139 Documenta Praehistorica XLIII (2016) ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| Alexander Gorelik 1, Andrej Tsybrij 2 and Viktor Tsybrij 2 1 Archaeological Institute, Ruhr-University, Bochum, DE oleksandr.gorelik@ruhr-uni-bochum.de 2 The Don Archaeological Society, Rostov-on-Don, RU The puzzle of Neolithisation in the Sea of Azov area There are different ways of elaborating the cognitive scientific process. In the most ordinary way, infor- mation grows in the framework of a single stable sci- entific paradigm. Sometimes, new data conflict with old paradigms and a search of the way out of the epistemological impasse ultimately leads to change. It seems to us that this latter process occurred in the study of the Neolithisation process in the north-east of the Sea of Azov region. The evidence from multi- layer Early Neolithic settlements such as Rakushechn- yi Yar, Matveev Kurgan I and II, and Razdorskaya 2 (Fig. 1), which was published separately many times in scientific literature (Krizhevskaya 1991; Belanov- skaya 1995; Wechler 2001; Tsybrij 2008; Aleksan- drovsky et al. 2009) already does not correspond with many parameters with the old prevailing schema of the development of the Early-Middle Holocene cultures of the southern part of East Europe (Dani- lenko 1969; Belanovskaya, Telegin 1996; Kotova 2003). This had many causes. First of all, according to recent evidence (Aleksan- drovsky et al. 2009.89–98; Tsybrij et al. 2013.272– ABSTRACT – In this paper we present the migratory nature of an initial Neolithisation in the Sea of Azov area on the basis of an analysis of comparatively new and a revision of old materials from the Early Neolithic period. As the ‘ancestral land’ of elements of the Neolithic package, the region of Zagros Mountains is considered, from where communication with Lower Don across the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov or by sea took place in the PPNB period. It seems that infil- tration did not lead to a strong Neolithic transformation as seen in other regions ‘secondary Neoli- thisation’, e.g., in Europe. The choice of a place for repeated occupation, the organisation of the liv- ing area, way of life, subsistence, and perception of the world, for a long time remained typical of the foragers of river valleys, lake, and coastal areas of Europe. This pattern probably continued until the large-scale human movements of the Copper Age. IZVLE∞EK – V ≠lanku predstavljamo migracijsko naravo za≠etne neolitizacije v Azovskem morju na podlagi analize relativno novega in revizijo starega materiala iz obdobja zgodnjega neolitika. Ele- mente neolitskega paketa, ki prihajajo iz obmo≠ja gorovja Zagros, razumemo kot ‘de∫elo prednikov’; iz tega obmo≠ja so v obdobju PPNB potekale komunikacije po kopnem ali po morju ≠ez spodnji tok reke Don ter preko kavka∏ke obale ∞rnega in Azovskega morja. Opa∫amo, da infliltracija ni prines- la mo≠ne neolitske spremembe kot jo lahko opazujemo v drugih regijah kot pojav ‘sekundarne neo- litizacije’ npr. v Evropi. Izbor prostora za ponavljajo≠o poselitev, organizacija ∫ivljenjskega prostora, na≠in ∫ivljenja, gospodarstvo in percepcija sveta sta dolgo ≠asa ostala tipi≠na za nabiralni∏ke skup- nosti re≠nih dolin, jezer in obalnih obmo≠ij v Evropi. Ta vzorec se je verjetno nadaljeval do ≠asa ob- se∫nih premikov ljudstev v ≠asu bakrene dobe. KEY WORDS – Sea of Azov region; Middle East; Neolithic; Neolithisation DOI> 10.4312\dp.43.6 Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 140 274; Mazurkevitch, Dolbunova 2013.96) we can assume that the first indication of the Neolithic period in the northern area of the Sea of Asov region appeared at c. 7200–7000 cal BC, which is much earlier than previously thought. At this time, most of the Mesolithic stage of the elabora- tion took place in Europe. This raises the question of how such early manifestations of the Neo- lithic were possible in this area of Eastern Europe. Secondly, a problem of the logical and chronological discordance of different kinds of data appeared. For instance, it is clear that some of the settlements (e.g., Matveev Kurgan I and II, Razdorskaya 2) were aceramic, i.e. they did not yield any pottery, although it was found in wide technological and typological diversity at the more or less contemporary settlement of Rakushechnyi Yar nearby (Belanovskaya 1995; Mazurkevich, Dol- bunova 2015). At the same time, aceramic settle- ments have miscellanies traces of the use of clay, such as fragments of plaster of ‘wattle and daub’ constructions, remains of clay oven and other struc- tures, impressions of stakes in burned clay fragments (remains of clay wall plaster?), anthropomorphic, zoomorphic figurines, and geometric tokens. The only probable evidence of wattle and daub construc- tions was in the Neolithic layers of Rakushechnyi Yar. It is important to notice that the aceramic stage as such has not been observed anywhere in the Me- solithic and Neolithic of East Europe, but was a rep- resentative feature of Neolithisation in South-West Asia, especially in the Fertile Crescent. The data on agricultural subsistence practices at the above-mentioned settlements were also strikingly contradictory. In contrast to Rakushechnyi Yar and Matveev Kur- gan I and II, which after determinations of some archaeozooligists, contained bones of all the staple livestock in the Neolithic (Krizhevskaya 1991; Bela- novskaya 1995), they were completely absent in the adjacent Rakushechnyi Yar settlement Razdorskaya 2 (Gorelik et al. 2013.296). Here, with the background of the predominant riverine economy, with subsis- tence based on fish and shellfish, various wild ani- mal bones were also encountered. No assumptions about Neolithic cultivation in the region were con- firmed (Matuzaite-Matuzeviciute 2012.1–21). Our paper is intended to characterise our concep- tion of Neolithisation in the Asov Sea region based on the current state of knowledge. Firstly, we ad- dress the problem of the emergence of a certain cul- tural tradition, which are defined by material from Razdorskaya 2, Matveev Kurgan I and II, as well as Rakushechnyi Yar. Furthermore, we analyse differ- ent types of subsistence in the region, the general evolving process of material production, including pottery, the role of different aspects of social orga- nisation, and ideology in the specific setting of Neo- lithisation in this region. Living space There are many instances when a certain choice (concept) of living space played an important cul- tural role in prehistory (Müller 2013.133–153). It reflected not only predominant economic strategies, but also, probably, the distinctiveness of the people. The inhabitants of Early Neolithic settlements in the north-east of the Sea of Azov region were uncom- monly conservative in their choice of settlement sites. For example, according to the radiocarbon dat- Fig. 1. Neolithic sites of the North-East of the Sea of the Asov region and of the adjacent areas. ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 141 ing (Fig. 2) precisely the same place in the Lower Don valley was used for some thousands of years. Usually, the preference was for lower topographic levels, wet areas near a river, which flooded in spring and sometimes in autumn (Fig. 3). The pre- dominant riverine economy caused the sedimenta- tion of shell matrix sites in these places. In the north- east area of the Sea of Azov two concentrated or densely populated regions with such settlements are known (Fig. 1). One of these, in the Lower Don val- ley, features multi-layered sites such as Razdorska- ya 1 and 2, and Rakushechnyi Yar at N 47°33’41.03”; E40°31.89’; the second, in the Mius river valley, in- cludes approximately seven campsites near Matve- ev Kurgan modern settlement at N 47°34’20”; E38°52’20”. The main ones are Matveev Kurgan I and II. Both rivers, Mius and Don flow into the Sea of Azov, which was extraordinarily rich in fish, especially dif- ferent species of sturgeon (Janovskiy 2001). The sites are situated about 100km away from the mod- ern coastline. In the Holocene between (11th–6th millennium BP), the Sea of Azov, as part of the Black Sea basin, underwent a sustained transgression of its surface, which was 3.5 to 4m lower than at pre- sent, with an ensuing flood of the coastal shelf (Ba- labanov 2007.715). There are different scenarios of transgression of the Black Sea level, with both a rapid and gradual flooding of the coastal shelf (Ryan 2007.63–117; Balabanov 2007.711–730; Glebov, Shel’ting 2007.731–773). ‘The Black Sea flood’ pro- bably significantly changed the line of the shore; it certainly flooded settlements nearby and the bor- ders of arable land. Apparently, the coastline and the river together with gallery forests became in- volved in a specific natural framework that became the catchment zone of the populations related to the settlements discussed above. Arboreal vegetation in the Sea of Azov is now almost absent. However, at the time of the sedimentation of the cul- tural layer of Neolithic settlements, based on the anthracological and palynological analysis, pine, black alder, birch, maple, hazel, oak, elm, and ash trees grew in the river valleys and the ravines in insignificant amounts (Levkovskaya 1992.174–177; Bori- sova 2011.5–13). At the same time, it is obvious that steppe vegetation predominated. On the evidence from Olga K. Borisova, throughout the history of the sedimentation of the multi-layered Lower Don settlement at Rakushechnyi Yar, steppe vege- tation was preponderant (Borisova 2011.5–13). The climate of this region is moder- ate and continental, with cold and windy winters, and hot and dry sum- Fig. 2. Settlement Rakushechnyj Yar. Profile of the 2008 excavation. Fig. 3. Settlement Rakushechnyj Yar. A view on the settlement. Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 142 mers. In the Neolithic, it was milder and damper. The coolest conditions are found at the end of the Boreal period and at the beginning of an Atlantic period, i.e. contemporaneous with the oldest traces of occupation in this region (Razdorskaya 2 and the oldest levels of Rakushechnyi Yar). This short-term cooling with a reduction in humidity occurred throug- hout the Azov-Black Sea basin (Shuisky 2007.262). In comparison with the later Holocene, this period is marked by the widest distribution of pine and birch forest, with probably a small mixture of oak and elm. The climatic optimum of the Holocene in the Atlantic period was characterised by warming, increasing humidity, and a decrease of continental climate effect. This period saw the spread of meso- phyten meadow associations and an extension of broad-leaved woodland. It is possible that the humi- dity peculiar to this time throughout Europe was con- siderably increased by the transgression of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov (Levkovskaja 1992.175). From the perspective of cultural and prehistoric con- tacts, the North Azov plain was part of the so-called ‘circum-Pontic interaction sphere’ (cit. after Whittle 1996.131). Settlements were located at the conflu- ences of rivers, and pathways that led in almost all periods of history (with a small exception) to the Caucasus, the basin of the Caspian Sea, Central Asia, the Balkans and central regions of the east Euro- pean plain. The settlements of the Lower Don basin were situated at a special point of the Don which stands out by a confluence of inflows connecting the valley of the river with adjacent geographical areas such as the steppe, which had their own his- torical and cultural development (Fig. 1). The Sever- sky Donets River flowing from the north connects the Don to the forest-steppe zone between the Dnepr and the Don. The Sal and the Mius rivers, which rise in the Kalmykia steppe, are southern tributaries of the Don. Routes to the dry steppes and semi-de- serts of the Lower Volga area and into the North Caucasus could lie along these rivers. There are some outcrops of argillite, carbonic slate, and sandstone, as well as cretaceous Turonian and Coniacian flint in relative proximity to Neolithic settlements. Some of these were already exploited by earlier cultures (Boriskovskij 1957.135–145). The question of emergence The earliest materials from the group of Neolithic settlements considered have a lot of similar features, not only in the choice of living space, and the char- acter of the cultural layer, but also in the composi- tion of the assemblage. In this respect, they are very different from contemporary sites in the Pontic-Cas- pian basin. They are culturally identified through numerous artefacts made of argillite, including fish- ing weights, polished axes/celts, chisels and pen- dants, predominantly flint artefacts such as scrap- ers, bores, axes/celts, chisels, and also geometric microliths (Fig. 4). Most of the latter are trapezes, but segments and isosceles triangles were encoun- tered at Razdorskaya 2. The pressure technique of the core-blade technology is worth noting, with knap- ping on one-side of the wide and flat prismatic de- tachment surface of the core. It should be noted that, despite the comparatively large number of radiocarbon dates (Fig. 5), the chro- nology is still not clear, especially of the earliest ma- nifestations of this cultural phenomenon. There are discrepancies in separate dates compared with the stratigraphic sequence of multi-layered sites, a dis- parity in the dates taken from one layer, since the samples were obtained from various organic mate- rials, or the same samples yielded different dates depending in which laboratory they were dated, etc. (Tsybrij 2008.52–53; Tsybrij et al. 2013.272–274). In many respects, these problems are probably caused by inadequate sampling methods, deficien- cies in field research, the influence of the reservoir effect, as well as old wood effect, etc. Sometimes the sequence of development of the material culture based on some dates from our field of research do not match the logic and sequence established in some large cultural and historical regions by mod- ern and highly professional research. For instance, in the Middle East, the developmental stage of pot- tery manufacture was preceded by the use of clay for wattle and daub constructions, and producing tokens and figurines (Mellaart 1975.53, 62; Kozłow- ski 1999.33; Thissen 2007.218–219; Özdogan 2009. 