247 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society An Improved Low Phase Noise LC-VCO with Wide Frequency Tuning Range Used in CPPLL Xiaofeng Wang, Zhiyu Wang, Haoming Li, Rongqian Tian, Jiarui Liu, and Faxin Yu School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Abstract: Based on TSMC 0.18μm CMOS process, a complementary cross-coupled differential LC voltage controlled oscillator (LC-VCO) used in charge pump phase-locked loop (CPPLL) frequency synthesizer for satellite receiver with low phase noise and wide frequency tuning range is designed and implemented. The VCO adopts self-bias structure to remove flicker noise produced by tail current. Programmable LC tanks are introduced at the common source of cross-couple transistors to eliminate second harmonics of resonant frequency. Distributed biasing is applied for a wider linear tuning range. An optimized switch is proposed to lower on-resistance. The measured results show that the VCO exhibits a 53.8% tuning range from 1.02GHz to 1.77GHz. From the carrier frequency of 1.4 GHz, the phase noise of the VCO can reach -131.2 dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset. The core circuit consumes 7.7mA with 1.8V supply voltage. Keywords: low phase noise; wide tuning range; distributed biasing; optimized switch Izboljšan LC-VCO z nizkim faznim šumom in širokim področjem nastavljanja frekvence za uporabo v PLL s črpalko nabojev Izvleček: Razvit in uporabljen je bil komplementarni sklopljen difencialni LC napetostno krmiljen oscilator (LC-VCO) za uporabo v frekvenčnem sintetizatorju s fazno-skelnjeno zanko (PLL) s črpalko nabojev, namenjen uporabi v satelitskih sprejemnikih z nizkim faznim šumom in širokim področjem nastavljanja frekvenc. Izveden je v TSMC 0.18 um CMOS tehnologiji. VCO uporablja samonapajalno strukturo za izničenje šuma 1/f, ki bi ga povzročal tokovni vir. Za izločanje drugega harmonika frekvence so uvedene nastavljive LC zapore na skupnem viru napajanja križno sklopljenih tranzistorjev. Za širšo območje nastavljanja je uporabljeno porazdeljeno napajanje uglaševalnih varaktorjev. Rezultati izkazujejo 53.8% nastavljivo območje VCOja med 1.02 GHz in 1.77 GHz. Pri nosilni frekvenci 1.4 GHz in odmiku 1 MHz lahko fazni šum VCO doseže -131.2 dBc/Hz. Pri napajalni napetosti 1.8 V jedro vezja porablja 7.7 mA.GHz. Ključne besede: nizek fazni šum; široko območje nastavljanja; porazdeljeno napajanje; optimizirano stikalo * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: jrliu@zju.edu.cn Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 47, No. 4(2017), 247 – 253 1 Introduction Frequency modulation is widely used in communica- tion system especially for long distance communica- tion. A wide utilization of frequency synthesizer in the RF system makes it possible to generate an accurate frequency signal for frequency modulation [1]. In the RF system, noise produced by frequency synthesizer di- rectly deteriorates the overall noise performance of the system [2]. Meanwhile, the VCO is one of the major con- tributors of the out-of-band noise in a PLL frequency synthesizer [3]. Thus, to design a low phase noise VCO is necessary and significant for a high performance com- munication system, which is a challenge for us in con- sideration of tuning range, power consumption and other characteristics. With a mature understanding of phase noise mecha- nism [4]-[6], many attempts to optimize phase noise of VCO have been made in recent years. In reference [7], switchable cross-coupled pairs are used for lower transconductance and thereby improve 1/f 3 noise. However, as a result, the complexity of the timing logic is inevitably increased. In order to prevent the Q-factor degradation of resonant tanks in VCO, MOS switches 248 X. Wang et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 4(2017), 247 – 253 featuring high off-on resistance ratio (ROFF/RON) are used, and transistors with large gate width are intro- duced to achieve a sufficiently low RON. However, the COFF associated with such wide transistors will cause se- rious performance degradation [8, 9]. This paper introduce how VCO contribute phase noise to CPPLL, presents a complementary cross-coupled dif- ferential LC-VCO that can achieve low phase noise and large frequency tuning range. Self-bias structure is ap- plied to remove flicker noise produced by tail current. Programmable LC tanks are introduced at the source of cross-coupled transistors to eliminate second harmon- ics of resonant frequency. Distributed biasing is adopt- ed to widen the linear tuning range of every selected band. The switches used in the design have been op- timized to enhance the Q-factor. The presented VCO is fabricated using TSMC 0.18μm CMOS technology, measurement of which is performed for validation. 