Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American-Slovenians Vol. 110, No. 4 American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 Phone:(216)431-0628 «1 flfl E-mail: ahn@huckeveweb.net 4>-i.UU Fabulous Fat Tuesday Dinner The Slovenian Cultural Garden Association hosted a Fat Tuesday dinner on Feb. 5 at St. Mary’s Parish Hall (Holmes Ave.), Cleveland. This has become an annual event, and this year’s dinner was outstanding. The food was delicious, and the group was better prepared than ever to serve a large crowd. The rice or blood sausage was nice and crisp, the way we like them, and the garlic sausage was excellent. All this was accompanied by a roll, a generous portion of home-fried potatoes, sauerkraut flavored with bacon, and a fried sweet dough “krof’ for dessert. The dinner was appropriately held on Shrove Tuesday, which comes from the Old English word “shrive” meaning “confess.” (1 confess the dinner was delicious - but somehow I don’t think that is the proper context of the word here.) The day is also known by the French as Mardi Gras, literally Fat Tuesday, or in many countries as Carnival (from the Latin came vale, farewell to meat). The Slovenians call it “pustni Torek,” and I commend the Slovenian Cultural Garden Association for re- viving the tradition of preparing for Lent by using up the last fresh sausages from the fall or winter pig-butchering, and serving up the last of fried or sweet desserts before a 40-day fast. Hungry diners arrived to a hall decorated in lively Mardi Gras colors of purple, yellow, and green. The line moved along well, as diners carried the plates of hot food to their tables. There was even a visit from a “mascara” masquerading as a farmer from Sugarcreek who arrived riding his chicken to the event. There was still room at the half dozen or so empty tables, and the kitchen was prepared to serve many more. It was especially nice to see the many youngsters volunteering in the kitchen and dining room. We were very politely served a second cup of coffee at our table by Rebecca Clack, and saw Vogel family grandchildren clearing plates as people finished up their last “fat” dinner before Lent arrived. Hope more people will come to the “feast before the fast” next year. —ssp St. Vitus Slovenian School Benefit Dinner The St. Vitus Slovenian Language School Annual Benefit Dinner of pork roast or chicken is being held on Sunday, Feb. 24 in the St. Vitus Auditorium. Serving will be between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Take-outs will also be available in the social room. Cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children. Tickets may be purchased in advance from Slovenian School parents or at the door on the day of the dinner. Irish Prayer Take time to work. - It is the price of success. Take time to think. - It is the source of power. Take time to play. - It is the secret of perpetual youth. Take time to read. - It is the foundation of wisdom. Take time to be friendly. -It is the road to happiness. Take time to love and be loved. - It is the privilege of the gods. Take time to share. -- Life is too short to be selfish. Take time to laugh -Laughter is the music of the soul. Submitted by Emma Pogačar 018*010******..»«»»»n«g-D|QtT 44081 MARIAN McMAHON 3933 OHIO ST RRY OH 44081-9552 “Fat Tuesday” dinners in St. Mary’s parish center are enjoyed by, front row, left to right, pastor Rev. John Kuinse, Veronica Zalar, and Dennis Zalik. Top row, left to right, Anci Mihelich, Metka Zalar, Paul Sedmak, Elizabeth Zalik, and Mary Tominc. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) The Masked Ball or “Maškarada” on Feb. 2 in St. Mary’s (Coll.) parish hall was enjoyed by (left to right), Anja and Emma Cooper, and sisters Justi and Maja Lampič. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Slovenian Federation Honors Persons of Year The Federation of Slovenian National Homes will honor its 2008 man and woman of the year and its persons of the year for eight Northeast Ohio Slovenian Homes. August B. Pust is the man of the year while Pauline V. Debevec is the woman of the year. Both Pust and Debevec reside in Euclid. Pust served as Project Director of the International Affairs and Sister Cities program under the administration of Cleveland mayors George V. Voinovich and Michael White. When Voinovich was elected governor of Ohio, he appointed Pust Director of the Ohio Multi-cultural Affairs and International program. He later was selected by President George W. Bush as a member of the United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Pust has been active in numerous Cleveland Slovene groups. Debevec was active in a number of Slovene children choral groups and dramatic clubs where she served as music and stage directors at both the St. Clair and Collinwood Slovenian Homes. The children also performed at SNPJ campsites in Pennsylvania and Kirtland, Ohio. She currently volunteers every Thursday and Friday at the Waterloo Home fish fry where she is a member of the pensioners club. She will celebrate her 90th birthday later this year. Home persons of the year include Robert A. Hauser, Barberton; Donna Helmecy, Rccher; Anthony Lausche, East 80lh Street; Ralph Roeder, Collinwood; Rudolph R. Schumcr; Fairport Harbor; Angela Shine, St. Clair; Paul F. Yanchar, Waterloo; and Edward H. Zalar, West Park. Federation President Anthony Mannion says the organization was founded in 1960 to promote the preservation of Slovenian language and culture through its support of Northeast Ohio Slovenian homes. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 4 February 21, 2008 President of Slovenia Visits With Pope VATICAN CITY, Feb. 6 -Late this morning, Benedict XVI received Danilo Turk, the president of the Republic of Slovenia in an audience. The two leaders discussed the role of Slovenia in Europe and the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Slovenian government. According to the Holy See’s Press Office, “the talks provided an opportunity to examine a number of matters concerning the current international scenes.” Mention was also made of the good relations that exist between Slovenia and the Holy See, as well as the need to ensure the protection of freedoms sought by the Church in Slovenia. Pope Benedict considers the main challenge facing the Church in Slovenia to be “Western-style secularism.” Speaking to the Bishops of Slovenia earlier this year, he called this type of materialism “different and perhaps more underhanded than Marxist secularism.” It results in “The unbridled pursuit of material goods, the drop in nativity and the reduction in religious practice with a notable diminution in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.” Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for this article. St. Mary’s of the Assumption 15519 Holmes Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44110 (216) 761-7740 FISH FRY Every Friday during Lent (4p.m. to 7p.nt.) Not Serving on Good Friday $8.00 FRIED FISH, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert, coffee - ($4 Zi meal) $9.50 - BAKED FISH Dinner $9.50 SHRIMP, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert, coffee - ($5.00 '/2 meal price) $9.50 - CRAB CAKES, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert, coffee ($5.00 - '/2 meal price) $9.50 COMBO MEALS $4.00 MACARONI and CHEESE dinner SOUP - $1.50 $2.50 Extra - 1 piece fish or 3 shrimp or 1 crab cake ______(Available with full dinner purchase only)_ Joe Cimperman Seeks Congress Seat Cleveland’s Ward 13 Councilman Joe Cimperman is running for the Democratic nomination in the 10th Congressional District which includes the West Side of Cleveland and the city’s western suburbs. Cimperman, 37, of Slovenian heritage, is an energetic campaigner whose populist fights have long earned him praise from his constituents. Cimperman’s campaign will feature his Cleveland roots. “I’m a son of the city who has a passion for this community,” he said. When Cimperman was elected to Cleveland council 10 years ago, he was a political nobody, a social worker at the West Side Catholic Center who grew up in Cleveland’s Slovenian neighborhood in the near East Side. He is the son of a machinist, and of a mother who was culturally astute and a patron of the nation’s literary community, and Cleveland’s artistic society. Cimperman gained loyal voter support and recognition for helping the residents of his neighborhood, and supporting the growth of the downtown area. He has forged a relationship with some of the region’s biggest businessmen while maintaining his advocacy for the poor. He was a tremendous help in securing building permits to help in the building of St. Vitus Village, a residence for senior citizens, located across the street from St. Vitus Church, and St. Martin de Porres high school. The 10,h Congressional District seat is currently held by Dennis Kucinich who during the last election promised voters he would not run for President again, and concentrate his efforts for the people of the district. A few days after he won the election, he announced his candidacy for President and has continued his campaign even though he had 0 chance of winning. He withdrew his name for President when Cimperman announced he was seeking to replace Kucinich in Congress. Cimperman’s television ads have painted Kucinich as an absentee Congressman, pointing out his many missed votes. Cimperman said, “The Joe Cimperman community needs a full-time Congressman.” We have known Joe Cimperman his entire life and can vouch for his honesty, integrity, commitment, sincerity, fortitude, bottomless energy, environment preservation, and superior way of thinking. We know he will work for the constituents in the 10th Congressional District, the people of Greater Cleveland, Ohio, and the good of all the citizens of the United States. We heartily endorse Joe Cimperman for U.S. Congress. —James V. Debevec Publisher St. Vitus Benefit Dinner is Big Success A large throng of volunteers and supporters from two well recognized institutions in Greater Cleveland did not let a cold and snowy-filled Sunday, Jan. 20 detract them from turning out to help a 114-year-old Catholic parish as well as the musical aspirations of the marching band for the Jesuit college preparatory school in Cleveland, Ohio. Volunteers and supporters of St. Vitus Parish and St. Ignatius High School Marching Band cooperated together to have a very successful benefit dinner while at the same time participated at Masses inside St. Vitus Church and then head to the parish auditorium to a well-prepared dinner, good companionship, and friendship of many people. In what is becoming a warm and inviting Cleveland tradition in the dead of winter, the net proceeds from the benefit dinner are targeted to help both the parish and high school marching band. The approximate 575 dinners served are a testimony to the support for this city of Cleveland based endeavor. For Rent Immaculate - 5 rooms -Euclid. Close to freeway on bus line. (216) 486-6424 Head cook was Linda Plečnik who took on the responsibility to organize the dinner with the support of parishioners along with parents and students of St. Ignatius High School Marching Band. The generous portions of breaded boneless chicken or roast beef, home-made soup, related side dishes and home-made pastry, filled the appetite of all who attended. Father Timothy Kesicki, SJ, president of St. Ignatius High School, was the celebrant of the noon Mass in St. Vitus Church. His homily was both thought-provoking and moving to all in attendance. A note of thanks to John Srsen, choirmaster, St. Vitus 9 a.m. Choir, and St. Vitus Choir members for providing excellent singing to the liturgy of the Mass. The St. Ignatius High School Brass Band provided musical accompaniment during the dinner much to the pleasure and delight of all. David P. Roth is the music director at St. Ignatius HS. Side boards, a separate bake sale and other activities were also part of this event. A IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 number of comments were made in regard to the pleasant and mannerly young men who volunteered at the dinner. In this regard, credit goes to the parents of band members as well as flag corps who participated. The officers of the Band Boosters are Kathy Tomick, president, Mary Ellen Cordon, VP, Shelia Pavlich, secretary, and Ted Holcomb, treasurer. A special note of thanks to Mike Gajdos and Ed Eucker who took on the responsibility of organizing student and parent volunteers as well as handling pre-sale and distribution of dinner tickets. By 3 p.m., the last of the dinners had been served and the auditorium and kitchen were quickly and thoroughly cleaned. By 4:30 p.m., the last of the lights and doors were shut off and closed. The shared net proceeds for St. Vitus Parish will be applied toward proposed repair work for the church’s historic Holtkamp organ. —Stane Kihar Stimburys Accounting Accounliria & Income Tax services 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtime@en. com http://stimburys?.ccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Sefdte the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Indmduals Corporations & Smalt fijsinesses. This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO Belated Valentine’s Day and President’s Day wishes to all readers. Remember to do your duty and vote on March 4lh in Ohio. My good friend Fazee is on the mend after surgery, back into the groove. Get well wishes to Gabri-ella Kuhel, Jean Kuhar, Anne Arhar, Ray Person, Estelle Hickman, Albina Pozelnik, now a resident of the SHA. At the SHA, on Jan. 19th Fr. Kumse had the Mass for the residents. He spoke about being friendly and hospitable. He quoted, “If there is room in your heart, there is room in the house, your house, God’s house. Think about it. February birthdays: Diane Phillips, Ed Kamak, Rose Cimperman, Agnes Koporc, Lois Ann Drobnič (resides in Florida), Alenka Banco, Marie Urban and Dolores Mihelich. I bumped into Bill and Ginny Pinkawa. Ginny and I had a very nostalgic conversation about growing up in the Collinwood-Euclid and thinking of you, long time no see, Jenny Kogovšek, Aggie Flanders, Doris Sadar, Dorothy Urbancich. The SHA had a pinch hitter at the organ (Sat., Jan. 26), Jim had a day off. The Home recruited from St. Mary’s Collinwood, Ed Fer-racolli to assist Father Kumse at the Mass. The choir on that day did a “bang up” job as always. Cescenja si Maria was absolutely beautiful. I had tears. Get well wishes to Ed and Anne Arhar, Jim Slapnik, Ed and Fran Kamak, Lou Sadar, and Julie Sadar. Val Cekada will celebrate her birthday at the end of February. She is a leap year lady. Have a great day. If you are interested in a CD about the Collinwood High Reunion, sec Pauline-Barbish on Fridays at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Congratulations to Pauline Debevec who is the honoree for the Federation of Slovenian Homes in March. Paul Yanchar will represent SWH. Angie Shine will “shine” that day for the SNH. Best wishes to all. Get well wishes to Joe Stradiot. Was listening to your recording of “South of the Border, Down Mexico Way” on TP’s program. Albina Pozelnik and Marie Orazem are now residents of SHA. At the January end of the month raffle at SNH we were all hosted by a beautiful and large birthday cake given by Mary Persin, herself a January celebrant. Earlier this month Mary was surprised by a 90th birthday party given by daughter Marilyn held at Kristy’s on E. 200lh Street in Euclid. Thanks, Mary. Enjoyed by the raffle players. It was de-lish. I received a crate of oranges from Gene Drobnič for my Febmary birthday. I polished them off in no time. God bless. Thanks a whole crate. Marie Kotar is off on a cruise. Tell us about it. Enjoy. A1 and Betty Orehek and Tom and Dolores Krause just returned from a cruise. Will hear all about it at our next St. Anne’s Lodge #4 AMLA meeting. Eddie Kenik is back in circulation. Looking good. Take it počas. We want to enjoy your company for a good while. At the SWH shareholders meeting, I enjoyed the company of Steffie Segulin, Bill Frank, and sister-in-law Carolyn Frank. Also interested in the meeting were Don and Val Cekada. Dates to remember: Fish fries at SNH during Lent. Condolences to the family of Fran Chumey on the passing of Aunt Martha, Martha (Marty) Skok. Keep her in your heart and prayers. She is a sister to Kenny Bass, the well-known musician. Received a long distance call from Danny Reiger. Says hi to all. Having a great time in Florida. Weather is gorgeous. Belated birthday wishes to Alice Azman, mother to Bill Jr., of sausage fame in outer space. Love and blessings from all the family and all your friends. January birthday from all the family to Norbert Zak, the traveler. A faithful member of AMLA St. Anne’s #4. Hope you had a great trip, and welcome home. Condolences to the family of Norbert Novak who passed away at his home in Tulsa. He is brother to Ray and Lil Novak and sister Dolores Krause. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Antonia Zagar well known Slovenian, was 97 years young on Jan. 25. All your friends on St. Clair Avenue wish you many more years in our midst. Živijo. A date to remember: The first meeting of 2008 for the St. Vitus Alumni (March 6) in Slovenian Room of St. Vitus Village. Make a note to attend. Feb. 12 was the big day for Tony Brodnick who resides at the SHA. Happy Birthday to you and may God bless you with many more years. Another birthday to Ed Arhar, a wonderful and courageous guy. He will celebrate 89 years on March the 4th. He receives loads of TLC from his wonderful wife and his wonderful children. Happy birthday from all your friends and relatives. Rikk and Dawn are off to Ft. Myers, Fla., for the weekend to celebrate her dad’s birthday. I’ll bet they will love the Florida weather. Cleveland weather is cold. Gus Pust is the honoree representing the Federation of Slovenian Homes at the Man and Woman Awards Affair. Gus is an artist extraordinaire. He is a member of the Slovenian American National Art Guild. Congratulations and best wishes. I attended two shareholders meetings for the Slovenian Homes. Slovenian Workmen’s Home and Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. Both were very interesting. Keep tuned. My sincerest thanks for all the birthday cards, blessings and gifts I received for my birthday on Feb. 11. How can I thank you enough. You are all so wonderful. I was very lucky to be the recipient of half-dozen of St. Vitus krofe. I must admit I filled myself with all their goodness. Thank you. Condolences to the family of Mary (Mimi) Koscak who passed away this month. Betty Arko, her niece, survives her. She was an active member of the St. Clair Pensioners Club. She will be missed. Keep her in your prayers and thoughts. Here’s a couple of quips I borrowed from Ch. 22. What would you call two banana skins? - A pair of slippers. What kind of ship never sinks? - Friendship. I will close now with this thought: Laughter: Whenever stress and pressure get in your way, an angel will bring laughter to brighten your day. Till next time, don’t forget to vote and be happy. A last minute flash: Happy birthday to two handsome fellows: Bob Mills and Rich Zelc. Couldn’t happen to nicer guys. Luv ya. —Emilee It’s Cool To Be SLOVENIAN Gas Station Joke Three guys are in a jail cell. They start talking and find out they’re all gas station owners. The first one says, “I set my prices a couple of cents higher than my competitors. I’m in here for pricegouging.” The second one says, “I set my prices a couple of cents lower than my competitors. I’m in here for predatory practices.” The third fellow says, “I set my prices at the same price as my competitors. I’m in here for collusion.” ____________________-Submitted by James V. Debevec, II Joke When Dan found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So, one evening he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. “I may look like just an ordinary man,” he said as he walked up to her, “but in just a few months, my father will die, and I’ll inherit $20 million.” Impressed the woman went home with him that evening, and three days later, she became his stepmother. _____________________________________—Emma Pogačar St. Clair Pensioners Report by Sylvia Plymesser On Thursday, Feb. 21st the St. Clair Pensioners had Susan Cady, Tai Chi Health Instruction from Euclid Hospital show slow-moving exercises at our meeting. Research shows tai chi helps lower blood pressure, gives more flexibility, prevents bone loss, reduces pain, helps with balance, and much, much more. Especially as we get older we should keep active. We are sad to report that recently we lost three longtime members: James Logar, Louis Shenk, and Franc Kovacic. The Pensioners are planning a trip to Presque Isle Downs and Casino on Monday, March 10. the cost is $20.00, and the bonus is $15.00, plus a $5 food voucher. The bus will leave at 9:15 a.m. from the Slovenian National Home and 9:30 a.m. from the Euclid Orr Arena. We will make the trip straight through, no stops, as it takes a little less than 1'/2-hours to get there. Make sure you have your driver’s license or State of Ohio Identification with photo, as the casino will not give you the bonus without it. Please make check payable to the St. Clair Pensioners Club and send to: Jeanette Ruminski, 25801 Zeman Ave., Euclid, OH 44132, phone (216) 261-1667. The club always welcomes new members. Our meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month in the St. Clair Slovenian National Home, Eddie Kenik Room (Annex), rear entrance. REMINDER: Dues were payable in January. Please make arrangements to pay your dues or contact Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453 —Sylvia Plymesser m Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed http://www.swua.org or 1.815.727.1926 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 4 On The Road to Auburn, Indiana (Continued from last issue) by PHIL PERME One More Museum The morning sun came up earlier, it seemed, than the day before. Or it could have been I slept later. I’ll go with the earlier sun. Our plan, devised the day prior, was to catch the last museum on the way out of Auburn to the way back home. We ate breakfast at the hotel, came back to the room and prepped for the checkout. In the lobby we checked out and finalized plans to go to the World War II Victory Museum. Dan had spotted it the day before on our journey to the country club steak house. So this last destination we actually reached quickly and effortlessly. This museum complex gave me the feeling that museums can be an industry and one should really know what they are seeking or they can get distracted by all the other draws. We entered the museum at about 9:30 a.m. They opened at 9 a.m. so we were in luck - open and not crowded. We paid admission - Dad was free since he was a veteran - so Dan and I paid up. Had we kept the card from the ACD museum or even the Hoosier Air Museum, we could have saved a Si each. The city had a museum industry going on, it seemed. We entered the walkway to the WWH Victory museum and I was awed by the volume, depth and cohesiveness of the displays. There was a section in the first area for German, Nazi SS and high ranking leaders containing uniforms, personal affects, words of inspiration, espirit de corps that was almost too human and real for me. These soldiers and officers were motivated by a belief spun by a madman but very well designed and effective. God forbid this to ever happen again. After getting past that eerily laid-out section, I got to see the vehicles of the war. This included motorcycles, staff cars, personnel carriers, tanks, half track trucks, amphibious vehicles, plans from the Allies, failures of the Axis powers and even letters of inspiration to the soldiers for massive undertakings like D-Day. This museum by the lighting, exhibits, thoroughness and authenticity made me feel how personal WWII must have felt, the necessity of it, and the uncertainty of it. I was impressed and moved by the museum. As awesome a force as the war was for US to protect itself, work together and care for one another, it was too high a cost. I was and still am humbled and have even greater respect for WWII vets as well as any American veteran. They depicted the life and woes of a soldier very well. See it if you ever get a chance; it can change how you look at things. I finally exited the museum section to the lobby and saw Dad and Don sitting and talking. Neither Dan, Dad or I was in a rush. So I visited the James Dean museum which was off to the right section of this large hanger-type building. It turns out that James Dean was born and grew up in a town called Marion, Indiana. Who’d have thought it? After a walk through that museum and into a museum of “souped-up” modem, custom and specialty cars, I was tired of seeing things and reading about them. It was all very nice, but too late in the game for my mind to process any more information. We decided to call it a day for museums and head home. We spoke briefly with the admissions man and he invited Dad to contact a WWII museum agency if he wanted to be recorded. Dad declined and we respect that. However, we are curious about our father and the world he lived in during those times. They must have been some unbelievable times. Road to Euclid It was about 11:45 a.m., when we left the WWII Victory Museum. None of us being hungry made it an easy decision to drive on home. Dan got up to a gas station where we filled the car and had some snacks. Good stuff like beef sticks, beef jerky, a protein candy bar and diet pop of 32 ounces or so. That’s the simple joys of three guys - meat eaters obviously - our needs for traveling food. Dan handled the driving and I took up the backseat. No need to torture Dad anymore since it was pretty comfortable for me. I read and snapped some pictures of the scenery on the way home. We took Route 6 to Route 2, then caught Route 90/80. We were considering different places to stop to refresh; however, there were a lot of turns and not always well announced signs for the turns. So we finally got to a rest stop in Ohio about 90 minutes from home. Dad got soup, a roll and beverage from Panera’s. I also got a roll from Panera’s. Dan got a sandwich and coffee. Dad picked up driving at this point and we were headed for the highways. We hooked up with Route 90/80 toll roads and made excellent time. As we were reaching known city names like Elyria, Westlake, Rocky River, and closer yet, I felt good to be headed home. We did finally arrive in Euclid about 6 p.m. “Home is where the heart is,” goes the saying. Home is where the heart is, and the heart is where family is. What Was Lost -What Was Gained The road trip to Auburn was a piece of American history. The way of life in Auburn seems more rooted to the values of America as she grew strong. These values are hard work, self-sufficiency, pride, courtesy, and responsibility for oneself. Innovation and style were also very well represented. These traits and ways of life are still very much alive. Just a little harder to find than in the times of the ACD automobiles being produced and WWII years. But this trip reaffirmed it was worth Seamstress Ann’s Dressmaking and Alterations, 6403 St Clair Ave., Cleveland, is looking to hire a seamstress or tailor with 10 years or more experience. Call (216) 426-1692 for further information looking for and finding these traits in others. Through good parenting, schooling, faith and life experiences, I have value and try to live these traits. My two road trip mates believe it and live it as well. It was a good crew and I am thankful for the time spent with them. Till the next Perme drive in America, take care, find the best in everyone and laugh every day. --The End - (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A. Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary F. Zele Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street ________Willoughby, Ohio 44094 PATRIA IMPORT STORE 794 E. 185 St., Cleveland. We import various Slovenian good quality wines, mineral water (Radenska), all kinds of cookies or candies, plus a large selection of audio musical cassettes & CDs from Slovenia, herbal teas, etc. STOP IN AND VISIT US SOON. Ask for Suzi (216) 531-6720 SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX WE ACCEPT: • American Express • Discover • MasterCard • Visa We bill most major insurance • WIC - Food Stamps • Manufacturers Coupons Visit Us! plans • Photo Finishing • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways • Contact Lens Replacement Support America...Support American Made Products Catholic Cemeteries Association DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND The Catholic Cemeteries Association introduces the American Values program. This program offers high quality, American made grave markers, burial vaults and the graves of your choice to Catholic Families. EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY AT AN EXCEPTIONAL PRICE! If you have considered acquiring a burial package for yourself or a family member don’t miss this special opportunity. FOR INFORMATION STOP AT YOUR CATHOLIC CEMETERY OR MAIL THIS COUPON TO: Catholic Cemeteries Name_____________________________ attn: Family Services - AF Address___________________ 10000 Miles Ave. City,___________State_____Zip___ Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Phone__________________________ The Chronicle of Louis R. Erste Rose and Louis Erste, 1960 (Continued from last issue) by Louis C. Erste (aka “Lou”) Sunday, March 7in, about a foot of snow fell and Rose was encouraged not to go to the hospital because of the bad weather and the fact that she was quite worn out from the previous day’s experiences. That afternoon Dr. Holzworth called to say Louie had chest congestion and they intended to give him oxygen and put him on the danger list, but not to be overly concerned if we see an oxygen tank. Betty and Lou went to see Louie in the hospital that evening and were stopped by a nurse before going into his bedroom. The nurse said they were having trouble with Louie. They had him sitting up dangling his feet over the edge of the bed but then he started swinging because he wanted to go home. They ended up tying his feet down in bed. There was no oxygen tank in the room so they probably didn’t give it to him because of his consternation. But he certainly had a bad gurgle in his breathing. Betty said she had noticed some congestion the previous day. While Betty and Lou visited him all Louie talked about for an hour-and-a-half was “getting out of here.” Fr. Schultlieis came and gave him the Anointing of the Sick which seemed to quiet him down a bit. Monday, March 8, was a little different. Lou called St. Vitus church that morning and talked to Fr. Falash. He said he, or one of the priests would visit Louie. That morning, when Lou visited Louie, he received some mail. Lou opened one and gave it to him telling him it was from Rudy and Mary Cotman, his nephew and