Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4, 1–10, Ljubljana 2021 doi:10.14720/aas.2021.117.4.2015 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Analysis of genetic diversity in selected sugarcane (Saccharum officinar- um L.) accessions using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers Faith Eweluegim EMEGHA 1, 2 , David Adebayo ANIMASAUN 3 , Folusho BANKOLE 1 , Gbadebo OLAOYE 1 Received December 24, 2020; accepted August 19, 2021. Delo je prispelo 24. decembra 2020, sprejeto 19. avgusta 2021 1 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: 3 Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria Analysis of genetic diversity in selected sugarcane (Saccha- rum officinarum L.) accessions using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers Abstract: Genetic diversity information among a popu- lation is important in exploiting heterozygosity for the im- provement of crop species through breeding programmes. This study was therefore, conducted to assess genetic diversity and establish molecular relationships among 20 selected exotic sug- arcane accessions from the Unilorin Sugar Research Institute germplasm using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) molecu- lar markers. Genomic DNA was extracted from the sugarcane leaf. Fragments amplification was then performed by poly- merase chain reaction (PCR) with ISSR markers and the data obtained were analyzed using MEGA 4 software. Analysis of the electropherogram showed a total of 39 loci consisting of 369 bands, out of which 95.8% were polymorphic. The biplot analy- sis showed all the markers contributed to the observed diversity with the least achieved with ISSR6. The principal co-ordinate analysis grouped the accessions into four clusters, comprising mixtures of all the six collection sites. The polymorphism ob- tained in the present study showed that the ISSR markers are effective for assessment of genetic diversity of the sugarcane ac- cessions as it reveals the genetic similarity or divergence of the accessions regardless their place of origin or cultivation. Key words: Dendrogram; genetic diversity; germplasm resources; ISSR marker; sugarcane Analiza genetske raznolikosti izbranih akcesij sladkornega trsa (Saccharum officinarum L.) z uporabo označevalcev na osnovi enostavnih ponavljajočih se zaporedij (ISSR) Izvleček: Informacija o genetski raznolikosti znotraj po- pulacij je pomembna za uporabo heterozigotičnosti za izbolj- šanje gojenih rastlin v žlahtniteljskih programih. Ta raziskava je bila narejena za oceno genetske raznolikosti in vzpostavitev molekularnih povezav med 20 izbranimi ekzotičnimi akce- sijami sladkornega trsa na Inštitutu za preučevanje genetskih resursov sladkornega trsa v Unilorinu (Sugar Research Insti- tute germplasm) z uporabo molekularnih markerjev na osnovi enostavno ponavljajočih se zaporedij. Genomska DNK je bila ekstrahirana iz listov sladkornega trsa s pomočjo mini kita (DNeasy Mini Kit,Qiagen). Namnožitev fragmentov je bila iz- vedena s polimerazno verižno reakcijo (PCR) z ISSR označeval- ci, pridobljeni podatki so bili analizirani s programom MEGA 4. Analiza elektroferogramov je pokazala, da je celokupno šte- vilo 39 lokusov sestavljalo 369 trakov, od katerih je bilo 95,8 % polimorfnih. Biplot analiza je pokazala, da so vsi označevalci prispevali k opaženi raznolikosti, z najmanjšim deležem ozna- čevalca ISSR6. Analiza glavnih komponent je združila akcesije v štiri skupine, ki so bile mešanica vzorcev iz vseh šestih vzor- čenih mest. Polimorfizem, ugotovljen v tej raziskavi je pokazal, da so vsi ISSR označevalci učinkoviti za ugotavljanje genetske raznolikosti akcesij sladkornega trsa ne glede na njihovo mesto izvora in načina gojenja. Ključne besede: dendrogram; genetska raznolikost; ge- netski viri; ISSR označevalci; sladkorni trs Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 2 F. E. EMEGHA et al. 1 INTRODUCTION Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is one of the most important economic crops. In Nigeria, sugarcane is mainly grown for its sugar juice, as a raw material for manufacturing sugar (Wayagari et al., 2003a,b), molasses and bagass, and recently ethanol and renewable energy. As an industrial crop, sugarcane production has con- tributed to the nation’s GDP and provided the opportu- nities for job creation. Other use of sugarcane include; fertilizer, bio-plastics, paper, sugarcane wax (Khushk and Pathan, 2006). Commercial cultivation is mainly through plant- ing of vegetative cutting (setts) of mature stalks. During