Future Thinking with Young Generations iNc^i ÖNAL, Dr. H. Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey e-mail: onal@hacettepe.edu.tr Future Thinking with Young Generations ABSTRACT This paper focuses on using historical research methods, especially for local history, and its contributions to young generations (aged 14 to 17, in Turkey) to learn through archive using. According to this research, such activities not only would enhance the education of school children, but it would help create a more positive image of archives in the general population. This research also shows how achieving the goal of activities can be assisted by an interdisciplinary understanding of archives. It will also benefit anyone who works with young's historical research environments, including archivists, librarians and school administrators, among others. All of them would help stimulate interest in archival holdings and activities, and help create greater support for what archives do, while leading to better educated adult users, whether academicians or hobbyists. Pensiero futuro per le giovani generazioni SINTESI Il presente articolo si focalizza sull'utilizzo dei metodi di ricerca storica, in particolar modo per la storia locale, ed i suoi contributi per le giovani generazioni (tra i 14 ed i 17 anni, in Turchia) ad apprendere attraverso l'uso dell'archivio. Secondo tale ricerca, queste attivita non solo favorirebbero l'educazione degli studenti, ma contri-buirebbero a creare in immagine piu positiva degli archivi nella popolazione giovane. Questa ricerca mostra anche come l'acquisizione degli obiettivi delle attivita possa essere assistita da una comprensione interdisciplina-re degli archivi. Ne beneficeranno inoltre coloro che lavorano nell'ambiente della ricerca storica dei giovani, ossia archivisti, bibliotecari ed amministratori scolastici, tra gli altri. Tutti costoro saranno aiuitati a stimolare interesse per i fondi e le attivita archivistiche, e saranno aiutati a creare grande supporto per cio che gli archivi fanno, nel mentre potranno meglio educare anche l'utenza adulta, sia essa accademica o amatoriale. Delo z mladimi generacijami v prihodnosti IZVL^EČEK Prispevek se osredotoča na uporabo zgodovinskih raziskovalnih metod, še posebej za lokalno zgodovino, in njihov prispevke mladim generacijam (mladim od 14 do 17 leta v Turčiji), da se učijo s pomočjo uporabe arhivskega gradiva. Glede na te raziskave tovrstne dejavnosti ne povečujejo samo izobrazbe šolarjev, temveč pomagajo ustvariti bolj pozitivno podobo o arhivih v širši populaciji. Te raziskave tudi kaže, da lahko interdisciplinarno razumevanje arhivov pomaga pri doseganju različnih ciljev. To bo koristilo vsem, ki delajo z mladimi na področju zgodovinskih raziskav, vključno z arhivisti, knjižničarji in šolskimi uradniki. Vsi ti bodo spodbujali zanimanje za arhivsko gradivo in dejavnost arhivov ter pomagali pri ustvarjanju širše podpore za delo arhivov, kar bo vodilo k bolj izobraženim odraslim uporabnikom, bodisi akademikom ali ljubiteljskim zgodovinarjem. Gen^ nesille gelecegi düjünmek SENTEZ Genf nesil tarihsel arajtirma yaparak bilgi edinmede yetersiz kalmaktadir. ^ocuklar okullari, kütüphaneleri, arjivleri ve müzeleri kapsayan degijik ortamlari kullanarak tarihsel arajtirma yapmaya özendirilebilir. Türki-ye'de 14-17 yaj arasinda bulunan genflerin egitimleri sirasinda arjivleri taniyarak kullanma becerisi edinmeleri, sadece onlarin degil, toplumun da arjivlere bakijini olumlu yönde degijtirecektir. Arajtirmaya dayanan bu bil-diri egitim ortamlarinda arjivlerin ve arjiv materyallerinin kullanimi üzerinde yogunlajarak, Türkiye'de genf neslin egitimleri sirasinda arajtirma amafli kullanabilecekleri arjivleri tanitmaktadir. Yapilan falijmamiz, genf-lerin arajtirma veya hobi amafli olarak arjivleri kullanilmalarina ve arjivlerdeki hizmetlerin genflere yönelik gelijtirilmesine katkida bulunacaktir. Inci ÖNAL: Future Thinking with Young Generations, 63-69 Introduction Education is a lifelong journey which consists of all experiences gained in and out of school and where all social values contribute to. "School" is the social institution which is responsible of educating individuals; integrating their desires with the objectives of society, through educational programs, transforming them into goals to be achieved and thus responsible in bringing up qualified individuals. Regardless of social standing, schools aspire to adapt to individual necessities, social values, advancing technology, future living conditions and any other progress that may arise. "Information" that will no doubt ignite changes and developments in the future and which, in turn, will mean success for individuals and institutions has become stock capital and the main power supply. "Learning," on the other hand, is a course of action of everyday life and as is in its every stage, the "use of information and archival materials (documents and/or records)" is an essential element fxar existence. The term "information and archival services" entails services provided collectively by various information centres and their different resources, however, this study will solely concentrate on services that are only provided by archives for historical research and educational purposes. While the first part of this research will define the users of archival materials in education; the second section will reveal efforts that have been employed in how archival materials are used; the third will focus