22–43). The dates of the aceramic complexes at Mat- veev Kurgan I, excavated in the 1970s-80s, contra- dict this sequence. They are younger than the pot- tery layers at Rakushechnyi Yar, having more ancient radio carbon dates. On the other hand, pottery was absent from the assemblage at Razdorskaya 2, which is chronologically close to the pottery layers at Ra- kushechnyi Yar (Tsybrij 2008.26–35). Nevertheless, despite all the incongruities in the ra- diocarbon data, it is possible in a very rough form to present the following occupation sequence of the north-east Sea of Azov region (Fig. 5). The emergence of the regional group here (we will call it the Raku- shechnyi Yar group or culture, following Tatyana D. ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 143 Belanovskaya (1995.173)) occurred approximately in the range from 7200 to 6500 BC. At the aceram- ic stage of development, clay was used as a building material and for the production of figurines and tokens. Perhaps since 6500 BC, a ceramic stage of the local Neolithic period had begun, which conti- nued within the framework of a single ceramic tra- dition occurring, according to the estimates of one group of researchers, at some point prior to 6000 BC (Mazurkevitch, Dolbunova 2013.98), or according to the assumptions of others, very roughly prior to around 5500 BC (Belanovskaya, Timofeev 2003.15; Kotova 2003. App. 1). Various considerations have been expressed in the literature concerning the emergence of the Rakushe- chnyi Yar cultural tradition. According to Liya Ya. Kri- zhevskaya, who excavated the settlements at Matve- ev Kurgan I and II and identified the Early Neolithic Matveev Kurgan culture, the main role in its origin was played by for- mer bearers of the Grebenniki cul- ture (Krizhevskaya 1991.115). This view was supported in the work of Leonid L. Zaliznyak, who considered that both the Grebeniki and Murzak- koba culture of the Mountain Crimea, as well as Matveev Kurgan I and II were links in proto-Neolithic migra- tion across the sea from the Balkans and Asia Minor in the second half of the 7th millennium (Zaliznyak 2009. 181). Belanovskaya, who identified Rakushechnyi Yar culture after the excavation of the multi-layered set- tlement at the eponymous site Raku- shechnyi Yar on the Lower Don, thought its formation was a result of interaction between various cultural influences, such as the Dnepr-Donec cultures in the West from the Sursk side and the Samara und Agidel’ cul- tures in the East from the steppe re- gions as well as the Ural mountains (Belanovskaya 1995.176). Under the influences of the Caucasian tradi- tions, following Belanovskaya, the following features appeared, e.g., rare decorated flat-base vessels, cores flattened in cross-section, pol- ished axes/celts, and chisels, trape- zes with a flat dorsal retouch (Bela- novskaya 1995.174, 180–183). Viktor V. Tsybrij assumed that materials from Raz- dorskaya 2, which are situated close to Rakushech- nyi Yar, evolved on the same basis as the Matveev Kurgan assemblage, and he suggested continuity be- tween Razdorskaya 2 and Rakushechnyi Yar (Tsybrij 2008.59). Starting with Alexander A. Formozov and Valentin N. Danilenko, many researchers assumed that southern impulses extending from West Asia through the Cau- casian coast of the Black Sea in steppe of Pontic-Cas- pian were significant factors in the Neolithisation of this region (Formozov 1962; 1965; 1977.47–48; Da- nilenko 1969.18; Domanska 1990; Wechler 2001. 244–245; Kotova 2003. 7.2.2; Mazurkevich, Dolbu- nova 2012.149; 2015. 23). The value of this hypothesis was supported by a new impulse from the progress of research in archa- Fig. 4. Rakushechnyj Yar culture. Set of the most characteristic types of artefacts. Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 144 Fig. 5. Graphic image of frequencies of the radiocarbon dates of the main sites. ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 145 eozoology and genetics. According to modern paleo- population genetics, all four species basic to the Neo- lithic – sheep, goats, pigs and cattle – were domesti- cated in the Middle East and then spread in different ways, including via the Caucasian route, into Europe (Scheu 2012.123; Geörg 201.119, 134). Some believe that the richest potential of the Cauca- sian environment lay in possible allochthones, which was a basis for primary Neolithisation in this region, which in turn played the role of a springboard for the secondary Neolithisation in adjacent regions of East Europe (Vavilov 1965; Mun≠aev 1975; Amir- chanov 1987; Ku∏nareva 1993; Shnirelman 1989. 83–96; Dolukhanov 1984.323–358; Jacobs 1993. 322). The current stage of investigations of Early Neolithic settlements in the Sea of Azov area pro- vides an opportunity to clarify our ideas about the emergence of the cultural tradition of the Rakushech- nyi Yar group. If we expected the oldest phenome- na of this tradition to date to the end of 8th / first half of the 7th millennia BC, according to the chro- nology of typical shell mounds in the Azov region such as at Razdorskaya 2 and Rakushechnyi Yar, then claims about the decisive importance of the Balkan region for the Neolithisation of the region are very doubtful. The chronology of the oldest Early Neolithic sites in the Balkan region, such as Sesklo, Argissa, Nea-Nekomedea, Francie, etc. (Perles 2001. Tab. 5.3; Thissen 2005.29–40), indicates that these settlements appeared either roughly at the same time as the Early Neolithic in the foreland of the Azov Sea, or even somewhat later. There are a few features in common between them which could be evidence of their relationship. The assemblages of the Grebenni- ki culture, according to the newest radiocarbon dates from the Mirnoye site, date to the second half of the 8th millennium cal BC (Biagi, Kiosak 2010.29–31). Consequently, they appeared much earlier than the proto-Neolithic in the Balkans, according to the Uk- rainian archeologist Leonid L. Zaliznjak, from which they supposedly derived. The first site-camps of the Murzak-Coba culture appeared at just about the same time, judging from the chronology of the Crimean Mesolithic site Laspi 7 (Biagi, Kiosak 2010.29–31). The similarities between the assemblages of the Gre- benniki and Razdorskaya 2 sites are limited to fea- tures which were of transcultural importance around the 7th millennium cal BC (Tsybrij et al. 2013.282; Gorelik et al. 2014.255). The other directions of comparison – the Caucasus and Western Asia – seem to us much more promis- ing. It has been established that already from the beginning of the 6th millennium cal BC in Transcau- casia, the Shomutepe/Shulaveri culture expanded, that included classic Near Eastern characteristics such as clay architecture and ceramics, geometrical clay tokens and anthropomorphic figurines, developed agriculture,polished and soft stone industry, and technology of pressure core-blade production (Lyon- net et al. 2012.1–190; Nishiaki et al. 2015.1–28). As this new cultural complex of the Neolithic period, despite some parallels with northern Mesopotamia, has no full counterparts in Southwest Asia, many researchers believe that the local Caucasian mani- festations of an early autochthonous ‘Neolithisation’ which had occurred still in the 7th millennium cal BC, had an impact on its