: 7 Balkan Peninsula: AL, BU, GR, MC References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Josifov, 1986; Protic, 1998 D. annulatus (Wolf, 1804) Gerris annulatus Wolff, 1804 Abb. Wanzen: 156 Material examined: 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Sajince, Pcinja river 1985-07-14 leg. Lj. Protic 3 ex.; Priboj 1987-07-24 leg. Lj. Protic 1 ex.; Ozren: Ripaljka 1994-08-17 leg. Lj. Protic 3 ex.; Ozren 1994-08-19 leg. Lj. Protic 1 ex.; Perucac 1988-08-05 leg. Lj. Protic 1 ex.; Beograd: Resnik 1998-0516 leg. A. Stojanovic 1 S\ Stol 1988-05-06 leg. G. Mesaros 1 ex. 600BE0595.7542: Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection: Skopje 1938-08-19 leg. N. Kormilev 1 S\ Skopje 1937-08-18 leg. N. Kormilev 2 S\ Rasce 1940-08-04 leg. N. Kormilev 1 Valandovo 1940-07-05 leg. N. Kormilev 1 ? Balkan Peninsula: GR, MC, YU References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Josifov, 1986; Protic, 1998 106 L. Prolič: Species of the genus Dicyplms (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Serbia erw Dicyphus digitalidis Josifov, 1958: 271 Endemite Balkan Peninsula: BU, MC References: Josifov, 1958, 1986 Dicyphus geniculates (Fieber, 1858) Brachyceroea geniculata Fieber, 1858 Wien. ent. Monschr.: 343 Material examined: 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Beograd: Topčider 1996-10-16 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 <$\ Beograd: Resnik 1997-06-16 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 S, 1 9; Beograd: Resnik 1997-08-13 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Beograd: Ritopek 1998-06-20 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 Crni Lug 1998-05-31 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 ¿; Kosmaj 1998-06-06 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 Beograd: Vračar 199807-07 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 600BE0595.7542: Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection: Skopje 1937-08-11. leg. N. Kormilev 2 Skopje 1937-08-14. leg. N. Kormilev 2 Balkan Peninsula: AL, BH, BU, CR, MC, YU References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Protič, 1998 D. globulifer (Fallen, 1829) Capsus globulifer Fallen, 1829 Hem. Suec.: 124 Material examined: 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Beograd: Resnik 1997-06-16 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 ex., Obrenovac: Konatice 1983-08 leg. Lj. Protič 7 ex.; Knezlaz 1985-07-21 leg. M. Živkovič 1 ex.; Beograd: Topčider 1996-05-01 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 ex.; Kosmaj 1996-05-09 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 ex.; Makiš 1996-08-27 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 ex; Beograd: Ada Ciganlija 1998-10-12 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 ex.; Beograd: Topčider 1996-10-08 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 ex.; Beograd: Topčider 1996-08-11 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 ex.; Boljevci 1997-07-21 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 ex.; Surduk 1998-08-01 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Kosmaj 1994-08-15 leg. A. Stojanovič 4 ex.; Crni Lug 1998-05-31 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 Kosmaj 199806-06 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 S, 1 ?; Ritopek 1998-06-20 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 Surduk 1998-06-27 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 1 ?; Crni Lug 1998-07-07 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 Kosmaj 1998-07-18 leg. A. Stojanovič 4 S, 4 Žuto Brdo 199807-25 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 S, 5 $; Beograd: Resnik 1997-06-16 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 Beograd: Vinča 1997-07-29 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Begaljica 1997-08-09 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 S, 3 Beograd: Topčiderski Park 1997-08-17 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 $; Kosmaj 1997-08-26 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 ex.; Surduk 1999-08-07 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 ¿; Kosmaj 1998-08-15 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 S, 2 Surduk 1999-0821 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Novi Beograd-Ušče Galovice 1999-07-03 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 cj, 2 $; Beograd: Vinča 1999-07-17 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 4 Žuto Brdo 1999-09-25 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 1 $; Beograd: Resnik 2000-08-26 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Divčibare 1999-08-12 leg. Lj. Protič 1 <$\ Divčibare 1999-08-14 