Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American-Slovenians Amirican Home I " 1C USPS 024100 Vol. 109, o. IS§N Number 0164-68X Ameriška SLOVENIAN MORtill AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 89i^r:Ho^^ oiho sees NOHVlAI0i/]i Phone:Y21A>411-0628 ahp@buckeveweh.nf Pristava’s Lausche Lodge Reaches Goal 8th Lausche Lodge Update We did it... together. It was announced at our April board meeting that Slovenska Pristava has achieved its goal of raising $550,000 in contributions and pledges from its members, friends, and benefactors. Over 500 individual and groups contributed monetarily to the cause. We consider the fundraising campaign to be a resounding success and we thank all who gave so generously. With an overwhelming amount of volunteer labor and material donations, our new hall construction is winding down. The walls have been dry-walled and painted, the wood ceiling is in place, the wooden floor is Get out your white, blue and red pom-poms and noisemakers. Come and show your support for Slovenian diplomat runners at the Cleveland Rite Aid Marathon, Half-Marathon and 10k. On Sunday, May 20, His Excellency Ambassador of Slovenia to the United States, Samuel Žbogar, will run his first marathon (that’s 26.2 miles) at the Cleveland Rite Aid Marathon as part of his extensive fundraising | effort to raise money for child victims of landmines. Cleveland’s own Consul General of Slovenia, Dr. Zvone Žigon, will support the cause by running the 10k event. Irena Lukač, Economic Counselor at The Embassy of Slovenia, will run the Half-Marathon. As Cleveland is home to the largest population of Slovenians outside of Slove-n*a, let us show our support f°r the Ambassador, Consul General and Ms. Lukač by rallying at various locations °f the race and cheering on °Ur Slovenian runners. To cheer the Ambassador, Please be at one of the fol-°Wing three locations at the esignated times (Slovenian a§s will be provided); ^ * 7:40 a.m. Mile 6 Marker, est 117th Street and Lake Avenue nearly complete. Even the tables and chairs we ordered have already arrived. Much work remains to be completed before the official opening, but significant progress has been made and continues at a feverish pace. The hall is to be known as “Lausche Lodge” per the agreement with The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation. The official opening and dedication ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, May 27. Details of the opening have already been announced and can be found elsewhere in this issue of the Ameriška Domovina and on our website: slovenskapris-tava.org. We invite all members and friends of Slovenska Pristava to join us in celebration and gratitude for • 9:30 a.m. ~ Mile 19 Marker, North End of Martin Luther King Blvd. • 10:30 a.m. - The Finish Line, St. Clair Avenue and East 12th Street (North side). Times are approximate based on Ambassador’s normal pace, and are subject to change. Look for Ambassador Žbogar to be wearing a white cap which reads, “I feel Slovenia,” and clothing bearing the Slovenian flag. To witness Consul General Dr. Žigon’s 10k finish, be at the finish line (North side of St. Clair and East 12th Street) at 8:30 a.m. Consul General will also be wearing a white “I Feel Slovenia” cap. Ms. Lukač is scheduled to finish at approximately 9 a.m., wearing a light blue shirt. Banners, signs, noisemakers, musical instruments, Slovenian-themed t-shirts and narodne noše are strongly encouraged. Let our brave runners know that their fellow countrymen are rooting for them. A post-race potica party will follow near the finish line. Please call the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia for more information (216) 589-9220. the successful completion of this project. A project of this size and magnitude could not be accomplished without superb leadership, wonderful cooperation among everyone involved, and much hard work, sweat, and effort on the part of all the volunteers who gave of their time to build the new hall. Although many volunteers contributed, there were several individuals whose efforts were crucial to the success of this project. We are deeply indebted to these tireless workers. Being the humble, quiet, and unassuming beings that you are, we know that you wish to remain unnamed, but we all know who you are, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May you enjoy the fruits of your labors for years to come. I’m sure that if former Senator Frank J. Lausche were still among us today, he would be proud to have his name permanently attached to this new hall that was built with the hard work and effort of Slovenian immigrants and their descendants for the common good of the Slovenian community here in the Cleveland area. The following is a list of donations received from November 29, 2006 thru May 2, 2007. We thank the donors for their generosity. (Any additional pledged money is not shown) Should there be any errors in the list, please let us know and accept our apologies. Slovepians: People With Good Taste Lausche Lodge The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation $25,000 ($75,000 total) Anonymous ~ $10,000 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills -$100 Metod Ilc $500 in memory of Bernadette lie ($1,000 total) Bridge Club $1,000 Sunset Industries $5,000 ($15,000 total) Tony and Vida Hauptman $500 ($1,000 total) Apolonia and Joseph Žakelj $200 ($900 total) Rimeco Products, Inc. $1,000 Anonymous $2,500 James and Madeline Debevec $500 in memory of Sen. Frank J. Lausche ($1,525 total) Peter Osenar $5,000 ($11,000 total) Matija Lončar $477 ($977 total) Ivan Berlec $500 in memory of Branimira Berlec ($1,000 total) Joseph Baškovič $500 ($1,000 total) Sandy (Grcar) Finazzo $250 ($500 total) KSKJ Lodge #226 - $1,000 Anonymous $3,000 ($6,000 total) John F. Dejak $5,000 ($10,000 total) Rudy and Vika Kolarič $10,000 ($10,500 total) Stanley Kodrin $300 ($1,100 total) Joseph Omahen $250 $850 total) Mike and Anna Percic $25 Zele Funeral Home $1,000 ($3,000 total) Primorski Klub $1,000 ($2,000 total) Albert Blatnick $250 ($500 total) Anton Bozic $3,000 ($5,000 total) Maria Ribic $500 ($1,000 total) Joseph and Sally Smolič $1,000 Alojz Brumen $500 Anthony D. Cerer $500 ($1,000 total) Tony Champa $500 ($1,000 total) Christian and Joan Cher-mely $1,000 Peter Domanko Jr. $500 ($ 1,000 total) (Continued on page 5) Newspaper Schedule The next American Home newspaper will be dated Thursday, June 14. In June the paper will be published on the last three Thursdays of the month, June 14, 21, and 28. In July, the American Home wih also be printed on the last three Thursdays of the month, .July 12, 19, 26. In August, the American Home will be printed on the last three Thursdays of the month, Aug. 9, 16, 23 In September, the American Home will be printed on the first three Thursdays of the month, Sept. 6, 13, and 20. The remainder of the year the American Home will continue to be printed on the FIRST THREE THURSDAYS of the month (Oct., Nov., Dec.) Cheer Slovenian Diplomats Running in Marathon AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 ; AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) jp published three issues per month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 15 May 17, 2007 Polka Mass at Shrine by RUDY FLIS A few weeks ago I spoke with a gentleman by the name of Igor Cvetko, a na- • tive of Slovenia and a curator of a museum in Ljubljana. He was interested in American polka music and the Polka Mass, started in the Youngstown Diocese by Fr. George Balasko. He mentioned Matt Hoyer, an early polka band leader in our area and the variety of bands up to this day. I mentioned that many people in the Great I Lakes area are praying for the beatification of Bishop Frederic Baraga, missionary to the American Indians in the 19lh century, about the same time Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek was bishop of Maribor. He mentioned there are many artifacts of Bishop Baraga in the museum where he is curator. He also mentioned Bishop Slomšek wrote music. It would be a place I would visit if in Slovenia. On Thursday, June 21, at 6 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid, Ohio there will be a Polka Mass, celebrated by Fr. George Balasko, the Polka Priest. If you enjoy Mass, and you enjoy polkas, this would be a perfect place for you to be, and come early, as the Sisters will be cooking spaghetti dinners for anyone wishing to have a meal in St. Ann’s Dining Room. The music for the Mass is courtesy of the Wayne Tomsic band, well known and well liked. Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine is a quiet, peaceful jewel in the middle of a metropolis, just waiting for you to visit and shed your worldly troubles. Through the effort of many dedicated people, this special worship service of the Polka Mass at the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes offers a chance to celebrate our heritage in love of God and love of country, while remembering our roots that make us what we are. Art Guild Meets Members of the Slovenian RCV. SpiSdk National Art Guild meets on . - . Cftth Monday. May 21 at 6 p.m. in 061001*3108 5U the Slovenian Society Home, On Sunday, May 20th, Rev. 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Stephen Spisak, who has Ohio. Annual pot luck and helped many times at St. bingo event. Mary’s parish (Holmes Ave., Collinwood) will celebrate his 25th anniversary of ordination with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 1:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: Because of this celebration there will be NO NOON MASS on Sunday, May 20. Parishioners are cordially invited to join in this special celebration to honor this milestone in Fr. Spisak’s priestly ministry to the people of our Diocese of Cleveland. He often broke into song because he couldn’t find the key. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 . Old Quiz, N6w Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: Who was the only bachelor to hold the office of President of the United States? ANSWER: James Buchanan was the 15th President of the United States (1857-1861). He was the only resident of Pennsylvania and the only bachelor to hold the office of President. The correct answer was submitted by Rudy Sterk, manager of St. Vitus Village, Ani Žakelj of Kent Edu., Fr. Bill Jerse of St. Paul Church, Euclid, and Stan Žakelj of Broadview Heights, Ohio. Congratulations, and thanks to all who entered our contest. NEW QUIZ: What is the name of the dog on the cover of every box of Crackeijacks? Send your answer to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. FISH FRY Every Friday 17:30 AM - 8 PM SWH AUXILIARY 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH Fish - Shrimp - Goulash Breaded Pork Chops Reservations & Take Outs Call 216/481-5378 First Picnic at SNPJ Farm SNPJ lodge V Boj #53 from the Waterloo Hall in Cleveland invites you to the first picnic of the summer at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road in Kirtland, Ohio on Sunday, June 3. Music for your dancing and listening pleasure will be by Frank Moravcik Orchestra from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dinners of roast beef, roast pork, and sausage made by the hard-working ladies and gentlemen of the kitchen will be served starting at a NEW time, 2 p.m., rather than the old time of 1 p.m. This will be the schedule for the summer: dinners served starting at 2 p.m. The cost of our dinners will be $7, not including gate admission. Roast beef, sausage, and hot dog sandwiches, delicious donuts, and the usual liquid refreshments will also be available. There are not very many places left where you can spend a Slovenian Sunday afternoon, especially in early June. Come out to SNPJ Farm and have a good time. Lodge V Boj #53 is sponsoring a bus to Slovenefest at the SNPJ Campsite in Enon Valley, PA on Saturday, July 14, leaving the Orr Arena in Euclid, about noon and leaving the Campsite about 9 p.m. These times are tentative as schedules from the Slovenefest have not been received as yet. Slovenefest is one of the biggest summer Slovenian polka festivals in the country which attracts thousands of people to the three day program. The lodge is striving to make the cost of the bus, without gate admission, attractive to everyone, but we do not have our final cost figures as yet. Please call Martha Meglich at (440) 884-5043 for more information. —Patricia Budzilek We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. - Buzzie Bavasi D6votional to Our Lady of Br6zj6 On Wednesday, May 23, at 7:30 p.m., everyone is invited to meet at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Road in Euclid, Ohio, for the annual May devotions in honor of Our Lady of Brezje, Patroness of Slovenia. The Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges is sponsoring this devotional. Rev. Joseph Božnar, Pastor of St. Vitus Church, is planning the litur- gical program. It is anticipated that various Slovenian clergy will be joining him to participate in the devotional. The prayer service will include the recitation of the Rosary in conjunction with a candlelight procession, Benediction, and the singing of the Slovenian Litanies to the Blessed Virgin Mary. —Joseph V. Hočevar, Federation President , Remember all those who died for us !» from the staff of JAKUBS & SON FUNERAL HOME 936 E. 185 St., Cleveland 531-7770 JAKUBS - DANAHER FUNERAL HOME 36000 Lake Shore Blvd., Eastlake 953-4600 GOLDEN RULE Funeral Home 3 Dramatic Story of Slovenian Statue by AUGUST B. PUST This is more than just a story of a wooden statue from Slovenia; it is the tragic life of immigrants, people who witness and made world history, a tale of two cities. Look closely at the statue, and you will see the reflection of all of us, especially of the people who came to Cleveland in the past century. This human drama is in five parts, and each one reflects major events of two cities, the Slovenian nation, the building of America, and the changing of the world. It is a part of our collective memory, our DNA. Parti Introduction: Building bridges of friendship On September 22 of 1935 Gregory Rozman, Archbishop of Ljubljana came to Cleveland from the capital of Slovenia, that time it was Part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In the Cleveland | Cultural Gardens he unveiled the statue of Bishop Frederick Baraga (1797-1868), a Slovenian-born missionary to American Indians. This was the first major visit of any European dignitary to Cleveland. It started the idea of global connections, exchanges, and understanding cultural diversity. It was also a spiritual linkage of people of the same faith. The city was well represented by public and ! civic officials. Representing the Indian Nations of the Great Lakes was a grandson °f a man who was baptized by Bishop Baraga almost a century ago. This event Paved the path for many: The best artists of that time, Poets, singers, business people, and visiting members of families across the ocean. It | Was a well orchestrated over-| ^rc that led to the main eyent that follows. Tart 2 The main event: Arrival of the Mayor and the Senate What a glorious event. Gleveland looked its finest in May, 1938 for the dedication the Cultural Gardens. Cut-jlng the ribbon was Mayor of Ljubljana Dr. Jure Adlesic ^hh Mrs. Adlesic, Mayor of leveland Harold H. Burton [Jenn: 1936-1940), and °vemor Martin L. Davev ^r°m the U.S. Congress, alvic and religious leaders, a representative from the °venian community in *Weland, Anton Grdina, Sr. vcr 75,000 people wit-t ®ss the Grande Parade past Slovenian National ri(^rTle> down St. Clair Ave-e- Every storefront and ith a parade of dignitaries: . e Ambassador from Wash- gtOn DP house window was occupied, and flags and ribbons were everywhere. Coverage by the local and national media was great. Columbia Broadcasting Co. aired the program over 138 stations, plus direct short-wave transmission to Europe. Cleveland was in the global center. Mayor Adlesic in his memoirs about the trip observed that Cleveland is a great city, with a population of almost a million and that it is a major American industrial center, where immigrants are 42% of the population. Over 50,000 are of Slovenian heritage, which forms the largest concentration of Slovenians abroad. His vision was to continue the cultural and people exchanges, especially with students and young professionals. He was impressed with five Slovenians in City Council and with Judge Frank J. Lausche, for whom he predicted a great political future. On behalf of the people of Ljubljana, Mayor Adlesic presented to the City of Cleveland a statue of a Slovenian woman -Slovenka. In return he carried back home a Key to the City of Cleveland and two photographs of American Slovenians as soldiers - volunteers ready for marching to what was supposed to be the last war in Europe. Artistic climax of the 1938 event The city of Ljubljana commissioned one of the renowned Slovenian artists of that time. Tone Kralj, to create the statue to symbolize well-wishing and friendly greetings to the people of Cleveland. Kralj was already well known for his unique expressionistic style with a touch of the old Slovenian wood carving folk-art traditions. His symbolism became especially popular in churches, monasteries, and sites of religious pilgrimage. His dedication was shown in the works for the Slovenian minority living in Italy. He knew the struggle of a small nation, the quest for cultural human rights, and the tragic outcome of war and immigration. He created a statue with a timeless message: “Farewell to those who are departing our homeland, families, and loved ones. Greeting - Pozdrav - to all, who will come within my sight. For all those who will visit me at my newly adopted home in Cleveland, America, I am a messenger of good wishes.” The fact she is in national costume indicates that she also symbolizes the whole Slovenian nation. The unique part is the base of the statue with the shield of the Great Seal (castle with a dragon) of the City of Ljubljana. It is carved out of a blackened, petrified black oak pillar, which was taken from the marshes of the Ljubljanica River. It dates to the pre-Roman settlement period and symbolizes millennia of Slovenia’s history. It expresses the special wishes and compliments of the Old World treasure to the dynamics of the New World. The statue made a big impression on Clevelanders. The newspapers carried stories praising the artist and his work. Cleveland Press writer Mrs. Eleanor Prech became the regular nationalities reporter with “Around the World in Cleveland.” The statue was displayed ceremoniously in the City Council chambers. It was the first such gift from Europe to Cleveland. It was a vision of friendship and hope for peace for future generations. Then came the Second World War. Part 3 The human tragedy: Crushed dreams, the lost statue The brutality of the Second World War and the tragic events that followed, drastically changed Europe. The Cold War froze part of Europe. The people of the Captive Nations came to Cleveland. When Ljubljana was occupied by the Italian fascist army, Mayor Adlesic was arrested and forcibly deported to Italy. After the war, he did not, like many other patriots, return to Slovenia, now under the communist regime of Tito’s Yugoslavia. He emigrated to America and in November, 1949 came to Cleveland to see the statue. Escorted by Mayor Thomas Burke, he hugged the statue of the Slovenian lady in City Hall. Yes, she was still there. And now this mayor of the great European city, who only a decade ago had a vision of teaching at American universities, like all other displaced intellectuals, became just a worker on the farm, and he became Ipst in history. At the same time another man who was also a refugee in Cleveland, was Archbishop Rozman. He became part of our Slovenian neighborhood, humble and homeless, struggling to survive. The dreams of justice and the reconciliation of the nation slowly faded away. And somehow our statue, our Lady, disappeared from view. The memories of her faded away, the history unspoken. Part 4 Reappearance of the forgotten statue and the dawn of a new era It took Mayor George V. Voinovich (Term: 1980- 1989) by some strange fate to discover the statue in a storage area of City Hall. He placed her next to his working desk in the Mayor’s Office. It reminded him of his grandmother’s Slovenian heritage and his family connection to Ljubljana. Everybody who came to see the mayor had a chance to say hello to this Slovenian woman. During my time as a special administrator for two mayors for ethnic and international programs, I have witnessed a parade of visitors, members of Slovenian community, domestic and foreign VIPs, religious leaders and especially members of the Captive Nations. She gave courage and confirmation to the freedom fighters of Eastern Europe and refuseniks from the Soviet Union to become future leaders of the new democracies. She witnessed Ljubljana, my hometown, as a sister city of Cleveland. She played a major role in our ethnic and international life and kept the door open to new immigrants of the world, our new neighbors. She was with us when we displayed traditional flags of the nations and smiled to the happy tunes of Cleveland-style polka. The sparks from the past became a new flame symbolizing new possibilities and new home. Yet, somehow in the late 1990s, the priorities of the city shifted to other issues. The city’s historical treasures and valuable international memorabilia were taken away, lost, forgotten. Nobody knew what, how many, and where. Parts Grand finale: Back to City Hall, keeping up the legacy Early in 2006 for the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Slovenian independence, community leaders by initiative of Councilmen Michael Polenšek (Ward 11) and Joe Cimperman (Ward 13) and Consul General of Slovenia, Dr. Zvone Žigon, met in the City Council conference room. In anticipation of the great celebration of Slovenian Days in Cleveland, from May through July, came the question: What happened to the Slovenian statue? Perspectives Now, after almost 70 years, we should look at her again. Who is this ageless woman? Some called her “Miss Slovenia,” “Miss Ljubljana,” “Slovenian Maiden,” “A Girl from Slovenia,” and “The Lady of Slovenia.” But if we ask the generations of immigrants