on the archival services in education; and the last will provide basic information on archives that are open to the young researchers (aged 14 to 17) in Turkey. The study will conclude by mentioning the current developments and future expectations in the area in question. I. Archival Materials Users in Education The developments in education has led to significant changes in recent years and some of these consist of: attaching importance to "being informed on general subjects" rather than just "specializing in certain areas"; benefiting from every resource and settings available in order to acquire information instead of being stuck to "limited number of books"; mastering critical thinking and problem-solving skills; promoting teamwork; and goes without saying, the necessity to use technology on every level. Naturally, institutions in higher education are means to expend the developments that transpire in area of education through services provided in teaching, research and society. By incorporating these developments into curriculums, publishing-administrative-learning methods, they in turn will allocate back to society. Collaboration between teachers and students from all grades and the managers of centres that deliver the services in question will provide an effective use of information; the best way to manage time; assimilation with educational technologies; listening, reading, writing and information literacy; as well as the aspiration of life-long learning. The users of archival materials in education consist of: 1. "Students" who conduct studies involving their lessons, homework, thesis as well as want to occupy their free time; 2. "Teachers" that guide students in their field of study and personal interest as well as introduce them to these information centres by encouraging students to make use of them; 3. "Scientists" that conduct researches; 4. "Principals" that follow the latest developments on different matters as education, pedagogy, administration and regulations; 5. "Local education administrators" such as directors of provincial education who want to introduce and implement the developments in education within their area of jurisdiction; 6. "School personnel" that require information in line with their personal interest and work. 7. "Professional users" who prepare promotional materials involving education institutions and who work on various different levels in line with their professions; 8. "Librarians, archivists, record managers, document managers and their co-workers" who have taken upon the organization of information as well as the management of archival materials. 9. "Amateur researchers" and "information-archival materials users" who aim to conduct studies aside from those mentioned above (Chowen, 2005, p. 23-54). Inci ÖNAL: Future Thinking with Young Generations, 63-69 Solving problems, making historical research, monitoring developments, management and entertainment are the most common areas where information and archival materials are utilized. The aim is to transform individuals to lifelong users of information and archival materials; initiating from their pre-school years, in every stage of their education, throughout their professional career. The importance given to information in national and international studies is also reflected in the area of education. II. Efforts involving the Use of Archival Materials School library media centres, libraries, archives, and museums have long thought of themselves as "teaching" institutions. The main educational role of the archives was seen as fostering and supporting scholarly research. An examination of these and other sources suggests seventh-fold classification of approaches that have been used to bring together schools and archives: 1. Projects and activities involving students in archival research; 2. Useful suggestions for becoming familiar with the use of archival material; 3. Educational programs on the work and role of archives; 4. Visits, exhibitions and cultural programs; 5. The production of archives-based teaching kits; 6. The formation of school-based archives; 7. The establishment of organizational linkages and cooperation between teachers, librarians and archivists (Osborne, 1986-1987). III. Archival Services in Education In order to achieve a successful use of archives, it is necessary to initially examine those people employed to keep the records in these centres. Following a certain set of rules, the archival materials should undergo a procedure where it is prepared to be put into service. Rules which will enable the utilization should initially be drafted and then applied. The areas that benefit from use of archival materials in education the most are: 1. Studies promoting archives and record management; 2. Researches employing historical research methods; 3. Management services; 4. Records and information retrieval services; 5. Educational services provided for every individual and group in education; 6. All kinds of promotions organized through exhibitions and publicity. The archival materials provided for service consist of: 1. "Published documents" such as books, articles, thesis, official publications, guidebooks, map, etc. 2. "Unpublished documents" such as archival documents, manuscripts, administrative records, etc. 3. "Auditory documents" that consists of all types of audio recordings. 4. "Visual documents" that entails all kinds of visual records. 5. "Electronic documents" that entails every records on digital format. 