leg. Lj. Protič 1 107 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta enlomologica, 10 (1), 2002 600BE0595.7542: Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection: Mariabesuyo 1935-09-15 leg. Ret... 1 ex.; Besuyo 1935-09-22 leg. dr Feige 3 ex; Leskovac 1930-11-15 leg. N. Kormilev 1 ex.; Beograd: Avala 1941-07-13 leg. N. Kormilev 2 ex. 600BE0595.7.1: Petar Novak Heteroptera Collection: Mosor 1935-05-19 leg. P. Novak 8 ex.; Mosor 1935-05-26 leg. P. Novak 8 ex. Collection of Vladimir Martino: Beograd: Kosutnjak 1945-11-04 leg. V Martino Balkan Peninsula: AL, BH, BU, CR, MC, YU References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Protic, 1998 Subgenus Dicyphus D. cerastii Wagner, 1951 Comm Biol.: 12 Material examined: 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Vranjska Banja 1984-06-18 leg. Lj. Protic 1 Bavaniste 1989-10-18 leg. M. Zivkovic 1 ex. Balkan Peninsula: AL, BH, BU, CR, MC, YU References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Protic, 1998 D. constrictus (Boheman,1851) Capsus constrictus Boheman,1852 Ofv. Ak. Forh., 9: 74 Material examined: 600BE0595.7542: Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection: Jablanica 1936.10. leg. Winneguth 1 <$, 1 Balkan Peninsula: BH, BU , CR References: Josifov, 1986; Protic, 1998 D. eckerleini Wagner, 1963: 59 Material examined: 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Surduk 1998-08-01 leg. A. Stojanovic 1 Balkan Peninsula: BU, YU References: Josifov, 1986 D. epilobii Reuter, 1883 Ent. m. Mag., 20: 52 Material examined: 600BE0595.7542: Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection: Korten 1932-07-11 leg. A. Reclaire 4 ex. 600BE0595.7.1: Petar Novak Heteroptera Collection: Kortenhorf 1932-07-11 leg. A. Reclaire 3 ex. Balkan Peninsula: BU References: Josifov, 1986, Protic, 1990 D. errans (Wolff, 1804) Gerris errans Wolff, 1804 Abb. Wanzen: 161 Material examined: 108 L. Prolič: Species of the genus Dicyplms (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Serbia erw 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Sopot: Djurinci 1990-10-25 leg. Lj. Protič 5 ex.; Beograd: Zemun 1983-08 leg. P. Peric 6 ex.; Beograd: Avala 1984-06-26 leg. Lj. Protič 1 ex.; Vratna 1984-09-13 leg. Lj. Protič 7 ex.; Besna Kobila 1985-07-13 leg. Lj. Protič 1 ex.; Kanjon Tare-Bajloviča Sige 1985-07-13 leg. G. Džukič 1 ex.; Beograd: Topčider 1996-08-11 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 ex.; Beograd: Resnik 1996-08-25 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 ex.; Beograd: Resnik 1997-08-13 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 2 Bojčinska Šuma 1997-08-22 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 9 i Kosmaj 1997-08-26 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 S', Beograd: Stepin Gaj 1997-09-06 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 S\ Beograd: Resnik 1997-06-16 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 S\ Beograd: Pinosava 1998-05-24 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 S\ Begaljica 1998-09-26 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Beograd: Avala 2000-08-19 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 S, 5 Beograd: Resnik 2000-08-26 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 $,3 Beograd: Resnik 1998-0516 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 S\ Črni Lug 1998-05-31 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 ; Kosmaj 1998-06-06 leg. A. Stojanovič 6 S, 6 Beograd: Vračar 1998-07-03 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 S\ Beograd: Vračar 1998-07-04 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Popovič 199808-08 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Beograd: Vračar 1998-07-13 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 S\ Beograd: Vračar 1998-07-16 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 S, 2 Kosmaj 1998-07-18 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Kosmaj 1998-08-15 leg. A. Stojanovič 6 S, 4 600BE0595.7542: Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection: Matka 1938-03-27 leg. N. Kormilev 1 Matka 1933-06-05 leg. N. Kormilev 3 ex. 600BE0595.7.1 Petar Novak Heteroptera Collection Kaštel Sučurac 1918-12-00 leg. P. Novak 1 ex.; Sučurac 1926-07-15 leg. P. Novak 1 ex.; Mosor 1937-07-06 leg. P. Novak 3 ex. Collection of Vladimir Martino: Beograd: Košutnjak 1945-11-03 leg. V Martino Balkan Peninsula: AL, BH, BU, CR, GR, MC, YU References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Josifov, 1986; Protič, 1998 D. hyalinipennis (Burmeister, 1835) Phytocoris hyalinipennis Burmeister, 1835 Handb. Ent. 2: 268 Balkan Peninsula: CR, YU, GR References: Josifov, 1986; Novak & Wagner, 1955; Protič, 1998 D. pallidus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836) Capsus pallidus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836 Wanz. Ins.: 51 Material examined: 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Vinča 1989-09-28 leg. Lj. Protič 2 ex.; Besna Kobila-Kriva Feja 1985-07-13 leg. Lj. Protič 2 ex.; Divčibare 1999-08-12 leg. Lj. Protič 2$, 1?. 