and refugees in all of our multicultural communities the same question, we learn that to them she represents our common history. We have seen such women at the shores of our old country when we have looked back on our way to America. She was standing above the world’s ports, waving goodbye. And coming to America we have seen another great Lady in the harbor of New York, a Lady of Liberty, extending greetings to newcomers. They are soul-sisters. They compliment each other spiritually, for they carry a joint message that universal dreams and visions are indestructible. Now it is up to us to carry on this legacy. It is within the spirit of Cleveland. It is good to be part of it. May God bless America. And may long live the independence of Slovenia within the spirit of all nations, especially those still yearning to be free. i AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 4 Waterloo Hall Swiss Steak Dinner On Wednesday, May 30, the Slovenian Workmen’s Home Board of Directors and Auxiliary will hold a Swiss Steak Dinner. This event is being held to honor their 2007 Man of the Year Richard Zele and Gerri Tre-bets who is the 2007 Federation of Slovenian National Homes Woman of the Year. Gerri is also the current Escorted and Hosted Travel Adventures! Qroati'an (".oast, ^Slovenia and Italu A 16 day - First Class escorted tour covering the Adriatic cities of Croatia, the charm of Slovenia, and the majestic cities of Italy Featuring: Dubrovnik, Split, Plitvice Lakes, Ljubljana, Postojna Caves, Venice, Florence, Assisi, Sienna and Rome Depart: September 24 or October 8 - Tour Cost: $2595 Hidden Highlights of Slovenia The Slovenian Women’s Union invites all!! to enjoy this special Autumn trip designed to be relaxing and full of the sites, sounds and great tastes unique to Beautiful Slovenia! Visiting: Krajnska Gora, Habakuk Spa in Maribor, Smarjeta Spa near Novo Mesto, and Ljubljana September 17-28,2007 - Tour Cost: $2078 Switzerland + 5 Lucerne® Leisure September 25 - October 3,2007 Includes, roundtrip airfare, 6 nts. in a first class hotel, buffet breakfast daily, airport transfers, guided sightseeing to France, Germany, Leichtenstein, Austria and more! $2250 ht the heart of the Alps, all at an attractive price! Adam Barthalt’s Grand Canyon Adventures and Hojbrau Haus Party in LasVegas! fa * September 20 - 27,2007 * 1 Historic Grand Canyon Railway to the South Rim, 2 nts. Williams, 1 nt.. Grand Canyon Village, 4 nts Flamingo Hilton LasVegas. Airfare from NYC, hotels, deluxe motorcoach, special events & sightseeing: $ J 779 Polka Party at Sea '08 Enjoy a 7 night Polka Party on the Carnival Valor Set Sail from Miami, and enjoy the music of our Polka Hosts and fun with Polka Fans from across the USA. We sail to the shops and beaches of St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Nassau. Prices start at $799 per person!! Call for early booking discount details and more information!! - - - Featuring the musical talents of---Adam Barthalt, Hank Thunander, Joey Tomsick, Mike Schneider Seibert's - California Polka Power, and Jack Tady March 9- 16,2008 !! Please call, write, or email for a complete brochure !! discount airfare available from most cities for any tour Group Leader? Call to plan your next adventure! m Giving You Tho World Since 1923 Kollandcr World Travel 971 E. 185th St - Cleveland OH 44i 19 (800)800-5981 - (216)692-1000 ww u.kollnnder.eoni president of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home Board of Directors. The dinner will include Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Salad, Bread and Butter, Dessert and Coffee. A limited number of tickets are available at $10.00. Call (216) 481-0163. No tickets will be sold at the door. Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON, 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. [Are Bills Breakina Your Bank? I WE HAVE A SOLUTION! Trusteeship Trusteeship was established by the Ohio Legislature to prevent garnishment of personal earnings. It is a system where a person pays a percentage of their gross earnings into the court to be prorated among their creditors. Garnishment of wages will not be allowed by creditors as long as the debtor makes regular payments into the trusteeship. (216) 664-4860 How Does 11 Work? www.clevelandmunicipatcourt.org Y°U ^ 17'5% °f y°Ur disposable earnings every pay period. Take advantage of the Clerk of Court Trusteeship Program.., avoid garnishment of your wages. How Do I File? What Does It Cost? Where Do I File? Call IOJ 004- ■ www.clevelandmunici Wfammmmimimm Trusteeship is a voluntary program on the part of both the debtor a nd the creditor. However, if a creditor Muses to participate, they CANNOT GARNISH YOUR WAGES. You must make a payment to the court each time you get paid. EARLE B. TURNER Clerk of Courts Cleveland Municipal Court KSKJ AMf iKlAM li OVf HUUI CkhUjUC Jp§/has a Rnal Expense Plan that we could afford! The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense Insurance and level premiums. There ere no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800-843-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. "I used to jet a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found KSKI44/ MiiiCAH sicmuuw cxtuauc Ijwtzu Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Ufo was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-K5KJ for an agent near youl Sk *R»U(|UN«MtrvUwrlfean»;-VMi|*m. •atnrriitcfertf.MttaUnaUa. *S)i/ Collinwood School Fire Committee Meets The next meeting of the Collinwood School Fire Centennial Commemoration Committee meeting is planned for Wednesday, May 23 at 6 p.m. at the Waterloo Slovenian Home, 15335 Waterloo Road in upper Room 3. Now is the time to get more people involved and do something worthwhile for the Collinwood community. Anyone interested, please contact Mary Louise Jesek Daley at Councilman Michael Polenšek’s office, or show up at the meeting. You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. —Margaret Thatcher Remember Those Who Died for Us FUNERAL HOMES “Family Owned & Operated” 22 Years of Continuous Service to your Community 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills 440 944-8400 DAN COSIC and JOE ZEVNIK Licensed Funeral Directors rc ‘ **MUH***:a\'a : *■'1 .K A'th music and dance. Čevapčiči dinner and other refreshments will be served. On Sunday, May 27 the festivities will start with Mass at 12 noon followed by dedication and blessing of the new hall. Dinner will be served immediately with a cultural program following. These groups will take part in the program: Fantje na Vasi, Korotan, Kres, Slavko Teskac in Pristavski Muzi-k^tje, Melodija and Mladi Fantje. Dinners have to be reserved in advance by calling Delena Percic at (216) 732-8082. After the program Stan Mejac band will be playing for and listening pleasure. ____. Pristava Opening Slovenska Pristava board will have the dedication of the new hall on Memorial Day Weekend. It will begin on Saturday, May 26 late afternoon with music and dance. On Sunday the festivities will start with Mass, ribbon cutting ceremony, dinner, and cultural program. After all this there will be music for listening and dancing pleasure. Stimbufys Accounting Accounlirig & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 tcuctime@en.com http://stimburyszccounting.com Enmted to Practice Setote tie Internal Revenue Service Servidnti Indmduals CotporaWont S, Small Jlusinesses. Help Wanted at Pristava The event we’ve all been waiting for is almost here. As you all know, the dedication and opening of new Slovenska Pristava Hall will be taking place on Memorial Day Weekend, May 26 and 27. With this important event comes much responsibility and hard work. Therefore, if anyone is willing to lend a helping hand in the kitchen for a couple of hours, it would be greatly appreciated. To volunteer, please contact Kristina Sedmak at (216) 383-7091 as soon as possible. Thank you in advance. —M.R. Q ILOVEN1AN IN ATIONAL Home 6417 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 (216) 36L5I15 We/ ScvLute/ Guw thiy M em&rioJl Weekend/! from/ The/ Board/ ofVirerctory _________ HALL FOR ALL * OCCASIONS * WEDDINGS PARTIES CONCERTS MEETINGS This Memorial Weekend, we remember our deceased family, friends, and those who died in military service R & D Sausage Co. 15714 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 - (216) 692-1832 We have fresh Slovenian Sausages Smoked and Fresh Želodec Cooked or Uncooked Cottage Ham Homemade Salami Imported Foods - Poticas Strudels and MUCH MORE For orders call Joe Zuzak, Owner Tuesday - Thursday, 8-5 Friday - 8-6 Saturday 8-5 We wish all Americans have a peaceful and happy Memorial Day FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES Anthony Mannion - President Edward Gabrosek- 1st Vice President Steve Zalar - 2nd Vice President Lou Grzely - Financial Secretary Michelle Bartunek - Corresponding/Recording Secretary Patricia Ipavec Clarke - Executive Secretary Anna Mae Mannion, Evelyn Pipoly - Auditors I uv AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 4 Revolution: by FELIX MAVEC (Continued from last week) Another morning that stands out for me is in 1942 when my father came into the house and said, “Everything is green.” This meant that Italian soldiers were all over the village. He was so scared because the night before, Italians had burned down a neighboring village. They Tiad put 20 men from the village against a wall, and shot them dead. In our village, the Italian soldiers gathered all of the men to the center of the village. They gave the men one hour to get what they wanted out of their houses before the soldiers would bum the village down. First, my father moved the wagons out of the bam, while my mother was gathering kitchen supplies. Stara-mama was chasing chickens. I helped her to catch 13 chickens and put them in a potato sack. They all suffocated and that night we had chicken soup. We stayed at a friend’s house that night and the next day we returned to the village to see what had happened. Our house did not bum that night. The wooden floor in the living room was charred, but that was the only damage. We moved back into the house. My mother’s brother and his family moved in with us because their house had been burned down. It was very crowded. Some time later, the soldiers came back and burned the house a second time. This time it caught on fire and burned. Oh, how it j burned; I can still see it to this day. Seeing my house go up in flames, a lonely feeling came over me. Where would we go? I felt so hurt and scared at the same time. We moved three kilometers to | the town of Rob to live with my uncle Matija on my father’s side. The house was already small for the four people living there and now six more people were moving in. In this town, I started my schooling. I was only able to study for a short time before the Partisans attacked an Italian fort. The civil authorities broke down and the teachers would not even come to school. The Partisans later burned down the school and the parish hall. The men of our town decided to form the Home Guard, and this became our local police force, mainly against the Partisans. They asked the Italians