sugarcane breeding programs, exchange and shipment of elite clones and breeding lines in the form of stalk cut- tings across different test locations occur regularly for the purpose of verifying parental source or desired use of a clone in an experiment (Pan, 2010). To increase sugar yield within the Nigerian sugar industry, it is important to optimize varietal trials and breeding activities of sug- arcane (NSDC, 2015). In Sugarcane breeding, mislabeling errors could oc- cur during the process of planting and selection, due to the use of large number of accessions in the varietal de- velopment program, which can only be revealed later in the selection program. Mislabeling could alter breeding goals by using the wrong variety for breeding activities. Molecular tools ensure that breeders have the correct clones involved in their crosses as well as varietal trials (Pan, 2010). Diversity analysis based on morphological attributes may not be sufficient or may be inflated due to environmental influences, particularly for new va- rieties or those that are new to a region (Animasaun et al., 2015). In these situations, a more accurate and clear means of identification is required to avoid downstream consequences such as risk of disease outbreak and/or poor productivity. The use of molecular marker techniques such as RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphism), SSLP (Simple sequence length polymorphism), AFLP (Amplified fragment length polymorphism), RAPD (Random amplification of polymorphic DNA), ISSR (Inter simple sequence repeat), SSR Microsatellite poly- morphism (Simple sequence repeat), SNP (Single nu- cleotide polymorphism), RAD markers (Restriction site associated DNA makers) etc, in the analysis of genetic variation among genetic materials, has facilitated correct determination of the nature of association among eco- nomic traits. This is because the techniques ensure devel- opment of accurate genetic maps since they are devoid of environmental influences, thereby helping to achieve set objectives within breeding programs leading to the achievement of significant yield increases in breeding programmes (Dilon et al., 2007). The use of Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) marker in crops plant diversity study and fingerprinting is advantageous (Animasaun et al., 2015). The markers can detect a range of loci and allelic diversity among the genetic materials (Ajibade et al., 2000, Pfeiffer et al., 2011) as well as provide information on their unique identity that deserves conservation attention and improvement programmes (Da Costa et al., 2011, Animasaun et al., 2021). Furthermore, molecular-based information ob- tained would be a reliable basis for developing a template and workable strategy for germplasm conservation and future improvement through the selection of appropri- ate parents to maximize yield, establishment of proper identity of the genotypes and maintain genetic diversity. The approach also has the capacity to provide useful in- formation on the extent of genetic diversity among the germplasm accessions, and prevent possible misidentifi- cation, which may render the work previously done dur- ing selection unreliable. The ultimate goal in sugarcane breeding is to devel- op genetically improved varieties with high sugar yield (cane yield and sucrose content) that is economically sustained over several ratoon crops. Therefore, germ- plasm materials are usually assessed for their breeding behaviour with the objective of utilizing them either for direct cultivation on the sugar estates or as parents in hy- bridization for evolving new and superior progenies in- tended as replacement to the existing cultivars (Kwajaffa & Olaoye, 2014). In an effort to identify productive sug- arcane varieties for the rainforest and savanna ecologies of Nigeria, a detailed evaluation of 40 selected sugarcane varieties from six (6) breeding stations was conducted under the auspices of the West Africa sugarcane Devel- opment (W ASD) Project (Olaoye et al. 2017), which pro- vided some information on morphology, cane yield and yield components. However, in order to have a proper diagnostic as- sessment of the genetic attributes of these varieties, twenty accessions were further selected for genetic di- versity and allelic polymorphism assessment using the molecular approach. The objectives were to characterize the selected sugarcane accessions using ISSR marker and provide detailed information on the nature of genetic diversity among them for further varietal improvement activities. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 3 Analysis of genetic diversity in selected sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) accessions using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 PLANT MATERIAL Twenty (20) exotic sugarcane accessions were se- lected from the pool of germplasm materials from six sugarcane breeding stations currently being maintained at the Unilorin Sugar Research Institute (USRI) Farm. The accessions were selected base on the morphological superiority reported elsewhere (Olaoye et al., 2017). De- tails of their origin, parentage (where available) and yield attributes are contained in Table 1. 2.2 DNA ISOLATION Genomic DNA (gDNA) was isolated from young unfolding leaf tissues. About 1 g of fresh leaf tissue was grounded into a fine powder in prechilled mortar and genomic DNA from individual accession was extracted using, DNAeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN, USA). The DNA extraction was performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction. DNA concentration were determined comparatively by electrophoresis at current of 100 amps, 80 volts, for 40 minutes using agarose gel (0.8 %) electrophoresis, by applying 5 μl gDNA loaded after mixing with 3 μl 6X loading dye (Promega, USA) to check the quality of the DNA by comparing the inten- sity of the bands with a 1kb standard (Thermo Scientific, USA). The gel was visualized under a UV transillumina- tor and the gel was imaged with a gel documentation sys- tem (Ingenius-3, Syngene, USA) to confirm the quality of the genomic DNA. Parental identification S/N Variety Point of collection o Brix content (°Bx): Cane yield (t ha -1 ) Female Male 1 B97375 Barbados NA NA 2 B96812 Barbados NA NA 3 B96723 Barbados NA NA 4 B93757 Barbados 23.71 58.52 5 B47419+ Barbados 20.13 72.89 6 DB8134 Demarara NA NA 7 M1176/77 Mauritius 22.31 81.91 N55805 CP5530 8 M1246/84 Mauritius 21.2 93.40 M555/60 R570 9 M1334/84 Mauritius 19.58 95.55 M555/60 10 M1954/91 Mauritius 21.89 69.38 M2077/78 M1030/71 11 RB72/454 Brazil 21.26 58.89 CP53-76 12 RB86/3129 Brazil 21.63 608.09 RB763411 13 SP81-3250 Brazil 20.53 72.09 CP70-1547 SP71-1279 14 RB94/2991 Brazil 22.89 66.42 15 Co88025 Coimbatore 20.92 59.00 16 Co91017 Coimbatore 21.27 64.64 17 Co997+ Coimbatore 21.48 79.29 18 CoC671 Coimbatore 22.63 72.80 19 KNB9288 Sudan NA NA B871245 POLY 20 KNB9253 Sudan NA NA Table 1: List of selected 20 Sugarcane varieties and their attributes Brix content (°Bx): This is the proportion of sucrose in a solution, therefore its correlates with density of liquid. One degree brix is 1 g of sucrose in 100 g of solution Sources: G. Olaoye, Y . A Abayomi and F.O .Takim (2017). NSDC 2015 NA: Information not available Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 4 F. E. EMEGHA et al. 2.3 ISSR PRIMER SELECTION AND PCR CONDI- TION Eight reproducible and informative ISSR primers of 14-19 bp were selected from a total of 10 tested ISSR primers. The primers were selected based on published experimental results on sugarcane and related Saccha- rum species (Da Costa et al., 2011). The selected primers synthesized by a commercial molecular biology company (Inqaba Biotec West Africa Ltd. Ibadan, Nigeria) were used for the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) proce- dure. The primers were optimized and PCR conditions for experiment were set-up. For an efficient molecular characterization of sugarcane genotypes, initially six in- dividuals were randomly selected to screen the primers for their polymorphism and reproducibility at 52, 54, 57, 61, 62 and 65 °C annealing temperature (Table 2). Band intensity and reproducibility of all conditions were com- pared and optimized. The selection includes a spectrum of primers with different repeat motifs. The PCR reaction was carried out with 20 μl fi- nal reaction volume in 200 μl thin wall PCR tube in a Thermocycler (Applied Biosystems, Foster city, USA), containing 10.5 μl reaction mixture, 1.5 μl of 10 pmole primer 1 μl of 50 ng genomic DNA and 7 μl of ultra-pure nuclease free water (Ambion, USA). The PCR condition was an initial denaturation at 94 °C for 5 minutes, fol- lowed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 1 sec, an- nealing at 59 °C (annealing temperature was different for each primers) for 30 sec and extension at 72 °C for 1 min followed by a single cycle of final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The reaction was put on hold at 4 °C. The PCR products were visualized to confirm amplification by the method of Animasaun et al., 2018. The targeted PCR amplification was confirmed by mixing 5 μl of PCR product with 2 μl  of 6X gel 6X gel loading dye (Promega, USA) and electrophoresed on 1.5 % agarose gel stained with 0.75 µl EN-Vision blue eye DNA dye for 40 min at 100 volts in 1X TBE buffer. Fragment sizes of the amplicons were determined from the gel by comparison with standard molecular weight marker ladder-low range Generuler1 Kb DNA Ladder (Thermofisher, USA). The amplified loci were visualized and photographed in a gel documentation system (Inge- nius-3, Syngene, USA). 