ry, X); j- Čič lik 100 in 1/, sA ik- »■ 30; iti- jV- šič 0 tet Jo- Le- ina po za $ 0. na bili 'in- bili re- ns f sti- lna za- n« )o- aj- pa ffla , V? ita ll |0 |H! i/ laf- J-ef Wot 7/?e L/ght Of Freedom Be Extinguished! LtiZ-,ozzz ^ T oh asnQHiHnoo iM ox LX ^ q6l3£0 XfCMXfAXfHX AMERICi.ra HOME Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER ' ng in Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 American-Slovenians Vol. 99 _ No 49 ,(USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 ISSN Number 0164-68X 60C Rededicating St. Cyril’s Church in New York City piking through the east >l!age in lower Manhattan on I Sunday, November 10, accidental travelers were surprised to see so many cars and people in front of a town °use. A big party on Sun-ay at 1] o’clock in the utorning! That would proba-y be too much even for evv ^ork, the city which Proverbially never sleeps. However, there was a T?rty- actually a big party. e red town house was the 0Venian parish of St. Cyril ijnc* the parishioners had J°ngst them the Slovenian etropolitan and Arch-ls op 0f Ljubljana, Dr. Franc Rode. Little churches and chi s as well as big cathedr "'ays were for Slovenu places where they could fi ^ace and home. Ma .Lilians in Cleveia ^|l0'v that fact and sev o °Venian parishes whi la'rf6 existed in the Clei tio area confirmed that r j n- ^ similar situation v a niost every place wh( 0venians came “s tret ^ za kruhom.” low*1 ^CVV York City in ^ ^anLattan, precis( an ^ Mark’s Place, Slovei sell °Und 3 home for thei PariS ;and established 111 the heart of Mt Parj3!!- ^bere were so ma Up / 10ners tbat at one tir essa° three Priests were nt s°ui^ to taLe care of all t Parian As tlme Passed- sor Ced0^! died’ SOr en0u and one priest w Pari«,L to take care of t ‘sh needs. had .parish of St- ■mportant role d Rr t . Ule \X; iaui rule G Slovel 0t Independen v'rtuai wben it becarr Sloven nformati°n Cen and th 'a' Rec°gnizing 'UNewY®^ for slove faciijti 0rL t0 have mi enerep?S' tbe tireless Zol0g lc Pastor, Fathei started Clmerman, ( ration 3 much-needed i church . !be house an "Urok . UUUS( SPnday t.fter Mass VationyA,hls ywr, »n "ith a the church VatiQ H a --------------.v, v°kin!> sPec'al blessi the guidance the living quarters, together with a general “face lift” of the building, it looked like a generally simple task. When the work started, it was clear that just a “simple” restoration was out of the question. The old building needed a thorough restoration; new walls, floors, and ceilings were installed throughout the building, as well as new plumbing, electricity, and a new roof. New central heating and air conditioning units were installed. The church itself has a new ceiling, roof, lighting, altar and tabernacle. The original baptismal font has been restored and placed back into the church. Local parishioners and associates contributed their time and talents to create the beautifully renovated church. Fortunately, the Slovenian government donated over $300,000 for the project, so the major work was essentially completed and Archbishop Rode was invited to dedicate the renovated building. The work that was completed under Fr. Krizolog’s pastorate is tremendous. Whoever visited the building before restoration can hardly believe what they now see. As Archbishop Rode said in a television interview, “My first impression about the church is extremely positive. I have to praise Fr. Krizolog. Using his talents and enthusiasm he was able to renovate this church. Everybody likes the church. It is really something beautiful and Slovenians will use this spiritual and cultural center with joy and pride.” All the work in the building was done according to the plans designed by architect Edmondo Lacroze and Peter Rolih. The renowned Slovenian artist Bogdan Grom made the stations of the Cross, the statues of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony of Padua and two chandeliers. For the celebration, the Slovenian parish community prepared a program of festivities over the entire weekend. On Saturday, the sympo- sium of the American-Slovenian Congress was held at Columbia University with the participation of Silvester Lango, Tomaž Šalamun, Hilarij Rolih, Bogdan Grom and Stephen Antalich. Mass on the following Sunday, which started at 11:00 a.m., was the crown of the work and sacrifice of the entire Slovenian community in New York. The church choir joined with Vasovalci, a choir which had come from the parish of Ljubljana-Vic especially for this occasion. After the solemn blessing of the church and new altar, Archbishop Rode, in his homily, emphasized: “The task of this house is to gather all the people of good will; for all Slovenians with pride and sensitivity in their roots, to live out our rich cultural heritage. It should be their home.” At the end of the Mass a special ritual was celebrated the blessing and crowning of a copy of the miraculous picture “Brezjanske Marije” which was donated by the Slovenian artist Joze Vod-land. The crowns which adorned the painting are the talented work and gift of Mr. Anton Babnik. Its impressive frame is a gift from the Franciscan convent of Brezje and was made by the famous Slovenian architect Jozef Plečnik for the original picture. The frame is decorated with polished stones collected from various parts of Slovenia. This frame will again work for its original purpose, guarding the image of “Brezjanska Marija Pomagaj.” And it symbolizes the presence of all Slovenians in the New York metropolitan area. With the solemnity concluded in the church hall, everyone was invited to a catered buffet lunch with wonderful homemade pastries baked by the faithful ladies of the parish and washed down with good Slovenian wine. To Father Krizolog, we offer our heartiest congratulations and good wishes for the future. -Rev. Jože Černe The old church ceiling. The renovated St. Cyril Church Archbishop Dr. Franc Rode greets guests. Brezjanska Marija painting (Photos by Mr. and Mrs. David Kushner) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11 1 997 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec During the hustle and bustle of the holidays how would you like to receive a message on your computer stating an earthquake has just occurred in the New Madrid Fault near Las Vegas, Nevada resulting in 2,775 fatalities, 14,918 minor trauma victims and 55,250 people are without shelter, all power lines are down, and it will take 24 hours before help can arrive? Shortly thereafter another message arrives indicating Marked Tree, Arkansas was also hit by an earthquake as well as Memphis, Tenn., with 1,875 fatalities. All power is knocked out. Bob Mills, the knowledgeable person who handles MARS (Military Affiliate Radio Service) data system in Ohio, received just such a message last week. It was the scenario for an emergency exercise called “Rolling Thunder 97.” All amateur radio operators who are part of the MARS network took part, relaying messages back and forth with HAMS in the effected area using only emergency power such as gasoline-driven generators, or mobile radios in automobiles. The report they received said bridges were destroyed, airports knocked out, railroads wrecked, and ships unable to dock in ports. All sewage treatment plants were destroyed, fires raged, and displaced persons were in the tens of thousands. This test was to provide emergency information from Washington, and coordinate rescue efforts, as well as provide communications between federal v,and local agencies. The exercise lasted from Dec. 3 until Sunday night, Dec. 7. It is good to know that while most of us at this time of year are pondering our gift-giving probabilities, there are those vigilantly working to ensure the vulnerability of our nation is monitored, evaluated, and protected. Especially now, it is often easy to forget that at all times there are people working around the clock in hospitals, keeping our roads clear, working in stores, old-age homes, air transportation services, police and firemen, military personnel who safeguard us from outside intrusion, natural disaster, and protect our health and safety. As we think of our family’s welfare, they are thinking of everyone in America's welfare. Thanks to our safety forces and service providers for always being there. * A couple of months ago I received a 4-page letter from the Harris Survey people asking about the service of the Post Office. There was not space for my name and address on the questionnaire, so I assumed it was sent at random. Shows, how little we know. I put the inquiry aside. Two weeks later I received a second letter from Harris asking why I hadn’t responded. Anyhow, because we had good delivery of this paper for over 6 months in a row, I answered: “The Cleveland Post Office is greatly improved, but the mail going through the Chicago Post Office is terrible.” I sent in the completed form. Two weeks later there was a big story on the front page of the local newspaper saying a survey of the Cleveland Post Office shows their service is extremely enhanced, while improvement is needed in Illinois. So there you have it; shows how a simple input can in fact carry a lot of weight. * While shopping more often during this season I often end up with a large amount of pennies in my pockets which tend to weigh upon my troUSers and bring them down a little bit more than is my custom'level. The kids think I’m in their style league, but I’m not, it’s just the pennies. Question: Why do we still have pennies? Answer: Taxes. Pennies are useless. You have to collect a lot of them to amount to anything worthwhile. Then you have to wrap them, and again the wrapped pennies tend to pull the pants down. You go in a store and there is a little ashtray there with a sign, “Have a penny, put it in here. Need a penny, take one.” So you can see, we don’t want them. People even give them away. If you buy something for a dollar. It’s a dollar and seven cents with tax. You have a million pennies piled up at home but when going to the store, you don’t take them because of their bulkiness. What happens? You don’t have exactly $1.07. So you give two dollars, or maybe a $5 or $10, or $20 and cause everybody else in line behind you to start stomping their feet and throw you murderous stares while the clerk is fuming because she has to call the supervisor over to bring some rolls of pennies, which 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS try JoHn IVIercina » n:'1! WISHING FOR AREAL CHRISTMAS MIRACLE ! CHRISTMAS ,b 1997 “JACK” is real. He is a street person who currently lives and sleeps out of a car, supporting himself by doing small, odd jobs. A few short years ago, life was different for Jack. Raised in a family that had a business and money, Jack systematically stole from them, resulting in being disowned by the family in lieu of being charged with a crime. He hit the bottle and begged for money and food for many years. Five weeks ago, Jack visited a church for the first time in years. He continues to drink and is struggling to get on the straight and narrow path. Yours truly volunteered to talk to Jack's family and ask that Jack be given a chance to redeem himself. Jack is hoping for a miracle. Mav the Miracle of Christmas be with Jack and with AH of You ! causes further delays. When the pennies arrive, the clerks never simply open them. Oh no, sir. They bang them against the register drawer causing some to go flying in the air and landing all around the store, while creating further havoc. And what do you do with the pennies in the change? They end up either at the counter ashtray, where they caused all the trouble in the first place, or else in the shoe box at home where they are never counted and taken to the bank which doesn’t like to accept them anyhow because they make you put your name, address, account number, pin number, and social security number on each penny wrapper which discourages you from properly disposing of them. So they just sit there rotting and being of no use to civilized society. And all this because the government wants your lousy two cents which you already paid taxes on when you got your paycheck. But do they really want your pennies'? Yes and No. Yes they want the MONEY. But no, they don’t want the pennies. If the store paid the government the 10,000 pen- nies they so grudgingly collected from disgruntled customers, the government would reject them. It has to be paid by check. No pennies allowed. So there you are. Go figure. I just go along with the system because I know if I don’t pay the penny, buzzers will sound, detectives will arrive and I’ll be carted off to jail. And this being the season of good cheer. So when you hear the song, “It’s raining pennies from heaven,” don’t you believe it. The pennies are from the other place. And even if it did rain pennies, nobody would bother to pick them up anyhow. They’d simply clog our sewers causing further problems. * Last week, a wonderful customer brought us a box of flancate from Nosan’s bakery. We all were delighted and began eating it. Pretty soon no matter what we were wearing, everyone was dressed in white spotted clothes. It was from the powder on the flancete. The question was asked, “How can you eat the delicacy without getting the powder all over your clothes?” One person judiciously suggested eating it in the bathtub. Another said10 wear a white shirt and tie so you won’t notice confection. Another said eat it outside during a storm. Someone suggeste using a bib. Well, I have the soluh°n Grab a piece of flancatj delicately take a bite afl simply ignore the crumb5 At this time I 'v'5*1. . thank the St. Vitus Sloven’. e School’s St. Nicholas f°r ^ wonderful box of cookie5^ gave to Madeline, and ^ lovely stick he presente ^ me on Tuesday through ^ emissary Stane Kuhar-just what I have a1^ wanted. Too bad .eS weren’t some blueberr attached. It is Christmas & the and tision, Yule-log fireS en frocks; . It is Christmas 'n ^ tage, Mother’s fillin8 socks. the It is Christmas hway, . bUsy In the throngmg> rt; truest But the dearest, ristmas is the he heart. Take a Brief Vacation By Patricia Coil Euclid Travel Take a brief vacation” is the theme of the newest window display at Euclid Travel, 22078 Lake Shore lvd., Euclid, Ohio. Recent studies by the travel industry ■ndicate that more and more Pe°ple like Marybeth and eith Carroll are taking sev-eral short vacations each |®ar, instead of one long The Carrolls contacted ~0nna Lucas of Euclid ravel and asked her if she Plan a short vacation ^ them that would not be expensive, would not art until Friday evening, n would have to be taken e 0re Marybeth’s chemo-erapy treatments began in ree weeks. Typically aUc‘d Travel was able to CC°mPlish all these things. ecause they could not j aVe on a Thursday, a three ay cruise was ruled out. estinations across the c°untry WoUid have taken up niuch of their weekend, her destinations were dis-Jarded, because they would Jave been too expensive. "WaS researched Florida e G°Go Tours offered ^ actly what was needed for Th ^er^ect brief vacation.” 6 tour package included _ Und-trip air to Orlando, ree nights at the Holiday Tikki Bird (outside *ney ^orld), a rental car dis Un*'m'ted mileage, and c°unt coupons for the Orlando area. 