for guns and were given some old Yugoslavian guns. The Home Guard was very effective at keeping order in the town. My father was in the Home Guard and had a rifle. I remember playing with it, taking the bullets in and out. War Thru Eyes of a Boy We felt safer in our own homes after the Home Guard was formed. The Italian fort was on a hill next to the church we went to. When the Italians were in power, we were free to come and go as we pleased. They were the occupiers, holding off the Partisans, but they were the lesser of the two evils. After the Partisans attacked the fort, the Italians dropped two heavy mortar shells on the village of Rob. One landed 100 feet away from where we were staying. The shells made a loud noise and shattered one of our windows. The Partisans moved out very quickly. After this, the Partisans became even more vicious and people were more afraid of them. The Italians did not care for order and safety; they were only in Slovenia to take over the country for themselves. In the summer of 1943, the whole family would walk back to Krvava Pec every day to work in the fields. We were living in Rob but had to go back and cut grass for the two cows we had. Father did not go. He was afraid the Partisans would try to kill him. Albert and mama cut the grass. One day, Albert almost cut my foot off with his scythe. Each day, twice a day, the hay had to be turned over so it would dry well. This was my job. I did not like this job; I wanted to go swimming. We were barefoot and the ground was very hard. I was in the next row over, turning hay, when Albert swung his scythe and cut my foot. I still have the scar. The hay was loaded into two wagons, about six feet high and tied down by heavy ropes. The wagons in tandem were pulled by our cows. The road was steep and curved, one curve was 90 degrees. I was the brake-man and Ida was the driver. She was 12-years-old and I was nine. With God’s help and guidance, we made the journey safely. Father would always meet us on the way home when we were closer to the town. The Italian army capitulated on September 3, 1943. When the Italians left, all the Home Guards got together in the castle in Tuijak. There were about 700 men in all, including my father and uncle. The Partisans attacked the castle with heavy Italian cannons. They forced the Italians who had been captured, to operate the cannons against the Home Guard. The castle was pounded for a week with heavy artillery. The Home Guard would have been able to hold the castle if it had not been for a man from the neighborhood who gave away the castle’s hidden entrance. This man, who happened to be a distant relative of my mother, allowed the communists to enter by surprise. The communists were able to set fire to the roof of the castle and the Home Guards could not fight anymore through the smoke. They could not leave the castle either or they would be killed by Partisan shells. I could see all of this happening from where I was on top of the hill. I didn’t know at the time that my father and uncle were inside. My uncle later told me that they were also very short of water. The Partisans then started saying “brothers let’s make a truce.” They acted as though they wanted peace. If the Partisans would have kept their word and agreed to peace, the revolution would not have had to continue another two years. The Home Guard made a truce with the Partisans, but the Partisans went back on their word and stormed the castle. The first thing they did was kill all the 37 wounded men. They roped all the rest together two by two with telephone wire. The Partisans marched the village men toward the town of Velike Lasce. There they separated about 50 of the men away from the rest. These were the officers, the town doctor, and the town mayor, all men of great influence. The Partisans took the men above the railroad station and killed them all. They marched the rest to the town of Ribnica, 19 kilometers away. The men were locked up, and given a monkey trial. The judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, all of the people in the courtroom were hardcore communists. The defendants were convicted before the trial even started. My uncle was released because he did not carry a gun. After two weeks at home, he was re-arrested and put in a cell with my father. My uncle had two weeks at home of good food, so he had regained his strength. My uncle told how my father was starving. He told us my father had said, “I would like to get some home baked bread even if they kill me.” Mama took all of the good food we had to my father. Mama went to the prison in Ribnica, which was about 20 kilometers away, to deliver the food. The most rigid communist man from our village stopped mama on the road and would not let her bring the food to the prison. This man personally killed 36 men during the revolution. This was told to my mother in 1979, when she first returned to visit Slovenia. He admitted to a woman from our old village that he Friday, May 18 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., admission $8, featuring Fred Ziwich. Friday, May 18 Fish Fry, Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland from 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Reservations or take-outs call (216) 481-5378. Sunday, May 20 Fr. Stephen Spisak 1:30 p.m. Mass of Thanksgiving on the 25th Anniversary of his ordination at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.). Public reception after Mass. Wednesday, May 23 Devotions to Our Lady of Brezje, 7:30 p.m., at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Euclid, Ohio. Friday, May 25 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., admission $8, featuring Eric Noltkamper. Saturday, May 26 Slovenska Pristava 5 p.m. Čevapčiči dinner and other refreshments, music. Sunday, May 27 Dedication of new hall at Slovenska Pristava. 12 noon Mass, dedication and blessing of new hall, dinner, and cultural program featuring Fantje na Vasi, Korotan, Kres, Slavko Teskac in Pris-tavski Muzikantje, Melodija and Mladi Fantje. Music for listening and dancing by Stan Mejac band. Dinner reservations must be reserved by calling Helena at (216) 732-8082. Sunday, May 27 Memorial Mass for all the victims of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism sponsored by DSPB at noon at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio. - Also in the afternoon a Slovenian memorial service at All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, OH. Wednesday, May 30 Swiss Steak dinner at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland. Serving 4 -7 p.m. $10. For tickets call (216) 481-0163 or 481-5378. Friday, June 1 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., admission $8, featuring Joey Tomsick. Sunday, June 3 Newburgh Hall (E. 80,h St.) Slovenian Man of the Year, Tony Peskar, being honored. Dinner served 1 p.m. Music 2:30 - by Wo-jtilla Orchestra. Donation $18.00. Reservations call (440) 243-0312 Friday, June 8 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., admission $8, featuring Joe Novak. Sunday, June 10 Newburgh Slovenian E. 80th Hall, Dinner, Dance, roast pork chop. Donation $15. Music 3-6 p.m. by Wayne Tomsic. Reservations (216) 341-6136 or (216) 475-7946. Sunday, June 10 St. Mary’s Slovenian School Picni9 at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, June 15 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., admission $8, featuring Eric Noltkamper. Saturday, June 16 SPD Tabor gathering and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 17 SPD Tabor, celebration and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Thursday, June 21 Polka Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Euclid, OH, 6 p.m. Spaghetti dinners before the Mass. Friday, June 22 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., admission $8, featuring Joey Tomsick. Sunday, June 24 Belokranjski Klub picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, June 29 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St, admission $8, featuring Joey Tomsick and his sidekick Phil Hrvatin on tenor sax. Saturday, June 30 Slovenska Pristava Campers Annual Steak Roast. Reservations only. Steak $15 - chicken $12 ($20 & $15 without reservations.) Bar opens 2 p.m. Dinner served 5 to 7. Music. Tickets call Marge Žnidaršič (440) 256-9237. Sunday, July 1 Slovenski piknik at SNPJ Farm, 11000 Heath Rd., south of Chardon Road (Route 6), 3 miles east of Route 306, in Kirtland, with the Veseli Godci Orchestra. Dancing 3:30 to 7:30. Dinners 2 to 4. Thursday, July 5 St. Vitus Alumni meet, 7 p.m. in Slovenian Room of St. Vitus Village. Sunday, July 8 Mission picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 11 Holmes Avenue Pensioners Annual Picnic at Eagles, 37299 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, 1.2 miles east of #91. Free admission. DiDonato FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH (216) 5277 Jeff DiDonato, owner - Tom Corrigan, Danielle Dolan, Rick Tolley I Death Notices | VERA A. CANDON Vera A. Candon, PhD, 97, a resident of the Country Club Retirement Center, died there on Tuesday, April 24. She was bom on January 26, 1910 in Cleveland, the daughter of William and Frances (Skerl) Candon and resided in Roaming Shores before moving to Ashtabula. She graduated from Ohio State University with her BS in 1932 and MA in 1937, and graduated from Case Western Reserve University in 1954 with her PhD. She first taught science in Cleveland and wrote a science book for junior high students. She was then appointed School Psychologist to work with disturbed children in the Cleveland schools. She later became supervisor of Special Services for Berea schools. She also taught graduate classes in psychology for CWRU and was a visiting professor for OSU, OU and CSU. In 1962 Dr. Candon opened a private practice in Psychotherapy, retiring in 1988. She has served as president of Tri-State Conference on Pupil Personnel and Association for Gifted Children and chairman of many committees of the American Psychological Association. She served on several boards for many Cleveland agencies and on the Board of Directors for the Slovene Home for the Aged. Vera was a founding member of the American-Slovene Club, and was the first Secretary of Spartans lodge of SNPJ. She Was active in the legal process of licensing Ohio Psychologists. Vera enjoyed cooking, traveling, reading and the Elderhostel programs. Survivors include a sister Marian Candon and a brother and sister-in-law, Walter I Adolph and Helen Candon, all of Ashtabula, a niece, Dianne Shannon of West-Port, CT and five grandnieces and nephews, Lisa Lester, Lori and Lance Candon, and Mark and Eric Shannon, and five great-grand nieces and nephews. Vera was preceded in death by her parents, a sister, Emma Stupka, and two nephews, Robert and William Candon. At Dr. Candon’s request, no services were held. Pri-vate burial was in White Ha-Wm Memorial Park, May-held. The family suggests ' hinmorial contributions in Vera’s name to the charity of 0ne’s choice. Everyone can, master a grief .jxcept he who has W VERONICA M. PESTOTNIK Veronica M. “Ronnie” Pestotnik, 77, passed away on Monday, May 14, 2007 in Richmond