formation. Materials from the central Caucasian settlement at Chokh, as well as West Caucasian sites at Darkveti and Anaseuli 1, etc., allegedly date to this time. The Neolithic layer of the Choch settlement comprised definite traces of a productive economy: the bones of domestic ani- mals such as sheep and goat and probably cattle as well as grains of several varieties of cultivated wheat and barley (Amirchanov 1987.145–153). Information about the Early Neolithic in Western Georgia is less certain. Allegedly, domesticated ani- mals were represented in layer 4 of the shelter site at Darkveti (Kushnareva 1993.172–189), although this was doubted by Victor Shnirelman (Shnirelman 1989.94). Moreover, in the Mesolithic and the ace- ramic layers of the neighbouring cave site at Kotias Klde, modern research has identified only wild fauna (Meshveliani et al. 2007). Recent archaeological in- vestigations in the Black Sea region of Georgia have not revealed any traces of a productive economy at late Stone Age sites (Matskevitch, Meshveliani 2009; Meshveliani 2013). Doubts on the emergence of a productive economy in the Caucasus during the pe- riod preceding the appearance of the Shomutepe- Shulaveri culture have increased. The voices of opti- mists, who are still defending the notion of agricul- tural development (local cultivation of different kinds of millet and rye) already in the aceramic Neo- lithic of the Western Caucasus (Nebieridze, Tskwini- tidze 2012.62–63), are confronted by those who consider that there was no Neolithic in the Western Caucasus at all (Trifonov 2009.84–93). Nevertheless, regarding Transcaucasia, the probability of discover- ing traces of a productive economy in the region ad- jacent to the south-western part of the Caspian Sea region by the end of the 8th or the beginning of the 7th millennia cal BC is considered high (it is highly probable that traces will be found in the near fu- ture) (Arimura et al. 2010.85; Lyonnet et al. 2012. Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 146 155, 178). Unfortunately, sites dating to the transi- tional period between the Mesolithic to the Neoli- thic in the Caucasus have not been fully investigat- ed, and the time for definitive judgments about cul- tural development has not yet arrived. One thing we can say for sure: the manufacture of some forms of stone artefacts in the Caucasus had a considerably long tradition, which is why the distribution of these forms outside the Caucasus to adjacent regions might be important for studying ancient communication routes. In particular, geometrical microliths with a distinct bilateral retouching, including segments, tra- pezes, symmetric triangles, were made in the Cauca- sus from the Final Palaeolithic period (Formozov 1965.Fig. 20; Amirchanov 1987.197; Leonova 2009. 105). Their further development was followed by the Mesolithic of the North Caucasus (Leonova 2009. 106; Rostunov et al. 2009.42–74), Western Caucasus (Meshveliani et al. 2007.52) and Transcaucasia (Ari- mura et al. 2009.Figs. 3, 7, 8), as well as a little later period, such as probably throughout the 6th millen- nium cal BC at aceramic Neolithic sites in Western Georgia, such as Odishi-Nizhnyaya Shilovka, and ce- ramic Neolithic sites, such as Anaseuli 2 (Nebierid- ze 1972). Geometrical microliths with bilateral re- touching are widespread in the Mesolithic-Neolithic period throughout the area from Fore-Caucasus to the North Caspian, between the Lower Don and Lo- wer Volga valleys (Tsybrii 2003.41–55; Gorelik, Cy- brij 2007.21–42; Vybornov 2008). They were en- countered in particular in the Lower Don at Razdor- skaya 2 (segments, trapezes and triangles) (Tsybrij 2008.Fig. 43). This distribution pattern probably re- flects different cultural impulses to the south of the east European plain, which were directed from var- ious regions of the Caucasus. Apparently, geometri- cal microliths spread from Northern Mesopotamia through Transcaucasia and farther on to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, mainly in the form of tra- pezes with a dorsal flat retouch, starting no later than the beginning of the 6th millennium cal BC (Wechler 2001.252). Many Neolithic sites on the south of the east European plain contained this type of microliths, especially between the Lower Dnepr and the Lower Volga, and may enlighten us on a dif- ferent route for this communication (Formozov 1977; Gorelik 1997). There is a whole array of other features in assem- blages from the earliest settlements in the Rakushe- chnyi Yar tradition that were not known around 7000 BC in the Caucasus or elsewhere on the steppe and in the semi-deserts of the Pontic-Caspian, but were observed in the 9th to 7th millennium cal BC in the Neolithic of the PPNB stage in areas located to the south of the Caucasus in the Middle East, in par- ticular in the Zagros mountains on the borders be- tween Iran, Iraq and Turkey (Gorelik et al. 2014. 255–278). For instance, we should mention differ- ent kinds of clay artefacts such as geometric tokens, pellets and cylinders, sometimes with graffiti, non- geometric decoration, and anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, which were also discovered together with many fragments of clay plaster from wattle and daub constructions in the inventories of aceramic settlements such as Matveev Kurgan and Razdorskaya 2 (Fig. 6) (Krizhevskaya 1981.127; 1991; Tsybrij 2008; Tsybrij et al. 2013). Also of in- terest are the stone medallions with a centrally drilled hole, sub-rectangular and bi-perforated pen- dants made from bone and horn, often with serpen- tine-like carvings, decorated with grooved stone im- plements (shaft straighteners), which were also found at Razdorskaya 2 (Fig. 7). It is worth remem- bering the miscellaneous polished stone axes/celts and pendants (Fig. 8), fragments of stone pots, the pressure technique of core-blade production and so on, which are characteristic features of the Rakushe- chnyi Yar culture (Gorelik et al. 2014.255–278). It is important to highlight that the rich pottery as- semblage represented in the adjacent Rakushechn- yi Yar settlement (Belanovskaya 1995; Mazurkevich et al. 2013.27–109; Mazurkevich, Dolbunova 2015), was completely absent from Razdorskaya 2 and Mat- veev Kurgan, just like the PPNB settlements of the Middle East. These similarities allow us to suppose that there was some influence from the Middle East, especially the Zagros, in the origin of Rakushechnyi Yar. Of paramount significance is the existence of a package with distinct cultural similarities, which is emphasised to argue for direct links between these two regions. The assemblage of the Rakushechnyi Yar group is especially familiar to us, due to the materials of the extended M’lefatien cultural group (following S. Koz- łowski) (Kozłowski 1999.51–75) in the eastern wing of the Fertile Crescent, except for the above-listed features, and also exhibits a distinctive ensemble of geometric microliths. The latter is rarely encoun- tered in the Middle East. For instance, the late ace- ramic/early pottery layers of the Jarmo settlement dated to the end of the 8th millennium cal BC are characterised by numerous symmetrical trapezes, as well as by a few isosceles triangles and segments (Hole 1983.237–238). Developed sets of geometric microliths were also preserved here in the following ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 147 7th millennium cal BC in the pottery stage of this group (Abe 2011). This area of the eastern wing of the Fertile Cre- scent, including the South-East Anatolia and the Za- gros mountains played an important role in the do- mestication of some animals (sheep/goat) and some kinds of staple crops (einkorn, barley and emmer) (Zeder 2008.266; 2009.30–31, 37). In approximate- ly the second half of the 8th millennium cal BC, the Fig. 6. Settlement Razdorskaya 2: clay plastic tokens, pendants with two symmetric openings and stone medallion. Matveev Kurgan I, II settlements: statuettes, fragment of a figure with image of legs, female image, head of the animal (after Kri∫evskaja 1981.Fig. 3). Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 148 domestication process of the four principal animals in the Neo- lithic – sheep, goat, pigs and cat- tle – reached the stage of early domestication, which is com- pletely different from the pre- ceding stage of animal manage- ment (Scheu 2013.6). It is known that domesticated sheep appear- ed in Europe no earlier than in the 7th millennium cal BC, and even in the Central Zagros and Levant their remains could be traced since 7000 BC (Zeder 2009.36; Geörg 2013.23). Un- fortunately, the Black Sea region of Anatolia is not well researched archaeologically and the Black Sea shores of the Caucasus were flooded during the transgression in the Early Holocene, which is why there is almost no hope of finding any traces of communication between such distant regions. Con- siderable scales of navigation in the post-glacial pe- riod that have been established both for the Aegean (Perles 2001.59–63) and the Baltic (Hartz, Lübke 2000) allow us to assume the possibility of a mari- time route for such contacts. In the drought period in the Zagros Mountains at the end of the PPNB (Ze- der 2008.265), a search for ‘blessed Earth’ to the North, may have le populations to travel to the ge- nerally more moist regions near the coast. So, the reconstruction of cultural impulses from the regions of the northern Zagros Mountains, and to some extent from the Caucasus to the Sea of Azov region at the end of the 8th to the mid-7th millenni- um cal BC has certain scientific arguments behind itself. We can infer a possible migration of small groups by the inland route or also by sea. Obviously, this hypothesis needs to be supported by data ob- tained by non-archaeological methods. In particular, we rest our hopes on the paleogenetic analysis of animals or human bones, which recently gained great importance in the studying of migration of people and animals. The contribution of the presumably indigenous po- pulation in the formation of Rakushechnyi Yar cul- ture is less clear. At the moment, we can discern some different cultural traditions at the end of the Final Pleistocene in the Lower Don region and in ad- jacent areas. In the Severskij Donets valley between the modern localities of Rogalik (Petrovka settle- ment) and Peredelskoye, two different cultural groups were specified, named Rogalik 2-Tsarinka or Osokorovka and Rogalik 7-type (Gorelik 2001). It is possible that the other cultural group from this region – Zimovniki – had also taken root in the Fi- nal Pleistocene (Gorelik 2001). The last one is the Kamennaya Balka industry in the Lower Don (Leo- nova et al. 2006). Only one of them, Rogalik 2-Tsa- rinka, suggests that to some extent the microlithic components and core-blade technique at Rakushe- chnyj Yar culture derived from a local Final Palaeo- lithic tradition. It is obvious that we can only infer a very remote similarity, which perhaps is not relevant for histo- rical and cultural analysis. This problem is highly characteristic of the study of the transition from the Final Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic of Eurasia. It could be due either to the insufficient study of the Mesolithic of this region, or by the sparse population in the Mesolithic, as well as by a flooding of possi- ble concentrations of Mesolithic sites in a coastal zone of the Sea of Azov during its transgression or with intermittent characteristics of transition to the Mesolithic. This must be clarified by future investi- gations. Foragers or farmers? The acknowledgement of the definite contribution of the Middle Eastern Neolithic to the emergence of the Early Neolithic in the north-east region of the Sea of Azov raises the question of how presumable Fig. 7. Settlement Razdorskaya 2. Grooved stone implements. ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 149 connections would influence human subsistence in this region? During the excavations of the settlements Matveev Kurgan I and II, and from the oldest layers of Raku- shechnyi Yar, numerous animal bones were disco- vered, among which there were many bones of do- mesticated species (sheep/goat, pigs, cattle and dogs), identified by the famous Soviet paleozoolo- gist Valentina I. Bibikova, and by Tatjana G. Belan (determinations of Matveev Kurgan) and Vadim E. Garutt (determinations of Rakushechnyi Yar). The domesticated species present 20% of the bone as- semblage in Matveev Kurgan. These data were re- peatedly provided in the scientific literature (Bene- cke 1997.638; Wechler 2001.132, 145; Shnirelman 1989.176–177). Unfortunately, they were never suf- ficiently documented; even the final publications did not include the necessary data on the structure of the different kinds of bones, the minimum quan- tity of individuals of different animals, their total quantity, or, needless to say, measurements, distinct or features of bone morphology, the distribution of different types of bones in layers, on objects. In comparison with 1970–90, when these identifications were made by modern paleozoology, consid- erable changes occurred, and some new opportunities appeared which were not available earlier (Zeder 2009.28). The question of the correctness of these determi- nations arose when the data on the fauna of the Razdorskaya 2, a site adjacent to Rakushechnyi Yar, made by an expert on Neolithic fauna of south-eastern Europe, the Balkans and Transcaucasia, Nor- bert Beneke, were published (Go- relik et al. 2013.296). Unlike his predecessors, he did not confirm the existence of bones of domes- tic animals, except for one dog, in the fauna at this settlement. The bones of domesticated livestock were not found by Mikhail V. Sab- lin, who studied the bones found in the oldest layers of the Rakushe- chnyi Yar settlement in the 2013 excavations. However, the scale of the excavation was too small and limited to provide any detailed in- formation (Tsybrij et al. 2014. 207). It is impossible not to consider the assump- tions of David Antony that at both, Rakushechnyi Yar and Matveev Kurgan, the bones of domesticated live- stock probably originated from the younger layer, with a radiocarbon date around the second half of 5th millennium BC (Anthony 2007. 