600BE0595.7542: Nicholas Kormilev Heteroptera Collection: Eisleben 1933-08-09 leg. dr Feige 3 ex.; Rašče 1940-08-04 leg. N. Kormilev 2$. 600BE0595.7.1: Petar Novak Heteroptera Collection: Eisleben leg. Dr Feige 4 ex. Balkan Peninsula: BH, BU, CR, MC, YU References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Protič, 1998 109 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta enlomologica, 10 (1), 2002 D. stachydis stachydis J. Sahlberg, 1878 Kung.Sven.Vet.:29 Balkan Peninsula: BH, CR, MC, YU References: Horväth, 1903; Protič, 1998 D. stachydis wagneri Tamanini, 1956: 16 Material examined: 600BE0595.7543: Heteroptera Study Collection: Beograd: Košutnjak 1996-04-12 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 ex.; Beograd: Košutnjak 199604-20 leg. A. Stojanovič 4 ex.; Kosmaj 1996-05-09 leg. A. Stojanovič 6 ex.; Beograd: Stepin Gaj 1997-05-11 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 Beograd: Stepin Gaj 199705-11 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 Bojčinska Šuma 1997-08-22 leg. A. Stojanovič 2 S, 4 Beograd: Avala 1998-05-09 leg. A. Stojanovič 3 S, 4 Kosmaj 1998-06-06 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 S\ Kosmaj 1998-08-15 leg. A. Stojanovič 7 S\ Beograd: Avala 2000-08-19 leg. A. Stojanovič 5 <$, 5 Beograd: Košutnjak 1997-05-04 leg. A. Stojanovič 1 Beograd: Topčider 1940-07-06 leg. V Martino 1 ex.; Divčibare 1999-08-12 leg. Lj. Protič 1 1 Balkan Peninsula: AL, BU, YU References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999 D. tamaninii Wagner, 1951: 16 Balkan Peninsula: BH, CR, GR References: Aukema & Rieger, 1999; Protič, 1998 Subgenus Mesodicyphus D. martinoi Josifov, 1958 Dicyphus (Brachyceraect) martinoi Josifov, 1958: 273 Endemite. Balkan Peninsula: BU, MC References: Josifov, 1958, Protič, 1998 Tab. 2: Measurements of Dicyphus stachydis from Serbia in the Heteroptera Study collection of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade. body length ocular index II antenal segment: III antenal segment hind tibia: length head II antenal segment: pronotum, max. width Brachypterous male 3.076 1.19 1.28 3.09 1.35 Brachypterous female 3.4 1.2 1.34 3.04 1.31 Macropterous, only one female 4.75 1.42 1.34 3.28 1.22 110 L. Protic: Species of the genus Dicypluis (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Serbia Tab. 3: Ratio of determined Heteroptera species in the collection from the Natural History Museum, in different seasons. SPECIES III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII D. annulatus + + + D. cerastii + D. eckerleini + D. err cms + + + + + + + + + + D. geniciilatus + + + + D. glohulifer + + + + + + + D. pallidus + + + D. stachydis wagneri + + + + + Discussion and conclusions Species of the genus Dicypluis from the Balkan Peninsula belong to three subgenera: Brachyceroea, Dicypluis and Mesoclicyphus. From the 16 species represented, 10 species belong to the subgenus Dicyphus (Table 1). During species identification, special attention was paid to specimens of D. stachydis. After taking morphometrical measurements (Tab 2) and comparing them with data gathered by other researchers (Tamanini 1956; Wagner 1970; Stys, 1976), it was proven that all the specimens caught in Serbia in the last twenty years belong to population of D. stachydis wagneri. According to the older literature, there is another subspecies in Serbia: D. stachydis stachydis (Protic 1998). These literature data are old and apply to the specimens determined by Horvath at the end of 19 century (1881-1897). Only after revision of this old material can we determine if the ranges of these subspecies overlap in the Balkan Peninsula. However, the most recent data (Aukema & Rieger, 1999) support the hypothesis that both subspecies are distributed in the Balkan Peninsula. Countries where the ranges of these two subspecies overlap are France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia (Fig. 1). D. stachydis stachydis is an Euro-Siberian subspecies. The range of D. stachydis wagneri is smaller and its populations are most numerous in Southwestern Europe. On the Iberian and Apennine Peninsulas, only D. stachydis wagneri is distributed, while in the Balkan Peninsula both subspecies are present. During the determination of the material, two species were found that are new for the fauna of Serbia: D. cerastii and