'and '-u 7Cr11S left Cleve‘ arrivl 7' 5 p‘m- Fnday and Pm 1ln 0rlando at 9:30 Pick' ^ *lad no Pr°blem and Up dle'r renta' car man ''frC Provided with a uSed dle area, which they Why10 0,1(1 the Tikki Bird, tel with? a large resort ho' Pool _outdoor swimming ful|s’ Gdldren’s play area, sll0 ervlce restaurant, coffee bus ’ gl° shop, and shuttle attraServlce to surrounding furni„|l°ns' Their room was friSeratodr ^ 3 Smal1 re-ar|do re ’ micr°wave oven ^jOtfee maker. disCQvey 'Vere surprised to camerar, tllat a disposable to t|1e-r lad been delivered shop room trom the gift ^hlily3! Present from their hiitil th lWasn’t discovered Platie »h arrolls were on the ^toff 'n a11 tlle excite- ^e'th h ®av'n8 for Orlando, Cahtera u i •*e° tlle family htonts w6^ So arrange- P*1°ne made over the era °n th - 60110 get a cam-the*r arrival. Saturday morning they took the free shuttle to Ep-cot. The shuttle also went to the Magic Kingdom, MGM, and Universal Studios. “The plus part of the shuttle,” said Keith, “was not getting lost and not paying the $5 parking fee.” Marybeth said, “The minus part was the long walk from the shuttle to the main gate.” Since their time was limited, they decided that Epcot would be the most interesting place since they had both visited the Magic Kingdom in the past. It cost $39.00 apiece for a one-day ticket to Epcot. The first thing they did was ride Starship Earth, which was located inside the Epcot signature silver ball. This attraction used anima-tronics and a huge movie screen to tell the history of communication from cave man’s pictographs to computers. The ride took about 20 minutes. Next stop for the Carrolls was Inoventions, an attraction filled with computer games, virtual reality, and all types of hands-on exhibits. “People would help you if you had trouble working the equipment. Kids would love it, because they don’t need direction to run these things,” said Marybeth. Visitors who wanted to take a virtual reality trip through St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome could pick up a virtual reality helmet at the Motorola booth. “The advantage of going in the fall was that the lines were short, we never had to wait more than 20 minutes for any ride,” said Marybeth. Instead of taking the boat, they walked over to the World Showcase where they spent the rest of the day. Each country’s exhibit was staffed with people from that country and name tags indicated exactly where they were from. Outside each country a menu was posted and people were there to take dinner reservations. All of the countries had some kind of video telling about that country and some even had rides. “This is also a great place for shopping and eating, but might be boring for younger children,’ said Marybeth. “We started with Canada then went to Great Britain, where we sat in a little pub and had an opportunity to sample different kids of English beer. The American showcase was the favorite of my husband, because you could have your picture taken with a Disney charac- ter. He had his taken with Minnie Mouse, mainly because the line was shorter than for Mickey Mouse or Goofy, or Chip-n-Dale. You bring your own camera, so there is no extra charge for this. Kids can get autographs of the Disney characters as well as having their pictures taken,” said Marybeth. “Mexico featured a great Aztec pyramid with a restaurant and street vendors inside. There were artifacts to look at and a ride-telling story of Mexico. China was filled with young Chinese acrobats, who performed balancing acts. Morocco had a Casbah, which looked exactly like the picture you see in travel books,” said Marybeth. In the German exhibit, Keith sampled the beer. They could have tried the German wines for $2.25 including the shot glass. The exhibit included a display of hand-blown glass Christmas ornaments. Visitors could have name or initials engraved on glasses. If you were staying on the grounds your purchases would be delivered to your hotel or the front gate for pick up later. After looking at many menus they decided to have dinner in Norway. They both enjoyed hearing the Norwegian band and drinking the Norwegian beer. After dinner, they wandered around and finished the circuit around the lagoon. They looked at the outside of the new test track ride and wished it was open, because it looked like fun, said Marybeth. Then they went to the World of Energy and saw the Energy Show, which was a ride as well as a movie. The fireworks, laser show, and music started at 9 p.m. and lasted about 20 to 25 minutes. “It was spectacular. We were standing where we could look across the lagoon to the World Showcase and see all the buildings outlined in lights that would flash in sequence,” said Keith.' Sunday morning they slept in and then drove to Daytona Beach, which was about an hour away. They stopped at the Daytona International Speedway, where for $ 12 they toured the track and Daytona USA (a museum about auto racing in Daytona) for two hours. At the attraction there was also the Ford 16 second Pit Stop Challenge, where people could actually be part of the pit crew. The Carrolls felt that they would have liked to have had more time there. Marybeth remarked after seeing the track that “from TV you just can’t see how steeply banked those corners really are.” As far as Keith was concerned driving on Daytona Beach was the highlight of this vacation. It only cost $5 to drive the 10 mile stretch of beach, where they were able to park and enjoy the beach. Monday morning they flew back to Cleveland after a whirlwind 3 day brief vacation. Marybeth said, “It was a wonderful and carefree vacation, all the planning was done for us, and all we had to do was enjoy it and we certainly did.” If you want to get away for a brief vacation, call (216) 261-1050 and talk to the friendly people at Euclid Travel. Happy Holidays! □ EUCLID TRAVEL. -* 22078 Lake Shore Blvd, Euclid, Ohio Expand your horizons call Euclid Travel Donna - Hallie - Mary - Rose Marilyn - Creighton - Mark Kathy - Helen - Pat —Donna Lucas, Owner (216) 261-1050 1-800-659-2662 MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS ijiNagp EUCLID SI. ® DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS 4Wheel a front wheel drives COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE FRONT END ALIGNMENT ••JTOMOnv* SfRvtri '“V'-ri i rNrr CO SERVICE approved AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Joe Zigman, owner AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11,1 997 4 St. Nicholas: A Holiday Tradition in Slovenia By Tom Celestina LJUBLJANA — Two aspects of Christmas I find most enjoyable in Slovenia are the traditions and customs attributed to St. Nicholas Day, or Sveti Miklavž, and the nativity scene, or jaslice. Although both traditions are universally a part of the Christian practice of celebrating Christmas, how a particular culture celebrates these traditions can vary considerably depending on the customs that have developed over time. Sveti Miklavž, for example, is more recognizable among children in Slovenia, while Santa Claus is more well-known in the United States. My earliest recollection of celebrating Sveti Miklavž dates back to my school days at St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School. Each year we would perform a special program of song, dance and story-telling for our parents. At the end of the program, Sveti Miklavž would somehow magically appear bringing gifts of toys, chocolates, cookies and nuts. Although I was not totally surprised to learn that this tradition is celebrated in Slovenia, I was, however, surprised by the immense popularity of Sveti Miklavž even among non-practicing Catholics. In every town or village, this holiday is celebrated in the same traditional fashion as 1 remember when I was a kid. I had the opportunity to witness two such celebrations, one in Ljubljana and the other in Šmartno, a small village in the outskirts of Ljubljana. In Ljubljana, each year a large crowd gathers at Tro-mostovje (three bridges) in the center of town and along both sides of the banks of the Ljubljana river. Since it is evening, hundreds of lighted candles are placed on the river to slowly float down to the city center as a prelude to Sveti Miklavž’s anticipated arrival. However, prior to his arrival, children are taught a symbolic lesson of good and evil and are introduced to the concept of the devil who parades among the parents while scaring the children. At the appointed hour, Sveti Miklavž appears, standing on the decks of a decorative boat on the Ljubljana river accompanied by his angels. Once reaching Tromostovje, he disembarks from the boat and slowly makes his way through the crowd bestowing his blessings and goodwill. Eventually, Sveti Miklavž walks to the old part of the town underneath the Ljubljanska grad to distribute gifts to the children. My second “sighting” of Sveti Miklavž was in Šmartno, a small, closely-knit community near Ljubljana. Similar to the Sveti Miklavž program at St. Mary’s, the locals gather in a small parish hall. The children sing Christmas songs that were taught by the pastor during their evening parochial classes. Then some of the younger adults performed a humorous skit which the parents thoroughly enjoy. At the conclusion of the program, Sveti Miklavž appears bearing gifts for the children (but nothing like the BIG packages I remember seeing at St. Mary’s). Sveti Miklavž calls the children to the stage, and one-by-one, the children make their way onto the stage to receive their gift and a kind word or advice. Occasionally, some of the real young children are more wide-eyed and apprehensive, which often requires the guidance of a protecting parent. Others, however, managed to muster enough courage to quickly grab their gift and made a speedy retreat. Sound familiar? Another holiday treat I find special to Slovenia is the particular care and attention given to the jaslice or nativity scene. In almost every house I visited, the jaslice is proudly displayed like some priceless piece work of art that has been in the family for generations. Some of the jaslices were truly incredible with a large sort of carefully placed figurines, model-type buildings with working interior lights, and the use of real moss and pine branches. In many homes, the actual building and organizing of the jaslice is considered a family project which is clearly reflected in the masterpieces that are created. Perhaps the most well-known jaslice is in Ljubljana at the Franciscan Church at Prešernova trgu. The immense size of this Bethlehem re-creation is a real Christmas treasure. This jaslice has rolling hills with pine trees, a mini mill-wheel waterfalls that empties into a small pool filled with live fish, large stone-like buildings with working interior lights, and, of course, the traditional kozolec (haystack). Miklauz prtijaja! When viewing the entire jaslice in the silence of the church, one can genuinely appreciate the true essence of Christmas which we sometimes forget in the typical rush of the holiday season. Fortunately, traditions such as the jaslice and Sveti Miklavž have been passed down always enriching our Christmas spirit. A.H. Printing Dates The American Home newspaper will be printed on Thursday, Dec. 18 and Monday, Dec. 22. There will be no paper published on January 1 because of the holidays. The first paper of the new year will be printed on Thursday, January 8. Donations Thanks to the following persons for their generous donations to the American Home newspaper: John C. Turek, Euclid, Ohio - $10.00 A. J. Pogachar, Lorain, Ohio — $5.00 Frank Hren, Richmond Heights, Ohio — $15.00 Jože Škulj, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $15.00 Victor Tominec, Richmond* Heights, Ohio — $10.00 Vladimir Pregelj, Washington, D.C. — $10.00 Eugene Lipic, Studio City, Calif. - $10.00 Drago Udovich, Wickliffe, OH - $5.00 Bogomir Chokel, Temple Hills, MD-$10.00 John Hainrihar, Richmond Hts., OH — $10.00 John Klopcic, Parma, Ohio -$10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pivik, Middleburg Hts., OH — $10.00 Ivan Celar, Ajax, Ont., Canada — $15.00 Joseph Penko, Willoughby Hills, Ohio $10.00 Rose Poprik, Cleveland, Ohio - $5.00 Walter Smrekar, Richmond Heights, Ohio — $5.00 | The Perfect Christmas Gift j i A gift subscription to the American Home Newspaper is, ! the perfect present that will last the entire year. Your recipi-i ent will think of your thoughtfulness each time the paper ar-| rives. Besides that, you will be supporting the only independent! Slovenian newspaper while insuring your wonderful Slove-1 nian heritage will be perpetuated. And we’ll send a card to the new subscriber telling of) your informative gift. Subscriptions are $30 a year. Mail to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland,! OH 44103 Name Address City, State, Zip: Your name Address........ City, State, Zip MIMIMRlXntXOXMlIMUMIJimaSDMMl: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ’SIMS BROS. BUICKj INC. “The American-Slovenian Buick Dealers” 21601 EUCLID AVENUE Euclid, Ohio 44117 481-8800 Charles J. Sims — President SIMS MOS. SUKK INC 21601 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44117 Bus. Phone 481-8000 1 -800-688 -SI MS OHIO’S LARGEST INVESTMENT FIRM IS RIGHT HERE IN LAKE COUNTY For Retirement Planning and Asset Management Services for individuals and businesses, call 943-8210 or 800/377-2268 Steve Koren or Sharon Krnc Koren McDonald &COMPANY 1 NVESTMENTS McDonald & Company Securities 2550 SOM Center Road • Willoughby HiU8 www.mcdonaldinvest.com Member NASA Member NYSE Member SIPC Chicago’s Mysterious Santa When it comes to Salvation Army donation kettles, somebody in Chicago sets 'he gold standard. But who? Virtually every Christmas since 1982, an anonymous donor has dropped one or more gold coins in one of the 450 red kettles that dot the Windy City’s street corners and malls. Last year the stest windfall was discov-ered in a kettle on the city’s uPscale Michigan Avenue. It ^as a U.S. gold coin with a face value of$50 and amar-ket value of $350. I d love to know who it ls and shake their hand,” ^ays Robert Bonesteel, a alvation Army spokesman ln Chicago. Salvation Army chapters asewhere wouldn’t mind a 'ait from the Chicago Santa aus(' In New York, the rermy s regional office can’t ^■all a single such grand anonymous gift going a^C decades. In California, Jmy spokesman Bob earchell says, “We never ^et »hat lucky.” One Christ-as’ he says, they did get 0rr|e stray buttons. first mystery gift was e gold pieces wrapped 0gether. Salvation Army lc*als think publicity 0ut the donation inspired ! more; gold coins and jewelry started showing up in kettles around the city. Wedding rings began appearing, presumably from the recently divorced. “We hang on to them, but they usually go unclaimed,” says Mr. Bone-steel. In 1988 and 1989 no gold coins appeared. “We assumed something had happened to the donor.” Then the coins started turning up again. Army officials in Chicago say they’re offended at suggestions, aired on some local radio stations, that they invented the story expressly to invite copycats. Volunteers have learned other tricks to get people to give more: Playing music doubles the donations, officers say. Live music triples them. In Phoenix, volunteers wave signs that read, “Ding-dong” instead of ringing a bell, to avoid disturbing shoppers. Nationally, the Salvation Army’s 20,000 kettles raised $66 million last year. The chapter in Akron, Ohio this year is testing a new system that could give Chicago’s gold coins some competition. It’s a new, $3,000 kettle that takes credit cards. Looking for Tony Caruso? WE FOUND HIM AT HIS TONY’S OLD WORLD PLAZA BARBER SHOP 664 E. 185*h HAIRCUTS $5.00 Mon. - Fri. 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat 7:30 - 5:00 pm 531-6517 Merry Christmas Happy New Year Happy Holidays to All! Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Chrzanowski D.D.S., Inc. Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 692-2010 To All Our Customers and Patrons MERRW CHRISTMAS Fritz’s Tavern 991 E. 185 St. - 481-9635 The Hribar Family Your hostesses Nancy and Mary Lou Merry Christmas The 944-8400 Dan Cosic FUNERAL HOME 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 _ n Kb Bec^vtse wc care... Wc offer our families the option of Advance Funeral Planning ((Relieving a burden from those we love. ” An associate of Homesteaders Reasonable & Dignified Luncheon & Community Rooms Available Vesel Božič in srečno Novo leto! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. DECEMBER 11, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 Traditional Slovenian Christmas news Right now in Slovenia we are immersed in Christmas preparations. I’d love to hear what others are doing for Christmas. I believe the Yuletide in the U.S. is modeled mostly from Britain, with smatterings of other countries thrown in. In my family, potica is a big holiday item which is made especially at Easter and Christmas. My grandmother, however makes it all the time. My wife’s parents live in a small village and they are very traditional. They bake bread the traditional way. - In the house there is a stove in the living room which has an opening for making the fire which is brought in from the old kitchen peč (stove). Beechwood firewood leaves give a special taste to everything baked in the stove. J Advent wreaths can be seen on the doors of some houses and even some offices the last few years. However, people are still a little bit confused about two “beings,” Santa Claus and Dedek Mraz (Grandfather Cold), a Russian invention which became popular with the import of socialism. A few days ago St. Nicholas brought some presents to people who are good, and a rod to the bad ones. Also given by tradition are a few tangerines, raisins and hazelnuts. But nowadays, children often get more expensive presents. —Marjan Skvarča, Internet Slovene Language Course in Slovenia In today’s Slovene section is information about a two-week Slovene language course to be held in Ljubljana from Feb. 1 through Feb. 14, 1998. It is organized by the Center for Slovene as a Second or Foreign Language of Ljubljana University. We did not receive an English language version of the information. Those who might be interested, however, may contact the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland, 1111 Chester Ave., Suite 520, Cleveland, OH 44114, tel. (216) 589-9220, fax (216) 589-9210, for assistance. Rudolph M. Susel Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I AMERICAN mt SLOVENE i FOR SALE 1992 Ford Ranger XLT. 78K miles. Excellent cond. with 5-speed with 4 CY transm. All features included. Will take best offer. Call 53/-I887. FOR SALE 1988 Ford F-150 4 by 4 84 K miles. Mint condition A 1 mechanical maint. Has all features. Best offer! Call 531-1887 _____________________(46-49) CLUB 8 Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 Season's Greetings from the Members of St. Clair Business Association 6220 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. 44103 The St. Clair Business Association was established to provide the businessmen of the community a forum for the mutual exchange of ideas. It further dedicates itself to motivate the effective cooperation and communication necessary for the instilling of pride, the establishment of confidence, resulting in the creation of a more wholesome community atmosphere. ^ Support Your Member Merchants T Happy Holidays! LBS BANK - New York "Global Banking with the Local, Personal Touch" LBS Bank offers a wide range of services designed to meet all of your commercial and retail banking needs, including: Individual/Corporate Checking Account Savings Accounts Money Markets/CD’s/Time Deposits Domestic/International Wire Transfers Commercial Loans -Working Capital Facilities -Domestic/Intemational Trade Financing -Small and Medium Sized Business Loans -Loans to Local Companies Under the Community Reinvestment Act "Where Your Business Comes First” LBS BANK - NEW YORK 12 E. 