2.4 BAND SCORING AND DATA ANALYSIS The PCR fragments were scored for the presence (1) or absence (0) of equally sized bands and two matrices of the different ISSR phenotypes were assembled and used in the statistical analysis. The fragments were only con- sidered on ability to detect clearly resolved and polymor- phic amplified loci among the populations studied for the eight ISSR primers selected for analysis. The data were entered in to binary matrix for analysis. Module analysis was performed with NTSYS-pc (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) and Cluster Analysis was performed using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA), genetic differentia- tion and Shannon’s index (I) was determined using PAST software. In addition, to compare genotypes and evaluate pat- terns of genotype clustering, neighbour-joining (NJ) was used with Free Tree (Saitou & Nei, 1987; Pavliček et al., 1999). To further examine patterns of genetic re- lationship among individual genotypes principal coor- dinate analysis (PCoA) was performed using agglom- erative technique using the Un-weighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) Method and dendrogram was constructed as the output for the ge- netic relationship. S/N Oligo ID Sequence (5’ – 3’) * Tm ( o C) No of base pairs GC- contents (%) 1 ISSR 1 GAGAGAGAGAGACC 52.61 14 57.14 2 ISSR 2 CTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTAC 57.62 18 50.00 3 ISSR 3 CACACACACACAAG 49.69 14 50.00 4 ISSR 4 CAGCACACACACACACA 60.16 19 52.63 5 ISSR 5 GTGTGTGTGTGTCC 52.61 14 57.14 6 ISSR 6 CTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTGC 59.9 18 55.56 7 ISSR 8 AGCACGAGCAGCAGCGG 64.43 17 70.59 8 ISSR 10 AGCACGAGCAGCAGCGT 62.02 17 64.71 Table 2: List and properties of ISSR primers selected for the molecular study of the molecular characterization of 20 exotic sugar- cane varieties (Ilorin, Nigeria) * Tm: melting temperature of the primers Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 5 Analysis of genetic diversity in selected sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) accessions using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION Genetic diversity in sugarcane provides breeders with the necessary materials and opportunity to develop improved and new varieties possessing desirable char- acteristics (Govindaraj et al., 2015). Molecular analysis is important to protect genetic identity/purity because, morphological traits could be environmentally influ- enced (Animasaun et al., 2018). This is also necessary for authentication of accession prior to multiplication of setts for planting. Data obtained from molecular tech- niques can be analysed prior to application in diversity studies by analyzing the genetic relationship among sam- ples (Govindaraj et al., 2015). 3.1 LEVEL OF POLYMORPHISM The ISSR analysis, carried out on 20 varieties pro- duced 369 bands/alleles with an average of 46.13 alleles per primer. Eight primers produced distinct and repro- ducible bands among the primers tested and the ampli- fied PCR products showed arrays of monomorphic and polymorphic bands, 349 were polymorphic alleles and 20 monomorphic alleles with an average of 43.25 ISSR polymorphic alleles per primer. In other words, the ISSR markers detected high level of polymorphism. A total of 39 loci were amplified by eight ISSR primers, out of which 38 (91.66 %) were polymorphic. Loci amplifica- tion per primer ranged from 3 to 7 with an average of 4.88 loci per primer, and a mean allelic richness of 46.1 alleles/primers (Table 3), number of polymorphic alleles ranged from 2 (ISSR 6) to 7 (ISSR8). The code, sequence and other properties of the primers used are presented in Table 2. Though, seven out of eight of the primers were highly polymorphic, ISSR6 resulted in the least polymor- phic loci with 33.3 % polymorphism, ability of primer ISSR 8 and ISSR 10 to produce higher allele frequencies and polymorphic loci in this study indicated that the two primers are