Heights General Hospital. Veronica was bom on Feb. 5, 1930. She was a resident of Willoughby Hills, OH, prior to that, she lived for 14 years in Euclid, Ohio. She was a member of SNPJ Lodge #5, KSKJ Lodge #25, AMLA Lodge #9, Holmes Avenue Pensioners, St. Mary’s Seniors, a Charter member of Tony Petkovšek’s Radio Club, member of United Slovenian Society, and a Charter Member of the Polka Hall of Fame. She was a Deputy Clerk for Euclid Municipal Court. Her hobbies were crocheting, needlepoint, and sewing. Veronica is survived by her husband of 55 years, Albert J.; children Debra (Philip) Pestotnik, Donna (Thomas) Troy, Allan (Kathy) and Thomas (Laura) Pestotnik; grandchildren Marie, Erika, Allan, Brian, Matthew, Benjamin, Brent, and MacKenzie; greatgrandchildren MyKayla and Mallori; siblings Bogdan (Joan) Avsec and CarolAnn (Paul) Jane; sister-in-law of Beatrice Pestotnik and Lillian (Matthew) Dolenc. Her parents Ludwig and Marie Avsec, and brother-in-law John Pestotnik, are deceased. Friends may call at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Wednes- In Loving Memory Of the 36* Anniversary of the death of Joseph Mihelich died May 20,1971 36 years have gone by since you were at our side. Remembered, how rough things were., Now, I understand what they were. In my heart'you still live in all the things I do. Now mom’s at your side. I hope it’s a pleasant ride. Sadly missed by Son, Joseph and Family day. May 16 from 6-9 p.m., and Thursday from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m. Mass of Christian burial at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 18 in St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Thanks to Mary Skul of Solon, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Sadar and Skul families. In Memory Thanks to Metka Dejak of Euclid, Ohio who donated $20.00 in memory of France Dejak. In Memory Thanks to Ciril Vehovec of Euclid, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of his wife, Silve. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burjes of Wickliffe, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Joseph and Milena Jarc, of Willoughby Hills, OH -$15.00 Joe and Justina Novak, Kirtland, OH -- $15.00 In Loving Memory of the lO"1 Anniversary of the death of Caroline Mihelich Died May 17,1997 A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home. Which never can be filled. We have to mourn the loss of one We did our best to save, Beloved on earth, regretted still, Remembered in the grave. T’was hard to part with one so dear, little thought the time was near. Farewell, dear one, life is past, Cur love for you till the end will last. Sadly missed by son, Joseph, sister Pauline Sasa brother-in-law Steve Sasa Branko and Maruška Pogačnik, Kirtland, Oh -$10.00 Frank Bracic, Boynton Beach, FL ~ $5.00 Karen A. and Mark J. Erdani, Kirtland, OH -$15.00 Frances Rigler, Willoughby Hills, OH - $15.00 Eugene P. and Jennie M. (Gorjanc) Kogovšek, High- ^ land Heights, OH - $ 15.00 ' Victor and Barbara Luzar, Mentor, OH - $5.00 Mary Podlogar, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Marija Rigler, Chicago, IL-$15.00 Lawrence and Louann Luzar, Mentor, OH -$ 10.00 In Loving Memory of Stephanie Rahne nee Dezelan Who was born Dec. 26, 1917 and died May 21, 1998 The depths of sorrow wq cannot tell. Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep. Her memory we shall always keep. Sadly missed by: Brothers Joseph and Louis Dezelan and many nieces, nephews, and friends. Cleveland, OH, May 17, 2007 Ivan and Josie Rus, Wil-lowick, OH — $5.00 Gabriela Kuhel, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Julia Kacin, Westmont, IL - $5.00 Margaret J. Batis, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 In Loving Memory Second Anniversary Dorothy F. Urankar June 3,2005 Though God has you in his keeping, not a day goes by that we don ‘t think about you and miss you. It’s hard to believe that you’ve been gone so long. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, When our heavenly Father called you to him. Your love lives in us forever. Sadly missed by Husband, Stanley, Sons Stanley F. Paul J. Anthony M. Daughter Susan U. Rhodes And Families In Loving Memory and with Lasting Appreciation and Gratitude Josephine Kovač Jože Kovac Born 1898, died April 15,1995 Born 1899, died May 20,1956 Martin Bac and Family May God give them peace and may Eternal Light shine upon them. 17 •j AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 Slovenska Šola students in Melvindale, MI are shown holding the wonderful result of their first attempt at making butara for Easter. The Slovenian school is held on Saturday mornings at 10 o’clock. The class will be performing on Saturday, July 21. The students will be singing and dancing. The musical group “Stari Prijatelji” will be playing for the dance afterwards. This will be part of the annual Slovenian Day in Melvindale, Michigan. —Dori Kregar Fooy Warren, MI PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - Ill-Mil Operated by Joe Foster St. Vitus Receives Grants for Concerts St. Vitus parish, established in August, 1893 as the first American Slovenian Roman Catholic parish in the state of Ohio, has been approved for and will receive a $5,000 grant from “Neighborhood Connections,” a small grants program of The Cleveland Foundation for four planned concerts to be performed in St. Vitus Church by the 32 piece chamber orchestra, “CityMusic Cleveland.” The concerts are planned for October and December this year, and February and May next year, in St. Vitus Church. This will be the third city of Cleveland neighborhood to host this type of event since the inception of City-Music Cleveland approximately four years ago. St. Vitus Church has approximately 800 registered households. The parish is engaged in many endeavors including but not limited to Food Bank and Senior Ministry programs, activity of St. Vincent de Paul Society work, continuous operation for over 53 years of its Saturday Slovenian Language and Heritage School, development and operation of St. Vitus Village, an independent living seniors facility built in 2001, and two superb parish choirs. A healthy spiritual life is promoted by daily Mass and liturgical services such as recitation of the Rosary, Station of The Cross, No-venas, etc. Father Joseph Boznar is the current and sixth pastor at St. Vitus. The parish is observing the Diamond Jubilee (75th year) of current St. Vitus church, a Byzantine-Lombard architectural structure that was completed and dedicated in late 1932. The Cleveland Foundation’s Neighborhood Connection is a specific grants program designed to enable city of Cleveland neighborhood groups to strengthen and encourage their respective areas while also creatively dealing with concerns of importance in each neighborhood. Funding for specific projects occurs twice a year. Grants are available citywide. CityMusic Cleveland is a professional chamber orchestra, formed to perform free concerts throughout Northeast Ohio. CityMusic Cleveland works with neighborhoods and communities to enrich cultural offerings. Music director is James Gaffigm while Mrs. Eugenia Strauss is its executive director. Other grants approved for this endeavor include Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation ($5,000), city of Cleveland Councilman Joseph M. Cimperman office ($5,000), the Gund Foundation ($2,000), KSKJ Cultural Grant Program ($500), KSKJ Home Office ($1,000) KSKJ Matching Grant Program ($2,000), and St. Joseph #169 KSKJ Foundation ($3,000). —Stane J. Kuhar St. Vitus Hosts Trip to D.C. Have you ever wanted to visit our nation’s capital and the many monuments, but never did? Or perhaps you have been there, but not since the construction of such memorials as the Viet- nam Veteran’s Memorial or the new World War II Memorial? Now is your chance. St. Vitus Pastoral Council will be hosting a motorcoach tour to Washington, D.C. from Oct. 5-7. The trip will include a night illumination tour of the city, visits to sev- eral monuments, Arlington cemetery and one of the Smithsonian museums. Everyone is invited to come. Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. -Izaak Walton 'Four Generations of ZELE FAMILY Serving the Slovenian community!" Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. -Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. Have a Happy and Safe memorial. Day 452 East lS2n'‘ Street 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Sutton J. Girod — Louis E. Zele - Newly Remodeled Inside! - \ Memorial Mass for War Victims On Sunday, May 27 there will be a Memorial Mass for the fallen Slovenians of war at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, off Chardon Road in Euclid, Ohio at 12 noon. It has been a yearly memorial since the arrival of the displaced Slovenians after WWII. A week ago, on May the 8th, it was the 62nd anniversary of the end of WWII. That’s when the big 3 global super powers sat down and signed a pact. The Slovenians in the former Yugoslavia were brought into the war in 1941 when the Germans came from the north, the Italians from the west, Hungarians from the east, and from the Soviet empire, the communists infiltrated within the Slovenian population. Being bombarded from every direction, you had to pick sides, get involved or else they would come and lake you and you were forced to serve. Being bom here in Cleveland, I have spoken to many American Slovenians and they kept telling me a war is a war. I surely agreed with them, but it was after the 8th of May that the biggest tragedies occurred among the Slovenians. From the end of May and the beginning of June, railroad transports were being sent from displaced persons camps in Austria into Yugoslavia and the Slovenians being on these transports became prisoners and then killed at different sites by the communists without judicial process. Even those who were left or stayed at home were being picked on by the new regime in Yugoslavia Fear was the biggest tool and those who had faith were able to get through this terrible time. Today we need to pray for all soldiers, especially in Iraq, and all over the planet and for us Slovenians, especially here, to stop the self destruction. At 3 p.m. on the same day, May 27, there will be prayers at All Souls Cemeteiy in Chardon, Ohio. Let us come together and pay our respect to the dead. —Paul Lavrisha St. Vitus Slovenian School News St. Vitus Slovenian School will be having its 8th grade graduation on Sunday, May 20 at the 10:30 Mass. The graduates have successfully completed the course of study of the Slovenian language. The following students will be receiving their diplomas: Kati Bloom, Monika Coffelt, Anthony Culkar, Audrey Dolenc, Michelle Graf, Jordan Kolarič, Michelle Kusold, and Alan Plassard. Congratulations to the graduates. Following the 10:30 graduation Mass, St. Vitus Slovenian School children will present a short Spring Performance in the St. Martin de Porres Auditorium, showing a little of what they learned throughout the school year. Everyone is welcome. —Maria Hebebrand W. Maier Services Garage Doors & Openers Electrical & Small Misc. Repairs Walter Majer 216-406-8483 Home 440-286-7177 Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it’s called the present. ____________ —Phil Hrvatin A gentleman was lured into a busy florist shop by a large sign in the window that read, “Say It With Flowers.” “Wrap up one rose,” he told the florist. “Only one?” the florist asked. “Just one,” the customer replied. “I’m a man of few words.” -Phil Hrvatin Cleveland Accounting Service Wishes for a Safe Memorial Weekend 6218 St. Clair Avenue Phone: 881-5158 LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services ____ Rokodelec Contractor v*’ ’ .4 In Our Hearts and Memory They Are Always With Us FATHER, GRANDFATHER, GREAT-GRANDFATHER Joseph Zele Sr, MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, GREATGRANDMOTHER Theresa Zele BROTHER Henry Žele Born June 23,. 