365). However, this statement contradicts the lack of ceramics, which, in principle, should accompany such a layer. Here are a few more examples where the domesti- cated status of animal bones from sites on the Pon- tic-Caspian steppe dated to the 7th millennium BC was not confirmed. It concerns the corresponding layers of the cave multilayer site at Shan-Koba in the Crimea (Benecke 2006.12–15) and especially of the multilayer site at Kammenaya Mogila, north of the Sea of Azov, where numerous bones of domesti- cated cattle, sheep/goats and horses in the aceramic layers determined by Ivan G. Pidoplichko (Danilen- ko 1969.12) were called into question (Krizhevska- ya 1992.107; Dolukhanov et al. 2009.105; Gaske- vich 2012.49). Fig. 8. Settlement Razdorskaya 2. Ground stone celts and adzes. Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 150 Unfortunately, these obviously wrong determina- tions were the basis for the generalising research of the Neolithic of Ukraine (Danilenko 1969; Kotova 2003; 2009). Typical assumptions of Soviet archeo- logy of the second half of the 20th century about the development of agriculture, of horticulture or at least of the gathering of wild plant foods such as fruits, seeds, and nuts collected from the Azov settlements were also not confirmed (Matuzaite-Matuzeviciute 2012.1–21). Based on the above, it is rather difficult to establish a final conclusion concerning the developed dome- stication of the Early Neolithic north east of the Azov Sea region, although even today many of our collea- gues share this opinion. During a possible new phase of investigations in northeast of the Sea of Azov re- gion, research on the economic aspect should take the central place. Doubts on the correctness of reconstructions of an early domestication in the north Sea of Azov region amplify also due to the significant forager complex established here. It may be related to the choice of site for settlements with optimal open access to the available wild resources. Most likely, among the Early Neolithic sites of the region concerned, it is possible to distinguish between summer/autumn site- camps and winter settlements (Gorelik et al. 2013. 300–308). Estimated summer or summer/autumn sites are represented by layers of shells of fresh- water molluscs, gastropods (Viviparus diluvianus or Paludina) and bivalvia (Unio pictorum) which were accumulated during repeated visits to stratified shell matrix sites (Fig. 9). Sometimes it comprises up to 19 Neolithic layers (Belanovskaya 1995; Tsy- brij 2008). These layers also contain bones of fish and animals, burnt products, artefacts made of bone, stone/flint and other remains. Sometimes oval de- pressions with a hearth within them are encounter- ed here (Razdorskaya 2). A typical winter house can be traced in the example of the pit dwellings dis- covered at the settlement of Matveev Kurgan I (Kri- zhevskaya 1991.15). This dwelling, with an area of 60m2, had a wattle and daub floor in the central part and eight hearths within. In its internal space, besides debitage concentrations of dismembered parts of prey – part of wild horse carcass, the bones of terrestrial game such as wild pig, red deer, sajga, auroch, roe deer, hare, fox and bear – were found. At the summer sites, fish bones predominate, some- times found as complete carcasses in the debris heaps. Fishing was aimed at large, gregarious ana- dromous fish such as sturgeon, catfish, carp, and pike perches. Perhaps since that time, traditional equip- ment on the Lower Don such as stable weirs, traps, enclosures is used for fishing. They were set up es- pecially in the narrow places on the river, e.g., be- tween the shore and an island. Judging from the finds of hundreds of fishing weights in the cultural layer of the settlements concerned (Fig. 10), fishing with the use of a seine was also common for the in- digenous population. For their maintenance and also for catching big fish, as well for general trans- port, fishing boats were necessary in the river basin. The miscellaneous and numerous polished stone axes/celts, flint adzes, bores and other much specia- lised flint/stone inventories (Tsybrij 2008.Figs. 43– 45) could be regarded in the framework of making boats and other equipment made of wood. More than 50 probably temporary storage pits for fish and shellfish, sometimes with finds of anchor stones and fishing weights, were found at the Razdorskaya 2 site alongside the modern edge of the Don River (Fig. 11). The pits are of different sizes: their diameters are from 0.25m to 1.5m, and depths are from 0.25m to 1.2m. The materials from the multilayered settlement Raku- shechnyi Yar allow us to trace the economic develop- Fig. 9. Settlement Razdorskaya 2. Typical stratig- raphy of the shell matrix site. ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 151 ment not only during the Neolithic, but also during the Copper-Bronze ages. It is interesting that even in the early Copper age layer (in layer 4) traces of hu- man settlement are noticeable in the form of a shell mound, for example. The younger layers (2, 4, and 5) are thicker than the occupation layers in the Neo- lithic and contain traces of dwelling structures (Be- lanovskaya 1995.12, 16). Belanovskaya noted that below layer 15, neither hearth pits nor clay floor plastering were observed. These could evidence the short duration of the occupation in the Neolithic pe- riod, which became more stable by the time of the transition from the Neolithic to the Copper Age (Be- lanovskaya 1995. 17). During the excavations in 2010–2012 next to Bela- novskaya’s excavation pit 1, it was possible with the help of modern archaeological methods to investi- gate the deposits of the Copper Age layers 2A and B (after Belanovskaya’s taxonomy). It appeared that on the square of the site studied, the entire area was not completely occupied. Separate struc- tures were uncovered there: concen- trations of animal bones, pieces of coal, artefacts and campfires left by small groups of people visiting the river bank for a short time. Accord- ing to Vera S. Bajgusheva, in layer 2A, the bones of domestic animals, sheep, horse, and cattle were notic- ed as determining features. At the same time, the uncovered top of the underlying layer 2B was comprised only of bones of wild animals. Finds of fishbone and mollusc shells were relatively few here (Tsybrij et al. 2012.204–206). In the temper of the ceramics discovered in layers 2 and 4, impressions of domestic cereals (wheat, millet, and barley) and flax were observed (Matuzajte-Matuze- vichute 2012.7–9). As the layer 4 in Rakushechnyi Yar is already related to the Copper Age (Belanovskaya 1995), it is most likely that the tran- sition to farming in the north-east of the Sea of Azov region happened at this time, and not earlier, as it had been previously hypothesised. A find of one clay figurine in layer 4, which is analogous to the settlements of the Early Tripol’e as Bernovo Luka, Luka Vrublevetska, Lenkovtsy, Solon- cheny 1, Golerkany (Belanovskaya 1995.26–27), could indicate one possible direction of influences for the introduction of agriculture in the Lower Don region. Judging from the chronology of Luka Vrub- levetska 1, it could be dated to the first half of the 5th millennium BC (Rassamakin 2012.46). There are a couple of different radiocarbon dates from layer 4: one is older than the suggested dating of the statuette; the other two are younger (Tsybrij et al. 2013). It is possible that this layer was accumulated from different occupation episodes, which are quite difficult to differentiate, so there is a need for fur- ther research. What are the reasons for the asynchronicity in per- ception of the different elements of the ‘Neolithic package’ in the north of the Azov region and a lag in the development of a productive economy in comparison with many other areas? Why was there Fig. 10. Settlement Razdorskaya 2. Fishnets and fishnets-shapes pendants in the bulk. Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 152 no significant change in the economic system, the way of life, and ideology as a result of supposed con- nections with the some areas of West Asia in this region? Why didn’t “the world of the Neolithic vil- lages” which specifies the Pre-ceramic Neolithic of the Fertile Crescent as well as the Early Neolithic of the Balkans, Central and Western Europe appear here? What are the reasons for the surprising terri- toriality of the Neolithic population in the Lower Don valley, maintaining exactly the same economic pat- tern for at least two thousand years, which was ex- pressed in the phenomena of multi-layered settle- ments or ‘tells’? Social relationships and ideology (beyond typology) Perhaps the simple answer to questions about tra- ditions of processual archaeology with an appeal to the efficiency of forager subsistence compared to a productive economy in this region and in these cli- matic conditions is insufficient. Especially in prehi- story, the efficiency of one or the other type of eco- nomic activity might have a subordinate role in the stability of the whole society (Sahlins 2004.17–19; Watkins 2010.624). Furthermore, we might discern different kinds of foraging in synchronous Neolithic cultures of the Northern Pontic-Caspian, with a diffe- rent pattern of Neolithisation. From our point of view, the distinctive development of the Neolithic in the north Azov region was caused by those aspects of the life of Neolithic communities which are very hard to recognise in an archaeological analysis. It concerns social relationships and ideology. If we compare the features of the considered set- tlements of the north Sea of Azov region with those that could be observed among their neighbours, the sites of Sursk-, Donetsk-, Samara-, Platovskij Stav cul- tures, it would be possible to note that the latter ones were organised differently in many aspects. The level of social and ideological development of the bearers of Rakushechnyi Yar culture seemed to be significantly more complex than that of their neighbours. Such features as multi-level, stratified matrix sites, the continuity of cultural traits, and the same territoriality for millennia, as well as main- taining the same economic pattern all indicate sta- bility and balance in the social system, an evolved complexity of social organisation, and probably at least a semi- sedentary way of life. The burial of an auroch skull at one of the earliest settlements, Matveen Kurgan II, together with the structure made of clay and a large carefully polished axe could be considered as a semantically important complex (Krizhevskaya 1991.28–29). The female figurines made of clay at the settlements of Matveev Fig. 11. Settlement Razdorskaya 2. Plan of the temporary storage pits by the river edge. ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 153 Kurgan are of paramount significance. Celt-like pen- dants along the stone pendants with engravings in the form of fishing weights (Fig. 13) attest to a divi- sion between tools, such as celt or fishing weights, and symbolic imitations – that reflect an intention of ideological connotation of the most important dominants of the economic activity. It is sympto- matic that one of the celt-like pendants was made from druse of shale with the large transparent rock crystal which grew from it, which had a special sym- bolical connotation throughout the Neolithic and Copper ages (Danilenko 1986. 44). Different paraphernalia and jewelry from bone and stone, often with engravings, can be interpreted as signs of individuality and self-identification. The ar- ray of symbolic status objects with probable male (oxen, axe) and female (figurines) together with zoo- morphic and geometric plastic, which are characte- ristic of the Neolithic world of the Middle East (Cau- vin 2000.32) were amplified through typical ‘for- ager’ engravings, such as wave lines, possible water symbols, nets and serpentine-like engravings. Some of these paraphernalia and jewelry were encoun- tered in the material from Mariupil cemetery, which should be dated to the 5th millennia cal BC (Maka- renko 1933; Telegin, Potekhina 1987). The grave goods included maces, celts made from flint and por- phyries, large pieces of rock crystal, buckles from porphyries, jewelry made of marble and jet. They were found in only a small number of burials. Some typical Mariupol artefacts were found in the second layer of Razdorskaya 1 settlement (Kijashko 1987. 79), which reflected the transition from the Neolithic to the Copper Age in the Lower Don basin. It is indicative that in the Mariupil phase of Neoli- thic development in the foreland of the Sea of Azov region, which is rather late in relation to the Early Neolithic of Rakushechnyj Yar, we could observe the dominance of strong communal relationships. This is evidenced, perhaps, by the sanctioned placement of burials in a place isolated from the settlement; one trench had a collective burial ground and other burials were placed in rigidly defined rows, and therefore exhibit generally homogeneous burial rites. Strong territoriality, similar to the case of the multi-level/stratified matrix settlements, and conti- nuity with no special attention to preserving the lower layers of graves are characteristic. However, it is possible to divide these graves into two groups, into ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ graves based on variations in the quantity and quality of grave goods. In particu- lar, ‘rich’ children's burials cannot be compared to Fig. 12. Settlement Razdorskaya 2. Photos of the temporary stor- age pits. Alexander Gorelik, Andrej Tsybrij and Viktor Tsybrij 154 the roughly contemporaneous burial grounds at Varna and Du- runkulak on the Balkan Black Sea coast in terms of the degree of dif- ference. In this kind of society, continuity and integration seem to have been more important in the realm of the dead than differences be- tween the living (Whittle 1996. 