wife. Louie took the card and looked at it but was too tired to do much more. He held it for a while before returning it. There were more cards but although Louie was aware of what was going on, it didn’t seem like the right time to try to make him look at the cards; he was much too tired. Eileen and Walter Deming, Louie’s granddaughter and her husband, visited Louie that evening and brought him his only flower. When Lou and Betty got to the hospital that evening, Louie was very relaxed and dozing. The nurses had apparently given him something to settle him down. When asked if a priest had come to see him his face lit up and he told all about a young priest with long side burns coming from St. Vitus. He told how he kidded the priest and told him he didn’t like that hair on his face, but that he was a “good boy” and an asset to St. Vitus. Louie probably spoke to the priest in Slovenian, which may have helped him feel more at home in that unwanted hospital. Tuesday, March 9th, when Lou visited Louie at 10 a.m., the nurses had cranked up his bed so that he was in a sitting position, but he really looked bad. When Lou asked the nurse what was wrong, she said he had taken a turn for the worse about an hour-and-a-half before, and the house doctor, Dr. Park, had been summoned. Lou talked to Dr. Park who said Louie had a fever from an infection, but they didn’t know what caused it so they didn’t know what antibiotic to use. They didn’t want to give him aspirin to bring down the temperature because it might camouflage the real symptoms. The results would take about two days so in the meantime they would give him an antibiotic that was rather general and would fight any infection. They gave him this intravenously as well as giving him glucose. At noon Lou talked to Betty and explained Louie’s condition, asking her to take Rose to see him, snow or no snow. Then he went to Rose’s house (next door) and explained the situation to her as gently as possible. When Betty took Rose to see Louie in the hospital she called Lou and told him to call Fran in Florida and ask her to come up to Cleveland because it looked pretty bad to her; she noticed his yellow coloration besides everything else. Betty left Rose at the hospital where she spent the rest of the afternoon. When Lou returned, at 4:30 that afternoon, Louie held his hands apart on his lap in a sign of resignation. After taking Rose home, Lou went back to the hospital and stayed until 9 p.m., but all he could do was wipe Louie’s sweaty face and occasionally give him a drink of water when he was awake. Wednesday, March 10 Louie showed signs of improvement when Lou visited hun after stopping at church to say a prayer for him. He was awake and talking about going home. The man in the bed next to him said he hadn’t fallen asleep until about 1 a.m., and that he had been breathing and sleeping very well. Very encouraging news. Betty rook Rose to see Louie in the afternoon and Lou went to the hospital after work at 6 p.m. to take her home. She was very tired and didn’t put up a fuss about going home like she had done the previous day. Returning to the hospital, Lou and Betty stayed until about 9 p.m. A nurse took Louie’s temperature and afterward he complained about the treatment, so Lou told him it was necessary to take his temperature occasionally and he said, “that’s okay, but they don’t have to be so rough.” While they were there, Lou and Betty had Louie sign some checks that required both his and Rose’s signature. He was able to do that, indicating he was much improved. Thursday, March 11 Lou went to the hospital before work and also at lunch. Louie was looking very good. The man across from his said, “You’ve conquered your job; he’s going to be all right.” Two of the nurses and two aids had a jubilant attitude, and one aid started to feed him lunch saying she had fed him breakfast and he ate real well. Feeling so encouraged, after lunch, Lou went to Rose’s house and told her all about it. Betty took Rose to see Louie that afternoon again and when Lou went to pick her up after work Louie was starting to tire. That even seemed good because he was now starting to act like a normal patient, better in the morning and worse in the evening. After taking Rose home at 7 p.m., Lou returned to the hospital at 7:30 to find that the hospital personnel had been having difficulty putting the IV in his left arm. It seems they had quite a few people involved in the procedure and they had to cut into the vein to get into it. They also had tied his arm to a board. They took his tem- perature and the nurse said it had gone down, making Lou thankful for any good news. His breathing was very hard and interrupted, but the lungs themselves didn’t sound too bad. He had been on oxygen constantly since Tuesday. Friday, March 12, at 7 a.m., Lou stopped in the hospital to see Louie. His breathing was about the same as it had been the night before at 8:45 p.m.; not really “good.” A nurse came to take a blood sample and tried to rouse him and he stirred but didn’t wake so she said she would try later. He hadn’t lost consciousness, but slept a lot, which was his normal way of fighting infection. He had been showing a little yellowish on his body for a few days but he looked a little better from what could seen over the top of his covers. He looked like the hospital personnel had just fixed him up. They really went out of their way with him. Lou saw that Louie looked better and was resting, so rather than disturb him he left. While walking down the hall toward the elevator he met Fr. Raymond Schultheis, CPPS who was the hospital chaplain and an old friend. Fr. Schultheis said he had seen Louie that morning and he didn’t look good to him. In fact, he said he didn’t think Louie “would make it.” That was not too encouraging. Then, when Lou got to the ground floor he met Helen McClelland who had been there to arouse patients for Fr. Schultheis to give them Communion. She had seen Louie and let him rest. She, too, said she didn’t think he looked good. After that, Lou stopped at church and said a prayer for Louie before going to work. A half hour after reaching his office (which was about 5 minutes away from the hospital) Lou received a call from Betty who said the hospital had called and told her Louie had passed away. They said they knew Lou had just been there and said he died about 5 minutes after he left. Lou went home and he and Betty went next door to Rose’s house and broke the news to her, after which they returned home and told their children Grandpa had died. It was still early and the children had not yet gone to school. On March 12, 1971, Louie succumbed to his infection and fell into a deep sleep, never waking up. Rose had been able to spend Louie’s last couple of days at his side with him. The funeral Mass was held at St. Vitus Church, Cleveland, Ohio on March 15, 1971. The pallbearers were: 1. - Frank Anzur, nephew 2. - Carl Jemejcic, nephew 3. - Stanley Yager, niece Mae’s husband 4. - Walt Deming, granddaughter Eileen’s husband 5. - Ernie Anzur, nephew 6. - Louis C. Erste, son Burial was at Calvary Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio, Sec. 91, Lot 1048, grave 2. Frances and John Menart had no children but were married for 55 years before Fran passed away from stomach cancer on Sept. 11, 1988. John remarried the following year and died on June 14, 1995. To whomever reads this: please remember, it was written from memory so if some of the details aren’t correct please forgive me, and let me know where I went wrong so I can make the necessary corrections. It is impossible to explain how difficult it was to write the final paragraphs. —Lou Erste —The End - ^0n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia SfawnidH fuirarp tti MIU4C KVC Prcpum Di nrcuv WC3U 85 J IW OMiin iicmiv SiiiiiUy 9-10 am Wednntliy 6-? pm 28U? Somnwi Diiw Wlllnughbr mils, OW 44DM 440-553-1 WTH/f« van www.wnb.oig AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 Lindsay Heckman, Center, and grandparents, Jack and Mary Skulich Lindsay Heckman Performs With Tamburitzans in Euclid With the cold weather we are having, -a person can’t help turning their thoughts to Spring. When the Skulich and Heckman families think of spring, it means one exciting concert. Yes, the Du-quesne Tamburitzans will be appearing at the Euclid Senior High School Auditorium in Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, April 20 is the date, and 3 o’clock is the time. Lindsay Heckman is the daughter of Ralph and Patti Heckman and granddaughter of Jack and Mary Skulich. This will be Lindsay’s second appearance in her hometown with the Tamburitzans. She loves performing with the ensemble, and she was a former member of the ber of the Zagreb Junior Tamburitzans for 14 years. We can hardly wait until April to see this year’s performance. It never ceases to amaze me, that each year the Tamburitzans perform an entirely new and exciting show. If you wish to see this unique ensemble of talented young folk artists, dedicated to the performance and preservation of the music, songs, and dances of Eastern Europe and neighboring folk cultures, then this concert is a must see for you. Jack and Mary Skulich were former owners of Pat’s Delicatessen at E. 52nd Street in Cleveland for 50 years. --Mary Skulich Concord, OH WRINKLES: Something other people have. I have character lines. -Phil Hrvatin ttM We Make House Calls ... A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! G&RJANC HEATING-COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com ANGIE'S UST SWaSCKMaMUMOr Northfjjt Ohio 2003 ^ Heating Plumbing ^ $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service May noc be combined with other ^ucoumr $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May tom be (ombined with other ducountt. Expire« 3/31/05 Coming Events Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: How long can a flu virus last outside the body? (clothing, hands) A. - 7 hours B. - 24 hours C. - 3 Days D. - 7 Days ANSWER: D - 7 days, so wash your hands at least 20 times a day. Only one person submitted the correct answer. Congratulations to super sleuth Anthony Goršek of Cleveland. NEW QUIZ: Leonard Slye was born in Cincinnati, moved to California where he got a job as a migrant fruit picker. He changed his name and became a singing cowboy in the movies. He took the name of his dentist. Who is he? Send your answers to ahD@buckeyeweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Fr. Godina’s Studebaker If memory serves me right, the Studebaker was designed to look the same from either the front or the back. And Father Godina, stationed at St. Vitus during those years, drove a black Studebaker convertible. We didn’t know if he was coming or going. —Bishop A. Edward Pevec Slovenian Library Meeting March 9 The members of the Slovenian Library (Čitalnica) located in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland will have a very important meeting on Sunday, March 9, at 1:30 p.m. in the library. Franc Kovacic, for many years the librarian and secretary of the Čitalnica, passed away earlier this year and the future of this now century old institution will be the main topic of discussion. President Joseph Valencie will chair the meeting. Individual members and the representatives of lodges and organizations that support the library are urged to attend. Yuko Bill to Help Renters State Representative Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Heights, OH) and Matt Lundy (D-Elyria) introduced legislation that protects renters during the credit crunch. The bill would ensure rental agreements arc not terminated when a foreclosure occurs. Every Friday in Lent (except Good Friday) St. Mary parish, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland -Fish Fry from 4 to 7 p.m. Every Friday in Lent Lenten Fish Fries at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Every Friday in Lent Lenten Fish Fries at Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Rd., and all Fridays in Lent. Serving 11:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. Dine in or take outs available. Sunday, Feb. 24 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual benefit dinner of pork roast or chicken 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in auditorium. $12 for adults, $6 for children. Sunday, Feb. 24 Annual Shareholders Meeting of Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, upstairs, main hall, 2 p.m. Very Important. Wednesday, Feb. 27 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Friday, Feb. 29 Fish Fry, Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland from 5 to 7 p.m. Donation $9. Music by The Culkars from 6:30 to 8:30. Reservations call Anna Mae (216) 341-6136. Sunday, March 2 Catholic Order of Foresters, Baraga Court #1317 Annual Mass and luncheon for Baraga Court members, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Thursday, March 6 St. Vitus Alumni meets, 7 p.m. in St. Vitus Village Slovenian Room. Saturday, March 8 Federation of Slovenian Homes honoree banquet at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Sunday, March 9 St. Vitus all parish Mass, 10:30 a.m. with community Lenten lunch immediately following Mass in parish auditorium. Guest speaker is Father Thomas Haren, Mdiv., pastor, St. Monica Parish. Sponsored by parish pastoral council. Friday, March 14 Fish Fry, Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Cleveland from 5 to 7 p.m. Donation $9. Music by The Culkars from 6:30 to 8:30. Reservations call Anna Mac (216) 341-6136. Saturday, March 15 Butare making in lower church hall sponsored by St. Vitus Slovenian School. Note: Bring scissors, greens, etc. Sunday, March 15 Annual St. Vitus Palm Sunday benefit dinner in auditorium. Breaded pork chops or chicken and all side dishes. Cost $12 for adult, $6 for child. Tickets at parish house or at the door. Sunday, March 16 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Corporate Communion. Thursday, March 20 Social in Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland. Doors open at 6 p.m. For information call (216) 481-5378. Tuesday, March 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Reverse Raffle in Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Wednesday, March 26 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Saturday, March 29 Primorski Klub Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. March 30 thru April 5 Slovenian Ski Trip 2008 to Sun Valley, Idaho. $1299. For information call John Kamin (718)424-2771. Sunday, April 6 Super Button Box Bash 26 from 1 to 9 p.m., Slovenian Junior Chorus concert at 3 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Friday, April 18 Night at the Races for Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., in joint effort with St. Vitus Slovenian School. Saturday, April 19 Korotan Concert, Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. “Slamnati vdovec” (The Grass Widower). Dinner 5 p.m., Program: 7 p.m. Dancing to Jeff Pecon Orchestra at 8 p.m. For tickets ($23) donation, visit Polka Hall of Fame, or call (216) 531-5542 or at the door. Wednesday, April 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Sunday, May 18 Maksim Gaspari Print “Mother Slovenia” will be raffled off at a special event in the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Tickets $10; or 3 for $25. Sunday, May 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Mass, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Wednesday, May 28 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sat., Sun., June 21-22 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club celebrates 80lh anniversary Steak Roast. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 Death Notices CONRAD P. MEJAC An AH subscriber Conrad P. Mejac, died on Monday, Feb. 4 at the Collingswood Nursing Home, Rockville, MD. He was the chief Voice of America broadcaster for the Slovenian Service. —Rich Terselic MARY KOSCAK Mary Koscak, age 92. Beloved aunt of Betty (Al, deceased) Arko and Linda (Pat) Mulvey; great aunt of Diane (John) Morgan, Arlene (Jeffery) Primiano and Kevin and Shawn Mulvey; great, great aunt of Frank Arko, Jeffrey Morgan, Aly-son Erwin and David Morgan; sister of the late Rose Markovič, Frank Koshak, Ann Bisjak and Stanley Koscak. Passed away suddenly Feb. 8, 2008. Mass of Christian burial was on Tuesday, Feb. 12 at St. Felicitas Church in Euclid, at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at Brickman Bros. Funeral Home, 37433 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, on Monday, Feb. 11 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. PAUL H. ŽNIDERŠIČ Paul H. Žnideršič, age 91, of Willoughby. Husband of the late Elma (nee Eckert); beloved father of Judith (Edward) Slabe and Carol (Glenn) Cvar; cherished grandfather of Brendan (Kim) Slabe, Christopher (Jennifer) Slabe, Carolyn (John) Payne and Paul (Jennifer) Cvar; greatgrandfather of Brendan Jr., Bowdan, Loghan and Colton; dear brother of Rose Walsh and the following deceased: Pauline Turpack, Anne Kastelic and Sophie Kastelic. He was a Lincoln Electric employee for 43 years, member of SNPJ Lodge 142 and the FOPA Euclid Chapter. Family suggests memorial donations in his name to St. Casimir Church, 8223 Sow-inski Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Private family services were held. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Arrangements by The Dan Cosic Funeral Home (440) 944-8400, Joe Zevnik. JOHN KOROŠEC John Korošec, age 93. Beloved husband of Cecilia (nee Železnikar) (deceased); loving father of Cecilia Tc-kavec; grandfather of Danny, Sandy and Debbie; greatgrandfather of Justin and Jason; brother of 12 (all of Slovenia). Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008 from 4-8 p.m., where services were held Thursday at 9:15 a.m., and at St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations in his memory to St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110 in his memory would be deeply appreciated by the family. ANDREW CUPAR Funeral Mass for Andrew Cupar, 82, of Wickliffe, was on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Wickliffe. Mr. Cupar died Dec. 8, 2007 at home. He was bom on Jan. 2, 1925 in Zavrč, Slovenia. He was a member of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Mr. Cupar worked as a machinist for the former Rotor Tool in Euclid for 28 years. Survivors are his wife, Angela (Petrovčič); sons Stan and Frank; daughter, Veronica (Joe) Tushar; grandchildren Michael, Scott, Ann and Nancy; and brother John (Donica). He was uncle to many nephews and one niece. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Barbara, in 1994; parents, Janko and Marija; and sister, Teresa and Barbara. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio. Donation Thanks to Branko and Sylvia Pisorn of Kirtland, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. They write, “Thanks for keeping the Slovenian community updated on events, especially by publishing the calendar. We enjoy all the articles (and the touches of humor.) God bless you with health.” In Memory Thanks to Ann Cendol of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $9.00 donation in memory of her husband, John Cendol. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908_ In Memory Thanks to Joseph and Norma Hrvatin of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of their daughter, Claudia Hrvatin. In Memory Thanks to Joseph Spisich of Waite Hill, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of parents, Mike and Anna Spisich. In Memory Thanks to Al Pestotnik of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $29.00 donation in memory of his beautiful wife Veronica (Ronnie) Pestotnik. In Memory Thanks to Sylvia Jansa of Cleveland who renewed her subscription, paid for a memorial, and added a $29.00 donation in memory of her sister Ivanka Jean Svet. In Memory Thanks to Charles and Julie Hill of Eastlake, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of parents Thomas and Mary Hill and Joseph and Josephine Mlakar. In Memory Thanks to Elmer and Vida Perme of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of the Perme and Levstik Families. They write, “Thank you for the great job you are doing for the Slovenians.” In Loving Memory of the 13th Anniversary of the death of our beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and sister Frances Novak (nee Orazem) Died Feb. 27, 1995. In Life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place No one can ever fill. Sadly missed by: Children: Ray, Ndrb (deceased), and Dolores In-laws: Lil, Jean, and Tom Sister, Marie, and remaining relatives In Memory Thanks to Ann Zlatoper of Charleston, SC who renewed her subscription and added a $100.00 donation. She writes, “It is always nice to receive the American Home.” In Memory Thanks to Mary Sterle of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $100.00 donation in memory of her husband, Richard Sterle. In Loving Memory 8th Anniversary Albert J. Strukel Died Feb. 23, 2000 Too quickly as in a dream, the years have passed. The happiness that we shared becomes the past Sadly missed by: Your loving family: Wife-Vida 3 children: Patty, Lorie, son Al grandchildren, and great-grandchildren In Loving Memory 39th Anniversary Major John A. Petrie Died March 2, 1969 7,h Anniversary John Petrie Died March 17, 2001 No one knows the silent heartaches Only those who have lost can tell Qf the grief that's borne in silence For the one we loved so well. “Everything ceases, only God remains Blessed is he who understands this.” -Fr. A. M. Slomšek Family and Friends In Loving Memory Matija Plečnik February 22,2007 So painful to think Of memories and tears, The blessed past and mysterious future. You are always in our thoughts. So painful to feel The absence of Your patient understanding and smiling face. You arc always in our hearts. So painful to lose Our family’s rock And selfless hero. You are always in our souls. Though your candle has gone out, The world is not dim. You set our hearts on fire, And your memory will forever live. Sadly missed by: Linda - wife Matt, Maria, and Mark - children AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY Zi, zuuo AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 In Memory ^ Thanks to Filip and Ida Oreh of Wickliffe, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of their granddaughter Katie Shiurko, In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Joseph Merhar of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Joseph Merhar. In Memory Thanks to Mary Tominc of Wickliffe, OH who paid for a memoriam for her husband, Frank Tominc, Jr., and added a $25.00 donation in his memory. In Memory Thanks to Andy Cigany of Bedford, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Cigany Family. Donation Thanks to Victoria and Rudolf Kolarič of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Cilka and Paul Kosir of Kirtland, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $100 donation. Donation Thanks to John V. Semen of Precision Grinding in Cleveland who renewed his subscription, paid for a memoriam for his Mother, Marija, and added a $27.00 donation. Aggie is Great Thanks to Olga Kočevar of Long Beach, Calif, who renewed her subscription. She writes, “Both my husband and I really enjoy the paper, especially the articles by Aggie Koporc. Thanks for all your good work.” Donation Thanks to Ed and Olga dicker of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $29.00 donation. They write, “You have both done an outstanding job informing us of all the activities in the Slovenian community and also our beloved Slovenia. We appreciate and thank you for your dedication to all the work involved in keeping a great newspaper in operation. God bless you.” Donation Thanks to Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid who renewed their roster listing and added a $25.00 donation to the American Home newspaper. Newspaper Schedule The American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper will continue to be printed twice a month. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. The next American Home newspaper will be published on March 6. The following paper will be dated March 20. In April the American Home will be published on April 10 and 24. In May, publishing dates are May 8 and 22. In June the American Home will be dated the 5th & 19. July publishing dates are July 10, 24. The last two Ameriška Domovina’s (American Home) newspapers will be dated Aug. 7 and 21. Crunch, crunch, crunch -global warming? Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: John A. Minnich, Maho-pac, NY -$10.00 Andrej N. Lah, Chardon, OH -$15.00 Stanley Trauner, Waterford, WI -$15.00 Franc and Aloisia Sever, Seven Hills, OH -$15.00 Antonia Dolenc, South Euclid, OH -$15.00 Anne Dlugo, Broadview Hts., OH -$15.00 Ivanka and Slavko Vuk-sinic, Chicago, IL — $15.00 Florence Krance, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Kristine and Greg Fondran, Euclid, OH — $5.00 Albert and Maria Frank, Wickliffe, OH -$10.00 Max Stanonik, Geneva, OH - $5.00 Frank Gobec, Chardon, OH -$10.00 Mary and Jacob Grum, Euclid, OH -$15.00 August Selak, Girard, OH - $9.00 Joseph and Frances Rus, Elk Grove, IL — $15.00 Louis and Helen Somrak, Mentor, OH — $10.00 Amalija Champa, Richmond Hts., OH — $10.00 Donation Thanks to Mary Sawyer of Brecksville, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Jože and Mili Lekan of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $23.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Klammer of Wil-lowick, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Christian and Joan Chermely of Concord, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Magdalen and Robert Lockemer of Cary, NC who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Bill Zabukovec, of Perry, OH, president of Holmes Avenue Pensioners who sent in a $30 check for the club’s roster and added a $70.00 donation from the club. Donation Thanks to John Goričan of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $115.00 donation. Thanks Thanks to St. Vitus Post 1655 Catholic War Veterans who renewed their roster and enclosed the following note, “Thanks again for your continued support of this and all the other fine organizations.” - Signed John Kirk. Donation Thanks to Dr. Bogdan and Maria Novak of Toledo, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to the Waterloo Balinca Club who renewed their roster and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Millie Skalar of Parkers Prairie, Minnesota who renewed her subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Gregory Fedran of Monterey, Calif., who renewed his subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Note Thanks to Apolonia Limoni who renewed her subscription and wrote this note, “Thank you for publishing this wonderful paper.” Donation Thanks to Ed and Milena Gobetz of Willoughby Hills, Ohio who sent in a $30.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Joseph Celestina of Bel Air, MD who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Dom and Val Cekada of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for another year of interesting, informative reading with the addition of the touches of humor to “brighten the day.” We know we speak for all your subscribers when we say that we look forward to the publishing of the Ameriška Domovina - an important part of our heritage - for many more years to come. Best wishes to all.” Donation Thanks to Dr. Dan Siewiorek of Pittsburgh, PA who paid for a memoriam for his parents, Lena and Frank Siewiorek and added a $54.00 donation. Donation Thank you to Peter and Kathy Levstik of Kirtland, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for the wonderful newspaper. by RUDY FLIS As I open the door to leave my home each morning this week, I get a blast of cold air smack in my face. Crunch-crunch-crunch is the sound I hear as my boots crush the frozen snow. As I enter my garage, I pause, look around and scan the frigid gray sky for global warming. It baffles me how cold I am, when it is smack in the middle of a global warming crisis. If God allows my life to be extended one or two thousand years more, and I pray He doesn’t, I may see the effects of global warming. Right now, the discomfort I experience is Canadian Arctic air and it chills me, as I seek warmth for this old body. So forgive me if global warming affects me not. During WWII, bombs fell around the world and polluted the land, as ships and planes sank to the bottom of oceans, spewed their oil, and gas into the sea, as black smoke billowed toward heaven. Why didn’t the world end then? Don’t you think it should have? How did our delicate earth heal from such wounds? We’re still here. Someone did something right. Who? I try to pray each day. I must spend more time praying, but often I forget, so I have a priority list of loved ones and some of the crisis our world experiences this day. I do believe our globe is in a precarious time of its life, physically and spiritually. I pray for family and friends. I pray for our men and women serving our country; I pray and beg God for leaders to lead our great country, and 1 pray that God Bless America. So that God does not tire of me, I end my prayers with the request He protect and Bless our Beloved United States of America. As you can see, there is no room for global warming at this time, maybe that is why my boots go crunch,crunch, crunch. Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Treventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 k>v 7/ r^Dan L^oiic Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Our Slovenian Family Serving Yours Happenings Around St. Vitus Parish In today’s edition of the American Home / Ameriška Domovina, readers will find a schedule of upcoming events of St. Vitus Parish, the first established American Slovenian Roman Catholic parish in the state of Ohio and diocese of Cleveland in August, 1893. The spiritual welfare of parishioners as well as all Catholics is the primary reason for the existence of any Catholic parish, that is, the availability of the Sacraments with the focus on the Eucharist and salvation through Jesus Christ. To this end, St. Vitus Parish provides many opportunities to meet Christ during the Lenten season through prayer, meditation, and other venues available to all. The dates and times for participation of the Stations of the Cross are listed in today’s published schedule as well as Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. St. Vitus Church has daily Mass as well as the Vigil Saturday and Sunday Masses. Christ calls each one of us. He asks each one of us to respond to Him each in our unique as well as in a common manner to answer to His call. The third of four chamber concerts concluded in February in St. Vitus Church by CityMusic Cleveland, the 32- piecc chamber orchestra in northeast Ohio. The final and fourth concert will be held on May 7 in St. Vitus Church. The May 7 concert will be dedicated to all former and current individuals who have or are serving in one of the four branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and the Slovenians who gave their lives during and after World War II in Slovenia so that all our deceased will be remembered and honored in a special manner. The progress toward the proposed repair of St. Vitus Church historic Holtkamp organ is moving in satisfactory manner. An analysis and specifications for work on the organ have concluded with bid requests sent to 11 pipe organ companies. This work is being coordinated by an “ad hoc” committee. The Ad Hoc Committee consists of Father Joseph Boznar, pastor, R. Frank Coffelt, director, LIRA Choir, Mark Celestina, Joseph Futey, John Srsen, director, 9 a.m. Mass Choir, and myself (Stane Kuhar). Writer’s note: “Ad hoc” means when the work is completed the committee dissolves). Prior to and during the time period a “silent phase” for fund raising has been occurring with the lead do- nors responding to support this work. The goal of the “silent phase” is to have at least $50,000 raised. I am pleased to report that as of today this goal has been achieved. A follow-up report will be made available to the general public as more progress occurs. Funds have or are also being raised from a number of other sources: either individuals or activities such as a benefit dinner on Jan. 20 or the recently completed parish breakfast held on Feb. 17. A thank you to all the donors to date who have generously responded to this request and for the continued support of St. Vitus Parish. The annual report of donors for calendar year 2007 for the parish roofs and renovation work is being completed and will be mailed out around Easter 2008. A follow-up schedule will be published in the AD regarding activities during Holy Week at St. Vitus Parish including ‘‘Evening of Prayers” commonly referred to as Tenne-brae," a most moving combination of readings, singing of prayers and or Psalms, meditations and other prayers to begin the start of Holy Week. —Stane Kuhar .. .1 would like to sell my REAL ESTATE in SLOVENIA, but how ? We are here to help YOU to sell (or buy) your real estate in SLOVENIA PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d>o.o. Ul. 6. Junija 12A SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica • Land, house, Apartcment • Flat, Farm, holiday house,... CALL US, send a fax or c mall t We have family tradition GSM: 00 38(J 41 56 00 68 Tel/fax: 00 386 1 78 78 040 c mail: palaca@siol.net KSKJ 1* CwiMLA/i HČMC J|i/has a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! The SlmPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of lovol final expense insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800-8-43-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. *7 used to get a 1099 for my Bank CD, until / found KSKJ44/ tMivčUiucmuM* tAmauf/y umzu Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so 1 would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near youl “Rad* 0jmrMt**3fyr U rrsrt*» on » ptairv **t#i rri* eJ-wnii* wthu.#.rotc*. Coming Activities at St. Vitus Parish Sunday, Feb. 24 - Annual St. Vitus Slovenian School Benefit Dinner. Roast Pork or Chicken. $12 adult; and $6 for 12 year old or younger. Sit-down or take-out available. For tickets call the parish house (216) 361-1444. Tickets will be available at the door. Sunday, March 2 - Catholic Order of Foresters Baraga Court #1217, Annual Mass and luncheon for Baraga Court members. Mass at 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Sunday, March 9 - All parish Mass and Lenten Luncheon, Mass at 10:30 a.m. with community Lenten lunch immediately following the Mass in parish auditorium. Guest speaker will be Father Thomas Haren, Mdiv., pastor. St. Monica Parish. Sponsored by parish pastoral council. Saturday, March 15 - Butare making in lower church hall. Sponsored by St. Vitus Slovenian School. Note: Bring scissors, greens, etc. Sunday, March 16 - Annual parish Palm Sunday benefit dinner. Breaded Pork Chops or Chicken and all side dishes. Sponsored by Altar & Rosary Society, Holy Name Society, and participating Families in parish Mihevc Scholarship Program. A matching grant program through KSKJ with St. Vitus Lodge #25 as sponsoring lodge. Cost is $12 adult and $6 child 12 years or younger. Tickets available at parish house. Call (216) 361-1444. Stations of the Cross during Lent: Thursday at 4 p.m., then Mass (Slovenian) Saturday at 4:45 p.m., following 4 p.m. Mass (English) Sunday at 9:45 a.m., following 9 a.m. Mass (English) Sunday at 11:30 a.m., following 10:30 a.m. Mass (Slovenian) Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: Each Friday during Lent. From 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., followed by Benediction with Blessed Sacrament at 2 p.m. Anyone willing to participate in this Adoration call the parish house at (216) 36101444. Confessions. Sacrament of Reconciliation. Refer to the weekly parish bulletin for times during Lent. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor 9 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 Wartime Heroes, Sinful Secrets - Slovenia Hears of Yet More WWII Mass Graves Book ‘Slovenia 1945’ Available by Christine Spolar Chicago Tribune LJUBLJANA, Slovenia, Jan. 29 - Skeletons are buried in meadows and beneath parking lots, and just beyond the rumble of trucks and cars near a major highway. More than 570 hidden grave sites from World War II have been unearth by a university professor intent on a fair accounting of the past in this former Yugoslav republic now riding high as current holder of the European Union presidency. A slaughter was conducted in Slovenia in the war’s last days and aftermath by the troops of Marshal Tito, the partisan leader and communist who would rule for decades across the region. Thousands of Germans, Croatians and others on the losing side of the war were killed. History has long known that Slovenia was a field of vengeance. But Mitja Ferenc, a mild-mannered historian, is uncovering the depth of the killing - a level that few imagined. The massacres were unexplored in communist times and given short shrift in the first decade after Slovenia broke free from Yugoslavia in the 1990s. But Ferenc’s digs have cracked a psychological barrier in Slovenia and sparked political debates anew about the sins of World War II. Ferenc’s greatest - or worst - discovery emerged last summer. He returned to an old anti-tank trench near the city of Maribor that had given up 1,179 skeletons in 1999 when road workers cracked its perimeter. This time, Ferenc explored farther and located a pit of skeletons that he believes stretches for a half-mile. Military gear indicates that these were Croatians and Germans. Ferenc believes as many as 15,000 dead lie in this spot of timberland - a mass grave of historic proportions for Europe and especially for a country of just 1 million people at the time. “Most people think all these graves are marked, that these are all known, they are not,” Ferenc said, clicking through a computerized database in his office at the University of Ljubljana. “My point is to find out what’s out there. Without excavation, there is no way to know, but I’ve also had to deal with this question: If I start digging in search of 10 graves and then find 100, what do I do?” That is just one of the questions for Slovenia’s now 2 million people coping with Ferenc’s macabre findings. His research has raised some practical issues of maintenance, stirred deep reflection and inspired revisionist debates among Slovenia’s flinty political class. “There were rumors.” “There were rumors. There were always rumors,” said Jože Dežman, a historian who runs the National Museum of Contemporary History and heads the National Commission on Concealed Mass Graves. Dežman said Slovenia’s first democratic leaders -former communists wouldn’t explore the tales of the missing. “People will tell you that nobody really knew the scale of the killing. But on a local level, everyone knew,” Dežman said. “This is not just a problem of graves. This is a problem of memory... There were victims. And there were killers.” Slovenia bore the killing from May to June, 1945. German troops and collaborators, including thousands of Croats, rushed through its valleys at the war’s end with hopes of reaching Austria. They wanted to surrender to the British rather than Tito’s fighters, who were seen as particularly brutal. Thousands of Slovenes, Serbs, Cossacks, Romanians and others who feared retribution, joined the frantic flood. But British troops in Austria turned back most. They were handed over to Tito’s fighters, and many vanished. Ferenc said he has found skeletons bound at the wrist by wires. Today, many people argue that Tito’s fighters were heroes of the war against the Nazi’s. The partisans’ mass killings were wrong, but they should be honored as liberators, many believe. Members of Slovenia’s current right-wing government argue that Tito’s forces were operating with a communist agenda and a plan for postwar dominance. Slovenes who died in the summer of 1945 may or may not have been German sympathizers, but they were also victims of a civil war over communism, according to those critics. The revisionists’ telling of history links the graves to communism’s political heirs in Slovenia’s present democracy - including former Slovenia President Milan Kučan and other left-wing elites. “I am not part of the dispute here,” Ferenc said. “I’m a professional and I just want to very carefully follow the research. Slovenia as a responsible nation can deal with the discoveries. “But I know the pressures,” he said. “Even my mother is critical about this... I’m just too stubborn to stop.” Thanks to Emma Pogačar of Toronto, John Vidmar of Chicago, and Rudy Menart of Los Angeles, for submitting this article. A friend is a gift you give to yourself. -Bob Hopkins % Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HA !R SA L ON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. Probably you have heard about a very interesting book written by John Corsellis, the title is “Slovenia 1945.” In it he describes the time at the end of the Second World War. Thousands of refugees from Slovenia and other parts of Yugoslavia fled the communist terror to Austria and Italy. The returning Domobranci under the pretext of sending them from Austria to Italy were killed by Tito’s partisans. Live witnesses describe these horrendous acts of merciless hatred and murder. How the British occupying forces in Austria tried to force the rest of the refugees to return to Slovenia. It tells of the hardship they suffered in DP camps and how they survived all that. And finally how they established themselves in the countries to which they emigrated. It is a book well written and easy to read and makes an excellent gift. The last shipment was sold out in four weeks. I did receive the second shipment, so if you want the book, please hurry as they are going fast. If you are looking for a Slovene-English / English-Slovene Dictionary, we have them. It has 36,000 entries, helpful pronunciation, and appendix of useful expression. The price is only $24.95. Don’t forget the book of Dr. Metod Milač: “Resis- ^ tance, Imprisonment & Forced Labor.” It is also available in the Slovenian language. Also a book written by Frank Gormek “Freedom Fighters.” It is all about an | anti-communist organization fighting the partisans and the German occupation forces. Please call me (Felix Gaser) at home at (216) 381-2602 or at Slovenska pisarna at (216) 361-0300 Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., on Sundays between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The Slovenska Pisarna is located in St. Vitus Village, 6114 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, across the street from St. Martin de Porres School. —Felix Gaser St. Vitus Slovenian School The parent board and faculty of St. Vitus Slovenian School wish to express our sincere thanks to the many individuals who contributed to our annual fund-raiser. Since December 1, 2007, St. Vitus Slovenian School has been receiving donations toward its annual Angel Fund campaign. These donations enable our Slovenian School to continue the mission to preserve the language and culture of our beautiful Slovenian heritage. As in the past, our benefactors have been most generous in making our annual campaign for the year 2007-2008 a great success. Says Thanks THANK YOU — we are very grateful for your support. The names of the benefactors are contained in the Slovenian section of the Ameriška Domovina. All individual donors were sent thank you cards upon receipt of their donation. Please let us know if we missed anyone. Again, to all benefactors, a sincere thank you and may God bless you. If anyone wishes to contribute to the Angel Fund Campaign, please write to St. Vitus Slovenian School Angel Campaign, c/o Linda Baznik, 8354 Dalebrook Rd., Independence, OH 44131. I Hospitality is indigenous to Slovenia Joke A man walks into a St. Clair bar and asks the bartender to recommend a good drink. The bartender says their grasshoppers are very good, so the man orders one. then has a few more. On the way home he notices a grasshopper on the ground. He says to the grasshopper, “Do you know that there is a drink named after you?” The grasshopper looks up at the man and says, “You mean they have a drink named “Janez Dombrowski? -Phil Hrvatin A Chance to Win a Gaspari Print Slovenians “R" Us The Slovenian National Home offers the Slovenian community a chance to own a part of their heritage. The Slovenian National Home is raffling a print of the well known Slovenian painter Maksim Gaspari. This original 1924 painting is an allegory of Slovenian Culture set in Lake Bled and is in the archives of the Slovenian National Home. It was created to be reproduced and used as a stage curtain in the auditorium. On November 7, 1993 the Friends of the Slovenian National Home unveiled a restored Gaspari Stage Curtain. The title of the curtain is Mother Slovenia which represents the focal point of our Slovenian culture. The greatest of our folk artists, Maksim Gaspari, has captured many of our traditions in his paintings. The setting is on the banks of Lake Bled with the famous island and church in the background. This curtain has been viewed by many people that have attended various Slovenian events held in the auditorium. Prominent Slovenes are pictured in this famous painting including poet France Prešeren and writer Ivan Cankar. A professional reproduction has been made from the original painting and given to the Republic of Slovenia to be exhibited at the 2008 Slovenia Presidency of the European Union. A second reproduction has been framed, and will be raffled off on Sunday, May 18 at a special event. Tickets are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. If you wish to purchase a ticket for the print, please send a check made payable to: Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103. We will send you your raffle ticket. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 0241 00) Thursday, February 21, 2008 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Politične napetosti delajo težave za vlado pri predsedovai\ju EU in v odnosih z ZDA Svojevrstna senzacija je v Sloveniji povzročil časopis Dnevnik, ki je za časa obiska Generalnega sekretarja OZN v državi razkril vsebino dokumenta, ki je nastal po sestanku političnega direktorja Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Mitje Drobniča z visokimi predstavniki ameriškega State Departmenta 24. decembra lani v Washingtonu. Na tem srečanju so predstavniki State Departmenta Drobniču pojasnili, kaj ZDA pričakujejo od Slovenije v času njenega predsedovanja EU. Bolj ali manj iste podatke je objavil tudi beograjski list Politika. Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve je odredilo preiskavo o tem, kako so mogli podatki priti v javnost, opozicijski politiki so sprožili val kritik na račun ministra Dimitrija Rupla, sam minister Drobnič pa je moral odstopiti. Tako Rupel kakor sam premier Janez Janša sta bila zelo kritična do Dnevnika zaradi objave. Janša se je med drugim javno spomnil, da je bil časnik Dnevnik tisti, ki je ob osamosvajanju Slovenije pozdravil prihod jugoslovanskih tankov. Trditev iz vrst opozicijskih političnih strank je, da zadeva kaže na neprofesionalnost in nezmožnost slovenske vlade in njenega zunanjega ministrstva, da ohranja tajnost in varnost. Lojze Peterle kritičen do sedanjega vodstva stranke Nove Slovenije (NSi) Ni samo, da se opozicijske (levičarske) stranke v državi vneto pripravljajo na prihajajoče jesenske volitve, isto je opaziti tudi na drugem polu politične lestvice. Tako je evropski poslanec in neuspeli kandidat za predsednika Slovenija Lojze Peterle rekel na nekem poslanskem večeru, da bi bi- le koristne spremembe v NSi. Dejstvo je, je dejal, da so spremembe potrebne v tej stranki, “ker da podpora predsedniku stranke dr. Andreju Bajuku vztrajno pada”. Pri tem velja omeniti, da je nastal nekak sporazum med nekaterimi socialdemokrati in stranko krščanskih socialistov. Ta stranka nima zastopstva v parlamentu, sporazum pa utegne koristiti predsedniku Stanke Socialnih demokratov Borutu Pahorju, ki namerava postati slovenski premier po prihodnjih volitvah, če bo levica zmagala. Koliko vpliva znotraj NSi naj bi še imel Peterle pa ni jasno, njegovo nezadovoljstvo z Bajukom je vendar dolgotrajno in dobro znano. Slovensko-hrvaški dvoboj se nadaljuje V Evropskem parlamentu je zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel pred nedavnim dejal, “da je Hrvaška pretrgala diplomatske odnose s Slovenijo, saj se zunanja ministra obeh držav že več mesecev nista sestala”. Čeprav je imela trditev precej resnice, so bili na Hrvaškem ogorčeni. Predsednik Hrvatske Stipe Mesič je dejal: “Če nam bo Slovenija z vztrajanjem pri svojih stališčih onemogočila vstop v Evropsko zvezo, bo to za naše prihodnje odnose katastrofalen. Lahko bi rekli, da bo za vedno konec slovensko-hr-vaškega prijateljstva.” Napetosti v odnosih med državama pa so se vendarle vsaj začasno zmanjšale. K temu je pomagal prvi sestanek novega slovenskega predsednika dr. Danila Tiirka z Mesičem. Olajšava je tudi v tem, da je Hrvaška po nedavnih volitvah končno dobila novo vlado, a z istim premierom Ivom Sanaderjem. Še vedno je težavno hrvaško vztrajanje, da njihova ribolovno-ekološka cona velja ne samo za Slovenijo, marveč tudi za EU. Obisk Geneeralnega sekretarja OZN v Sloveniji - Med svojim nedavnim obiskom Slovenije se je Generalni sekretar OZN Ban Ki-Moon srečal tudi s premierjem Janezom Janšo. Pogovarjala sta se o slovenski vlogi in prioritetah pri predsedovanju Evropski unjji, dotaknila pa sta se tudi vprašanja statusa Kosova. V veljavi je še vedno resolucija Varnostnega sveta OZN št. 1244 o vlogi te ustanove na Kosovu, vendar je Slovenija predstavnica tudi EU. Ker je kosovska vlada, ki jo kontrolira albanska večina, pred kratkim proglasila neodvisnost te pokrajine, se bodo stvari dodatno zapletle. Po proglasitvi kosovske neodvisnosti, ki sedsy čaka na mednarodno priznanje ali zavrnitev, so bile v Srbiji neredi, med drugim je bila tarča ameriško veleposlaništvo v Beogradu. Kako globoko bo Slovenija in z njo pjeni interesi tako na Kosovu kakor v sami Srbiji prizadeta, še ni popolnoma jasno. V bistvu so ZDA in EU naklonjene na nekakšnem bob ali manj neodvisnem statusu za Kosovo, niso pa ravno navdušene nad popolno neodvisnostjo. Rustfa je močno proti in utegnejo biti posledice npr. v Gruziji. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo Slovenske šole— To nedeljo, 24. febr., vabi Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu na letno kosilo v šolskem avditoriju. Postregli bodo s pečenimi piščanci ali svinjsko pečenko, to od 11. dop. do 1. pop. V Društveni sobi bo na razpolago kosilo, ki ga boste lahko vzeli domov. Cena za odrasle $12, za otroke $6. Nakaznice dobite pri vratih. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Kosilo MZA— Misijonska znamkarska akcija vabi na kosilo, ki bo v nedeljo, 2. marca, v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Serviranje bo od 11. dop. do 1. pop. Kosilo bo mogoče vzeti domov. Cena $12 za odraslega in $6 za otroka. Več v MSIP dopisu na str. 16. Popravek— Dobesedno nam je bilo sporočeno, da je bil pok. Andrew (Edi) Cupar rojen v vasi Voca Gornja Turški vrh Slovenija. Novi grobovi Jack L. Zorc Dne 2. februarja je umrl 99 let stari Jack L. Zorc, vdovec po Frances, roj. Turk, oče Frances Hrastar, 4-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, brat Frances Zupančič in že pok. Stanleya. Pogreb je bil 7. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Križa in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation. Ivana Zelenik Na svojem domu je umrla 87 let stara Ivana Zelenik, rojena Sever, žena Josepha, mati Mitzi Stransky, Josie Zelenik-Hash in že pok. Lilly Jane Bringheli, 3- krat stara mati. Pogreb je bil 8. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Sv. Križa pokopališču. Paul H. Žnideršič Umrl je 91 let stari Paul H. Žnideršič iz Willoughby-ja, vdovec po Elmi, roj. Eckert, oče Judith Slabe in Carol Cvar, 4-krat stari oče, 4- krat prastari oče, brat Rose Walsh ter že pok. Pauline Turpack, Anne Kastelic in Sophie Kastelic, zaposlen pri Lincoln Electric 43 let, član SNPJ št. 142. Pogreb je bil privaten s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Rado Menart umrl— Preteklo soboto je v Los Angelesu umrl 80 let stari Rado Menart, ki je pred leti živel v Clevelandu in bil ustanovitelj radijske oddaje, ki še danes posluje kot Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije. Ribje večerje— Te so vsak petek v Postu v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti od 4. do 7. zvečer. Na jedilniku so cvrte in pečene ribe, škampi, “crab cakes”, kombo večerje in tudi makaroni s sirom. Priloga k večerji je pražen krompir, zeljnata solata, sladica in kava. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Dvakrat v marcu— V mesecu marcu bo naš list izšel dvakrat in to 6. in 20. marca. Naši dobrotniki— Ga. Linda Plečnik, Willoughby Hills, O., je darovala $100, to v spomin na moža Matijeta. Ga. Helen Urbas, Lorain, O., je darovala $20. Dr. Joseph in Marjeta Z. Novak, White-fish Bay, Wis., sta darovala $29. Klub slovenskih upokojencev iz Euclida je daroval $25. G. Rudi in ga. Viki Kolarič, Willoughby Hills, sta poklonila $29. G. in ga. Edward Glicker, Euclid, O., sta darovala $29. G. John V. Semen je daroval $27. G. Rudy in ga. Marija Pivik, Middleburg Hts., O., sta darovala $19. Ga. Val Burnside, Coconut Creek, Fla., je darovala $19. Vsem dobrotnikom se za naklonjenost iskreno zahvalimo! Novi grobovi Anthony M. Gorišek Umrl je 54 let stari Anthony M. Gorišek, oče Amande (mati Janet) Ploenzke, sin že pok. Karla in Anne, brat Borisa, Karla in Olge Merela, stric in prastric. Pogreb je bil 20. februarja v oskrbi pogrebnega zavoda Monreal s pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Karl Mervar Umrl je 23 let stari Karl Mervar, sin Deborah, roj. Marinch Habat in že pok. Edwarda Mervar, brat že pok. Anthonyja. Pogreb je bil 20. februarja v oskrbi Zeletovega zavoda s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. MIRA KOSEM POZDRAVLJENA ZEMLJA L del Ko je bilo očitno, da v domovini ne bo prostora, še manj pa varnosti, za protikomunistično usmerjene Slovence, so ti spoznali, da bo treba iskati nove domove v svetu. Najprej je odprla vrata Argentina. Množice so šle tja, pozneje so se odprla vrata tudi v Združene države in Kanado. V severnoameriškem mestu Cleveland pa se je znašla največja skupina teh političnih brezdomcev. Ker je Titova diktatura želela prevzgojiti jugoslovanske narode, se nobeden versko ali drugače misleč izobražen človek ni počutil varnega. “Kdor ni z nami, je proti nam”, je bilo njihovo geslo in te je bilo treba uničiti. Tako je šlo v begunstvo ogromno narodno zavednih kulturnih delavcev. Ko sem prispela leta 1955 v Cleveland, je bilo kulturno delovanje v pravem razcvetu. Med nami je bil kipar Gorše, neutrudni pisatelj Karel Mauser, pesnik Marjan Jakopič, obstojali sta dve dramatični društvi, pevski zbor Korotan, Folklorna skupina Kres, malo pozneje pa še mladinski pevski zbor Slavček. Za univerzitetne študente je bilo društvo SAVA in še mnogo drugih organizacij je bilo. Kulturno udejstvovanje je bilo izredno razgibano. Vsak dan smo poslušali slovenske radio oddaje. Za vsakega je bilo nekaj. Mi mladi smo imeli možnosti udejstvovanja pri vseh (z Marjanom sva se n.pr. spoznala pri Mladinskem odseku Dramskega društva Lilije). Za nas je bil to raj, vsak teden se je nekaj godilo. Ker sem se kmalu po prihodu pridružila Korotanu, mi je delovanje tega ostalo v najlepšem spominu. Naj navedem nekaj ključnih zgodb v zvezi z delovanjem pri pevskem zboru Korotan... Nastanek kantate Pozdravljena zemlja Vsaka človeška duša hrepeni po domovini, ki bi bila svobodna, ki bi skrbela za pravice državljanov in spoštovala vse enako. Mi Slovenci imamo razburkano zgodovino kot narod podjarmljen od različnih gospodarjev, ki so si osvajali našo drago zemljo. Nekaj relativne svobode so mogoče okusili naši prapredniki, ko so primitivno volili in ustoličevali kneze v Karantaniji. Po prvi svetovni vojni je bilo upanje, da bomo enakopravni v Kraljevini Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev, toda motnje so se kmalu pokazale, kakor tudi pozneje v kralj Aleksandrovi diktaturi. Ko so Nemci in Italijani vdrli v Slovenijo leta 1941 in nato komunisti izrabili ta vpad v našo domovino, da pod krinko Osvobodilne fronte zanetijo boj za prevzem oblasti, se je v naši domovini začela doba največjega terorja in mučeništva. V tej vihri sta dorašča-la in študirala dva naša znanca, domoljuba, kulturna delavca: Metod Mi-lač in Pavle Borštnik. Metod Milač je študiral glasbo, bil interniran po Italijanih na otok smrti - Rab, bil mobiliziran v partizane in pozneje bil v nemškem zaporu v Ljubljani, nato pa prepeljan na prisilno delo v koncentracijsko taborišče Auschwitz oz. v delovno taborišče tik ob njem (glejte njegovo knjigo Resistance, Imprisonment and Forced Labor v angleščini ali pa Ko solze naše posuši v slovenščini). Pavle Borštnik in Metod Milač sta se spoznala v Ljubljani pri skavtih in sta bila še nekaj časa skupaj na Klasični gimnaziji, kjer sta se tudi spoznala z Dušanom Marši-čem. Milač in Borštnik sta postala aktivna v in- formacijski službi slovenske vojske stare Jugoslavije v upanju, da bosta pripomogla v boju proti okupatorju. Po ovinkih begunstva sta se zopet srečala v tem našem s Slovenci najbolj obljudenim mestom, v Clevelandu. V tem času sta bila že oba poročena in v tovarnah delala, da sta preživljala vsak svojo družino. Milača je ljubezen do glasbe in petja pripeljala do ustanovitve pevskega zbora Korotan, katerega je vodil dobrih deset let, istočasno pa tudi študiral in diplomiral v glasbi na Cleveland Institute of Music, nato pa dosegel magisterij v knjižničarstvu na clevelandskem Western Reserve University. S to podlago je dobil službo kot knjižničar na Syracuse University v zvezni državi New York, kjer je nadaljeval študij, dosegel doktorat in pozneje postal oddelčni direktor univerzitetne knjižnice. Leta 1962 smo se Ko-rotanci žalostni poslovili od svojega dragega, potrpežljivega pevovodje, vedoč, da mora slediti klicu svojega poklica. Nadvse pa smo bili ponosni imeti ga v svoji sredi na mnogih koncertih in smo mu hvaležni za vso podporo in iskrene kritike, ki jih je mnoga leta pisal o koncertih. Po mali maturi na Klasični gimnaziji se je Pavle Borštnik vpisal na Trgovsko akademijo v Ljubljani. Za to se je v glavnem odločil, ker je zvedel, da tam predava slovenščino znani dr. Slodnjak. Očitno mu je bila slovenščina pri srcu že takrat in je bil Slodnjakov vpliv življenjskega pomena. Ko je Borštnik z mlado družino prišel v Cleveland, se je, kot Milač, tudi on zaposlil v tovarni in, kajti je družina naraščala, je bila ta prva njegova skrb. Sodeloval pa je pri kul- ZAHVALA dobrotnikom Slovenske šole pri sv. Vidu CLEVELAND, O. - Družine in učiteljski zbor Slovenske šole pri sv. Vidu se želimo zahvaliti mnogim dobrotnikom, ki ste se odzvali naši vsakoletni prošnji za podporo. V preteklih dveh mesecih smo dobivali prispevke v “angelski sklad”. Ti radodarni darovi omogočajo, da Slovenska šola nadaljuje svoje poslanstvo ohranjati jezik in kulturo naše prelepe slovenske dediščine. Kot v preteklosti, ste naši dobrotniki velikodušno omogočili uspeh letošnje nabirke. Zelo smo hvaležni za vašo podporo! Sledijo imena darovalcev za šolski leto 2007-2008. Vsakemu dobrotniku smo ob času prejema darila poslali zahvalno kartico. Oprostite, prosimo, če smo koga prezrli! Še enkrat: iskrena hvala vsem podpornikom in Bog naj vas blagoslovi! American Mutual Life Association (AMLA) St. Anne Lodge #4 AMLA Kras Lodge #8 AMLA, v spomin pok. članov/članic Cleveland Lodge #9 AMLA Bratska Sloga Lodge #32 AMLA Belokranjski klub Ivan Berlec, v spomin Branimira Berlec John F. Dejak Tony & Nancy Dolenc, v spomin Pavle Dolenc in Andrew Scott Društvo protikomunističnih borcev, v spomin žrtev komunizma Irena in David Družina, v spomin Janez Šemen st. F & H Grinding Pevski zbor Glasbena Matica Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Grdadolnik, v spomin Grdadolnik in Butara družin Dr. Frank in Mrs. Helen Jeglič, v spomin Milko in Cirila Jeglič Peter Kolarič Tom in Sonja Kolarič, pok. iz družin Kolarič in Lončar Pevski zbor Korotan Ivanka Košir, v spomin moža Janeza Košir John & Mary Kozina, v spomin pok. tu in v Sloveniji Mr. & Mrs. Danilo Kranjc Stane in Metka Kuhar, v spomin Luka in Jožefu Kuhar Marge in Tony Lavrisha, v spomin pok. iz družin Rihtar, Sršen in Cerar družin St. Joseph Lodge #169 KSKJ Christ the King Lodge #226, v spomin pok. članov Anuška Lekan Zalka Likozar in Ivana Hirschegger Albin Lipold Izidor in Josie Manfreda, v spomin staršev Mrs. V. Meršol, v spomin dr. Valentin Meršol Mrs. Milka Odar, v spomin Miro Odar Pako, Inc. Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave Plassard Family, v spomin Jakov Zaper Plečnik Family, v spomin Matija Branko in Maruša Pogačnik Mr. & Mrs. Drago Prelog, v spomin staršev August in Gloria Pust Thea in dr. Vladimir Rus, v spomin Maria Rus Mr. Frank Šega, v spomin Antonije Šega Franc in Lojzka Sever, v spomin pok. iz družin Sever in Marolt Slovensko - ameriški Primorski klub Heda Sfiligoj, v spomin Marko Sfiligoj (DALJE na str. 13) cgj| EPI MEIAC. Ihfyr Jbfydhf Urnim« minjam se ga kot solista pri opereti Mežnarjeva Lizika, kakor tudi pri Ko- Pesmi j** inMelodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Raiipki Družina Clnvlami WCSB81.J r« Nnlefr 9-10 »n Sredi fi-7 pra 1A09 Samrecfc Drive Willoughby Hilli OH+lOH mk www.wnb.aig rotanovih zgodnjih ploščah. Kmalu po ustanovitvi Slovenske radio oddaje na WXEN, katero je začel Rado Menart, smo zašli- mm (DALJE na str. 14) ejisfcfr Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 3I73I Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: I-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net It11A I ILv_ CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNjISCE-LjUBLjANA v Zimo je treba preživeti! KIRTLAND, O. - V medijih zadnje čase veliko govorijo o množičnem umiranju čebel in o krizi v čebelarstvu. Lansko zimo je v ohijskih čebelnjakih umrlo 80% družin, in je zato spomladi primanjkovalo čebel za opraševanje. Kar 70% odstotkov kmetijskih pridelkov potrebuje čebele za opraševanje in so brez tega pridelki manjši in slabše kakovosti. Zaradi pomanjkanja čebel se je najemnina za vsako čebeljo družino dvignila že na $150. (Op. ur. AD: To je svetovni problem. O njem je bil npr. v tedniku New Yorker pred meseci daljši članek, med drugim so bile omenjene kot bolj čvrsta vrsta ravno “kranjske" čebele.) Znanstveniki po celi Ameriki se trudijo, da bi našli povzročitelja množičnega umiranja čebeljih družin. Kažejo na veliko vzrokov, a enotnega odgovora še ni. Zima je bila vedno kritično obdobje v življenju čebel. Leta 1987 pa se je iz Azije v Ameriko priselila pršica Varoa jakob-soni, ki jo danes imenujemo varoa uničevalka zaradi njene velike škodljivosti čebelam. Kaj je varoa? To je ploščata 1.5 x 2 mm velika pršica rjavo-rdeče barve, dobro vidna s prostim očesom, in je parazit na čebelah. Ko se naseli v panj k čebelam -zdaj je že v vseh panjih v Ameriki -, se razmnožuje in v dveh to treh letih se tako namnoži, da Zgoraj: Pred zimo naj bodo družine zdrave in močne. Slikano 23. novembra 2007 v Kirtlandu, Ohio. Spodaj: Čebele počivajo in čakajo sončnih dni. Slikano 10. februarja 2008, temperatura 10 stopinj F, v Kirtlandu. Obe sliki: Andrej Pišorn Tedenska revija Demokracija! Približajte si domovino svojih prednikov! Želite na 74 straneh izvedeti, kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji, zamejstvu in med Slovenci po svetu? Naročite revijo Demokracija! Z njo bo Slovenija prišla v vaš dom. Demokracija razkriva preteklost, opisue in analizira sedanjost. Mesečna naročnina na revijo, ki vključuje tudi letalsko poštnino, ie 23,66 USD. Revijo lahko naročite po elektronski pošti: narocnine@demokraciia.sj ali na telefon: + 386 1 230 06 66. da čebelja družina ne zdrži pritiska in umre. Kemiki so našli različna zdravila za zatiranje tega parazita. Zdravila so zelo uspešna za pobijanje te pršice, a ne dovolj, da bi jo popolnoma uničila. Pet do deset odstotkov samic ostane živih in začnejo novo serijo razmnoževanja. Zato je treba ponovno tudi zdraviti. Obenem pa se z vnašanjem zdravil onesnaži notranjost panja. Zima, ki je že od nekdaj morila predvsem šibkejše družine, je v varozi dobila močnega zaveznika. Ker se varoza najhitreje razvija v močnejših družinah po pravilu “veliko čebel, veliko medu, veliko varoze”, le te oslabijo in pogosto umrejo že pred zimo. Kadar zimo dočakajo, so že tako šibke, da ne preživijo. Znanstveniki so tudi mnenja, da so zdravila sama predvsem dolgoročno škodljiva čebelam, saj so to blažji ali močnejši strupi—pesticidi. Kratkoročno sicer pomagajo, ker uničijo veliko število pršic, a pri večkratni uporabi zaradi velikih stranskih učinkov, oslabijo tudi čebele. Za preživetje zime je važna tudi prehrana, ki jo čebele nabirajo skozi leto. Predvsem so važne beljakovine, ki so v cvetnem prahu. V narvanem okolju se čebele pasejo na najrazličnejšem cvetju in naberejo cvetni prah z bogato izbiro vseh potrebnih hranljivih snovi. Pri industrijski predelavi hrane pa so zaradi oplojevanja čebele prisiljene, da delajo le na cvetju ene vrste. Hrana, ki jo tako naberejo, je pomanjkljliva zanje in zato slabijo. Jeseni so šibke in pozimi umrejo. Pogosto postanejo sovražniki čebel sami čebelarji, ko odvzamejo čebelam ves med in jim dajo za preživetje zime sladkor. Na koncu naj dodam še to, da sam ne uporabljam nobenih zdravil proti varoji, nobenih stru- Trst - Minuli 21. december je bil nedvomno zgodovinski dan za narode in države Evropske unije na območju od Estonije do Slovenije, in to iz več razlogov. Najprej je treba poudariti, da gre za države, ki so se po padcu berlinskega zidu znebile komunističnega sistema pod nadvlado Sovjetske zveze. Le v primeru Slovenije gre istočasno za državno osamosvojitev od Zvezne socialistične Jugoslavije in prevzem zahodnega demokratičnega sistema. Ostalih šest držav (Estonija, Latvija in Litva ter Poljska, Češkoslovaška in Madžarska) je hkrati pripadalo tudi območju Varšavskega vojaškega pakta. 1. maja 2004 so se zgoraj omenejene države in Malta pridružile Evropski uniji kot nove polnopravne članice. S tem so zahodne meje pridruženih članic postale meje schengenskega območja, na katerih se je ohranilo izvajanje nadzora nad pov, ampak živim v upanju, da se bodo čebele same odločile in polovile vse varoje in jih zmetale v mrzlo roso pred vrati panjev. Malo jim pomagam in lovim varoje s pastmi. Mislim, da so mi hvaležne za ta način čebelarjenja, zimo dobro preživijo, in spomladi se mi zdi, da letajo s cveta na cvet z nasmehom na ustih. ■ Branko Pišorn prehajanjem ljudi in blagovnega prometa. Decembrska širitev schengenskega območja pomeni vsekakor kakovosten korak v sprostitvi prehajanja notranjih meja in hkrati konkretno dejanje pripadnosti evropski povezavi. Za vključitev v schengensko območje se je odločilo vseh devet članic novink iz leta 2004. V ta namen so se morale seveda ustrezno pripraviti in prilagoditi svojo notranjo zakonodajo novemu položaju, predvsem pa ustrezno usposobiti osebje za opravljanje novih oblik nadzora. V poštev pride predvsem uporaba podatkovne baze v posebnih, v ta namen usposobljenih računalnikih na zunanjih mejnih prehodih, s pomočjo katerih brž ugotovijo iz raznih razlogov iskane osebe ali predmete. Schengenski režim se je z 21. decembrom lani premaknil na mejo z Rusijo, Belorusijo, Ukrajino, Romunijo, Srbijo in Hrvaško. Pri nas se je s slovensko-italijanske meje pomaknil na mejo s sosednjo Hrvaško. Z odpravo nadzora na mejah med Slovenijo in Italijo, Avstrijo in Madžarsko so vsi deli s Slovenci poseljenega ozemlja, vključno matična Slovenija, vključeni v skupni evropski prostor, kar nedvomno odpira nove možnosti povezovanja in sodelovanja na vseh področjih. Tudi italijanska manjšina v Sloveniji je sedaj neposredno povezana s svojim matičnim narodom. Žal pa to ne velja za italijansko manjšino na Hrvaškem, ker le-ta ni še v Evropski uniji in (DALJE na str. 14) ZAHVALA dobrotnikom (nadaljevanje s str. 12) James A. Slapnik Jr. Slovenska pristava Inc. Štajerski-Prekmurski klub Annie Sterle, v spomin Anton Teskač Milena Stropnik Sunset Industries Mrs. Josephine M. Stinziano Dr. & Mrs. David Turk TRV Inc., v spomin pok. iz družine Kolarič Anton Vogel, v spomin žene Mary Vogel Joe in Kitty Vogel Dr. & Mrs. Mirko Vombergar, spomin Mirko Vombergar Sarah Warm Polonca in Jože Žakelj John Žakelj, St. Paul, Minn., v spomin Anton in Cecilija Žakelj Linda Jurlina Baznik Podpredsednica Odbora staršev Slovenske šole pri sv. Vidu Ob širitvi schengenskega območja Odprava nadzora na mejah - državne meje ostajajo POZDRAVLJENA ZEMLJA (nadaljevanje s str. 12) šali tudi Borštnikov glas. Soustanovitelj tega programa dr. Stane Šušteršič je med tem dobil službo pri Glasu Amerike in je obljubil Borštniku, da bo našel tam službo tudi njemu. To je vzelo še kakih deset let. V tem času je bila Borštnikova družina že precej doraščena in se je odločil, da zagrabi ponudbo v Washingtonu. Od leta 1990 pa do upokojitve 1994 je bil Borštnik prvi šef samostojne slovenske sekcije na Glasu Amerike. Odkar se je vrnil iz Washingtona, čitamo njegove zanimive komentarje v Ameriški Domovini, hrani in zbira dokumente in zanimive članke v zvezi s problematiko našega razmerja do matične domovine. Že preko 30 let tudi zbira podatke za Matico mrtvih in ima verjetno najbolj popoln seznam. Rad pomaga vsakemu, ki se zanima za slovenske zadeve. Ko se je približala Ko-rotanova desetletnica, je njegov bivši predsednik dr. Stane Šušteršič predlagal nekaj “posebnega in izvirnega”, kar naj bi pripravil Metod Milač sam. Njegov predlog je bil sprejet in Milač, ki je vedel za Borštnikova literarna prizadevanja, ga je naprosil, naj napiše besedilo. Borštnik ga je pripravil pod naslovom “Zemlja za morjem”, kasneje pa je bilo preimenovano v “Pozdravljena zemlja” in ga je glasbeno nadarjeni Milač priredil v kantato. Po njunem dolgem naporu smo Korotanci začeli z vajami tega monumentalnega dela. Medtem ko Je bilo Borštnikovo delo po prilagjanju besedila po predlogu skladatelja končano, je imel Milač pred seboj še dosti truda z zbiranjem članov orkestra potrebnih za to edinstveno kantato. Glasbenike je nabral med sošolci na Cleveland Institute of Music. Deseta obletnica je bila za nas, člane Korotana, res posebno doživetje. Naučili smo se kantato, ki je predstavljala temo praznovanja. Ponosni na pevovodjevo monumentalno delo, smo v dvorani sv. Vida s čutom krstno zapeli Pozdravljena zem-Ija. I Na mene osebno je vtis naredilo besedilo kantate. Kot šestnajstletno dekle sem zapustila domovino, ki sem jo ljubila. Četudi je ta domovina ravnala z nami kot mačeha, sem si želela, da bi se spremenila in postala dobra mati. Vsa ta čustva so bila izražena v naši pesmi: Izražala je domotožje, ki sem ga čutila: ...Iz dalje mi pesem doni, posluša jo duša vesela ... Pozdravljam te pesem domača. Pozdravljam te, zemlja za morjem. Izražala je teror, ki se ga spominjam kot otrok: Miru več narod ne pozna: v nočeh grmi topovi, s krvjo prežeta so polja, en sam so grob gozdovi... (slednjič so to spoznali tudi v domovini). Pesem izraža odpor nasilju: Sovraštva meč v slovenski rod krvave seka rane, da najde si rešilno pot, ves narod v borbo plane. V pesmi je izražen obup nad zmago zla: Zaman na pragu mati čaka, zaman za oknom dekle pla-ka, ne vrne več se mož in sin ... in: Kdo solze naše posuši, kdo tisoč mrtvih obudi? Kdaj ti spomini oblede in želje naše v nas zaspe? Pesem izraža duh sprave in odpuščanja: O Bog, ki nič brez Tvoje volje se ne zgodi: ne glej na grehe živih, temveč zaradi žrtve mrtvih - odpusti! V Ljubeč Spomin Ob 12. obletnici smrti j fr Stane Hočevar 16. februar 1924 20. februar 1996 Za vedno v naših srcih, molitvi in božjem objemu. Žalujoči: Žena, sin, hčerka z družino in ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji Že ob krstni prireditvi se me je najbolj vtisnilo v srce izraženo upanje za svobodo naše domovine: In spet razlij svoj blagoslov na našo zemljo in naš krov, da šla naproti novim bo obzorjem, ta naša zemlja, tam za morjem. To sem precej obupana pela leta 1961 - in s hvaležnostjo, zasolzena, leta 2005, ko smo Korotanci krstno in s ponosom predstavili Sloveniji Milač-Borštnikovo delo ob šestdeseti obletnici slovenskega eksodusa in holokavsta. To je bila naša pesem, saj je predstavljala vsa naša čustva - naše življenje; življenje tistih, ki so morali zapustiti domovino - domovino, ki jo bomo ljubili do smrti. Najgloblji izraz ljubezni do domovine pa je Pavle Borštnik izrazil, ko je za Addendum plošči "Pozdravljena zemlja" prevedel svoje delo in ga naslovil - Our Blessed Land. (Ohranjen je Borštnikov originalni zapis "Pozdravljena zemlja”, obenem z Milačevimi obrobnimi zapiski, kako bo pesnitev glasbeno obdelal v: Uvod, Osrednji del in Zaključni koral). ■ (Konec !. dela. Nadaljevanje prihodnjič) Odprava nadzora na mejah (nadaljevanje s str. 13) v schengenskem območju. Uvedba schengenskega prostora brez nadzora na notranjih mejah je nedvomno velika pridobitev za evropske državljane, vendar nadzorstvo varnostnih organov na državnem ozemlju ostaja, le da se izvaja manj vidno nad določenimi osebami in na določenih mestih. Zato je potrebno opozoriti, da morajo ljudje, ki potujejo, vedno imeti pri sebi veljaven osebni dokument. Nov način nadzora tako znotraj schengenskega območja kot na zunanji meji Unije omogoča, kot že omenjeno, sodobni informacijski sistem, ki ga sestavljajo osrednji računalnik v Strasbourgu, v katerem so shranjeni podatki o določenih kategorijah ljudi in predmetov, ter terminali za dostop do teh podatkov predvsem policistom na zunanjih mejnih prehodih. V bližnji prihodnosti bodo imeli dostop do omenjene baze podatkov tudi mednarodni policijski in sodni organi. V sedanjem sistemu so podatki o sodnijsko iskanih osebah, o pogrešanih osebah, o ukradenih vozilih in drugi lastnini, podatki o osebah državljanov nečlanic območja, za katere je razpisana zavrnitev vstopa v Evropsko unijo. Doslej so slovenski policisti preglede oseb in vozil lahko opravljali le ob prestopu meje, sedaj pa je po novih določilih ugotavljanje identitete oseb, kontrola potnikov, prevoznih sredstev in stvari mogoče le na “me-dnarodih povezavah in Pavle Borštnik PERRY, O. - Pod tem naslovom prinaška tržaška Mladika v božični številki leta 2007 tri članke, ki obravnavajo nedavno nastali položaj v Evropi, ali v Evropski zvezi, če hočete, in nakazuje možne določene posledice, o katerih je potreben temeljit preudarek in potem odločno ukrepanje. Ena manifestacija nove “schengenske dobe" v evropski zgodovini je - odstranitev meddržavnih meja. To se je v Sloveniji zgodilo ob koncu leta in to s tako odločnostjo, naglice in temeljitostjo, da menda ni na nekdanjih mejah nobenih obmejnih, kontrolnih objektov več. Drugače povedano, danes se lahko vsak Slovenec odpravi v Trst ali v Celovec in nikjer med potjo ga ne bo nihče pobaral, kam gre, kje ima potni list itd. Na videz torej, bi lahko rekli, da se je uresničila ne le ideja Zedinjene Slovenije, temveč tudi Prešernova želja in želja slovenske državne himne: “ko rojak prost bo vsak, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak...” Toda - vsaka medalja ima dve plati. V Mladiki objavljeni članki zelo učinkovito nakazujejo to drugo plat in posledice, ki lahko prizadenejo Slovenijo, če v novem položaju ne bo učinkovito zaščitila svojih interesov. objektih, pomembnih za čezmejni promet”. Konkretno to pomeni na vseh avtocestah in počivališčih ter avtobusnih in železniških postajah z mednarodnimi povezavami. Poleg tega so policistom na voljo posebni kombiji z detektorji za mamila, eksplozive in radioaktivne snovi; s posebnimi kamerami, s katerimi lahko podrobno pregledajo vozila, in z napravo, s katerih lahko preverijo, če se v vozilih skrivajo ilegalni migranti. Skratka, schengenski policijski nadzorni sistem je zelo izpopolnjen. Nekateri strokovnjaki menijo, da česa takega nimajo niti ZDA kot zvezna država. Alojz Tul Novi glas, 17. Jan. 2008 Slovenci bomo namreč v tržaški okolici in na Primorskem še vedno živeli v dveh državah, piše Mladika, in potem zastavlja dve popolnoma realistični vprašanji: ali bodo mlade slovenske družine, ki se priseljujejo v italijansko Gorico in njeno italijansko okolico, ostale slovenske, ali se bodo asimilirale? In potem: ali bodo Italijani, ki bodo poselili opuščene kraške vasi, kasneje zahtevali tudi dvojezičnost? In še naprej: Kako daleč na slovensko ozemlje bo segla erozija, ki je že spremenila nekdaj slovenske vasi v okolici Trsta v pretežno - italijanske!? Člankar upravičeno opozarja na dejstvo, da bodo administrativne meje ostale in da bo zato potrebna “učinkovita” Slovenija, ki bo znana zaščititi interese slovenskega prebivalstva v obmejnih krajih, zlasti še na italijanski meji. “Vasi v Istri, na Krasu, v Vipavski dolini in v Posočju morajo ohraniti svojo identiteto, ki je slovenska, dosegle pa bodo to le z učinkovito obrambo pred naselitvenim pritiskom iz sosednjih dežel." Zgodba slovenske Primorske z njeno priključitvijo taki ali drugačni (Dalje na str. 16) Komentar Schengenska vprašanja in dvomi Novi pozitivni trendi rodnosti v Sloveniji Rodnosti v Sloveniji v preteklem letu znova povečala. Rodilo seje 19.585 otrok oziroma za dobre štiri odstotke več kot leto poprej in največ po I. 1993. Žal tudi to področje postaja poligon za politična obračunavanja. piše PETER AVSENIK Leto 2007 je bilo že četrto leto zapored, ko se je v Sloveniji rodilo več otrok kot leto prej. Preverili