REDUCTION OF SWITCHING NOISE AND POWER SUPPLY CURRENTS IN DIGITAL CIRCUITS WITH DIRECTED DATA FLOW Dušan Raič Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words: mixed design, switcliing noise, clock distribution. Abstract: Substrate noise is a serious limiting factor in the design of analogue-digital systems. Distributed clock systems can be used as an efficient method to solve the simultaneous switching noise problems associated with the data processing and clock distribution. We present a short overview of known methods for switching noise reduction and propose a general clock distribution technique for circuits with directed data flows. The clock distribution network is implemented by a clock pipeline. The associated synchronisation problems are solved by reverse clocking scheme and signal latching in feedback loops. The processing of N-bit long data by the proposed system shows that power supply spikes can be reduced by a factor ~1.2N and the associated substrate noise by a factor of ~0.75N comparing to the standard central-clock solutions. This makes this method particularly well suited for measuring systems as noise reduction increments proportionally to precision. Koncept digitalnega vezja z usmerjenim pretokom podatkov za omejevanje šuma in napajalnih tokov v integriranih vezjih Ključne besede: načrtovanje analogno-digitalnih vezij, preklopni šum, signal ure. Izvleček: Eden od pomembnih faktorjev ki omejujejo načrtovanje analogno-digitalnih integriranih vezij je šum, ki nastane zaradi injiciranja nosilcev v substrat vezja. Uporaba porazdeljenega signala ure v digitalnem delu vezja lahko ta problem v veliki meri zmanjša. V tem delu najprej podajamo kratek pregled znanih metod za zmanjševanje preklopnega šuma in nato predlagamo splošno rešitev za sisteme z usmerjenim pretokom podatkov. Krmiljenje signala ure je zasnovano nazakasnilni liniji. Zaradi tega nastane problem sinhronizacije, ki ga rešimo z uporabo obratnega pretoka podatkov in signala ure ter z ustreznimi zakasnitvami v povratnih zankah. V primerjavi s klasičnim sistemom predlagana metoda pri podatkovnih strukturah z dolžino N bitov omogoča zmanjšanje konic napajalnega toka za faktor ~1.2N in zmanjšanje šuma v substratu za faktor -0.75N. Ker sta obe izboljšavi proporcionalni s preciznostjo obdelave podatkov je opisana metoda zlasti uporabna v merilnih sistemih. 1. Introduction It is well known that digital circuits generate considerable electrical noise as a result of logic gate transitions from one state to the other. In logic systems the switching noise can cause transient faults while in mixed analog-digital circuits it can seriously limit the performance or even prevent proper operation of analog blocks that share the common substrate. In addition to substrate noise the power supply current spikes cause voltage drops and bouncing that can lead to functional failures and undesirable stressing of materials used to supply power to circuit elements, With the evolution of VLSI circuits toward smaller feature sizes and higher operating speeds this problem is becoming more and more important. Supply currents in future digital chips are expected to rise dramatically /13/.The gap between transistor and interconnect performances is causing intolerable delays in old fashioned clock distribution networks /7/. At the same time the smaller sizes of basic elements give opportunity to integrate large systems containing analog blocks so that the demand for mixed circuits is increasing as well. As a consequence, the noise, clock and power distribution are becoming of utmost importance for future generations of integrated circuits. There are many known techniques for reducing effects of the switching noise and switching currents. Examples of known solutions show that that they can be divided roughly into 5 categories: 1. Isolation techniques separate sources of noise from areas where they would do most harm. 2. Additional circuits or devices cancel effects of the switching noise. 3. Special circuit techniques and logic topologies are tailored to generate low switching noise and/or limit switching currents. 4. Architectural measures divide the circuit into blocks that are coordinated in such a way that we minimize the influence of noise-generating to noise-susceptible blocks. 5. Additional data processing can be used in order to remove noise components from output data. However, none of the approaches can solve all possible problems. An early paper /1 / and a recent one /2/ present typical isolation techniques. Noise attenuation is possible only to a certain degree, so the methods described are useful when all other means have been exhausted and the level of noise is still expected to be too high. The general drawback of these methods is limited success and the in- crease of ciilp area and design time whicti both reflect on the production cost. Switching noise reduction devices can be used as additional logic elements driving load replica with the inverted logic function so that the quantity of switching current which flows in an inductance is reduced. Additional circuits can be used also to isolate the noise source logically. Methods of this kind are very specific and can be economically applied only to selected nodes of particular interest or nature that must be identified in each system individually. Special circuits and logic topologies are most powerful design tools to reduce switching currents and switching noise. Circuit techniques have been invented to limit switching currents in stages that draw significant amounts of