6. Basically every document concerning life (Cherry, 2010, p: 449-478; Fasick, 2011, p: 101115). Activities that involve archival services in education: 1. Making policies that will permit the formation of archive systems within educational institutions; 2. Making plans that will enable educators and students to make use of these archives; 3. To publish documents that will introduce the different types of archives and areas to make use of existing records; 4. Organizing seminars and meetings to explain on how to benefit from archives and archival materials in education; 5. Allowing an active use of archives in education via developing research projects. Inci ÖNAL: Future Thinking with Young Generations, 63-69 IV. Archives for Young Generations Archives for young generations can be subdivided into at least two categories; we will try to indicate some of the characteristics of each one of them, in Turkey: I. Government Archives 1. Prime Ministry Government Archives: Ottoman Archives Today there are 600.000 records, archival materials and documents the number of which is stated with millions dating back to Ottoman Government (if we exclude the ones kept in the archives out of the country), which has a developed record and which has spread to a geography, currently inhabiting 39 states. Prime Ministry Government Archive is in the quality of being a main centre that can be applied when not only the history of Turkey but also the history of North Africa, the Balkans, Middle East and Caucasia is supposed to be researched and it is beyond any doubt the first place that can be visited for the local history researches. Today, the number of the classified records in the Ottoman Archive is over 40 million. In fact, Prime Ministry Government Archive is a follow-up of Hazine-i Evrak Otoman Government Archive. Due to this reason, even if significant part of the Ottoman Archive was classified according to the record keeping, some catalogues that are called with the names of such persons as-Muallim Cevdet, Eli Emiri, Ibnulemin, Kamil Kepeci-or chronology based are available, which had been made and classified till 1930s. We can encounter the documents regarding the local history almost in all classifications of the archive. Non- Muslim congregation records regarding the non-Muslim congregations in the region and church records, documents of such ministries as pious foundations, ministry of trade, public works, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education following the Tanzimat Reform Era, document of the Private Treasury of the Ottoman Sultan regarding the properties of the padishahs in the region, Hatt-i humayuns, Records of Muhimme (Significant events), record of complaints, record of judgments (for l9th century), royal decrees, Yildiz Archive are among the records remembered first. It is possible for you to learn about the record and document indexes in the Ottoman Archive and contents of these both from the published guides of the archive and on internet. 2. General Directorate of Land Registry Cadastre, Kuyud-i Kadime Archive In the General Directorate of Land Registry Cadastre, 2322 land title cadastral record books dating back to the period between 15th and 19th centuries and 14.023 volumes belonging to the Turkish geography between 1847-1933, 8227 volumes belonging to Ottoman lands outside of Turkey; in total, 22.250 land title minute books are available. 3. Archive of General Directorate of Foundations Presence of the foundations in the communal life from the city centres to the rural areas is known by everybody. Archive of General Directorate of Foundations is a kind of archive that lives as the Archive of Land Registry Cadastre and that is applied regarding the current matters. More significantly, it is the first institution to be visited by a local historian regarding the foundations spreading in the researched region/city and is memory of Ottoman Period with its total 2150 records and approximately 30.000 foundation certificates including foundation certificate-charters (vakfiye) in which foundations are written, typeface records (hurufat defterleri) in which daily procedures of the foundations are written, deed papers in which disagreements regarding the foundation properties are written. Also, in the Archive of the Foundations, 90% of the foundation certificate-charters have been translated to current alphabet (these translations equal to 30% within the general document sheet of the foundations.) 10 volumes of catalogue prepared in an alphabetic order by the General Directorate of the Foundations according the name of the foundation are available. 4. Court Records (§eriyye Sicilleri) and National Library Court Records Collections Muslim judge records or court records are the daily recollection of the life continuing in the local scale. Even if these registries are called as the court records, their contents are not only comprised of the legal disagreements regarding the complaint and the decisions made by the Muslim judge (kadi) regarding these issues. In the Ottoman system, the Muslim Judge was liable for some of the municipality works in addition to the jurisdiction duties and security; regulation, detection and control of the Inci ÖNAL: Future Thinking with Young Generations, 63-69 prices, construction, exploration, repairing decisions are included in the definition of the duty of the Muslim judge (kadi) and Muslim judge has to process every kind of detail into the