most informative and suitable for diversity study in sugarcane accessions. ISSR markers have been showed to possess high resolution ability in sugarcane fingerprinting and diver- sity analysis (Da Costa et al., 2011), they are effective and efficient in the identification of polymorphisms within and among populations and/or species. This current study is the first investigation to assess molecular genetic diversity within and among introduced sugarcane acces- sions in the USRI germplasm. Again, since polymorphic information is related to expected heterozygosity and is usually determined from allele frequency (Animasaun et al., 2015), the existing variation in the studied accession could be selected for the crop improvement. The present study reveals the existence of high level of genetic diversity and relatedness among and within the investigated sugarcane accessions, which were intro- duced into Nigeria as part of University of Ilorin Sugar Research Institute (USRI) germplasm. Similar findings were reported for some sugarcane accessions by Srivas- tava and Guota (2008) who recorded 78.48 % polymor- phism in a diversity screening among sugarcane varieties in India using ISSR markers. Smiullah et al. (2013) also detected 85.25 % polymorphism with ISSR markers on Sugarcane accessions from Pakistan. Thus, the studied genotypes showed considerable heterologous amplifica- tion of the alleles, whereby 91.66 % were polymorphic and only 8.34 % were monomorphic. High polymor- phism and higher number of alleles are very important for correct estimation of genetic diversity of a germplasm (Animasaun et al., 2015). The degree of polymorphism S/N Marker Code TNA TNL NML NPL P % M % 1 ISSR1 32 5 0 5 100 - 2 ISSR 2 34 5 0 5 100 - 3 ISSR 3 16 4 0 4 100 - 4 ISSR4 50 5 0 5 100 - 5 ISSR 5 49 4 0 4 100 - 6 ISSR 6 30 3 1 2 33.3 66.6 7 ISSR 8 81 7 0 7 100 - 8 ISSR 10 77 6 0 6 100 - TOTAL Average 369 46.1 39 4.88 1 38 91.66 % 8.3% Table 3: Amplification information of 8 ISSR markers used in the diversity study of the 20 exotic sugarcane accessions in the germplasm of USRI TNA: Total number of alleles; TNL: total number of loci; NML: Number of monomorphic loci; NPL: Number of polymorphic loci; P %: percentage polymorphism; M %: Percentage monomorphism Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 6 F. E. EMEGHA et al. showed the extent of diversity and effectiveness of the markers (Pfeifer et al., 2011) and allele phenotype are use as reference to interpret microsatellite profile in diversity studies (Esselink et al., 2004). 3.2 GENETIC SIMILARITY AND DISTANCE Estimate of similarity coefficient was determined using Jaccard similarity coefficient-based pairwise com- parisons, based on the DNA amplification of the 20 ac- cessions of sugarcane (supplementary table 1), similarity ranged from 0.78 to 0.13 with mean of 0.455. Accessions DB8134 and M1246/84 showed the highest genetic simi- larity having similarity coefficient of 0.78 and were ad- judged to be closely related. However, the maximum ge- netic distance was observed between accessions DB8134 and SP81-3250 with 0.13, M1246/84 and SP81-3250, B74541 and SP81-3250 had a genetic similarity coeffi- cient of 0.136 each, followed by M1334/4 and SP81-3250 with genetic distance of 0.148. 3.3 BIPLOT ANALYSIS The distribution of the accessions into different spatial plane and co-ordinates by biplot analysis (Fig 1) showed the involvement of markers in separating ac- cessions into quadrants. Co-occurrence of B74541 and M1246/84 in quadrant three and B80689 and Co88025 in quadrant four on the same plane suggested a common ancestor. The overlapping of B85266 and B93757, which are close to RB72/454, indicated the accessions are ge- netically similar. Samples in quadrant I, III and IV are more closely related, except for M1954/91, while those in quadrant II are diffused i.e. they are relations separated by geographical isolation for a long time (Animasaun et al., 2015). The spatial closeness of the accessions in biplot analysis indicate their genetic similarity. In addition, the dispersion of the markers from the centroid reflects their effectiveness in delimiting the accessions (Animasaun et al., 2015). However, the distant location of M1954/91, SP81-3250 and DB8134 in quadrant I, II and IV implies the existence of genetic distance. This may be due to ac- cumulation of some genes through selection resulting from domestication of the accessions by local farmers (Animasaun et al., 2015). Meanwhile the obtained mark- er efficiency as revealed by biplot analysis supported ISSR