169), although certain differen- ces in social position which were possibly heritable (‘rich’ children’s burials) can be assumed. The lack of ceramics and metal could be interpreted by the fact that these burial rites date as far back as ace- ramic society. We guess that, in comparison with other Neolithic cultural phenomena of the Nort- hern Pontic-Caspian area, the spe- cific reconstructed traits of social and ideological de- velopment in the foreland of the Sea of Azov region also had certain economic causes. The materials from the settlements of the Rakushechnyj Yar culture re- flect the specialisation of the economy on fishing and collecting shellfish, most likely on a seasonal basis, which is impossible to imagine without methods for butchering, conservation, and storage. It is considered by many researchers that a similarly intensive form of resource management without the modification of species’ biological or genetic basis was a local stage of pre-domestication already estab- lished in the Mesolithic in many parts of Europe (Zvelebil, Lillie 2000.59). Specialisation was suppos- ed to have led to a reduction in mobility, a transi- tion to a sedentary/semi-sedentary way of life, and finally, to more complex social organisation and ideology (Bender 1978.211; Hayden 1981.528). Finds of Neolithic burials in deposits at Rakushech- nyi Yar, and also separate human bones in the shell layers of Razdorskaya 2, give reason to expect posi- tive results from a search for larger burial grounds in this region similar to those in the Dnepr or Da- nube basins, where fish and shellfish played a lead- ing role in the Mesolithic and the Neolithic (Zvelebil, Lillie 2000.79). Ethnographic material show that such highly spe- cialized production can lead to the accumulation of wealth, and the emergence of power and social con- trol regulating the process of social life and control- ling resources (Bender 1978.213). Unlike in the pre- ceding Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods, Neolithic communities in which hunting was primary, the value of insured and safe networks of exchange and various intergroup alliances covering considerable territories decreases (Hayden 1981.527). Based on research on the Neolithic, the latter hypothesis seems to be true in many respects. The aceramic assem- blages such as at Razdorskaya 2 and Matveev Kur- gan I and II present many finds and features illus- trating cross-cultural communication over long dis- tances. They indicate, as mentioned above, the prime value of the southerly direction of cultural contacts. In assemblages of the pottery Neolithic (Rakushech- nyi Yar), these indicators were significantly lost. However, according to some scholars, the earliest pottery traditions in the Lower Don basin were formed under the influence of southern impulses from the Caucasus (Belanovskaya 1995.174), Ana- tolia (Kotova 2003.7.2.2), or from Anatolia and the Near East (Mazurkevich et al. 2013.91). We believe, these hypotheses demand more concrete arguments which would exclude the possibility of a convergent emergence of more or less similar types of ceramics (Budja 2014.27). Until then, the origin of this dis- tinct pottery tradition in Rakushechnyi Yar remains unclear. Much more persuasive are cultural links with a small- er range. There is convincing evidence of the distri- bution of similar patterns of ceramics decoration be- tween the Lower and Middle Don, the Lower Don Fig. 13. Settlement Razdorskaya 2. 1 celt from the schist with a rock crystal; 2, 3 pendants from rock crystal; 4 graffiti on the celt. ‘Neolithisation’ in the NE Sea of Azov region> one step forward, two steps back| 155 and Lower Volga/Northern Caspian area (Mazurke- vich et al. 2013.91; Vybornov 2008). The similari- ties in ceramics from the Lower Don and the Lower Dnepr, in the typology of geometric flint microliths, in stone vessels, as well as in shaft straighteners enable us to consider these also as proof of cultural contacts (Telegin 1984.42; 1996.44–45; Belanov- skaya 1991). During the subsequent development of Rakushechnyj Yar culture, the value of cultural and historical contacts with the Caucasian and West Asian region was reduced to the recognition of a single form, such as trapezes with a flat dorsal retouch (Wechler 2001). It is important to acknowledge the contacts to the east with cultures from the steppe areas, especially from the 5th layer (Belanovskaya, Timofeev 2003.15). It seems that connections be- tween the North Caucasus, the Fore-Caucasus, and the Middle East were re-established only with the Majkop phenomenon in the 4th millennia BC. The narrative of cultural contacts mentioned above could imply that indigenous ruling groups, which apparently dominated the area north of the Sea of Azov for a long time, subsequently managed to eli- minate the value of the south-west Asian influences by establishing carefully regulated economic, social, and also, apparently, ideological control. Conclusions Despite the much better state of research of the Neo- lithic in the foreland of the Sea of Azov, compared to other regions of the Northern Ponto-Caspian Sea, the process of Neolithisation here can only be char- acterised as a sketch, a very probabilistic and spec- ulative model. The need for new, modern, large- scale explorations in this area with broad interdis- ciplinary integration is obvious. In the light of the latest data which we have, it is possible to claim that the Rakushechnyj Yar cultural unit belongs to the range of the oldest in the Northern Ponto-Caspian region. Apparently, it is one of the oldest cultures in which so many features of the Neolithic package are found: the transition to the wide use of clay, the tech- nology of polishing stone, pressure core/blades tech- nology, the emergence of anthropomorphic and geo- metrical figurines, and cult practices associated with axes, fishing weights, and bucrania. Unlike some of our colleagues, who share the con- cept formulated by researchers from 1970 to 1990 about the origin of an Early Neolithic local centre with a productive economy with developed animal husbandry in the Sea of Azov region, we believe that this is improbable. The cornerstones of this concept were never adequately documented; they were not validated during recent explorations in this region; they are doubtful in the context of modern research of the same field worldwide. It seems that, besides dog, only the presence of bones of domesticated sheep/goat in the Early Neolithic layers of the Azov settlements could be true, because the latter have no wild predecessors in Europe. But this assumption also demands verification. It is obvious that in the foreland of the Sea of Azov, particularly in the Lower Don, as well as in almost the whole East European plain, sub-Neolithic subsi- stence was based on different foraging modes. During spring, summer, and autumn fishing was primary, specialising in the art of catching large, gregarious anadromous and settle fish with nets, traps and boats, and the gathering of the shellfish has also been proved. Hunting probably predominated in winter. The simultaneous emergence in north-east region of the Sea of Azov at an aceramic stage of the whole set of functionally interrelated features of the Neoli- thic package can be most logically explained by mi- gration. The territory of the Zagros Mountains, the border zone between Iran, Iraq and Turkey (Anato- lia), where during Pre-Pottery period B, many paral- lels with the idiosyncratic features appeared, and assemblages from the Early Neolithic of the south- east European plain could be regarded as a possible ‘donor’ area. It is possible to assume the two most probable ways of penetration from this region to the Azov’s shores: the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus or by sea. 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