registry. Also, the Muslim judge is liable for announcing every kind of command to the public and to apply it. Muslim judges are at the same time a kind of notary; explorations, power of attorneys, even purchase-sales transactions, renting of the foundation properties, registers belonging to the commercial agreements, bails, bequests and freeing the sales are included in the registries. Without any doubt, registries regarding the position of various hostilities are available; decisions regarding such events as murder, injuring, jugglery, theft within the scope of the criminal law, marriage, divorce, heritage record within the scope of civil law and receivables-debts matters within the law ofobligations have been issued as a document Also, the Muslim Judge registers the significant days, festivals and such extraordinary situations as earthquake, fire, drought, flood. Court records that have been kept in the archaeology and ethnography museums in the cities, have been currently collected in Ankara National Library, excluding the ones in Istanbul Mufti's Office Library (Istanbul Muftugulu Kutuphanesi). 5. Republic Period Documents and Prime Ministry Republic Archives Even if Republic Period Archive was officially founded in 1976, it retrieved a regulation that enabled the transferred of the material in the state offices to the Republic Period Archive, sufficient numbers of personnel and building that could provide archive service in 1988. In the Republic Archive, records that have been classified and presented to the researchers are comprises of Decisions of Ministerial Cabinet, Common Enactment, Prime Ministry Personal Secretary, Ministry of Public works, General Directorate of Land and Resettlement Works, Directorate of Religious Affairs. What kind of documents can we find regarding the local history or congregation/ community lives within the catalogues material? For example, in order to get knowledge about acquiring Turkish citizenship, decisions of Ministerial Cabinet belonging to 1923-44 can be applied. (Collective /individual) acceptances to the citizenship shall give the picture of the migration to Turkey, at least till 1944 and therefore, it is effective in terms of congregation/community works. The records indicating where the migrants who migrated to Anatolia were located are among the records of General Directorate of Land and Resettlement Works covering 1907-1944 period records. Records of General Directorate of Land and Resettlement indicate the distribution of the real estate deeds, location of the refugees, land allocation, every kind of refugee and obligatory settlement actions What is more, catalogues of General Directorate of Land and Resettlement included the records regarding the catering and settlement of the Greeks and Armenians who were subject to migration prior to 1923. On the other hand, Catalogues of Ministry of Public Works present versatile material pool to the researchers in the dictation of city, region and county histories with its documents including such subjects as regulation of the transportation within the city, urbanization, water, road, tramway and provision of electricity and harbour service of foundation of a facility, drying the swamps, railways and various tariffs. As for the document of Directorate of Religious Affairs, with this archive material, it is possible to observe the different perspective of the life in the city and towns. Documents of General Directorate of Religious Affairs covering some cities (Amasya, Antalya, Artvin, Bilecik, Bursa, Diyarbakir, Edirne, Erzurum, Giresun, Isparta, Icel, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Ku-tahya, Manisa, Mugla, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Siirt, Tekirdag, Zonguldak) are very rich documents to indicate the general aspect of how application of Republic Period Revolutions and Ramadan, Zakat, Islamic Alms-Charity are experienced in the local regions. II. Institution Archives 1. Retirement Fund Archive Retirement Fund has an archive centres that was founded in 1994. Even if the Retirement fund was founded in 1950, it has documents belonging to Abdulhamid Period (with the archives of various retirement fund transferred to it). In the archive where two translators are assigned for the translation and classification of Ottoman documents, studies of taking inventory are on-going. Retirement Fund Archive is significant especially in terms of family history and it in the quality of being used as a source for determining the profile of the civil servant or getting information about the administrators that had distinctive roles in the history of the region. Inci ÖNAL: Future Thinking with Young Generations, 63-69 2. Kizilay Archive Kizilay Archive is a place used by less researchers. Having been founded in 1896, it can contribute to the local history researches in two basic subjects: First of these is, migration, population Exchange, collective asylum actions, because here every kind of trace can be found here regarding every kind of migration to Turkey from Balkan Wars to 1950s. Second one is the examination of the poverty in specific period in a specific region /vicinity. Another record group that may be in Kizilay archive is related with the natural disasters. Kizilay Archive has been partialy arranged. At least, beginning from institution corresponded in 1878, till 1948, documents in the meantime have been catalogues. Last part of the archive belonging to the Ottoman Period; include