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022 Tel. (212) 207-2200 Fax (212) 593-1967 Telex 229976 New York State chartered bank - A member of the FDIC. LBS Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana, sl°ve( 1 [death NOTICES I BROTHER ROBERT hochevar Brother Robert Hochevar, 0F M., entered into eternal [wt at St. Mary’s Monastery, 'n Lemont, Illinois on Dec 11997. He was the son of Frank Mary (nee Maceroi) t deceased); brother of h ^nn Mott (husband p'C ard)> Anna Mae, and ward (deceased); uncle of great uncle of six. Brother Robert entered (i6 *0venian Province of Vea r'er ^or many ars e assisted in the man-^ent of the retreat house, funeral Mass and burial onTu6 ^onastery grounds niirsday, Dec. 11, 1997. In Memory d and Milena Gobetz of natHills, Ohio do- can t0 the Ameri- can nome newspaper in Cvelbar. ^ ^ J°Seph genMany thanks for your ^rous gift. In r C°*ng Memory ofe seventh Anniversary 'he Death of Our Gloved Father, godfather, and ^at-grandfather °uis Oswald assed away Dec. 11, 1990 hin)°Ved him, so we miss ^°vec/ rr>ern°ry he is near; ^;:bered>ionged HlnLTnya silent ,ear- Wiily missed hy: ^lter J113 " daughter 8ra j°n * wHe Alberta 8re "dchildren and ■grandchildren CaSst-nagy- Z™?Rd- Sptnmunitv.” ANTON MEGLIC Anton Meglic, (74), husband of the late Marija (nee Mausar) and Rose (nee Pucko); father of Maria Sustarsic, Anna Cholewa, Antonia Suman, Rose Sullivan, Margaret Kovach, Josephine Kumazec, and Irene Bujdos; brother of Antonija Rozman; and the following deceased: Ludvik, Franc, Stanko, Marija, and Rozika; and grandfather. Family received friends at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave., on Tuesday, Dec. 9. Funeral Wednesday, Dec. 10 with 10 a.m. Mass in St. Vitus church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Enclosed is payment for my subscription for the paper which I enjoy very much, and an extra $10.00 in memory of my husband, Louis Mole. —Frances Mole Cleveland, Ohio In Memory Enclosed is a check for $40.00 of which $30.00 is for renewal of American Home paper which I enjoy very much and $10.00 in memory of my husband A1 Ringenbach. -Mildred Ringenbach Mentor, Ohio Internet News from Slovenia A couple of weekends ago we had presidential elections in Slovenia. The old-new president of Slovenia is Milan Kucan who will serve for the next four years. In general, the president in Slovenia does not have the same powers as the president in the USA does. All important decisions are made by the Parliament. * Slovenian winter sports teams are active once again. Slovenian girls are very good in alpine skiing. They are practicing at Beaver Creek, Vail, etc., but will return to Slovenia before Christmas. The boys are worse than last year. However, in ski jumping Primož Peterka, who won the last World Ski Jumping Cup, is doing fine this year. In the biathlon - if you follow the events in this sport (cross country skiing combined with shooting), Slovenian Andreja Grasic is very good. The Slovenian basketball team won three games (against Greece, Germany, and Slovakia). In Ljubljana we don’t have any snow. You can find it in Gorenjska, northwest or in higher places. —Marjan Skvarča j -J Olsten Staffing Services' The Working Solution' Clerks Records research clerks needed for 8 month l51 shift project in Brooklyn Heights area. Training provided; some positions require experience in handling loan documents. Work requires attention to detail, much standing and walking, some bending and stretching. Call the downtown office of Olsten Staffing Services at (216) 861-1900. Assembly Workers Cleveland company needs approximately 30 people for long term assignment, 1st shift, to make 50-gallon drums. Steel-toed boots and transportation needed. Pay rate $7.50/hour, plus overtime. Call the downtown office of Olsten Staffing Services at (216) 861-1900. (51) Singing Tradition Continues Along with the holidays come many traditions both old and new that add to the festivities of the season. One such tradition continues for the St. Vitus choir, performing our annual Christmas Concerts for the seventh year. Over the years, our group has come together for the purpose of celebrating Christ’s birth through song and sharing our gift with those who wish to listen. It is a time we all look forward to, enabling us to renew old acquaintances. Most recently this seasonal group has grown in number, with ages ranging from 14 to 50-something. (Perhaps with the participation of our new high school members, we are trying to revitalize our old title of “The St. Vitus Youth Choir.) And so, we invite everyone to join us in celebrating this season at one or more of our concerts. This year’s schedule includes: Sunday, Dec. 14 - at Sacred Heart Church in Barberton at 3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 26 - at St. Mary Church in Collinwood at 7 p.m. JiI£ Sunday, Dec. 28 - St. Vitus Church, 3 p.m. We hope you will come and be enlightened by our music. It is our intention to strive harder each year to bring something new to our concerts and keep our audiences captivated. So please keep these dates in mind and bring a friend. There are plenty of good seats available, and as always, admission is free. -Joanne Celestina Member, St. Vitus Choir Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring tine & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Happy Holidays Dr. Mirko Vombergar D.D.S. 6551 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 Call for your appointment 473-4746 Hours: Monday, Tues., & Thursday We are open from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Fri., & Sat., we are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We also speak SLOVENIAN! $25.00 Discount with this ad Merry Christmas JAKUBS & SON FUNERAL HOME 936 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone: 531-7770 “A GOLDEN RULE FUNERAL HOME JAKUBS - DANAHER FUNERAL HOME 36000 Lakeshore Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 Phone: 953-4600 “A GOLDEN RULE FUNERAL HOME” AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 1 1, 1997 Family Owned and Operated Since 1908 — Licensed Funeral Directors: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele, Sutton J. Girod — Louis E. Zele “Four Generations of THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. (Main Office) 452 East 152nd Street — 481-3118 CLEVELAND, OHIO m In Time of Need — We Are Here to Help You Polka Hall of Fame Announces 1997 Winners % Alice Kuhar, Secretary The coveted Crystal Awards from the Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame ^ere announced at their ‘Awards Show X” on Satur-day, November 29 which to°k Place at the Shore Cultural Center in Euclid, Ohio. crowd of almost 1,000 uujoyed a spectacular pro-uction of nostalgic old-time a" Popular favorite tunes adn8 with the music uotables who made them Popular. Musician Jeff Pecon in troduced Lifetime Achieve eut inductee Joey Mis u 'n into the Hall of Farm lskulin fondly recalled hi WoT ^ears 'n tlie musi 0rd and expressed appre lat'°n to everyone wh e Pcd him along the way. Second member en 7;ned as a Lifetim c levement inductee inf pf klali of Fame wa c ie Vadnal who was in troduced by his three chil en> Nancy Vadnal Doug Rick Vadnal and Susai dual. Richie spoke of hi Usical family dynasty wh< \ ^ed his love of music am ^Uraged him along th* ind^X ^rustee Honor Rol Uctees accepting thei p ards Were Steve Helvak Ton3 •^'Sc hockey; Štev« and 0p'c*,, Polka Producei that romoter (who statec “MiirWe skould hold £ Ktan '°n Hollar S loven iar p, arch in Washington P0|i Carl Rohwetter Joci.a Publisher and Disc Cordey; Eddie Stampfl, Ac-louist and Band Leader. Topj^Pting for the late Joe Bancj ,e’ Accordionist. Were ■ eader and Promoter tw0 j 'S 'v'ke, Dolores, and the la^U^ters' Accepting for ^usic6^3" Zorman’ Sr- and x lrector, Composer s°ri beaC*ler’ Was his grand-RIVanMihal. ^Tstal'^'61118 °k Annual •Ueut ' '^Wards °T achieve-'''hich"' Var'ous categories nieniK0NVCIe v°ted upon by dation ^ °k the Polka Foun- NValiral/Heritage: Fantde Nw£-Promot,°n: Val Perf°rmance: Bun 6 Hibb» ^leve-, Box Group: tQa b' r, Lake Erle But- * '-'lub Ua|/Due!n, B°x Individ- k Best t^ake ZaSge«' ew/Y°ung Band: ravc'h °f ,he v™-. Sideman, Individual: Denny Bučar, Pete Kuhar, Ron Sluga Recording of the Year: “Frank Yankovic & Friends,” Frank Yankovic Band of the Year: Del Sinchak The first of the Greatest All-Time Cleveland-Style Polka Hits was “Old Timers” performed by Lou Tre-bar and Jeff Pecon who brought down the house as they reprised the old popular favorite skit of Lojze and Janez on their old button boxes. The second selection was “Top of the Hill” which was performed by the button box accordion duet of Ron Likovič and Fred Ziwich. Entertainer from Slovenia, self-taught button box virtuoso Toni Sotošek performed a medley of his tunes which had everyone present just gasp with wonderment as his fingers flew masterfully over the pearl accordion buttons. Toni was introduced by Jože Prešeren, editor from Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovene Emigrant Association) here to promote their English publication of “Slovenija” magazine. A videotaped message from famous musician Eddie Blazonczyk congratulated winners of 1997 awards and also congratulated Joe Fe-dorchak on his recent induction into the International Polka Association Hall of Fame in Chicago. Interspersed during the show was a Musical Salute to Past Lifetime Achievement winners. After the final segment, past lifetime achievement winners who were present came on stage for a bow. They are Eddie Habat, Norm Kobal, Al Markič, Tony Petkovšek, Al Terček, Lou Trebar, Anna Vadnal, Johnny Vadnal, Paul Yanchar, Zarja Singing Society (represented by Jim Kozel), and Tony Vadnal who recently suffered a stroke, bravely stood up from his wheel chair amid thunderous applause, with wife Pearl by his side. The Hall of Fame All Star Band for this year’s show consisted of Bob Kravos, Jeff Pecon, Norm Kobal Duke Marsic, Fred Ziwich, Eddie Klančnik, Denny Anderson, Ralph Delligatti, Jim Kozel, and Mark Habat. Master of Ceremonies for the Awards show, Ray Somich, once again kept the show at a quick and entertaining pace. Others who helped make the show a tremendous success were Florence Unetich, Nomina- tions/Awards Chairperson; John Zipay, Executive Director; Jim Kozel, Musical Director; Fred Ziwich, Musical Arrangements, Fred Kuhar, biographer, and Following the Awards Show X, entertainment continued at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Cleveland with a “Meet the Winners Dance” Photos at right from top to bottom: Peter Dragar and Bart Slak representing the Fantje Na Vasi men’s choral group, are delighted to accept the Cultural/-Heritage Crystal Award. Singer Christine (Mihe-lich) Hibbs is honored to be the recipient of the Best Vocal Performance award. Lifetime Achievement winners are, left to right: Joey Miskulin and Richie Vadnal. Some of the 250 people in the Eddie Kenik Room of Slovenian National Home on Thanksgiving Eve are Tony Petkovšek, left, accordionist Toni Sotošek from Slovenia, and accordionist Steve Valencie. (Photos by Tony Grdina) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 r^ (j) 05 DC m CQ S LU O LU Q < Z O O Q < CO E LU < The Najevska Lipa, the Oldest Linden Tree in Slovenia Below Mount Smrekovec, the youngest volcano in Slovenia - according to geologists, about twenty million years old - grows the Najevska Lipa, the oldest linden tree in Slovenia. It is mentioned in every serious Slovene botanical text, and a years ago Professor Viktor Petkovšek wrote that this was “the lipa of all lipas.” The age of this iipa tree can only be guessed. The sides and center are so hollowed out that its age cannot be established by drilling, the usual procedure for healthy trees. The most probable estimate is supported by the date on a nearby shrine: 1222. According to this course, the Lipa is about 770 years old. Standing about 90 feet high - not a particularly unusual height for this type of tree - its girth is astonishing: at chest height it is almost 40 feet in circumference, beating all Slovenian records. The Najevska Lipa grows on Ludranski vrh on the Na-jevnik farm, from which it gets its name. It grows at about 3400 feet above sea level. Below the edge of the forest where the trees stands is a mountain road, so getting to the tree is not difficult today. Before World War II, there was a bowling pitch under the crown of the tree where people from the Mežica Valley could sit and enjoy the shade of the tree. Slovenian Cultural Center Lemont, Silvestrovanje Party An evening filled with fun, entertainment, good food and music is in store for all who want to welcome in the new year 1998 at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, 111. “We know everyone wants to be with family and friends on a night like this,” said Martin Hozjan, SCC President. So, the committee has been meeting and planning a really super evening with an excellent 3 course menu of home-cooking, a top Slovenian band from Toronto for dance music, entertainment by “Dimnikar” (Chimney-sweep), and fun-decorations including noisemakers and balloons. To top off the evening, the Cafuta Band from Toronto will help us count off the minutes until midnight. Families with small children can avail themselves of the free baby-sitting service at the hall, and no charge for dinner for children up to age 14. Adults pay $35 and students $25 for the complete evening package. Doors open at 7 p.m. to accommodate those attending Mass at Marija Pomagaj at 6 p.m. For table reservations please call the Center at 630 243-0670. “Even Slovenian champagne will be available,” said Hozjan, “so we hope everyone will join us to toast in the New Year!” HAPPY HOLIDAYS I g from & JAMES W. TEKAVEC g g 3 I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW | Admitted to Practice in Ohio and Florida g | 600 Standard Bldg. g Cleveland, Ohio 44113 g 621-4810 g tt Holiday Greetings To All Our Friends | Hansa Import House | and Travel Service World Wide Selected Food and Gifts | — Many Slovenian imported Items — | 2717 Lorain Avenue ' Cleveland, Ohio 44113 • 631-6585 Or 281-3197 A.H. Printing Dates The American Home newspaper will be printed on Thursday, Dec. 18 and Monday, Dec. 22. There will be no paper published on January 1 because of the holidays. The first paper of the new year will be printed on Thursday, January 8. Best Wishes for a Merry Christina and a Happy New Year ANGELA’S Family Restaurant Open from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sundays 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch and Dinner features DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED MEjH The best Christmas gift of all is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up with one another. 7121 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland -881-2342 - - NEW ADDITIONAL FREE PARKING - “Wishing my patients and their families a very joyous holiday season!” § ir% Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry Two Convenient Locations • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 • CLEVELAND 5227 Fleet Ave. 473-1920 ! BEST WISHES I for the Holiday Season! i a I o $ $ $ 5 0 3 ! I I 5 j The Frances and f Jane S. Lausche | Foundation Q s nd i Keep children i»c.ettpie.d during the holidavs Radford, v a - At oliday time, children art °ff from school without the of puols, picnics or other warm weather diversions. With little constructive activity, the chaos level seems to escalate. Kids’ v°ices seem louder. Parents seem edgy. And those who aren t accustomed to dealing '''ith children might find 1 oniselves wondering how to er|tertain and restrain the Seemingly boundless energy of youth. Spending time with chil-ren over the holidays can e easy or tough depending 0n your attitude and how Spared you are, says child Psychologist and Radford tiversity psychology pro-fessor Lois Kugler. |f you’re wondering what ®ctivities to plan with chil-ren> Kugler has a few sug-2estions for how to make ^Ur shared holiday time Peasant and fun: * One of the most im-P0rtant things is to provide a sPace large enough to ac-^modate a range of toys. 0rne suggested toys that jj'nost all children love are ^Pbbiocks, Lincoln Logs, W baIIs’ Puzzles, Play m^°u can even make nialf 0Wn^ boxes to ^ Play houses. for suPPl’es are g°0« w,Plan,s ma" lot>k new’ DUtbythe end of May, H ner°Wth wiI1 appear- % JUne a Sunny w>ndow. larger transplant to inches |POtS’ two to four nal. R 'arger than the origi- '^orporar USing 3 S0il mix such ac 1118 or§anic matter .J^tmoss, leaf mold, or redwood sawdust. 0 Temperatures should not exceed 70 degrees F. during daylight hours or 65 degrees at night. 0 Blooming poinsettias do not need fertilizer during the holiday season, but a balance all-purpose fertilizer could help maintain the green foliage and promote new growth later. 0 Do not place near a draft. 0 Starting October 1, plants must be kept in complete darkness 14 continuous hours each night. Put in a dark room or cover with a large box, in temperatures between 60 degrees to 70 degrees. During daylight, give your poinsettias six to eight hours of bright sunlight. 