current, such as output signal driving stages. Another class of inventions covers the structure of logic operators. On the first place we have to mention various current mode techniques where switching currents are kept constant by means of current generators /16/. The problem with current mode logic families is that supply current is drawn regardless of circuit operating frequency, essentially preventing the power-down mode or power-saving operations in the system. Circuits from this family can be also more complex than known standard CMOS logic, resulting in increased chip area and design time. Data processing measures are very specific and can be applied only when data processing is possible or already present in the system. In such a case the noise reduction technique is based upon shaping the noise from the digital circuit and concentrating it in a single, or a small number of parts in the frequency spectrum that can be filtered out /15/. A well known example of architectural measures is the so called 'quiet period sampling' technique. It typically relies on two or more clocks that are separated in time to synchronize analog and digital blocks so that analog data are sampled in intervals when digital blocks do not produce noise. An example of this method comprising two clock signals is described in /14/. By delaying the digital clock signal, noise induced upon the substrate embodying the analog circuitry is shifted by an amount of time necessary to allow the noise to settle before the analog clock samples new data. A similar solution is described in/18/ where the clock system is divided into four clock subsystems, generating two pairs of clock signals so that one pair of signals is delayed with respect to the other pair in order to reduce the switching noise on power bus. 2. The distributed clock approach The common drawback of known architectural methods is the lack of generality so our goal is to find a systematic solution that can be used automatically in a broad range of circuits without going into the specifics of individual system timing and architecture. The method is based on di- rected data and clock flow control as presented on Figure 1. This structure is very general so that it can represent a large number of known building blocks such as counters, shift registers and data pipelines (Figure 2). Figure 1. Structure of a synchronous digitai system witti directed data fiow. (a) Synchronous counter DPC eiements implement binary counting and DSC eiements contain single flip-flops. (b) Data pipeline. DPC inputs are connected to DSC outputs from the same stage while inputs to DSC elements come from DPC outputs from previous stage. The number of flip-flops in DSC elements may vary according to pipeline implementation. Figure 2. Examples of typical building blocl CCCCCCh. Figure 5. Example of a shift register, implemented according to Figure 4. The simplicity of reverse clock principle requires also a price to be paid. The clock delay line may consume more power than an equivalent central clock driver may. Another important consideration is the limitation of clock period by the total delay in the clock delay line. This limitation means in a way that circuit speed has been traded for supply current and noise reduction. Best results of the method described can be therefore expected in systems of moderate size and speed. u o O- o. 15 Tine Figure 7. Simulation of power-supply current in the shift register from Figure 5 (waveform D), compared to equivalent circuit with central clock (waveform C). 5. Conclusion The presented method is a mixture of circuit and architectural measures to reduce noise and switching currents in integrated circuits. It can be applied to digital systems with directed data flow processed in a number of stages. The reduction does not take place in individual logic gates, it comes into effect in larger blocks or the integrated circuit as a whole. Another important feature of the method is the fact that it can be used as an additional measure, together with other known methods for noise reduction and switch- ing current limitation. It also does not imply any operating frequency limitations other then those given by the logic circuitry, including the power-down mode. The last but not least, the reduction of switching currents and noise does not apply only to logic gates and flip-flops, but also to the clock distribution system. The later is known to be an important source of noise because of large signal buffers and long metal lines. According to /3/, an estimation of power consumption in various chips shows 20-45% of power to be used for clock system. Half of this power can be roughly assigned to flip-flops and the other half to clock buffers. Switching currents and noise can be assumed to follow the same distribution. If the logic block is composed of N stages, the switching current and switching noise can be reduced proportionally to N. Exact numbers depend on timing relations between clock signal delay, switching characteristics of the logic and data being processed. In simple cases with minimum processing logic, like the one presented on Figure 5, high reduction factors around N/2 can be achieved easily. Anumberofwell known building blocks, such as counters, shift registers and data pipelines can be built according to the presented method. The supply current spike and substrate noise reductions are proportional to the number of stages if compared to the conventional central clock systems. References /1/ J. R. 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