D. eckerleini. Specimens of the species D. cerastii were collected in Serbia in warm Mediterranean habitats. The locality Vranjska Banja is submediterranean with a ruderal flora. Bavaniste is situated in the Banat, on the edge of the huge Deliblato Sands. In the Balkan Peninsula, this species was known in all countries adjacent to Serbia, and now we finally have voucher specimens for Serbia and Yugoslavia. Another new species for Serbia - D. eckerlei- ni ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta enlomologica, 10 (1), 2002 ni, was caught in Surduk in Srem, on the banks of the Danube, also a warm Mediterranean habitat. This species had so far been known only in Bulgaria, the sole findings in Europe. In Serbia, D. emails is the most widely distributed species of the genus Dicyphus. It overwinters in its imago stage and was found throughout the year, except in January and February when no field trips were taken (Table 3). The other species of the genus Dicyphus present in the collections of the Natural History Museum were collected in Serbia in the summer months, except for D. glohulifer which was collected from May to December. During the research on Heteroptera fauna of orchards (Protic 1994) various predators were found, only two belonging to the genus Dicyphus. In apple orchards, D. eirans was caught, and in cherry orchards D. palliclus. On the spontaneously growing flora beside the orchards, D. emans was caught in much larger number than in orchards. It is known from the literature that these two species occur on herbaceous plants, and our data support this. The index of fidelity for D. emans shows that it is a characteristic species for ruderal vegetation and a preferential species in apple orchards, while D. palliclus is accidental in cherry orchards. According to their biogeography, species of genus Dicyphus from the Balkan Peninsula belong to three basic categories: Euro-Siberian, European, and Mediterranean. Six species are represented in the Mediterranean: D. alboiiasutus, D. annulatus, D. cerastii, D. eckerleini, D. hyalinipennis, D. tamaninii, six species are Euro-Siberian: D. geniculatus, D. palliclus, D. constrictus, D. stachydis stachyclis, D. stcichydis wagneri, D. globulifer, two are European: D. epilobii, D. emans, and two are endemic: D. digitalidis, D. martinoi. According to the altitude, most species live in areas up to 1000 m above sea level, while four are boreo-montane: D. digitalidis, D. constrictus, D. palliclus and D. martinoi. Sažetak Rod Dicyphus u Srbiji je zastupljen sa deset vrsta: D. annulatus (Wolff), D. cerastii Wagner, D. eckerleini Wagner, D. emans (Wolff), D. geniculatus Fieber, D. globulifer (Fallén), D. hyalinipennis (Burmeister), D.palliclus (Herrich-Schaeffer), D. stcichydis stcichydis J. Sahlberg, D. stachydis wagneri Tamanini. U radu su obradene i dve nove vrste za faunu Srbije: D. cerastii i D. eckerleini. Uradena su morfometrijska merenja vrsta D. stcichydis i uporedivanjima sa podacima ranijih istraživača na ovoj vrsti ustanovili smo da svi obradeni primerci iz Srbije, koji se nalaze u Studijskoj zbirci Prirodnjačkog muzeja pripadaju podvrsti D. stcichydis wagneri. Obradeni primerci roda Dicyphus iz Studijske zbirke Heteroptera ulovljeni su na 41 terenu u Srbiji u periodu od 1983. do 2000. godine. U radu su izneti podaci o vrstama i iz drugih zbirki Heteroptera, koje se nalaze u Prirodnjačkom muzeju u Beogradu. Ukupno je obradeno 11 vrsta, odnosno 370 primeraka. U zbirkama 112 L. Prolič: Species of the genus Dicyplms (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Serbia erw Prirodnjačkog muzeja nalaze se i vrste koje su Nikola Kormilev i Petar Novak dobi-jali razmenom, a koje jos nisu ulovljene u Srbiji. To su: D. constrictus (Boheman) iz Bosne, D. epilobii Reuter iz Bugarske i D. pallicomis (Fieber) iz Nemačke. Na Balkanskom poluostrvu do sada je utvrdeno 16 vrsta. U Srbiji je do sada nadeno 10 vrsta ili 62,5% balkanske faune roda Dicyphus. References Aukema, B., Rieger, Ch., 1999: Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palearctic Region. Netherlancl Entomological Society 3: 1-577. Horvath, G. (1903): Szerbia Hemiptera- faunaja. Annates Musei Nationalis Hungarici 1: 3-28. Josifov, M., 1958: Zwei neue Dicyphus (Brachyceraea)-Arten aus Bulgarien (Het.). 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Zeitschrift cler Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen 15, 1-2: 59-61. Wagner, E., 1970: Die Miridae Hahn, 1831, des Mittelmeerraumes und der Makaronesischen Inseln (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Entomologische Abhaldungen Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden, Supplement, 37, Leipzig. Received / Prejeto: 26. 6. 2001 114