0 Your vigilance, perseverance, and patience should be rewarded with a brightly colored display to enhance your holiday decorations. Vtfkmdi -SINCE 1961- WELW ■ 1330 AM iemi 1380 AM M Simulcasting Daily 3:15/Sat. 12-2 pm 971 p_ (.K°1L^NbER P0LKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) tli casi 185th Street • Cleveland, Ohio 44119 , * COHOST-JOEY TOMSK* • Featuring-ALKE KUHAR DUKEMARSIC (?1«l4ft,_ PATTY SLUGA 01-TONY (8669) or KOLLANDER (216) 692-1000 Happy Holidays! To All Our Business Clients, Friends and Relatives sMolic machine CNC Machining Specialist 946.9i39 37127 Ben Hur Ave. Willoughby, Ohio 44094 EMIL SMOLIČ Visit Us - Soon! Happy Holidays! | RESTAURANROUNGE’PARTY CENTER [ 305 ^KESHORE BL ^/31-1800 VD., EUCUD The law & You Ficti From The American Bar Association Lawyer Referral Committee u»tM mm«o Where There’s A Will (NAPS)—Q. Is it true I don’t need a will if I want everything to go to my family? A. Not quite. While generally your assets will go to your spouse and children, should you wish to Where there’s a will, there’s a way to be sure your wishes are followed. A lawyer can help you draft one. leave some specific item to one person in particular or to provide for him or her in some way other than provided by law, you need a will. Similarly, should you wish to dispose of some of your property to other family members or individuals, charities or the like, a will is necessary. Estate planning with a lawyer or other professional can help ensure that the assets available to your heirs are maximized, for example, by structuring your estate so it’s subjected to fewer taxes. A simple will can be drafted by an attorney for a small fee. If you don’t have a lawyer, you may find one by calling Lawyer Referral to help you with your will or any legal question. To find the Lawyer Referral service nearest you, check your Yellow Pages or call your state or local bar association. You can also visit the American Bar Association’s Web site at http://www.abanet.org/public for more information. Raw Power Fruits and vegetables with the greatest antioxidant activity in lab tests: 1. - Blueberries 2. - Kale 3. - Strawberries 4. - Spinach 5. - Brussels sprouts 6. - Plums 7. - Broccoli 8. - Beets 9. - Oranges 10. - Red grapes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All Our Friends and Patrons FROM THE Board of Directors St. Clair Slovenian Ct. i J " National Home 6417 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Call for Hall Rental (216) 361-5115 ; - ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME, LTD. \ \ 1941 West Cermak Road - Chicago IL 60608! (312) 847-6688 3 \ i i MERRT CHRISTMAS AND HAPPT HEW TEAR 1998 v SPECIAL WISHES FROM — ! * j ! I 3 Generations Serving the Chicagoland Area for 70 years Louis “Ron” Marilyn E. Frank J. ZEFRAN Lois M. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 AMLRISKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11 1997 »sacsacfiw«« ______________ ' The time draws near the birth of Christ: The moon is hid; the night is still; The Christmas bells from hill to hill answer each other in the mist. - Lord Tennyson. “What means this glory round our feet,” The Magi mused, “more bright than morn!” And voices chanted clear and sweet, “Today the Prince of Peace is born.” -James R. Lowell. Just for a few hours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day... we permit ourselves to live according to untrammeled common sense, the unconquerable efficiency of good will. —Christopher Morley “It is not even the beginning of Christmas unless it is Christmas in the heart.” -Richard Roberts. Christmas donation Happy Holidays to everyone! Enclosed is a check for $45 which is for subscription renewal plus an extra $ 15 for the great job you are doing (especially Jim’s Journal). —Mr. and Mrs. Miroslav Gorjup Euclid, Ohio 8 S 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY § Wishes You And Your Family a Safe & Happy g Holiday Season !!! | 2 We Hope To Meet You In The Coming Year! Call for Information on our | Independent & Catered Living | Apartments 2 216-261-8383 1 Happy Holidays! FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES -- 1997 Roster -- President - Patricia Ipavec Clarke 1st Vice-President - Tony Mannion 2nd Vice-President - Robert Hopkins Recording Secretary - Helen Urbas Financial Secretary - Jean Fabian Corresponding Secretary - Celeste Frollo Auditors: -- Lou Grzely, Bob Royer, Anna Mae Mannion Historians — Mr. Joseph Petrie Jr. and Mr. John Habat _______Kmcritus — Klla Sanninirh_______ Executive Secretary & Legal Counsel — Charles Ipavec My address. City and State. ZJ & 27801 f % \ * t rim • A Xfe 11 Paul .1. Hribar. Michael P. I.avigna. Michael K. Perme. I.. Daniel Mamrack. kemielh I). l)e>o. Joyce Ann Hribar. Timothy N. loma. I. Patrick Kosali. John P. I il/maii- sl/ rice. Sharon .1. Hndcrlschcr and William li. Davies. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Every0* ‘ Law Offices of Paul Hribar and Assock* 27801 K.m lid Avt-.. Kurlid. OH 441.12-3580 ,4120" I Merry Christmas | and Happy New Year! \ Cleveland-Ljubljana ! Sister City Committee Join Us! Call Vladimir J. Rus , 360-030"J Best Wishes | From the Officers and Members of St. Vitus Lodge #25 K-S-KJ- W, i-HArERNAL INSURANCE ^ MEMBERS 5 FRIENDS # j HOLIDA Y GREETINGS | Fr. Joseph Boznar, Spiritual Director Joseph Baškovič, President John Turek, Secretary Albin Orehek, Treasurer Frank Zupančič, Sgt.-at-Arms I MERRT CHRISTMAS I AND HAPPT MRW TEAR I i TO ALL OUR CLIENTS AND FRIENDS Richard and Cynthia Vadnal Attorneys-at-Law Euclid Councilman-at-Large 113 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44114 687-2194 MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR Wilke Hardware Owned by American Slovenians faints, Glass, Housewares, Plumbing, Electrical Supplies, Garden Supplies, ■“-Screens and Storms Repaired — 809 E. 222nd St. Euclid, Ohio 44123 RE 1-7070 I J°SePhine (Zaman) Wilke Jack Zaman S BLAG0SL0 va in radosti polni I BOŽIČ TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! 8 St. Vitus Holy Name Society A j. Cleveland, Ohio 8LESSED AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS IS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 3 ___ I ®Uclid Meat & Sausage Shop 821 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 261-9006 I Stand C-2 West Side Mkt. 241-1779 g Smoked Slovenian Sausages Rice and Blood Sausages 3 Yy Eresit Klobase - Cottage Hams are open Mon. - thru Fri. 9 am until 6 pm vBfcigfcr, Phone Orders are Welcome -- # i a i a a Healthful Peanuts? If you scrupulously avoid the peanuts at bars and cocktail parties, you may not be doing yourself a favor, says Timothy Sanders, a plant physiologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sanders recently discovered that peanuts, long known to be rich in protein, fiber, and several vitamins and minerals, pack a significant load of resveratrol. That’s one of the heartsaving chemicals called phe-nolics that have sent sales of red wine soaring. Phenolics are powerful antioxidants, which sop up cell-damaging free radicals throughout the body. These compounds seem to limit the harm done by cholesterol to artery walls and are thought to battle cancer, too. It takes 11 handfuls of peanuts to deliver the resveratrol contained in one glass of red wine. What is the key to a long healthy life? One recommendation tops almost every expert’s list: exercise. The surgeon general cited regular activity is the best way to prevent diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many types of cancer. It also enables people to age better. The report concluded that even people who engage in light exercise - a regular walk, daily gardening, and twice-weekly tennis match -live longer than sedentary people. Active individuals are happier, too. Happy Birthday to SHA residents Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were born in December: Date, name, age, birthplace 12-05 - Thomas Quate, 93, Glasgow, Virginia 12-10 - Edward Milnar, 79, Cleveland, Ohio 12-14 - Vida Turk, 67, Ribnica, Slovenia 12-15 - Mary Brack, 87, Cleveland 12-24 - Anthony Wid-mar, 75, Cleveland, Ohio 12-25 - Jennie Blatnik, 96, Cleveland, Ohio 12-25 - Vida Zak, 87, Cleveland, Ohio 12-29 - Regina Kumor, 73, Cleveland, Ohio “Somehow not only for Christmas but all the long year through, the joy that you give others is the joy that comes back to you.” -John G. Whittier___________ t Merry Christmas VESELI BOŽIČ Happy New Year -SREČNO NOVO LETO 1997 City Motors, Inc. Used Cars | 5413 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland l 44103 - 881-2388 Frank Tominc, — Owner To All Our Customers and Friends Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Slovenian Workmen’s £ Home Auxiliary 15335 Waterloo Road Phone: 481-5378 Fish Fry Every Friday HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL I 8 Cebar’s Tavern 595 E. 185,h St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 - 481-9509 FISH FRIES Every Friday 20c Wings on Monday & Thursday Klobase on Tuesdays -Pork on Wednesdays Live Music on Saturdays SEASON’S GREETINGS Frank and Tom Cvelbar - Owners t l MBRRT CHRISTMAS - AMD HAPPT MEW TEAR Red Klir Co. 17508 Maple Hts. Blvd. Maple Heights, Ohio 44137 ^ 662-1079 <- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Smrekar Hardware g 6112-14 St. Clair Ave. 431-5479 ^ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 Vesel Božič vsem našim strankam Merry Christmas tc cur clients and friends MUSIC & FAMILY Hansa Import House & Travel Patria Imports Hansa Travel Service C.S.C. Travel Group Travel Max 692-1700 Boris and Suzi and all Associates Richman Brothers - A Company That Keeps Giving Native Clevelanders recognize the name Richman rothers as a fine chain of s'°res that sold men’s clothing Mention the name ichman Brothers in the SIovenian-American com-I lllUn|ty and you will hear delightful stories a out a place where many of le vvorr>en who immigrated : 0 America went to work as j Seamstresses. In addition to its large lam of retain stores, Rich-P311 ^rothers operated a which manufactured e clothing which it sold "^ stores. A large percent-Wai °f t*le W0IT>en who tow ed 111 the clotlling fac-Am • Were S loven ian- tei| er|_Cans- The stories they manh Working at Rich- waru, r°thers are ful1 of sfat„ and appreciative th ments about how well c4i;re treated bythe Suany residents of the ^0rne for the Aged Broth VV°rkec* at Richman affe t6rs sPeak with great the c l0n tke owner of °mPany greeted them at the door when they arrived for work in the morning and said good night to them every evening when they left work. Currently there are women who live at the Slovene Home for the Aged who are former employees of Richman Brothers. The most remarkable thing is that, although the company closed all of its stores and the factory in 1990, it has not forgotten the Slovenian women who worked for them with such dedication. Each year the Richman Brothers Foundation makes a very generous contribution of at least $2,000 to the home in honor of their former Slovenian employees. Members of the Richman Foundation Board of Trustees have also frequently visited our residents who worked for them. The money which has been donated by the Richman Brothers Foundation has been used to purchase much needed equipment such as wheel chairs, geriat- ric chairs, over-the-bed tables, etc. The most recent gift received was used to purchase a new computer system to produce and label the clothing possessions of our residents. This new piece of equipment has allowed us to label every item owned by our residents down to even their socks. As a result, the number of clothing items which have^been misplaced in the laundry or throughout the facility has been greatly diminished. It is nice to know that in this age of layoffs, downsizing and general instability in the work place, there is still a living symbol of a company with a sense of social responsibility and loyalty to its employees. On behalf of the Residents of the Home, its Board of Trustees and Administration, we extend our sincere appreciation to the Richman Brothers Foundation and we hope they will serve as an example to others. SHA News from Home Newsletter ^Sunday, Dec. 14 mas Choir’s Christ- C(]Ur °ncert at Sacred Heart 3:0() ^art>erton, OH at Fre* *)-rn- Tree admission. c* 1,1 ePted. donations ac- Friday, Dec. 26 Chrj 'tus Choir’s Annual Mary’ as Concert at St. Pi*; s Church at 7:00 p.m. 'fee N admissi lations on. Free-will accepted. Sunday, Dec. 28 ltus Choir’s Annual Concert at St. c? Mission fh at 3 p'm- Ad_ l'4ti0n(, ree- Free-will do-s accepted. Wednesday, Dec. 31 New Years Eve Party at Lemont, Illinois Slovenian Cultural Ceptqj featuring 3 course meal plus band from Toronto.. Doors open at 7 p.m. Adults $35. Table reservations at(630)243-0670. -1998- Sunday, January 18 St. Mary (Collinwood) annual benefit dinner for its Slovenian School held in auditorium from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Family style meal: Breaded pork chops, Swiss steak. Saturday, Jan.24 Dinner-Dance sponsored by Slovenska Pristava at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Sunday, Feb. 15 Orchestra-Choral Concert sponsored by SNH, St. Clair, Contact Bob Hopkins 361-5115 Sunday, March 15 Man/Woman of the Year sponsored by Federation of Slovenian Homes. Contact Patricia Ipavec-Clarke 321-5327 Saturday, March 21 Dinner-Dance sponsored by Primorski Club, Contact 732-7527. ST ri.AIR PENSIONERS NEWS ‘fMidsn Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mrs. Vera Maricevic 151 Skillman Ter. Saddle Brook, NJ 07663-4437 In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Father, Mother, Grandparents and Great-grandparents 50,h Anniversary 6,h Anniversary John Jamnik Alojzija (Louise) Jamnik (Pusljar) Died August 12, 1947 Died December 15,1991 In Life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. In our hearts you held a place, No one else can ever fill. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn’t go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Love, Rose Arko and Vilma Jamnik - Daughters David Arko, Grandson and Wife Marjory Steven Arko, Grandson and Wife Serena Brian, Jennifer, Kevin, and Eric Arko Great Grandchildren Generous Gifts Our sincere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Kovacic of Richmond Heights, Ohio, who purchased 3 new American Home gift subscriptions. What a wonderful and thoughtful Christmas gesture! FOR RENT Lge. 1 bdrm. apt. Very spacious, hardwood firs. Quiet street. $325 month. Call 761-9306 December 1997 SWU #25 Party Slovenian women’s Union Branch 25 Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, Dec. 13 at Sterle’s Country House, E. 55 th Street, off St. Clair Ave. Exchange of gifts and elections will be held. For further information call Jan at 391-5029. ‘(Htfi tljc aeaBun of gooii ti&inijH anil 0ooii urili, ao m celebrate tije birttf of tlje (Eliriat (Efiili). the hustle and bustle in the preparation of Christmas, the birthday of the Christ Child, we stretch out our hands as we greet you, we say: “merry Ollfnotmafl. Peace be urittj you ! (Sob bleoo each one of you on thio (Slortouo occaofon ! may 3He beep you in yoob hrnlth* nout anb ht the coming year ! >4 # 4 # A From the officers of the St Clair Pensioners Club. e> Shrine Gift Shop Our Lady of Lourdes Gift Shop will have a “Christmas Open House” on Saturday, Dec. 13 and Sunday, Dec. 14 from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. A large selection of beautiful religious articles and Christmas gift items will be available. A $5 discount is made on all purchases of $25.00 or more during open house. Register for free drawing of an Olive wood Manger. The Shrine is located at 21281 Chardon Rd., in Euclid, Ohio. i AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 IŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 18 4 + \ Holiday Hints 4'* 4 + Quick Tip.. 'T’o? Holiday Survival (NAPS*—Did you ever think that Santa s juh pales in c'nrnpsr- ison to the holiday fren" , tha. •. ti endure each year? Ai . :r a’’;, no has dozens of .-Ives doing ai) the cooking, gift making and decorating in plenty of time for the holiday season. Whatever the holiday you’re celebrating this season, chances are, the idea of single-handedly preparing for the rush of visiting relatives and festive family meals seems like a daunting challenge. Fortunately, Lora Brody, author of The Corningware' Guide to Entertaining Survival, has some holiday survival tips for you. Give them a try, and you just might 5 find that you don’t need the elves ^ after all: < Tip #1. Plan ahead so there’s no last minute rush—Use your Corningware" to prepare one-dish meals that can be refrigerated or frozen and heated to serve at a moment’s notice. When your friends stop by unexpectedly or shopping traffic keeps you from getting home on time, one-dish meals are a lifesaver. Because all Corningware can gb straight from the microwave, oven or stovetop to the table trivet, you don’t even need to fuss with fancy serving dishes to add a festive touch to your table. Tip #2. Choose recipes that you can dress up when necessary— Versatile recipes hky Lora Brody’s delectable Chocolate Bread Pudding is an easy-to-make, luscious finale for a festive family dinner or drop-in guests. To dress it up for company, simply add a dollop of whipped cream to each scrumptious serving. Tip #3. Ask an elf for help—To help you survive the holidays as stress-free as Santa, The Corningurare* Guide to Entertaining Survival has come to the rescue. This free brochure is packed with useful cooking, shopping and entertaining advice and Lora Brody’s recipes that you will use all year long. For your copy of the guide, send a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope to: The Corningware'1’ Guide to Entertaining Survival, 79 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, New York 10016. CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING 5 Tablespoons butter or margarine, melted and divided 2 packages (6 oz. each) frozen croissants cut into 1-inch cubes 4 oz. semi-sweet chocolate morsels 1 can (14 oz.) low-fat sweetened condensed milk 3 whole eggs and 3 egg whites, lightly beaten, or egg substitute equivalent to 5 eggs 1/2 cup 1% milk or 1/2 cup rum* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Preheat oven to 350°F. Using 1 tablespoon melted butter or margarine, prepare a Coming-ware 2-1/2 quart oval dish. Place croissants and chocolate in the prepared dish and toss until well combined. In a medium bowl, stir remaining butter or margarine, condensed milk, egg and egg whites, milk, vanilla and cinnamon until well combined. Pour over croissant-chocolate mixture and let stand for 5 minutes. Bake for 25-35 minutes or until the top is lightly browned and the pudding is soft not firm. Remove from the oven and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature. * If milk is used, add 2 teaspoons rum extract for rum flavor, if desired. To Freeze: Cool finished dish. Cover lightly with plastic lid. Label and freeze for up to 4 months. To defrost, place the dish in the refrigerator to thaw or microwave on DEFROST for 8-10 minutes. To serve warm, reheat in the oven or microwave until heated through. The most important thing about Christmas is the first six letters: ... a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. After all, Christmas is but a big love affair to remove the wrinkles of the year with kindly remembrances. -John Wanamaker. Cranberry-Oatmeal Cookies ♦ 1 cup butter or margarine ♦ 1 Vz cups sugar ♦ 2 eggs ♦ 1 teaspoon vanilla ♦ 2 cups all-purpose flour ♦ 1 teaspoon baking powder ♦ Vi teaspoon baking soda ♦ Vi teaspoon salt ♦ 2 cups quick cooking rolled oats ♦ 1 cup raisins ♦ 1 cup cranberries, coarsely chopped ♦ 10 ounces vanilla-flavored pieces ♦ 1 tablespoon orange peel - finely shredded Beat margarine or butter in a large mixing bowl for 30 seconds. Add sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Beat until combined. Stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Beat in half of the flour mixture. Stir in remaining flour mixture, oats, raisins, cranberries, vanilla-flavored pieces, and orange peel. (The dough will be very lumpy) Drop by rounded teaspoons onto a greased baking sheet. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Makes about 72 cookies. X I I I 1 m SREČNO NOVO LETO l from The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119-3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 * A Legal Reserve Fraternal Insurance Society original^ 1 incorporated in Ohio as the Slovenska Dobrodelna 4 Christmas gift Please accept this check ($25.00) as a small token of our appreciation for all the advertisements and assistance you have displayed in the past. As a non-profit organization we constantly support the St. Mary (Collinwood) school with funds we generate. It is organizations such as yours That make our program a great success. —Al Strukel President St. Mary’s Alumni APPY HOLIDAY (T Slovenia11 i American Heritag® Foundati°1 Florida Bishop Baraga Days By John Matthews The Annual Bishop Baraga Days in Florida will be held on Saturday, January 31, 1998. At 12 noon, a Mass is scheduled in St. Bernard Catholic Chureh in Holmes Beach, Florida. Other activities include a nnch at the parish center after the mass followed by a pro-§raiTi and meeting. The Michigan-Florida Knights of Columbus will again join with the Baraga Backers. Planning the Florida Baraga Days are the following co-chairmen: P-Cv. Fr. A1 Hribsek - Liturgy Mi', and Mrs. Louis Paoli - Lunch Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews - Program & Meeting. Directions: Follow 1-75 to state road 64 (State road 64 goes through n°rth part of Bradenton), go west on 64 for 3 or 4 miles. ien you cross the bridge you are in Holmes Beach. When C0ITie to a fork in the road go right a few blocks; ahead I S F Bernard Catholic Church. 203^ease *et us know if you plan to attend. Call (813) 972- Bishop Baraga Association & Archives PO Box 550 Marquette, Ml 49855-0550 (906) 226-7024 The purpose of the Bishop Baraga Association is 0 Promote the cause for canonizing Bishop rederic Baraga as a Saint and to make the example ot his love of God and service of his neighbor known to all people. Membership in the Bishop Baraga Association is Qpen to everyone. Members receive the quarterly Baraga Bulletin. Membership Application —Annual $6.00 (Canadian Currency $9.00) -----2 Year $10.00 (Canadian Currency $15.00) —---- Lifetime $50.00 (Canadian Currency $79.00) ----Please check here if this is a renewed membership. ^closed is my donation of $______________________ Name STREET ClTy state 7IP CODE country Please send me more information about The Bishop Baraga Association. Wishing You a HOLIDAYS q’° ^I , ! Maple Heights Catering ! 17330 Broadway Maple Heights, Ohio Andy Hočevar in Sinovi — lastniki Iel»: v trgovini 663-7733 v.i.'M-VA'. Cooking Corner Festive Holiday Cooking—On The Lighter Side (NAPS)—Here’s some good news. With all the flavorful, low-fat ingredients now available, you can prepare and enjoy many festive holiday foods, including dessert, and still keep track of your dietary goals. Here are some tips to help: • For appetizers, consider smoked lean trout, turkey or chicken. Serve dark rye cocktail bread instead of high-fat crackers or chips. Stock up on pre-cut vegetables, such as carrots to dip in a blend of plain yogurt flavored with soy sauce, curry powder and low-fat mayo, or make a dip of low-fat cottage cheese, drained chopped pimientos, black pepper, oregano and chopped parsley. • If you do make gravies and cream sauces, use low-fat ingredients such as buttermilk instead of cream. Add fresh herbs for more intense flavor. • Whenever possible, use low-fat dairy products, including cream cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta, yogurt, milk and evaporated skim milk to bake or in traditional side dishes. • Use vegetable cooking spray to grease baking pans. • A certain amount of fat is necessary for moist texture and flavor in baking, but you can look for specially formulated recipes that are low in fat and call for naturally sweet and moist fruits, such as bananas. Such recipes often call for vegetable oil instead of butter. • When making pie crusts, remember that graham cracker crusts are lighter in fat than pastry crusts. The following recipe for Black Forest Banana Cupcakes is a delicious example of a low-fat, high- Photo Courtesy of Dole® Food Co. flavor holiday treat. An extra-ripe banana gives the batter a mellow, moist quality. BLACK FOREST BANANA CUPCAKES Prep: 20 min. Bake: 30 min. Makes: 2 dozen 1 package (8 oz.) light cream cheese, softened 1% cups sugar, divided 1 egg 1A cup candied cherries, chopped Vi cup miniature semisweet chocolate pieces 2 cups all-purpose flour Vi cup cocoa powder IVi teaspoons baking powder 2 large, ripe Dole® Bananas, mashed (about % cup) Vi cup vegetable oil % cup water • Beat cream cheese in small bowl until smooth. Add Vi cup sugar and egg; beat until blended. Stir in cherries and chocolate pieces; set aside. • Combine flour, cocoa, baking powder and remaining IV2 cups sugar in large bowl. Add bananas, oil and water; stir until well blended. • Spoon chocolate mixture evenly into 24 muffin cups lined with paper cupcake cups. Spoon about 1 tablespoon cream cheese mixture into center of each cupcake. • Bake at 350°F, 25 to 30 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove from pan; let cool completely on wire rack. Per serving: 167 calories, 6g fat (2g sat.), 12 mg cholesterol, 28 g carbohydrate. THE SLOVENIAN MENS CHORUS Fantje Na Vasi proudly presents its wonderful new CD / cassette IZ SRCA (From the Heart) Makes a Great Christmas Gift Cassettes -- $8.00 CD’s -- $14.00 — (or both for only $20) Send check or money order payable to Fantje Na Vasi to Tony Hauptman, 589 Timberline Trail, Cleveland, OH 44143 -- Please add $2.00 for shipping and handling — Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All Our Patrons of the American Slovenian Community West Park Slovenian Club 4583 West 130 St. 941-3224 Halls for Rent SMALL and BIG Wc Cater Weddings Banquets, Company Parties, Wakes, etc. OPEN DAILY 11:00 to 11:00 LUNCHEON SPECIALS SPORTS CLUB We Back All Teams Softball Darts, Golf Outings, Bowling, Volleyball POLKA DANCING FRIDAY & SUNDAY Upper Ballroom Buffet Set-Up West Park Slovenian National Home Cordially Invites You to VISIT US AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 11, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 1 1, 1997 Thanks for Contest I thank the American Home newspaper for the opportunity to try my luck in coming up with the answer to the recent question, “What is bush tucker?” We find these “puzzles” not only interestingly thought- nrovoking, but also very informative when we at last find out the answers to those that we cannot solve. (I shall never forget what a sod poodle is.) Never doubt the vast readership of your column. My husband, Dom, and I were truly amazed at the number of people who mentioned seeing my name in it as one of the winners of your contest. (I even received a congratulatory postal card from the Terceks from Hudson, Ohio.) I meant to tell you that on my second trip to the “How Sweet It Is” ice cream shoppe, in Chester, Ohio I chose to sample their Cherry Amaretto flavor cone and was wholeheartedly satisfied with my choice - and this was a couple of weeks before you mentioned your affinity for this flavor in your column. In answer to Nada Arnold’s questions “What is billy tea” and “What is damper.” - “Billy” is a can for boiling water for tea over an open fire, and damper is bush bread cooked on coals of an open fire. Val Cekada Euclid, Ohio LAVRISHA Construction and Repair plus Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings AND... on Sundays Listen to “SLOVENIA” Radio on AM 830 WKTX from 11:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 6507 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland OH 44103 (216) 391-0035 - Fax: 216) 391-7225 Drive in - or Walk In BRONKO’S Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer Merry Christmas & Happy New Year — Visit Us Soon — — SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — — SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER — Mary Vesel Family Phone: 243-7373 7533 Pearl Rd., Middleburg Hts, Ohio Newburgh Pensioners Party The Newburgh-Maple Heights Pensioners Club Christmas Party will be held on the third Wednesday of the month. The date for the Dinner meeting is Wednesday, Dec. 17 at noon at the Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th Street, off Union Ave. Dinner will be served at 2 p.m. Members donation is $5.00; non members donation is $10.00. Our attendance prize is $20.00. Our January meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 28 at noon at the Slovenian National Home off of Union Ave. The February meeting is set for February 25 (Wednesday at noon) at the Slovenian National Home off Union Ave. Christmas donation Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year from the “Ladies” of the American Slovene Club. Vesele Božične Praznike in prav Srečno Novo Leto! Enclosed was a very generous donation of $100.00.-Many thanks. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will have their monthly “krofe’ sale on Saturday, Dec. IJlh after 8 a.m. in the Social Room of the Auditorium. Noodles will also be available. Pen Pal Enclosed is payment for renewal of the great “American Home newspaper” which is like a pen pal from Cleveland, keeping me informed about all the News. -Amelia Habjan Lebanon, Oregon Great Christmas Gifts Are your children subscribers to the Ameriška Domovina? A gift subscription would make the perfect gift for your children, grandchildren, relatives, and friends. For only $30.00 a year, think of all the knowledge they will gain plus you will be helping to preserve our Slovenian language, heritage, and culture. Call (216) 431-0628 today and we will send a Christmas card to the recipient announcing your wonderful, and thoughtful Christmas gift. Or you can mail it to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, or fax: (216) 361-4088, or e-mail jim@buckeyeweb.com Blagoslovljene Bazične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto! t s i i t s l Merry Christmas VESELI BOŽIČ j Happy New Year -SREČNO NOVO LETO I99l\ I | City Motors, Inc.j I Used Cars j | 5413 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland j | 44103 j 1 - 881-2388 ! t j S? • Frank Tominc,--Owner g To All Our Customers and Friends Merry Christmas and i Happy New Year j ISlovenian Workmen’81! s t Home Auxiliary i 15335 Waterloo Road Phone: 481-5378 Fish Fry Every Friday HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL ! Cebar’s Tavern i K t g 595 E. 185th St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 - 481-9509 FISH FRIES Every Friday 20c Wings on Monday & Thursday Klobase on Tuesdays -Pork on Wednesdays Live Music on Saturdays SEASON’S GREETINGS Frank and Tom Cvelbar - Owners FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina Eli Tl 13 s! AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, December 11,1 997 Vesti iz Slovenije Iz Clevelanda šn okolice Burna razprava ta teden v parlamentu o predlaganem lustracijskem zakonu Ta teden najbolj razburja parlamentarce razprava o tkim. lustracijskem zakonu in resoluciji o protipravnem delovanju komunističnega totalitarnega režima. Predlagatelja sta SDS in SKD oziroma predsednika teh strank Janez Janša in Lojze Peterle. Nekate-v n nastopi poslancev so na precej nizki ravni, s številnimi podtikanji in osebnimi napadi. Kot kaže, parlament ne bo sprejel ne predloga lustracijskega zakona ne resolucije, zato je pričakovati, da bo zadeva šla na referendum. Med drugim so v vrstah predlagateljev obeh predlogov ogorčeni, ker slovenska televizija ne prenaša oziroma je prenehala prenašati neposredno parlamentarno razpravo o zadevi. Isto je storil slovenski radio. O tej odločitvi je danes zjutraj po faksu posredovala SDS pod podpisom Janeza Janše izjavo Poslanske skupine SDS, ki med drugim trdi, da je odločitev RTV kršitev ustavne pravice javnosti do obveščenosti: »Pravica do obveščenosti o delu tistih, ki se jih voli, je človekova pravica in temeljna politična svoboščina. S prekinitvijo neposrednega prenosa sredi razprave so kršene pravice do neposredne obveščenosti o delu zakonodajnega telesa, še posebej v primerhi, ko je izražen nedvoumen interes javnosti za obravnavano temo. Na sedež SDS in poslanske skupine dežujejo klici in protesti številnih državljanov, ki bi radi spremljali razpravo. V sami razpravi na seji DZ pa po prekini-tvi prgnosa nasprotniki sprejetja resolucije skoraj ne nastopajo več, argumentom pa se samo še smejijo in čakajo, da bo glasovalni stroj velike koalicije opravil svoje.« V omenjeni domnevni »veliki koaliciji« naj bi se nahajala tudi SLS. Nekaj dodatnih podatkov o udeležbi na Predsedniških volitvah Slovencev v tujini Po podatkih o predsedniških volitvah, Posredovanih pretekli teden na podlagi poročil STA in Delofaksa, je Delo 3. decembra Poročal malce podrobneje o udeležbi na teh volitvah slovenskih državljanov, živečih v tujini: »Državna volilna komisija je sprejela tudi zapisnik, s katerim je ugotovila izid glasovanja za predsednika republike na diplo-matsko-konzularnih predstavništvih. Glasovalo je 2033 državljanov, ki začasno ali stalno bivajo v tujini, od tega 1591 po pošti in 442 na diplomatsko konzularnih predstavništvih. Neveljavnih je bilo 13 glasovnic. Voliti je bilo mogoče (osebno ali po pošti) na 31 DKP; v Celovcu in Tokiu ni denimo volil nihče, v Moskvi en volivec, najvišjo volilno udeležbo so imeli v Buenos Airesu, kjer je glasovalo 994 volivcev. Izid glasovanja na DKP je dal največ glasov dr. Jožefu Berniku, 1182 (v Buenos Airesu 903, v Clevelandu 86), Milan Kučan je dobil 553 glasov, Janez Podobnik 198, preostali kandidati pa od 7 do 31 glasov.« Podjetje Goodyear sklenilo investicijsko pogodbo s kranjskim podjetjem Sava Današnji clevelandski časnik Plain Dealer objavlja poročilo o sklenitvi skupnega investicijskega projekta med podjetjem Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., ki domuje v Akro-nu, in slovenskim podjetjem Savo, ki domuje v Kranju. V Akronu je včeraj potekala skupna tiskovna konferenca, predsednik Sa-vinega direktorija Janez Bohorič je preko neposrednega televizijskega prenosa sodeloval iz Kranja, na kateri so bili posredovani temeljni podatki. Vrednost tkim. »joint venture« je 120 milijonov dolarjev, pogajanja so trajala zelo dolgo, v projektu ima Goodyear 60-odstotni delež, 75-odstotkov pa v delu pogodbe, v katerem so poudarjeni tehnološko najbolj zahtevni izdelki. V svoji izjavi je Janez Bohorič rekel med drugim, da se veseli tega, da bo njegovo podjetje oziroma Sava sodelovalo z ameriškim podjetjem v okolici, kjer živi do 100 tisoč Američanov slovenskega porekla. Goodyear vidi investicijo kot sestaven del svojega prodiranja na srednje- in vzhodnoevropski trg. Sava se bo moglo tehnološko posodobiti. ^ zadnjih letih v Sloveniji začasno biva znatno večje število tujih državljanov, ki Podstavljajo različna diplomatska in gospodarska predstavništva. Ženske iz tega Sveta vsako leto organizirajo poseben bazar, da se z njim oddolžijo za gostoljubje. Z denarjem, zbranim prejšnja leta, so kupile računalnik za slepe, pomagale beguncem 'n Prizadetim otrokom. Letos so se na bazarju otroci prvič srečali s sv. Miklavžem °ziroma »Božičkom«. Medtem ko fantek v naročju kar precej nezaupljivo gleda na Z(,nj čudno oblečenega možakarja, so oči deklice na levi strani posnetka hrepeneče uPrte v lutko, ki jo vidi v nogavici ob Božičniku. Skupna božičnica— Kulturna društva Korotan, Fantje na vasi, Kres in Lilija vabijo svoje člane, njih družine in prijatelje na božičnico v nedeljo, 21. decembra, ob petih popoldne, v Slov. domu na Holmes Avenue. Prav lepo so vabljeni tudi Slovenski šoli pri Sv. Vidu in Mariji Vnebovzeti. Gospodinje pa so naprošene za pecivo. Pridite! Pristavski upokojenci— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave vabi vse člane na božičnico, ki bo to sredo, 17. decembra, pop. ob 1.30, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo fare Sv. Vida bo imelo prodajo krofov in rezancev to soboto, 13. decembra, od 8h zj. dalje, kot običajno v društveni sobi šolskega avditorija. Pridite! Novi grobovi Anton Meglič Umrl je 74 let stari Anton Meglič, vdovec po Mariji, roj. Mausar in Rose, roj. Pucko), oče Marije Šušteršič, Anne Cholewa, Antonije Suman, Rose Sullivan, Margaret Kovach, Josephine Kumazec in Irene Bajdos, brat Antonije Rozman ter že pok. Ludvika, Franca, Stankota, Marije in Rozike, stari oče. Pogreb je bil 10. decembra v oskrbi Zak zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Louis J. Jartz Dne 9. decembra je po krajši bolezni umrl 91 let stari Louis J. Jartz, rojen v Sloveniji, kot mlad fant prišel s starši v ZDA, v Herminie, Pa., nato v Cleveland, mož Elizabeth, roj. Bogatay, oče Louise Horvath in Eleanor Gatti, 2-krat stari oče, brat Marge Vadnal, Helen Belzer in že pok. Jennie Music, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve v raznih tovarnah in zelo aktiven v sindikalnih zadevah, med ustanovitelji Slovenskega doma za ostarele in član direktorija v prvih letih, vnet dopisovalec več kot 50 let v časopis Prosveto, član SNPJ št. 53, aktiven tudi v drugih slovenskih društvih. Prijatelji in znanci so vabljeni jutri, v petek, zvečer med 7. in 9. uro v Želetov zavod na E. 152 St., dne 4. novembra bo spominska komemoracija v Unitarian Church of Cleveland, 2728 Lancashire Rd. in sicer med 2. in 4. uro. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. (dalje na str. 27) Lepo božično darilo— Pisarna AD predlaga, da bi za družinskega člana ali prijatelja kot božično darilo podarili enoletno naročnino na AD. Enoletna naročnina znaša $30, če bi naš tednik v naslednjih dneh naročili za koga, mu bo pisarna poslala božično kartico s sporočilom, da bo v letu 1998 prejemal AD. Pokličite pisarno na 216/431-0628, ali, po pošti: 6117 St. Clair Ave., ali, če želite, po faksu: 216/ 361-4088. Bralcem— Naslednja AD bo redno izšla 18. dec. zj., gradivo za zadnjo letošnjo številko, ki bo sicer nosila datum 25. dec., tiskana bo pa že v ponedeljek, 21. dec. in že isti večer dostavljena na pošto, mora doseči urednika obeh del že do petka, 19. decembra. Poznejša dostava bo lahko prepozna za objavo. AD ne bo izšla 1. januarja, pač bo prva številka v 1. 1998 izšla 8. januarja. Odbor Slovenske pisarne— Predsednik č.g. Jože Božnar; podpreds.-blagajnik Anton Oblak; nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tominec in Frank Šega; odbornice): Zalka Likozar, Milka Odar, Ivanka Vidmar in Mara Cerar-Hull. Dopis na str. 22. Tri nove naročnine— G.ga. Jakob Kovačič, Richmond Hts., O., sta poravnala enoletne naročnine za tri nove naročnike našega lista. Najlepša hvala! Seja in božičnica— Klub upokojencev v Nev-burgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo in božičnico oz. obed v sredo, 17. decembra. Seja se bo pričela ob 12. uri, obed bo ob 2. pop. Člani plačajo $5, nečlani $10. Spominski darovi— Edi in Milena Gobec, Willoughby Hills, O., sta darovala $30 v podporo AD, v spomin na č.g. Jožeta Cvelbarja. Olga Kalar, Euclid, O., je darovala $25, v spomin na moža Ludvika in sestre Mici. Ivanka Matič, Euclid, je poklonila $20, v spomin na moža George-a. Ivanka Kete, Cleveland, O., je pa darovala $10, v spomin 5. obletnice smrti njenega moža Jožeta. Vsem darovalcem se iskreno zahvalimo. ZADNJA VEST— Ze po zaključitvi redakcije je prišla vest, da je parlament zavrnil resolucijo o protipravnem delovanju prejšnjega režima. Glasovanju po Delofaksu je bilo 44:42, Dnevnik pa citira 44:41. Za resolucijo so glasovali poslanci SDS, SKD in SLS, proti iz vrst LDS, Z L, DeSUS in SNS. Podrobneje prihodnjič. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 — Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $30 na leto za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $ 1 60 per year airmail to Slovenia AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-68X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Publ. Co., 61 17 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 49 Thursday, December 11, 1997 Pravo božično praznovanje SVETEGA večera in božičnih praznikov gotovo ne bomo mogli praznovati tako kot smo to delali v otroških letih, brez vsake skrbi, zavito v idilične sanje. Ne bomo mogli Božiča praznovati samo s tem, da se bomo predali lepim spominom in sentimentalnosti. Trezni in resni kot smo, vsakdanjost z vsemi problemi, skrbmi, težavami in stiskami tudi na sam sveti večer ne bomo mogli enostavno pozabiti. Vprašati se moramo: Ali nam sploh kaj pomaga in koristi, če je Božič samo lep spomin na dogajanja v Betlehemu pred dva tisoč leti? Ti bi bilo očitno premalo. Evangelij nam pove: To, kar seje takrat godilo, ni daleč proč od nas, nekje v temni zgodovini. Poveličani Gospod, ki je zrastel iz betlehemskega Deteta, nas ni zapustil, temveč nam je blizu, je med nami, nam je celo bliže kakor za časa svojega bivanja na zemlji. Zato beremo v božičnem evangeliju stavek: Hodie Filius natus est nobis - danes nam je rojen Sin! Danes seje rodil Rešenik sveta! Ne več kot nebogljeno dete, kot otrok v jaslicah, a vendar kot učlovečeni in k nam poslani BOG. Tudi DANES nam ponuja in podarja svoj mir. Vsem ljudem, ne samo pastirjem na betlehemskih poljanah. Tako Božič le ni zgolj praznik lepih spominov. TUKAJ in DANES je Odešenik med nami. Sedaj nam ponuja mir in veselje, ki ga svet ne more dati. Danes imamo edinstveno priložnost, da odpremo svoja srca oznanilu njegovega miru in veselja, da zaslišimo živo božjo besedo in da hvaležno odgovorimo na njegov klic ljubezni. Ali zares danes in tukaj lahko občutimo veličino božje slave, njegovega odrešenja in miru? Vidimo in doživljamo, da je tudi današnji Božič prepoln najrazličnejšega trpljenja, ločitev, tug, stisk in nemira. V nas samih je vse polno razklanosti. Pogreznjeni smo v mnogotero zlo, obdajajo nas nemir, vojne in prepiri. Kdor trezno in brez iluzij ogleduje svet in samega sebe, si mora staviti ta vprašanja, posebno v ozadju božičnega evangeljskega oznanila. Božji odgovor na ta vprašanja nas utegne razočarati. Znamenje, ki ga BOG daje pastirjem in nam, je otrok v jaslicah. Mi seveda zahtevamo več: Hočemo genialnega, močnega človeka, ki nas očara, ki s svojo močno roko urejuje svet in vsa dogajanja v svetu, ki bo končno naredil mir. Hočemo človeka, ki s svojo modrostjo prepriča ves svet, da je sleherno vojskovanje nesmiselno. Otrok nam ne zadostuje. Bogu pa ni bilo »premalo«, da je postal otrok. Bog hodi svoja pota, ki so dostikrat drugačna, kot si jih človek zamisli ali ki jih človek smatra za najpametnejša in najbolj smiselna. Toda — ali je vse to vse, kar nam pove božično oznanilo? Ce je ta otrok več kot otrok, če se za njegovo nebogljeno podobo skriva Odrešenik, Mesija, potem seje v svetu po njegovem rojstvu le nekaj spremenilo. Če je Bog sam prišel v našo bedo in stisko, potem vidimo izhod iz slepe ulice, potem smemo upati, saj nam Bog ponuja roko v pomoč. Teža človekovega bivanja na zemlji nam ni odvzeta — tudi vnaprej nas bodo žulili problemi, toda dano nam je upanje, ker vemo, da ni nesmiselno TUKAJ in DANES vztrajati. Ce nam ta novorojenček kaže dobrotljivost in ljudomilost Boga, njegovo ljubezen in usmiljenje, potem ne more biti nesmiselno ljubiti, razdajat' ljubezen, četudi se ne »splača«. Ali je sploh možen mir brez ljubezni, ki se razdaja ne da bi vpraševala po »plačilu in odškodnini«? Vse to nam podaja za Božič Bog — Upokojenci Slovenske pristave poročajo... VABIL O! CLEVELAND, O. - Kot je postala skoraj tradicija, tudi letos prirede kulturna društva, pevska zbora Korotan in Fantje na vasi, plesna skupina Kres in dramsko društvo Lilija, svojo božičnico. Letos bo ta 21. decembra ob petih popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Vsi člani in njih družine ter prijatelji so k tej božičnici prav lepo vabljeni. Prav posebej pa so lepo vabljeni Slovenski šoli pri Sv. Vidu in Mariji Vnebovzeti, da naši mladini pokažemo naše stare slovenske božične običaje. Poleg tega imamo priložnost, da se s prijatelji in znanci poglobimo v skrivnost Božiča brez materialnih vplivov, ki nam vsak dan hočejo dokazovati, da je duh Božiča le v kupu daril, katerih vsebino potrebujemo ali ne. Treba je, da si naberemo daril, ki jih novorojeni Zveličar deli ravno v teh dneh tistim, ki vanj resnično verujejo. Zato pridite, da skupaj počastimo Deteta, »v jasli položenega«. Gospodinje so lepo naproše-ne za pecivo, kajti po kratkem programu bo čajanka in pomenek s prijatelji. Pridite! F G Letošnji Zahvalni dan polka festival CLEVELAND, O. - Na letošnjem praznovanju oz. na Zahvalni dan polka festivalu, smo imeli priložnost poslušati mladega slovenskega harmonikarja Tonija Sotoška, ki ga je bil povabil Tony Petkovšek z namenom, da bi g. Sotošek zabaval goste na tej prireditvi. Tonijevo igranje je bilo na visoko profesionalni ravni, tako da so ga lokalni harmonikaši z zanimanjem poslušali. Za svoje igranje je Toni Sotošek prejel v Sloveniji že dvakrat nagrado za najboljšega diatoničnega harmonikarja. Slovenska plesna skupina Kres je tudi nastopila na Zahvalni dan na prireditvi v hotelu Marriott ter žela navdušeno priznanje z dolgim aplavzom navzočih gostov, katerih je bilo veliko število iz raznih držav širom Amerike (tudi iz sosednje Kanade). Slovenski ansambel Veseli godci je dobil povabilo od znanega »Hermit’s Club«, da bo igral za člane tega društva v soboto, 17. januarja, ko bodo imeli koncert in obenem večer »Poskušanja vin«. D. M. CLEVELAND, O. - Se par tednov in leto 1997 bo za nami. V sredo, 17. decembra, bomo imeli božičnico ob 1.30 pop. v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Po dobrem kosilu bomo ob jaslicah zapeli nekaj naših lepih božičnih pesmi, poslušali božično misel našega duhovnega vodje č.g. Jožeta Božnarja, in ob dobrem pecivu, čaju in kuhanem vinu preživeli lep popoldan. Našim bolnikom bomo ponesli božične rože in pozdrave od vseh članov našega kluba. Upamo, da se bodo vsi pozdravili in se vrnili v našo družbo. Naš klub ima zdaj že 165 članov, a na žalost je preteklo leto umrlo kar 8 članov. Bog jim daj večni mir in pokoj. Celo leto smo bili aktivni. Na Slovenski pristavi smo skrbeli, da je bilo listje pograbljeno, da je bilo pri dvorani vse v najlepšem cvetju, da je bil Orlov rh in kapelica Marije Pomagaj lepo oskrbovana v spomin na naše drage domobrance. Dobiček našega piknika, malo manj ko 3 tisoč dolarjev, smo darovali Slov. pristavi. Za božič bomo lepo obdarovali Slovenski dom za ostarele na Neff Rd., obe slovenski šoli, fari sv. Vida in Marije Vnebovzete, Slovenski radijski oddaji, očete frančiškane v Lemontu, $100 darovali Misijonski znamkarski akciji za sv. maše, ki se naj berejo za naše pokojne člane. Spomladi smo šli na izlet v W. Virginijo v »gaming resort« Mountaineer, junija smo se udeležili Baragovih dni v Marquettu, Mich., se ustavili v L’Ansu in Frankenmuthu. V jeseni smo obiskali naše farmarje v državi New York. Se enkrat najlepša hvala Zaklje-vim, da so za ta izlet vse tako lepo organizirali. Vsem bolnim članom in vsem tistim, ki ne bodo mogli priti na našo božičnico, želimo blagoslovljen Božič in srečno Novo leto. Naj božje Dete tudi nam da uživati ta praznik v krščanskem duhu prijateljstva, bratstva, družinske ubranosti in krščanske ljubezni. Na svidenje v sredo, 17. decembra! Odbor Slomškov krožek poroča... CLEVELAND, O. - Sporočamo žalostno novico, da je pretekli teden v Celju umrl preč. g. Friderik Koljšek, celjski opat. Clevelandski romarji se ga še gotovo dobro spominjate, ko nam je na Teharjih pri Sv. Ani maševal in nam v prelepi pridigi govoril, kako je moral kot enajstletni deček z drugimi šolarji stati v špalirju vse od celjske postaje do taborišča v Teharjih in vpiti nad zvezanimi domobranci, da so izdajalci, ko so jih zvezne kot živino gonili po prašni cesti. Na lastni oči je videl, kako so partizani na konjih onemogle domobrance kar poteptali in jih napol žive metali v obcestne jarke. Tudi njegovega očeta so umorili. Opat Koljšek je bil velik častilec škofa Slomška, posebno še zato, ker je bil Slomšek tudi opat v Celju, preden je postal škof lavantinski. V spomin na pokojnega opata Koljška lahko darujete v sklad za Slomškovo beatifikacijo. Spomnite se ga še posebno v molitvi. V Mariboru še vedno čakajo, »potrpežljivo«, kdaj se bodo v Vatikanu odločili glede Slomškove beatifikacije. Od zadnje objave darov v Slomškov sklad smo prejeli še $30 od neimenovane v spomin na Jožeta Šenka. Odbor Slomškovega krožka se vsem, ki ste kaj darovali v preteklem letu, prisrčno zahvaljuje in vsem skupaj želi blagoslovljen Božič in srečno novo leto. Za odbor: V.F- Slovenska pisarna sporoča... CLEVELAND, O. - Slovens^ pisarna sporoča, da je prejel Pratiko Družbe sv. Mohotj8 za leto 1998. Kakšna je letošnja cena še ne vemo, a upam0' da jo bomo za ta konec tedna že imeli. Imamo pa še na razpolag0 slovenske božične karte po $1’ kadilo tudi $1 za zavitek ter Še nekaj knjižic »Moji spomini škofa Leniča ($3.50). Začeli smo sprejemati naročila za: tednik Svobodna ^°' venijo iz Argentine $100; DrU' žina $90; Ognjišče $35; Du’ hovno življenje $55; Nova N' veza $25; Naša luč $20; Sl°' venska kulturna akcija $40- Posredujemo Vam knjig6’ ki jih želite dobiti iz Slovenil6 ali drugih slovenskih založb inozemstvu. Pisarna je odprta ob sob0 tah od 10. do 12. ure in v nede Ijo od 9.30 do opoldne, telefon: 216/361-1603, fa* Pa4 216/361-1608, in naslov: 61° Glass Ave., Cleveland, *7 44103. Odbor Slov. P‘sarr,e zastonj! Smemo tukaj in danes živeti kot ljudje polni upanja! Veselje, ki nam ga oznanja angel, ni opojna pijača, ki nam zatemni pogled in ki po praznikih zopet izgine, temveč resna sproščenost, ki nas tudi tokrat ne zapusti, ko nas življenjska pot vodi skozi temo. Vsa vsebina božičnega praznika je popolna suverenost Boga. Bog nam je zaupal skrivnost veselja, sreče in miru — zastonj, toda z naročilom, da jo razširimo še med druge. Samo z NJIM jo moremo razširjati. Kaj bi mogli misliti o pastirjih, ki bi - potem ko so slišali'glas angela - zaspali ni bi se jim ne ljubilo iti na pot, da bi tudi drugim oznanili veselo novico. Božič nas pošilja na pot, na pot k bližnjemu in k Bogu. Radi najdemo kak izgovor ali hočemo narediti poceni kompromis, da se nam ni treba podati na pot. Rajši ostanemo doma v topli in zakurjeni hišici, kjer je prijetnejše, kakor da bi se napotili skozi zimo in mraz. (tlaljv na sir. 26) Anton M. lavrisha Attorney-at-La'v (Odvetnik) 18975 VMaview R<>9d at Neff 692-1172 Complete Lega! Servi£eS^ Silvestrovanje v Slovenskem domu v Lemontu Večer, poln veselja, zabave, dobre hrane in odlične glasbe čaka vse, ki bodo prišli pričakat Novo leto 1998 v Slovenski dom v Lemont. »Gotovo, vsakdo želi ta večer preživeti s svojo družino in prijatelji,« pravi Martin Hozjan, predsednik Slovenskega kulturnega centra. Poseben odbor zato pripravlja čudovit večer s trojno glavno jedjo domače hrane, enim najboljših slovenskih ansamblov, ki b° igral za zabavo in ples, nastop dimnikarja in še veliko drobnih stvari in dogodkov, ki bodo naredili večer nepozaben. Posebnost večera bo gotovo prvovrstna glasba, za katero bodo poskrbeli člani Cafutovega ansambla iz Toronta in tako z nami odštevali ure in minute starega leta. Prireditev na Silvestrov večer se bo pričela po 7. uri (maša Ptaznika naslednjega dne bo v cerkvi ob 6. uri). Družine z majhnimi otroki bodo gotovo vesele varstva za njihove malčke, ki ga bo brezplačno pripravil Center. Šolarji do 14. leta ne plačajo vstopnine, za študente bo vstopnica 25 dolarjev in za odrasle 35 dolar-Je,yr Rezervirajte si mesto v naprej na tel. (630) 243-0670. ■)!. »Celo slovenski šampanjec bo na voljo, obljublja Martin Hozjan, »zato upamo, da se bo vsakdo rad pridružil, da skupaj nazdravimo novemu letu. Odbor Lepo praznovanje obletnice Slovenskega doma — drugo od mnogih, ki bodo sledile bEMONT, 111. - Člani in prija-le'ji Slovenskega kulturnega centra v Lemontu smo v nede-l0« 16. novembra, praznovali obletnico naše hiše kulture n narodne dediščine, ki ji pra-v*mo Slovenski dom. Množica Je napolnila našo veliko dvora-n°> ki smo jo za začetek pra-znovanja spremenili v cerkev. Na s cvetjem in zelenjem lepo °krašenem oltarju je daroval sv- mašo p. Blaž Chemazar, Predstojnik slovenskih frančiškanov, za vse pokojne člane, Prijatelje in dobrotnike Slo-venskega doma. Somaševal je p. David šrumpf, voditelj Slovenskega brskega središča, ki je mašno slavje tudi pripravil, sodeloval Pa je tudi naš diakon John 'dmar. Mašo so s petjem °bogatili in olepšili člani fan-tQvskega pevskega zbora Vaso-valci iz Slovenije. Po maši je b- Rlaž blagoslovil obnovitve-na dela okrog Doma in samo-SIana, ki so bila takrat v pol-nem teku. Tokrat smo imeli med nami ot Posebno gostjo, voditelji-Co evropsko-ameriške komisi-nV Urac*u za pastoralo etnič-m skupnosti nadškofije Chi-^a8a. Kristina Zambrzycki je z°venski skupnosti čestitala 1^ tak° čudovit Dom in pode-a z nami prepričanje in upa-da bo kuPnost v v Slovenskem domu in je°Venskem verskem središču ePo in dolgo prihodnost. Odličnemu in izdatnemu ko-„ le sledil kulturni program. roci Slomškove slovenske imela slovenska okolici Chicaga cit6 nastoP‘li s petjem in re- ,^c‘jami, Vasovalci pa buš’ b0P°ldnevu posebno vz-n ,Je s kratkim koncertom J ePših slovenskih narodnih Pesmi. Prt\!.0V-ens^a Pa vedno Tak • P°sebno pozornost. briši° ^ k'*° tud‘ tokrat, ko je Ve„ p na oder plesna skupina pari .Je ' trije odrasli plesni tra ^ed članov našega Cen-iitti • *0s*a^n°stno sprejela zlatoma-t 1 a ‘n sobrate lazariste Tine-n Bati^a, Ivana Plazarja, To-J’a Ovtarja, Jožeta Casla, ana Jana, Franca Sodjo in ZUlta Jožeta Plevnika. Mogočno petje združenih Vcev je pozdravljalo zlato-^ašnika, ko je stopil k oltarju. Svoji pridigi je zlatomašnik ^Voril o zgodovini Marijine-eeščenja v prejšnjem in da-njem stoletju, o zgodovini i^ Jev meci dobrim in slabim, o St v ° ljubezni in sovra- st a’. 0 Heglovi filozofiji, ki tSChJ°.b^lclično izvedla Nie-nizeej 'n ^arx- Marxov komu-fil6”1 v našem stoletju uni-svetrni*''i0ne Oljenj P° celem pa U' *z teh zmotnih ideologij eziv ■ a liberalizem, ki brea^a uživanje in svobodo dji 0L|°8a 'n Njegovih zapove-Pozn. ^i’lj3 raj na zemlji in ne p a ljubezni do bližnjega, bo ?