the maps and Collection of Besim Omer Pasha Photograph album. V. Conclusion It has become mandatory to take the new values that have arisen into consideration as the area of education has witnessed unlimited number of progresses during the 2000s. Hence, people as teachers, students, managerial personnel and parents have started to attach more importance to information in order to increase the success and productivity of education centres. While the scope of the work provided has extended, the targeted group of customers have also diversified. In this respect, even as every user group is considered important for information and document services in education, children and young adults have especially become centre of focus in recent years. These services which are provided in libraries have become customary however their effort to increase the use of archives for educational purposes is a new concept. Regarding the future, there are many things that can be done: 1. Developing basic skills in informatics which will gain access to printed, nuncupative and electronic materials; 2. Specifically accumulating and/or purchasing info archival materials; 3. In context of archival materials; approval, preservation of existing educational material and putting them into use/service; 4. Cataloguing and classification of library resources one by one while undertaking archival materials in groups; 5. Explaining the stages of a research; 6. Evaluation, synthesis of various archival materials and preparing them for utilization; 7. Guiding researches so as to be more productive; 8. Disclosure and preservation of national cultural heritage; 9. Recognition of achievements that have come about as result of researches on national and international level; 10. Acquisition and maintenance of a reading habit; 11. Achievement of personal skills; especially that of mastering "critical thinking"; 12. Providing information resources and archival materials backup in order to maintain the continuance of managerial services; 13. Organizing exhibitions and providing publicities in order to promote these services; 14. Making and implementing plans in developing the utilization archival materials; 15. Establishing personal and institutional contacts with associations, institutions, history and social science teachers, librarians, and archivists. Archives and related institutions that contribute to young generations (aged 14 to 17, in Turkey) need to determine: 1. On what level to provide services; 2. User services; 3. On what type of personnel, physical conditions and its property value should be. Educational centres are only a small section of a changing and developing society, however, they are institutions that encourage communities by affecting the construction of society and breaking new ground for the much needed change within its constitution. As we approach the 21st century we see that an effective utilization of information and document is the basis for raising qualified individuals. Inci ÖNAL: Future Thinking with Young Generations, 63-69 "Information" that is achieved and used a lifetime will become an important power in carrying societies to the future. REFERENCES Thomas Kevin B. Cherry, Online Cultural Heritage Materials and the Teaching of History in the Schools: a Concept Analysis of State Archives and Collaborative Digitization Program Web Resources, Ph.D: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010. Brent William Chowen, Teaching Historical Thinking: What Happened in a Secondary School World History Classroom, Ph.D: The University of Texas at Austin, 2005. Adele M. Fasick, From Boardbook to Facebook: Children's Services in an Interactive Age, Santa Barbara 2011. Ken Osborne, Archives in the classroom, "Archivaria", 23(1986-1987), Winter, pp. 16-40. SUMMARY Changes in the conduct of historical research often have been dramatic. For many years pundits have lamented the younger generation's lack of historical knowledge. Children learn by making historical research in different environments, including schools, libraries, archives, and museums. To maximize the effectiveness of children's learning, it is important to improve these environments. This paper focuses on using historical research methods, especially for local history, and its contributions to young generations (aged 14 to 17, in Turkey) to learn through archive using. According to this research, such activities not only would enhance the education of school children, but it would help create a more positive image of archives in the general population. This research also shows how achieving the goal of activities can be assisted by an interdisciplinary understanding of archives. It advocates improving our understanding of historical research on the effects of archives and educational perspective in order to create in these young generations' viewpoints. This research will attempt to take a first step along these lines by analyzing a sample of current, online, archival resources designed for the schools. It will also benefit anyone who works with young's historical research environments, including archivists, librarians and school administrators, among others. All of them would help stimulate interest in archival holdings and activities, and help create greater support for what archives do (including enhancing acquisitions), while leading to better educated adult users, whether academicians or hobbyists. Submitting date: 08.04.2013 Acceptance date: 24.04.2013