1910 Died Oct. 22, 1918 Born March 8, 1867 Died May 22, 1953 Born Oct. 15, 1884 Died Apr. 27, 1947 BROTHER BROTHER Ferdinand Zele August Zele' Born May 30, 1896 Born Aug. 11, 1906 Died Feb. 15, 1919 Died July 12, 1934 HUSBAND, father 'GRANDFATHER,; * BROTHER Louis Žele Born June 10, 1908 Died Apr. 18, 1?64 HUSBAND, FATHER GRANDFATHER, BROTHER Joseph Zele Jr. Born Nov. 11, 1917 Died Jan. 19, 1974 WIFE, MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, SISTER \ Josephine Hirter Born March 2, 1912 Died Feb. 20, 1982 IN LOVING MEMORY I AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 17, 2007 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Program Mass, Sunday, May 27, St. Vitus Church, 9:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. - Raising of Colors, National Anthem, and placing of wreath at the flag pole (in front of St. Vitus School entrance). 8:55 a.m, - Parade to St. Vitus church. 9:00 a.m. - Mass celebrated by Chaplain, Rev. William M. Jerse. Commander: Robert W. Mills Reader / Commentator: Thomas J. Kirk, Joseph S. Baškovič Officer of the Day: Anthony J. Baznik Flag Bearers: Albin Orehek, Daniel Reiger Riflemen: John Kirk, Robert W. Mills, William Lipoid. Sound - Robert Mills Jr. Taps - Dave Srsen__ Died in Service Frank Benigar August Bizel Stephen Butala Robert Butara Joseph Debelak Michael Dime Albin Dolence Frank Drobnik Joseph Dular Anthony Fortuna Rudolph Franz Albert Grdanc Joseph Jelenič Frank Kapla Vladimir Kaucic Stanley Koscak Louis Kozar Edward Kužnik Robert Levee Steven Markolia Edmund Matjašič Raymond Medveš John Petrincic Joseph Pozelnik Anthony Prime Frank Razborsek Joseph Rozman Sylvester Sekne (Vietnam) Vincent Shenk Anthony Silc John Simončič John Speh Robert Stare William Starič (Korea) Raymond Stefe Edward Strauss Henry Streiner Albert Tasker Frederick Ubic John Valencie Rafael Zonta (Korea) Laddie Žnidar Stanley Zupančič ____ In Memory Edward Abraham Edward Ahlin Leona Alich Joseph Ambrosic Andrew Andrews Frank Kromar A1 Archacki Edward Kuhar Joseph C. Arko Elmer Kuhar Joseph T. Arko Albert Kurent Louis Arko Anthony Kužnik Thomas Arko Richard P. Lasko Anthony Avsec Joseph Laurence Edward Avsec Rudolph Launch Vincent Baškovič, Sr. Frank J. Lausche Vincent Baškovič, Jr. Joseph Leben Joseph Baznik Msgr. Louis B. Baznik Bernard Bedinghaus Edward Ljubi Frank Ljubi Frank Bizjak Joseph Likozar Rudolph Brancel James P Logar, Jerome Brentar Mirko Longar Michael Brichta Rudolph Lovko Vincent Briscar Ulrich Lube George Buncic John Burchard Adolph Lunder Charles McNeill Joseph Butler Anthony Champa Anthony Cimperman Jean McNeill Herman Marolt Stanley Martinčič Anthony Cizel Joseph Masar Martin Cullinan Rudolph Massera Frank Debelak Albert Meglich Frank G. Drobnič Herman Meglich James V. Drobnič Frank Mervar Victor A. Drobnič John Milakovich Robert F. Dulc John Miller Anthony Evans Florian Mocilnikar Martin Fink Gabriel Mocilnikar Anthony Garbas Edward Modic Alphonse A. Germ Robert Mordas Maximillian Germ Rudolph Nosse Frank Glavan Anthony F. Novak Louis J. Godec Frank Novak Edward Godic Robert A. Novak Frank Godic John Novosel Stanley Godic Louis J. Novsak Harold Golob Frank Oblak Stanley Golob, Jr. Joseph Okom, Sr. Frank Gorsha Joseph A. Okom John Gramc John Orehek John J. Gramc John Oster, Sr. Jerome Grdina Anton Palcic Joseph Grdina Michael Paul Matt Grdina Frank Perkovič Edward Grum Frank Perusek Dell Hanks Joseph Peterlin Frank A. Hegler Steven Piorkowski Donald Hočevar William Plavan William Hraster George Poprik Gregory Hribar Daniel Postotnik Joseph Jakomin Victor Prebil Frank M. Jaksic Frank Primožič Milan Jaksic Ralph Radel Richard Jaksic Rudolph Razinger Thaddeus Janas Marion Rebol Raymond Jasko Robert Reimen Frank Kasic Philip Ribarich Joseph Kasunic Anthony Rolik Frank E. Kern Rudolph Rozman John Kerzisnik Marcel Rudzinski John Kirk, Sr. Charles V. Rumplik Joseph Komat Louis Sadler Albert Koporc David Samac Edward Kotar Charles Saye Frank Kotar Robert A. Schmuck Charles Knuth Edward Sedlak Leo Kodramaz Andrew Sire Frank Komat John Siewiorek John Kosan James F. Skrab John Koss William Skrab Anthony Kovach Ronald Slogar Louis V. Kovacic Stanley Snable Anthony Krampel Ludwig Snyder Victor Somrak John Spech Joseph Spech William Spech Peter Sterk Joseph J. Stemad Martin Strauss Anthony Strojin, Jr. Victor Subel William Suhadolnik Frank Svetonovic David J. Telban John Tetkowski William Tofant Edward Tolar Edward Tome Frank Tominc John Trinko Thomas Tulloch Elmer Turk James Turk Olga Turk John J. Urbancich Anthony Valencie Edward Valencie John Verbec John Verhovnik Joseph Vesel Clarence Vokac Edward Vertovsnik Peter Weiperth Stanley Winter Joseph Woods Stanley Zabka Anthony Zadnik Anton Zak Theodore Zak Zeno Zak Andrew Zakrajšek Henry Zalar Frank A. Zitko John Žnidaršič Joseph M. Zupančič And for all of the deceased members of the Ladies Auxiliary of St. Vitus Post 1655 of the Catholic War Veterans. Poppy Sale St. Vitus Catholic War Vets will hold their annual poppy sale ’ following all Masses on Saturday and Sunday, May 19 and 20 in front of St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland. The money collected will be used for charitable works at veterans hospitals. The 9 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 27 is dedicated to all the deceased men and women of the parish who served in the military. _ In Recognition of those who served our country. from The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers, and , All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION :Q* THe e. o <* r- V Tpf' 19424 South Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 - 32^ Phone: 216- 531-1900 Fax: 216- 531- 8123 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS024100) Thursday, May 17, 2007 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - Vesti iz Slovenije - Borut Pahor baje išče nasvete glede možne predsedniške kandidature tudi od volivcev - Izbira izmed dveh možnosti Predsednik slovenske socialdemokratske stranke Borut Pahor je zelo aktiven zadnje čase, tako z obiski pri volivcih po Sloveniji | kakor z nastopi na televiziji. Govori o svojih pogledih o razmerah v državi, predvsem pa izraža prepričanje, da bo ravno njegova stranka izšla kot zmagovalka na naslednjih parlamentarnih volitvah, ki bodo po vsej verjetnosti jeseni 2008. Vsaj trenutne javnomnenjske ankete namigujejo, da to ni ravno nemogoč izid. Pahor se tudi pozanima pri svojih oz. strankinih privržencih, ali naj bi sam letos kandidiral za mesto predsednika države, ali naj ostane kot predsednik stranke in počaka na parlamentarne volitve, ko bi morda utegnil postati naslednji predsednik slovenske vlade. Kaj mu predlagajo, ni še popolnoma jasno, kajti je še vedno na delu. Trenutno je Lojze Peterle edini, ki zares kandidira za predsednika Slovenije in je njegov volilni štab zelo aktiven. Janez Drnovšek naj bi v zadnjem času spet rekel, da ja ne bo znova kandidiral, kar pa glede na njegova včasih čudna namigovanja, nima kaj dosti veljave. Bolj malo se pojavlja ime Drnovškove tekmovalke na zadnjih volitvah, Barbare Brezigar. Tako se lahko zgodi, da bodo predsedniške volitve letos jeseni med Lojzetom Peterletom in Borutom Pahorjem. V zvezi s Pahorjem, še to: na nedavno javno tribuno socialdemokratske stranke, je Pahor povabil zraven nekatere politike, ki so bili zapustili svoje prejšnje stranke ali Pa sploh niso oz. niso bili znani kot pristransko strankarski. Med temi so bili npr. Spomenka Hribar, prejšnji guverner Banke Slovenije Mitja Gaspari - mimogrede, Slovenija novega še nima - in nekdanji slovenski veleposlanik pri Združenih narodih dr. Danilo Turk - pa še bivši premier in predsednik LDS Anton Rop. Torej zbiranje vodilnih oseb iz leve opcije v Sloveniji. Še vedno praznovanje ob ustanovitvi “prve” slovenske vlade v Ajdovščini V soboto, 5. maja, je bila v Ajdovščini slavnostna seja občinskega sveta ob prazniku te občine Zgornje Vipavske doline. V vabilu za udeležbo, podpisal ga je župan Marjan Poljšak, je bilo zapisano, da bo seja potekala v dvorani tkim. prve slovenske vlade, ki je bila 5. maja 1945 ustanovljena v Ajdovščine. Zgodovinarji seveda dokumentirajo druge, prejšnje vlade tekom prejšnjega stoletja, tako da velja za tisto v Ajdovščini, da je pač bila prva vlada v okviru novega komunističnega režima v državi. Pred kratkim so v Sloveniji praznovali tudi Dan upora proti okupatorju (27. aprila) in Mednarodni praznika dela (1. maja). Oblast v Sloveniji, predstavlja jo seveda vlada pod vodstvom Janeza Janše, je priredila proslave, ki so bile skladne z njenim ocenjevanjem slovenske preteklosti, po katerem je bil osvobodilni boj med leti 1941-1945 sicer upeijen proti okupatorje, vendar tudi zlorabljen za uvedbo totalitarne oblasti in režima po vojni. Že takšna opredelitev s strani oblasti je močno užalila mnoge iz vrst “borcev”, ki še vedno zatrjujejo, da so se bojevali samo za osvoboditev in ne za komunistično partijo in revolucionarni režim, ki je nastal. Užaljenost je bila tako globoka, da so borci v nekaterih krajih organizirali lastna praznovanja za Dan upora. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Materinska proslava— Slov. šola pri M". Vnebo-vzeti ima materinsko proslavo to soboto, 19. maja, zv. ob 6.30 v župnijski dvorani. Javnost vabljena. Graduacija— Slov. šola pri sv. Vidu bo podelila diplome osmošolcem to nedeljo, 20. maja, pri polenajsti maši. Po maši bosta v farni dvorani sprejem in materinska proslava. Pobožnost— Slovesnost Marije Pomagaj z Brezij bo v sredo, 23. maja, zv. ob 7.30, pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. Vsi vabljeni. Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Vsi člani Kluba upokojencev Slov. pristave so vabljeni na sestanek v sredo, 23. maja, na SP. Tisti, ki morejo, naj pridejo zgodaj, da pomagajo Pristavo počistiti. (Gl. dopis na str. 12) Otvoritev nove dvorane— V soboto in nedeljo, 25. ~ in 26. maja, bo otvoritev Slovenske pristave za letošnjo sezono. V nedeljo bo začetek s sv. mašo ob 12. uri, sledil bo blagoslovitev Lauschetove dvorane, kosilo in kulturni program. Spored je v današnji številki. Pridite na ta veseli dogodek, najnovejši napredek naše skupnosti! Občni zbor— Jutri, v petek, zvečer bo letna seja Slovenskega doma za ostarele na Neff Rd. Seja bo v Laurichevi sobi zavetišča in bo registracija začela že ob 6. uri, sama seja pa ob 6.30. (Zadnjič je bila objavljena napačna ura.) Na seji bodo poleg poročil o preteklem letu tudi besede ! o bodočnosti ter volitve direktorjev. Seja je odprta javnosti, pravico do glasovanja imajo tisti, ki so v zadnjem letu darovali vsaj $25. Veleposlanik-maratonec— Ta konec tedna se bo v Clevelandu mudil slovenski veleposlanik v ZDA dr. Samuel Žbogar, ki bo poleg srečanj z rojaki sodeloval na dobrodelnem maratonu, ki bo v nedeljo. Okradena kipa nudena— Dva bronasta kipa, ki sta ju odnesli kriminalci iz madžarskega in slovaškega kulturnega vrta, sta bila vrnjena dokaj nepoškodovana. Bedasta kriminalca sta oba prodali nekomu, ki pač kupuje stare kovine za recikliranje, ta je potem obvestil policijo, sicer ko je njegov odvetnik vnaprej ugotovil, da ne bo nič kaznovan. Bedaka sta kupcu povedala, kako se pišeta, pa še naslova sta mu dala. Praznovanje 50. obletnice ustanovitve Slovenske gimnazije: 9. maja 1957 - Prvi dijaki začeli že septembra istega leta Dr. Teodor Dome: “Število slovenskih izobražencev /na Koroškem/ je postalo z ustanovitvijo Slovenske gimnazije iz desetletja v desetletje močnejše. S tem se je spremenila tudi struktura slovenske narodne skupnosti, veliko več Slovencev kot kdajkoli prej je dobilo možnost šolanja.” Do DANES JE OPRAVILO ZRELOSTNI IZPIT 1638 UČENK IN UČENCEV (818 DEKLET IN 820 FANTOV). Poslopje (zgoraj) Slovenske gimnazije je staro 30 let in ga bodo letos obnovili ter tudi razširili, ker primanjkuje učnih prostorov, saj je iz leta v leto več prijav. Nov grob Veronica M. Pestotnik Dne 14. maja je v Richmond Hts. bolnišnici umrla 77 let stara Veronica M. “Ronnie” Pestotnik, rojena Avsec 5. februarja 1930 v Clevelandu, zadnjih 14 let živeča na Willoughby Hillsu, pred tem v Euclidu, žena Alberta, mati Debre, Donne Troy, Allana in Thomasa, 8-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, sestra Bogdana in CarolAnn Janc, zaposlena do upokojitve kot pisarniška delavka pri Euclid Municipal Court, izredno aktivna na društvenem polju, tako članica SNPJ št. 5, KSKJ št. 25, AMLA št. 9, Kluba upokojencev na Holmes Ave., Kluba upokojencev pri fari Mariji Vnebov-zeti, ustanovna članica Radio kluba Tonyja Petkovška, United Slovenian Society in ustanovna članica Polka Hall of Fame. Pogreb bo jutri, v petek, v oskrbi Co-sicevega zavoda na Chardon Rd., s sv. mašo ob 10. uri v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pristavski upokojenci poročajo... CLEVELAND, O. - Kar ni za verjeti, da naš kljub ob-toja že 20 let. 17. maja 1987 je bil lep sončen dan in se je ta popoldan zbralo na Slovenski pristavi kar precej članov in članic SP. Lojze Mohar je predlagal zbranim, da bi se organiziral klub upokojencev, članov SP. Takoj se je prijavilo 18 članov. Danes je v našem klubu čez 200 članov, to kljub temu, da nam je smrt že iztrgala bližu 100 članov. V klubu smo doživeli veliko lepih in veselih ur. Od naših umrlih članov se vedno lepo poslovimo. Želja članov je, da dvajseto obletnico letos še posebno proslavimo. Kako in kaj bomo določili bomo pretehtali in se odločili na prihodnjem sestanku, ki bo v sredo, 23. maja, pop. ob 1.30 na Pristavi. Ker nam je na zadnjem sestanku dež preprečil, da bi počistili Pristavo, prosimo, da bi nekaj mlajših članov prišlo že zgodaj, da bi še pograbili listje, članice pa očistile kuhinjo in druge prostore, da bo vse lepo pripravljeno za blagoslovitev nove dvorane in za otvoritev Pristave za letošnjo sezono. Pri kapelici Marije Pomagaj na Orlovem vrhu se bomo zahvalili Bogu s kratko majniško pobožnostjo, nato nas bodo članice postregle z dobrim prigrizkom, balincarji bodo pa tudi gotovo prišli na svoj račun. Na svidenje na naši lepi Pristavi! Hvala vsem prostovoljnim delavcem, da so zgradili novo krasno dvorano na SP, ki bo v ponos vsej slovenski skupnosti v severovzhodnem Ohiu. Za odbor: Frank Urankar FRANK ŠEGA Cleveland, O. SPOMINSKI DAN Letos je uradno določen 28. maj kot dan spomina na vse naše rajne in še posebej za vse vojake, ki so darovali svoja življenja za svobodo ameriškega naroda. V veliko večjem obsegu velja to tudi za druge narode, kot npr. danes v Iraku in Afganistanu, kjer se ameriški vojak bojuje za svobodo in človeško dostojanstvo. Če se za trenutek zamislimo, kakšen bi bil dandanes svet, in še posebej evropski narodi, da ni Amerika fizično in materialno posebla v dve več kot tragični svetovni vojni, da ne govorimo o mnogih drugih svetovnih problemih. Na sto in sto tisoče večinoma mladih življenj je bilo darovanih v ta namen, in to v veliki meri izven severno ameriškega kontinenta. V tem je veličina ameriškega naroda, za kar pa prejema bore malo hvaležnosti. Prav je, da se ob Spominskem dnevu s hvaležnostjo v srcu poklonimo vsem, ki so žrtvovali svoja življenja, da bi mi preživeli uživali sadove njihovih žrtev, v prvi vrsti našo svobodo. Slovenski spominski dan! Mesec maj je za nas tiste, ki smo preživeli gorje druge svetovne vojne, ki smo preživeli Vetrinjsko tragedijo in izdajstvo naših “zaveznikov”, skratka preživeli naš slovenski “holokavst”, mesec žalostnih, tragičnih spominov. Dolga je že doba od časa, ko je brat komunist, poln sovraštva, masovno in brez razlike moril, mučil, ubijal dojenčke, ženske, starčke, invalide in vse, ki so se z orožjem postavili v bran za svobodo, ki so odklanjali popolnoma zgrešeno ideologijo, ki je bila polna laži in prevar komunistične partije, kateri je šlo samo za oblast in to tudi, če bi bilo treba žrtvovati polovico naroda. “Slovenija, svobodna sovjetska bodeš ti!” - to Je bila njih medvojna himna. In popolnoma se jim je posrečilo, s terorjem in pomočjo zaslepljenih zahodnih zaveznikov. OF ni bila nič drugega kot sredstvo partije za pridobitev popolne oblasti nad narodom in je 45 let izvajal teror nad poštenimi, vernimi in domovino ljubečimi rojaki. Samo misel, koliko bi bil naš slovenski narod pridobil v človeškem in materialnem oziru, če bi ne bilo komunističnega terorja med vojno in po njej, se sploh ne da izračunati. Vsi narodno zavedni rojaki, ki niso soglašali z dejanji in terorjem komunistične partije, so s tem postali v očeh partijcev “sovražniki” delavnega ljudstva in so v tisočih preživljali “rdeči raj in svobodo” v zaporu in na prisilnem delu. Vsako leto že od začetka 50ih let prireja Društvo slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev slovesnost v spomin vseh žrtev fašizma, nacizma in še posebej komunizma. Letos bo ta spominska sv. maša v nedeljo, 27. maja, ob 12. uri pri Lur-ški Materi božji na Char-don Rd. v Euclidu. Odbor lepo vabi rojake, rojakinje in še posebej narodne noše, ki zelo povzdignejo spominsko bogoslužje Popoldne ob 3.30 bodo na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardonu, O. molitve za vse naše pokojne, ki so našli svoj zadnji dom na tem pokopališču, kakor tudi za vse naše rajne rojake, ki so izgubili svoja življenja za dobrobit svojega bližnjega kjer koli na svetu. A VE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemontu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main St.. P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Letna naročnina Je za ZDA $20, izven ZDA pa.$25. S°n®l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Rodio Family EDMOAC SOC Pnpum Dinatr WQSB 19 JM RADKI IIOUK Suml«y »-10 mu Wednndiy (-7 pm 24USSoaH*diOii' le tisto kar čuti srce! Nekje v Tebi je bila bol, A zamahnil si z roko, Češ, zmagal bom, pa vendar Ni bilo tako. Odšel si brez besed, v naših srcih pustil grenko sled. Počivaj mirno in sladko, V cerkvi zate lučka gorela bo. Žalujoči: žena Metka sinovi: Frank ml., Edi in Toni hčerka: Kristina, z družinami Sorodniki: Toronto, Windsor, Slovenija. nje Italije, Avstrije in Slovenije. V Sloveniji je poleg ljubljanske stolnice in seme-niške knjižnice ustvarjal tudi v kapeli škofjeloškega gradu, v Cerknem in cerkvi sv. Marije Device Obršljanske v Komnu na Krasu, potem pa še v Gorici, Trstu, Gradcu, Salzburgu in Vidmu. V Ljubljani je bival v letih 1703 do 1706, ko je slikal strop stolnice, ter nato še v letih 1721 do 1724. Strop stolnične ladje oziroma freske na njem so bile štiri leta zakrite očem javnosti, saj je v tem času potekala zelo zahtevna restavracija velike poslikave. Zdaj sijejo v vsej svoji lepoti. Mogočno kupolo je mnogo kasneje, leta 1841, zgradil Matej Medved, po Quaglijevem zgledu pa jo je poslikal Matevž Languš. Vodnik po stolnici Ob tristoletnem jubileju, ki ga ljubljanska stolna cerkev letos praznuje, je založba Družina izdala bogato ilustriran umetnostni vodnik, ki bo obiskovalcem v besedi in sliki po daljšem času, odkar je leta 1973 izšel vodnik Majde Smole, znova predstavila njeno likovno in vsebinsko bogas- tvo. Tega je v ljubljanski stolnici res zelo veliko. Obiskovalec bo zdaj, z vodnikom v roki, lahko razumeval njegovo zgodovino, vsebno, sporočilnost in vrednost. Knjiga, ki je vrhunski izdelek umetnostne zgodovinarke dr. Ane Lavrič, ni samo posnetek že znanega, ampak prinaša tudi novosti, ki so sad prav v ta namen opravljenih raziskav pisnih virov in same stavbe. Na podlagi arhivskih dokumentov je avtorica osvetlila predvsem opremo stolnice, pri freskah pa se je trudila kar najbolj pravilno pojasniti njihovo vsebino, zlasti številne personifikacije. Vprašanje denacionalizacije GREEN BAY, Wis. -Pišem vam /tj. bralcem/ glede denacionalizacije. Vem, da vse ni urejeno in upam, da tisti, ki še niso dobili vse povrnjeno ali izplačano, naj pokličejo na mene: Bogomil Kranjec 920-490-7612. Upam, da se čimveč ljudi pokliče. Lepe pozdrave, Bogomil Kranjec pri katerih se je doslej pojavljalo več različnih, tudi zmotnih razlag. Dragocena dediščina Majda Smole je svoj prejšnji vodnik razdelila v dve poglavji, v zgodovinski pregled in vodnik po stolnici. Gledalca je vodila od prezbiterija do vhodnih vrat in mu sproti razložila vse, od fresk do opreme, nazadnje pa še zunanjščino. Dr. Ana Lavrič se je odločila za sistem, ki je v naši stroki običajnejši, saj obdeluje posamezne elemente tako, da niso preveč pretrgani. Obdržala je delitev na osnovni poglavji, torej na zgodovino in sam vodnik, nato je predstavila zunanjščino in šele potem stopila v notranjost cerkve. Tu je najprej obdelala poslikavo sten in obokov, ki je ključni element cerkve in terja skupno, celostno predstavitev. Nazadnje je obhod po cerkvi ponovila in skupno predstavila še opremo. Pri kapelah se ni držala posebej severne in posebej južne strani, ampak je vsakokrat predstavila obe vzporedno, saj so posamezni pari kapel tako slikarsko, še bolj pa po opremi tudi posebna 'DALJE na str. 14) Slovenski glasbeni muzej v Clevelandu praznuje 20 let Slovenska skupnost v Clevelandu letos prireja več slavnostnih In zabavnih dogodkov v počastitev 20. obletnice Slovenskega glasbenega muzeja oziroma Dvorane slavnih polk (Polka Hall of Farne), ki je bil ustanovljen leta 1987 v predmestju Clevelanda Eudidu. Cleveland - Vodstvo Polka fundacije je uradno objavilo urnik slovesnosti z vrhuncem 24. novembra, ko bodo podeljene vsakoletne nagrade najboljšim glasbenikom. Clevelandski oziroma slovenski slog polke Umetnik, pisatelj, filmar ter med drugim tudi član odbora Dvorane slavnih polke iz Clevelanda Joe Valenčič je sporočil, da je posebni slog polke, ki mu rečejo clevelandski oziroma slovenski, utemeljen na slovenski narodni glasbi z vplivi ameriške, kot so jazz, western in country. Ta glasbeni slog je zaživel v 40. letih prejšnjega stoletja in je v ZDA, kjer se mu posveča okrog 200 skupin, še vedno zelo priljubljen. Gre