smo, kakšna je bila rodnost nekoč, kje so vzroki za njen drastičen padec v minulih desetletjih in kje za povečevanje v zadnjih letih. Ali lahko povečevanje števila živorojenih otrok že obravnavamo kot trend? Za koliko se je v resnici povečala rodnost, še ne vemo natančno, zato je zapisana številka le ocena, po podatkih Inštituta za varovanje zdravja (IVZ) pa so slovenske ženske lani rodile celo med 19.800 in 19.900 otrok. Vzponi in padci rodnosti V Sloveniji je bila rodnost največja ob koncu 19. in v začetku 20. stoletja. Leta 1886 se je denimo rodilo 36 otrok na tisoč prebivalcev (za primerjavo: leta 2005 le še 9 otrok). Samo leta 1902 se je rodilo okoli 45 tisoč otrok. Rodnost se je močno znižala med prvo svetovno vojno, se po vojni sicer nekoliko povečala, a ni nikoli več dosegla prejšnje ravni. Prav tako je število živorojenih otrok upadlo med drugo svetovno vojno, takoj po njej pa se Je spet izrazito povečalo. Najbolj "plodno” je bilo leto 1950 s 35.992 rojstvi, vse od leta 1953 pa število konstantno pada. Od leta 1980 se slovensko prebivalstvo ne obnavlja več, od leta 1997 pa je število rojenih manjše od števila umrlih. Najnižjo raven je rodnost na Slovenskem dosegla leta 2003, ko je bilo po podatkih IVZ rojenih le še 16.917 otrok. Od tedaj pa se rodnost, kot rečeno, nenehno povečuje. V minulem stoletju je do najbolj drastičnega padca rodnosti prišlo po letu 1980. Po mnenju demografa dr. Damirja Jo-sipoviča, ki se v svojih delih tem vprašanjem precej posveča, je v tem obdobju šlo za proces odlaganja rojstev v višjo starost in tudi za proces opuščanja rojstev. Procesa je spodbudila “pestra paleta dejavnikov, med katerimi gre izpostaviti zlasti masovno podaljševanje šolanja in družbeno negotovost tedanjega časa”. Na drugi strani pa je povečevanje števila rojstev v zadnjih letih po mne- nju dr. Josipoviča posledica dveh vzporednih procesov. Nekoliko namreč pojema naraščanje starosti žensk ob rojstvu prvega otroka, po drugi strani pa prav v tem času številčno naraščajo generacije, ki so najbolj “izpostavljene” zanositvi. Več otrok na podeželju Zanimivo je, da se v zadnjem času povečuje število rojstev med bolje izobraženimi in socialno “trdnejšimi” sloji Slovenk in Slovencev. Vendar je ta skupina prebivalstva imela prej manj otrok, zato je povišanje stopnje rodnosti pri tej skupini razumljivo. Sicer pa v Sloveniji razmeroma višjo rodnost najdemo v ne-urbanih okoljih. “V geografskem smislu gre za široko območje, ki se v obliki polmeseca razteza od Bohinja, preko Rovtarskega hribovja proti Suhi Krajini in vzhodni Dolenjski. Poleg tega obstajajo še posamezni manjši otočki višje rodnosti, kot so Gornja Vipavska dolina. Gornja Savinjska dolina, osrednji del Slovenskih goric, zahodni predeli Posavskih gub,” pravi dr. Josipovič. Za normalno obnavljanje slovenskega prebivalstva bi se rodnost morala še precej povečati. Slovenska namreč v povprečju še vedno rodi le enega otroka (1,31), medtem ko bi za enostavno obnavljanje prebivalstva "morala” roditi dva (oziroma 2,1). Prav tako povečanja števila rojstev v zadnjih letih kljub vsemu še ne moremo obravnavati kot trend. Kot pravi dr. Josipovič, gre v tem primeru bolj ali manj za stagnacijo rodnosti z nihanji in blažjo depresijo v obdobju med letoma 1997 in 2005. “Tokratno povečanje ni nič posebnega, gre pa v smeri pričakovanj, da se bo celotna rodnost dvignila vse tja do 1,6 ali 1,7 otroka na žensko v rodni dobi. Predvidoma bo število rojstev preseglo 20 tisoč in še nekaj let nekoliko naraščalo,” pravi in dodaja, da v prihodnjih nekaj letih število rojstev skoraj gotovo ne bo več padlo pod najnižje vrednosti iz obdobja 2001-2003. “Podobno rast pričakujemo tudi na področju celotne rodnosti, čeprav gibanje in stopnje ni v enostavni zvezi s številom rojstev,” še pravi Josipovič. Kakšen je vpliv politike? Podatek o čedalje večjem številu otrok je kajpak dosegel tudi ušesa slovenskih politikov. Medtem ko koalicija poudarja, da je povečana rodnost tudi odsev primernih vladnih ukrepov, pa ji opozicija očita, da vlada ta podatek izrablja v politične namene. Tako je poslanka SD Majda Potrata pred kratkim ministrici za delo, družino in socialne zadeve Marjeti Cotman postavila poslansko vprašanje. Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS na podlagi česa vlada meni, da je povečanje števila rojstev rezultat njene politike. Potratova meni, da “bi bile za dobro ciljanje u-činkov različnih ukrepov potrebne strokovne podlage”, in opozarja na mnenja strokovnjakov, da je trenuten dvig rodnosti posledica zelo številčne generacije žensk med 25. in 35. letom starosti. “Kljub jasno izraženim mnenjem stroke si predstavniki vlade v svojih izjavah lastijo zasluge za povečanje števila rojstev,” je prepričana poslanka SD. Na ministrstvu za delo, družino in socialne dele pa odgovarjajo, da je več raziskav pokazalo, da sta ključna vzroka nizkega števila rojstev v minulem desetletju zlasti dva; da mlade ženske ne dobijo zaposlitve, s čimer je povezana socialno-ekonom-ska negotovost, zaradi česar se ne odločajo za rojevanje, drugi največji problem pa je po njioh-vem mnenju stanovanjska politika. V odgovoru na naše vprašanje navajajo mnoge ukrepe na različnih področjih, ki naj bi bili ključno povezani z dvigom rodnosti. Med drugim je vlada sprejela nov zakona o zaposlovanju in zavarovanju za primer brezposelnosti, nov zakon o delovnih razmerjih, sprememjen je bil zakon o starševskem varstvu in družinskih prejemkih, pri čemer se je povečal dodatek za velike družine ... V dokumentu na štirih strani pa ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve navaja še mnoge druge ukrepe. Ministrstvo za finance je denimo povečalo olajšave za tretjega in nadaljnje otroke, ministrstvo za okolje pa Je z novim zakonom o nacionalni stanovanjski varčevalni shemi in s subvencijami mladim družinam zagotovilo pomoč študentskim družinam, ki so končale študij, pri plačilu tržne najemnine za stanovanje. V kolikšni meri so omenjeni ukrepi neposredno pripomogli k povišanju števila rojstev, je težko reči, saj navsezadnje odločitve za otroka vendarle ne sprejema država. Vendarle pa je na dlani, da ukrepi države lahko takšno odločitev precej olajšajo. Tudi dr. Josipovič meni, da vlada lahko ustvarja pogoje za odločanje o več otrokih, če sprejme primerne ukrepe. Pri tem poudarja, da v Sloveniji osebni “rodnostni cilji” celo presegajo 2 otroka (ženske si v povprečju želijo imeti vsaj 2 otroka). “To pomeni, da z večjo prihodkovno enakostjo na višji ravni, z redno zaposlitvijo, z različnimi olajšavami in podobnim omogoča potencialnim in obstoječim staršem lažjo odločitev za prvega in nadaljnjega otroka, predvsem pa manj stresno in srečnejše življenje,” je prepričan dr. Josipovič. Brezplačni vrtci so po njegovih besedah tudi korak v pravo smer, splošna družbena negotovost pa v nasprotno. Dodaja pa, da bi bilo treba za (Dalje na str. 16) Siillp/has a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with ono of our representatives. Call 1-800*843*5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. "/ used to set a 1099 for my Bank CD, until / found KSKI44/ MUKAH stcmkUrt cxthixc fjuMCti Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so 1 would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near youl •n»tt cwr«r«s#*sfcr 13 rrarthN on * ptotn. ctune« wL'-r** r»*c* Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1617. Iz New Yorka smo prejeli dopis o njihovi Misijonski nedelji, ki je bila združena s kosilom in srečanjem v dobrobit našim misijonarjem. Ta nedelja je bila že 19. novembra lani in je bilo v njihovem Glasilu natisnjena naslednja zahvala: “Perfektna jesenska nedelja je nam prinesla nepričakovano dobro udeležbo in nadvse lep dar za slovenske misijonarje. Vinko Burger je otvoril nedeljo s kratkim uvodom. P. Krizolog Cimerman je potem podal govor namenjen misijonskemu delu za podpiranje in nadaljnjo delo Kristusovih apostolov in nas njihovih naslednikov. Jerry, Jonathan in Michael Zupan so razvedrili program s petjem domačih in sezonskih pesmi. Michael Zupan je še podal osebno verzijo božičnih pesmi. Kosilo je pripravila M. Burger s pomočjo prijateljev, s katerimi urejujemo to delo, odkar obstoja naša organizacija. Po kosilu smo imeli žrebanje, ki ga je vodil Ivan Kamin. Darove za žrebanje so darovali udeleženci. Glavna dobitka, umetniški sliki, sta darovala Matej Branč in Olga Burger. Letošnja Misijonska nedelja je bila lep uspeh. Zahvala vsem sodelavcem za dobro delo in končni uspeh. Naj nam Bog da še mnogo let možnost, da izpolnjujemo našo dolžnost širiti vero in podpirati nje, ki direktno izpolnjujejo to delo za Cerkev. Vinko Burger, odsek MZA New York” Darovi: Srečke, kosila, denarni darovi $ 4,456 Majhno žrebanje, knjige, drugo 504 Skupni dohodki: $ 4,960 Izdatki: Poštnina $ 50 Dobitek (tretja nagrada) 100 Skupni izdatki: $150 ČISTI DOBIČEK: $4,810 Seznam darovalcev je naslednji: Tončka Burger $500; T&M Branč družina $285; V&M Burger $250; Frances Solar $200; I&B Kamin $165; S&T Delak $150; Sonja Kregar $150; dr. D. in dr. S. Lango $130 ali $110 (ur.; nejasno v tipkopisu); J&M Zupan družina $110; po $100: T&T Babnik, N.N., M. Erman, H&T Stalzer, H&J Višinski, g. E. Zimic; A. Delak-Cilleli $80; P&T Jenko $75, J&M Puc $70; ga. Višinski $67; H. Klesin $55; J. Wozniak $55. Po $50: dr. K. Delak, J. Prelog, P&M Remec, R&M Vrabec, E. Wilson, J&O Zajec, N. Guardia, dr. H. in dr. M. Puc, V&A Pfeifer, H. Puc, J. Steiner, J&K Sodja. Po $40: dr. in ga. T. Zargaj, M. Juvan, M&A Kolar, H&D Oppenheimer, K&G Puc, D. Stoyan, J. Ravnikar, M&M Zupančič, J&J Batič, J. Fugazzi, S&F Horvat, M. Klesin; po $35: M. Klesin, A. Malenšek; po $30: dr. Hartzmangruber, A. Flis; po $25: M. Vassilev, J. Kastelic, A&V Rode; po $24: V. Stem-pel, J&E Šuštar; po $20: M. Gorenc, M. Hribar, W&M Kern, M. Palčič, P. Tamburin, F&K Topolovec; R.F. Forrester $16; po $15: L. Krečič, Mazani, M. Pirc; po $10: J. Cerar, E. Klauz, J. Martinčič, A. Zajc. Tudi mi se v imenu vseh misijonarjev iskreno zahvaljujemo za lep obisk, za vso skrb, za vse delo in za vso dobroto. Bog vam povrni! Kosilo MZA v Clevelandu Bližamo se kosilu Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije v Clevelandu, ki bo v nedeljo, 2. marca, v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Kosilo bo obsegalo juho, govejo in kokošjo pečenko s prikuhami, solato, kavo in pecivo. Cena kosilu je $12 za odraslo osebo, za otroka $6. Kosilo bo na razpolago od 11. ure dopoldne do 1. ure popoldne. Kosilo boste lahko tudi vzeli domov. Gospodinje ste lepo naprošene za domače pecivo. Ves dobiček tega kosila gre v sklad za vse naše misijonarje, ki se po raznih državah trudijo z lajšanjem revščine, z ljubeznijo uče otroke, zdravijo bolni- ke, postavljajo šole, cerkve ter širijo božje kraljestvo. Naj bodo naši cekarji polni dobrote, da bomo veseli prestopili prag v našem življenju proti večnosti. Prav iskreno na svidenje v nedeljo, 2. marca, v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Ob stotem letu izhajanja Ave Maria... UREDNIK VAM Izvleček, ki sledi, je iz januarske številke mesečnika Ave Maria. Na koncu je še odstavek, ki opisuje zdravstveno stanje splošno priljubljenega p. dr. Vendelina Špendova. Ur. AD Kot lahko preberete na naslovni strani s to številko začenjamo stoto leto našega mesečnika. Če smo čisto natančni se bo stoti letnik začele šele marca, saj je marca 1909 izšla prva številka in se bo stoti letnik izpolnil marca 2009. Ko to pišem, je še vedno nekaj naročnikov, ki jim je naročnina zapadla decembra 2006 in je kljub opominom niso poravnali niti za prejšnji letnik. Zato seveda januarske številke niso dobili Rodnost v Sloveniji (nadaljevanje s str. 15) primerne ukrepe zagotoviti tudi strokovne podlage- “V številnih državah Evropske zveze pravkar poteka mednarodno primerljiv panelni demografski megaprojekt, za katerega pa v Sloveniji očitno ne želijo ali ne zmorejo zagotoviti sredstev, čeprav ne bi stal pretirano veliko,” nam še pove demograf dr. Josipovič. Obračunavanja Zviševanje rodnosti v zadnjih letih je vsekakor razveseljiv podatek, saj do neke mere odraža bolj pozitivno družbeno ozračje. Vzrokov za večje število rojstev Je očitno več (od generacijske koncentracije, izboljšanega socialnega položaja staršev pa vse do osebnih razlogov za takšno odločitev), zato je toliko bolj žalostno, da se v zadnjih dneh in letih izkorišča za politična obračunavanja med strankami. ■ DEMOKRACIJA Ljubljana, 31. Jan. 2008 več. Mnogi naročniki so vajeni poravnati naročnino za tekoči letnik šele poleti o priliki kakega romanja ali celo tik pred koncem leta. Pri sedanjih cenah si te vrste kreditiranja ne moremo več privoščiti. Na nalepki z vašim naslovom sta v zgornjem desnem kotu dve številki: prva pomeni mesec, druga leto do kdaj je naročnina plačana. Vsi tisti, ki naročnine za leto 2008 še nimate poravnane, bodo prejeli en sam opomin. Če ne bo odziva, jim bomo prenehali pošiljati naš mesečnik. Trenutno finančno stanje kaže, da bomo to leto prebrodili, vključno s tremi številkami leta 2009, ko bo ne samo formalno, ampak tudi v resnici izpolnjen stoti letnik. In kaj bo potem? Glede na kritično finančno stanje, ki ga je pripisati tako dvigu cen kot drastičnemu upadanju števila naročnikov, so prišli nekateri predlogi, da bi morebiti šli nazaj na črno-belo izdajanje mesečnika, da bi izhajal samo vsaka dva meseca, ali pa celo oboje. Po mojem mnenju so vse te rešitve nesprejemljive. Kdor zasleduje vseh 100 let izhajanja AM lahko opazi, da je mesečnik ves čas napredoval tako glede vsebine kot glede oblike. Trenutno smo nekako na vrhu in če že moramo umreti, bomo to storili v polnem sijaju. Kakega mučnega podaljševanja za eno leto in umiranja na obroke si pa res ne želimo. Verjetno bo torej ta letnik zadnji. Stanje p. Vendelina je v glavnem nespremenjeno, vendar se je moral vrniti nazaj na umetno hrano po sondi naravnost v želodec. Sicer pa je popolnoma priseben in spremlja tekoče dogajanje. Zahvaljuje se vsem, ki se ga spominjate v molitvi. P. Bernardin Sušnik Vprašanja in dvomi (nadaljevanje s str. 14) Sloveniji torej še ni zaključena. Boj z Italijani bo šel naprej in Slovenci nimamo nobenega pretiranega razloga za optimizem v tem spopadu. Primorcem je danes morda bolj kot kdajkoli krvavo potrebna pomoč matične države. In kaj se dogaja v tej matični državi? Slovenija je s 1. januarjem prevzela predsedstvo Evropske zveze. Vsi domači in evropski predstavniki izražajo optimizem, da se bo v tej vlogi izkazala, četudi jo čaka eden najtrših diplomatskih orehov našega časa: Kosovo. Toda istočasno ne manjka zgovornih dokazov, da se je proti sedanji slovenski vladi zasnovala široka kabala, ki ji bo skušala čimbolj otež-kočiti reševanje evropskih problemov in s tem čimbolj znižati njen (sedanje slovenske vlade) ugled doma, v Evropi in svetu. In če upoštevamo inter-nacionalistično osnovo te kabale, nas mora zaskrbeti dejstvo, da se ti ljudje ozirajo na narodne interese samo toliko, vkolikor so ti interesti identični z njihovimi strankarskimi, partijskimi interesi. Vkolikor niso, so za to kabalo in prihajajočo politično koalicijo levih strank - postranskega pomena. “Vse je vihar razdjal, narod pa vselej stal, gledal pod Triglavom neba obok”... poje naša pesem, toda - tako kaže - to pot bo Slovencem potrebno še veliko več kot nekaj domoljubnih verzov... Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 11) John Korošec Umrl je 93 let stari John Korošec, vdovec po Ceciliji, roj. Železnikar, oče Cecilije Tekavec, 3-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, imel je 12 bratov in sestra, vsi v Sloveniji. Pogreb je bil 14. februarja v oskrbi Želetove-ga zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110.