2 CPPLL noise analysis We choose CPPLL rather than others for its stability and larger acquisition range. A brief block diagram of the CPPLL is shown in Fig. 1. Phase/frequency detectors (PFD) sense phase and frequency differences between reference clock signal and output of divider. Charge pump sinks or sources current for a limited period of time according to the voltage produced by the pre- vious PFD. The loop filter (consisting of R1, C1 and C2) following CP produces voltage which controls VCO. The low dropout regulator (LDO) supplies for the VCO. The frequency divider (FD) between VCO output and PFD input makes a feed-back loop to ensure that out- put signal frequency is independent of process, supply voltage, temperature and other interferences. Figure 1: CPPLL block diagram. To formulate the CPPLL output phase noise contribut- ed by VCO, we need to derive the transfer function from the VCO phase to the CPPLL output phase. Although CPPLL is a nonlinear system, in the vicinity of lock state we can make a linear approximation in phase domain for intuitive understanding. A linear model is construct- ed in Fig. 2, where p 1 1 2 1 1// 2π I R sC sC  +   , VCOK s and 1 N repre- sent CP, VCO and FD respectively. Figure 2: Phase-domain linear model for deriving VCO’s effect on CPPLL phase noise In order to analyze VCO’s effect, we make Fin = 0 to signify that reference clock signal is noiseless. Starting from the output, we have: out p VCO 1 VCO out 1 2 1 1[ // ] = 2π I KR N sC sC s φ φ φ − + ⋅ +   (1) Equation (1) allows us to derive phase transfer func- tion from VCO to PLL output as : 1 23 2 out 1 1 2 1 2 p VCO p VCOVCO 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 (s) 1 1 2π 2π C Cs s R C C C C I K I Ks s s R C C N C N R C C φ φ ++ ⋅ = ++ ⋅ + ⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ (2) The transfer function contains two zeros at the origin and one zero near origin, three poles on the right of the zeros, exhibiting a high-pass behavior. The VCO phase noise is shaped by the transfer function. It can be proved that the phase noise out of loop bandwidth follows VCO’s phase noise [3]. Taking other noise sources (reference clock, PFD, CP, FD and etc.) into consideration, we can make a conclusion that PLL’s output phase noise measured at high offset frequencies is worse than VCO’s. 3 Circuit Design The theories to derive the phase noise of VCO have been researched for many years. Based on the deriva- tion in [10], the theory proposed by D.B. Leeson [4], which can make a qualitative prediction about the phase noise is described in equation (3): 32O{ } 10 log 1+ 1+ 1Hz [dBc/Hz] 2 2 f s L fFkTL P Q f ff f 1/    ∆    ∆ = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅     ∆ ∆       (3) where F is the noise figure of the active device used under large signal conditions in this design, k is Boltz- mann’s constant in Joules/Kelvin, T is the temperature in Kelvin, Ps is the average power dissipated in the resis- tive part of the tank in Watt, fO is the carrier frequency 249 (Hz), QL is the effective quality factor of the tank, ∆f is the offset frequency (Hz) from the carrier and 3ff1/∆ is the frequency (Hz) of the corner between the 1/f3 and 1/f2 regions. The corner frequency of the semiconduc- tor process we used in the design is about 20 kHz, which means 3ff1/∆ is about 20 kHz. In this design, guided by equation (3), the LC-VCO with optimized phase noise is presented, the core schematic of which is shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3: The proposed VCO core schematic. There is no current source in the schematic, so the flick- er noise due to current source can be removed totally. A complementary cross-coupled structure is adopted rather than only a cross-coupled structure because the structure can produce twice the voltage swing for a given current and inductor design, which can reduce phase noise according to equation (3). The direct-cur- rent operating points are determined by diode-con- nected MOS transistors between power and ground provided by LDO which can reduce VCO’s sensitivity to supply voltage. MOS transistors here are used to work as negative resistor, cancelling loss in the LC tank due to parasitic resistance of inductor, capacitor and others. In this design, the parameters of PMOS and NMOS are set to produced symmetric output swing by simulation iteration operation for a given frequency range, which benefits phase noise optimization [11]. The parameter of main components in VCO is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Parameters of main components in VCO Components Parameter Value L1 Inductance[nH] 2.95 L2(L3) Inductance[nH] 1.69 Mn1(Mn2) W/L[μm/μm] 32*(2/0.2) Mp1(Mp2) W/L[μm/μm] 32*(6/0.2) There are two 7-bit binary-weighted switched capaci- tor arrays controlled by the same digital codes, D<6:0>, in the proposed topology. For a compromise of the linearity and layout area, the codes are implemented with a segmented architecture, in which the 2 LSBs are implemented using a binary architecture while the 5 MSBs are implemented in a unary way. The capacitor array in parallel with L1 is proposed to extend the tun- ing range instead of increasing VCO gain, which can realize coarse tuning. The other connected between nodes P and N is in parallel with L2 and L3, whose pur- pose is to compose a narrow band circuit for resonance at second harmonic, preventing the degradation of the Q-factor of the tank when the transistors operate in the triode region [12]. We choose programmable switched capacitors between nodes P and N rather than a fixed capacitor because we can choose appropriate resonant frequency according to the band selection. In order to perform the fine tuning of VCO with a wide linear range, distributed MOS varactor biasing is ap- plied [13].The varactor we used in the design is accu- mulation-mode MOS varactor, which is shown in Fig. 4 (a). This structure is obtained by placing an NMOS transistor inside an n-well. If VG,(b) PLL output phase noise measured at 700MHz, (c)phase noise per- formance across VCO frequency tuning range at 1-MHz offset a) b) c) 253 11. Y.H. Kao and M.T. 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