° 80v°rnikovih besedah pa jiriQ111383!0 Jezusovo in Mari-in ij,SLCe' barija je Mati božja ’roke ‘ vse ljudi kot svoje o-bpocj k 3 ^u^oclelni svetinji je •ttelj ?. *-iena' stoječa na ze-vsipa-1 P^li- Žarki milosti se roiti '2 njenih razprostrtih Njena r°R glave venec zvezd. (j0083 Počiva na glavi sVet ’ atana, ki hoče imeti tio drugi strani vidi- i^in ari-iin° srce z mečem bo-SfCe s ^reb°deno in Jezusovo iiko ^ kronano pod ve-bjep, .0 in križem, zname-^eoa ezusovega trpljenja in WdreŠenja- Novi,ma^nik je po maši bla-te svetinjice, ki sr , lvzoč' Ckve' ^ iz cerkZ°^' Pre-ieli oc*h Vtlvnr ^n°st smo nadaljev K V°ran' • no naoaljev ,,0r sku^1’ kjer je cerkveni c Pri^n° S ^aI°liško žens , tje z Prijateljsko si ntom. Ko smo sprejemali, je Če'K.,nLnosti dejal: »Kaj • Vkradlbilškof?!« le |Clri Programu, ki Van Plazar, sedai t P10sk!Ubila voi; anJem župnik pri Brezmadežni, so se vrstile čestitke cerkvenih društev in prijateljev zlatomašni-ka: sedanji predstojnik lazaristov v Kanadi Tine Batič, predsednik župnijskega sveta Florjan Markun, predsednica KŽL Marija Steblaj, organist pevskega zbora Andrej Pahulje, predsednik igralske skupine Lojze Rigler, zastopnika slovenskih hranilnic Jože Serec in Mija Ferkulj. Program je vodil Ciril Pleško. Njegov osebni prijatelj Zvone Hrastnik je na kratko opisal slavljenčevo življenjsko pot in izredne darove, s katerimi je bogatil življenje njim, katerim je služil in z njimi delal kot duhovnik in slovenski izobraženec. Njegovo kulturno in glasbeno udejstvovanje v letih župnikovanja pri Mariji Pomagaj bo za vedno ohranjeno v zgodovini torontske slovenske skupnosti. Delo za Baragovo beatifikacijo, raziskovanje starih ameriških kultur, globoko poznanje in prepričljiva razlaga verskih resnic in svetega pisma, iskanje skritih naravnih lepot in božjega življenja v stvarstvu — torej neštete odlike duhovnika, ki je pred petdesetimi leti kot begunec brez staršev in družine prvikrat daroval sv. mašo v rimski cerkvi sv. Andreja. Sledil je pozdrav Matije Lebarja, s katerim je g. Zrnec ustvarjal mladinske koncerte pri Mariji Pomagaj. V šestdesetih in sedemdesetih letih je priredil 24 koncertov, 6 glasbenih festivalov in 3 spevoigre. V glasbi in petju so njegovi mladi umetniki izvajali dela znanih slovenskih in evropskih skladateljev, mladinskih dra- matikov, prepevali pa štirigla-sno v mnogih jezikih. Iz tistih zlatih časov izhaja tudi dekliški pevski zbor. Dvanajst zvestih članic z voditeljico Silvijo Ovčjak Kolarič je ta večer pozdravilo svojega nekdanjega pevovodjo. Vse so že mamice, ena je redovnica, vse izobražene, še vedno verne Slovenke. Po par njihovih pesmih je vsa dvorana skupno zapela Marija, pomagaj nam sleherni čas. Bilo je čudovito srečanje, prisrčno in domače kakor malokdaj. Gospodu zlatomašniku Tonetu Zrnecu, ki je po prvih desetih misijonskih letih v Južni Ameriki deloval kot kaplan in župnik pri Mariji Pomagaj dvajset let, in še osemnajst let pri Brezmadežni, želimo še mnogo zdravih, uspešnih in blagoslovljenih let! Anica Resnik Stanko Sajnovič: TORONTO, Ont. - Dne 29. novembra je Stanko Sajnovič izpolnil 70 let. Rodil se je blizu Ljutomera na Štajerskem. Prav blizu slovenskega Jeruzalema, tega prelepega kraja, kjer je doma renski rizling, eden najboljših slovenskih belih vin. Stanko se je izučil v Sloveniji za mizarja, pri svojem očetu. Po vojni so ga komunisti mobilizirali v milico. Ko so ga skušali včlaniti v komunistično partijo, se je odločil, da raje zapusti Slovenijo in njen totalitarističen režim. Tako se je znašel leta 1949 v Avstraliji. Njegova žena Jožica, ki je v Ljubljani dokončala tri leta medicine, je prišla za njim v Avstralijo in sta se leta 1956 poročila v Melbournu. Kmalu sta z ženo videla, da jima avstralska klima škoduje V centru Slovenija je pestro Ljubljana — Neke vrste trg ali parkirni prostor v kanadskem Torontu obkrožajo center Slovenija s cerkvijo, slovenska posojilnica oziroma banka, hiša sester in na drugi strani ceste poslovna stavba enega od uspešnih in zelo zavednih Slovencev podjetnika Ivana Kastelica ter prijeten lokal — slaščičarna, kjer imajo slovenski lastniki tudi »blejske kremne rezine«. Slovenci so upravičeno ponosni na ta svoj center. Za gradnjo se je leta 1958 odločilo 82 družin. Veliko prostovoljnega dela, darov od vsepovsod in center je bil kmalu pod streho. Danes ima več poslanstev. V njem se združujejo narodnostno, kulturno in versko delo, pojasnjuje pastor Ivan Plazar, lazarist, Hrastničan, ki je v Torontu že 28 let. Dvorana, ki so jo že razširili, je zasedena vsak dan: vrstijo se srečanja skavtov, plesnih in pevskih skupin, slovenske šole, dobrodelne prireditve, poroke in druge slovesnosti. V dvorani so pripravili dobrodošlico športnikom, umetnikom in politikom, ki so se podali čez lužo in obiskali kar močno slovensko postojanko, saj je v Torontu in okolici našlo drugi dom od 15.000 do 25.000 Slovencev. Pastor pripoveduje, da je bilo še pred desetimi leti nekaterim neprijetno zaradi kipov štirih škofov: Jegliča, Slomška, Barage in Rožmana, ki zaznamujejo dvorano, a danes je že drugače. Pri krstu vsako leto okoli 40 otrok Slovenska šola ima štiri razrede in pouk poteka vsako soboto od 9. ure do 12.30. Ob nedeljah imajo kar štiri maše, kajti cerkev je premajhna, da bi hkrati sprejela vse, ki obiskujejo bogoslužje v slovenščini. Slovenci v Torontu ne bodo kmalu izumrli, saj samo v tej cerkvi (imajo še 4 druge župnije) krstijo približno 40 otrok na leto. Izdajajo tudi svoj dvomesečnik Božja beseda. Slovenski podjetniki so združeni v kanadsko-sloven-sko gospodarsko zbornico, ki sodeluje tudi z Gospodarsko zbornico Slovenije. Ponosno so nam podarili »slovenski« telefonski imenik in glasilo lovcev, ki so zelo dobro organizirani. Iz imenika je tudi razvidno bogato klubsko življenje Slovencev, ki se udejstvujejo in združujejo na zelo različnih področjih. Redno se tudi sručujejo v Slovenskem letovišču. V Lipi se ostareli dobro počutijo Največkrat se zberejo, razen na maši, seveda, na dobrodelnih prireditvah, na katerih zbirajo denar za ostarele Lipa in v druge namene. V oktobru so denimo nabrali lepo vsoto za radio Glas kanadskih Slovencev. Vsak, ki pride iz matične domovine, je vedno dobrodošel. Gostitelji mu radi pokažejo, kaj vse so že naredili, in ne skrivajo ponosa, da so Slovenci. Večina jih redno obiskuje rojstne kraje. Gea College iz Ljubljane, ki organizira izobraževanje zdravstvenih delavcev iz Slovenije v Kanadi — tu imajo zanimiv zdravstveni sistem — vselej pelje slušatelje tudi v dom za ostarele Lipa in v Slovenski center. Taka srečanja razveselijo goste in gostitelje. Odkar imamo internet, so popolnoma na tekočem z dogajanjem v rodni Sloveniji. Takoj so nas obvestili, kdo \se je predsedniški kandidat, in pokomentirali, da »hcc pač mora bili«, saj je tudi v Kanadi tako. Biserka M. Meden De/o, I. dec. /W7 sedemdesetletnik in sta se odločila, da gresta v Kanado. Nekaj let sta živela in delala v Torontu. Kmalu sta kupila posestvo (190 akrov) blizu Orillia, kakih 100 km severno od Toronta. Leta 1964 je Jožica začela tam z rejo puranov. Stanko je nekaj let še naprej delal v Torontu in se vsak konec tedna vozil v Orillio. Cim jima je finančno stanje dovolilo, sta se oba posvetila reji puranov, kokoši in prašičev. Danes imata veliko podjetje, ki letno proizvaja 100.000 puranov in kokoši. Hrano za purane kupujeta in samo ta jih stane letno $600.000. To nam precej zgovorno pove, kako veliko je njihovo podjetje. Stanko in Jožica sta tudi zelo aktivna v slovenski skupnosti. Sta člana Slovensko Kanadskega Sveta, društva Planica, kjer imata svoje stanovanje, sta člana Slovenskega doma in še kaj. Pri vseh teh društvih je Stanko tudi odbornik. Dalje, Stanko in Jožica sta aktivna pri cerkvi Sv. Evharistije v Uptergrove, blizu Orillia. Zakonca Sajnovič imata sina Stankota in hčerko Eriko. Stanko ml. je že na tem, da bo prevzel in vodil starševo veliko podjetje. Za to delo je zelo dobro pripravljen: ima dolgoletno prakso doma in še diplomo iz agronomije. Stanko in Jožica nista samo aktivna v vseh slovenskih društvih, ampak sta tudi velika mecena. Ze več let za vsak »Slovenski dan« darujeta nekaj puranov. Tudi druge slovenske prireditve često obdarita s purani. Ko človek premišljuje o težki življenjski poti in istočasno izrednem uspehu Jožice in Stankota, se čuti ponosnega, da je Slovenec. Ljudje takega kova ustvarjajo lepši svet za vse človeštvo. Slovenci iz vsega srca želimo Stankotu in Jožici še na mnoga leta! Poročevalec Podatki in nove podrobnosti o umiku JLA iz Slovenije TRST/GORICA, It. - 25. oktobra leta 1991 je iz koprskega pristanišča odplula še zadnja ladja natovorjena z opremo, oborožitvijo in osebnim imetjem pripadnikov Jugoslovanske ljudske armade, ki so morali zapustiti slovenska tla. Ob šesti obletnici umika sta ministra za obrambo in za notranje zadeve, Tit Turnšek in Mirko Bandelj, v veliki dvorani vladne palače v Ljubljani priredila sprejem za pripadnike Slovenske vojske in za ministrstvo za notranje zadeve. Nekatere podrobnosti o umiku, ki so bile doslej večinoma neznane, je ob obletnici (itulj e na str. 27) Razne in različne vesti iz Slovenije in Slovenije v svetu Predsednik Bill Clinton o rešenih Američanih Ljubljana — »Knjiga pobegi in povratek, ki ste mi jo poslali, je v mnogočem spomin na zgodovinske temelje, iz katerih izhajajo in se krepijo vezi med našima državama,« je zapisal ameriški predsednik Bill Clinton v zahvalnem pismu nekdanjemu slovenskemu veleposlaniku v ZDA dr. Ernestu Petriču. Pristavil je še, da je z zanimanjem prebral »živahno pripoved o tem, kako so slovenski partizani med drugo svetovno vojno reševali ponesrečene ameriške letalce, iz izkušnjo Johna Rucigaya pri tem v slovenskem Nadlesku«. Johna Rucigaya, ki je po rodu iz Domžal, so partizani rešili pred Nemci v Istri. Ker mu je odpovedalo letalo, je izskočil s padalom. Ko je bil ob 50. obletnici zmage nad fašizmom v Ljubljani, se je povezal s partizanskim veteranom fotoreporterjem Edijem Šel-hausom, ki je raziskoval in raziskal mnoge usode rešenih ameriških letalcev v Sloveniji. Objavil jih je v knjigah Stotina sreče in Zbogom, Liberty Bell (soavtor Janez Žerovnik). Rucigay je zgodbe iz obeh knjig strnil v angleško različico z naslovom Evasion and Repatriation, ki jo je izdala založba, specializirana za vojaške spomine. Slovenskemu, veleposlaništvu v Washingto-nu je predlagal, naj knjigo pošlje Beli hiši. Tam je bila očitno sprejeta z zadovoljstvom. John Rucigay in Aleš Orel iz Radovljice sta knjigo Pobegi in povratek (s podnaslovom Slovenski partizani in rešeni ameriški letalci med drugo svetovno vojno) podarila tudi ameriški državni sekretarki Madeleine Albright, nekdanjemu obrambnemu ministru Wi-lliamu Perryju in drugim vplivnim Američanom, imajo pa jo tudi v knjižnici na letalonosilki John F. Kennedy. L.P. Delo, 4. dec. 1997 Američan dobavljal orožje Sloveniji Washington — Ameriško zvezno sodišče je obtožilo 46-letnega ameriškega državljana Yurija L Montgomeryja iz zvezne države Washington, da je nezakonito dobavljal vojaško opremo Sloveniji in Makedoniji, s čemer je kršil ameriške zvezne zakone. Montgomery je ministrstvi za trgovino in notranje zadeve zaprosil za izvozno dovoljenje, a so ga zavrnili s pojasnilom, da bi to »škodilo ameriški zunanji po- Frijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS litiki«, piše v obtožnici. S pomočjo ponarejenih dokumentov je poslal solzivec, strelivo, lisice in drugo opremo v Slovenijo in Makedonijo, piše v obtožnici. Božične pesmi Stanka Premrla prvič na CD Ljubljana — Mednarodno uveljavljeni bas baritonist Marko Fink je ob klavirski spremljavi Nataše Valant v Vili Podrožnik 8. decembra s krajšim koncertom predstavil svojo naj novejšo zgoščenko (tj. CD plošča) Božične skrivnosti, na kateri sta posnela 16 božičnih pesmi slovenskega skladatelja Stanka Premrla. Samospevi za bariton in klavir na poezijo Božič Vitala Voduška iz leta 1928 so šele sedaj, kot je povedal dr. Edo Škulj, dobile svojo prvo interpretacijo. Vodušek je kot župnik leta 1939 prevzel slovensko župnijo v San Franciscu in v Ameriki leta 1973 tudi umrl. Iz njegove zbirke Pesmi je Premrl vzel besedila z božično vsebino za svoje samospeve. Sledijo Dve božični pesmi Matije Tomca na tekste Mirjam Tozon, pesnice, pianistke ter organistke, Sest koroških ljudskih božičnih pesmi v priredbi skladatelja Sama Vrem-šaka in Štiri slovenske ljudske božične pesmi Valentina Stol-cerja, Luke Dolinarja, Gustava Ipavca in Gregorja Riharja, prav tako v Vremšakovem aranžmaju. Zadnja, devetindvajseta pesem pa je slavna Gruberjeva Sveta noč. Zgoščenko je izdala Založba kaset in plošč RTV Slovenija. Večnamesko letališče Cerklje ob Krki — V brežiški občini je imela JA mnoge objekte, največji pa je bilo vojaško letališče Cerklje ob Krki. Danes nekaj sto hektarov uporablja Slovenska vojska za svoj učni center, tu pa sta še območno poveljstvo ter okle-pno-mehanizirani bataljon in brigada vojnega letalstva. Nad cerkljanskem poljem in njegovo okolico zdaj letajo šolska letala in pristajajo domači helikopterji, čedalje jasnejša pa je tudi prihodnost cerkljanskega letališča. Kot je ob nedavnem obisku v brežiški občini povedal minister za obrambo Tit Turnšek, naj bi ga v prihodnje razen za vadbo vojaških pilotov namenili tudi za gospodarske in športne potrebe, nikakor pa ne bo postalo vojaško oporišče za Natove enote. Lahko bo le služilo za vmesno pristajanje njihovih letal, vendar bi ga bilo treba preurediti. V prihodnjih dveh letih naj bi dobilo naprave za pristajanje ponoči in ob slabši vidljivosti ter primerne rezervoarje za letalsko gorivo. Ob hrvaško-slovenski meji se sprehaja medved Čatež ob Savi — Člani lovskih družin na gojitvenem območju Žumberak-Gorjanci že dlje časa spremljajo velikega medveda, ki mu očitno ni do zimskega spanja. Morda pa celo napoveduje milo zimo. Kosmatinec, ki so ga zasledovali že hrvaški lovci, videli pa tudi kostanjeviški, se je zdaj prikazal na območju Čateža ob Savi. Pri Globočicah ga je pred dnevi s stojišča blizu vasi skoraj četrt ure opazoval izkušeni lovec Janez Zagode iz Brežic, ki ocenjuje, da je imel vsaj 150 kilogramov in da je Visit Our Slovene American Auto Repair Shop! NOTTINGHAM AUTO BODY & FRAME Frame Straightening Collision Repair Painting 19425 St. Clair Avenue Tel. 481-1337 Michael Bukovec, Owner Bralci Ameriške Domovine: Priporočajte naš list! Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid A ve. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Pravo božično praznovanje (nadaljevanje s str. 22) Tudi v sosedu, v bližnjem, v materi, v očetu, v starki, v otroku, v brezbožnemu, v egoistu, v mogočnežu, v osamelem... se mora roditi Kristus. Nič nam ne koristi, če je Božič le spomin, da se je Kristus rodil pred dva tisoč leti, če se tukaj in danes nič ne rodi, nič ne spremeni. Nič nam ne koristi, če bi bil Bog pred dva tisoč leti govoril, tukaj in danes pa ne bi bilo nikogar, ki bi na® govoril v božjem imenu. Nič nam ne koristi, če bi Bog pred dva tisoč leti storil velika dela, da bi se pred dva tisoč leti izkazala in poosebila božja ljubezen, če tukaj in danes nimamo nikogar, k’ nesebično ljubi, misli in sočustvuje, in če se tukaj in danes ne ljubimo med seboj. Čudo svete noči, čudo božičnega praznika je v tem, da Bog med nami lahko bolj oživi, da Bog postane »up t0 date« in se med nami poosebi. Bog potrebuje telo, da čuti, potrebuje roke, da ozdravlja, usta, da govori in tolaži, srce, da ljub'; potrebuje noge, da se napoti k bližnjemu, potrebuje oči, da vidi stisko... Skratka: potrebuje MENE, TEBE, NAS... Ali se bo Bog rodil, poosebil v sveti noči v meni, v tebi, v nas? Zares bi bilo škoda svete noči, če bi šla brez sledu mimo nas. H. O. (Misli, december 19^1 bil star okrog 10 let. Tacal je naokoli, se oziral, malo brundal in se nato napotil proti gozdu. V zadnjih dneh samotarja sicer ni videl nihče, vendar previdnost na Brežiški planinski poti nikakor ne bo odveč, poroča V.P. v Delu 10.12. Smučarska sezona se po Sloveniji že začela Ljubljana — Najbolj neučakani smučarji so že pretekli teden začeli preskušati naprave in sveže steptane smučine, največ pa jih je bilo na pobeljenih bregovih. Snežna odeja je bila povsod tam, kjer je to za december običajno, spodbudno debela, marsikje so obnovi' opremo in prostore. Obeta se dobra sezona. Na Krvavcu so p vi v Slove niji pognali žičnice že 26. n° vembra, ker so do tedaj nate dili dovolj umetnega snega,^ a sta lahko obratovali dve žicn' ci. Vendar je bil prvi teden & radi zelo slabega vremena bo klavrn. Sredi tedna pa se j povsem spremenilo. Nasu (dalje na str. 27) Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Vaše ime Vaš naslov . .A $J. ' £& Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Vaše ime Vaš naslov ' ^ Vesele božične praznike n ' in srečno novo leto ** Vaše ime r Vaš naslov , American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is my check for .................. (circle one) $40.00 ad; $25.00 ad; for a $1 5.0° Christmas ad to appear in the Ameriška Domovih My name_______________________________-—— My address City and State Različne vesti iz Slovenije in Slovenije po svetu (nadaljevanje s sir. 26) i'm je toliko snega, da so lahko odprli tudi smučišča z Nji-v'c v Tiho dolino, nato pa po-Enali še žičnico na najvišjo tooko, to je na Zvoh. Ob koncu preteklega tedna tudi 2200 metrov visoko le-keČa pobočja na Kaninu dobila Poldrugi meter debelo snežno odei°- Žičničarji kljub močne-mu vetru, ki je vlekel čez ka-Pinsko pogorje, utrdili smu-Carske proge. Kaninske žični-p6’ Pfodvidevajo, bodo pogna-' t0 soboto, 13. decembra. nPrave na letošnjo smučar-s 0 sezono so bile temeljite in ° Sežne. Največ dela je bilo z ^ntenjavo kar 12 kilometrov jeklenice dostavne gon-°|ske žičniče. Tudi drobnih e Je bilo na 24 let starih na-(ravab veliko. Na Bovškem so Ptkajšnji hoteli za novoletno Snovanje že razprodani, ^feteklo soboto so prvič v J sezoni zavrteli smučarske aPrave na Pungartu, Sedlu, l^1.1 >n Veliki Kopi ter na Kaš-Piku, kjer je snežna odeja i0*8la do 70 cm. Avstrijci odkrili svoje r°jake po Sloveniji .,Gradec — Po avstrijski razi- st hV' V ®est^ sl°venslcih me-. P (Ljubljana, Maribor, Pfska Sobota, Lendava, Ce-5 Ltuj) in njihovi okolici hi priPadnikov nemškogo-0sr^e rnanjšine in še nekaj sto J' pripadajo. Ekipa Un' te^ana ^arnerja z graške Se je zbrala zvočne zapi-8 oseb. Dr. Karner trdi 'bdi, tanjši; *daj da nemško govoreča strta v Sloveniji obstaja, dna J0.rnora priznati še ura-Ško Več kot 900 nem- i2D8ov°rečih prebivalcev baje Ven$k^e tudi P08°j iz slo-Par / Ustave o avtohtonosti ne manjšine, saj na do- trii.nern območju živijo vsaj Je fodovi. ^Žavni zbor je sprejel poračun za leto 1997 Jubljana — Poslanci so na- OGLASI Modern s°R RENT SloVe 3 r°om apt., next to off J1*; Home for the Aged, Rd‘ Cal1 531-5754 or 7- (x) \ TO RENT Vgar°0^'nS for house to rent, 4Jfc- Under $300. Please l:Ooa ^28 Mon.