makers as a useful tool for the initial assessment of intra- specific genetic variation (Devarumath et al., 2012). Figure 1: Bootstrapped Biplot of twenty accessions of sugarcane accessions characterized by eight ISSR primers for diversity and genotyping analysis (at p < 0.05) Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 7 Analysis of genetic diversity in selected sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) accessions using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers 3.4 CLUSTER ANALYSIS Neighbor Joining-based and UPGMA tree con- struction methods on the basis of Jaccard’s similarity co- efficient was used to construct dendrogram to examine the relationship among sugarcane accessions based on 369 ISSR bands amplified by eight primers. The dendro- gram derived from UPGMA-based cluster analysis of the whole ISSR data with 20 sugarcane accessions shows all the accessions in the first cluster were clustered closely together which shows high genetic similarity consisting of nine (9) accessions (group 2). Cluster analysis by den- drogram depicting the genetic relationship classified the accessions into to group (1 and 2). On the other hand, the second group (group 2) sub-divided into 2a and 2b (Fig 3). The 2b group split into two clusters, 2b(i) and 2b(ii) (Fig 3). Cluster 2a is comprised of four genotypes, cluster 2b(i) and 2b(ii) is made up of three and four ac- cessions respectively. The different accessions formed clusters irrespective of their different geographical ori- gins. The neighbor joining (Fig 2) showed that B97375 is a distance neighbors from the other accessions. In ad- dition, RB86/3129 and Co997+ were joined together as neighbours, M134/84 was a close neighbor to Co88025. Also, B96723 was the closest neighbour to RB72/454. Clustering parameters such as, Principal coor- dinate analysis, UPGMA, Neighbour joining showed close clustering of individuals and intermixing in clus- ters irrespective of their origin. Interestingly, according to Ullah et al. (2013) accessions grouped in same clus- ter are more similar to each other but less similar to the accessions in other clusters. This means that accessions in the same cluster are genetically similar or related. This knowledge is important because, based on their ge- netic relationship, recognizing and classifying different individuals in homogeneous groups will help breeders select parents and improve efficiency in preparing cross- es for breeding programs (Zeni Neto et al., 2020). Figure 2: Neighbor joining diagram of genotypes based on ISSR marker analysis. 1 = B97375, 2 = B96812, 3 = B96723, 4 = B93757, 5 = B47419+, 6 = DB8134, 7 = M1176/77, 8 = M1246/84, 9 = M1334/84, 10 = M1954/91, 11 = RB72/454, 12 = RB86/3129, 13 = SP81-3250, 14 = RB94/2991 15 = Co88025, 16 = Co91017, 17 = Co997+, 18 = CoC671, 19 = KNB9288, 20 = KNB9253 Figure 3: Genetic relatedness of the sugarcane genotypes based on UPGMA cluster analysis Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 8 F. E. EMEGHA et al. 3.5 PRINCIPAL COORDINATE ANALYSIS Pattern of variation among the sugarcane acces- sions was also observed using Principal coordinate analysis based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient using PAST Statistical software package. The sugarcane ac- cessions clustered in the four quadrants irrespective of their place of origin. The ordination of the accessions on principal component axes PCo1 versus PCo2 based on cluster analysis of ISSR allelic data (Fig 4). It provided distinct, groupings that established sub-groups within the quadrants, which illustrate the degree of relatedness and diversity within the quadrants. In quadrant 1 acces- sions B96723, B93757, RB72/454 appeared to be closely related, but formed a sub group with accessions Co997+ and M1954/91 located a far distance away from the other accessions in quadrant 1. The occurrence of accessions B96723 and B93757 and the closeness of RB72/454 in quadrant 1 showed that they are closely related and in- dicates a common ancestor. In quadrant II, accessions SP81-3250, KNB9253, CoC671 formed a sub group while KNB9288 stands alone located close to the centroid. Also clustering of accessions SP81-3250, CoC671, KNB-9288, SP81-3250, KNB-9253 are far apart in quadrant II sug- gesting different origin. The diffuse pattern shows genetic divergence among the populations with accession SP81- 3250 being at the farther end of the quadrant revealing utmost genetic variation and distance from other popu- lations. In quadrant III, two subgroups were formed one with