za edini slovenski muzej na svetu, ki je posvečen izključno glasbi Dvorana slavnih polke je edini slovenski muzej na svetu, ki je posvečen izključno glasbi in stoji v Clevelandu, kjer je tudi ameriški muzej oziroma Dvorana slavnih Rock and Rolla. Predsednica Dvorane slavnih polke Cecilia Dolgan je ob napovedi praznovanja obletnice dejala, da so muzej odprli pred dvajsetimi leti, ko je slavni kralj polke v ZDA Frankie Yankovic prvič dobil glasbeno narado grammy v kategoriji polke. V muzeju zbranih preko 3000 avdio posnetkov V muzeju je zbirka preko 3000 avdio posnetkov, vse od leta 1917, razstavljene so fotografije, originalni inštrumenti, med katerimi so tudi takšni, ki izvirajo iz 19. stoletja, na ogled so še portreti slavnih ustvarjalcev polke, ki se dopolnjujejo vsako leto na podlagi glasovanja 1500 članov. V dvorano slavnih sta med glasbeniki iz Slovenije uvrščena tudi Lojze Slak in Slavko Avsenik. Najstarejši še živeči nagrajenec je 98-letni Jack Zorc, ki je s svojo skupino začel igrati že leta 1927. Letna podelitev nagrad za najboljše dosežke na področju polke Vsako leto poteka tudi (DALJE na str. 15) STOLNICA... (nadaljevanje s str. 13) estetska in likovna enota, ki jo v takšnem zaporedju lahko bolje vidimo in globlje dojamemo. Pri obravnavi posameznih enot je želela ohraniti uravnoteženost v razlagi, vendar to ni bilo vedno mogoče, saj nam je o nekaterih stvareh več znanega kot o drugih. Ponekod se je želela z gledalci ustaviti tudi v kratki meditaciji pred podobo ali kipom, da bi tako poleg pustih podatkov vsaj malo oživila duha, da bi se zavedali, da stojimo v božjem svetišču, hkrati pa bi se zavedeli dragocenosti kulturne dediščine, ki jo predstavlja ljubljanska stolnica kot eden najpomembnejših spomenikov slovenskega baroka. Lepota in prijaznost Umetnostni vodnik po ljubljanski stolnici je nastal kot rezultat raziskovalnega dela v okviru Umetnostno-zgodovinskega inštituta Franceta Steleta Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Za estetski videz knjige, ki je pri umetnostnozgodovinskih publikacijah še posebno pomemben, sta mojstrsko poskrbela fotograf Marjan Smerke in oblikovalec Sine Kovič. Njuna razlaga je, da je knjiga lepa in prijazna. Njene strani polni nad dvesto odličnih barvnih fotografij, ki jih je oblikovalec spretno in z velikim strokovnim znanjem razmestil med besedilom. V. M. Demokracija, 12.IV.2007 V LJUBEČ SPOMIN 5. OBLETNICE SMRTI naše drage mame, stare mame, prastare mame PEPCA TOMINC umrla 17. maja 2002 V miru božjem Ti počivaj, draga, nepozabna nam, v nebesih večno srečo uživaj, v ljubezni božji vekomaj. Tvoji otroci: Frank (pok.), Martin, Marjanca Domanko, Ani Vidmar, Cilka Urbas, Jože z družinami ter sorodniki v Ameriki in Slovenci. V tovarni vozil Revoz v Novem mestu Začetek serijske proizvodnje novega “slovenskega” avtomobila Trst - V tovarni vozil Revoz v Novem mestu, ki Je hčerinska družba francoske avtomobilske industrije Renault, se je začela serijska proizvodnja novega modela avtomobila z imenom “Twingo”. Gre za eno najbolj prepoznavnih novih vozil francoske družbe, ki je bilo predstavljeno tudi na nedavnem avtomobilskem sejmu v Ženevi. Odločitev za proizvodnjo v Revozu je bila verjetno sprejeta tudi zato, ker v novomeški tovarni izdelujejo tudi avtomobile znamke Clio II., ki se v svojem razredu uvrščajo med tri najboljše avtomobile francoske avtomobilske industrije Renault. V Revozu sedaj izdelujejo okrog 700 vozil modelov Twingo in Clio II. dnevno. Do tega meseca maja naj bi proizvodnja narasla na okrog 900 vozil obeh modelov na dan. Naraščanje proizvodnje najbolj ovira pomanjkanje delavcev. Poleg sedanjih več kot 2.700 zaposlenih bi v tovarni Revoz radi zaposlili še vsaj 300 novih delavcev. Pridobivajo jih po vsej Sloveniji. NOVI GLAS, 26. IV. 2007 NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z žalostnim srcem naznanjam vsem prijateljem in znancem, da nas je zapustila moja sestra Tončka in odšla k Bogu. Tončka Cigale Tončka Cigale je bila rojena 14. januarja 1914 v Novem Svetu, Slovenija. Več let je bila zaposlena v Italiji. Njena zadnja zaposlitev pred upokojitvijo je bila pri hotelu Sheraton v Washingtonu, D.C. Umrla je v Clevelandu 28. novembra 2006 in je pokopana na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardonu, Ohio. Velika zahvala g. župniku Janezu Kumšetu za njegove obiske Tončke v domu onemoglih, za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu ter za pogrebne obrede v cerkvi in na pokopališču, pa še za vse tolažilne besede meni. Iskrena hvala nosilcem krste in pevcem v cerkvi ter mojim dobrim prijateljem, ki so mi stali ob strani v tem žalostnem času. Zahvala gre tudi vsem darovalcem cvetja in denarnih daril, katera so bila zelo upoštevana. Žalujoča: ŠTEFKA CIGALE Pobuda za postavitev Plečnikovega parlamenta Trst - Konferenca za Republiko Slovenijo Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa naslavlja na slovensko državo in na vse Slovence pobudo, da se v letu, ki je razglašeno za Plečnikovo, pristopi k postavitvi Plečnikovega parlamenta - Doma slovenske državnosti. Predlogi za postavitev palače, ki jo je Jože Plečnik imenoval slovenska Katedrala svobode, so se v preteklosti že pojavljali, toda v Plečnikovem letu, posvečenem petdesetletnici arhitektove smrti, ima pobuda poseben smisel, upravičenost in utemeljenost. Slovenci smo se pred šestnajstimi leti odločili, da podobo Plečnikovega parlamenta natisnemo na svojo prvo poštno znamko, pred enim letom pa smo se odločili, da jo vtisnemo še na svoj novi denar, ki bo krožil po celi Evropi in svetu. Poleg knežjega kamna se Je rešilno sicer neobstoječi Plečnikov parlament potemtakem že uveljavil kot eden ključnih slovenskih narodnih sim- bolov. Zdaj moramo zbrati pogum, da zamisel, ki nas že kot podoba navdaja s tolikšnim ponosom, tudi zares uresničimo. Plečnik je bil žlahtni genij slovenske stavbarske umetnosti. Bil je človek silne intuicije; čutil je, kaj na materialni ravni potrebujemo Slovenci za dvig naše skromne politične samozavesti. Po koncu druge svetovne vojne je zasnoval politični tempelj, ki naj bi v višave dvignil slovenskega nacionalnega duha. A čas takšnim vizijam ni bil naklonjen. Plečnikov parlament je ostal samo ideja. Ko je bila v Parizu postavljena reprezentativna Plečnikova razstava, je pomanjšana Katedrala svobode sicer zavzela častno in osrednje mesto te prestižne predstavitve, toda to je tudi največ, kar je bilo v tem pogledu storjenega. In vendar, če sta nas že podoba in skromna maketa navdali s tolikšnim zadoščenjem, kolik- V ljubeč spomin naše ljube žene, mame in stare mame Štirinajsta obletnica EMMA GRK ROJ. POLES Preselila se je v večnost 2. junija 1993. $Pomin na Te je naš zaklad, SaJ vsak izmed nas Te imel je rad; Pri Bogu zdaj se veseliš, ° v srcih naših Ti liviš! ^jujoči ostali; Stanley — mož Emma — hčerka Johnny — sin Jesse in Jonas — vnuka Jurija Poles — mama Silva Božič, sestra, z družino Mirko, brat, z družino ter ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki, Sloveniji, in Kanadi Willoughby- HHIs, 0.,l7. maja" 2007.' Muzej glasbe (nadaljevanje s str. 14) podelitev nagrad za najboljše dosežke na področju polke. Letos bo to 24. novembra na gala prireditvi s plesom v hotelu Marriott v Clevelandu. Dolgoletni voditelj slovenskega radia v Clevelandu, Tony Petkovšek je dejal, da se ponavadi zbere okrog 5000 ljudi. Sicer pa bodo v tem letu potekale različne druge prireditve v čast 20. obletnice Dvorane slavnih polke s koncerti, razstavami in drugimi prireditvami. Med njimi bo že četrtič po vrsti Festival kranjskih klobas, in sicer na farmi Slovenske narodne podporne jednote (SNPJ) 15. septembra v Kirtlandu v državi Ohio. Članek ima podpis Joe Valenčiča iz Clevelanda, izšel Je v aprilski številki revije “Moja Slovenija" iz Ljubljane. Ur. AD , PrijatePs Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 S«. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA | ‘ZARAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR | THE AGED PRESCRIPTIONS | Posvetitev nove dvorane na Slovenski pristavi Odbor Slovenske pristave daje v znanje vsem Slovencem v Clevelandu in okolici, da bo slovesno odprtje nove dvorane za Spominski dan (Memorial Day) konec tedna. V soboto zvečer, 26. maja, se bo začela veselica po 5. uri popoldne. Kupili si boste lahko večerjo s čevapčiči, na razpolago bodo tudi druge običajne jedi. V nedeljo, 27. maja, bo slovesno odprtje, spored je sledeč: Sv. maša ob 12. uri v kapelici Posvetitev in blagoslov nove dvorane Kosilo (nakaznice samo v predprodaji) Kulturni program - sodelujejo: » Fantje na vasi, Korotan, Kres, Slavko Teskač in Pristavski muzikantje, dekliški kvartet Melodija, in pevci Mladi fantje Po programu nam bo za ples in zabavo igral ansambel Staneta Mejača. Za nakaznice za kosilo, pokličite Heleno Perčič na tel. 216-732-8082 šno zadoščenje in kakšno občutje bi nas obhajalo šele tedaj, če bi temu spomeniku, ne mrtvemu spomeniku, živemu Domu slovenske državnosti, lahko zares zrli v njegovo monumentalno lice. Namesto če bi zrli, recimo raje, ko bomo zrli, kajti Katedralo svobode je potrebno postaviti in Slovenci imamo toliko moči ter volje, da jo bomo tudi zares postavili! Ko gre za stvari, ki so resnično vsenacionalnega in neminljivega pomena, namreč znamo stopiti skupaj, zmoremo združiti moči in realizirati tudi tisto, kar je na videz ne-uresnišljivo. Potrebujemo le pravo in dovolj utemeljeno spodbudo. Slovenska politika je tačas, razumljivo, polno zaposlena s pripravami na polletno samostojno vodenje ogromnega evropskega sodržavja. Za malo Slovenijo je to pač orjaški projekt, ki zahteva večino njene moči in energije. Zato politiki ni mogoče zameriti, da je spregledala nujo, da se v Plečnikovem letu naposled pristopi h gradnji. Odgovornost, povezano s svojim poslanstvom, zato prevzema Svetovni slo- venski kongres. Daje pobudo in se obenem zavezuje, da ne bo odnehal, predno ne bodo slovenska javnost, politika, gospodarstvo in kultura uvideli globok pomen in smisel postavitve Doma slovenske državnosti. Plečnikova Katedrala svobode bo postala razpoznavni znak Slovenije in to arhitekturno mojstrovino si bodo prihajali ogledovat z vseh koncev sveta. Katedrala svobode, katere stožčasti stolp bo združevalna os, omphalos, axis mundi slovenskega svetovja, mora stati sredi naše prestolnice Ljubljane. Vse stare kulture in tradicije, ki so zaznale ter razumele arhetipsko potrebo po določitvi osi oziroma popka svojega sveta, so ga materializirale v obliki približnega ali popolnega stožca in umestile v osredje svojega kulturnega prostora. Plečnikova arhitekturna zamisel poleg fasci-nantne monumentalnosti in funkcionalnosti torej vsebuje tudi prvobitni civilizacijski vzorec. Je tisto, kar lahko združi Slovence, kar lahko njihove razpršene energije poveže v ustvarjalni red. Razvoj je fenomen cikličnega značaja. Vrača se v izhodiščno točko, vendar na višjem nivoju. Slovenci smo po osamosvojitvi razvojni krog izčrpali in zaključili. Čas je za nov začetek. Konferenca za Republiko Slovenijo Svetovnega slovenskega konngres -_____ '($&/ has a Rnal Expense Plan M we could afford! The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense Insurance end level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. 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