-Fri., bet. 'm-'4:30p.m. (49-1) posled le sprejeli proračun za leto 1997, ki bo imel ob 710 milijardah prihodkov kar 33,58 milijarde tolarjev primanjkljaja oziroma 1,2 odstotka domačega bruto proizvoda. Vladna koalicija (LDS, SLS, DeSUS), ki je opozicijo (SDS, SKD, ZLSD) stisnila v kot in ji ni ugodila niti pri enem dopolnilu, je podaljšala proračunsko leto v januar, kar je prineslo dodatnih 17 milijard tolarjev prihodkov. Predsednik Bill Clinton čestital Milanu Kučanu Ljubljana — »Užival sem v najinem srečanju septembra in se veselim najinega sodelovanja v prihodnje,« je v čestitki Milanu Kučanu zapisal ameriški predsednik Bill Clinton. Boris Jelcin je prepričan, da se bo po Kučanovi izvolitvi sodelovanje med Rusijo in Slovenijo še poglobilo in prispevalo k stabilnosti in miru v Evropi. Estonski predsednik Lennart Meri je ob voščilu izrazil tudi upanje, da bosta Slovenija in Estonija ta mesec na vrhu EU skupaj dobili zaupanje petnajsterice. Letošnja prodaja novih avtomobilov večja Ljubljana — V enajstih mesecih tega leta je bilo v Sloveniji prodanih 58.523 novih avtomobilov, poldrugi odstotek več kot v istem času lani. Prodajalci avtomobilov napovedujejo, da bo tudi letos prodanih magičnih 60.000 novih avtomobilov. Božično drevo z 98 pojočimi »okraski« Ljubljana — Slovenska prestolnica je že okrašena z raznobarvnimi lučkami, lampijončki in božičnimi drevesci. Po svoji nenavadnosti zagotovo najbolj izstopa 14 metrov visoko »pojoče božično-novoletno drevo« na ploščadi pred veleblagovnico Maximarket. Postavili so posebno kovinsko konstrukcijo, odeto v zeleno tkanino in okrašeno z lučkami ter girlandaijii, na kateri bo od 16. do 28. decembra stalo kar 98 pevcev dveh pevskih zborov in prepevalo dvanajst najlepših božičnih in novoletnih pesmi. Premiero pretekli petek zvečer si je z velikim zanimanjem ogledalo na desetine Ljubljančanov, saj doslej najbrž še niso videli tako »živega« in hkrati še prepevajočega božičnega drevesa. Občani bodo lahko »pojočo jelko« poslušali še PETRIČ ertified Master Technician Syria's Automotive Service Foreign O Domestic General Auto Repair 33 (216) 942-5130 <,3° '-••'eland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR SKRUNITEV KOMAJ OBNOVLJENE CERKVE V BOHINJSKI BISTRICI - Pisec žaljivega grafita »Hinavci« in »Cerkev je mafija« na novem pročelju farne cerkve sv. Nikolaja v Bohinjski Bistrici še ni odkrit. Mimo napisa s črnim pršilom je šel 30. novembra dopoldne, ob blagoslovitvi cerkve, tudi ljubljanski metropolit in nadškof, dr. Franc Rode, ki je kot prvi slovenski škof sploh maševal v Bohinju. Župnijski urad Bohinjska Bistrica je tudi ob pomoči občine obnovil cerkveno ostrešje in fasado, mrliške vežice, del novega pokopališča in kapelo. V cerkvi imajo novih 14 postaj križevega pota, darilo iz Kobarida. (Ne)znanec, ki je v noči na 29. november zamazal del pročelja s približno 60 centimetrov velikimi črkami, je zabrisal za seboj vse sledi. 16., 18., 19.,20.,22. in 27. decembra ob 6.30 zv., 21. in 28. decembra ob 11.30 ter 23. decembra ob 8. uri zvečer. Koroška bo s Slovenijo in FJK kandidatka za Olimpijske igre 2006 Dunaj — Avstrijski olimpijski odbor je 2. decembra sklenil, da bo Koroška v sodelovanju s Slovenijo in Furlanijo-Julijsko krajino avstrijska kandidatka za pripravo zimskih olimpijskih iger leta 2006. Tako je Koroška »premagala« druga dva močna domača kandidata, Tirolsko in Salzburško. Ker je tudi v Italiji v trojnem konceptu kandidirala le Furlanija, je mednarodna zamisel vendarle korak bliže k uresničil vi. Očitno je k odločitvi precej prispevalo tudi, da je kakih 80 odsioikov vseh naprav, potrebnih za izvedbo iger, že poslati jenih in je torej Koroška ponudila med vsemi tremi najcenejši* različico. Koroški predstavniki so dokazali, da je bila njihova ponudba najbliže pogojem, ki jih postavlja mednarodni olimpijski odbor. Z izbiro Koroške se je lorej odbor prvič odločil za mednarodne »igre brez meja, kar jih s športnega prestavlja tudi na mednarodnopolitično področje.« KO LED 4R DECEMBER 14. — Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza priredi božičnico za mlado članstvo v SND na St. Clairju. 21. — Društvo SPB Cleve-land ima božičnico ob 2.30 pop., v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. — 1998 — JANUAR /g. — Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti vabi na kosilo v šolski dvorani. Serviranje od 11.30 do I. pop. 24. — Slovenska pristava priredi tradicionalno »Pristavsko noč«, v SND na St. Clair Ave. FEBRUAR 15. — Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu postreže s kosilom v avditoriju. Serviranje od 11. dop. do 1.30 pop. NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s sir. 21) Amelia Mramor Dne 5. decembra je v Lorai-nu, kjer se je bila pred 90 leti tudi rodila, umrla Amelia Mramor, vdova po 1. 1990 umrlem Josephu, mati Arlene Grubic, Viriginije Erdy, Mary Ellen Eaton in Josepha, 10-krat stara mati, 8-krat prastara mati, dolgoletna aktivna faranka pri župniji sv. Cirila in Metoda, v kateri je bila tudi pogrebna sv. maša 8. decembra. Frank W. Suhadolnik Dne 17. novembra je na Floridi nenadno umrl 70 let stari Frank W. Suhadolnik, brat Frances Weisbarth, stric Daniela, drugi sorodniki živijo v Sloveniji, veteran 2. svetovne vojne. Pogreb je bil na Floridi, prijatelji so se pa zbrali 6. decembra dop. ob lih v cerkvi sv. Jeroma. Frank Smrekar Umrl je 87 let stari Frank Smrekar z Valley Vievva, O., mož Ane, roj. Petrič, brat že pok. Johna, Marije Lavrič in Toneta, svak Frances Šuligoj in Louise Kranjčič. Pogreb je bil 6. decembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Martin of Tours in pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Umik JA iz Slovenije (nadaljevanje s sir. 25) v nekem intervjuju pojasnil brigadir (nov visok čin v Slo-venski vojski) Peter Zupan, ki \odi Oddelek za materialno oskrbo v Upravi za logistiko Mimstrsivn za obrambo. Bil je član mešane slovensko-jugo- slovanske pogajalske skupine, ki je pod nadzorom mednarodnih opazovalcev usklajevala podrobnosti o umiku Jugoslovanske armade iz Slovenije. Povedal je, »da je ob odhodu ostalo na železniških tirih okoli 460 do 490 vagonov, polnih opreme in orožja. Tam sta bila najrazličnejša oprema in material, od tankov do hrane, šotorov in druge opreme. To je bilo samo v vagonih, potem pa so bile še vojašnice in skladišča. Jugoslovanska vojska je v začetku umika hotela vse odpeljati s seboj. Se vojaške brunarice so bile razstavljene in naložene na vagonih za transport. Ker niso imeli možnosti umika z vsem, kar je ostalo v Sloveniji, so omenjene potrebščine ostale na svojih mestih. Potrebovali smo več kot eno leto, da smo sredstva popisali, uskladiščili in pregledali. Ko smo recimo na Kodeljevem v Ljubljani pregledali in-tendantsko opremo, smo našteli tudi trideset tisoč puloverjev, dvesto tisoč kosov spodnjega perila, srajc in uniform, ki so bile sicer nove, vendar za Slovenijo neuporabne. Zelena barva Jugoslovanske vojske namreč ni bila primerna za barve nove Slovenske vojske. Imeli smo tudi velikanske zaloge hrane, ki jo je bilo treba uporabiti, da se ne bi pokvarila. Jugoslovanska vojska ni mogla odpeljati s seboj vsega, kar je nameravala. Težava je bila v tem, da niso imeli dovolj plovil za odvoz, druge možnosti za prevoz čez Hrvaško, Trst in Madžarsko pa so odpadle. Zamislili so si recimo, da bodo s seboj odpeljali šest sto vozil, lahko pa so jih je stopetdeset. Armada je ob umiku iz Slovenije uničila veliko objetkov in opreme, nekdanje vojašnice pa dobesedno opustošila. Orožje, ki je ostalo v Sloveniji, je zdaj že zastarelo in zato neuporabno.« Marjan Drobež Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1211. Samo dva tedna do božičnega praznika. ko izide ta članek v AD; letos pade božič prav na četrtek. S posebnimi pozdravi se je oglasil naš redni dopisovalec za MZA in dobri prijatelj pok. g. Wolbang Rev. Vladimir Kos in začenja s sledečimi vrsticami: MZA NADALJUJE. Najprej s hvaležnim spominom nanj, ki jo je bil zamislil in skušal, v kar se da polni meri, uresničiti, pokojni in dragi preč.g. Wolbang CM. Smrt za nas katoličane ni konec, ampak nadaljevanje življenja. In v tem smislu sem zložil naslednjo pesem, ki sem ji -zdaj v novembru - dal naslov »V mesecu mrtvih živih«: Spet eno zrno padlo je na grudo, da prst jo skrije v svojo zibelko, da v njej zon' za v vigredi življenje, v podobo, polno blaženih resnic. Življenje čudo je in smrt je čudo— pri Bogu mrtvih ni in ni grobov. Do konca dni Gospodovo vstajenje želja nebeških nadaljuje klic. Se zdaj je Tvoja želja, dragi Karel, da vso resnico svet, ves svet, spozna— saj zanj posta! je Bog ljubezni Človek. In z Njim si želel streti src okove, Zanj deta! si, trpe! do zadnjega. Tvoj trud On nadaljuje, dragi Karel! Vsi poznamo Gospodovo realistično statistiko o sejalcih Božje besede - neuspeh je zajamčen! A enako zajamčen je uspeh na svetovni njivi tja do konca zgodovine. V luči te božje statistike lahko ugotovimo: tisto ogromno dobrega, ki ga je - po blagoslovljeni zamisli preč.g. Wolbanga - lahko MZA doslej uresničila z ozirom na širjenje Božjega kraljestva v svetu, nekje sodeluje s 30 odstotki usepha, nekje s 60 odstotki, in nekje s 100 odstotki. Le da moramo »nekje« in obliko »odstotkov« prepustiti Vsemogočnemu Sejalcu, na čigar večnem ekranu se preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost oziroma bodočnost takorekoč zlivajo v eno samo veliko, dobrohotno Božje kraljestvo. »Gospod je kralj na veke«, poje psalmist Stare zaveze, npr. v psalmih 10 in 29. (se bo nadaljevalo) Tokrat vam želim predstaviti odbor MZA za Cleveland za leto 1998: Predsednica, Marica Lavriša; podpreds., Jelka Kuhel; taj., Mari Celestina; blag., Stefan Marolt; nadzornice: Ani Nemec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec; odborniki: Rudi in Anica Knez, Viktor in Nežka Tominec, Marija Ribič, Mary Ann Mlinar, Frank Kuhelj, Marija Prosen; namestnika: Jose- phine Tominc in Janez Prosen. Duhovni vodja: Rev. dr. Pavel Krajnik. Vsem članom odbora se zahvaljujem, da so sprejeli dolžnosti in odgovornost te organizacije. Želim vsem veliko božjega blagoslova in ljubezni. Darovali so v novembru: Frank Boh $20. Francka Hočevar za vzdrževanje bogoslovca Andreja Ojstreža $400. Milena Ferkul $400, za bogoslovca Izidorja Grošlja, obe za akademsko leto 1998. Ana Tomc $20. Ana Medved $20. Tone in Vida Oblak $25. Katarina Jereb za bogoslovca Pavla Kodelja $300. Janez in Marija Prosen $500 za ljubi, bogoslovca. Anton in Marica Lavriša $50 za mis. Rev. Franca Buha in $50 v spomin g. W. Barbara Maganja, Euclid, O., 6 obrok za bogosl. $350 in dar njemu $50. Stanley Gerdin, Carbon-dale, Col., za semeniščnika $350, za Radio Ognjišče $60 in $15 za vse. Marija Marolt za lačne na Madagaskarju $50, v spomin g. W. $25 in v spomin g. Cvelbarja $25. Stefan Marolt $50 v spomin g. W. William S. Devine, Gotha, Fla., za s. Marijo Pavlišič na Madagaskarju $500. Vsem dobrotnikom tisočera zahvala. Prejela sem sledeče vrstice od g. Antona Slabeta, rektorja ljubljanskega semenišča: Ljubljana, 21.11.1997. Danes so šli bogoslovci domov, da bodo v nedeljo volili. Hvaležen sem Vam za opozorilo, počasi spoznavam razmere in posamezne primere v semenišču. Hvala Vam za vse! Lepo pozdravljam vas in vaše MZA sodelavce, vdani Anton Slabe.« G. rektor nam je s tem dopisom poslal nekaj informacij o bogoslovcih in sicer iz koliko članske družine prihajajo in iz katerega kraja. V prvi letnik se jih je letos vpisalo 6 in sicer eden iz župnije Preska pri Medvodah, drugi iz Škofje Loke, 3. iz Kranja tj. prvi iz škofijske klasične gimnazije, 4. iz St. Vida nad Ljubljano, 5. iz Begunj na Gorenjskem, 6. iz župnije Kolovrat. Za teh še nimamo dobrotnikov, ki bi jih prevzeli za vzdrževanje. V drugem letniku jih je 10 in od teh dva imata dobrotnika, torej jih je še osem, ki bi bili zelo srečni, če bi dobili od koga pomoč. Od teh eden izhaja iz 8-članske družine, eden iz 5-članske, eden iz 4-članske, dva iz 3- in dva iz dvočlanske družine. So iz teh župnij: Preddvor pri Kranju, Škofja Loka, Komenda, Šenčur pri Kranju, Ljubljana-Št.Vid, Zlato polje-Kranj in iz Naklega pri Kranju. Priporočamo, da si sami izberete, če se boste pač odločili, da bi prevzeli koga iz župnije, v kateri ste vi nekoč živeli. Letna vzdrževalnina je še vedno $300. Vašo odločitev lahko sporočite meni, ali pa kateremu koli odborniku MZA, kjer živite. V ljubljanskem semenišču pomagamo v 6. letniku sedem bogoslovcev. Ti bodo že drugo leto diakoni. V petem letniku pa 9, v četrtem 10, v tretjem 6 (sedmi je na odsluženju vojaškega roka). Kar lepo število je to. Hvala vam, dragi dobrotniki, v molitvah ne pozabite nanje, bodite jim dobri duhovni starši. Pomoč za akademsko leto 1997/98 bodo v teh dneh prejeli. Drugič boste izvedeli še za mariborsko in koprsko bogoslovje. Nadaljevanje letne razdelitve misijonarjem: Na Madagaskarju še delujejo: s. Marjeta Mrhar v Farafangani dobi $700; s. Marija Zanjkovič v Ekar Namazary-Itashy, $500; Ivan Stanta $500, v Ihosyju. Tem trem odpošlje čeke Sonja Ferjan, kakor tudi misijonarjem v Ruando in Burundi: s. Bogdana Kavčič dobil skupni ček za sledeče in ga razdeli: s. Bogdana Kavčič sama dobi $700 (po $100 od Mary Ann Mlinar in Antonije Gregorin); s. Ana Burger $500; s. Vesna Hiti $500; s. Vida Gerkman $500. V Burundiju delujejo sledeči misijonarji: Rev. August Horvat $500; Rev. Jože Mlinarič $500; Rev. Danilo Lisjak $500. Vsi so salezijanci in jim je darove MZA poslal Rudi Knez. Na Novi Gvineji-Papua deluje br. Jože Kramar (80-let-nik-čestitamo ter mu želimo še mnogo plodnih let!) $500. Njemu pomagata še dva laična misijonarja in sicer Franci Kurent in Zvonka Kopina, ki dobita vsak po $250. Vsem trem je skupen dar $1000 poslal Rudi Knez. Zambija. V Zambiji deluje osem slovenskih misijonarjev in štiri Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VASI ŽELJI! Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185,h Area 531-7700 — Emergencies — Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) laične misijonarke. Poslali smo jim pomoč MZA v znesku $5300, ki ga bo razdelil br. Jože Rovtar takole med nje: rev. Jože Grošelj $500; rev. Janez Mlakar $500; Janez Mujdrica $500; rev. Lojze Podgrajšek $610 ($500 MZA, darova dobrotnikov $50 Marica Lavriša in $60 Jože Levstik); rev. Stanko Rozman $500 od MZA in $200 kot oseben dar g. Wolbanga, skupaj $700; rev. Radko Rudež $500; br. Jože Rovtar $500; po $250 laičnim misijonarjem: Marija Anžič, Katarina Ferjančič, Kristina Leskovec in Edvin Snobel. Rev. Lovro Tomazin $500 in še osebni dar $125 Mari Celestina, skupaj $625. Rev. Rozman dobi še $500 za sv. maše. Darove je poslala Mari Celestina. Prejeli so še: V kraju Kei-moes, Južna Afrika, delujeta s. Benigna Teresa Steh in rodna sestra Benigna Alojzija Steh, vsaka po $500; v Bocvani s. Zora Škerlj $500; v Tanzaniji rev. Emil Cuk $500, v Ugandi rev. Rafko Rupert $500. P. Pepi Lebreht od mnogih dobrotnikov: Jakoba Beznika $750, ga. Coffelt in ga. Matilda Simčič po $100, Valentina Škof $150, g. Mernik $70, ga. Wojtecki $300 ter dar MZA kot vsakemu. Naj vsakemu posebej božji Misijonar stotero pomnoži, kajti, kjer je dobrota tam je ljubezen, in kjer je ljubezen, tam je božji blagoslov. Z darovi še nismo zaključili in prihodnjič nadaljujemo. V molitev se priporočajo naše dolgoletne pionirke misijonskega dela pri MZA Anica Tushar, Mici Coffelt in Mimi Martinčič; vse tri so na zdravljenju, prav tako nekateri naši starejši dobrotniki, ki so morda osamljeni. Ne pozabimo tudi na naše starejše, izčrpane misijonarje. . „ . Sonja terjan 79 Lunness Road Toronto, Ont. M8W 3V7 Canada Tel. - (416) 255-2519 Obžalovanje resnice (nadaljevanje s str. 24) li vsaj 12.000 protikomunističnih borcev, ali okrog 90(7o protikomunistične vojske. 0^ ostalih 10% je v petih desetletjih pomrla vsaj polovica, kdo torej naj danes obžaluje bodisi »kolaboracijo« bodisi »dofflO' bransko« prisego, če pa je večina »kolaborantov« že v grobu? Res je, da vsaj na papirju-še obstajata dve domobranski organizaciji v Južni in Severni Ameriki, vendar sta zradi nenehnega izumiranja obe tako maloštevilni, da sta ob part'" zanski Zvezi borcev, ki še danes šteje več tisoč članov, komajda reprezentativni. Zato se zdi, da ostaja kot edini reprezentativni element nekdanjega protikomunisti' nega tabora v Sloveniji - Katoliška cerkev. Ta je bila namre tista moralna avtoriteta, kaR' ro so priznavali vsi protikomunistični borci, oni, ki so padk-in tisti, ki so obstali. Vprašanje pa je, če bi bila Cerkev pripravljena na tako »posredovanje«. Ne manjka namreč primerov iz življofJ slovenske, domobranske, hočete, emigracije, ko s£ J zdelo, da so posamezni duhoV niki vse prej kot navduše'11 nad kakršnokoli povezavo ^ »vojaškim« delom slovens emigracije. Prav lahko Pa tudi zgodi, da bi preživeli o® mobranski borci Cerkvi dan odrekli pravico, da v tej zad£ govori v njihovem imenu. Zato živijo danes preostal1’ osiveli slovenski domobraPd I nekem zgodovinskem son^a ku: v Kočevskem Rogu ju ^ barjih prelita kri jih je $lS kakršnekoli krivde, zgod0^^ pa jih s pomočjo komunist propagande še vedno zadf za zaslorjem svojega dog nja. Še vedno jim je 0. pot kvečjemu v - »Paltna^ vo«.