accessions M1176/77 and RB94/2991 and another with B97375 and M1246/84 showing similarity. Quad- rant IV had the highest number of accessions (7) among other quadrants. Accessions RB86/3129, M1334/84, B47419+ formed a sub-group within the quadrant. The clustering of accessions B97375, B96812 and Co88025 in quadrant IV indicates a common ancestor, while acces- sion DB8134 is far away from other accessions in quad- rant IV . Principal coordinate analysis revealed the impor- tant components contributing to the observed variation among the 20 sugarcane accessions. This form of ad- mixture may result from the participation of sugarcane genotypes in breeding programs to enhance some of the characteristics of commercially exploited varieties, so that parental breeding lines may be exchanged across the world’s sugarcane growing regions to achieve these goals (Tazeb et al., 2017). Another explanation for the high levels of similarity between subgroups and groups is Figure 4: The ordination of twenty Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) accessions on principal component axes PCo 1 versus PCo 2 based on cluster analysis of ISSR allelic data. 1 = B97375, 2 = B96812, 3 = B96723, 4 = B93757, 5 = B47419+, 6 = DB8134, 7 = M1176/77, 8 = M1246/84, 9 = M1334/84, 10 = M1954/91, 11 = RB72/454, 12 = RB86/3129, 13 = SP81-3250, 14 = RB94/2991, 15 = Co88025, 16 = Co91017, 17 = Co997+, 18 = CoC671, 19 = KNB9288, 20 = KNB9253 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 9 Analysis of genetic diversity in selected sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) accessions using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers that during the sugarcane breeding program, the lineages were exposed to a higher degree of intercultivar gene flow (Rodriguez et al., 2005). Comprehensively, it is possible for geographically different population to form a cluster with other population, because the majority of commer- cial sugar cane cultivars bred after the turn of the 20 th century are interspecific hybrids between Saccharrum of- ficinarum and Saccharrum spontaneum L. (D’Hont et al., 1996). Thus, the cross progeny may have clustered from other regions with their progenitors or parents or the parents may have clustered from distantly related popu- lations with their cross progeny (Tazeb et al., 2017). Clus- tering of all sugarcane accessions together irrespective of their sources showed their remarkable genetic similarity and reinforced the postulate of a common progenitor for the accessions (Jauhar & Hanna, 1998). 4 CONCLUSION Adequate genetic information is prerequisite to identify potential parental combinations required in hybridization programme aimed to create segregating progenies with maximum genetic variability for further selection. The information from this study could provide accurate information to sugarcane breeding in Nigeria for strategic conservation of the germplasm resources and future improvement work of the sugarcane by select- ing suitable parents for breeding programs aimed at op- timizing sugar yield, establishing the proper identity of the accessions and preventing duplication of accessions. In addition, ISSR markers showed reliability and ef- ficiency in detecting polymorphisms within and among the sugarcane accessions studied. It has also been shown that ISSR markers have high-resolution ability in sug- arcane fingerprinting and diversity analysis and are therefore effective and efficient in the identification of polymorphisms within and among populations and/or species. However, seven out of the eight primers were polymorphic, ability of primer ISSR 8 and ISSR 10 to produce higher allele frequencies and polymorphic loci in this study indicated that the two primers are the most informative and suitable for diversity study in sugarcane. It is, therefore recommended that molecular marker ap- proach be deployed in investigating the remaining germ- plasm for diversity and breeding programs. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Part of the fund used for this study was sourced from the grant received from the National Sugar Devel- opment Council (NSDC), Abuja on morphological char- acterization of the new exotic sugarcane varieties in the Unilorin Sugar Research Institute (USRI), Ilorin. We are grateful to the Management of the two organizations for their support. 6 REFERENCES Ajibade, S. R., Weeden, N. F. & Michite, S. (2000). In- ter simple repeat analysis of genetic relationship in the genus Vigna. 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